The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia • 20
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- The Atlanta Constitutioni
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- Atlanta, Georgia
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PACE TWENTY tis sounrs standard newspaper TI3 CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. CA TUESDAY, SSFTEtSZSX S. If 31. Tie Reds Yanks Push Bedt-afid Lead to 14 12 Qames; Cards ONE OF.
THREE SPILLS WHICH THRILLED, FANS AT, LAKEWOOD GLiNTS CAPTURE DOUBLE-HEADER Yarosz 8-5 Favorite To Whip Ben Brown With Dempsey As Third Man. Smart Money Goes Down On Pittsburgh Ace. By HI AO BOLT. As the Ben Brown-Ted Yarosz match draws near it is set for the ball park; Monday night there occurred the thought that this might be the time to discuss the gambling element in our town and the rather important part it can play in the outcome of Atlanta's biggest ring FROM PHTLL Bucs Take. Two From 'J tt Cubs; Bees and Dodgers Split.
NEW YORK. Sept. 4 3 The SPUD CHANDLER WINS 1ST GAME FOR Y0RK Harris, Brown Rookie, Limits Tigers to Five Safe Blows. PHILADELPHIA, Sept The champion New York Yankees won both of a double-header from the Philadelphia Athletics today, copping the second game 2-0 after coming from behind to win the first, 7-6. A five-run outburst in the eighth inning gave the Yankees the first game.
Spud Chandler, who relieved Donald, reecived for the win, although himself relieved by Murphy. YANKS 7-Jj a. o. attraction in modern history. The boys "who wager their mon New York Giants won both ends of a holiday double bill fcom the CRACKERS Phillies here today, nosing out a win in the second game, 7-6, after whitewashing their opponents, 10- Continued From First Sports Page.
0 in the Iirst game. ey for a living constitute, as we see it, no particular eviL After all, none of the greenbacks leave our city. The money just passes around among the gamboleers. Thus far, no one has heard of any of them getting rich. Likewise, there, are no reports of even one entering the poorhouse.
It is their life, their business, and the policy of outsiders always has been to (FIRST GAME PTJTHIA ab.h.po.a lN. YORK ab.h.po.a. Martin Jf 3 0 1 1 Whitehd Jb 4 2 3 4 that means everything for both teams. Nashville couldn't stand two defeats and neither could the D.HafeyJf 21 OMooreJf 411 Martyxf 41 0 Demaree jf 1 5 0 Hughes 4 3 8 2 Seedsxf 3 110 Brack.rt 3 0 1 0 Dannince -4 3 4 1 3 13 0 OTJea.c till MavJb 4 11 5 311 0 Crackers and a split would not be very satisfactory. The Crackers are playing fine Schareina 4 3 i i a ball again and the series in At- lay off so long as the betting fraternity remained in the background the bleachers at the ball games, or in their own group at all anta should be a rip snorter.
i Millles.c 4 13 4 1 0 1 Higbe. 3 I Schumchrj) 2 0 0 1 xMueUer 13 3 Brown.p 2 2 0 1 ab.h po.a. 4 a i 4111 sporting events. FIRST GAME Totals 34 34 131 Total 38 1427 14 xBatted for His be in 8th. 114 0 riRST GAMLI W.YORK ab.h.po.a.tpHIL.
rroaetti.s ill liMoses.rf RolfOb 5 Keller 9 11 0' Johnson Jf 4 4 OHayes.e Oirkey.c 4 0 7 1 Selkirk.lf 0 ONafeUb Gordon 2b 13 1 3Ambler.2b 4 0 112 1 On the last Brown-Taross tight, which was won on a Phidadelphia 000 000 00 0 New York 014 202 lOx 10 The Crackers tossed a five-spot 4 2 1 3 1111 questionable decision by Brown, Runs. Whitehead 3, Moor 2. Demaree, Seeds, Danning 2. T. Hafey.
Brown; er at Polli in the first inning and Bass came to the rescue. Mailho led off 0 0 3 0 110 0 rors. May 2. wnlteneaa. surges; runs batted in.
Danning 8. McCarthy. Seeds 3. Moore: two-has hits. Danning.
Mc 3 1 unspmsn.ri i 1 0 0 4 113 aHanrtc with a single. Rucker and Rubeling walked, loading the bases, and Duke tripled to right center, scor 0 0 0 Carthy; home run. Danning; stolen bases. 4 0 10 0 0 0 0 xxRuffin 0 0 0 OPotter.p 0 0 10 KxxPowall 0 0 0 ODean.p Constitution Staff Photo Bill Wilson. to assist Enzor.
A. R. Grogan and Hollis Simmons also had the misfortune of wrecking their cars. A great crowd saw the holiday card. Murnhy.o 0 00 thousands of dollars were risked.
And when the verdict was announced, the gamboleers led the revolt, screaming; bloody murder. The ring-was a mad circle of wildly gesticulating officials, many of whom know no more about boxing than they do about the present whereabouts of Herr Hitler. ing everybody. Burge single scored Duke. Richards singled and ThU '37 Ford two-door shown turned over was piloted by Buddy Enzor, who, luckQy, escaped without serious injury from the mishap.
The men shown have rushed out Totals 30 37 71 Totals 34 10 27 12 Hughes, Whitehead: aouDi piay, urown to O'Dea to McCarthy; left of bases. New York 3. Philadelphia 9: bases on balls, off Schumacher 1. off Higbe 4. off Brown struck out, by Schumacher 3.
by Higbe 2. by Brown hits, off Schumacher 2 In 8 1-3 innings, off Brown 3 in 3 2-3; hit by pitcher, by Higbe (Whitehead) win-nine- nitrher. Schumacher. Umpires, Batted for Donald In seventh, xx Batted for Chandler In eighth. xxx Ran for Ruffing in eighth.
nmA 4r AmhlM 111 ninth. Smoll got on on Letchas' error, which allowed Burge to score. Bass pitched to Smoll and finally got the side out. National League Ttt Vorb 100 000 ISO 7 Stewart. CampbeU and Megerkurth.
Time of cam. 1:53 Attendance estimated Smoll turned the Lookouts back Philadelphia 200 301 0008 Runs. Croaettl J. Selkirk. Cordon, 3.
It was a nasty situation. There PIRATES 2-8; CUBS 1-3. (FIRST GAME.) one-two-three for the first three 12,000. (SECOND GAME. mm ihhnai.lN.
YORK ab.h TJO.a Dahlgren. Powell. Moses, Newsom. John-n Naeel. Chanman.
Lodieiant; errors could have a riot. There had been reported attempts to PTTTSB. ab.h no.a. 'CHICAGO ab.h DO innings. Richards, who got three American League SENATORS 7-4; RED SOX (FIRST GAME.) WASH.
ab.hpo.a! BOSTON ab.h.po.a. Case.rf 4 0 0 0i Cramer 4 0 1 3 0 HVosmik.U 4 1 0 3 11 0 Foxx. lb 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 01 Williams. rf 3 3 3 0 4 13 10 Cronin. 3 13 1 P.Waner.rf 5 3 1 0iHack.3b 4 113 for three in the Sunday game, got Martin If 3 11 0iWhhead.2b 4 2 3 6 3 13 Herman, 2b 4 0 3 4 13 0 4 3 4 Keller, Lodiglanl.
Newsom. Ambler; runs batted In. Dickey. Crosettl 3. Rolfe.
Hayes, Stebert. Nagel. Lodiglanl 2. Johnson: two-base hit. Keller; three-bane hit, Croaettl; influence Referee Tommy McCarthy to sell out The only thing Tom McCarthy will sell and the his fifth straight hit, a double, the third, and was left stranded.
Hughes.2b 4 13 2 a Martv.rf 4 12 0 Demaree.rf 4 12 0 Iimh runa. Naffel. Lorltaianl: stolen Base, Brack rf 2 0 5 2 10 4 18 OiDanning.c 3 14 0 The Lookouts got their first hit rhmmin: aarriflcee. Hayes. Slebert.
New only thing he feels he has a legal Hizzojf 3 13 0 4 0 3 0 Fletcher 4 0 13 0i NchUon.rf 4 110 Handley.3b 4 0 0 Hartnett.c 4130 Young.2b 4 13 4 4 3 12 0 Susce.c 4 3 3 4 0 3 Butcher 3 3 0 4 Dean.p 3 0 0 1 Mav.3b 5 12 2 5 2 14 1 som. Ambler: double play, Moses to right to sell, are electric razors. 13 2 3 11 3 3 4 18 3 10 3 3 114 3 0 3 3 Perrell.c 4 1 3 0 Peacock.c 10 3 0 Haynes.e 3 1 0 2 Wade.p 0 0 0 0 Crrsquel.p Dickman.p 10 0 0 4 0 0 3 xMueller 1 0 0 0 Hafey And so, when he gave the decision. Roy Hall Is Winner Of 100-Mile Feature Jap Brogdon Finishes 2d Before 16,000 at Lakewood; Singleton Leads for 76 Miles. Roy Hall, a reckless and plucky youngster who never pulled into the pits and not once asked for relief, yesterday thrilled 16,000 fans by driving his 1937 Ford coupe home first in the 100-mile stock car race at Lakewood.
Hall's time for the 100 miles was 96 minutes, 22 seconds. For his well-earned victory, the youngster won $350 of the $1,000 prize money which went to the first ten drivers. 10 0 with one away in the fourth. It was a drive by Letchas which Mailho and Rucker couldn't get and dropped for a double. But there was no score.
Benjamin Chapman to Nagel, to Slebert; left on bases. New York 10. Philadelphia 10; base on balls, off Donald 0. off Ross off Dean struck out. by Donald 4.
by Chandler 1. bv Murnhv 1. by Ross 2: Totals 3410 2717! Total 3S S27 1S which he felt was right and just, regardless of the great wave of 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 3 18 USalvo.p 4 10 OizRippla 0 0 0 O.Lynn.p Young, is Davis.e Beck.p Pittsburgh 100 000 0012 I 1 0 1,1 'J 10 0 1 zmnnicamp 1 1 Auker.p 110 3 zzFinney 10 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago 000 001 0001 opposition when greeted his ac 10 0 0 zzoti walked and was forced by Hooks. Barna flied to Rucker. 0 0 0 0 tion, some of the betting boys let Coffman.o hits, off Donald 7 la innings, off Chandler 2 in 1 inning, off Murphy 1 In 2 innings, off Ross i In 7 2-3 Innings, off Potter 1 In no Inning pitched to 1 batter), off Dean 1 in 1 1-3 innings; wild Totals 35 0 27 21! Totals 29 9 37 8 0 0 0 Brown.p him have it with both lungs.
Runs, P. Waner. Butcher, Galan; errors, Rizzo. G. Russell; runs batted in, P.
Waner; two-base hits, P. Waner, Butcher; sacrifice. Butcher; double plays. Butcher to Vaughan to Young. Bartell to Herman to G.
Russell. Herman to Bartell to G. Totals 36 13 27 13 Total 310y24 7 In the first place, a check of nltrh. Donald: winning Pitcher. Chan tRaltnl for 'Srhareln in Sth.
tlev: lonlna Ditcher. Potter. ITmplrea. Russell: left on bases. Pittsburgh 10.
Chi past fights discloses that few of the gamboleers buy ringside seats. Plpgras. Basil end Summers. Tim of yNone out when winning run scored. zBatted for Salvo in 6th.
7.7RattMi for Lvnn In 8th. cago bases on balls, off Dean 3: struck out. by Butcher 3. Dean 2: hit by pitcher. Yet, they are always there, clut Philadelphia 010 050 0008 game, 3:34.
SECOND OAME.) YORK ah oo.a.lP'PHIA ah.h.PO.a oy uun ivaugnani. umpires, Moran, Sears and Barr. Time of game, Attendance. 30,000 (estimated). tering up the place, yelling phrases which they hope will influence the Batted for Dickman in fifth.
it Batted for Auker in ninth. Washington 120 031 0007 Boston 110 013 1006 Runs, Case. Lewis, WelaJ, Estalella, Bloodworth. Vernon 3, Foxx 2. Williams, Cronin, Peacock; errors.
Cronin, Tabor; runs batted in. Gelbert 3, Case, Welaj, Ferrell. Haynes, Cramer, Vosmik. Foxx, Williams, Tabor, Peacock; two-base hits, Welaj. Vernon.
Williams 2, Foxx; three-base hit, Gelbert; home run, Foxx; stolen base. Welaj: sacrifices, Welaj. Cramer, Cronin, Carey, Peacock; double Slays, Gelbert to Bloodworth to Vernon left on bases, Washington 0, Boston Jap Brogdon, of Chamblee, fin-1 a. New York 001 300 0217 Runs. Martin.
Hughe. Marty, Brack 2, Beck. Whitehead 2. Moore 2. Demaree.
rroaettl.aa 3 11 1 Moaes.rf 3 0 10 decision of the referee and judges. rouce Hamir nan Is Demon at Wheel Newsom. i i Rolfe.3b 3 (SECOND GAME.) Seeds, Jurges; errors, Scharein. Hafey, Brack. Jurges.
Young; runs batted In, ribbing the fighters and their sec DJohnsonlf 4 14 0 BRGH ab.h po.a.lCHlCAGO ab.h.po.a. Mav McCarthy. Demaree. Seeds 2. Mar 0 Rrucker.c 3 0 5 1 onds.
L.tvaner,cx 333 01 nacx.jD 1 a tin 2. Brack 2. Suhr. Moore 2. Jurges: ished second, some 25 seconds back of tie demon-like Hall.
Then in order came Bob Flock, Ben Tatum, Buddy Johnson, J. L. Simpson, W. H. Brown, Bob Reid, 3 0 0 2 P.Wanr.rf 5 4 0 0jHerman.2b 4 3 9 two-base hits.
Brack. Moore: three-bate 3 zHaves 10 0 0 Keller.rf 4 4 Selkirk.lf 3 Gordon. 2b 3 Rosar.c 4 4 Russo.p 4 hit. Brack: home run. Martin: sacrifice, 4 14 3 Galan.lf 4 2 2 Rizzo.lf 4 0 3 Gleesonxf 4 0 0 0iNagel.2b 3 0 1 3 13 3 1 13 4 11 Hndley.3b 4 0 0 0 3 18 LodignUb Nelson.p 3 0 1 3 0 3 Hughes; double plays.
Hughes to tcna-rein, Jurges to Whitehead 4o McCarthy: left on bases. New York 12. Philadelphia 11; bases on balls, off Lohrman 2. Beck S. Salvo 2.
Lvnn 1. Coffman 1. Higbe 1: CRACKERS GET 2 MORE. The Crackers scored two more in the sixth after one was out Smoll beat out a hit and Mailho doubled. Smoll scored on a wild pitch and Mailho moved to third.
Rucker grounded out and Mailho scored. Dick Bass got the Lookouts' second hit in the sixth, lie singled. The blow was followed by Olsen's double. Bass stopped at third. Peters made a magnificent play back of second to retire Letchas as Bass scored.
Benjamin walked. Then Hooks fouled out to Burge and Smoll fanned Barna. The Crackers scored their eighth run in the eighth on doubles by Richards and Rucker. Burge doubled in the ninth and died on base. It was the Crackers' sixth double.
They also had a triple in their collection of 13 hits. Smoll allowed only four hits while the Crackers were getting fat off Polli and Bass and Pritchett L. C. Warren, who Is promoting; this next show, reveals that no one will be allowed in the ringside, or on the playing field back of the ringside at the next show, unless his ticket stub calls for him to be there. TzTlpton 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bob Baker and Speedy Goff, the Birmingham racer who won the feature event last July 4.
Young.2b 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 Mueller 10 3 ljMancuso.e 4 0 6 xKlein 110 Page.p 3 10 Susce.c 1 1 1. 0j Whttehill.p 0 0 0 Plppen.p bases on balls, off Haynes 4, Wade 3, Dickman 1, Auker struck out, by Haynes 1, Dickman 1: hits, off Haynes 8 In 6 1-3 inninga, Carrasquel 1 in 3 2-3, Wade 4 in 1 1-3. Dickman 3 in 3 2-3, Auker 3 in wild pitch. Wade; passed ball. Peacock; winning pitcher, Haynes; losing pitcher.
Wade. (SECOND GAME.) WASHTN ab.h.po.a. 'BOSTON ab.h.po.a. Case.rf 3 3 4 3 0 3 0 Lewis.3b 4 3 0 liVosmik.lf 4 0 3 0 Totals 31 7 37 71 Totals 30 inn Kllnger.p 4 0 1 3izfteynolds 10 0 struck out, by Beck 6. Lohrman 1, Salvo 1, Lynn 2: hits, off Lohrman 7 in 4 Innings (none out In 5th Salvo 2 In 2.
Lynn 0 in 2. Coffman I in 1-3. Brown 0 in 2-3. Beck 9 in 8. Higbe 3 in hit bv oitcher.
by Beck (Demaree). by Lynn Red Singleton, who won quali iBatted for Slebert In 0th. fnr Nslaon In gth. fying honors and pole position be Totals 36 13 27 13! Totals 33 8 27 14 xBatted for Mueller in 7th. zBatted for Whitehall in Sth.
fore 4,000 people Sunday by driv There is a tremendous interest in the fight next Monday night arid thousands of dollars are being and will be wagered. Brown rul New York 001 000 0102 Philadelphia 000 000 0000 Runs. Rolfe. Russo: error. Gordon: runs batted in.
Rolfe, DIMagglo: two-base kit. flordon. Rolfe. Keller; ing the five miles in four minutes Pittsburgh 000 100 10 9 (Davis); wild pitch. Lohrman; winning pitcher.
Brown: losing pitcher. Higbe. Umpires, Campbell. Magerkurth and Stewart. Tim of game, 3:37.
Attend Chicago 000 020 0103 and 22 seconds, failed to finish in Runs, L. Waner. P. Waner 2. Vaugh ed a bare 11-10 choice in the first 4 13 0 Foxx.
lb 4 10 3 Estallela.M 1 3 0 Wllliams.rf 3 0 3 0 4 3 1 4 1113 Bldwrth.2b 4 13 1 Tabor.3b 4 3 13 3 9 0 Carey 3 0 8 3 yesterday's spectacular event, but ance, 13,039. an. Young. Fretcher. Hack.
Herman errors. Hack. G. Russell, Bartell: runs batted in. Fletcher 4.
Klein. Herman 2. contest. Right now, Yarosz is an 8-5 favorite. Whether this is due to the presence of Jack Dempsey BROOKLYN, Sept.
4. (V- he was one of the day outstanding performers while he was in there. G. Rusell; two-base hits. P.
Waner. Galan The Brooklyn Dodgers and the Gtullanl.e 3 15 1'ZzFinney 10 0 Appleton.p 3 0 0 0 Desautels.e 3 0 4 IzzzPeacock 10 0 (Lefobvre.p 10 1 2, Nicholson: home runs, Fletcher, Herman; sacrifice, Mueller: double plays. "He's a genius at the wheel," agree Atlanta police when speaking of Roy Hall, the young daredevil who won yesterday's race at Lakewood. For two years Hall gave chase to Atlanta police, being charged with running liquor, but proved a veritable will o' wisp, always outspeeding the law. Finally, about a month ago, an army of Fulton, DeKalb county and Atlanta police succeeded In capturing the young demon of the highways.
Roy then vowed he'd mend his ways. At the present, Hall Is out on a $500 federal bond for running liquor; was released on a $300 bond by DeKalb county for speeding and reckless driving and Is out on three $500 bonds charged by Fulton county with running liquor, speeding and violating the state motor vehicle law. His driving license is reported suspended. BOWLING SEASON i 0 0 0 The sorrel-topped Atlantan led as referee, or whether the smart boys are sure than Yarosz is the Boston Bees plit a holiday double-header today, the Bees taking the Herman to G. Russell.
Bartell to Herman to G. Russell; left on bases, Pittsburgh IGalehuse.p 0 at the 25-mile mark the 50-mile zNonenkmp 10 0 0 superior fighter and will win this nightcap. 5-2, after being nosed 8, Chicago bases on balls, off Kiinger SECOND GAME stolen baes, Moses, Gordon; sacrtlice, Crosettl: left on bases. New York T. Philadelphia bases on balls, off Russo 2.
off Nelson struck out. by Russo 3, by Nelson 3. by Pippen 1: hits, off Nelson 7 In 0 Innings, off Pippen 0 in 1: losing pitcher. Nelson. Umpires.
Basil. Summers and Plpgras. Time of game. 1:43. Attendance 34.126.
ROOKIE IIOLDS TIGERS. DETROIT, Sept. 4. (IP) The Detroit Tigers and the St Louis Browns battled to a 5-to-5 deadlock in the second contest of their double-header today with play 3. off Pace 2: struck out by Kiinger one, regardless of who referees, mark and the 75.
The daring Hall overtook Red at the 77th mile and held the lead the rest of the way. out in the opener, 5-4. (FIRST GAME.) 4. by Whitehill 2: hits Pace 12 in is all a matter of conjecture, 8 1-3. off Whiitehill 0 In 2-3: wild pitch.
BOSTON ab.h.po.a. IBKLYN. ab.h.po.a Page: losing pitcher. Page, umpires. Sears.
Barr and Moran. Time of game. Singleton's car became overheated Sistl.zb 8 1 Garms.lf 1 and he was forced to pull his ma 3:03. Attendance 32.974 official. 1 9 9 1 1iWalkr.c 4 0 2 THE BOX SCORES 4 1 1 wagner i Totals 3413 27 7 Totals 28 4 27 13 zBatted for Galehouse in 7th.
tzBstted for Carey In 9th. zzzBatted for Desautels in 9th. Washington 000 300 3008 Boston 011 000 1014 Runs. Cast 3, Lewis 3, Estalella. Giuliani.
Williams, Cronin 2. Lefebvre; errors, Williams. Tabor; runs batted in. Welaj 3. Estalella 3.
Lewis. Gelbert. Foxx, Cronin, Tabor, Finney; two-base hits. Lewis, Tabor: three-base hit. Tabor; chine in at the 88th mile.
1 0 3 1 10 1 REDS 0-6: CARDS 4-8. (FIRST GAME.) Following the race, officials im (FIRST GAME.) 3 Parks.rf 4 10 1 2 Koy.lf 4 3 0 4 I Todd.e 3 0 7 4 8 4 2 3 West.rf 4 4 MaJeskUb 3 Lopez 4 4 Turner.p 4 ATLANTA ab. r. h. po.
iwanno, rr 3 CTNCIN. ab.h.po.a.lST. LOUIS ab.h.po.a. 4 0 1 3 114 Joost.2b 4 12 S.Martin.2b 4 3 4 3 4 1 TxxHudson 0 0 0 0 Rucker, cf Rubeling, 2b pounded the 10 automobiles and placed them under rigid inspection, after which Roy Davis, chairman of the committee for inspection, announced that all machines were strictly stock cars and Dukt, ir called at the end of the eighth because of darkness. The teams will play off the contest tomorrow.
St. Louis took the opener of the twin bill. 3 to 2, as Bob Harris, rookie right-hander, limited the Bengals to five hits. Goodmn.rf 4 11 0 Slaughter 4 13 0 4 2 9 MedwickJf 4 110 Simmons.lf 3 12 3 1 12 0 Lombardi.c 4 16 4 0 2 0 Peters, ss pressneu.p Htchnson.p 0 0 0 0 ic Moore 110 0 Hamlin.p 3 0 0 0 xxxHlgwth 0 0 0 0 home runs, Estalella, Corinin; stolen base. Case; sacrifices, Welaj.
Giuliani, Appleton; double plays. Vernon (unassist 1 2 2 12 0 3 0 urge, lb Poindexter didn't have even the proverbial prayer and the Lookouts chased him in the first inning. Miller carried on. Olsen walked and moved up as Letchas grounded out Benjamin doubled, scoring Olsen. Hooks singled, scoring Benjamin.
Miller replaced Poindexter. Barna hit a center field sign, and the resultant triple scored Hooks. Peters kicked Curtis' grounder and Barna scored. Hitchcock singled to center. Mc-Adams was a life saver, hitting into a double play.
Al Williams had the crackers well in hand. He marched on past the fifth inning having allowed only two hits. The Crackers hadn't threatened. Onnie Robinson, who took over Mauldin, 3b Richards, Bloodworth to Gelbert to Carey to Foxx. Cronin to Carey to Foxx Smoil, Totals 37 112513 Totals 36 1127 11 fully entitled to their final standings in the race.
left on bases. Washington 10. Boston Totals bases on balls, off Appling 7. off Lefebvre 5. off Wasner 1: struck out.
by An- 13 27 h. po. Harry Glynn capably served as CHATTANOOGA a. 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 1 2 11 a. 3 4 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 OPENS TONIGHT 4 4 5 6 5 4 4 41 ab.
4 4 2 4 4 1 1 3 0 2 1 0 RED SOX LOSE TWO. BOSTON. Sept. 4. UP) Despite pleton 4.
by Wagner 2: hits, off Lefb- 1 2 Olsen. 3b chief scorer and Sig Haughdahl, vre In 0 3-3 Innings, off Galehouse 1 in 1-3. off Wagner 3 in losing pitch who won and beat Ralph De Pal- 4 0 1 uuttrage.oo 2 i a 3 0 2 4 3 3 0 Moore.p 0 0 0 0 McGee.p 2 0 0 2 Shoffner.p 2 0 0 xBongvani 1 0 0 0 Johnson.p 0 0 0 0 Totals 241li Totals 3210 27 13 Batted for Shoffner in eighth. Cincinnati 000 000 0000 St. Louis 400 000 00x 4 Runs, Brown, S.
Martin. Medwlck. Mize; error, Joost: runs batted in, Slaughter. Medwick. Mize home run, Mize; sacrifice.
McGee; double play. J. Brown to Martin tn Mize: left on bases. Cincin er, Lefebvre. Letchas.
2b Benjamin, cf Hooks, 1b Barna, If Curtis, rf The eleventh annual bowling ma at Ascot in 1925, was official starter. season will officially open at the downtown bowling alleys tonight BROWNS 3 3: TIGERS 2-5. (FIRST GAME. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 itehcock, ss smelli, ST. LOUIS ab.h.po.a.! DETROIT ab.h.po.a.
at 7:30 o'clock with four leagues Polli. Heffner.zo 2140 participating in the opening cere 3 1 1 1 Cull bine.lf 4 0 10 Bass, xBatted for Hutchinson in 5th. xxRan for Durocher in Sth. xxx Ran for Hamlin in 9th. Boston 020 000 1014 Brooklyn 000 030 0115 Runs.
Sistl, West, Rowell. Majeski. Koy 2. Durocher. Moore.
Hollingsworth; errors, Hassett 2. Durocher 3, Camilli, Warstler 2: runs batted in. Turner, Cos-carart. Lavagetto 3. West.
Kay, Sisti: two-base hits. Lopez 2. Koy. Lavagetto; home runs. West.
Koy. Sisti; stolen bases, Hughes, Whitehead; double plays. Todd to Camilli, Warstler to Hassett. Warstler to SisU to Hassett 2: left on bases, Boston 9. Brooklyn bases on balls, off Turner 2.
Pressnell 2. Hutchinson 1: struck out. by Turner 3. Pressnell 1, Hutchinson 0, Hamlin hits, off Pressnell in 3 1-3 Innings. Hutchinson 0 In 1 2-3.
Hamlin 6 in wild pitch Turner; winning pitcher, Hamiin; losing pitcher. Turner. BEES 4-5: DODGERS 8-2. SECOND GAME.) BOSTON ab.h.rjo.a.iBKLYN. ab.h.poa.
Loveless monies that will pave the way to M'Qu 4 010 1 1 Gehr 3 13 4 13 York.c 3 0 3 nati 7, St. Louis base on balls, off L. Moor 1, off McGee 2. off Shoffner Pritchett, Golf News Of Atlanta Gal gherjf 4 3 3 0 3 1 11 1 the resuming of organized compe- tition by more than 3,000 men and struck out, by McGee 3. oy onoiiner 3.
by Johnson 1: hits, off L. Moore 3 in 1- (nnlnv nff Shoffner 7 in 6 2-3. off Totals 31 1 4 37 11 2 Batted for Bass in eighth. women who will roll in league Grare.rf 3 10 Oi 4 11 Glenn.c 4 14 1 Fox.rf 4 0 1 3 13 4 3 0 3 Harns.p 4 0 0 2 zAvertll 10 0 ITrout.p 3 11 ATLANTA 600 002 0108 nnn in Inline Ditcher. L.
matches this season. Chattanooga 000 001 0001 Moore. Umpires. Stark. Baiiantani.
wins a homer by Manager Joe Cronin in the seventh inning, the Washington Senators defeated the Boston Red Sox. 6 to 4, today, to sweep a double-header. The Senators had won the first game, 7 to 6. A three-run triple by Shortstop Charlie Gelbert with two out in the fifth proved the deciding factor in the first game. Jimmy Foxx, chief cannoneer for the Sox, clouted his 35th home run in the first inning with two out and none on off Joe Haynes, starting Washington pitcher.
WIN LIPTON CUP. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 4. (P) Needing only a third place to keep the garish old Sir Thomas Lipton cup a second year, southern yacht club racers today confidently went and Klem. Time of game.
Runs batted In. Duk 3, Burgs, RucKsr Letchas; two-bats hits, Duk. Rich The Bible Class League of 12 teams. Ladies City League of eight (SECOND GAME. Totals 39 9 27 101 Totals 30 3 37 13 ards 2.
Letchas. Mailho. Olsen, Rucker, rtv nn a 1ST. LOUIS ab.h DO. zBatted for Croucher In ninth Burge; three-bat hit.
Duk; doubl play. teams, Gate City League of eight it, 3931 sail teams, and Amateur League oi GambleJf 4 10 0 S.Martin 4 1 if 1 nan siauehter.rf 4010 Olsen to Letchss to Hooks; left on bases, Atlanta 8, Chattanooga 9: bas on balls, off Polli 2. Smoll struck out, by Smell St. Louis 010 010 0103 Detroit 000 110 0003 Runs. Laabs, Gallagher.
Christman. Greenberg. Trout; errors. McQuinn, eight teams will be active on the 3 0 1 0 Cscarart.2b 4 3 13 the pitching when Miller was retired for a pinch-hitter, also had the Lookouts under control. Rene Cortes pitched the final inning and got the Lookouts out in order.
The Crackers opened up on Williams in the seventh. They scored three runs. Duke singled and Peters doubled off the left field fence, scoring Duke. Burge singled to right, sending Peters home. Mauldin singled to right and Burge stopped at third.
Richards lined to Benjamin and Burge scored after the catch. Williams batted for Cortes and Mauldin moved to second as Al Williams threw Dewey Williams out Barna made a fine running catch of Mailho's short fly 117 WINS DOGFITE. J. O. Rhyne.
L. E. Mock. E. M.
Malcolm and M. E. Fleersch composed the winning foursome in the dogfight tournament yesterday at East Lake. The winning acor was 117. In second place at IIS were W.
C. Thompson. Jack Sargent, Billy Street and Frank Reagin. George Sargent H. T.
Dobbs Cody Laird and A. V. B. Gilbert had 119. as did Dave Ison.
Ben Conyers. H. Ralls and S. M. Haw.
With 123 were Dick Heaton. H. P. Bond. W.
D. Owen. George Moon: and J. A. hits, off PoMt 4 in 2-3 inning for 5 (4 Croucher: runs batted tn.
Glenn. Green 1 a 3 2 7 1 3 2 6 0 3 2 4 OX. 4 14 1 5 2 2 0 G'tter'geb 4 13 1 earned) runs. Bass 8 in 7 1-3 for 3 (earn- Garms.lf 4 14 i a a 2 3 2 1 3 0 0 1 1 0'zAlmada 0 0 0 0 Rr UrTnalf. d) runs; wild pitch, Bsss; losing pitch.
two-base hits. Trout, Gallagher; three- er. Polli. Umpires, Hodge, Whit and W.Myers,ss a 1 uwen.c Kober. Tim of gam, 1:57.
base hit. Christman: home run. Green ber: double nlavs. Greenberg to Crouch west.rf 432 camiui. 10 a iw Lopez.c 4 2 3 liParks.rf 5 12 0 Warstler, 9 13 2 Koy.lf 4 0 10 Joostb 4 3S t-ooper.
Niggeling.p 3 0 0 HAndrews.p OOOO (SECOND GAME.) er to Greenberg. Croucher to Gehringer tn Greenberg. McQuinn to Christman to Shoffner.p ooo zu uivu McQuinn: left on Dases. lxnns 11. Detroit fl: bases on balls, off Harris S.
Sisti Jb 3 4 4 4Todd.e 4 9 Erckson.p 2 10 3 4 2 3 3 xOutlaw 110 0 Hlgswrth.p 3 0 0 3 Fmkhse.p 1 0 0 0 riMoore 10 0 0 McFyden.p 0 0 0 UTamulis.p 0 0 0 0 Johnson.p 0 0 0 Lanier. Lombard! 1 0 0 0 Bowman.p 0 0 0 0 Thompsn.p 0 0 0 OjzzKing 2 2 2 2 downtown drives as the starting whistle is blown. The uptown alleys will be the scene of a hot race in the initial match of the Peach-tree League. A total of 230 individual players will be represented in the team bowling as the season opens with this total soaring daily as other leagues open their schedules. In the opening of play on the downtown alleys, the Bible Class league will have Grace Methodist playing St.
Mark Methodist. Decatur Presbyterian matched off Trout struck out, by Harris 3, by Trout S. Mtcnson.o IzzzHudson 10 0 0 out and won the fourth and final race in the nineteenth Gulf Yachting Association's fish class championship series. Whatler. W.
C. Caye. 3. F. McElwee and W.
A. Rhodes. With 123 were T. B. Robertson.
J. C. Kyle. P. F.
O'Brien. W. F. Ison; and Houston White. W.
F. Connell, A. N. Patten and R. S.
Mather. Fifty golfers participated in the blind bogey meet. Wimberly Peters won with a 75. A. 3.
Vane. W. T. Banning. W.
T. Ison, Cliff Curry. W. F. Corinelt.
A. N. Patten. T. A.
Martin and J. C. Kyi had 76 s. Keith Conway. Arch Martin.
Dr. H. W. Ridley and B. M.
Graham had 74 a. to ena tne game. Ianoun.p Warneke.p 0 0 0 1 Totals 331127 10 xBatted for Johnson in ninth. zBatted for Andrews in 6th. zz Batted for Bowman in 8th.
CincinnaU JJ'-J St. Louis 000 200 310-8 raTiait lwcaii of darkness.) Totals 39 13 27 131 Totals 34112710 xBatted for Errickson in 8th. zRan for Walker in 9th. zzBatted for Hollingsworth In Sth. vTTRaftavf tn Hutrhinann in 9th.
Umstaedter Rallies (SECOND GAME STLOU1S sb.h po.a. DETROIT ab.h.po.a. Heffner.2b 3 15 3 3 13 0 Brrdino.Sb 3 0 3 2 Cllnbine.rf 3 0 3 0 4 1 11 0 Ghmgerjb 3 13 1 4 0 0 OYork.c 4 1 0 GUgher.lf 3 3 3 O'Gmberg lb 3 2 9 0 Grare.rf 3 1 0 0 Higgins.Sb 3 0 13 Harshany.e 3 0 3 3 Fox.rf 3 1 3 0 3 10 4 Crouchr JS 3 2 0 1 Kramer.p 1 0 0 0 Rowe.p 2 0 0 1 xSullivan 110 OIThomas.p 0 0 0 1 10 0 I Averill 10 0 0 INewsom.p 0 0 0 0 Kmlmi 001 000 0223 with Kirk wood Methodist, Vanguard Class and Triple Class bowling. Holland Class and the Kirkwood Baptist Brooklyn 000 011 0002 Runs. Goodman 3, McCormick.
Joost Runs, Hassett. MajesKl, warstier, bish. are matched. Sylvan Hills Methodist to Nigseling, L. Martin, Slaughter, MedwicK Mir Onltmdn: errors.
Gutteridge. To Defeat Bobbitt ELIZABETH, N. Sept. 4.VT) ATLANTA r. h.
po. a. Mailho, rf 4 0 0 2 0 0 Rucker. cf 3 0 110 0 Rubeling, 2b 3 0 0 1 2 0 Duks.lf 3 110 0 0 Peters, ss 3 113 2 1 Burge. lb 3 119 0 0 Mauldin, 3b 3 0 1110 Richards, 2 0 19 10 Poindexter.p 0 0 0 0 0 9 Miller, 0 0 0 0 0 0 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 0 Robinson, 0 0 0 0 1 0 xxSperry 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cortes, 0 0 0 0 0 0 kkxD.
William 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 27 "i 18 7 1 CHATTANOOGA ab. r. h. p. a.
a. Olsen. 3b 2 1 0 0 0 1 Letchss. 2b 3 0 1 0 2 1 Benjamin, cf 2 113 0 0 Hooks, lb 3 118 10 Barna. If 3 114 0 0 Curtis, rf 1 0 0 3 0 0 Hitchcock, ss 3 0 112 0 McAdsms.
2 0 110 0 A.Wittiams, 2 0 0 1 3 0 Totals 23 "I 21 2 Iopez, coacarart. rarxs; errora. -ttn UvhnlMi! runa batted In. Cooney, L. A.
Dean and W. C. Thompson tied with 136's to win in the first di-! vision of the 36-hoIe medal play tourna Nlggeling, Owen; runs batted In. Hersh-berser 2. Craft.
Mize 3. Goodman Lavagetto. Durocher. SisU 2. Outlaw.
Lopez; two-base hits. Sisti. Lavagetto: sto tie up with Builders Class. The Amateur League will have General Electric scheduled with Railway Mail Service, Southern Daries playing United Motors Service: Delta Air Lines bowl ment. v.i Kins'.
Werber: two-base hits, H. T. Dobbs won division two with William Umstaedter, of Millburn. and Frank Bowden, of New York, reached the final round of the an len base, coscarart: sacrifices. tmcR-wn, WaiVMP 9 lmi.
rmn: double plays, Craft 2. Brown, Mize. Joost; three-base hits. Goodman. Medwick; home run.
a 129. Dick Heaton was second with 134. In division three H. W. Jordan and E.
A. ing Randall Bros, and the Eastern Air Garms to Sisti. Sistl to Warstler to Has aaHHfti-. R. Martin.
Nisgeling 2, Lemond tied for top place with 133. Lanes and industrial uie ec neaiw insurance teams roUinc nual New Jersey clay courts men's sett. Coscarart to Durocner to tmmi. HmiI W.nllir to Haaavtt: left on Werber. Miie.
King: double play, Werber to Joost; left on baaes. Cincinnati 13: m.ia 1- hiwi on balls, off Niggeling HOUGH WINS BOGEY. Harold Hough won the blind bogey golf singles tennis championship The Ladies' City League schedule is Thomas. lac. vs.
Herts Driv-Ur-Self. Chamberlain Weaatherstrip vs. Carithers- 2. off Cooper 4, off Lanier 1. off Bow bam.
Boston 13. Brooklyn 13: bases on balls, off Errickson 3. Hollingaworth 1. Tamulis rrankhouse 1: struck out. by Errickson 2.
Hollingsworth 2, Tamulis hits, off Hollingsworth 1 in innn- tourney at West End yesterday with a card of 68. A. W. Duke, Mel Clark. H.
W. Chambers, J. H. Phagan and Charlie Tur man strucK out. Dy rujein uj In semi-finals matches.
Bowden uKogeil 0000 Totals 24 14' Totals 37 8 246 (Batted for Kramer in 5th. (Batted for Thomas in 7th. uRan for York In 8th. St. Louis 000 PVt 003 Detroit 131 00 05 (Called end Sth.
darkness. I Runa. Gallagher. Grace. Harshany.
Christman, Sullivan, McCosky. Greenberg, Higgins. Fox. Croucher: error. York; runs batted in.
Gehringer. Croucher 3. McCosky, Greenberg. Christman 2. Sullivan, Berardino.
McQuinn: two-base hits. Fox. Heffner. York; homo run. Greenberg; stolen bases.
McCosky. Croucher. MrOninn. Fox: sacrifices. Heffner.
Be jeruuns ores. it. in-: ri rnmr WP.A jSI Niggellng 10 In l-3 innings: off Shoff- City League, second high rwMMM in tn 7 Tamil ia in 2. xiutrn- upset top-seeded Gerard Podesta, of Montclair. 7-5, 1-6, 6-4, and Um ner were tied for second place with 70's.
J. W. Slaton wen the special prize for being closest to the flag on No. 8. and C.
Betull was closest on No- and The Gate lw. 1 in 1 Sfrankhouae 1 In 1 1-3. aia i an 3j a rrvTTtw? out naiiui'a via, vs. ti man 9 In 1: off Thompson 0 in 1. off staedter rallied to whip Russell Macfayden tn 2-3: hit by Errickson Lavaetto by Tamulis average men's league or tn city, wiu find Hood Service Station bowling Carlyle 4c Reynolds.
Power Club vs. En also had low gross acora of the day Bobbitt, or Atlanta. Ga 2-6. 6-3. Cooper 11 in 2.3.
ff Andrew e- to 1-3. off Lanier in off Bowman in 1 in 2-3. off Warnek 1 In 1-3: with a 70. (Cooney winning pitcher. Errickson nir4ir Tafnnlia.
Umotres. Rear- Bitted fee Miller In third, xa Batted foe Robinson in sixth, xxx Batted for CorUs in aevsnth. 6-4. THREE TIE AT ANSLEY. There was a triple tie for ton elac I If yoaVe not goutr mr with I I the girls, come im Trees I I Sing Edr Blades! Their I I keen.
Boa-lrrttatlnr edges shir clean and smoothl don. GoeU and Pinelli. Tim of game, gineering contractors, oenumc rim Company vs. Warren Company and Southern Distributors vs. National As wild Pttcn, snoriner.
vimpiirj. 2:41. Attenaance. para. fant, Dunn.
Starr ana mem. turn, ATLANTA 000 000 31 rardino, Grace. Cullenbine: double plays. Christman to Heffner to McQuinn 3: left in the Ansley Park blind bogey yesterday. P.
D. Allen. E. G. McLia and Carol Porter coming up with 79 s.
Paid attendance, zo.ioo. NIGHT CLASSES Chattanooga 400 009 PTRATFS WIN TWICE. sociation of cost Accountants, reacn-tree Leagu wUl have Crockett. Southern Spring Bed. Public Safety.
3. E. Harris. duPont. W.
D. Alexander, John on base. St, Louis Detroit 9: oases on balls, off Kramer 3. Lawaon 4. Row H.
c. Jones with an 80 and H. F. Ge rHinAao. Sent.
4. UPi The Run batted in. Benjamin. Mook. Bar and H.
E. Mayfield with 78 s. tied for 1. Thomas 2. Newsom struck out.
by na. RiehirUi; two-oss nits, Benjamin, second place. Pittshurffh Pirates swept a dou- SOUTHERN Jarrell. Co-ta. k.
m. v-oia ana norm Sid Tennis Club active. Kramer 1. Lawson 3. Row 3.
Newsom Patera: thraa-Baae Hits. Barna. MCAoams; his hMrlM with thecChicago Cugs 1: hits, off Kramer In 4 Innings. Row stolen bsss, Benjamin; sacrifice. Rich- la the flag tournament.
Harry F. Gee won first place. Royal Terrell placed second and Rub Cunningham finished laaiiiJ fc Faaaral Bum at. sTTCTa- arriai double slays. Latctiaa to ten- in 4 2-3, Newsom 1 tn 0, Lawson 3 la 4.
Thomas la 3 1-3. tnHw 2 to I. and to 3, oeiore a aaatsietlM at taarta. Class roe Ic to Hooka. Rubeling to Peter to third.
LEADERS BROWN WINS MEET. 32,374 Spectators, juoie iKwjm. icrhth irmins? homer with the Burse; left on bases. Atlanta 4, Chattanooga 3: bas en bails, off Poindext? 1, tart 8. Tta.
Car alt Ms. 11 Nasi WA. SI. AMsata. 8a.
Gaf ego and Warren Limber Up Arms HnkinulM 1 mil. t)v BSlllee Z. rt9 full broke UD xne secona Saw A pit Snji. Robinson 2. A.
Williams 1. Carte kits, ff Poindextee 2 in 1-3 Inning foe 3 runs. Finals in the Atlanta Lions dub golf tournament were ended thia week and Brown emerged champion by defeating Jamea T. Turner in the first flight. Brown shot an 84 to take the cup.
In tho aecand fllcht Dr. W. game after the Bucs had defeated (Including Game of Sunday. Sept, 2.) Millar 2 in 1 2-3 far 1. Robinson 2 in a KN0XV7JXE, Sept 4.
Dan't Ut Itching Ttwment off far alt runa earned! laina Ditcher, g. an. r. n. per- Dizzy Dean In tne opener.
rairns BLANK REDS. 110 427 71 154 Jl Thorn ason defeated Victor F. Todd tor firt nlx. J. T.
DeUeaeelin defeated Dourbon A Rye 14T 5M 104 30t .360 Pindexter. Umpires, White, Hobee ana Hodge. Tim of. gam, 1:21. Attendance 4,149.
Haas. KashTffla Young. KnoxvMle Eckhardt, Memphis Rucker. Atlanta llT 4S4 54 181 OS5 Athlete's James E. Carlton for the championship of (JP) George Cafego, Buist warren and other Tennessee backs tested their throwing arms today in a light dummy passing scrimmage.
Paul Sf ST. LOUIS. Sept- 4. (ff) The f-arriina Is. trained one game on the 133 483 87 168 -MS 1M 416 S3 144 .340 C.
Chapman, Nash. JMg Pt. tha third flight. CANDLER PARK BOGEY. hm RiinswDuea.
NashriTte. 22. Many of the aerials found their Stolen Base Benjamin, vnaiianooga. Candler Park blind bogey winner over Pork $4.25 Spring Ij Pt. ii Run Batted In Young, Knaxvin.
123. league-leading Cincinnati Reds today by winning the first game of a twin bill, 4 to 0, and deadlocking the second 6-8- The nightcap, pallor! because of darkness at the the week end mcluaea Tom rmiieia. Pat If alone. James H. Barnert.
R- -Lay Yf4l Up" ssEee 'ttehiag torsseat of. AtluVrt Ps ni Cksrsarfaeaski ooiiUaa. wa tie irnta-tkxs oil aaotoiac xveadable, iiu ftOLMTIM. Uasd ay tifssads Cressrlrss. ia visible- pharsaseist-s tiaw-praead torarate ml 8 rWtad iaeradaeata.
Ceaabata lorneBt al tU aad aaiaaal aanaatas sasntartcd. RaJaraas itdua taet. Met aro atufacWr seal JTVr kaJk. Ask yea dracrat I I target despite the fact they were among the first tossed by the Vol dingers. Plenty of line blocking also was Wiae.
Bob Wych. Miss Olive Chalfield TonityrgTvTonixht NASHVILLE 133 P. Double Play Chattanooga, ids. ITCHING. w- rx-t- to.
n. and Bads Hughes. FOUR SHARE JONES BOGEY, end of nine innings, will be re- dished out to the Vol "Mules" by U. 18 .720 SO 319 103 Na one hit 7. the winning number la nlasratrl Vlr tnmOrTOW.
r-iu- 'Huh. 14 .700 177 230 123 Assistant John Barnhill before the Bobby Jones holiday blind bogey Johnny Mize bit a home run in Harris. A'l. IS 204 318 110 1st 1 1 UITI0M sry0a vesterday afternoon. Gus Sams and John Coach Bob Neyland hustled his Knmr 11 -850 171 252 1Z3 each game.
athletes off to tha showers. H. Bnuta aaa wn a. wau lAiinar aad K. MrClnah ha it a.
Caatta. im i -ot mi iw.
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