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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

''I 3 1 i Si I 1 1 ,11 i. mi i mi; Si 1 1 i1 I III V. i 1. 1 i Jfcpirlcd tha (mp tJcnfuch, Optatft 7eU, fffla JJantz, and to be fold, oh the moft reafonable teunt, Whoiefale and lUtail, by Smith Tilton, fit their (lore in Second ftreet, neat to the Friend Meeting. boufe, NEAT aflottment of coarfe broad cloths, of all colouri, with filk fergct, rat tine ti, (hallodns, and other fuitable triraings.

Coatings. Prizes and Ccarler, yellocr, aad white flannels, Cattideta, prnnellat, and princeit fluff. A variety of velvets and velverett. Durante. Callimancots.

Eleas worried end filk hofe. A Urge ailbrtment of linen t. Calicoes )and chintzes, Flanders bedttcke Yard end 5 4 mud int. foptrftne fecond and Cam brick and lawm. Oznabria.

Black fattint peeloegs. Ditto modes and man us. Perfnns and farGiets. A variety of neat filki for genttemens wear. and (ilk romsl handkerchiefs, black and coloured Barcelona ditto Printed linen ditto Black lace.

Gold ditto Bnckrams. Black ribbont. Pins and needles. Loaf fugar. Indigo.

And an elegant eight day clock, tic GEORGE A. BAKER, At the SLIP at Arch drcet FERRV, PbilsdelphU, Has to difpofe of by Wholefalc and Retail, For Cam, cr in exchange for Country Produce, FEW Pipes Fyall Wine, ttiben Wine. Fine e'd Jamaica Spirits, Weft India Hum. Country ditto, TSa, JPrench Brandy, Jlolland Gin, Molafles, Double and (ingle refined Loaf Sugars, White and brown Box Sugars, Mu fco vad it to, Gbnchoni; Tea Bohea ditto, Coffee, Chocolate, Barley, Rice, Raifinf, Pepper, AUfpicOf Ginger, IIutmea Indigo, AUum, Copperas, Bnraftone, Chalk. I Rozin, Tar, Whellones, Powder and Shot, Lead, Fine and coatie Salt, Mens Shoes, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Cotton, An ArTcrtment of neat Iron Cartings, Frying Pans, Linieed Oil, Indian Corn A few Firkins excellent Irifh Butter, Window Glafg of 7 by, 9, so, 9 by xo by is, and xa by xa, by tha Box, Box, or Isfs Quantity.

Long and (hort Pipes by the Box and Groee, rc. Zlq. Juft imported in the Nonfuch and other vtflcls from France, and other parts of Europe Xrc. And to be 'Sold by Beter William WikoflT, Jit tbeir houfe in Front flrcet, between Arch and Race 'flreet, for fpecie, bills of exchange, loan ofHce certificates aM ptner money of the late emiilient, (TnyPFINE broadcloths of various colours, caH i2 cot; chintz, and baftae, cambricks, ltnenr, fergede Home, needles, obl cards (locked and in the leaf, cclFee in 4ca(ks and bags, copperas, gin, botjled cyder of the beft quallityr a good neat fulky Sec. See.

October sfth, 1781. A Quantity of the Fery bell: A TO BE SOL by jfohn Redman In Water rlreer, between Arch and Race ftreets. TO be bytbe Subfcriber, Iq Second. ftrcet, one door from the corner of Pme iireet, Deft double and (ingle Gloucefler CHEESE, One hogdead of GIN, Madeira and Lilbbn WINE, by the quarter ca(k or gallon, i A COFFEE by the bagi nnglifh CL OATHS BSUSHBS, An aflortcient of TIIJ WARES, DRY GOODS, Xic. I DAVIS BEVAN.

Philadelphia, Norembcf 6, tjlx. thofe that have any demands on the cnaic of ISSAG COUEN, deceafed, by note, orN ctbermfe, are de fired to bring in their accounts, atteft cd for fettle meat and all thofe who are indebted, are defircd to make fpeedy RUTH CO REN, Executrix. BgjqpjjjjBflVASMSSSlBBSJJBJBBMStMHMVMMMMBHB mmm mmmmm aMMM Wanted immediately, SMALL FARM, in the neighbourhood of Phila Jfk delphia, from two to five mile di fiance from the city 1 the improvements and Toil mult be goods of choice it (hould not contain lefs than twenty seres or more than 150. Any perlbn having fuch an intereft to rent willpieaie to apply to the Printer. Thurfday, November so, lyti.

I I And fo feveral EVdNlNGS fucceiTively, Jewels and Diamonds for Send mentalifts, CONSISTING 01 Variety of excsllert mcint and modern AUTHORS in Are,, Biography, Voyages, Tr vcls, Poetry, Novrls and EnurrQnmenr, be exhibited by At ftion, at the Stored ROtERT BELL, near St. PauI's Cnuich, in Thi itrect. Hoors of 6ale each Evening from Six to N'ne at which Movements of Time, ti oksill inttantaneouily either be fold or according to the fte of the mpany. Printed Catjlopu 3 to had at the place of fale. Mr.

Donnelly, Late Writing Master of the University, AT the folicitatien of a number of bit friends, pro. poles to open School, on the third of December next in Gia's Alley, near Second ftreer, for the in ftru5lion of a felecl number; of youn ladies, in the rudimtnts of Engl fli Grammar, Readir, Writing, Arithmetic, and Bcok keeping. The houisof attendance from 9 to 11 in the forenron. He alfo continu to teach in private families the after prt of the da). Such as may pieafe to honour him' with the educati on of their children, will pieafe to leave a note for htm at CtpUtn LANG'S, in Market ftreer, or at Mr.

BAILEY'S printing office, and they (hall be waited upon imme li ttely. Nov. 7. Jull Imported, in the late fTelt from Europe and St. Thomat, and now SELLING, By William Sitgr eaves At his STORE in Market ft reet, between Front and Second ft reeu, the Corner ofvLac ItiaCourt, A iarie ASSORTMENT of DRY fuitahle to the Ssafon: Among which ar' the following, viz.

TO E5 quarter 11 green Rugt, Blankeu, A variety of fine nd fu perflne Broadclotht, CaiTimers, Striprd and plain Coat Fine Naps and Swattikins, Trilled and plain Fan nells, Baiei and Serges, Negro Cottoni, ni and womens thread cotton, wox fted and yarn Hoe, Velvets, Velvercti and Cordurcyr, Rattinets, Cambists, Callirasnccet, and Durante, Black RufJeli, Jones Spinning, Brown and white Flemifh Shectinfr, Irifh, Lava, and Holland Linens, Britannias and Ozna Otrtpe Bed tick, Bed Bunts, Scven eights9 yard and apron wide cotton checks, Dark and light ground 9 yi Hutu 1 ens, Cottoni, A 1 Striped Ginhimil RulHa Linens and Diapers, Cambricks and Lans, Fancy, figured, corded and India Dsmitie, India and coloured Jcant, Manchefter Gown Catgut and Milliner, plain, and fiur ed Gauzes, 1 Apront. Book and jaconet EH wide India Perftaoi, Lutedrings and Mantua, Sittins, Modcf, and Pee lonpr, Sarfnets and Perfianrf Ribbands, Polecat Bandano Hand kerchiefs; Barcelona ditto, Silk and cotton Romalls, Check and printed linen Handkerchisfi, Threads, Ik Twjft, Tapes and Bobbin, Seven eighth and 4. Ger I Silk Stcckingr, man ju'owian, 1 common icwing ieeoier, 1 A varirty of childrsns Books, Writing and wrapping Paper, Loaf Sugar, O. A Stable, with a Coach Houfe, To be LET. Enquire as above.

At the Sign of V1KUIW1 Am Commiffion Store, In wate ltreet, a tew doors above ttreet, GOODS will be received and fold, on the loweft Comtnitfion, and every Cure taken to expedite and render the Sales acceptable. I would purchsfe Tobacco for a CommifEon of fwr fhil lingi per Hog(heaL Thole who will honour me with the Truft, may rely on having it carefully in ipefttd, and put in the bed order for (hipping. RICHARD LAS SOCK1. 1 CAME to the plantation of John Lukens, efqaire, Gwinneth townlhip, Philadelphia county, aoout fix weeks ago, a Red COW, with a white face, near ten years old, and quite dry. The owur is defiied ts come to the fubfeuber, the above place, prove his property, pay charges and her away.

NovT; WILLIAM GUtHRIE. HIS CXCBUBNC? WILLI AM MOOR Elquire PRESTDENT, and the SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL of the COMMONWEALTH of PEMf SYLVAN I 9 A Proclamation. JTPHSRRAS the United Stues in Congrefs afTetn. bled, by thfir proclamation, bearing date itt i6tk day of Ovicbtr lafl, for the many rrat and fo lemn confidt rations therein mentioned, liave recorn mer.ed to the feveral ft.tte to tet apart the THIP TEENTrt DAY of DCCEMBSR rext, tQ be reli! 44 gioufly obtyrved as a day of THANKSGIVING 44 and PrtAYER, that all the people may aff mble oa (t that day, with grateful hearts to tke praif. es of jur.Gracious Benefaflor our mani.

fold fins to offer up our mort fervent fupplicationi 44 to the God of all grace that it may pieafe him to 44 pardon our offences, and incline our heart for th 44 future to keep all his law, to comfort and.rrheve 44 all our brethren who are in diftref. or captivity, 41 profper our hu(b3ndmeu, and give fuccefs to all eo 44 gaged in lawful corr.merce, to impart wifdum and li integrity to our counfeMors, judgement and forrj. 44 tude to our offitera and foldierSi to protect and prCf. 44 per our illuflrious ally; and favour our united cxer 44 tions for the fpeedy cAablifhrnent of a fafe, honour 44 able and lafting peace, to hlefs all feminaries of learning, and caule the knowledge of God to cover the earth as the waters cover riie Thertfore as well in refpeft to the faid proclamation as from the plain diclates of confeience, publickly td acknowledge the favour and goodnefs of divine providence, and tbe. duty tncumlent on us to implore its further protection.

Urc do hereby earneftly recommeni to the good people of Pennfylvanla, accordingly ta fet apart the faid thirteenth day of December next, for the pious purpofes xpreffed in the faid proclamation, and that they abfi.iin from all labour on that day. Given by order of the council, under the haJ ophis excellency William efuire, prefident, and thefeai of the flate, at Philadelphia, this izd day of November, in th.e year of our lord one thoufand feven hunirti and eighty one. WILLIAM MOORE. Prefident. Attelt.

T. i TLACKi Secretary. Uoci (avtf the Commonwealth. Sixteen Hard Dollars Reward. BKOKE'or ttolrn out th? John Shannon tavcini.ob Marauwney road, near Stcny run, tounty, on tiie niht of the 31ft of October, between and o'clock, one Brown HORSE, I with Waggon Geers on, branded I HL; one Black HORSE, with Waggon Geers on, branded I HLj one Black HORSE, with a fmall ftar in his forehead, left hind leg, at the fetlock joint, it thicker than the other, no brand or ear maik; one other HORSE, a kind of a Jandy Roan, it fomcwhat blind of one eye, white mane and tail, no brand nor ear maik all ftouf, able Hp 1 fet the two lad Horfcs had lilc.

wife their peers on. Whoever tikes up faid Horfct, and delivers them to the fubferiber, in Oley, county, John Shannon or Dieter Matthew, in Pottf. grove, Philadelphia county, (hall ce entitled to receive the above Reward; end if ilolen, and the Thief is tskeo and fecird in an jail, in ci.i or any other flare, that he may be brought to juflice, mall receive SIXTEEN DOLLARS (or the thief I JOHN HILL. Oley, county, Ncr. 6, i i i Twentjr Hard Dollars Reward DKSER'IED from the legi on commanded by colonel Atmaitd, two recruits: Benpmin Light, by trade a blackfmith, about five feev tvn? inches high, yerof ytf9 camplexion, blue eyct and black nair, brrn in Pennfylvania, Lancafter county; and Franci Fiury, by trade a barber and hiir dreffer, about five feet and fix inches hfgh, born in Paris, twenty eight years of black eej, fair complexion, black hiir had on when he went a red coat faced jwitrt blur, with yellow binding on the button holts, mdt after the Britilh fafhion, a imall red cap, feme what refm ling a grendiis, with the top tied down, Btnjamin Light was drifted in common farme i dres heent away upon furlough, which hat expired Tome time fince.

Whoever taltes up faid defer ten, and jwill bring thm tc' fubferiber, cr corifine tbrm in any gao', lhall receive the aHove reward or ien dollars for each, and all reafonable charges paid by JOHN SHARP, captain ia Nov. ctj. 1 colonel Armandf legion. WAN TED TO HIRE, A Man and his Wife, To Farm a Imall Plantation rea. this City.

Enquire I of the Printer. LL perfons indebted to, or rnvr any demands on ueBltate of ROBERT BURNS IT, Jareof this city, Gardener, a.e to lettle their Accounti with the riher, within two mnnihs from this date ROBERT UMSDEN, Adminirtrator. philaddphia, November) 14, 1781. WHEREAS HANNAH, the wile ths fubferi ber, ttoped from his bd and board 1 do hereby forewarn all per font from fruiting her cn my account, as I will pay no debfs of her after the date hereof. Not.

16. JOSEPH BOUDN. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by ATID C. CL ATPOOLE.

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