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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 11

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

l3b UcrJ Adj. ff feimW aV fW (Alt tef li IIM at mi to ifci r.n fata( IW Tfrf.V Wa 44? ftaM4 aAAW A 1 fiVw i 1 4tAt4a 3tr LOT 4 iW Mm tit fr. mt 4 iAV fcf4 A 4 A4 Ml HtifatJH'f Mi f8. It it rtj4r I fc 5 mj Tt ltttj WANT tklCH tmm MMIIlf Ik a a ra ti I AauM a TV ixav H.M. r.

a a It, mt aia a4 VI aa al a a al bMH.i ttv Mk iM4.ava MMal iaii4 la ana a laal aarav tUH UmT ItMv la4r. aoiaa" a w4 i4r it Tr4 Mra aita. Wa aria liaa4 If raif4 I Ti'ak ufavav liWT tiala a44ia a4 4 rla. tiaaM4 iia n4r look laa P. It.

It lltoa. UI a faaf44 fOfXU llir tif Blaaaaa la raaa. naar tan a aama tr ttoin frvf trtt and nariaa lur mia ao. Mppif 4. Talacrapb ulUia.

rnt'XD Tha homa of tlrai.lmaaa al rccarl a Kiearn lln an4 Kraacli Uaoina: Worka. Ill Markat airaat Kubar pkana r4 tour worry. Try ua. il.liyir aiiH rail WANTED Tan bay, ranilna from IT 10 IS yaara of aa. 14 dmiribula rlr.

rwlara. Apply I Sorlb Kvd4 airaat, Callina Co. AUTO Tranaporlallan Company, larcaat. oldaat, lai pra ll al aummnblla achool In Ida rouniry, will oprn barA llarrlaburg. Wa will train you lo be mm a r)rlclaaa rliaulTaur niarlianlo.

Thouaanda of poaltlona oprn for fompt. tant man. I'oinplata nuarantaad In atrucllona In drlvlnif and rrpalrlnR. SS. Wrlia homo office (or full particular! at onca.

Kalton. IM Waal Fifty ninth atraet, Naw York city. ARalT OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. A bl bod lad.

unmarrlad man batwaan agaa of 11 and It; eltlaana of Vnltad Butaa, of food charactor and tamnarata hablta. who can aoaak. raad and writ tba English Ian rut iguaga. Information ap piT to Kacruiimar uinoar. Bargnor Bulldln.

Id AUarkt Bta Harriaburi: 1: n. UfJflll Daw aVamUVAaAPkWI a aSA aaa.aa.a ill Plna it, Wimamiport, or IT w. Markat St. fork. Pa, WANTED Four active, en ergetic young men of good habits to learn to sell tobacco tor American Tobacco Co.

must give age phone number impossible. Address Box K1185, care of Telegraph. WANTED Carpenters on concrete form work. Inquire Swatara Street Oate, Pennsylvania Steel Co. Raymond Concrete Pile Ctf.

WANTED Toung man bookkeeper and stenographer for automobile offloe. Address 1171, care of Telegraph. FOR BALE Ttb of deuces Id Fcr (b Daycrs 7b Knon 2M to 368 Delaware St. Four. 8 story brick houses each 8 rooms bath and furnace.

Lots 18x78 ft. Rented at $1B. Price, each, aisoo 1048 FoKon St. Three story brick house With 8 rooms and bath. Rented at 1S.

Price fttSO i sua Moore St. Three story brick house 8 rooms bath and furnace. Lot 10x83 ft Rented at 118.00. Price 81S80 2SS a4 284 Msesck St. Two 3 stbry brick houses each 8 rooms bath snd furnace.

16x84 ft Price, oach tSTAO 1S13' 8naaebajaaa St Three inn hrlek house 8 rooms bath and furnace. Lot 13x76 ft Rented at 16. trice iugf ltAl 4 ISA Gccea ItlWlT story brick houses each 8 rooms uLii Vl. 7 v. Price, corner nousoj.

Hfller Neefe RSAX, ESTATE aa4 Catart Stracte a aoata awa a 'aa4 a4 a 4 rn. lia 1 Hi Ma AUUa laVaVI Aaaiai C4 la liv i aaii ialii.aa. niil tMa4 II 14 1 A I Ma I WAVTril faaaa.laat ai( a fa. Inmlttl, A4 all I' III auaal. WAXTU Uifl afl a la aaaaU laaaas.

a.a. aa4 A.VTfct Ktara4 U4y at aloia tr aaaii4 aalla. o4 waaa. Apply iilu um Pouik TkU4 allaat, wiaaA IktfA aa4 ilettar. HoAatkaapar for aanall familr, mimi ka rfrMa.

Adaraaa a. tara Talaarapa. A.VTKI Ma 14 for houaa. work. Apply Uai A'uiitt I'ioM itittu LA Ul KA list 4ob makiai plain apruna; aainallH4 koma builiv; par pual any dialancw; alainpe4 aoalpa fr parin ulata.

Urandoa Aupply llouaa. lrol4noa. IL I. U'ANTKII An aiparlfnead air I for choral bouaawurk and rook inn; two In family; no waahing iruninu. Apply boiajaaa 1 and I.

M. Al Koralar airaai. WANTKI) ldv Intraaia4 In aklld waifara or kinAargarlan work or plaaa ani ampioymvni about i inonina. oai ary to atari. II lo par day.

I'oaitiun can ba rnaaa parmanrnc l(raranra nat'ta ar. Hrala nraaant amDloymtnt. Ad draaa I III. rara of TalvgrapU. IINKkStlAKnM Perfect 'litliiar la tauirlit by measure.

mant Cut own natlerna. It lha only way to laarn drenmnaWIng rlfht. Hake own tirasses wnue learning, oignt ana day classes. Write, or call, Work's Dressmaking PrhooL 88 North Fourth street WANTED OfHre Alrl. with soma exnerlance; girl studying stenography preferred; write, stating tilery expected.

Address 1181. cars of Telegraph. GIRLS WANTED to learn tht trade of cigar packing and in the shipping dept Apply Harriiburg Cigar No. 500 Race St HKW UA.TKD Alalo and Femala WANTED Lady or gentleman, at or near' Conewasro. as aarent to solicit snd deliver ordara for tea.

coffaa and other groceries. Excellent commission paid. Premiums to customers. Great Atlantic and Paclflo Tea Harris burg, Pa. SITUATION WANTED MALE WANTED Young man, 18, desires position of any "kind with chance of promotion; has general business course; best references furnished.

Bell phone 2629J for Interview. WANTED Educated Philadelphia man, 39, wants work; experienced In stenography, selling, advertising, eta; no proposition ignored; references. Box 1187. Telegraph. Of flee.

WANTED Man. Aa 80. wishes oo sltlon of any kind; can give best of reference. Address C. 1858 Market street, City.

WANTED By colored man. work as waiter or 'general housework; references. 405 Bailey street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Position as ladles' or men's Attar; also practical tailor. Ad dress 1176, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Young man, age SO, desires position of any kind; has fair education. Call Bell phone 473J. hlTLATlONS WANTED remaa WANTED By colored work as nurse girl, or light housework. No. 1231 North Seventh street WANTED Young lady wishes position in hair dressing parlor, or as experienced.

Bell phone 616W. WANTED A respectable white Woman would like position as good, plain cook, or as housekeeper. Address Marie Welner. General Delivery. Har rlsburg P.

O. WANTED A respectable, middle aged white woman would like to hav day's wrk a few days a week. Call, or address, R. 1741 Busqushanns stAAt A44a a. Haw 4h. 1 aV 4 'MMfcW 4. IH4 Milt tw; .7, "MH art jiim mi to Ai 4 mm Vnai 4a raa aa a Ak 14 iaMaVa A. aHMahraaai 1 laiaa iUt aVaJaBBi MaW taaaBBBMal wKa aa nji4a.i4. i ayttia aa Mawi.i4K. a a4 aaa a Mima giamiiH 4 aiiiannaw 1 aajaaatl 4i NMt (Ml avaXAw li aaaaa a la an Im aaMKH4Hiai fcaaiai irwa in 1.

aiai la la a faa awwa avW taaoa rnxai aaLjr m. iit n. ia aay tna a aiai ta wmimi am ii a man taf af aa. aaaxia, aM aaaaaaaw nana ai iai a sa. uiw aaa 1 1 alail Wai aa mi riirrattt urT AfcAki aiaaa a a t'a aa al aat aa aaV aaaaaav a lai.

r'ta tr ak I A bts4Jkaaa, Maaaa'aV. rar. raja aULT 1 iwua MU lj la tA tail a 1 A ll ta I III Itx rtaaiaj atiMIW tm Wa, MIA Ma Pt lata aiiaai ft aA Mil Mafia V'ii'iitrrix. rtilt lrrT Mkl rMn aaaaa. aa aaA aala.

Ut loan, al Ptaal llalakt. aa iai hmm faav Appla liaA. alk TtAt alftal. IAA(aal WANTKt yf4 anioaanMla. Una full paitfcraiara aa4 an prat.

A44raa It. Ilta. vara ar Taiaarapn. WIXTKU lraaaraaktiia; Kaaaoa atla raia Intwlfa til Nrtfc aaa4 atraal. Brat flovr.

Uo4. aaron4'kn4 fcH air larnata tor an aiabi tr iaa Houaa. Apply ll aoulb Kutaanin laAL iTAla. UM aALA UM Mk. rOM MALE OR II 11XT No.

1131 Ha elna at reet; naw. rooms and bath; rick, brownalone from: alaam heal; porches, troai and ia a lawna: an im prorainaaia; near iiaarvoir rara an ireni Aotly premie.a, MUOMa kOH UlkKX rOR RENT Two large, pleasant rooms on third floor; wall heated sod furnished fur light houevkaeping. Call, or address, uoo north wsm street FOR RENT Large, well furnished front bedroom: finest location In city; all conveniences. 3u State. Uell phono ittiu FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; good location; must furnish references.

Call 101 Mouth Thirteenth street nicely furnished, well heated and run iiEiiii a wv iiiiia iawi a lighted, for rent to gentlemen only; terms reasonable. Apply at 1141 Wal nut street for RENT Furnished suits of rooms for light housekeeping. Apply mi vernon street, FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, second and IIVVIVl steam. 716 aesiraoie location; city North Third atrsst FOR RENT Nicely furnished third floor front room. bath, gas and electrlo light.

801 North street. FOR RENT Two larva unfurnlahsd rooms, on third floor, with private family; all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. Apply 1101 North Sixth street nnnMS FOR RENT Two. three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms. with use of bath and porch; cars stop at door.

Call Bell phone 938R. FOR RENT Two nicely furnlshsd rooms, single or en suite, opposite Capl nl Park: all conveniences. Annly fill North Third street, or phone taut. vein RENT i Two nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences, with pri vats family. Apply, 160 Herr street FOR RENT Furnished room for rent For particulars call at 1114 Juniper street FTlR RENT Nicely burnished rooms In one of the best locations of tha city; use of bath and telephone.

Apply 803 State street FOR RENT Two unfurnished, adjoining rooms on second floor, for light housekeeping, both facing Oreen street; nice porch; use of bath and phone. Albert Krieg, Green and Kelker streets. FOR RENT On newly, furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; eleo trlo llghts; hot and cold running water in room, us 01 pnone ana 'large HAUL Apply 410 North street FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running water; boarding by meal. A .1 C) A QgT Ul trvca. nFVi I.U owonu etxeet corner Boas and Second streets.

"FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en sulte; all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 101S North Front street ana Thtaa riulm, rlulnkl. for buaiAass or apstmanU: ail improve. roeoraTrMjij iaaaa. jaLaai ROOJC5 WANt W1HTEDU.

Thre unfnrnlfthaA rooma. wiin use tn nis, xor tigni nousaKaep Ing In private family, if possible, desir able location near center of city; rafer eac exchanged. Call JU phon I04atl 4k. IM. 4M a lit iliiiia AtAKtWAt tUSt HIM r)0, .111 4 9C fa aa aH; Ham! t8i.

IXatOJ MiaMii, a Ui a a. 1 14UP fftf MtMCk IlaJMI ffl9Ka fUff J. Ill UVUt Mffft. lrai ttarT iimia aVtT AAMaaAA wnui 4 awa iaah aa ajm a ia aftwa aai 'Tf ta a aM aa I la 1 ami 1111 AAaaaaal lit I f'aaAii ttAkfcl rwawM Aa a laMH 1 a a1 a aaa ai. ft Ut ia a ajfcJuaat.

A aa TaaM ItMt ftJUJa A lai fjaajaaa) a4 a4 aWM Jaa Um Al la aiaatai aa 'I ia tm.rt aA awA a A a.ii iiiia aaM tfuu laLr mai. I aaA a va 1 a a4 aa Maa i. Aa aalafa laa aa4 Ia4aa Ml aaiaiab. ia aaaf a iU aa MaM. I tl ap.a v.

roll stALK AT UlhUra. III. lit waiaj aanaa.l eireav aee aa saar aaaa, I sia i pataaaA aaA UM4, al II I pas HI Aiaa) SU I aka aiaa Ut PALIS AT OA ML! A. III. Ill SM 1(1 aaiA AavatMl fHeat.

gat Kaw ra4 a i4 aiat A aas Miuy. All la lull Ua al ia Aaaaa aaaw 1lt DALK rilaui4 radial nnU and lalba. inrlvdiaa rkucka and I or atu. ale. uiaila lor mntm salaa or aei bop Apply K.

H. iaii t. Tbk Hot in car lo Hirer aide. rt)R HAt: mi Cawaon willow plume; ano I Kartrlnpadia Hrilaankal iMNika. Will aall rbap, I'laaaa wnia or rail al SIS North Third eUaai, iiarrwuurg, I'a.

FOR HALE A hot water boiler for healing erelam. Cheap. Apply J. W. union.

iij tuin street a. i liuj used Ihrra months; coat IIT.te: will aall lor III. call, vr address. 17 nuiu nanna street. TlltEM FOR MALE CHEAP Thre iisiw brand new tires; never use a.

zi wrascent street. FOR KALE On Indian motorcycle. in kooa running oroer. good tires, unip. aenersior an horn, complete.

131.00. If yon want le.uv. it 7VO mm a wn marninf orth ItO.OO. for eervlcalnvesilaat. Cycl.

Ill North Aid a good machine worm street FOR RALE 1 volume of Bates' History of Pennsylvania Volunteers; volume I and ll or London Indian Narratives and an upright plsno with attachments, good as now. Address 117V, car of Telegraph. FOR SALE Heating plant with pining and radiators; radiation Ave hundred feet: also electrlo natures. Will sell at a bargain If sold at once. Address Box H7, onerim.

fa. FOR SALE Dining room and two oak bedroom suits, porch furniture, vacuum cleaner. Good condition. Must be sold before September 17. over Si 'amn Hill rntrmicy, ainrKei ana i 1.111 nurcn aireeis.

i.sii FOR SALE O.ner.1 store, doing knalneae! must aall out Oh r.r. iv mi COUn OS 11 fWOT Mr, car 01 Teiegrapn. BUY yourUravellng and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather marchanta. A large consignment on display. Specialties mads to ordsr and repaired.

Harrlsburg Harnsss and Sup ply Co, ssoona ana unsstnuu FOR AILS CARDS sal At tha Telegraph Business Office. ni.lM window alans. Furnlshsd Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 15o eaoh. One of these signs will be given with eaoh sfxt tlm order for a classified ad.

If aid in inquire at uaioe oi eiegrapn. FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Any amount of Ford Automobiles either putyHi on Ri Inquii i8fl 1 Keai Histue or personal property, uire of James J. Lynch, Contractor, FUiton street, uuy. aaa BUSINKtjS QPJ6ftTPXmES for SALE Moving Picture Thea ter, fully equipped; building can be leased. Lock Drawer uuncannon.

Pa. SAFEST INVESTMENT In the world. I Oovernment Auction uuni oai. xanu appraised irom 81.00 to IB.oaper acre. Ciassinea, mui or Near Oil and Gas section In A n1 01m.

Allm.l, Dl.nh a water. No residence required. You pay Government 26 per cent down and 26. per cent yearly. represented at tnts 884 ana wure bvuiv iuuu prop tv Verv little capital reoulrad.

Bank references given. Address David I W. Robinson, lfi westxnirty iourth Straet, Nw Torx wity. x. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding; for newspapers; exswnenc uniiceawf r.

ma ior par tlouiars. Praas Synaicata. lit, LoeAr port N. T. I MADt te.eoe In flv years in tH saill order vsta.

befUi with kM rar iiaa hhkml iwi BaavHak. coca. lit Xactoart H. T. I J.

til la Dm aw ay CO iai 4NMH tmuiu 4a i'iaiuil1 a a)4ur Wn Mi awWi 4 nm HTir rt. C' Uf SMtTf IJT ft 1 aWnaaa iWa UMMaHI 1 lurrL la sia4n)a aa 4 auoiaa t. a V. i aaf A'AvnatH AAA aAal ami twi Imaoma mm ar a aa Ma a)xi naaA Ati WMaMa aaj'aam aaAMIf) aa ad iin4. faaaHiai I awtaT aul Iwuiim mm AA A'Mt AiiMaa ai roa an it aa aa.

ail a ax aa a awaaa aanitiaa JT MM 4VT A 'Xl MlMta'latl Tua.A4tt C'ta Aw! aTitt a aw a.i 4 ''a 4 aMUH.w, f4H.iH i a i wm n4Ni rt fruKtsifi lawH aaf 4 mm a a h4ihh Hmta Al a4M laA AaM aAaiA aAi I lllaAtii lAaHftran aA raaa'r a w.a PVMtai a I iii ll A4 11 1 1 iHi4 lax aautaat a aaaataA AaaAa a4 Ma jM fAAA SWaAA aa, aaA fWaav It ML fa A aVM aaiUvM Ila awa aiail aaiaiiaa 11II aax) ianta. MtiaT apuAKT NabaA A TzT I amiwwaia. a. awuii aA aa.naaaav llir Uaaai OCAraL III MAIM WaA. AAA L'auA CtAaf la I HA (aa T22 llaal Mac aaaAil Mai raiaai Mftwa la laaiai a SH Wt zieW aeM, aaalla Laaa aaA laaaiaal CaV.

MA CAeair 1 attaeA. IfBtlUtltia ItMiK PKAU.U IUI J. Olt i HfAl Will be rr4 ew lb nadaraiasjad aelll II "ih A M. W'0AS)aa4ay, awplatnbef si. 11 rr in raawiidiag i in ioi lowing bri4a: A alaal Mai sirdar b'Ms Xaialar rek.

alA aliddlatowa and Mo alio. A coaorai brldg or Wiconlar fak. in t'pper Pakloa towathlp, near Miucr purai SH A roncrai brldg over Klegetra Hon. al a point aliuaia about two mile Miiiaraburg aa par plana and spaci Bra i loos sow ni in lb cuniy Com miaaionera' Of Ac, suniert, however, approval by the grand jury and lb uaunnin uniy ourt. ah bids or nronosais must na nuiniv marked aa such on lb outside thereof.

Itldders will al lb same Urn be par milled to submit plana and prce for A lteinforc4 concrt Uarraled arch, earth Ailed hrldaa over Awaiara Creek. niwen Mindieiown ana Royal ion. HAid piana must eonrorm airiciiy lo the requirement of tha specification on His In lbs County Commission ers' Offlc. and must be nled with the County Controller, marked Plans for a Concrete Rrldg at Mlddletown. at least two hours before the filing of bids, and blda or nronosala on aald aneelal be flUd with the Controtler dav.

fUBlemhar II. 1114. If. however, the said sneclal nlana da not meet with the approval of the Coun ty Engineer, mas or proposals win not no considered on tne pian or puna so rejected. Bidder on either or all of the nrioaaa miiai nie wun ina cmer mar of the Commissioners a csrtlfled chec equal to at issst ten par cent of the amount nia or ociock a.

wad nesday. Sentember II. 1114. All bids will be opened In tha County Commissioners' Of Ilea at 11 o'clock noon. Wennesdfiy.

September 83, 1114. The Commissioners reserve toe right to reject any or all bids. HENRY W. OOUOH. County Controller.

NOTICE to nronertv owners alone tha Wi.SS, hi oiia i nu 11 1 tYi vw.w, oaaaion 01 V( IIVl A7 1914 1915. In accordance with the terma nf Ordi. nance No. 183. File of Cnmmnn ell, yeu are hereby notified to make all tne necessary nouse connections contemplated by you "with the main sswer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes or other Mains within alvlu fl.u.

of this nolle, sitiii AAndnnfr anl. service pipes or sewers from the mains in me aireei to wunin tne curb lines oi aaiu airaai. M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer.

wnTirn FRANKLIN BUILDING AND LOAN AS. NOTICE la hereby a lve.n that tha an nual meatlnar of tha iimlihnM.n h. above named association nomina tion or oincsrs ana directors and the transaction of other business will be held at the law and Insurance nfflr H. Musser As Son, No. 818 Walnut evening1, September 82, 1914, at 7 o'clock.

TT ATCtawi aw xi. muaoMun, Dcre(arr. NOTICE Letters Testamantarv An the Estate of Jeremiah Greenawalt, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, deceased, havlnar been arrantad tn the undersigned residing in Harrisburg, all persons indebted to said Rata fa are requested to make immediate pay ment and those haying claims will pre xii Vi fDJ. GREENAWALT, JEREMIAH K. GREENAWALT, executors.

RaMwil 1 Fur IiaW ia ItCCaa rw Few Dsyt Stcial tth Tht Ttlttratk Chester. Sept 1 6. After a week's complete shutdown, opsratlons were resumed at the Baldwin Locomotive Work' Eddyaton plant yaster fiie erecting ebop rl be operated four days A week, th foundry three days and the rolling mill thre days an. further notice. Employ in the varteoA 4rrtmnts' are sAlnf werkd re rs, tas worsaj; weaa; laaA AaVla sotiowiwg wBa iinnnwut a4 4MiiMa an aatai imrtl 4 hh4 Ma 1 ait wHwiiiWat it ami it ata aVaa anta tmiwa, aaaa.

fc2j CaT3 It, MfW aiaAtaxaAai wnajil Wn aa I ma iaAn am a aIA Wl aA inaaal.a aa) Iv1 A aiAi Ska laaa aaairaai A aAaai4 A AM Itwar aM rl 4T Pete tlaa a waa aaass. Ms) lifaws tsAA OfdAA aSWA. it errata tla. It ro fn sai: Kaitisv la4e I pri lkJ larfaM faAiaaaHav itraaxgt aasslab. fA saatliMr.

Ilk ttar bmaba Wra a Iaal ar4)a lha lo. rrta4uv4 rtuM ba4 (tr4 ltir lraa a A HitmkA WAa4 by efe4 It ir Ia lusejtal. I he A i4 lrw luad The smtaetA rilt Kal frois) av aral pUr isj tWIgMrA In m4 fMp. tally nas sbai I tiartnany and frr4 wk at ban rat lag as if lhy vjay BMaa, jatsJJ tCsPasWk s'Jal Tdii Ottr Via Tex Ut Am4 fret Wasliinrton. IWpl It.

Preaidenl ll'iiaon returned to Vahlnttn at II oVIncb to day and had a con crane wlih con areas leaders over lb war rvenu bill. ttnie iiepubllrAna at a eonfrrcnr lo day detrrmlnad lo fight any war revenue measur In any form. Chairman Underwood, of th Wars and Means Commute, yielded to day lo protasis or Democrats against in lax on freight and agreed to.lrt th caucus to night decide. The Freak dent Mr. Underwood said, waa not committed to a freight tax and would not Insist upon It "If th caucus to night doe not de terniln upon a war revenue plan I shall confer with the President." aald Mr.

Underwood. Some Democrats, like th Republicans, are opposed to any war lax. Itdy Hay Cornier Entirhtg CerSid fly Atiocittd Prut Paris. Best 11. 11.30 a.

A Havae Agency dispatch from Roma aaya th commute of direction of th radical party in Rome yesterday passed a resolution which la considered of great significance. Th resolution, aner declaring mat Italy's Interests in tha Adriatic must safeguarded and that Italy ahould co operate to prevent tha conflict being settled in A manner mat win aeter mln the predominance of military tendencies, calls upon the government to consider whether tne grave but Inevitable task is not imposed to change Irom neutrality to active par tlcipation in tn connict." Prince'i YcTid It Sdi to De HeaUnz Auociatii Prut Berlin. Sent. 14. via London.

Sept S. 7.60 a. ro. The wound of Prince Joachim, the youngest son of Em neror William, ia healing rapidly de spite the tearing effect of a shrapnel ball through tne tnign. xne ismpress and the surgeons are having consider able trouble in keeping the patient quiet In bed.

He wants to get on his feat again and insists that he ought to be able to rejoin his command in about a fortnight HURT TJT FALL Joseph Hahn, aged 60 years, of Union Deposit, an employe of the Horshev Chocolate Company, was ad mitted to the Harrisburg BosMtal yesterday suffering with severe lace rations of the scalp and body. A board on which he was working broke, throwing him Into the, cellar. BIG ENROLLMENT At tha nnaninar of the nlaht school at the Pennsylvania. Railroad Young Men's Christian Association, last night 100 students were enrolled. Classes will be organised ana assienn ments made at once.

Two nours win oe avoia tour days each week to tn studies, cm. ua ianhall. chairman of the edu cational classes, expects at least forty mor pupils. WRONG NAME GIVEJt In referene to the proposed purchase bf th. property of tne lavia auaae Front and Hanrie Thomas Capp.

a streets, for th nw PolylJiite Hospital, tn if i th nam of Dr. Samuel Z. Shop. l0 it jread Dr. Simon 7 North Third street read Dr.

Simon Shop tn last night' TetegrAjiA by sals Vlatlal 4PaaWllaBaWi( VSaVViVp1aVV Wal aaaWaa IaA ajwai'l uai'aan aai'im AM aA lA aAaHiwa auwjiipj.t IW UMa JAg taa ila itrtakaai najaaAi aaanj www aBtgaa sa urn AS Miliar sav a aaa IAI ISaafA aASlaSaaA 4 44r m4 at a 4mHM i aud tinmt ba ta ananAa ak a I)eti Va A lA' 4 lllftf ttm rainia aj a. av A As4 faa a r) e. Ml. Saj it, aaT lA If4fflfn a 'I J'F wJi Baaa. H)ilA, aAa) ttveii, a4 a.a.ii (.

aaa it iW7 Maaf 4 a aaaaaav lis) tit FOCI zmn7 max. C3. Dl7d rani TmrvT wniMxa PUDLIC SALE or VALUADLI UAL ESTATE Mary J. FartUMf will xpoa lo public and outcry lb promiaa ltly. tMeWr tnd.

Itll. at o'clock P. All that certain farm containing vAiy four (TO re and on hundrd and sht fieil parrfi. HaIa Ia Lower I'aston Townahlp. Dauphia County.

I'enn ylvanlA. about oaa mil from I Jnt ieetown. clo to th trolley. Excellent farm, good buildings, land In high aUl of cut. ilvatlon.

Vo not forget the data of sal. ram tenanted by Datld E. Lehman. M.1RY S. FAIUXXa Owksr.

lAllAsOWSJ. 14, E. M. nKRSllinr. AUortwy.

7lf SEALS A STENCILS I i inri.irrrUutTiMCiLras 1 130 LOCUSTST. HSOaPAs Two Fsvreu For Ssb Mil Frm HaitlebArs Two farms belonging to the Estate of W. K. Alrloks. ceased: sltuat in Lpwr Psx ton Township.

"Dauphin County bslng the farms deed ed to him by the heirs of John Rudy, deceased; and by the Executors of Joseph Rudy, deceased; will be sold at auo tlon. Thursday. Sept 17. by the Dauphin Deposit' Trust Co HI Market street, executor of the estate. Sals will be conducted at th farms.

Tha Lewer Farm tenanted by John Lrtl. eeatalalag 147 eras, less. The Vpper Fsrat taaanted try W. H. Leaker, i ISO act, mere a Iaa Public Sale of ReaJ Eitrte The undersigned exeoutor of th last will and testament of Martha Plum, late of the borougn oi ChambersbuVg, County of Franklin.

ana state or Pennsylvania, aeceaseo, by virtue of a power contained in tha last will and testament of said decedent offer for sale in front of the Courthouse, in th City of Harrisburg, and State of Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, th 16th day of September, 1914, at o'clock, p. the real estate of the decedent, situate at N6. Ill South Eighteenth street Harrlsbarg, bounded on the north by lot of Benjamin T. Allen, on th east by an alley; on the south by lot of Joseph Revle, on the west by Eighteenth street baving a rontags on said street of 17 feet inch, and running back an equal width a distance of 80 feet to center of said aUey; and having thereon erected a 3 story brick house, containing 8 rooms, kitchen and bath. This property is In good repair and la a aa home; Terma win be made known on day of sale, by O.

BTiraUaBAb Ch a T. av lirrab.aa 3 f. 4 44 WW a. 4 ayJ lays aa sa A 'JsJ 9tasgA sgggajj tsyVMsaMsts) sjsaaj gsjjafjj.

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