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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 2

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THROUGH AHOLE TWO JUVENILE PRISONERS DUG OUT OF THE CITY JAIL Arretted for Robbery Commit In Strafford, Mo. SOME OTHER CRIMINAL MEWS Springfield had a jail break early yesterday. Roy Danlele and Fred Langston, aged respectively 12 and 10 years, dug through the brick wall la the southwest upstair cell of the city JalL The boya were safely In jail at 11:30 Sunday night, but when Officer UcKee opuned the door yesterday morning to feed them they were gone and a hole In the wall told their manner of exit When plaoed In JaN Sunday morning the boya wero not locked In a eel), tut were" left In the corridor, tho 'of fleers not thinking they would atu mpt to break JalL Aa the upper southwest cell was not occupied, the dr.or was Jfift unlocked. The juvenile 'prisoners procured the store poker scraped the mortar from betwecr. the brick In tho wall and soon hud a bole large enough crawl tlvvougb.

They dropped to tho. ground and escaped. place In the which tho boys ttile' ben pWatrated by prls f'Ttoners eiyeral times. The two boys werj arrested Sunday morning, hy Offlctvv McKee. after, a on a charge of a store" and a dwelling In.

Strafford, Saturday. They, admitted their guilt tind rtan.iels said "ho kept guard at tie tore door a while Vangntor, went, through the' aUo'e. They tald bsca oe, hungry iwd weut to.a. house Mk for to eat, but as was no l' one, at Browtt people. Brown Ma.

I ru i Lumber Judging from the trade ve had last week it looks as if our sale might close with this week. On apGount of our very large stock the assortment is still complete, notwith standing our very heavy trade the past few days. Better come quick for if last week's trade is repeated this week the sale will soon close. home, they went in and helped them selves, finding among other things they wanted, a gold watch. Ira Milburn was arrested Sunday by Ollicer Edwards on a charge of stealing 29and a from Dr.

Hainpr ton of MarsliOpUl, at the Waddle hotel Saturday night. It is said the doctor was Intoxicated and that Mil burn took lira to the Waddle hotel Milburn 'km released yCstorday, as the evldeaco against him was not sufficient warrant holding A frcVght car laden with sugar, and standing oh Water strjeeL in the rear of Mijllgan's grocery was entered Saturday nlgbt and 300 pounds of mifar was stolen. The officers have no ciue to the thief: Claud Hujvkfna was arrested yesterday af leruooa on Olive street by Officer Siott oif a charge of being drunk and dawn. He will probably be tried tuday. Stand Like a Stone Wall.

Between your children and the tortures of IrcIiliiR and burning eczema, scaldhcad or other skin diseases. How? by using Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, i earth's greatest healer. QuickC at cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Infallible fc Piles. 20c at J.

W. Crank Drug Standi Denton. Loal Weather Report. At 7 a. m.

7esterday the barometer was 29.62, thermometer 64, velocity 19, wind sou theaut and weather clear. At 7 p. m. the barpmetor'was 29.67, thermometer 71, velocity "35, "wind sout'jeast ntl weather Vaxlmum temperature, was 79, One yar, ago It' was 74. Minimum temperature was 59.

On the same date last year It was CI. Total precipitation May 1 to date, 1.56 Inches. Normal for May S.97 Inches. ThUatorutnroi" on tnerj hox of th main Laxative BromoOuL Tbicu sisdy UuS cuta a cola la cm gra LIFTING A HEAVY PLANK Isn't So dlffleutt If you know, the. way.

We've the heaviest stock of thoroughly sensnncd timber and lumber of all descriptions that's what wo bavo. It's all cnrofylly ascorlcd and ready for lmmedlato'dcilvory. We're mov injj Jt with the fulcrum of low prices, rromptueg;) en'i reliability are the vci thr.t Co the ioti. for us as trad liners. Cnn.

nnytMng In our lino i titt'. iwV.v.ntaj,!Oiis tcrmsi In Llr.i, nd; Portland Cement. Veorltula Hair. etc.

See thv Ca.cornar Ualn and MiU Sta Spring atf PASSED TO HIGHER LIFE. Mrs. Augusta Late Ira'S. Haseltin, Wife of the Haseltine, 'Is Dead. Mrs.

Augusta Thomas Haseltine, wife of the late Hon. Ira S. Haseltine, died at her borne near Dorchester at 12:40 o'clock thlsvmornlng. She has been ill tor eight weeks with an attack, of rheumatism, dropsy finally taking her away. Mrs.

Haseltine was borajn Andover, Vt, December She moved with her father's family to eastern Wisconsin, near Waukesha, when a child of 8 years. She was married to Ira S. Haseltine January 1st, 1846. Together they traveled for the next ten years ou a lecturing tour through the eastern states. Later with her husband and little ones she settled in Richland where Hasel alne located the beautiful little city of Richland Center.

ThJs was her home until 1S72. when tho family moved to Missouri, locating at Dorchester, five miles west of Springfield, where they built their horrie and plant ed an Immense apple orchard and reared their family of nine children. All of the children were the bedside when she passed atfay. The aching void created In each heart by the death of their beloved mother attested to each the irrepressable loss sustained. Mrs.

Haseltin realized thai she would not get well and expressed desires to join her husband on the other side, film 'fully beliuvjng In the i future life of eternal advancement Tho deceased leaves five sons and four daughter, S. I. Haseltine, L. K. ilaseltlne, I.

A. Haseltine, Mrs. Rosa Dreyfus of Dorchester, 'S. A. Haseltine, H.

C. Haseltine, Mrs. Vlnnie Hra ton of Sprlngfleld, Mrs. Nollie Byers of Kansas City, Mrs. A.

H. Clark Davis of Oskaloosa, low. Her two Bister's, Mrs. Sarah Park of Waukesha, Frances Smith, of Big Bend, were also bre. Tho funeral will be held at the fam lly residence at 10 o'clock Tuosday morning.

Rev. J. T. Roberts, pistor of tho Church of the World of Ka.isas City will officiate. Interment will be In Hazclwood cemetery, Whooping Cough.

A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from It She says: "Our three ebdl drea took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only months old, and owing to our giving them Remetfy came out than other children wh'it parents dirt njt use this remedy. Our oldut little girl IS would call lustily for bough syrup between whoops. Jessie Plnkey Hall, Spriugville, Ala. This Remed Is for sale by all druggists. CONDITION IMPROVED, J.

A. Fields Better, But Is Not Expect ed to Recover. The condition of J. A Fields, who was probably fatally cut Saturday morning by James Carrison, was very much Improved yeaterday morning, but it is not considered probable that he will recover from the wounds. Following Is the condition of the man as given by bis physicians, Drs.

N. C. Williams and J. P. Wright: eveulng Pulse 100; respiration, 19; temperature, 99 4 5.

Sunday morning Pulse 10S; respiration, 19; 100 evening Pulse 110; respiration, 22; temperature, 101 4 5. Monday morning Pulse 92; respiration, IS; temperature', 99 4 5. He enjoyed good rest Sunday night and his wounds are In good condition except the wound In the abdomen, wllch la only fair. It was reported to the police that Garrison was seen at Broad and Commercial streets Sunduy afternoon, but so far they, have been unable to locate him. Won't Follow Advice After Paying For It.

In a recent article a prominent physician "It is next to impossible for the physician to get his patients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or diet to the smallest extent; he has but one resort left, namoly, the drug treatment." When medicines arc used for chronto constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain's Stomach ft Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use Is not followed by constipation, as they leave the bowels In a natural and healthy For sal by nil druggists. CRIMINAL COURT. A Special Session Was Hsld Yester Morning. Judge Gideon convened criminal court yesterday morning in speelal seasloa for the purpose of disposing of several rasps, the defendants being InjalL Ernest Doss, who burglarized tbs house of Lin Harris several sgo.

enteMd a plea cf guilty and was sentenced to the. reform school for cne year, but was paroled during good behavior. Oonrrol wars entered 4 iihiiii iim mm i i rtrft w'rirJ Viif ini i 4 ir i TIIE SPRINGFIELD KEPOTJJilCAST, TUESDAY MORNING, MAT 20, 1003 STOLE $7,000 Ju 14 THE REMARKABLE CAREER OP A CRIMINAL RELEASED FROM KANSAS PENITENTIARY. Had Refused te Speak for Over Four Year. SAYS HE WILL HOW BE GOOD mi rfhu aifiiinii in i i i tmrmrMi j.

i 4 Saddlery Company. Carriage Department Mi 4 In) two cases against Walter Wallace, charged with grand larceny, and in th'c case against Monroe Mnnday, charged with, burglary. After the court bad adjourned It was learned that Charles Dean, charged with robbery, and George Dodson. charged with burglary, wished to plead guilty, but they were too late and will have; to remain In jail until the next regular term of court No Loss pf Tims. I have sold CbamberlahVs Colic, Cholera and ftiarrhoea Remedy for yearg, and would rather be out of cof feo and sugar than It.

I sold five bottles of It yesterday to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work' acaln this mornlnr. I I'liel(ls, Plymouth, Ok; As will bo seen the above, the treshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. You shoull keep a bottle of this Remedy In your home. For sale by all drug gists.j ANOTHER ROBBERY; That Is what occurs every time you are charged more than 35c for Syrup of Figs, as "New brand Is reduced from 50 to 35c. Is genuine Sy rup of made from California figs and prunes.

It's good; try it CLOSE NEXT WEEK. Pest Camp Will Shut Down For th 8ummer. Health Officer Cunningham stated yesterday that ho expects to close the pest camp for the summer next week. Last week tho only patient was a baby, and It was hoped thut the camp could have been closed last week, but a man cunie Into tho city from another town and brought the disease with blm. He was not 111 and did not think that be Was afflicted with smallpox.

On this account he went about and spread the malady, 'four others being taken sick. There are five In the camp nbw, but they will bo dismhscd beforo the end of the we.ek.s This May has so far been an ex ccptlonally light one In the number of smallpox cases reported to the nu thorities, and 'It Is thought that the persistant and effective work of tho officers having this department In hand Is slowly but surely driving tho peat fionytheclty. The incoming population that continually brings the dluruse back cannot be ret trained, but there Is a elope watch being kept and a smallpox patient Is not la this city long before he lands la the pest camp. Last Msy there were thlrty llvs persons dismissed and so far this month there have bata only Bine, (From the Fort Scott Tribune.) Jerry Chouteau tho notorious Illi nois, Missouri and. Kansas criminal who probably has a more checkered career than any other criminal known to he detectives of those States and who was sent to the penitentiary from hero pearly five years ago, Is a free man once more, and ho spent night butore last In Fort Scott.

While Pre ho indicted a letter to J. I. Shcppard. who prosecuted him and sent blm to the Kansas penitentiary, In iyhlch he says he has given up the life of crime after having been a thief for 24 years, of which time 15 years have been spent In penitentiaries and asylums. His is a most remarkable story.

He says the change to lead a good life came In a resolve when he was sent to the penitentiary from Fort Scott He vowed that he would not speak a word until he was released and came to Fort Scott and he has kept that vow. For almost four years be was silnt. Wednesday he was released from the pen, having served four years and eight months, and he ram directly to Fort Scott, where he wrote the letter to Mr. Sheppard, thanking him for sending him up, and telling him about his life of crime. When be was sent up ba took a solemn vow never tu speak until he returned to Fort Scott.

It was herAihat be spoke for the first' time aftcliul.ijg s'enteuced. Over half of his ll was spent In crlnfe and be says that It does not pay. He owns a plantation near Birmingham, and he was rnroute thero when he came to Fort Scott. He says that when he went to stealing he had $5,000 and during the 24 years he has stolen property to the amount of $75,000, and that he bad mad up his mind to' kill Sheriff Wheeler and Jim Bales when be served his time, bat during bis confinement he bad a change of heart. Sheriff Brooks and the Tart Scott aggregation were at the penitentiary when the convict was released, but at first did not recognize him.

Tho warden explained that Chouteau had m.t spoken a word since be was there and that he would not speak until he arrived In Fort Scott that night He was a favorite in toe prison and all hated to see him go. He started to Fort Scott to break a sllanco that had lasted nearly four years. After bidding the prison official goodbye he walked to the yard where everything was green. Ho breathed the pure air of liberty once again and then made up his mind to lead an honest life in the future. He waved bis bands above his head and motioned back to the little aggregation that watched him, Indicating thut everything looked nlco gqd green.

After be bad gone. Warden Jcwett, who incidentally remarked that Chouteau was of the best convicts Sn the prison, Jnformed Sheriff Brooks that the fellow was sent up from Fort Soott and that bis name was Chouteau. It was then that be was remembered. Mr. Sheppard has no reasons to doubt the truthfulness of his letter, and If he can be of ny service to him In any woy ho wll be.

The letter was well written aud It Indicates that Chouteau Is. sincere. It Is Interesting in the eitreme and Is as follows: Fort Scott, May 14. Jako Sheppard, Knq. Dear Sir: Oerrard Chr utenti, was this day released from tho State prison.

Jake, yon did mt a great favor. Twcuty four years I had lived a criminal llfo and. after vlbratiug between prisons and asylums I Ml In Fort Scott and I vowed I never would speak until I spoke In Fort Scott Here I fell and hero I will rso. I will fulfill that vow tunlght and broak a silence I have maintained for three years and eight mom hi. I am now on my way to Birmingham, near where I own a largo plantation.

I want you to say to all the boys fur me that aflbr 24 years in crime I quit; and I quit $5,000 poorer than I went In. I once thought I kill Jim Bales and Sheriff Wheeler when I got out but I have changed my mind. 1 freely forglv hem (of tolling that story on me. It God forgives mv lie can and will tliowe. And now, Juke, I start from her an honest man Ril'l with tho kindest feeling for you, I played, a losing game.

I found that the way of th transgressor Is a rovky (Continued on Pa; A WEAK STQMAGH When the stomach is weak your food rmistui undioented, und you full U) receive the proper nuurlMimitBt from it. Trv a. j'dme of Hostottor'a Stomach Bit ora aftrr ench mcnl. It will Kid the stomauh iu lu work of dlifetIon and prevent Dyapp sia, Constipation. Billunaaess) and Nervousness, Try jt, HOSTEffER'S STOMACH ElUtttS.

Hi B. f'Erecf Form" Summer 0 SETS Time for your summer cor act nw bcfor your thin dmsn are nude. Your costume will fit twlc a well over the orw Corct. The W. 11.

Ertet Form lummvr mwteli (rive desired Erect Form figum, release all the strain from the butt and Women and are as JifUt as a feather. Made of tine white tlncn batiwte in the fuiltiwmg models Ml for slight. 6knra ft 09 VI for mciiium figure 4 1.00 72 for trvtlpcJ i'ik urea i I SO 961 (or medium figures 2,90 903 for stout ficurcs Z.M If ytmr draler catim supply you bend price of curget tjethed iu WEINGABTEN BROS. 177 Broadway, V. T.

iMgnX win. gftumn ia U.t urUJ ONE 25 CENT BOTTLE GRGVEd ORAM DYSPEPSIA BEIEDY WTLL CON VlfCkl? OIS HE 130I "Will remcTe ftll diatroaa. A psrmanont Cnr guaranteed. "For tv yoan I iiifntrod untold i cry fr Urfncpt. i trieit liootora fi.ile.1 tovven giv roller.

Gr vaf Qroliaiu Pyftpflpnia B4mUy gnvu insunt rt Hi anl a punuiitient cure, Thr is no heltiiior duui iu our city to lay." WILS3 GILEEBT, Akron, Ohio. Three Bitot, fiOe, sod 1 .00. S. OHOVT (iHAMM N.Vj for Salo by Fereuson Klntfta Drug Bortniiflcld, 11 o. A Skin sf Besuty ia a Joy Forever.

Dr. T. Felix Gouraud'e Orientsl Cream, or Magical Beautifiefl VcrlLes as well as cau tinea the Skin, No other cosmetic will do It. Removes tan, pimples, moth patches rash and skin disease, and every blemish oa beauty and defies detection. Ou lts.trtues it has stood lb test of li yetrst no other baa, and so iiarmless taste It to be sura It Is properly made, Accept no couni terft lt of similar name.

The distjn gulsbed lr. h. A. Suyre said to a laUy; of tho bautton. (f patient: ''As you i dles will obo I 'Gouraud's Cream' as pie least hsrm (Ul ot all the prcparailopj." Opa boltlo wltriast six oujQths, tislhg It every flay, POUDRE removes superfluous haiq wlthoDt Injury to the skin.

Vcrd T. Hopkins, I'rop'r. 5 Greal Jones N. Y. Kor ralo by all irug gists nnd fancy goods dealers throughi out tbe U.

Cacaaas ana Europe, i Also found in N. City at a H. Uacy's, Wanamaker's, and other fane) goods uealers. beware of taae lml tatiuns. il.WO tewaru tor arrest atdj proof ot any one selling tbe same, SroP! It com you nothing to see and talk with our Kcsidcnt, Specialist, Dr.

Griffin, who flirrimr Ihe nntt vear Springfield) has proven to you can get at his office) that ha can cure "cnrouic, given ca See the Doctor, ev.t namiisf" tbe cured. them, incn act aj yow fecK i' BS5T" Koom 3H Nail Etcfn UrK DR. GRIFFIN'S Md4. Inatltul. JL i SPiUNGf IELD, MO.

iiAJ.lAJ.XAAAlf r'V'VAI'K. li'. I t( T' i i'iii iirxi ritu la ttKlft a I Mililx Wis. Bfrfu CpNlfttl' u. al Uiawrtn liW IUI( 1 VJ t.tmii I Jt r.ll.ilnr.

TMHnMi Lf 1 4 li l' Jj lur. Mll. IB) MaunlUii. M.41m I'UIU. i.

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