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The Huntington Press from Huntington, Indiana • Page 4

Huntington, Indiana
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i tlsia, too Drivs. fhlrsao. Adm Hftmber Aidit Bureau Clrrulailoa Member The Associated rreso The Associated PwtoUoMlailwly titleJ to tk um for romiburatloB of ail HlanttckM credited to it or Dot tbr1w credited la tsls paper ond also the loco I ntn published Wrii. A PROBLEM FOR MR. HOOVER At discussion of the late lamented aiiro Hrittib naval aireemrnt contlo se to siiuiner in the pr and elsewhere, it boonmeo increasingly apparent tint one of Mr.

Hoover a moat perplexing sroM im. when be becomes president, in gvi.ig to be tail buMuran of naval Mrs. Otto 8 1 rock ia spending a week visiting relatives in South Vend, Ind Mr. Strock will leave Wednesday to join her and the two will remain over the Thanksgiving vacation. 9 AUTHORIZED AUTO RE FINISHING.

STATION TATION WCfrmadeemh More than a Sign a Guarantee of the Best! When your automobile needs bring it to the shop in this city that displays this DUCO "Authorized If you want it recolored in the season's newest shades, or if you need merely a little touching up after a minor accident come to the DUCO shop. For Your Protection The DUCO "Authorized Sign" does more than 6imply mark a place of business. It guarantees to you that the shop displaying this Bign uses only duPont materials and follows the duPont Process in applying them. (A chart describing this process will be shown you at the shop). In order to obtain the right to display this the Authorized DUCO shop in this city has complied with the rigid requirements of the makers of Dl CO and of the DUCO Cor poration of Indiana; their Indiana representatives, as to materials and the duPont Process method of applying them.

Available to You You get this combination of the best available materials and the best method of application only where you find the DUCO "Authorized Sign." In this city, this sign hangs oyer the en trance of W. W. Dill Son, 221 Byron Huntington, Ind. Grant Ch'noweth Garage, 241 Blarket St, 'Huntington, Ind. WARREN Parents Understood This Baby's Language "We thought we were going to lose our baby, teething," eays a Kentickj mother.

"He couldn't digest anything and was getting thinner every day. After one of his fretful, crying nights, I thought of Castoria and got some. A few drops made him comfortable, and after a few days, he seemed like a different baby." Doctors everywhere recommend purely vegetable, harmtoe Fletcher's Castoria for colds, constipation, colic and other ilia of babies and children, and millions of mothers know its gentle in fluence is best. Avoid imitations. Xho Fletcher signature Is the mark of genuine Castoria.

I I DO YOU NGEO MOMEV Hundreds people gel niouey from us to pay np paat due bills, bxiy clothing, make repairs on their home, or meet emergencies You, too, can got any amount uj to S00 on your own signature and security, and easily repay on our liberal Twenty Payment Plan. Call and see us. LOAN Over the National BcoMOo Store. 448 N. Jefferson 8t Phono 542.

Huntington, Ind. FOL1 lUgh Shoes and Oxfords for tb yooof in sa4 eld. BUrk SJtd tse knlhers. to 11. All tlie very Ut rst patterns In velvet, sstln, pat end brown suede.

AU sizes to 8. HOLD RITES FOR BAKER SICKENS1. Loot rites for Baker Vf. Ptckona were bold tt 2 o'clock' Sunday aftsroooa at the Barnoo Chapel (berth ia charg of Ike Rtr. Eraost Hanlltoa.

NOB Nov. 7rlC23 PAGE FOUJl THE HUNTINGTON' PRESS THE HUNTINGTON PRESS UJ It iST Ill'N'TIN'OTON PlIlUHHINO CO, liiVUI Norte JmJn "St 1 MAtU a iniion, I i7 wb(W lk Act of Marrh 8, "br W. nt A. J. WllJIELSI 0RM8B AND M.

1L OJIMSBT A ftiiitix KJUorUt "fribeitoee pmblUhod matt kar foil ignator of sotkor. AU eosimuaicatleaa shau'd typrwrltUB. Aeoeyakeee eoev uairiiiMi will eol bo aoticod. AQff iHTitUrt to rtTtluBtlngtoo Pr, lUattaftos. lad.

7 KIFSIB4CBIFTI6 I)nj with 8uasy. $4.00 pr year. Br Carrier Is Iluattagtos: Dally (with Bndy), 1IW osr ark: Bandar. "SCnKEREnT INC NatloaiT Xlppreaematlve, no. ia Now York City 5 E.

Waeker Lotlar V(siiinti'ii Ireitj baa only a few to run. Failure of ilie te iji TnisT liuiiiatiou coaferrnre five!) tu reason fur a aew aireeweat keixeoM tbiN country and Ue other lead iiil navil Kicr. The iecreilibl stu ji.l:r the British diplomat iu iiego iflt their sgnenirnt wila irance baa, n'tt itioD. arouel luch rrseutuicut ia tr.i that the big aavr (roup lias sfrengthentd. rohlrni ta coinr to be a tough o.nider, for iustance, tbla matter of t.v" which mean tbat our navy la iu exactly rqual in fijhtiu strength io What serenth son of a vt'iith son ia going to tell us just how to get that rarity, even if our naral men i vu.d nach an accord with England's on it? The fact of the matter is that two liaviri cannot be mide exactly equal in fight iug strength, cren though each con taiux exactly the same number of fighting xbipx.

Their relative atreugth would depend oo where they were to fight. Suppose that this country and England had identical narlt and went to war with each utber. Jf the action took place across the Atlantic, England's navy would be vastly superior to ours; if it wis fought orer here, ours would be mieriir. Obviously, this will provide the rival naval laadera with the basis lor au u.u meot that could laat indefinit ly. conditions ar riuwfor a iwval arm i rue a menacing to Aurld jiea as the race between England and umny prior to 1014.

Every American a Lou Id give Mr. Hoover all possible sup port ia the matter of averting one. Some new agreement must bo found. Too Merry Orel met wltk uU 1'rtgg Tkorsday afttraooo wken Ik following trpgram was given: Roll rail What am Thankful For," aong, dub) Thanksgiving 8tory, Mrs, Bert Itontoa; Vocal Dut, Mr. Jobo Jackson ond Mr.

Will Evans, severs! members wore protest and refreshments wera served at tho rloso of tba program. ifeodameo Or Llsurance, Cba Good, Arnold Tarn, E. A. Click, Carl Sbulta. Robert Wiley and Earl Smith united in emorbalalnff tbt Ma Cam at a al o' rloek dinner at tho homo of Mrs.

Llau raoc Wednosdar oven tug. A five course Ilckona and Anna Louis Pickens. dinner la sepia with tb Thanksgiving Mioo was served to tb following guttts, Meads me Clifford Ruse, E. A. Hoffman, Valanc 81a tjr, Ouy Iluber, Nod Brown, Loo BoulwaYe, Elijah Bonham.

John Wald, Robert Laytuou, Merritt Tarn, Mark BonlfleW. B. J. Ell'rman and Mlaa Ruth McCord. Mrs.

Charleo Keller was hostess to th Bridgo club Thursday night Mrs. Forest Tucker was pleasantly rurprlsed by th Sow Sew club Wodnts dsy afternoon. A social afternoon m.i. ttctD Mriooa lnJurr Sunday morn enjoyed and a lanchoon was served con wbeB tttr sntomobiU careened off sitting of a variety of dlaboa prepared iUt 4 No 9 of tbt mgh. by the guet.

Mrs. Tocker kaa been tbroogh fenct and tamed oror. Th coaflnod to her fcomo for several weeki T0Uth Mtttni minor ihjurie. Tbt car, while conyaleoclng from a brokm ankle. ownd by Oelxl.Igbter, waa brought to Mr.

ancTMr. torge Jone and Miss Huntington for rrptlraw Derma imiodbui too sre iraTins; jiiukimt for Tooson, Arlrona, ware guests of honor at a dinner party given by Mrs. Asa Itotiham Tu'ottay evening. Mrs. Itoiiliiin wan axsift'd by Mrs.

Frank Mallott and Mrs. Howard Shafer and Ibe tueiis were membera of the choir I Members of the Huntington County of the Church of ChrUt of which the I Tuberculosis society will sponsor a free bunored giiets are members. I tuberculoei clrtilc at the Knights of Ty E. M. Mowburg is spending a few daya tbla home here Friday.

The examining in Pontine, with his daughter, physician will bo Harold It, paten, 01 Mn. Vim Markley and family. SonnysWa sanlUrlum, Indianapolis, iue Mr. acd Mrs. Jesse Gardner of Preble, clinic will open at 10 o'clock in the New York and Mrs.

Jennie Wirt of Syra morning ond continue until three o' rufcc, New York left Tuesday for tliclr clock. rcective lioinr having befn called to Warren by the death of their father, A 218 foot motor ship, largest ever James Hulmrtt. for the river Elbe' trad', left Ham Mrs. Sarah Morgan baa gone lo Fort burg recently on its maiden voyage to Wayne where she will remsin until after Magdeburg. So successful was the ra the holiday tieaann with hrr aon, Her el in trials that two sister ships are to seel Morgan and family.

be built. Ilrice Clinger of Nilea, spent 1 The boundary between the United a a. 1 1 ft 1 a lew on wun nis parents, wr. anu states and Uanada Is marked ou Sirs. p.

(Imgerntud family. sll the international bridge. bftween the aixl Airs. Uiarlea JlcKiuney and countries. home in Fort Wayne after visiting his mother Mrs.

Etta McKlnney Mr. and Mrs. Hollie Smith have gone to Muncie for an extended visit with their daughter Mrs. Earl Fisher and family. Mrs.

Msry 8b till of Marion is spending the week with ber daughter, Mrs. Harmon Chopson. Uharles Oompflon left Warren this week for Florida where he will remain throughout the Mrs. Belle Thorpe has returned to Pon tiac, after spending several weeks at her home fn Warren. Mr.

and Mrs. Victor Jreen left War 1 reu Wednesday for their home in Toronto, Oanada having been guests of Mm, Tuberculosis Society to Sponsor Clinic Here Friday Green's parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. F.

Edgington. Mrs. F. E. Shults of Marion Is visiting her daughter Mrs.

Robert Laymon and other relative. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynsrd 4 1 tended tho Purdue Indiana football game I at Purdue Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Calvin Purdue of Shel byville called on Warren friends Tues day. "Sir. and Mrs. Charles Keller, Mrs.

John I. Williams and Warren Oliver spent Friday in Indjanapolla. trr if narry out Returns i After Bowling Contention Harry Wolfe, manager of tbt bowling tiers of Hotel LaFoutain. has rtturo to thl city from Indianapolis, where ba attsaded a meeting of tb Indiana Stat Bowling association. It wu decided by tbt atsocistloa that annual tournament of Music waa by Everett Vf.

Cnlp and organisation, which will ba bld next cuaa omita, wita aiiss lucuio lunota spring, win at irr iiauio, at tha pUno. Tblrtoen cities la tba atat ar raprv saa a 1 1 1 iioworooarrrs wrrs ins graaocauorenL 1 a. "rirr'IL Andorra, Eranmrlllo, Fort Wayne, P.lTr. WMf Hntl Xtn, Hammond, Kokomo, Indian laUbearera wm Ora Wolf, Samoa! it.M Sontk Bowera, WlUIam Pasco, Ooorg Pasco, WillUm Miller ana Walter Tkarp. Interment waa at tba Oddfcllowa' crm tery, sear tba Baraeo Cba pel chorch.

Local Boys Escape Serious Injuries In Crash Bend Terra flaoU and Whiting. Central Firemen Make Call to Brading Home Tlie OiAral firs company answered Fred Oelilelfhtee, Ruaiel Wells, and GuMford street, at :40 o'clock 8unday Robert Dorr, all of Huntington, narrow night whet a defeosir flua bad caught nro. ruigni camag was pons. skin la wot clear tite Is 4gwien yon owe it to Toauself and friends to try Its tonic effects will snrpriss ytm, TT7HEN your "Something to Be Thankful For! When You)an Buy Sucli Values As Pictured At These Prices g.89 These are really worth yoor time to Wjep tf, sr If tost apps ft If yosr appe system fi filled with rich, red blood. 70a doH't Lave that tired, languid feeling when you awake in the morning.

Instead, yoa feel refreshed ready to meet the wotidl Your appetite is keen, yoa enjoy work or play. Your akin la clear cheeks naturally rosy. All this because rich, red blood Is Nature's substance for building; and sustaining; the body. Thousands bare regained their strength and charm by taking a few bottles of S.S.S. Nature's own tonic for restoring' the appetite building; strength and clearing' the body of so called skin troubles.

Yoa know a clear skin comes from within. Correct the cause thru the blood and pimples, boils, eczema and that sallow complexion will disappear. For more than 100 years S.S.S. has been giving relief in thousands it 1MT IMT 1ST iMt I "It tm fit JM( gaj IfX 151 Al 7tt EH IM mm I'll yfllffllFAlK ji a si' rha rsf rsaa irassi naajsr asar.f lOjari sari safitfi safari lasr iisi 1 mr.afi iiemm TiawiTBraTsTsasTsarn LETS GO MOOSE INDOOR FIR Nov. 28 to Dec.

1st Inclusive EAST FRANKLIN ST. Every One Going. Meet Your Friends Here! 1L mm EC! Tuesday arid Wednesday Only .89 and eoaae In ane see. 1 KBSgjv and ill boys and glris S2.98 I VI AJi 51.09 hold coiranoii m. Sunday Scbooll of Huntington township beld their annual convention San day afternoon at tba First Methodist church tola city.

Tha program, which started at 2 o'clock, waa comprised of aamal selection aung by tba quartet, which Includes tba thro Brown brothers sad Eldos Win. and a a address on Tha Efficient Sua day, School" by tba IU. Errs Flry. Folio wlaf art thoas tl acted to offlc tha moatlnfi Wallacs Rto 'presl destr John Ooolman, rteo prosldent Cbaattr Ackley, aocretary treasuror; Mrs. Left, superintendent of children's division Alphoa Holmes, aupartnUndcnt of tho young poaplrs dlvwlao and Harry.

loong, aupartnteadent of adult's division. Carl Pratt of Fort Wayns will apend Sunday risitlng rslatlres la this cJtK Per cHealt is always refreshing ir 'a' iimi nr as testified to In nnsolic ited letters of gTatitude. "I was troubled with pimples and blackheads. I took a course of S.S.S. It cleared my face and back.

I think S.S.S. is wonderful. I have told many friends about BJiJL, and they are fettlng as much benefit as I did." Miss Ruth Gahm, 1184 Sides AV, Los Angeles, Calif. All drug1 atom sell S.S.S. in twe sizes.

Get the larger size. It 1 more economical. SISS Builds Sturdy Health f. of hand ot throat la mmO befloAMd If tha vapors of 4 FUBUO SALE i mil south west of Huntington or 14 nil west of Greenwood eharcb known a a tha Lsrerton farm. Tuesday, Nor.2f tlpnm ttl Hog's Poultry Farm ImpJejasBt nd other articlea.

'(' JACOB A. BIEIIL.I Lard Jcllo OIivc3 rJiscdNntis 6 wans Down Colic Aa irw throat apt asoos st oVUwhy JLUTCi t.swsIlowssi.wA!?..! TSUM thS Sslo. cWpwdaWs ofstbiosinsssdl. Aldrsgfiota, 35aaa4e0s. lloaptal ate IM.

TOsSILDtli FUBUO SALE ut 2 miles south of Andrews, 8 miles aoutbWMt of Huntington a township 8Vk north of Monumat City, WadaadVt Doc. 5th, 9M MM. Horse Cattle Hog r8bPniy A nla Vara ImnUmMito UosaohoU good. a). Two per cent of yonr horse and cattle losses art from vls artorrn, and llghtnlnz Nhs4y W4H pr rear ksras a4 cattl lossos an from stimr sasmaa The Huntlnston Motaal Lirt Stock Iniurtnct Aaaodatloa Is for tha (urpoas of protecting 'joa agalntt th dkffaront kinds al losoerlschidinf tha atom flrt and llghtnlnf losses.

A 7 prop of milk lach day wQl pay xur assessmoate so yoor eaW. Manyof tha moat economical man and women art. mambors, OEOBGK ITEIIAN. Sae. "'Third Floor, Court Iloaaa, Huntington, Indiana PUBLIC SAJLE! Z.

the orferrtgned, hirtBa; rented tay farm, wfil sell at puhUs aaetlaev 1ft mlfes north ef Hanthutoa oa Che Columbia City road, en Wednesday, November 28, beginning at 10 A. the foDowlnc pertonal property: HORSE I bay mars, 14 years old. a food worktr. 22 HEAD CATTLE 1 Jersey oow, years old. win freshes! January If 1 Jersey oow, I years old, fresh; 1 black cow, years old, bred September 29; 1 red cow, years old, will freshen Fabruary It', 1 Oosmaey 'tow, I years old; win rreahea FebTury II; 1 brtndl heifer, I years old siring mQk, flsld bred; spotted heifer tiring zdQk also field bred: 1 red heifer, I years oldj wQl be fresh by day of sale; 1 red heifer, I years old, wlU freshen Decern bet 1 Shorthorn bull, II months old; 1 Shorthorn bull calf, I months old and i head young cattle.

All mUk cows T. B. tatted. I HEAD SHEEP 1 ewes and 1 buck. 71 HIAO HOGS sows with pigs by side: I sows to farrow In March: If mala hog; 19 feeders; 10 fall pigs.

HAY AND QRAIN 1100 bushel oats; tons bean hay; 10 tons timothy, hay; 1 tons straw; 1100 bushel corn; 100 bushel potetoee. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormkkDeerina traotor, good as new; 1 P. St O. traotor plow; 1 Thomas hay. loader: 1 Deerlng bander; 1 horse eon plow: 1 Oale rldlnc plow: 1 John Deere walking nlow; 1 spring tooth hairowi 1 flutperlor wheat drill; 1 rotating hoe, need one season; 1 Bore drop corn arm.

1 nay tedder: 1 large double dlac; 1 coltlpacker; 1 wagon; 1 spreader 1 mu boat; twoeotlon spike tooth harrows; 1 tractor drag; borse ion hie trees; I oil drums; 1 set double work harness, and other articles too anme oua to mention. TERMS I months from discount for cash. QARL RUDICEL, Auctloir. Wall AssossMr date of sale 7 Interest Dinner will be served oa the around. Assirtii nasers Wmmrj SteCOd As Mw Cr ataaor Brsaa nwf fswSsr I 2 2 2 roseaw ra.

25c lbs. 27c rtui 15c 25c 25C 35c Z9C i 2ty A Dates Pumpltin Cliquot Club Royal Balling rw. Tmry Baifc Qlassnl Chocolate Raisins ST 3 25c 2 25c 15c cir 45c 25c bankable Bote, CHRISTMAN O. E. Evlaton, Clark) mm i i i At AH A 0 Ctoffca Complete Odppllco Cor POTATOES, pk.

19c, bu. 76c, 147 i Cstahltahes 1831 i 411 AND 525 NORTH JEFFERSON STREET Aiiua MIC TO TWw4H kJL' bJ v. stA. Ww.

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