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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 11

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A Moment With the Wits WANTED A first class bread where you can earn good money while tudylng our course, practical Scnool of Salesmanship, Box T. 78, Cleveland, unio. ieontomaria ABLE BODIED MEN WANTED for he U. S. Marine Corns, between the ages of 19 and 35.

Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay lb to 169. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attention tree. Alter au years service can retire with 75 per cent, of pay and allowances.

Service on board snip and astiore in au parts ot the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Re cruiting Office, 33 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, or 11 North Market Square, Harrlsburg, Pa. febl lmo Help Wanted Female WANTED Girl in wall paper store.

Apply R. A. White, 1541 North Sixth street, between and 10 to morrow. febl6 2t WANTED White gfirl. for treneral housework; middle aged woman preferred; no furnace to attend; one in family.

108 North Second street. Iebl6 3t LADY OR GIRL WANTED Each town, good pay spare time, copy names for advertisers, cash weekly; stamp for particulars. Am. Adv. Bureau, rtan bornville, N.

H. febl6 2t WANTED Fifty operators, experi enced on power machine, on ladifs' shirtwaists. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. fet16 6t STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED, WITH GOOD EDUCATION AND EXECUTIVE ABILITY, TO TAKE CHARGE OF TYPEWRITING DEPARTMENT OF LAltGE MAIL ORDER BUSINESS.

PERMANENT PLACE AND GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THK RIGHT PERSON. WITH PARTICULARS, P. O. BOX S4, HILL STATION, HARRISBURG, PA. febl 3t WANTED Woman over 23 or of middle age to travel and appoint agents for a Philadelphia toilet urttcle firm; salary, $12 per week and expenses', state where can be seen.

Address H. E. care of Telegraph. febl4 3t ROBINSON Third and Verbeke streets, desire the service of saleswo men with thorough experience in wash goods and arena goods department. Letters or personal application held in con fldence.

Robinson Co. febl4 3t WANTED An experienced white girl lor general housework; no wash ing; good wages. Apply 1721 North fcecond street. febl3 tf WANTED Experienced operators on power sewing machines to make aprons. Highest prices paid.

Jennings' Mfg. Third Floor Over City Star Entrance on west avenue, febl3 13t KNITTERS WANTED. Jtyill, Seventh above Ma 'lay slreet; also, ftwo or three experienced and one experienced welter. decl tf If 04 Green St if sold within the next few This means a bargain In a very desirable Green street residence. Three story brick (one of a pair), with eight rooms, bath and modern Improvements.

Lot 21.6x87. You can't afford to wait If you're at all interested In Green Street property; KILLER Gil. BAKE Real Estate end Insurance Federal Square, Opp. Pout Office SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOE. The Groom.

And does 'itty ducky love "oos ducky? The Bride. 'Ea; 'pos 'itty ducky does love ducky! The Duck (in diaeust). Ducks, nothin'! You're a couple of geese! Help Wanted Male WANTED Boy IB to 18 years of age, to learn the drug business. Boner's Pharmacy, 209 Market street. Iebl6 tf Situations Wanted Female WANTED By colored woman, housework or cooking.

Call or address, 333 Calder street. febl6 3tj WANTED White woman wants WANTED Man to work in wash Work bv the dav. Address 2470. care house in laundry; one with experience of Telegraph. i febl6 3t preferred.

Apply Sanitary Family Washing Sixteenth and Elm i WANTED Rough washing to do at streets. febl6 2t ietiti 3ti WANTED Youns: man for steno grapher and office work; must be cap WANTED Situation as working able and steady; give full information i housekeeper with elderly couple: can and references. Address 2473, carelfurnish reference. Address 8. 2467, of Telegraph.

care of Telegraph. febl5 3t WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY: Able. WANTED Bv white woman, nosi bodied unmarr.ed men ages of tion as housekeeper.

Mrs. Sadie Wiley, j.o ana oa; citizens oi uimea states, oi i7 Angle alley. reblo St who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, ergner Building, Third and I' rket strejts, nrm WANTED Girl wants work as cook, or general housework. Address 1339 Fulton street.

febl6 3t ourg. fa. WANTED Nurse wishes a few en w.n tKilt, nta g.agements. maternity or any kind of I of nee boy; must be neat and clean kic n. nv.nn heh ome well recommended.

Address t' 2469, care of Telegraph. feblo 2t baker: one who can take charge: no man wants In A Kalrerv in nnas. I care 01 leiegrauil ter, Pa. febl4 3t THE E. II.

Waters 1420 Wyeth Vstreet, require the services of six young Vnen. febl4 3t i YOU are wanted for Government po sition, $80 month. Write for list of po sitions open. Franklin institute, 319 Roohester, N. Y. mch7 WE have salesmens' position open WANTED Middle aged white wo general housework; can WANTED work. Call street. Address 2464, reoi4 3t By woman, day's or address 143 Linden febl4 3t Situations Wanted Male Saratoga Room; meals. $4.00. The only place where you get the real Mexican Chili Con Carne.

224 Chest nut street. JanSJTlma Business Personals OTICE MRS. FIjORENCE STONESIFER. for. merly of Harrisburg, has again resumed NAME CARDS written in eold or white inks on white or gray name cards, 20c per dozen.

AHa Card 123 water street, Miauietown, pa. leDI4 SL NOTICE I BUY scconu hand clothincr and shoes, pay highest prices for same. 1 Drop postal and 1 wlil call. S. Mel tzar.

on wainui street. augai tl LSt erick W. Ylngst. The Under will please return it to the undersigned. Application has been made for the issuing of a aupneate.

(Signed) EDWARD BAILEY. Harrisburg National tBank. feb7 2.4,6 6t I3ST Valuable lady's gold watch, fob attached, with name inside, A. R. Musser.

Lost between Muench and Derry streets. Please return to matron, Home for the Friendless, Fifth ant. Aiuencn streets. rebl5 3t LOST Female Collie dog. tan and white markings; answers to name of Ted.

Reward If returned to 422 Soutl; Fourteenth street. Iebl5 3t LOST Tin Saturday evening, gol initial pin, with letter U. Valued gift from deceased brother. Return (office of Telegraph, or call 2504A. ieiuu LOST Beagle hound, gyn.

white black and tan. She was struck by an automobile, no doubt hurt. Reward if returned to B. McDonnell, 1413 Gfeer street. Hnrrlshurg, Pa.

febl4 8t' THE HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911. Died GARMAN On Wednesday afternoon, February 15, 1911, John M. Garman, aged 66 years, 11 months and 5 days. I Funeral on Saturday morning, at 10' o'clock, from his late residence', 1933 State street. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend witnout runner notice.

Funeral services at Pleasant View Church of God. Burial at Shoop's Church. febl6 2t CRABBB Margaret Elliott Crabbe. on Wednesday, teoruary ja, ai a. at the residence of her niece.

Mrs. Frederick I. Morgenthaler, 213 Hamilton street. Funeral and Interment strictly private on Friday morning. No flowers.

feblo 2t Memorials I DESIGN and manufacture In Har rlsburg artistic memorials of every description in marble, granite and bronze. Estimates furnished. I. B. Dickinson, Thirteenth near State street cemetery entrance.

feb7 26t Livery Miller's Llverr aad Boarding Stable al National Transfer Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. J. M. Miller. Manager, 914 N.

3rd St. Bell phone. 366A2. Al tf Business Opportunities WANTED Drug store In Ilarrls burg on easy terms; price must be low, or else a good location for drug store. Address 2471, care of Telegraph.

febl6 St i200 BUYS a business and goods to run the business, that any energetic man can make from $100 to $160 per month profit, besides giving steady employment to 8 or 10 carpenters. Call after 7 P. M. F. L.

Baldwin, Columbus Hotel. temo ai I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Sonfl for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cook, 366 N.

Y. jne7 tf ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N.

Y. jnel7 tf Rooms tc Rent FOR RENT A young married couple can rent two or three unfurnished, communicating rooms, with use of bath, for light housekeeping; references required. Inquire of Mrs. S. S.

Fackler, 1614 Park street, City. febl6 3t FOR RENT Modern flat; five well Harhted rooms, bath and pantry: all private; all conveniences for light hniisekeenlnar. 205. corner Hamilton and Penn streets. Call afternoons after 3 leoi6 st FOR RENT Two rooms on first floor Odd Fellows' Hall, 304 North Second street; two rooms on second floor and lodge rooms on third floor.

Inquire George C. Fager, 213 North Second street. tebl4 2 5 4t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all conveniences; use of Bell phone; house heated with hot water. 812 Capital street. febl5 3t FOR RENT Two rooms in Triangle Building, Mulberry and Derry streets, $8 per month, suitable for light, housekeeping.

Apply 613 South Thirteenth street. febl5 3t FOR RENT Fourth floor Telegraph Annex, for light manufacturing pur po8a; splendid light and air. Inquire Baalneas Manager Teiegrapn. Apartments FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ments; separate hallway; five rooms and bath: eighteen minutes' walk from wamtf.f) An man wiahpa corner Fourtn and Alarket streets rent. nnsition as wnfrhmnn rr encrinpfir Art onlv S17: Immediate possession.

Penna. dress 1620 North Third street. Realty Improvement Company, 132 febl5 3t Jjocust street. ieoio ai Wanted Reai Estate tor Rent ain xuixtii wisning to aaopi or taKe to 9.r.'u.r rise a healthy boy between five and six add vears old of good narentaee shou improvements; front porch; large immediate possession. Apply febl6 3t WANTED Every automobile, buggy and wagon owner to know that we have opened a paint shop in connection with our automobile garage, ana are prepar ed to take painting of all kinds, no matter how larxe or small.

All work guar anteed "or money refunded. Capital City Garage, E. L. Craft. Manager, 1017 1019 Market street.

Bell phone 1381R. feb9 lino Agents Wanted WANTED By a half million dollar corporation, a representative to carry a siae line ot nign graae advertising novelties in Harrisburg and vicinity. Our novelties are appropriate for every business house and a live man can make from $10 to $20 a day. Liberal commission. Bastian Bros.

Ro Chester, N. Y. 3t WANTED Agents to sell household necessity; experience unnecessary; en tire new proposition and a good seller. Room 307 Trustee Building, 10 to 4. febl6 3t street.

febl6 3t FOR RENT 8 room house, with' all improvements; rent, $16; possession Marcn i. inquire a. 11. ivayior, care Imperial Novelty Store Third and Cumberland streets. febl6 3t FOR RENT 138 Linden street: 3 story frame house; 8 rooms; water and gas; rent, $12; possession at once.

Phone 899A2, or call 1003 North Second street. febl6 3t FOR RENT HOUSES with all improvements. No. 1622 Catherine St 16 00 No. 1625 Derry St.

20 00 No. 616 N. Eighteenth St $20 00 j. is. dec7 2,4,6 tf 1261 Market St.

FOR RENT House No. 1103 Cowden street, near Herr: hall, vestibule. front alleyway, improvements. IL Oen siager, 709 jNortp. xnira street.

3t FOR RENT Several fine new houses to rent. Modern conveniences. Nothing like them in the city for the rent asked. Ap to Kuhn be neighborhood, convenient to business I low Rerrvhill St. 2 15 3t linrt of town, hv two bnnklcppnrsi nn pets; state location and rent.

Address 2166, care of Telegraph. ieoi at Rooms Wanted Boaiding FOR RENT From April 1, store room, No. 13 South Market (square. For furtner information inquire at dwelling, same number, or address O. Box 146.

febl5 3t T.VUJ PKKT hHnb 'V HJ LU.U1B liuara ilumeCOOKfla 1 V.varDTMn atraat rant dinners a specialty, 25 cents, 21 meals, a month; possession immediately. E. A. $4.0.0. Eat your All of wholetome food Hettfertnger.

East End Bank. wHtium ncaiuui 6t TftIT? PffVT KlnA.niAni rimiatt, oil A EAT, improvements, 240 Hamilton street. 'aP Dining 21 ply to Chester Buck, 400 Briggs street. ieDi. si.

FOR RBNT 716 North Sixth street: three story brick: modern improve ments. Apply, tot particulars, to H. W. AUiier, 2210 North Third street. Bell phone no.

leon bt FOR RENT The new Royal Hall. NT.r tVi TMrri ntrft with IhA dressmaking at 1299 Penn street, penn latest improvements for private dances. for business i P. I Apply at 1103 North Third street. M.

to 8 P. M. febl4 3t Patronage solicited. xeDiu imo FOR RENT Eleven room house. with all 267 South Sec vina street, ssieeiiuD.

inquire at souvn uecona street, oieeuon, ra. janta imo For Sale A GOOD, young, active irray horse for al; 5 years old, coming weighs 1,400 pounds; can oe Dougni cneapr can jtvey atone Bottling Works, 294 South Cam eron street. ieDio 21 FOR SALE. CHEAP Two teams of LOST Tiger cat, three and one half good mules that will work anywhere months old. Liberal reward to finder.

C. C. Hackett, 819 North Second street. reDi6 LOST OR MISLAID Policy No. 28732, issued by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company on the life of Fred vhey are hitched; extra good single liners, can Hi iacK Derry street.

febl5 2t. FOR SALE Overland Touring Car jomnletely overhauled; perfect condi' iion; good tires; fully equipped; Presto iigni laiiit; epeeuomever; two tops, ingle' and double; also deck five pas. junger runabout; $750. Address 2468 care ot xeiegrapn. teoia at FOR SALE Grocery store stock and fixtures, good location In this city, vttn warenouse; wen esiaoiisnea ousl uessv inquire Z4kb, care oi Tele febi6 6t FOR SALE New Buffalo Incuba tor, made by Charles cyphers; used jnly' for three hatches; retiring from business oniy reason tor sewing, liy oio puns airveL, jreuuruujfc, ra.

febl5 9t FOR SALE Grocery store and fixtures at Invoice, which will amount to $2,600 to a.uu: a rare opportunity good rea on lor selling. Address Z43, care of eiegrapn. xebi4 8t FOR SALE 1,000 bushels ot choice Mutators at 65. cents per bushel: Ave lushels or more, 60 cents, delivered to itny part or the city. At Johnson" isn ana uysier nouse, sixtn ana streets, Bell phone HiVAi, STOCKS SEEM NERVOUS; GRAINS All STRONGER Better Tone Is Manifest in Market From the Start GAINS SUBSTANTIAL Coarser Cereals Share in Advances Made by Furnished by WM.

BEAR i CO, Philadelphia, Feb. 16. There was a much better tone from the start than for some time and after the early hours failed to bring out further liquidation at a modest advance, the list turned strong and made substantial gains. Wheat was rather difficult to buy upon any specific demand, and the covering or a lair sized short line by a Chicago operator forced a quick rally to best prices. Good rains in the Southwest and a period of weakness at Minneapo lis and Duluth were without material Influence during tho morning.

A rumor gained currency In the afternoon thtft Russia had notified the Governments of Great Britain and France that it will make a military demonstration against China, but at this hour it cannot be verified and Is not generally credited. Coarse grains shared in the strenerth. News Items were not Important, but the reeling upon the noor was much By Associated Press New York, Feb. 16. Cotton futures opened barely steady; March.

13.61: May, 13.70; July, 13.75; August, 13.41; October, 12.66; December, 12.5212.53. Real" Estate for Sale FOR SALE Splendid opportunity to secure a home, brick or frame houses, on easy terms, low rate of interest; centrally located, Camp Hill; possession given immediately. Address Box 7, R. D. 6, Mechanicsburg, Pa.

febl4 3t FOR SALE Farm, 60 acres, about one half mile from railroad in Fishing Creek Valley; new buildings; 9 room house, suitable for club house; $1,200 cash. Al. Wade, Plketown. Pa. febH If $3,900 Will PURCHASE one of those beautiful three story brick houses on State street, between seventeenth and Eighteenth streets.

I. B. Swartz, 25 Union Trust Building. febl4 tf FOR SALE An attractive corner house for S3. 800: $1,300 cash.

Present owner will rent it for $25 month and water tax. Mail inquiry to P. O. Box 142, Harrlsburg. febl3 6t FOR SALE The most substantially constructed ten room brick homes in Harrisburg.

All Improvements. Steam heated. Inspection and comparison invited. Elder Real Estate Twenty third and Derry streets. dec2 tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beautiful, artistic, substantially built, homes.

Steam heat, high class plumbing, containing everything you could wish for in modern up to the minute improvements in a house. Prices low, terms liberal. Come and see them? Lexington and Mahantongo streets, or apply to Harrisburg Construction Company, Room No. 25, Union Trust Knilriino 2 15 tf Legal Notices THE Commonwealth Building and Loan Association will ODen the' 40th series Monday night, March 6, 1911, at tneir oince, in worm xniro. street.

J. T. W. MCUALUi fclJUlN, Secretary, proper, WRIT OF PARTITION To the Heirs and Legal Representatives or Henry Stewart, Deceased: TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of an Order of Partition, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, and to me directed, an inquest will be held on Tuesday, the 28th day of February. 1911, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at tne mansion nouse ot Henry Stewart, late of Harrlsburg.

Dauphin county, de ceasea, wno aiea intestate, ror ine appraisement and partition of the real estate of said Intestate, where you are requested to attend, of you think J. KOWJU FliUTCtlliiK, Sheriff of Dauphin County. February 1. 1911. feb2 4 4t PUBLIC SALE AT Fort Hunter llotel, Saturday.

Feb ruary 25, 1911, at 2 o'clock P. all the real estate of Margaret J. T. Meas, situate in Middle Paxton township. Dauphin county.

iNo. i. tomesteaa Tract, adjoining lands of John W. Reily, George Kun kle, containing 1 acre 101 perches. Thereon erected a two and one half story Log House, Frame Barn and other outbuildings, never failing well of water at house, fruit of all kind.

No. 2. A tract bounded by lands of John W. Kelly and Chas. Baughman, containing 5 acres.

In same townshio. Three acres clear, balance good timber. Thereon erected a two ana one half story frame house. Terms and conditions will be made known by Ellas F. Meas, Trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county.

feb2 4 4t In the Court of Common Fleas of Dau phin County, 189, March Term, 1911. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the said Court on the 6th day of March, A. D. 1911, at 10 clock A. unaer tne "corporation Act of 1874" and its supplements, by Nathan C.

Schaeffcr, Reed B. Teitrlck, Fred. E. Downes. Cheesman A.

Herrlck and Samuel Hamilton, for the chartei or an intended corporation to be called The Pennsylvania State Educational Association, the character and object of which is to advance the' school in. terests of Pennsylvania, Dy uniting the educational forces of the State, bv fos tering proper educational Ideals, by giv ing irena to progressive eaucationa: movements, by stimulating an apprecia tion 01 responsibilities and oppor tunities of the profession ot teachlna by maintaining for the teaching voca tion its true piaro in tne woria work by promoting fellpwship and fraterna feeline amoncr teachers, and bv for. warding and protecting their interests Dy means ot instruction, cuiuerence anj action and for these purposes to havt and enjoy all the rights, benefits anfi privileges oi tne aia aw ui Ansemoij and its supplements. GEORGE L. REED, feb 4 3t Solicitor, ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the County Commissioners of Dauphin County until 12 o'clock noon.

Saturday, February 25, 1911, at their of Ace on the floor of the Court House, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, for all labor and materials necessary to be used in the proposed alterations to the filumbing system and toilet rooms to be nstallcd in the County Court House, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, according to plans and specifications for game made and prepared by Charles H. Bernheisel, Architect. 5 North Second Street. Harrlsburg, Pa. s.

Copies of plans and specifications may be secured at office of said Architect on or after Monday February 13, isn. i All bids must pe accompanied by a certified check in the sum of J200 to the order of the County Commissioners of Dauphin County. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. ISAAC S. HOFFMAN, SAMUEL S.

MILLER, W. W. WALLOW ER, I Commissioners. Deprived of Stimulus of M. P.

Affair, Market Yields OPENING IS STRONG Later Prices Yield to Attacks by Bears and Decline Status of the market at 2 o'clock; Deprived of the stimulus of the Missouri Pacific mystery the market yield ed rather easily to the attack of the bears this morning. Most of the active issues opened with fractional gains, O. showing the greatest, selling up to 86, compared with 85 yesterday. Missouri Paciflo opened at 60, a gain of three eighths, and rallied to 60 later sold off to 67. The tendency to seek a lower level prevailed.

Much of the selling came as a result of the catching of stop loss orders. A nervous market continued, and at 2 o'clock prices were out iractionaiiy aDOve me lowest. NEW YORK STOCKS Famished by WM. L. BEAR CO.

New York, Feb. 16. Amal. Cop Am. Bt.

Sug Am. C. Am. Cot. Oil Am.

Ice Sec Am. Loco Am. Smelt. Am. Sugar.

Anaconda Ch. G. West Open. High. Low.

Clos. 65 44 56 69 23 41 79 128 Col. South. Cons, Gas Corn Prod. D.

H. D. Rio G. Dis. Sec.

Erie Erie 1st pf. Gt. N. pfd. Gt.

N. Ore. 111. Cen. Inter.

Met. In. Met. pf. 36 82 51 130 62 136 19 64 Kas.

C. So. 34 K. C. S.

pf. 674 L. Naah. 146 L. V.

Nat.R.M,2d 1774 SShi 35 67 60 35 67 60 65 44 y2 66 128 84 D7 143 14 136 20 54 34 146 44 .65 21 20 41 40 79 77 19 63 34 145 Electric Co. of A 12 Storage Battery 64 General Asphalt 33 General Asphalt, Pfd 73 ins. Co. of N. A 30 Lake Superior 30 Lehigh T.

C. Philadelphia Company Philadelphia Pfd. Philadelphia Electric P. R. T.

Tonopah Mining Tonopah Belmont U. G. I Union Traction May July Sept Corn May Julv Sept. 50 Oats May July Sept 91 90 89 48 4 31 31 31 92 91 90 49 60 51 31 31 31 Card of ThanKa 92 52 42 16 19 84 91 90 89 48 49 50 31 31 31 44 65 69V4 20 40 77 119 119 118 118 39 39 39 39 A. T.

106 106 104 105 B. 105 105 104 104 Bklyn. R. 78 78 77 77 Can. Pacific 212 212 210 210 O.

32 32 31 31 C. 86 86 83 84 22 57 143 14 22 125 125 33 33 67 67 140 140 1S 13 170 170 170 170 34 84 33 33 36 85 35 32 31 31 51 50 60 180 127 128 62 1 61 135 135 19 53 34 7 145 177 174 175 38 37 37 M. K. T. 35 84 34 M.K.&

67 Mo. Pac. 60 57 57 Nat. 57 57 56 56 N. N.Y.O.& W.

N. W. N. Pac. Pac.

Mail P. R. R. Fee. Gas 112112 110 110 42 42 42 42 106 106 105 105 128 128 125 126 26 26 26 26 127 127 126 126 107 197 106 106 lg J.

VV4. 'vy Ry. Stl. Sp. 86 36 Reading 160 160 156 157 R.

I. 34 34 34 34 R. I. 99 99 98 98 Rock Is. pf 62 62 61 61 So.

Pacific. 119 119 117 117 28 28 27 27 So. Rwy. pf 65 65 64 64 Tex. Pac.

29 29 28 28 Third Ave. 10 10 9 9 Union Pac. 179 179 176 177 U. S. 43 43 42 42 U.

S. Steel. 80 81 79 79 U. S. S.

pfd 119 119 1181a 118 do S. F. 6's 105 105 104 105 Va. C. 65 65 64 64 Wabash 16 16 16 16 Wab.

37 37 35 36 W. U. Tel Wis. West. Md.

74 63 51 74 74 51 50 74 63 60 PHILADELPHIA QUOTATIONS Furnished by WM. BEAR Philadelphia, Feb. 16. American Railways 45 upea. co.

Cambria Steel 45 45 46 12 63 33 78 20 29 92 62 42 16 19 NEWS OF STEELTON 8 74 5 15 16 515 16 87 86 47 46 CniCAGO BOARD OF TRADE Foraiahed by WM. L. BEAR fc Co. (Members Chicago Board at Trade) Chicago. 111..

Feb. 16. Wheat Open. High. Low, Clos.

91 90 DO 51 31 31 31 I DESIRE to extend my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympatny shown during my recent bereavement. And also to the management and the nurses if the Harr sburg Hospital ror their ex treme kindness to my wife during her uiness. J. S. WAGNER.

Storage CLEAN STORAGE Two buildings Trame and iron buildings, private room 52.60; brick building, private room, $3.60 jer month, or i.zo per ioaa. waiter n. 28 S4 North Cameron street 'hone 498AZ. i lebl4 tl STORAGE Unexcelled facilities for loring household goods and. all kinds if merchandise at low prices.

Private Specialty storing wagons and arriages, 75 cents per month. D. Cooper Storage, 419 Broad street. In quire 411 Broad street. v.

dec6 tf HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two laru brick, fire proof warehouses, built expressly for storage. Private rooms tor housenoia gooas ana unexceuea ia duties for storing all kinds of mer chandlse. Low storage rates. South St.

and Penna, R. R. octli tf DISS GAUL AT IDE HOSPITAL Life Ends in Where She Institution Trained For Nursing Miss LUlle aged '23 years, night superintendent at the Harris burg Hospital, died last evening at 9.30 o'clock at the hospital from a complication of diseases after a lingering Illness. Miss Gaul was very favorably known and had many friends In Harrlsburg as well as in Steelton. She trained at the Harris burg Hospital for three years after being graduated at the local high school.

She remained at the hospital for six years and was recognized as an excellent nurse. She is survived by her parents and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Blake Brubaker, Mrs. Charles Knull. Ross and Charles, of Steelton The funeral will be held irom ner home.

Cameron farm, Sunday after noon at X.30 o'clock. Burial will bo private. Steelton Briefs In his report on good roads at the meeting of the Board of Trade, of Harrisburg, John Y. Boyd, commended the work done by the borough and the Pennsylvania Steel Company on the road between Highspire and this place. The Bakers' A.

A. baseball team has been organized for next season and will hold a sauer kraut supper in the Market house this evening. Teams wishing to secure games should address Fred Evans, manager, Lincoln street. A handsome set of harness will bo the prize" in the contest between Edward Dodmer and Orville Grun to raiae money for the new Citizens' Fire House, of Highspire. The contestant who raises the larger sum will be awarded the prize.

A pre lenten masquerade ball will be given by the German Maennerelior, in Markley's Hall, February 27. A special song service was held in the First Methodist Church last evening. "The Story of Life," was rendered and several solos and choruses were sung. The Good Citizenship League, of the Civic Club, will delegate two members to visit each of the public school to morrow afternoon. The funeral of the small daughter of Joseph Cunkle, of 108 Frederick street, who died yesterday afternoon, will be held to morrow afternoon.

Burial will be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. RETAIL, PRODUCE Famished by Krrldle Brothers. 31 tall Grocers Markets to day brought no change In prices, but the first lot of prime roe shad came to the city and sold for $1.75 and $2 each. Separately, the roes sold for 85 cents a set.

Jack shad are also quite plentiful and are selling for 15 cents each. The prices quoted by Kreldler Brothers' to day for produce, iouow: Eggs. 28o per dozen: butter. 30c per lb. for country; creamery, 35c; cnickens, spring, zbc old, nc luraeys, nve, zoo aressea, Sbc ducks, 25o geese, 20c squabs, 25c potatoes.

12o sweet po tatoes, 2Cc radishes, 6e Duncn; squasn, luc eacn; spinach, pi. i uiusnruoitia, ouo pmuns. too Vi celery. 6 (ft 8c stalk: cucumbers. lOo each; lettuce.

12c head: cenoers. 6o each; cranberries, 16o apples, 30c bananas, 16itf20c grapes, 16b uo lemons, buc doz. oranges. 300 40o limes, 20a doc; pears. Duchess, $0c pineapples, 26c each; grape IMS1LADKLPH1A PRODITCB By Associated Press Philadelphia.

Feb. 16'. Wheat Market steady; No. 2, red, in export elevator, 9181c; No. 1, northern, export elevator, Corn Market steady; No.

2, yellow, for local trade, 6262c. oats Market steady; o. 2. wine. natural, 37c.

aran market steady; winter, in bulk, spring, in sacks, $25.00 26.50. itennea sugars Market steady: powdered, 4.70c; granulated, 4.60c; confectioners' 4.45c; Keystone 4.45c. Butter steady, good extra, western, creamery, 30c: extra, nearby prints, 3lc. Eggs The market is steady: Penn sylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, ic, at mark; current receipts, free cases, 18c; western firsts, free cases, 19c, at mark; current receipts, free cases, 18c, at mark. juive i ouitry Market nrm; old roosters.llllc: spring chickens, 1417c; ducks, itwmc: geese, turkeys.

19 21c Dressed Poultry Market steady; turkeys, nearby. 23c: western. choice, 22c; fair ot good. 20ip 21c; fowls, nearby, 1616c; western, 13 16c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chickens, nearby, 1 Ulc: western, ducks. nearby, choice, 1820c; fair to good, 16 17c; western, choice, IS zuc; rair to gooa, iD(aiic; geese, western, ll13c.

potatoes Market steauy; Penn sylvania, nearby, per bushel. 60066c: New York, choice, per bushel, 4SwoJc; fair to good, 40bmuc; jersey, choice, basket, tvac. io. i. u.

Flour ne marKet is steady; winter, clear, straight, patent, Kansas, sacks, 94.65 4.85 spring clear, $4.16 4.40; straight, S4.vow0.uu; 110., patent, u.ionfo.ja; favorite brands, $5. 6u5.75. way nrm, iair aemana; new tim othy. No. 1, large bales.

No. 1. small bales, No. 2, $18.00 GD19.UQ: iNo. 3, ji4.uvihiio.uu; no grade, $10.0012.00.

Clover mixed. No. 1, $16.00 17.00; No. 2. $14.00 (H5.00.

SfKW tOKlv fxtmt By Associated Press New York, Feb. 16. Flour The market is dull and lower to sell; spring patents, winter straights, $4.10 4.20; winter patents, spring clears, $4.00 4.35; winter extra, No. 1, winter extra. No.

2, $3.16 3.30; Kansas straights, $4.454.60. Rye Flour Steady; fair to good, 4.204.26; choice to fancy, $4,400 ,.65. Rye Quiet; No. 2, 83c, f. o.

New rorit. Barley Quiet; malting, 80994c; c. w. Buffalo. Wheat Steady: 97 9 16 97 15 16: .974 097 5 16.

Corn Was without transactions; May, 68c Beef Market steady; mess, 14.60; family, $16.50 17.00; beef hams, $27.0029.00. Pork Barely steady: mess, family, THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST ESTABLISHED 1697 WM. L. BEAR CO. (MfMBERS CHICAGO BOAftD OP TRADE) BROKERS, PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING I 8th and Chestnut Streets.

Philadelphia STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENTS SO SECONDS ft MINUTO MfiMWAOO BOAMO OF TRADE TO ANY GRAIN MARKET IM MARRIfsHma BRANCH 1 NO. 17 NORTH MARKET CQUAfit 1TA1IIS FOR BANQUET ISSUED International Y. M. C. Secretary to Be Chief Speaker Invitations were sent out to day for the annual banquet, of the T.

M. C. which will be held In the hall of the association next Tuesday evening. Charles R. Towsen, of New York, International Secretary of the Y.

M. C. will deliver an address. Rev. A.

B. Segelkin, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will give a prayer and the banquet will bo served by a committee of ladles. Miss Posey will sing a solo and President L. E. McGinnes will make introductory remarks.

This will be followed by the address of Mr. Towsen. The menu will be as follows: Oysters on the half shell, olives, celery, friend chicken, sweet potatoes, peas, ice cream, cake, salted nuts and coffee. Turbine Fump at Local Steel Plant The Steel Plant has installed a two stage Centrifugal steam turbine driven pressure pump at No. 3 blast furnace tor the purpose of pumping water Into the storage tanks.

It is the first of its kind to be used In this part, of the State. Minstrel Show Successfully Given The Original Home Talent Minstrel show, last evening, in the High school auditorium, was pronounced the best ever produced by the company in their iuteen years ot playing. The attendance was ho large that the hall could not accommodate all. Steelton Personals Rev. O.

J. Farling, of the East Steelton Church of God, officiated yesterdav at the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Catherine. Enny, aged 75 years, who died Satur. day.

Burial was made in the East Harrlsburg cemetery. Amanda Leinback, of Reading, will be the guest of Miss Grace Posey, ot 143 North Front street, for about a week. The first skirmish of the local Boy Scouts of America, was held yesterday under the direction of Quartermaster D. B. Marks.

Sixteen members pf the local troop went to Cassel's farm where the maneuvers were held. John W. Stober, of 9 South Fourth street, is ill of grip at his home. short, clear, $19.6020.00. Lard Steady; middle west, 9.65, nominal.

Raw Sugars Firm; muscovado, 89 test, 3.013. 04c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.513.54c; molasses sugar. 89 test. 2.762.79c. Refined, steady; crushed.

5.30c; granulated 3.60c; powdered, 4.70c. Petroleum Steady: refined, in bar rels, $7.40. Molasses Steady; New Orleans, epen kettle, 30 50c Coffee Spot, steady; No. 7, Riw, 12c; No. 4, Santos, 1313c.

XIW YORK HURT By Associated Press New York, Feb. 16. Butter Steady; creamery 25c; 27c; firsts, 2224c; seconds. 1821c: creamery thirds, 18c, asked; tras, 2323c; firsts, 2122C; seconds, 1920c; State dairy, finest, 2526c; good to prime, 2124c; common to fair, 1720c; process, specials, 20c; extras, 20c, asked; firsts, 1819c; seconds, 16 17c; imitation creamery firsts, 1819c; factory held, 16l7c; current make, firsts, 17c, do. seconds, 16 asked.

Cheese Steady, unchanged; State, whole milk, specials, 1517c; September quality, fancy, colored, 51c; fancy, white, 14 15c; summer and fall made, choice, 1314c; late fall, good to 13c; winter made, best, I0llc; common to fair, 9 10c; skims. 212c. Eggs Irregular; fresh gathered selected extras, 1819c; firsts, 16c; seconds, 15 16c; dirties, No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 12()13c; checks, ll12c; refrigerator firsts, 12c; do.

llllc; State.Pennsylva nia and nearby hennery white, 21 23c; gathered whites, 20 2 2c; hennery, brown, 19e; gathered, brown and mixed, 17 18c; western gathered, whites, 1921e. CHICAGO CATTLR By Associated Press Chicago, Feb. 16 Cattle Receipts, estimated at market 5c to 10c higher. Beeves, Texas steers, western steers, $4.50 5.70; stockers and feeders, cows and heifers, calves, Tl r.r,.m4.A 1 A IV A uuao ivrjt.1 t9) cok MMacu aw iivuu, market 10c to 15c higher. Light, $7.25 7.60; mixed, heavy, 7.40; rough, $6.957.15: good to choice, heavy, pigs, bulk of sales.

$7.207.40. Sheep Receipts, estimated at 12, 000; market strong to 10c higher. Na tive, $2.854 60; western, yearlings, $4.70 (g 5.60; lambs, native, western, $4.756.35. Six Smugglers Drown By Associated Press San Francisco, Feb. 16.

At least six persons were drowned off the coast south of San Pedro In an attempt to smuggle a party of Chinese ashore, according to a report at the Angel Island Immigration station Bank Rata Reduced London, Feb. 16. The Bank of England to day reduced its rate of discount from 4 to 8 per cent. Thlt action was anticipated owing to. the continued easy money market, the lower, discounts here as well as in continental centers and the Improving bank For Renr: Office Seekers Offices' for rent, single or en suite; centrally located; reasonable prices; best service.

The Telegraph Bldj. Bell Phone No. 2040. AN EXCEPTIONAL STOCK OFFER WIS offer from one to five shares of a gilt edge, guaranteed per cent, stock in a Pennsylvania Financial House at $102.50 per share, par value $100.00. Dividends payable 2 per cent, quarterly.

We guarantee to resell the stock for you, if desired, at any time, on 30 days notice. This is an exceptional opportunity at the price. Write to day, for full ticulars. 3. G.

FEIST 4k Investmeat Baakera, Telegraph Bull diss, Harrtsbqrg) pa. feb2 tf Desirable Properties For Sale No. 1030 N'. Sixth St. Three story frame, 6 rooms and bath, all Improvements: Lot 20x129 ft, Price will Interest any buyer.

No. 087 S. Front Three story brick, 10 rooms, all Improvements. Lot 18x122 hot. air furnace Property in' first class.

Brinton Packer Co. Second attd Walaiit Kreldler Building..

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