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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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THE PHAROS-TXI1UNE PROGRAM FOR LOCANSPOrr 1. An Civic Cvnttr 2. An Svwagt Disposal System 3. Svffiictnt Parking Facilities Saturday Evening, May 18, Attendance Is Down Attendance at both Ebbets Field in Brooklyn and the Polo Grounds in New York has been off during the early games of the present baseball season. For their first 15 home games, the Dodgers ran about 32,000 behind 1956, and 35,000 less than in 1955.

The Giants, with a team apparently destined for second division, may draw fewer than 600,000, the figure for 1956. However, neither team will wind up in the red, for both have television contracts netting them each a reported $750,000. Rumors that not only the Dodgers, but also the Giants, will leave the New York area continue. New York sports writers tell of a revolt of Dodger fans, and visiting teams have received many cheers from the home crowd, once so rabidly pro-Brooklyn. It is beginning to seem most probable that the Dodgers will go to Los Angeles.

And it is now reported that San Francisco'is making an attractive offer to the Giants. The end of an era may be in sight, and a baseball monopoly of the New York area well might fall into the lap of the New York Yankee organization. In New York, the televising of ball games appears to be making fans TV lazy. With 254 major league games being telecast in the New York area this year, the game may well be on its way to becoming a television Baseball has come into a period, and its future course cannot easily be predicted. Buddhist Anniversary Few hiBtoric anniversaries arc as old or as important as one that i.s bt-'ing celebrated this year by many millions.

This is the anniversary of the birth of The exact date of. his birth is uncertain, but celebrations being held this year, even in the United States. Buddha was a Hindu prince who at 29 renounced luxury and became an ascetic. His teaching is that existence is suffering, that fiufforing arises from de- gire, and ceases when desire coa. and that the righteous man should lo escape, by upright living and thought, from existence into bliiiufu) non-existence or nirvuna.

Though once strong in India, Buddhism eventually died out But it has a great following in China, Japan and other counlricn of Kastern Asia. Its followers have at 150 million, 30 that it clearly one of the mont Important religions of the world. Even in the United Stak'H there an; laid to bo 135,000 Buddhists. It would, therefore, br; for ufl all to know about their faith. IN THE PAST One Year Ago M.

Pitman, rutlrod local man, (Hod nl Iiin reiilditncc, 71. Suv'intitcnth nlrecl. Klroy Crll.HB, itl, of Oalvonloii, died at Memorial hospital after an of nix wcokii. Richard Spall nlnclud vIcc-prcHliloal of the Clo-woorn Tcnchcrn iwsoclalirm. Carl IfoiiUtn wan nloctcd priisildcnl of Ihe IM- Zamiport Haptlnt Mori'n council.

Ten Years Ago A flon wan born at llio 81. hospllal lo Mr. and Mrs. George KlrnbrouKh, 131)2 IliKh Al f'niln and Pal Mlllor wurn crowned Idnji and al the Lonimnporl nchool Junior- prom In llcrry Howl. Litbo, 75, retired, county furmor, died.

Mm. Myrlli; HurrlH, of Wlnamuc, mic- cmribi'd. Wlckcrsliam, (id, well known W'hllo counly fnrinor, awuy. Minv Hum iia Inch of ruin roll horn hint nlnhl. Twcnfy Years Ago Ca.i« county boarrl of coinrnlnHlonw'n an- RiiiinciMl lhal tnllcH of road In Hit) county will bo pavod In next fuw HOOK, a retlrod lallor, iiuccumhed Wlnaniiic IIOIIIH, Clinton Trlmbln, 7i), a rnlln.ul Kullon counly Inrinor, died ill hln roiilduncu norlhounl of Ho- Mrs.

Sparlin, 711, Peru, paiinod away at Dukits honpllal. John It. Chrlnly, 70, a Monllcollo bulcliur, expired al home. Wallur tlolriiox, 54, Delphi, al St. Kllxn- li'ii ho.ipltul In Lafayelle.

Fifty Years Ago SeiirlRhl Imn Ufcepleil a position for A. Cl. York, lho Imuiranai and rutil c.ilnk 1 annul, al Iduvlllo. Harry Sluwor, tho pnlnlcr, In tiufferlriK froin pnUunod hand and IB off work, Dr. GIlberl'H livrau, which suffered 'n hrokim on a fall nn tho Third hrldw, had lo bo nliol.

Kred Dyknninn iinyn In: linn a fluid of corn planted anil up on hln Plmmunl Hill farm In Drew Pearson's MERRY-GO-ROUND 'CANT YOU SEE I'M Drew Pearson says: Public inertia now can cause wars later; American public is going through same isolationist period today as in 1920's; Back to normalcy now can mean back to war later. (Editor's Note: Drew Pearson's column today takes the form of a letter to his grandson.) Washington, D. C. Friday, May 17 Dear Joe, This is your birthday. You are three years age when the lies at your feet.

I watched you last week scooting around my garden on your toy tractor; and making all the girls in my office stop their work just because of you. You will never be three again. But today you are master of the world. Someday, many years from now, when you read this letter, you will udersland what 1 mean. You will know how little a man is master of his fate as he grows older, how lucky he is to be master of a garden when he is young.

It's about three in the morning. I couldn't sleep for thinking of the problems of the world; and got up lo look down at the Potomac, so still and peaceful under the moon. On the river is a fishing boat, still angling for catfish with the help of a light. Over on the Virginia shore, the trees stand out in silhouette in the moonlight. It's so still that you can hear the water rippling against the rocks it rushes on and on to the Chesapeake and the sea.

The Potomac was not always so Btill and peaceful. In the days uf your great-great-grandfather Medill, for whom you wera partly named, Johnny Hebs lurked behind those Irons on the Virginia side; while sharpened saplings pointed down from the Maryland side where the li.shini; boat now angles fur catfish, to keep Ihe Jtelw from crossing. Those were the days when your groat greol, grandfather, who founded the Chicago Tribune, wan an adviser tri Lincoln, and when our countrymen were fooli.vh enough lo go to war uginnl each other. Drift, Toward War We are more senHlbic now. Bui.

what Bomolirrics kcepii rne uwaku al. lhal I can dcl.ect an almost imperceptible drift In thin country right now toward war. It's a drift lhal. you can't do anything about. You are Ihreo years old.

Bui should bo able to do Hoinethini; about It. am older. And I. have HIKMI two cruel and bloody wars iMigulf Ihe world. 1 know Dial, tin: drift which begins now may mean thai.

yearn from now you will go out to flgbl a war which you don'l iinderiif.arid, dldn'l; and bo sacrificed for. If Uie prii.wnl drift contln- you probably will. Knr warn today don'l begin overnight. Tlicy begin 10 or yearn before Uic.y break. And limy wo canned by Inerlia, mmi'ii greijil, and rnau'H iinwIHiugiiMHit to litllc of bin wordly good.

1 before IL'n loo late and lit) IKIII lo iiacrlllci; with bin life. What I deled, now In Wuiililnglim (UK! In Ihe nation In llu: name awarcricim,« niuiiii biolallon, l.lii> winiii let-tliii-ollici'-fiillow-Ko-liang nttltiiili: lhal ruled American Ing In Ilium! dayii between World Win- and Hie drift lo World War Jl. Thone woro dnyn when people talked nbmil. back l.o normalcy," when l.lio nlock markH. wan more Important Hum HID I.wigui: of Miilionii, Invwit- jiKinls abniud were muni Import- iinl.

llilin pence abroad; wlmn morn Ilian naylliliig olno, peopln worn Juiil plain liiirud with foreign nf- lulni (mil winded thai nil llu: dln- Iroublo-imililiig iieoplii In llio world would go Jump In HID ocean. How Wiira Ani Until Tbnl'ii lliu kind uf almoKphnn: In which are broil, anil lliu kind of almimphi'i'c which ex- Inln tiiilny. Tlii! iiboiit and clamor for economy In In exactly Him llio nboiil Mini clamor In iiKiilnnl l.migtii) of Nallniui, iiKiilnnl llio world coiirl, world cooperation bitlwuitn World War I and World War II. It's easy lo get people lined up against this l.ype of thing. And the same kind of people lining up now lined up only a shorl lime after we foughl, a "war to ond war" and tried to "make Hie world safe for democracy." It was only a few ahorl.

years shorl. il. seems like the nation was at a while-hoi pilch of patriotism over 'Pearl Harbor and your daddy was marching off with Ihe Marines. We were nulled then. It was only a short llrni; ago lhal, we boiled llio founding of the Nations.

Wo wuru united behind II. too. Now wo an; pulling apart. Wo are blase, dl.ilrilurKsl.ecl, it's easy lo unite In time of war; hard lo unite In time of peace. There are no brass liands playing an wo inarch down the mud to ponce.

And the people who dmi'l. wnnt lo rallfy Aloms for- I'earii! Treaty are moLlvalcd by ex- llio nume reason they didn't ratify Wllnon's League of Nuliuiis. They don'l. to undcrBl.and now, an lliey dldn'l. l.hun, lhal In this cornpllcalud world we live in we can an longer live alone.

They don'l realize thai (bin world In be- InU closer l.oi'.idlior by modern ncleiicc and lhal Moscow will noon In; only III) mlnulcn away by long-range guided They don'l necm' lo that I'd liilllonii npiMil lo help certain work toward pence: now, cuuiii iiavit hlllloH Ui jiort Allloii hi a war They don't Ibid, a lux rate of (in 1 (Mini. help world peace nnw in far belter than a lax rnl.i! of DO pur cent lo win a bloody wnr They don't nvcn rcally.c, Hull H'n far linltiir lo niiciid our lux dollars now Ihan your life Inter. lint lluiii l.lic pcoplci who an: nhoulliiK for lower laxnn now won't linvo lo go off and warn. 'J'lii'y am loo old, Tim people who will flgbl. HID warn brouHhl on by the.

iliicerji of Unlay will ho l.hii boyn Illci; you, who ncool. around garilonn on loy Irnvlorii toilny not knowluK vvbal, In In ntoro for Lliitrn In HID fuluri). Meanwhile, and uiilll you can 1111- dcrnlaiid thin Inl.lor, plmini) ank you! 1 mother to bring you lo mo again vury noon. LOVD, rirriiiddnddy ItDCOlVDM Hill VATICAN CITY 1 I'Villnh prlmiiU Cnrdliial Wyic.yn- tikl loday ixiiMtlviiil bin ii.vmlMilli: rod ciirdlniil'ii luil. from Fopo I'lnn XII hi a em'omony four y-witrii inid four by poi'noculiloi).

LAFF-A-DAY Angelo Patri Take Care In Selecting Summer Camp It lime to Ihlnlc of summer camp for lho children who have privilege of golnij lo one. Tills is usually lho who aru loo ynuiiK to direct Ihulr own ocllvlllofl for lho vucollon period and yel. old onough lo want l.o bo buoy on projects of Iheir own choo.slnK. They need leader- fillip Diuru Ihan lliey do nulhorlly, and they are ready for the K'lve and lake of Rroup. 'I'lii; rlnlil.

siimmnr camp can bo the nrawor for many of Uicne younKRloi'H If Ihe family hiidKol can permit It. NeudUiHf) to nny, the of tho enmp In of the iitmoul Irn- porlance. Tho pnrenl.B, both of ineel lho Uirocl.or personally. Ills rcpnmonUil.lvi! IH Jiml lhal, a ropreiienlatlvii. and liu nniy, or may not, bo one, llml In a really one.

Then a vlnll lo thu cump before ducldbiK upon II. IH very much worlh-wlille, al Llic Idlchen, lho wimhroomn, thu dining room, auk about the Inl'lririai'y, the iiui'HU and lliu iloclor, iieaii Die program and make an cerlnin IIH poiiHlbli; II. will offer whnl thin pnrlleului 1 child This llioroiiijh IH liinurancu, an far an In Iminunly poHHlblu, I.lull, the Dlruclor and bin annoclnleH mid bin nro rcHpon.ilblo and fur lliu Inifil. rented In Ibom. Once lliln In accoplcd, the renponnlbllll.y for Hie care of lho camper from llio pnrciilH lo Ihe director.

eoniilderlnK all. Ihld don'l IOHU of HID cblld'H denlren, needH and If he wantfi to major In wnler for llio mnuion, In) Huru Ihyy tire offered with efficiency, nnfely and undor- nlandlnx. If he wnnl.n accent llml, If he dliilllien l.hoin, avoid Die camp Ihnl, aceentn Iliiun. l)y Iliii.lining to wlial. l.bu chlldi'cn nay imrenln mill toachnrH lenrii a i-ii'eiiL dual alioiil.

llii'ir MbllllliiN, Iheir iiiilonllalllleii mill Uiulr din- linpoi'Lanl. lo Iheir fiituri) ndiicalloii and IrnliiliiK. One Hendii lo nchool nuil l.o ciinip In Ihe hope uf dovclopliiK llielr liili'l- Iccl.unl, phyiilcMl mid iiplriliml pnw- orn, and a wlnnr niilitel.lon of or bulb laken l.hclr proHonl inenli Inlo cnmildiiriil.loii. One iili'iniK iii'Kuiniinl for enmp, for vacallon dnyri nponl riwny from Iiiimo, In Llu: relief of the clliiiwi fur holh ohlldniu and parenl.H, Hold will bo happy for lhal and happy iiKiiin wlmn aro onen inoro loKelhei'. llnvlnt! madii HID diielnlon and aenl.

the eampcr off Id llio direct' ur curry bin renpomilhHIty an fully an may Im, Koop HID mien, Co-op- ornle with him anil NO Knl l.lic liijiil out of Ibii prujecl. for Ihe uhlld, DOIIN ywui' elillil xitt nloiiK wi-ll with liln iilnyiniitiM? In 1 Immly in' IbnlilV Dr. I'ulrl Imn wrltUn liookliH No. M't, "Yoiif Chllil mill OUiiir I'eoiilo," iili- tttlti a copy, HIMK! 2R nmin In him, tliU I', 0, Ilix III), Ntnilidi 0, Nitw York III, Y. (Itolmwd by Tim Hull HymllonUi, Inc.) Public Forum The conversion of Court Park into parking lol deserves Ihe sup- perl nf every of Cans County.

II. is nece.s-.snry for the advancement of our community. Tho proposed plan, in addition Lo Ihe present parking facilities for ceiirl house employees, will provide for si) curs which is i.wo places more Ihan all Ihe parking spaces available on Hrondwny from Six Hi si reel to Third With iin average turnover of I car per hour (which is in accordance with tin) U. H. Oeparl-innnl.

of Commerce Cuidc for Parkinj!) Couri Park could serve iiutos on week day and (11)1! nnlos on a Halunlny. This lype of usage far exceeds the present service of Court Park lo Llio of our community. The people of our counly nro indeed proud of lliu improvement In Lhc appearance of our downtown business district mid fondly hope lhal: more nnd more busincuHos will rebuild and remodel, milking I.OKiiusporl a nbopphiH cenlor we can nil bo proud of. Hul. willioul parking our business dlnlrlcl.

can- Improve: ralliur they will bo forced lo nliilun and delerla- llon. The prosperity of our counly Is Llml l.n the vigor of our buslnusK deciding lo support the proposal to convert Court park Inln piirklng lot the Jnyccies did so with respect l.o Ihe pasl, a llon of tin; nt'eiln of the pi'iwi'iil, and a onrnoHl desire to Insure future for I.OKimnport and counly. Sincerely Mill Hlley Chairman Traffic Division "Temporary Insanity" Laws Under Attack ClUCAflO pnyHiHitrM and lawyer Imiliiy Mini, lawn cdverliiH Ininporary iniiiinJfy nrn "ridlcidous" nnd nhoitld hi) rovlnt'il. Dr. Leo Oreiwleln of Niw York and It is I I Medical (Jonler, and nl.Lorin>y Al- dl'iciinm'd "Temporary As A DHon-io" nl: (hi! I.KUh aniMial mei'lliiK of Ihe Amork'aii J'nyelilnlrlc Annocln- tlon.

They nald Llm proof of Li'inpo- n.ry Lnnanlly sliould Ile hi ilomiin- Hl.rnlliiii Uiiii. lIn; fiuieLlonliiM" was lo Llio pobil, Ihnl, Ills percep- liun and worn affiicl- mi. The provlnl'in court. nDproval for Uie riileasii of for- HUM' dofenilaiil I'I'DIII nindlnil In "rldk'U'loiiK," lliey nald. Veteran Mailmen Give Advice About Shoes HUITAU), V.

Two Hiiffnlo iriiilljnon who mlliiH (liu'li)H VI years of oomlmiod vlce liiivo liuiiu up I heir iiinllhiiKK with thin tip footwenry colliin- jliUiiN Never ri'iiole nhoiiii muni limn once nnd nlwnyn wear NIC html. William A. Thompson, IM, and Cyruii H. unit year younger, wtire familiar Huiu'iin on their' iiiiliurlinn Keniiioi'n mull for 117 nnd 34 yearn, ninpec-' lively, PHAROS-TRIBUN! par My mHll on nirnl rimlM I'nllmkl, Kllll.ll, Hlnilll o.Hlnll.., III.110 fdr nrnn Nltcl tvlitif" IwillnMM, VIJ.IHI uvr rtulrl V1N.IIA) jfmur Alt itiMf) 1 HltyMltN In NM IHHII Hiit'l rl4r IM MiNlKlMIMnil, IKU IMM Walter Winchel! Broadway and Elsewhere The Great Showmen "The Ziegfeld Follies" title lights up the Broadway sky. After so many years the fabulous showman's name remains "box-office" This turn of events represents one of fate's -cruel little jokes During his final impoverished days Ziegfeld was unable to find backers for his "Follies." It was a melancholy, finale for a man utilized luxuries! as necessities.

HeJ distributed bags! of gold coins to! friends, gave a I $1,000 bill loS Mark HeUingerl 'as a wedding hired private rail-1 road cars for a I 3-hour and spent a fortune erecting a private zoo for his daughter's amusement. Then his gilded world tottered He dropped over a million in the '20 crash. When he tried to recoup his market losses with the show "Smiles" it flopped hard Suddenly, the music and ninnic ended for Ziegfeld. lie was broken financially, physically and hounded by creditors Ironically, after 'ho showman passed. Ihe Shuherfs paid a huge sum lo commemorate the title, "Ziegfeld Follies." A flair for the flamboyant as well as gambler's reckless quality were common lics a mo UK Hie great showmen of the past.

Charles Fnihman. Arthur Hopkins, Al Woods anil Charles DillliiKham wore among lho Broadway-rajahs who made and squandered millions. Kven lho Shuberls had Iheir dark days. Aboul two decades ago I hey wore forced into bankruptcy. And during the Ihe Shuborl vaudeville circuit, was a million liumply-dumply.

The Shubert empire, however, had a ro-surgoni'i 1 is currently valued at a mere $400 million. Rndgcrs and llMinmorsloin art' assured of al least a year for the rest of Iheir lives from royalties. Ihcy continue working hard. They nro working on Iho "Smith Pacific" movie as well ns numerous oilier prnjeels. HammiTsloin once explained if: "You ran'l nmliT- iitaud show people you rcal- that Iheir occupational disease is Ihnl, limy arc Although the primary fundum of showman is lo anlicipale what the public will il is (lui'iitly a which has hnfflcd flu; best nf IlK'iii (iiMtrj-ii 1 M.

('oban wan one of llif mosl successful Ilurlnu one year Ills riiynllios (oil plays, slu'lclics and songHl were nvor a million dollars. Aod during Hint period, folks, were praclinilly Nevertheless, Mr, ('nluin spurned oppoi'lunll ie.s sponsor such clie'KK us "Hroiulwny," "1'i'K My Heart." anil many others. Cohan once dwinrcd llml liln mioci'ss us a WMS NIC of his e.xpcrleni'c in vaudevllli', "I li-nrnoil," hi- said, "by plnyliiK stands. Those lirokcii'iliiwii Ihi'iiircs were my milvi'i'slly." The foregoing KtiiU'monl. wns a sincere oxpre.s- of bask fnrlor In his life.

SLrmigcly, fiinii 1 ami fiirliini 1 never gave Ihe sall'diu'llon hi- ox- porli'iici'il while striving gain UHMII. Hi' nflcu coufcs'ird the only lypi 1 of llii'iili'i 1 life hi 1 really lovc'd was Ihe one.night in iiiiinll lown.1. The giviiliT purl of devoted to fond rt'Collec'lloMs of lhe rliTUlls. In brief, MHTCMI Is never as nxrlllng ns Ihe desire fur It. The Imiiglnallvi' lum-li Hint nip- Inri'H idli'iillon and ironlci, public dUcujeilon tin- basin of showmanship.

Mllti 1 Tuihl, of course, In In thi' colorful Iriullliim. Some yearn IIKO, produced "The Niiki'd lloninii." NoliccH In Iho lowiii 1 wi'rc dlucoiirnging, The co-aullioi 1 urgcil Tndd to clii'-n Dm dhow, llowviir, hi' allow II Lo for very practical reason: He had sold Ihe rights to Hollywood for $187,000, but under the terms of the contract the play had to run on Broadway for 3 weeks. Mike borrowed another $10,000 and kept it out of town for several additional weeks revising and revising. Before it came to Broadway, Todd wired tlie following advert to New York dailies: "Guaranteed Not to Win the Pulitzer Prize. It Ain't Shakespeare but It's Laughs." The result was an advance sale which enabled the show to play to near capacity for 4 weeks.

Then Todd closed it with the deadpan explanation: "1 wen! to see it one day and 1 didn't like it." There has never been a more fantastic impresario than Oscar Hammerstein current Oscar's grandfather. His compulsive ambition was to surpass the Met Opera. Consequently, Hammer- slein produced operas and erected opera houses without success. Nevertheless, his competition frightened the Met into offering him million dollars to stay out of grand opera for 10 years, lie generously accepted the mint, promptly used it to produce a series of operettas lost every cent. Hammerslein, by the way, ones hired a famous opera star to sing under his auspices by tossing $30,000 in looo-franc notes on the floor of her Paris hotel room.

Showmen rarely allow their inv aginations to be hounded by limitations of money. Although Iheir methods often appear extravagant, the results are frequently remarkable. On one occasion Ct 1 cil DcMillo purchased a largft amount of royal hnu'iuic al a-yard. A friend inquired: "How will customers know if it's real brocade or a $2 DeMillc smiled: "They won't know. Hul my actresses will.

Can you imagine a woman wearing worth of brocade and not giving her best In diliou, Ihe brocade story Inspired a publicity which added an estimated million dollars lo Mm gross. Although lie is an exponent of (he lavish, DeMillc's success as showman is motivated by a basic fact: "No speclacle cnu make a film successful." he insists. "No amount of casting nor all the direction in the world. Only story." l.ouls IV Mayer, Movievillo's lop showman for many years, was inspired by the simpllcilics of life. Mosl.

of his films reflected his ile- volion lo such fundamental institutions as Home, Motherhood and Marriage. Mayer once explained his success: "If 7ft percent of American people didn't feel as do about Ihr American family, wouldn't be In (lie film Imluslry." Oul nf that philosophy was cre- iili'il Hollywood's mightiest studio. The popular Impression of showmen Is Hint Ihcy lire harum scar- urn pcrsnnaliUcs full of fire mid fervor. Although nmiiy fit liiich dt'scrtpliun (Urn' arc notable i'X- ccpllons. The outstanding cxnmplrt is (Icorgi- Abbott--who product's, directs or wrllrs hit alter hit In culm, business bin- mmmcr.

Oddly, be would rather opiTiilo without slurs. He logics: "You're always heller off if you can do with- mil star. Besides saving monry, II saves wi-iir and Icar on tin 1 IUT- cons system. I like lo conccnlrnte ou the play, not the slur. A play cnn'l asli you lo como hack lo her dri'snliiK room mid complain about her Iroublcs." What Is I he function of a sluiw- iniiil 1 Hi 1 sort of arllslic who coiii'illnnlrii tbn various brunches of his arlis- llc cfforl.

As producer recently uoti'il: "All producer lias lo do in gel riil.w money, Hud Ihoiilrc, sign up iiiimo director and two not loso loo much on the road, gel mwoiily- Mvo Ihcaliv purlieu, open good nollccn--iiud It'. 1 a cinch." incur -John Jiimisb fic- bin 707 nulomiiliilr llri'iiso In an npproprliilc one fur the Hoc- Ing Alrplnnit I'o. Tho Mooing Slrat- oi'i'uUi'r xvan Known mi I1V7; Ilid now Jet transport l.s the 707. HUBERT Trll'iino IIMtT autly NUMtlfty MM4 "Did you huve to aok tho Wllnonw to upend tho week with nuurr or AIXII UNITIOD i-nxmn Cmlnml ADwrlloluu "I'd II if evijry time you piny, you toll mo, no 1 cun follow you around.".

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