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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 8

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

INDIANAPOLIS AND VICINITY UKIIilAN STRr.ET II11U H. At tha fourth quarterly conference of tha tlrrlilian Mrert church, 1ae night, tba Rev. K.hti was unannnously Invited lontinu a paatnr for tha fourth yaar, in I ir r.retdmc elder reiueeted to i a Umn the the wisdom of Ir. i n'M ui' iiiiiinirnnt. A almiiar re waa aUo made of lha blahop and eabl i of tha Injuria Annual Conference for y.

t. h. nn Mr presiding In.llanapolla district rot nui )' v.u ni vi in. mr al.u the Kama a laat year, with an addl ial at If ii r.f fljoo. and tha regular of the t'hurch yaar, which closes Ticmbr Z).

aa jully mat. WILL llF. MOVKD. Thtln.ilapapolia Traction and Terminal i'vii'pn has made arrangements to do Im tlie work' for which It responsible In Et Wshlrgton tr t. There was riia 1ly unill the cliy engineer demanded tl nt wink be done at nice.

J. Bulll who la Improving tha etreet. aaya thai li ha had an understanding with tl eom I that It wtil do It" work Immediately, nn therefore ha and lnlel Folay ran so i'i'l with tha etret. Tha company mut i Ma track to tha cntr of tha atraat. lillvan kkvb that If nothing Intarfaraa ha iil ft tha t.

rnmplatd In ampla tlma rf'it had rathr aeta In. ni msntMi iikom.xu). lr. Jiiffli Iloch. i i luM Kannlngton rt.

whixi huKband dlaappaarad. laavlng Inn on tba Haymond Ktraat brMa ni lha river. yinrrtay morning, called at tha to day and Inxlatad that the bo lv ff iir in tha bottom of tha 1 ll ch fiad oftan toM hr t'( If ha killed hlmaelf ha would remova i rlnthir.g iri'l (ton a pair of Tha "iinn ai.J Hoch bad hl overalla with hi'n Th cornr'a rtpitea mada a aearch ha rfer 't'rdy, and failed to find jiur. in f.itrr.R A fire uhlih la auppoaad to have started hot chra d'Ktroj fd tha barn In the inr r.f (i Meyera'e at il7 Oreer r'i'ct.

Tr horaea and four ve t'i. fif l.uriif.l. cauKliig a of about i i. Th flr aprenl to lha hi rn of i l'rr. adjoining, and to lha barns In the Kii of if hoTtifK of J.

W. Hrnnki and Mrs. Kohl. ra. nifly, Tl.

quli work of the fire te 'MiTrni preeni'd aerloua damage to thtae Iff. iififmf.n to meet. Th Hal Volunteer Firemen's Aaaoclatlofl i r. (m'IImmi hold a meeting In Indiana in tha citv cut M.i.aniit and pearl atreeta. Ill rrt'fc'.

tht there will be a large at n. Unce. ii principal bu.lnrc to be t'atiNcti hn tha collection of algna turf a p'tltion to ly treented to the nt'l Hire. aklng a ptnonfrir fire. mo.

All n.iii fliemen. whether ineni tera of the 11,011 latlon or ijnt, are Invited attend the meeting. Tiuiihinr, rAiiK exiiiiutiox. The Veilcan Z.imnra fainlly, i ompoaed of fa her. mother and little girl, has been en ly ih P.lveralde Amuaement Com 'i exIiiMtton In front of the rom in In Thirtieth atreet.

Just out. iiei Kiile I'm k. avety afternoon and nin. at 4 ami n'rlork, during Ktate I nir k. Their pvrformanca I an aerial li.ii i ai eald lo be aneatlonal.

which '(hey call th? 'Iifw trapealo trio alu.ulmer." )M Ml l( I II, l.i EXt l'KSlON. I Tha committee of the Commercial Club tlijt hnn lit ili.irt the preparations for the" fd ti iiiflon to fit. Loula on! I II ft I. ua.LI.. I i ui him fir the pi rial escural'on train, ii iio iiKh ll riot len tleflnltely decli.ed at Hour HI bj followed.

Hecretary I aii I cr, "of tho totnmerrlal Club, will l.i uH t' niorrow. to arrange for iinl'e arcoimnodatlona and rates for lie ln: la ol i party. r.i i i.i; hole is window. A hiilli hole through one of the large ji it gi of me Emporium. i Iltt a r.nt Wahlngton street, ax found tTi morning, and the police were i to In pki iiraie.

No report of ana1 inn inadi to the department laat I i'I''. M'ol the patrolman who In veetlgated 1 1 anything about the mat i Siln of KiriK were thrown over th I I I )l i ti IM.I..W. I J. Tower, repairs. N.

Alabama at, l.l:lXT!CM.I NT UKlKIf. ItKI OKT. Mofphy. fr.m. artldal.

lenl Uhi.t ha reported to near Heventeenth fJ0. nf thai the police department' Henry Johnaon. cottage, Kenwood ava eenvereil Inl.n to tha amnunt nf In July. Home of this has been tia.iru liy iiern. In July the patrol wwgon iv ered 1.

1 4 tnlle, and the police made b3 if l.i. CM were lilt and IT liii a. 1 ho f.i ll matron had charge of 172 Thh'ty Klv boys and tha re iii ii ml i iiriH ii and girls. ik took thk hoksc. Wlllitini Wilde nas aont to the workhouse u.l ii Alford, of the Criminal t'ouit, to nv, t.i pcivo a term or 119 on the rp ii ge r.f malicious trespaas.

Wad took a helonKtng id U'llllam Elder from the Kiahle, anil rove the greater part of recently The horse was returned In rtuinii than when taken out, a having slopped at numerous saloons tilU gone ATI IN HISTORY. The. large number of fh atudents of th cUn pf the Manual Training h'ml iho Intend lo taka post grad tiie prk tlrta ear, haa made the formation ef a iiit era. I. inte iim In American hla It will be under the direction cr Francis the head of the history department.

ooi.n u. ik i rnrKENTKO. On of tha feature of the meeting of the 0(M H. Thomas W. R.

C. No. 10. held yeai.Kity afternoon, waa the presentation of a heatulfvil W.i I', gold hailga to Mra. Hul A.

Mtoui, hi will leave Monday for fr attle. lo live. A bouquet of flower slo reente.l to Mra htout as a token of tha erl.em of her. aanclatea. The pre eentailvn waa mada by Mra.

Ida 8. McBrlda. Il ITT TO MIUVAtXEI. i Ovni'rwl Pecretary Frank Huffy and Oen eral Treanurer Thomas of the Cnlted 1 1 1 rn he rhood ft t'arpentera and Joiners, have a one to Milwaukee for woi In preparation Ilia biennial conventtosj of the brother lio v.1. Th indention will be In eeaalnn In Mllwtnkr.

for ten or twelve days, begin nii.g ptemner i. to nrrrii okmnaxce. TiiMtrurttons have been la.iued to th SU perinten.tatit of Kllce by th Hoard of "slaty to en'iirra tha apeej ordinance govern In sutot lohllr and motorcycles. I'ndar 36 Newport ts, July 1903. Lnst hile recovering from 111 tics of fever, I haj a severe attack of IniUrnirutory Rheuniatistn in the fcnees, from svliich I was unable to leave ray nx, 1:1 for several months.

I was treated by two doctors, and also tried dilTerent ainds ff liuanients and metlicines which trecirdto relieve me from pain for ani.ile, Imt at the same time I was not a nearer ottinp; well. One dny while a ajc I mw an advertisement cf S. S. S. for Rheumatism.

I decided to it trial, which I did at once. After livid taken three bottles I felt preat deal better, mid I still continued to tike it regularly until I was entirely cured. I now feel better than for years, and I cheerfully recommend S. S. S.

to evy one ruilcdm from Rheumatism. C13 SL Cu. E. GlUEitsrKEVE. Rheumatism 13 caiifcvl by uric acid or otti otlier acid poison in the blood.

vhuh when derxisited in the muscles joints, rrohu the tbarp, cuttiaj? I'i the Ptiffncss serenes pe tothl tlisease. S. S. S. ROC li rrctly into the circulation, all irrita substances are Beutralizetl and cut of the fystem, the blood it pure and the rt 'tieral health is I ui.t ur utv'cr th? runfTinp and tonic s.

vKc 1 taltljh Write for otir oe ClalrOOitOn Kheu tnatism which i sentfree. Ourphj aicuna will advise without charge all who will write us about their case. 'TLa SIft Scsclf Compaay, Atlanta, Cx 1 tMe meaaure marhlnea are permitted tj run eight ml lee an hour In the roll aqua re. and I taelve miles an hoar eleeahere. Aumtrout fr romplalnta have been made of lata.

I TWO MlWtXO BOVS RETITIX. Clarence White and Frits' Freund. young Sanders street boys who Olaappesrea: from ih'lr homes i Monnay. ana im wnora a cnt. They said thev had been I Franklin on a trip, and thought It would fun to say nothing about.

It until thay re turned. 1 riRMTlRK CO Mr ANY INCORPORATED. Jf. The Model Furniture company, ot oour i bon, with a capital stock of 11.000. was In to day with tha 8cretary of Tn, directors trt J.

H. Marhett, Frank Border. Oeorge D. Elllnger. Bamue t'oiii and ll.


T. Ston. Eaat Waahlngtoa afreet, ha bean appointed by lha United fttatea Civil harvlca CnBimUalon to conduct the phyalcal examlnatidna of applU anta for appolnlment ta poaltlooa In tha Philippine aervlca. 4 I LOIHiE EICDRE rAKTT. 1 Mra, J.

O. Johnaon will sir a aochra nrs a llle ka. i parly not a dlnnar, aa announced jreaterday) Friday afternoon at bar home. Bevi PROPERTY SOLD. If Xi n.nn.H at natrber avenue, waa sold to day to Charlee Koehrlnr for IVOiO.

The sale waa made by tha Charles 01. Duvall agency. MCRPIIT I.KAGCE SOiTAL. Tha Murphy League will hold an Ice cream social Friday evening at New Tork and Alabama streets. DAY'S RECORD OF VITAL STATISTICS Mar Mag License.

Paul J. Ftroup and Nora McDougall. Taylor Itenjamln and Mamie Duncan. Ink Huttle and Maggie Muts. Vona Irwin and Carrie Pedlgo.

Jacoo Mn'liln and Francla Ionard. John Julian and Matilda Buckmaater. AUIn i. hatnlt and Emma Linus. Charlee Irby and Myrtle Ioremua.

and vvilhelmlna Manna Crocker. ni i ana tlia incn. William lr1kill and tlla. Lynch. I honms lili: and Lulu Hleat.

I I art I Hall and Ida Herodan. Thompson and Bertha Johnaon. Mark Nlcholeon and BernJc Crouch. Jamea Smith and Beala Wllllama. KJwIn Larrett aod Flora Kkotskl.

Birth Returns. Knoch and Minnie Tabor, Maurice and Maggie Gorman, II N. Temple Carrie McMalh, tKJ Broadway. William and Planch a Low den. 1111 Deloaa girl.

)toert and Georgia Mazey. til Bird sL, boy. llarrold and Carrie Han born, tO Beatty boy. Marry and Belle Ronley, girl. Carl and Lucy Derbard.

6 N. New Jersey rlrl. William and Frances Hayncs, 3 Sheffield ave girl. Alfred and France Harrison. CO Virginia girl.

Mr. and Anna Manaon, tTl Hoebrook boy. Lloyd and Mrs. Howe, N. Mew Jeraey boy.

John and Margaret Nelson. 2li Windsor bo. Charlea and Mary Mehary, n9 Aabland girl. John and Gertrude Clrwln, 2(10 College girl. Death Returns.

Mary Coul. ft. 70 Lexington senility. John Turk. 70.

"1 H. Morris heart disease. Francis Haugh, I months. 2151 Olney malnutrition. John 67.

Centra Hospital for Insane, hemorrhage. blanche Nelli. "1 month, 1824 8ugar Orove Inanition. llmiiaa Simon. 2L City Hospital, gunshot wound.

leadnre Buesa, I months, 1407 Le Grand meningitis. Wlln Johnson. 41. IU Rhode Island tulierculosls. Building Permits.

L. R. Morton, shed. 41 Whlttier 60, C. Llchtenherg.

frame dwelling, Stat su, neur New York,'K). T. C. Power, shed. 2835 N.

Pennsylvania, ITS. n'r I ninfmin wo. T. ft. jwald.

tram dwelling. at near Bright, (900. Thomas Moon, brick building, 2801 E. Tenth $50. Huldsh Stout, repairs, 414 E.

Market Ilio. Capital Wrecking Company, raie building. I 8. Meridian t3U). H.

o. Leak, frame Morris at near Lee, I1.6O0. Frank Wood bridge, two flats. Pratt, near Capitol lS.0ua Jaob Mo.s, cement fence, 10 W. Eleventh! J0.

Real Estate Transfer. pa1le A Cox et al johnaon. lot 7, Art 1 ivn mil fourth to Henry B. vondal addition. north of Thirty (SO 09 Anna Handera to John W.

Buaaey Iota I. 2, t. I. block lots 7, 8. and tl.

block and lot ZO. block 14, Central Park addition, north of reek Ltirah Haydon et al. to Marcellus Ouatln, lot 40. Ogle's E. Park north of Pennsylvania railroad shopa Oliver P.

Royaler to Thomas Ilyan, part southwest quarter section 34. toTnhlp 1. range 1, Center township Mi I Johnaon to Mary U. Barr, lot 2I Clark A 1agnrd's' second addition. West Indianapolis, near Oliver avenue Frank Cootr to Alice O.

Jot e. Cooper A Pickens's northeast addition, east of Atlas works Jonathan B. Gerard to Lid a B. Hoover, lot block S. section C.

Foreet Park addition, west of Jenney elec trlc worka Oliver P. Hlack to Albert R. Worm, let i. Clark's third addition. West Indianapolis Charles G.

Pugh to Jamea H. Witty, truatee, part of lot 13. square 4, southraat addition, south, of Prospect eaat of hhelby Chsrles Hummell to Charles H. Jef 2.100 00 500 00 00 oo 700 00 27t 00 (SO 00 LSOO 00 frlea. lota 1 and 14, block It.

North Indlanaiwlla. south of Thirtieth 1.600 00 Thomss J. Yount'to John H. Jockman. lot Hayrien's subdivision, Johnson heirs' addition.

Ilellefontaln near Nineteenth Amoe K. Hollowell to Mallnda Cook. Irt lots and 14. Orandvlew aMl t'on. east of Collegia north of Twenty seventh St.

Thvolr H. Hewell to Joaenh Iawald et lot 21. block i. Walkefe E. ihlo at.

addition. near Highland Park. Henry' K. Roblnaon to Catherine E. Klley.

lot M. Armatrong Park addition. mi cf Crown Hill William Flder to John 8. Titua, lot 70, I'nlveraltv Heights addlUon. aouth of tiarneld Park Same to William H.

feheyherd et tot 14. aame ha me to Oeorg E. Nelson. lot 7S, earn R. MllUkan to Isaac W.

Mllll kan. rart lot tz. block 1. IJncoln l'ark. Meridian street, near Twen ty acVind Iaoao Y.

Mlllkan to timer A. Wllllama. truatee. earn lot XJ Elmer A. Wllllama.

to Isaaa W. Mllllkan et ux. same Mary tl. Mllllkan et al. to James R.

Mllllkan. part lot i. Fletcher's second a.ldltlin, northeast of Massa rhueet av. depot Elisabeth Pretlow to C. Pretlow et lot block 11.

'North Indl anaixilla, south of Thirtieth st Central Bond Company to John Young. tart of lot 43. T. Fletcher's aubdUlaloa of outlet 81, near Noble anil Nirth sts ChrUtlsn A. Schrader et us.

to Chrle tan Klaitng. part of section 12, township 14. range 4, Frankrla town aiitp Marvin B. Crtet lo John Q. McCul louich.

lot 7t. Sharp' Woodalde addition, aouth of 1'ennoj Ivanla raU rad ahta Erna IV Turner et al to Ellas M. 4. WO 00 750 00 1000 00 2 00 iso oo 9 00 20. 00 1.4T0 IN 1 1.400 00 1.450 00 SO 00 t.400 00 4 00 Hertmil.T.

(art lot 1. Kappoa Nsltner addition. Eighteenth lua; weat of canal Harvey H. hhlvelr to William S. Villa et ui lot S3.

Bruce Plac ad East End subdivision, near Twenty fourth et. and Motion rail rod William Cwlbertaon to John C. Peard. lot Holloway's subdl 'on Robson a Vorhis's addition. i niU Allert Staats to AVonao E.

en aa Julian et Snrina Harden addition, southeast, beyond Belt railroad George Brewer to Augustua A. Ht. Clair, part southeast quarter L8o6 a ciion u. townanip range, I township i John W. Manna to Joseph Miller et lot fl, Kenwood Park, eaat of 1 4 ra tint.

hian v.v" i lot Downey a southeast ad 1 SO da 8hulta aame joaepn narniaon to Helen lot 8 Crawford'e subdivision of rt of HolmM i Wast End addition. Haughvllle Wllllant Roach to Thomas M. Huston, lots M. 89 and 8i. Lancaster's adlitlon.

Rrlghtwiod Getvga 1. Maas to Albert E. Metsger, 1.100 (a) 400 00 lwirrorH I I i I a I ane oa IB) CSTSBLI5HCO aJba THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, yEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1904. ORIGINATORS of Forms, Systems. Devices.

Leaves. Binders and Supplies for Modern LOOSE LEAF ADAPTED TO tThe Business Man's Drpartment Store." 05 25 WEST hAfTlANgSry 'ail '5fci The City's Best Clothing Store Offers a Sale of 1,000 Boys' Sample School Suits CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SUITS, two rlece ouble breajited anrt fancy Norfolk styles, pretty checks and plaids, sizes 4 to 14 years, 600 bargain suits BOYS' 8TRONO SUITS. doubWbreasted and Norfolk styles also three plec Veste Suits, all the new fall checks and plaids. In wool and fine cheviots, sixes 4 to 15 years, ti.35 and S2.60 values STRONG SCHOOL St'ITS. heary wool Scotch mixtures, tough materials; will wear 11 ko leather; fancy mixtures In prevailing fall and winter styles, all iree 4 to 15 years; grand values at J2.4S and STYLISH SCHOOL SUITS.

300 tin sample school suits. Nor folks, double breasted and sailor styles, sixes to 16 years, fancy and plain colors; 16. oO grades ore $3 P8. and 14.00 to 15.00 gmmm ir a nat grades at All our best dress calicoes yard. Be 50 Lines of Black Goods at 9Sc a yard Hers are some of thern: Silk and Wool Crepe) Cioth Eollenne.

Chiffon, French Poplin, Crepe Poplin. Etamlne, Crepon Sultln Figured Panne Cheviot. Voile, Whipcord. French Twills. Prunellas.

Granite. Sollel and other weaves, 46 to 54 Inches wide, oil go at, ft Q0r yard 30C More Black Dress Goods All wool Ladles Cloth. 38 0Qf Inches wide, a OOU All wool Granite Cloth. Cheviot. Albatross.

Batiste and Melrose Suitings. 38 to 45 Inches wide, 69c Cey to 88c values, a yard All wool Storm Serge and Cheviot, 45 Inches wide. 75c grade, a CQf yard 3 44 lnch Novelty Suitings heavyweight Storm Berges. 48 inches wide, and 60 lnch extra heavy Chev "TP lot, extra value, IUU Sale of Comfort Materials Comfort Robe Calicoes, large tn floral designs, a yard H2U Heavy Cretonnes, for furniture coverings and fine comforts, 8c Clt grade, a yard 02 It Cotton T.ntts, for comforts, full fn pound, rolls Cotton Blankets, 49c pr. no pairs gray Cotton Blankets, fancy borders, to morrow, a pair 49c 100 patrs fancy plaid A A A A Wool Blankets.

10 4 I size. value. a.oziau pair. Fancy Blankets for bath or. robes, plaids and atrlpes, a pair QjL ACKSOM'S 10 GREAT POPULAR CASH STORES 10 Standard Tea and Grocery Company THE STORES THAT SAVE YOU MONEY 24V pounds best sort A $100 Best'Jiuality irish Potatoes.

per j(jQ Large bag' "best Snow Flake Cnj Flour ii 0UU Best pure sweet Dairy Butterine, pound IC Best hand made tin Fruit Cans. QQ dozen uOu Malta Ceres, same as Grape Fa Nuts, package Uu 15 GREAT MONEY New Phone 2TIO 410 Private lot 1. Miller's subdivision or part of Johnaon' a heirs' addition, near Cornell ave. and Twenty second George A. Rose to Jonn H.

Hartwlg et lot 8. oiitlot lol. south of Virginia east Of Eaat st John H. Hartwlg to Oeorge A. Roee, same Martin Thets tn Anton Schmidt, lot 39, square S3, Beaty's addition, west of Fhelbv near Belt railroad David E.

Drake, to Mallnda J. Moore, lot 30, Cottage Grove addition, near Prospect st. and Villa ave Elisabeth K. Jameson to Henry J. Asstn.

lot 1 27. Klecua" subdivision. Johnson's heirs addition, east of Colece, near Nineteenth 1.450 00 1 00 100 860 00 an 00 a.0n0 Transfers, 41 consideration 00 COUNTY COURTS' RECORD. CI RCUIT COURT. Henry Clay Allen.

Judge. W. M. Coval A fon va Katherlne Smith's ea Heler vs. L.

Adam's estate: submitted to court administrator. I A. E. htorch vs. Llzsle J.

I.k'rt's estate: submitted to court: allowed for cost of the estate. Walker, etc, va ijicai Wehles's estate: allowed by administra tor for 8 10, cost of the administrator. Fred 1 Heler vs. L. Adam a estate: submitted to court; s.

V. Aaam a estate: suommeu roun; owed for f'oat 'of estate. Margaret s. Gus II. Muil.

dismissed by. plaint iment nralnat platnllff for costs. Albert i and alio Nolan vs. judg administrator for 86.10, coat of administrator. Flanner Ruchanan.

va. Oeorge Laker estate; submitted to court: allowed for 84160. coat of administrator. Whitsett at Culver va Kills Y. Hhartle's estate: submitted to court; allowed by administrator for $13.

Henry Bloom vs. P. Hoffmann; diamlseed by plaintiff; coeta paid. C. C.

Wataon va M. F. Holllngsworth's teatate: submitted to court: allowed for 8S.S0. coat of adml.ilatrator. Greinateln Uroe.

vf. Na 1 1,0 a vs. N. H. Lowe's estate; allowed by ul mlr.lstrator JIS.S0 for coat ot administrator.

Fred Wulf vs. Charles uir. armee: submlUed to tourt: claim at al for 12.60. coat of eatate Alvah W. Gulley va Indianapolis Street Railway Company; sunmutea conn; taken under advisement.

Ellxa Edwarda va City ef Indtanapolta 'aobmitted to court: finditag for plaintiff: Judgment against defendsnt for ISO. Ellxa T. Edwards vs. City of In dlanapolls; submitted to court nncing judgment againat defendant for 70u and i I I roeta. H.

vennng va. I iori nnjrr a vallate: submitted to court; taken under ad Msement. Ida M. Frlcker vs. Flora Krugers estate; submitted to court: taken under ad vlsement.

Rartie Dlmtck vs. Ivl M. jlMmlrk: dlsmlaaed nd costs paid. Joseph Schmidt vs. John Hchmldt; submitted 'to court; finding for plaintiff; Judgment againat lnMnh llarHnr va 'ath.

artne.Maione a eaiaie; lUDmiura roun, niiu Ing for laintiff: claims for 1 .56 allowed at coat of admtnlaiitv'or. Alfred Burdaal va. Al jsvlvester: f.aintlff Hies proof of pi: Ilea itlon: submitted to ourt en.ltng for plaintiff that there Is due plaintiff 81a and costs. new purrs. Albert tl.

Hudstw va William F. Wocher; mechanlc'e lien; uperlor Court. Roont William Miller va. William Wocher; mechanic's lien: Superior Court. Room 2.

Alexander pence va. William Wocher: mechanic ilea; CAPITAL. i I ACCOUNTING ANY BUSINESS. i .1 i Levey 'kteV V. I A ILLiK0IW oi.oo SI.50 Sf.98 S2.98 Lonsdale Bleach Muslins, per yd.

7ic Cotton Voile Suitings 3 Jc COTTON VOILE SUITINGS, assorted plain colors, closing out Qd the 10c grades at, a yard MANDALAY SUITINGS, an immense line of patterns. Just the thing for your early fall suit. 10c grades on 'sale in the basement at, a yard 0C Cheesecloth, all colors. a yard Ladies" ready made Underskirts, made of outing flannel, neat border and made with cambric 1C band ZaC Sllkollne Comforts, tufted with OCw yarn, special at White Goods, check nainsook for baby dresses, 8Hc grade a r. yard White wool Flannels, for In IQft fants wear, 25c grade, a Wool Pants Goods, neat stripes, 50c grade, a yard UU India IJnens.

CO pieces on' sale, all book fold double width, three big bargains ot, a yard 6c, 5c Champagne Waistlngs. also fine White Waistlngs, 29c to 39c tTn lines, a fU CANTON FLANNELS, unbleached, heavy twill and close nap, good values at, a yard 2U Colored Do met light and dark for children's school skirts, per yard 9c, 7c per yard 9c, 7c ana Embroidered Wool Flannels, fine white all wool flannels, with silk embroidered borders, per ZC yard 40U Fleeceback Wrapper Goods, neat line of patterns for children's school dresses and ladles' waists and Qln kimonos, 10c values 0C Oxford 'Vellon Walstings. pretty waist designs, 14c is the price If) elsewhere, here 1ft pounds best fine Granu (Tl flfl lated Sugar 3)1. UU Ball Bros best Mason Quart OQn Jars, dozen J) bars Kirk's White Russian 0Cf 8oap Best pure kettle rendered Leaf OJLn Lard, pound g9u Best make Jelly Glasses, I On dozen 0u Reirular 10c quality new Head Cf Rice, pound Uu SAVING STORES 19 Exchange. Old Phone Main 665.

U'A. JACKSON, Prop. SfTrior Court. Room 1. William Madarls va.

William Wocher; mechanic's lien; Superior Court. Room 1. John Chenowtth va William Wocher: mechanic's lien; Superior Court. Room 2. William Holbrook va.

William Wocher; mechanic's lien; Superior Court, Room 3. Rhoda Hess vs. Wm. Hess; divorce; Circuit Court City of Indianapolis va Emma Weller; appeal from City Court: Circuit Court. City of Indl anapous vs.

Kjchard Waller: appeal from Citv ourt: Circuit Court. City of Indianapolis va. May Johnaon: appeal from city Court; Circuit OUrt. Ada 1 rm vs. Imoar llnvi ,.1 1.

Ircult Court. Harrison Jordan va Delia Jor dan: divorce: Circuit Crmrt. citv of t. lis vs. Nick Pavalockoa; apieal from City Court: Circuit Co iit riiv nr 00John Powers: appeal from City Court; Circuit v.

iHii.iiiiijn i nomas a Die: r. 1 I Louisa Kastner va Arthur 11. Kastner; divorcer Puoerior Court, rnotn 1 va. John M. Plrk et al.

appeal from Rht. C. I I ouiirriur voun. room l. Maud S.

xi irj a. jamea jii. i tawiey; divorce; Superior Court, room J. arah Catherine Bro shear va Ephralm Broshear; divorce; Superior Court, room J. BOA RD OF WORKS ROUTINE.

PETITION FILED. For flagstone croaalng in Twelfth et. For cement velks and curb In Roa'che st. from Northwestern ave. to Schurmann ave.

PAPERS ORDERED. For culvert on North Dearborn st. over ra vine between Nowland ave and sixteenth st. SWITCH CONTRACT KNTERED INTO. With the Geran A King Company to cross Douglass St.

Back to Work at Altoona. AI.TOOiXA. September 7. The ex Pennsylvania railroad shops here to dar were ordered on full time; 'Fifteen thousand persons are benefited by the o.ocr. PERSONAL.

PERSONAL Cincinnati letter from HAL'GER under Male Help. pERSdSALr n'mchw. Jewelry; beat repairing HENRY SOHEROEXS. 331 E. Washington.

PERSONAL Money loaned on watches and diamonds; largest posalbl amount; ratea i State Life Bldg. lowest MUSICAL. Mt'SlCAI, Apollo. Mandolin Guitar. Kanjo Conservatory.

402 4f4 Van Vorbts Building. MtlCAL Frarklln N. Taylor, baas soloist and teacher of the voice. Studio, 905 N. Senate ave.

STORAGE. 8TOLEN If the boys will return the two pigmy pouter pigeons taken from S9 Woodruff Place 8a will be paid for each bird and ao questions asked. I i Mrs. Bertha Boee. wife ct Henry i Bneei Tueaday at a.

m. Funeral Tbura day at 2 p. U09 S. East ML PCHW1NGE Bertram H. Schwlnge, ann of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry fichwlnge. 11:34 p. eptemher age 27 years. Funeral (private) i Friday mornlag, 10 o'clock.

Burial Crown Hill. CAMPBELL Died, at his home In Cra.w fordsvllle. on September 7. 1904. In the seventy seventh year if bin age.

John Lyle Campbell, for fifty years professor in Wabash Cnlleew. The funeral occur on Friday morning. Septembee at 10 o'clock. i ix. e.

airs, nary juiiier. wiciow 01 nenry and mother of Mrs. A G. Karlbo. Mrs.

Otto Mix. Miss Carrie. Messrs. William, Edward and 1 George Miller. September at 11:15 a.

age sixty nine years one month and twenty days, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Mix. MS N. Keystone.

Funeral Thursday. Septem ber R. at I n. m. FTtends invited.

GfLL D. C. age seventy two years, passed away Thursday. September 1, of heart failure. He la survived by two daughters, Mr.

Charles W. Ennls. of Lo Angeles. and Mrs. O.

I Wade, of this city, and a son. C. B. GUI, of Ix Angelea Funeral September I. at 1 p.

from residence of O. L. Wade. 151S College are. Friends Invited.

Funeral private. Card of Thanks. We desire to express oar sincere thanks to our many frienda for their klndnees shown us thrnusTh the Illness and death of our beloved husband and rather, and to the Railway Transfer Company and employes for their floral offer lnr. MRS. G.


Lady assistant always at offlra. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FUNERAL, Dl RECTORS ICRS JELO. Pboaea FUNERAL DIRECTORS TUTEWILEH, Undertaker, 129 W. Market st.

TeL 110. FUNERAL DIP.ECTORS FINN BROS. LONO, US W. Market. Both phones.


Alabama si New phone MS. Old main 1430. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FRANK f. LAN CHARD, Undertaker. Lady attendant Southeast corner Ohio and N.

Data war. Phones: Office. 411: residence, ttt CREIATORY CREMATORY ANI FUNERAL PARLORS FLANNEK a BUCHANAN, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, N. ILLINOIS ST. ftleeplns; rooms In tha building 'tor those hav hng frienda at our place.

MOJUMENTS MONUMENTS AUG. DIENER, 44 E. VTash in Hon. Telephone 2US. SOC1 i' MA RON IC Centra Lodre No.

22. F. and A. M. Stated meeting Wednesday evening.

September 7, at o'clock, for business. A. B. ULICK, W. M.

CHAS. E. JONES. Secretary SOCIETY MASONIC Called meeting of Marion Lodge No, 35. F.

and A. Wednesday evening, September 7, at 7:30 o'clock, for work in tha second desree. Visiting brethren welcome. CHAS. A.


Fecretary. 80C1ETY ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE Adontram Grand Lodge of Perfection. A meeting of the lodge will be held this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock for buslnasa. CHALMERS BROWN, T. P.

G. M. FRANCIS T. HOLLIDAT, See'y. SOCIETY MASONIC Stated meeting of Monument Lodge No.

657. F. and A. Thursday evening, September 8. at 7 o'clock Election of junior warden, also work in third degree, i JOSEPH SOLOMON, S.

W. LEWIS BAUM, Sec'y. SOCIETY A. oTH TAU members of Divisions Nos. 1.

4.1 6. and 7. are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of Brother Michael Murpny of Division No. S. which will take place from his late residence.

C3S W. Maryland Thursday morning. September ft, at o'clock, with services at St. John's chnrch at o'clock. All members of tha order will report at the hall of Division No.

at a. sharpi J. H. pEERY. CP.


WANTED Ry a young lady, board and room In a private family. Addresa Box 828. Newa. WANTED Three or four furnished, heated rooms for the winter for light housekeeping. Address Box 23J.

Newa WANTED Unfurnished apartments of three or four rooms: bath, central; man and wife. J. care Grand HoteL? WANTED Furnished room with breakfast, and aupper in private family, downtown; references exchanged. Address Box 232. News.

WANTED Board, and room in private family. not too far out, and must be reasonable: by young lady, employed. Addresa Box News. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping: heat preferred: in walking distance; by young couple. Address Box 14), News.

WANTED Two or three unfurnished, heated rooms for light housekeeping with nice family; walking distance: reasonable; references. AJdresa Box 342. Newa WANTED For State Fair Send name and street number and state how many beds also if you can give breakfast and supper it' desired and price; homes near street car preferred. INDIANA. FARMER 30i Pi.

Delaware at WANTED Rooms and board, with strictly private family, in best portion of the city, desired by gentleman and wife; willing to pay liberally for proper temporary home with refined people. References required and extended. Reply at once. Address Box 379. Newa.

PALMISTS, (CLAIRVOYANTS, ETC CLAIRVOYANt MR8. MARY HOLMES, a true clairvoyant reader. 1622 Shelby st. CLAIRVOYANT Call on Mrs. Alllaaridre foe truthful readings and advice.

1631 Shelby, corner Minnesota. CLAIRVOYANT LEE SISTERS', the famous Gypsy palmists, give luck in speculation and Investments and remove evil Influences. Why not consult the best? 23 W. Washington su, opDOstte Wesson's. CLAIRVOYANT TEMPEST.

Clairvoyant and Spirit Medium. Without asking a single question or before you spesk a word he tells your full name. Unless he tells you more than any other clairvoyant, medium or palmist you have ever' consulted, he positively refuses to accept a fee. If you are In trouble or doubt, call on thla gifted man: his ail vice will help you. Full life readings.

60c 222 CLAIRVOYANT PROF. MARTIN'S ex traordlnary clairvoyant powers, combined with his superior knowledge of occult forces, i en erv win in 1 1 biiu ututnpuiBuia. 1 1 a VJ vloe is reliable. His Information clear, concise and to the point In ldve. marrlare, divorce, journeys.

Investments and speculation. If you j4jsit A Ia ramnva trnuhlaa nr 7 lost affection, call and he will guide you with, a certaintv hlrher than human Dower. Re duced pricea for a few daya: 81. 00 readings for var. in auioreaa.

ao 1, iinnoia et. JOSJ, LOST Bunch of keys. Return to 400 Indiana Trust Building. Reward. LOST Party took coat from lunch stand on Louisiana st.

please return same, ivo questions asked. LOST Bug shaped breastpin silver. Inlaid with shell. Leave at E. Washington St.

and get reward. i LOST Dog: brown Scotch collie; "Tweed." Liberal reward. DR. McCULLOCH. N.

Pennsylvania ef. LOST Pmall black and white fox terrier wearing collar labeled "Dixie." 1100 N. Meridian. Reward for return. LOST Thursday, black and white fox terrier pup.

Tag number 3512. Reward will be paid for any' Information. 131 New York st. LOST Shipping book. btween cur plant and Big Four freight depot.

Return and receive reward. STANDARD WHEEL Standard ave. and Division. LOST Black and white setter dog; black ears, one black eye. body ticked with black spots.

ED PRINGLE. Broad Ripple, on collar. J2X N. New Jersey. Reward.

LOST Between corner 'Park ave. and Tenth and Alabama and St. Clair, gold class pin: letters I. K. T.

S. on circle. in center. Re torn 24 Park ava. Reward.

LOST Strayed or picked up from 1314 N. New Jersey male fox terrier pup; white with brown ears: named Tumbles. Liberal reward and no questions asked. IXST Lady'a gold watch and pin. Riverside Park, latber day; engraved "To Lillian, nele Frank.

14. on outzi ie; keep sase. H.turn tit woodiavn ave. Kenard. LOST In section 37.

Crown Hill, wrtit bag containing pocketbook. small amount of money land pair oid lady's glasses. Return to VE PILING. Undenaker, 710 Virginia, ava Reward. STRAYED OR STOLEN.

STRAYED OR STOLEN White female ix terrier: one ear; answers to name "Re no collar; seven months old. Reward, Return 231 Walcott. FOUND. FOUND Taken Cp: Strty mare. 702 Warm an avenue.

FOUND Bicycle. Owner can have it by Identifying same and paying charges. Call at 70S N. Weat st. WILLIAM NORMAN.

1 1 I TO ET ROO S. TO LET Furnished rooms. N. Illinois. TO LET BRTCKTS Old Homestead bread.

TO LET Furnished rooms. 70 N. Weat st. TO LET Two rooms, tut N. Senate 'ave.

TO IET Fumhthed front room and aicova. la I College. TO LET Furnished rooms, (1 and up. S3 K. Senate).

TO LET Nice (urnlahed room. 115 N. Capitol avenue. rr TO LET Nicely urnlehed front room. il N.

ml TO LET Furnished rooms modern. Alabama. 606 N. TO LET Two furns'thed rooms, modern. 917 N.

Alabama. TO LET Large, airy rooms; furnished. 90S EL Eleventh. TO LET Five room fit. bouse.

34 N. Senate TO LET Purntshed room, with board, W. Tenth. 110 TO LET Furnished front room, first floor. 110 N.

Liberty. TO LET Furnished rooms, modern. Vermont et. 144 W. TO LET Furnished rooms, with board.

604 K. South at. TO LET Three unfurnished connecting rooms. TO LET Six or seven rooma, unfurnlah ill B. eleventh.

TO LET Four nice rooms, (4. 74 Bradley mxeoo ark. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms, modern. lit E. Michigan.

TO LET Four rooms; $8 per month. js is. xentn. TO LET Furnished: rooms with board, bath. 27 is.

Illinois. TO LET Cincinnati letter from HAL'GER un der Mala Help. TO LET Furnished front room, downstairs. M4 N. Capitol.

1 TO LET Sleeplng rooma. AD HERETIC. 1M S. Washington st. TO LET Furnished rooms; heat and bath.

600 N. New Jersey. TO LET Nice unfurnished front parlor. 620 N. Delaware St.

TO LET Er ellent hoard, desirable rooms. 14 fenneyivanla. TO LET Modern furnished rooms; gentlemen. lzZ E. Vermont St.

TO LET Furnished front rooms with board. 1010 E. Eleventh et TO LET First class furnished rooms; gentlemen. s7 N. Illinois.

TO LET Furnished or modern. 84 N. East unfurnished rooms; TO LET Furnished rooms; 4S7 E. Washington st close dowtowa. TO LET Pleasant, furnished rooms; phone.

806 N. Illinois. bath; TO LET Nicely furnished front room; modern. 908 N. Alabama.

TO LET Rooms board; private family; 529 N. Meridian. TO LET Pleasant front room; gentlemen preferred. 444 N. Illinois.

TO LET Furnished, front room; modern; reference. 121S Broadway. TO LET Furnlahed or unfurnished front m. 844 English ave. TO LET Two or three unfurnished rooms; modern.

1014 Park TO LET Two furnlaned rooms; keeping. 718 E. Market at. light house TO LET Nicely furnished room. Meridian st.

Call Room 6 214 N. TO LET Large front room, gentlemen ferred. 730 Pennsylvania. pre TO LET Furnished front rooms, for house keeping. 712 N.

New Jersey. TO LET Collars and cuffs, to. 1121. PROGRESS LAUNDRY. Telephone TO LET Five unfurnished rooms; modern.

144 W. Nineteenth. Phone 7372. TO LET Four unfurnished rooms, ground noor; 631 t. senata ava.

TO LET Three clean, pleasant, unfurnished. upstairs rooms. LC4 N. Senate ava. TO LET Large furnished room, suitable; for two; 82.80 week; bath.

E. Michigan. TO LET Nice, large suite ground floor rooms; furnished for housekeeping. E. Ohio.

TO LET Very pleasant furnished room; desirable neighborhood. 1422 Central ava TO LET Furnished room In private mooem; ror gentleman. 477 n. Alabama. TO LET Modern, private, well furnlshed rooms; bath; telephone.

117 W. Walnut TO LET Furnished room privilege dining room, kitchen. 886 Broadway, TO LET Desirable front alcove room, fur nished also smaller room. 118 E. Michigan; TO LET Light housekeeping rooms, cheap; furnished rooms.

75 cents weekly. 709 Ogden. TO LET Two small, furnished' housekeeping rooms; private entrance; 82, 212 N. New Jer sey, i TO LET weu rurnished. large front room: bath; well heated; gentleman.

414 N. Dela ware. 1 TO LET To gentleman, nicely furnished room telephone, steam heat, bath. 119 W. Eleventh street.

TO LET Furnished rooms; bath and all mod era conveniences; prices reasonable. IS W. Ohio st. TO LET Eleaanty furnlahed front parlor bed room to couple only. 426 Virginia ave.

New phone 96a0. TO LET Five nice unfurnished rooms, with DVn bath; first 'floor; reasonable. 121 E. Six TO LET Two rooms, separately: furnished bath; heat; one 88, on 86. 807 N.

Pennsylva nia street. TO LET Family washing; nice) work; price right: tare curtains, sue pair. PROGRESS LAUNDRY. TO LET Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms and alcove; nata, gas; private family. sis r.

west. TO LET Furnished and unfurnished rooms with or without board; strictly modern, to TO LET Lsirge, comfortably furnished room; private family adults; gentleman. 803 N. Pennsylvania. TQ LET Unfurnished, sunny parlors: closet flat; walking distance; car line.

Address Box 361. Newa TO LET Pleasant furnished room; gentleman or lady of settled disposition; modern. 724 N. New Jersey, st. TO LET Handsomely furnished outside room In fiat for gentleman; thoroughly modern.

940 N. Alabama st. TO LET Soma beautiful furnished rooms with first class board; under new management. 612 and iZ2 N. Meridian.

TO LET Ten room home; modem; Morton Place; to man and wife, for board of two. Address liox 362, News. TO Sulte of rooms or single in most complete flat in city, to one or two gentle nwi. Address Box 333. News.

TO LET Three unfurnished. rooms 00 ground floor; housekeeping; 110. Inqul after 7 m. 537 E. New York.

1 TO I.Frr Comfortable winter ouarters fifteen lrTh" morf. mtnuteer want nortn; strictly moaern. ataan. Aanreaa Knr TO LET Large, unfurnished room; steam heat. electric light, water; opposite postnfiice.

In quire 18t N. Meridian room 11. i TO LET Furnlsned room, for two men only; i good location. Flat 4, 217 E. Michigan.

TO LET Three modern rooms, for light nouaeaeeping. lour aquares trom post Br1 rent Address housekeeping, four squares from post TO LET Furnished room, near Twelfth and Bellefontatne close to College ave. school: to lady teachers preferred. Address Box 846. Newa TO LET Two large rooms, fully furnished for light housekeeping, to gentleman and wife; references required.

Call before lo or, after 6. 71J N. Delaware. TO LET Residence, northeast corner Dels wore and Pratt; steafiv furnace and all modern improvements. Apply to 218 N.

Alabama. Telephone 161) or 13S. TO LET Desirable third story rooms; opposite pout office; steam heat, water, gas and electricity; abundant light and air. Inquire N. Meridian room IL TO LET 338 E.

Tenth 7 rooms; hardwood floors; gss and electric I lights; bath; both furnace and hot water beat; all modern Improvements. New telephone 3M2 or 4418. TO LET World's fair visitors: lodging. 50c per day; first clasa accommodations; bath; ten minutes to fair grounds. Particulars addreas E.

C. TUCKER. 67SJ Theodosla ava. St Louis. Ma i TO LET Christian Endeavor Hotel.

World's Fair: one of the largest hotels In the world; at exieition gate: Market St. cars direct from Union station; safety, comfort and convenience; evervborty welcome; write for particulars. Address CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR HOTEL. SL I Loula TO LET MISCELLANEOUS. TO LET Brick livery barn.

50x11. town of Inhabitants. FRANK INNIH. Tipton, Ind. TO LET A two etory brick.

40x124; factory building, with steam and dynamo. On Belt railroad. W. A. GREYER, 83 Mouumeat Place.

jAJ5SGBAjrHS MASSAGE Massage, electrical. 22 W. Ohio aeoood floor. TO LET HOUSES, TO LET INDIANA TRt'ST COMPANY. TO LET BRYCE'8 Old Homestead Uread.

TO" LET See Hat. CkWraITtoItVtTp. TQ LET Mo vln per load. Hot iTphones 213. TO LET Moving, $1 tier load.

Telephone mala tea. TO LET Four room cottage, ave. ti 1 Uraceland TO LET Eight room house; modern; new. Uia Park ave. TO LET Six rooms to refined family; SIC 35S Highland ave.

TO LET Four room house; 23 Puryear aU near Alabama. TO LET Cincinnati letter from HAL'GER under Male Help. TO LET House, five rooms; Jlo, 1n Douglass. New ohone 1S1I4. T2 Elh' rni house; modem; 3il 3.

TO LET Modern room residence; Talbott v. mjk. w. I TO LET Two nice rooms for housekeeping. "11H Yandes: lira.

iw 1 e.i tee our choice llt. fcPANN Jk ennsyrvama st. TO LET House. fc2 E. Nebraska 10.

In quire iv. Illinois St. TO LET Collars and cuffs, sc. Telephone 111. TO LET 15; Bellefontatne six rooms.

ouni mick CO. TO LET room double house, EL Mar tin lux 31 lemche. TO LET Half double house, Ovs rooms; bath; per monin. in s. trlentaK TO LET lint at 131 E.

Market ground noor. UKKiiUKV At PEL. TO LET 1110 E. Michigan; four rooms slde o. rrnmyivmnia.

TO LET Half double house, five rooms and earn; new; xs. 210 Kenwood ave. TO LET 7 room house, fine location: 218; Ashland ava. HITTLE. 3:4 Lemcka TO LET 1134 Olive nine rooms.

W1L UAM GORDON, 219 Lemcke Building. TO LET Flx ronm cottage, 2304 rewey ave. a. ti. vmiiiHT, lis w.

Twenty sixth st. TO LET 152S Belief omalne; good condition; tree water; rent reasonable. MICK Co. TO LET Furnished house; modern; twelve room earn furnace. 1821 N.

Delaware. TO LET Make no mistake. COFKY'S COF FEE STORE is at 430 Massachusetts ave. TO LET No. 820 N.

Alabama modem. 8 rooma; piped for steam heat. Apply 89 Virginia ave. TO LET Family washing; nice, work; price right; laca curtains. Jvc.

pair. PROGRESS LAUNDRY. TO LET Place your rental property with W. A. utlSIbH.

35 Monument Place. ground floor. TO LET Five room cottage; attic, cellar. alnk in kitchen: near 1207 Wind Sor St. TO LET Six rooms and bath, modem, new and warm 1 punt; 330.

8l E. Twenty seventh near Ashland. TO LET JENKINS TRANSFER largest ia iu ion vii. xxno poonvs. vuice O.

E. Market. TO LET Good three room rear house, con veniences, central: no small ehlldrenu Inn aire 607 N. Delaware. TO LET Two story residence, with bath.

1U Alabama rent U. W. A. GREYER. 35 Monument Place.

TO LET 68 Elder house, 11 rooms; newly papered: rood for boarders. A. METZOER AGENCY. 1 TO LET Story and one half house; elegantly ofoPfJ nln6 ater. 625 Alabama.

Inouire 8.9 8. Alabama. TO LET Elegant, new four room flats. Bright near New York; only eight squares from Monument; 115. JOHN R.

WELCH. 62 Circle. TO LET Nice, handsome, modem ten room house: 811 N. Illinois cheao: nice bath for hot and cold water; city water and tha best kind of deen well water. TO LET 110 East Thirteenth, comer Pennsyi vanla; eight rooms ttd with Chamberlain metal weather strips; good furnace and bath: beautiful ahadv nu ir.

A lii u.J ti 1a 1 Ior STolc location see this; will put the property in nood repair; only $35. INDIANA TRUST COMPANY. TO LET OFFICES AND STORES.UM Bpeclal Wbata IX you nay before due. TO LET A stable. 916 N.

Caoltol ave. TO LET See list. INDIANA TRUST CO. TO LET Offices and rooms. AD HERETH, ih m.

waanington n. TO LET Desk room or half elegant front office: everything furnished. 63 When Build ing. TO LET Three floors and cement basement; good wholesale district. Inuulre 218 Mr.

Crea st. TO LET Rooms or space. Cell 340 S. Pensyl vanla St. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE COMPANY.

TO LET Five rooms for office or business purposes, on third floor, 128 W. Washington St. W. A. GREYER.

85 Monument Place. TO LET We want a young lawyer to. take desk room with us; can have access to private room also; come and see us. 25 28 win Block. TO LET Second floor, 42 44 Kentucky Ave 'Office rooms, suitable for office or dwelling purposes; modern; low rent A.

METZQER AGENCY. TO LETAbout 4.000 feet floor space. Arat and second noors, aultanie ror light maaufactur lng or storage: good office with fire proof vault, first floor. Call at 218 N. Alabama st.

New telephone 160. TO LET Part of office ground floor; window; on East Market at; suitable for of flee; desirable for headquarter, for of such articles writers, etc. Address Box 299, News. TO LET Building 46 Virginia half square from Washington fronting on Virginia ave. and Washington entirely new; very deep cement basement; electric lighting: choice location; very great traffic.


Walnnt. "Tha TO LET CIncinnati letter from HACGER under Male Help. TO LET 127.50. Extra nice, i rooms and bath. Main 2776.

rings. TO LET "Victoria." comer New Jersey and Ohio, three beautiful apartmenta A. METZ GER AGENCY. TO LET Splendid six room flat; everything modern. The Belmont.

Delaware and Michigan. See custodian. TO LET Most complete In city, seven iimiai mB; wHh hrdWOT1 floors. The Griffith, 842 Capitol ava. N.

Apply to janitor or Grimth Uros. lNAJCJAU FINANCIAL I par cent, money on real estata GEO. WOLF, seoond floor Lemcke Bldg. vrviMnit i LET CT HELP TOTJ 1 If you ar In seed of money. We make loans K.VtC unDKc vt 1 I RIAGE8.

WAGONS, from i up. on email weakly or monthly payments, and give you from one snoath to one year to repay it If I paid before dua we chargs you only for the I time you keep IC We loan money for the In terest, and you need have no fear of losing 1 vour uroDertv on account of sickness or other miifortune. our reputation for leniency at such times being fully established. Get your small bills all In one place and you will then hava but one place pay. We make no Inquiries among your friends or neighbors.

Call and Jjey. Yur conv'mtlon wMl be tfed oos fldentlally. whether you make a loan or not. 2r7 Indiana Truat Building. Waahlngtoa Et.

and Virginia ava New phone t2. Old 23. FINANCIAL WHEN TOU NEED unvrr with oldest and most reliable company In? can or write to ua. 7' loan money In any amount from 810 up on furniture, pianos, vehicles and other per. sonai property of value.

The payments are ar ranged In to smau wecaiy inaiuiuimus. inue allowing you weeaa in wnicn amy on your loan. One dollar and twenty cents la tha weekly payment on a fifty dollar loan, i tuber amounts In the same proportion. All business strictly confidential Loans made in all parts of city; also at Shelbyville, Greenneld. untgnieiown.

franklin Columbus. all towns reach lie. Letanon. Noblesville, hed by Interurban roads aUons receive our prompt u.n nr nhone aBDllcalione receive our prompt attention. It you need money nil out toe following blank, cut It out and mall it to us am: our agent will call on you: NAME.


Washlnnon. Both Phones If. A' 'wTANTAD''ln The News will reach SO per cant, of tha newspaper readers of Indiana 1 I i i 1 ft': ir FINANCIAL. FINA NCLAL mtYCK Oid Homestead bread. FINANCI At letter "from iiACGEK' uiulr Male JVlp.

f'i a nc i Aij tEL vkit yVrit st com pany. 14 E. M.trket et. FINANCI A Have abstracts of tlUa prepared BROWN, third floor Lemrka. FIN ANC1AL Loans on ppjsonal property WILSON.

E. WafhlnKton. Otlloe FINANtTIAL Mnev to loan at ol ri'. J. F.

3LfLmcke. New phone I. FINANCIAL lyiina, Inauranc'e snd rentals. SECUItlTt TUUST COMPANY. 14S K.

Marr FINANCIAL L. rt place tor loan a on watches. Jewelry and d.arnonUe. liUKXON'S. 11 N.

Meridian. FINANCIAL Money to loan on real estate; with orivlier ef prepayment. W. A. CIPHER.

S3 Monument Place. FINANCIAL Money loaned on watches anl dlaiuotid; uu freat postue amount; lowaat Stmto. FINANCIAL Private funds. cer cent. per cent and per cnt flist nwrtssva.

PCOTT PrXiTT. SU 'U Inditna Trust pi. is rrv 1 xrr a i 1 r. i 'Z 'S FINANCIAI Ixvn on rral eaiste at the vary lowest rates; limils are jiat ly available. See ua MEl'ER KlsCR.

I Ind lax a Trust I iUig. FINANCIAL Loans marts to aaiatleJ PiS holding permanent poaiiione wltli riHiiai txe Brine upon their en namea; a. strictly cor.ftdf nlial. 27 Indiana Truat HJ. FINANCIAL "NO "MONEY STRIKE." fcALART LAN ON NOTK RATK.

LOWER THAN EVKl' IMUANAPOI.IS FINANCE 101 Xjw. 11 "con1 E. Market st. W. 1A ourcari "'to'Toanl 1 frm In sums of 110 ta 11.000 and upward, at lowest rates of rtareat.

Oan rurcleh money without drijiy. with prtvt 101 N. Pcrmeylraiiia aU FINANCIATy M'neji han a farm mort gages anywhere tS fudlana. at 6 per cenu Interest; annual or wml innuSi Interest; fuii. partial payment pt fvliege granledr large liar.e a special! ron eep.Kulnc Invited.

CLEMENTS EVAN3.Crawfordirvlie. Ind. FINANCIAL Money aaiarted puile at lower ratea than any oihor company In3 the city; easy ivm nts; strlcily contKlndaL CENTRAL U1AN COMPANY STATE LIFE Pfll.niNr.. SECOND FLOOR. FRONT liOOH.

FINANCIAL 6 per cent, money to loan on Indianapolis city prrpfrty or on city property In any county seat xn, or on farm property anywhere In Indiana: ae use our own funda; no. delay; partial paymrnls. all or address) N. WILLIAM 8 10 E. Market st.

rijNANCIAL MONEY MONar MONTTT tONT MONEY MONiY MONEY Liberal advances JAV tfY HON HON WONKY WON WoNrT wn won WONiCY WON won i JISEX f9.N.!:I on your person al property. LOW rates. Perfectly conlflential. See ua lnveatigste our. methods.


MO.aiY CTJ1CK MONEY. That's what It means when you tmn ton for iW We will loan you from ta ud on vonr furniture. vr nd 7ohs. fixtures, ate without ra moval. yi iM Our plan of loaning money Is tha beat.

1 Poeltlvalv tin nuhiiritv or annntn. 1 Tea laatlona. When you borrow cf us you have th fnterTa? lh rat CJ MmM11.i JJ advance Ct rKra. You rY "ttla. easy install to your conveulenJe as ax ran red Extra xtra tlroi allowed you In case of slckn or mlsfortuna It Let us show you how eulcklv we wm advance you monev.


MsrVet fit, New phone 4Jt: old main rTWANCIAL OOOOO MVC Nf FEEKE 1 t)NN NP: TY MM MO rst MO MO US OOOOO EEEF.B DON'T FOR ROW TROUBLK. BORROW MONET FROM This company was organized for the special benefit of the masses. We will loan you money rn furniture. puucs.




WE ARK RFLIARTJC 13 RKL1EVIW' JCTNA MORTGAGE LOAN COM PA NT, Room 4 Odd Fellows' lds northeast coma? Pennsylvania and Washington. W7NANCTa'T OOOOO A If If 6S5S1 AA A A 8 A ANN N. B3S8i A A AAA UN LOO 0 OA A KV ti LtlXt. OOOOO A SS333. WE DO WHAT A BANK WON VO.

We loan money on a few hours notice, tn any amount from 86 upward, on FURNITl'PK, PIANOS. HORSES. WAGON. STORE FIXTURES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS AisU PERSONAL PROPERTY of all kinds, leaving them In your posiwsalon.

This Is the cofnpaii that waa organized for the expreas purpose supplying the people of Indlanapolla wn money at the very Joweat poaaibie rates, and making, pay men ta within the reach of all. Following Is our new Lullding Assuclallca plan, allowing you fifty weica to part weekly paymenta only 4c 8, weekly payments only 11 20, 8hh. weekly ymnt only 82.40. Other amounts In. the same proportion.

To can. if desired, make monthly payments or lo fact, any way to suit your couvanlen. a. beat of people will sometlmee rvi aho't i ready money, and It is far more tj borrow in a pusiness way man ti afk the a 1 commooaiton i1 ni do quire of your neighbors, and you will finder bvtatneas strictly private. Our canlinT l.i,, an 4 we accommodate many more peotile than any other comiiany, because we the beat Inducements.

Call and be convinced. Informs, tlon cheerfully given. Our otlice Is found. CENTRAL LOAN COMPANY. ROOM fc'TATK LIFE fFORMtMtEY HTEVENSON HLDG I IS WASHINGTON fiT 6ECOND FIOOR.


K'CTOR. OltTI'RNmiKB MAN. WK WILL PAY THEM ALL AND ADVAKO fii nv ii! u. I i i. 'i y.

loan ta loo Larva or nim. too m.ll a celve our careful atteniton. Remember, we mak no Inquiries among your crJghblra or frienda. Nor do we publish your transaction, Any amount from 81U to 8 loaned an house bom guoua pianos, urran. nonra, wagoba, eta.





Boots 10 Thorps Elock. 147 E. Market ft. i A "WANT AD" in The NVv will t. nJ per cent, cf the newspaper readers cf In i.

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