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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 2

Memphis, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Largest Circulation in the City. The Official Journal of the City. TJSTJItY hates or One of tfaf ooit iQporttnt subjects that will conif before our ntxt Lrjritliture It tit rtpetl r.f the UltrT Ltvn E1 tit itlbHihnent of conrtsttosa rate ef latere. We propose to derate a good share at ear tftace to the of this fubjeet, a we bare done far the lait tlx vent. Eecsute tit measure hn bets dtf ettd by prtrhma Leyieiature it isao rtaaon why lb subject sheoU! Bet still be presttd.

It il of rital InserUBee to every commercial community, and the reasons for the meat-ore art as aotrod and numerous a are the complain'! at present of tfaa high ratea of mosey. Let aa tare f-ee trade Id money at in every other caaimniHtT, and the rates will speedily hoi their level, and thill never Spain bear of tiro and a half per rnotrtli In Memphis. Tale subject it glanced at very rr in tie fotlewisf comrfluaicitton, which ire to the attention of the reader Ernroas ArrrAi. I bare sees an attentive reader of the great maber of articles pab-Usbed in the cttr papers fer years past, on the sabject of the extraordinary high ratea cf -terest uW fer mosey ia oar cJty, noae of notch, the real cae. It yea will take tbe trouble to examine ear eede, page 176, you vrilt there see mat the lender of money hai to pay taxes at the rate of three screen, ea his esrttft capita! oae per coat, to the 9tate, ear per cent, to the coaaty, and oae per eeat to the city, and If wilrtBg to lean his raeaey at me rate of eight per cent- he would oaly realise abeat fear per eeat after paying oftee expenses aad taxes, at the name time if me holder of mosey la fool enough to lei has asoney remain in bank deposit he itfrtJ from aM taxes ereaifbebe worm 1500,000.

"Way Bet tax money aa aay other property? What is the difference between $500100 in negroes, Mad, tewa-Vsts, or money? Cntil you change me rereaae taws of me State, too. uar ever expect high ratea cf latere. If yon examine the code os the same page of the "wonderful book," yoa wiH also had mat basks of other States hare me right to establish agents in this State, by paying jaat oae-balf me tax required of aor owa dttxene. Why this dMiBctioe Cas any of oar Uw-maker gire a reaaeo? I it not tree mat by sach op- presaire laws yoa are driving capital froa the State to be Isveoted Sew Orleans and other points, where capital is tarried aad mad free as etW property I irgsU tether ask If any oae whole rrilBag to loan ssaaey at a fair rate of inter est would aosoBBderoorBoarylan'sT Let aae call year atteatasa to me State of reaasytoaata, wher aM asary laws have bees repealed aad whore jwa fed mooey cheaper and snore twenty? Maayof ear cMaaeas who formerly stood as high is me scale of heaor as aay asea is the State, Lare ptead asary, and by so dotag bare not only atooght daearaee aad eoateaspt on thosr saeciea, bat hare aaade those who hare easy to toaa ref ace aay other aeoammaa ttoas eeea to worthy and boaeet men. yfhf it mat oar hr makers gire charters bea9 Iwaiaact eoeapaaies, to do a general eaktag aad exchaage baalam, for oae eurm je tax charged aa iadMdaal who may be worm more than all me iasaisiif i compaaies Ja me State pat togethes? la abort, vaar rates of taraHoa are cakala- trd to mkke mea dishoasst for I yoa to haasveds in oar city who sue thsassadi upon thoasands of doilan is shariag pa per, who aerer pay one eeat of taxation oa their capital no employed bat if they were taxed oa what they were aetaaUy worth ia whale eet shape, whether is money, estate, etc, the roreaae of me Sute weald be preetty iaereased.

Mew mat me etrctiees are orer, I hope yoa rxTExsio.t or the citv xisiits. Editobs ArrcAt An article nder the a bore caption appeared in the Arrxai. Sanday uioraaac, wWcb, fereool rresaaptfen and injaetice, is witboot a parallel in sewspa-perdom. le writer (bat whether editor or eorretpoBdeat, I am imaHe to detemiae,) aeU OBtbyjostrfyiBg the declaration of tbe late Beard of Aldermen, that tbey woald nerer rote a dollar for the right of way for opening streets in tbe cttr, and gee into a lengthy escalation at Tnc Osder tSi csptfofi, the Ktw York THfraM giresJUie follentsg caratire of an oceerrence invriagoee of ear owa cafbeas- IBs roa-dact wOI be applaoded and approved wbererer female delteaey attd repatatien is epfrtcis ted: On Wednesday lurtit, Mr. Cbarie Parish, al theXrai al Cadta, LeaMtt i.

mtr-cbanta doiag basiaeos is this city, Tttited mow meator. ana wnue mere, conaaciea I He noose hisueif in a disarderlr manner. to prore the propriety of that declaration upon was very crowded, and Parish being unable to jw. luUWr far wirrtin in r- oMatn a oeat oa the sofas, procured a bench f- or stool and stationed himself in the center pardtotbat I nfli mare no point with the Ar- The asber politely informed him that rui man, becaase may be rery proper lor he coald not remain there, wheraupon Sir. me city to aeoalre no more streets until she Pi became indignant, ami replied that he .1..

.1., was a soatherner, snd woald sit where be learns to Ukeeareof what she has, aad dear 4il4ttitiK The other remonstrated or me uanimy taat sae is nnoer now I witii him. bat fiodine remonstrance welees, ranso Barntg procarea anouier stana resamm bis position In the aisle, and when spoken to a aecoM uese eeineea a auposuwa create is mat particaUr. See Mayor and AMtrmaa of CbaUaneoga vs. State, Sth taeed, p. 578 The second branch of the article bowerer, is of a grarer character, aad deserves a mors parUcnJar notice.

It does seem a little strange that after prov ing eJeariy aa the Arrrax man does tbe ina bility of the cltr to proride far and take care of the territory whi' she already has, be i Soeeial effieer rrorlen was called em to arrest Parish, which he did, tfeoveh not without great trouble. While on tbewartothefoarteenth ward stettea-boese the prisoner was rery tarbalaM. aad several tisaes cried out southaraers to tbe rescue MWtHyoaseeoeof yoar kind treated like a dog." He attempt to reseae the prisooer was botrerer made, aad be was fiaallr lodged In the sboaM so earnestly press tbe proprietr of ae-1 staUoa hrase, where omcer O'Brien preferred a caarge Bim ror oiaoraeriy eoaaacu Turoach the interrontion of tbe prisoner's frieads, the aerrlcea of Aldermen Toomey upon the bench weee procured. Court was opened, it Mr. arlsh iHscharted, as the oSeer did set coma tosress the comBsaiBt.

Last aicht Mi. Parish arain made bis ap- pearance at Niblos, but this time succeeded ie obtaiaiag a comfortaHe seat On one a We of him was seated a friend, and on the other two yoBBg ladies, in company with their fats-tt, aad a Mr. George Dathlel of Memphis, Tens. Darin; the performance. Parish amus ed himself by writing tittle billets and tlippinc; mem into ine nana ana isp ue younsr isar who sat Immediately next to hiss.

She took bo notice of the Insults, and as otten as they were renewed, she threw the notes on tbe floor without reading them. Several tisaes she was abeat teUinc her father and Mr. Doable cob cemintr the impertinence of Parish, bat fearing a disturbance, hesl'ated to do so. The performance at length elosed, and Parish followed the nartT oat of the theater, aad as tber were entering the Metropolitan Hotel, stepped up ana caagat bom ot toe oress or one ot me ladies, giving It a violent jerk. She burst into tears, aad was conducted to the parlor, where, after some hesitation, she told all the intuits that had bee earned her, and care a deecrip-ttea of Parish.

Mr. iMsaeel and the father of tbe yoang tsdlee at eace reset ed to the office of the Hotel, wbeee ther found Parish. Mr. D. Jtepped up to him, and telling bim that he froseiy inserted: a lady woo was in ma com pa ay at Nude's struck bim orer me head with his Bet.

Before Pariah could recover bimaeif, Mr. D. laid him it oa the Boor. Williamson, Cept Leonard and Sergaat Bracket bearing the noise, raehed into the hoese, and pataneadto me dtotarbaoce by tailing both me paraea io me j-ouiieeaiw want Marion i. ---l.

i cvj I Hoaae. oairing mere. The eMy is new, according to the statement, two miles tenc and one wide, aad la wholly aeaWe to lay oat aad keep the streets necessary aad proper (or the wants and basiness for that extent of territory and is me face of that humWattag faetthla modern Solomon proposes to add four mUes more ptr-face. Ami what for Is It to aSbrd those who are to be inchsded tbe benefit of streets, alleys sidewalks, and protection in person and property by the" city Certainly Bet, fer the writer admits, so far as streets, alleys, etc, are concerned, the city eaaoet proride for tbe present 11 raits. Aad as to protection by poHce, if the writer can Sad anything that comes Bearer to a sham than protection by police in Memphis at this time, be will entitle htmeetf to a premium fer bis discovery.

The sole purpose, mea, and tbe Arrzar. man vir-taany admits by i article, is to get the chance to tax them to pay e4T the city debt, or gire additional credit to get deeper in. The city has pat Itself in debt by blindly voting her bonds In the market to le sold ata ruinous discount, and by aJoptisg the plan of taxing ee set of men to educate tbe children of another. To a -great extent, ignoring mat great eiemeatary priserpfe of private property, until me city is seriously ia debt, and the taxes bare reached a point that is petrtlrery astounding, and new forsooth, it is proposed to call npon these who had bo voice ia contracting the debt to step in and pay it oC It wouM seem reasonable, at least, to consult tt oae npea tag so; bat the ArriAL man seems to mink be has me right to saddle aad moaat without so much as saying by yoar leare, sir." Yoa dent propose to take as in for aay ad-Tantage itmaybetoas! Obbo! Thattsthe kit thiag be thsaurbt el! But yoa are in debt aad yoa atmpry desire to snake other person pay yoa eat Thu wont do my good friend. It takes mare thaa oae to make a bergaia.

Whet men ia arm senses belieree for a momeat mat the dty of Mtmphts woald undertake (ar coaU accomplish it if she undertook it) U. lay oat streets or issprore them, and famish, a police for seres square miles. Surely me article ia me Arrxax mast hare been prepared by some school boy aa a mere school I hah! iacttae to that opinion. sad thsatc beaitate to notice M. I wibVbow- ht, etote tor tbe beoeiat of sH raaaorurd, that under hue pro visions of oar cade she crtiaens of Fort Pickeriag will soon bare an ocfraaiaatiaa of their owa.

Z. COTTON. Woodside, Mies. A 18S9. Enirens Arftit I see the atteatios of tbe poblic freoawotly coNed ts the subject false packing of cotton, in a maaaer calculated to caet sanpirlen oa the whole ataes of pteaiers, and do immense ianarr to the ptantiBc inter ee.

I saw in oae article ia yoar paper whore it was staled mat oae bale had been opened which contained a ssoase Best, pieces of cot- full of dirt, chips and maay other Now this aH very probable and 1 can easily account for this without charging any oae with dishonesty. I know of sereral ptsaUtioas oa which they do sot pack cotton lis daylight, is either dene beore day is the wffl tarn year attention to those things which I Borniag or at night after the day's picking is win be eaT some service to ear State aad tbe I weighed, ia esmr ease it would be quite an eaay matter fer me segroe to pat is dirty cot. ton or even stones without being detected by prosperity of ear ejty. IIOHOB TO LXErTEXAXT MAURY. Use WasWagtea papers stats mat me Em peror at France, a few weeks stece, eaused to le traasmtrtod to Lieutenant Maury a gold BsedeJ, blaring en aae tide me Emperor's tt- iff, aad an the ether an lnseriptioa highly honorable to the Lieutenant.

This dietin-dahed ofieer of oar aery bs just received frsm the Klc of Portugal aa autograph let- tor, eafarriag upon him the degree cf officer of the Tower aad Sword, together with the beaataful insignia of the order. Ueuteaaat Maury's countrymen will be pieased to ieem thattokoas of royal adssirztisc and regard, I earner medals or deeorarJoas, bare bees offered to bim by nearly every sovereign to Europe, In teettmoay of the atch estisaate set upon Ms his face being covered with blood, which had iowed from a cut just above his forehead. A sutgeoa wae sooa at band, aad dressed tbe wound, which was about two Inches in length. The cat was slight, and was evidently indicted with one of Mr. Dashiel's rings.

The affair created considerable excitement in and about the bote! and at ihe both parties were attended by numerous friends. On complaint of Mr. Parisn.Mr.Dashiel was locked an for the Bight, bat the former said that he should not press the (barge If Mr. D. would aire bim me aaiiafaction due from one gentleman to another.

Mr. Parish, while in the staHoa-tieose, emereo ae luoctacauon for his conduct. The parties are perfect strangers to eaen ewer. I'll era I at nSlbcrlnu Clilef. At a late meetiag of me London Royal His torical Society, Mr.

Atkinson, wboee bstorest Ing travek assoac the Kirgix, aad other aomadee of Svbtria, hare recently been published, delivered to the meeting "A Narrative of soaae of his Advent ares among those rnrely seaitod giving a graphic picture of their habits and mnnnsra. The following is an account of the fuamsl of a chief named Barma Sjnym, who died near Norzaisea, when Mr. Atkissoa was on a visit to the tribe bo eeea ae me etoef wns ooad, mass angers wore sent oa to tame tbe bead men residing within a hundred miles, who all immediately repaire I to the place. Tbe body of the chic was lata our ib n.a near attire, bis cnair ot state was placed at ht head, his saddle, arms and etothisg were bung around, and silk cur iam" were sue peaooa from the roof or his yesrf. His wises and daughters, with tbe re- mutes or ue inoe Knen around, cnanung tbe funeral dirge, in which tbe voices of men occasionally joined.

While this was going on, tbe funeralfeast was preparing. Tea boreea aad a hoaaVed sheep were siasjtored, aad the flesh was throw- into numerous cauldrons, boiling orer fire kindled in the ground, which were eaastoaUy kept stirred br mea si ripped to the waist. When a sufficient ouantitv of food was dressed, the feast began. The guests sai in a carcse res as aae meat, me eaters near ewoeaea oateide. lientanx ettatiameats, and me value of his la- I owa heads.

Seme mere may be who are eode the oven tec. Tbey rriN freasaeatlr mat dirt or IHxt stones or anytstng esse aster baskets. I have oftea fooBd them in 'otton baekets aad why will they sot thrsagfa earelisssus or de sign do the same in packing. It will be said by some that the overseer shoaH set pact: cot ton after Bight so say bat it is generally the case where mis is ease that the employer reooaresvR ts be doBeaberefare the overseer ia not to Uame. And this article is written merely to vindicate the overseer, being of that class myseW and she dtapoettioB of some, to caet all the Mame se the poor over- tter.

I wussM reouire oae utthsat aay esneciesce at all to oomfiil brsorant nsgroee to perform an act mat he would Hush to perform with bis nors resceettne wmd and weather at sea which hare revolted so benecteiaHy to the sari- gator aad tbe merchant, ia shorteatng the voy ages between distant parts of tbe world. Tbe Parte Mniimr of Jury 14, ISM, says At Washington it is, they sar, la aettatioa to place Ueedeaaat Maanr, tbe iRestriosi Director of me Xarionnl Oaservatory, ia active Tbe feast lasted seven dare, durinr which two thosn amd persons partook heartily Is tbe ceseasntisB of mutton and horse nssh. On the eighth day the body was conveyed to me tens on a camel; me camel also carried tbe chair of stve. The two favorite bones of tbe chief followed after which west tbe whole tribe, singing the funeral hymn. On reacWBg tbe place of Vstial.

the body wts deposited in iu grave, a bo uie nurses were rortbwith slain, and placed beside the body of their master. When the grave was filled up, all returned to which was furnished by one hundred bortes ana one iswusana saeep, slaughtered for tbe occasion. The festival continued several days after the burial, the chiefs and the family of the deceased chatting hie praise every day, until all the guests had gradually departed for rnrar boibfb. ine least was Kent no trr tbe tribe for a eeosiderable time afterwards; and horse that could always bs had for hire, and thatwaa Sutherland's old Balherom. Now, for a student to wilt tbe revolution of fifty or sixty Saturdays before his tern to hire old Botheram rolled round, wouhl bare been dis-trestiarlr dilatory.

Withal, to hire him mat to mall a letter, was "rather fatlgulsg to the finance or tat youth of this institution wnicn were exceedingly reduced in those days. To walk six miles to mail a letter, was out of tbe question. The only alternative left, and that which was universally adopted, was to take the chance of a visit or to the village on business, or pleasure, and the chance ot bearing ot bis Intended departure before it occurred, and the chance of seeing tbe visitor ad interim and the chance of his being wQling to bear the letter, and the chance ot his not forgetting to mail it after he took charre ot It. It might be, therefore, especially with a sew comer to tot Scnool, several week Drier an mess coa- angeacles would result taroraniy to me writer. 'rt CaaEb.iwetautH4eied la I iota OarvUaa sad Gentia trr Xteiiar Xtrtv.

ia MS, tSlak aa mm low tkal ta Snt pinmrn is ua al tkeat wll Sao-eralTtunuaOUftMcfc. Hater rriiuii Wetter, ee OH writer, at GWttl. aad Cm OhrratM BtettkaiaS, a SuamCaeollaa prared mat they will stoop so low a to false- I the chanting was repeated every day, at sadly pack bis employers cotton, for the pitiful fer 1 wbo1 Tr- Mr- At- sitisfactioa of "makise: a shew for his emnlor- ZT I tore ot lavcawgi aasxtsg a aamw ror ins employ- the cer'ssony the waOinr music of toe filer 1 ei, and one veho wosM do this woald neral chants the sorrow apparent at least, steal his Beigbbor's cotton "to make a shew," exhibited by an immense concourse of saourners or steal from his employer wber, opportunity ctmfi' offered. I would advise every man who sboaM get a man af this diseripriee, to tam him off verraroK oorsg so, ms prossoraon Kcfsre be leaves tost neeroe. to be a.

k. would, accordise: to tbe recuUtioos of toe set vice, be impesvible. To withdraw such a man from his destine labors, in the presest epoch, seesna to as more man a faatt. During the maay years which he has passed oa shore. 4ieery ae reaoerea to at country services which be could not bare performed in distant gaeee, or is asoet famous serai com bate, is labors, now known to the whole world.

save msec nn tasmense step in Baeai sctoace sent of the feast all this, lathe midst of a desert which seemed of unlimited extent, pre- iircru -u wll tea an ijagusamsn aad It nvcuii to panare to QiBseeic. est as btaMeif. Same men are honest from priac pie and others from necessity, aad any ian of common sense would know mat he cooM not fiH np bis bales eataea watfa dirt and chips, in the presence of tea ar fifteen bc- er is there ettaer a sailor or a Mvilrt, who, if 1 1 h'" generally found aay eeaptoyer pretty flarlbaldl. A ian comespondent of the leases Times, in a spirited sketch ot Garibaldi, remarks There ia not one of the busts. Itthograpfas, pnotoeiauhs.

which are sold br hssosanda groe without lte earning to ttX Imwledce of "roaajow iwiy ana barwee as hla iorer Is oiM i. awlw portraits, mat Krves the slhjhtest idea of the use employer. la my expereeace ia overseeioc ttBTtttim rf that mM, he were cooaulted, would not award to him the honest grade of his corps. Maury, like Humboldt, is one of those men whose leisure ought to be respected, because tt as important as well to sdeace as bamantty. Let as hope then that me American Govern-meat which contain so many good Captains in it Navy, shall not had it necessary to take mis Utostrioss ssaa from ha noble labors to cover Mm with honors, which, whatever they say be, maet be always inferior to the grtst servsees wasem ae bss atreaey reaeerea.

TTliKt Conatltntes at Rich nan. Thirty yeers age, says a Hew York eorres- pendtat ef 1kt Charleston Omrier, a bmb Ib Kew Task ma extremely rich who was worth tMKMWO, and very few ts New York were worth mat. There was old Nat Prisae, sf the firm of Prims, Ward King. Jobs G. Csoter, Sober! Lessor, Stephen Whitney, men worth a asarier of a liiMlsn.

Old John Jacob Aster was worth mree or fearr raillioss. The richest saea were coon 'tied with commerce. There wete mB five ar six teadtag eoawercHl firm, aamb a G. G. S.

HesrlaBd, Goodhae k. OriBaeH, bitstara aad SftSai k. THe-stoa. Kew mere are as miBy baedred sf lead- hag firms, and a anas saiy warm $1MW is costidtred a maa ia 'moderate' Bet to say 1s- Ugeat ehTtmrnatnaee. Wm.

B. Astor worth abeat mwtyfive mtlKeos, Georfe Law is worth tea mffiioes; so is Stephen Whrtsey Cc urn tore; VasdesbiK wiV not est ap les than eight ssfiUlons. uzaa ot people are vrarth fire mtHteps, and mere 'mfUimatrt ar quite passmen, aad to fsisith me OMerVr a let of that peer da weald aseap several rehtaiaa. Our oU msrehinta, who bee me very rich. never made it is trade.

Wheat they had done a good ear's basin they drew eat $3,000 or 4VM ami a aogtat real eetate. ipaesosalot yastseday. mot the preseat owner sac paid SMfat.aai ha refaeed SasVrW far it a dotes tame. The psafits sf the Bwrehsntt, small or is ore. invested from Tear to year.

yeses ago, have made abeea vastly wealthy, their exactly rssaprsberinTrr; bow it vrsasWae." Yoewi Pioerr tbi Gthxaiibic. Tlie ftoipel, am expositor of the laws sf health, adttad by Edward H. Dixoe, ef New York, ha a tpwy article, eatMsd "The Ily-pocrity of GymBastka." He says: It has Bared a wivhbonor to see a proposal to add a gymsasiam to every public school ia this city. A boy, uaiil be i roasters, or eves marc, want no osercise b'sM tbe plays Sets ap with hht nocitia the aeea atr: wW enrehe from his aatara! inmalue, and la use moat ratiooal and Batumi so tou need ossr ctve him a dry piece ef smuad. and a psaee ossrim ia in sammer, and plenty of Ice srij snow in winter, aad mea leave him tr 't Lis mates.

Boy from eight to twe sevst or age, wae worse in me fa bad bsbtt,) oftea develop wl to a b-deousiy sgly degne. lasts ui" sof', plump, juicy outfise sf youth over-worked, bard aad dry oi a old intti, laoocea njr are wnea expreesion of that noble eouateaance. There is not me least approach to iercaaes or wild aeos about the hero's rnuntsssncs. He looks interne-rot, earnest, benevotent. and aaTahle in tbe extreme.

He is somewhat narrow about me temple round beaded, suture vi eared He baa a fine had tint kaT mt -i urge, bet by no useaa a brad fame. Even his BM is absurdly exaggerated by tbe mea who nave worses at- dm HKeaess, or he has lately bees trimming it in the excessive beat Tbe hair is brows-red, aad it has been rich aad glossy. The ere streck me as tight gray, bat with a tint of the lion-red la it. Hi voice as csear, riawtur. silver-toned.

Xotfaiu- ssmat the gaatjeaee, freedom and ease of bis address, ire sat am in his bed. wirfamrf salt Mas. All overseers are not dmfaoaest, Bar I eort' to welcome me, and. like ooe free are me alnaten. I sm inclined to think mat be held out his head, aad said amar nm ma nieion ss whoa ettoa is bedlypasked tt is through care-1 by me hand, and lessns asm not steers.

W. H. HOLCOMBE. erramoV-wMeh is no man's baetaes. As I well adrieed of alt my aetloa, witboot deacov-eriag ic every iastaaee from what source.

Should aay piaater be detected or should aay planter detect hit overseer wplatiagaa inferior article of cotton -with a good article, I hope hi name wtH be held ap to me tears sf all hoaeot ates, aad be be pros seated to the sliest extent ef me law; aadia future wewtfl sot bear of men acting dishonestly to "make a If -eay employer is Bot Mtiseed rtith upright, fair, hoaest and honorable dealtage he asset employ some oae else, for I will sot I he WSa bidden hi I by me band, and would be happy to do men leant on elbow, and I proceeded with friead Is take sse He IM TIf BTJ.XITUD ST, From docameat eorirety retiible change ha esmssled the rottevrtsg itatisticsi table sf Masoary, 1c each State, showiag me Bomber of ledges la each, their increase la oa year, me number of members belonging to each lodge, as well as ne suber of isiUa- tsoM darisg me year ia each lodge. We give it place ia oar columoa for the benefit of our Masemic frieede: hnte. lAitu JacrosM. yialm brrraa. A'aSanu.

sua 7JSS Ms am am temsyen rout ase, srtgnt race, mat powerful jet ataicant and yaatiical frame, and beheld fcefair, plump, Lsssbard Isdy seated by his i n-uir, i iwn miwiv aueuo to wast 1 was Art asm. DO; BK-t Ol III It rtarala 4... St aHaraia. -JH Blasan MM. -S tsoa Via, Xisis jr Loutaiaaa SM Hau to BJ MitOlsia Mmi in at BUskBtaot saying, as my imagination rn back to the scene ia "The and I fancied I uw tbe Hso-beart'd King lying on his Hobs' hides, aad his lovetv Queen a sunohaat at hla feet for ItfaeWs the Scotch Irafcht.

Truly, Cari-- bsldi is one of naiare's owa kings and leaders sf asea. was aottbee fair justice nor good taste to represent him as a truculent bsadit or ae theatrical hsro Loaded With stars and bjr nsore than oae monarch, he ner-r wears say deeeraties or dlstrnctios whatever. Wis esuuemi is, or rather was, pietareoque, yet 9 BnMywif ewes is uae cwmates wnere ssm Sieoraa K'w itwrf as ev T- MS Barm Caralam sm fttVasB OuWuTMsMo sv)a 7aa. tJ wamiai ytmmu TtSSSI tK 4 1 I VS a as tt I to a 11 11 1,4 aJSBt Meo ss t.Tm l.W tM ssjse a eft set IUS9 1JTS lay Put scan of bts aariwet com-aasa dmsag me people who first treated him with Ib mux esse commaad. At rest frsm iaa- madlate acttse, be shaas the gase of apalaud-lag matUtodes and sssks bumble employment in asset retvreaveiit.

He is the master ef a I mirchaor vsmsl sr-the owner ef a ptoatatira I sdaae ssUtawisk tbe moment be ceases to "Ihe a gosriUa chief or a general. He is a mod- 1 rs streagiy devoted to Kiig Victor EmanuePs ta-tomte, but I win venture to say be will never oppaur as sse woosv. or 1 unn nor eat tbe Bread ec amy 1 Tcrrlblo Conflict rrttu Catamount The dwelling of Mr. Thomas S. Btstasd, ot this parish was lately the aeeae ot a most strange aad dtsperale encounter wtth a catamount ia which several Degrees were sererely bitten, and much alarm created among the oe.

cupants of the hewte. The plantation is one of the oldest on the Bayou, and the dwelling a sobte one, is located amidst a cluster ef oaks, with a few pecan and other trees of tbe forest. Except a few ever greens that skirt the bayou, there ia nothing In the shape of a lurking place for such an animal nearer than the swamp en either aide in the roar of the cultivated bets. Some two weeks since a nrgTo woman beird a noise in the cabin lot above the dwelline where a ser vant or two lived, and upon repairing to the spot was met by strange animal, whereupon ane oeai a retreat, pursues ictsareiy By tne monster. The steward came out, attracted by her cries, and seeing the animal returned for his master's gun, and discharged the first load, infiictinr a sllrht wound.

Tbe second charre did not take effect, and frightened at the ap- proaca 01 tne leanest antagonist, os tare down his gun to fly, but had hardly turned ere it fastened upon bis back with a bound and seized bim by the neck; In which situation be rushed into the house and called loudly for assistance. His matter.wbe had set yet dressed, peeord out, and alarmed for his family, cresed the door again, doubtless deeming discretion ure oeuer part 01 raior. Satisfied with ha vine prostrated his first an tagonist, whi lay helpless on the boor ot the ball, his catamouatship Inspected tbe princely apartments on the first floor, and when the negroes arrived from the sugar bouit, he seated htmsetf on the froLt plana and calmly surveyed soma dozen or more of them. Satisfied with his scrutiny be entered the parlor or sit ting room, and took formal possession, and when the door was opened by a negro man, he Sew at him and seized him by the throat. The negro was a powerful man, aad after being sererely lacerated, got him nnder his feet, when four balls were fired into bis bead from a re volver in the hand ot a bystander.

The over seer, who had now reached the spot, deeming him dead, ordered the negro to remove hi feet, when, to the amazement ot all present, be sprang sped a third negro, but wa knocked off oy a Blow from a clue, and boa fly killed by a load of buckshot from a gua, opportoaely brought by the overseer. This is certainly one ot the most slagalsr conflicts of the kind we ever beard of, oecur-ing, as it did, in a dwelling removed apparently from all danger from the Inroads ot such animsls. We hear that the proprietor intend preserving the skin, stuffed ia a jeless case, as a trophy to be shown to his visitors ana realty, tne circumstances under wttiea it was obtained, will surround it with bo little latere. t. It was fertanate that no little chil dren 'rere about, as they most have fallen an easy prey to so resets aad ferocious an enemy.

He teems to have been a very large animal ef hit species, eaMHiag in bulk and wetgnt a memam sued dog. rssalls (Ia.) jrsssrr. Cavora akd NaroLEen. A Paris corres- poadeat of tbe Maaehester Cwreua say Altboogh never were tbe measures against hue French pre more oppressive or vexatious maa they are bow, yet somewbow or other all Paris is familiar with what tbe Eaaparor is resolved it shall ignore. A' this moment the public as very generally aware, for Instance, of wnai paesea at Lilian sa usu napoleon's ra truce.

The Pari ponolatjoo is not taken in it knew tbst the Italians re frsnzisd with rage it knows thst in Milan the Emperor wa booted and hissed that dors and emblems of the French alliance wore torn down and tram pled upon alone the paassa-e and that at Tu na it was oniy ny me utmost eaort oa tne part of the government and tbe military that exces sive insult wa spared the "Ex-Liberator of itaiy." inese tatngs are eensrally known; but what is less so. is tbe Mlowine-. for which I am ready to vouch When, after tbe peace, M. de Cavour found himself for tbe first time face to face with tbe Emocrorand the Rise. ue lousa impossible to ri main wttiiiH tbe bounds of etiquette, and his indignation burst violently forth; so vtoloatly, that at length Louis Jeapoleoa, under control as be is.

lost temper ia turn, and threatened! The word "arrest" escaped his lips, at which the betrayed Pledmotrlese minister turned round, say'ng, "Arrest me! Try it! But yem wrmrd not date, for yea woald then have so choice left VOU but to ro lutefe- la Vrin, HirnL the Tyrol." You wilt readily see bow easy it Is that a great deal aboeU be publkly knows here jaet now, when you reflect upon the unbounded, unbridled rage of the Paula Royal. From the Princes CtotiMe downward, there Is bo one ther who does Rot add to the word traitor" a hundred variation a day. Toe people who surround Plea Plon" were aerer remarkable for their discretion or reserve but they are now apparently livinr oalr to trumoet forth their wrongs. The naturaf result is, that much upourea into tne popular ear that could oth- erwss oaiy to ee mown to lire title The eoBtradictiotis, too, stare every oae in the face the military spectacles cot ap not mree weeks acre, bv order. In the tiuoWa the line of tbe Boulevards, and intended to si eve me national entbaststaa, are bow forbid-dea, by order" also, becaase what they set forth is too ridicalously at variance with the situation." your brother and little sisters Tbe next morning Col Hay Be waa conducted to the place of exeeattea.

Ilia son accompanied bim. Soon as ey earn In eight of the gallows, me father strengthened himself and said: Now, my son, show yourself a man! That tree Is the boundary of my life, and all my lift's sorrows. Beyond that, the wicked cease from trouUiBC andjtbe weary reat rest. Dent lay too much at heart our separation it will be but short. To-day I die and you, my son, tbnugh bat voanr, must shortly follow me." my father," replied the broken-hearted youth, "I shall shortly follow you, for.

Indeed, I feel that I cannot live long." And hi melancholy anticipation was fulfilled in a manner more dreadful than I Implied in the mere ex-tioctioa of life. On sseine bis father in lbs band of the executioner, and then straggling ia tbe baiter, be stood like one trantSxed aad mottealess with horror. Till thtnhebtd wept incessantly but soon aa be saw that tight, the fountain of hi tears were stanched, and be sever wept more. He died Insane and In hi last moments often called a pen bis father, in term that brotnrht tear from the hardest heart. PUUUfU Press.

The Gaxar EiSTinit." The English papers report that the engines ef this big ship are new erected, tbe propeller Is In lis place, and the Seat are ea the paddle wheel. The machinery, Indeed, Is so far complete that tbe steam has bees got up to try tbe accuracy ot Ihe bearings and so forth. Ot ber six masts, the first, fifth, and sixth are le aad rigged. Tbe carpenters having put sp the deck bulwarks, the painter are giving the boards the first coat la a short period tbe Greet si(er will be coaled aad provisioned, and ready to take ber trial-trip to sea. AweTHta TcnaiToar.

The settlers In the Pike Peak re ton have takes steps to organize a Territorial or eminent. They were left oat of the boaaderics of the State ef a eras because the Republican majority, ha it Csavea-tionj were afraid they would make the State Democratic if they were pot lata ft. So the State lost a valuable mining region In order to gratify a spirit of Barrow perttaantblp. PnorosiTiox 10 Enacr Wate-3Vosxs. It i known to ear readers mat a preposition has been ia exieicBce for some time before tbe Board of Alder men for the eotablisumeot of water-works is this city.

At tbe regular meeting of the board yesterday the following petition was pretested from Mr. Isaac SaSar-rn, which, together with other papers on the subject, was referred tea special committee, as indicated In our report of the proceedings of me board elsewhere Tt tit ins. lie Beont 0 Jfsr ssd -ftaVrmrs Your petitioaer.Ieaac Eafarrans, desires to establish and build water-works In tbe city ot Memphis, and to aid him la earrviag out tbe saia enterprise, ne asus leave oc your hob. Board to lay down pipes la the several streets and alley la the city, necessary to the com pletion ot water-works adeouete for all the public and private wants aad uses of Memphis and tbe citizen thereof, and that tbe privilege granted to tbe city by its charter, be granted to your petitioner. And your petitioner atka that srpoa tbe construction of said waterworks, that the water rates may be fixed at the New Orleans price for dtizess.and is or der to eBcouraare the enterprise, that the city agree to take water for fire purpose from year petitioner at two-thirds ot the rate of the Kew Orleans water rate to its ctttf en.

That the work shall be free from corporation tax for all time to come. That the privilege herein granted shall extend and be in force for fifty years, with the express onderstaBding that at me end ot me nrst ten years, tne city soau oe allowed to parch ase the works at a price Bot exceeding thirty-three and one-third per cent, advance oa tbe cost of the construction of the works; ar at the end of fifty years tbey maybe allowed to buy tnem at me cost ot construction, and in any event the city to have prefer ence. That the city allow as purchaser, your petitioner to use, for the tarposea of building na ensjiae-house and reservoir thereon, a part of the promenade in front of the city between Monroe aad Madisoa streets, provided it in no way obstructs the present landing at tbe river. dimeaaione of ground to ue asea ror suea purposes set to exceed one bnnd'd and fifty feet square a the top of tbe bluff, and fifty by one hun dred aad fifty tinder the bluff for eegine-boose. wnicn last snail oeaocnoeen as not to obstruct tbe basiness of tbe Issuing, or in any way to interfere with the present wharf arrangements, but that aa excavataoa oa the bmff shall be made for that purpose.

And should it be deemed expedient to ase tbe water of WoK river, your petitioner desire your Hon. body to grant bim the privilese secured to the ei'y by charter, to dam up Wolf river tor canal pur- poes, etc. stvouid roe petition ne acceptaoie to ytmr Ilea, body, roar petitioner eeetres mr ther to know at what places ire plugs are wanted by the city, and your petition sr will ever pray, lr-AAC SAFFARANS, B. KiiATDCKt We have received official returns from 102 counties, which sunup a foeiews: Fr Ooeersur Baeiak Xasaeaa. Jesaaar.

yvuSabla uitlsasii sar Mamma najl0Vm afsvjpV 0000000 jksWVst AaBeaVieaeeo Bord-a Hflu pbfriiscmcnts. Mctrliitmnti ftr tt rwal rji fs tie Orrk's desk. muaf Ulundrt J3 Jlmtitmntt puMttioi is, tU Hrtklv Jtr- j-4 vn ajiwt per eeuare ray coca istrrfios. jSU traiulnt nail bt marked fr a Mptuijua iinc sot isar merited, thty viti bt charftdfer one track, aad ditcesf msei tt thi nd etkai line. BOABWya tar a (Trstlemsa as lt.

wt'B nana fee-SUae. tu srtrats fauilrf wHsia flea wlaatffs wars a (Mr! Staare. aaalr ema. at Ike CaaMtae-Ratei af lee ayoeal Oaea. masonic IVoIIco.

TBKnenteraal ASQEHOKA LTHKIK, t4 a all Welbr.e in td ttaadtss ararreertr-l Uateetstiae Ide Bra pasetaairr at Sear a'clark THIS aw Ore perpaa. af attndiejUe raarrUeC tt. lite Bra Gtoaot a woooi a n. sr. LrmHsa Two Houses for Bent, OK MADMOV ST BE re, wwk (araa nl.rH I tnatyle (aalT-lw) s.

XAMsTItLP a. pp. 825 Retcartl. SrsAi nuwa-i win aay tse earn reward far Vle-eae a dark awrM Bare, tba ear a Meet erava Kin, win Mark slrlce dm alt aece? bak mi sad lid see wore, airiya away as tee 7tb laat ISO. B.

AKJtOCK. VeerHe Oirleawa n-. For Rent, ryi WO SMALL UWILUSOI, Ollk two jl aaaiatrseueuk saemaallBwaM-. wiik varaa -caw ancaes c-ae aasMeTeoeareot, 1-ii witra nr aae ar 1, Ibra Apaty mj Clerk, at jr.r raw. OWS1- JSO ABUOCR, a'T-St, omee laynito pww TBE ntBat AftHE St Cm.

It Skit day dbaalvr ar ma-taal oaattat. Tbe aailiia af tk am wui ae aH. isa srai'i aaaaa a. aard loms ASH a. ASHt tied Vt aHkee putsm maawaaaiHn.

XBtrHit. Aar. II. A- CAED. Sat Audiau tterro.

(treesfS aMdsruy lf assaMii-. Crsaa's maerity ia the whole probably reach iCO. sma State wlH aSM rs I.Mt I. US IS see vm Mi at Sat ms la sdditiee to ihe above, the tstal Income ot the Grand Lsdee sow and the total itveome ef aH the subordinate rodeos not far from $16w- Thc Finsr Parxa Alabama. We ea- jayed on.

dav net week, a visit from Col. nomas Bastin, of Xooad Yeraea Is thi 1 well earned Gserai'a passion. -atltBos uua Jlalls 01 Other Days. Ia Matter William -Mitten," the new se- rial by tbe author of Gvoreit Seoaee," now apprvear rs tbe SmxUun FUU ssd FtrttUt, published at Augusts, we fiad the follow-taf sketch la the rood old days ot Presidest Jefferson. people were sat as Basest Hfca the AtheBeans as thty are sow that is, -ao speedy of sew that tsey eoau rauBK or BO'-auag eta snd naa mey bees, ther would hare deemed rt alter Iv im- praerJcebte to eead a letter by paU.e convey-Jee over sixty atilei, ia less than two days, exeradtag stoppage, am ii iwetcrrt pott-onvee lay em the way, aad raia fell between rfmc, the pest boy wa co-n mended If be ea sse up 10 schedule time.

But if Dogutrht aad Possum tows post ease both lay oa the war, and a storm iatrrveMd, mree dey to sixty mile was -considered but a scant allowance. No mails were earned in Utorgaa by vesicles, bat cseatty, a veteran of war sad sf me tynor, sod 1 oVe msi between Augusta and Sayaaeah 1 dsMrie the a bro ber-in-law of the lamented Governor nan in Ssath Carolina, wo believe, but be-Jmer of IwTEXESTtiee Remikiscbnce. From aa article in the Xew York Timer, noticing the death ef Col. Tborne, we cat the following Mr. Tborne west to Europe sot many years after be became master of the Janncey estates, aad there it wa that he made himself, by bt style of living, a sort of public character.

With tbe exception of tbe Minister, Mr. Brow of Misiippi, in the day of tbe Ke-storstise, se American ever maintained so magnificent a state a he. His hotel in the Faubourg, bis dinners, his balls, bis equipages, tbe retinae that followed bim when he went pouting orer Europe, (for mere were psstiiigs in these days, and the railway bad Bet come to level the duke with the bagman, and the millionaire with the mechanic,) are tbey sot immortalized in the page ot Gararai? Tne iiotei ioorse became a loature in Fari--aa institution. Mr. Thome's eldest son.

who took the name of Janncey, after marrying the sister ot Madame de Metternicb. seeood wife of the diplomat of the deluge juet departed this life less in peace than in war,) was thrown from his horse In Enriand on the ran- day which waa to have put film into poetess- iw ot urs prupvny. a seeeau son, aner serr-rag creditably the Austrian army, entered oar service, and died in Mexico during the war; a third made oae of tbe myriad sen-tions which mark a New York rear, br earrv. ing off the Italian siBger, Barili, to South America. After a career of glitter aad excitement, such aa the people who write little novel to win a little moaer and make a little noise, delight to describe a "romantic," Cel.

Irtorne came back to America, boilt him a splendid beate, (a really splendid house, be it observed; not a boase splendid nrrofdiai. to the papers,) la Sixteenth street, and there amonr his remaininr children be has now rl. ed his days. Scanbai A Piece of scandal. Is Sickles.

has bees aired in a auiet sort of way, during the past few day, bat has not received the tBereatfa ventilation of sewepaper pesncstioti. A well known merchant oa Broadway, who has a wife and a grown-up family, (oae ot his aiugotere, oy to way, is me wire or a big bur at Albany,) has beea a victim to the in sane desire of paying a Tousg lady board at jxo. jrteecEer street, ror nee or tare week past. About a week in he drove 00 a car- riage, for the purpose ef aecompaayiag tbe young lady en grande roost to Saratoga. He went to the bouse to go throueh the nasal mar- yrdom of waMiee tor ber to ret reads, urban.

lo! another hsek arrived at the door from wtucil aliMted. in bot baste, the real, oriwioal eeitifitd partner of bis iove. Tbelaat naw rushed into tbe bouse, and, in an ieesedible abort time, brooch out the reliant senUesaas to the sidewalk. Tbe lady, here, of couree, in stated upon laiersas, vmats ooeastteatetl mat tars somewhat, aad made the state of thiart embarrasslnf, decidedly. In tbe usual time, by use of propor means, she came out of ber swoon, right side ap, and the happy pair," agate united by a new bridal, rode boate in aae, instead of both carriages.

A day or two afterward a saarp reader magat bare seen in me TKbtae, a notice that No. Sleeker street wa "To Let," aad the Furniture fer Tbe married parties to thm little episode are quite iupcttsMe, and tbe haeoand-rj snare a familiar aa a bousehold word. X. Y. Car.

uln Ptt. Zixecullon of Colonel llayne. A moor- the distinguished men who felt victims durinr the war of the Americaa Revolution, was Col. Isaac Hayne, of South Carotins a maa who. by his amiability ef character ami sentiments of boBor aad uprightness, had Hefared Ihe hoed will aad a erection ef all who Eacw him.

He bad a wife and six asaall cbll- Or eat, the oldest a boy ef thirteen years ot age. lit wife, to whom he was tenderly attached, felf a ietm to disease; an event hastened sot iroprrmsbty ny toe Inconveniences aBd surfer ius ine'den1 to a state of war, is which the whole family largely participated. Colonel Hayne himself was taken prisoner by the British fortes, aar) In a short time wi executed on the gallows, under clrcaoistsnces esse aisled to SaMttr the deepest comaxlserati. n. A great S3" The Xew York JJeroW gives tbe follow ing at the probable atresgth ot parti la tbe next 1 loose ef Representative-, which will assemble at Washieagtoe on the first Msodtr in December next Bapuklh is AeU-fjeogesatasitr.

aVMtkara yorik-tmerwaas. nil hVsu- Xalnctrr Ma lit nadta Ibatatvcetnle aad ladlvtaaal auu. -111 rrualresa mstbat ray Urn. talks se'reMatMa atr kearlk win JaMlry nib deevtlac la aaataevs, I am reaa-Oftlrd la retire rraealae arm arAak. It Co luaeaiaat strxure.

kawever rreaaiaii nluut are iirnim. SIimiSK ABBS, (wka win uea aai an su aws araaast,) to ika maialiai asi aateaaasa 4 my frieads and Ik aaalk- (enenMy. aasll-lsrfaw JOHN AMI SIIEPPERDM. ASHE, (STOCnatOS TO ASSE a. CO.) COTTO.Y F.WTOnG&3 CEXERAL .11 .11 1 I MERCHIAJSTT, 4T Front note, Jlnnphls, rrianJIS fW awlax aad Mlm rla.

Iteeau arr nuas ann aau auer rraaata. aer eeat All Cattaae ia atar ar la Uaaalta Vt near cavered by ralKy 4 laaaraaoa. ualrar Bin naa uMrselad. Ordrn Sir Bassmc aad Bat, aad otkav laeslm. sthw whm cwrv aaa aiasma.

aan av joweH-raam ratea. aalTdlmatai raatr crarl Votice. A ketaardum aT Ike euakas 4 J-a XcKaa. JldeCd. I wW leaar far a hrae years tke vaeam as aa Xerkat itraat, bamlas rka Maa wkleb Prster Ttrm I win ata.

rest av Or rear. Ika kaaaa is wkkk aa XcKaaawa Haad at tbe tasw at Ma daatt. at Mai a. I aiU aka leaaa tmj a term af raan a a mi Alakaau treat. tnarlat esaeat aaraetakam at taat aa raa.

kackmBiroaBaaiai. TStt lat BasdUaaBj waataftks amaxuav. iiaaaa at miss ni aaam ai es sse as rka sreuaim me tow Ms X-aaauadae'd. D1K1BL XcXAKABA. Jesie, CSark vs.

straaaln.1 SI. nuear uttaraatmibe aald ataiaisa.l at rvastia Na. t. are klrrkv net Sa a. 111.1 aw PwtnqCaattaf tk United Ssata.

mt Aavirtrau tar tbe aws, ar aa im inn at asrlass. as eke la Mas-dayia 111 ail aaal, thea aad tkaea a. araaeeat Ika XcCt-AXABAX. un-dltt Xarakal af raid BtaUirt. Tka aut Unas ill raarss Ne.

kaiaa ia aii easaaty ky virtaa at a war- raaaar arrvat. milks owxir. nsiracssos OWES. lt- mt Saawrrina. Taaa.

ESaTOltACCO itr.vF.nj.YG, Foil AKD GIIAKKAI, MEECH ANT o. 275 Slain Strfl, CMbIs. iwatAV, oiaer rimamm nn- 'V aa, laasraa, sstraa Maerwisa taalrartrd. asm. Reaa aad atkar rsatiUs.

raralked al tk laweal aaarket scire. 1I1TT laiil BOOK just nscmrsD bt KIRK WILLI A3IS. MBS rARttKSTvrif's NSW BOOC Sslttlaa Wjrt a Wrk at Xaar Tasbsm. Waal wui Be da witk 1U CkMk aad aaaar Le aae liana. Lave aaa Uawa ar Cbae.

Bead. V-k-Tini nana I Test aad Harrm Xatai of an Orrratel Trta; ky Raralute AcaJlu ar. A Xaatb witk tka ataa sr Ty Lava: ky Xkkelel. HIM, I. H-wrkreirai av leer -rt.

TlrfBeadamaaa.rrrH. rear kytresrr CtSfiley TkaHarpaf aTkaaaii Itlalssi. Tk amainttaiinaas kyB. Aksai. ranU Takal Iraaa tk Bares.

Tks Lalld Ma law AdamBadel lr Sa. Btlialt. Walter Tborcl-y; or. A Pees at tke IM. TkeAaterot I tke Braakfaw Takar.

TkeCavaUar; ay P. K. Jaaaaa. WMaw Badast raaeri a ke Wave af rka Bear. Selatklrl; ar.

Tke Viaktnt jaw Tae rtaaak BevsratSaat kf AkkaB. Ta Caaa aad Bark, a Taratiaa Tarase; ky Bass. HQ. of fkr Eiac ar Teaayaas. aatT J1LL1ZICB FOR pjut.rT.iTio.r SALE.

IlirrKH lr sits are naslatloa, sstusted as Ja. 4 Barm, is Oarroll par aa. iklkaiia auU. trom tk Xiauauaol rtvr, aad asir rkykl aiiirr from Daluw. a Beast an rk andT Baiinad Iku aaara aaatalai aatt-t ksaaVd aea, aae kuadred aad nnt leraa af wkfck ar Im rsKiTUloa.

HinruK vmr ksidre ss-re as ke breaskt late esltora witk tta utile IkeaaMat II narnv, aueataaa-aarar Tba kui iniiiui are asautambd, uvladlas Swelllaf. Ota Hesae, Crlka and StaMea. au Tkere are sal tew slaara ia tka wk-tfe Xuaiatirsi Taller aa drairakls aa tkla. aamrlr me ml aaMtpaared ia r.iulilr aad aeeare rnari vetS -w Xo anr'iua -1 tke wa- 1 Irt val tnar Jea mMataeleaS. ilttiaak aa aaMrawM vms a.

1 kreak. Ik tk lav aad aaarlv Ik wMa n-aattr aSost It w. 1 at at 1 1, a. TkeslaramakaanlaaaatUaValn Far fsrtkar aartiealan aad lerau, rrfrt la Gaa. Cas- alry.

NawOelaaaa; t-Cal Sual XaathMla. La- (asly See Irwa tk. alaie;) ar a aiiattt, at Health sr Xcw Ost-eam. We clip the following paragraph from me PrMynac sf the 13th: Chasitt IloeriTAL. The fsttowiag is tbe report ef Ihe Cbwrity Haasttal for the week ending Friday events: at o'clock MALE A 0 A T) V.

TtT $fiu giilicrfiscmenfc. BT avwas nratakMS Wanted. i frem Tirguua. a uteetieo ta a i Halle 1 ii Beam at BaMteeser ar Setc- am. TasesatreTreamrir.a iatraar aaSS-me OOOOIK.

TBAOSK it BwLT. To Teachers. TTTAIffBB -A LADT, weffawstMadtatTV I IV is raw aaautaa ar.arati aad XHMa- tralsrrad wbi araal save leaaaaa la Preack. Uiarrxotrrtis. Bra at.

rM Oaca. Xiauikls. Strayed. FkeXt tea plaaaataasaf Mrtft waKATUT.vw aBarXara Xals. saves reare aats kaaaSbjaTA aaataaaVsisaMsalamlkstBViakgaSlkaarja Vm ataaaaee sci sawtr raackad; kw uil AdtlataVaa ubaral reward wts aakt far kar raaavarr 1.

TABEUHHOK. aaM-lw Xasaerr JPasturaffe. Joa oensar sin-rtvat Acreiyv eTIXrraak CSj I II asdatbar eraawa. aadat ihsara awiliian it, i I I i UJJV.I toaasrwidak illy, awl I lu ao aeamlsaU. far rari vt ar aar araatk lasalre at Sanad aaU Sara, ws Plaserae.

B. I. VKTK. For Stile. APAKX.

elewleas BUtoa traes XeaaakK. aad wtaklo tari satarm af a ajttee af XaEsr'a aiBiwasiaMijeeraaateaeTrBniiii wiisail. saaa rarm aaaaaaaa sm aareai asaat am la vatswiaMarwasak at fiae 1'iatim las. OaMeeeaa arreaaary aaildtasi hr PteBtatlos aad to Ssatr wr If aaatrad.l wlllartl sa eamb aaaTksaaaol A--rr rraiaH wlakkst a saaSaatlv aad aawiUal Para, cannot nuke a better atlertlaa. TW partlcalan, aSereM Ika iiilinunaM.

at Bjrraaada, Xl watlw. JA. H. TAIT IVotice to Farmers WOTlI into la five Xtaa Acres af law. 1.

anaiera Lane, two man raat af Kiaalkai. as me tm yayaiaki lor Xlnli ilppl Lead, Aaatf a. K. UOSSSTT. Soatervtikr.


A PLATw OP OIWtWBBK os. HMIH BP AST vw mm. a ram aasajset tor evaay Sav twa year. vrai tawiaia aaa a twaeert TBUrSR AXaeelky Xirrvatt. Siafklev af rka vaiaararai savevtai, oafs, xarvyatt.

JsM reeered ay aa R. BTSANC CO CENTER MILLS j. suiarr. wk. uutn J.

IX EI.I.IOTT CO. (Iiaai afcraat. avar tka Baaas.) riVBK artea paid Sar Cars and Wbaat Cat-1 etaasty as baa, a swat attarre rmw VLarl, Xat-dlram. SSarta and Bras, wbAViala aad -ttaal Tor Ecnt. csarJertaMr ewatllas as tk.

roraer nt Skelav asd I Liases atreata. Aaatr a JonK XAGBTXBT. Omicr AVantcil. aa ke at aM trauiBTSl." At cstved aer ailjli Aarwa. wkirk will aa -M la Say isainsa.

sal aauad rat wttkis Iklrty dsva. Ji erai rnrnoT a. sownx. ARD SIcCLELUND, Wholesale Ectail Drnggista, Vo. 177 Mala Street, OmetTB THE WOibbHAM HOUSE.

A'XlsatS krh. Twa.atlai THOMAS LHO.VARD, Otsk is Chicc fJiKfrics. And Fasrfijr Ssffdies alt Kinds, COBXBJl SSOOKB AN BBAL SrUSSTS. xsurwu It BrraallXO at. waranat atnaaafc.knawala kla V- trvaa.

as lb. aaatk: far aaal favors wwaM re-rseetraBv lalorai fSiai rkil ka tin teeva a kaad a wast ulialal aasaral lar iilaiial af staate aad Paaer Oeararraa, wkkm ba awr at veer kar nevee. Unas adaytad Ika CASK STifTBH I kavaaa kasaa aaaka tram eaak la Mann, aad UeiHm raa aHI rneaper tkaa koaaeadalas a cradlt awlaru Tka ca. kim 1 air fonaer rrlaada aad tba aabne. 11 reaaactrany acpia t-, aaaru a eaanasaare or tkalr ravars.


TINS. Window Glass. KOfl rXSIBSWladaw Olaat Ha. I Wasda Sar aal tJUUarwat IJrJTJ Ma at Paaas Bow. 450 Wheeling Nails.

CM east kraads far sate at JrTT Praat Baw. Euroka Fruit Jars. frige iMistlis at aaaaekraaef at eesaaliBr avaaVad A Ska Barak cvtaaa Prual jars Jytv Ifa. IT PeaaSBaw. Wrappinfj Paper.

Etc. 5001 I kaaaa Paso. CkMetcel Upemis as( sen lions in Is. THE Pkadu, Visa. Braady aad Paster IM kdeeTwaklera.Tae, aaa All tar sata law al Xs.

It PSONT Mr. Tolinrco and Clsara. 20.000 "JZZriZLi Par aar at COOT, la aba oat. at mast' a. wikbpx a.

on a Pi ST. LOUIS FLOUR AGENCY. NO. HOWARD'S ROW, tirXamsawaaeameettaeiiiT. all ad.

erased Tt wtm war St. Lasts kaaaa. a Bapallar tka aaleaf Choice Brandt of ST. LOUIS FLOUH, THE TRADE, aadkledrsaanerras to ailarders at St. tsMs prttee.

Prerakt aad tsoartoca aaty eaaad. rtjiBt XMTOrr a. oo. ON IVcw "sVltcat Flour. ORf bsls lui-is mk JJJ kraada.

ale the trade. cunt i xobtok co VI Xo rsaward! Bw. Every llarrcl OP aw Family rioar w. tceraare la sire aatlre aaa. astasnaai la rke egaaaau-r clabc xrwenx fc arr fWFa WILL SELL BtwMlmil aay raaatraar seaaty al asanas, tke.

deaaaeaa af katlac land SURVEYED OR SOBDITIDED Family Flour tr ua. wa urrarMklT at aarrat wkeck faila lo sieM tke aaaar. aaar ka ra sas- a if i an ketk waye clabx xoseoer OO St. Laaat raaat, V. awrfi Saw A' 9 BnnTVY.

a. e- runuis, I. S. ffi i ITCELE. J.

-0. ITEELI Sc J. STEELE C0TT0X FACTORS C03DIISS10N MERCHANTS, 7 Front llotc, MIUIPIIIS A t-AaaSB ataek af Baniaa. B-oa aad rwrae COLUMN. ABttesetrs anl MerekaJs, Vo.

10 ITIadison Street. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ALL S.ILES OF REAL ESTATE. NEGROES. MEttCU.YXl.lSai, FUENITUEE, GROCERIES, IN CITY OR COUNTRY. ClllfWIfirlllEXTS a-tKltad A-xoaal Salaa irwfa tlameslj Caak advaared mm ami an Our aativlaad inaataai will a.

Kt--a all laala'ia ta aar ore. ja GRODIIRieS AND LIQUORS A.T AUCTION, A. S. Lili V. No.

10 MADISON STREET. TXTB wUI aett. tt aar naas. fr art arara. 1 1 XOBXIXO, tt atark, Seaierlra.

I kaaaa, Caxara, Pursttwe. ake. arm a. a. urrr.

a A'e-ro Olrl for Sale. have tar ears as A kla. I nsatr araaaea eHSs, vt vwetve year af aa lanSI a urrr a co. On CHSisHHient. Ibtbc ATisssaas i Straw da kadt da Cattas au see' art e.

by A t-arvT a Waalal In Store and for Sale Lew, Penkstar acteuttas aaa la Beeaiviac aad ftVTtiac 0d- oa aaa an aiaaa ar rrasser ais-aaai xn bsls. olb srn wTrmtT; KJ SOS T. at I. H. riscokl.

r. BEA0. VTkl-tr. A. S.

LXTT CX STRATT0X, COTTO.V FACTORS.CS OIIOCEUS JS ASP Oommission Morchants, 10 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS. Alto iWttt esmsawjametrte of Tobaeco aad Frocac ffeoerally. IPX Baa aad atwav kv ar, kn a Ursa alart; aT I I Bafspas. Baas, aad PlaatalM i-y'ie. srseraltr.

I wkKk we will aril at tbe arweel nrtere, and aa I tka eeaat ailaw Oa, rJawsa-Sar Marin, arllia aal wrlcaja rottan. oa. wmwaor. wa. avr AO a'AaSatast afoitlas to mm steaarboal win V-Covaaad kf as aaas SaUCT of aaar, aalaa.

wrllSaa as rka BUI af Ladlnc. -ao laasraace aad alt lias la taara aamra uslm aukarwba laatrs tnl Ltkrral idvanceeavadaaaentawa taaw. wlaer-lred aalOOaWIW 9TBATTOX. X.DATnT A CO TTTB baee la atara oa I II IS To the rade. kusas Piaa.

Caatulasr braa Oat Boarkas WbsAt OMpartWme, Oat Xaartra Wav Bl Weata'a i.Sti mysj A a CITY AND SUBUBBS MEAL ESTATE JC Isl AND AUCTIONEERS. XeXvoABSAT. BCrSSE oa. For Sate, A BaTSUfnss Lor aa Xaasws tetweeu Xaas and AA. "taiat ateaaai wflitaapMaCaBafSam Sar eaak.

an HevtsAsfcAi. Bar sac a. oo. AUOTwalasaasXam ataet.aaawsaa.mir60 rwfV-aa ao aaoj. wayas.

ailill aaas yaaep irt saaillAteuAT. srPBsi at ot WE HA II BCAaHrtL asd atmia kwstaS LOT aoB.iL liatsil Ibllta. sear Ska rraateaaa at B. Taasak.wstdkwa iBiil at law atmes aad TbaraMsasetaar ar IiiBBiii niaabturkaad "03S MON8ARRAT, DCPREB CO. DESIRABLE PE0PEETY QK nrrr 1 Ta- atrrt.

5ak afct 1 I II lit B. 1 astad- ALSO IBS teat arias aa Bask Hint tka rear 9. iae aaova as AL0 Two kraatlrst sew aonosea es leteSSky 143U ISO raet BOOS JlXB LOT -os Braws'a Aeesae tw daara seat of reaaey alraal Uiaii -iwtira. ata lai rai, Ura, rar Tkaakovearaaorrrwin ao add vary akaas aa tka own er warn jtoarsABBAi, nerpaBB CO. nil SHELBY CODXTV Qflfl AClUtB, aa Bile tram Baa WkhVa.

aad one OUU aiHo rroat Xaawdua aadCvarlraaia BaUread ITS aaraa claorad. Bwetlie arao. as aB iiiwot Wewaneetltfcai ttaavwasst.avaniaaoa. ar lamrait xowsamtAT. BUSINESS PROPERTY, p-xc nrxamam axb tsistt pasry nv abaxs 1 WMMMt.

arassi at Tbtrd etrert 1Mb wtkaoaaa- at SeM ky Ms re, oo irstb-owat war Jdaaal CoHatry Iellence. Pani-akin Aerea os tbe BoreKk ET Price law. and kau lira. IvtS XONSABBAV. Fo- ffale.

A LUT -a aa. ooraor oT Jo XL ay SRH tart a. Tt a. i a nx rwoire aad aicatoa aa a wtm tat. eat.

PrVfl XOXBABBAT DTjrnKB k. CO. Sundries! unilriesl! en BASUTs.ay...l-ia)ir nilaii.t I ess aauMes. aaaeaa, sa. vSO kaaaa kookm Suas Tiaaila Xiamun (s Brtad praaaai All or wkarkarr'aa I aiisaai ajd lar war JJW event a.

Ltrrr a. co For Hire, tntoni ywavTatesM. Mk-I BIG CBEEK PUUTITiflH I A ACTtkVt isCkamkirlla J-w-a- a. 0J BojCveA, -Starree 'krTi Lk Baaar. Qr- ALSO me su OS X.w SifcHak aillti la.m Miai I taaa ja areoa eaaaea.

SMaara a avlly tlia 1 1 1 I. joaroraaiaiaL aar a asiratali ia I'kuii laaaaelra -ay OB SABBAT, BfirrBas a. 00. JJtv OX1 acbra, assart Xeara Xas Bar air. tare Alaaa Bssro Girl BLEGAXT RESIDENCE FOR S1LE.

dU tail, as tbe i II I Ilk las ELECTIO.V OF DIKECTOUS. 1 baaa ataa two kereee.aaw af wkark I am we kb) vlctoelt aaSrliikn ter orvrrai aaa. tor tka aajoaca j. rka rear osa af tke akaee kareea PlKMTASrr tk raaslremasu af tka ckarlor aad I sra- rare ranar. ansae as tortus aorar br-lawa at tae Waaaakai aad Ckartraaai,-i I ami a Darsar.

ts tact tnrt ksvae waskt rait lb isr. Ik llorkkolaoT, will alert a.aa Bareroar, la I fartlaVm. Xas Bead aaatr Im a Boat koror maeter. mm fnai nr as vrxtntxsBVT. Tlx DAT Or sap- I asoiv vs.

at TSUBSS-snt. lotarva Iwaloa nrjstka. aad aanl tkalr I aaawi- X. CAPP. aao af tk arart Hasatt aad loin.

saa liwuai ka dry II aUaatad an SkoaVr atreat. wiOhs a lew susataa' walk af. ma yart af too dir. aad bnt a taw aaad tse Oaroo Tae toaar I. witk all tke Tae vard i- Soaarlralrr witk

or en a on Ji aaawei are elartadaaj aaaliaVd. Pali will art at rka aavera of ne Caanyuy at Mtaaaki. T-as aad waw.llla. Ala. Stotkkaldar.

will a aaojad rraa aa rroat ina auua rroaa tao oca to tao Wb lactam a. by aioiuas tair "ava. nruaaiai tao ooaaaaea nv arawr af tka Brord. BAX TATS, Ptoa. astiiw-wis CbarleokSL Prasklia cnusty.

Arkanva. T- a- tatlor D17KIIAMVILL13 It win rasaarked ia rrosectteB wiuh this report thst tke number ef awmittleBs Is less than tne Bomber of discbargee, and ttie mortality very em 11, wnictt sneak well for tie heslth ef the ettr. We are Banpr to adU that no sifra of the yellow fever Bat manifested itself in tne hospital. HTkiy, Am Editor Shot. The Vkksfctrs; of tbe lSUi, says We lesrn by a private letter from CaAton, that on Wednesday last, Hon.

Franklin Smith, tbe independent Democratic candidate for Conrrees in this district, shot Owen Vara acier, rarrtsr or tne wmnatskwiiw, oa the streets of that tovrB. A arose rrinK seal Inii ia -d ikt. laauutioa will J. rat atUA oat. seatejaoar a To tkaae drriroir orearirrar EayltrS aae rioM ar.t'wt.

a rrr- t. aaaksase. mat are r-- I and tias niali-; ralltv of Ike I oaiawi 1 1 iro arrloi mA ooj eslay tket rtliliai tram taaaauiioa aadlfcal retire, aerst favorakle la Ike aaw.eo.mi af atadr. Tba aauaavwiainawjoBwwaatkor4iSuaadKartKl and aaerlal tttastjos will be tlven Slw-atian aad Earliak af Co Lcrcc Commissioner's Office.

TIB P-re. idea aad miaHii, or tke PaBta oat Pre- I Keat as atams of tke Ooseral Baard at Levee I una laser, ta catasena ar Tavdra i nattf. aa aU I atkar paraaa. kaeUK aa latere! ta tk PUMic. Levwa.

I os Ike Xualillfti Bivar. arr mritad aad raaanlit ta I alien a taveasaarasmc Aamis ao Xatdav ts 7S4 I Jar at Aesoat. kv4 at wbaeh tmat tke IndHHdataj af I tba Levse at Tawkra aaty. asd Ha rrnaorn. as In See I raaakvoe Law.

wiu a tarn Safin mam aslSwavm JM1 RArttXtxaX. Preakb-w. Aravis.xaai.. Aasa-t a. HS8.

Veta Go oils. TTMtrrattC-a CtUJsaATBa CABP4T SUISriBS. AA XaaesaN Saatli istas Ber TfbSp Xeeeat XrwwaV, EsttaOusn land. aat XUK FOR SALE. rtvrarascunin laxb wiUaartaoo far Artaaua XUBJB1.BKAT.

ntTPBSR A. CO. ArkaBtns Farm For S.tlf. A BtendrrBB ARCAXSAS PABX la Pas Baron A. aaosej Sar rale ikoas tariaok.

Alaa, acres aseo. xoxsabbat. aatpaac a. oo. Bay aaa Asare Parera mraasrt it art Kaste Sk.i sarin Vaaaa ataa a.

km PraM Jan. rkSaer librt CSaltiiliJ Jan. A Sue ClMBee ttc a PajsMaa. UranttXVK waalin a taratars, aad a aearaaae ttit wUI pay veU. wwsat da wrU aa cad as a.

XOXSABRAT. BXJPRCB fa CO. At J. SI Mast etreet. For Hire.

TrSO ltortT asTBTANTs Moe aad ake araer I yeofaafasi aruvo aad rasiala. ay BCPRUJC a. Or). nfantARAX A LBBS. a etwees them I an article in tbe laat i raa ttswo nave atcere aa r-lertval Ika rervicra of Xartoa, A.

B. late af Xiaaasrt, as etaarreacrd ad aaa rwaaaatjjr sallaed a. til tke aaailtou Xr. ST. taabra tu rka fti loa laa .0011, w.

aaeen 1. rsamsm SM nr. A. Davlaas. err.

Xa Polar St. Laai. A D. Pi aai aal at Aatkeret CoHoao.

aad ber of the ComW to the dta- lTx.SZi eutsion between Smith aad Singlet on, at Ray-1 Hoo a asd tka BdtkataVrtkeUeaaVeueBa: mono, on toe nrst instant, in wound or Mr. Van Vac trr is severe, though not Beeeeearily tatai. private teaUUei at rraa At the Usse oar iaiarsaant wrote, the matter wa nnderrfoint; isveetixatioa. Csors ix Miasiasippt. A letter from West Point, L-ywndes couaty.

MraaietlDtW. of the 1st instant, states "tbe eera aad cotton eroM I IT IS In this and the adnsinine; coooties, are extraer- esirer. Baard "aa ka aktalaad to sav swam. Tke rear, al Taatava are Ms. Sit aad ass at are aaoatks.

wrlk aa la 1 1 Siwlal fa af At ao. ioowiwoooa. ,111 ii 1 ai aeasar aae so. aairewlw-stt' JOSOR H. BMBM.

Prr.ld.ttaf Ibo Baard. disary. in fact, superior to any crons ever pro-tl treed before. No Boll worms yet," IT. JONES Ai CO.

OLB StCBKX BtTTBUS AXP WIOSTAX TOXIC Six reaatef tkia eabtkralad 118111 BttJora, ma ST retort tsawn rrurrdo rar oiatalasty. Iwsp aata, asd arorrnuve or uuui, ass raver. Trr 11 Por rale oa'j b- O. W. JON'Sf k.

CO aal Bbbli mi la Ward k. Jaaea. 50 Just nnut. UKBBRv oTL an Boyiksi; IS torn para Wklta a loa. par- wan.

u-x. is tju sad TarsksV atkrla SOirltaTsiaasisai SOS kasas Wiadaw wtsaa, tcliraad ataaal tsrtkasr. aarataatowaraj Porralolawkr W. irtaTB A. 00 asta-vw aja -3S X.ra I NOT TOO MUCH TO SAT SINCE ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, ITS TIIUT1I, Viz: That Prf.

Wwtl's Hair RaawaMve WILL srvoerre inrALLtSLT tk osowsk asd aaaonarik katr, a aaad wo or tare. Uraa. a ran, maslaustsakaeas. Perfeesty reotar Ska tray, lever tka tiki wuk setarel aws iraiatiat. tk kaav i make it aaar am asd 1 1 latitat tkaa mmf oil.

aad arr-i iTTia is a nils Im inm in isiinii "kr sississiib Stat rates. Allarnija, Baasaaa, CniaMStis. Pra-InS ailraa.aadG.alliaiin wad LadauacaB rli JBUttcr ana JtJoar. Coonernrc Oil PiAOrBsrhse Wenara Xearrva asd Balry I inoS-BOTXn am asd las tatta Taraaaaed Rom I Tt Mi II lakli extra Tkto Wkaal PVaar. every kar- r-i biiibmi srat-ratr St extra Sod Wkeal Pkan-.

Jaet taceired ksd far ailo ay ntARXXS XcCLXAX. 187 Praat Bo, CSABLaS XrCLBAX. Ml Proa Baw. SHELBY COUNTY FABM 31 ACSS5. owr mil.

rrola aaemo). 1 Ham Ika Plae etkm as Ska X. aa a luL raa tt aaraa aoarodi DwaUtac Baa, asd aB seceuarv nvrmac a. on. i a.

skos takov BWltjyv'wl Wf mWWm Eoyal Havana Lottery. TUB next Ordinary Brawusr is tk laral aovasa baery.raeSBMkrtbe Baaarm aa-der Ike lil 1 1 lol at at tk. of wtl aaew yrace at ea TDB.SD.iy, AUGUST 1859. 3 3 60 I SORTS) NUMERO 62 ORDINARW. Cayaitrvl OlOO.OOO.

I "ul Brordar. Atlinlntstrators's BTHtalsr isslalirrnlia aarta kaes astaiaid ae JJ Ore lilt limit, aaoa ao eraara at Aaas X. Bawl. of tw Oaasty Oaaet at lasiins ta an rotate. Notice, T'BX 'aanserakip keretolare esJatltc titwnn tke aalinlaaiS.

aadrr tk ana at SSSTB a. pafrTBR, aa Skat da Siai nlriil ky mataal naaist. Bvkker party s. II. GLARE 00.

'S OOLTJMlSr. -AJPKIL, 1859. fTe inrlf enptrtnl attention New Spring Stock IT MYXar LABM AXa)XIRS XAXT KEVV AND CHOICE A B.TI0LES nru. san op maxombs. PSU SaTPS OP PIASL.

pbll una. ar caxk rstx ana or otMut. TtJlX SoBB ap XOaUK rait ra or riARL an tussw rau. saos sr num. PtTaXsaosari erasTok pbas' rota, sea or bxasssju rtU asaja ar nm-i4M wour rau.

bsbi ar atatmux a ane vrsmt ajtaxao rotx sxrs or asnasmut vrajK vysai xsmarf mi. sets or xraaaAX vnoex wtm tmaAL rau. snts op naatx vonx vtmt ssnasjEui rsu. sm op Bvaoscux s-oac reset axk-rr rstx sm or au. oorav PABT3 or imJt Aim atkajtX JkU-TRS r-w try ura.

A LARGE STOflK WATCHES! Ot aB ma koo. sakaa nqstkn kV SILVERWARE stLTWt saau SrwTIR LAOse SrlTtHt 3ALTBR It. VI 9SLTXS, tMrOSIS StLVS. WAeTBBS. pareass.

ntLTaa een SILVSS. VIA AX 0DPPBB Wl', aoivxri 5asx asuvst HLTBR BOTTSft XXtTBS. svaVTBst rA7rT rtrrrse. sHwat taWat avPataawaToHT aC9eVa949 titymPM XXIVad. suyneau cxyPBd.


xAPCMr kanaa. wtm a treat vtetrar abaara paaapMr-t Asm SJITBR PLATBB OMII af tao Hatlt. GU3ST 8 I Of uV. seat purrou af Pkol aadTilli aS i. SPECTACLES To oak) mi ii Stan af abjVt BA'GRATIA'O.

flair aad Vwaktci Cariia. or aaa-mar. vteofttaert Seeaatl aarM 31 11 .1 1 1' .1 WASCCan reaatra. JaSaUT avada ta arder aad raaaave OLOCXS raaalrad and ressaMa tm aaryaaia akau-o iff IItrA; Ifarrarifetf. Our Pioture nailery Vrnfeeaer hasaaf ake lleiulrigton, Artitt, icart Tkr IOOSArt.

r. wortkv orl aoator. J. O'B. iKitxy.

Tkia ceMerale Artlat kaa 1 ma tea kae aaaaa arrai raotafcvaCaaaaaPliaisrrlti TSaee slctsrat, nialali at akar da. Iba oklll -jt Cie AJStvaa, ar aaaaa rba aaret aorrocl aanua.aa al Ua Art. A'o. 1 Clark's larble Itlock. lal-aaVrwro fmCiK- Twnip Set tt.

LABatllat 41 arsis SeeJ laat retailed aad tar uie akalaiaU and ratal! bv wins tiarrrnitv Comer aaj rsawa ah-eeu E. a. Li.aatv. l. racaxxx.

LINDSEY FICKLEN, COMilIISSIOiV jlERCHtllVTS AXD wajOLBBALB HSPUtrr. IX Plour, Grain and Feed, o. ft Howard's Row, IfBBP-ai fcosda win niurtod alork af PLOTR trS k. ar aaaotaatrr raiabrd wHk OOStX OATS. HAT BRAX, etc wkaak tkov win rarsaih atloweat avut-arwea.

Bavtautwrflarllitloalarrke aarebaae of atart and a aatrnsisatlas t- ae naliri-l la oar artSctes-d av aar Irtttaswa. doalar la tkia cte. wa rooaataUv ca, aswstiea tease aad r-bcal a ekareet aaaltr a-trun aaa- taalllly) UXaSUCT a. nCO.Ui MEMPIflS HAT MAiWACTORY ji rXAIN II. 71II.I.EII orr.

oacnv ioatabs HATS, CAPS AND FRS, Fall Style of HaCs. WK are saw seerevtacaar Pad Mokaa, shvaao kaaa-SBUiatSkBtomtkeStaaa. B. UitAjBR A CU HATS. We ate new area, red van af Hat.

tea, sited. asai.rm pear arete 00 TO IiWAIIDn HICXJW" PABtXA. TAPtOSA. rVMfH, MSks, SARAS J. BJlWUkkBg.

Araslsiniatrrt. Jim 1 1 X. dart. vs.! Princn A LL l-nai kaiaa.

el n. Altncliinrnt. 1 Prsraat. I Prat, at I PMeeaf 1 Prase ef. I Prraaaf.

Prtaraaf kf Tt ltd Prwraaf sa Ijrmi 400 BATHS csa kr aad at Km. except Baiardays and Basdai a-ea! I' casta reel. si aadaoa, wkark will a- at tae sat Im Wanted. Oayte. Cot.

Eestla firar eavMSOvM rra-ios from Ntahvllie (where he had learned the prio- iev-s wius uen. amrau's trmy, totkrai he was attached with the rank of Quartet). Meter. lummmz ewer musar arhia-k saeaaoraA ht srtewtios in thi little name. aVrsuai violest I rude r-ad badly damaced ptistioz nrat, and a ex- 'i- te cf ai kind bee de this, wo 'hiak I quantity of prioJae raeteruls pUsd ansa in ersses a apt to r-Urd ttatptmiBiTof I ose of the streets.

Irssiritu; for tbe owner, be 8i ulUoMtetydeetrey tWritirriaere I learned from bim that they had boea orongbt ST twao- I sate irr. isowura onwe tots; inr IB is the I pose of eataWtebiiie; paper, there been- of ettr tn the TenMoty, hat fat svejeethad failed ft I ssme cause or ether, and the pre waa left a-. vt.avi bey become mea. Oar yosd- I here few isostb before ISM) for tbe par. er -ray have Merved tbe same Jirtac; is the I pose of eataMrebiue; pper, tiiere beenr none i pearaiare or rc or tome K'-e i neers.

I soese cause or ether, and the frees was left on rr- if exercise, hetide aBjaVineiave men- hi heams. It was entirety ueetrs ts Mm, and i raae, Das be fsdeacy ke Injure I ne nad tsrsr out or soon to mere svate tae rcolJUan of tret MHL A attmid, O'li- 'araj tvjrow, WOO hmm mt TJe tatt eapL mc-j-Jst aaderaroae the most paiafol and exua exsecitsa of lit oj-initlarn. for fire t.x hour every day, caaraAlbesTls ate af lite- Mr. Katun neeeed an opinion that he cooM do some' bintr with it, asd ha vine; rosed a Uede for it at small price, took It op to 8L Stephens, where beast out the nrst paper Ib Alasaaa, jaat in time te MpUtb trnaUaoss of hit Iocs. Oa lonrtar at I In tt the treatr of peace with OreeU Briulrj 1 taw what I aftarwaiel rxscsvena to be It wat ttVit, pevhaps, vvbfeh aueoreatesT to bim twtoa Charreston aad Columbia.

All other wete borve mails, ooousasly la charge ef bora nader ataHetn yean sc are. lotee veox meir rest at sirht, and ttwc shatter from raia in the dv, as Urotr ceaKti reejaireti. Ibe vehicle ealted etajret esrrred pesteecer well as males. Tbey, oo, stopped for the Bight, asd well fot the tsstsrrger. that they did for Waddet thakiar sf Brace, wet a comfort compared to the shkinr and botrncrBt; of pat-aecrera la those vehicle, wbn roins; ever raitv.aad stony grooars.

Tbe fated out OHrer 1L rrinee, kvbo was toothless la front, upon bathe asked bow he Iosl teeth, replwd that "ttaty were jetted out by Usvetinr; ever Geortrta rosds in a stick tatay." If thu were tne, teeth mast bare bean tea ee nanny; the stage panpers betweea Asgoata aisi 8avjiith. seedy at the Toad for the mott pert. llMatrn (he tardisest of the mailr, there was oaaaaaw store stiiosii rnttactt isreaoy commu- preTStent ameer; aeresat asd members ef the the ssme ef his caper, which was caHed the rfrrwi a rrear falttsr In tfir f.rth frnv, I i AttM, iiui wi. I "T1" irM ouve iBiimaiea, at i eaters ouvvuvtaiii, aw uuia uie vioews towara i nnnunr would bt an jawretrise- cunotity. tx mutt from the Arademr: and in ill UH.

tf.e ftBrtrt. Xoiili Mercery. Ungton, prorxr or eoaunon, taery wu bot one 'atios) botwees the stodents aad their Dareata at a -lists nee. Tbe nearest pest ofhee to 1VII- href u-ss, as we have Intimated, at Vienna. i t-HkA lever thc'uauoEt i ati It It -po -wander tfaar.i ejected BjtnajabssjamjBbjjssm person, both Entrli -h and Asaeri.

can, iotfreewed for Us nt. The laoet of CaarltttoB irNraea a pottttsa la Ii. betvait hit children war preen, ed In their bended katess bumble suitors for tbelr beloved father but all in vain. Ouritar the imptJtoa-mest of the father, the Id est ton wat permit, ted to stay wtb bim in prison Beboldiavc bit ruieot, for whom he felt the die pest atecUon, loaded with iron and eon-tlemaed to die. he wat overwhelmed with con sternation and sorrow.

The vtretefced father TTOtRD waasrd. kya i US aaas, tr a envst taaalrr 1J ka raa kava tk- oosvarta of a bame. Baard. at ooow kaesara sar sm ipatj. Assresa Box m.

Port OaVo. alt-S. Stw Soetl Rye. Xfl BrSaTJnjikooXewaoaBJaaIreorvedtad VI lor rale ay laalaat) H. S.

CO. Irish Potatoes. p.f SACKS IRISH POTATO, new rrrr I 0 I-r rale at raaaa sar ksakal. OLA UK J. MOETOX A al Xa Bewar.

31E3IPIIIS AJi OHIO RAILROAD. Ciiml.YOE OF TI.VE! On aad Artcr Trmrsday. ism rpBAIXS will raa as tki. rood at fcllowi USB ta OS saaSM Xartk and ,1, oirasd Ckkao, aroi. r.

td T-io N'arJri Bxpreox. taakiac cloaa naaanlfca ta all a mt. Xortt an4 Bart via Calra aad Caaelasatl, at AKLSOX. oi-Iw Sserrstrodeat. J.

J. COWLEY, T.lIZ.on, Afsaree Street, Utwetn Mt4m SecomJ. HATtXO ist ta'Li sad treat tba Bast WMotarttenlM Mock at Preorb Ckdba. raaka, irla Braam, Snt and Tatvet VMtavaaor Ura SuattaMa raoJ. an twaihtara wba li a aooS Sftlrr aaiawM wsass weU but, -e tv.

tkeir aad set a rkeap rait All renjatry and riar. wi 1 ka anrsdad tewttb cara aad aXrattrb. aais-oaai Trustee' Sale of Land. TT virta- of a Bead af Trsrt, esecmed taste aaTrst-i Ire br vrat Tut. on va.

ina or xarck. iwe, retl- trrra in n- It rai noorker on Ike aorta aaal oar aor ar Jeffr raea etreet Fr utaller in Xrsapkli. an tke ITtk day af Sep- trtua. inirr i aon ra wcaarc a. ar mmocn ot ua la aana so.

aa. as saai weec. Is xna- assch ra Ira XrOtenv tjsovx, St- Ckartea Ca Xa X.itaiSii It. Mr O. J.

Woos Bear Sir Sasnv tbsa but a. try uva. ao I duty la yuu aaa tba aatrctad fc, twaort it. Oar rtatta eaBl kaoa tor aaa lnaa aad Bar aai fMlla aavarad wtm am, aad raaaa lied it acaatoad. Baa kair atsavet aaUial.t car- caT ia ceaseueeaco, skrs a frtaad.

aaaaoX Sis laaVrisaa, adviaad a. aoi vaor naakrrativa. Wa dM witk little kxpe ar tat oar srteias. asd tsat of an mm it mat, a verv iew tatlsrttiasa lisanif rke diirawesttrely.asd a new and lasawlsmorovaf hair raun itared out, aad we cas bow mr rant mm key ka. aa kealtkr a acalp.

and at lararuat arrsptd kair. aaatr utker rbtM We can tkerefore aad da busty, unasianal roar Sevtarallva. as a t-rrr-t rr ror lu raraara tm isa acar aaa im We ar rtaaniltSBy. an w. HiaeiNBcrrHAX SABAflA WU3IXBtTniAX.

Psor-Weon iblorSir xp bait bad, for several ihii boos 1 1 1 oai i srestatsrerv srsr. a. a iiiiiliiil whatk rsasot tka nasilisi at oil atntinry ii lalac tt Waas 1 laaawninl aua yoar Hate rVretaesltre akaat twa mastb aaa. It aaa. la uatateatKSast aatrbana rulla.

IS tasaotnl wukta tba lilt tsree waetj, tt bat I at BBS ta satsral color, and aatawed aOwortt asd ksaB fsaatty aa arafertad lathaMpraaaTStsyuW aaaikaJiaa af atU sr asr etbee ar.aar.ODa I bar roar ated. I reaare it aa an ati I aioklt arUJr tar every hays katlel wkatker i. ae aord mt a Hair B4lm or fur tk imnara at rMar ar kraatlrrra tao aair Tos Irarv aersrasdas to rarer www rawau ear miimt ae lla aU aaal ttaiavat are it XRS STXOXOB ClarriB.ll. Pek. rtB7 lHTkirdatroot WsoxiaotOX.

Xe Dacaaaeer lair Paer.TCeoa Pom Su By ike adricaat a mea effete, vha bed km saavx josr R-ir Btataraura, I waaisdussdmuu bad Ska favor, aaa tusa Xiy, aaJMfatfj avarrsau maay kaadcaaaaow. ay kalrklltami ma treat deal laickoT.lhan evar it vu. SatnJar: bat a duty asd anaawikr thai I tool u. uiamtsswoti matbera wk ara amicted as 1 kava aaas, wasM isdaos am te tta Ikie BsatK totBaaliaaisial cl tke keaedt I ke. racetaad rrwu Prat.

Woa. Kair keasatauva. raaas raayanrally. A B. JACOBS Tt.

UrtraUo eat Bp tm a-otlr. ,4 Otrao uao. ria Urrr. il Ileal IS aaas. tka ataall kokki katf a aast, asatttaaM arratoVaVaarraotkattrei tka anatam aaaai at ieaat twenty sar orat- mare irnsiirti tkss tse uaiil.

r-tiiTl two SoCaet VttV 1 uVrlare. kakti a -aart. tarti yrrorat saaeou itliWia. ssd r.u.1. tor UreacUlor a batie.

O. J. Vip ac PaaarMara. JHBaaaSwaa. Kow ort, (la 1L trorf Xew Talk War KalkWc Balakliok Sftsns ttsm M.0M 4 laaaai mil ataa ta tka SkSSteSof oookx a turn fciaMMi tat mem or sts rVwkamTiaiiTssSi neara tm.

traararn ft. Priaea cssbed mt Sktbt at par cead. dmaaasL, BUkaf Ura dtv kaati tales at or- A wawta win k. torwiroed soas tba I aakt taat. aro aota.

to to Sir tkoir cUlai. mm taoaonrrii artio. r. war a ii ii aa taaiaii aaora. or vseir rial ka tarred.

By ordar. JAB. P. TALKrr. Clark.

PeSeralCaan Jackras. Teas. -IAMBS mj. SWAX. nil at ratted sraara Xarahal.

Attaclnucnt. Kmlacaaa. leaaotaksn 1. B. SMITH.

I. PrXHER. iVew Firm. rpHt ssd.ri braid save tkia day awai, I a ro-r-utorr- jl aaay aaacr aaa aiate aa nyar at Porter 8 Macrae, aad kaetac I nil aal tke esttra atart af Xeaora. raarlail -r General t.rocery and Commit.

slon Riisineas, Ikair oM ok-r, tkey wjU ka atraied to watf aa tbe rroaa at aba aat koaoi asi eke aoaoaoar. Tbey win kae coaatawByas kaad lane alact. aH CHIBS, ud U1 aa aroBore. i.r lo laralrt kkemat raet rates. t.

T. Pttttvan Asesatl. tt atl-dlai I). w. XAORAC.

nassianlilll a addr.iard le BtTX at fba City rvwt. s. C.J MrT-w i. vesjimr.

a a asswreonsav. MO.VTGOMERY. PLANING MILL, UUlLiIilXG 5LV'tEttUL AXB LUMBER YARD. LWATS as kaad. aaaaaral aaaorrraam -r r-aek and aUno.

yellow and wsjta aaaa tan is. ouw- oawwoaraai coutac, aBr anaT, rv onr Aaw aaak. dears, kllaaa, ate WHIPPLE xoxrooxaaT. JaaVly far rwaaiaasaa-raaaBBBt. win 1t-i itr ibii It nt fat ki 1 1 in a i J.

flaraa. J. at Ma oStea ia tw BkkL oe Bko Stat aay or al NekMi. aaaoa. arr ran at at rtawared la inaiwi.i aan.

B. s. a. t. a.

vrtnoKTT aalS-tw A ttoroor. 9nr 1 JSaraain. a VHTV BBJtinarwr-r r- swsare Tka Hoowo aai mx man an aoc-eaaary aat kausaa, aad tea acr of riuail. well ass asa at ma n-wc seitblslHBJ tka dty Tku Brasrr'v to ba aoM aad a aar. tam wtn ao nrn.

Tka la-nroramrnu kr all sew. awraraaa ia. s. a. stpaai anra Negro Goods.

WBaOre lo tk rradaaad ra Ibe aataaa af riaataei. aWtskrasiaf iba nasal ant XtBa. (PaawkL Taas.1 Saartast. -t faMikar. BiMis aad vary lasorrar Iraaar We kava sbo tka Vi ill a Usaev aad Aoaa.

av. Ptaraata Waaraa raetary, keavy. aad massfi.tarrd af tka ketwatas watt, ata Wy Srr. QK.WIiK twJkHaVl T1oUH. PtSr SJEBrkTdtr ttlitlBjl, saaWA.

crnxkt. Par aaia WkakMale aad Betali ky wabo a Meet tki twa. Jjt Xa III Xakao SODTIIERX 3IDT17AI. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP rOUMBIA, 8. C.

CAAJ1T $100,000. Has. W. DrUasCRB. Pr at.

w. XcXASMB. Artasry. Be. JOBK Pratt SR.

Traaaaiir. Br. S. PBXXBS, Xoaknl Bilinib -Notice. NORTIIBR.V FIRE AXD LIFE ASSURANCE CO, No.

1 Meereate Street, London. TH tvaasa af tk Mlewtac atrerta kava kets eatak-laakad. aa aroakM or tkava Skat ka avo SatBar atravt. Iran river koak loM XHSba. TiSi.

frai milky ta xaetm Bstkw. ream Xam te rtvar kask. Teraooaathram Xrds larrverkaak 9t Xura.rrwji Vaaaa krBwllae at. Patrvat, Iraas Tsa ia Italia "at isa. fram TkiBj ta tba riaor.

An yartara late 1 1 as ts trayevty os arryartk oka Wis a sushis rx less. TT saam Ttdrt Srraet DISSOLUTION rpBE ojaartaaraklp eilaUaa ketwec tkr J- i ajw.1, or uiraoivaal tr veea aaaasmamawta mkiilui Xaasr, wke kar tk aala aatkartty I ealaeat tbesa and araue umiiaatuuea at aaa arm. 3. B. CT1VTTA.

Jtasmbla, Xartk It, ISM. A. 6. EX AP. adrraxnuaoa capital.

PAI VT CAPITAL AXD STRPLCd. AXXCAL BsTSXrl XstVtLT two tamao ae areeatt am iM i uti na tksy may kaao to tea lis wltms tkb 1 daya, la rba Board af Alt i aaa. arxrnuiTo. aad-tm cir.t.YCEM s.iu: Capital Stock in tbe Jlemphis and Ohio liaiiroad t'ompanr. Pl'BBC AST SB awtra af tk- rksscory Coart at Xr.

akta.riBdat Xay term, Wst, ra rka rtasef Jakn aaseuwon va Tae xewkjble asd SaaiiillU. TBrwart. fiiall'J and tba Xaaaakra and Ob la Rurrea Csm- IX.YJ)O.Y irtECTons. ata. Atdrnas.

lie rjhak. U. XaOrasor, Bart Lard Reseat Brace, at p. Tu. XlOwr.

X. Chair's Jt. nrarser. rwcrarory, awjaoss JatttS KSP, Bdward Pscaa, Traa troaSaii. PrnuneiLratA boaxb or xavaBSHCx aioiora- ivcaor.

a. 01 i jiraBB. UBMBars a. WBk.XEeakvCs-s liana Stakam At Jan. B.

Xktrkea, Baa Stama Basil. Tsaawatie PIBE aa Warraowaaa, Sow la. TJATHfei AA Raw. JYottce. I rar owe Hok mt root kaaa 1 1 ai 1 1 1 I mm h4 a.

ia. SPt Xam Itwrt X. K. XoUW A. flo.

wBooo I nod. ratty asjctti can Iraaa sm fries. ao Jvwa x. H. XILLZK.

Porter, law Jstsa s. 1 JAS. B. COOK, Clrt! Eifieer, AreWtect aad Sttrreyw, 13 Madison Street, l-lv "orwoos Xam as Praat Kow. On Saturday, August 20, JT xaaaiwe- ifroat or arrostcr.

lark, crlyae Xratria, aaaseeVVa l-wwsisUpsat i Bat tl lo tk a ark ail kattar. TWJtLra TucS4Nn not-1 Ttertm TVesassa! Daiwri mm Jkaeit Coastal aa- art, tw purs AXBotirO COLLEGE, ttajutejj) ctit-Ajrjr. TkBHS OP SA1X -JT ataw iirall a. win 1 awdos weottsr BlsssaTtwoK. sawrrbs.!m- a' or raeasii aawrry tw rke srtbet mcoey ajr Bala at II ealeek, Sit. oiU, ataHored JOtlX f. LAtr.ML aa Xaolrr. For Safe. Tsro rtXVtrtsa AMD LOTS.

3n Oralao'. aastiios. I win m-II at srest karsals. XIUJBL iy Ira SH Mala atraecJ tnt-alari CuttcS asd Waul sat i.aSl.i (itaaSasasyiraaBaat. Bataa af Praaunm ara aaaarrata.

asd ika caadl Itasrasw ar rraawd wua taa iiiiiaii mimaii Tke yvt BSo. ar too wrji jtxx ASStTRjlfrl: crw. PAXT ate nates iBiraatiit kr a Urn Caott.i aai aba ky aaliaM'rd tstimil TretmalkUtry at over 0s Tbosaaa Star. aoofc-r. Laaua tlly adrsoVd as am, icraiauva ae Lwwooa.

wjujax (Hrrrr aVaoral Asea Sar aVa trakto Xo. JCS-sk Tbtrd aareoa, i sa cas ka mati ta oSO. W. L. CtrOOC.

Asaat, Xa. SS XaaBSSostraer. mp sratta. Xci Clr rvras XSZcsxi.tTioljc.-v-. ThErsamasareolauar tar taastar akrtMsuan WIS ayes as JaWyjUr.

SEPTEXIBXR ts9. iiil aa- taesjasmd loarcar. ra ib. racnHr xh, atteat asd avat ajevaeteat Tearbart Tk resstar Oat-letetbJHonasd Ptraat.taij tebiil, arSayou at ayeH- ova. TSSAts $08 tor awarlas ot lea tajaoka.

Tbls Inaksli i aar. Tallloa Wamhat. Pool Sfc TVta mim Bm.ii JaW TSIXBLB, A J-yJm PreekteaL tu ae. a- m. I aw paWk, tlie, rxmiTm iSafxT rr-.

u- "SV -r Vkitia alkt k7" ILP, air-tt mlZ oa tbe Bra-tk-aool ooroor or Joff. ram etreet and I viaaxaK. waa eadeairored to dMoh him, by resaisdisr bim a. will tv mre botkef fjte ricn. rail mr o-rioP nP tba ann taodod oalr aa- oj -o tmm ini.r- thst the una vail sy; grief of the tos tended only tn increase hit own ratsery that we came into this world merely to die; asd he coald eroa re joice that bit I roubles were to near as end.

"1 0-Brorrow," ssm ae, i tetosi tor issaaur-talltr. Yoa will accompany me to the place sxe-eatron and when lam dead, take ay body and bury it by tbeekde ef year melsVer. Tae routb here fell nobis fatfae 'a seek, cry ing, "Ob, my father! my father! I wiH die for year GW. wat loaded with wsfa rrosble to rttora tbe embrace uf bis tea, asd merely tald to h'm In reply Ltye, ray tot. lire ta boaor God j- goal hit lUt to letTt your country; and live to take cm of aor.

aod tka treat eow. aa coreauMloai I fkr trw-t JAXRS WrOEBBSHAX. Blt-lai Traitee. Mri-fiis MaanfettirK Company, YABirrr vosxa.) I at rfrt.r tor as akart aallai, ast nsska ta I XX er-lrr in ki-v tr tab. Darea, Bijaob.

Wwdawa and Maivratr. L-arsaca atwjt.ra. ak- All Unda ot sssaiarfcT sat tkraucb as dankte V'. xiosvCotUlt Wr. tkr r-tnl- I Orderilait Kr.

JSO. ZXaTstttia laetory, vrtn raorir io and treaaTt tuenticn, uaittii etaei work wi: 1 fc.rr warranted IssVttB X.rak'XIT It rrofrtttort. Kxtra Flour. El RIA Jaat taraivod aa kar aala law ky CBWS A MaRTOCE. aolt-tw Xa.

at Xedtaos atreat. Sew Irisli Pwtafoes. BRLS. aast teaatred aad Sar aala low oy OEBtrs A. iHarooc ault-lw Xa.

tt Xadtaao aleeet 25 40 Baw Pr.t Braskst. SUtakraa-- and Sides. atore aa4 ror rare low mr RAHAAT Pram tbe lusaunir lima ant kfs-sa, raaa. Aortaaaaa, asa XClaTTOC Wwxj.aO aSaaatMyoaraaldl w. raaa ako.t lot i iin 4os- R.

aar kaiRi taat ar mrbr. ktsk; verv rlakl BKoaiexlu; dork kolr i klsoayaa; rkia vtaaxK wavo-r rroo: lana mwt i nasi ii ai traatal aar af aaa, lac aassaaa ta baa wars as twilled liaes Basts, Mark tl Bare no ca.1, at frarA, i sat art akirt; oa. yo.r tse trast isf aal at Ika too, eat klark om a is a ursaasar tr trad. I vaU He tkaakore reward tor kaa lataaetf R. c.

WALLAOB Asaramsos. a. Biruraut. AAT3EKSOX IIAXY.ironi. ARCHITECTS tsyri.

Tsuaua axis Cliicf it nnf Ohio. nali'inn ii trws ikwuc wm ra -It, TBMAWAT JVMayamtatt $25 Reward. say tap Jar, kaOerxaaws. asl-lwr A tBRTOCE. St.

XadlaiBi afreet Xailam Be at very kaark, feat Mt wysaka akam Vr MB passda, ktae was- ares TO m. S. brwe bt Via abl Taaa ryvT-em. mmm. IBBB1.

WS are freoar an tn an arabe tar aar kasTaf Pk named. Mwa5 tSatZ JMfifA I Twribwr-Mty msTotam CtYA astx-tw wTttrrLX a MOrrvoowaar. Pamily and Superfine Plour. TtTCare tvibu asr keat si. Loati vkar it t-.

IIW Pr barrel! Snyerase So. st 11 Mo, tS-m. Ttlr Ixtrti A5.F5 to Jt 60. Alt sew as freak fram I UemrB. CLAXZ 1 XOSTOK A Xs norviril'i JUrw.

1 wnowwyiwtrainin sasar, I kirasoot ro-aaa ta kotiea sbat ka arl-l kv karaered iBoaM Ika atr mm w.s no rko reward iftatesm me emsty' ar any tl a i is Ikln Ihllas takra oat af It ssie-im jkq. xoxaitos- Ye Xaorcrs or ihe 'Weetl. A BOTM Tvssene Ibtratca. csriairsmesL nUi it COSIOX. ssa-dtsa Xs.

13 rrouxow, up Jnst Eeoeivod. OA Xtollrrok W. K. BoMrrj tovatrara tear Lata, Sav ana. SSSk asd SawreoawPtrorr) at ll Bbsbl Sitr.

aad Tim I I krta. Cjdw Birardeaa tJwio. AOSvaaaar. Xalaawl. OaftV.

BTIooo lodo o. -j' tnmw J- T. TXAXE. X. rrsut aVavr.

tall XOWIEST, iYILSOI CARTER, Ootton Factors AXB COMMISSION MERrilANTS, Ao. 3 Sladiion Street, TEffN. SOaMSJrV 1 A WlUOS. M. CASTXS, Panitt.

Tess. TBR. Saraaai or oa. and mt mm W-jry ekVor ii ataios aaeaiaklB. wo aaaas teaaer aar eerasammewaHpeleBae aaaaa aaaaa ararrawy aa I COTTUW FACTORS A.TJS COMMfMfOV CJLt.vm fotolv.

e.wayaatp otrtat lot iliawil ataratlaa kaalseaj, to atatmaa la SBrvat yoar aatraaas. We wMe lira ajawaalatSaBSbBWIba atnac sf SB ardors tar Ooads. trrw aS mo sr. ai or iuasra iotuor, wns kmi.iitatke kvawat akavkrt arlrea. AB OoUon aanalrsedw a wsb ae aaaa.

on aiar a aurrweie ar-tere. Wa ara of, a. rod Carb Adsees as Ooltan ar alter Pr dsee is atats. XOBXZXT, WlLSOy A CAJtTXS. Xaavebla, Art loM tilt-darts, VTTTtHas rtriaaoaf aav.

yam, antatassa aad I aawamlillaii faad af State 1 il. TUT JBIJ 1 11 XX XDTCAL UPK lXStrRAXOB COMl A.NT aaora treat mdatiiaiski ta aa wko waaUe Sa aortbeaT aatltat wrtkaat intlitr. ar la aaraee Ikeov Btr1aiiaaala.iL-. mr la aiit. yarvMooa to.

lapyirt at -f- fa-ili i aaataf daam. Tbe mem mt tke Crafiy rr aawSa. MS aaeasaat fc stntaUawm PwajRSJbmajs Mmm rmsUBty awtp BJBSX taj tj r9aa4sTrw3 Ssj) Ma tywaCm aWaRnvftA. Ralaa aa 3ttaa kave aaas raaesavy a nation may sa ta. or aay imnatillaa trots, ky ao- AtavtCCttpI aM4a C.

mlialler. OpfirtHH XAxrrPAOTtrBaRor a xxwu- ixuxrnr IMPR0YE1) SPECTACLE. SiS-x -wu CliOCKS VTATiUKS AH 341 Mala Street, BeJew Casee i Stmt, Auetitrai -u. OlyKAJtss r-aM wtm nan a asttakaBo-Cbell, WilcbM, Jewoary laearoB. Bvery Sairtarls wtB ka innaaili adkMat a aa ta isaSli tka weanr ta asasue ma in 1

sasrskasL aatber da ar eaaaToliaaA oaak flj.ilbt,rtkwi. sltaukat aessaat weak. ooao worrr ro raw avass teserstry a preteraBrc at ke aay ar IHBI alias. 1 kawa aa o. wm sy Tt i itirlit i tt aaM ky aaaaasa aa-aas i.lawM ol lkoeyr.

niaty.stisI naiitisu, eaaaecuis iklBfaoSeo" krat nallt aaak aat 1 ABaidenreeatvedkraMaBw-saw to- rrraene wlaMsa la ardor tyrin ikiaMnadm tbatr Bxaaa and Poot was tlilSAmatarkienamirMdtoMaai.aolar tbemasnorat tketv riaatli ailk-s. JaarTwlrwawTyly Corn! Corat TTTXkavamilaraaadaaraalaMmtsmia BklS Taa-t si ta i a asd Taacc-or. Krrr Wkila rkaa.m San, tMasdOasiwarxSarkr. tab parSaat wsse. asd ara eeeeteacearaeadK taXlUar.

iaovjav 3S3 Xam B. tm stasia COSMORAMIC STEREOSCOPE. A X0tv UVe lataol mn.noa. ia nyllw, BVor-araats- XV laj mmtm iBotraoUT. aad iwojlar rljasaWSreeev-csa.

Tba otoriircii Views ara Ibisibii I SmkV rare, reomealva tta nseat oaeetoa. Ckwj i aaotAto-ainiasi Is 'in asd tkb hbsiij. fclak. asvoed koraseb teal wvaiymaat. akaw Iboae akjatta kstl re-toX.

actoaily k. they ara. aat abs ara rke loot wi Sill for Artaatcmve ake keat ataa of bums usaattti mt Art. aa But. ma aaaat yarlar arsiswaaj Oltroeaa asd rtraaaora rlaltta tba ttl tiql sat tall caU aoC.

XBoJJB. Oalania. Set Xats Neaat, asp. aHa Paartsa Aol.wirf i tawk. ill laltaBl I am I saoeestTlows.

Jaotreertredkke avrtnrt re tBool naooSkroof TtavtB af JbtraBa aad 1 gavlea. KO ditaeeat Vora at ska city at Pas. 103srostVlew.J SwiiarrlBB. Isrkslfc Btsmn I 3SU SIST.i i Bl TWo- -T sva Bkta I. BlSi nal Vrew.

or staky. in ilti iili, Oil Xratt. KwSaa, Parratrae aaa) fllj ItaS aWaktTreeatTToai of Iambs ta greneeiaa af BaeliBd. a lata fajjiS Paxtfly Co. p.

is raa 790 toaoSorSkkT lasassSated fcateerar asd vsewaet Pate sad Latdaa. oaaaa.Tlawaor Bami aad tkia i Xta wafaAlatJtis waArottoa and riaissty. am rrrtt ntawy rsee ai nmii taa ssmimut tajara Uoa. rasa, aalct isd total, eaate Ttewa. xtriiax, Xtm rirnt, nurlMtwtsiy Oyo, Pyerlas A suvtrfi sjsa.

eJtdirieevrr.j'gjjj a 83rwa kTiasv jssfJKJ'sas.

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