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The Independent Gazetteer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J.ihtming indeed, and mud impreft every cilia en of regret for the lof of (he harbour and fort above named, ai the enemy ii thereby furniflied with the fi'ft anchorage in HOUSE or COMMONS, Monday, March u. The American intercourfe bill wu read a thitd time, plnd without any debate. The Secretary at War moved the order of the day, for ln, into a Committee of fupply, on the edimates for he1aotdinaiieiof the army! the order wasaccording 1 ltld, and the Secretary at War then moved, that be Speaker do now leave the chair." Sir Grey Cooper begged leave to fay a few wordi before the oueftion wai put. He faid it wai now generally undt rdoo'd, that the Parliament wai to be dilfolvtd but fo daring and unwarrantable meafure would a dilfo lution be under the prefent circumllances of affairs, that be could not conceive how Minidershad ventured to re i Mnon it. The Houfei it was true, had voted the army but' how was that army to be paid He believed there wai not a man in the houfe who would he bold enough to fay that any money could be iflued for the pay if the army, after the resolution that had tern palfed to the contrary, until an appropriating act (hould have paf fed: a Ipeedy dilfolution would prevent that, and the mere votes both of the troops and pay, would be completely done away by either a prorogation or adifi'olution.

If therefore any money (hould be ilfued for the pay of the army, for after the dilTolution and before the parting of the appropriating act, he would not hefrtate to fay that fuch a meafure would be an infraction of rights, inasmuch as it would catjfe to be kept up and paid, an army vithaut the confent of Parliament and Miniders muit recollect that when the bill of rights was prefented to King William and Queen Mary, it was ptefented as the condition by which they wee to hold live crown. Mi niflers might expect an ail of indemnity but they mould beware how they eftabiilh the dangerous precedent of vising the conditutioa, with the hope of being able to have filth a Parliament returned as wouldindemnify them from the eonfequcncei, of violation of the conftitutign. As to a diffolution In the middle of the frfiiurs, while fo much bufinefs remained to be difpatchrd, it was a mea. fure that bad never been heard of. The dilTolution in 1705, on account of the difpute betwen the two Hnufes in the Aylefbury caufe, was not a cafe in point; for al moft all the public bufmefs had been difpitthed the army and navy, vote) the fupplies, and the appropriating aft palled, and the fcflions very far" advanced, before the Parliament was dilTolved.

Mr. not fee the fmalled pretence that Mi toilers had now for a difl'olutinn. The gentlemen on hii (lit of the Houfe (theoppofition fide) had declared that they would not nppofe the meafurrs of adminidration. Why therefore was not the pub ic bufinefs brought forward The reafon was plain Miniders knew'that their popularity was founded only in dclufion and mifreprefen taiion, and that the revolution cf a few weeks would put ill end to it and therefore, they ttufled for fupport, dot to their meafutei and their popularity, but to a new Houfe of Commons. If this was not the cafe, they would go through the bufinels of the nation, propole their meafures of finance, and then at the clofe of the ftlfiom appeal to the people by a dilTolution of Parliament.

The cjueflion for the laker's leaving the chair was put, and carried without any further obfervationt. While the Speaker wai walking from the chair, Lord North taming to Mr. Harri fen, faid to him with an aich fmile, in in under voice, but loud enough to be heard in the gallery, Oh! there'i no thought of dillolsing Parliament! it is not pollible I' Mr. Ord twk the chairof the Committee, and TheSecretary at War moved for the fun) of to defray the extraordinariei of ihe army. Mr.

George Onflow lamented that the Houfe had de. droved the fined armv in the world the militia, and was now goirg to vote an immenfe fum for anothri every way inferior fo it the former wai the naural army of this country: and is France could at all timei lit out a fleet at the breaking out of a war, much fooner than we could, foof courfea militia would be ahfolutcly teffary for the defence of the country againft a fudden attack. (He alluded to the refoluiion not to call out the militia this year.) He then faid that a laving might be made of the whole gir ifon, artillery, and government cf Gibraltar, by a ccfiion cf that place, which by the tnormnui expence it occatkned, was a mill done about the neck of thii country for it had already coft it and to nopurpofe; for the trade with Spain wai ngaind us 1 it wai an inf gnifi.ant trde for white wine an if if and ot 1 little ufe was Gibraltar, that he would venture to prophecy, another Iliitiih (ret would nevermore he fern in iti bar. Mr. Hufley (aid he did net like to ifk an impertinent qoeflion, but he wifhed to know whether Parli.nscnt was to be dilTolved this week.

A friend of his had i bill, then 00 the table, which had been lent down from the Lords, and which could not according to order, tie read a fecond time before Friday next. He unJeiffooJ that when a dilTolution was expected, the orders were relaxed, and billi fuffered to proceed fooner, and with greater dif pitch. In that cafe, hit friend's bill might be brought en to morrow, and he got ready for the royil aflent with the other bills and this would be to fr end a faving near 100I. which would he entirely loft, if the Pa lia meot (hould be dilTolved before his bill paired. No.

an fwer wai given to thii queltior The lupply was voted, and the Hsufe refumed. Philadelphia, May 1. txtrttl of a httir from Covin, Mjr'b, A large (hip called the Independence, from Haiti, mote, belonging to Mr. Vanbibber, for London, with tobacco, wai totally loft on this tflind a few days ago. The crew were faved by the exertions of the people from the (hare, who tifqued their'livei for their prefervation.

Mr. Vanbibber, the owner, was fenfeltfj when brought altiort." IxtrtS of letter from gtnllttrtn. tt AnttafoVit, idled April to, 1784. Tht Minider ot France, whu arrived heie three days fine, among other things made the following com nvmication to Congrefs. IttraR of at letter written Detmbtr, 1783, tj tbi Count de Vtrgtmit, to the Cbtvalter de la Luxcrnt.

Hit Majeily hath decided in a manner irrevocable, that tht port of 1'Orient fhotild be frer, and that Ame lican navigators may actually confider it ai fuch. The (die) of the King hath nor yet, however, been publiihed, becaufe the intention of hit Majcdy being to give to thii tAablifhmrnt all poflible exreafion the regulation! mud bs reduced after a mature examination, and conceived in fuch minner, that the advantagei granted to tlve merchants of the United States, may not elTentially preju diet our commerce and the reventiei nf the date. Tht merchants of the United Sratei may equally tnjoy the liberty to frequent the ports of Maifeillei ind Donkiik; and they dull partake, like other nations, of the franchifei and privilege! of thefe two places." When Captain Keelcr left England, party madnefs had rifen to fuch 1 heiiht, that it wai thought nothing tut a porular cnnvulfion, or 1 diifulution of Parliament, whlcft wai daily expected, woul reltore order and regularity to that long antic nation. The numtroui partial which ui'cd to didurb the public fepofe, It frems, are now rrdured to two only, via. the adrr.lrersof Put, and the follower! of Fa.

The former hn the (onfidenrt ind fupport of tht people, and the patronage and fmilei of the monarch. The latter, by eloquence ind intrigue, preferves an influence among the awWy in tha Houfe of Commons. Wt hear hii Fxiellency Ceneral Wafhington arrived at Annapolis on Tuefday lad from hii feat at Mount Vernon, and may be momently expectej in thii citv. Congrefs, we hear, on tht 16th ult. came to a rtfalu twri to adjourn on tht jd day of June next, and to meet a tht 30th Otlober at Titotan, place icadtred msmaiaUe from tice gallant attack, defeat, and capture of a body of.

Hefliar.s under General Rail, ort the 26th of December, 1776, by a few undifciplined troops under the immediate command of hit Excellency Ceneral Waihington. A Committee of the States will be appointed to fit and tranfacl bufmeli, during the recefs ol Congrefs. The fl.ip Sarah, Mefnard, armed at New Voik, in 3a days from Spithead, in England. Tbi following r'j eofied from the Miming Chronicle of tbi lore of March, as tuviirs; been extraded from the Ktw Ycrk Gaeoctte. Knit York, Jan.

15. Bufinefs 11 very dead here, and money fcarce; the Etitidi having carried it all away with them. La Sophie British frigate, which Culcd from hence for England fix days ago, had loo.ocol. fieri, on board. Thia city has been very quiet and peaceable fnee the Britilh left it, excepting two nighti after the army went to the Weft Point to be difcharged, when the mechanics, headed by a General Lamb, a Colonel Willet, and King Sears, rcfolved to (top ton's prefi, and fent him notice of it, to which he paid little regard.

The night after they broke the windows of his houfe, and fome other people's houfes, whom they call Tories, and broke down their fignt. The day following the above gentlemen waited on him, and faid, if, he did not defill from printing, his houfe would be pulled down, and his throat cut. Upon which he told them, he would print no mote. Mr. Rivingtonwaspritlter of the Royal American Gazette, during the relidence of the Britifh army; and, in confluence of the above, he ii now felling off his printing materials." The unprincipled adherenti to Britain cannct yet a bandon their favorite practitj of ly ing, artifice and mijrt prefentatkn.

With refpect to the gentlemen here mentioned, we are warranted in ilferting that it is a fallhood no lefs notorious than malicious That R'tv'wgton was ordered to (top hii prefs, is true but the gentlemen were deputed by the people to whom, and to America in general, he is peculiarly obnoxious and the language adopted On the occalion was by no means indecent or improper Sir, we are appointed by a body of our fcllow citizens to forbid your publifhing any more news papers" re attempted ta expollulate, but was told, we have liveied the mcflage, fhould it be difrega.ded you mud a bide the confequence." It fuch flagitious and ibtroug I faced fcoundrcls as Ri vington, hii Slgcnii, Txli, and Abetiori, are permitted to breathe and contaminate the free air of our country, in vain hive we contended for independence and difmem berment from Great Britain. 1 Meffieurs I'm Tiro, Yorl ate requefied to give the following Queriei a place in your ufeful paper. May 1784. A Son or St. Tamant.

7HETHER the militia who now parade on the commons of Philadelphia are nat generally mechanics l. Whether the mechanici and manufacturers have recervrd any encouragement from the government of rennlylvania with relpett to tlieit manufactures 3. Whether the tories and thofe who have not borne arms during the war, ought not to be compelled to turn out and leatn the ufe of arms In cafe of another wai, efpecially ai they have, with foreigners, enjojed the fweetsof our dear earned peace and independence 4. Whether it it the duty of any perfon to fight for this or any other country, which icfufe to give him bread, and wheiher it is not a crime of an inexpiable dye in a free republic to embrace and loiter its determined enemies in preference to their firmed friends i 5. Whether the mechanici and manufacturers of England, who have been fighting againlt America, fur at lead ftven years, do not meet with sreaicr encourage ment from this Hate than our own I and whether it it not the mod baneful policy in any date to act on fuch bale, ungrateful principlei 6.

Whether it would not redound to the honor and intereftof the mechanics and manufacturer! of America, toedabtifh Committers of Correfpondence, to unite like a band of brothers to manfully dt.min fuppart each other at every rifque and hazard, to guard agalnd the hady dridei and tuinous approaches of externs, parricides and traitors, and to fave themfclvci from wretchedncft and ruin? Some fugitives Linn on the religioui Sectary called New Light Quakers. OFT have I pail, obferv'd the greated cire, In and who level to a hair Tv lay down rules wliichonirnf rnen1s had milts And learn to tight, with mvjhl and with fjli Oh 1 ftay yoarflam in our enllghten'd days, All will not figbt, when Cod is to be frail MARINE LIST. ARRIVALS fince our lad. Sloop Unity, Uobinfon, from Virginia; flaop Polly, Williams, Antiaua fchooner Happy Return, M'Spar ran, Baltimore 1 brig Sucky, Tinker, North Carolina: biig Don Unzaga, Stevens, New Yoik fchooner Polly, Lurty, Vimmaj fchooner Adventure, Nicoll, New York (hip Brothers, Hathntn, Rridol biig Dolphin, Enges, Aux Cayes; imp Molly) Villi, Jamai ca; (hop Fair Lady, Hilton, Virginia; biig Hannibal, Woikman, Jamaica fchooner Koanoake, Maori, North Carolina fchooner Berfey, Li ujheid, North Carolina (loop Bioiklyn, Hamilton, Ct arleftun; (bop Two Friends, Brown, Ilifpaniola brig Frienilfhip, Forbes, St. Martin'i fchooner IncVpenorncy, Treen, Egg Harbour brig Cetlcy, bmallccm, Grenada; Ihip A nierican, Kfcltr, Itridol.

Advertiiement. ON TuefJay, twenty feventh day Of April lad for now 'tis May, At I from hnol was homeward bound, I faw a Pur ft lie on the ground I took it up, I view'd, and lo! It did contain jud Half a Jot. The owner, if he1 doth apply, And fully prove his property, May have the purfe unto hlmfelf Bveayirtf a little pelf, 1 0 treat the Tyfot with a jonim, For printing thii my little poem. Philadelphia, May 1, 1784. J.

H. 0. The fubferiben carry on the KnilinOrnnn llVinO nlllinPK in their vaiioos branches CM.0THS, Stuffs, ttt. are leceived by JOHN PAL i MER at the Old Ferry, and JEHU ELDREDGE in Chefnut dreet, wheie they will be returned, when drcflcd. Merchanti and other! who have broad or nar row cloths, fergei, flannels or fluffs, wet or damaped, may have them dyed, cleaned, and neatly prcfleJ, they having commodious works, and a fufficirnt number of hands to dilpatch buhneii.

urderi irtt at jonrs. and Chamlefs Hart'l Commilfion dore, will be ci.efullv at tended to by AARON and ISAAC OAK.F0RD, Cloth worken and Dyers. Derby, 3d Mo. 4th, 1784. 31 33 Tobe Let, Large and fmall commodious Stables it Cburcb alley, tint might hi converted into ijroctrj Storeu Jnfuirt of tbi Pbiladtlfbiei, April 30, 1 7S.

3 lJJ up on the lutlTind. and committed to I taol of Glnncefter county, date of New Ierfey, a certain SAMUEL RICHARDS, a run away feivant belnnitint to Mr. James Read of Newcadle countv, date of Delaware For tht information of Mr, Rred, thii ontiricationiigivenby WILLIAM WESTBAY. Philadelphia, April 30, 17J4. Jl Richard Footman IS removed into Third ltrect, next door but one to te Bunch of Grapes Inn, between Market r'd Anh ftreets, where he has for tale, a general afio'tnieiil of MERCHANDISE, fuitable to the feafoo, juftimportrd from Europe.

Philadelphia, April 30, 17S4. 3 3 3 Jud imported in the Minerva, from Claf.ow, and lad from England, and are nowexpolcd to Peat William Semple's Store, In Penn dreet, a general affortment of DRV GOODS; among whi.h aie the following a 1 tides, a. SIX PENNY, 8d. icd. jod.

and Ipilce nail, Iharpi and rlati; belt Biitilh fail duck, No. 1 to cznabrigs, and negro cottons; carpers and crrprt'ng; diapers and table cloths; plain, llriped, checked, and fpriged 7 and 11 lawns and aprons; fpottrj, and Ip'igged lawn handkerchiefs; a variety of Ink g'ur, printed cottons and chintfei; printed linen, cotton, and check handkerchiefs Irilh I nrns, 7 and ard wi le white and coloured ihreacL; black and while its, coan'e and fine; corduroys and velvcrets jeans and fii'thm quiltings, 9 8 wide, real and mock; plain, corded and flowered dimittirs; hair Ihjfl buckram! broad and narrow binding; garters and taper; light (lufis lor white and brown thread hofrj bed licks, 7 and yard wide; fecond and fuperline cloths ihalloom; buttons; jewelry, cutlery, and hard ware; men and womens leather (hoes womeni calamanco (hoes faddlf, an I fad dlery; bibles, tedamcnts, and fpelling books blank ruled books, and Itationary bottled potter; Scutch barley in kegs. Philadelphia, April jS, 1784. 3 For Sale, Tie SU TWO IRlENDf, XTOW lair.r at Mr. Turn yi'Pyy i hire trior, 1 m.

1 iy 'XJ'j. near coo tarrtii 0 pour, cmmodiout eabbin, tvell found, tcrre ruin fati, fcre iji. jib and jiving jib, fyuare fail, lef and tif fail, iv extraorumay aticbort, ara nrto cable; rcr ttimi affly ftlMVlii BF.VAN, imond JIrcct, mar l'me f.xct. ffilaclelftm, April lS, 1784. 31 To Charter or Freight aoy Fat in Ireland, Brillol.

Liverpool or Glafow, m. 11 1 ,1 cm i or iiriganune i i 1 a nwrviAS vuiviv.iv., i.u,t 'J r.V Btni en aUmt 1 50 rj. Tor termt affly to tie Ciftain on beard, at Maffrfi wlarj', or to WILLIAM StMril, at tu Mie tenn Jtrett. tbiladelfbia, April 1, 1784. 31 33 To be Sold at Public Sale, On the frtmifct, on WEDNESDAY tie ihtb of THAT large and convenient FARM, ommoniy known by the name of 'Ite Great Hci ri I'lai t.

ti fituated on Bohemia river, Csrcil county, Maiylnoj containing between 4 and jco acres of land, ab ut 150 of which are wood land. There ae on the prrmiiVi, a large two doty brick houfe, four looms on a floi.r, well tinifhed, with a brick kitihen and wadi houfr. id joining, a new frame barn, dabln, a ftore hnufr ai granary, with a wharf; about acres of drained tvvarni meadow, and a large quantity ol martli tint he drained, a well of good water before the kit. ben, uit'i a pump, an orchard of young treea ot the belt trftid fruit. Ihe fituatioa is exceedingly commanding an agreeable profpedt uf the river, whicli ai ouod ith hfhand wild fowl in their leafon.

It luite nt ir metlyaplace where an exter.five trade hat been carried which may again be revived, as tht lana carriage between it and Api quinomy creek that empties mro thr il but about ten miles. 1 htwhaif and floiri are conveniently fituated lor the landing ai.d llounn grain, tobacco, ic. Further particulars and ihe te.mi of payment will be made known on the day of laic, when attendance will be given by JOHN HODGE BAYARD, ai.d JOHN BAYARD, fen. April 18, 31 .33 Brown and Fcaris HAVE for fale it their Store In Waiei flreet, the fecond door below Spruce drert, the following GOODS, via. Holland fail duck; Kulfia ditto; hue Flanders meeting; ditto brown linens; ditto royal laval ditto; ditto Harlem ditto; ditto Silrfia ditto; olive co louied cotton linings; Rulf.a diaper rowelinc; fine while jeans; ell, yd.

and 7 wd. Marieilles quiltinp; yd. and 3 4 wd. mock ditto; lioman and Mutch cord; I'unlord bed 4IS. and 4 1 lb.

pint; Htfon tea in quaiter chclls; hiph flavor'd old Madeira In quaifer cafkt, and a few calksof bed Holland bnmdone; alfo, turn, futar, ic. N. B. Goods for lale on commillion, wet as well as dry, are received at faid dore; likewifc orilcis fruni the country, and due attention paid. Philadelphia, April 30, 1784.

31 33 To be Sold at the Coflee houfe, On SATURDAY the 1 5th rf May nexi, ai fivrri 'clock in the evening, It not told brtute at pnvate Tale, A Very fine Grafs or Padure Lot, fituated on the north fid of Walnut dreer, between Third a. Fourth dreets from the river Srhuylk'll; containing in breadth, eaftind wed, 306 frrt, and in tfith or depth, nurlh and fouth, 135 fret, bounded eidwaid by rourth Itrret, northward by Cjeore flrrrt, wedwarj by Third drret, and foulhward by Walniii drrrr, Ills under good fence, ditched all round, and has this particular advantage, that a part of it fronts un a public fquare, and is clear of all incumbrances. For terms apply to BROWN and FEARIS at the Comnalllion dore, the ItconJ door below bpiuce lticct, in Water Creet. Philidehihia, Aprllj.0, 1784. To be Sold at Public Auction, On SATURDAY the 8th 01 Mas, at In o'clock in the evening, at the Ccdit houfe (if nut fold lefoit by 1 valuable Lots of Ground In the Nor'tfrn Li be itiei, near Spring Cardcn I likewife a Tract of Land, fit ite in Bald r.aglc Neck townlhip, Noithum berland coun'y containing 3J9 acres ind a half.

In difputable titles will be kivrri. For particular! inquire 01 SHOBER andSCHRYDER In Second llreet, or SAMUEL SHOW in 1 hi dreet, where a plan of the whole miy be feen. ARTHUR St. CLAIR le Co. Auttionieri.

Philadelphia, 19, 1784. To be Sold, A Hearty NEGRO WENCH, about 11 years of ige, has been bred in tht country, Is an excellent drudge, and faid for no fault but want of employ. In. quite of the printers. Fhradelphii, April 30, 1784.

3 33 On Saturday the 8th of May next, At Jevin I'ileik in the evening, tt tit Ciffei btujt, will It Jolt ay pu. tu Houfe ana Lot of Ground Situatt in Frtnt llrttt, the corner of A Vril'l alley i tintain ing in breadth, in Print ftreet, feel 9 iniirs, and in i ftb too feet. AKIHUK. SltCLAlK Co. PbiLdelfbit, April 7, 174.

ar EDWARD IIANLENV Winc coopcr, removd til ffvie ctlhr enl to' r. ct, cn the f.ttt it, tt mid a leMn I Sf3nd $rf. xal trite Has for Sale, Wholcfale and Retail, LONDON and A'rw 7 fartukljr Madiir ft 7 Cbanrfagre and Caret ijbtfffl julhen ReJ 'ort dixrn or gallon Beji l.crdcn Pcnrr, liter, ard Wjr tie tc or dex cr. Ejt'fJ Cider, 111 rcrurnt Hi Jnctre thanH to i former fiiendi a and fum I'll iih. wMgt and li ig experience in ti ll'tnt i'firri's, la an ajichmcnt ef tht ji' fi akalittti: tbtrtfoti, fin In flinty to fluH tbc futlic in gtnrnl, hfei Is mint tie ttntiimMct and favor 1 ej tit fimer Jutn cutlcnitri, Gtntl mcii in Ini'i aid ountry, mafit'i veCtli, imdiei, may bt Jo veil on lit tjrujt riila Afril )t, 1784.

3 1 William ShcafT has tor ic, at the fouth ead corner of Market and F'n'ih lticetv, Madeira, Jamaica Sj Wed India Run. French Brandy. llrdHollandneneiainclfm Wine Bitters by the bottle. Wine and Vinegar. Double and lingle lelltiei Loaf Sugar, c.

Ac. Sherry, l.ilhon, Mal.pi. Tenriitte, Red and While Tort Claret bv the or i OIJ I lock by ditto'gorrs and olheis may be conltaiitly fupplied with the bell of Liquors, bottled, by the dcacn vr Imalltr quantity, at ti above (tore. S.ii.l Siir rr har a ouanlity of fufli CLOVER and BARLEY Phi'ul'lihia, April jo, To be Sold at Public Vendue, At Mi. Vtu'm'i CQfltt Um't in lialiimsre tinvn, on SATURDAY tie If.tb of May, Til AT well knon vainailt (Jiji r.d SaW MiH, tci a la' re, connenient, Ji ne av eilir.g toift, and 60 tfljnd, filiated on tie in fith of I'ttaf Jit, id on tit great road hading fiom Halumoit to I nil' ink town, and an'y 18 nii.i from tie former.

iLegrft lliaib three f.micf ftnei, (onefair t'ltmb tun) cl tjli attdclah, and 11 every way for sovf irg met clant flour. It i in an extract dinar) gctd fettle nent for eal, and barb tie advantage tf tcuntrf jlvm tie till am tinting, yearly, lo atcm 800 kufhtl. Tie it large and convenient, having loraanri, and Ht 't'tn, ii itb fl llti, and other out lcujet contigmui 'lbii ii tqual, fir public bvfintjt, to any one tn lit Jlate. Ibtre on the ahve mtntitned, a f.ung or.batd of 100 i fit rin, vi i Jeveral tber riui. tjruit trtti, 7.

te mi tire ai f.Ht ivi Ohe quarter to le faid mfvra ntintii, and lie rimaindir to he faid yearly 11 laIf. iy. rrrnt tc be at tl txf tr ith ifjh'e ycaiu tiirtler I it will It made kr at the time and fhee if Jale, in tie mean time, by living near tit rrtjly mteiing in Vafun.o'e, bOLOMON ALLEN. JulJ.riber takei tntdtd to acfuaint tit fuoih tl at on the day of next month be mitndi'tn fn et Stbr olfor tie 'luttwiiof 7'wtb, the Voimtain tavern in bejnut ftrett, between Second and Jbird fiirttt. Hii attrition ti bit e.tlliup upxuardi of eighteen yearim ai Reading in Penrfylvania, and mr.t at h'oed buy, H'rjl Jtrjcy; li nil tian.t v.

hi.b I wai farted icrrir tit belt) tttjt placti, renderi it unnetejiary to Jat mut I ere. lie lai jujl to and, that regard to iih wi.r.ri if tiil. d'en, attvtllai thin jti ooi edutatton, ri Ln He Ji.nt.ri 1 in.irlf, that tare ann ajfniuity will mtd willo tn our affluent and iofei, ai biihttio, 10 five general janjaflun. Jl HEMUH PAUL.

i'lil, ,1 ti 'a, i Me. t(th, 1 14. 1J 13 RUN A A On tbi tttb injlant, from the Jubjcriber living an Mi; Oougall'i country failing tt and in 'turner lane, hiladtiflu county, HENRY BAK.hR, five tit and a half high, bttwen 34 and ofagt, ii lo'g vifortd, it tl with tie Jmall fox, lat a fotntta mje, ard cb.ingrahlt hair, vim. tl fo onl 11 mixed grey, the crown white, the bind fart blaik and cut reunil bad on wlen le went awai, a ettor wool lat, a nankttn coal and brttclti, a Itht blue tloib iatktt without Jleevei, lit Hue, rilhed, wirjltd Jink: gi, talfo worn Jl'tri, and jsuare bi ifi h.klen be Irrendi to be Jlttl tnanufarlurtr. H'boever tatei uf laid Hem) Fakert and jtimti tim in any gaol in tin or any ttbtr flare in tit Uniud Utatei if America, tr brtngi bin to tht iubferiler.

jbal! lave the award cflwcnty and rcaf mailt. haiftipam ty iiLUKl.t UKUlitMEYtK. A) rjn. 7, I7S4 Hank "I nth Am nca, April jo, 17114a rHE Stockholders 01 the Hank are rrqurilrd to meet 1 1 1 on MONDAY 1I11 10th of May next, at 11 0 CK f. M.

to take in.u tlien ccrniidcratiun the pro. pri t. ol a fuither altcriti in in the molt of voting fuch queftioni is may Come before them. on tin road bttnvetn Kev fut and Middlttewn, AMI.VtS WAI CM, maker i name Ihnrlei Imden, Ko. 3756, voni Luikflin flrint (at ailain) the block mm n'vn tff.

Il'boevir bai tjund faid watcb, and will dit.ver it lo DAN IKL BYRN't at tn millt, lONAIII AN Cbefnnl jlria Wharf, flail bail tour Dollar! leuard. B. It ii fufpoftd laid K.b wat 4' opt near Cbrijtiaoti bruige flilade'ftia, Mo. 10i, 1754. 3 1 35 a THE ful fcrihers, fium tht enrourgrinent they hlvtt netwit'i in carrying on Urn ll.i,e, have deter mined t.i run tin rn twice a wtrktrum llaiiimoic to Phi in til' manner foH.

uru, ii, lr'. dni at let off every atll Turfdiy In each week, ac two o'clock, I'. M. fmrn Mr, Richa 1, inmon'. wh.rt in Pa tlmnit, Anp hail an hour at Mr.

Wil Tilint.le'a whart, tell's Pi in and arilvt at C'haile lnwn on Sundays and Widniidayi.w hrn Vie nag Wgon will be ready tn Convey the paiUnrers tu New rattle on Mundiyi inj I'liu fjays. The Ncwcall'e at ti utf eeiy Monday evening otTuefdav ni'nin, and Friday morning, fir Tie but alfofrti off fium Philadelphia on Solfav. and The ltaie af'jon ftti out for lmlvd un on Tusf dayi ami Fiidays, and tin llag' bcat lrt out lor Haiti more at fnanas the anive it t'harletto n. The fobf.iiberirlattvr thenilelve that fmrn the quick fi of the tallage and the ie convejanc, thef will met. with tht appiobatinn and enrourairrmen! of an imi i'tial pulilic, ai they hire providtd good boa'i and a te fl.ife waon, with intif accvmmudatioii ceiiaiy for fuch a coi'teyanct.

Each paffenger (hilbaggige txcerdlng a lbs. wt.) on Balttmnre to Cliailellown, to pay 71. 6d. from Charleltown to Newcadle, 7s. id, and from Newtidlt to Philadelphia, 31.

oJ. All luggage nf 150 lbs. wu the famt as a pallrnger in tht Aat wagrnn. Goods, tic. which yenllrmen and ladirl choofe ta nd by the above flapei, will be taken in by M'llicurvj Richard Lemmon in Baliimi re, William Trimble, Fall's Point, John Hanvlton, Chailrltuwn, Stockton and T.ckrrt, Nearcadlr, and by Mr.

Harrer, Ciuoktd Billat wharf, Philadelphia. JOHN STOCKTON. 1H0MAH KCKEN. JOirN HAMILTON. N.

it. lib' fetondfliige boat Jtti ef front I til ftijl tim, intuejia) ibtkimefMi)..

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