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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 8

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CCL WALKER'S CONDITION. Cjmg Improvement Noted, but Ptr min nt Recovery Not Expo tad tL I. Walker, adjutant general of OT A. report iomhat better to day. Colonel la now confined to hU home, at a Victoria, New Jwjr "lind OWo sueet.

aa attack or ttrirnt on Pr. t. orge V. the 1 l.vtioUn ta tbe osu, report a tooni jm i tmniitnt. Is not exoclexl that 4.

ot. a.ker can tvermanently recover, even fata up from tte present acute ttoviC (XM Walker 1 oil tl rv meml cre 61 the board of control tt U.o tsvUUera and Sailors' Monument. Arttclt of Incorpontfon. Art idea of lncorporat ion have bn ritrt the Secretary of State for. tho fol c.irk Fixture AnI Showcase.

Company Tx. Vrn: capital stock. VV.0ft9: dlreo i i trs. liuam uip, au a 0" rr 11. Clark.

llvier Chemical Company, Princeton, cf.t i.000: director. Joseph R. w. Hummers, Henry K. Agar a 1.4 O.arlct K.

King, a BHawvaaMBaBeHaaiaaaeaaaMBVBBieaa i U. A. Lawn Fgtv Capital City Orovw 17. V. A U.

w.U rive a lawn fete and band concert to morrow evening at the homo of Vat ynM Grr.l Arch CL II. Koee. TOTI norm Jtjrel street. The Indianapolis Newa Hand will play. PTTTD.

si triM loro7V.rO Eych died Monday. pteinbec 1. are tntnrta year. Funeral fro. hi lata residence inaiau IC n.

Friends Invited. PUItSELL Athalena Pursell. Monday tnorn 1t w. 1. at the resldeooe ar Mre rrank W.

Mor lsoo, 1241 N. at. Services Wednesday aaomlaa at II o'clock, DON NERY Patrick Ttonnery, died gaptem rr II 4 a. at residence Of hie daughter, C. A.

iyer. W. Twentieth urrai Va.loaaOay, a. PUf Paul a churulk. If ARniOM FmrM Rtmmpb Rarrtam.

at bar lata raaiiaoca. BlaJoa tuwlmr. aP tmbar 7. at p. m.

Funarai from raal nca WadnaaJay, September X), at i p. m. rlcnAa Invited. HAMILTON Coraalloa N. Hamntoa, Saptam hr II, (t Ik onlr aon of Mr.

and Mra. uSen llamtltan. raoaral at p. from Uia, Houva rreabrtarlaa church. Inrltad.

WAITFn Mary Waher, at har late ret nc, Cl N. CarKol Maodar, Baptam hT at :30 a. m. FonaraJ from raatdanna. adnaadajr, g.ptambar at a.

m. 63. eter and Faul'e ehurcb at. W.JO m. Card ef Thaaka.

Tr thank friaada and aairhbore for tkalr k'miriaaa and aranaih la iKa aloknaaa and a of our tload Hurr; and for tha butl I f.rwar. VH. AND MHU. A. I.

AND PAUailTtii OLADTA. la Trbi RmaemhraaMte rf John F. Chaptnan. who waa feliiad tn Chl 11., Taiambar ISO. Oona, but not (Mguttaa.

ius tjira Ia Kemembrmaee fJ Jhn JInrd: Cur haaxt ara ead and waary. And tima eaama on and dreary ince four yaaxa ao to day eur father waa caiied away. Thourh la that haaranly place, Va a.l mlKm hla amillnr lsnt parhajia anma future Cay We'll ha railed with blm to atay. JV KlfMPATH WITH WZFB AKD CHlXr ttAaKAL HAll.KY. rhonea fcX.

iLNF HAL. rviHECTORa WINN IIRO. At It5 W. Mrfc t. Both phonaa; JlN tiAl DIRECTOR A MrNEELT BON, 1 i N.

Lelaarare, Clifton and fatufrna. 1 NKrtAL. MRKCTOKS TUTEWI LBit, nJ.rtakar. W. Market at.

TL fltt. 1 INFiuL tJlREvTOfta ADAM4 Kltr.liJC 15 N. Ill I note at. Tel. UM.

UNK11AL rI RK.CTORS JOHNSON, HASS IJ.H A GHiiWS, alaaeachuaatta aa. t.l N. Alabama Naw pbune Ml. Old il'NKHAI, mRKOTORS FRANK M. I.UNi'HARD, Cndertaker.

Iady anaad nt. ouih.aat cornar ('hla and N. talawara. I 'f'f, 41; ra1'ln 1 I lll.H A CULVJbR.

above Ohio. Lady assistant. i HTAKEKS HENIHAN BUCK r.LL, l.3 and 120 W. Ohio at, Telephone ik rr 'Ahi iuh MiKiioi n.i.:r JT The LaJlae' New Thought Club meats every Wednesday afternoon. J.

SO t'l Maaorlo Visitors welcome. I'Yltegutar meeting ef Philoxenlao Lodge No. I. O. O.

Wednesday evan 1n All are Invited. E. 11. FES. Sac'y.

kit 1 fcT MASONIO Centre Ixxle No, IS, T. ami A. M. Called meeting Wednesday even In Cayt ember 7 o'olock for work In the a nl degree. Vlaitlng brethren wal Cort.e..

T. PURVtd, W. M. CiUS, B. Keo'y.

ti All meinbei of l'lvlaion No. T. A will report at 8U Joeepb'a Hall. Tuee fuj, rtitninber W. I SO p.

to make ar reficrement for the funeral ft brother Patrick O.rner. M. J. O'BKIKN, iTaaldeut. TM' i.MAS O'CONNOR, hex remry.

i Ih.rX fitated mealing of Marlon Lodge No. F. and A. Wednesday evening, Fl tenuer 30. at 1 o'clock, for.

business and woi a lu the first degree. Vlsltore welcome. JAME.S ti. PRUMMOND. W.

M. Tltrait J. liHl'MMOND, Secretary. ii.tY MASONIC Capital City Lodge No. tii, K.

and A. Masons, tolled meeting Tuee evenlnit, Setiamhar It, at o'clock. In iaaonlc Temple. Work In K. A.

degree. 1s lnn; braihren cordially welcomed. LE.NIJB CLANCY, W. M. TOM ODDT, ecretary Stx 'I FIT MAPONlCCalled meeting of Orl eoial Lodse Nv too, and A.

Tueaday wvenlng. fctitmlf at 7:10 for work Jn the first degree. Vlaitlng brethren oor welcotna (XltlB ft. CAMERON. W.

M. ETWATlT D. lli)BK, Bacretary. n'l 1: Star Irfidga. No.

K. of P. will oonfar tha third rank, Tueaday eventng. Pet'tember 1, o'clock. Come up.

Tuesday mini. w. will be due nisht. lease per your dues by that time and beep In good WM. OSKNUACH.

C. r. in a a rt k. k. and A.

ioilm. 1 MiAv.ul Alovlna 4A per load. Xiotb plMoaa J.3. fc V' Moving, fl par load. Telephone i ir.aln.

OH AT. racking. OTTO 6UESZ.U4a New York. fihonaa. fc kT.jhhac'ic ar hoThk coT7 4 1 417 Psnnylranm at.

Telephone Pot. I i I A 1 A I A FE RAN DTOfU u. phone 7i 1'acklnr and hauling a wla it r. I' A' if Packtr.g HAMILTON. N.

M. i ai lal ratrs. and movtns S. p. Alabama.

Phooe mala I storsse and transfer; looked HUNK FlliLLliOCbE. 'h s. mTv. li AK I it sToKAOS AND TRANd 1 rr' lrn vans; bast help; lowest tui. nr.l srl.

rellabla Both phonaa Kafc im''Iana storaub 7a nd 'iHA N. rFt Best and cheapest i 'r. l.KVV HAN K. Telephone 2t. KL st I 1 Au 'NltN TRANiiixit AND IITOR.

A.i. l.rnat H. Trlpis president. Only rot clas (oous taken; feeding, si. ObJe and 1 tra k.

Tiu. fcTOKAfSn WAREUOC8B W. E. Kur'. prealdanti II.

A. Crosa )r rranaaer. bir il S. Pen aeylvanla. Phone i Nv store, ara and haul.

I TOR AC.B Will gat gooda free ef eharge if with os over four months; separata J.s, a.l rnmi If dred HORN TRAN'UFOH ii.iuC'I ona kltrilliBlTII, I.7XT.j..i, iJ 1 iea.LiuaL,C ar.J Lsius. 41 N. tapl I. A fl KiNNKT. massage bath a s.a., I.

1MI HMN1. Ia.n. i Vaa I r''! t'e e'avat'sr. PA 1 a. 1 1.

ir Loom tree; blithest reler Dept. 12, n. 1. A 1 T. Jl.

A' l. patent and trades''. TT. r. In tvie above capacity I tn.Mii ption tl fscr.ltlea leapt thorotish knowledae of t.

treJrune, bneat, j. 1 no sja a IvKptairca 1 rw Jrt I it 'I tUf. l' rl drlv t' A 1 ir's H. News. lwila frt liatoa 1 Al.irass aws.

J.t It frgJ trrvy. Adatess Box 1H NTn MIKIEIXA ROM, A NT Kl tr haaln. New luC VASTaU Patar te kana. Call Main WANTKUOant'B Ittrrria, Indiana are. WANTUtaf aoardeaa at IU N.

Maw ar ea jr. WANTKUCalt (o the Erp eurar. tc; It a aoort. WASTV.U lvw to banc cheap, arty at. M.

WA.rtU Ulrycla; naat bar food Urea. Call after WA.VTIul r'aparhancln: wall papara factory pricaa. New tx. WASTTtTupaaar to rlaan or banc. K.

A. CfcXUI. New phone Utff. WANTEli Twenty five teama; rood waraa. Benata are, and Court at.

WANTKU btora or part of etore for Jewelry bualneaa. Addreaa Box 17, Newe. A NTKl To trade craphophona outfit lor 6x7 ctmna, Addraw Ko I. is, awe. ANTED Contralto or etren maaxo aololat for local quartet.

Phone new 4 7. WANTED Artl lo wall aattefartlovi (uaraataad. paper cleaning; New SM7. WANTID l'aoarlnr and cloanlar; papar. houao cleaning; 7 eaota par carpet.

Vhone X1JS. WANTED Leaky cleterna leaned and ea en tad; walla. Mo per foot. BUTTZ. Pnonef.

A NT: ED Uea of piano la ascnanca for mu ni leaeuna; Tolca or piano. Addreaa Box mxt. WANTED Shotgrn. double barrel firat claaa; repaatlnr' rtne, arag cjaaa, Axiaraae 00s aua. awa, WANTED a buy canoe: rHre daaorlptloa and atata where.

It may be aeon. Addreaa Box TS. Newa. WANTCU rMtcMatry eonatruction and pattern worka. CKNTAAI.

UACUtNE WORKS, tat) Henry at. WANTED Idwe curtalna laundered; Klc pair. nice work. PAOOBESa LAUNDRY. Phonee 1121.

WANTED To rest farm; money rent: 1B0 td JU acrea. Addreaa B. MlADLKTON, But larrllle. lnd. WANTrD Wheeler A Wllaon a wing machine for tailor wee.

Anrtraae W. r. FOWU18. Bhalbyvllie, Ind. VANTtl) Hhovalera at Twemv eeventn at.

and hurmann Are. INDIANAPOLIS CON STRUCTION CO. WANTED Club of tea bualnaae men to take rooma In modern Heaae, wltn ao Doaro. Addreaa Boa 714. Nam.

WANTED To buy aecond haad houeehold gooda and atOTea. WALKER rCBNITURE tU 114 Virginia are. WANTKDMoney loaned 01 watchee and ciaoionca; largaat poaatoio ratea M) Btato Ifa Bldgr. WANTED Family washing by tha pound; nice work; prompt errloe. PAOORXSa LAUVDHT.

Tekaphonee lin. WANTKD Permanent feme for beautiful. haaltny. Oark halred baby rlru thraa anontna eio. a.careee vox vh.

Mewa. WANTEI etranfrr In the city want to buy complate furniture outfit to go to houeekeep tng. Addreaa Boa TM, New. WANTED Enrtn and pump repair eylln bored without remoreX CENTRAX. MACHINE WORKS, 140 Henry at.

WANTED Couple to rent acre farm; eight mllee northeast of city; prtaeeealoa March ae children. Addreaa Box 7. News, WANTED Clothing; for boya and girls from mix to twelve years: notify DAT NUBSKHI, tU W. Vermont," or 190 N. Delaware.

WANTED For your upholstering and furni ture repairing, give 01 a trial we guarantee our work; drop a post ax. iia K. Boutn. WANTED To rent realdanoe of 11 or more rooms for not on street car Una: either furnished or unfurnished. P.

O. Box tOO. WANTED Cook stove, must be In good repair; no broken or burned out parrs, and cheap for cash. Give prloe. Addreaa Box 111.

Newa A NTE To eeli household furnishings com plete for four rooms, auitaoie for a couple going to housekeeping. Call old phone main 3T7. WANTED HALF TONES, ZINC KTCH tuna. NICKEL PLATES. ELECTRO TTPES.

INDIANA IXECTltOTTPB tJ W. Pearl at. WANTED Oak and blokory aeoond growth butts; 000 par cord foot; also spokes and lumber. Write for prices. STANDARD WHEEL COMPANY.

Terra Haute, Ind. WANTED To rent or lease Itolorl acrea of land, with houea, around city limits: between now and November 1. Beat, of reteranco furnished. VIROIL WILSON. S3t Enallak city.

WANTED Home for young lady to work nights, mornings and Saturdays, to pay for room and board while attending VorieWe xsuamaaa. voiiese. aoaniH vuxuniirs LEGE. WANTED MONBT. MOKSTT.


LOA Omrg, IU Tt. ILLTNOTS. okt aijs MuitoB) a i vamtuj. FOR SALE Blind mare! TM Russell ava. FOR BALE Good horse.

11A W. Twenty a Lxth street. FOR SALS Horse; cheap. CaJl after p. m.

12 Elm. FOR SALE A. good family snare. Central ava. FOR SALE work horsaa; cheap.

(06 W. Pratt. rvH SALkV Qood family soare. Call at tM K. South at.

FOR BALE! Horse, wagon and harness; fao. IZi E. Ohio. FOR SALE Horse; gentle and sound; cheap. U4 sco ma ave.

FOR SALE Save money by buying harness at lt)T N. Alabama st. FOR SALE Oen tie horse and runabout. Addreaa Box 7s2, News. FOR SALE Oentle mare and new harness; tU.

AMI N. Meridian. FOR BALK Busiry and harneaa. (IS Chicago North Indianapolis. FOR SALE Good horse; cheap; I11S Hlgh land Plane.

New phone 7671. FOR SALE For Renf Oantlo horse and runt about Addreaa Box 781, News, FOR SALE Carriage and good horse. Room 1 Union Trust Bldg. Phone KSC. FOR SALE Bay mare, steel tired baggy, good harness; all for New phone leultY.

FOR SALE Good farm mare, heavy with foal; price. tM. Left at rear 621 W. Maryland at. FOR BALE Sound oxers and surrey a of a livery stuck.

130 to ftW; at Michigan; 436 Scioto, FOR BALE Oeneral purpose horse, harneaa, Itcenes and top wagon; bargain. Lextng FOR SALE City broke driving horse, $0, and peed horse, also two t3i aurreya. 43S Scioto at. tuH SAA One good, aeoond band peddling wagun, newly painted; a bargain. WOLa loss S.

Delaware. FuH 8 ALU Cheap work horse. Second house west Btg regie creak, Tenth si. li. li.

FOR SALE Hon, barn see end flrst claaa furnttare wagon: lultt, kU Maaasvchueetts are. New phone Kli. FOR SALiu On amount of death, big team of work horeea; will sail separate; a great bargain. 9C3 Irgtnla ava. FOR BALE Seound haad broiidum; Rret claaa condition; cheap; WOOD'S TRANSFER 44 Monument Place.

FOR SALE Two seated rubber tired carriage and good general purpose horse; good driver; cheap. 1 139 N. New Jersey. FOR SALE Second hand depot wagon and three phaetons; repairing RU11 PINS A E. Oeorgta St.

FOR SALE II HI buys good tram of farm mares; weight. l.XO pounds each; too thin for market. Hear 3 W. Maryland St. 4 FoH 8AXJ2 Horeeboelag to prevent lame neaa.

Interfering, clicking, atumbling. FELLS. Horeahoer. E. Washington.

FOR BAUD I1M bare good btochy taasa farm mares; weigh 1. pounds each; too thin for market. Left tn the rear Ul W. Maryland St. FOR SALEt buys good, sound, general purpose mare; also good mare In foal, two good general purpose horses.

Rear fcj W. Maryland at. FOR SALE bnys good, sound general purpose mare; no uae for her; give your offer. fOL'THEKM WIRE CO. Left la the rear 2J W.

Marylajid at. FOR BALK On account of death, big team of work horses; Welsh, broke to all kinds ef work; good chance to biy cheap; will sell separate, "1 Virginia, ave. PA1EJ.T ATTUKNKlB. PATKMT ATTt)MSKTil V. H.

LOCKWOOD. lmckt Building. Indiana polls, patents and trademark business. PATENT ATTORN 3 Patent promptly obtained, bought, sold and manufactured; years established; unexcelled reputation; Inventor's book free. AMERICAN PATENT MARKET.

St Paul, Minn. PATENT ATTORNEYS T. STLVirS 4 log N. Pennsylvania Indianapolis, obtain L'nl ted States end foreign pa tent a promptly and five attention all business; facilities uneioelled; expert opinions given on Inftingementa, pat. entsblTltv and mechanics; drawings mads; evar thirty srV emparlance.

PLKb4JNAlI KKrvN'AL Money loanad on watchee and largest possible amount; lowest rates. Ftata lilt Building. FOB AtK WCTLlJlIfKOrs. THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1905. FOR BALE Good organ.

E. St. Clair at. FOR BALES Fox terrlera Addreaa Box 141, Newa. Foil SALS Baby earrtage; cheap.

U7 Jafrer aon ave. FOR 8 A LB Try the Egypt cigar; some thing new, aa. FOR SALE Firewood. New phone MOT. W.

V. ROOKKR. FOR SALE Ten good desks; HAKCk BROS. cheap. FOR BALE One Hartford 7s Virginia ave.

typewriter; f3fl. FOR SALE Computing meat scale; must sell. jwnt ave. FOR SALE Iron bed, springs and mattress; ax li ao Kiver ava. FOR SALE Or Rent: Meat market; cheap, got Massachusetts ave.

FOR SALE Restaurant fixtures for saJa Massachusetts ava. FOR BALJC Lsrft roomlng bouss. W'. Waahington at. Inquire US FOR SALE WeU furninhed cafe; Address Box Us.

News. downtown. FOR SALE Good oak bedroom suits; gas nmn. ju. uiair.

FOR SALE Stswart range; goad aa new; a Bargain. Ati r. Alabama. FOR SALE Red moquette hall carpet; good condition. K4 B.

St. Clair. FOR SALE Child's Iron crib bed. with bra trimmings. Julian ave.

FOR 8ALE rBarbera two chair combination wall case, oak. X24 W. Ray. FOR SALE Folding bed, dining room chairs and table. 821 N.

Senate ave. FOR BALE 60S business cards for 0c Printer. 2 N. Delaware, VIC FOR SALE Excellent piano player. VON ZELL U0 Letncke Bldg.

city. FOR SALE We clean, press, dys and repair fll kinds clothing. 17 Virginia ave. FOR SALE Six fire and burglar proof safes. BAKER 253 E.

Washington FOR HALE Diamond ring, iv, karats; beauty; at Bargain. Aaurass box hi, newa FOR SALE High bred pointer and collie doge; au ages, F. PORTER, Flat kock, ind. FOR SALE Hlxh grada Chase piano at a Bargain. Hoom a uoa el lows uuiiaing.

FOR SALE Farmer's or butcher's boiler; Cheap, phone 712 or addreaa Box .799, News. FOR SALE Mandolin, guitar, banjo; bargain. WALTER C. TUTTLE, Teacher, 14 W. Ohio.

FOR Good organs from 110 to tS; easy terms. PEARSON'S PIANO HOUSE. FOR BALE Leaky cisterns cleaned and cemented; wells, too per foot. BUTTZ. Phonaa 171.

FOR SALE: Shavlncs at lOo per bale of about uo pounds at Ki.NUAM box I ao FOR SALE Lace curtains laundered; toe pair; nice work. PROGRESS LAUNDRY. Phones IU1, FOR SALE Fine registered Jersey cow; Fiftieth first house east of Monoa railroad iracn. FOR BALE Meat market i fine Jooation; good reason tor selling. Address Box tot.

jvews. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS; 10 up at TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, tl Monument Place. FOR SALE Battery fine coffee urns and kitchen and restaurant outfit. Address) Box 8S7, News. FOR 8ALB One Reglna mualo box with thirty records and cabinet; 1 46; worth 9u.

171 Vir ginia are. FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow; good milker. "First bouse south of Ch urchins on Kay stone eve. I FOR SALE Stove and furnace repairs for all makes, at SMOCK'S, 4 Massachusetts ava. Phone 1822.

FOR BALE Barn urn's pure apple Tlnerar for pickling. per 129 Nv Alaama. Both phonaa. FOR SALE One dresser, a rood scwinr ma chine, one vapor bath cabinet; all cheap. Ml ta.

New York. i FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock chick ens: Flxhel strain. X3 i. New Jersey. New phone FOR SALE Beautiful quartered oak bedroom suite, new: din in table: cbean at 111 Cornell ave.

FOR SALE Three piece dress suit. 110. KINQMAN. The Meridian. N.

Men man and Michigan sts. FOR BALE A valuable patent; new; never introfluceo; win eeil right, w. Ju. ixArf LIN. 43 N.

Ckpltol. FOR SALE 100.000 feet of short, second hand lumber at cents per hundred' wood 60 cents per load. HO Lord St. FOR BALE Two steam engines, with direct connected 15 K. W.

else trio motor generators. Inquire STAR STORE. FOR BALE Or Rent: Invalid rolling chairs: parlor reclining chairs. W. D.

ALLISON 90T N. Alabama St. i FOR SALE A Una, three quarters slse Violin, with bow and case; cost glS; wtlleU for fa. HAN LIN, 433 N. Capitol, FOR SALE Genuine Russia calf oxford.

weit eewed and latest etjrie ana snaoe; XI. KISTNER'S. U5 8. Illlnosi. FOR SALE Money loaned on watches and diamonds; largest possible amount; lowest ratea.

201 State Life Bldg. FOR SALE Family weening by the pound; nice work; prompt service. PROGRESS LAUNDRY. Telephones 111. FOR SALE Drur store: rood location I In Muncle: maklnr money every dan ti.800.

w. axuncie, inu. FOR SALE A full set of blacksmith and waron maker's with stock: must aelL B. L. HOSEY, Bridgeport, Ind: FOR SALE Bakery and restaurant; excellent tied; good town; a bargain.

Addreaa J. SCHREPFER. Veedersburg. Ind. FOR SALE Hotel 14 rooms; furnished; doing good business: live county seat town; prtre SLS00.

11, Rison. Ark. FOR SALE Furniture for a five room house and oak frame drop head sawing machine; at a bargain. Apply Room Odd Fellows Bldg. FOR SALE Double harness, 118; surrey (no tool, tee: two sidesaddles, 13.60 each: "Par feet" gas ran vs.

tld. 10 E. Fourteenth FOR SALE Square piano; In nice condition; 120 terms, sa down and xs per montn; good for practicing. PEARSON'S PIANO HOUSE. FOR SALE Second hand lumber, doors, win dows, shutters, lath, etc.

Corner Ek Ver mont and Liberty. HAYMAKER A JOHNSON. FOR SALE Piano and piano player, with worth or music; xerms down and $1 per month. PEARSON'S PIANO HOUSE. FOR SALE For perfect fitting suit of clothes, made to your measure, see S.

Ia TAYLOR A up. Trousers, ti up. 17 Virginia ave. FOR SALE 1700 new baby grand piano, mahogany, reduced In thle sale to 1450 terms, down and $19 per month. PEARSON'S PIANO HOUSE.

FOR SALE Gaa cokertiT a too. delivered; supply limited telephone quick, eit har tele thons SI. INDIANAPOLIS QA8 4 S. Pennsylvania st. FOR SALE ti new single couches only $2 60 each; must come quick.

8HEETZ STRAUGHAN MFG. 1430 W. Washing ton at. New phone Sue. FOR SAL T5 Second hand furnace.

REMING TON TYPEWRITER 11 AS. Market St. FOR SALE Nsw snd second hand motors; all aiaea; cheap; motor repairing. THB MEIER ELECWRIO A ELEVATOR lis W. Oec rgta st.

New phone n. FOR SALE Chicks 1 Chicks! Raise your own fall frya; newly hatched chloks 10c apiece. $1 a dosen, a hundred. THB ROOST. 1211 W.

Bixtn Anaerson, in a. FOR SALE New and seeond hand billiard and pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for eataiogna, BRL'NJ. WICX BALKB COLENDER, 40 S. Meridian.

FOR SALE Timber, ld.OUe feet (estimated) yellow poplar and white oax on oiks: four mllee from railroad station tn Monroe county, Indiana. Address H. DUNCAN, Blooming ton. FOR BALE Modern rooming house twelve well furnished rooms; pretty location, northeast; walking distance; good car Uns; excellent furnace; at bargain; caste onlja Address IWI eos. FOR SALE From factory to home: 66 fins quartered oak.

gate end davenports to be sold at leee than cost to manufacture; mnst make room for new gooda PHEETZ BTRAUOHAN MFG. 1630 W. Washington st. Nsw phone FOR SALE One Chandler Taylor eighty horsepower engine: two boilers, one double acting Dean's deep well pump, one boiler feed pump, cable wheels, smokestack, hangers and shafting. N1CHOIA KRULL DAGGETT FAQ TORY, itd 8.

Meridian at. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS; Remingtons, Bmltn premiers, vx; uiueapas, ijq; Ham monds. $30; Bllckensderfers, Dens moree, New Centurys. $io; Franklins. $10; Callgrapba.

$11.64. Machines rented. i 60 per month; sent anywhere. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, st Monument Place. FOR SALE Get the new terms on absolutely new Blickensdsrfer typewriters latest model.

No. ti cash, balance month. Bu new machines at rent money paid for I machines of other makes. Year's nur. old tee.

free trial, etc Catalogues, specimen e. ete on application. BLICKKNSDERFER PKWRITER 101 Law city. TY FOR SALE On account cf leaving tha city, 1 will eeli the complete rurnishinxs of a coxy. five room flat, at a gi eat sacrifice.

Everythlna la In excellent condition; Oat has bath, toilet and electric llxhts; la located within tan mlnntee walk of postotTice; immediate posesc alon wilt be given so you can begin hooee keanlng at once; would tsks part cash from desirable pereoa. Address Box 710, News. FOR WALK MIWCKXXANEOtTH. FOR SALE 4x7 doghouse. ttlC N.

New Jar aey. FOR BALE Full brlndle bun terrier pupa, 6 TS9 Lord. FOR SALE Finest coach dogs in State. aSl i 'gaen at. FOR BALE Printing office, cheap.

Room 12 inton iiock. FOR SALE Good cook stove, other furniture. 1431 Columbia. FOR SALE One One gocart. cheap.

Call 2610 i FOR SALE French poodle dog. year old; flat is, evj nonn. FOR SALE New planoa. tltt and up. Wl'UjfHKEHg.

FOR SALE Fine gocart and baby cnb; a har gain. VMl Shelby st. FOR SALE Canary blrda. ehemp. Ill Blaine west Indianapolis.

FOR BALE Oliver typewriter; good as new. sz irgtnla Room 6. FOR SALE Elegant combination bookca secretary. 711 New York. and FOR SALE Halnee 11 roe.

matchless planoa. Western branch, 1121 College. FOR SALE Two chair barber shop, doing good business. 2401 E. Washington.

FOR SALE Saloon; good location; will trade for lot. Address Box 4e, Newa. FOR SALE Garland range and baseburner, cheap; good as new. 949 Prospect. FOR SALE Burrourha adding machine; late model, 'uq.

Address Box News, FOR SALE Hammond, typewriter; in good Condition: lAn Aridreaa km T'J KlWI. FOR SALE Four rooms, furniture; will sell separate pieces. CUVi Massachusetts ave. FOR SALE Second hand adding machine; nrst class condition, Pembroke Arcaae. FOR BALE Range, oak chamber sat.

Ice cheat. cesk. bookcase and tables. 1220 Cornell ave. FOR SALE Cook stove No.

8. almost nsw. cheap, ia Harris are. Take W. Washington car.

FOR Black spangled drees: never been worn; cost fSO; slxa 24. Addreaa Box 443, news. FOR SALE Oris five, one six horsepower gas oline engines; $1M each. Address Box 797, Newa FOR SALE Tailor's new Blnxer eawlns ma chine; cheap. 11 Marguerite.

North and senate. IX) II SALE Household goods, to be sold at cost: leaving city cause of sals. 83 MUey avsnua. FOR SALE Wonder Garland, soft coal basa burnsr; used one year. lOVt W.

Twenty ninth SL FOR SALE Showcases and counters, scales and ice box; storeroom for rent. Call 933 B. Meridian. FOR SALE Best place for loana on watchee, Jewelry and diamonds. BURTON'S.

11 N. Meridian. FOR BALK Kitchen coal range, heating stove, refrigerator, laundry stove. 1219 N. Alabama.

FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock chickens; Flshel strain. 2239 N. New Jersey. New phone 689. FOR SALE1 Restaurant, doing a good busi ness; parties salting to lsave city.

626 Mass chusetts ave. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market; doing good business; going to leave city. Address Box 121. Nswa FOR SALE Two hundred cars cinders, free for the hauling. Call at office ATLAS EN OINE WORKS.

FOR SALE Couch, bevel mirror, rocking chairs, center table. Riley Block, 664 W. Waahington, Room 1. FOR SALE We eau, rent, repair and ex change typewriters. REMINGTON TYPE WRITER 12 E.

Market. FOR BALE One Jewel hot blast stove; used one season; good aa new; nave put In rur nece. Call 1196 Greenland ave. FOR SALE Typewriter Universal keyboard; never used: tM: great bargain to quick buyer. Address Box 441, News.

FOR SALE Read your own gaa meter. We send you printed and Illustrated instructions for 10c Address Box M4, Newa FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED. $1.60 per month. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 21 Monument Place.

Phone main IStt. FOR BALE Room lnx house, doing flrst claaa splendid location: parties leaving city; reasonable. Address box nsws. FOR SALE Eight horse gas engine; good order; or will trade for good horse. INDIANAPOLIS PAPER BOX 851 B.

Meridian. FOR SALE One elxht roll MoCortnick corn shredder; cheap for cash, or would take trade. ROBERT LEISURE. Coateevllle, Ind. FOR SALE Piano; $1S5: new.

mahogany up rlshV: slesant 4460 Halnee Bros. less tun accept paymenta. 1121 College ava FOH SALE 0od typewriters for rent. 15.64 per month. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Pembroke Arcade.

New phone $480., FOR SALE Two fine trick dogs; one high dive do and the other hind foot: 43 foot lad der, net and. very CHAS. RAY. Kt Lord st. FOR 8ALE1 Dry goods and millinery stock and fixtures: will lease my storeroom and modern excellent location.

Address Box 867. News. FOR SALE Fine Shonlnger piano; been used a few months: sals pries 20; terms. $16 down snd' per month. PEARSON'S PIANO HOUSE.

FOR SALE $376 Smith A Barnes piano; mahoxany: slightly damaged in snipping; sal pries $264; cash or payments. PEAR SON'S PIANO FOR SALE New and second hand type cheaper than anywhere else; free trial. with guarantees. BLICKENSDER PER 10S Law Bldg. FOR SALE Typewriters; ail makes: $10 up; we are offering some new typewriters at a 945; a great bargain.

BIRD TTPE WRITER EXCHANGE, S3 Virginia Room 6. Nsw phone 1480. FOR BALE Oak glass case, 7V, feet long, 27 incnea wias cigar ease, I eat ions a wiue; Fglrbsuiks scales, new coffee grinder, new ertelvlng. counters. Ice box, meat 917 Oar roan la flaughvllle.

FOR SALE One large, fine, oak deak; good as new: also two revolving desk chairs and two cfflce arm chairs; must be sold; owner leaving city. Call at 127 W. Waahington Inquire for FRIDAY. Wedneads'y. September 2.

FOR BALE Sell you new typewriters one third the "trust" price; pay only cash. balance month, and wa appoint you local agent. Great, new opportunity. We give yeare written guarantee, tree trial, ate BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER 101 Law 186 E. Market.

NOTICE. NOTICE Wells, sue psr foot. BUTTZ, Phonss 171L NOTICE 600 business cards for 40c VIC TOR. Printer. N.

Delaware, NOTICE HENRY A. 8TUMPF. Moocrlef furnaces. 214 o. Pennsylvania st.

NOTICE W. M. JOHNSON A SON CO, warm air furnaces, zut n. Delaware. NOTICE A.

A. HELLSTERN: etove repair ing. 436 EL Washington st. mew phone 4489. NOTICE; gutters, spouting and slats roofing.

JOSEPH UAiUis iLtw n.entucky ave. Telephones 122. LNOTICE THB PEERLESS FOUNDRY 710 714 B. Maryland rurnisnss rspairs for any stove manufactured; also does stove repairing. NOTICE MISS CATHERINE O'NEILL will reonen the kindergarten at 1901 N.

Capitol on Hen ember 26. Call new teleDhone 7X8. Terms. 12 per month. NOTICE Order your fall suit or overcoat of W.

O. SCHNEIDER, where you can get fine work and a perfect fit at a tow price. Prices rangtng $15, and up. Trooners $3.64, $4.60, 45 snd up. 18 W.

Monument Place. WANTED BOOMS, HO IMS. TC. WANTED Furnished room; lady employed; walking distance. Address Box 162.

Newa WANTED To rent a house in the country; most be On car line. Address Box 136. Newa WANTED Couple wants rent 4 roora cottars; must be Bice, reasonable. tjox kls. News, WANTED Furnished house ar flat for the winter; reliable parties.

Phonee north ll; new 8014. WANTED Furnished house or part with three sleeping rooms for winter. Address Box 162. Newa WANTED Eight or nine room modern house; centrally located. Addreaa ti.

W. GRIF FITH. 427 K. Pennsylvania sC WANTED Two nicely furnished rooms, for brother and sister, in private family: board If possible. Address Box 791.

Newa WANTED To rent residence of 12 or more rooms for winter: not on street car line: either furnished ar unfurnished. P. O. Box 600. WANTED A young man desires a furnished room, la neighborhood of Illinois and Wash ington sta Stats full particulars.

Address Box 619, Nswa WANTED By young couple; North Side five unfurnished housekeeping rooms; beat, bath: reasonable; state full particulars. Addreaa Box 407, Newa WANTED Suite of three furnished rooms for Ilxht housekeeping: with heat and bath; centrally! state price. "Address Box 117, Nswa. WANTED By gentleman, furnished room or room and board ln private family tn vtctnKy of Pleaaant and Elm sta; state price; answer immediately. Address Box 157, Newa WANTED Couple wants largs room and board: room must nave stationary wash stand with running hot and cold water ia room.

State terms per week. 'Address Box lis, Newe. A WANT AD" la The News will reach 9 per cent, of the newspaper readsrg of Indiana polla. TO LB7T BO UK3 TO LET INDIANA TRUST CO. TO LET DB VOR REALTY CO.

TO LET See list. CENTRAL TRUST CO. TO LET Six room bouse; N. Btate st. TO LET Seven room bouse; 911 Lexington ave.

TO LET Moving $1 per load. Phone mala T64. TO LET Moving $1 par load. Bock pboa HA, TO LET Home like cottage: all rooms. VUla ave.

134 TO LET Good, six room house, $17. Alabama st. 2640 N. TO LET Convenient nsw 4 roona oottage. 11 Lin wood ave.

TO LET See our choice list. 8PANN A el N. Pennsylvania. TO LET 1714 Ashland tea rooms, cellar, bath, wall, cistern. TO LET Seven room house; 231 K.

Pine; Apply $9 E. Pratt. TO LET House; U01 Jefferson ava; $11.60 to aeceptable tenant; worth $16. TO LET 2119 Belief ontalne; Ave rooms and bath; $14. A.

HOOVER. 47 When. TO LET See list at 111 E. Market st ground floor. ORE GORY A APPEL.

TO LET Handsome cottage; seven rooms; slate root; north. Phone main 1714. 1 ring. FOR SALB 4900 grocery stork and fixtures for $60U. TIFFANY SANBORN.

26 N. Illinois TO LET 1419 N. Capitol; eight rooms; modern; $26. J. O.

M'CULLOUGH. 164 E. Market st. TO LET 1721 Broadway, 20th September, will put In first class order. Owner, N.

Delaware st. TO LET House of seven rooms; every convenience; 1716 Belief ontalne at. Apply 2021 College ave. i i TO LET Five room oottage; newly decorated; clean: 414 Miami, between Noble and Liberty; $li TO LET JENKINS TRANSFER largest moving vans la the city. Both phones.

Office, 21 E. Market. TO LET Nice eight room house, bath and barn; $30; 135 Hoyt ave. W. T.

PATTEN, 160 B. Market St. TO LET High class residence; 1306 Park ava: $70. Inquire of owner, No. Union Trust Bldg.

Phone 1456. TO LET Four room cottage; delightful surroundings; 612 B. Elsvsnth st. rent $11; secant September 20. TO LET 2406 Central aye.

six rooms and bath; 125. Key at 2401 Central or phones main new 1874. TO LET Family waahlng by the pound; nice work; prompt service, PROGRESS LAUNDRY. Telephone 1121. TO LET 1217 N.

New Jersey nine rooms; thoroughly modern. Apply OEO. OV HUME, 129 E. Market st. Tel.

toOS. TO LET House, rooms, bath, ail modsrn improvements; heat and water turnlshsd. Apply 2240 N. Meridian st, FOR SALE Art Garland baseburner not in aet price combine. Call and see at 1420 B.

Washington. A. L. MILLER. TO LET $11; nice, four room flat; In the Law rence; only eight, squares from Monument.

JOHN R. WELCH. 62 Circle. TO LET 421 N. Senate six rooms, well.

cistern, sas. Inquire JAMES BOQERT, 40 W. Washington St. Trunk 8 tors. TO LET 114: 'nice fiat of four large rooms and pantry, in the Leo; only eight squares from Monument, JOHN R.

bl circle. TO LET New. modern dwell Ink. 1611 N. Ala bama $30; hot water beat.

Can see bouse any una New telephone 742s. o. punyw. FOR SALE Great bargains in second hand stoves; hundreds of them to select from. WALKER FURNITURE 111 1U Vir ginia ave.

FOR SALE Bin low Axminister rug. mantel bed, large mirror, cninonier, nasi tree; elegant gooda; new; cheap; must sell to morrow. 17 W. pratt. TO LET Modern nine room houss; new fur nace; nicely paperea; excellent numuuni 1401 N.

Delaware. Inquire McCULLOUGH, ue K. marxex. TO LET One side stylish double house; every convenience; beautifully finished; must" be seen to be appreciated. 1404 E.

Vermont at. Call 1401 E. Vermont, TO LET A neat tour room house; fruit and shade trees, garden and chicken yard; near stop 16. Roshvllls line; prloe 4s. ittuin ua VIS, Morristown, Ind.

TO LET Ten room house: will lease; parties leaving city; house beautifully decorated; fine location for roomers and boarders; six squares out. Address Box 441, News. TO LET 1227 Bellefontalna, north side of seven room double bouse; furnace, bath, eleo trto lights; modern; $26. See owner other side of house or call new phone 2014. TO LET October 1.

modern, eight room bouse: bath, saa ran se and laundry; hot and cold water; hot water beat furnished by private plant. ir. Meridian. TO LET Modern residence; 125 Edison six rooms; bath, furnace, electric lighted cltr water included: only Wi cottage; six rooms; 1117 Cornell lis. LEW K1CUU, 147 E.

Market. TO LET Two modern bouses; six and slrht rooms; with bath, furnace, hardwood floors, gas and eleetrlo light; newly deco rated. 14 and 16 W. Thirtieth. A.

LEE A or new phone 2144. TO LET SOMERSET FLATS. Corner of N. Ullnole and St cnalr sts. Just completed.

Haa all modern conveniences, with slsvator service. Prices 2S to 145. SECURITY TRUST CO, 141 Market 8t. TO LET Handsome residence; Modern; It rooms. 726 North Pennsylvania Opposite 8t Clair Park; Hardwood floors; Beautiful lot.

Rental. $76.90 per month. EPSON T. WOOD. 41 N.

Delaware st. TO LET FLATS AND APARTMENTS. TO LET Five rooms. 121 E. Walnut See custodian.

TO LET Apartment ia Tuttlo Terrace, SOI East Eleventh at. TO LET Five and six room flats In beautiful San Mareo, Delaware and St. Clair sta TO LET Apartments ln the Victoria, corner New Jersey and Ohio sta. A. liETZOER AOKNCI.

TO LET Modern two room flat: steam heat, etc. 1SH S. Capitol ave. DYER A RASi. MANN.

61 Circle St. TO I BT Modern spartments, ons and two room, suites: all conveniences; Roberts Annex. GREGORY APPEL. TO LET Flat; live large, sunny rooms; hot water heat; private bath; soft water; $28. 1901 N.

Illinois. 1 TO LET $11; aloe four room flat la the' Lawrence, only eight sQuarse from on meant. JOHN R. WELCH. 61 Circle.

TO LET Choice two and three room apart menta, with private bath; fine table aervloe. The Knickerbocker. ORGuORT A ArrEU TO LET $14; nice flat of four large rooms and panixy, the Loot only eight squares rrom Monument. JOHN R. WELCH, 61 Circle.

TO LET Flat of six rooms, with hardwood floor; large batn, not water neat (private plant); no small children. 2013 N. Capitol. TO LET Splendid six room fiat; fine porches; parquetry floors; everything modem. THE BELMONT.

Delaware and Michigan. See custodian. TO LET Finest equipped Ave and six room flats in cltr: Marina and Clarina, corner Ala bama and North sta RICHARDSON KOTHE 127 E. Market St. TO LET The Presaiey, aix room fiat, third floor; strictly modem In every respect; In excellent condition.

317 319 N. Pennsylvania st. THB MARION TRUST CO. TO LET THE RICHELIEU. Corner North and East streets.

Just completed. 6 to 4 roora apartments. Fully modsrn, in strictly residence district; $34 to 440. A. METZGER AGENCY.

TO LET Ths beautiful San Marco flats, cor ner Delaware ana St. ciair nve ana six rooms; strictly modern: steam heat; moderate rent; delightfully located. Agents, BCHMID A SMITH. UP E. Market TO LET A suite of 'four large and 'beautiful rooms, with bath, to two or three slngls men; this apartment ta new and first class ta every respect.

THE ROSEMARY. 724 N. Capitol ave. B. M.


AND PRATT FT. INQUIRE OF GRIFFITH 23 W. MARYLAND ST. TO LET Furnished or unfurnished, entire lower floor of private residence: Ave rooms and bath; large yard, porches, barn; 990, including heat, water. Illuminating and fuel gaa, telephone and laundry; references exchanged.

Meridian, above Sixteenth. Addreaa Box 4v7, News. TO LET THE COLONNADES. High clsss Family Apartment HeteL Meridian and Pratt Sts. Bast location tn the city.

Suites of one, two or three rooms, with private baths. Beautiful dining room, with first class service. Rates reasonable. TO LET MllCiXAM.OtS. TO LET Largs barn in rear of 724 N.

Capitol ava. M. RALSTON. Agent, ltt E. Market.

TO LET UO ncre dairy farm; One condition; fine alio. A. B. CONAROB. Bridgeport.

Ma lion county, Indiana. TO LET Four story building. 0xis. on W. Washington suitable for manufacturing or storage purposes.

FIEBER A REILLY, 144 E. Market. MUSICAL. MUSICAL Young ladies and gentlemen, mandolin, guitar and banjo players wishing to belong to select club, address Box (14, Nswa. to trr rooms, TO LET Front room' 614 Ft.

Wayne ava. TO LET Furnished, rooms. 4U N. New Jer sey. TO LET Two furnished 414 N.

Illinois. TO LET Rooms; day board; reference. 629 N. Meridian. TO LET Nicely fttfnlehsd roots, ail K.

Meridian at. TO LET Three unfurnished rooms. Delaware. 6a N. TO LET Rooms; Sao board If desired.

New phone 6414. TO LET Nicely furnished room. 424 ti. I1U no la. flat a.

TO LET Furnished rooms, with board. 604 Meridian st TO LET Front rooms la Tuttle Terrace, tu4 EL Eleventh. TO LET Furnished rooms and board. 614 N. Alabama at, TO LET Furnished rooms; 114 N.

West st. bath, steam heat. TO LET Nicely furnished room; xoodera. 131 W. Vermont et.

TO HT Furnished front room; modern. 411 N. Delaware at. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms; board. 407 N.

New Jersey. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms, with bath. 422 E. Michigan. TO LET Furnished room with heat and bath.

441 N. Alabama. TO LET Furnished rooms; furnace beat. 2014 Be lief ontalne sc. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms; bath; phone.

614 N. Delaware. TO LET Furnished room; light housekeeping. 1209 N. Illinois TO LET Modern front room; privsts family.

119 B. St. Clair st. TO LET Two newly furnished rooms; aaodern, 29 W. Vermont at.

TO LET Two unfurnished rooms, upstairs; 12. 129 8. New Jersey. TO LET Nicely furnished front room; reasonable. 22 N.

Capitol. TO LET Furnished front romj $4.25 per month, tfl E. North. TO LET Flrst claaa room; private family. 407 N.

Illinois. TO LET Nicely furnished alcove front room. 417 N. Alabama. TO LET Newly furnished, front room; private family.

73 Lord. TO LET Rooms, alpsle. en suite; board; large front. 1220 N. TO LET Furnished rooms, with or without board.

N. Illinois st. TO LET Furnished rooms: light house keeping. 49tt B. Illinois.

TO LET Furnished rooms; modern, 644 Illinois corner North. TO LET 1014 Park ava. tour modern house keeping rooms; nrst noor, TO LET Largs furnished front room with TO LET Large, unfurnished front room; private entrance. 721 N. East.

TO LET Unfurnished front room, downstairs; reasonable. 4 E. Michigan. TO LET Unfurnished upstairs side room; housekeeping. 16 W.

North, TO LET Four unfurnished rooms; private entrance. 130 W. Twenty fifth. TO LET Nice. I light housekeeping rooms; $2.60 weekly.

641 Jfr New New York st TO LET Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. V40 S. East at. TO LET Furnished sleeping and housekeeping rooms. 224 E.

Nsw York. TO LET Three largs unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 901 Indiana ave. TO LET Pleaaant, furnished house keeping rooms. 1417 College ave.

Cheap. TO LET Unfurnished front room; modern; employed. 120 B. North. TO LET Pleaaant furnished alcove room; steam heat; phone.

1422 Central. TO LET Beautiful furnished room; private flat; board; phone. 1117 N. IUInola TO LET Three nicely furnished with or without board. 127 W.

Michigan. TO LET Three unfurnished, housekeeping rooms; sscond floor. 414 N. Delaware. TO LET Nloely furnlahed room for two gentlemen reasonable.

717 Roanoke. TO LET Front and connecting rooms, unfurnished; bath; (5 month. 230 Potman st. TO LET Two newly furnished rooms; bath; IM. 1 1 Onllu a.

VlMMflth. A. 1 U.U TO LET Nicely furnished room; beat and 1 1 m. inn W.a Ta, ear HID, Jfl, T.l. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms; modern; llil N.

Illinois st. Phone H0L TO' LET Furnished rooms for gentlemen; bath; walking distance; private. 411 Park. TO LET Furnished, rooms; bath and beat; with or without board. 904 N.

Nsw Jersey. TO LET Nicely furnished front room: also other nomm; splsndid heat. 141 146 W. Ver mont. TO LET Part of elegantly furnished house; modern; phone; housekeeping.

120 W. Wal nut st. TO LET Nice furnished rooms; modern; ele gant location; light nousaaseping. sit Senate. TO LET Nloely furnished parlor, with or without board; beat, llgnt, pnone.

evi Illinois. TO LET Furnished front room and board, for couple or ladies; modern; reasonable. 117 E. St. Clair.

TO LET Furnlahed room ln downtown flat; steam neat, bsu, iu.i.wfa au 733, Newa. TO LET Newly furnished rooms, with first class board; special rates for students. 715 N. Alabama. TO LET Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with board; private family; modern.

1701 N. New Jersey. TO LET Nicely furnished rooms; all con venlsncss; close to roundhouse. lis jast Waahington St. TO LET Nicely furnished room In strictly modem downtown flat; private family.

Ad flrtes Box 434, Nswa TO LET Wanted young lady roommate; private family; modern; reasonable. Ad TO LET Family washing ny ths pound; nice work; prompt service, rnuun uiu DRY. Telephones 1121. TO LET Nloely furnished front room: furnace heat and bath; private meals if desired. 1306 Ashland avs.

TO LET Three nicely furnished, light housekeeping rooms for couple; bath; Welebaoh lights; $4 week. HI E. Tenth. TO LET Large, beautiful alcove room, furnished or unfurnished; housekeeping or not; bath, grate, furnace. W.

Pratt. TO LET Large, front, unfurnished room. steam heated and bath convenience; la Tag gart flat. Address Box 461. Newa TO LET Two nicely furnished rooms, upstairs; light, bath, furnace heat; two squares from Terminal station.

1JJ W. New York. TO LET Two very desirable lirht Croat rooms. furnished: modsrn con venien as select lo cation; reasonable Addreaa Box 404. Nswa TO LET Most central rooms tn city; qulst location: steam bested; service nrst ciass; prices reasonable.

HOTEL MORTON. Monument Place. TO LET One unfurnished room; centrally lo cated; modern conveniences; middle aged woman preferred; best of references required. Telephone 4477. TO.

LET Three or four unfurnished rooms. connected: electric lleht. sas. bath: pleas ant surroundings; light housskeeplnr per mitted. 2621 Talbott ave TO LET Fumlshsd or unfurnished 1 rooms.

emrls snd en suite: steam heat, electric lights, baths, hotel service: in sals if desired. LlnDEn HUl tu si 1 rt. Illinois St. TO LET Suits of three unfurnished down stairs rooms; also furnished rooms upstairs: single or en suite; modern; phone: excellent board. $22 N.

New Jersey. TO LET A suits of four large and beautiful rooms, with bath, to two or three single men: this apartment is new and Prst clsse in every respect. THE ROSEMARY, TM N. Capitol ava B. M.

RALSTON. 141 E. Market et. TO LET In Woodruff Place, beauti fully rumisnsd room, witn oath, in privets family, to two school teachers or ladles em ployed during day; breakfast and 4 o'clock dinner; $6 per week. Addreaa Box CIS, Newa TO LET One big alcove room to man and wife, twe ladies or two gentlemen; also big side room, sultabls for two or three gentlemen or some ladies: modern bouse: all nsw.

clean and splendidly situated: one of the beet loca ttons. in the city. N. Delaware St. TO LET OFFICES AND STORES.

TO LET See list. INDIANA TRUST CO. TO LET Half of suits, 614 Stats Lite Build in TO LET Offices and rooms. AO, HERETH, 1 Tl V. Vtraahlna ton.

TO LET Manufacturing site; opstalra, 104 to Virginia ave. TO LET Storeroom. Inquire 234 Cornell ave. College and Thlrtlsth su car line. TO LET Office rooms, exceedingly fine desk room.

Landgrat uuuaing. per. TO LET Rooms In building, New York snd Capitol ave 1IK RASSMANN, 63 Circle street. TO LET MODERN GROUND FLOOR OFFICE, 15 by 6 feet, 8TEAM HEAT. 64 North Delaware st.

rental. $40 per month. i L'. i. 1.

r. ieia.ware st. lAXATO IUMe. SANATORIUM Maternity Home; Private home for lad lea before and during confinement MATERNITY HOME. 411 New Jersey, srnniKM ciujirx.

fcLKINtm chANClb Tua will enoy a a4 smoke by trying aa Egypt cigar, te. 111 NESS CHANCE Loan country business, Box CambrldgeC BUSINESSHNCEWill sail half Interest in good, square business, SUM. Address Imjx tM, Nswa. BUSINESS CHANCE Grocery and meat market flne location. New phone 1617.

44 Vi ben Building. BVSlSKSti CHANCE I want to leaae independent newspaper la Indiana. Address Box 64. Nsws. BUSINESS CHANCE County etore for sale; one third oft for cash.

Deal with owner. Address Box 7S, 1 Newa. BUSINESS. CHANCE NIC cafe restaurant for sale, or will rent furnished to good man. Address Box X39, Newa BUSINESS CHANCE Cottege; seven rooms; trade for one or two lota; $L2uO value.

PAYNE BNYDER. ltt E. Market. BUSINESS CHANCE Meat market; fine location; cheap if eold at once: Owner wishes to leave Address Box sol. News.

BUSINESS CHANCE Wanted: To buy Brood grocery; north; will pay sight price; noth hr A A A T3 Jt XT A. vssk ID UTtT 4.VVat. JlUKilWmm Ass, so, a BL.vINr8S CHANCE Grocery. bksry. emoked mt; btt brpalrv.n city If moia a a vo 1 AC arlrA tan, elixirs rA I i Ofl a.

AA7 4. ear a a a Bl'SINESS CHANCE Will sell my real estate business st bargain to good parties and keef an interest if dealred: a money maker for oust ler. Address Box t9. Newa BUsTNE33 CILANCE If you hsve sny kind of a slnese ynu wish to sell or trade, send full particulars to P. O.

Box I Facili ties unsurpassed for nananng aucn. Sl'SINES i CHANCE WrlU to day If' you want only newspaper In small Illinois town; $350 rash required: snap for printer editor. Address A. L. HEMPHILL.

Gillespie, III. BUSINESS CHANCE Splendid opportunity for party with t5.eoe to 110.000. to gst largs Interest or Control of a growing fartiry. Cause, dissolution of partnership. Address Box Newa BUSINESS CHANCE Partner In mall order business; medical specialty; a chance seldom offered will pay you to Investigate, a few hundred dollars required.

Address Box sjs, Newa BU81NES8 CHANCE All cash grocery! north: averages dally; ao competition: excellent new etore and dwelling; rent tl. Price for etock and flxturee, $eu0. 'TOO It." 607 Lemcke Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCE A small. welrestab llshed stock, of groceries, notions, a few dry goods fixtures, etc: good delivery horse and wagron a htrrsln If sold at once, all quick.

E. 1041 Udell st. New phone J4o22. BUSINESS CHANCE $S50 handles swell room Ing house, heart city; bath and furnace; full roof; 1609 buys half old established real estate office. Market st chaw lifetime art flne buaineas Indianapolis.

SMITH HARGROVE 0 N. Delaware. BUSINESS CHANCE tXM handles resiaurant with Ilvtng rooma, clearing $4 day; elegant grocery with living rooms; lees than Invoice, $900; $1,600 takes prettiest grosry Indianapolis; spot cash; no delivery; sales 41.400 nnnth; think of HI SMITH HARGROVE 40 Delaware. BUSINESS CHANCE Want rood young buelneea man to buy stock In corporation manufacturing furniture In city and take good position; must have ability and good opportunity for the right man; business well established; don't answer unless you mesa buslnsea Address Box 697, News. BUSINESS CHANCE A prominent manufacturer of this dry has a unique business proposition to offer energetic men of small capital; can Invest from $100 to $1,000.

Ths system is being demonstrated In this city, and the parties working it ran show a net profit of $10 a day. Address Box tut, Nswa BUSINESS CHANCE An excellent opportunity is offered to a young man of good education, ability and energy who wlshee to become a success tn the advertising business. State experience and give references. Ons with newspaper experience preferred. E.

6HER ln COMPANY. 4S1 yyth Nsw York city. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALE Or Trade 1. Good machine; elght horse power gasoline.

140 Pennsylvania. Phone 1814. FOR SALE Wanted to Tradsi Building lot, north part city, for good second hand automo blls. 204 and 219 S. Illinois st.

FOR SALE Cheap. automobtls; Wlntoa touring oar; 'not; double cylinder; twe eeate; side entrance; for price and particulars, address W. E. CLARK. Martinsville, Ind.

FOR BALK OR TRAUI FOR BALE OR TRADE Vacant lot for raa taurant fixtures. Address Box 446, Nsws. FOR SALB OR TRADE Conn soprano phone and case, for diamond or typewriter. Address A. H.

HICKS, Jamestown, Ind. yiKAhCIAX. FINANCIAL Save money by emoklns the Egypt elgsr, sc. FINANCIAL First mortgage loana; 'sweat ratea JAMES H. LOWES.

41 When Blag. FINANCIAL Monsy loaned: on watchee and diamonds; largest possible amount; lowest rates. 201 State Life Bldg. FINANCIAL Money to loan tn any sums, at 4 to per pay back when convenient, RJCHARDSON KOTHB 117 Market at, FINANCIAL. BAUini UAN4 ON PLAIN NOTES.

WB NEVER TAKB UOHTOAOI9. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET" $10 to $109. "Qulckhr." "ConfldentlaL" "Oulati. INDIANAPOLIS FINANCE 101 Law Building.

134 E. Market st, Open Wed. snd Sat. evee till 1 o'clock. FINANCIAL MONxTT TO LOAN.

A BTRAlOHT BUSINESS PROPOSITIOrf. Yon need money. We have money to loaa. You want a certain sum on short notlcs snd corns to us because you want the transaction private and would rather borrow on your own security and pay for the accommodation than ask a friend or acquaintance. Is there any reaaoa why we can aot do buslnsss together snd be benefited 7 NO CHAROE8 TAKEN OUT IN ADVANCE! YOU RECEIVH THE AMOUNT ABKED FOR.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT. We will loan you any sum you neett on furniture, pianos, horses, warons. etc, and we will charge you the very lowest rate of Interest asked by any reliable We will give plenty of time to pay the money back and the deal will be Just between ourselvsc It's a plain matter of business handled by the INDIANAPOLIS la a straightforward, businesslike way. Call and leara more about It THB INDIANAPOLIS MORTQAQa AND LOAN COMPANY. tl Unity Building.

147 E. Market at, Old phons main 541. Nsw 1419. FINANCIAL 4t.ttmmmtit(tewi4it'(M$ittMtuttitt tttitttAltMttm tuiiiwiuuut tuumumtiti $UitlUii( $IUlJHtllf fmituiutii 4itltMflMt tltlit Mt4 jUUUItH teMl4 $HS, tiUHt IT ln( TAKES ss MONET 1 It to de things these days. Tow here to have money If you want to get along if with the grocery man, the meat man.

i the rent man. the furniture man or any It other kind of a man. Because you ha ft not got it on hand does not mean that ti yoa must do without It. We'll let you ti have the money quick and put the mat ter tn such shape that you sen repay II ths loan easily. 4L20 fct the weekly pay ment on a fifty dollar loan for fifty 11 weeks: other amounts at the sams pro II portion.

We loea money on furniture, tl It 44 $4 8 pisses, 1 ntj ocnar per eon il property without removal. All business strictly confidential. Loana made in all parts of the city; also at Shelbrvlllc OreenAeld. Knlrhutown. Columbus.

Franklin. Martinsville, Lebanon. Thwntown, Nobleavllls snd all towns reached by Interurban roads. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt iiuiiina. If you need monev flu 1 the following blank, out It out and mall il i It to us.

and our agent will call on you. tl Kama, ti $4 44 tl It Street ana umbos. tt 14 19 tt if tU SH u.j a a tt i IKDUNA suniUAQB LOAN CO. 1 a $sit K'llil bMuuaoai soar. ROOM' 4 LOMBARD BLTXJ, 24H E.

WASHINGTON i lliuol IllHHll fi't'i it i.iarit STREBTi 1 BOTH PHONES 1284. Jif if tlH FIN 4.X IAI VI AN' Ill, 1. 1 I HKAI.T 7 rmlnal fii i. I INANCIAL tin pr.arty; atri' tly privsts. A.

N. I li. Washington. FI NA A I Money to Imi at liw rts en real estate security. A HK'jiVN, N.

ann.y I vaius st. 1 1 A I A pTsTe loans astches, jeeelry snd dlao.onda UUK To.S a. 11 N. Meridian. FINANCIAL Money for lor farms st favors hla rale.

TliO.iAS DA I A Indian, 1 FI A NCI AL oaey on n.ort, tl rftr towns In Indiana, THoMas Da A lndiaaHpona FINANCIAL i'rlvate funds. 6 per cent, i Ar.t morl, BCOTT A SCOTT, tllls in(ltaM Trust Fia.1lAILr amount of prl.aie funds lowest ratea f. it. lswsre KH'liiyera FUoKEA BElDttNs I ICki iIn. Lon" Improved lodlsna fc A a tu naent no delay.

JOHN Loans cw reel estate et the" avsilals 2 available. See us. MEIER A Kl 2 4 Indiana Trust Bldg. 'percacaf mJiJaZll m''r quant. lies, 6 per oeau if.

Tel phone r. L. lT H. Massachusetts ava FfNCI L'ror olaT'Flve;" 4 andTW r.Ti "rtxasea on Indianapolis Im Jt. "'at aad Indiana farm lanOa lAjl.HN LOAN 27 VJ iwudwiajjioc a FINANCIAL 4 per cent, money to loaa ea Indianapolis property or farm properly any.

rlv, 'hr'h partial payments. Jj2b id wl FiN.A.NCL Loaaa made to aalarVad people holding permanent poaitloa wlih ri. sible hruia, uion their own names; ea.y pay Truet'dgV 1' Jl liaoa riNALCI'ALCur "onar at your di(aaj at Mf.f!'". rUr 00 bouaehold nwda. business elxfc tly private.

Room 4. Odd Fellows' Bulldlnx. over HudePs drug i0; kntrancei on ennsylvanls su jrif.A,'clL The Ma'ssacnusstts Mutual Company will make mort VZfZ on "rst eiaas. Improved, Indiana. real eatate.

Apply JOHN 8. URI 1i 1X si Waahangtoa Fi iS.C1'trWo,r Uft te loan ti "y.o larm property In sums of $100 to 7 "nd I'J a. at lowest rates of interest. can I urn is money without driay, with pny BprP'fmnt" MKT2X1EK I'M PsnnMylvanla St. FINANCIAL Money to loaa oa farm mort.

gkg anyahers In Indiana at 5 per cent, interest; annual or aeml annual Interest; full, partial payment prl.lle.e graated iarse rorreetMindaoce Invited, CLEMENTS A EVANS, ra fords vl lie. Ind. FINANCIAL Mooey loaned ealarled peop.e at i4ver rates lhaa any ether company la the city; easy payments; strictly conadanUaA, CENTRAL LOAN COM PA r.1 TATK Lit si UCILDING. SECON FLOOR, FRONT ROOM. FINANCIAL READ THIS.

7." are now loaning money ea household 'nods and all good securities at sae half the price of other a Try ua city Loan ca, 94 Baldwin Block. New nhona 404. FINANCIAL Fits per cent, money to loaa on Indianapolis city property or on property la any county seat town, or on farm property snywhsre ln Indiana) we uae our own funds; Call or addreaa FARMERS TRUf (X, successors llllams A ID E. Markst at. FINANCIAL SALARY LOAN3.

Ws loan monsy to salaried people on their personal notes, without security; no mortgage required. Can be repaid In small weakly or monthly payments. Low ratea. Fals treatment. Absolute secrecy guaranteed.

INDIANA LOAN COMPANY, (Established Its?) ROOM 4 LOMBARD PUTLPTNO, E. WAKHINOTON ST. FINANCIAL NEED MONET We loan money on furniture, pianos, horses aad warons on abort notice and on Ion time Kates tha lowest la the city. Call aad be convinced. It eoste nothing.

JtAST MARKET BT. MTOE. LOAN ZuS Lsw Building, 114 E. Markvt BU Phonss nsw 432. mala 1961.

FINANCIAL DO TOTJ NEED MONEY If go, give us a call, for ws loan money In sums of $19 to on furniture, planoa, or gar.a, horasi, wagons, wsrshouss receipta etc. wnno i rentovai. you nave thus the uae of both property aad money. We give you plenty of time to pay the money back, and from one month to one year. In small wsekly or monthly payments.

WR TAKB NOTHING OUT IN ADVANCE. Ws rivs you la plain flruree what the cost of the loan will be, so there can be no uilsunder Standtnc We give you the privilege of paying the loan In full at any time, and charge you only for the time you have It, We loan money to pay your grocer, doctor, rent. Insurance, taxes, leaae on furniture or for any other purpose whatever. We also gay off loana held by other companies and loan you more money, too. We bare plenty of money at all timer, and offer the lowest ratea consistent with sound business principles.

We loan money for the Interest, and you need have no tear of Inning your gooda on so count of sickness or other misfortune. Do not be misled by advertised rates wht' appear cheap, but upon lnvsetigatlon are not what they seem. We shall be pleased to tfurther. explain our method of doing business at any time. All our dealings are strictly confidential.

Ws maks no inquiries among your friends or nelshbore Call and see us before borrowing. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN 2u7 Indiana Trust Bulldinr. Corner Washington st, and Virginia ave. Old main 2U23. New phone FINANCIAL.

OOOOO KEXEB MM MM WW MMMMO ONN NE MM MO OWN III MMO ONMNB MO Olf aTNE OOOOO Af KIICI 4 YONT BORROW TROUBLE. BORROW MONET FROM UA This company was organised (or ths special ten fit of the masses. Ws will loaa you money oa furniture pianos, horses, wagon etc MONET SEVEN ALL LOANED TUB ON EASY CENT. PAYMENT PER YOTJ PLAN. T1CAR.



1 1 Ld. ARE SEEING IS BELIEVIN1. JCTNA MORTGAGE IX1AN CVjMPANT. Room 4 Odd Fellows' Building. Northeast Corner Pennsylvania and Wash'nston rLNAJ.ClAX OOOOO A AA A A A A A A AAA 5S.158S NV NX gssssat If fT.I.T.T.

A A a OOOOO A a Jf 868SSS! WE rx WIf AT A BANK WON'T XXX an a few hours nofloe In i I amount, from 3 1 1 I I ount. from i upwsru on iSS lWf. WAGONS, KTOHtf I'M. RES WAREHOttt RECEIPTS AN.) psoVAL PROPERTY of all klnde Isann PlAf Tt. PEP so? tkiy ineiite on.y $1.0.

i A ae aiy I'syittects only 1X40. amounts in tt.e sains proportion. Tpu If dae.l. risks mor.tnly or sr.y "7 to "ur conveiii.ii e. i 1 t.t tt 1U imes run Mlilr riwny.

and it Is far mors Jw a business way than to ak e0! of your n.l.fiA and you nl stnct.y i.nvate. Our rsplial 1. ia. we rnany moi psvi other coii.J br u.e 'I and It c.M.ncfl in.atton cheer givea. cur ea.i TOAV A N.

rv 1 i fl Al I I 1 'H .1 1 LY i.A Tl'V fvn i t. 1 1 os 1 i 1 CT rsxiU.Ni OLD ilicNi. UAIM s2. thetn in your was orsanisea lor puipose auLulvlitg 6 "P'" IndianaiKilis witrt IZX.v tl.e v.ry lowest poaaiois ratea aol fH 1 I ynents within ths res, of ail. Vol l'.

our Huliumg Associativa nlSn, alio 01 rtl we as to i ayi niBo. only 4so. 1.

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