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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 7

Springfield, Missouri
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I ME SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1903. fL Ym. t'i" rin Tan Otf Values Ate Revelations. Ow Low Prices Bring yoti Back. Book' Cases.

Baby Carriages and Go Carts Wl v. 3 if a if. I 3 f. ns Sideboards 'Tr' I L' i. Don't forget this line" while looking.

We. are prbu3 of them. Pining Chairs. Chiffoniers; 1 III ivomv'i or cane seat, to An elegant line rnatch sideboards In all woods and and tables. 'finishes.

'T V. 7 5S different styles from which "to select. Each one a beauty. Little Lessons In Economy How tempting to the housekeeper re tb aprlng inarkuti uf tuduy with their arrojr of frejU frdea pmUutcg Vhotfe crisp frelinca and brilliant coloring, would entice the anchorite to cat They suggeat so inauy delightful possibilities and combinations. To the woman who has been obliged to depend on canned vegetables oud the few dried vegetable root, and bulbs all winter because her purse would not permit the Indulgence of hot house or el.e because her limited home market could not mtpply her ita material, the term "fresh vegetables" doea not apply to the few arly spring vegetables which are scarce B8 well aa high' In price, but to those grown In tho fresh open air and which convey the pleasurable sense of green fields and sweet smelling earth.

Rhubarb or plo plant and asparagus a little later are the first of our garden Vegetables to appear In temperate latitudes, although for a fact the first Darned vegetable Is regarded as a fruit nd used as Buch. Doth, however, are among tho most delightful as well as the most wholesomo garden products we and should be used much more commonly than they are. They are easily cultivated arid do not take UP much room, which means that they Siiay be "raised" In limited garden Space. Rhubarb may be utilized' in a great variety of dessert dishes and for a most acceptable sauce to accompany meats, the well grown asparagus, tender and rich In flavor, may take the place of a meat dish, especially when dressed with a rich sauce and served with eggs and toast As both of these products are coming Into more general use, and because there really 1. a gradual but sure tendency toward a very limited meat diet, very hosekecper Is seeking tor as many ways; of serving such foods as he 1.

least acquainted with as she lean possibly gain. Baked Rhubarb, Peel the rhubarb stalks, unless they Ire vefjr'tontier, (Tut them Into Inch lengths, put them Into a jttdno crock or deep pudding basin with one part sugar and two parts frultf or a little more sugar If you like the sauce quite sweet Do not'add wator. ptand tho crock or 'basin lu a pan of boiling water to keep tho rhubarb from burning and set. It, In the oven and bake Until tho pieces are clear but whole. This make, a prettier sauce and tnkes leos sweetening than whoa It Is tewed.

A llt.tle lemon Juice or the Un yellow, peal may add.d to fla When yoti buy buy em at the tight house. If you are going store, see our styles, ww iwi you nao not inougnt 01 oeiore. Our Low F0 prices Bring K3 nmnue soup stork or water, add a third of the reserved tips and cook until th asparagus is tender enough to pren tbrnttfTh a sieve, leaving only the fibi4 l'ut the lluuld and pulp together and place oVi the lire, e.i anon to liuto with nilt and pepper, living to boiling point, let cook a few minutes, then add cup of hot cream or 2 Little Lessons In Economy rich milk thickened to a sauce with, two" level taldcspconfulls of flour and two level tabl bimonfiilH of flour and Stir until blended then iMd the remainder of the tips which have been cooked lu a separate sauc pan, servo at once with small croutons. Asparagus With Wah the asparagus, pluee In a saucepan with tips all one way and cook In bulling, salted water until tender but not mushy. Drain and place In a buklng dish, season well.

Heat the yolks of three eggs light, add four tablespoonfuls of cream, two level tablespoonfuls of butter, pinch of salt, a daub, of pepper and the whites of the eggs beaten to a froth. Pour the mixture over the asparagus, place In the oven and bake until the" custard Is set Asparagus Peel and wash two large bunches of asparagus, tie each bunch 'in smaller bundles with the tips 'all at one end, place In a vegetable boiler, cover With bulling water and cook 25 minutes, then add salt and let slmtper five minutes: Put one finely chopped onion In a stew pa 11 with two level tablespoonfuls of butter and a small bay leaf, cook a few minutes without browning, then add three level tablespoonfuls of flour and stir and cook until it thickens; add two cups of chicken broth, season to tnsto with salt and pepper, and add a pinch of nutmeg; cook five minutes. Strain through a' coarse sieve Into another saucepan, beat the yolks ot two eggs light, mix with a tablespoonful of lemon Juice and stir gradually Into the sauce. Set the saucepan on one side of the range, continue stirring while you add slowly an ounce of butter cut into small pieces. Stir until very hot birt not boiling.

Drain the asparagus, arrange on slices of buttered toatjt and pour the sauce over it or serve from a se.parate bqwl. SHARLOT New York and Philadelphia Cannot be more pleasantly reached than by tho Orn'nd Trunk Lehlgh Valley Solid through tralns'mng uMccnC scenery. Descriptive literature sent free on application, to tieo. W. Vaux, Ai O.

and T. Grand Trunk railway system, 135 Adams St, 'JSC surprised to learn how little it costs to furnish a really pretty the Latest Creations in lister Bra ar being shown, together with a full line of Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Straw Matting, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Portieres and Shades at prices to suit all classes youOack. UIIIUUu ti UOIIJOi Extension Tables 3 different designs Pillar Exten lion Tables in both round an 4 square. vor the same. This aauco may be made into a light delloato dessert by whipping.

the whiles of two Kgs and folding them Into the sauce while it Is till watiu. Rhubarb Tapioca. Soak two thirds of a cup of tapioca over night lu the morning drain tud add, one cup of water aud cook uutll the tapioca Is clear, adding little more wtter if ncciKtiary. Add a pinch of suit, a cup and a third' of sugar and a cup and a half uf finely sllcotl rhu baib. Turn It Into a pudding dish and bake lu a moderate oveu fur an hour.

Servo It warm or cold and with sweetened cream It liked, Miubarb Sherbet. Wash twelve. atulUs of rtyibarb nnd cut into lueh pieces. Futthirtn 4nto a sauce with three pints of water and cook slowly until the rhubarb Is tender. 'Add the Juice of a lemun and make about as sweet as lemonade.

Cover and let It 'stand in a cool place several hours, then strain, through a Bivvy and fieeze. Rhubarb Cobbler, Measure two cups of sifted flour Into a bowl, add bait a teaspoonful of aai( and two teaspoonful. of baking powder and sift again. Then rub In two ounces of butter with a spatula or flexible knife; do nut use the bands. Heat one egg very light and add It to I Uiree fourths of a cup of milk.

This graduuliy ana eveuiy into 1110 ury Ingredients, making rather a soft dough. Line tho sides of a baking dish or a squaro uufeult pan with the dish' or a square biscuit pan with the barb with three cup. of sugar Tind turn Into the dish, ltoll out the remaining portiqri of the crust to fit the top, cover, brbsh tho edges with a' little white of an egg and pinch the crust together lightly to keep the Jtiloe from stewjng out Bake half an hour. Add a cup of granulated sugar and grated Tlnd of a lemon to cup of rhubarb which has been peeled and chopped fine. Moisten a tablespoon ful of cornstarch with a tablespoonful of cold water and pour a cup of boiling water over It and stir Into the rhubarb, add the well teeten yolks of three Line a deep pie pan with a plain crtiBt nnd turn in the mixture, bako nntll the custard Is set.

When cool make a meringue of the whites ot the eggs and half a cup of powdered sugar, heap over the cutitard and, plucc In the oven and urown slightly. Cream of Asparagus Soup. Wash large bunch of asparagus and cut off the tips, over tho stalks with, cold wator, cook flv mfnutes and drain. Covet wituj'threa pints of Furniture and Car oeis biiv 'em went, cet place and you will be to add a new piece or two and are in doubt as to just the proper thing, come to our the multiplicity and diversity of designs and finishes seen here, may suggest some All NINliTiiro ir1. B'nrnnf 0.

EQKASi Kgr. 217 E. Ccntmercial Street. PHONE Ovt Big Line of Parlor Suites. Odd Parlor Pieces is unexcelled.

"i.i'.T". m.iiTm 1 II': IS IN SI LOUIS DIALINGS WOMAN HELD IN THAT CITY ON A CHARGE OF ROB BERY. Sfi. I. In Company With Oren Fugitt of This City.

THEY HAVE BEEN HERE SIX DATS Ueputy Sheriff Wilson of Millings. peat yesterday in this city lu an effort to loratq a Mrn. Dlchl of that place, who 1. wanted tlu re on a charge of stealing $350 from her brother in law. Officer Smith was detailed by Chief Gideon to assist Mr.

Wilson In locating tho woman. After a. few minutes' work they learned that Mrs. Dlehl had left Springlleld In company with one Oren Fugitt of this city on the same train on which the deputy sheriff arrived They obtained the numbers pf their baggage checks and wired St Louis officers to arrest them mere. A special to The Republican las Igfit, from St.

Louis said that Mrs. lehl.and Fugitt were arrested there SS they stepped from the train anu that they had the mouey when arrested. They are being held, in St. Louis until tho officer from Billings reaches that city, which he will do this morning. Tho robbery occurred flvo or six days ago, but the party robbed hU.

tated to begin criminal proceedings against his Blstor in law, but, it Is said. Anally felt compelled to do so. Since tho robbery Mrs. Dlehl hits been In Springfield "and. has been stopping at the St Elmo hotel, whore, It Is said, Fugitt and Mrs.

Dlehl represented that they were man and wife. It is said that Fugitt ws. acquainted with Mrs. Dlehl before she came to Springfield this time. He has been a bratfematl for the Frisco and, It is said, drew bis money Friday night Deputy Sheriff Wilson of Billlna, passed through Springfield last night on his way to St Louis to get the woman snd will probably rcturn wlth her tonight JOPLIN GROCERS Will Hold Their Annual Picnic St Doling Park May 28., President A.

jR, McDonald of the Springfield Groit rs' association Is jn receipt of a letter from the Jopfiii grocers, saying iioy bad Bcloctcd Doling park here kor their picnlo and would arriys in lull forca on Wedn.s its otice. stvfe. aaalltv and finish tehi Velvety sseis Your Coming Merely to Look, 0 Pleases Us. lBn OU 375. and Couchts Bird day May 28..

Springfield will en deavor tot help her Juplin mlfcihlKim uujoy the duy. Dollug paik will offer many attractions and altogether the 'oktliig pioiulsea to an uuunually enjoyable one. Striking Indian Nomenclature. Mushkoka, "Clear Sky Land;" Mag netewan, "Smooth Flowing Water;" Kawartha, "Bright Water and Happy Lands." are Indian words that fittingly describe somo of the. most delightful blKjfs for a Summer's outing on tho American continent lk'ccrlptlve literature, will bj mailed free on application to Geo.

W. Vaux, A. O. P. T.

liiaud Trunk Railway system, Hoow D17, 120 Adams Chicago. The New Royal Mutkoka Hotel Is situated In the center ot the fin est summer resort region in America, known as the Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of tbo principal cities In Canada and tho United'States. Open for guests Junq 15. For further particulars, descriptive matter and all information, write Geo. Vaux, A.G.

P. aud T. Grand Trunk railway System, 13S Adam. Chicago. The Grand Trurk Railway System Is the scenic route to tho Muskoka and Kawartha St Lawrence river and rapids.

White Mountain, and Atlantic sea coast resorts. Commenc ing June 23, magnificent Pullman Vestibule Drawing room Sleeping Cars wllijcave Chicago dally at 3:05 p. m. for Portland and Boston via Port Huron, Toronto and Montreal. For tourist publications, spply to Geo.

W. G. P. and T. Crafid Trunk Rail.way system, 135 Adams street Chicago.

The British postal department, In conjunction with the Belgium govern ment, are having made teiephon. ble to connect the two countrle. und the North Sea. AM S. Bed In a Room Stiites.

MOW pnecs. vrv. i Golden Oak, Maliogany and Eye Maple. ARE BOUND OVER AB RUTttDCE AND ANDY MYERS HELD FOR ROOQING MENGER 6HAU8EN. Frank Ti'ley Had a Fight With Twe Women Ye.terticy.

SOME OIHEBfCRIMIMl KWS Ab tint ledge and Andy Myers, arrested. WYiliivsils ulglit by Oillcers Smith und liatbUme on a charge of rol bing C. H. MuiiKeibaiiH on Chafe street, wre bound over to the crlm Ical court KutMge wnj represented by Val Muson and Myers by Zachary Taylor. Thu evidence showed Hist the defendants and the prosecuting witness had been drinking considerably that night and walked together to a point on Chase street near the Lyon street Subway and they drank together there.

The two prisoners accused each other of robbing the old mnn wtyn arrested, but (killed they had robbed him when on the witness stand yesterday. Walter Klco and Viola Rector, who were arrested Friday night by Officer. McKee, Sims ami Burns on a charge of lewd conduct, pleaded guilty yesterday before Judgo Burks aud were each fined 91 and costs. Officers llclvee and Sims arrested Ada Armstrong, Flora, Groves and. Frank Tilley yesterday morning on a char go of participating In a fight at Main and Olive It Is said the women had Tilley rolling In the dirt and that bis face was covered with blood.

i Arthur Blntey was nrTesW by Of ficer Edwards on a chnrgo of escaping from the county chain gang and wqs sentenced to 20 days In Jail. Lee gulllvan was arrested Inst night by Officers Rathbone and EJwards on charge ot being Intoxicated and down upon tho streets. We extend sl cordiatl invitation to the Jopliri Grocers AssociaCiibn on 28th. 15he fin est nactural park in the state. V1 Cocrs every 30 minutes VrTiJe A full and complete line at rigfit 7 mi Folding Beids ill 13 I i rl.

New styles in wood and Iron Folding Beds. 4 Iron Beds UK; Just received A full line In colors, $3.00 up. I We sell the Celebrated Elastia Cotton Felt Mattresses. 3 Super Service, Splendid Scenery Kn route to Niagara Falls, Muskoksi and Kawartha Ijike, St Lrwrenca rlvi and rapids, Thousand Islands, White mountain, and Atlantlo aea Toast rosorts; via tho' Grand TrunH Hallway system. 1 For copies ot tourist publications api ply to Ceo.

W. Vaux, A'. O. P. and Z.

A 135 Adams Cblcajio. 1.1 Train "Number .4 Tho Detroit and New York Expresl of. the Grand Trunk railway system, which leaves Chicago dully at 11:03 a. m. for Detroit Mt Clemens, Niagara Falls, New York and Philadelphia, carrying ide vestibule coaches, cafel purlor car and Pullman sleeping cars, Is much sought by the experienced traveler because of its quick tlma and uusurpa.ssed accommodations.

4 Information, Will t4 furnished on application, by Geo. Vaux, A. G. P. and T.

ILoom SI7f 133 Adams street, Chicago. iMdKJSl Mt. Clemens, tha Mineral Bath C1ty Is readied without change of cars oniy by the Grand Trunk Railway ay Timetables and a beautiful do scitptlve pamphlet will be mailed frea on application to Geo. Vaux, A. 0 P.

T. J35 Adams Chicago, 1 "Pleasant Way. for Summer Days' Is tho title of tht Grand Trunk Ralh way System's' now Summer Tourist) Folder which, with other descrlptlvai literature, can bo bad on application to G) V. Vaux, A. O.

P. and J. 135 AdahuLstreet Chicago. Robinson (iusVu'JslandJuan Fe jandi'st lying 600 mlleTTtKist of Valpa raiso Is to be given a civil goVernnnsnf by Clli on account of Us lobster can nlng Th wholesale pries of a nalr of shoes represents sbout 52 per cent la wages, Co per cent material and 13 Der cent minor expenses and profits..

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