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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 4

Memphis, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FOR SAEE. FURNITURE A net of bedroom luruilure. tioolhwn HKOOM No. I D-10M ncrw of flue tlmrjerwd land, i ti i nn. n.t.

t. rnn(T. ArksnM. near Uie llll.llis Rli.l 1,1 1 1 Kock ltlllMMl. HtKlUt will neliin antlU in Miii I nurchftscrs.

Animus Second street. rwrWO CfrTTAt.r: HOUSES ASK LOTS IS. 1 aii'i LliHi.ii street, near containing three rooms and the other two with kitchen to each; having Just undergone thorough rifllre. and rented to wood pHvlug u-nanlo: lot liy 1 feet each. iiiich "i ll uri t.

with splendid nc t. nee Will be Hold at a BARGAIN, on iha i.avments. it applied soon, at I ronl SSZ J- V- UAVUS Wg. htms Ban, will s. 11 on li rl terms our cotton slinl ou Tennessee street.

Apply lo N. riea, iil1' Front street. BLACK, UP. ami vd last nlglil, ou fit ol I liesUtr, a good lot ol Mock ol own selection. consisting of tine driving horses, farm horses and mules.

All hloek Kiiaraut.e.i a rays B. FAIltKS t'ourl Siiuare Stables. DIM, MS and license. 1 lately at 3 Main No. 1 mules, drays, liar-rtieap, by applying im-street.

mr. 'I'llKKE Lors For sale, by 1SU, at) by 19, 1 and SO by lSu feet on one avenue. Tin ruo-eeM and cheapc-i residence prow in theeity. Adduss K. M.

Appeal olli ill 1UMMB I.UTS- I would All severn'. suable building loti a part of my r. -i-drnre, comer of I.I mien and Lauderdale sin is. via: two lot fronting on Linden street 1 feet one on K.iw lint Place, (o by 1 1: one iroiiliiic oil 1-audt rdalc street, (ill by Isi i.i two others fronting on Lauderdale. ileel each by 1SL 1 would also eU the sir-ii.

'ii including my residence, TiW4 feet on nlale, running back Ittf feel, containing an excellent dwelling. The street railroad pa ntraiMliallv in Imnl lhl l.roncrlv. Those wlshinc lo purchase can confer with W. A.

Wheatley or mvsX J.J. RAW LINUS, apa 351 Front street. RKHIDKNCE-A handsome sunurban residence, sit naiad on ttie Memphis and Charleston Railroad, al Hill's Station, L.y. miles east or Court Square, containing fix ul! irltl. n.nins, i i commodious grounds nud fine garden spot at tached For terms apply at the otBce of the soutliern Life Insurance Coranany.

aps rOTS HOU8KS Nice residence lots for i SALF-; nice liousiw In snburbs for KF.NT. mh25 W. A. Main. i OT No.

ii Hays' subdivision, near i hi i ry lj I'lace, conUalulngone acre, encloel wilu ikkI plank fence. Refer lo M. D. L. Stewart, acent.ele K).

K. IH'NI'AN. SAXE OR EXCHANGE. nv. KLLINt; Modern built, cnntraliy located, fTiimi-SJUi in luouey, i in good unimproved lot the rents pay per ut.

ml on amount. Address TUtJS J. HP TllRI EM, Kii William- Ulis'k. Madison street m- IT LIKAL FARAltRAPKH. ik No.

I anakawaar. Morgan'- maki ni be seen at No. mi street. apa" rriI.ItINU IaJTS The property known a- I He- M. nken I'lace Briukley.

luulap avenues, sulslivided into flffy build sol.i low rates and on eas i rms. Tie lots are within two siiiaresol 'rmlnu of Poplar street railroad. 'J itle pej-l i. Apply lo MF.NKEN Mp22 niruer Main and t'nurt streets. VARM A spleudi i ntucky farm; seven-tv acres lich land lifteen acres Umbered i under high slate ol cultivation; wi ll i; sloek and grain farm fin.

oi. in full lieariag, yielding large profits- two-storv house, eight rooms; stables. Ii ns. 1c. house, and all other sml conveniences; situated In Nelson ituiii-iv Kentucky, In suburbsof Bardstovcn, which naa population of four thousand tourlarg.

tmaie aradeimes, including Nazareth Fe male academy; three male academics. In eluding St. Co fat holic, Meth.i-dlt. Presbvterian, and Hspti-t eliurches; all I road facilities near Louisville; will he -old. low terms easy.

For particulars app! or ailiiiHi- Jaire- s. Carpenter Mtinphis, lennessee. ap eai of Ki ll I in bvl, a i I -ms hor- I ANli. KTc acres Big I'ni It A laiul 1J of city and 'iptTisand frieiucan naiinuio; i ul central Point, on Sprlug m4 liaill Kugine, Hi by I gii 1 Fngine. 12 by 1 pair gissl nlsml F.uirines, S1, liv 2l; 1 portable F.ngine.

by 1-- Iifflsi- I'nrtalile Engine; 1 emm md-hard Hoi l-r, inches by Is leet lgo-s-l siuall flue BoiKrHiid one No.s Knowles steam Pump. The above Land. lot and also Kn--ines and Ko.iersw ill lw sold low and on terms. Apply lo KATSlM-r. A HE.A1I1, Chickaviw Iron Works, vs.

in IirJ. and ins Second street, Tenn. A( HI? OK LAN1-In Iota from ten ui i w. uty acre-, on Loth the i-K; i j. ni and lenneissi KniiT.sHd.

live miles trom ap s-e and address P. No. Mid street. NE span mules, wagou Cray harij.T. licensi and license, Adams strei t.

i.1HINB8 CTLKiN-i A UUKN.Adainsst., i hav. for saiese.meof the mot and elegantly flnlsbed staiionary engines in the 1 nit. Slates. The Kx posit ton engine, so adi.iire.1 hy thousands, is among the ii in 1 1 is Sli-horse power, tient leiuen de-siriug enginesfor mills, should call and iiaiiuue. I or simplicity aud strength they are not lo be excelled.

fell IjrjKJINE -A power engine and tj pumps and a lot of l'Mnch Ii ban, inquire at S9 ADAMS ssTUF-FTT. I l.ANTATIONS HOt'KK- Four valuable plantations In countleso! Boitvar.lAMbnmaaud DcSoUi; i re- Jenc. an' M. J. WICKS.

WANTS. rP Kl'tHiV To bn a second -band top 1 huggv. Applvtothe undersigntHl st the .1 Uaaane M. Uer-h, No. bwdk Court i.

t. oi L.T- Main street. Memphis. myU W. N.

KAKIN. KB N1-S A g'l 11 11 cook, washer ami Apply at No. Mcriianno num. 1 irork light. fc.

P. FtJNTAINE. Well Libet in I'l KNI-HED bUMJMC WANTED I 1 NoMlllber Ol December, by respousjble parties who hac no children, and can glv. gisl references. Parties who contemplate Hawing the summer months and want lb.

i roperty taken care of by a bjnan' who is willing to pay reasonable lent, will address pjieal offlce. 1 OVERS ok FINE STOCK TO K.Ni IW THAT Hie thorough-bred stallion, BILL iK-i. N. i- al "table, s-conI -ireet. KAll.KdAD HANDi On the Ureenvllle.

Columbus and Birmingham 1 inona. rise men, for making lies and hopping: wages, tz er day plenlv ol g.Ksl slanon work. Apply t.i M. i I Mcnphi-.

Tenn. myll M. OKIFFIN tVintractora. "iK i AN' AsEKi" For city and coun try. Apply at .112 Second street.

M'KNllTKK. pay the highe-t nee 'oi se. oiid-hanil luruilure, slovc carpets, tc, al Second stret MftU H. M. 1HICOLASS.

i ECOND-H AND FURNITURE, Fithcr and Household Ocsids of all kinds, l-ougbt sw- oDd street. H. I. SJNNeTT. ROOMS AND BOARD.

fiOAKUl N' -Two ni fronl r(ora-. unlm nlvlitd, i'1'H-saiii lwntiou; al. urniHhl M. rn. lor Mingle entleii'ij.

A few tlay tMMnl- cmxt mIkiIw aeooinrucjdatM with Kootl tparil I'oiiYfnlt-ttt t' ImMneNvou pli-H(ioii at l1 MwiiHon treei. myli OARI'-i pl'-asanl In summer, Willi lsid. al Is Mulberry street. mls OtJMS i.iksI furnisiiod r.s.m, illi boar.1 SIM Third tiet. Adams and ashiugtoll.

FOR RENT. on uiiiuc Mrect -hI i Orlfuus, in sitvft cura. AM'iy Ht roH Iixmi utef li MmliMi st. iiiyl si jlJ rn-r nit mih. mm Mre-t.

myl( ply at OUSE-Tlie large brick bouse, 3l i i i in gissl repair. at Ml II 11 DKSJT) HT. I AKT OF 1IOI SE I myis 'Mi Hernando street, near Van. KIDKNCK-No. Adams street.

Applj Main street to in I- R. I. (iOtiDWYN. It KKIIil- Ni I. -on Vance near M.

Agi Appli al till-olrlce. myll I et wee halllWC I) '1 in.M is-autlful aud an where around the city, llamllm and Ciaip's, smith iy K. k. PI.CMMEK. 9 No.iws Shelby street.

A i'. i a i i. i A l.l. A. in I corner ot Hut ler and i best, -t.

I H'JI-I No. 1 Adam-street, conlMinlng b-li nsmis, ilh ail Iheunsl- ill ooll veu ences. Apply lo WALKEl: BROS. 4 myll Zd Main street. ERM A 1 A HOCHE On corner Shelby aud Uayosostrii'tsal a bargain.

Apply JOHN SO.MEKVKLL, Office IWS Second alreet, corner Monroe, mylv Memphl-, Tennessee, I OUSK. No. iil HERNAN try. tern, with line The house Is in low to a prom of Mound No Aiadlsnn HTKEKT ven rooms. Kitchen, pa-.

stable, g.ssl well and cls-rden space; lot Juu by 111. I re pal and will be ren'4-d paying tenant. Apply ai Llle inaurance Company Planters Jos. Building. El.l.lNii-UorsES Two comfortable If for rent.

In the Titus lil.ick.oii llie cornel of hird aud Market -t aplO HARRIS 4 PILLOW. PERSONAL. OOKBT I i.rnn Piaslerers, Is Uavoao street miv altende.1 to. ap-n LOST. lAR-RI NO ON FRIDAY, TtlK MTM, Iie-twaeu I uiou stretl and Beale, one enamel ar-ring, WUm arl et in center.

A suitable rewaru win m- pain on aelivery to ur i.i... yy myis 'IIAKT, lis Union st. TAKEN UP. ON Y-Tiiuisdaj. Ma l.iih, one swab-tail Iron gray stallion pony, about lour vears old.

hands high, star lu his lorehead, stuped Kg. Taken upat E. Dun. an giocerv 1 air Uround, on tne hii.I Charleston Ita I road. myai shoulder, wl i.i ovine ironerty li.

ST mylw wled r. c. the owner can have by Ing charges. Apply 1 CAR HI ABLE, muiu sLreel The tit. (Jeorge's society picnic OMMi ofl' next Muntlay.

The Catlnilic tinntlay-fclicsil union crimen oir ou Tlinrsiluy uext. Lulrie'8 liaby-Bhow is Uie excitement for Friday uext. It couies ofl" ai Uie exiMwilion Imil.iit Yesterday, Rutledge'si gorilla, fteu-lieu, was al James's park aud drauk beer uutil it became drunk. One of the women who took the romantic ride iu Jones's hack last night, lt her hat anil a gold bracelet. Yesterday Joe Ix-slie, colored, arrested for vagrancy in Pinch, and placed in the station-house by officer Malouey.

"Yesterday Andrew Hums was placed under bonds of two thousand dollars f. assaulting Allen Lane, colored, with intent to kill. "Yesterday there was a partial test o) water-works tire-plugs, corner of Main and Madison It did not succeed and will lie tried again. The "voodoo" which Francis Thompson, colored, was defendant, came before Justice Miller yesterday, and the MM was discharged. The Italian picnic conies off at Julius's park on Wednesday (to-mor row).

It will be a grand affair, aud will be lilwrally iiatrouized by all classes of the i-itizens. Joseph Kurd, arrested upon the charge of stealing seventeen dollars from a companion, was sent to jail, aud his witness allowed to share the same place of imprisonment. Owing to the sudden illness of Mayi Johnson, who had to be carried to his home, the Iward of public commissioners held no meeting for the election ot a statu iii-house keeper. Yesterday, Ellen Doucas, colore. who was arrested for the alleged larceny oi a iieiiiiuilt from Jane roster, colore.

was discharged by Justice Miller, the prosecution fading to apiiear. All the executions on judgements entered at the January term of the second circuit court, which cloaed last Sat urday, have been placed in the hands of tlic slienll. 1 his is quick work and its prompt character deserves credit. Over live hundred executions issued. Yesterday Chapman Carter, colored, incarcerated as lieiug accessory to the murderous assault on John Foley, who has since died, was taken before Judge Hay on a writ of hattta corput.

The prisoner was remanded, and will hesub- ject to thcactiou of the grand jury. The baby-buggy, worth thirty-five lollars, ami the hat, valued at fifteen dollars, which are to lie awarded at the baby exposition, May 2Jd, by Mr. Lou Leubrie, may lie seen at hisstore on Mam street. Mr. Leubrie is determined to an general interest for the success of this entertaiumeut.

The xfTdermaniac, after attempting l'i mail le'ters iu a hydrant, concludes that the "hydrophobic man of the Appeal never did love water," and is certain he will take to it kindly as a beverage. Although the iA'gerinaw never MM love wa'er, his experience is sufficient apology for his witty advice. Yesterday the various courts ad journed upon the announcement of Col onel James 1 helan's death, and a meeting of the bar will be held at twelve to-day for the purpose of adopt -ing suitable resolutions expressive of the grief an I sorrow his brother lawyers feel by the loss of this esteemed citizen. To-day the firemen will visit the grave of their former chief, Captain Billv Kehoe, aud in commemoration of the many virtues that characterized his life and endeared him to every oue, will place flowers on the mound where "he sleeps the sleep that knows no waking." Uncle Billy, as he was called, won the csiceni of our citizens, who cherish bis memory with tenderness and sincere vcueration. Yesterday ltecorder Winters disposed of forty-four cases in less than an hour and a half, and the uinible-fiugered clerk, Mr.

Him J'arinds, collected seventy-live dollars within that time. Joe KyKy, charged with lapping the Turner hall till, three weeks ago, was jailed in default of two thousand dollars bonds, and Monroe Iiaker, for carrying concealed weapons, was fined fifty dollars, and jailed iu default of three thousand dollars bonds. Yesterday his honor Judge Flippin convened the May term of the criminal court, for which" the following grand jury was empaneled George Mellersh. foreman; O. B.

Parker, Wilbur F. Simmons, Jesse Moore, Victor I). Fuchs, Mansfield, Hugh Torrence, William Oav, J. W. Stone, George W.

Jones, Mitchell, and R. S. Jones. Mr. B.

T. riummer was sworn in as deputy sheriff. Judge Flippin delivered the usual charge, and then adjourned court. Yesterday the sale of privileges for St. (ienrge's sis-iety picnic, at James's park on Monday next, brought good prices, wMcfa indicate a large attendance.

Mr. Joseph Specht Ismght the confectionery stand for C. t.allina and Ben. March the restaurant privilege for ir-7, I. O.

McNally the shisiting-stand forflS. and Ben March the "ring game." Mr. A. Stolts was awarded the contract for lighting the grounds at $111, and Mr. 1.

Payne purchased the lr privileges for $'J10. Mr. Payne has recently arrived from England, and is a young gentleman of energy, popular with our citizens, aud also esteemed by his fellow-countrymen who live in this city. Dil any one ever know Ijeubrie to do anything in a half-way manner? We this ijucstfon liecatise we heard a rumor on the streets yesterday that the proceeds of the baby-show aud promenade concert at exposition hall would be used to secure a string band for the eveu-ing concerts in (Xurt square. Anything else but that, say the public.

Open air concerts, iu such close proximity tothe principal business thoroughfares, can i mly lie given successfully by brass instruments, and our knowledge of Prof. Leuhrie's experience iu such matters warrants us in saying that his management in the premises will result iu the employment of the best brass baud that can be obtained iu the city, and thai the Court Muare eiiteitainmeuts will be, an they were last season, delightfully agreeable in every particular. Last week a negro stole a mule from a gentleman living on James Edmond-tou's place, three miles below Cold-water, Mississippi, and Chief Athy has been watching for the thief. Saturday Anderson Williams was arrested for a municipal offense, and yesterday fined ten dollars by the recorder, who allowed a policeman to go with him to Payne's livery-stable on Monroe street, where the negro said he wanted to get the sum tup-upon him, securing its ayment with a mule he bad there. Two days previous Williams left the mule at the stable, aud not returning for the animal the police concluded he must be the person who stole the beast near Cold water.

Mr. Payne also suspected the negro, and when he returned with the officer, was at once arrested, aud is now in jail. Cnp-lain Athy will probacy hear from Cold-water to-day, aud be able to identify the ownership of the mule. Williams states that he received the mule from another negro, but does not know to whom the animal belongs. Capt Athy has received the following letter from New Orleans, May 17, 1873: "Esteemed Friend- The relief hu you have afforded my distressed wife and myself with your untiring efforts iu accomplishing what your very prompt letters and dispatch brings me, that of ascertaining the whereabouts and safety of our two sons, has truly elicited the admiration of ourselves and friends iu this city.

The good peo nle of Memphis should be proud of such a gentleman and efficient officer. Please nccept our sincere wishes for your future welfare and happiness. Itesia-ctfull and obediently, "THuMAK UALLKW, "JULIA A. HALLKW." Chief Athy ascribes the discovery of the missing young men to the publications of the city press, and wishes it to receive the above compliment. While admitting the usefulness of our press, we caunot, iu justice to personal worth and official fidelity, rob Chief Athy of this proud testimonial he so richly deserves.

A most disgraceful affair took place yesterday afleriKHJii on one of the street cars of the Main street line, between a passenger anil the driver, which angry menaces and profane words were useii towarU each other to such an ex- bunt as to cause a lady, in her fright, to lump irom the car while it was in mo tiou, which cime near resulting seriously hi her. The ladv gave information of the aflUr, but we did uut hear of any arrest. The examination relative to the shooting of Billy (Juiun, iu Mueller's salisin, Saturday, was set for hear ing ycterday afternoon, at tttree ciocs, in justice Hoist's office. An affidavit, however, was preset! lel on the jMirt of the State to the cried mat tfuiun was slill in a verv critical condition, and that his medical attendants were unable to give an opinion as to wuelner lie would recover. The examination was.

therefore, adjourned till one o'clock this afternoon. To-dav the graves of the Coufetl erates at ElmwixsJ cemetery will be decorated with flowers and evergreens. Touching in its simplicity and sincerity is this custom, and its annual indulgence i- suggestive of much that is sacred ami holv in human affection. While love and memory lieud above the mound of departed worth aud fallen valor, may not hoe lieam brightly there, leading the mind to the contemplation oi tne future's good, though the heart be sorrowing iu the gloom of the past? How dear io every oue the memory of the dead that were noble aud true in life! To-day let old age bend above the graves, and youth ami lieauty, each with kindly baud, place flowers there. The street-car niulc-drowuiug did not take place yesterday, as was expected by many who were anxious to witness the fun, ami it was rumored that Superintendent Barrett had declined to furnish the stock, liecause he had taken soundings in the locality, and found that he could not recover the carcasses of the auimals after drowning, and the city would hold him to account for creating a nuisance on one of the city's thorough fares.

The lake near the intersection of Calhoun (South) street with Mam will have to lie crossed by the street-cars by means of a transfer-boat. It is astonishing the excitement that idle fiersons cau create, out of the loss of three well-known citizens, rumors flew thick aud fast yesterday, and before diuner-time one could hear almost auy kind of yarn, and public men of every grade aud character were killed with an ease that could only lie matched by Dumas, pen, who it is well known murdered his characters by the dozen. Among those who were thus di-ised of, and whose obituary passed from tongue to tongue for a few hours, was the president of the water-works company, who, we are glad to say, is, barring a twinge or two of rheumatism, as well as he ever was in his life. It is uecdless to say, what everybody knows, that the health of the city was never better than at this time. thi: ri Tlic I i ol ol To-lftt to Immense roml ted -I'nbllc 'nrl-osily Mnlchcai Ml Ty pe-Selling -llie Interior Worklnin or it I'rlaltng Office Mr.

Uallawny" Address. We are informed by the gentlemen of the committee that a very large numlier tickets have already heen sold for the picnic at James's park, to-day, given I iy Uie members of the Typographical union, which insures success lor the occasion. Much interest is manifested in the contest lietween the fast tyis-setters, and also the e.rj-ofc of the mysteries of tbecralt iu the ilget-up of a newspaper. The prize for the fastest composition is an elegant gold double-case watch, and for the successful apprentice iiitestaut, a breastpin of gold, ii presenting a composing-stick. The address of Mr.

(ialfaway will lie delivered at half past eight o'clock iu the eveuiug. Another type-setting contest was ou the programme, the contestant-to be the editors of the city press, and the lists were closed iu a few hours after the scheme was made known. But the committee in charge ruled (antl we arc inclined to the opinion that the ruling was a reflection on the editorial fraternity) that each editor should set from iiisown manuscript, and no editor in the city being willing to undertake to decipher his own chiography after it became dry, one of the most attractive features of the occasion of ne-ocMtty fell through. We regret it, for this writer had been practicing picking up nails, with a view of making a lively contest for the prize. The committee of arrangements desire it to be known that the tyie-settiug contests will not in any way interfere with the other amusements, so that those who may not wish to witness or participate in one can enjoy themselves as they desire.

Xothiug has been omitted that will contribute to comfort and amusement, and Hie printers' picnic will U' remembered by all who participate as one of the most pleasurable gatner-iugs of the season. This will be the second of a series of annual festivals proposed to la? held by the Typographical union, the proceeds of which will go to repairing ami beautifying their burial ground, and thecrectiou of a mouument to departed members of the union, iu F.lmwiaid cemetery, where already twenty-four of the craft who died in this city, far away from home aud relatives, found decent burial and friends among the memliersof the uuion. The object iu view is a laudable one, aud will find a hearty response in the hearts of the citizens of Memphis. SCHUL-FEST. Sixteenth Annual Mar Festlral of the Uerman Lutheran Sunday-School at Humboldt Park.

Urand Procession Tlic Prettiest Sight of tha Season At the Park-Crowning of the (Juecii. flumes, root-Kates and Dances A Jul' ly Day Tlic hiiurcn of Elder Growth as Happy as the Young. Till: ASE. Judge Halscv Decides I be folk Bond Liable lor All iomes from May Yesterday the question relative to the legal construction of the bond in the case of the Polk administrators Kirk-land and the Jackson insurance com-Jiauy, was decided by Judge Halsey, of the second circuit court, who ruled that the bond was liable for all damages from May ii. Accordingly the following order was made in the case: ORDER.

The question of the sufficiency of the sulritituted attachment bond pre-sentisi on the seventeenth instant having lieen further cousidered by the court, and the court lieing satisfied that said bond is good iu law aud sufficient iriitll respects, it is ordered that said liond lie accepted as a substituted bond given iu oliedieuee to the rule heretofore made, requiring the plaintiffs to justify their former hoiitl or give other and sufficient security, and that the rule heretofore made be discharged. The substituted lamd will be filed by the clerk, and is received aud accepted by the court as sufficieut iu all respects, aud as valid and hiudiug as if it had been given at the dale of the issuance of the ancillary attachment. PIKE OLD BKAMIY. Cognac Braudy, vintage 1852, at JOHA I.IL1.VS, Main strecL CARD OF THAMES. Mrs.

Thos. Dagan desires to return her thanks to Messrs. O'Brannon Morris, of the Peatxaly hotel, Captain Bowman, steamer St. Francis, captain of the steamer Pat. Rogers, Messrs.

Carbery Casey, W. EL Hendricks Chaa. M. Erich, Mrs. W.

L. Vance, and to many others, for the kind donations made to her table at the festival for the Leuefit of the Christian Brothers' college. Coughs and Colds. Those who are sufl'eriDg from Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, should try "Brown's Lruttchuil Troches." Colonkl Oku. K.

Bedford, the great hotel man, will cater at Swayne's Mammoth Springs this summer, and that's enough. Immense sale, No. 316 Main street, this morning at teu o'clock. MKAMTKBS. Attend Itobertson's Business College.

Armstrong's Photographic Gallery, No 211 Main street. Three faultluaa gem pictures for fifty cents. A great day was yesterday with the pupils of the Herman Lutheran schisil, the occasion being a procession and a pleasant picnic at Humboldt park. THE PROCESSION formed at the schoolhouse on Main, near Market street, and moved at ten o'clock to Beale street, thence to the south mar-kethouse, where the street-cars were ta ken for the park. Tlie procession was headed by Captain Weathertoril, Sergeants McElroy and Bautu, and an escort of policemen.

The procession was finely arranged, aud in additioa to the attractive strains of music from the Old Memphis brass band, had several features that proved interesting to the citizens. In the procession was a beautiful white lamb, garlanded with ribbons, antl led by Master Willie and Miss Lizzie Getz, who were dressed to represent a shepherd and shepherdess. They are very small children. and seemed fit persons, in their innocence aud childful lieauty, to have charge, of a lamb, which is typical of meekness and charity. Following this feature iu the procession was the little Miss Koea Lip-pold, aged about three years, personating an angel.

Her light, wavy hair aud pretty face rendered her appearance quite fittiug to the representation. Next in order was the MAI KiKM'iEN, personated by Miss Bebeeea Burke, who wore a crown of gold and rich red velvet, gleuming with rubies and iearls. Her dress was of white tarlatan, trimmed with gold lace and spangles, to say nothing of the Queen Elizabeth collar, which was quite in keeping with the royal monarch of sunlit May. THE BLUM EN KCENIOEN i flower-queen) was represented by Miss Laura Erck, whose floral crown and white rose garland contrasted pleasantly with the pink tarlatan she wore. Emelee Tieasmann, a little blonde girl, made a pretty FEEN (KCENIOEN, i fairv uueen).

The silver frosted slrs gleamed above her white Swiss dress with wonder to the eyes ol her young compauions, all paying tribute lo the IKiinted silver crowu that kened her rank among them. FRUEHLINO AND HERBERT I spring aud autumn), were represented hy iMisses hmmi Keniliu, dressed iu white aud garlanded with green leaves, roses and gold crown with ivy, and LoHisa (ilindkamp, whose buff dress, gold-spangled overskirt and wreath of seared flowers, wheat blades, were appropriate in their significance of this season of the year. NACHT i night i was well represented by Miss An nie Werkhowen, whose black dress and crowu sparkled with silver moons aud stars. The goddess of TAO i was miss i- ranees t.eiz. gniu orna ments representing the brilliant beams of the sun.

The maids of honor, who also officiated iu crowning the ge nius, were Misses Julia Soubrist ami Emilie Bock, who were neatly dressed in white swiss with gold and silver lace, and red and white scarf. The escort of honor was composed of Masters Budolph Boek, Willie Huttliug-er, Johnnie Bmder, George Buikle and Fritz Benges, who wore the full zouave uniform. The young la.ta presented quite a martial liearing antl elicited no little comment, as did also Masters Eddy Bernhardt and Victor Phiilips, who represented the "sailor boys." THE SCHOOL was accompanied in its procession by its efficient suerintendent, Profeseor L. Karan, to whose faithful efforts may tie ascribed the apt training and polite bearing of the pupils, eighty in number aud from six to fifteen years of age. The school was founded by the Evangelical Lutheraii'church in 1855, aud yesterday was its sixteenth anniversary picnic.

Upon arriving AT THE PARK the children were arranged in order and a number of speeches aud declamations were ruade by them. The elocutionary proficiency of the pupils is surprising, aud attests the careful and systematic method of their instruction. The intervals were rendered pleasant by the children singing Isith German and Euglish songs. Of the former were sung the favorite pieces entitled A'le Vugd; mit 100,000 slimmen; Muehret die Trommel. Among the airs were Merrily, Walk at Morn, A Hungry fox, etc.

The songs and speeches were very much enjoyed by the older persons present, whe se pleasant gratification seemed to encourage the children in their efforts, which were appreciated by every one. I the afternoon VARIOUS GAMES aud amusemeuts were freely indulged in, and uo little was the enjoymeut afforded. Many tried to ''climb the jsjle," liut almost as often down again would roll mid yells of laughter and cries of delight The "sack-racing" constituted a most amusing spectacle, aud many engaged in this awkward attempt of locomotiou. The contestants would fall unexpectedly, and Hit ir prostration would be acknowledged by hiutl outcries from the interested spictators. The "foot-races" attracted every oue, and aroused as much interest as would had for the same sport where equities are entered.

This exercise wiji eagerly indulged in by quite a numlier, and their hurried efforts provoked mirth among those who witnessed the contest. No golden apples were dropped by the sjieediiig youths, and had such been done, we doubt whether auy oue would have stopped to pickup the gift, so much enthused were tne "cntriex." Oue of the most novel sports of the tlay was the "hahnenschlaoer." A rooster is put in a pit and covered with an earthen plate, which allows him to duck his head with ease. About fifteen feet from this dark antl fotvlsome prison the contestants for the prize, after being blindfolded, are placed aud turned around. The sport consists in an endeavor to strike the rooster's heatl with a loug, slender "pole, and too often would the blow, like that of Pater Anchises's sword, cleave only the viewless air. But the assailant was none the less discouraged, because he really was not sanguine of striking the unseen object, and had he done so it would have been a fowl stroke.

At every stroke the fowl draws iu his head, but only momentarily, for the darkness beneath impels it to protrude the cajmt. The strokes become frequent, and the rooster's head keeps good time. This scene, of course, fills every one with laughter, aud is witnessed for hours with unabated interest. No less uovel was the sport known as BLINDER SCHNEIDER" the blind tailor). A numlier of prizes are strung on a line stretched from tree to tree, and the children with haudaged eyes and armed with scissors, alio wed to out off' whatever they could.

Many ridiculous toys and valueless articles are aniotg the prizes suspended there, and the disappointment of some is beyond adequate description. We all know how eagerly hi our youth we were won't to approach the Christian stocking loaded with the gifts of Santa Claus. The discovery of ashes and sawdust, frostbitten s.itatoes, ft id omne genus of vexatious articles, might well compare with the feelings of a child who instead of cutting off a doll or a top, clip with blinded zeal a trifling mockery. Of course the laughter was in proportion to the disappointment, aud for our part we thought discretion taught that we could scissor exchanges with far more edification than we could prizes from the line. The flying penny," as the French va-rousell is popularly called, afforded ceaseless amusement for the children, who crowded the circular arrangement, and enjoyed the revolutions very' much.

After the sports, DANCING, music antl feastiug were introduced, and continued until the mom star gemmed the heavens. The attendance in the af-temoou and last evening was rjoJte large, aud the scene of joyous animation was inviting aud refreshing. This picnic is reallv a social German picnic, in I which the sincere commingling of friends adds additional pleasure, and develops more than an ordinary interest. It is the largest private picnic ever held in this city, antl Inasmuch as it gives an opportunity for pressing the members of the church in social conduct, many pleasant associations are framed, good will engendered, and necessarily beneficial the results. Praise is due the committee of arrangements, consisting of Messrs.

F. C. Schaper, James Brust, W. F. Ottmauu, Wm.

Benges and H. Lang-belu, for the agreeable manner in which they conducted the picnic. LAW REPORTS. Supreme Court or Nlaalaalppl, May Sanford Patterson vsG Gatherings, motion in quash writ of error, argued ami submitted A Porter vb -V Curtis, motion to docket antl dismiss, sustained; WhittiDgton vs Martha (iregory anil Carroll Gregory, motion to docket the record to the April term, 1873, overruled; James Ohhjhoe vs Wm Clopton et al, trustee's motion to docket aud dismiss, affirmed and judgment sustained; Morse vs Saunders and Saunders, motion to docket and dismiss, sustained; Thomas Jacks et al vs Elizabeth Bidwell et al, motion to dismiss, sustained; Cof-lield, executor vs Powell, motion to docket aud ilismisB, submitted ft Taylor, lessee vs House, motiou to docket and dismiss, sustained; 898, Phillips et al vs Jack Harvey, motion to quash writ of error, aud a new writ of error, summons and severance, sustained; It Taylor, use vs House, motion to docket aud dismiss, affirmed and judgment sustained. Second Ctrrnlt Court Halsey, Jmlue.

The May term of this court liegau yesterday, but on account of the death of Colonel James Phelan, the court, after empannelling the jury for the term, on motion of B. M. Estes, adjourned until nine o'clock to-day, out of respect to the memory of the deceased. The members of the bar of the city are requested to meet at the room of this court at twelve o'clock toTday, to take such action as may lie deemed suitable and proper iu respect to the death of their deceased brother. The cases constituting to-day 's calendar were published in Sunday's issue.

Criminal t'onrt Flippin, Jndg. The following cases are set for trial today. Witnesses and defendants on bonds must be in attendance promptly, or forfeitures will be taken against them 242, P. 8. Simonds; 273, Spike Moleu; 293, Mary Sturgeon; 304, T.

T. Boman; Charles Martin; 374, S. Wolf; 228, Amanda Carr; til, James Carr; John Baggio; 3i3, Isaac McNeal; 402, William Thomas; 403, Sallie Meyers; 400, C-C. Thomas; 407, Tom Callahan; 431, Sidney Oajk; 43i, Loug John; 439. B.

B. Miller; 453, M. C. Butler and Bud Pattou; 454, Joseph Taylor; 457, George Semmcs: 459, Joseph Taylor; 4'iO, John Solari; 50'J, John Walsh; 512, Harry Holmes; 514, John Carroll; Q8, H. L.

Newtou; .508, J. L. Mitchell: 609, J. L. Mitchell; 511, William Allen; olo, Joseph lary; 517, Ed.

Kaudaut; 522, Sidney Cook. Magistrates are requested to send up all warrants where parties have lieen boond over to this term of the court, immediately. Probate Court. The following business was transacted iu this court yesterday: S. W.

Bolton qualified as administrator of S. E. Maddux, deceased George Burrett, admin istrator of Andrew Havics, deceased; J. W. X.

Browne, guardian of the minor heirs of J. W. h. Browne, decease I Charles Collins, guardian of the minor heirs of Oswald Pope, deceased; Eugene guardian of Uie nimor heirs of John Magevney, deceased; James S. Day, guardian of the minor heirs of B.

W. liobertsou, deceased; Virginia B. Wartl, administratrix, with will annexed, of W. C. Ward, deceased.

The will of VY. C. Ward, deceased, was also ad mitted to proliate. The court adjourned until next Thursday, which will the last day of the May term. First Clreult Conrl-Hnikell.

Judge. Yesterday, on motiou of J. Wl 'lapp, the court adjourned over uutil this mrnirig at half-past nine o'clock In respect to the memory of Judge James Phelan, deceased, late a member of the bar. The following ad'Rtional cases are Rdded to the calendar, vfz 33, King vs Brown; 379, Teunesse National Bank, use, vs Stiles: 385, Toof, Philips Co. vs Memphis and Lame Kock railroad; 41a, Cuueo vs Baggio et ul: 417, Hcathman vs White; Davis vs Mem phis and Arkansas Biver Packet company; 4zb, Memphis (tayoHo tas company vs Williamson et at; 404, Hesse, Levy Co.

vs Harmstead 478, Stock ley vs Ebberts; 479, Henderson vs Memphis and Arkansas Biver Packet company; 480, Eisman et al vs Hough et al; 493, Normaut et al vs Worsham; 490, Elliott vs Morissy; 500, State vs Whitemore; 501, Keef vs Fil-liert et al; 502, Fennell vs Filbert et ai; 503, Levy vs Filbert et al; 50, Wilkinson vs Filbert et al 515, Brigg P. vs Bankhead; 520, Humes, administrator, vs Commercial batik et al. HONORK TO THE DEAD. Come to Auction, No. 316.1 Main stret, this moruiug at teu o'clock.

A CtRD. Messrs. Editors In your issue of yesterday you report one Geo. Hume arrested for selling diseased meat. As my name is pronounced Hume, antl assume parties might b-j led to believe that 1 was the party arrested, I wish to correct any misunderstanding that might arise, by assuring the public thst my meats are the liest, freshest and sweetest in the city.

My stock of vegetables, fruits aud poultry is, also, second to none in either variety or quality. A call upon me for anything iu my liue will be promytly attended to. J. hulme. No.

TSU Main street. and Piques, for suits --trimmings to match at reduced ratel, at 221 Main street. L. ATCHISJON. Ladies' Auction, by Geo.

O. Sale No. 31fU Main street. Will sell a large lot of Laces and Linen this morning at 10 o'clock. Use Bumford Yeast Powders, All grocers sell them.

funeral ol Colonel K. A. Pluaon Iin- poalnic Cortege-Large Belrf. I lou of Ex-Confederate Over Oua Thousand Persona Present, pr-rsenllnK all Claasea or fill-z ens -Tne ntaaonle Fraternity In Line. Besolutlona of Cillaena, Member of the Bill nud ax-Confederate Moldlrrs on tne Death or Judce Pnelan.

1'EiWONAL. Wm. J. Mkhane, Tennessee; James J. Anderson, K.

F. Griffin, Thos. Stur-gis, Mississippi; Will J. Murphy, Little Bock; Wm. C'Hiper, New Orleans; Stephen Muileu, Illiuoisare at the Peabody hotel.

J. A. Dacus, of the St. Louis Republican, has gone down, among the graves of his forefathers, into Georgia. He is studying hydrostatics and hydrodynamics as applicable to cheap transportation, while most of his sort study water as an adjunct ofjbenzinc and other explosives.

We shall have from Mr. Dacus a full aud admlruble report of the doiugs of the southern governors' convention at Atlanta. Mr. John Gali away theyounggec- tleman who is to deliver an address 81 Uie printers' picnic to-day is at present an attache of the Charleston railroad company, and one of the very first among its employes, as he was one of the best printers iu this part of the country when he worked at "case." Asa business man he possesses qualifications of the highest order, aud to them unites a rare talent anil very easy address. That he will acquit himself well to-day none cau doubt who know him.

He will reflect credit on himself and do honor to an occasion the grandest in our pi inters' calendar. The very high respect iu which the late lamented Colonel Ulcnaru A. i ill- son was heltl bv all classes in the com munity was testified in the most lie- coming manner yesterday by the largo number of iiersons, both male and female, who attended the services at his funeral. His old companions-in-arms 1... I.

1.1.. ,1... 1. WUU I.FUUL liooijf nil IUC leifll were present as a cavalry escort, and let! the funeral cortege which moved rroiu tin- Peabody hotel at three o'clock in the afternoon; next came the Old Memphis brass baud pi ay ing a fuiierallirge; following the band were the offi cers and members of Kilwinning Masonic lodge; next came the hearse containing the richly-mounted rosewood casket which enclosed the remains of the deceased. On each side rode the pall-bearers, while others fol lowed in carriages.

A very loug liue of carriages, iu which were seated the relatives aud frieuds of the deceased, dosed the mournful procession. Nearly all the principal wholesale and retail stores on Main and Front streets were closed, and business entirely suspeuded, while the fuueral procession passed along the streets. The mournful cortege passed down Main street to Beale, down Beale to Hernando street, aud thence to Grace Epis copal church. Ou reaching the front of the sacred edifice, the mounted men and the brethren of the Masonic order took open order, aud the coffin was carried up the center by the pail-hearers. At tne entrance to the church it was received by Rev.

Dr. White, rector, of Calvary church, aud Rev. Mr. Carmichael. rector of Grace church, who commenced reading the beautiful burial service of the Episcopal church "I am the resurrection and the life," as the coffin was slowly borne up the center aisle and placed in front of the chancel.

Ou the ton of the coftlii were placed several beautiful wreaths of immortelle. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity. Rev. Dr. White conducted the funeral services, and, after prayers, preached an eloquent sermon on the shortness of time, aud the great necessity of immediate preparation for eternity.

He alluded, in chaste language, to the many amiable qualities of the deceased, and spoke warmly of his many virtues as a christian gentleman, and his sterling integrity as a merchant and a citizen. Rev. Mr. Carmichael read the concluding prayers, and the services iu the church concluded with the pronouncing of. the benediction.

The funeral cortege was then reformed, antl proceeded to Elm wood cemetery, in the order given above, where the closing services, according to the liturgy of the Episcopal church, were conducted, by Rev. Dr. White. The Masonic fraternity then took charge of the remains, and their beautiful and sublime service was performed, and the dark and silent tomb closed over all that was mortal of au enterprising merchant, a devoted friend, antl an amiable citizen. tribute of respect to the memory of hon.

james phelan. The Confederate Belief association, the bar of Memphis and the citizens assembled in joint meeticg, have heard with uuaflected and profound grief the announcement of the death of our associate, brother and fellow-citizeu, Hon. James Phelan, and desiring to unite in such expression of regret for our deceased friend as the mournful occasion prompts, we do hereby resolve: bv the death of Judge Phelan this community hath been deprived of oue who, in all the relations ol llie, was au exemplar oi those virtues wnicn illustrate true manhood and best contribute to the interest aud welfare of society. Filling a distinguished office under the Confederate government at a period most calculated to test the worth antl value of the man, he was faithful at the post of duty. rendering an earnest, honest and able service to the cause he espoused, about the right of which his convictious never wavered, shrinking in that service from no responsibility and refraining from no sacrifice.

Whatever of patriotism there be in a couragerlus devotion to country in the stress of great peril, he manifested in no stinted measure. As a lawyer he was imbued with a lofty estimate of professional obligations. Industrious and temperate in habit, earnest, impassioued aud eloquent in debate, zealous in the cause of his client, ever an advocate of truth, and always controled by a high sense of honor aud inflexible integrity and fidelity, he was a representative of the profession iu its noblest attributes, and a mature judge of the principles on the science is founded, aud as a citizen, obedient to law, loving order, a frieud of just, conservative government, and ever accessible to the offices of charity and benevolence, he combined the qualities which inspired public resjiect and confidence, associated with those cardinal social qualities which endear the individual and frieud. The death of such a man Is a loss society at large must deeply feel and deplore. Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved family the assurance of our heartfelt sympathy and condolence.

Resolved, Tnat as a token of our esteem for the deceased, and as a tribute to his memory, the proceedings of this united assemblage be furnished to the press for publication, and a copy of the same be transmitted to the family of the D. K. M'RAE, JEFFERSON DAVIS. W. L.


D. McKlSSlCK. WM.M. BROWNE. Committee.

Dombstics at this morning. No. 310 Main street Lunch served at the Orphans' Festival every day antl evening. No charge for admission in daytime. Music aud dancing every night, with plenty of strawberries and ice cream.

Come all, and give your mite to the 'Jfi' Main street, corner of Court, FESTIVAL OF THE CESTRAL METHODIST CHURCH AT ROCCO HALL. FOR PICNIC OR FISTIVAL. The Exposition Building will be kept iu readiness for picnic or festival purposes. Terms, fifty dollars for day and night, the lessees to furnish their own gas or lights. N.

M. JONES, President. Yeast Powders. All I U8K Rom ford grocers sell them Economy For gentlemen to send their springand summer clothing to lie cleaned or dyed aud repaired, to Hanson 4 Walker, 146 Second street, for they make a specialty of that kind of work. Sutter, tailor, -13 Jefferson.

Wanted. the public to know that Joseph Specht delivers ice cream every day, Sundays not excepted, free of charge. Use Rum ford Yeast Powders. They are cheapest made. At j.

It. AIRES it Court Square Stables. Mules anil Horses for sale. The ladies of this church opened theft festival last night, in a grand and imposing style. The hall displayed a taste, skill, and artistic beauty in its decorations without a parallel ujion occasions of that character The first table at the head of the stairs is presided over by Mrs.

Scarbrough and Mrs. Chilton, assisted by the following divinities: Miss Jennie Morgan, Miss Mary Lon Morgan, Miss Hattie Harris, Mias Rosa Busby, Miss Charlie Reed, Miss Fannie Jefferson. A beautiful and attractive hat-stand is connected with this table, to which the presence of Miss Anna Kennedy and Miss Lou Alleu lends a charm that is irresistible. Table number two is presided over by Mrs. Samuel Watson, assisted by Misses Mauie Anderson.

Emma Blair, Kate Williams, Li.zie Douglass, Ella Bowling, Mattie Brown, Jennie Poeton, Kate Poston, Lizzie Littlejohn, Carrie Young and Helen Cooper. Table number three is presided over by Mrs.S.8. Spicer and Mrs. W.A.Rudd, assisted by Mesdames Brown, Clark, Day, Kennedy and Scales, and the following young ladies: Miss Mabel Morrison, Miss Lena Robiusou, Miss Eleno-ra Busby, Miss Maggie Wooldridge, Miss Willie Webber, Miss Mary Clark, Miss Annie Hortou, Miss Mollie Busby, Miss Annie Lumpkin, Miss Mollie B. Wooten, Miss Yalena Wooten, Miss Mary Coleman.

To-day the ladies will serve a splendid lunch of the most savory dishes, and all of the delicacies of the season, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the morning and four in the evening, for the moderate and modest price of fifty cents iu greenbacks or silver. At night the festival will be continued with new attractions and a fresh importation of regular heart-breakers, from the dashing blonde to the bewitching brunette. Come one, come all, for the feast is spread, and the dishes and dainties are rich, rare and peculiar. Wagoener, 317 Main street, has the finest merchant-tailoring establishment in the city; the largest assortment of goods fresh from the hands of the im-porter. euril.

Instantaneous cure for neuralgia. G. W. Jones 4 Co. sell it.

INDISCREET AGE. A lliwlsslppl Planter Ylsits the City Takes a Carriage Drive with Two Females, and Spends Fifty Dollars. Thrilling Experience at Midnight Ab Indignant lUckmaa, an Efficient Officer, and a Bewildered Stranger. Yesterday morning there arrived iu this city a gentleman whose age Is near on to fifty, and whose hair is not free from silver strands. F'rom his appearance one would naturally deem him a settled gentleman, whose experience with the vicissitudes of life had rendered him exempt from those indulgences which characterize the enthusiastic folly of unguarded youth.

However prone to this opinion, his sport yesterday, if witnessed by an acquaintance, would have a tendency to creute a different estimate of his character. About one o'clock he left his hotel, and sauntering down the street, engaged har No. 6, whose driver is a colored man named Theodore Jones. After telling Jones his programme, he was soon driven to a house on street, and two festive maidens were invited by him to a seat in the vehicle, and the driver ordered to show them the city. Merrily chatted the two women with their venerable companion, whose loquacity was both interesting and attentive.

Through Chelsea and even Pinch did the vehicle roll, the various gardens in that section of the city being visited by the party. By this time their lingual exercise bad created a thirst which six quarts of champagne alone was sufficient to allay in that manner peculiarly pleasant to the weary-in spirit. Not satisfied with the visit to the northern section of the citv, the party was carried through Main street and other avenues of shaded smoothness. And yet their thirst was not quenched, and every glittering sign aud golden-worded name "saloon" suggested more indulgence in the intoxicating drink which arouses such generous exhileratiou of feeling if moderately quaffed. Ou sped the vehicle far from the city's uoiseful streets to the inviting retreats of THE FRENCH GARDEN.

Eight bottles of Chateau de la Rwe. were consumed, and a corresponding amount of reason was lost in the vortex of intoxication. Age had forgotten its feebleness, and love antl beauty inspired the venerable gentleman with youthful sentiment and ardent generosity, which knew no limit as it had no curb of rational selfishness. At length, tired of dissipation, and seeing in the late night-shadows the ghosts of long-necked bottles foaming sparkliug revenge, the trio again entered tin- hack and the driver started for the city. With an indifference that would have been creditable to an offended gorilla, one of the women jammed her feet against the glass win dow ot the carnage, breaking it out.

THE HACKMAN lost no time in getting angry, and demanded full reparation for the damages. This, he says, was refused, and he started avowedly for the city with the intoxicated occupants, but really intended driving to the Causey street station-house. According to his account, the women, upon discerning his design, became trautic with terror, and, apprehending arrest, JUMPED FROM THE CARRIAGE, but were unable to walk as gracefully as most ladies are accustomed to do. He was determined to have some jay for his hack as well as compensation for the loss of his valuable glass front. So be seized the terrified women, one of them drawing a kuife, and in her effort to use it, cutting her hand slightly.

Hardly bad he taken this deadly blade from the woman, liefore the other made an unsuccessful effort to draw A DEADLY WEAPON, which was a small pistol. This he prevented, and also kept another hackman from taking the women into his hack. They wanted to change vehicles, and if Jones's story be correct he must lie a man of determined ingenuity and intrepid strength to have accomplished all he claims to have done. Placing the women in his own hack he drove them home, and again being denied pay in the sum of fifteen dollars for bis services, and twenty dollars for the damages to his vehicle, he informed the jio-lice of the matter, and TWO EFFCIBNT OFFICERS repaired to the house where the man and one of the women had gone. After a short interview the confused stranger paid the thirty-five dollars to one of the officers, who gave the same to Jones.

The driver says the old gentleman would have been robbed bj gamblers and thieves had it not been fur his watchful kindness, and that he spent more than fifty dollars for wine alone. His trip yesterday and last night cost him at least eighty dollars, and nresihly the recollection of the way in which it was spent may lie conducive of some good in the future. Jones say? he is a rich Mississippi planter, andean wen ai-ford a day's sport that cost only oue hundred dollars. THE JAIL. The Inmate of oar Coaatr Prlse-Their Mantes and Crimen.

Nlxtj-twa Prlannrr and What for i-TI 'A Bad Crowd At present there are sixty-two prisoners in the Shelby county jail. Of this; AUCTION SALES. BY BOOTH MARTIN LARGE AUCTION SALE CARPETS, FURNITURE, ETC. WE WILL SELL inc at 10 ruiuuig da ew ri wxrTH a mylT jhi Ma LOT NO. 63 MADISON ST.

TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, a miRDAT. 3it, is-: t. number, twelve, who wereisen fenced at i Thl Taeaday Moriiln--. -JO. i Will I taken to the penitentiary to-day.

One Mike Malloney.convicted of manslaugh-! ter, appeals to the supreme court; oue Doc Wright will lie returned to Little Kock, Arkansas, for trial for robtiery; one John Norton, colored, is an escaped convict; fourteen await trial under indictment here. The following are umler indictment and awaiting trial: Isaac McNeil, colored, bam burning; ('. Thomas, ali at J. W. Woodward, forgery; William K.

Fair, forgery; James Burke, assault with intent to kill; R. W. Berry, larceny; Bud Patton, grand larceny; Htep'neu Reddick, colored, murder; Joseph Tucker alias Taylor, mule stealing; William Allen, colored, larceny; i K. Kandant, two cases, assault with intent to kill N. L.

Norton, larceny from I wie person; -i i raruuer, uoi.iiiii"? money under false pretenses; W. N. Crewmen, embezzlement. The following persons are held on warrants and await indictment: Ben Ferguson, colored, larceny; Allan Kiners, colored, housebreaking; Louisa Branch, colored, larceny; Ellen Ganett, colored, larceny; Tamp Hcott, colored, horsestealing; Jonas Fisher, colored, srrand larceny; George Cunningham, colored, carrying concealed weapons; L. V.

King, colored, forgery; Nero Blay, colored, larceny; George Nanison, colored, assault with intent to kill; William Thomas, colored, housebreaking and grand larceny; William Williams, colored, housebreaking; Joe Har ris, colored, larceny; Joseph Thomas, murder; wilnam Johnson, colored Tirm one-nit li hIi and 12 months, it ii.rn.-r cnt. ii 1 p.m. my IT V. L. VA5I CHKRK STEAMBOATS.

FOK NEW ORLEANS. rri-lmnts' Smiliirm Kx-ki FOK NEW OUULA9H A-NDTilE HEM. Str. Ulencoe, EX Thou. Calhoun LeaTes THIS DAY, Mav at I p.m.

Apply to K. W. LIUHTBl'R-NK. Agent. 1P: -tr.

f. FOR LOLLS VI LLE. Bob Scheull alias Bob Boyce, olored, I Charles Mi u-r. murder; James Bullivan, grand larceny William Mulvey, grand larceny; Chap- FOR CAIRO, ISVILLE The elfmnt "I'- tmt-r Jlary Houston man Carter, colored, assault and Iiattery with mtent to kill; George Himmes. colored, assault and robbery; Henry Morgan, colored, larceny; Henry Far-row, colored, murder; George Washington, colored, obstructing railroad track; Henry Clay, colored, obstructing railroad track; Dick Murphy, colored, larceny; Rudolph Mueller, assault with intent to commit murder; Mathias Courmant, same; Joseph Muss, to same; John Reilly, larceny; anil Monroe Backer, carrying concealed weapons.

The following, under sentence, leave for Nashville to-day: John Carter alia John Winn, colored, horse-stealing, teu years, sentenced by Bartlett court; R. W. Perry, forgery, seutenced to four years for passing counterfeit checks; Henry Pi tier, colored, live years, for larceny Isaac Evans, colored, three years, larceny; Thaston Craft, colored, attempted murder, three years; Henry Lewis, colored, larceny, three Henry Perkins, larceny, live years; We Ray, colored, larceny, three years; Isaac, alias Albert Johnson, colored, house-breaking and larceny, three years; William Young, colored, larceny, held ou former conviction of three years; William McJSnry, colored, burglary, two cases, live and three years; Thomas Ga-lula, larceny, three years; Bill Fair, colored, carrying concealed weapons, imprisoned to present term of court upon submission of case, aud fined ten dollars; Dennis Alexander, colored, mayhem, four years. The present docket is the smallest of any since the war, a fact that speaks well for the morality of Memphis and Shelby county. FOR PINE BLUFF.

MEMPHIS AND PINE ULCKF PACK ET For Pine Klurr, and aU intermediate landings on Mimiaappi anl ArkatL-as Hi vers. The splendid passenger amer I. JEi. Ha uk in, John renwlea matter Leaves EVERY FRIDAY, at i o'clock p-m. Freight received for her at foot JefTerxfi at.

S. B. MlLLEiC Agent. No. 1 Elliott Ki.M-k, myT opposite upper wharf.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Henianl and Arkanxaa Kiver Farkri ftmpur Mall Line. rpHE ELKUAXT a BOATSOF Arkansas river TUCUXAYb and Sat ip.m. JOH.t N. HAKB1N, Asr.e:it, a-1 Offleeon Wbarfiioat, foot Court t.

FOR HT. FRANCW RIVER. UitLII Tl'XNDAY PACKC-T Far all Way LanrflnK on in. 1 1 1 tm Helena, lo Jlariaana, and SI. Francla River la ttiliiii-nni tr.

Hi. ssti sain Pain lx 1. Wilt leave 1A For fretcht or pi p.m. on imawl. 1 FOR FRIAR'S POINT AND Go TO Leddin's Business College.

Use Runiford Yeast Powders, are the cheapest made. They Memphis Steam Dying and Cleaning establishment, til Madison street. FOR THE BAC.Y SHOW. CHILDREN'S PICNIC DRESSER Infant's Robes, Sashes, Riliboiis, Children's Hats, Baby Shoes, Infant's Stockings, Children's Gloves, At MESKt: BROTIII lis Memphis, Helena and Friar's Point Lm-. Steamer PHIL a Jamea Lea -MargaSflBB.

Leaven Memphis MWdlAl. vV'Ki-N I- --I and FRIDAY, at 5 o'clock p.m.. Point every Tuesday, Tnunn'ay and atnrday, at lo o'clock a.m. For freight or pawRagft apply on hoard, nr- FOR VICKSBURG. KemphU antl Ht.

Louis Pm kel n. nun i.iae. For Helena, Chicot, Virksht: H-acd Way Ijtn.linr. Steamer CITV OF HELENA. Mrkee masierj Leaven Mav lth.

at my is AD. TKM. Tnasm. FOR CINCINNATI. For Cairn, Evansville, Louisville A Clnetuaat The splendid piissene -teamT AsliIaiMl.

Win. Kyle niaxter Alezai Leavo. WEDNESDAY May Apply to K.W. LIU HTM mv-Ji 30 COAL. TAX ASSKViOKS.

Iafarmatlon for the feprclal Attention Tax-Payers. The list of want assessors for ihe city having beeu completed, is as follows Ward No. I Charles Newsom, ofllce Exchange building. Ward No. 2 Julius Beehler, olhce No.

31 Adams street. Ward No. 3-D. T. Nooe, office No.

ljj north Court street. Waril rso. 4 James coiemau, omee No. 33 Madison street. Ward No.

5 E. J. Dowling, corner DeSoto and Linden streets. Ward No. Janus Gallagher.

drou black, 44H. Ward No. 7 W. Woodson, Wo Pontotoc street. Ward No.

8 S. M. Ashe, room 3, County Court building. Want iNo. G.

K. Egnew, l'i street. Ward No. 10 Joe Musso, 4'2 Adams street. The necessary Wanks cau lie procured at each of said effiees.

The attention of tax-pavers is particu- larlvdirected to the thirty-fourth section of the late assessment act, as follows: "Sec. 34. In all cases where any per son, compauy, rtriu or corporation snail fail, neglect or refuse to return to the as sessor the schedule of projierty for taxa tion, the assessor shall make such an assessment in each case, from the nest information he can obtain, and shall add twenty-five per cent, to the value of the property." tax-pavers are untitled that tne twen ty-five per cent, will be added, as provided and directed by the above section, if no return is made by the 10th of June. By order of board of assessors. 8.

M. ASHE, Secretary- NO COAL PANIC PoHMihle in Memphis This Season. WE TAKE PLEASURE ix ANN "UNCINO to the citizens ot Memphis and the surrounding country, that we are now in receipt of, and have under way, stack of PITTSBURG, ANNUL, MT. CARBON, SHOTWELL AND OTHER COALS. sufficient to meet all demands for one year from date and uuard agalnm auy an.l al I accident that mlht occur to the same by holding it afloat, vre are yurdtne in this rtty a lare amount ot Flmt Pool A 1 Kilts.

burg Coal. We shall ke. afloat a large fleet of coal for oar steamer trade, ft which we shall draw to meet city and rouxtry con-sumption until the winter sew in. wlien we shall commence ou oar Block in yards, which will be sufficient to supply all demands and guarantee moderate prices nntil the runs of coal in the spring of ls7l. We are in receipt of the following tows of coal this spring, at Memphis BUSHELS William I'owen.

5 ChnSnl Lake No. i2 boats. Charley hrown, 2 boats Charley McDonald, 4 boat Diamond, 1 barges. Alice Brown, 8 boats ami i John Dippold, 14 boats Painter No. 2, barjci luirges Painter No.

2. ti bancea. Alice Brown, 12 boats and 10 barges. Diamond. 12 Coal City.

IS boats and 1 barges rainier No. 2, 6 urges Making receipts thos far IS boats and 77 barges, with 2JE, And have yet to receive: One tow Pittsburg coal SMtH One tow l. rami Tower coal Two boats Cannel coal (All underway.) Making Mr lsT.l Ihus far for Memphis We have now in Main street yard ltv In Poplar street yard Uj.IXO And shall vard in our new yard at foot of Exchange street 25U.IWU -OLII Ht.i I -Memphis anil Ohio alter Psrkrl In. Kor Cairo, Louisville and Str. Jas.

D. jTiT Lieaves Above WKINtiA Zftst, at 9 p.m. Kor in-milt or pttsKaige apply to K. I. COBB A C-, Ageiil.

ai ront For Fulton uui interm1iat Im Str. Frank Forest, T. P. Sexton miwter, WiJi nirVjfce in-wrK trjj- toa, danatvi Fridays, leaving aft 5 Vor frwlaht t.r tjo? r-pl" FOK WHITE RIVER. Memphis an.l White River Tor Helena.

Devall's Bluff. lies Are, Searcy, Augusta, JackMnport, and aii landings Wlnte and Little Red rivers. Steamer CITY wr Al oi NT J. D. Elliott, in trr Jneph Elliott clerk.

Leaves Tl'EsDAY, May WM. ELLIUTT, A'-eut. 1 Promenade FOR WHITE RIVER. 74.179 4l, 1S4VIT 27i.74 2KI.JK2 J.v-... I i BEOULAit IXOEFESDENT WHITE RIVER PACKE I'.

For Jaokson port and all VYjj I aadiirg The New and Elegant Passenger steamer As a Master D. P. Davis Clerk WILL LEAVE Every Tuesday, at 5 o'clock p.m. For freight or passage apply on Cincinnati and Memphis Packet Company Wharf boat, foot of Court street. Freight received ou Wharf boat every Jay, Sunday excepted.

mvli P. WALK Kit. Agent. FOR AjHtAJWAg RIVER. rinpkli and Arnanaas River rwkn o.

I ulie.i Male Unit IJne. For Pine Bluff and Little Rock and ali poinN Str. MAMT BOI I.ea. as above TcrUA Msv 2lth. at oVIoc! n.m.

JOHN N. HAKHIN. Agent, Comiianv's iree: Making iu all yards Whli-n will be more coal that cousunie in four winter mon we shall not break into before We are nor prepared to supj demands tor coal al market we can guaniiitee pertec ember 1st. ay aud all uid think ion as re gards iiuality, price and promptness in Ailing orders. We take this opportunity to thank oar nn-avrous friends an I patrons for past favors, and respect I ully solicit a continuance of their patronage, and also that of consumers gener- U7' BROWN JONES, Main Office.

282 Main Street P. We also shall have a full stock of best Pittsburg Coal at our White River Depot, for trio accoinuicHlation of steamers. my 19 CROWN A JONES. CHOLERA, CHOLERA M0KBCS ETC. Dr.

McCabe's Medicated Blackberry Rrsmdv the onlv sure cure for cholera, cholera morbus, dysentery, flux, etc. It excels any other know remedy for the almvp diseiaspfl. For sale by Koaenliaeh at Ox, MR Front street, sole agents Arkansas, West leu iK-ssee, auu jtissis- 1 i i i sunn, tn WHOM oriifis uiuii uc au- 1 1 dressed. ICE CREAM. CHEEK LIKE.

MEMPHIS AXO VlCkSBURli i'K'T CO. For Helena. Friars Point, Napoleon, and the Bends. UNITED STATES MAIL TO NAPOLEON. Str.

A. J. White, Mark K. Cheek Leaves TlitsPAVS and FRIDAYS at 5 pjn. For freight or passage apply on board or to GEO.

W. CHEEK, sup felft No. 2Bs Front street. INSURANCE. ii i I ik.i XjauieW am 1 irnui 11 uia.

nioil in enjoy a delicious plate of ice cream or sherbet, would do well to go Barton's, corner of Fourth and Poplar streets. Memphis Steam DyiDg and Cleaning establishment, 61 Madison street. Tuv i'hiArwM4f an.l 1 Mtviu Tlvrfvi Ajro Cleanino House in the city is at 246 Second street, Hunt 4 Hanson's old stand. HANSON WALKER. Joe Locke, 236 Main street, has a large assortment of stationery, books and all the late monthlies, weeklieo am dailies.

(tENTLKMkn who wish to dress elegantly, and at the same time save Hjoiity, should go at once to Waggener's, 3171 Main street. He 'us doing a O. D. bual-uees no bad debts; small profits. PLANTERS FIRE AM) MARINE-! INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, OFFICE IM COMPANY'S 41 MADISON T.

1). T. PORTER, President. D. H.

TOWJiSESiO, Vlcc-FresWciiU V. A. MOOMAN, SecreUrj J. LONSDALE, Jr A8t Secretary DIRECTORS D. H.TOWN8KND, H.

It. A. PI NSON. LuADr (1ED M. I.


W1TK, N. 8LEDUE, K. rgf WICKS, 8.F. Mi-NUTT, U. 'H.

Jl UAH. H. BBOOKS, B. EisEMAM. feW Lou Leubrie 's MtMHOTH B1BT SHOW! PROMENADE CONCERT FESTIVAL AXD HOP, AT TMC EXPOSITION BUILDING, FRIDAY, MAY 23 For the purpose of raiding funds for giTinir the popular Concerts and the Erection of a Fonntain in Cenrt Square.

MAMMOTH BABY SHOW commencing at fonr o'clock. TESt'tlSTLY PKIErt, outrlbnted bv v. IU B. Lowenstioe A Menken I -Coll. 8.

Wndig and Lou Leobrte. wiueh are on exhibition at the establishments of the re-peutive donors, to be awarded to 3 Prizes for Rabies of 1 year and under. 3 Prizes for Rabies of 2 years and aaanr. 3 Prizes for Babies of years and under. And one Urnnii Prize to the lianilsoniesi buby under three years old oi the ground.

Judges to be selected on the door. Admission ot babits. i r- GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, Beinnin- Vi o'clock p.m.. for which the best amateur talent, botn vocal ami instrumental, have kindly volunteered, and will be under tne immediate direction of Pr. At ten o'clock a GRAND HOP Prof.

Handwerker's bank, musicians, have been en- will take place comprtaina TU-ket. admitting holder I. Concert and Hop. only oents. lor ii.

all principal places in the city. Bids for Privileges For LEU PKOMEN will be rec None ba myis HAND BABY sHnW. -EKT AND FESTIVAL Wednesday. 21st insU Ae parties need apply. LOC.

LErFRIE. Stockholders' ritUE annual meeti.ig af the stockho of the Mempnis wooa works win rw at their Factory, une 3, UJTJ, at o'clock myl I. J. LATHAM. Preude.

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