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Daily Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 3

Globe, Arizona
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DAILY ARIZONA SILVER BELT Page Three-v This Store is Globe's adquarters for Dress Goods Tho abovo is no idlo statement, but is a fact easily proven by coming to this store. Yesterday a largo shipment was received and our showing of theso goods is now a most comprohonslvo ono. Thoro aro Broadcloths which aro very popular in tho largo cities. All shades aro hore. Tho quality of theso goods is elegant and tho prico is bettor still, for you.

Wo aro making A Special Sale of these Good Today at $1.00 yd. We aro also showing other nico materiils in Mohair, Panama, Serge and Crav-cnotto. All of theso goods have been carefully selected and wo have tho best lino to show you now than evor boforo. CIRCUS DAY A SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th Performances 2 and 8 P. M.

Buy Ypur Coat BARGAINS Today Today wo' place on salo sorao most excellent values in Coats. All shades- Brown, Tan, Bluo and Black the very best workmanship, and tailoring tho finest quality. These Coats are Bargains at $10 to $25 OLD DOMINION COMMERCIAL CO. The Store for All the People Watch for Our Advertisement Daily Livery Opp. Bankers' Garden SADDLE HORSES DRIVING BIGS Hay Grain Coal Wood Hauling and Moving Phono 1331.

RUSSELL ft HARRIS Never Worry About a cough there's no need of worry if you will treat it at it's first appearance with Ballard's Horehound Syrup. will stop tho cough at once and put your lungs and throat back into perfectly healthy condition. Sold by Palaco Pharmacy. iliTl1l 1MBSM IBO-Circus Champions and Gelsiaities-SBB 22 Famous Equestrians 18 Daring Aorlallat 10 Reckless Rough Riders 7 Ruosian Cossack fWSidUJK mk Jim Ik 'Sk i yFssk i I kirtSfmai II Arabian Tumblers 23 Merry PJSlriUCat Ctewno 9 Sensational Hqvsilifcristo 20 Astonishing Acrobats 'A Complete Jspzxsaa Cirou1 Superb Carlasd Entroo Scores of Troined Wild Benstci Horde of Performing ESaphante Camels, Llamas and Bos Indicus Educated Seals and Sea Lions Highest Jumping Horses Roman Chariot Rnces Trailed Imported Arabian Slalliant OnlyJLady Japanese Artists in America 100 Shetland Pony Ballot Cake Walking Hortses Marvelous Picards AmtH i OffeUit CytMU 4 Ultt kltr B.Mtui BTiQUllP Troupe 10 Ltly Lt4t atjIiUt ftm 30 Grand Street Paraded Oill; ewlfbrk Stvle Show Now in its Second Week, Displaying Correct Got. es for Men Made in New York by Tents will be located at SCHOOL HILL BASE BALL PARK 500 People.

400 Horses and Ponies. 42 Double Length Railroad Cars. 20 Funny Clowns 20. 50 Cages of Rare and Costly Animals' 100 NEW AND NOVEL FEATURES 100 Jim lfi- U) rrrJS iwr ii itt Ty "'i3, Gome here to see real, not imitation, New York styles Max Lantin Bro. Globe, Arizona BARCLAY, HIGDON CO.

Single and Double Teams Saddle Horses Hay, Grain Coal A Specialty made of Fine Livery Rigs Telcphono 171. Globe. F. L. JONES SON.

Funeral Directors and Embalmers mi iiinninmwynin'iif SELL G'nu'a Old Wood, Groceries today, tomorrow, next week, in fact ALL THE TIME FOR LESS MONEY Than any other store in Globe. Let these prices speak for themselves. They show you how well I can serve you at all times. I promise to save you money. ugar, $7.10 pc'r sack, 13 lbs S1.00 is pounds $1.00 milk, per can 20c ni'lk, nil brands, 20-oz enns, 8 for 10-oz cans, 10 cans $1.00 jffee, 5 lbs $1.00 1 and Java, por lb 30c igprs and Iris teas, all flavors, per 25c and GOc tea, per pound GOc Cottolcnc, medium sizo COs, large size $1.50 Jams and preserves, per jar 25c Hams, per pound 17c Bacon, per pound 18c Lemons, per dozen 25c Olycorino Pummo soap, 20 bars $1.00 Fairbanks Whito Star Hoap, 20 bars llest lard, 3 5 lbs 70c; 10 lbs $1.40 P.

D. flour, per cwt $4.00 D. M. flour, per cwt $4.25 1 vo length, $3 jcr stove wood cord, or the biggest bunch of wood over purchased in Olobo for $5. ill also find substantial reductions in shoes, Men's Gloves, Notions, Crock- erv.

Men's Furnisriino-s. nnrl MILL WILLIAMS lftL Phone 121 Pay at Your Door OFFICE: 174 S. Broad St Telephone 432 RESIDENCE: 346 S. HU1 St. Telephone 433 10 RECEIVE TEACHERS TUCSON THINKS THERE IS NOTHING TOO GOOD FOE AP.IZONA'S INSTRUCTORS TUCSON, September 30.

Prcpara-tions nro already under way for the annual meeting of' tho Arizona Teacher's Association and tho Joint Territorial Teachers' Institute, which will bo held in Tucson on November 11, 12 and 13. Committees havo already begun to prepare plans for tho entertainment of tho visiting instructors, and it will bo demonstrated that Tucson is an ideal convention city. County School Superintendent Cnlin stated that he expected between 300 and 100 visiting teachers in this city during tho institute. In a letter received from Prof. J.

B. Jolly, who is president of the Arizona Teachers' Association, ho stated that from communications he has received thoro is every reason to bc-licvn that every county in tho territory will have representatives present nt the Tucson gathering. Secretary J. B. Wright of tho board of school trustees will deliver the address of welcome at tho opening of the institute, and tho rcsponso will likely bo made by President Jolly.

During tho week of the institute thoro will bo no school and the pupils will enjoy a vacation. Those teachers who attend tho instituto will receive pay for tho week. Tho railroad oflicials will bo seen, and it is expected that a low rate will bo mado from territorial towns to Tucson during that week. Ample accommodations will bo provided here for tho itors and a program of entertainment will likely bo arranged for each evening during tho stny of tho visitors iu this city. Last year the institute was held in Phoenix during the fair.

Phoenix wished to the instituto again, but Tucson, after sharp battle won tho prize. Kodol will, in a very short time, en-ablo tho stomach to do the work it should do, and tho work it should do is to digest all the food you eat. When tho stomach can't do it, Kodol docs it for at and in tho meantimo tho stomach is getting stronger and ablo to take up its regular, natural work again. Ivodol digests, all you eat. It makes the stomach sweet and it is pleasant to take.

It is sold hero by llanna's Drug Store, 22S Broad street. Oystors in all stylos and Spanish dishes now served at Tho Star Ico Cream Parlor. Ladies Invited. COFFEE Our name on the package gives us the credit, and puts on us the money-back burden it isn't a burden! Your grocer returns your mono, II don'l Uk Schilling' Best: we par him LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF COPPER BASIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, tho undersigned, D.

L. Me- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS loy, II. Thompson and W. JI. Wordcn of Gila County, Arizona, havo this day associated ourselves together for tho purposo of forming a corporation under and by virtuo of tho Laws of tho Territory of Arizona, nnd for that purpose, do make, establish and declare the following as tho charter and articles of incorporation thereof: (1) Tho nnmo of this corporation shall be COPPER BASIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, and its principal place of business sbnll bo, Globe, Gila County, JIW.C.UI1U, uuu it may cstaouso otner places of business by its directors.

(2) Tho general nature of tho business to bo transacted by this corporation shall bo to buy, sell, own. operate, devclon. hypothecate, and otherwise hnndlo and oisposo of mining property of nny and all kinds; to buy, sell, erect, own and oporato smelters and all other kinds of machinery for tho reining and reduction of ores, and lo own and operate all Biich other machinery nnd things necessary to the enrrying on of the businesses herein mentioned; to do-vclop, own, buy, operate and sell 'all kinds of water-rights; to buy and sell the stocks of this and other corporations; to own, oporato, buy, sell, nnd othorniso hnndlo gas and electric light plants, and all mnchlnery nnd appur-tcnancos necessary and Incident thereto in tho management thereof; to conduct a general mercantile business; to purchase and dispoo of or hypothecate lands and franchises, or to pwn and op- eraio me same; to buy, sell, or otherwise own nnd dispose of all kinds of ores, minerals, metals and oils; to construct, own nnd operate saw mills, and to dispose of the produdts thereof. (3) Tho amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall bo Five Hundred Thousand Shares of the par value of ono dollar per share; and when issued shall be forever non-assessable. (4) Of the capital stock of this corjwra-tion, there shall be set aside Two Hun-drcd and Fifty Thousand Shares to be held and known as treasury stock, and shall not bo sold or disposed of except by a majority vote of the stock issued, each share t6 have one vote.

which voto may be taken at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders; the remaining stock of this corporation shall be disponed of by tho Board of Directors in tho purchase of mining properties, or for tuch other purposes as to said Board of Directors may seem proper for the promotion of the purposes of tho corporation. (5) The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be upon the date of tho recording of theso articles in tho Recorder's oflico of Gila County, Arizona, and the filing of a duly certified copy of said articles iu the" office of tho Territorial Auditor at Phoenix, Arizona, ana it snail continue to exist for a period of twenty-five years thereafter. (0) Tho affaire of this corporation shall bo conducted by a Board of Directors to bo elected annually at the regular stockholders' meeting of each year, and which said Board of Directors shall consist of not more than seven nor less than threo persons nil of whom shall be stockholders of this corporation. (7) The regular Annual meetings of the stockholders shall be on the first Monday in September of each year of its existence, and until the regular meeting of tho stockholders to be held in September, 1900, tho following persons shall servo as directors, and shall so servo until their successors arc duly olect-cd; but it is hereby provided that said directors hereinafter named may appoint other persons to servo as directors until tho regular meeting of the stockholders in September, 1909, and until their successors aro duly elected, not exceeding the number requisite to make the said board consist of seven persons: Said directors shall be: D. L.

Meloy, J. H. Thompson and W. H. Worden, tho incorporators above named.

(3) Tho officers of this corporation shall bo a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer; and until their successors arc duly appointed, tho following persons shah be the officers of the corporation: W. II. Wordcn, president; J. II. Thqmpson, vice-president; L.

Meloy, secretary-treasurcr, and they shall also bo tho same officers of the Board of Directors. (9) Tho greatest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall or may subject itself shall be the sum of Fifty-Thousand' Dollars, (10) Tho private property of tho stockholders of this corporation shall not bo liable for any of its indebtedness. In witness tbq incorporators above named, havo hereunto set their hands and seals, this 22nd day of September, 1908. W. II.


(Seal) TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, County of Gila, ss: This day personally appeared before me, J. M. McCollum, a notary public in nnd for Giln County, Arizona, J. II. Thompson, W.

II. Wordcn and D. L. 'Meloy, known to me to bo tho persons mentioned in nnd who subscribed tho foregoing articles of incorporation in my presence, and acknolwedgcd to me severally that they executed tho same for the purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 22nd dnv of September, 190S.

(Seal) J. M. M'COLLUM. Notary Public in and for Gila County, Arizona. Mj' commission expires August 28, 1909.

Filed nnd recorded at tho request of J. M. McCollum on tho 29th day of LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. September A. D.

1903 at 35 minutes past 10 o'clock A. M. (Seal) E. T. STEWART.

County Recorder. TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, County of Gila, ss: E. T. STEWART, County Recorder in and fof tho County of Gila, Territory of Arizona, db hereby certify that the abovo and foregoing contain and constitute a full, true and correct copy of Articles of Incorporation of the COP PER BASIN DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, as tho same appears of record in my office in Book 2, Corporations, at page 42; that I have compared tho same with the original record, and thnt the same is a true transcript and of thn wholo thereof. Given under my hand and seal of of-fico this 29th day of September, A.

I). "OS E. T. STEWART, County Reerfrder, Gila County, A. T.

First publication September 30, 1908. CITY OF GLOBE Ordinance Number 56 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION ONE AND SECTION TWEN-TY-SIX OF ORDINANCE NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT, AN ORDINANCE FOR THE ASSESSMENT, EQUALIZATION, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF CITY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF GLOBE. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Com- mon Council of the City of I. That Section I of Ordinance Number Twenty-eight be, and tho same is hereby amended so as to rend as folwyfo SJiUTlUA' I. Thoro shall be levied and collected' annually, upon the assessed valuo of all real and personal property within tnc City ot (jJobe, as shown by the equalized assessment roll of the current year, except such as is, or mav be, ex empt from taxation under the laws of tho Territory of Arizona, FIRST: Not exceeding four mills on the Dollar of such assessed valuation to defray tho salaries of officers, and tbc ordinary contingent expenses of tho corporation not herein otherwise provided for.

SECOND: Not exceeding twelve mills on the Dollar of such assessed valuation, for the purpose of constructing and repairing streets, sewers, side-walks and cross-walks, or bridges and culverts, upon such streets and side-walks. THIRD: Not exceeding four mills on tho Dollar of such assessed valuation, to defray the interest on tho public debt of the City. SECTION IT. That Section Twenty-six of Ordinance Number Twenty-eight 'be, and the same ukiku) iiiuuuuuu so ua 10 rcnu ns 101-lows: SECTION XXVI. If, by tho return of the Collector to any such tax warrant, it shall appear that any taxes levied upon Real Estato remain unpaid, an order shall be mado by the Common Council and entered of record on the Minutes thereof declaring all such unpaid taxes delinquent, and describing the premises on which such taxes aro delinquent with the amount delinquent thereon, and directing the Collector to proceed to tho collection of such delinquent taxes in the manner provided by Chapter Ninety-four, Session Laws of tho Territory of Arizona, approved March 21st, 1908.

SECTION III. All ordinances and parts of Ordinances in. conflict with tho provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect from" and after its passage and adoption.

Passed and adopted tho 21th day of September, A. D. 1908. Approved: ALFRED KINNEY, (Seal) Mayor. Attest: Jas.

II. Welch, City 1st reading, September 17, 1908. 2nd reading, September 21, 190S. 3rd reading, September 24, 1908. First publication September 2C, 190S.

Notice to Taxpayers The duplicato assessment roll of the County of Gila, Territory of Arizona, for the year 1908, is now in my possession and will bo open for tho collection of tho taxes levied from 9 a. in. until 5 p. m. daily.

Taxes will be delinquent on the third Monday (21st) of December next thereafter and unless paid on that day or prior thereto, five per cent will be added to tho amount thereof as penalty. D. It. WILLIAMSON, County Treasurer and Ex-Officio Tax Collector. Dated September 21, 190S.

NOTICE TO LAND CLAIMANTS IN EAST GLOBE TOWNSITE, GILA COUNTY, ARIZONA. Tho survey and map of East Globe Townsite having been duly submitted to and approved by the Board of Supervisors of Gila County, Arizona Territory, and recorded in tho office of the County Recorder as required by law; Notice is hereby given of tho com-plctition of tho entry of the land embraced within said townsite and every claimant of any- lot or lots therein in order to obtain title thereto is required to file a ttatmnent of claim to said lot or lots in tho office of tho Probate Judge on or before tho 14th day of October, 1903. Witness mv hand this 15th day of July, 190S. P. C.

ROBERTSON, Probate Judge and Trustee for East Globo Townsite. First publication July 16, 190S. i 4 fr iff. 4i a.

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