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The Huntington Press from Huntington, Indiana • Page 10

Huntington, Indiana
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if I I I i I I I 1 jtyGK TEN 1. BIPPUS Lwhwund Fnntfc'f wit'. 4 iw. lJoMy Fori. I'hlrain.

siriit Ti.nlIMi.i and tht a end with ik. fai mir'a parrnta. Willis Forskfr atil wife. Pongta Wlnhuii; anl wife, ami n. J.iB, an I damlit r.

KatlilrfD. were iu Kowkrr rftnmli4 in Nrw llivm Thur.UP fr.nlnc Mr. Jhn Piroh'l. who lias ln en ao fxtrmlrJ with hr (laosbtrr, lUrtb. i Cinrlnnail, Itm turned koine.

Au.ili l'rrip. who Uh heen MiMly ii.K m.ic In HiintiA Miif Thankiv lug it It In nr'iil'. Mr. ami Mr. lan l'rarh l.

Willi Krak ami "n'1 TbinlKciiiiit motored to Ijnms rilU Tbur.lnj aflrrmwn to apiwl the rrrninc with Mr. Fnraker'a motlirr, Ml. John Slirak. Anxiin Geinnier. if (liU'siro, hat been In IJippus.

veral day. tl.lMnf with hU father, John tJnnmiT, who bat bffn 111 with a aerions aitak of heart trouble. Mr. Om'm ha fit attended by IV tor Whitman for i.venl wwk aul it slowly imjirovlnir. Mr.

and Mr. W. Fori lor and iranil ton, Ilex Wlnrnbur, werf la North Man i hwter hmiiiHM fvenlnjr. Mr. and Mr.

1K kwood Foraker and nephew. IU.I.hy, motored to Kunkle, Ohio Saturday affrnonn, to nend a few dajra at (be Walrott farm, before returnD to th' ir bom in Chicago. Harvey Vopht baa moved hit hardware store from tin old l'oct Office WtHdinir into the building formerly oc by Fox A Son Willi Foraker, 19 biches tall. Get Daddy's foot rule and how 'big thin is. A IP A GOLF SWKATKR With atock Ins to match la of white caahme 'dotted with red and blue.

Tyner horn? near Mb rty Mills Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ern'tt French of North Man rhctter waa In Hlppua Monday ercnlnf on buniifM. Mr, and Mm. Adilr main ana non, Itobcrt, of near l'l uRant View, were Dlppua callem Monday erenlnf.

The Rrrt Horning family went to Ft. Wayne SutMay afternoon to aee their little (rranddaughter, who has bern aer iounly ill Mr. Theodore Young ha breu nura I Adrcn roraker auM a R.vere cold Bex Wineaburg. motorfd to uaa ityj Jamei Tyn.r la Miffi nng Bundar afternoon and were gueata there 'Bck of lonfilitia. an old eciool fricni.

Mr. Henna Lines. Kuck ll Tj 'i'r and daughter, Marjory of Hartford Cily Bpnt aevtral daya in riwting rflatirea ard friends. Mra. Howard Tiel of Wabash waa fa oar town Mr.

John Altman return'd to her liotne here Sunday after caring for her tJaiirhter iuWaw. Mrs. Howard Altman, of WabaMi, who ia ill with flu and ton Mrs. Ned Conwell wfnt via Bur en, Ind.r Wednesday to be gone several d.iy. Mr.

an I Mrs. Rueaell Tynfr of Hart with an at Number Eight (Continued From Fare Four.) IHIHMHrMMHHW Dickey and other relatives during the Thanksgiving vacation. Mr. and Mm. Clint Harr, of were gufat of Mr.

and Mrs. Rob ert Thompson, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Thrift had aa their gueata recently Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Young and family, Mr. and Mr. Rus sell Overpack' and family of Huntington, Mr. and Mrs.

Oiorge Kilander, ford City. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tynr and Mrs. Jasper Dctamore and family.

and daughter, llileu Ixia of Bippu, Mr Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Baker and daugh and Mrs.

Charlry Jordan of near North tir, Ethrl, Mr. and Mm. John Baker and Mr. La wrf nee Tyner of (spent Sunday In Fort Wayne as' guests I. XI I 1 11 .1 .4 I 1 1 1 war i.uiii iijui jr raiirii Hi iuo riijnu in air.

niiu im, Aivm iiurria Community Sale LAF0NTA1NE, INDIANA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1928 Sale begins at 11 :00 A. M. on all merchandise. Stock sale starts promptly at 12:00 noon. Milch cow, stock cattle, feeding shoats, brood sows, breeding ewes, bucks, boars, and bulls.

If you have anything to sell bring it along, buy anything come. SPEICHER COMPANY If you want to Itontame Bank, Clerk Aucts. Drawhon, Thompson, Gilbert T. TSTvl ALL GIRLS LISTEN TO THIS! BIG FINE OIL E.E That great big beautiful dressed doll in our show window will be given free to any girl under 10 years old who turns in a list of the, greatest number of "girl" names made from the following letters in this box here. THE KINNEAR STORE Huntington's Economy Spot NOTICE: You must make up the names from such letters as appear, In that box only.

It's easy." You can make many names. If you should turn in a name "Grace' it mould not count because the letter does not appear. Be careful not to use any other letters than are in the above box. HERE'S HOW YOU DO IT Your list of names must be turned In on a. "nam slip which you can get from any aalwladr in our store.

Just have your mania, or papa, or aome grown up friend get one for you. No purchase of any kind to gee a name slip. When" yon have It filled out with all tite names you ran possibly make out of the ktttwa In this "TUB KINNEAR STORE lll'NTIXGTGVS M.t)NOMY SPOT" you Just bring it hi and hand it to any cierfc who will send it up to our office where it will be filed until tle contra Hoae. The girl who turned in thr most names lKT wiU be notified to come In and get the big doll free. COME AND JOIN THIS CONTEST It will be lots of fun thinking up names.

Get your parents to help you. Ask your brg brother and sister to help you. Ask Grand ma, shell help you out too. WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY GIRL? NOTICE: The doll that Is to be tfven away is a beauty. See it, NOW HOW MANY NAMES WILL SHE HAVE? I II 1 1 ROANOKE SENIORS iV, HOLD REHEARSALS FOR CUSS PLAY Memb'ra of the rapt ot tb Roanoke hlth acbotd'i senior data laA "The Pa trM.

which la to bo presmted Thura Ir evrwnf. Drcfmber J3, at tbt Ilo anokc high school au.utonum, nave.oeen holdinc r'gular reliourtala for the pant two weeka. MIm Itutb Itarwkk, vl tne Koanoke faculty, anpffvMnr the pro duct ion. The play, a comedy, baa been popular for the pant few jearer The atory con. i ki itt i nrm a gin wno run arconu nrr old.

alater and wbo ia blamed whn anythluy foea wrong, and la forced to remain in the background la trdr that her olitrr may be presented to ad van ate. Fatay's ultimate triumph la brought about br btr father who puts 'Ma in her Droper place. v. The catt includes "Mr. Harrington Ri.b.rt Thompson Mrs.

Harrington KliMlt! Ulack; "Grace Oladja Ruprrt; "Patricia Marjorie Richer "Tony Max Murray; "Rilly Anael Blm ona; "Sadie vtima waiaon; nd "Trip Qarence Scboeff. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Connet of South Bend were week end guests of D. W.

('linger and family. MittH Ksthtr Dcbra, iustructor of commercial subjects in the JJall Teachers' college at Muncie was a guftt of her nnrenlM, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Debra over the week end. Paul Shultr, of Newrnatle, spent Sun day tn the Mrs.

Lydia Shnlti home. Claude Oiphart, of Fort Wayne, was gneit of bis parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Oephart, Sunday. Mrs. II.

T. Frybsck and daughters Betty and Ruth Jane of Fort Wayne, a few days in Warren as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S.

JoneH. NO ADVERTISING FOR COMMUNISTS URGES SPEAKER FOR LEGION INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. J(AP) Dan Sowfra, national Americanism director of the American Legion, suggested today at the national conference of de APPLES! Mleldgan apples, beat grades anil varieties, Including a nice lot of A Grade Grimes Golden at lowest prices. Frldajr and Saturday only. H.

G. Hauenstein 1 The Red FYont at 228 s. Jefferson st. II II No. 2 Size HE HUNTINGDON ntKSS To Congress Til A lMltockBurtt Mn.

Peden Oldfleld, widow tt Conrresaman "WllJIam A. 'Old Held of Ark. will the rt woman aent to Congresa from Arkansas; She is an unoppoaed candidate to terre iht'lew remain Inf months of her huaband's unexpired term. The long term will bt Mv contested. partment adjutanta and commandera of the Legion, that leglonnairea "refralm from advertising the Communist." RowfM urged that there be no public opposition to Communist speakers.

Their speeches should be carefully watched, he said, and. if the right of free speech is unlawfully used, the apeak era abould Jbe amatfd and punished. i "The Communist movement," Sowers 3 eas 2 Tomatoes G.G Milk BANANAS, Large Fruit .3 lbs. LETTUCE (Nice Head) ORANGES 200 Size ORANGES 288 Size; POTATOES 15 No. 2 Size Tall Can a 25c 15c 50c 32c 18c 52 mm Announce.

Programs for Two Township Institutes Troframa lor 'the Reck'Crek Boy a and Girls ill the Manual Jackson townablo farm lnjtltutes' were training department of tht Roanoke announced Tburadar evenlnv. Wan rice acnooi and mi Dome economics depart IVShlerling of Saratoga, and Mr, In1 addition to thr sweeptUkea, 'Vaoolct of Amo, wUl fre th aereral other cath prliM will be glrfs principal tiakera. at both aesalone. for the entries from thrse four groups. The Rock Creek progrsm wlU be held Wfdnesdar, December 12, at the Rock ureea center school 401 mv vvg cui ipea ftt '90 o'clock 'in the morning, and the following program will be h'ld Song, "audience invocatloff'; apeclaf.

mu ale, rblfk acbool students address, "Dairying" Maurice P. Shlerllnt ad dreoi "Co oprratiou in thi lira. I ,0. Vawlee. A basket dinner 'wOi be served at Tu afternoon program wlQ open at 1 o'clock with community singing.

and continue as follows: address, "The Con sumers Mr. Shierling address, "Advantage, of Rural Mae. L. Vannice. Cah 'priaes will be awarded winners Ii an exhibit to be held connection with the Jacboa toVnahJp institute at theoIUeaeke high acbool Friday, Decem ber Sweepstake prist a of.

wiU be awarded 'to first prise entries of the continued. "thrjTee on the iega tire 'en ergy" expended by patriotic groupa or individuals. Tber enconragt publJe oppo sition to their speakrra and mietinfa be caune thty know it will arouse a far greater public Interest in the speakers and what they may aay than any other th f' mrana 01 expioiuuon mat couia pe a I The LfrWs 'child welfare program waa outlined, at ue conference uias Emma 0. Puechner, director of the Na tional Child Welfare Division. She aald the' Legion will make an effort to hare enacted the rarlona atate leglalaturea which roeft next' year, adequate child welfare 7rSForypndcr5ul TflQVO? edohsihzVtt foSmltnitcs" r.

mm Market and Warren .1 240 S. Jefferson 859 East Market 'i'" CRACKERS 2 lb. box BREAD lVHbrloaf v.i.......V. PETMILKall 3 cans CARNATION MILK, Tall 3 cans BORDENS 'MILK, Tall 3.cans 25c 8c Z3C 29c SUGAR 25 lb. bag $1.49 100 lb.

$5.80 QUALITY At Lowest Possible MEATS Fresh JSide V. Oleo (WV)hdernut) 2 lbslEI BONELESS BEEF All lean, makes a nice 0ast and fine for making mince meat lb. .1. "I X.22c BACON, Sugar (1 Ught and Lean; lb. rVV.

PURE LARD fc "'2 '9i)frr All oU meats aretry caref ully.selected, nd je, guarantee jserv; ice, cleanliness, quality and courteous triatiaeiifc'MSa taking 'advantage pf our Friday and Saturday 1r second and third cash prUes will be awarded for tht following 1 best 10 ears el awert com, beat tm ears of popcorn, yellow corn, largest e'ar, oata, po tatoes, canned rrgetablea and fruit, light Cake, dark take and bread, The. Jackaou townhlp Institute will open at 9 o'clock with in addreaa by Mr. Shierling on "Soy Braua, Legume of Many Uses" Mrs. Mlnaelj sixth grsde.

children, aifd address, by Mrs. L. 0. Vannice "Poult ry" will dost the morning session. A basket dinner will be sirred during the noon hour.

The afttrnoon will op'n at 1:30 with a iumber by the lady quar tet. 'Continuing. Mrs. Vannice will talk en' "Adrantagea of' Rural Life" Tead school girls' quartet; address, "Dairying, a Project on the Omeral M. P.

Shierling song. A report of commlt teee will close the afternooi program, FOR SALE Counters, shelving and drawer Svfor making linen closets' inquire av McGreevy Store. N. Jefferson 1 i xu Dec. 7, 11 3 W0.

i ROYAL PALM 1 Imflanapolls .1:10 AM Ar. Jaokaonvllla. AM 1 1. I.MnAtta 1ft AM ClndnnatJ(CT)7l39AM(tT)IIAM Ar. Jackaoovtlle.

AM Ar. Wnt Palm r. PM ht. v. 140 PM PONCE DB Lv.

ladlanapolhi MS PM U. Cindnnatl(CT)ri0PM(ITl4O PM a. iairMuitU 7 e.n PU A.WeetPaim AM ak Kim. SisuhneeRlcer Special It. Indianapolis 1:15 PM L.

nclmatKCI940PM(lI)U. 40PM V.TsiTM..v.V .,,.,1:40 AM hr. tt Pstersnwrf .78 AM Ar. kVedefitoe). 7i AM Ar.

tarasota. m1j00 AM Ar. 8. 3 AM eWMplalf CsW sWs CMsAff AsWMbT fftm fatal. Htm 4 Um lawN SN DWns CM IwIm a Mwte.

WIHTlATOOWST riCHsTTf OaSa MHta.alMiaAlkM.B.C.i ISkMtMtOrtMM.U. aaew im MOM CKUKER FARCaWVwyaMri trtatanaftwa CWaaS aaS LmsMUs IS fl 90m MlNf fllsll VMS TWHsjV uariUwhiie rPH a. p. anas itNr tmr V9VV9)s9Mt0 eVeaflTe)sW sT H.D. LYONS.

DlatHat rHMriti ao? BMaui wwiaiiif SdnmaySisffif H. F. BLUM BUUTIN FOR lDAY AND; SATURDAY WE DEUVER PHONE 760; WE DELIVER Genuine Pure Country Sausage, lb Huntington Bread, Vz lb. loaf, 3 for v. Best Gtilie of Banana9f yellow fruit, 3 pourias, Florida Grape Fruit, extra large size, 4 for.

V2c 'California Sunkist, Naval Oranges, dozen 53c California Grapes, extra fancy fruiC2 pounds. Saps or Grimes Golden, 4 lbs V. Perfect Peaches, Apricots, Pineapple, large Perfect Peas or Corn, 2 large cans 7.. fify Kraut, can lOcjjMcoiaVch Perfects Pork and Beans, 3 large cansr: 25c Yan Camps Hominy (best grade 3 large caiur.4;25c or Van Camps Milk, best ever (lg cans) 10c Powdered Sugar XXXX icirig Sugar, 25c. Pure Cane Sugar, 10 pounds.

Pure Cane Sugar, 25 'pouhasrr. Large White Winter Potatoes, peck 22c bush.l65c Cabbage; 5 lbs 17c. Onions, 4 ibs Swanidown Cake Flour, large box. Our Best Flour 'guaranteed) 24 lbs 4 30c Cold Medal Bread Floiiiv 24 Pure Country Lard (best, made3 lbsPiy4 43c Eckarts Hams (real sweet cure) lb Eckarte' Sweet Mild Cure lb. i 25c Sunshine Soda Crackers, 2Jbs 27c; Gniham, 2 Ibsc" Fox Crackers, 2 lbs 25c Ginger Snaps2 lbs 25c Vl2ti0c American Family Laundry Soap, 3 large bars 25c "Kirk's Hardwater Castile Toilet Soap, 4 bars.

Palmolive or Creme Oil Toilet Soap, 4 bars 29c Super Suds, a large boxes i 25c Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs for. Cranberries late Howe, lb Fancy Leaf Lettuce, lb i 15c Our best Oleo, lb. 20c; Good Luck Oleo, lb. Perfect's Pink Salmon, large cans, ioiti 35c Oysters, pint 37c; Extra Selects, pints. 45r Kirk's Flake or P.

and G. Laundry Soap, 10 bars 1 Sanf Flush, 1 can, Mellol Stool Brush for. Old Reliable or Man War Coffee, pound Fancy Bulk Coffee (good drinking), lb. 35c; 3 Salt, free running, 3 large boxes. v.

Y.25C Waldorf Toilet Tissue, 4 large rolls 25c Matches. Lucky Strike, 6 big boxes v. i Headquarters iorine tsesi uountry liutter.I Post or Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 large boxes, Rice Krispies or Post Bran, 2 large boxes, 25c Jello Powder, any flavor, 4 large boxes v. 25c Fresh Jersey Milk (always fresh) 2 quarts. a.

19c Scrap Tobaccos, 10c size 3 for 25c; 15c size 2 for 25c Camels, Lucky Strike or Chesterfields, 2 pkgs. Tom Mix Candy Bars, 2 for 75c Chocolate Candy, pound Oc 1 1 rresn sauea reanuis vaiwas iresn; pounds, zoc Golden Heart Celery, 2 large stalks i r. Winesap or Grimes Golden Apples bu. basket McKenzies' Buckwheat, large sacks BLUE RIBBON 7 MALT '1 Big 3 lb. Insures better results.V 1 a.

no prouuci was ever more deserving of its 4 a. a Our Delivery At Your Service Phone 60 H. F. BLUM GROCERY.

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