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Daily Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 7

Globe, Arizona
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SILVER WANT BELT'S ADS ONE CENT A WORD CASH MUST ACCOMPANY COPY. WANTED. -TED500 women and as many If j0 attend tho spocial woman meeting to bo given by Local SorHt I'arty at MJnow rmoahall, Sunday evening, February ii at iWTED FUrnuuro iur two luuaa (a tltfhen, with stove. Call-at lee a T.inn factory i rt.tiftKtAi OTifl tnftfhnt wtnt fcA" a .1 mAnrl lAiia in ooici or kuu" u'ulus uuu.iv. TwtED Housokeopcr.

L. Walllman, tfu.h Olobo Dairy. Telephone 722. South tTiON WANTED Experienced 1-. fBBWtion.

Address C. P. thin office. FOB SALE. furniture tor sale Elegant brass bed, mattress and springs.

Gasoline range. Mission rocker. linen curtains, poles and shades. Fine oak dresser. Somo cooking utensils.

Inquire -t-12 South High street. Theso goods aro in. fine, condition and wll bo sold very cheaply, but most be taken today, as they must bo removed from tho house. Co mo quick if you are looking for a snap. NEW 8 I I 7ivrrn Men to rom at Miss Taunc's rooming house on Squaw hill.

path and eelectric light; 5 and! $0 pt month. jTVJrEDCopy of Weekly Silver Bolt JaouaV 10, 1909. Circulation tvpt, this office. FOR RENT. us BENT Threo rooms furnishod for looMkwplng.

Reasonable. Inquire jtwra 7, Trust building. OS BENT Cabin on Noftsger HUL earn or Milwnr Bolt 1 "Cabin," care of Silvor 03 EEHT 2 our room- nouaa iur- Iiuhed. inquire ms eouw uovcreaux lirwt. FOR SALE.

ns SALE Half interest in Higdon At Wright transfer and express business. Apply E. I Higdon. OS SALE imrteen-room ooarcung ud llging house, completely fur- aisiM, elo.H) in. kick -muick, oora Trust Illdg.

OS SALE Good team and wagon; trcrrthini! in first-class condition: (ill sell at a bargain if sold at once. Address T. 11, care Silvor Belt. 32 SALE Piano bargain if sold hi once. Apply 469 a.

1-Jaat street. 02 SALE A good saddlo horse. Call I if n. Purdura, 619 E. Cottonwood.

FOR SALE Now balo of Navajo rugs just received; anyono wishing to see. thorn call lit 387 South East street. Mrs. K. C.

Bright. FOR SALE House, old furnituro, for tmo third of actual cost. Apply to Nick Milick, Room 32, Trust Building. FOR SALE Interest in well established business, first class lofntion, paying well. Apply to Nick Milick, Room 32, Trust building.

FOR SALE About rour acres of well Improved property adjoining town. In-quiro Olobo (Jommercal store. AUCTION SALES. jg AUCTION SALE Tho cntiro contents of 10-room houso for sale at a bargain. This furnituro is almost now and in splendid condition.

Doublo beds and single beds with springs and mattresses, dressers, wash stands, comforts, bed spreads, art squares, carpets, stoves, kitchen utensils, etc. This sale commoncos Saturday, Feb. 27 nt 10 a. rear of Kinney house, 255 PINE ST. LOST AND FOUND.

LOST Pair, rimless glasses, attached to spring-winding guard. Return to J.1IH9UU 1UU1UU8. FOUND Gold cuff loutton with oik head engraved. Owner can recover by paying for this ad. FOUND Ring of koya, including Yales.

Owner can recover same by paying 'or this ad and proving ownership. This office. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds and Jewelry. Mindlin Jewelry Loan Co Have You Rooms to Rent? Have You Real Estate to Sell? Have You a Horse or a Dog to Sell? Have You Something to Trade? Any or All of These Deals Can Be Arranged Through The Silver Belt' Want Columns Only One Cent a Word Daily or Sunday IF YOU Ae ning or contemplate using POWER for any purpose, boo ub.

We to demonstrate to yon- tho advantages of ELECTRIC MOTORS DOWCp nvn. n.lm. Ttmrmmfcnr nnr aurvipn in nrini vivi AUT VbUU IfltWQ UVI.t. nipte(itwenty-foar hours a day. 1L0BE ELECTRIC LIGHT GAS CO.

I SAFFORD, Fobruary 25. Jutigp Mc-Collum, whq- has boon visiting his family hero sinco Sunday, returned to Olobo yestorday afternoon. V. A. Wilson of Solomonvillo was shopping in Bniford yestorday.

Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister wore outioing passongors to Globo yesterday. Mrs. Will Parks, who for- several dnys has beon tho guest of her mother, Mrs.

Henry Dial, loft yestorday for hor home iu Globe. Mr. and Mrs. Tip Hondcrson of Globe who were visitors during the race moot, returned homo yesterday aftornoon. Bon Mauer, tho prosperous rancher, was a businoss visitor in town yesterday.

No further ovidonco has been found iu regard to tho corpse found at tho Ciouega Tuesday, with tho exception of the proof of a Japanese interpreter who claims thq man was of Japanese nationality. Letters from his and pictuu-h nj thorn wcro found on his porson. Nat Wansloy loft for Globe yesterday afternoon. Mrs, Charley Morris, who has bepn visiting friends and relatives in tho city, loft yestorday aftornoon for hor homo in Olobo. Mm.

Addio Placo of Soloraonvilje was a visitor to Safford yesterday. Bud McAllistor was an outgoing pas senger to uiobo yesterday. Miss Bornico Anderson is confined' to her home with a severe attack of la-grippe. Probate Judge T. S.

Bunch of Solo-monvillc was a busiuesn visitor to Safford yesterday. W. B. McLaughlin left yesterday 'for an overland trip to San Carlos, where ho will haul hay, grain and salt to the Chiricahua Cattle company1 ranch near that place. II.

Campbell was a passenger to Globe Wednesday afternoon. F. A. Woodward was an Incoming pnssonger from Globo this morning. Tho ground is being broken todny for tho Gila Valley Bank Trust company's building.

SAFFORD, February 25. Mrs. C. McCollum of Globo is spending the week with relatives here. U.

F. Houck is having a well drilled on his lot, where a new residence is in tho courso of construction. R. Maxey, who has been sending tho winter with relatives in Globe, stepped hero Wednesday on the way to his homo in Dallas: lie is visiting nt the homo of J. C.

Robinson. P. C. Anderson of Globe spcut a fow hours here yesterday- between trains. Ho was returning from a business trip to Phoenix.

Dr. J. N. Ktratton was in Pima on Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Claridgo of Thatcher in spending the week hero with friends.

After spending several days with Mrs. J. J. Birdno, Mrs. G.

R. Young left yesterday for her home at Fumarole. L. C. foreman of the C.

C. C. ranch nt San Carlos, is in town to inspect the horses that have boon broken at tho ranch north of town. A number of the horsos will Iki driven to tho rnueh at San Carlos for use on the tungc in that vicinity. As a TMUlt of over exertion at tho fir Tuesday night, Z.

C. Prina is confined to his room. F. Thuni is acting in the capacity of deputy county assessor and is now assessing property at Pima and Eden. R.

Roads and family aro now occupying tho Brewer residence south of the railroad. Mrs. Dora Wish and son Walter left this morniug for Phoenix, where they will make their future home. A meeting of tho Gila Valley Fair association waH hold Wednesday night in tho Bank of Safford building. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE OILA VALLEY BANK TRUST COMPANY, at the close of business, February 4, 1909.

RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Less Duo from Directors 401, Due from Directors as Kn- dorseru Overdrafts Banking Houso Furniture, Fixtures and Real Estate U. S. Bonds and Premium- Other Bonds and Mort- (Jtt5.00 4,473.87 25,980.57 31,375.00 Kes Stocks, Securities and Claims Current Expenses and Taxes Paid Exchanges, Cash Items and Checks in Transit Sight Ex- chango Cash on Hand 4.250.00 20,329.70 3,179.17 10,209.30 445,104.10 $1,044,729.91 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 100,000.00 Surplus I'roflts UJ.SU7.77 Total Doposits 882,832.14 $1,044,729.91 Tho Jumping Off Placo "Consumption had mo in its grasp; and I had almost reached tho jumping off place when I was. advised to try Dr. King's Now Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life.

Improvement began with tho first bottle, and after taking ono dozen bottles I was a well nnd happy man again," savs Georco Moore, of Grimcsland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds I nnd hoaler of weak, soro lungs and lor preventing pneumonin Now Discovery is supremo. 50c and $1.00 at Palacp Pharmacy. Trial bottle free.

Reason Enthroned Bccauso meats aro so tny they aro consumed in great excess. This lends to stomach and constipation. Itoviso your diet, let reason and not. a pampered appotito controL then take a low doses of Chamborlain'sJ Stomach nml Tablets yon will, soon ba woll Try it. For I Suggestion by Ellen Stan.

StLK JUMPER FOR DRESSY OCCA8ION8. is Importantthat wo select colors that aro becoming nnd inconspicuous uuu mill, uo uoi ueiir imprints or certain season. Tho bo called fashion-able shades nro never worn by the best dressed women, it bcjng considered by 'them ns poor taste to loso their individuality and thus bo merged into Jhe popular sea of dress. From the subdued Bhades of blue, brown, red and green evory woman can at least find ono color thnt wilt This will combine with a darker or lighter shade of tho same' color, according to whether the dress Is intonded for homo or street wear. nnd the waist may be so designed that it 'wilt bring the becoming shade next the face and neck.

Garments of tho one tone are really mora artistic and truly elegant than thoso that display a combination of color. However, white and Its opposite, black, can be artistically combined with any color if tho proper shades aro selected. Women can never be pleasingly gowned until they learn the unchangeable law of art that there must be sufficient plain to show to advantage tho ornamentation. It is right here that women fall to make tho best of what they bare. It is here, too, that they spend more money than on any other part of tho dress with less satisfactory results.

For many women it would be a bless ing in disguise they were without the means to buy trimmings and were forced to' brjns their ingenuity into play nnd manufacture from tho drcsa material any ornamentation that the dress required. In this way tho artistic eye would be spared many trying combinations. Why is it that women persist in wearing dresses trimmed with yards and yards of cheap laco and settle into them with a self satisfied air. while the aamo money Invested In a small, even a very small, piece of real laco would give truly elegant air to any gown with which It was worn? Not a degree loss trying are thoso who have no Idea of congrulty or suitability. It is painful (o the well bred to see a girl at her business wearing a discarded evening gown.

When woman cannot afford to have clothes for both crenlng nnd business wear, by all means let her choose them from the latter, for with If well selected and properly made, she Is presentable anywhere that a low neck Is not required, and tub Is more than can be said when she wears dyed or altered evening frock for business. This mandarin Jumper Is cut in sir sizes from 32 to 42 Inches bust measure. To make for the average person It requires 2 yards of material 20 Inches wide or 1 yards 44 or more Inches wide. Any reader of this paper who desires to secure this pattern may do so by sending 10 cents to this office. Give the number, 3S24, state size desired and write the full address plainly.

The pattern will be forwarded promptly by malL A SERVICEABLE COAT MODEL. OTHERS who make their daughter frocks often hesitate to attempt outer garments, such as the ono Illustrated, for the reason that they they are complicated and difficult to handle. The model shown here is so simple that the most. Inexperienced- home sewer may sat isfactorily make it if the directions on the pattern are observed! It will require little if any fitting. Black nnd white shepherd's plaid is one of the most popular mater SCH rials for the wnlk- JMg BUIU auu IHJU- tache braid is used aa trimming.

'Ti3 tailor made coat Is semlfittcd in quarter length, and the collar, can be cither of the material or faced with cloth or velvet of a contrasting color. The buttons used for the trimming and closing can be either of smoked pearl or molds material covered. An effective garment can be made of cheviot serge in any of the new colors or Iu dark blue or red. Granite cloth or a camel hair will make up prettily, and either of these materials in the new shades, fashioned with the socnlled tunic skirt, slashed or plaited to give the iwpular effect will bo stylish If trltnmed with plplugs and covered buttons. Tho pocket laps are large and aro decorated with' buttons, with similar oucs on the bact of the coat, which give the desired short walsted effect.

Tho selection of garments for school is usually a difficult task for mothers, but this Hcason they do not find It so, for the necessary gnrmontH ure not only smart and practical, but are quite Inexpensive. li I double breasted coat is cut In three sizes for girls fourteen, sixteen and eighteen' years of To copy It for a girl sixteen years of nge requires 5 yards of material 30 Inches wide or 4Vj yards Jlnehes wide. Any reader of this? paper, who desires to secure this pattern may do so by sending 10 cents toithls office'. Give. the.

4381. state size, desired nnd write the full nddrWplainly. The pattern will be forwarded promptly by mall. Jt Vfci. jSfiK Buy Real Estate Now Besides being profitable, thoro Is something fascinating in being a real cotate owner.

You admit that, yet you crush your desiro to own real estate, perhaps, In the belief that you aro not offered tho opportunities that made our grandfathers wealthy. PROGRESS TO A HIGH-' ER STATION IN LIFE i8 impossible unless you save certain parts of tho city and especially that lying on tho slope of tho hill between Cottonwood and Cedar streets In tho NEW EAST GLOBE TOWNSITE, promise within a very short time to become the choicest residential district in Globe Now is the time to buy Looking a few years forward you would be toying with figures if you attempted to estimate the val-uo of theso lots. After the streot car franchise is granted you will pay double and treble tho present prices. BUF NOW Low cash or time payments. Call and let us talk tho matter over with you.

CHARLES RIEMEN REAL EST BROAD STREET, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF TRUST BUILDING. Home Investment Company's "Doin's" In the way of advertising something good in Real Estate Bargains in Greater Olobc, where the sun works overtime all winicr, and prosperity awaits alL When one sees a ripe peach on a plum tree, and fails to pick it, has he got any right to kick" bocauso ho did not get it? When one knows of a good bargain in a lot or home, and don't buy, ho has got no right to "Jdck," about hard luck. When one pays high rent in a good growing town like Globe, and don't buy a home, when be has some good ones offered at tight prices and easy terms, has he got any right to gay "cuss" words to the roan who collects rent? Here are a few opportunities for some one to get busy in a lot or a home proposition, which is like tho peach on the plum tree; ready to pick. Good two-room house and three lots, East Globe, just east of Dreamland, to be sold for $1,000, 1500 cash, balance time. We have a fine new three-room house, East Globe, large lot to trade for lot, will give good easy Fine pair corner lots, Pascoe hill, to be sold for $520 cash.

Fine lot, Fascoe hill, to be sold for $280, $100 cash, balance $15 per month. Fine house and lot, Noftsger MIL price $1000, $250 cash, balance $23 per month get We have a good business chance for right party. Acreage, near Safford, at a get busy price. We have from time to time some hurry-up bargains, in real estate, get busy at the right time and you will get money without working so hard. HOUSES FOR RENT by HOME INVESTMENT COMPANY JTM HOGUE, Mgr.

Globe Real Estate Office HOMES Five rooms and bath, lawn, and shade Four rooms and bath, East Globe Four rooms and bath, First street. $2500 (SrECIAL Elegant modern floor space 30x50; five rooms, comodious bath room, servant's cottage; barn and fence; lot 96x100; price $4600 terms if necessary. i SNAPS 'I 45x100 feet on Broad street $5500 100x120 feet on Railroad 50x100 feet, partly improved, close in 50x125 feet Knob hiU, very choice MOREOVER We Btill have a few choice lots on East Globe at FIRST PRICE. See them and save the profit of the speculator who offers you his bargains. We want builders and 'will make inducements.


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS WE SUPPLY THE BEST GATTI MEAT CO. HERE'S A POINfTER FOR EVERY COAL USER IN GLOBE Be sure your coal is free from slack, slate and dirt. We sell AMERICAN BLOCK COAl and it is always delivered to you in fine condition. We also sell Wood, Coke, Hay, Grain ARIZONA FUEL FEED CO. PHONE 751 Opposite Depot FILL OUT THIS BLANK.

ARIZONA SILVER BELT, Globe, Arizona. Please order for me, 10 cents herewith to cover your charges: .190.. Pattern No: Name Address t. NOTE These Patterns are ordered -you from New York and require about 10 days' to got you. i sf va fia V- 2 to i 4 .03 W3 H1 t.

LiliLu 1 rii: JBE -VI a 1 Balo at All. Sa.mples.frce..

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