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Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina • Page 13

Statesville, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LAKDHARlL 8TATESVTLLE, N. 0. 26, 1930. PERSONALS lertfrice'tffc Marl Hill Rev. and Mrs.

B. E. Morris and Mr. Z'eb Vance Long, left to- largo delegation from Western Ave- day for New York City, where nuo Baptist church have gone to Mr. Henry Clay Summers Weds Miss Ila SUkeleathcr.

Mr. Henry Clay Summers and Miss Ila Stikcleather, both of Loray, we're united in marriage this morning at 7 o'clock, at the home of the officiating minister, Dr. E. D. Brown, on Euclid nvonuc.

wii JI1IIU in I tl Illl vii) it Belgrade Lakes, Maine, where of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. Carl-1 Mrs. Summers is a (laughter of Mr. re lo the summer. They ton's sisters, Mrs.

L. W. MacKcsson John Stikeleathcr, of Loray, and is a will be counsellors at Pine Island and Mrs. Frederick Burger. graduate of Mitchell College.

Mr. Summers is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.

Summers, of Loray, and .1 JT WIIUIU I will be joined by Howard Arbucklc (Mars Hill College to attend the state- a son of Dr. H. B. Arbuckle, of wide B. Y.

P. U. conference. They will Davidson College. Messrs.

Long and return the latter part of the week. Arbuckle will go on to Pine 1 Island E. P. Carlton and son, Pinkney, and Mrs. S.

A. Bianchard, Miss Miss Lucille Braccy, of the Ram-1 Mnio Stoner and Mr. A. W. Bunch Miss Elizabeth Moore, of Carolina Directors Asia visiting Mrs.

S. J. Knox. sbc'atioh. Miss Nancy Moffatt, of Due Miss Efixabefh Grier, was'for- S.

arrived last night to be the" of tho-city schools guest of Mrs. Earle G. Wlvte. tacultjr. here, arrived-Wednesday to Mr.

and Mrs. F. L. Johnson re-, the g.uest of. Mrs.

Earle G. rn today from Camp Mount'Mil- Miss Grier has been studying cfcell where they went yesterday "New'York city the'past year arid take their son, Frank to enter camp. Johnson, will Continue her studies there -this summer. 'Miss Grier will sail i I 100 Vf'l It i. TT lit 90,1 I- i UI Misses Evelyn Goode and Virginia' China, to, do mission ihompson went to Camp Mount iMit-' wprk.

chell this morning to spend the r'e- roixinder of the sumrhcrr. wprk. Miss Ifyllle 'Nanced arrived Wednesday for a'short visit to her sister, sey-Bowlos is in Charlotte at-. left Tuesday afternoon for MoreheaU'is connected with the S. R.

Stilwcll tending a school for corsetieres. City attend the meeting of the Auto Radiator Repair this city. Th'e following anouncements have teen issued: "Mr. J. T.

Stlkcieather announces the marriage of his daughter to Mr. H. Clay Summers on Thursday, the twenty-slxtn of June Nineteen hundred and thirty Statesvile, North Carolina. At Home, after July first Lora-y, North Carolina." Garrison-Turner Wedding in Shelby Miss 'Ruth Love Turner, of Charlotte and Statesville, Becomes the Bride of Mr. Wilton Mays Garrison, of Spartanburg.

The following account of the marriage of Miss Ruth Love Turner and Wilton Mays Garrison, which took place in Shelby, will be of interest hero to friends of the bride, who had been making her home in Statesville for the past few months: Shelby, June a- ceremony marked by beauty, and impressiveness Miss Ruth Love Turner and Wilton Mays Garrison were married yesterday afternoon here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Durham Moore, aunt and uncle of the bride. Dr.

Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, officiat- Miss Susie Clark, of Washington, is: Mrs. Earle G. White. Miss Nance is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.

R. Poijton. cn routc to her honic at Due West, S. Mrs. G.

A. Lazenby and children, aftel a visit in Lexington, Va. a i 1 visiting mrs. uazenuy moiiicr, raia. iu ra A1 mri Pnllino Aiuerc AJ.

VjOiuns, near riarium Fitts, in High Point. 'Springs Miss Lena Early returned Wednes-, day from Washington, D. where Kcv and Mrs Byinond Kepler Ar- she attended a national conyen- rived Wednesday Mormnir tion.of 4-H clubs. Miss Early repre- vca cancsaa morning. rented clubs of North' Caro-1 Rev.

Raymond Kepler and Una at the convention. Kepler, who were married in New P. Flanigan is attend-, York City early in June, arrived hero oil dealers convention at Wednesday morning for a short-visit Beach. I with Mrs. Kepler's W.

Mr. Clayton Troutman and family, Hall, of Miami, are visiting rein-' tives in Statesville and the coumy. Mr. Troutman, who was formerly Mrs. Kepler, Tjrior' to her marriage, was 1 -'Miss" Margaret' Blaine, and has 1 many -Wends, was.

a niom- t. i i. j. the local postoffice. has been ber.

of city school faculty fo'r connected with the postoffice in Mi- 1928-29, and. dlirbg. the past year was i i. A 1 i. the past several years.

In student at the White Bibfe school, 'blisses Nan Cochranc, EiiznSeth New York 'Her marriage took Cutting and Louise Cutting are place nt the White school'on thju ing few days at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. M.

Gray and son, Morris Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. Parks ond of June. Kepler was graduated this year from the Harvard Divinity School. ICirkpatrick and children, of Char-1 Both and Mrs." Kepler were lotte, will go to Monti-eat today reared in-'China, where therr parents to spend days, as guests of arc missionaries.

MrSj Kepler is a Miss Mamie McElwec. Mrs. T. C. Hobbs, of I daughter of Rev.

Blaine. ami. Mrs. J. M.

arrived Wednesday to visit her sis-. After a brief visit here with Mrs. tcrs, Misses Mattic and Sallie Thorn- Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Kepler will leave Margaret and Luola Over- San Francisco, and will sail from there, on the fourth of July, for cash will go to Montreal today to China, where they arc to do misbion spend some time.

I work. John D. Patterson and little i and Miss Pauline i Mac Sa cy Missionary Society Meets Miller went to Chshlottc Wednesday to spend severa days, as guests of Mrs. Gordon Lupo. Hudson, With Miss Bowie Tho Mae Sallcy Missionary Society of Broad Street Methodist church aic Mrs.

James L. Hudson, Sr. Mrs. F. H.

Gully and daughter, nuc, with eleven members and six visitors present. During a business session Miss who spent several davs here with onurnii was elected president relatives, returned home Tuesday. the 9 succcc Miss Melba They made the trip by motor and 5 who will leave July to cuter were accompanied to Morganton by Park; Hospital in New to Misses Sarah Elizabeth and Nancy ko training as a nurse. Miss Mury Bristol, who will visit relatives there. wa A- Mrs.

T. G. Fawcett and children, Ml Lucilc Watson, -recording Mount Airy, who have been visiting secretary, to succeed officers' who Mi's. Fawcetts parents', Mr. and hnv resigned.

Mrs. N. B. Mills, returned home Tucs- In appreciation of the work she has don-j for the past 18 months as presi- Mrs. D.

M. Furches returned home ent --society, Miss Bowie was Monday from Blowing Rock where Presented a lovely diary. sho spent several days with Mrs. lh devotional service on "Willing C. Martin.

Service was conducted by Miss Dr. A. J. Durham, ot' Acworth, Nanc Knight. of the ed.

Soft strains of the wedding mavch played by Mrs. Ben Suttlc, preceded the ceremony. The vows were spoken in the living room in front of an improvised altar, beautifully banked with gladioli and flanked with tall silver candelabra holding lighted tapers. The bride was given in marriage by her father, J. A.

Turner. The bride-1 groom had as his best man, Fanning Feast Tuesday Evening Attended by Almost Men Mr. Ward Chnrlotte, the Principal Speaker. Tho fish fry given by the Junior Board of Stewards of Broad Street Methodist church, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the dining room of the church, was attended by approximately 150 men. Mr.

Robert A. Collie. 1 chairman of the Junior Board of Stewards, wns timstmastor. Music was furnished by tin- orchestra of the Broad Street Men's Bible class. Mr.

Joe Moroney save two phasing solo numbers. Mr. Ward Threat of ClinrlotU', was the principal speaker, holding up his reputation as an unusuullv ontcr- tairing and speaker. humorous after-dinner Rev. J.

S. Hiatt, presiding elder of the Statesville District, spoke briefly, urg'ng the importance of a closer fellowship among the men of the church. Following a number of short talks on the idea of forming a permanent organization, on motion of Mr. Buren Jurney, it was vote,) that a permanent organization be formed and that committee bo appointed to work out details. The committee will be named later by the chairman.

Tho visitors wore Mr. Ward Threntt, Mr. Robin Kirby, and Mr. J. IT.

Wearn, of Charlotte; Rev. E. J. Harbison and Mr. Ben Stimson, of Statesville.

Circle No. 4 Meets Wilh Mrs. Waller E. Sloan Circle No. '1 of the Woman's Missionary Society of Broad Street Methodist church met Monday afternoon with Mrs.

Walter K. Sloan, at he- homo on East Broad street. Tho regular routine busincs-5 was transacted during the business session and reports from the different committees showed good progress in all departments. A short program was given by the program committee. Fourteen members responded to roll call and there were three including Mrs.

J. K. Scroggs, Auxiliary president; Mrs. Fred Horton; and Mrs. Jessie Brown, of Madison.

National and Slate Officials on Visit to Project Are Surprised at Work Already Joseph and look out for other details inci- children. These special sermons dent to conducting far reaching ex- tho children arc preached the la periments. Sunday night in each month. Sund Mr. Snydcr expressed himself as school will meet at Epwor.

delighted with Statesville, declaring Leagues at 6. The prayer-service onti of the prettiest towns he had night will be led by Mrs. F. B. ever seen.

coft'. The chapter will be the twelrf of Romans. Everyone should brin' Bibles or Testaments to derive tM greatest benefit from the prayer sei vices. TKOUTMAN NEWS Troutman, June John Cline is spending the week at Pied- Snyder Will Be Stationed Here lor onl B( Y. uS Ut mp Lake 10 Years.

(By Bailey T. Groome) Dr. A. G. McCall, head of the National Committee on Soil Erosion and Trytm, with the following members of his Boy Scout troop: Harold Kylca, Leonard Cavln, Elbert Sherrill, Roland Shcrrill, Glenn Sherrill, William Sherrill, Robert William chief of the.

bureau of chemistry and, Troutman, William Upton, Richard soils of the United States govern- Kale, Hal Templeton, and also Otho incut at Washington; Major H. H. Travis of tho hast Monbo troop. Ac- M. Hearon of Spartanburg.

"The BIWo Mrs. A. J. carried a roses and bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Sue Turner, who was maid of honor. The bride wore a charming gown of egg-shell chiffon, picture hat and accessories to match.

She shower bouquet of bride fern. The maid of honor was attired in orchid chiffon with picture hat to jhatch and carried an arm bouquet of gladioli. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Moore were hosts at a charming- reception- and buffet supper for the immediate families of the bride and groom and a fewJVicnds.

After the and Mrs. Garrison left for a short wedding trip Myrtle Beach. The bride traveled a bluc cnsenibl On their return led an Leviticus. Bennetf, of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils; Dr. R.

Y. Winters of the North Carolina State College id Experiment Station, and Mr. Josaph Snydcr, of the department of Chemistry and Soils of Washington, are in tho city today making a study of the soil erosion farm in this county. They spent the morning with Bailey T. Groome, pccretary of thj chamber of commerce, who accompanied them to hte farm and turned them over to Fred Morrison, bund farmer of the station.

Mr. Snydcr will locate bore an i will bring his family to Statesville, rs ho will be in charge of the chemistry and soils at tho Statesville station for next 10 years. Mr. Snydcr bos a wit'is and two children whom he hopes to move here within the next 10 days. Dr.

Winters and Major Bennett, cording to reports they are enjoying great 3cal of swimming, boating and learning acoutcraft. Mr. Luther FOR SALK. Harrington went with them to the camp Monday to transport a earful of Scouts. Mrs.

John Clark and Mrs. Clayton Loftin have been quite ill but arc now improving. A number of relatives and friends frr POUNDS! Flour. BROWN'S CASH STORE -1227 Juno on mile olf pnvrrl ronil; 25 ncreH under cultty vntlon. 35 tlmlK-i-; nome 2 miles roS Atlantic Ocean.

Apply MRS. JAMES SUMMERS. Street. Indinnn. June AN KXI'HESSIpN OP APPRECIATION In Sntunlny'n Insuc of The Stntenvlllo Da primary man In of Mr.

W. M. Morrow gathered at his Mr!" niibt." "i'. homo and enjoyed a dinner spread in tio th 8CCO pri honor of his fifty-sixth birthday. He I had present his four children, four of my thnnkn to my his fivo step-children, and a number fh thclr 1 nmt to Mr.

ftencrnUR net and to nay that If I 01 nephews and nlCCCS. HIS present elected Sheriff of Irvilell County I will Ho wiic. his third, was formerly Miss Ellen Cascaddon. Mr. A.

J. Webb is spending several days visiting relatives at Bryson City. Miss Eula Riddle returned Saturday from a two weeks visit to relatives who have previously visited the farm, in northwest Carolina. wero right much surprised an-1 de-1 Mr. and Mrs.

Gibson, of Galveston, lighted at tho work that has bcsn ac- Texan, spent tho past wqek vlniting complishcd in so short a time. Stumps havo been pulled, trees cleared, hedge rows grubbed up, crop.s planted arid the farm in general put'into a modern state. As an aid to Mr. Mormon, who has charge of the work, sumo fiv () or six Irodell county nien have obtained steady employment on the farm. F.

O. Bartell, in charge Mr. and Mrs. John A. Clark.

Tho Troutman Boy Scouts presented their play, "BlacITBear Camp," last Friday night to tt large and appreciative audience in Mt. Airy. The boys wore graciously entertained in tho homes of tho Mt. Airy Scouts and Scout leaders. They received many Vavorable comments on their play, which presents a cross-section or pan- Mi 4 Snyder of the farm, is having ajoramic view of the benefits of Scout- vacation and is visiting all the other ing.

They camped for the night in government stations making a study of'the work. Dr. McCall and Major Bennett are here to locate tanks and experiment apparatus for the initial work of their tho edge of Virginia, visited the big granito quarry the next mornimr, thn In vltronmnly perform the duties of office without fenr or favor. I nsk the active numtort of nil Dcmocijj in the November clocllon. C.

KIMBAUJ June 26--L. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CHEDITOI Itnvlnir qunlllled nil executor nf the J. M. Rohertnun, decenKed, Into of Ir county, notice IB hereby tciven to all pat tiolilltiK clnimn iiKnlnHl the i-Hlnte of said reaxpd tn prcxcftt the name to the nmtcrMg Kt hln 2H2.R Lexington Road, vllle, on or before, the 22d day of 1 lilt or thin notice will bo plead In bat ny recovery thereon. All persons nirld- ritate menu will pleuao make prompt ictt.

PROFESSOR A. -T. ROBERTSON, 2825 Lexington Loulnvlllc, May 5, 12. 10. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! The underilitned hovInK bren duly appointed oKfriilrlx nf the lust will and of Robert Sylvi-iter HayeM, Itite of Ircdell North Carolina, thin Is to notify open-face quarry in tho world, arid then returned home.

tinned, nt hor In Harmony, on or John Cline will preach in the inth day of June. inai. or thin no-' ke prompt ycttiomcnt. MRS. IDA HAYES, and Mrs.

S. S. Tomlin and was Community Welfare Stokes and Dick Tomlin, of Atlanta, I ancl Mlss Virginia Gibson read an in- who were called here last week testing ar on "Jane Adda'ms, by the critical illness and death of hc adv IIu11 House." Miss Nancy Mr. C. S.

Tomlin, returned home Mon- tol( interesting story, I- l.JI day. Mr. and Mrs. C. M.

Steele, Miss Sylvia Steele, Clarence Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen, Miss Rosa-, crcam and cake Ho Steele, and Mr. F. F.

Steele and You Heard the King Speak." At the close of the meeting hostess served delicious block the ice mi. x- x- fcjtcuit nun Flake Steele, of Winston-Salem, ftllss An Belle Wilhelm Bride of left today for a stay at Pawley's AMr a and, S. C. Ml Annie Bell Wilhelm and Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. V. E. Lackey and Mr. ra Perry were married yester- and Mrs.

J. G. Lackey have returned iay aft rnoon at 5.30 o'clock at the 101116 from visits to their 'sister, Mrs. L. he brifie Scotch-Irish motor through the valley ginia.

E. Crouch, in Herndon, Virginia, town Rowan county. and Mrs. Walter Lyons, in Washing- 1 The marriage took place in an at- ton, D. C.

They made the trip by tractive setting, on the the cer- of Vir- emony being performed lay Rev. E. D. Brown, of this The bride was Miss Julia Martha Krider has re- yen marriage by her father. turned from a visit to Concord.

There were a number- of attendants. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Walton, of 'Immediately after their marriage Philadelphia, spent Sunday here Mr.

and Mrs. Perry lefji. for a motor leaving Monday with Mr. and Mrs. i trip to On' their return John Walton, for a stay of scv- they will be at home' nt Banner Elk-, eral weeks in Florida.

I whore Mr. Perry is engaged in bust- Mr. W. T. Nicholson Went to More- ness.

head City Tuesday to attend the' Mrs. Perr.y is the daughter of meeting of the North Carolina Funer- and Mrs. R. W. Wilhelm, of Rowan Directors Association.

I county, and for the past two years Frances Armfield, of this been a member of the Banner Elk city, will sail from New York on schools faculty. Thursday, July 3, for an eight weeks. 1 tour of Europe. Miss Armfield leaves hfcre Saturday, going to Greensboro. She will be joined by friends from Greensboro and Wadesboro, and will Mrs.

W. A. Sample Has Guests for Luncheon Mrs. W. A.

Sample had as lunch- con guests Tuesday Mrs. U. B. Millor UU I U( in j. uusuny ivii s.

n. go on to New York Sunday to spend and daughters, Misses Mary Gordon few das the and Roberta Miller, of Butler, Pa. few days there before sailing. Mr. Mrs.

walker and Miss Joseph! no Ml "Mrs! of Auburn, 111., arrived Wednes- E. Miller and son, Paul Miller, Jr of to vmit Mr. Ramsey's aunts. Mrs. Sardis.

"i Wj. M. Ramsey and Mrs. C. L.

Poston, oihor in the county. Mr. and Mrsi Ramsey accompanied by Miss Grace of Auburn, who will v'sit Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mrs.

G'eorge Lentz. Dn er C. Barnard And th and Miss Kan- 4 at the homo bride' es Rov. A. Wjike Linnard arrived brother, Mr.

J. F. Brookfes, in Hender- Tuesday night from Hendersonvilln nenaer to visit relatives in Statesville and to Mrs. Barnard has been" Mtond the meeting of the North Car- of the faculty of 6lina Lutheran Synod, at Troutman. Statesville for severl Miss MaiY.Bcll has returnod ait to friends nt Henderson tesvillo.for several 'yOat's and of friendft-'hero 'who will intr-'rested in tho announcement of Louisville, and other poirits WMnarriage.

Dr. Barnard son south. Sho was accompanied of Jas. A. Barnard, "nf near Mtaerva Matthews, of and has many friends who was a member of the city- in Sfaltisville and Iredell county.

school faculty at Orangcburg, S. tho oast year. C. C. Foster, Chester O.

Ensign. Young Shacknlford and Dr. C. B. Herman returned Monday night Temporary Receiver Appointed for W.

H. Morrison, Inc. Mr. R. A.

pollier has been appointed temporary receiver of W. H. Mor- frnm a fishing trip to Linville Falls, 'rison, Incorporated. The order niak- Mrs. Nana Fleming Brown, of ing the appointment was signed Mon- Grecnvllle, is the truest of her day, at Marion, by Judge Oglesby.

A daughter, Mrs. Jack Dillon. hearing on a permanent receivership Rev. and Mrs. J.

Ben Eller nnd will be 1 held within the next ten days. children left Tuesday for Weavervillo While an exact inventory of liabi- and Mars Hill. Mr. Ellcr will attend and assets has not b'een made, the state-wide B. Y.

P. U. convention it is estimated that the assets will at Mara Hill whilo Mrs. Eljer; than take care the liabilities. children visit jn, Morrison states owing' to plan to return to Statesville Friday, condition of things, he 1 to A number of others from the First realize sufficiently tp mipet, hjs, obji- Baptist; chwvch are the con- gations.

I rVi.i^^* a adjouned to nc with Mrs W. Shcrrill in July. During tho social hour the hostess served refreshing tea and sandwiches. Young People of Concord I'rcsbylerv will Convene at Mitchell Colleirc July J(Mm L. J'arks is Director.

The young peoples' conference of Concord Presbytery will be bold at Mtichell College, this city, July 10th to l.Hli, according to an announcement by John L. Parks, of Spen, chairman of the young people's fere .1 S. and will reside in an apartment on Carlisle street. The bride is the daughter of Mr. rttlf and Mrs A.

Turner of Charlotte Statesvillq. She was graduated School for Girls, Hcn- dersbnville, attended Converse College in Spartanburg for two years and studied two years at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadel- dcparlmcnt of erosion and soil chetn-1 Troutman Methodist church next Sun- istry. They will likely be here for day morning at 11 o'clock on "Worn-ma several days estimating the cost of! an's Place and Work in the Church." tho appliances of one sort and anoth- In the evening at 6:45, ho will preach Kxeculr of l)0rt lv er they will install and prepare special illustratea sermon to the June in -2fi -July Save With at Purcell's'l DRUGS AT A SAVJNG! We Deliver Phone 40S We Deliver Phone 405 Mr. Parks is director of conference and is now completing arrangements for it. Mrs.

W. Ramsay, president of Mitchell College, is dean of the conference. This is the first yotintr people's con- PURCELL'S PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY young woman and is admired by a host of friends throughout the Cnro- linas and in Philadelphia where she was a member of the Pleiades Art op Walnut street. She has also visited extensively in Boston and New Jersey. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr, and Mrs.

M. E. Garrison of He was graduated from Presbytery, though a number of the other Presbyteries in North Carolina fc Synod have bold conferences. Ap- proximatcly 75 people are ex- peeled to be in attendance' and near- ly all the churches of the Presbytery are to be represented. Each church is entitled to four delegates from its young people's societies.

Registration will begin on Thurs- day afternoon. July 10th, and the ana University mlconference will continue to and since then 13th. Among teachers alread'v'-k, been sports editor of The Spartan-1 selected arc Rev. Dr. R.

A. White, of ourg HeraFd.and Journal. He is well Mooresville, who will te'acb a course known throughout the two Carolfnas in church history; Rev. W. H.

Good- IQV His'-newspaper work and is very man, of Kannapolis, who will tecah popular in Spartanburg. He is a inember of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Myrtle Clay Circle of Broad Street Meets The Myrtle Clay circle of Broad Street Methodist church met at the church Monday evening, with Mrs. Carrie Neill and Mrs. Frank Neill, joint hostesses.

i Tho devotional service was led by on Sahmlaj Mrs. V. E. Adams, nnd a solo was Hal- i sung by Miss Mac Mrs. T.

J. Conger read a paper, "Little Deeds of Kindness." Mrs. N. W. Thrower had" Bible; Mr.

Claude T. Carr, of Mooresville, director of religious education in Svnnd of North Carolina, who will be here for at least two days during the conference. Inspirational addresses will be made by Rev. C. L.

Crane, missionary to Africa, who will speak on Friday evening. July llth; Mr. J. Jobn- ston, of Barium Springs, who will lay evening; and Rev. missionary to Japan, will speak ut one of the evening sessions.

Entertainment feature's vuu j-iuuvvcr iictu i a paper on China. After the prorrram P' anncd me ude a pageant by Mrs. J. H. Lamb conducted the Bible fc oun ho roi lesson from the 16th and 17th I 1 'resbytenan church, this city, lesson from the 16th and 17th chap ters of Leviticus.

The social service report for the month listed 163 visits to the sick; 14 -visits to circle'members; trays sent to eight; flowers to 16 and three garments given. There were 15 members of the circle present and two The hostesses served ice crcam, cake and nuts during the 'social hour after the mpetirxg, Annual Reunion Of Students Of Flint Hill School Will Be Held. already the Street to be presented Fridav evening, and a pic- 0 ar um SP 8 Saturday aft- $1.00 Listerine 69c 75c Acidine 59c 35c Odo-Ro-No 27c PRESCRIPTIONS The most important duty of Purcell's is the correct compounding of Prescriptions. They are filled just as your doctor orders and only the purest drugs of highest quality are used. Parke-Davis, Lilly, Sharpe Dohme and Squibb supply our needs.

your doctor and have him leave your prescriptions at Purcell's where they will be properly filled and delivered to your door. We save you money on them, too. I 50c I Gloco 35c 35c Gets-It 27c $1.00 Blondex 69c C1GAREHES Camel, Chesterfield, Old Gold, Lucky Strike, Three Kings per carton $1.15 $1.25 Bisodol 89c the Old Flint-Hill school will be at Windsor's Cross Roads, Yadkin county, July 4. Shiloh and Fairview schools are also invited. speakers will be present and there will be plenty of other entertainment.

Bulletin Describes Mt. Mitchell Park Area. Raleiuh, June facts about Mount Mtichell State park, the highest point of which is Eastern America's summit, are set forth in a bulletin of tho Forestry division of the State Department of conservation and development describing the park area. The? bulletin fully describes the park area and its improvements. also contains a brief historical sketch the measurement of the, by Prof.

Elisha Mitchell, of the University of North Carolina, for whom it was named. 75c Flit 59c $1.20 Lysol 79c Let Us Solve Your Party Problems With THi CANOV Or THE SOUTH Visit Our Candy Department and See the Mints, Favors, Place Cards, Novelties, Etc. Truly Something Different For Your Particular Need. $1.00 Cardui 69c 75c Fly-Tox 59c Ovaltine 69c New York Cotton Market. New York, June Mnw Vn.b New York, June temperatures in the south and rather more favorable reports from the grain and stock markets.

Additional July notices appeared BY REQUEST $5.00 Coty's Perfume $1.00 Mello-Glo Face Powder 50cIpana Tooth Paste 69c 30c BY REQUEST $5.00 Zip Combination $1.00 Upjohn's Citrocarbonate 30 Phenolax' Wafers 69c 19c BY REQUEST 69c 89c $1 Houbigant's. Perfume $1.00 Size Ruhitonic $1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic $1.00 Larvex 69c 50c Jergen's Lotion 33c 25c Johnson's Baby 17c i around 30 to 38 points net-higher, Ul East Broad Street.

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