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Arizona Weekly Citizen from Tucson, Arizona • Page 3

Tucson, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"flTKKLY CITIZEN. Ill i.Y. APRIL 2S1SS8 IjOCAh NKWS. -c- r. i v.

tl r.r i Noyt, iitouts. Kiber, Harris returned from a abort visit il uschaos to-day. -t sJiDK of AViilia HayneslnBt superb. Tb yonat; Rentlc-r with tho beat iu the land. Uftvnes has returned from Phc- uie tcr lie gave a reKdinc; iu 'uoiist chnreh, nscisted by local tlent.

Mr. Mnynes hIho tout: of very flae viewa of tho Mix er, the well kwown grocer, for Earopo this evening, on a visit vid folks bomr." Ho ent several rauuthr and in the his brother, Mr. Nathan Zier, charge of bis .1 Elite on the aor.h oast cor-:" i ingress nnd Mejcr in ebortiy to j't-ned bv Mr. Krbam. It ih i iug thoroughly refitted for that information our honorable wLo advertises letter for B.

J. the Ciiize.v takes the libertj mt; that the uddres that gen-in Florence, P.nnl County. is regarded a the beet rjtornnch lait h-9 evdr baen discovered. Tot a by which it is prepared is known so Dr. Martin by whom it ia prepnr- List year it inide its tiret bow juho in June and to-day it is the -s popular diink in town.

"I -f Sterens lincnec received a rv "ad of Bain waioun tester ay and ther of wire fencing to-day. The iJ of these two ar'icltM nlone by indicates tnst a Inreareaol lv is beini; enclosed and tiiat fr.rmioc sil ranching generally throughout the ratry is pood. Willis P. Hiynes although an bid 's by no means lmm iture in the itoraphy. The views nud pubic has taken in Pnemx ajd iti eii-- are fully worth of professional, her could not be improved on by a -5103UI photographer.

Herald. asu announcement was made here tt i xnornint: of the failure of H. 1 seed of Tombstone. Ben Goodrich of Phenix was m-ido p.s-iiiee. The unt of the aiiure uid cot be ae-e tamed but the same is believed to be c- te large.

is reported that the United States fc, f.ttHched the Alammota mine lor for cutting wood oa govern- land. The wood used uo doubt for running the and the com probably w-r? not aware that it ut from Dublie land. If such are -ate the U. S. Attorney should witt bUlt.

'It. J. IL Bassett has Incited at Mari- Janctin and hi-i opened a salaoc i hou und doicr good i-iess. Mr. Bawwtt is an aceommo- Az-inz ceatlemaa.

kteps good stotk ou and do-s what he eau to please the trvrhns nublic. His place of business is oa the north side of the traok The concert tbe Opera It venine Kiveu for tbe benefit of tbe Hebrew Ladies Benevolent x.s.-eiation wnp weil arranged and especially well rendered. Thwsll koowu iwcal talent tbut paiiicipated vvereat their tue audience was seloot and and the financial returns gratifying. The latest move in Ticsoq ligal cir to-day is tbe new firm of Hereford Livell Hereford. Mr.

Frmk H. Here- rl teiy coDdactiog cis and pocket e'irig coin under his own shingle the til iition to the lato firm of Heroford fc Lovell. The combination is a strong The ngreed case of the county ncBict Martin, olerk of the District Court, fTimitted to Judce Porter, u.s been d. in favor of the county. The quei-- involve-1 we wbe her the ol 'Urt was oblice'l to turn in hi- fe to the treasurer, like other o-'iinty otfi as nroid i-y law, or not.

Mf. rtin will no douut appeal! tothabu- ii Court. Ir .7. B. in the City Belling rpoeioe btoK.

a won diddo ima of S67 Pbhcp. Tbio book is as 1 as familv Puyeictan and is indis l-i'jIc in every hoot-t-hi-Id not medical information, but ulso for gaud of reoipes tbat tre useful to in nrrv siiCore or me. ine Inasmuch ns it was adiudced bv th Divtrlot Court that it was nrcesparv for our Board of biiiiervisoro to give bond in tho plump sum of STi.OOO each, as required by the Code," tsey complied with "the laws," Tneaday Isst, upon tbe eoltoitation oitizens who cd auxiety that they ehould at least con tinue in tbe term for which they wera elected. Globe Belt At tbe reading lost nicht. for tho hon.

of the Methodist chutch south. Mr. illis Huncs had an DDDreeiativH andiei ce, and admirably entertnin i hm hearers with his versatile talents in recitation and rhetoric, and his oim-mand of the facial muscles together with his clear diction prove tbat should he e-ver go upon tho bjards ho wnld make an actor of no maan order. Between tbe Tendinis duets were aunir by Mrp. Dr.

Buck and Miss Weaverlinc. und Mr. Frank Carpenter sang a solo, wiiicn was encored nnu received with sreat favor. Herald. Theaoumsn of the "immortal ltth" is nowhere set forth in a stronger light than in chapter four of tboodu.

in reference to "registration of separate prop-r- ty ot married women. The hr.t Beven sections ot tbe law (page -59) solemnly enact wuat married women mn-t do to stand off creditors nnd parcbaftr. from her husband. The eighth eeotinn craw fi ihes and swallows all the rest. In ef fect it says it does not make a continen tal difference whether or not married women observe the six precedmz soc- tious their nghts sboll bo preservel anyhow." TLis ia law where tho ta'l wass both hea'l "nd body and romlern legislative architecture nonentity.

Sil ver Belt. Yesterday tho J. H. Bates Advertising Agt-noy was remowd fcom 41 Park Row, New York, to more commodion prem- in tbe l'otter isaiiaing. i't'K Kow.

corner of Be-kman street Mr. Bates having purchase the S. M. Pet- tengill Co. Bgeccy, the more brcami imperative.

Within the pan Mi years Mr. Bates has paid to tho n- wsppers ci tho United St.tos nd Canidn, the enormous sum of SIS.tlOO.CXH). Iu one 1st for one advertisement alone bn rant nt the snui: littln fortune of $60,000. li ar vonr his business has lncrrased tilt now he is doing more tbhii any like agency in the world. All just eliim tzainst him are promptly ana iiiuy mt, and this of itself ad Js lartrely to his nodularity among newspaper men anu the advertising public generally.

dr. a 51 P-- --Y -r sold for SioO and ie is being Prr Vo'. Mr. J. M.

Drake returned to ni heme in ii veraide a few dnys since and will -u rt4v be followed by Mrs. Drake. Th-y rfnrn about tea dsys and go es5t taking Mr.Chas. Dke, their father s-a them as tar ns awuvuir, he will remain for tbe summer, M- ml M. Drake have bfen Hon.

Chas. K. Drake in t.s city. Mr. Barobam.

a wholesale meet i Tof Ssn Bern -rdino, is in the city tuutt Mr. Barchim is a stuuo i.ablican and a grant admirer of Jamw-j nine. Ha leaves this eve witt hnt will return in about two -Va H'nnlrmi-ii hnviOC bf ef Cottle nn rlniiht find it tn their nd vLtage to correspond with him The Lemon Hotel is universally re- a thn lndine hotel in PheLix tront thromrhout and the -m nf its carefully nttooded to Mr. E. X.

the proprietor, is a Ken ii mnnUr nnd acaommodfttinc gentle na mr hu oersonsl BUOerVIMOl Tnnt nf hi nHtrons and see thv left undone to make then at home. It is with sincere regret that the pa tr nBof thePubl'O nbool nud the pu Viw Rho-'i' roam osp-'CiaUy that ihn li id of Trust-es have considered it advisable to dispense with tlm Krnoes nf her a ft teacner. iii nn old nident of Tucson, hai taught here a nura'HT of years and ha. plvn universal Hatl-raetion. one is hiffh oaalifioations nnd osme distnot with good recommenda t.jns.

frahRTict PDeaks. as a strauge oc irttnA nf tho fact that "a lot of land it Hm Froncisco which was forS35 rty years ago, was sold for QUr.UOJ irt time sioee." No.liitg Btrance that. ri'mmb bn nr fnnr linndreJ years asro whsn could have parjhad the whol Kntp nf Ohio for less money and see Lit it is worth now and what bar K. we misaed. Journal-Miner.

At the Citv election held in Pbenix -rday Mr. Leonatd Meyer was elec i Mayor, ilr. Meyer was tne ifpuoii candidate and had for an opponent lb i race. Judire H. N.

Alexander, a .1 known d-mooratio attorney of tbst 'y. Mr. Meyer to be congratulate r-lpntinn to this imDortaot rUt res-dent aget for Fargo nnd is generally recounizeu a1" ra in of live progressive ideas and i mike creditable record for both -a-lf and oity over woiohho has been to preside. A passenger conductor on the A- roaj was stabbed and killed by f'ann a few dav sinre whom he nt 'apttd to put off the twin at Sander-' a sti.tion ou the rnni between El I ad Galveston. From wht can bo 1 of the tragic affair weo Serber ettji.ted to put tbe man off he, the no-n, eit-zed his lantern nnd drew a knt'e with which he stabed bis victim.

Sr-rbr. however before falling succeeded in drawing his pistol a shot his in the face the bullet entering 0 a of his ey and pnosing back through the head lLtJ.cting a mortal onnd, In the S. Senate, on tho25th irst. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, called uo his bill to amend the mining laws, and the senate passed it withont a word of explanation from anybody. Tho bill corrects a large number ot mining defects in tho laws, and makes somo material changes.

Among the changes are the following: Tbe amount of work necessary to hold a placer claim is reduced from 100 per aunum to S50. and limits tbe amount of placer ground that may be included in a patent to ICQ acres. It fixes 12 o'olock noou, on the first day of Auvutit as tne commencement nnd end cf tha year of annuol work, instead of midnight ot tbe 31st ot December, as now fixed by law. The chunee was msde to allow relocation to be made in daylight and in summer time, when tho mountains are freo frcm snow. It requires when tbe aunubl work is performed, tho filing of nn affidavit showing tho work perfouned, in the County Recrdor'4 office ot the county in which the mine situated.

It allows the affidavit which are required to be made under the mining law, to be sworn 1. I I so utuuro nuy ouicer auiuorizea to an- nuniter oaths in any elate or territory in tho United Stales. reservps the right way through or over any miuing chatm tor roads, ditohes.cauals, cuts and tunnels (or tbe purpose ot working other mines as now provided by law, and provides that any damrgeH occasioned thereby to the mine oner rhall be as sessed and paid ia tho minncr provided by law for the condemnation of private property for public in tbe states and territories in whi ih the mines are situated. It b'ho prividfs that no perron ebull acquire by location or pofsession moro tnBn one mining claim on the same vein, nor shall any person relocate claim which he has previously located- This is to prevent repented locations of the same claim by the sr.m person to evade th'i proTiMims requiring annual work. The restriction to one claim on th same lode teally wuat the original law meant, but it has been construed otherwise, and this declaration makes its meaning certain.

"Washington Letter (From oar regular correrorslnt.) Washington, i April 27, 1SSS. senator Hoar created a sensation in the senate on Wednesday, while the land grant forfeiture bill was undrr dis cussion. Me chnrgeu tuai a scneme uao cean organized here in Washington to et possession, through fraud, ot valua ble portions of tho lands to bo forfeited under the bill. In tho belief that in onso the laoi's are forfeited, the settlers who have purchas ed from the rai roads, to which the lands were granted, will Iota their claim und title, men have been hired to go to these lends and enter homesttad or pre-emp tion claims. Should the lands be de clared forfeited, the railroad title would thereby be reudered null and void, and, of course, settlers who have purchased from railroads would have no title.

As the lands would be thrown open to public settlement, the plan of thesahem-rs is to have then ngents establish me stead or pre-empticu claims, and there apon the forfeiture claim the Isnds un-ler the public lind lnwr. This little ame would nt work though, bosause -ntries not made in faitn nre not 'i-gul, neverthelerR in order to be snre of nrntectmir the sattler. H-jur oft--red in Amendment to the bill, to muko good he title of the purchasers of laud from ho railroads upon the of 21 jur acre for the land. The Sennte Cimmit'o on mide favorable report on th bill enlarg. the powers iod duties of the of Agriculture, and to mike ce of tbat department m-mber if the oabinet.

This tbe eame bill that was by the senate at the last se-sioa of conares. It should be come a law n. once: the immense nsri lultnral interests of the grenti-et igriaal'urnl country in the world, de serve re resentafive tho cabinet, chief iustiee has yet been nppoint d. It is thought that Mr.Clevelnnd hud fnlly made up bis mind to appoint Hon E. J.

Phelps, our present minister to Kngltind, bnt wa ctred out ot doing so ry delegation of Irih democrnts trim New York, who told him that if he Mr. Phelna wonld lote the ntiro Irish vote of New York, Senator Cullom has withdrawn from the residential race. Senator Sawyer, of Wisconsin, is pre naring to build a handsome brown stone residence iu this city. s-nBnr Rluir lias introduced a bill orovidinc for the distribution of public ioruments to publia libraries. It en titis ritv.

nntv. stato nnd col eee library of every pnbltc Jnnnmpnt nrinted bv the Goveinmen r.rnn with the librarian 'f Con jres a written agreement io care for and nrasprrn thn Senator Paddock's bill providing for thA rf etion of a publio buildii in all owns where tho gros po-tal receipts fnr thn three vesrs nast have exceeded S3 iwi r.nnnm. has been favorably to thn Hpncte. Ihe cost of thso buildings sbn I iu no cafe exceed ior.

raw unit th nost of the site shall not exceed 55,000, is probable that the bill will be parted by tho Bnaie at an can, M'hA nnmlvpr of bonds of offered to tbe Government under the rtcent circular br.s hnen campurotivoly small, leas than $3,000. 000. S-notnr Ynorhnep. of Indiini. made one of his oldtini' regulative copper had speeches in tho Senate on Wednes day.

his tack a bin ior tunately not very frequeut. TteDres-entntive Hatch, of M'souri, pro- to introdnco substitute for the pending bill Uxiug compound lard which will tax all compounded loou prouuoi nd make violation of its provisions The democrats finding that they could not piij tho reDublicans of the House in renrd to tha lonsth of linio tho tariff debate shall be allowed to continue, fi nnllv nereed to cive no twenty dayp, ex elusive of nisht sef ions to tho general discission of I ho Mills bill, They nl-o found that they would have to divide tbe timi equally between the democratic ana rpDnhiienn peakera. mere win oa ta riff sp echee Hnd tariff speeches, at tbe rntP of from hve to sir a aay irem tai time on until tbo tiraa nlloted to this Rn' iet expires. Representative Bnr rows, of Michigan, wboinidethe leadinir onppoh for tbo republicans tuis wees mftd an nnneal to the South in whi he warned it that tbo Mills bill boded no irnnd to that tCOlIOU. itntti thA Senate nnd House have pas ed tho bill prohibiting pool-selling and Imok-making in the umnoi ot uoiumoin Ti.n WBRhmtrMSnnnir races bezanyes terdsy, and the pool Boilers, on the day hofore.

takin? it for granted that the President would approve tho bill. moved their rooms just ontsido of tho city limits. CALIFORNIA POWDER WORKS otlce. Messrs. Wheeler Perry have been appointed agents Tuson and viomity for tbe Bbove company.

Orders be mail for powder, caps and faso will always have prompt attention. Miners and other consumers of powder Bnd explosives will ana tneir aa-vantage to oommnnioate with the under ligned. a uuui THE MINING LAWS. 'rovlaloD of SlrwariV IH1I PaMed by tUr. SeuHtr.

The Flurenen Canal. Mr. C. Wnllrioh. of tbe Florence Ca nal Company, made the Citizen a pleasant call to-day, 8inse the reorganization of tho com pany cork ou the ditch ha been vigor ously pushed and nearly four miles have been completed within tbo psst three weeks.

The work hss bsea mainly dono by means of a ditch plow capable of re moving between S00 and 1000 cutis yards of ear'h a day. ihe machine is manipulated by tune men una lo nrscB and does the work of 15 men and 30 horses handling the old time scrap ers. Two additional machines to cut tbe lateral ditches arrived at Oa-h Grande yesterday and will be put to work aa expediti mly us possiolo. In addition to tbe caoal the company have located a reservoir site covering 200 acres, into which they will turn al surplus or waste woters. It is the pur pose of the company to build this reservoir sufficiently high that r.

body of wtT-r 20 feet deep can ba accumulated if necessary, and with this water tbe lands lying to the south tbat are not now within tbe present ditch system oin be irrigated. It is situited about 12 or 23 mile southeast Florence. The lands lying along th- line of tbe canal are nil of exceeding richeness as is evidenced by tbo growing crops of zrain and alfalfa near its upper termi nuj, which Mr. Wallrich etahs are at- fine as can bo seen or grown anywuere. Mr.

Geo. A. Pogue, resident of Rich mond, Ind is president of the company. and is now Florenca giving tho work bis personnl Attention. Mr.

A. F. Ooltnn is the resident eniri oeer. He is thoroughly a practical rnsn. a man nf lnrco cxooriecce and bp.s the confidence and respect ot the pei plo among whom he resides, and of the company by whom he is employed Notice During my absence in Europe, my brother, Mr.

Nathan Zier, who has my power of nttornoy, will Lave full charge of my nnd will attend to col lection and raymeats on accounts connected with siid business, lm Max Zikb. i ritosrEcroit's adukiks to tiik ROCKY MOUNTAINS. (Henry lIroninrJentifioPrci.) 0 mislitr runsre of pk nnd cIcneT Tbr natirn mote in jirei mr Pa 1 rT to -t be i-ick nnd is '1 hat 1 thy surgeon may ecn. The hidden vaulm nfKltt'ciK on That thou hat atood ntinl o'r, Si-rs earth from oa of chao cin. 1- not tbisparlc that lights my flame; The rfiRndur th mine eT- bebolil In mom than nil hy eaito of gold.

I h'riuli fntnre (rpneratione mar Hcv nl hy trmt to of y. And pieret'thy hi-ar for M-nmon pnd Thy i Ttt ritlo iw thall abida With thf foray, a dcone hallilAre IWp tl 'by o.n:o'ir high in ai-. The cannot rob tbio of tpoll That in tby nn ciowndolh dwell. Nor marth' aniapturinB cwo diinlayeu In pluci I pond or rr s'ade. EnTirnnM by thy nd cnwr.

M'hrlon(rlne. lorinmpniorj lZf. No nl that on b-beld th (truce Could a'and nnawwi tjoi re thy uce. he vprdant vale below thre It. Thy unowy crona doih piercelhe Hey; a morntne'i hn- 1c the lain, 1 fiy creitts prwent RC chain.

The fort--! wild hat itlrd thy aide. 'JheboandinCRaniet'at in tberahidea. The c-jit" langhinc near All ten-1 thy loTerV art to cheer. When thrwiterincrlou' are ttorennu low, Thy heai oborelby foot belo. Te pmlinc than 'er, lichtninn'a name.

May trend tl cir 'orco nn tb-e Tain. A itom pron-t foal in homa- foiro, Xfho nyut in ba'ed to err atonn Of life, tbe trn'f erlnlpertbenin -l. V. a mi.k -1111 tl TT 1. 1 Wben time an joane.

the earthquake ihocK That raa-Ie thy Tery rwom rock, Ami rent th anile Held in twain, Kxalted thee atiore the p'ane Ami mal he alltHatth nhajtbeen- An artiK'V ioet theme fit may the epint rarked with enre llecoaie n- 'aft more ee' and fair rM ure be by if rwrtrayed, T.i) hich Ke on ranra laid. H-t and efnl monarehs, etana: Kmblem of life to mortal man! In joa a le'a'm may read, i mm Though tBipt rava there are huhti ulime WliOro fcmii iant ua -m. Advertised Letters nnrlaimed letters remainlnit In the Poit OCko at Tucson, Ariiona, lbS: Amndo, Ventura Ai.d-Tion. II. Aadree, Hilberto Bfctt.

Che. Hente Aneel rkwlal Joee Ilroen. Outer. Claihire, Mrs. tnxto, Kmilia.

Collins Jno. C. Uara'e. Micuel Denmead, A bort Uari. Mattie Krv Frit Kckor, N.

Kalkr. John E. KnRiiay, J.H. Fo-ter. N.H.

Kelia. Martinez D.t Jnana Morga A fionld. A. tileo.W.J. (1 eaton.

John Oero. Fianc'co (iarcle. Mr Mariana Jo'ph. T. lip Eloisa.

Lee Jatfce. liooez. Anpia'ivc Lobatc, Ilaitacio M.eon. K.T. MendozaAntonio Noneir.

AucOftinv rorieca. Joaefa tiomez Oroeco AlonM Otero, Aneeltta. ilrtir IVhln. Orcidental Houa l'arn. Carmen E.

M. de IVrltn, -Maria rollick. James Keed, W. It. tl raero.

UbIz. Kamon Knu, Alt nao bulhvan. Frank Hholderer Jvimn tiobt. IU crurc. W.

Hait Ku eel iv 2 Trayer J. Thaer. J. M. Teller.

Gertru-tK ilhnTiflr Alfred Villes 0ajalma U.J eeqnfz, Ji u. WUe. s. Warren. Fannie Wbiteeirle, 11 J.

Wndaworth. Ch ZJaxai.JossTabier A. ELLIO r. P. M.

IieaRne Clnbs. Btsnding for tho week ending Satur day, April 23, 1SSS: CLUBS. icuso New Yort 1'ittfbare Waihiniton Won LettlPly'djPerCt. 8 I 8 I 10X) 1 1 7 M7 1 7 7 4 3 7 571 2 5 7 2 2 5 7 2S 1 8 7 1 i 7 I ia TUT. BON MARCIIE.

CAREER OF MM El BOUCICAUT, THE QUEEN OF PARIS SHOPKEEPERS. "lory of tho Mammoth Trade Emporium In tho Heart or tho Trench Metropolis. Iroit fcharlns In Pari Share nnd Shareholder. Every American, esneciallv tbo) of tho fair sex, who lias visited the Freuch metropolis, is acquainted with tbe mammoth emporium which, known as the Bow Marehe, rises on the left bank of tbe Sefce, in tho very heart of the aristocratic Faubourg St, Ger main, i jus irruncrao titawimlimont, which traasocts over of business per an-num. and employs a stalT of no less than ou tbe iireuiism alone, was founded thirty-fivo years ago on the most humble scale by a young coupto of tlie name of Kou-cicaut.

Aristwle, tbu husbarxl, was a soles-man in a little dry cud store in tho liuc ilu Jfac. while hw wife, an illiterate peas ant girl, the widow of a leuudryruan residing at Verfux, a little vilUg on the bonks of the River Saonne, was an owftant in tho rarnc kIioi. IL Boucicaut aud his only ton died within few inunths ot each other nliout tea yrs ao, white Mine. ri.iucicaut, who ica m-nientlv di-M-ribeil as "the ijueen of nil tbe ah 'jik-'icrs if the world," I crpirot a abort I in to ago at the ago of (B, leaving a rortnne cotiuiatal ot over 000,000. A hrtef account of tbo career of this ro- markable woman, whoso charity was practi- cslly unlimited, mill who, notwithstanding her humbte origin, lwa wou for herself a roaiiniit lat in tho history of Paris, can hardly fail to be both interesting and instructive.

SETTING IT IX BCSIXES3. She first made Ariatide ISouctcauCs ac- quaintanoe in tbe little shop above men tioned, where tbev were Uth emnwyeiL For ten long ear tht-y workeil together liehind the sanK counter, during which time tho young iieaMiut girl learned bow to read nnd write, to kei-p m-cuunU, and, above all, to display gooci to their create! advantage in the shop windows. At length, when the had reached the age 3. the young couple decided to marry and to set up on their own account. Their employer happened, fortunately, to be old and anxious to retire from active work, and, as he bad the greatest umount of cocSUcnce in young Itoucica-ufs Integrity and be consented to make over his tore to lum on modentto and easy tonus.

Jut about this time there was a great deal of thstrees in Paris, and tho Boucicautl resolved to sell as near to cost price as tbev could iiossibly afford to poor ieople, and the worthy provHled a special cias of cheap goods which were on sale every Satur day evening. Tbw considernliou of the poor brought lU own reward in the sliapo of ever increajqng prosperity. In a short time tbo business hail grown to such an extent that it became necessary to purchase the next house on the right band side, then that on the left, oad subsequently one by one all tbe adjoining houses, until at length M. and Mine. Iioucj-caut owned the whole block.

This they demolished Kjmh fifteen years ago, ami on its tile stands the magnificent awl va.t lion Morche building. It is iwedlcat to add tbat their wonderful prosperity was greatly due to the extraordinary reputation for probity and commercial lioaeoty uhich the cooplo had acquired throughout tbo Iiusitiejs world. and which caused their credit to bo one of the strongest ami firmest in France. Uoth M. and Mine, lioucicaut, although deeply religious, were imbued with a considerable amount cf socialism.

It was. however, kkimIimii ot the true sort, resulting from Madness of heart ana a remembrance ot their wn early struggles ou the one howl, and th firm businesi notions of tbe most enlightened kind on tbe other. Realizing tbe tart that clients like to find always the same ralea-ien tLc 0Cl.tr8. and to be rorved by the same courteous and intelligent aswtanU who have attended to their requirements on previous occasions, M. and Mme.

Doucicast determineil to maLo every effort to keep tbeir cmploj-es in their service, and to interest them in the welfare of the buiine. With this object in view an arrangement was made hereby every employe of the establishment received a percentage ot the profits of his special department, estimated in accordance with his rank and seniority. Moreover, every effort was made to each employe to retain hi own individuality and to encourage him or iter to become thoughtful and responsible assistant, with initiative and forethought of his own. COMFORTS A.NI) AXtKKXKS7S. A large club house has lieen lmilt for tbe malo emploven, which contains a ierf -Uy fenciug hall ami gymnasiiim, swimming bath, billiard rooa, library aud reading rooms, b.t,Hlei a mtaurant wbero refreshments are to be obtained at almost cot price.

The female aistauts havo a large building devoted to their own exclusive ue, in winch they reside, ami which is almost as well tirovided with comforts and amusements as tbe club house ot the men. IUkidei this a (tension fund exists, to which Mme. lioucicaut, about eighteen months ago, presented a round sum of francs, in additiou to u. cou4e of mJ lions of francs which she had given a few years previous for the tame jmrrose. The (lorters, coachmen and rtahlemen are all provided for by means ot a similar retiring fund, to which t4ic ha been equally munificent, and from which, in cave of lUonival, they can withdraw Mich ot their money as is sunk therein, with a compound interest of SK tier cent.

Mme. Boucieaut whs to thoroughly th business jiarfner of ber huband that, wbea, both he anl his son died, ten years ago, everything went on as iu his lifetime, with this difference, that perhaps Max1. Uoucknut became, if posMlite, more philanthropic and generous than before. Following out her husband's ideas, she transformed the whole business into a joint stock company, presenting to each one of the 500 principal and senior members of her stall 50,000 francs worth of stock, she henlf retaining tho balance of the shares, and as such the casting vote and power of veto. Tbe Hon Marche is therefore a thorough little republic by itlf.

It army of about or euiiiUycs, all tokl, ore governed by a kind of parliament consisting of 1k abarchoMer and above mentioned. These in turn elect from among their liumlx a managing director and aa executive oommitUf of tlurteeo incm-lers selected as far as possibjo from among the seniors. Moreover, there is a sobcrne in force by which euj-lwyis, on attaimnK a cer-tam Minority ami rank the establishment, become ipse facto shannolders therein, thanks to a furul provided tor tbo by Mme. Douncaut. The mannging director at the present a most vaunblc and cn-Iiehtcaed mxa, i.amed M.

IXiRirtl, arjl as Mme. Uouccaut bequeafjed Ur vast fortune in equal i'rticci to the Hon liarche Joint Stoclt ruiunv and the tiluianthropic institution counccU'd therewith and various phnritabh establishmciits and wors ia which she iuteresteil, tbe Boti Marcno business w.ll i-armxt jaat ai bci'ure. 1 t. aLve tbat. in rul- ditioo Ui Vm- iaon fun Mme.

Loui'icaut has el-o foundeil ami nuviltKVUity emioweu iai fnn.1 for asinz such of tneem- nWrc for one rs or ccoiher. ere in trouble ntli n-c tmaiy und ortkataui I'm-" Cor. jiw ork v. orld. In 3IemorInni.

We the nndersiened comtaitteo ap pointed to form resolutions of respect to the memory of the deceased wife of onr brother and in sympathy with him res pectfully submit tne following: WnpnniB It has Almisbty God to CbU from earth a kind r.nd indulgent mother and tbe loved and lovinc wife of oar esteemed friend and brother Hhno IR. Drnkp. and WncBK-ts. She was taken when wo-jsanhocd's mornine almost touches nooc and where the shadows were but ap proaching the meridian of life nnd western shades were vet to form lnlDreBBlnbS npon her brow, her eyelids were in death and ebe papeel awsy awaken no morennto ns from tbst silent and dreamles sleep of the crave: Therefore, linn Kesilved. In foiema meting that Anaohe Loduo o.

8 A. O. U. express by these resolutions regret nnd forrnw heennse of the death of Mrs Obas. 11.

Drake, and extend its deepest sympathy to onr respected brother in bis great berenvement. ItmoT.T-rn. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and a copy mailed to osr esteemed brother. F. A.

Habtweli. GcbtJa. Horr Tnos. A. Boutok Oocunittee.

OUK BROOKLYN LETTER. Brooklyn April 28, 1SS3 Rollin M. Squire. tz-Oommusioner of Public Work, has proved himself a wit. not a wise nnd honest man.

His clear-cut 6ud chbly uttered charaea Bffamst Gjv. Hill have nuturally attrtcl-ed much attention, bat it appears to make very little difference to the general public whether these cb trges are true or faleo, Hven it they coo Id be proven, it ftill would make no difference, and Squire1' er ought tobtva tonght him this. Uut he bes thrown mud to set even, uud tubody oaies wh.ther a monV faeo is dirty or not. In reply to -me leading qneaiions of mine on this subject Mr. St.

Clair McKlway of tbe Hrooklys Eacle, aid, "I havo known David B. Hill for years, and I can tell you tbi. Uo lives nnd moves and has his being in politics, but I never knew him to tell a lie, or make proni'sa that be did noi keep. Ho never drank a glnka ot wine in bis lite, nud ncvr had an intrigue with womsn." 'Then Mr. ilcKelway, Jlr.

Snuire's charifr.t must to false?" I battened to remark Ihe Chiefs rmilt) was childlike and blaud as he said, "I bavj told jou the literal ttnth about Hill." As I pondered over this vindication ot an old need, I contd cot help wondering it I bad real l.i received any informa tion that ws worth rtp. Of urse it was plrn-uHit to know that Qov. Hill whs not wme bibber, nor a destioyer of tbe fair fame ot women nor liar. It was ngreeabbt to think tbat be kept his promiie still, there wm ag'od culutt'2 man in tbo fence somewhere. A man never have bad an intrigue with woman, but can be "live and nioVc and bavt.

his bciux in pol.tic-1," without intrigues? cot politician, bom nnd bred, not upon the prinoiple tht policy is tbe be-t h-ji-ty? Mr. who the unlimited opportunities of knowing men, mny have luutrbtd iu his iioion hleeve at my simplicity. Well, be is welcome. Bui when Misau tHim-d to tbe polls with five hundred thousand more," what ever else the tCVet, tbrte will be an infusion ot ImneMy into tbe body politic. uud tn is reminds me of which st-ems appropo.

A disttn- juit-hcd sutTrigi.t: ih commenting upot th almost litter iib-iise ot hone-ty ir. niy tubhc department, said aiMi un earsetntf! 1 ennil not soon rorxett Evo'y woman iu this i onr. try mib have been citizen lone; if few rich ones would have disgraced them selves by raising the money to buy the riuht to the ballot. 1 thought 1 bud beard of mo-t overy thmk'. but this whs news, and in my astonishment 1 laid, "I'm not sure but tbat would bate been a coed 1 think' ehould bhvc kill-nl two biids with oni- stour paid the price, and afterwards t-ld the woildhowmuchiteo.t." "I do not ait to vote enough for that," wa--the sad response.

Perhaps my idea would have i ecu red lo Gov. Hill a'so, it so, there is a community ot interest be-tw en us. Wby is it that tbe wcrd man hfts stood for loitio ever ince the days of Adam and Eve, ami "Woman for tbe lack of 1 imve it practical expert-no to spreal bt-fore my lead- rs. no if it e-. Dot toruver this i im-n; a in-tle, thhn I Bhall be The folio in formula 1 scat brosdeast over tbe laud.

Djestt not n-cia e.inlr? Wi 1 yon kindly sive me the name ot your literary eaitor, nnd inform me if you are i.c?U'toaied to pay fvr hcc-ptrd In every cje i eneusetin postal ca'ni rmst-lf, with the name of periodica! written on tbe other side, in to sm tb bisy tm and trouble. This information was desred for ork which 1 pub-lirhiog. called ''Periodicals thati" Contributor?" a volnrau which bsSJ long been wanted by iters. Jowye or no, ncd John Smith would have been enough, Bnt one-third at least of th replies ran luisfwearennt in neeii ot ony m- at nr'You bd better wait a while," or "We huve all tbo force we want our editorial de partment." iow ha I ws doinif tbor- ingh work such answer eonld to be no- ornted. And so more paer, morestnrapa.

more potls and more tice atd strength had to be presed into servce. Not oice nss an e.inor oi my t-ex io mme directly to the point, and tn thf simalest fsbion. I ba'l probably br usked if 1 am resily to flhrm that ai' women re st-nightfor ward and logicwl Indeed I urn not, but I think they are by no nii-ans interior to men in inese re- ifards. The Jiistern Uiiszard UM a strati ceei feat unon travel. Win-aon-s prophesied cold and unsitisfaotorv whether, and so it Las proved.

'I ho Ciyde Sttamship OoV hteamera have beer iicit-tiiiily laden over i-ince. There tb i.o more pleasant or bruetieial trip than i. short snivoynuc on on- or tneso Weil anu com fortable steamers, where every one rr rx tbe hish'st t- tbe lowest offcer looks out for tbe safety nnl th rnjymentof nassenBer. TIih pnie hir so hewlin tt irritated throats, tbe roi le'e change of msnn-and surely the Cfirb-stoo steamers take tbelraltu tempting bills of fare-often accomplish wonders in tin matter of pbysioil res-turatirn. Iti8a-tnnishinir how many plyician8 are ree- oommendiosr these short sen trips to their pstient.

The faculty i- xrowimc fcosi hie. Ozone Is hotter than cediome every time. The American Magsilne, our youngest monthly periodical of any note, improves steaddy. Its articles roiec'-ed end we notice many of our favorite nmnn" the pontnbu-or. "thf Decsy of Kural New Eoslacd." by Char It linrr Tttld iu tne April rnmoer likely to have a de; refwi- efleet non those to whom the States nn particularly deur.

i- no for those wa'te Und'." he exelaiow. "ex cept iu their ooenpnti by kiidk thrifty, hrd-rrorkinL' forizoer. Now tbi i inst what New England does not want nnd will noi tolerate if avoid it. Tbsre are wnse lands, and one on not bnt di-olore th fnt, bnt whit nneiilliVKtiou it is. unere in ruerici aresncu hero nresnch beacbe- and ooesn viowc, snob "boundless nt'cti'y ofshde ns in dnr old New net mi'K ami cream, such po-shilin of r-st and recuperstion? Take Willcngiiby Park for instance on the coat bntnrio Cape Ann a SDOt nil the adv.intoe of crsnm and mountain, wbere one can ue men mi il'v.

nr wst and burv. tid where all tbe kingdoms of the earth seem to be snrend out to vww. Lft us beautify this wate land, thai we mT bave more quiet heflthfol and btantifnl re-ons for I i thnili nrul tlM wtwrr. in inis m-i true utility. Eiuor Kirk, GoTeramest Lands Letters are continually arrivine cak-lu2 the price of publio landjj, asd some maie a request bal agent Becaxe Qouscd for people who live in Indiana.

Illinois and Ohio. This arbes from tbe tact that people east are not informed in the land laws, and think that all that is in taking cloima is for the paper to be filed by su agent, and then they can py out on tho land tho same as though the purchase was from private individuals. Any person except soldiers and heirs must moke affidavit tbit they te acquainted with tbe land they are A- riug, aul also make affidavit that hp bobi cf knowledge there is nt Jiiseral oa the same. rBE-Eiimoiio. rjoction 176 says that every perzou ooing tbe head of a family, widow, or single person over the aire ot twenty-one and a citizen ot tbe United States, or having tiled a declaration ot intention to rxrcune such, as required by tbe natural-ization laws, who has mud or bt rentier makes a settlement ix rcitsos on the, public Ihids subject to pre-emption, and who inhabits and improve tue naue und who has erected dwvlhrig thereon is tutborized to enter with the register of the United States landufSco for the du-'rict in which the 'and lies, by leal sub division aaj number cf acres not exceeding one hundred aud sixty acres or quarter section ot lend to include the residence of such claimant upon paying the United minimum prico ot tuch land.

No person who is the proprietor ot three hundred and twenty ten can pre-empt land. No person ho quits or abandons his own land to reside t-n public land is the anae state ir territory can pre-empt, rercons can inwever. take bomesteada and timber claims whether he has tlxs three hundred aud twenty acres or not; neither docs the hw tirouibit his taking r. homestead rheu be has left a residence ou his own and Tha above only refers to pre emptions. tne first requirement in laSing a pre emption is tj the quarter section Jesired, nnd vrertain tho Land Jtllce reoor that it a cieant asdBub- sct to entry.

Ho must tb-2 some mprovemenis rtot stick up stakes. jut moan some substantial improve- aeuts. and then within ninety days file element for the land in he local land tbo fees for whioh ire threo dvlkr A residence mutt be fitabliibr-don the land when theimprov xionts are first beun, and a continuous esklence is obbjjatory. After conttnous residence upon a re-emotion for six months settlement an be proven and tbe government price ticiotf paid, thero will bo a final receipt sicca to tsc pre-emptor; but in case does cot desire to make final itoof at the and ot six months, he has hirty three months from the time ho uftCe noilESTEAD Sntnce must bu made in person, usually jefcro the IWister of the local Land and tha entry feea aro sixteen lollars. Tau require menu ot the home-itead law are about the sarno as those at the pre-emption, except that residence bo established wtthtu months ifter making mns; bet homesteads are inbicct to contexts if settlers tail to cot on tho land inside of six months nttor ntry.

Homesteads may be proved up iu six mouths and paid 'nt on, the sate it prc-enpuons. bet can he proved up in us years without payinsr. In mnkiop leal oroot the settler will be requirtJ give the nnmber ot tin-ta he or she hi? boea from tne claim, wnere went, and for what they went, and are ir.eftionfcd rezardin? the amount of im provementi they have, if in the judgment at the ISnR-ster nnd Receiver the law ha mt been complied with they will not is- tuo a final receipt. TIMBEU CLAIMS Do not reinire a residence. Timber jlaims mu3t te entered by personal ap plication swom to within the land dts- wnsro too iana is suuatu, oeiore mme officer bavinir a seal andauthor- oath.

Claimant must fir8t Tear, the iccoud year must have ird 2ulativato the first breaking. tTEt- bird year mns: put trees, seeds or the first five acres and cultivate tbe second rive; the fourth year sust set out tbo second five acres in trees, tree seed, or tree cuttings, it in iishi years there are six thousand seven mudred and fifty jrrowins: trees on the tract, claimant can make final proof and a patent Government feea in imber culture cKims nro fonrteen dol-ars tor entry and ten dollars for final pi oof. All duties required by the timber cul-uro laws may bo done by others except he entry and final proof; nor is be or lb required to reside near the land but always bs exptcted to comply with th law in regard to improvements. Ihetu is nc fixed amount ot improvements required if homestead or preoption law, residence and cultivation si faith hs a home and a farm to lie olaimanti befit ability is held to be be requirement ot tha law. SOLDIERS HOMESTEADS.

Soldiers wLo served in the United Jl.iteii army for ninety days and were discharged Bud have lived oyal to th Kovernmont can file declar-itory un ono hundred and ixty acres ot va'nnt land, by an icent through tl ower of attorney in form prescriba law. This power aa be executed Ik fere a notary public mywhere in tbo United States, and ar.mft rftlfnrlln Affpnt Who Will se lect the qsnrter section cf land and file ii in it for tuo -loiaier. inis uhdr wm ibtolutely hold the land forix months IKh Mirtanrn nf fdnimanL. At the end of six months the soldiar must oecin residence and make another dUg. called the final entry, at which time he pays a fee the same as in home- tead oases soldiers are compenea io iveat lea-tone year on tbeir claims, ut they can dpduot their service thn fie vears reoaired by Ibecommon homestead nd thu-i get their patent shorter time man no wan uru a soldier.

Soldier's widows are entitled to use the lecensed husband service wiiiie in tne var, to assfst her in proviug up a olaim tf Vm wA nir ia rlflsil. then one of tuu tbo minor heirs can nse tho right: but i must be dca tnrougu tue gusraiaa oi tbe child. Widows and orphans nf soldiers will not be reauired to cultivate th lr.nd or to oersonally Uo tbe wore: but can cense tho same to be tlioe by nthers capable to do proctioai rarmmg. Good Nitb and cultivate to the htv. ot the ability cf claimant is all tbat the law requires.

The above will show tboee in the east who do not understand the law governing the public domains that it is impossible tor them to noquire land in this inutry without becoming a rwklent tnd with the exception of soldiers he applicant must appear in person and know something of the land he desires. JOSEPH DURR, Warum? Darum Wholesale and Retail Dealer in WINES, LIQUORS aul CIGARS PROVISIONS, Family and Mining Supplies. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. CAL. ZINFANDEL, by the barrel, 70c.

per gallon. by the gallon 85c. by the bottle 20c. Alt kinds ot California Wises, Kentucky Whiskies, aad Isported Liquors Anheuser-Busch bottled Beer. AUENT FOR ArM0UR8 PACKING H0U8B.

Eastern and California Cheese. Uwisa Oherse. Caviar. Anchovies, Herrings, Oysters. Sardines, Lobster.

8almou, etc Bulad Oil in bulk: also Worcestershire Smce, Freuob Mustard. Ho'seradlsb, Garaian and Mixed Pickles, Olives. Ssuer Kraut, Tomato Catsup, Staffed Fuppers, all in barrels, and sold at one-focrlh tbe usual prices. ALL OitDERS PBOMiTLY FILLED. JOSEPH DURR, Tucson, A.

T. Sealed, Proposals. FOR FLO UB. HEAUUDAK TKUS UlP4KrMENr OJf ARlZl.NA. rric ruir coMnsar or bchutikcx, L.0.1 A30E1K Cai.

Mrrh 11. ISSS. Bealnl proonaN. to trlphcat" nhl ctlotheas alcoa-I tios. wi r-iTod at this orS r.

and th i)thc of Acticr ommi Mr et nb- ait-eaKt -h following named 12 o'clock. TLEdL'AY. pnl 17. ISSS. at i aiai iiuv ana piaca id Drrance of biddare.

for fniauhina the follow ing qnan'it: of flrar. Tit loo Araob. A i pund. tort uowio a. i is.ucu cxinr Cn.

rort Grant. A. 70,000 pnna. Port Haachaca. oan Yott Lowell.

A. Fort Mc -oweU, A.T00.COOll. Fort A 110U0 poaxd. San Carloi A. E0 000 pound, ro tl hom.

A. 2J.0CO pon-id. Fort Vanle. A. T.

10,000 poo d. ipplA Uarrarka. A. T. 30.000 pounds.

Sao Dieeo Uarracka. Cal 15.000 poondi. Fort in- at. N. il; 110.C00 pounds.

Prupoaala for farn. laaina; conrmmls la 4 mora, ana nam aniooa wi rat oMr will rot aldarad at this cflca and at thn the Ac iof of t' poota 1 1 rizona. Alto proiola for tha abnr qantitv (S-2 000 poanda) o' dA'iverod in dunbla ack. cot'un nd ff nni fre bonrd the car at 1 oa Ant tie. Calorat an fta ion cn Ihe toa-h-rn Paciiio luilr-iad la win rw rcTr-a ana open dt tte me timeatthianffivoolr La-re'ope oontainintr prop aiilafordrlirerTat Lea airel' and othr acra tn California, ahoald be pruperlr markd nd addr-d to the under IffoM.

Those fur Aritona Flonr thontd ti marked and iddrr'd tn Thia olfi-eor to th AetimrOommiioaiieaof bo' bid for contract made naner thia avlTertimrat ahall not be cnpitrad to inTolT the Onitwl ritatea ia rr obliiration for rTmnt in 2ee the appropriation granted tiyCoaa-naa tor the par. poe. the lioteran eft reaerr me ngn reject any or all opoI. Blank propoaala. iraarante i and fall informatiua a to the man nerol bidding, coaiitlona tubeobeerred bx bid-i!" nil tern, of contract nd mnt, will nrnihe-J, on api.lication to this otSce.

or to the Comcii'rarie' of th tat. J. F. WE8TON, raptaia and C. 8..

U. Artnr. Chief C. 8. ia mm CAN BE REMOVED.

LE ON London. Pcrfnmera to H. M. tbe Qnera. bate io-Tented and pa'ested the world-renowned OBL.I TERATOR, Which remote hmall Pox Mark ot howeter lone etandinic.

The appli atioa is imp! nnd harmleee.ranX't no inoonTenice and containe nothing injariona. Prioe. $U0. SUPERFLUOUS HAIH. Leon Sc BaraoTea SaperSs'-na Hair la a few minute withont pain or nnlAant enation neter to grow aicain.

Simple and narrative. Fall direction ecnt by mall Price, $1 I UEO. TV. II Alt', General Aireat. 19 Tremont Ptreet.

Bcxton. Mw. octlO-wlj Notice of Forfeiture. Tcoso.s. TzaBtTosi Abu om.

oatitj of Pima, Murch IS. 1S. TO WKNEK KARLL.UI-HEIB3.ADUIS. Utrator. or executor and to Annie Bar.

nell (formerly Annl-L Smith) her hein. ezeoa tororaaaurne.orthoeewbc.tna daima dnrtbeai an nndiTided one-eixtb interret each In th tollow mg deecribe4 prupertr Yoa an htrebr notified th tl hire expended two hundred dollar la labor aad improremenU opoo the following mnjr claim; --i Mountain Mining Claim, located Janu-. o.i. 1881 and recorded on January Sub. Pitn IVi.intT '7'" the anzi Minina iJ'il rn.

v.i expended lur i. I urd the proniona of acctior 2X24. titalnteot tbe United Utate. being ihe amount reqairedto hold 'be wo for the year ending Dec. SI.

ItHi, and Dee. 31, 1M7 and that I ta'e contribat'd nmr portion thereof. Thrfore if bin SO (litre aftvrtbe rriceuf thie notice of publication, you fall or rcfsa to ntribate roar proiortion ot each expenditure, a eo woerr, witb the Coeta of 'hie publication, your intereetain -il cUima will baonmettie property of tbe eub-tcriher under eaid ction ZfH. loar proportion of aaid expmdi'nre 31 and SJ-lKrtb dollan each upon laid claim. DANIEL JOUNBON Notice of Forfeiture.

To W. H. Hmith: Ym are herebe notified that the nndertigned ha expended darinr tbe year ndintr December 31, 1SX5, on hundred dol lar in the prrformaure of tbe annual labor upon tbe Barnard mine, eitnated in th (Jrraier-Tilie miniug d.atnrt. County of Pima. Territory of Arizona, and recorded in tbe Coanty eorler' office book Krcord of Mine.

p-ee 30 37 and 3S, in order to hold the eame. a re-qnlrrd hyHec ion 2, I ot the BrTit etatatee tbe United Htatee: andymrprnportioaoftbe amount extended and due to the unciereiftned i df ty dollar and if yon, your heir or aa-igne, fall ti contribute your proportion of 'be ea expended witbn inety dey after the publica tinnoftbi notice, your iner inaaid Bert minewl I becom tbe propert of yoar o-wner. nnderaiireed. who baa deaucb expendi tore. BEBMAMD VOOT.

iacaon. Fehrnari 7th. OThe BTJTERB' GUIDE I iaiuod March and each year. It is an encyclopedia of uaeful Information for all who purchase the luxuriea or the nciitiea of life. Wo an elotho yoa and forniah you vith all the neceuary and unneceasary appliances to ride.

walk, dance, sleep, eat, flab. hunt. work, to to church, or stay at home, aad in various size, styles and Quantities. Just tlguro out what Is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you oan make a fair estimate of the value of the DUYKHB' UIDK which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD CO.

111-114 Michigan ATonue. Chicane. IU. '1VO OOSIONYaJ NVS "UYOO OUIOVd HX U04 UNIOV '03 NVWH3V8 '9U38SB Xaaocf stq JOj nrtlEA HnJ S3AI333J jauifts -U03 3qi 3J3tIA jb2io bubach JK310 1S3M. 3Mi -iM lYrlirn FRUIT TREES GRAPE VINES AND GENERAL NURSERY STOCK Ifent Yntietie True to name, raisd witbont irrigation, and free from disease.

Great o-tre in piokinc Cata-logne, price list, eta, free. Address, LEO.AKDCOTES, Nepa Valley Nnmenes, Napa City, Califonta. m3UiS3 Qneer Fits wl dlnrtt. The flte andettirts naiai: the'' words I .1 I mii.fttnj.-01 illH LHnuir people often otnke beholder ladi- Ine nerves ol fe.naii acu uj ful'r and im pmzed by abrnpt, unexpected aoisej. omm-in-.

a tn aeriorm huh i ItUU OkfclV irnrthv of a inrfloioe 1 ick. At thr root of nervonsn in most lnstancef, i asfimilotion of tbe food. ua cooeeqoeni- inrnilrtliin nf ihe IlerVe- US Of th? tha Ii iilv. ThlH DfoloDC cd is, of oonr? prodactive of porionn nervous diee. Tbe remedy is HoMei-ter'fl Stomach Bitters that mvicorate tbe Btomaoh and enttbleii it to perform its functions properly.

Soon Btter com-mencini? a course of it, it trill found that tbo nerves ktov more tranquil appetite more vizerous and Thrne are tbe initial followed by the completo restoration of ner vous vigor. The Uitterr biw and Bgae, liver complaint and constipation. Notice to Farmer. Business-men and Speculators. The nn.lereiened makes a specialty of r.itl,ml.iyi!nri tho U.

S. Litxl Olllce at Tucson, A. and will famish all re quired information in reRaru io mo ntWM made. Will nlpo fnr- DIDIU3 nish plats of any iriven township with w. Jn.

abstracts ot me eonicj uiuc. aoecial attention RiTen to ontest oases. Correspondence polieitd. ELthLt. H.

Weed. lncsoo, A. com. BUHACH The California tat Fowflpr. I8IHK ONLT abSOLUTKLT PUaE AND EFFEoTIVE INSECT POWDErl In the Market.

It can be need with perfect eafety, a it le perfectly harmlee to maa and least Kruinrkblv Iletrurtle te All Kind of Ineect Life. ATOinAIi A II IMITATIONS aJID Buy Buha. la the Orlglul Harkaice. And protect roanelTM from ih aanoranee caaiedbTtioaseaia rnoeqaitoae. aaU.

eockroachee. etc. Direction KCCmrMt.y each pack4. DR. JORDAN'S Mcseni of Atomy 7S1 Market Mtreet.

SAN FRANCISCO. IO AND LEARN Huff TO VJ T0ld dueaee. and Low won derfolly yoa are mivle. 1'riTate iteary ouwr. oaeuiu-manhiod aad all diaeaae ot mea ook.

lli-w Nore rnnice withont this trade oar siaiea jSJaiUas lUaufartkred by The Bufaai-h iTodaclac and Manure STOCKTON. CAL. Branch Office 23 Ann Straw N- York Sold by Grocer and tDra-fiats BTerywhere. Notice to Creditors. tlatate of Kafaela, XTOT1CE HEREBY OIVEN BY THh.

1.T nn'leiKnt, adm matrat-ir of the etat of Rafarla Kmu deeeaa-d, to the creditor of and ailperaon having claim agnir.t tkaid deceee-d. to exhibit them -th th cecarf nehere. wit I cr month after th crt pohlicaunn of thia notice, to the said adnHSie-trator at hi o5c, Month Mr u. Tcraon. ia the aaid county of Pima.

AdmiBietratar th Eatat of lUtaala Itxo. Dated at Taceoo. i.nt. tth. Peronal Xotieo.

Letters will reach me addressed "Quiiotoa, Arizona;" and I can be personally seen about six miles norlb from there At my mines, at the Bonita oininir oamp. Ea.rH H. Webb, attorney, at o. PinniaKton street. Tuoson.

mr office, oan inform of ny change. 1 R. D. Febocbox, Tnc3on, March 28. ISSS.

tf THE WASHBURN AMIRICAM OUITAM AND HAHUViuaaa Jwiu. saaaaaBBsawMgsr I HW MMHM, HIAA.V, IHM It- Call kYOM Qm 6,000.000 ppygus O.U.FtflrtULU Ufa LarCMT shJmh fn tfe wood. i.urM SEED ANNUAL For IBM wdbeiaaiUa RECTO ALL aoplicaata. aa4 leet coetoser wiiv oat wieiiax att. ICeery panaa uata ICaaavvrieicwriowa D.

M. FERRY IcrV ii i SURE CURE DISCOVERED FOR CATARRH Vsnriir? Uwerhach'i Geraua Catsira Remaiy. JK. Ml BCCU9 dveeT tu iwy mul krleee lien it-e a. a.

lataiii Tk a a.

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