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Daily Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 7

Globe, Arizona
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IMIIiig ijmf muTmhh 1 T' DAILY, AB1Z0NA SILVER BELT Page Scvoh PmfVffilj ATt AMUSBMBKTS. AMQ8BMENTS Roller Skatin TONIGHT Qrand Mask Carnival on Roller SkatesNext Friday Night Wednesday Evening, November 18th Frank G. King presents "CHIC" PERKINS in the newest western play The Little Prospector Seats on sale at Globe Commercial Prices 25c to $1.00 Splendid scenery KM Continuous Show PROGRAM TONIGHT Kotlas Pictures "Prospective eirs," "The Powerful Tenor." Illustrated Song by Mlsa Westfall 'Can I Make Loke to You?" WAYNE, tho Wizard, in fcla wonderful net of mystery. Ballad by Miss Westfall. Moving Pictures "The Marathon Race," "A Dozen of Eggs." What some of our leading citizens have to say of THE CAMERAPHONE: GEO.

V. P. HUNT Bays: "I witnessed a performance of the Cameraphone in New OtUons and El Paso. It ia novel end intcrectinc and Li truly a wonderful invention." O. A.

INGRAM Says: "While in El Paso I attended an exhibitioa of the Cameraphone. I enjoyed It immensely. It must be sn and heard to bo appreciated." F. 0. JACOBS Says: "On my last visit to Den-ver, I attended several performances of the Camorapbono.

It Ls all the advertisements claim for it. The exhibitions givo absolutely human performance on tho Btago of living, moving, breathing characters and personalities singing and talking and acting in all respects 28 a rcgu-lar theatrical performance." M. E. CONBOY Says: "Sure I took in tho Oam-oraphono while I was in El Paeo. How was it? Fine and dandy!" Secure your tickets and be suro of a seat for the opening performance Saturday evening, November 14th.

Tickets for the entire opening wook now ou salo at Palace Pharmacy. Prices: General admission, 15c; Reserved Beats, 25c. I NEW! BUDGET FROM SAFFORD IRIS THEATER Starting at 7:30 jiriT HHwuimnrarrm i ii 1 Wonderfully Good Chances At jewelry of special beauty. November is month of unusual enthusiasm for jewelry sales, and when the jewelry of tho distinctive style und remarkable values that our collection shows, we judge the public enthusiasm will not bo lacking. Every price we make is wonderful when the quality of the jewelry is considered.

All Goods bought here will be Engraved FREE OF CHARGE 1 O. R. FEIST SAUTORD, Novembor 10. Novom-bcr 4, Jako Pursloy was married to Miss May Kerr in Solomonvillo by Probate Judge Shirloy. Tho wedding took placo ho quietly that none of his frionds know of it until Thursday even-inj.

Misi Kerr has not been in the Gila valley long, but during tho timo tlint sho has been hore sho has won the friendship and good will of many. Slip could not havo chosen a better mate, for Jake is ono of tho most clean hearted, brave and induutrio'us young men of tho Gila valley. Misi Frona Ilrown of Thatcher, who has for tho past few months been with Latham Hunt, spent last Thursday OTeuing with friends in Safford. Tho Gila Valley Purnituro Hard-waro storo is unloading a car of furni turo today. Carl Nccao has been with tho Journal Pablishing company for tho past week.

Fred lilnke, who has been cutting meat for Morris Powdle, gave up his place today to Ed Barry, who has returned from his vacation in Texas. M. E. O'Brien mado a business trip to Solomonvillo last Friday. The report that tho Fort Thomas Milling company had closed down for a time has been proved falHO.

Tho telcphono pcoplo aro remodeling their central oflico in Safford. Tho railing arc being changed and a private booth is being constructed. Frank Androw of Artcsia was ia town today. Ed I jams, who is connected with tho telephone company at Tombstone has been in Safford during tho past few days. Tho Junior Broncos of Safford played Thatcher yesterday voning.

Tho Broncos won by score of 10 to 9. The Safford concert band gavo a concert and dance in' Pima Saturday night. It was attended by people from all tho towns in tho upper valley. Uniforms for all of the members of tho baud have been ordered. Rev.

Wardlaw, Mis Jcssiu Wardlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Luther II. Mooro will leave in the morning for Phoenix to attend tho territorial fair. Thoy intend stopping over in Tucson a fow days.

Many others of Safford intend leaving Sunday. Schools of the valley will bo closed this week during tho teachers' institute at Phoenix. Several hunting trips have been planned by the younger boys during the week. Tho proprietors of tho Wonderland aro talking of flooring tho theater with matched pino for dancing. Tho houso that J.

M. Foster moved onto the lot between tho Guardian and the Williams gallery has been remodeled. It will bo ready for its tenant next week. George Ellcgo has rented it. If others would follow Mr.

Fos I tor's example and build houses to rent, it would pay them and ncip me town, for there arc over fifteen fami.ics living in tents in and around Safford. Photographer Williams and son, who have been out of tho valley for the past month, have returned to their old stands. Mr. Willisms is tho proprietor of a picture gallery and barber shop in Pima. A couple of marriagcrt arc contemplated in Safford.

A. A. Johnson, tho piano man, is in Safford. Mr. and Mrs.

B. F. Thum wcro outgoing passengers this morning. Mm. Thum will visit in El Paso and Mr.

Thum gooi to Phoenix to attend the territorial fair. Mr. and Mrs. H. W.

Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Young and children composed au automobile party to Solomonvillo Sunday evening, whero they enjoyed a Morican supper.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hartzler were vis.

itors in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Reed left this morning to enjoy fair week at Phoenix. Miascs Purdutn, Archer, Lillian Archer, Wingatc( Surarus and Wester-man loft this morning for Tucson, where tho territorial teachers' convention will convene this week. Tho younger crowd aro looking forward with pleasure to tho masquerade ball to bo given this evening. Mr. and Mrs.

George Birdno and daughter left this morning to spend tho week at Camp Inception. Mrs. James Wakefield entertained tho ladies of tho Methodist church at her home this afternoon. Tho Sahnara club held a very interesting meeting Monday afternoon. Tho Jadics arc enjoying tho study of ancient MiiH month.

Report camo Tuesday morning that a railroad bridge was burnt out here and solomonvillo. Tho engine irn the train behind and ran down. It returned in few moments reporting that tho bridge had been repaired. A family of gypsies were in Safford this week. Thoy left Tuesday morning, taking with them coins galore in ex change for fairy stories of dark haired girls with rosy cheeks.

Ezora Madison, Harry Kirtland, Thomas Hooks, Will Hooks and Arthur Jcning left Tuesday for a week's outing in tho Black river country. Ed ljams loft Tuesday for Tombstone. Mrs. 11. F.

Thum and baby loft for El Paso on Monday last. TIioho leaving Safford for tho fair on Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olucy, Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Rcid, Rev. Crutchfield and Mr.

and Mrs. Prina. Those leaving for tho teachers' insti. tuto lust Monday wore: Miss Lillian Archof, Miss Archer, Miss Purdnrh, Mr. Rhodes and Miss Mabel Wostcrman.

Mrs, Parley Bigelow of Thatcher, who has bcon ill for somo time, died last Mqnday. Tho funoral took placo on Tuesday. Wiley Jones spont la3t Sunday and Monday in Safford. Mv Swangcr, ono of tho most progressive farmers of the valley, has completed a large ten-room houso on his farm, near Safford. Ho has been busy during tho past week beautifying it with the best' furnituro obtainable.

Invitation cards aro out announcing tho marriage of Miss Elsa Swangcr to William Cavernosa, a young man of sturdy character who has grown up in tho Gila valloy. C. W. Pearson, tho railroad agent, who has been ill with tho grip, has par-tially recovered and is back at his old stand. J.

M. Foster left Safford Tuesday morning for tho fair. Walter Trucf-dalo has for tho past week been working for the Gila Valley Furnituro Hardware store. E. W.

Clayton, whoso rcsidonqe has just been completed, is furnishing with tho finest of old mission furniture. Samuel Roberts, ono timo manager of tho Journal, will have ono of bis fcqt amputated Thursday. Bishop Miller and his two sons left Sunday for tho fair. Judge McCollum of Globo camo in on Sunday morning's train. Bangor Swift, supervisor of the Crook National Forest Rcscrvo leaves for Globe next Wednesday.

The Bister and son of Mrs. F. W. Andrews came an on Saturday evening's train. The Gila Monsters of Safford played tho Solomonvillo baso ball team on Sunday afternoon.

Solomonvillo won by a score of 5 to 6. Gorenzo Baroldy is Solomonvillo 's best man. This team is composed of Mexican boys. Smith, who is a now man on tho Safford team,) seemed to bo that team's best player) yostcrday. Mr.

McGlauphan, Weaver Brier and. his brother, who is a new-comer from voiurnuu, jun jnn'iuaj iui uiitun jut- or. A now horec of J. M. Foster's became frightened at a train last Saturday and getting beyond control overturned their rubbor-tired buggy.

No ono was hurt but the buggy was ruined. It is rumored about town that tho Wilbur Tjams block hai changed hands. Mr. Chcffscr of. tho Chesscr houso is said to bo tho purchaser.

Larger crowds than usual flocked about the depots of Safford and Thatch, cr to-meet tho out-going train Sunday morning. Nearly every one had a friend leaving for the fair. From Thatcher tho following people left: Georgo Clausen, Annie Clausen, Ed. Phillips, and his daughter Alice, Frank Cluff, Bert Drollingcr and Lydia Drollingor. Mr.

Ginter, bookkeeper for the J. M. Foster mcrcantilo company, spent the week end with his tho foot of the Grahams. Ralph Cameron was shaking hand3 with friends while tho train stopped in Safford on Sunday evening. Mrs.

E. Jewel has for somo time boon at tho homo of T. D. Thompson, tho jeweler. She is now ill and Miss Annio Burhom has arrived from San Diego, to assist her.

Swangcr, ono of the Gila Valley's heaviest hay growers, has contracted fifteen cars of first class hay to be Bhipped immediately. A party of Safford 'a young ladies and gentlemen drove out in livery rigs on Saturday last for a day's hunting. On their return tho horses becamo frightened at a passing automobilo and upset tho hack in tho Sun Flower canal. Every one was submerged and tho wagon badly broken up but up to this time no ono has suffered any ill effects from tho episode. Those leaving from Safford yesterday for tho fair were: Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Dowdle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foote, Mr.

John Birdno nnd family, Dr. Belt, William Elswortb, Arthur Wilber and Ben Estcs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo.

York will lcavo about tho middle of the week. Safford will havo a show every night this week. Tho Gila Valley will send out a larger number of turkeys than ever this year. Evory field in tho county is dotted with them. acven Years of Proof "I have hnd soven years at proof that Dr.

King's Now Discovery is tho boat medicine to tako for coughs and colds and for ovcry diseased condition of throat, cheat or'lungu," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. Tho world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King's Now Discovory is tho best remedy for coughs and eolds; la grippe-asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of tho lungs, and tho early stages of consumption.

Its timoly use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee ut Pnlace Pharmacy. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Kennedy's Laxntivo Cough Syrup, not ouly heals irritation nnd allays In-flamation, thereby stopping the cough, but it moves tho bowols gently, and in that way drives tho cold from the system.

Contains no opiatoa. It iH pleasant to tako and children especially liko tho taste, so nearly like maplo sugar. Sold by Palaco Pharmacy nnd United Drug Co. A Broken Back That pain in your back caused by lumbago stiff muscles or a strain Is an easy thing to get rid of. Ballard's Snow Liniment cures rhoumatism, lumbago, sore and stiff mnscles, strains, outs, Durns, Druises, scaius iw all aches and pains.

You need a bottle in yonx house. Sold by Pnlnco Pharmacy. Dr. Shoop's Coffoe is created from pnro, parched grains, malt," nuts, etc no, real ooffec, Fino in flavor is "made ina minute." No 20 or 80 minutes tedious boiling. Sample Free.

Morehead Lmrn. Johnny Davis PINE TAILORING Clearing and Prtiag a Specialty OyptMrit Fkomaa's Hall. FREE BATHS McKevitt House 04 W. KtOAD Kon 12.00 a wook, Uf. Boda Q5e iid up.

Pioneer Saloon Wuickh PavlOTfefa, Prop. rare wines, LiQueus AND OIOAE3 Box 092. Ne. 079 W. Bread Exclusive Ladies' Fur-nishing Storrt.

Swellest goods in town. Dolph Baatz Co. 680 N. Broad, Phono 1781. H.

C. Hopkins Mining Engineer U. S. Dep. Min.

Surveyor Boons IS, Olobe Office Bldg. Iris Theater Moving Pictures EVERY NIGHT Mountain View HOUSE We would ba pIssKa' mo our eld patron. Good table, home cocking. Mr. Mr i.

E. Edmonson Lantin House ISO W. Past) St Ffeme 1932 rfieMy Fuxifc4 Somas Battu ia CosjMettoa Mrs. A. X.

LMewfrd. Pief DeLacy House 391 N. Bread tflooljr Panfcaed )v EoMvctt gs Oftce Mrs. A. DeLany, Pmp, Public Carriage At All Hours.

Open or C1obo4 Kubber-tired Hack PHOrTS 171 or K. STRANGERS HOME ES-TAURANT Wc Invite Your Patronage uayana Ntgnt jervice. Billy Cunningham, Prop. Betwoll Hair Bolls, Hair Kate and all kinds of hair goods. Ours is the only complote line in town, Parisian Millinery Co.

393 K. BBOAS. 1 Champion Saloon SPARKLING COOL BEER RUBE EGNER, Prop. 376 N. Broad St.

The Newport Flrst-Class Barber Bitot L. B. HOETS. Prop. 44G X.

Bread. lotha Always Beady. RYAN CO. Druggists and Stationers Office Supplies, Sporting, Goods, Phonographs, and Records. 270STH SKOAS ACME SALOON BROAD STREET Uftto New MuugtRttRt Your Patronage Solicited Globe Real Estate Office 214 N.

Broad Oexmpondoneo Solicited I'OB BARGAINS Watch our advertisement On Editorial i'ago. F. L. Toombs, Manager THONE 1101 llll 852 N. BEOAD Good Meals Best Ecrvico Seasonable Delicacies Private Rooms for Ladlra HOKG LOEY, Prop.

Elks Restaurant DAT AND WIGHT Best Meals Best Service Balkan Saloon Popular Resort for Gentlemen BROAD ST. Lunch Counter Clean, Ready, Convenient Next Door to Coney Island W. H. MAHEE, Prop. Alexander md Hock PRACTICAL TAL0R 8 471 N.

Bm4 Sew Tsreetww tec fall on vtatec mtita. ar Ma aui dry (Aeaalag autkes old fax-meats look naif, lata bUotoed. Directory of Globe Lodges O. R. FEIST Jeweler Wateh Repairinc and Hand Enjjravtec A SPECIALTY N.

Broad St School Books and all kind or SCHOOL SUPPLIES HeatfqtiarUre at 6. S.Vmi Waaea POST OFFICE BLDC4 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Knights of Pythias, Final Mt. Lodge No. 11 Meets every Thursday evening in Odd Fellows Hall. SYL.

HEATHER, C. C. CAM. Globe Chapter No. 7, A.

M. Meets third Tuesday at Odd Fellows Hall. O. 8. Van "Wagenen, Ii.

P. P. B. Laxly, Secretary. MA80NIO Wbite Mountain Lodge No.

3, F. A. M. Meets firit Tuesday, Odd Fellows Hali. W.

A. fimitb, W. M. C. T.

Martin, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star. Meete second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. P.

B. Lady, Worthy Matron. Mrs. A. W.

Sydnor, Secretary. ODD IXLLOWS Independent Order of Odd Felloe, Gila Encampment No. 3. Meet second and fourth Fridays. Odd Fellow's HulL J.

M. Carter, C. P. Eugeno Middloton, Scribe. Kescco Lodce No.

12, 0. O. F. Meets erery Wednesday, Odd Fellow's Hall. J.

M. Carter, N. G. Eugene Middleton, Secreary. Robcfcah Lvlg, O.

O. Sultana Lodge No. 5. Meets tccond and fourth Mondays, Odd HalL Mrs. Faeght, N.

G. Mre. May PlnaVctt, Secretary. EI.KS Benevolent Protective Order of EUcs, Globe No. 480.

Meots GrM nnd third Friday, Odd Fellows HalL Harry Ruptcy, E. Ii. J. G. Old-field, Socretary.

EAGLES Fraternal Order Eagles, Globe Aerio No. 191. Every Sunday night in each mouth, Trust Bldg. L. E.

Hocye, W. S. R. Lowthian, Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knightr. of Columbus, Globe Council No.

1108 Meets Thursday of each week, Trust bnildieg. Wm. Burke, G. A. A.

Allwc'u, Financial Secretary. BED MEN IMP20VED ORDER OF BEDMEN Tonto Tribe No. 13 Improved Order Hodmen meets Tuesday night of each week at 7:30 'flock at tho Trust building. IVed W. Simmons, eachem; C.

D. Koyle, C. of K. M. W.

OF A. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Modern I Woodmen of America, Globe Camp No. 12019 Meets Mondays, 8 p. Trust building. Harry C.

Hooser, Consul; Laurio H. Brown, Secretary Lodge Announcements Wm. Hill Williams We undersell any store in Globe Order by Phone Pay at Tour Door Phone 121 OUR NAME "The Globe Jewelry Co." ISOUB Guarantee 340 N. Broad Phone 20S1 NATIONAL BANK GLOBE Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $300,080 Gibson Miami STAGE LINE Leaves Globo Bctsras te Glo 6 p.

s. O. K. Stables Livery, Feed, Sale SUge Stand (or Oibjon, Miami Cor. Cedar and SnUroad Sti.

W. P. KEL3ET, Prop, Phone 481 SHUTE'S LIVERY STABLE 685 N. Broad PfcCKC 731 Best Blga, Premp Servke SADDLE HOE3ES GEO. B.

BHUTE, Proprietor GLOBE LIVERY STABLES 441 N. BBOAD Saddle Horses Kiss for Prospect cri McBroflM Co. Pbone 1241 The Star Ice Cream Parlor 401 N. BBOAS Oysters aad SyaaUh Dtsfeea Bflnrod. Arizona Steam Laundry and Tawel Supply C.

Ota day Trade a specUMp 7S0aT.BX4M HANNAH DRUG STORE KODAKS and KODAK BTJ7FLIC3 22fl Broad Ffceao 140 Eagle Restaurant 445 N. BBOAS Good Meals Best Sorvlee Seasonable Dolieacies Private Eooms for Ladies GIN (t Props. -THE United Drug Co. Pure Drags, Stationery, Etc CALL AND SEE 531 V. Eroad Fbose 1661 Globe's Leading Home Furnishers SCHLIIZ "tiat made Milwaukee ia- rao33," ECHLIXZ that nakos all xntn akin; Wo call for ECHLriSS And trbo caa blajQo us We drink and call far SCHLIT2 aain.

Sara Kee Central 440 tf. Broitd Mom 361 MIKE RAIS GENERAL UEBOKANT Giocvriex, Fruits Cigars and Tebaeeo South Next to Valley Bank. GLOBE RACKET Slrtfepkca of Low Pe au V. BftOAD jr. B.

McWKL. Hrleta Singer Machines Sett, Bested, Exchanged Tixtruea and Supplies S71 X. BROAD L. Hauxfccr, Manager THE Bank Exchange SANDERS BEOS. 454 N.

Broad Pbone 471 Keegam's "THAT'S ALL" 230 N. Brood Pbone 181 Budweiser Supplies Porce, Energy VltaHty CtU for It When Ton Order "THE PACIFIC" 4S6 N. BBOAD Jack Mrjtin, Prop. SasroeTs 80 Year Stock AHbecser-Basch Beer "The Stag" 610 N. BBOAD PitapaUiek fc Perry, Prop.

PHONE 1031 FAMOUS Cedar Brook Whiskey Always in stock. O.l.MUNN, CasinoSalcoi N. BEOAD GLOBE..

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