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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
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4 INDIANAPOLIS HEWS aftuunoo. at mi: iiuiLiiixo a. wear waSMinaTO titrtJ at th Poatofflea at Indlanapolia. a avcoad ciaaa muwt. M.ik til drata, chck ami poat efflc ocdars raf ia th ordar'ot.

and adtlma all INDIANAPOLIS TWf, TrUpkoa Calls. and 873 BftiiDM oai lOI TIIUWUAT, APRIL 15. H97. The Daily Average Sale 61 THE INDIA.UPOL.S NEWS For the past twelve months to April 1, 1S97, was 36,749 Tte clrcubtion of THE NEWS In Ir.3l3n3f exclusive of Inliana Is more than the whole Issue of afiy other Inllana daily. Over 15.000 paters are delivered ty carriers daily in 400 trifcuta ry towns, NEWS" guarantees to advertisers that for the cast ten years its Jtona fiie daily circulation has exceeded, and th3t it row exceeds, the cpratined circulation of any other four Indiana, dailies.1 'i GREEK'S AXD TURKS.

It is rtifficuit to Ret at the true situation of affair on the Grwk frontier. The reports, cabled to this country are gathered from various sources, and are often conflicting, i To day's story of the taking cf Jiultlno, in Macedonia, has the" ap Parunca accuracy, hut It comes from Larlitsa. the" Greek headquarter, and" may be colored. According to this story, the Greeks have Wen pressing the Turks successfully, meeting with but slight re finance, while the Turks have IokJ; hw.vily. Fresh troops are still arriving ft the Greek headquarters, just outh of th line tween Turkey and Greece.

The Grks have the advantage Just In thar thpy ure enjoying fin weather for tne maneuvtrlng of their troops in Tbes uly. whiin it Is wet and cold1 In Uace tivrtia. The country Is rough arid mountainous In the main. The Greeks Kttm tlo to have another 'advantage, in belnic jiourcr their capital and in having a railroad between Volo. en the Gulf of Volo, and hl(o with Ivulabaka.

which Is seventy five mil 'mm the frontier. The' Turks In Macedonia sre a long way from Constat tlnople, and they have no railway com muttlcatlon between their Their nearest railway la at Salonika. Owing to th conflicting dispatches It I is difficult to Judge Just the status cf the Orecks who are righting on the. frontier. There has "been no open declaration of' war, yet for several weeks armed Greeks, have moving against the Turks, and with unmistakable Intentions.

With the Greeks' occupying several Important positions on Turklwti territory the present auomaloud pltuatlou can hardly, continue much longer. It amusing to read that the Turkish minister at Athens called at the Greek foreign office Monday and Inquired as to the Invasion of Turkey by t.reck thoopa. Mr. Skouses, the Secretary, rted that the government did not rostilze the invaders, who were Iri regulars," acting Without authority. The Turkish representative declared, that a tircek ofiicer been recdgnlxd.

Ap 1 i Mitly both sides are thirsting for wur.neither to take the Initiative. ut loth em to be trying to make be wlthput appearing to be the sg resKor. It clear, however, that the Greeks re acting with intelligence In their operation on the border, no matter whether they are recognised at Athens or not. Should there be a declaration of war to day they would nave the advantage fas long as hoitllltles should be con fined to the border. The desultory fighting on the frontier Is In a region which knew many conflicts1 of old.

Old Thett 'ly. which contains the mountains of OImpu. Pelion and Osa, are all near at hand, and on the line of the Volo Kala tka railway Is the field of the great bat tl.i between Ch sar and Pomnev. Ol'R LOCAL Jipl'Jt BOX'S. Our friends that are 'meeting In the Criminal Court room from time to time.

1r the purple of expressing themselves as to the great evil of. civil st ryicc reft rm. are the most interesting people nw before the public, There Is only ne object Which can tw fairly said to tlw stAgo witJi them, and that is 'this mysterious air Khlp which has roved Mich a loon to the rural news f.ut real'y the unil clil service refmejs are the more interesting. Somehow survlvaln are always more Inttiestttig than new types, for ti.ey excite a sympathy in the minds i rvers. one onco said that i ke to write a novel entitled of Vagiips." He had er lmiressed by the pathos which 1 as to a cause, r.l tM i feeling had Jetl hlra to IdealUe the rajiri who clung the old religion 11 his l.

ws had embraced C'hris tl i'y. The fcrvl reformers are t.rrrn th far away age. when the i3 i t' ni In full ftow Wash ir i rn ar. 1 1: recos nlzX that the of the oHice hoMer waa not th uhi paid hlxn as, but tV; j. 'k'Vtn who got him his job.

rough the kin l'y mIM time has thrown e.boit the oil fej.i, ir fi Sen tii no see It cruel They not r' nrrn c' rk in the departments I it 1 by ampaign commute (jo fjify the official trrror )tr tjj i9 tlnually llrL Th first s4ep ta' th di rection of reform was taken fourteen yearo agot and the movement has ad Vanced steadily. course, it eon, not arrcstel. And is thla reflection which hightec.s the pathos of the fight agalnM It. But pathos and comedy He cloe together. The humor: of th situation lies In the difficulty of gettltvr prominent men to tailk to the antl rlvll service reformers.

They all with One consent make excuse. Tba meeting dl'i have a word from Mr. John W. Kern last night, but It wa'a wrHten. so the magte of Mr.

Kern's eloquence was lot. tut the letter' have sent alt! vera up and down the spines of those who heard Its chilling words. Mr. Kero has never been known as a reformer, but he Is a gentleman of practical common sense. So he.

said to the meeUng: I da not suppose that there' is any difference of opinion on the proposition that the flrt tfc'ng to be considered Is the efficiency of the public service. That is greater importance than the question as to What the politics of the Incumbent ehall be. I do not suppose that any of yoq would be in favor of summarily dismissing the present efficient force employed la the postoffice here as carriers and otherwise more than a hundred and filling their places with untried men who happen to be guod "ward workers." i Mr. Kern assume a deal, for the purpose of this, meeting wjs to protest agalwt the retention in offline of men not political sympathy with the appointing power, no matter, how efficient they may be. But his sentiment Is nevertheless sound.

After expressing himself in this commendable way he then goes on to show that there are many Democrats ia office ho are protected by the irtvU service law whom he should dislike to see turned out. This argument did not ap peal to the meeting any more strongly than di the one we have quoted, as the chief objection of most of those at 'the meeitlng to the civil service law was that it kept Democrats in and Republicans out of 'office. 1 There can be no objection to the continuance of thla movement, wiU serve to relieve the feelings of the 'gentlemen. But we arn them that If they are really in earnest in their opinions they ought not to seek offlea. for it has often been observe! that there is no more radicai civil servlo reformer than the spoilsman who is appointed to a subordln ate position.

If they are to keep the faith they should shun office. FURTHER ABOUT PARKS. A pertinent remark among many perti rent remarks to be made on the park question Is a reminder of the old recipe for cooking a hare: "First catch" your tare." Council ia disturbed because the premium on th bonds Is not to be applied to improving the parks. Wt remind the Council, which is serviceable not altogether in the right direction, that is first necessary to have parks. Ttjie Council, unwisey undertook to specify' how an executive jboard should order pubj'c work.

W'c belleVjs this marks an attempt at encroachment on a proper division of authority, and is wrong. It la the Council's business to decide what public money shall bo spent, and It Is Ita business to make specific appropriations. But whea it undertakes to say, for example, that ao much shall be spent in buying 'parks and so much in labor In improving parks, it manifestly Interferes wrth the prerogative of the board, which is betuer fitted to judge of 'the situation than it is, and which Is (ntended by the law to be the Judge thereof. The Council. In making an appropriation for the new city building, might aa well decree that so much shall be spent for bricks and so much for labor, so much for the architect, so much for painting and so forth and so on.

The comptroller made a mistake in the siaeef his reoommendar tlon for the appropriation. He should have urged a greater amount to begin with'. The mirtake being made, there should be an effort' to avoid the consequences. The essential thing first is to get the parks. Labor, on the parks will follow in due course, and it will not be as It may be, if the Council gets into the habit of decreeing that certain thousands of dollars shall be spent on labor.

Jio more dangeroua tendency, could be encouraged than that, It Is high time we set about clarifying the pork: question in, the be ginrilng and keeping it clear. in this connection we are glad to see that the first decision of the Fork Board to abandon for the present the acquisition! of the lands south of Indiana avenue called for in the Olmstbd plans, is to be reopened. The discudon of the matter yesterday revealed the fact that two members of thei board Messrs. English and Terry are against! themutna tlon of the plan, and two ilessrs. Holt and Lleber' in favor of It.

Mr. Claypool was not present at yesterdaiy'a meeting, and it is not known what position he will Messrs. Holt and LJeber declare that their opposition In based solely on the bcrief that, the funds at the disposal cf the board are not sufficient to carry out the Olmsted plans fully; tht the l.uals south of Indiana avenue are least likely to advance rapidly in value, and that consequently It will be best to abandon for the present the southern end of the system. But we think further consideration should convince them that it Is wise to begin a thing at the beginning, and that the available fundUs sufficient by omitting the purchase of so many small tracts and by slightly reducing the area of the Fall creek system at points where It can be done without serious injury to acquire practically all of the system that Is now essential. The people of the West Side are urgent In their plea that the lower end of the system be not abandoned, and the mayor wfll use his influence to the same end.

"SVe therer fore, that the board wijl presently announce that It to begin at the beginning getting thi Fall creek park I i Tilt; POLICE UlL tXG. i The Board' of lea It protect si that the new police station is so badly planned as to Interfere! with the usefulness of that Ije. iUh ASaparttneivt. The truth1 of this protest will be attested to by any one who hi)s evamlnexl the plans carefully. The State Board of Charities has a.

duty in ih pi s. It f.hould prevent the adoption of a plan so ill designed and iun The authorities will make a mistake if they build the police station as at preiferrt designed. We mean no ln vi l'ous comment or comparison, The prt city buMStig nvay be a strong an.l cnea tttruetnre carr el out as de slgne Hut it mtisL admittrI on 'ex la not adequate for th puipvie itittudej. It uot convenitiit nor wisely arranged It Lck light and order; arid in praetico be found lit i adequate to Ita uses. A building designed for several department, hi constant uee byv many jmen, must be rraaged with gjeat care, it Oh.

of the most difficult building to plkn If its best vses are to be attained. There has been a mistake in the plan so far. The city authorities ought to have the plan rearranged. They) "ought also to alter the outside of tWe bijijdlng'. As designed it la hopcleiwly uujly.

liTis very much like the new f'ue au i police station at Elkrart, a picture of wnlcli was printed in The New two ar three months ago; except that being mbfe pretentious and twice as expensive it is ao much less excellent. Wl about to upend a grfeat deal of money on our city building. The plan adopted may be intended to give; an honestly constructed edifice. But the plan 'is deficient in the arrangemeat of the interior of the building, and the exterior has no 'architectural attractiveness. One of these deficiencies ia vital, the other Is needless.

We urge Ue authorities to seo that there Is a change so that the city may derive all the benefit possible from Hs bu'ildung. The dty elections might Indicate that the tari ft had become a local question or," at that the people In almost every locality were getting mad about it. "Site street railway company to day deliberately, defied the law oT the State of Indiana in ref using to" accept the fare fixed by law. even putting people off tire oars that refused to aubmit to extortion. We, know of no poeatWe.

Justification for such conduct. The atreet railway company expects' the protection' of the law, and of the officers of theA law. It defies the law and refuses to obey It whenever tt pleases. Until or unless the courts intervene with an injunction and decido that the cent law la unconstitutional, that law is to be obeyed. We trust that the people that have been put off the cars will proceed against, the company and lta lawless employes.

"A Republican tariff is a tariff for special privileges with incidental revenue. The country Js with Jerry Simpson when he Insists on proceeding with other busi ness. i The city of Indianapolis is, about to spend 175.000 for a building for police headquarters, 1 Police Court and dispensary. I It has a good site. For the sum proposed the city ought to secure a building not only convenient and adequate for alt Its proposed uses, but also one that shell be a distinct addition to the architecture of the town.

The Board of Public Works has charge of the In its wisdom It has seen fit to employ, an architect without anything adequate competition in plans; and worse than that, it has accepted a plan which promises to give us a hard and hideous building. The board has a chance to give the city a handsome structure, and by so doing to build a monument which will cause the names of the members to held in grateful remembrance the people of the city. If It goes ahead with the present hideous plan, it will build itself a. monument which will bring upon itself the lasting condemnation of the community. It seems Impossible that so ugly a plan should have been the best submitted.

But even It it was, it should have been promptly rejected.1 Thero can be no excuse in this day of good architects for the board's erecting an ugly i The tax payers of Kentucky are hardly getting their money's worth! out of that Legislature. i i The whole tariff policy of this administration la of a retroactive nature. We have had occasion at times to commend Rough Notes, the weekly insurance paper printed in this city The paper has a wide circulation among Insurance men. It is not supposed 'to be a local" paper, bat a class paper. It is edited in certain respects well and ably.

We wish to say that Just now it is pursuing a policy in regard to Indianapolis which can i be properly characterized only with the word Infamous. It la printing pictures with, remarks which are true enough (except for the coarseness and low tone sometimes di! played) in and of themselves, but which in the' intended impression are entirely and malicious. Here in Indianapolis, where one knows the facts as they 'are, knows that the recent pictures represent exceptional conditions; the falsity and malice of the publications can have no effect. But In other places, where the paper has Its principal circulation, its Virtual bearing of false witness against its own 'home may create a decidedly false idea of our city and its fire We do not believe that the effort by misrepresentations to justify and to sustain exorbitant rates of Insurance in this city wrlll succeed And Rough Notes ougnt to be in better business than maligning lta own city. The desire of Greece for war in the face of such odds as Turkey can bring against her gives rise to the suspicion that some other nation la ia the wood pije.

'I' Indiana laws are now ia force. Now let the trusts look out. Mr. is in 'that batch' of legislation. At the risk of what Shakespeare (pace Mr.

Stotsenburg) call "damnable iteration." we again direct attention to the great abuse of the streets by bicyclers. The point of the otweirvation lies In the application of it, and thla presses on the city authorities almost equally with bicyclers. The one breaks the law, the other refuses to prevent it from being broken. A plain statement of the Case is this: With the opening of the season bicyclers have thronged the streets; many of them, defy thfe law, so as to make the use of the streets dangerous' to pedestrians and to other bicyclers, who are in the great majority, that ride in a lawful manner. Theie law.

breaking bicyclers scorch through the streets at tremendous speed. They pay little attention to the ordinance ordering vehicles to keep to the right. At night they ride without lights. More are doing this than ever before. Collisions, causing serious shocks and wounds, are frequenr; and even deaths have been caused these reckleBs heelmen.

We have re peatedly called attention to this state of affairs. We have printed many com munlcations on it from, outraged The condition is getting to be common talk, and' yet Mayor Taggai or the Police Board, or both, do nothing. We urge' either that citizens or that the A. V. organize and appoint a committee for the purpose of prosecuting offenders, and If 'in the prosecution they could rnclude the rlty authorities, it would be a wholesome lesson.

First Assistant I 'ost master General Heath 1 reforming the civH service In a way that is most uncivil to iDeinocraUc postmaster. 4 I Query: Would the Christian nations sit back: and see Turkey exterminate Greece? THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1897. Hew Every Moralng. Evry day is a fresh beginning: Every morn is a world made new.

You. wh are weary of Burrow and sinning. Here ia a beautiful brn for you. i A hope for and a hup for you. All the past things are paesed The tanks arv d.tne.

and I he. tear are shed. rrura I yeteccly eovVr; YMterd.jt vminili which Mnrtid and b1d. Axe heaJed wrth the bvaiing tiiac ntght baa shed. Yerrlay nw a part of forever.

Hound up lu a sheaf, wlilch Ood hola tifcht, t'ith a lal daya and sad days and bad days, which never Shall vMt ua more with their biootn and their Thir fullnM of sunshine and sorrowful alg trt. Let them go, ain. we can not recall them. Can not find and can not atone. God.

in. His mercy, receive, forgive them! the new days are our own. To day ia oura, and to day alona. Here ar the akfea all bumtahed brla hrtly; H.p is the ajvejrt earth, all reiwrn; Here are the tired limbs rrinsln llgtrtly To faoe the sua and to shars with the morn In the chriom of dew and the cooi cf dawn. Every day Is a fnpah beginning.

Listen, my anil, to the ajlad refrain, i And ni'lte rf old sorrow older 1 And puzzles forecasted and pomible paJn, Take heart with the and begin arain! Susau Coolidge i SCRAPS. It takes 72,000 tons of paper to make the post cards used in the United Kingdom each year. The sermons of the late C. H. Bpur geon are being translated into Urdu, one of the dialects of India.

Valuable supplies of asphaltum have recently been discovered in the San Time teo canyon in California. Women are gradually getting their "r'ghts" in. Germany. There are already 37 female blacksmiths In the country. A New York police 'Justice has fined a fireman who had no time off for courting 15 for kissing his sweetheart ia the public streets.

London society Journals say. that skating on the new bicycle skates is to be the fashionable craze during the coming summer in England. A Kansas paper complains because in a recent church entertainment "an embroidered night sown was worn to represent a Roman 'A new ordinance in San aimed at the Chineseu prohibits the spraying of clothes in laundries with water emitted jfrom the mouth. At.the present rate of gebwthi of popu tauon, ranee win have only at a time when Germany will. hale reached lOO.OOO.OOtrand Russia 200,000.000.

The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has made a reduction In rates on fence poats, with the avowed intention of helping the farmers, of Nevada properly fence their farms. Tortoise 3hell combs are arenierallv cut by hand, i Bone combs are machine made. The teetth of fine combs are cut by very del.cate saws. Metal combs are nearly always made by machinery. Genuine heron plumes have lately been old as artificial ones by tinprlncipled London milliners, to ladies who wCsh to save those birds and their unhappy young who are left to etarve in their nests.

"I roKieed you at the opera last night, Mrs. Bu.ld. Wisn't that a delightful aria by IXi Morui?" "So worry I missed but I was lust srlvinar Mrs. Upton my famous receipt for bard sauce." Harper's, Bazar. Mrs.

Martha of Jamestown, has been appointed deputy factory inspector in New York. It is the first time a Woman has held office in that State. Mrs. Almy is a 'prominent advocate of equal suffrage. The large archaeological and ethrwv graphic i collection brought together by the goviermmnt of Cota Rica has how been commodiously Installed In a building erected for the purpose at San Jose de Cocrta Rioa.

Chess Is Count Tolstoi's latest hobby, and it is said that the tables in his house are nearly all marked out as chessboards, and even the dogs and other family pets have received the names of chess pieces Rook. Knight, Pawn and so forth. i A church socJety of young 'people is planning a "news" social, the chief feature of' which will be that each Individual present must furnish a genuine news item, something that ha never been published. Pittsburg Dispatch. "A poor wretch at Goettingen the other day wrote a letter to a medical students' club offering to let them have his body after he died if they would give' him 17.50, now.

The students raised that sum for him and made him a present of his body, too. Tho stortest tribes In the warld are the African pygmies, who eland about 1.30 metres. In, America no tribe ia mentioned wtl an averagi under l.tiO. The tallest are undoabtedly American, some (doubtful) Carihs of the Orinoco at 184, and the Tehuelch of Patagonia at 1.78. In Fi anklin county (Maine) town, where, there were thirteen voters; the town meeting was postponed until the last day of March to enable a young man ito become qualified to cast a baljot.

Some neighboring critics questioned whether the change was due to a spirit of accom modation or to superstition. The new arrival joined the crowd. "May I ask what Is going on?" he inquired of a native, "You may. We're hangin' a feller for stealln a. wheel." "Rati don't you think that's a pr.etty tough punishment for a rather simple "Simple crime! Why, good Lord, ptranser, it was a "97 modelf' flCleveland Plain.

Dealers Public school teachers in Sn Francisco are; required by a recent Stato law to join a 'pension: association. Each will pay $1 a month into the treasury, and will be allowed to retire after thirty years' service with an annuity of two a year. Teachers disabled )efore they served thirty yearf will be allowed a proportionate annuity. At a recent meeting of the California Wine growers Association the feasibility of establishing an immense wine storage place in San Praneleco, with the idea of mutual benefit to the producer and buyer, Was discussed. It Is proposed to rent a warehouse with a capacity of from 1.0W.

00 to gallons, and store the wine therein as fast as it is An eccentric old member of the British Purltament his tried in vuin for fifty years to get a bill passed preventing window cleftners from standing outside the. windows. "I introduced It." he. said, "not 'for the sake of the window cleaners, but for the sake of the people below, on whopi they might fall. The idea of the bill was suggested to me by the feat that a Window cleaner might fall on is trying a new solution of theater hat" problem.

The mayor hits appointed Susan Watson, a official hat matron, and she Is expected to visit the theater and request women wearing, high hats to remove them. If a woman refuses the matron will report her name to all the box olBces and ticket sellers will endeavor to sen that she. docs not get a chance to Sit in the front aeats. In on of the suburbs cf Belfast 'trade tras duit and the chief grocer in the district found his earnings becoming smaller day by day. One morning an old customer eriterud.

In of something guod, the grocer Jumped tip from his seat, and, rubb ng his hands, said: "Well, rniw what can 1 get you?" A o' soap," was the said the uigurted grocer. "ye'II be for waahin' the canary to day London ITit lii is. severest critic, and a critic ot hi own school, an (Hi parish roadman at EccJefechan. "Been a lonir tim a "In the tie srhbonxxni T' sxked an Knglish tour 'Ut vn here a ma days, ir." "Then yoi know the Carlyl?" "Weel that. A iken thJ whole of them.

There was. let me see," ha said, leaning on shovel and ponder.njr: "there was Jock: he was a kind o' thronighither sort o' chap, a ditctor, but no a bid fellow. Jock, he's deid, mon." "And there was Thomas." the inqulrvr, eagerly. "Oh, ay. of coorve.

there's Tarn a useless, mune struck chap that writea In London. Tnera's nnetlhingi in Tarn: but. mon "there's Ja mi. owre Jn the Nowlands there's a hap for ye. Jamie takes mair swine Inrto Eo iefechan market than any ither farmer i' the Iparish." Answers.

(111 i That I1) STIFFV l'KKLIXti After Katlno Shows Improper Action, of the STOMACH, BOWEtS AND tlVER EFFVESCENt" "HTJNYADI i Trade WILL QCTCJCLT BtSTOBZ 1 Of, Sue, St l.WI, 4 thp HiiNVani flti rn aaaa a ai.wtaja F.iV TOltK er THE RIVER FRONT PARK. 'i COMMISSIONERS EVENLY IJ VIDEO AVITHOtT MR. CLATPOOL. i i Farther Actiosi Postponed Until His Return Compromised Proposed by Extendtnar the Park to Mlebigaja Street. The fate of the river front park scheme rests with Commissioner Claypool, who is now on his way home from California, where he has been for twb months.

Tho four other commissioners are equally dii vided as to the question. This was so apparent at yesterday's meeting that both sides consented to a truce until Mr. "Claypool returns. The whole board Is agree that the river front should be a park. Mr.

Holt and Mr. Lleber believe that it may be made a park dust as easily and cheaply five years hence. Mr. English and Mr. Claypool hav tn tho past been the friends of the rivei front park.

Mr. Perry's change from the opposite position on the question yesterday makes a nominal majority on' the board in favor of the river front scheme. Mr. Lieber and Mr. Holt say they" have property lnter ets in the region of the river front) that would be greatly appreciated by the park.

Their theory is that the river front land Is useless for any Otbe pur. pose than parks, and jthat Its value is depreciating. They als believe it woidd exhaust the city's resoUrcsto improve and maintain it under present conditions. Both have expressed readiness to vote for the scheme if a way could be Shown to make finances dovetail. There Is a growing impression that the appraised value of the lands which.

was used as a basis for the appropriation is not accurate. Yesterday Frank Johnson, who owrjis sixty bine acres near creek and the Fair grounds, refused the offer of the board, averaging S205 nn acre, for the land. Mr. Johnson said be could not take leas than HOO. "This is a sample of what we shall have to "deal with In the next three months." remarked Commissioner It: the difference were split with Mr.

Johnson, the price, would be $52.50 ari acre above the appraisement. At this same ratio the board would require 1120,000 more to buy the property that it was expected could be bought for 1300,000: River Front Compromise. The river, front park scheme will probably be settled by a compromise. The Kn will be drawn through the land south of Indiana avenue at Michigan street, and it is. hoped to make the park to the north of Michigan street.

South of Michigan street the river bank is unprotected; north of Michigan is the Patterson levee which extends to the confluence; of White river and Fall, creek. The' land south of Michigan street pos sesses many natural features for a park, but is, for the most part, barren of trees. It would require much work to make the land satisfactory as a park. tho commissioners any, but this Is not an insuperable objection, as the work would be largely confined to tree growing. There e.

firm conviction that this park would be convenient" to West Slders. Michigan street, leading to it from the city, is to be Improved as far aa Haughvillo. This woald giva pkvtd atreet furnishing access to thai park from east and west, the ordinary way people would come and go from it. A boule Vtaird could be begun at Michigan street and the river which could be extended to the Fair grounds, the comiaasituien say, and in tne future, if the city desired to extend the boulevard to WacAilngton rtreet, it could be done. It is asserted there ia no fear of the east bank of the river suffering encroachment from business, Bf causa it Is insufficiently protected, and private interests could not afford to make the protecting tevee.

The city, as possessor, is the only one who could adyantageously build the levee, which would also become the boulevard. Mr. English has his Ideas; fixed on this eort of a compromise, andi is going to work to have it I The uncertainty in the mlnda of the commissioners as to what the hoard well hava to pay for that and the other piece of property ia making the board conservative in its The Board of Pubi Worku has declined to approve the plats of the Arthur Jordan Company and the Heywood1 Park additions to the city. Both Include ground degnated by the board for park uses, end the declination of the Board of Public Works was at the request of the Park Board. I THE V.

THACK.sJ I Action Concerning; Their tirade WIU be reed at Once. Councilman Ohleyer will go" before the Board of Public Works to morrow and ask that a definite and specific arrangement be made as to the lowering or raising of the M. I. tracks at Morris and Hanway streets. Two months ago Mr.

Ohleyer; Introduced an ordinance to require the! Pennsylvania. Company, which owns the M. to lower the tracks to street grade. The ordinance was referred to the committee on sewers, streets and railroads. It I there yet.

In the meantime, the Board of Public Wotks took up iu Question, and had a consultation with Superintendent Mansfield, of the I. who assured the board that the company preferred to elevate rather than lower the tracks. This was more pleasing to the board and Mr. Ohleyer. Mr.

Ohleyer 'says he wanted the tracks lowered because the city attorney held that the city could only require the tracks, at grade, and could not; legally compel railroads to elevate' their trat Ka. He was iising'the only legal weapon at his command, he says. Mr. Mansfield thought the board ought to pay half the cost. President Downing, for thirty years a railroad official, could not see it that way.

Since this conference, six weeks ago, no. ng has been accomplished. Mr. Mansfield wrote the board that be had sent his plans for elevation to the officers at Pittsburg for approval, and ejupectcd them this week. Mr, feels that the time has come when work on the Improvement may be done without Interruption, and he wants to know why it is not being done.

Chairman Montgomery, of tho commit tee on sewers, streets and alloys, explains that no report of the committee was made aa to bringing the C. 11. D. and Pennsylvania. tracks, east of the city, to because the city engineer had asked the committee to wait until he could examine the question as an engineering problem.

That was five months ago. Since then nothing has been done. Mr. Montgomery and Mr. liewar the committee has not acted because the engineer advised delay City Engineer Jeup ys thia is a mistake.

He Bays the resolution was the result of his recommendation to the Board of Public Works aa to the trucks, and that he investigated the subject all he wanted to before it reached the Council. Mr. Jeup says the Michigan avenue crossing of the tracks should be brought to grade at once, but the State street crossing Is not so pressing. iA question of 6trcet improvement was aliso Involved In the ifivenuef case, which had operated to tieiay action. A councilman said yesterday that he would mnk an effort to hive the Council net in reference to the subject at its next meetipg.

'i Kensanrtna Le Monde Comique. She Let us fitiop hair lis coming down. He Never mind, I'll pick it up. Mark.) THEIQ F20FES ACTION All tima lsa a a a CHICAGO. ST.

ffH 1 JUSTICE FIELD TO RETIBL On the Sapremt Cowrt Denek Thirty Four Years. Washington. D. April 13. Although Justices of the Supreme Court of the United State are appointed for life.

Justice Stephen J. Field has announced his Intention Of retiring from the bench of that tribunal at art early date. The venerable Justice ts eighty one years of age, and has been a member of the Supreme STEPHEN JT. FIELD. Court since 1S63.

when he was appointed, to it by President Lincoln. He ha been a member of the court longer than; any of his associates thereon. It is thought that upon ibis retirement Attorney General McKenna will be appointed as his' successor, iand that the attorney generalship will then be given to J. J. McCook, of New York.

Civil Service in tne Fostofflee. i To tha Editor of The Indianapolis I read another article in your issue of the 12th In opposition to; the civil service law aa applied to our city post office. The civil service law is strictly necessary and indispensable If the people desire an efficient and' business like service. The examinations are just, proper and provide for every emergency," clerk' who "hustles mall bags" can not secure that appointment If unable to pass the rigid physical examination, nor can he hope: hold the place if too ignorant to make out all reports and statements required from time to time in a thoroughly satisfactory' and competent manner. One provision states that no person shall be examined who Is found physically disqualified for the It is further provided that persons dismissed from the public service for incompetency or misconduct, or who are guilty of notoriously disgraceful conduct, are excluded certification If eligible thereafter.

This sometimes produces Opposition, but it is generally confined to the outcast himself, or his sympathizers. The law states that for the purpose of avoiding unjust removals of clerks and carriers in the classified service, and to avoid embarrassment to the department, that no carrier or clerk shall be removed except for cause and upon written charges filed with the Postoffice DepartV ment, and of which the clerk or carrier shall have full' notice and an opportunity to make a defense. Furthermore, It exactly stated that resignation requested by the postmaster or by any one for him "will bo accepted by the No clerV In the service will care 'to qualify himself for the best service; when he knows i that he must be thrown out at the "limitation period," with no capital or Qualification that will insure' him a living outside. Again: There Is no age, limit for a postoffice clerkship. All who are physically able and mentally capable to reach the eligible list, through an appro ptiate and Impartial examination, and whose moral character is good, may be' appointed.

More mall is handled now at this office than ever before. In 1879 no record was ever made, no note recorded, by which any truthful estimate could be deduced as to errors. Besides, this office only handled then about one million pieces a month, as against five times that amount handled how. Many more separations are made and much more exactness is required in all work to day. Thh office is in the front rank to day asi to efficiency aikl re liability, as a compare tive study of the department records will: A received December 15.: 1SW5, by Albert Sahm, postmaster, from' James White, general superintendent of the railway mail service, commends the aoouracy of distribution and dispatch of mails, and of case examinations in tills office.

Many other letters of similar character and matter cf authentic source will sho that this office never gave such splejidid sendee nor reached ao high a grade of efficlejicy as since the strict enforcement the civil service law. No one can hope to be a success as a cierg wno nas only as superficial knowledge of commercial geography nor to to long survive the 'trial period" without a "knowledge of mathematics and clerk w9o docrt not know the direction and location of all "States and principal eihxand main line of transportation o(tls country would be of little itve to society and a nuiAuice to tbs service. illlCKAHI. Happy Car niel. To the Editor of The Indianapolis Newai' I see an article In The News of tho In which ths statement Is made Fisher's Statioa claims the distinction of bfelng the only; town corporation in the county out of debt and having a surplus in the treasury.

This Is a great mistake, and one I wish to correct. The Cermet corjioration. a much larger town, is free from any indebtedness, has streets, and In good repair, and bonsts the pc session of a first class fire exttnguih cr. purchased the last season, and yet has a surplus in the treasury, with no saloons or quart shops aa a source of revenue. A Carmeh April 14.

THE NEW YORK STORE i EstabUahed l8i. I. FAMOU5 TOILET PREPARATIONS Ladles, We take pleasure in calling your attention to these great natural beautl fiers. We indorse and recommend them and effer thm at the following REDUCED tt ATE3 Tale's. Hair Tonic.

Yale's Complexion Bleach, Yale'a Almond Eloasom Complexion Cream, 70c. Yale'a Bkln Food for Wrinkles, X1.SB and $2.35. Yale'a Bust Pood For Developing Neck and Bust. and $2.23. Yals's La Frockla Fcr Freckles, TSo.

Yole's Hair Cleanser, 73.i Yale'a. Kye Laph Orower, Yale'a Hand Wbitener. 79e. Yale's For Conrtlpatlon. H.3.

Ytle's Blood and Liver Tonic, "So. Yale's Frultcura For Femala Weakness. 73c. And a complete line at cor rn'por'dlnaly low prices. Oulde to Beauty.

for ens. Mail seders filled. PETTIS DRY GOODS CO EiVliPIR Eesa ilATINTE AT S. TCT XIGHT'AT S. lie, ltio Twentieth Century Sports Burlesqus anl Specialty Co Batsnow Tin sale at box tsaturday Evening: Athletes' Carnival.

Shaker Digestive Cordial Cure3 Dyspepsia. A trial bote fur 19v at aimoat aAy drusslat'a JuyuJuJJJvvurlnsLnu airmnnj ILJf TV uxt tru mmrjrL tnnsLuxi inuinv? pjip i in UIIv 1 UKK ESTABLISHED AOENTS FOSt BUTTERICK PTTERN5L Merit Counts Much I In Millinery! Ladies want only th best fit blama them? An inartistic hat would easily spoil one' who! aj pe a ranee. Only the best and tast lest creations or the milliner art are here i and at the lowest prices in Indianapolis. RIMMED HATS SPECIAL Pattern Hats, made by well known Paris milliners, re duccd from S0 to S2D Pattern Hats that $12ani S15. 4 Other Trimmed Uats at $1.75 and tip to $5 that are well worth twice those prices.

CHILDREN'S Hats, trimmed: with as great, cars as thoso for older folks, at frcm $1.75 to tTry to match them for half as much agsln. UNTRIMMED HATS cNovelty shapes from Paris, Eon don and New York. Thess goods buy la case lots, and wo are thereby enabled to jell them for less than other stores. hats and bonneta and who cculd Leghorns and Vouotna shapes at specially low prices. Ttou would do well to see them.

Fancy Ilrali Sat at OSci S1 C5. Sl.AD and up to 2.i3; tho newest and most sough for shit pe. Walking Hats, of ooarse. The newest shapes are hero in Prices start at 75c The high grade Italian bralus go at PHc i 1 FLOWERS Prices abaut half those of other alia nery itortt. aai only the test qualities are here.

Forexasple: A Cooi Yiolets at 4C a tuach. Violets. 3 dozen la a bunch, for Sc. Beautiful Cert rums at 2 5c a tuach. Other Fiowcrs at 19c 39c.

30c acl 7SC SECOMi FLOOR. mark down prices. e1 Extra! Repinants of Colored Dress Goods! iMost of them are fine all wool Imported cools, in lengths snitat'e for separate skirts and children's dresses Tbey (o oa the west carialn tatle to morrow" dry goods co at exactly 1 2 the cTxrutnruTJtri ruTJuuvnnruTxuwuvtJtm TO DAY in 21 principal iCities, in the handsome show windows of the 27 stores selling Shoes, there is a beautiiul Easter display. 0 a look at itrfeyen if you have to go but oi your way to do so. 1A.11 that is elegant, serviceable and desirable in shoes is there.

The fact that they are 'sold at! $3. $3 50 54. $4 50, and $5 only means that there is but one; profit in these Some of the up to date features are Pratt Fasteners the perfect fastening for a lace hbe Anti Squeak soles and Fast Color Eyelets and hooks that never grow brassy. See the display4, See the SDrLncr styles in Calf.l Russia Call, Patent and Enamel Cordovan, Kangaroo and Vici And see that on Easter Sunday yoiir feet are? fashionably, comfortably and economically lad in a pair of Emersons. Specials in Tans and Colors.

inJIanapoils Stored 40 E. Washington St I Si. B. 'Grove Makers Factory. Brocktcn.

Mass. I INVESTIGATE ear sratetn. Cullectigoa fr. Bend your cars mat addraaa. or calf, and i will iva ytu a (took.

mam'jerahip ea. 1ND1 A.S'APOU I ntiLO ECTlNO AND Ufcll GRTl NO AUfcUNCT. Sio Journal UuildiDS. laaiaoapvlla POSTUM CEREAL TILE CHAIN COFFK13 BAKES htD fcLOUiJ orqclVfor IT. POTTKIl'S Xotlee Thla Oay.

This fSlOO iJ a a k.Vr IN CASH and Potter's r.oyal Hint at, I Pettis St' urfruj ixu truxru utrLruxru innn rvnj trtra did It happen that the old fashioned, "laborious wav'of washing was ever given to woman as her par ticular work? i She oueht to have had the easiest things stroncr. healthv to do and men have taljjen up this washing business Here is a sug gestion. In those families that stick to soap and make their washingneedlesslyhard.let the rnen do that work They're better fittfr? for if Tn'triskAinin. 1 washing easy, let the women They wonf mind it in Millions' Pearline THE INOUNAPOl.

IS KfVfl SSaiaa BARGAIN COLUMfiS The extremely low rata on, 'thla advertising and adherence to the rule excluding everything not strictly legitimate has made these WANT ADVERTISEMENTS the Greatest Bargain Ona cent word for each' day. Ne advertisement taken for less than '10 cents The English and Frencn Wall Papers limported by j03iPH P. McHUGH New Tork. and aold at the "Pcpular Shop" j. Trademark Vcg'd), are tct be had only from' The Shaw; Decorating; 108 N.

Meridian St. Sole Agent for AUCTIOW! One thousand chairs from Pompeii I'arko be auctioaeiroil to the hih. cat bidder at 177 East street text i'riday, April 1V ut JO o'clock. So re.servc.j llrst come, first served. ROOFING 'Arrow ilrand" re fined TrlniUiid As phait and CiiavsL Tne only llfir lima No repairs.

Guaranteed ten years. Hundreds of references. Teleoli. II. II.

SYJIMES Ut a. Alabamu 9t Inillanaolia. IbA sen v. c. Rvatr iJay aivt Mshf.

Luurr Now. Indianapolis USIIIESSU.IIVERSIT iiit'. Wlwa Muil.4:.r. iof. j.

K. J. JlKTTit, NICOLLt thetailoi; as. inm.t. maiana.u KIT ClllK.

I Ad. Will Appear Aal. IliousnntiH or uh? our rer'cdu We want one hundred o' to tknow about them. iKrIievirijj that OUr Potter's tine" offering tho hct on tim How mm inarKcl. we nave nim n.vt v.

pr2fs follows: Tli.i ix rson K' U'lintr us tho liirnect lst (if.Wdroti rjn XU A ttm th rs in l'otrer" Surf Care willslx; uwnrdt the persn us the c.oihI largest list. fJ.f. tnc third list. Hi; tho fourth, 10: the fifth ti; ihe sixili, the next eleven larsest lists. each.

not nnv letter more tirn than ft in rcfn Surrt Cure: no Ltnuape extt pt nnglisrh.1 jAnythm? thrt i i pitfnmtL' word will bo allowed. 'J Nrr.pete for a prize, you must eeiul XiJc in Kilttr. I'. rr.or.r orlr or rc.t'. r.

lr tt ani for that CCc we will. send po. it j.iifd on 1. S. or oni, ct Potter's Koyul Liniment.

The contest will close May 2'. MA'Kli YOU; NOW. Address POTTER DRLin AND CHI M1CAL CO SIMUNGrini.D. FOR 'I y. th; CIQAIt.

llnncl IMn Jc. Tho Uncut i rt trta ntnret for Five Cctifn. JNO. HAUCH, IVlF'Ht. r.r n.

5 uu KM (r MUELLER Agents 20 1 M. Street.

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