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The Independent Gazetteer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

YELLOW FEVER. Dr. Rin'i pirtflionx I forfurhjand rrcvw.nv tin YfLbow Ftvaa, Ai LS f'Htvvot are ftcd fwhrtherbv ti'ihl or' day) wuh .1 pam in tne red or bat, inkn is at (to mach, chilli or fever more efpeiially if ihole fvmp tomi be acconiaiiinl by a rrdiirfk, or faint yellow hrl' in the ryes, and dull or (hooting ill'? region of the liver, lake of the powdiij in a little fugar and water cvciy fix hours, they produce four or five large evacuations from the bowel: diii'ik. pleuty of water or barley water, or thicken water or any other tnwd Jrii.k dial is agrei uLlej tp'alTiltihe operation of the It will be proper tolic in bed while the medicine is by which means 1 plentiful we at will be.inoie eahly brought on. After the bowtl are Wflyfir if the puii'c tc J'ufl or tt'nfe, eight or ten ounce of blood would betak it from the arm, and wov if the tendon or fultiefs of the pulfc fhould continue, Kalru tea, toaft and water, lemonade, water( weak, camomile tea, or bailey water, fhoulw be drank during this Half of the tliforoer and the1 bowel fhould be kept jeii, either' by another powder, or by mall dofes of tremor tartar, or cooling or by common opening giyfbtrs but if the pulfe fliotild become ueak.

and lout after the bowel arc cleanled, infufions of camomile rid (nakr root and water, elixir of vitriol and latitlan tiiri, alfo wine and water, or wine, punch, and porter, fhould be given, and the, biik either iu infurioii ni wa Ht of in fublhtice, may be adminiftered in the inter rnilfirif of the ver. Blifter may likewifc be applied to the neck, or. head in this tlatc of the diforder, and the lower, liaibi may be wrapped up in fl wetted in hoe vinegar or water. The food fball conlilt gruel, fago, panada, tapioca, tVa, coffee, Wakcho nola.e, wine whey, chickan broth, and the white mean, according to the weak or active ft ate of (he fyf The fruit of the Gafon may be eaten with ad vantage at all lime. Frefh air fhould be adntitted into te room ht all cafci, and Cool air when the pulfc ii full and tcitfc.

The floor fhould be fprinklcd' now and then with vinegar and the difchargrifrom the bo iy irinovedas fjcdiljr at poffible, 1 ,1 Thc brll preventative! of the diforder, are a temperate dcil, condlling chiefly of vegetables, great moderation. jtrthr ercilea oi body and mind, warm cloathtug, tleanlinef, and a gentle open date of lite U. R. powder confining of ten grain of Calomel, and IkUecqguinict for an adult. FROM THE FEDERAL CAZETTE.

Mr, Bjiown, a ioon ai 1 uncovered me iciiowievrr in "nr I began the care of it, by g'ntle p'urg'iof ciCHKir tartar and fain a method of treating it.wluchl bad, feen ufrd with fuccefa, by my firft pre. eeptor UoUot Kedman, in the year iba. The' puigei procured cvacuationa, but difcharged no ble from the boweli, and my patient di'd. Diflref. fed at my want of fucccfi, I waited upon Dr.

Steveni, "phyfician of great eminence, from the Ifland of St. Croix, and obtained from him an account of the me. thod of trcatina" the Well India vellow fevrr. nublifhed in the paper of yeflerday, ian extract of Inter fub fctibej A. K.

and faid to be written by Dr. Kuhn. I tried it faithfully, in conjunction with Dr. Wiftar, and it failed in three calei out of four. In thii awful fit'uation, I applied myfelf to the invefligation of the and wa loon convinced that, my want of fuc.

ceTi in my full attempt to cure it, were owing to the inefficacy of the cremor tartar and falti to difchargf the offending bile. 1 had feen large dofei of mercury giv 1 a with lately in 1 bilioui fever, in the year 1777, ia, 5 the army of the United Statei, and I had tead an account 5 of iti hern given with fucecf in a difcafe in tlm La'fl lndias, aily related to otir yellow lever; I there. foTC vemurrd to prefer ibe it. Ita wondetful efliracv looaeonvincrd me that the idea 1 had cohre ivid of the dilcaje, were Jull. I combinrd lalap with the tuty, nly to carry it more fpeedilytl Atl.

mrr ly thiough the bow and advantage of blood leuing after tmrging. are ftabblhed, not only by fuccefi, but Iv the aenfe, and iiifomc rafn, by the jfiv appearance I of the Wood. 1 have thought it prudent to deler bleed 1 ing Until the morbid bile wa dilchnrred, in oi di that I rnigtit, determine with more cettamty, whether the fevr would aflum the infhmmatory, putrid, ot nei voiiitjpe, for onfortunately all three of lhore ftnei rf fever, too often cume on with the fame violent fymp. j' aomi.v I The yellow fever now prevailing in our city, differ very maieiullv licm that whirh mevjllt it, wa 1 5 ItiCiirv n4 fevrral, psrtirularj, from that of the year I1ti will ralily be believed, bv all thole who attended to the influence nf climate and feafoni, Updn difcafr. Trcrf rilniij; for the Mami of a difoafe, without due rrgrd to the above ciieumlbmce, ha flaio rrt'ire than the, The ptienti who recovered under myeare ly the ufe of.

tne remrdir rerom'mended by Dr. Kuhn, were all (lightly nffrard. They would probably have rccovr red much foonrr, without the ufe of them. My only drfign in withdrawing myfelf for a mo nmt from the folemn dmi to my fllow citixen. in which I am now engaged.

11 to ber trftimony agaiuft imthod of treating the piefrn diforder, vhich if leififlrd in, ould cmbablv have aided it in Jrf. ljt. mgihrre fomth of our city. vp. uiKfjutvocal proofi of the furtefs and fimple mode which I have adopted, of treating this diforder.

that I am now fatinfied, that un mure favoi able ciietimllancrs of attendance unup I lick, the difrale would yield to the power of medi cine with as much certainty at a common intermitting 'i 1 EENM. RUSH. 1 0' to hie amiss'. THOF. have been intrtifted with the care of thehouli toi'iiztntwbolsaveierrovn! imo the country, are teqiirAtd to fend th Fire Buckei he'm to fircli onilirsi to the Court Houfe, where they will be pberd imdi the rare of, the Contbblc of the watch, and br ready for life in cafe fue.

Thi precaution at this time, ii evtr'mely necefTa ry, and it 1 nopru mat 11 win be paiticulaily attended 10. MATTHEW CLARKS6.V,JLW. 5epf. 1 Th Printei of itewfpapert in the city, areicsucfU tl to infert the above. 1 t'.

FRANKFORT, jji'y J.V' tfi? right of the td iiifhw, the Ficnch made f)lly fionl Coitucim, wVitilif tiiy wre however drove, with At tiic Line time the allies canicd rhc i rcnch battery ti ar the Fort of St. Al lus. About tc.i o'clock a dreadful fire broke out in the environ of thr lleeple ol uir in, and in the fircet wnu.h adato ihc and the Hax market, which burnt with nnabau violence till three o'clock in ibe ui when it began to abaie. 'Itie catit.onade with red hot balln upon Coflheim hdall iul'IiI The bell iwrt of vefterd.iv all was laih tjuiet; but at night the borohjidmcr.t recommenced, and Ji.othrr lire hioke oiit in the fortrefi. ITie Emi grant ntz rs have coiaincd Iravc to receive their wivct tst.d childien from thit fortufs.

A' fli nt tint; fmcc a Dntr hinan avrivrd at Eltvicf. who has fittrd'out. twtlve fini.Il hirgi at bii own c)t pence, and which, being filled wiih combuttibles, arc to blow' 110 tho brtdce X)f ComniUiiication between Mfuiz aad for which purpole they are to drop down the On the e6th ultimo, the Kins; of Pi uffia was invited on board a fmall yatch by the Dutch tailors, who car lird hi maielly on board the commodore'i fhio. where that Prince partook ofa futnptuouj collation. I nc cicwi ot the uii loat then wnit tlu ounh their after which they reconducted tlit king, a midil the loudrll 'LONDON, July Po Li ic ai.

State or GittAT Britain. 1 Pai I tamcntary Rcfoi m. AMtnttc cejy of the petition praying far a form cf yuniumem, prejenica iomc noujc of commons on Mcndy May 6, 170.1,. hi A Lit Its Ln. Ifa.

and which raiit $nti only by numfon cf the jociety of the friends of the people, updated fur the purpofe if vltaiiitng a ferlt. lotnc Honorable the Common of Great Britain, ia arliament allcmbled Tlte humble petition of certain perfon whofc name are 1 1 1 Jicreuiuo luuicriucd, IIIKWZTH, That by the form and fpirtt cf the Bi iiifhcanflitu uon.tin king 1 veiled with the whole executive power. inattliehoulc ot lords conull of lords lointual and temporal, deriving their title and confcnncncc I ka 1 limn 110111 mc crown, or rror.i ncreditary puvt lege. That tliefetwo powers, if thev aclcd without con. 1 troui.

wouia larm either a dclpoticnionaahy or a dau ccroos oficarchy that the wildom Of our anccflors baih contrived, that thefe authnritic may be rendered not onlv harm. left, but beneficial, and be exercifed for the lecuritv v.i 1 VI ijcuuic. That this fecurity and happinef are to be looked ior in mc introduction ot 1 third cltate, diitinct from, aud a check upon the olhrr two branchea of the leirina ture created by, and ifcfponfible to the people themfclvcs. That'fo much depending upon the preservation of il.i.J r. 1 iu mm ut ouuiuiuLionai purity ana ftrength, your petitioner are reafonably tealou of what ever may appear to vitiate the one, or to impair the That at the prefent day the houfe of Common doe not fully and fairly reprefent the dcodIc of En.

land, which, couhllcntly with what your petitioner conceive to be the principle of the conllitution thev confidcra a grievance and therefore, with all becoming refpeft, lay the complaint befoie your honorable lioufe; That though the terms in which your petitioner flate their grievance may be looked upon a ilrong, yet Ymr honorable houfc i ititieated to believe thai no expreffion is made ufe of for the purpole of oflcnce. Your petitioners, iu nlhrming that your honoi able houfe it not an adequate reprcfciuation of ihc people of England, do but Hate a fait, which, if the word "rc piefcnution" be accepted in it lair and obviou fcnlc, thryare ready to prove, aud which they think detri mental to iln tr intorcfU, and conirary to the Ipirit of the ceiiHituuon. How far this inadequate reprefentation is prrjudi. rial to tVir intenfls, ymr pent toners apprehend thry may be allowed to decide for thcmlclves but how far it is contiai to the fpiril of the conllitution, they refer to the coiilideiation ot your honorable honk ll your honotable houfe fhall be pleaM to determine that the people of England nnt co be fully lepielmu your p'titionen pray that fucii your deter ininaiiuii my be made to the end tlulthe people may be fupnid of ihiir real utuation i but if vonr l.onoral lehuule (lull conceive ihat the people are already fully Kpicfeu.ed, then your petitioner beg baveto Call your altention to the f.iilowmgfafli Your petitioner complain, thai the numbrr of re prefrptaiive atlini to ibv ilulercnt count ie i grolsly to the comparative population aad tnde. "You; pditioner complain, that the eleflive Fran iie is 10 partially and uik ipially diUribiited and is in f0 many inllance comvniittd to bodif of men of fuch ve.

ly'lrnit numbatij that themajority of ourhononible Aife is eKled by leis than fifteen ttvmfand eleclor. which, even if the male adult in the kingdom bo clli at fo low a number as thr million. nn moie wo hundredth part of the people to be re. iitmiu. imir prmioner contpiain, that the ijht of voting ineulaied by no uniform or rational Your je.itioner complain, that the exercife of ute rj etive 1 raochile is onlv renewed once in feven y.air.

Yinr titioner thiu diilnftly ilitc the fuWea matter of ihnr complaints, tliat our honorable houfc may ne convinced that ihey are a jmg from fpiril of em tat 'discontent, and that you may with the more tai'c be enabhd to enquire into the facts, and to apply the mrf v. Tor th rvid nce in lurport of the rutr com riktsr, your petitioner relei 10 the tmn Biokof yon ii inmvble houle. Is it fialng that Rutland and lotK.oirc Ihould Uearanr.isl rank in the ftaleof coun ty or cm it right, that Cornwall by its extravagant nrooortion of Rnmimh ru mberi, outnumber not tlie reprefentativr of uu 1 nrnmirf tngftnrr, but ot Middlelcx ad. d. to them (), if dillui lion be taken between the lanrt a.

id' tly; trading interelU, mull it not appear mon ions tint Cornwall aii.l vMiHiire flmuld nd more Botou.i memlieis to Pai Itanw nt than YorklW, In Vt wicklhire. Mi lcl. lex, rrhireiind Somerluriiirr united ami that llv total 01 oeouand Ihoulrl but evevd. by one mrber, the uuiiiuiT ivturoea lor a linjlecoumy in Lnimd i TJie Mce vo rortAtKT of wnr neoiiAnn fonndrd on the invquat jfiroponionj iit wl.ith ibe Lt r. tivt lufc i dili ibuted and in nonort of it lucyamrm, that frvmiy ot wir lionorablemrm.

Vers arc returned, by thirtY fiw placr, wlwrethe rigf.t ofvtiii2 it and other Triuitri r. milar detcripjtuu, rflid in which it would" be to tnfis wuh Ujt patience of your hoi.ui able houfe to nvnii any nuuihrr ot votrra whatever, the rttimi it place alluded to being notorioufiva mere mauer of ionn. And thi yourpetitiouersareieady to prove. amrni, taai in aauT ion to tnc lewrnty lionor able meinbei fo chofen, niixinoreof yoLr honorable member arc ehcfd by iorty iix places, in none of which the number of voters exceed iiiiy. Andihi your pei.imneri are reaoy to prove.

They afnrm, that in addition to the hundred and fixty fo elected, ifnny fcveii iueof yoyr Honourable I 1' ururu oy nmciccn placet, Hi SlOlieot' wluehthe numhet of Voters exceeds two hundred. And lhi your titioiiers are. ready to prove. Dry alhrna, in addition to the hundred and niocty feven Honourable Members fo chofen, fifty two mure are returned to ferve in Parliament, by feventy fu places, in none of which the vtcrs ixceedstw hundred. And tin your Petitioneis are ready to Drove.

They alfirm, that in addition to the two hundied and forty nine fo chtt' twenty more are returned to fcrve in Parliarrrnt for counties in Scotland, by lei than one hundred electors each, aud ten for counties ia Scotland by lef than two hundred and fifty each. And thu your petitioner arc ready to prove, even admitting me vaiiaity 01 nctitiou votes. Ihvy alhrin, that in addition to the two hundred and feventy uiue fo clcclrd, of burgh in Scotland, not containing one hundred voter each, and two diftricU ol burghs not containing one hundred aud twenty five each, reiuin fifteen more honourable members. And this your petitioners arc leadvto nrove. And in this manner accordins to the mefer.t slate of the reprelentation, two' hundred and niuctv four of your honourable member are chofen, aud beinjr a ma jority of the entire houfe of commons, are enabled to decide all quellons in the name of the whole ucodIc of England and Scotland.

The THiiiB coMfLAiNT of your petitioner it iounaca on tne pretrnt complicated rishts of voting. r' From the caprice with which they have been varied, and the obfeurity in which tin have become involved bv time and contradictory decilions, they are become a r. r.V tower 01 inniiiiecnuiuiion, uuuiioitaaa expence. Your petit roncr need not tender any evidene of the inconveniencics which arife from 'this defeft in the reprefentation, becaufe the proof is to be found in your journals, and the minutes of the different xommittce who have baen appointed under Ihc oth and nth bf the king. Your honorable hpufe is but too well acquainted with the tedious, intricate and expenfive fcencs of litigation which have been brought before you, in attempting to fettle the lccal import of thofe numerous diftit.Clioni which perplex and confound the prefent right of voting.

How many month of your valuable time have been watted in 'Mining to the wrangling of lawyer unon ihe various fpecious of burgagchold, J. afe hold, and freehold How many committee have been occupita iii invettigatmg the nature ot Scot and Lot Jotwallers, Commonality, Populacy, refident inhabi tant at laree 1 What labor and relearch have been em ployed in endeavoring to afcertain the legal claim of borough men, aldcrmem, port mea, Aud what confuhon has arifen fiorn the complicated operation of ciaming cnarters, trom tieescca retidcnt and non refi dent, and trom the different modes of obtaininz the 1 1 1 ireeuom oi corporartons Dy Dirtti, by lei vitude, by roar nagr, ny reaemptton, ny election, and py ptirchale On all thefe points it is, however, needlel'sior your pe titioners to when your 'Hon. houfe recoiled Ihe following tads namely," that fuice tlie sad of D. cembcr, 179O, no lefsthan twenty one committee bave been employed iu deciding upon litigated rights of vot rf 1 i jug. vi uric, C15111 were uccupua wuti llie Oilpute of three, and there aie petitions from four place yet remaining before your honoui able houfe, wait mg tor a tinal dccilion to intorm the eledor what their rights really I But the complaint of your petitioners on tlie fubieft of the want of an uniform and equitable principle in regulating the right of voting extend at well to the ar itrary manner 111 which fo me are excluded, as to the intricate qualifications by which other are admitted to the exercife of that privilege.

Religion opinions create an incapacity to vote. All Papiflsare excluded generally, the ouerati.mof the left law, protcitant diffenter are deprived a voice in the eleUion of repreft ntative in about thirty borough where the right ot voting confined to corporate officer alone a deprivation the more unjuftifiablc, becaufe, though confidered as unworthy to vote, they arc deemed capable of being elefted, and may be the re prrirniativea oi me very placet tor which ihey are dif A man poffcffed of 1000I. prr annum, or any other fum, arifing copyhold, leafeltold fr 99 year, trade, property in the public funds, or even freehold iu the city of London, and many other citie and towns hav ing peculiar jurildiftions, is not (hrrebyentilcd to vote. Here again a fliang dillinftion is taken between el: fling and representing, as a copyhold is a lulucicnt qualifica lion to til ia your honourable houfc. 1 DUBLIN, Jim; 27.

1 We are farry to flate that a mob of aooo pesple affem. bled two day linec at Calllecomer, in order to liberate a nun who had been apprehended for circulating handbills sgainll the Militia the man watprud ntly given up, but not faiisfied with this, they attacked the houfc of Mr. Wilfon who had apprehended him 1 repulfcd at firft by a diTclwrge of walk' try from within, by which them were killed they returned, fct fire to the jio.iIc, and muidered Mr. Wilfon, in endeavouring to eicape tnenume. jne 01 me 1 1 taken.

fimilar outrage took place in the county of Carlow lheMilaury were eoinoeiled to fire on the mob, by wiich fly of them feli. Three perlons were taken one! lodrdSiCarlow gaol, but ona'arge mobafTcmbling anrl threatening to burn the town, tncy were again liberated on giving bail. C0RK.juPt2. Tieu'molf reMance is eiveu inthiscountv to therai fing of the Militia, as alfo in ihe county of Kerry. he prejudices airanillth Aft rf Pailumcnt among the Pea fentry are iniiTmounlabh Nothing can peiluade the tgnoiant but that Government want to entrap them, and that the Militia is only another name for a military array at the difpolal of Government, who niiy if it pl afes fend it on foreign Tervice.

Such is the horror of the peafents, thai rnofl flrepin the finds and nlit out ntd woods l'fk fljould be taken in their beds in thrii houlrj by furprizr and forced to intrif. renre of, the lion. Ri Jiand LomoVUl. ijococl. has been grao'ed fortheufesof our ttad rs acd maunfafluiers, for which tiie Commiffioner appointed by the Lord Linitenant muft receive fecurity.

The pirl. nt war, th rattle of all our calamities, as well as the enitiaefof the Defenders, boim a every llour more and roor? unpopular, and it is evid nt from the Piiirmur cf all ranks, who condemn it ahein impo li'ie, ruinous, and ahfurd, that cot. Id rrnd.r the Biinfli Mmi'lry nore ptilar, thjn to put an end to the pr lent Itruttive and calaruitou Ilofiiliae a foou as pofiible. J. U.f0,,.

JulUeen.M,lh;,i!(, rom erpool, 10 Kova.Scotia. uu, mere ran anyf viousto hi leaving XivertK)ol. of the lCitv n( .1,. 1 mere, wil: vMifjiiici. adds thit tliroaou Fhrat, Ur ou' me larcalm of an Englilh doth tint of the PUadelbkUn.

8 that 'uait ao.ia.ia Bumf UCL'i. as late as the dof AuguU, they bad heard of Vi'1 gagementbetweeuLrr.aud An bufcadc poiit.on was, f.on. whaeafon unc, rl nto Virginia. Cardnrr had though momently exprQ.d, when Mr t.w 1 nc icri line of war i. no more difcredit fall, t0 the fhare of f'r1 lOtheCM Both loft ther "a'75' and nerous 4 av 1 nc jwaitcr or two or three vcffel fotU Soitkrn port, have reported, thai tbey of the line of Hnffli battle in th ia'n a Cape of the Delaware.

"tudt tee On Monday laft arrived the brie 1 St. Sebailian, in Spain, to fn5 the French letter of marque fhip Ajax, Gii'' 10 32 gun. fait. of Arrived here yellerday, a fmall Dutch fl from Curracoa, for Holland, prize 10 the Fr tecr Marfeilloife ciiin 1'Eucyer, cargo coffee, in husk, and i SALEM, Hehenitr 3'; Captain Stoni arrrivrd fince our laft. frft 'ei which he It ft the 7thf July.

Hc eoi.E,,;" count, by. foimer arrival from Europe, 0f the Vn movement of the Combined Armics who nor was it probable they would make the on unfavourable to the Caufe of France, and of Lihen A few day before Capt. Stoni failed, all the Dtuk troop, who were encamped about 1 5 mile ftom fled into the town panic ruck on an alarm lu troop of the Republic were marching who are in great force neat that pLctt'jis rnciirnfw! will give ait idea of the imprciTiou which the 1 dxh die, make upon their enemies. The iidiabitanti 0f VJtend were under fearful apprehenfion cf the Trend attacking it which i confidered a a very piobable event, astheEnglifh have great quantitieof hay and other (lores, and a vafl deal of property there. 1 Capt.

Stonf. was in company with aa Englift C. locel at Oflend, who 1 poke very faintly of their prof. I petts at Vdenciennet. There are 80,000 men attacking it, (who were then many of them frverely attacked by ithe dyrentery) among which are the Englifh i bravflv defended by 10 coo French, who are affifted' i by the They have fix month provifion ia town, and are determined to defend it to the laft icxtremitv.

The Duke of Yoik (who ntminJIy com. imandi) lent in four time defiring a furrendcr; the laft time the Commandant informed 1 im, that if he' wa impertinent enough again to repeat hi mefTa he would hang the meffenger upon the ramparts. 1 It reported and afterward contradicted, that the houfe it alencitnnes were principally deflroved 1 c. v.api, w.b y.a at mtHi, (m Jnri there were ,5 rich prize, ent in by the French crnifert oce of them a large fhip from BsmbayW with two thouUd 1 tale, of cotton on Urd. Thecituen of Mtrluix were.

jn excellent fpirits, confident of thefpeedy fucceftf the armie of Liberty over the combination of TXpotifm Provifion, there were cheap, plenty, and good. Bekn )ie left Horkix feven gun well armed and mio. I 1 jnu, jaiicu oil iclili CApcuuiuu. Without calling in queftion the authenticity of the 1. bovcy we inform, that'there are lelterj in town 1mm American gentlemen, at Of end, arrived hcrebythea buve veffel, which give quite a different portiait of U4 Kate ot attain at the date ot the vellel departure.

NEW YORK, Srpttmbcr 9. The French have publifhed a Bulletin addreffed to tie 1 a ti 111 tncidi oi mc viueiioi inrirn' rn innmenca: in winch they charge the late Gen. Galbaud, of having made ufe of every means to deceive and fedure the people of the tupitcr rf)f abufingthe moft refpcflable title REPUBLICANS and PATRIOTS of fayinghiu0'h 1 tily, that he wa firmly retolved on going to France, with the intention of juflifying himfelt before the Can vention and at the fame time, of ufing the mod bafe and vile mriiii to dedroy ihe force of the Republic, and to promote the defign of heir enemies Of concerting plan with others whoworethe atfi of repuhlU canifm, to caule the fleet to return to the llbnds for the moft rniciou purpolcsj that is, to make the force of the Republic, the executioner, of their private venge ance, in facrificing the remaining feanien whohadefcar ed the catallrophe at the Cape. That.paper, have been detected at the houfe of one of his principal agent, whirh have difclolrd the plot, qually ridiculous and abaminable. M.

Galbaud, eon vinced, that being thus deteded, he mould be not only, I I r.t .1.. auanaoneo, nut rtetpiit ti oy all ttie orave uamrnoti'ip fleet, has contrived his cfcape. Galbaud (fays the Bulletin) has attempted Tight, and ha fucCeeded he he bafely deceived tlie men who had fworn to guard him and bavift; pvr a rendeivou at Philadelphia, fet orfhrmfelfhir Canada and i going lotake refuge our ruinie, the 'Iti koown how he efcaped the American authority but it has not been told perhat, how haughtily be. b6afls before the Torica and who hrve befriended him, thjt he ha fincrrely acknowgleded the Republic of France rid that hi only defign in tacking the Cape, wa to re llore that colony to tlie royal dominion to that nf the little Cipet. Thefe fafl being rVpofed before' the Mayor of the city, with much briidi, not Jcf important, ought tea prove to theproplcof the flet ahat Citizen Grnrt vai not at all millakrai.

when, at hli foil arrival hcdrn'Mine. ed Galbaud to ihem, a ao accomplice of the wretctua Dumourier. tlxtt all i difcovered, the people of the flet have but one thine 10 do, to prove the validit of their paUiotifm and ihat is to bring to light," all thofe wh kave abuled their trutt in exciting them to rife ajamlt theappointed auihi iriti Sneh can be none other! iatl the agent of Galbaud and fiieh. llagiiimt, cliscdi cannot defcrvc the honor of fiJitiKgagaintl thc enemie of theircountry. Cant.

Barrow, of the fhip Brillol, from I.oiitlon, ws boarded by the Theti liigate, lat. 41. long. 31. who treated him with the grratell civility.

Thi Inga'e Monged toaBritifh rpiadron of 7 fail, that had taken prises, then in corup.ny, 4 of which were EalMudw men. We 1 arn. that broker of the dndjnd. South Caiol.n, the menlehieh Cipt. Riley rained into CharMlon, are lo be at the CkVo.t ot PIRACY..

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