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Hagerstown Exponent from Hagerstown, Indiana • Page 2

Hagerstown, Indiana
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5. Amrs Losing your hair? Coming oat by the cornbful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! 'Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and TT promptly atop the falling? Your hair will begin to grov, too, and all dandruff will disappear. Could you reasonably expect anything better? AtWi HawYttr1sair'Btaeesaiwtta mm. My ktr waa binac ry tH Rar Tlsar topji It dsM." W. C.

Loean kairla ui. iiatakotUa. All mrrWt. J. ATR eo for Thin Hair "EXPONENT Hair vi IhiVSasad rrary Taseslay X.

J. Day PER YEAR LOCAL MATTEBS WedallBK Bella. Married, on Snnilsr, Jn. 1, 1903, at bri le'a borne, nar Millville, Har lan Am merman and Uiaa Clara El leu Swovelaml. Ber.

Jacob SwoTflto1, of PenJeltoo, perform h1 the marriage ceremony. Among tbe frm st pmoDl were: Rev. and Mr. 8rovelnd. of Pendalton; Jonathan Hrrr an wife, of Rodgersville; Levi SwnTeliod and wife, J.

8 Oiler, wife and non. Mi Tina Oxley and Nlaon CroM and fami It. of IMoantsrille. Frank Ajnnir mao and wife, of near Nw Catp; John Harter nd wifa an 1 Walter Clap per and wife, of near' Franklin; Floyd Oiamona. wife, and danzliter.

ol near Mooreland; Henry Wi and family. Emmet ore and wife. Mi lfra Moore, and Mr. Ixwis Hirae. of White Branch; Drid SwoTeland and family, of near Ha2rHtown; nry Wie Sbell, Oscar Wie, Mi Orace, Jennie and Addie WUe.

of MilWiilw. A fine dinoer served by Mr. Dan Levis. fiftT one oartakinir of tbe bonnteona repast. Mr.

and Mm. Ammerman bare best wishes of mny friend. A Ocest. Ilollday Party. Mrs.

E.litb Fox Smith gave boli day reception on Saturday afternoon. Deo. 31. from 2 to 5 o'clock, at 1 1 1 come on nonu rerrj anerj was A rfect aocial BJMCpsaT Tbe diainir rooC waaoaieij acoraii io holiUr color, red and rreeo. lbe favors were cards witb name of boete.

date of reception, and deeorated with red and green ribbon. A lnncb of it eream. eandv. fonr varieties of cake and coffee, was served. A content, in which tbe goeaxing of bible characters, exprwe.l ty object, and the building op of bible proverbs from section of words was a pleant feature of tbe entertainment.

Two prize were given Margarite Bheioeg i get receiving firt, a box of stationery, Mttrice Oeisler, second, a fancy oallen dar. Those favored with iovitaticna were: Misaes Irene Addingtoo, hnth Matbewa, Kellia Worl, Bheintger, Hszl Knapp, Matrice Geisler. Lola Wimroer, Jessie Newcom, Lon Halderman. Edith Bowman. Hera Dear lorff.

Nellie and Margie Bheinegger, Nellie Brant. lone Thornbnrg, Eva Worl. Mabel Tee tor. Jane Dangberty. Carrie Miller.

Xstber Porter, Lwna Sells. Hie and "iva 8mith, I'va Wimm r. Ooldie and Edna Wiaehart, Jeaxie Wei dm an. Both Abercrombie. and Mr.

Florence Thornbnrg, Mises Nellie Wie. Blanch Kerr and Carrie Byrd, of Greeaifork. Wllaww, Striekler. The marriage of Miss Yerna Strick daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

AmoaJ gsrickler. to Mr. Cbarle Wilson, waa solemnized, oo December 22. at 8 "o'clock p. at tbe home of the bride's parents, four miles northeast of town.

The ceremony wae witnessed br a large Dumber of gneets, and verformed by Bev. Nathan Woolford. of Susar Grove. Tbe biide was at tired in white tafieta silk, and carried large bouqnet of bride's roes. The SJTPora was attired in black.

The con pie stool beneath in arch of boUv and white to take tbe marriage vows and to rceivt tbe coo arratalations of tbe awmldeil gntwta. Mrs. Cicero Oler, of Sngsr Grove, played the Lohengren wedding march. Tbe borne wa baQdsomeiy uecoraiea The dioios room decorations were fes toons of smilax. with a profusion of earnations.

Dinner waa aervod im mediatelT after the ceremony. Tbe table was' handsomely decorated and fDotft Go by the Prke I lm boyliMr aoltera. Tben an many kld f. aood. baa.

todiitciOTit auld tag K. To get I' thM ron wlUn uaid Hal vt Hrwt J'Vl jYOsUMOaoaaOa. Than u. ao better. I (, Sold toy ft.

Hughes thp fine mrnn prepared waa served in lLre coorM s. Among thce present wu Mr. Earl Striekler witb his Wide, and tbe quiet wedding festivities of tb dsnftbter Val alao the wedding reception of the aon, who. bad been married tb evening prwriona to Mint Belv Shively. daogb ter Stephen Shively.

of Sugar Grova." Mr. 8trickler' bride im attired la her wedding gown, a hand Mim trow Uko4 tk groom bla Both couples received many hand pod preaeuta. THey, have tbe beat ihe of a large rire'e of riehds. Mr. ao Mrs Wilson will reside witb Mr.

Wilson's pamita for the present, at 8agar Orov7 MrTWlTAonVlo trrwta in. the farm, of which be will eventually liecome ante owner, making hia atsy on the farm necessary. Mr. Striekler, baa parebael tbe farm now occupied by bia parents, aaI will take pousin tbe fiit of March, at which time Mr. anil Mr.

Strirkler will more to the farm near Sngar Grove recently pnrfha ed try them. LETTER FROM MirifJiE r.iULL On Her Way to Africa, to Mrs. John Nicholson, of this Place. B. Oceanic" I Dec.

15 1904. Away nut oo the ocean, tar from borne. I am not Mtk, but onlv wih I got along One tbe firt lav (yesterday) bnt this moruiog I felt lizzr and my stomacn imprra ed me that I wax near tb of feeding tbe fih. I ate ao oraoge and j) rank enp ol tea lor iireaklat. i am in gool "pirila Tbe name of tbta abip 0.

eanMs, and is graa l. The hip fnrnishea first, second and third Iaa passage; we eboa tb second class. We made a toor of the appart ment aigoed those paybg for firt claaa naxaace. ami tbe taie mon anil liuiofr room are maxnifinent. Oar tate room is oo tbe lower floor, i very small and consists ol upper ana lower IvKi tli; ha a was twain, looking frlaaa an I chair.

Tbe inside of the. ship is mnrb like a well arrange bonoeu Onr lining room i very pleasant, and tbe fo is fine, and served io foor eonmes; we can get anything we want to eat. There are sixteen long table in this room and twentv ait at our, table. go np stairs a few steps oolr, snd fiud state rooms; then a few stop higher la tbe arookioff room, salon; or parlor, ana a ball paasing clear tbrongh. and out oo tbe deck.

In tbe salon, we find this morning a few reed ing and noma look like they were sick I am nttiug at tbe desk, in tbe middle of tbe room, writing. Titer sar the sea is very smootb.bot4tI?lika f'j can sing aodteinze tbe alCRutbe Billoas of tbe Deep Ine Sea." Ont on the deck is a floe place to be. Some of tbe passengers walk all tbe time. It ia almost like a towo ont oo deck, bnt it makes me think of a prison, for we ran go jnst so far. and oo farther.

Almost every nationality is represented on this rea el; English, German, Irib. Jw; bnt I see oo colored people, bnt suppose will see plenty of tbem at the end of our jonrney. Friday morning, Dec. 16. Feeling pretty pood, bnt I vib tbe ship did not rock so.

so I conld write letier. A little cool tlii morning, bnt I enjoy it. Ve bai a piciu yeterlay after noon, luere is an lriab. woman on board, and sbe makes lot of for ns. There i a crowd of about ten of us, and we have a good time.

Last night we bail man Its iu the din ing room. The third class passengers to entertain at night by ainging and hal lowing. The Captain passe through the ves sel taice a dsy, and he is a big man, I tell yon. Tuere were crowds of people at New York, to see tbe vessel off. and there were teara shed by frieods.

Iu one bonr after starling we were nearly oat ot siglit ol land. This journey bv water does not seem so strange to me as I thought it would, and yet wben light off some where, last night. I felt awrnlly good, but I did not kno from where it came. How wih yoo conld correctly magioe int now ure on a ship ia. While inide, it is nt like a bouse on land, bnt when I go ont on deck, I feel strange.

People just walk and walk and walk. I enjoy looking at the water and bas the appearance of water that la boiling very bard. y' ine atewaru ana siewardness are fine; they will do any thing for bnt they expect to be all right. Monday morning Dec. 19, Perhaps yoo think I bavo't been sea sick I Fridsy night tbe sea began to get roogb, aud coo tinned nntil it was something dreadful.

I did not sleep much Satnrday night and that was tbe first time I wai arraid. On Saturday overy body waa sick, but they tell me I am doing fine for my first trip. Tuesday morning Tbe oceaa Is calm again, snd we all rejoice. will arrive at Liverpool Thnraday, Dec. 21.

Lat night we bad an entertainment snd I was on program ami gave a reel tatioo. We took a collection aod S50, to Iwt donated to tbe aol tier and Saylor's Hme. I am over my sickue. and from now on expect to thoroughly enjoy myself. I Irnst I will not get home sick, yet I real ze that I am going far from borne.

I think, however, that I will eoj iy my work. We make acquaintances of many on lward, and some friendships are so pleasaut that we dread the parting. 1 hope" the company on tbe next vessel, (we change at Liverpool) will be as pleaant those oo thiv Write me often How I appreciate tbe nice thing yon have done for me. aim aituongu we are thousand of miles apart, you snem very, very bear oor Trustee's Annual Report KT Yr rif i per month sod Geo working iat Ibo psckios; bouse at $1 7a per dsy. DCC.T.Zr 31, 1.S34.

i j. I HeryeV Kiodrick ione of tbe firm i i of Sick lei. contractor and Townaliip fotd State nit ion food. Local tnitioo nnil. SpVbialWbooT fund.

Boal fond 1533 76 44 65 283 00 Dog fnnl Total 47 mucn ArroorauncD ajco bkckttkd. Towm.bfp Tttff.1 HUCTTTS Stat tnitioo inn.t. j682 91 Local tnitioo 0U 52 Special achool 1 $75 53 Rrdfond 863 81 192 00 To woahip and. 1058 02 Stat tnitioo fuml. 91 Lac1 tuitiooriaud 79 Special school 1890 Cl Boad fnd.

852 54 Dog i i ri83 OO Total. j. iV 87 sULaiicz ost mixD I'tmc: tit 1904. Township fond. 25 09 State tnitioo fundi Local tuition .1853 49 Special school S67 9 2 Bod r.

vw.if. i. 292 00 'TV J.S Tot.1.: V.T""?; 2 H. POKTEB. 5 i iV; i thmw vuerya ivwowip.

LETTER FROM LEWIS 1 it "LonrABTJO. CatL Dec. 19. 1904" To rax Erpomcrr, jjri fan xjutt good niBSTDa IS Xfl V. Wv dsy'a.

work emled and am sitting reflecting, over the past and of tli many ne4ghunrsjnd irieod in old 'Indiaaa who rcqueted in write to them. wli, to a hires yon all in tin, and. snk. yoo to please ex case all miotakeataud I willas beM I cad. tell yon something of the Golden Gate Stale.

First to ay; tb weather is fine and tolay a fio as any My day we ever saw in Indiana. The nights ar pretty cord aod we bad two alight frosts, bnt not enough to hurt aoy Ihiog. anl the flower are nice twfore. Today the thermometer registered 88 in ibe abad at noon, and 70 at sunet aoil'now. at eight p.

60. so yon ran see we are, bavfng anmuer Isit VflJJZ It Ajr.lf lie so all inter. It will. seem strange tnteoaatr when I teU abnn.t nr npily. af Wood fr the winter.

When I was ready to bn my winter wood. I asked the pnee of wood and was told that the i $9 00 iter cord. I waa almost ready to tarn ly t. when I told that one cord won'd lie enongh lat all and I heliev we will have plenty. A cord of bare is three ru ks eight feet long and 1 four feet bigb, cot "twelve iocbest loog Our stove ia fourteen inches high and fourteen loelie io diameter and makea plenty, of.

beat; a we ooty need fire of a morning ana sometimes ot evening 'Yesterday HervrKiodick and fami PearJ wile, Oeorgs tiebUart and "lotiuir father' and mother Wvatt spent the dav'witb ns. aod most of the day was sponr oo the lawn among nnsnes mil ol roeca. 'Ut have tidrteeo' "rose tbes, eterv one doing itspart to beautify "nor iiome in this land of sunshine. We' have bad no rain to speak' of since we are here and the pumping plants are still rnn oing dsy And nighfto fornlsb water for tbe orange and Ferndtt Tbe rain is later bere than 'usual tni fall and bnt.littl plowing has yet beeo done. Io the' month of January and February tbeT nsuslrV.

sow fg grain for ill 'the bay. here' 1f vat wheat sod airaTra Oat a 'Lav 1 worUt S15.5D 1 S17.00. bran $1.45 per ewt. shelled 60, wheat $1 80. (spuds) $1.35 per ewt good Cotor ado apples, $1.75 per box of 50.

The orange are now Iwginmng ripen aod pick! a baa alrea lv begun in som localities and in a abort Mm the packing will begin; ibis would be great sight for some of yon' to Just at this time the orange groves pre sent a very Ijeautilol appearanee; tb foliag is vry green'and the fruit of a fine golden. yslkrw. "The' esiimste on the crop fo ra 'Ar i about 60.000 car. Ton msydonbt this. tt if ois 'the "IHoos ands of acres you woord not We imdersUod'thkr It has "been thst we have is a miatake; we have, I believe, as good a water system as there is In the Uqd, and it is pu rem and the only, trouble, it is pretty warm io the' summer? tbe water we ne is pumped from' ar well 210 feet deep." vu' 7 j2o.

eo 'The waler 'pTa'nt here Is owned by oof a Mr. Massey. 'Tfe lis two wells, each' fitted with a "powerful pumpi ioperafed by elect rlcilyf' the plaet is vetoed 000 frr tjur town ia electrie lig hM and itbey are ''very on venient antl make) fine fight. 'We used to think no stste 'could' go'ehesd of Indiana for electris Toads, "telephone lines and the many uea to which eleo triinty ba lieen but I find we are mistaken we travel' a little ways over The people here are all very sociable and we are becoming, acquainted and find that strangers bere have tmly to follow tbe Golden Bnla tobaVe plenty of friends and good nejghliorsr We see Hrangers here "most every day who come see the conntry; for the benefit of. health aud other stsy, so oft eyery.

traiu tAi.ther' brings or takes some strangera. Our friend. Earl flmlncV ot jferw Castle. Ind ftight aod nothing, preventing; be will spend Xmss at. Wilbur and family are hero and seeis to be well (luoed j.K a Pearl Hatfield are bere and seem and evening Hi fither.

Daniel ank to lie enjoying tbe California sunshine, i liu, an I hi iocle J.e and Benjamin Pearl i working for the iomlier Ca, Franklin Wi tt ptor of I be church builders. 1 I might say yrt that I bare quit tbe carpenter trade and now Lav an interest in a wholesal and retail store; beginwovk' itaaypntrof you visit Lordslmrg yon will find me with W. IL Poston Jk Co. Will also ay bavw decided So. make this our future I presume I have writ tea enough for once and will close for DOW.

TLTnVST 5.inTel 1." ther moS mother are well and seem to enjoy liv ing here May 'I. wish you, one and all. a merry Xmas and a bappy New Tear and a ever i Your friend, 'l E. Lim MIil. Hoevatr and Ch'arle Bov add aome hogs last week.

Will" Walfz isnent the' holidays in Mirmi visiting relatives acd htriend, f'. Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Morrison and Earneat Morrison, of New Ctle, spent tbe holidays with their parents. Allen Deeter a couple days last week at Indiana poliav ex Henry Rmih was on tbe sick list a coirpj days br Jf 'f Heory "'Kntz'ind 'wife and J'e Cra stea.and wif we're ut jotJt res it and family, one day latrwcek.

ssJir.r Freil Morrison a very Mrs. Sally Hat field, of California, a Blu rt time sgo. Mrs. ea rreaaei'aad Ciildren su ited at New Ca tle a couple days laat wek.s Mrs.E. ha.1 thelmifor tone to fall Iant and dislocate her right Sbe is getting along very well.

Wilt Utter and wife rioted All tu peeler's, Monday. R. R. 19. Ben Rffe i slowlv improving from bis.

late illness. Bav. Frank Moore baa been verv poorly ftr a week. Miss Pearl Smith vigite.1 relatives at Dunkirk the pat 'week. Everet Boot and family spent Satnr day and Sunday at Henry Prolracle meeting is Ieing held at Jiberal TJ.

B. Church at Sngar Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart.

of nesr Economy, vWited Cba. Smith an am ily last week. Leons Sells spent lat week with Mr. and Mr. Will Keplogle "1 Ori'hs Jnces and family wer.

guests fof Mr' and Mrs. Lewis Taylor, near Millville; Sunday. Roliert Hes and "Xfr. Alvin Binebart droye to Richmond Satnrday. Mis.

Minos: Striekler visited her daughter. Mrs, John Nicholson, near flreenafork. Mr. Orpba Jones and Mi Maud Hays spent Sa'urdsy at Richmond. Amos Forest; pased away at bis home Wedneslay eveoing after suffer ing intensely for seversl rtaTs with aj eomprcatton of 1 diaeases.

tie wss sixty eight years old and lived in tlu; vicinity for. a number of year Funeral aod interment at Sugar Grove, Friday ST? ft 1 1 i i is V'Bnjrstr Grove. The meeting at tbe Sonth church "i still going on. A large attendance Snnday night. Bro.

A Sillv. of Huntington, will lie witb Bro. WUxod io the meetmgsr this week. One of, the finest weddings of the season took place New Year'a Eve.wbeb Clyde Oler waa married to Mi Besaie Taylor, of near Economy, Bey. O.

M. Wilson Many fine prerents were given them. Joseph Sykeab. seriously sick at this at present fceff bim. of St.

Lonis, but former I ry of this place 20 years sgo. is vittinc 000; preservation and repair of fortlflca TVt. and at tions. $300X00; sea walls and embank tenleit the In fair of NelaBets. $300i)00; asements, etc There were 63 invited gnesU at the IUI.II VI HUH Oin.

UltllB tlfT. 11K.HI Sunday: 0 "fierbert Howard spent last week visiting relatives fo Middletown and Dayton." returning home Oler pnrchaaed the John Davis farm, where Charley Davis now lives, payiog near $62 per acre for it. Aletha Mettert, of Frog Pond, is on the sick list at this .1 John DaviJT.on Smoky intends to move to bi newt farm near New' Paris, next weekvvr i FrsnVJiu OlwVisitol his broti.erm litw Jlsrtiu O.ler.rn week. the guest of Oletba Harris laat Snnday evening. There was a lars atteucanee at 4he funeral of Amos Forrest at the North Cbureh last Friday.

s. ovr iJacHsoiiburs. Mrs. Briggs moved to the: oil fields bear Marion, that ber boys may have Billy Wilson was .8 S. snperioleudent at tbi place.

FraukSrotf ni Walter Fagio spent pai of Xh Ih lilftja "in cum nt jng and having a good time over in the PMlnlgr etUeioot. Elias Scott sod family snd Mr. and Mt Sherry speot Year' Day with John Miss Hazel Fagio, who is attending High school at Greenxfork, spent vaca tion at ber borne bere. Monroe Worl, has leen living in Richmond for some 'time i now ma kinir his borne with bis mother 00 the farm north of. Jackson.burg.

Mark'CbSfmanu now our trnHtee.snd many neeld, ilbp'roveraeqts' in school work wDl. be leaked 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Walters gave hi dinner to their friends, oo New Year. Bev Franklin, of FortTille.

one of tbe' leading ministers of tba Christian Choreb, will be with tbe people of Jacksoasburg Saturday evening cf this week snd Sunday 1 i fur in ry years time' past, add we' would like to see a large aUeodauee; Mr. and Mr. Bevnolds cava their sannal Christina dinoer. aod the trxrtl beis In thU section of the etate. However; this taa't the only ydoe entire family I' witb a few of tbeif closer the location of which was unknown nn WBO, seemed "to begtn.

tfi friends, spent tbe dsy with Ibem. 1 Mooreland. It is rumored that we are to have another general store in town. Tbe Messrs Will Evans and Joseph Sherry hsve formed a partnership and will probably occupy tbe north room in the UUUUI.II IWHJb I Tiiitrr. has been ill.witb bang tronld for tbe past two jean died at home at 4ba north end treet.

on Ut Saturday morning, noerai. ut piscipie 'l. iL'liW l810" tw.M uiuwru ta airai I with the an.e trouble and was nnabU yet Herr LeUl lifted an Homer nodaT to attend the funeral which made itrwelghtna: 50 ponndsv Oh. vea. You see.

Hornet was Wf ail. si 1 I Stovenour legsn "revival mesting at the. 1st ChrixtiaD rfaBrch Sunday morouiB. As theBer, Stoven onr is aiLlelnian it is. bopedUhaiv mncu gnou ju ne noae.

I TU i.7 iui. wu luur cuuiuiB rt turned Moodsy morning from a week'a viit with friend and relative. Air. mn. a.

iuAmnMi nmi.i it. a a Sunday; witb relatiyes at Farmland BrooUy, Identic Dr. G. Moore6f IndianapolisT, that Chlaamen never have consumption spent Sunday and Monday herehebwcao they permit the hair onTop of guest of Mr. and, Mrs Henry Moore thslr heads to grow.

long. If this is the and other relative, caas scientists, who bare been trylng to "Lather Brown" baa moved from lbs head off tuberculosis might do better if Henry Swaggait proierty' oo Soalh they devoted their tlffle and efforts to Cory street to iIim Curt William prop the wortr of discovering some means of erty on North Broad Tdret oreventlns "baldness MV MnC UCHT FATAL TO; BACILLI New Castle, spent Sunday here tie gneid of Mr. Boneycuf narente: LwrM to Wi Sin far a Tnr Mr. aud Mr El ward Duke. Miss Elie Koona gave a atcb ptrty and social to a member of "her friend at her bom threw miles, aorib of wet of town on New Year'a eve.

Muio and a good social time was tbe program for tbe evening nntil after tbe tbe Nw Years came iu and then all retime 1 fc tb ir Louk; tboe present were: tbe Mwe Cora aod Beaan Wil Gertie and Nellw Claooer. MT Atoore, nszei jviciisraKon sou jm Jones and the. Mtwm. Frank Pierce. Elgar Itogers, Hairy.Thornl'Urg, Otto Koouts, Benuy KonuU 0E (AST DEPIffiSlSrSSi.

GUTS. MACKENZIE, CHU.c 07 E2f OINZEItS, SUBMITS RZFC2.T. About Half Completed "oyer 27000 Hew Guns Planned Killions Already Spent and Ea timt Swell Amount. 9 3. GeaA.

chief of enslnears of the United States army, in his annual war.jre8enW I an exhaustive review of the work ac in the sunshine has some foundation. complUhed by ibis corps in the fiscal I bnt some experts think that more rapid year ended June 30, and submits esti action Is desirable. mates of appropriations required for where heat can be applied without the fiscal year beginning July 1 next. lajnring the article It will give satis The report says tbe seacoast defenses factory results, but a low temperature. or tne united states are now somewnai more tnan 60 per cent, compieiea.

ana thai exisung projects comprise 364 heavy guns. U96 rapid fire guns snd monars, wnue provision nas oeea fnar1 fnr fnntarfnr 331 hMTT trnnft U7 rapid fire and 376 mortars. The.mcet important site to be snireil the nn. at tha aonthern trance to New York reneereu because the latent vitality of a necessary. It Is stated, by the new deep dliease na of ten shows great endur water entrance, under construction.

jj xh life of the bacfllua of dlph The new works construction In eon tbrtA somewhere between three nectlon with the scheme of seacoast W0ek ud three months, and In in fenses to the present time represent an gunces thst of the microbes of tnber expenouure 01 szs.uw.uw ior engineer work alone. Tbe estimates of appropriations required for fortifications work are as ioiiows. Gun and mortar Jntterles. modernizing old'" 942ri 500; mstallAtlon of tange finders. $500.

oo0; sites for fortifications, searchlights for harbor defenses, $500, submarine mines, construe vm sea coast batteries in Insular POel. $WOOJ)00; sites, i i'f tenses on Hawaiian Islands, $326 100. ine expecuuures iur nar mmm a SB el AAf bor work aggregated t23jS25J09i, Estimates tor this year hare been made as follows: CBder contracts, J8 442 396; rijers and bar oors (general). amla tions. surveys and contingencies, $300, 000: prevention of deposits.

In New York harbors, 185.260; enlargement of Gov erndra Island; N. $100,000 5 i "The estimate of thellaslsslppl.rlTer comnjlsslon has been "reduced bjrthC( chief of engineers to J2.575.000. I I nfcseniTTOiewujar ine kh oin 1 pended in the next fiscal year In the districts earned: Milwaukee harbor, In eluding harbor of refuge, Fox river, Wisconsin. Chicago harbor, Calumet Illinois and Indiana, Sangatuck bar bor and Kalamazoo river, I Holland harbor, Michigan, from this you must obey my 000 Muskegon harbor, Michigan, $135 tions toUcltly: Jj. 000; harbor of refuse at Sand Beaclub iTThen I shall havi t5 ask" jouto laxke Huron.

Iflchlran. S300.00Q. 1 i 1 i I DIG FOR GOLD; GET GRAVEL Dream, of Vast Wealth Bealbsed in a Different Way Than Thst 1 Expected. As result of dreams, John Spahgler. and Thomas Jackson, employes at the Fear poultry bouse in Frankfort.

lad, have brought to light a fine gravel pit nights ago Mr. Epangler had dream that revealed to him a large pile of gold. under a big stone ahoutJtwo mIle nortn of. This dream waa repeated so ofteQ that he became convinced that wealth was within his grasp. He told Mr.

Jack son of his dreams, and thetwo agreed to Investigate by digging for the gold. They equipped themselves with picks and shovels and drove to the spot JThey began digging at eight o'clock and for toiled The farmer i.ant 1. 3 woo ewmt tSe lana dlscoreretl them, but let taem proceed undisturbed. FlBaHy they gats up the aearchr but men Uy the lasd owuir came to town sad thanked them for uncovering what exnerts SJ wtH prOTC one Of the finest tte two men hn oigging tor goio. STRONG MAN UN DEVELOPED Extraordinary Case Erdtlng Interest sad Amazement Among Lon I.C TJ Jflon'rhynician.

London phytldaiis are Interested is extraordinary atrenzth. yet no munlir JntlinmitL man. xjannsg Herr Georg LettV Is only fire tt im kelrht and weirhs but 14fl poundaj but ks can Hft aomethlng like 25 ttoesWs owi welghUuU. r' Tha world record lift IS. Tha worliTa raenrd lift IS tanittfir aw It tlitra eTreadtnr the raiv'V ord by about 450 He can pull Backward a liors power motor caf 'rocnlBg at iepeed of 3 miles koori atandinar between tworiteht aorse power cars piacea.oacK.

io cx. he ltnlda em 'aheer 1 trngth of finger tips when their en kiee are working at full speed. ww ai Honrs Kills Germs of Tube KM. sulosis and Cholera. 1 the jrf All wrtter on bstterlolosrsnd snnl negotiaU)n8 whkn UUon recognize sunlight one of (uted ta the of the tract to Gal asost intent ofaU rmMie.

long Ior r26.0O0, and Scott declined sgo tt Up tw English xpeTiment Wa tne OBe era. Dowses and Blunt, commnnlcst 2W. Kwrw socmjit oviaeace ua axeat axcrciae an lr influence) ttaetf aiul mm. turn. cwuia vm iwuwa it sunjeciea i 11 i sliowlBgtheihasaiejd axd a sufficient Interval.

giving address ttbwner. had That verdict, states a scientific au the negoUatJonVfssnJtC In the thority. was Lconfirmrd a iajc Be WM jusUreBtftieVf to corn later by Kocb. who found that the n.n. tloa for his aerrtcea: i to several boves, "the 'difference being doe ti the thickness of the layer of material, in' which the micro be3 were tunbeddedV i Dr.

Sternberg, formerly surgeon gen era! of the United States army, reports an observation of bis own. that the cholera spirillum could n6t nTwIyen exposure of two hours to direct sunlight. Tb popular notion that bedding need by victims of scarlet fever, diphtheria and smallpox, can be made, in nocuous by being placed out of doors while it mar temnorarlly check fur thr lUralonmmt and mnlttoUcattas. ta not an ecUv; mtelde7 11 not terminated. Hence thers Is uncertainty abbut the a.

ifuiiuinuii ii uirni cnemiaii mrm not empleyed. If ths use of heat Is Im Md tf 1 exeded, mm. i in ancvnainij i me more cuioia has extended over several Mother fact which give, rise to nn easiness that nearly all disease pro a adaa bacteria multiclr ranidlr when eondltloas are favorable when tbe Wtire. temperature food, supply and other of the environment are right, is "necessary only to transplant sin gl germ to. the lungs or throat passages of a living person, by Inhaling the dust In which they float, to secure Wg crop In a short time.

Sternberg says that electric light, ft Xert a rermleidal Influenc. ntotf nanzed the principle In his sy Mm phototherapy, He and his fol towers, however.1 haveusually worked. t. with an "arc lamp, "have provided a light tn.n.u I irrfl'l rwBlUtit, mectinr 1 youxaelf 7 jjg do you wooidnt It be easier lot yon to if. what I can dot" vtons ConserratiTe Home Body.

Sbe's Tery o.ulet, conserraUv woman. I oncerstsnd." Yes, Indeed; regular home body. She has practically no Interests outside domestic i Really doubt of it at slL Why. ahe doesn't belong to more than six elubs, snd she la not running: for offise in any 6an Antonio Zxylainwd a Clssarfrsl ATluaton "Panrhorn la always making those n. v.

waeff 9e was asleep until ho nodded, eB0Bga when yon nnderrtand 'em. eiwind Ptat Dealer, JUSTLY ENTITLED TO FAY. Tniqn Contention in Suit for mission on Land Sale In Philadelphia. ii During the brief trial in Philadelphia the other day of tbe suit brought by Thomas J. Whelas against Alexander B.

Scott to recover commissions for selling land owned by the defendant. Thomas J. Meagher, attorney, made a contention unique In cases of this kind. It was to the effect that Whclan, by merely showing 'the plass of the grounds to be sold to John Gallagher, prospective purchaser, snd Informing the latter of tbe owner's address, had performed services of sale entitling bim a MmmltctrHl V.r hnlM rklr a tad, refusing to rn oo move, tor wj picuo.s.coun. a1 fe Ifta on o.

c. 11 wlafntlfV i lofid. WOULD WEIGH 300 POUNDS Eif ht Year Old Bojr i Tips Soalss at 152 Has Ambitionarto Bs Although 152 pounds Is enough' weight for any boy eight years old, Qsrence Barnes, of Latimer, who hits been dubbed "Fatty is not contented, snd his greatest ambition is to weigh 300 i "Tatty" also wishes to sue tain the reputation of the Barnes family, who claim the heavy weight championship of the state. There are seven members in the family, and their combined weight is 1.520 pounds, averaging 217 pounds. Tbe father, Francis Barnes, weighs .1..

I Johnr 15 years old, 173, and Clarence, TJ' Ts rraarkshle bbV He VXSnLX. Weigh CO 14 pOUnQS WOen nS Was.DOm, hMa.lok Hi and hast never been sick. He also bas great strength, and eta pick any Of his classmates up with one hand and. hold them at arm's length. Just to show what he could do, he recently picked up a big bale of binding twine with two fingers with ease.

A EMIGRANTS HELP SMUGGLER 1" aeax xooacco, worm is Brought Into Hew York by I SbseragSv Passengers. A novel method of bringing Sumatra tobacco leaf into the United Statea without paying duty ha been brought to the notice of the New York custom house 'officials' and 'agents have been vnrlr Ha 7. Mt If estimated that Sumatra leaf valued' at" has" Centered i that port in the last three months without duty. Emigrants sailing from'Bremen, Hamburg and other Dutch and German is printed In German and Hebrew; and tells the recipient, to visit certain person, at a given address and receive present iv fi If the emigrants called they were told now to obtain employment In America tad glyen small ipackage wrappea eoiorea paper ana warnea not to open it until ths barg office at vArirv. iut, met each, load of emigrants outside the barge office and requested the package as a of Identifying the seeker for employment i At the? proper moment the agents disappeared, taking the smuggled tobacco along.

1 1 Agesifs 1 1 .4. iT.TbeTHerrii Bred Comoanf rof Bo chester. Xr.waat an vans this section. We can recommend this Company a sll riht. Their references are the leit.

Any one out of work write tbem for terms at once. HOME 8EEK.ER!T EXCURSIONS 0. if U.ti We Northwest and Southwest via I i 5 i s4: PewMjWala Ltlse. Exonrsio'n ticket will sold vi Pennsylvsnia Lines to points West, Northwest and Southwest, account Howe Seekers Excursions daring January, Febrnsry, March and April, "For full pm ticuliirs regarding isres, routes, etc, ratr ou Local Ticket Agent ef those lines. mchl tn hav been riven a eM which wrom the feeble illumination of tncan ceccent lamps UtUe benefit conld be ex pected, but 'there Is a remote chance that it might do som good, rxffnied." daylight fas poor substitute for direct sunlight, but it is not 'without BF CAM AT THE WRONG PMO Z.

Finest TUmrbt tn Doctor KhAnlrt Har Told Him Wnat 7ii: Klght Do. You will hare to be wary careful for a long time." said ths doctor according to Smith's Weekly. "I suppose so." said the patient. If you expect, to entirely recover Bake them Yery'xpllcrt: rt The doctor bowed gravely and that far away look came into his eyes that aenotes in a uoctor an occasion 01 great moment, when his vast learning Is to be brought to bear on a serious problem. "Yon mustn't smoke," he said.

"Great mackerel!" said the patient. "Yon mustn't drink." "Whew!" mustn't overexert yourself 1 any kind of work or excrdse." "Not so bad." mustn't ont in the tng." I "Now. took her, Yon onustn't satrich "I wont" "Yo mustn't have an excitement" right" "No or billiards," orf go 'J "You mustn't" .1 say, coc: intcrrupteo pa 1 1 I.

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