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Hagerstown Exponent from Hagerstown, Indiana • Page 2

Hagerstown, Indiana
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1 TAe Phone 72 THE EXPONENT; lAiblisbod every Thursday by H. J. Day Entered according to an act of congress attbe postoffice at Hagerstown, as seaond clas matter. LOCAL7 MATTERS. Successful Erangreiistle Heeling Evangelist Williams took occasion last men their Store F.

M. WHITESELL HAGERSTOWN, IND. night to thank tbe business for their cordial help in olo ing Jbn 'm4 places of business at 7 o'clock rs. J. Wining Mrs.

Albert J. night of the' week except Friday Stoncipber. Joe night to thank tbe business for night of the week except 'Bvery I mard and Mias Florence Bell. Book review, Gny Manneriufr, Miss Starr Qnartette.vConin TtroV the Bye.4" Mrs. Teetor.

Mia Bines, MrsV Porter. Mra Wikoff Beading, Bill's in Trouble," Mra Petro Piano solo, "Showers of Blossoms." Mrs Hower Humorous read in sr. Miss Clark After tbe serving of dainty refreshments, the twenty 'members and tbeir guests bade their hostess goodnight. The invited gnewts were Mrs Lorinda Bolirer, Mrs Hash Allen, Mrs. Rebecca Stuart.

Mr. Lee Rath, Mra. Job Geisler, Mrs Hazel Siersdorfer, Mra Fred Teet Mrs. M. r.

Fox. Mra. 1 V' Small. OeR, Teetor. Te.

Mrs It M. Brannao. Mrs. Fred Shu supported in this country by the ma 1 MrswMre.J l.n ino.a mon nf rrMt vnatprn eitv a Boo, James; uer lamer, iitomas lelieve iu Christian work aa helpful to Brown, and two sisters, Mrs. Robert humanity.

Kinsey and Mrs. Jessie Wilson, tbe By request. Mr Huston repeated the" lhree named of Columbus. An solo he saog ao effectnallv tbe Iot. Mra Sin Poffen larger, btd been night before, Nor Silver, nor Gold." Mhe M.wre home for several weeks wii prior to the death of her niece, assist.

Card of Thaaka We take this method of extending to Jacobs and daughter. Mr. Walter Jones, ing the long illness of onr beloved wife i Mrs. George Russell, of Muocie. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Roof and son. of Anderson; Arebie Manbiog, New York; Hersaheli Balleoger. Ghioago; William Smith. Columbus, O.

Elizabeth Jooe, of Riobmond; Olive Botkin and Mable Harris, of George and Ceoil Scantland, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bal lengar. of Williamsbaag; Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Jonea, M. and Mrs. Clyde Oler and children, Nola Bess and Law. renoe Paul Mr and Mrs. Omer Smith, the Misses Daisy Oiboro.

Mary Ballen ger, Mary Jeasup. Lonise Manning, Mareella Cain. Nola Oler. and Messrs. Paul Oler and Harold.

Manning, John 91 array. John Murray, aged 60 years, died at I Hagerstown, and spent niot of his life be re, moving to Da ton several years since. He leaves a mother, a wife, three sisters Bud three brothers. Mr. Murray was arranging to re torn to Hagerstown to speDd tbe remainder of bis days, and bad moved bis household goods to bis residence bere, bat bis illness made it unable or bim to carry out this desire.

CAEDOF THANKS We most sincerely batik all onr friends and neighbors who so very kindly extended to us their aid knit sympathy daring tbe interment of oar busbsud and brother. Mrs. Jobs Motibay. BbOTHEBS St 8I8TEB8. L.

I. C. I'viiipany 1'bMuges Name. The maonfactaring plant organized here in 1895 as tbe Light Inspection Car Company baa made a change in name to that of Teetor Hartley Motor Company. 1 Tbe management, however, remains unchanged the offloers of tbe old company to succeed themselves and are: H.

Teetor, president; Keapy, vioe prident; C. N. Teetor, secretary, and W. H. Immel.

treasurer. i The offices and business ywill continue at Hgertowo, but: the new company will have greatly enlarged facilities for its rapidly increasing business The new building, a recent addition, is a tbree story brick, one bnodred and forty feet" long by sixty feet wide Iti is now completed and preparations! are being made for its immediate bcco 1 pancy. When tbe company was organized eighteen'years ago, it was fr tbe orr poee of buildiog inspction cars for use. 00 railroads These pars are now in demand in every civilized coon try tn tbe word A few years later stationary engine became one of its production 1893. when tbe antomohije proved commercial factor in tbe world Teetor came forward with bis prod tion.

tbe famous Teelor Motor W1I 4 toe nemana tor 101s motor increased so rapidly was neces ary to di poe of the stationary gasoline engine business in order to take careof tbe antomolile engine. In connection with the manufacture of tbe Teetor motor, it may be interesting to state that tbi company baa fnr nibed piston rings to one hundred different antomobile manufalurers of the country. Tbe ontput of tbe company during oruj v. I. MN TM.

the last Tear in their light inspection lue jouowinz lacis regarding onsiuewe 7 men in Minneapolis: Of 391 owner. Moore. Bled' at. her home here, in automobile motor. pf ton and officers of 82 of tbe largest firms North Perry street.

Friday. January 2, has exceeded that pf any previous in that citv. 286 men were professed cancer. The body was taken to. Co year.

christians. men were favorable to lomuns. Ind Saturday, tbe place of hristianty, rand 11 were opposed, Mrs. nativity, for burial, 8b' Vest River. showing that 97 per cent of these laee a bual.aod.a daughter, Edra, and Tbe' tertaiomeut and Christmas tree at West Uiver church was well attended and was a pleasant affair.

Rev. Leander Chamneea. of EMnmy. led tbe devotional. alo singing a nolo, Tbe; exercises by the children' were interesting, and gifts were homerons.

liams' aubiect Profit and Loss 5n her Mra M' Mrs Moore Frank Htnson and wife entertained Already tbeVe is a good attendance 4 to Hagerstewn six years ago. 1 Mia. Grace Di singer of Kokomo and a growing interest in these meet property now oooupied byMr, and Mrs. Thatcher, of Frankfort. rngs.

The union choir of 40 voices i he fmly My wre the friends Car of New Castle, doing fine work. dunng Mra. Moore a Charlea Root and wife, of Lvnn. and 1 1 vuuam neever ami wile, 01 liagera. Jameaw ManalaK sympathy to the bereaved ami ry The wedding of Mr.

Howard Manning. Short services were held at the home, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Manning, concocted by the Rev. Love, of the and Baby Jones, of Maocie, was sol.

Christian church. emnized Thursday evening at tbe home i of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, in Economy. Rev.

town, were guests of J. Keever. Some drunk 'men of a stolen rig. and the overturned and badly demolished bnggy, and borse almost dead found in tbe ditch op' posits West River church as the sequel There was a small fire at tbe borne of performed tbe eeremony Among the friends oar heart felt thank, for their Haxtonio Economy. Alao onej Bert Veal and family and Mra.

Lnn and mother, and for tbe many tokens Veal entertained Claude Veal and wite, a ir v. 01 remembrance, and for (he words ofj wuncie. end jawrence l'Ugu ami sympathy expressed when death en. wi' Christmas day; tertd onr home. Art Cain and family bare leen en.

Edward Moobb Children tertaining relatives from Davtou. Mrs Laura Flemming and child, Vernn, returned, from Indianapolis. r. bia home in Dayton, Friday January! lag aD 2. after Thenly as.nD0,eat brought bere for burial Monday, ar Cicero Oler has been very ill but riving at noon, accompanied by rwla 1,0,1 'mproved.

There are many lives, and taken to the home of hi cold, some, of them quite ee brotber, Thomas Murray, from wbifh Ter in alt quarters. place it was removed at 1:30 o'clock. Allert Heal ton. who' baa made bis to West Lawn cemetery for burial, borne with bia son. Perry for qnite Mr.

and Mrs. Manning will live onj8hort services were conducted' at the awhile, has gone to the home of hi their Jarm ouomy." 'one half mile south Tbe Woman's History Clnb.of Ha 1 gerstown held itsv first meeting of the' Charle Teetor, Heory riew xear, Monday, at tbe beautiiol borne of Mrs. J. ber daugbter.v Mrs. Hinea, being hostess.

Each member bad. tbe pleasure of Inviting one guest. Tbe afternoon was very, pleasantly spent in conversation and a special program as follows: Address of Welcome, Mrs. Wikoff Responses, New Year's Resolutions Piano Solo, By the Mountain Spring," Mra. Hower of grave bere Father Gnssie.

of Rich 1 son Everett in Aloorelaud for an indefi mood, onitnute1 Tbe regular fnneral nate atay. servuea as ooservett Dy tbe Uatuolio The infant son of Clyde Hoffman is vuuruu wonniuuiiDwiiiutTinn iqQite ill of pnntnonia Mr Hoffman ine oearera oere were Henry reetor. also threatened with the plague A engV. tfOlin Werking, Dave Working aad George JUcnnomy. Ti.

Mr. land 'Mrs. Omer Oler bave're lue relatives in attendance from a tnrnea bme after a two week' visit distance were bis wife. Mm. Mnrrav: wr i.

tim. imr to Mr Mrs. Frank Harris at is Emma Murray, Mr. and Mrs, El f. Macon, Miss.

Murray, Attorney and Mr. McDonald and daughter and Mr. and Mrs Eiwkju Taylor, of Dayton; Mra. Cbarles Murray, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Murray and Mr. Lawler, of Richmond. Mr. Murray was born and raised in WELCOME TO Lester Wood spent Saturday and 8unday at Mootpelier. is Blanche Fen i more weut to Mnurie, Sunday Nola Oler was the guest of friends at lielliiplioliiis At hristian hurchn REV.


HUSTON SINGER SPECIAL MUSICAL SELECTIONS. Do you wish to be happy? Do you want to make your family happy? Do vou want to make Hagerstown better? Of course you do. The meeting is designed for your good and the Spiritual and Iloral Uplift ot all the People. ALL 7. C.

H. FiuKxGncBTO. (To my own liltU runbtOTHi, AnnU, 22vi, Btbtcca, KelU and WtUion.) 2 1. We are Je Bua' eanbeama, shining ev 'ry day, From the darksome places 2. In the love of Je sua we will ev er shine, Oh, the blessed priv'llge 8.

Je sua ev er loves os, He is ev ertrue, He will not forsake ns 4 1 i r' 1 0 I 1 1 9 Unison to parts. 0 'drfv lng gloom a way; 8hin lng for the Mas ter with a klnd ly ray; that lsyoursandmlnejSend lngforththegra cets of our Lord divine, all the journey thro We wiUtry to serve Him, and His will to do, We win evr shine for Je sua. Shining, shining hrlghtly ev 'ry day, 1 I I 'J I I .,1 i I EhJn.lne.shln lng all a long the wayi" With a kind ly deed and 5 5 ev er pre ent smile, We will ev er ahme for Je sua. "ST I NG' A meeting for all the children In ticnlar interest for is to be town and country will be held at the entertaining to yooug and old. Tbe M.

cburcb, Hooitav. at m. Mr. Huston will conduct this meeting and asks each one to bring a string as long as be is tall. Mr.

Hnt toii will use these strings in address. It will be a navel affair, a while of par bis graoil parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weyle and other relatives. Mrj and Mrs.

Frank Oslwrn and children, of Mnni ie, have been the ((Uestaof relatives here. Ko Ilaatlaa; Permitted. Notice is heretiy gi'en tbat no banting of any kind will be ermitted ly anybody on my farm, premises. There is a law intended to pnnih any sncb violation and it will be used H.J. Dai.

Stirred hearts of millions Worshipers of Buddha Highly Ex cited Over the Finding of the Bones of Their Saint. Of all the treasures unearthed by archaeologist's spade from the hidden recesses of the earth, no find has ever thrilled more human hearts than the recovery of the boaea of Gautama Slddartha Buddha from a mound near Peshawar, India's northwest frontier stronghold. Tbe effect of this discovery upon the votaries of Buddhaism, who are estimated to number more than 000 and form a large percentage of the ing of the remains of Mohammed would make in the Mohammedan world. unearthing of the bones of their revered saint, it can he easily imagined, has stirred the Buddhists to the depths of their being in a way that nothing else could have done. What adds interest to the romantio find, not only for Buddhists, hut for men and women of all creeds and of Buddha had been 'Interred was shrouded in mystery, hidden in an almost Impenetrable mass of oriental legendary lore.

No one knew definitely where the shrine had been erected, and consequently the hunt for the precious bones was no slpecure, but it had to be based to a large extent on pure guesswork. Wide World Maga slne. WHALING INDUSTRY IS DYING Scottish Fishery Boards Each Year Report a Lessening Number of Captured Ocean Monsters. The old and famous whaling industry of Scotland is rapidly dying out. The annual report of the fishery boards of Scotland gives the total catch of whales In Scottish waters during 1912 at 440, as compared with 603 in 1911.

Thl represents a decline of 13 per cent, in a year. If the figures are compared with those of three years earlier the decline is 40 per cent. An exceptional number cf ererm above will be tnng, and any child who will eiug a stanza and chorus, will lie awarded by Mr. Hntnn one of bis own books which coutaii'B with this, 82 other of his songs Everybody invited Richmond Monday and compared with nine of the previous Mr and Mrs. Wendell Jacol and on8 or tno vaa dangbter Mildred, were tbe gne ts of aecoaaiezaie sperm wnai Mr.

and Mrs. John Taylor a part of last week, Herschel Ballenger retnrned to Chi cago after spending the holidays with caught since wb3dlng'V started, al though fifty five males have been taken. Wanted to Escape In Time In a country town in the English midlands there is a man' who is so noted for his conversational abilities that bia acquaintances avoid giving him unnecessary opportunities to One morning this man rode up to a hotel In the neighborhood Just aa the guests were finishing breakfast. He dismounted, walked In, saluted the landlord in his usual loud tones and declared that he was ao cold that he could hardly talk. Just then a nervous traveler who was present stepped up to the land lord and, taking him by the coat, said: "Mr.

have my bill brought as soon as possible." la the matter, my dear air?" inquired the anxious landlord. "Has anything happened?" "Nothing, nothing. Only I want to get away form here before that man thaws." Do You Whlstlet There are few more unlovely char, acters than the man that whistles," was the frank confession of a Harlem grayheard. "Yet I can't help feeling aorry for him. "Not more than one man in a hun dred that whletles on the street or in population of Japan, Formosa, Korea, other public places can carry an air China, Tartary, Slam, Annam, Cam or has any idea of music; therefore bodia, Tibet, Burma, Nepal, India and his efforts are nerve racking.

Most Ceylon, and who look upon Buddha aa whistlers never fall to whistle when their emancipator, their god of gods, on their way home late at night, there can be appreciated only when it la by murdering sleep. Most milkmen considered what a sensation the find wake people at an unreasonable hour in the morning by whistling. "Whistling Is chiefly inspired by contentment or high spirits and It's pleasing to know that many are conditioned thus happily. But every man that whistles makes every other person within hearing distance unhappy while he is at it. Which la a great pity and hardship." New York Globe.

STROKE DUE SOLELY TO HEAT Research Has Proved That Light Ray Are Not Responsible for Collapse Known as "Sunstroke." The latest studies of the effects of sunlight and beat upon the human body indicate that sunstroke is not due to the light rays, but solely to heat. It la sugested that It Is really "due to the body falling to adapt Itself to exertion under conditions which seriously retard or check the cooling of the body by radiation or conduction." Evidence of this is the fact that In tropical seas passengers on deck escape sunstroke, while stokers and firemen below are often stricken. The chemical or actlvlc rays of sunlight produce eunburn, which may sometimes be very serious, and the rays of the ultraviolet lamp produce precisely the same effect. Tests recently made prove that the chemical rays are more powerful in the spring than In the summer, and that they attain their greatest intensity between one o'clock and three p. independently ot re'her ttl3 be tha hottest psj tl i cr I llliiluO ii fiioucnt We wish to thank our many friends for their liberal patronage and to say that our mill has been given a thorough overhauling.

Every detail in the making of "Priilo of fiiGliiiionil" Flour has been given a. careful review. No pains or expense have been spared and we make tho claim without fear of contradiction that the plant is amply prepared to make the BEST. flour that it is possible to make. "Pride of Richmond" is the BEST All Around Flour for Use.

The mnnagement is fo confident of the superiority of "PRIDE OF RICHMOND" that they will refund the money and make no charge to anyone making a trial of this flour whodoes not find the claims correct. Better try a It will cost you nothing if not all that is claimed. Sold by Ed Porter Son. OlUOfl ROLLER MILLING 00. tflluMcs 4 STYLES E3ynv7 DS3 STOCK est Qualify Lowest Pri ces pas Csppiage i Slope HAGERSTOWN.

INDIANA 1 Ell I Pill The only Balring Powder made from Royal Grape, Cream of Tartar Absolute! PUPvE. fin.

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