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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • 5

Atlanta, Georgia
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Thomas Elliott, pastor of the First Methodist church, of Fayetteville. and singing of negro spirituals by Big Bethel choir, featured a meeting at 12:15 o'clock Thursday of the Junior Chamber of Commerce at the chamber building. Plans also were formulated for the annual Dicnic and dance at Lake wood Badinp James E. Dickey will deliver the sermon at the first anniversary the founding of the. Peaeb-tree Koad Methodist church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.

Dr. W. Pierce, presiding elder of the North Atlanta district, will preside. At the evening semce the Rev. C.

A. Norton, pastor, will receive a large clasa of new members into the church. "Washington, June 3. FFederal buildings authorized by congress during the last 13 years but uncompleted because of inadequate funds will gin first rf.nsirlernl ton in the Mrernment's construction program as decided uwn Philadelphia. June .1 Atlantic i'jtf was chosen today for the l'J'SI Shrine convention.

Crescent Temple, of Trenton, which, ha jurisdiction over Atlantic City will he the host. Five other cities were in the contest f-r the hnnor of entertaining the ancient Arabic urder. nobler of the mya-ti" ahrine. The other were Atlanta, New Orleans, Cleveland, Springfield, and Toronto. Tfce annual e.iun will be held on June 14.

15 an! 1. lion; me wn rapidly disposed erf and before the neuron was adjourned mm die. Judge Itavid W. Crokind. 'if Alcazar Temple, Mnt- BY RAYMOND 'CLAPPER.

Washington, June 5. Complete condemnation of the wet program including the proposed national referendum was pronounced Thursday by the senate judiciary subcommittee in concluding its work which began with the famous senate beer hearings two months ago. The subcommittee' recommended indefinite postponement of the wet bills today by the treasury and postotuce departments. The $105,000,000 public buildings bill recently passed authorized an ap Spring Green, June 3. Iron gates and padlocks today prevented Mrs.

Miriam Noel Wright from renewing lfT place as mistress of Taliesen, country home of her estranged husband, Frank Lloyd Wright. Mrs. Wright made a futile attempt to enter the home late today during the absence of the architect. Accompanied by four newspaper reporters, she demanded admittance at the gates of the estate, but was turned away by a caretaker of the grounds there with two other men. District Attorney N.

S. Boardman. The court of appeals of Tennessee Thursday heard contentions of the State of Georgia and the city of Chattanooga in the litigation involving the extension of Broad street and Eleventh street, in that city, over Georgia owned property and at the end of the hearing announced that decision would be reserved, according to a telegram received by The Constitution from Attorney General George M. Napier, who presented the NORT II CAROLINA RELIEVED OF COSTS Apple blossom lime in Normandv, maple sugar time in Vermont, rhubarb pie time in Indiana, and pretzel time in Milwaukee, may be nil right in their places, but from now on good old Georgy steps out away ahead of all of them with the ne plus ultra of all time watermelon time. It's watermelon time from now on for the rest of the summer, according to agricultural sharks, und the first yields of the season are being stowed away in box cars in south Georgia for shipment to the markets of the world.

Senefrnmhiiin ra swn wTll aiu. propriation of $15,000,000 for the completion of 66 projects, most of IN PROPERTY LOSS them authorized in 1913. About half of nppropiiution will be sought immediately so that work may be be which for nil practical purposes kills gun on some of the projects this sum park June 17. Dr. Elliott spoke on "The Further You Go, the Better It Gets." This phrase was used in referring to the growth of the south.

The speaker reviewed the history of Georgia and the south from the time of the Civil war and compared the present day with those of the Civil war period. lie predicted a continued era of prosperity and urged young men to take advantage of their opportunities. "Georgia is in better condition than she ever was in during the history of the state." the speaker declared, lie pointed out the resources of the Em June 3. UP) A house biil relieving the state of North 'ardina from paying approximately f'r war department property them at this session. mer.

argument for Georgia. finiix, elevatpj to the office wide at the sight of juicy red anil Spnpcumltisn Una will tumkl. of imierinl potentate late yesterday, and f.Ir. Oosland were presented This leaves the wets in a better frame of mind than might be suppos- First attention will be given to larger cities on the -list, end on this ba si3 Seattle. Wash.

Madison. lost or destroyed while it was in the custody of the national guard of tlint state was passed today by the senate. with a h'iae frnl ofi'rrine by Mahi 0 1 "I liuiuil in impatient anticipation. It's a season that is highly indorsed by epicu 1 ed. Had the bills come into the sen Temple.

Miami. Kin. CKICET01H ilJtPtiriED rITMAXIC of Mineral Point, said he issued a peace warrant to Wright's sculptress wife in the sum of $500 for service on Wright or his representatives at Taliesen to prevent them from molesting her in her effort to again establish her residence in Wright's home. After Wright had dismissed his divorce suit his wife announced she intended returning to his home because she was "penniless." Wright indicated at that time that she would not be welcome if she came there. reans, umcagoan.

jsostonese. and even in Georgia's anti- watermelnn entin? mnvoment vnnM and Syracuse and lonkers, N. 1., probably will be among the cities in which work will be started shortly. Others include St. Louis, Des Moines.

Akron, Utica. rrescott, and Newark and East Orange, N. J. It is planned to nut under contract have snort life. pire State 01 me noiun ana ru by extending an invitation to the members of the junior chamber to attend a service in the First Methodist church Sunday morning at which time he will speak on "Stay South, i'ouug Manl Stay South!" Plans are being perfected to send a large representation to the national convention of the junior chambers, which is to be held in Jacksonville, June 23 through 24.

17 MEN ARRESTED IN LYNCHING PROBE ORDERED RELEASED All Riirfi 99 Tit Cot if Oar Ar Prepared for Pttsont ii 4 Montht or leal OUR Titt EEKON8THATIOK tXTLAWi HOW IT IS DOSE CRICHTOVS BUSINESS COLLEGE, Whitebait and Trinity In announcing that it would reserve decision until later, the court stated that the supersedeas order issued recently restraining the city of Chattanooga from further attempts to open these streets, remains in force. Attorney General Napier contended before the court that the property owned by the state of Georgia and leased to the Nashville. Chattanooga and St. Louis railroad is now being devoted to public use. He stated further that property devoted to one public use cannot be diverted to another and inconsistent public use without passage of enabling legislation by the general assembly of the state.

He also contended that the city of Chattanooga should not attempt to open this street without arranging to protect the interests of the state of Georgia at the end of the present lease which has 44 more years to run. Chattanooga's case was presented by the city attorney who contended that the city had the right under condemnation proceedings to proceed with opening of the two streets across the state property, making arrangements to pay whatever damages may be fixed by proper authorities. GREAT BRITAIN FEARS SITUATION IN EGYPT Last year Georgia supplied one-third of the watermelons consumed in this country, according to -government statistics. July is the real watermelon month, but south Georgia and Florida usually begin shipping in June. Georgia this year used 54,000 acres' for watermelon production, an increase of 25 per cent over last yeir.

Last season a big crop of fine quality combined with a fair price, netted large financial, returns and melon growers this year hope for another good season. Last Services Held For Girl Who Died On Eve of Graduation all of the 60 uncompleted structures within three years. While funds were appropriated for them some time ago, rising prices of mnterinls made it impossible to complete them with the funds available. "With work started on this program, it is the plan of Secretary Mellon and Post master General New to cond-ict a nation-wide survey to determine the needs of other cities for which was authorized in the recent bill. It i the hope of Supervising Architect Whetmore of the treasury, who will supervise the survey, to complete it by fall, so that the first installment of the money needed may be r-Topriated at the next session of congress and work started next spring.

The citiea in which it is planned to bcirin work immediately probably will be determined this week and the request for an appropriation submitted to congress without delay. ate for a vote they would have been niiserably beaten and would have showed, how few votes the wets actually have at this time. But the dry strategy has served to conceal this situation. Instead of exposing the wets to a defeat on a show-down, it enables them to go to the country and. report that the drys refused to allow the modificationist measures to come to a vote in the senate.

Blocking of the national referendum also is more acceptable to the wets than they admit publicly. Nobody knows better than astute politicians like Bruce and Edge that a prohibition referendum at this time would show a predominant number of states dry. Wets would not expect to carry more than a dozen at the most. But now, denied a national referendum by the drys, the wets can concentrate on the New York state referendum in November. And if they win that their cause will be immeasurably advanced.

The biggest puzzle of this whole liquor fight is the unwillingness of the drys to welcome a show-down now while they still are in control. Their Maifct PWM num i mini fix Summer Dresses Fort Mjf rs, June 3. C43) The 17 men arrested in connection with the lynching at Lahelle on May 11 of Henry Patterson, negro, were ordered released from jail today by Judge George W. Whitehurst, of the circuit court, after a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus. Nine of them mist furnihh bonds in the amount of each to appear before the Lee county grand jury in November.

The others were released without bail. And Every Dress an ASTOUNDING VALUE Cool Summer NOTED GEM THIEF HELD IN NEW YORK TWO FOR Last services for Miss Mildred Cope-land, popular' senior of High school, who died Tuesday on the eve of her graduation, were held Thursday, and interment was in Sandy; Springs cemetery. Services were conducted from the home. 53 Sontherland drive, by the Kev. Marvin Williams.

Miss Copeland was born in Denver, and came to Atlanta 13 year ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Copeland. She died at a private hospital, following a brief illness. Harry G.

Toole had charge of funeral arrangements. Lovers of Apple Go to Cornelia For Ceremonies London. June 3. According to the Daily Mail's political authority, it is very likely that Great Britain will parade her military strength in Egypt as a result of the threat of a possibly serious situation in that country. Meanwhile, it is asserted.

England is directing warships of the Mediterranean fleet to take up positions off Port Said, with a view to safeguarding her position. Street Frocks Regular $7.95 value dresses of genuine English Broadcloth, Pure Linen, Striped Silk Shirting, French Crepes and Rayons in the new stripes and prints. Also newest Cool Summer Voiles New York, June 3. 04s) Charged with bavin? stolen several hundred thousand dollars worth of jewelry from Fifth avenue jewelers during the past twelve years. Mrs.

Mildred Dervoe, 28 years old, was arrested today. At the time she had $30,000 worth of jewelry in her bag. some of it identified as having been stolen from jewelers four years ago. 5 repressive tactics encourage the wets to martyrdom, fan discontent and give the wets what they most want time in which to argue the question before the country. Wets would lament a defeat would end their hopes.

ail colors. in Prominent citizens, including a delegation from the chamber of connneree and representatives of other organizations, ill go to Cornelia Friday to the unveiling of a great concrete apple which was made to promote public interest in the apple industry of north Georgia. Preston S. Arkwright, president of the Georgia Railway and .00 Power company, will deliver the prin-1 $3.95 DRESSES You'll be amazed at the quality of these dresses at this price. They are of Gingham, Voile, Serge and Flannel.

An almost unlimited Selection of Colors. All Sizes. cipal address at the unveiling ceremonies. The big red apple, eight feet high and seven feet wide, has been mounted on a concrete platform near the station of the Southern railway at Cornelia and is in full view of pnssen-gers who pass through Cornelia on trains. J.

Frank Beck, of Atlanta, owner of several apple orchards in Haber $12.50 and $15 Dresses (Pi'00 sham county, will preside at the exercises. Mr. Beck, in association with Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern railway, and other citizens of North Georgia, led the movement to build a monument to the apple industry in Cornelia. Will E. Fort, mayor of Cornelia, will deliver the address of welcome.

Judge J. F. Gray will welcome the Georgettes Flat Crepes Printed Crepes Canton Crepes Coin Dots Wash Silks Trimming of every description. Hand embroidery, cross stitching, ruffles, lace jabots, pleats, shirring, balloon sleeves, etc. Flared kirts and cape effects.

In fact, an unlimited range of styles. Sizes 16 to 48. visitors to Cornelia on behalf of the Cornelia Kiwanis club. The monument will be unveiled by Miss Sallie Lou Hill. Suits With the Finest of Tailoring AT Peachtree St.

Store Remarkable Cool Suit Values AT Decatur St. Store DR. STEVENSON WILL QUIT CITY FOR EVANGELISM 1 The Rev. Frederick D. Stevenson, pastor of Peachtree Koad Presbyterian church, is expected to announce Sunday his plans to resign as pastor at the next meeting of the Atlanta Presbytery to be held June 118 and to devote his activities hereafter as a Bible 6 Whitehall Street Next to Woolworth's teacher and evangelist in association mi-Mi i i mnnrmiHW I 1 Hand-Tailored Palm Beaches $12.75 Genuine Palm Beaches $10.75 "Summerwemht" Oxfords with IK Nelson, evangelistic singer of Chicago.

In his new venture the pastor will have support of the members of his congregation, several of the church officers having agreed to underwrite the future work of the pastor in the evangelical field. Peachtree Road Presbyterian chnrch was founded by the Kev. Stevenson. It has grown from a Sunday school of 35 members to a church and Sunday school with more than 300 members. A new church building has been erected near Buckhead.

A manse and lioy Scout hut also have been erected during the pastorate of Dr. Stevenson. Arrangements have been made to handle a large crowd at the church Sunday when Dr. Stevenson will announce his future plans. W.

Douk, ,44 Shoes for Men iV ft vv -V IW at (DC jfZT pu-tnir The photographic reproduction gives an excellent idea of the smart lines and up-to-date style of this new tan Kidskin "Summer-height" model. That shoes of such smart style, fine workmanship and high quality leathers can be purchased at such reasonable prices is due to savings made possible by manufacturing in large quantities and selling direct-to-wcarer through 110 Douglas-owned stores. Pure Irish Linens $13.50 Linen Suits $8.50 and $11.50 PONZI IS READY TO ANSWER CHARGE There's Nothing at Equal Prices to Touch UN MASSACHUSETTS WLDOTJGIAS Jacksonville, Jane 3. OP) Through his counl. Charles Ponzi, Massachusetts coupon and 11)25-2i Florida real estate "wi2ard," probably will ask.

court attaches here Kibler Loir Fine Silk Mohairs $16.50 aver, that the governor of Massachu-j High-Grade Mohairs $12.50 SHOES et the rr tniclt in 1ti setts issue extradition papers upon the governor of Florida looking toward his return to the Bay State. Ponzi, facing a prison scntem-e in Florida for his alleged fraudulent real estate "declaration of trust p- Boys- shoes at $3.50 $4.00 Good yet sronjy they keep their shape and give long service because thev're made with the same care mnd attcotiOQ to details W. L. Docgbs Men's Shoes. eratwns, has been given nntil 11 PEACHTREE STREET Atl.lMA 51 OH I Open Saturday Evenings Finest Tropical Worsteds $22.50 Wool Tropical Worsteds $15 to appear centre tne superior criminal court in Boston for sentence of seven to nine years as a result of his postal savings sales.

An appeal from this sentence wa3 recently denied by the Massachusetts supreme court. Ponzi will not fight the extradition to Boston, he told Cuif Duval, Co'in-ty Deputy Sheriff E. D. Vinsanr. and Assistant County Solicitor H.

M. Scarborough today. He said he wanted to return that be could appeal the --e to the United States supreme court. Summer-Suit Values Comparison proves that we're stating facts not just making claims! Kibler Long Summer Suits are in the finest of cool, porous weaves. They are correctly cut and skilfully tailored and skeletonized to assure the wearer coolness with smart appearance.

No matter what sort of cool suit you have in mind ve have it! And, as usual, at Lowest-in-theCity Prices! Triple Weaves $27.50 TO ATT AM $2j000m Issue Of Gold Notes Asked By Power Concern The Columbus Electric and Power company Thursday filed a petition with the state public service eomtUiS-sin asking permission to issue worth, of face value, three-year, 5 rr cent gold coupon notes. Zr-u Lorraine Seersuckers $8.50 Palm Beach Pants $4 SVB-ijRDAY, JUNE 12 i -j The money is to be esed in financing -13 N. C. St ST. L.

hit end gret Lorraine Seersuckers $8.50 a 3 URN i nia the Suti Georgia Powtr company, a subsidiary company of the Columbia and Tower company. Tin irw cey is sought to purchase land tor erert IT: transmission line and for utK DIVIDEND INCREASED BY REYNOLDS TOBACCO Two Stores 5 DECATUR at 5 Points 70 PEACHTREE at Poplar Leave Chattanooga Union Station, 11:30 p. June 13 Leaping: Cars and Coaches on the 8:30 Train going. Sleeping Cars and Coaches returning. m.

m. m. 2-30 p. 5:00 p. 3:30 p.

ftrmd Si, MAIER 31 Whitehall Winrton-Saiem, X. CL. June 3. The It. J.

Kynold Tobacco compaay director today anrhoriied an in ita narrerlv dividend from 11 per share to 1.25, Pkoa WA 2726, fi Stati. PhoM WA..

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