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Daily Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 3

Globe, Arizona
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ODD FELLOWS' INSTALLATION Hcscuo Lodge No. 12, I. O. 0 i. mot on Wcdnesdny evening for tha purpose of installing officers.

District doputv grand mnstrr was present and iustalloi! tho following officer K. 0. Gerrge Otis. V. 0.

Harney Johnston lice. See. Win. Pin. Sec George D.

Smith S. to N. G. Kugcne Middleton. L.

S. to N. G. Wm- jregnr. K.

S. to V. 0. II. C.

Housor. L. S. to V. G.

Charles Kowo. Ward A. F. Gatlin. Con.

C. A. Wind. K. S.

S. llnlph Noftsger. h. S. S.

John Hicks. G. Barney Ponkcy. g. M.

Johnston. Chaplain Kny Noftsger. A. H. Ilnrgrave, retiring nolilo crand, was given the scat of past grand with all the attendant honors.

High tribute wns paid to his labors during the past term of office. After the installation ceremonies tho refreshment committee. Dr. Wiley, Trjid L. Mason and C.

I). Olds, served lightful repast for tho good of (ho order. While, the refreshments worn be-ing served many impromptu, speeches wero inndo and when the meeting closed all departed with the bollof that was a mighty good thing to be an Odd Follow. POCAHONTAS POW WOW Last Wednesday evening being tho rccular meeting night of Wenonnh Council No. 1 of the Daughters of Pocahontas, a joint meeting was hold with Tonto Tribe No.

13, Improved Order of Red Men. Tho place of mooting for both these orders has been changed from Miners Union hall to IVsluou hall. At the meeting Wednesday evening officers were installed in both order by Past Great Sachem Leon L- God-chaux of New Mexico, and invested with the badges of their respective offices by Great Sachem Wiley E. Jones of this territory. The degree teams of both orders were in full regalia during tho ceremonies of inrtallation, tho work of which is very beautiful.

Tho Red Men were installed first and then" acted as escorts to tho corresponding officers of tho Degree of Pocahontas during their installation. The following officers uere instnlled: Tonto Tribe Sachem, Tom Parker; senior sagamore, J. E.x Holt; junior sagamore, Wm. Izott; propher, 0. D.

Koyle; chiefs of roeords, u. Henry Abel and J. P. Dunawav; keeper of. wampum, Walter J.

Davios; collector of wampum, Fred Simmons; first and second sannnps, IfJ Trovethau ami Wm. Munson; first, second, third and foiuth warriors, L. J. Montgomery, Fred Hcngchold, James Martin and S. Hood; first, second, third and fourth braves, Thomas W.

Webb, U. B. Reynolds, J. T. Farquhur, and Bert Harris; first and second scouts, E.

L. Signlon and 0. M. Bishop; long term trustee, ('has. Henry; guard of the forest, L.

G. Lcmmcntrf; guard of tbo wigwam, Sam May. Wenonah Council Mis. Hattio M. Allison; Wenonnh, Mrs.

Dolly Higdon; Powhatan, Mr T. Parker; keeper of records, Mrs. Violet Templo; keeper of wampum, Mrs. Georginna Thompson; collector of wampum, Miss Libbio Watts; first and second Hcouts, Mesdamcs Lena Ncsbitt and Bertha first, second, third and fourth warriors, Mrs. Davidson, Mis.

Delia Crawford, Mr. E. L. riigmon, and Mr. Graham; first and second council- ors, Mrs.

Watts and Mrs. Elunbeth Morritt; first and socond manors, Mrs. May Orant and Mrs. Wyant; guard of tepee Mrs. Anna K.

Shaw; guard of forest, Mrs. Carrie Harrington. After the installation, musicians appeared on the sccno and fcoveral hours were very agreeably spent in dancing around tho council fire. Instead of corn and venison, ice cream and osiko wero substituted as lieing more suited to the temperature. It waB a must enjoyable evening and both orders plan to havo social evenings in connection with their regular business meetings in tho future.

TINY TOT'S "BIRTHDAY PARTY Tho home of Mrs. Middlolo'i at 20 Fast Oak street was tho sccno of a merry littlo party on Wednesday evening when she entertained njjuut fifteen children in honor of tho fourth birthday annlvcr.ary of her little nieco, Aurell. lUirquc. Mrs. Middloton was assisted in entertaining the tiny tots by Mrs.

Horquoz. Tho children romped and frolicked on tho lawn until time for refreshments, which to them form tho chie-f attraction at any party. Tho table had been set on tho lawn! It was decorated with flowers and laden with things dear to childish hearts. There were ico cream, cake, nuts, candy, and lemonade. Tho littlo folks thought it a very delightful party and went' homo very happy.

YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTY Mr. Joe Kyan entertained a few of his young friends at his homo on North Sutherland street on Wednesday evening. Tho evening was spent in playing various indoor games and music by tho different guests. Refreshments, consisting of cake and ice cream, wero served nfttv the games, nnd concluded what had been a most enjoyable evoning, Thoao prcsont were: 'Misses Gladys BY" tlDNA aUKERUS Miles, Leo Parks, Florence Cook, da Thomas, Ada Carvil, Anna Egner, Helen Hines, Ersal Cook, Theresa Ilav-erly and May Ryan; and Moisis. Frank Shuto.

Jcsso Fox, Emmet Ryan, Jack bowman? Neil Ryan, irgil Hayes ami Jon Ryan. PERSONAL POINTERS Mr. Cluis. D. Reppy, right of way iigeut i'or tho Southern Pacific company, will leave this morning for Tucson on a few days' business trip.

Mrs. Henry L. Taylor of Alamo Rangers' Station, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Taylor is in Sall'ord at present tilling tho office of supervisor there during a temporary absence.

Mrs. Taylor and tho assistant ranger aic taking chaige of the work ou this range during Mr. Taylor's absence-. Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Banker will leave this morning for Los Angeles, where they expect to remain for about two months. Mr. Banker has been in poor health for some timo aud hopes to bo benefited by tho change. i'f Mr.

A. E. Crawford of East Oak street left yesterday morning for tho Fumarole mine, near SalTord, wheio ho has secured employment. ft Miss Hattio' McQueen entertained a I'nw friends at dinner last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

J. 0. 'Bough-Kter. where she resides. Tho party consisted of Mr.

aud Mrs. Wiukler. Mr. Adkins. Mr.

and Mrs. Bmiguster, and the two Misses McQueen. Miss Hazel Kcegan returned last evening from Indian Hot Springs, where sho has been for the past low clays visiting Miss Lillian estmoyor and her aunt. Mrs. A.

Alexander. Mr. James Meehan went out to Liv ingstpn yesterday morning with Mr. Harry Shuto and will spend a few days with Mr. ou his ranch there Mrs.

Skelly and infant child arrived in this city last evening to join her husbaud. i'- Mr. Dick Flood loft yesterday morning for Los Angeles to attend tho Elks' convention. Mr. C.

E. Grubl.s returned last night from Long Beach, where ho has been, spending his vacation. SAFFORD SAITOH S. Van (lor dor of tho Gila Valley flank Truf i-nimitmv it f'liftnn iinil Ntori'lll'i is spending several days here on bus'incs. connected with the firm.

Mr. Stewart, if who was with tno hanK ncro lor souk' time, has boon transferred to tho company's bank at Globo. Mr. and Mrs. diaries Nix, who haw been visiting rofalivcs hero for some time, left this morning lor their homo in Texas.

Mrs. W. Andrews of Artesia has gone to Los Angoles, wliero sho will visit for several weeks. Hon. W7V.

Pace of Thatcher vn-transacting business in tho valley metropolis today. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolker loft this morning for an extended visit to tin-Pacific coast.

They will go to Portland and Seattle boforo returning Tho hour of the morning sorvico at the revival meeting has been change 1 from 11 to It) and the afternoon prayui meeting will be hold at 4 instead ot The service conducted by llv. McKlrath last evening was very interesting. Mr. aud Mrs. Ttobert Morris and Mrs.

Heber Layton were outgoing pas-neiigors to the coast this morning, where they will spend a month in recreation. Mrs. Will Clark of Solomonvillo was a visitor in tho city today. A permit has been granted J. Kobiuson to have a buildinu erected (Hi Tenth street just west of Houck'j grocery.

It will bo occupied by Wm. ('aveness as an ico crcum 'parlor ana confectionery store fieorgo II. Hirdno had tho misfortune to loso a fino horse at Inception this week. It is thought the animal dic.l of eating a poison weed. Mrs.

I loroiu-e Sow on loft Vredneo-day morning for a visit with her par enis, at Van Horn, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. A. "McKwen of In Thomas are visitors in town today.

Kruit is ripening very fast now i throughout the valley. Soveral wagon loads havo been taken to tho nearby mining camps and train shipments wit! l)e made soon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Greenhaulg left this morning for Seattle, whero they will take in the exposition aud visit relatives.

G. K. Mclntyre of Artesia was in town today on business. Mi.s Wosa lVud and Mr. Sowoll are employed 'at tho roster Mercantile si.oo tins tako stock NEWS OF THE VALLEY HEARING OF GREELY WILL BE HELD TOU BOND PIXED AT $700 HAS NOT 3EEN-SECURED NEW EVIDENCE EXPECTED Creely, charged wbh arson, through his alleged connection with tho incendiary fire which destroyed tho Cordoby clothing store on North Broad Htmnt.

Tuesday morning, was arraigned lief ore Judge Hinson Thomas yes onlay afternoon on tho charge. At the request of Assistant District Attorney Weinberger, the examination was continued until todny. Tho inking of testimony in the matter will begin at 4 p. m. Tho police have a number witnesses by whom they expect to connect Creely with tho fire.

While tho nature of thiH evidienco has not been mado public, it is expected that a number of surprises will be sprung. Crocly 's bail was fixed at $700. Last night ho had secured bond, although he may do so today. Tho defendant has seourod Attorneys J. M.

McCollum and G. Scott to defend him. NEW BASEBALL LEAGUE KNOXVILLE, July 0. The season of tho Tennessee-North Carolina Satisfaction Guaranteed Prompt Service I i English Tactics in Suffragette's Work NEW YORK, July 8. Tho hurdy gurdy and tambourinos wore used by two militant suffragettes today whose English tactics adopted for the first timo in Now York, mot with such a boisterous reception in City Hall park that, a riot nearly ensued.

A mcok Jpoking man pulled a hurdy gurdy, while Mrs. Sophia Loebinger and Miss Helen Murphy, suffragettes, wore badges and streamers lettered, THIS DATE IN HISTORY JULY'9 17G5 Defeat of Braddock on his march to Fort Duquesne. 17CC Jonathan Mayhow, Boston's liberal minister, who was the first to preach in behalf of liberty for tho colonies, 'died in Boston. Born October 8, 1720. 1791 Sevcnty-ono persons guillotined in Paris.

1S10 The kingdom of Holland annexed to France. 1830 Erzorum, tho capital of Turkish Armenia, surrendered to tho Russians. 1840 Commodore Montgomery took possession of San Francisco. 1S50 Znchnry Taylor, twelfth president of tho United States, in Washington, D. C.

Born in Orange county, Virginia, November 24, 1784. 1SG2 Hamilton, N. captured by tho Federals. 1801 Confederates under General Early victorious at hattio of Monomacy river, Maryland. 1871 Great loss of life and property caused by storm at Dayton, Ohio.

1800 Idaho admitted to tho union. 1900 General Porfirio Diaz reelected president of Mexico. 1903 Tho new American cable to the Phillipines wns opened. 1908 National democratic convention in session in Denver nominated William J. Bryan for president.

baseball league opened today, to con-tinuo until September 11. The league is composed of Knoxville and Morris-town in Tennessee, and Ashoville, Wayncsville, Canton and Henderson-ville in Kentucky. The best pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous littlo liver pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to tako and act promptly. They are sold by Palaco Pharmacy and United Drug Co.

if IT'S OUR BUSINESS TO HELP No doubt at times you have had the thought that your grocery bill is too big. Well if it is, we only want the opportunity to show you we can help you to save something on it. When we opened this Big Grocery Store we proceeded to go after business by making quality and price the attractions. We have had splendid response and we are sure that every customer of this store is a satisfied customer. You owe it to yourself to buy your groceries where you get the best for your money.

We guarantee to please you. Let us have your next order. Wagons everywhere. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. The Seelig Company "vote for women," and carried copies of "The Suffragette" and jangled tambourines.

Within five minutes they wero tho center of such a crush that they had to shriek for the police. Not a copy of the official publication was sold and there wero no speeches. A squad of police mado a lane for tho two women to tho nearest subway station and they wore hurried home. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tho Bast and Surest. "It affords me pleasure to state that I consider tho preparation known as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the, best and surest of good results of any I have ever used in my family," says P.

E. Herrington, of Mount Aerial, Ky. This is the universal verdict of all who use this remedy. Its cures are so prompt and effectual that! pcupio uiko pleasure in recommending it. For sale- by all druggists.

YOU SAVE (Incorporated) Wholesale and Retail Grocers Phone 151 Give Us Your Order If you want the best American Block Coal, Hay and Grain. We are now in our new building just completed, two doors south of Cottonwood opp. Freight depot Arizona Feed Fuel Company PHONE The Globe Commercial Co. TELEPHONE 221 We Want Your Trade The quality of goodi carried by ui can always be depended on. We buy and sell the best, and handle only luch qualities as will appeal to lovers of "good things to eat." We have accommodating salesmen.

Our solicitors are competent. We make prompt deliveries Open an account with today.snd we will Doth be winner. The North Globe Pleasure Club will give a SOCIAL DANCE at Library Hall Saturday Evening Ice Cream and Cake Free The House That Saves VoU Money on Your Groceries 751 i 'f i. I.

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