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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 2

Memphis, Tennessee
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mfi "'mi I i jM fL'---m Jfrrl'TfVlTMBfcasi )- 1 4 DAILY APPEAL. MEMPHIS. SUliDAY AUGUST 1, 1858. Seading Matter on Every Page. Largest Circulation in the City.

AKD C03STIXI7TIQ5AL EEFOEtt. 7 -Ae Mexapeit Apss al. Musk. Editom You admit that la voor paper of the 71b lastiBt you pubh'shed aa article vouciiisg for the safe condition of tbe Citi ztn'e Basic, ao4 in which you were mistaken. If Ton will came oat opesly fiBei boldly In ftror of a spetie currency, wirl mka a cove in which there will he so nistaVe aad 'he time ia at hand when the people will stand tiese banV awiadlea so toager.

We do not run so isuch to know tvfeether Capt. Taraer -r Mr. S. P. Walker la Ik fault about this bank failure bet tut wish to be certain there will as few sach aa possible; and tbe way to taedy the evil, we think, is to hare a Conven- on, tbe CeasUteUeo, prehibUiog charters to be granted to any individuals or associ ations, and wind op tbe present stock and free banks as their charters are forfeited or they expire.

We woaH then have a astatic currency, for which My of as eeald voach with safety. I hare BMn.ibe statement in commercial papers thatlSere is more specie ia tbe United Spates than rag money; it so, we certainly would do well to suppress tbe latter. LAUDKRDALK The which coots from a highly atelUgtst soarce, taken in centiection with evidence daily accaswUtiRg apon as, proves that the people everywhere are alive to the ira portaace and necessity of a therosgh and radi change In the system of Tennessee banking. By sartiswiog the preposition for a Convention ta rcmodol the CoMtttatieo, they will have the power in their own hands of introducing seb reformations into the system as they may deem best for their own interest and secority, or et rradicatiae the system entirely. That Consti tutional restrictions are necessary en the car- rrney (joestta to secare and protect the peo ple from VJSciltitisg, comet legislation, is a question which wlH zearsoly admit of argument For the last ten or twelve years ear legislatures seem to bare been seized with the mania of grantin: franchises and chartered privileges, aad aM past experience proves that only escape from sach legislative abuse Is throagh the means of Constitutional restric tions aad prehiMtions.

We are gratiied to see that tbe people are taking bold of the a.bject, nod hope they may sacceed in rallying a suffi cient vote en tbe second of September next to neenre the convention. gThe election in oar sister Stite. Ar kansas, coses off to-morrow. We hope and Tsokfertbe sacceasef tbe Dtaeeratie tteket rerj where, though we learn there is some oubt of Its triumph in Critteadea 5 to tbe iadiffareace and htke-warmaess of many Democrats. We held the rale to be a pood one, all other things being rqnal, to adhere ta the nominees of the party.

We have some friends in Crittenden whom we shoald 4k like to see defeated. Among them we will mention G. W. and R. T.

Resxav, both lever geattesten and exeelieat We Tipe they may receive a than ping vote. An Asacr a Womas Ass a Mabkied Osc at Vhxt Dp at Ports month, Ohio, they ive beet a amosing tawsajt. Three ladies it pasatag a store, before which several i tiemea were The stare-keeper said one of tbe ladies, whose fneo be bad not T-'iced, was not Mrs. If. One of tbe party ti.ii it was anoaher said waect.

The mtr i-iiitt seid be woaM give bits a eack cf cotfte if he woaM go ed see. Re went, saw, re-, and said tbe ldy was Mrs. H. of verity. Ia the morning, be cleiaed the sack of flVr, seadisr; aver a bane and cart, when a ir.tle as eance or two, prepared fcj tbe parpeee, was laid on tbe cart and daiy delivered by the cartman to tbe astonished Hooees.

Hautrs to tbe stare and riaimad rrsalar sack of coffee it was re fused. He breaeht sail a jury was imnaa r.eled and raeeVred a jadejmeat against Hyatt, rrceriug him to deHver te Hocxss a fifty -pouiul sack of Java coffee, worth eighteen r'ute per poand. A Chkagi NEwsrAWin Hoaxed. The Chicago Prtti asd Tritsse anaeanced the other day, ia as ejrtn, that the Atlantic Cable haU bees laid, and the news bed jst came acroee that Levis XAroLEos bad been wennd-ti by na ncoasain, that the craps to ErUnd w-re deaUoyad, It appears to bare b-en the reaatt of a joke played off upon it by a i.ral paper. The DaHf JtwrntU alleg't that ft iseeed a Magle copy, and pretending to hare received special dispatches, with the news, and arranging to hare the copy left at the oftce of the Prut and Trie the latter cribbed the dispatch, and paUiebed it in its whole edHioa.

5" A few deys age a yeaog lady of Philadelphia, "jest seventeen years oM;" fell in vcith a lover who had premised mare than he bad performed, and treated hie back ta one of the most extensive cowhidings that err oc-rarred in the Qaker CRy. When he getloese from the fatr enchantress, it is said he removed bis mortal remains from berneighberhaod with co little dlopateh. UKARrmrT or JoaiES. Tbe absurdity of requiring aaaaimevs assent in rendering verdicts by tries Is exctting mach zttentioa in Eag-laod. Practically we knew that this miter is regelated by juries eccasleaaMy aateag them- eelrer, despite the law, by raentrtag a con carreace by a two-thirds rate, or ia some sachJtien to this, It would, with proper men at the proportion.

A London correspondent et tbe A'a'vww! the fetlewipg eem-mnt on this subject The law which, ia Eagland and Ireland, rtq iires the unanimity ef jaries, is at length becoming tbe saajeet of forcible comment from the ludictal beech. In a case tried tbe other day' in the Conrt ef Exchequer eleven of the i ry were agreed, and the parties in tbe cause Vjeetingto take the vote of tbe majority, tbe Court could net accept it. The Lord Chief Baroa took tbe epportantty of stating that he thought it most be lamented, considering how ta" persons mart disagree, that asaaiaity was required. Considering the increased intelligence of tbe day, did seem extraordinary that twelve geetlemea mast be kept together 1. 11 they all agreed, tboagh they were sworn to give their verdict according to their conscience.

It was much to be regretted that their verdicts were n-rt governed by a majority net a small majority, for that weald not do, bat eleven to one, ten to two or nine te three. In reference to the case before htm, the Chief Baroa said the old practice of locking up juries all night or, in cher words, of tot taring them into a unanimity which tbeir conscience could not ease- tioti had very properly fallen Icto disuse; and, as there was bo prospect of their agreeing after four boors' deliberation, he would discharge tbem." Planters9 Sans The Attorney Gsaeral Prs. csedsg against the BraaeS at Athens. Recently Geo. W.

Bridges, Attorney General far tbe third Judicial District ef this Mate, presented a bill te Chancellor Van Drke, alleging that ther Branch ef the Punters' Bank at Athene is one of tbe Banks of Tennessee, doing business as sach, under ae act of incorporation passed by tbe Legilature of this (state that said Bank bad suspended specie payments and bad since declined io accept the provisions of the Acta of the taet General Ae- eemoiy, wim ihwmw wherefore an injunction was a eked to restrain the Bank from detng basineesaesneh.and asking the appointment of a Receiver to take charge ef the at sets of the Bai and appropriate tbem-te the payment of the holders ef tbe bills of the Bant ana other creditors. Tbe Chancellor declined to grant the injunction at once, bat ordered notice et the application ta he given te the Ileal: to appear before him at Chambers that tbe appiicatien might be resisted. Acecwdlagly, Satarday and Monday lasS the argnmeat was submitted; the poiats of which are Aaa presented by a correspondent, to whom we are indebted for a notice of tbe vreceedlog: xbe Attorney General contended that the Bank had Tlolated tbe 14th Section of its Charter by sanpaneioB of specie payment, and that as the Charter was in the nature of a contract between the corporation and the State, a violation of Its terms by the corporation abrogates contract, and authorizes the LejpjUture to niter amend er abolish tbe Charter-that the powers which a corporation may rightfully Kerciss are necessarily subordinate to the Mwerof the State, by which they maybe mod fied ar abetoebed-tbat good aHh requirea the ataal obserwwoftfiearms of a contract reinecUvelr. And therefore a DV UUV fc.a -rfv nmL turtles, of the stinula violation, by ooe( nf i releases the other party Mnaadfake: obligation. fSfflseen-ewaone SJr Fogg, convenors Bank was not ae independent UzLtiZ I but was a mere agency of the prin- corpora tiOT aoa was looted rHV th7t git cenld net be mein- at 1 ioc brought 'i rtW-ltSS tneAcTer aeatett 2.uLi -f nroreedinsr aeatnst ctei he a coWa.

fVo te restrain a r. i lb rwer essoinee in am had till i he SIXSEZ by ee fvl.iw had 4eW.pierwlJh all Vn' aitnoorn tetefcllsprc- tb net sd their ae fof the' on waa re- sed, bt permiMlfto wj 1. Kla ths Attor- ot in what isms I I i.l-.l- HEWB ITEHS. PotiCK. -They have a honored policemen in Wasbiugton, C.

They appear In a body In uniform fortreview by the Mayor on tbe first Monday of every month. JTatt. There Is now a larger number of men employed in tbe Brotklyn navy-yard than there has been for years, the force amounting to nearly two thousand men. News Scams. News is so scarce In Arkansas that the editor of tbe Camden (Ark.) Si Ui Rirktt EaeU informs clerevmen.

to his issue of July 24, that he weald be thankful for a sermon occasionally ror puaucauon. Teugbami. If the Atlantic cable is to be laid, it is not to be done by, tbe present tele srachic fleet, but br the Leviathan. She can briBg over tbe caDie witaout convoy, ana lay it as sbe retcras. 1 Doa Steak In New York a man named Bravton was arrested on Saturday, while in tne act or cooinng a dog.steaK tor dinner, tit was highly inceated at the interference of tbe nonce, claiming a right to eat what he cdoic He was lockei up, however.

Eitect or CoarrTiTioK. The competition between the aaund boats and the railroads has reduced the price of fare from New York to Boston from bve to three dollars iUih.ittiS A fihinir nartr at Charles- ten, S. a few days since, captured a enark over 18 feet long, and oa ripping him open feurd a sailer's peajaelter anu oiaer largo tides in his maw. Whiskt. At Mercerville, ea the Cbes m4 Ohio Canal, last week, a man named Jacob Barks dradk a quart et whisky, and laid down In tee nuMic roau, weere ue uieu in the coarse of a half hour.

Fat Bdcketes. Fifty fat men of Mans field, Ohio, had a parade on the Mb. The lightest in tbe company weighed 200 pounds. The eantain was estimated at 25S pounds the heaviest man in the crowd weighed 335, and the next zuu peaaas. WiTHclArT.

The Manitowoc that the sense of a farmer ream ing in the saathwest pert of that county was burned to the ground on Saturday week, by a comnanv of persons, ander the belief that the occupants had bewitched all the cattle ia the neighborhood. Asliet. At a pic-nic near Philadelphia, aa infant three months old was left asleep in tbe woods; its aunt and mother returned on different cars, aad each sappeeed the other had tbe babe. On reaching hon.e the agony of the mother was heart-rending. Tbe father returned tetbe spot seme person attracted by the trt tog of dog to the place, took care of the lit tie one, which was safely returned to the re jeiclng parents.

Don. sgo Affairs in St. DemiBgo are just bow, it is stared, attracting the earnest attention of tbe administration. Santana, who has recently been restored te power there after the defeat of Baez, is a white man, and it is under stood Is aixkxis to send a white man as minister ta Washington, provided tbe United States will recoenize bis eevernment, and otherwise extead infloence and encouragement for his sap- port. Fs.vuii.-h New York last Sandav the faaeral of tbe three voaae ladies.

Mrs. Isabella Ferguson, airs. Ann bliza Jacobs, ana aim Anna Demitt. who were drowned at David's Island on Wednesday last, while oa a Sabbath school ntc-nic excursion connected with tbe Methodist Protestant Church ia Attorney street, ujok place from that charcb. An immense tnreee of persons were present, and the scene deeply agicting.

Slightly Backing Dawn. FeitneXtarlsMjBfhUcui Oar catemperary of the fUg is at length manifesting some degree of rationality oa the Railroad question. A few weeks ago and he was in favor ef the sate under the deed et trust He was satisfied that there would be ae organisation in New Orleans by the stockholders, and that it was the sole object ef these resisting the sale to forfeit tbe charter. He even went so far as to instruct tbe Judge aa ta the law, and to offer a bcW why an injunction should not be granted, or granted that the bond should be very large, and ui inform his honor what popular opinion anticipated. A change seems to have come ever the spirit ef his dreamt." He writes like he bad bah? way cut the acquaintance ef bis late friends, sad now sees in tbe protraction of the litigation and the controversy, nothing bat disaster tetbe great enterprise.

He says "the people are not going to stf nd idly by and witness with composure an interminable lawtauit, the end of which no man can tell, to gratify the cupidity of either side." And agiia he says There is no use keepiog anything behind tbe bash in connection with this affair. The public know, without being told, that the par-chasers ef the road under the deed of trust have to shoulder the expeaees incurred. Tbe public, with few exceptions, will tot come to their atd while they are at law. The people also know that it would require all of tbem to be millionaires to warrant success antil such fame as they can avail ibemselree of tbe land bonus and State loan." No mm will for a moment contend," he remarks, that there is any hope, cr scarcely a possibility of advancing this great work, by either party, while it is litigated. What, then, will the people of this vicinity be profited In tbe termination ef -this suit, years beece, after ether reads shall have been constructed, thereby rendering the building of this aseeesi, and, if reespleted, profitless When it is remembered that a few weeks ago oar eotemperary scouted at the idea of compromise, these must be regarded as remarkable concessions.

He plainly sees now that new Company cannot pay tbe creditors and proceed with the work, view of the litigation before it, and advises a remedy for existing ills by a settlement. These are correct views. Tbe difficulties ought te be adjusted by a compromise, as speedily as peseiMe, and the enterprise placed in tbe band of men, whose business habits and acknowledged integrity will command the ceu-fideaee et the country. Neither of the Companies as at present organized are able to build the road. That will be admitted, we think, by every aa.

We must have an entire change of managers. Tbe President and Directors of tbe old Company," ir is generally understood are not only witttng but anxiees te meet public expectation in ibis matter. It is idle now to talk about bogus stock after that stock has been eeU out to innocent third parties, whose claims are recognized oa tbe books ef the Company, and the complaint of its existence comes with a bad grace from those who took no steps to ct rid ef it while it was in the hands of the original owners. 'the bigbett estimate ef the stock debt of this Company does net ameaat to over three millions of dollars. Tbe IWnois Central, it is stated, commenced with a stack debt equally as large, and yet andergeod management, it not only constructed 700 miles of road, bat enriched tbe stockholders.

Tbe Southern Pacific Company has a much larger land grant. Ia addi- head of it, receive prirat donations ot land eofficient to cover ever one-half its stock debt; and added to all. Congress will aid it, when ever public confidence is inspired in the work. It is anticipated that this aid will amount to from $10,000 to $25X00 per mile. Whatever mismanagement ue soutnern racinc iompany has been guilty of.

it has at least impressed uaon the public mind of tbe country tbe im portance of this route, and tbat it is the best if not the only feasible one to tbe Pacific. If then these belligerent parties would heal their dif ferences, and go io worK in gooa earnest, io aid in building the road, tbe work would be speedily accomplished. Without it there is Bothing but a law suit terminating with a Mil of costs. A quarrel about goat's wool." Xcrth and Eonth. The reciprocal kindness between tbe citizens of New York and the citizens of Virginia, of which the recent removal ef the aehes ef tbe Jate President Monroe has been the occasion, is one cf the most agreeable incidents of tbe times.

It will do good- It will tearh the people ot the North that Southern gratitude, Southern kindness, and Southern chivalry, are things which have an existence beyond buncombe speeches in Congress, and editorial essays In nullification journals. Oa tbe other baad, It will teach oar countrymen of tbe Old Domialen, and ef the whole South, that, outside tbe "searvy politicians' circle, tbe people ef New York, and tbe people of the North, are animated by a patriotic affection and a fraternal regard for them, which recognizes ae Hees of latitude er longitude. Oars is such a vast country so wids ia territorial extent that it is no wonder so many of us are strangers to each other no wonder that the dweller on the Hadson, er tbe Connecticut, or the Merrl-mac, should experience only a conventional affection, for his brethren, oa the Chesapeake, the Alabama, or lbs Gulf. We need to know I mere of each other. We know a good deal or each ether already, His true tro- me doik ot that knowledge la filtered through Ihe medium of abelitioa and notification speeches in Congress, and uioc the stump, or through tbe markyrays of a partisan newspaper press.

Book or newspaper knowledge of a remote peeafe, even when derived from unquestionable authorities, ia at beet but a poor substitute for one's own personal experience and observation. We live in an age of electric telegraphs, which transmit thought and sentiment as quick as lightning, bat lightning, if it can annihilate space, cannot move tbe feelings like a warm grasp ot the 1 Hind, it cannot stir the nobler impulses of our nature as do words exchanged by affection, face to face nor can it kindle these electric fires, which light up the eye of friendship, and leave their impression long in the future, deep aad indelible, superior to all tbe circumstances et separation and tbe obliterating operations of time. Tbe real people ot this country the masses, we mean really know bat very Utile of one another, and it is unquestionably in this want ot familiarity and intercourse, that tbe professional demagogue finds it so easy to excite the prejudices ot one section against another, in order to nromote the sinister purposes of a selfish ambition. A stranger coming among and listeidng, say, to tbe declamation of the sectional agitators in the Senate, or House of Representatives, to the unkind epithets applied Virini. h.

e-. man from New York and nco rerso might be pardoned the Inference tbat the two sovereign States thus represented were all the wblle at swords' points, and could entertain but one sen- tiiuent toVard each other, that of cordial re- sentment and hate. But if that stranger bad been in Richmond one day last week a few i hours' jtmefjpat the Federal CaPitot-nd behMd the brotherly affection which that look niace there. 77 iZ.l be would nstnrally Infer that the politicians at WaebingtoL constitute a clats of humanity wholly distinct from the masses ef the citizens at large. He would see that we are all friends, riot enesnles brothers, not strangers one people, not twun.

He would see and ourselves may see that, whenever there is opportunity to reach tho kiartt ot the people of these opposite sections as in the case of the visit of our Seventh Regiment to Richmond the individual beatings ot that heart are all for unity, and frlendsliip, and peace, and good will, Irrespective of geographical lines, or the peculiar local distinctions of different social Institu-tioaae few York Exprt. It Be Blricre Bsmacoa Again. SLOCKT UKrUSrs TO UlTE-wunu" THE ZOtJAXX? ttiit r.M. nlfuot with hla wife and daughter sailed on Satutday for ftte- Ml hnl If turn nnt nn fnh in Col. BlOUK, however, conttmnlated llinr on the above- day, and had arranged all his affairs so as to ltare in in, earner mat laiiru QntrU Uim 1F hA trreA to ICC him, and by amnEcnent made on the A (Ul A1AV Allt'H that the money she Bad wrote to Mobile for some two weeks ago Ban oeenixi.

rr-" husband, and be bid railed to forward It toher. On hearing of the facta Kla atated she Immediately refused to proceed on the JSM her husband unless sac iu that were sent ber so tnai soecouiu Fj up bills at the Nspoleon noiei. juij ever, not handed over to ber, and the result was that CoU Blount was compelled to remain or go on without 'his wife. Tbfce, it appears, be did not wish to do, and the jr accordingly proceeded to the New York Hotel, where they Mn. Dlount was heard to say that she thought Mt waa very remarkable she did not receire the money, and could not account for it, as the parties to whom sbe wrote would not refuse complying wlthher rennrat.

The amount is said to hare been tn hive naid all her Indebtedness to Mr. Huncke, and a few small outside bllls.whleh mhm hA rnntracted. What course they Intend to porsas It is not as yet known, but Mrs. Blount has signified it as her Intention not to return home now, until tbe bills in question are all paid. Huncke Is visited dailv oy a large number of his friends iiil- he is much improved In health, and.xa said to havs remarked that his sentence was perfectly just, and that he has no one to blame but his lawyer, Mr.

Mulford. h. 7a. hn ii still at large. bis whereabouls remaining a mystery.

Ho will, no doubt, turn up, as he is dreadfully in what ef clothing and money, as stated by Irs Blount; and it will be impossible for him to mnrh loncer. His clothing Is shortly to be sold by Sheriff Francis Arir Fork li-raid. The Prliass ct Caataa. nf r.ntrtn ia divided into two dis trlcts, and each has a prison of When the English and FreBcb entered the eit they found. notwithsUnding Yeh's wholesale exe- hath nrisons full.

Many of tbe rriS who hrf been confined for several yei rs, bad neither been convicted nor condemned, nt were held simply on suspicion, ana na oeci subiected to severe lorrerea. iut jiihuuh. consisted of thKe class's first, political pris- Tknatrst or nrtAni accused of being rebels; see. ond. criminal prisoner, or persons accused of ordinary acts of crime and third, civil pris nnorm ne 1 1 tAlfir Kanlrrnnta.

It appears that those who had not sufiiclent means for bribing the jailors, were 'Bott starved, receiving only a mue ricr, ui coarsest and most loathsome description, and being allowed neither medicine nor proper care wben sick or dying. Many were near their end, and even in these circumstances, they were exposed, in filthy rags, to the heat and cold. For water, they bad to depend upon the nf fellow prisoners. A Canton In some cases the living were found chained to the dead. The different classes of prisoners were thrown Indiscriminately together, the only distinction being made In favor of those whose friends supplied them plentifully with money.

All who had been examined had suffered torture, it being a rule in Chinese law that no prisoner can dc conuemoca uum confesses his crime. The Judge very soon orders from twenty to forty lashes on the face, in order to bring oat tbe truth, and these are administered so vigorously that the whole face i. hmi.iwl iwt the teeth are often knocked out. Afterwards, flogging with the bamboo is had recourse to, a pumtnmenc so cruei iuai out hundred and fifty blows usually produce death. No water is given to the prisoners to wash themselves with when tbey are remanded after torture no plaster Is applied, no clean rags served oat; the poor wretch becomes an object of horror and loathing to his judge, bis keepers, his fellow prisoners, and even to himself.

It wan found, on comparing their statements with each other, and with the prison books, that the prisoners stated the cause of their confinement mosiiruiDiuuy. Those who bad been suspected of assisting thj Rrltifth were treated in the worst manner. lUJiari -Wn anhieeted to torture of some kind other: a few had had tbeir ankle bonis broken br being beaten with iron bars and the fetters were driven Into the legs of many, so as tn render all walking intensely palnlni. Sleh Scene Is a Virginia Court House. At Falrmouat, lylngalong the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, a rich scene occurrea at me roart boos- on Friday, the 2d Inst.

Ths True Firginion shall have Ihe privilege of describing it. It is as goou as any rarce, even ia mam- tic season: The members of the bar were In no great burner. Oppressed with the intolerable heat, irritated at eham pleas ot payment where no payment had been made, disgusted with the oft-recurring demurrer, horrified at tbe bare mention cf nen artumprii, good humor seemed for once to have taken its light, ana leu msieaa an uneasy and irritable state of mind. In the loMat nf all this. Mr.

F. H- Pierpoint sat in a rether recumbent position, with the back of bis chair against the enormous stove near me elerk'a desk. From the stove ascends perpen diculariy to the ceiling a stove pipe of great length. Some one, peinaps Dir. aison, me clerk, halloed to Mr.

P. to take care, or the tnv would be unset thereupon Mr. Neeson and Mr. Haymond rather abruptly and loudly seconded Mr. Watson; ana, as to ascist in io creating alarm, tbe stove pipe rattled against tbe ceiling.

Like lightning Mr. Pierpoint nran? from bis seat, ran across the room and jumped out ef the window head foremost. A panic immediately seizes an oi us a ukjsi u-accountable Some one said the celling was aboettofall. This capped the climax; everv oae took te his heels Judge Camden jumped up on tbe window-sill; the clerk turn- nled out oi toe winaew next uis Messrs. B.

Hall, A. S. Uayden, G. D. Cambe-i, Allison Fleming, William P.

Thompson and EHery R. Hall all made for one window, and, panic-stricken, like a flock of sheep, tumbled out heels ver bead after Mr. Pierpoint some on their handssome on the backs of their friends, and all presenting a most ludicrous appearance as they rolled about the court-house yard, to the great terror of tbe yojingladies enjoying the "alfresco" of tbe jail porcn, convenient io me wiraow. jounneane, as if the devil was at his heels, made ror the door.upset twoold men, who yelled terrifically, rt mXTCHzll are without superiors. in the hall, cleared the railings in theyard, and never looke-1 back until he got to the other side Wasm.

The weather was very warm yes-ofthestreet. Meanwhile, the well-known de? Meteorological Observe-nty erk of the county court, who was asleep I with bis mourn wide open wnen me panic com- me need, and looking quite "purty," as be calls if surairenej! hr the atamnede. and no doubt, of the devil aforesaid, bid his head under -a chair and prated aloud for mercy, assisted by Job S. Gaskins, wbeas ribs were nearly stove io by one of the pillars of tbe railing incloslne tbe bar, agafnstwhichhe was jostled by Mr. Welty in his efforts to get out Tbe sheriff, who was taking a snooze, opened bis eyes, and wandered what was up.

Messrs. Haymond and Nelson were petrified with (ear, and stood trembling, unable to fly, nnable to speak, and seemingly resigned to their fate. Fortunately, there was no danger; the stove did not fall the stove-pipe stood erect the ceiling was firm, and in about five minutes tbe whole scene terminated loud laughter succeeded to despair, good humor once more prevailed, and every one, looking a little foolish and a greit deal pleased, took his seat as before, and tbe business or tne court went on as usuai The Inceeise or Specie, Early in May last tbe banks ot five of tbe leading cities of the United States had accumulated in their vaults an amount of specie equal to The decrease since that time may be estimated at tomethinz like $2,000,000. Tbe Boston Jdtertutr, alluding to these facts, says that the present plethora of gold is a phenom enon, which, to its actual extent, was impossi ble taentv years aeo, far the plain and suffi. cleat reason, tbat there was not a sufficient amount of gold In the country.

In tbe year 1837 tbe banks held about 3S uuo.uuu in spe rle. the circulation of cold and silver was es limited at a little mors than and the amount absorbed in plate and for similar purposes was set at $23,000,000 $55,000,000 therefore, appears to have been the entire amount of specie available for purposes ot cur rency, and subject to ue direct control or com-merr-iiUnfluences. It is computed, however, that tbe amount of precious metals now In the hane of plate, is 540,000,000. while in the last year the treasury had $22,000,000, the banks $53,500,000 and the specie circulation amouuted to $103,500,000. The whole amount of our specie currency, therefore, exceeded cisQ non.000.

and. altboush its distribution bad since been changed very materially, the amount held by the banks beiBg Increased, and that in the treasury having fallen nearly to zero, still the aggregate has probably increased since the above estimates were mot. 'Death of a Roi-siak Ladt feox Glait The awful death of Madame PalesI iioff, one of the most charming amongst all thii Itew of charming Russian ladles who pladden the winters of Paris, has created a terrible shock amongst the circles she so lately embellishedjiy her presence. Tbe unhappy lady left Paris but a short time ago on summer tour to Germany. While stepping from the door of the opera house in Berlin, to gain ber carriage, she let fall one of her bracelets eloss to the pavement.

Stooping to pick it up, sbe noticed at the time, laughingly, that one of tbe horses belonging to a carriage standing at -band had dropped his head so close to her face that he had touched her, andileft a moist kiss upon Der caees in rw Hura the unfortunate lady was taken ill with that most horrible disease, glanders, and, 1 1 I V. In In a iW cays more, orcaiucu uci iu of the attendance of the first physicians of Berlin, and every recourse to be obtained oy wealth or oy tue ceaseless vigilance ui iiicuuj. Co iirf Journal. KSJ- Dr. Jeotha Fowlkes.

President of the Southern 'Pacific Railroad Company, and Messrs. Thomas H. Wiley, Directors, left Marshall a few days ago, on a visit of confer enceto the foreign stockholders. Tbey ex pect to return in a short time. Col.

Todd, the Vice President, and other Texas directors, re main. Whatever may be tbe merits or demerits of Dr. Fowlkes' transitions with the boom- ern Paeifi: Railroad Company, be has exbibl ted tbe moat ontirine industry, and the strong est devotion Io the Interests of its stockholders throughout the Union. He has been ceaseless in his efforts asd zeal for the vindication of their rights, and ha left netting undone for tbeir protection. JlfarsaaI( TV.cet) Republican.

Swill Milk. Thejiealth sfiieer of Brook lyn reports one death from tiwill milk diet." A portion of the City Council of New York are resisting an ordinance to compel vender ot milk from the distilleries to label their wagons "swiii-rea mux." Little Dco Prentice aaya tbat after the election In Illinois LittleDos" niU be JJoj- Pcxc u'. Craxoe to the JoY. An rx- ehBe naner reirabllahei the following eban -e" which came from tbe London PtLnch seme fi tteen years ago. notwithstanding the antiqu ity of tbe document, it Is a "model" chare; so far, at least, aa it possess 8 the merit of leaving the jury unbiassed ia their dellb eratlocs upon a verdict: Gc ntlemenof the Jury: You are In ill cases to decide according to the 'cTldecce; at tbe same time, If you have any Joubt you are bound to give the prisoner the benefit of it.

Soppose you have to pronounce en the guilt Innocence ot a gentleman, accused of felony. Yon will naturally doubt "whether any gentlem. would commit such offenses according! however strong may he the testimony arahut you will, perhaps, sennit him. The svldev of your own senses Is, at least, as creainit me wuntsses it ID tre-fire your ey n'ght convince you, that the prisoner is a weu'-oressed person, you bs va a right to presume hit respectability and Is for you tossywbetbet a respectable perso would be likely to be the crlmer Imputed to him. In like manner when you te a shabby- looking fellow in the dock, for example, with sheep stealing, the, decision rests who you, nrsc wneMier or no mat individual Is a rsgamuffen, and how far it is probable that this man weald, steal sheep.

Of course, as has hern before -gild, voa will al ways be guided by the ev id nee but then, wheiner tne evidence is inu or not. is a matter for your private jnslderatlon. You may believe ft If you or you may disbelieve It; and entlemenof the jury, you will believe It or isbelieve, will depend on the constitution of yor minds. If your minds are constituted that on wish to fin-! tbe prisoner guilty, perhspsy su will believe It; If tbey happen to be so const (tnted that you desire to find hint not guilty, by then very likely you will disbelieve it. ou are to free your minds from all passion and prejudice it you can.

and in tbat case your jud reeaent will be unbiassed but It you cannot yo a will return a verdict accordingly. It is not, strictly you to consider what will be tbe effect of your verdict but it such a consideration should occur to you, and you ear not help attend to it, that verdict will bo influ enceil by it to a certain extent. You are proliably aware that when you retire, you will be lock ed up until you contrive to agree. You may arvive at unanimity by fair discussions, or oy som ot you starving out the others, or by tossing ip, aul your coaclualon, by whichever of these processes arrived at, will be more or less in accordance with your oaths. vsrdlf may be right; It is hoped it will; It may be wrong; it Is to be hoped it will not.

A all 'events, gentlemen of the jury, you will come; io some conclusion or other; unless it should so happen that you separate without coming to any. L0GA.L MATTERS. DIVIS UEBVICES TO-DAY. St. Miry'i Oturch, Poplar street, Her.

Bichakd nixes. Sector. Serrk rsat 10K a.m. and anda T.u. Wcdseadar aod Friday 10.

Seats Calrarr Ctiurch, corner of Adimi and Third streets. Bar. Billon Otet, Bad. ir, aad Rev. Dr.

WniTZ, Aa- Utant Bector. Service at 11 o'clock A M. and 8 r. St. St.

Peter1 Oathollo torch, corner of Adams and Tblrd lteU. Priest, BT. T. L. GaACE.

Sfrrlcei at 7, asd 10 o'clock lu the n-jorntrr. First Baptist Church, Second stieet, between Adams aad Washington streets. Tlder T. J. DnAXE, Pastor.

Serricea at it o'clock A. 8 r. sr. Second Baptist Chnreh, corner Beat and DeSoio stretti. Bar.

Mr. Jokk BaTXXajr, Paster, services at 11 o'clock a. M. nd and 8 r. M.

Comserland Presbyterian Church, Cesrt street, between Second and Third, Ber. A. X. Brvax, Pastor. Serrte at 10 o'clock a.

aad Sin tho orentag Alw. worship ererr Wedusdar Bight. Christian Church, comer, of Linden aad St. Patrick Ber. Dr.

W. 3. Biliu, Palter. Servkta at 10 o'clock A. and 8 T.

St. First Preshrterlaa Church, earner ot FopUr aad Third streets, Ber. J. O. Steapxas, Taster.

Serrtees at I1K o'clock A. aad at urly gas-light. Lectures on WtiXtKsdar ertdnc, and Prayer Xeetlag on Friday even- laga of each week. Second PresVyterlan Church, coraerut Xaln and Be streets. Ber.

a. o.iiatrKPV.raswr. Kmcrsawu a. si. and Wesley Ctucse, corner of Poplar aad.

Second streets, Ber. J. T. C. CiiLUM, Pastor.

Services st 10M o'clock A. JJ-, aad7r. at. AShary Chapet corner of Hernando a od Linden streets. Rev W.

O. Lurin, Pastor. Serrtees at 10 o'clock A. nad 7 r. 2 Xdgewovl Chjl, nersaado Plaakrosd, Ber.

J. W. Kxott, Pastor. Service at 11 o'clock A- M. Latberan Ofem ch, oa Vain between arket andWln-Chester streets, Ber.

Bcrca, Paster. Services al 10 o'clock a. 21.. and 7 o'clock r. M.

LzT-na List. The official list of letters remaining in the Memphis Post Office, will be found In this morning's paper. Mrnruts Post Optics. The post office will hereafter be opened on San-day morning at 8 o'clock, and remain open one hour. ggr Copies of our daily paper may bs obtained at the desk this morning until 9 o'clock.

Price Eve cents per copy, dead head sys tem abolished. TH.uK.s.-For lata papers we are under ob-ligaUoyis to W. H. Stexlb, clerk of the South- erner. Alio io oi Auams ex press, to whom we owe thanks for almost daily atteYitions.

Not Examined. Hestheb, who shot Childs on bo.srd the Tfrrelcit, was brought up for examination yesterday, bat tbe wounded man being in toe precarious a condition to attend, he was rema nded to jail. Dies. There an many citizens complaining of the loss of valaaMe and favorite dogs from the "sassages" and shot guns of the official dog killer; let all remember that "muzzle or die" is the order of tbe day. Engine House The splendid new engine house at the corner of Second and Adams street Is approaching completion; It is a fine building and will be an object of pride with tbe worthy company that is to occupy it.

Sample, Mitchell Co. The card of this house appears in our paper this morning. For experience, ability and attention to the interests of their correspondents, tbe firm of Sam- noon. It stood at tbe same figures, tbe highest which has been reached this sea hod, on. the 21st and tbe 2Sth of this month.

The vext Place. If a handsome and fash ionable bat is wanted, Faixlhild Moaais, 78 Front Row, is the very place to go to Ibey have also a fine stock of ladles and gentlemen's shoes, gaiters and boots, aod are offering their stock of leather at cost. IiirxovEHEXT CoarurrTEE. This standing Committee ot the Council, with oar active City Marshal, were out in tbe city yesterday viewing several, nuisances, preparatory to recom mending proper action by the Council. Let those who have nuisances abont their bouses take the hint in time.

Diviice Services. Bishop Otet will preach at Calvary Church this morning at 9 o'clock, and evening services will be held by Rev. Mr. Haceett, at 8 o'clock. At Grace Church, corner of Union and Main streets, divir.s service will be held at 10J a.

by Rev. O. Hacxett, and at r. by Bishop Otet. Tei-Peccaxt.

M. Walsh was brought be fore Esq. East yesterday and accused of three fold guilt. First, he got drunk of course that was tbe start when the tnemy of souls has pei saaded a man to part with bis reason the rest easily follows. Second, he grew quarrelsome, and in that condition kicked a man most brutally.

Third, be filled up tbe measure of his offenses against the law by resisting tbe officer ot the law, when hfAvas taken Into custody. Esq. East judged tbat this complication of evil doing was worth a round twenty dollars, and he fined him that sum. Louisville Packets We see It announced that tbe steamers Diamond and John Gaull are to run as regular packets in the Memphis trade, taking tbe days of the Jhin Jd-rftru and Sjvlhcrntr. As tbe river is getting low we presume these boats will be laid up and repaired.

Tbe Diamond end John Can It are light draught boats and have fine cabins. In connection with this change, we may also mention tbat B. Abciiee, tbe popular and respected clerk of the Southerner, has resigned bis position ot clerk on the boat a position which he has filled with credit to himself and profit to ths boat, He will spend a week in this city and then rusticate awhile, after which be will resume active business on some boat worthy of bis talents. He is succeeded by Mr. W.

H. Steele, of Louisville. Citizens' Basking House. Quite a large crowd was collected yesterday to witness the sale, by auction, of the building at lbs corner of Madison street and Bank avenue, hitherto occupied by tbe Citizens' Bank. The terms were, payment in three, six, nine and twelve months, Citizens' Bank money taken in payment.

On putting the property up, Mr. Locke received a bid of $12,000, this was followed by $15,000, $16,000, and 517,000. A pause ensued which was broken by an advance ot $1C0, quickly followed by two, three, tiorwi four, five and six hundred, when wts bU. From this advances were made or 5iw each bid, up to $19,000. Tbe bidding now be- gan to slacken, and was confined to few per- sons.

Gradually advances were maae or one, two. three, four and five hundred. Here there was a considerable pause, when $19,600 was bid, which amount was at tbe point of tak'jig the property, when $50 more was offered. The auctioneer did his beat to get "even but the other $50 would not come, and the property was knocked down to J- H. Edmoxd-ssir, at $19,650.

Tbe purchaser doesaot obtau possession until tbe lit of Jancaryjiszt. An UnrLEASAXT Suw ect. There are some subjects tbat decent perrons would fain Ignore, if they were cot forced upon public attention by their inherent vlciousnesi and ths amount of evil Ibsy do foremost them Is tbat ot the unhappy class of females who, having lost virtue themselves, subsist by winning others to vice. Tbe behaviour connected with this class of persons make It almost in-possible for ladles to piss through our streets at night. In many places tbe ladles are seen enjoying tbe cool evening air at tbeir doors, or with a handkerchief or veil over their heads, walking out.

In Memphis It is Impossible for them to enjoy this luxury ot warm climates, and that such is the cats reflects great discredit on our city government. In mast cities there are stringent regulations with respect to street walkers, and there should be such regulations here. Alderman Finnic has given tbe subject great consideration, and be will probably, at some meeting of Council, submit an ordinance upon tbe subject, In tbe meantime, we are glad io learn that the police are about to strictly enforce such laws as we have, and an eflort will be made to eloss such houses of 111 fame as exist io our midst. Twice Finer. A.

C. MALLoaywasons of tbe unwilling attendants at the Recorder's Court yesterday. It was in proof that he bad been intoxicated, and tbat wben in tbat condition he bad manifested very bell'gtrent propensities to tbe disturbance of tbe peace of tbe sovereign State of Tesnessee for this be was fined five dollars. While thus In warlike spirit the slid A. C.

Malloxt shot off bis pistol, within the corporate limits ot tbe city for Ibis he had to pay a second fine of five dollars. Hitching Hoaszs We have very frequently called the attention ot citizens and visitors to the fact tbat It is unlawful in Memphis to hitch horses to awning posts, shade trees, tc, but if people will not read the papers they must piy higher charges than the printers. At the Recorders Court yesterday Ed-wasp Oaklet and G. H. Cowan, for hitching their horses to awnlrg posts, were fined fire dolhrs each Concealed Weapons.

It is as well for all to remember tbat it is strictly forbidden to carry concealed weapons In this city. Our police are on the look-out and are making frequent arrests of persons guilty of this treacherous practice Yesterday at tbe Recorder's Court Talbot Williams, for carrylcg a pistol concealed about him, was fined ten dollars by the Recorder. Senatoeial. Chasles PoLLOcr, who keeps a well known drinking saloon, called the Senate, was brought before Esq. East yesterday, charged with keeping, quite senatorially, late hours, having bis place ot business open after 9 o'clock at night He war fined ten dollars, against which infliction be took an appeal.

Mortality. Dr. Tuck informs us tbat the number of deaths last week In the city was unusually small fourteen by disease and two negroes by accidents. Hart of Ptmgjps. Arrivals and Departures.

SATOaOAT. Jnlr 11, ISM. A. D. Tyler, New Orleans to St Louis.

Imperial, New Orleans to St Louis. Chancellor, New Orleans to Louisville. Woodford, Louisville to New Orleans. River Sews. The rirerherehas commenced falling; three inches lower last night than on the" previous night The beautiful and popular Alvln Adams will leave at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon for Louisville.

Tbe boat and her experienced commander, Capt Lamb, and ber polite clerk, Halliday, enjoy a deservedly high reputation, aad travelers will cot regret taking a stateroom on board. Capt. Hancock's fine boat Daniel Boone, a bot whose praises are too widely promulgated for commendation to be needed at our bands, will leave for Yieksburg to-morrow. Tbe Kate Frisbee, with such officers as Cspt Mason, Folger, and Larry Harrasteid on board and Capt Shirley as general manager, is bound to sastsln her reputation. She leaves for Napoleon and all intermediate landings, with tbe U.

S. mail on board, at 3 o'clock to-morrow evening. The St Louis Rtpablictn of Thursday last reports The river at this point is falling pretty rap-Idly, baring, at 6 o'clock last evening, receded in all about two and a half feet The Missouri and Illinois rivers are reported falling by the last arrivals. The Upper Mississippi is reported falling from St Paul to Lake Pepin, and rising slowly below tbe Lake. Tbe weather was very hot yesterday, and business on the levee was dull.

The Louisville Couritr of July 27th, reports that the river continues to fall pretty fast, with four feet eight Inches water In the canal last evening, by the mark, equal to five and a half feet on the falls. There were thirty-two Inches in tbe pass, a fall of fife-inches in the previous twenty-four hours. The weather is clear and pleasant Tbe river at Cincinnati an I Pittsburgh is also falling fast having receded to a very low stage at the latter point, tbe last boats down reporting two-and-a-half feet at the Sisters, three-and-a-half on Blanney, But-fiogton, and Letart Carpenter's Bar is also a eboal point for boats to pass over. Tbe En-ieavor stuck in Glass House, and reports the Potomac aground. The twelfth session of tbe Young Ladles' Model School, ef Somerville, will commence on Monday, tbe 6th day of next September, under tbe continued supervision of A.

E. SloaKj j20-lm Tennessee Bank Monet. Messrs. Pors At both as will sell goods at cost for Tennessee bank money at par. jlylO-lm By reference to advertisement in another column, it will be seen tbatrur friend Won-sham offers for sals bis magnificent Hotel, situated on the corner of Main and Adams streets.

In taking this step, Mr. Wobsham is actuated purely by a desire to close up and change bis business. The bouse has, ever since its establishment, been a money making Hotel, and Is now In a better state of repair than ever heretofore, and any person or company desiring to enter Into tbe business, will find this a good opportunity for a paying investment MARRIED, Ia Jackson, en the SSth br the Iter. VcsUnaer, Mr. Xmjiet T.

MoaoAir, ot ton, asd If lis Sabar flnt daughter of W. WUsca, of Jackion. At Bene Air, la Dindioa eonntj, in tbe 36th bj Ber. Dr. Edgar, D-1.

Dcnn, Isq of Memphis, to Miss Abnie Kichol, dscghter et Wllllaa Klchol, Ej Oa tbe Itth last la Tippah eonntr, by the Ber. JL. Slover, Dr. VABTTS L. Wioii to Kiss Salxje B.

Finseb, only daughter ot bn Plngtr. Boabo or Health. List of latormeata for tbe week eating Satnrdar. Jnty JoJySs Sdmcnd nBckler. axed Zlyurs.

disease Con- lafsntot D. MorUrtj, aged disease Ctoiera lalaa'sm. Isbso Bridge, agd 60 years, dlscast ef the llrtr. Aadiew Hcuion, aged A3 rears, dls'as death from accidental Negro aaa, disease death from lojcrt Ij fall. Negro cblM, aged It disease OMgattloa Child of A.

Xnial), bevels. GEO. fLAUKBTr Sextojs. Jolr St Mrs. Lncr L.

Po vers, aged IS jesrs, disrate Puerperal ferer. Negro asa, aged AS years, dlseasa David Fheloo, aged 7 disease Wbooplcgccngb. Iafaatof leaib. axed half day. O.

E. Seitoas. July 27 Child ef Mra. Jlan, aged 4 years, dlsev a IS Child of Mrs. Brown, aged dla-ae efiect of teethlsg.

Mrs. Euk, aged 17 years, disease O.Dinmjt!n. W. B. SMITH, Sexton.

The ibrre rport Indicates a decreass of mortality compared with the. preordiag weeks ot tbe preterit month. Fooit-en deaths are report ed two ot these tha r't cf axddenls steta adnlta aad serea cbl'drea. J. TUCK.

Secretary of Board of Health. Hotel Arrivals. COMMERCIAL HOTEL G. Mitcb ELL. Proprietor, JtflCrsoa street, between Front Row and Main.

A Toon, Tenn. Sam Hard, Aik. I Iron, Mils. i Wilson. Ey.

Montg.nurr, Texas. Hart, Va A Hlcts, ark Mra Tnrn-r, do Miss A Montgomery, TexasJ Graham, Co entry. Miss LM Montgomery, Barnard, Ark. a. Taylor, Tenn BOMIUben, WbUeaorefdo Milton, do Samvrl nirsch.

Ark. McCay, Miss. Doaghton, de Tony, New Orleans Vn McD Sims, Miss. B. Coleman, Tenn.

Bobt Pilngle, Ark. BDNabers, City. RSLccts.Mlis. Crowell, Lord, Miss. Fisher, to b.

aid. Mnjpbey, Trsa. Johnston, Tean. UBOrr, do B-yno'ds, KkTKB Wamb.e, Tenn. Pftewart, do LSarate, do Tarter, do a Berry.

Ark. Beck. Tean. Ta but. do Bartlett, do JCDitIs.

Dinner. Breoks. do st a ssonroe, ay. or uapers ant lady, FTP Chambers. Miss.

Coiexe. sj rnu.i?s, tiny. MlssM McClsIUnd, 8 WTaylor.O SO. College., Ark.

MKs Tarnler, SF College. PM Lestb.M kOll Milton, City 8 Sllrer. Ml. Dyspesia and Debility Cured. THE0D0BS FRANK, Bsq-i the Plltibrrgh and Stto-bearUle Bai road 023 uys "For years I htra been aa la rJld from Dyspepsia With a tops of relief, I resorted to many advertised remedies, bat ailed la deriving- the beaeflt songht for, nntll I triad yoar HOllavp BiTtxai, tbe hsppy effects of vhleb npoa the digestive ergans, aad la restoring a debilitated system, eaaaes ma to recommend It coa-edently to aa son ring from Dyspepsia." rpnRoraofMorrtfsfc Ward, Tr.Morrisi and D.

w4ta ul, ear dtsssiv.d by carnal consei c. consent. TretoMEi wll MietUedbrD C. Ward, and thoee. i in i.v.

ft Ir-a IIim neil ni. their taJsbteerws or they wrjboeoacetedbylaw. JtlyMla l6S8. ward. JYeiu Firm WB.

HOBTON lil. WABD, hare this dsy as- sociated themselves together, at tha old stsnd ef Marries fc Ward, nnder tha atjle sf Hortoa St Ward, for the parpoeo of colag a general Tbot-aele and Bttall DBTQ -ODS bnamesf, where tbry win bo glad to see tbetrasmerons meads aad Iba pea lie gen-raUy, ancr-Inethem Ibstthey shall be politely waited spaa, aad ebta o-Gooda on tha best tarns. i jjSO-tf HOBTON fc WABD. TGSr recerrel from St. Lenli lot of.

fresh baked Soda Crwxeri Crv: BlteiUe. jB3iji 3. noujoror, Kaokoroll Mackorell Just lAccclYca. Q.CM) FXCK4.0,,5 Jt received and SUUlor aale to tha trda, by SMITH Si POBTEa. Green's Snrsery and Lease far Sale.

IN eoneeauenee of thid-sthef ths Pro-jBpristor, iha Narslry, farms 1y belong ing wins esia or ram unen, and tha less of IbaEronadsaedbaUdlnu.araof. ferea icr sal The Nnrserr is tltnsteon Mils street, DlnBtct' walk sontti of Iheeeatitof the dir. pies Iaoraer- 'ft tonal, osiers lease, wbkhhie three years roio, October next to rnn, and contains a rare and rateable eollsttloa of tries, sb sbs, ants, a wers, Ac Oa tae premises srs acocsfUb Iraeas dwelling hasss anu a ssnsv It It a rare opportunity for a crsetttat Hinmmn tnA Florlit. The wW be sold low aal Isiios ot payment made easy to a gsd psrehaur. jiiso, a aooer, pracueai oaruer wanted.

For fortn-r lnformstlea loqitr J. ntTCHLEn. anl-dgwlm Books for Sunday Rsadlng. DR. Brecklarldgs'a sTaawiedg of Jed.

eMestrHy eol- Idered, It belag ths First Steps la Tbastegy. The Life 01 Archlbsld Alexander. D. br hla son. J.

W. Alexsndar. Tbe History et Sisal aad Pales) las, by Stanley. Tbe Ancient nib.cwsl cr. The WrM bouse the Flood.

Ths SVpalthres 9sr Deserted! or. Ifce Memorr-of tbe Deed. Billxlins Troths IKsstrsted frrca Setem. ia Addressee ant Sermons, by Kdward lliteheock Prateeswla Gtotegy. inq meiuiKner utnu, ByTEM A Kemai.

neavea I or. Aa loanlry lno the Abode mt the Silnted D-ad, by Bee. II. Ilatbetgh. A- M.

The neartaly Recoinltl sr. Win we knew Oursetrea la nearen, by Ber Tf Barboatb, A ThelleaTca'r Haras I er. The BanUrmtsU andSn- Joymrata of the Salnta la Hearer, by H. Raibeagn. A JS.

The Olive Branch I or, Tbe White Oak Fsra. Tbe DerotUnof ths Heart to Jesas. sr. TbeHbterref Janeal.m, by Jno Dalgalms. CIsrk's ComprebensltoCemawstary, he Tot aaM by W.

R. -TKIKOE h. aal Cader Odd Felssws' BaB. LaGrange Sjnodlcal College. TBI exercUesof tbesecaad is.lia of Mis lesllta-tUn, keeled at LaOrange, Tesa fl be tesaaed a Widaesdey, tha ii 1 of September seat FACULTV.

J. B. GRIT, D. D. President and Prat easer ef Kthtej, Bw uieraiere.

J. K. WADDKL, D. D. Professor of A sclent Utera tare J.

B. BLAM, M. A Trotrsisr ef Oaenlsllry, Ss- tnral Philosophy, els. J. ME1Q3.

M. A. Prsfestor ef Mathematics, etc The tnlllon fee is fifly 'eftsrs far tbe fan aeasUn of nine months, one hair ef which Is paysate a. tin cpenlaa' Of tha aeistcn, and ths remainder eatbeSrstotMsrch Bcsidmf (in tbe fsalUes cf tbe citireat) rxstBslvo of wasalng and lights, from (10 toil ptraeatbi Kela-ilveof wsihlag aid lights, tnm 112 60 to $15 per noma. Text books csa be procured at the bsakstara of Ike Messrs Parhsm, In LaOrange Thevarloaa libraries coanrctfd with ibe Cettegs ran tain already between I aid 2,000 rUtaes, sad are con.

Unnally Increasing. The apparstas belonging to ths College la isSHleat for Ue illustration of tbsaclenses. DCPABTMBXT. Thla Department. estsbKsbed by Ihe Trnstees, for the paip saof preparing yoanx men far the Is sm-der the care ot James Qsartes, Im who has bad considerable xperleaca la teaching, and whose seaettr- imp Is endsnbtrd Tbe pnpils of this sch 'ol will be SBder Iheiolat asatre! of tbe Presldeal ef thx College and tbe PrsBOtpal at tbe Department, aided by as msny ssslstaats aa tbe Besnber of pnnUa may irsm time to time demand.

Tattlon nlae months, psyabH, ooa-fcair at the speaisgot too session, and the theroa tbe flrslot March. Pnaitla win no cnargen tram tne lime ot enirasce. CBABLKS R. ABBOTr, anl-dlsrwIoiU Seerelary Board ef Trasteea- AUGUST 2d, 1858 SPEED, D0H0H0 STOCK OF Ij A. "TOT 3XT ARE REDUCED TO PRICES TO Close ont Instanter! anl-tt j.

a M.tanrLE S13IFLE, ailTCHELL Cotton Factors, COE31ISSIO.V, RECEIVrXG AKD Forwarding Merehants, MADISON THIRD D0OB BAST OP C5I0M BANE, MEMPHIS, TENN. 1 SUPPLY of best Busies aad Bope always in atare. XX Orders far sspplles flUed atlbaleweat eaasi prleea. anl.d.wiy THE SAFEGUARD IXSURAKCE OP XBW TORK. AND PSXJtSTLVNIA i JTew YorU Office, 12 ITaH Srcet-; Philadelphia, 409 ITaliint st.

CHARTERED CAPITAL $600,000. Paid up and Securod, 8300,000 GEO. S. DOUGHTY. PresMeat.

ALBERT, WELLS. es Pressdtat. W. B. OODDABD, Sd Vice FresMeat.

JACOB X. XEELBR, Secretary Tbe Company, harwi cvsplitd with tbe IswasX New Toik and Peansyiraau, are pre area t. issae nttcsts ea aB tiass ot Fire Bttka ssl these at lata ad NaeigaUB at Ike eeUbHslsed rain Losses Promptly fettled aod Paid. TJIREOTOHS Geo S. Dgbiy, MarbaH O.

Btberts, Oarer PettHi, Vn. Bemsea, P. "Blrckbead, B. ircltloek, Isaac Bmn sen, Bdwsrl R. UMott.

BobertP King, Geo. H. L-T anl-3m r. Osttts. A.

H. Hasktseuk, Jsta A. Sedfrey. I. 1.

S.losnw, bo Msrray, Jm-s W. Elwrts, Obas. P. Hsyes. FrsBds BtsekbaiBe, D.

J. aawlt. PUTtfAM h. GO AgenU TUE QUAKER CUT ISSDIUXCE OrriCK IS 1 VTALNOT ST PHILA8ELPI1IA. STATKUBXTotttwBaeMaariOaekflUasiaf tbe Qia-ker City Ooca pany cf Pal4elphla, Jer six months, ending Jane 3fHk, 1668 CaplUl and Sarplas Jan.

1st. 1SSS fm.STJ ST Iaierest reorlrid aad aeeraed freai Jaa. 1st. tojslylst IMU Premlams received trasa Jan. 1st ta Jaty 1st, 111,011 Salvage aad Be.Iasara.mce tfln St $131 si Lssics.

KxraxsEa. ht To lcsses paid St Dlerl'Bd, Be.Iasaraaoe, Betara, Premlam aid Expenses: II ea Balaore rnsalalng with the Co. JeJy SSI 15 Assets. Bonds Mergsgs, Stocks. Oaa- ren Beads, Losss ea Cettale- rsl aad Call Loaas, BUla Becetvabio 7 Cah ea band aad la Bank and du frrst Agents HMt II CspHtl ock tsse.0.

H.T. OOflSSaAIX, Eecsetsry. AUesI: OFFICERS. GEO. ART.

President. X. P. BOSS, YKePresMee. H.

B. COGGSHALL, Secretsry acd Tresirer S. II. BDTLEB, Assistant Treaiarer. DIKEOTOH.S I Geo.

n. Tlirt, B. P. Boss, A. O.

CsUeuL Andrew B. Chambers. K. BaKey, JsbnG Dale, John L. Pomeroy, anl-lw Jespi foiter Perkins, Chas.

G.Iatlsy. SamaH Jesa.M. Hw H. Fatter, n. R.

Coggsbtll. 8. PPTNAM Agents. Notice. WISHING tacloaemy besla'ss la Memphlt.

I offer my entire stock far sale oa good terms. Persons wishing to eater tbe ClstSlag aal Paraisbisg Business would do4weil by glrtng IM- attention. My stand Is one ot tbe best la tbe city, being central. By ealtlag at the corner of Conrt and Mala streets. Information wBl te given as to terma ef ale.

ic. W.J. GA8EILL. Jysi-at Three Dozen Best Hoops, Received This JDay by Express, Also oa baad and far sale law, DUSTERS, BONNET TRUNKS, LADIES' TRAVELING TRUNKS, Traveling Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, TABUS CLOTHS. TOWELLINGS, DOTLirS, Bleached and Brawn Domestics, Kc.s tc.


XX Madison St bft. Front Row Main, MEMPHIS, TENN. ALL Cotton shipped to me, or stored by meVVV sfler Its arrlrat. III be coeered by aeesaa Open Policy ef Insurance, saleii otherwise Ic-tJSaLl strncted. S3" A good sipply ot asd R-pe always oa banj.

JjSlawtm s. rowuccs. i. rowi-xrs. T.

r. APAMX. FOWLKES COTTON FACTORS, AND Coiumlssiou Mcrcliauts, PostOlllce Building, JelTerson st, MBMrniS, TBKKESSBE. Agents for the sale ol tbe Premlna Gotten Cla, made by Clemens. Browa a Cei- mens.

Ga. Also for the sale ef the Ocmalgee Osaabargs. tbe heaviest acd best article to be bad. "TITS beg leave to offer the renews! or ear services to oar friends sad tbe psMK generally, with the as-saraaca tbat are tharanghly crganlxed and fnDy prepared fir the transsclian ot all baslaesj coeaded taas. "We coatlaes the storage of Co ten aad other produce la our Fire Proof Ware Hsose.

nnieta otherwise Onr opea roller ef losnrnce carers aB Oavoe cocaigned to as per steamboat, nnieta otherwise expressed la bill ot lading. Sa'es ot Cotton made for tptl or eqslralants. TTe have a large stack of Pjwer Bsad Loom Barglnr. also tbe bestbrand ot Maoblso Bope, warranted Also Mees Pork, Bacas tides, Lsrd, He. Ordn Slled with cart aid dlspitcb.

POWLKES CO. law library for Salo A WELL selected Law Library aad Sae Biok Case cap be pnrchased on vary ressenabla terms. Aprly tor InfcTmitlan at the. offices eftao Appeal aad Ballttln. Ij 13-11 Fresh tirrival.

HICKS, TERRY A CO. HAYBJost received byexprrtl, Lviles, Mlts's a 4 Children's Gaiters, SUcpera aad Beat with aad II tout heels. Gent Una Gsrfrrt asd Boots' also Bra-gxlard Eyeca HaU. JiMiw." FENCING ACADEMY JEFFERS0X STREET, Second HanscTielovrtlteTheatree CAPT. US HUE utts the liberty to latsrn the Oea-tlemen.

that he has opeasd a naw Session to com- meocs THIS DAT, (Meads;) Jase 31, at tbe abero Bail. forOroticmen aad Toaihs, from alas years apward. Sabscnber takes tn 'era-ie of this wesk. Open omS Io lio'c'w-k, a At and frcm 1 It 19 o'clock, except fitnrdsr iyl-lsi FOB Ladies, Jlbsej, Gentlemen and CKDSR THE SUPEBTISIOX OF CAPTA1IV DE RUE. C1PT.

De BCB calls the attention ef tbe ctttseaa tt Memphis, and especially ef pareata. tke tut that bo Intends openta? bs a abort ties a areaaasinm. Tate (laa a aOews, to- wit Aa soo as sixty perasaa sbaB tits drpoeliad with Major Peale, at tbe Oa oo Bank, flee dollars eeca, (wblcb will eatttle sash ifot-I'or three Mha' tatttn.) be will pnetad at Wat to erect bis ft mnastm. Castam D. will Mrane tbe setbed at Prat.

1.1 Kir. or Stockbelm. Let tbes wb desire a healtbmi dy.aqatckaad rUatk step and graafal carriage i asd fbea parses! wno nsre weak aaa sully sbisdren, take afrsalse ef Uti plan ts arcare the se aad make hssHhf al Ike other. JTi-im llemjihis Maces, Memphis Course. THE Bsess er Ike mMs Coers.

win eseameaca as TU BSD AT. Ike 19 October. 1668. aad bauau flredsys. 1st dsy, Tutday.

OeUber 1Mb. Tbe "Walker Stake. forlbree year oM, 8tet eauaaeei $S) farfeKl aaele bests, sure Sll Ike st ke, ike IT.mb te add two bnadred doDars, provided Ike raxla rwi te Basse and close en tie 1st war ef Aaaasl, 1H1. Steamy wsB be reqetred far tbe foimt ta abeee stake. raaae Oay, ler aao, parse sei ihree mile keaia Sd day.

Wednesdar. October Sath Jeeiet Oak. nana mile bests, 3 laO. Bameday Sweepsukeforl yeareMs; $190 eatraxe; tMfMfettt "dah( aesiie." lbrearma so aa lka auke, mw three eaulea Secwtty via be rreitnd lor tbe ferfttt. 31 day.Tharsday, October list.

The 'Ha'per Slaks." for three ytar eM; two attle keaU; S3SO eatraBee) tlOOfetfeUi Ikeeeersaaeela Adlbe Make tbe Oa ta aid $340, provided tbe race Is ram I to Basse aad dose ea the I st da cf Aasjaet, 1S8. Seaartty win be reeeir-ed far tha forfeit 41k day, Friday, October Sdd Jockey Crab, parse 100. two alte heals. Slh day, Batardar, October IM. Jeeiey CUb, parse 1 1.003, fear aetle heata.

A wilk orer ibe sbeva mww estttles the aerts tbe rail amoeaief Joeleyotnb parses. Ail isiriea wius tortelts a eared Brut be dircatsd WM. T. BOC.VBTIttK. PresTletec jas ssenpeiM SCHEDULE or Tne ill-rival and Departure or the Malls raeat the MEMPHIS POST OPPICE.

EAkTBKK MAIL via New Tark, fbHadelpais, Ksab. vsllo aad Leassvsba, arrlres daBy at AMI cast's atlH st. NettkwMt-ra aaB via Hirer. Oats. St- feats, hi- esje aad Ctactaawll, dae daHy at a.

SI etoses at 11 SMtaeraMaUvUBsver, dae dally al 1 a. I eseeta at 11 a M. fewhTB Ma'I eta Mls-t'slrpl Ceatra BaOread far XcwOrleaas. VMibcrg sad Match, arrtie dsUf al A af Msl1 (UMlselsslpBlOatralaad Teaaeasee BaBtead, arrives at 6 doses at 9 a for SemerrBle, Botl-var aad Jackaoa aa. MaUvlaMeespMsasdOaaeBaBraadfer Brewasvalf, srrlrsstilA i doaee at a 91.

Mall via Mltil-etnpl aad TetnetseeRaJraad for Paao-la, aalrrsat 10H a it Cev a at I r. at. Mall fer Braaeke. Brkasle, Bed Beaks aad CoM Water, arrlres Meaday, WedaeaCay aad Prtday at SH r. si dotes at tH r.

af. WM. CABBOLL.P M. OSNABURGS, OSMBURGS ICfl BALBSOnabaraorcoa famneat sad fer salt lt1' KW. XTTZBMS 00.

Jeans 1 Linseys () WAtESextra bea'y Ka'a Jeaas. uu Liaerys, Oa coeslgameat aad fer sale low dswlBt B. APPKR'OX h. CO. Spun Cotton.

nA BttjsSX. baa tad tea, le-sele lew to the rsde x.iL oo. lyilMtwlm 500 riErza Kratarcr Hand Loaea Basgisg i 273 Haeri-msde Boce. an eon.liaraent acd I' sale itw io tke trad JiieVdawlBi M. APPBBSOK 4.

CO. EL A. JOIeEdi COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Offi-e, Ko. 17 Block, Front Ilow, JWZoxx3.33lxlr3r Tonn. ty CeBslgaeaeota et eeery kiad saHcted BA8INI aad BOPS, aad all alber tapplKi, laiahaed at ntweet retes -7-m L.


OFFICE WITH J. McCBACKHK i ZbXozxxTpAOits, Tonn JrJddei j. l. Meatpala. j.

r. aoairsf, lAteef DaibaarlUe, Teaa. "TERSER B0BTJM, COTTON FACTORS AMD COxllilflSSIOiV ITXERCnAJVIS Up Stairs Mosby k. Hunt's New Bieck, No. IT 1-2 Front Row, Mom.jpli.ia, Tonscasoo.

TTTE wBl par aertieaur atteatlea to StnavJ orders lor Srocertes. Bswuf, Bepe. ae at tke lowest market yeses. Jj 9-tf E. si peloacs w.

arrLUOie. H. APPEES0N CO SSgiCGTTOIV ACTORS GEO CEBS COM3IISSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 65 Front Row ami 6 Jeffereoa street, SlempIiSs, Tenn. are now lore inter a lira Ooods, eaa- statiac la part Keatacky Baias.

beet aaektse ard baaderaa B.p-. sc a. ur. Briaqe, WII-91M Wteei, together a Ith a seaHralaad we aeieeted sleek ef Groceries to wbl we re adelias aMiy. Agatsro-tkecrlesratrd aad iiis Prstt Sla aad fer seversl lactones who stpr ta ceasaat sosaiyef CsMaeky Jeans aad Lloseys, OeBabarga, Celtea Tans, 1c.

We hare a Itrge Ftre-Pma! Celtea Wsreheae. detached Irosa any other ta'ldlia. Parltealer atteallos gtrea to etortag aad sel'reg Col Urn ta this market or fer sbtpes-Bt rer slorlag a4 selHsc ft -ate; aad star-lair aad ihleptcg Steeds aer bale. We keep aa seen Policy of la araace.bit win toisrs tw Cet-aa la 1 tore sgahut Are aslete lMtraeeed er advanced oa. AH Cstteo caaslgaed to as by steasboat wlB be lnnr-ed Balsas speeiaed ta tbe bi'l o' lading Ke lasarance riatared elsewhere.


STSATT0N, McDAVITT COTTON FACTORS, Grocers and Commission Merchants, Aal Agnts tir Grlswold'a C-iebrated Iatrrored Gotten Gin. NO. TO FRONT BOW, MEMPHIS, W1.1 LL give their beit atteatlea ta Ihe Oottcn and other nrnrfoce. Com MettoSM fer aterlaz. aebV- isg ana wetgninx, 7b crate per note.

AH Cotton t'ore tasared aa ess otherwise lexlraeied. WoaM Itvi'e a-tentl to 'heir large stock of Bag-flat. Bope and Plantation SaprHes. Jy3S-(a B. J.

SMOIXTT COTTOIw FACTORS TtnCHlVIHG. 350 An-OC-flLJEl X3X7NTC3- GEXESAL C03imSSl0S OEALZU IX Bacg'ng, Eops, aod Plantation SofpHcs, NO. 35 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. GOLD PENS IEP1ED! EHCLOSX them, with SI cents escb, ia 3 cent alaapa or 64 cats neaey, to mr add ess, aal Ibsy will be returned by mall lc good order. Gald Pea Hsnaficlorr, Jyl-dawly Ko, SS Tblrd street LealSTll e.

Ky. New Furniture. SEVERAL Sets Rerewovi aad Maboganv Chsmber Farattare osw styles and t-lfpJ st received this week from Ifew Tork, aid for ail- Prices by lylS ycaj-Sy-- c0- $30 Eeward. RAKAWATfrera oa tke Md. a very IBeiy KIGRO GIKL.

BJLCHBL, brtubt eoler, aad mU at first alibi be taken fer a osl.ttol of krfiiB hie lit aid rather eennient, welihsaz. aboatiaOor IlScoands. She may be 1 irklag akeat tbe rrae aerra deas ef ihe city, bat I am feartal tbe wM ea- dearer to get oa aome rpjer coaatry beats. I weB girt tbe above reward. If delivered te me at Mrs.

Mssm. oa Second street, er lodged In JalL SAM P. BBAD. Jyss-tt PROPERTY OWNERS AiD AGENTS. THE Asses'orabetn: aware that a targe asiennt et Beal Zstato changes oeceriWp yearly, and desire ci to list the ssme to tbe proper owners, argestly nqnest, that every owner or azeat will at osce furnish them wl a correct ll.t, glrlci tbe nsmber ef let block, front aad rear, fret aad depth, which will facilitate tbem very mnch and econsmue time la a rr few dais, tbey will eater npen their dnty la the First Ward, ending la tha Elrhlh.

Address all commnmcatlou to tbe "City Assessors," asd deposlte the same at the Major's can or Post OSce. jy-im TO TBtSLCMFtUS: A BABE OPPOBTTJUITY. rHBpreperty known as Shelby Military Institute, is afered for sale It is sltaatea atteea miles Bast of Memphis, on tbe Memphis and Charleston Railroad, atd within a half mile ef OermantewB. the property cco-slits ef one hundred acres sf land, half of which la Cleared. ThsbalSdisnoaasutortheCollececdiace.whlchls roomy asd well arranged, with all the necessary accessories I a residence aad an tbe assal ont handings connected with a ant dais cdacaUcsal estabtUbmest.

Oa place is a aaH orchard of cbeica frail, tbe best ot water, Tbe location la high aad dry, and one of tbe rcojl bealthv In the State ot Tennessee. Tbe sm-roand-icg coaatry la dellghifal, and settled by tbrtrtni lowns of wealthy, interiueat and hUhly lespecUble claaa af people The place ht teccme favcratly known, asd already enjoT, an extenslre patronase. bat which might be even greatly Increased it la wo it by tbe attention of aa able Teacher, who. ander proper management, end aa cnlcteat cesrseof Instruction, with complete success. Por farther partlealars, address A.

r. McnMKXT.Trartec. Geratstows, Teca far M. D11T6I, illl miLiiis (toccxaaoaa to lamb, Tovirn a co.) WHOIiESAIiE AND Booksellers- AKD ja7 jL JL TO H. Main street.

Memphis, kteper sale at tie lowest yrlcr, a larf asaertmea sf JAW, 3IEDICAI TOE0L0GIC1L, SCHOOL AJiD ailSCELLiEODS BOOKS. AIM, rise edttseas ot ibies and Prayer Books. le eesry rsrietf 1 btarttng aad star, aad receive regajariy all tax aew w.rts la ifieT depsrlraeata rf Lite- i tiers. SCHOOL TW reireeHotly sartu te aUeattoa ot SCHOOL TEACH very exteaties, coraerlslBg tke tbe BXjjKTS. ThHr atcck ef BLAK3Z BOOKS as ceasefe rabrutac ererr description et ACOCffHT, BBOOBO aad KBMeV BAH POM BOOKS.

Ertry variety et aad Paaey Sial lea-ry. taetedleg Wrttleg aad WrsppUg Pspera, Steed Pee ef every do- serietssa aad price, lak.Q ilila, Ac tTT BeAesiVrs. Merehsate. Tsacaers, Lskrirte aad School Ceeaartttccs sepptted'albeaMst reasoaaMe terms. X3T taatry Merekaeu will Sad aaeh la their later st Uparebaas or at rather skaa la tke Bast, aa they east stMsia ceaoj traea ae ta saia I oaaaiauea as aeeseo, as trMltwaOaa Xorht i' (C0.

A CAItD-XEsV FiriU. Ibarethtaday tateeialed with me ba tke AacUea aad Cemmlastoa btMaeu, Mr. J. O. HOLLAHD.

The ttyte at tko Arm will be G. D. LOCKE CO. TMsarrsegeaeatwsfl eatable ate te derate my easlie stteeMeat tke Seal Ketate bwetawee, la all Its vartena braaeara. Mr.

HOLLA KD win sire bis aaWitd atteatlea to other kwtaets taf nsairdto tke area. I bespeak ler tkesi a eeatsaaaaee of tke Itberal pstreaaie ksrilolarereeelTed by me, G. B. LOOKX. Aprflld, ISM.

a. a. C. BOLLAIO C. B.


We are faBr prepared te attrad to Oeastgameata aad sales st everr desertettea. All goods aa store wniba charged wfefb lBaeraaee, oaleae eeberwlee dbected. BTuaaesa aae; cusnHsaixsMxa aessccsee. uaerai cash advaaces made ea OaaKamta. 3Iamimth Cotton Sbed for Rent.

have Jer reat the iarke aad aoeamodloaa CoMea Seed sltasied ea the aorta sbfe et Adams street. acar tbe Merapfeit av Obar estea Bsltreag Dep t. at pras-rat oerapsedby Birby, Busser at rtfk. If Bet seated pitvatelr. It win be rented at aactloa ea SI IBM) AT, me ar abcbu.

at ia crcsscx A. aloar Aoeusa Beeeu, 3f3 Mala street 9 B. UHStZh.Cn ifSS-t Aaetiawers aal Beal BsUie Broken. Eccine and Boiler fur Sales w1 bare toy sale aa Xanae et XS-borae power, nearly a-w. Alia a Sae bo.Iar.

all la aeod order and ws-rsa'edpwtect S. LOCKS at HT7 lw A n-t tea-era and Bal Keiata Broker. Kor Lease aatll July 1. 1S65. ALT near Bayaa Gsyeaa la Ike ao'thera part of the rlty.

eentasa 1 acres aa tab far maaefse-tsrtez parposee. Jyn-lw Aadioeeers and Beat "Mtate Brekrre. For Rent fTIWO new ResMesees, Jast Subbed, em-ale- BK sex reesseacb, cte'era. ax aMatted In taeSreeolaw AeMitea Kertk-ra Measakts. Tbey win be netted lew te a good aed paaetaal teases Alse, twa reefcteBcrs ef three noma each.

L'XTCS it iyTT'Iw A'aetbweers aad Bea! Bsla'e Brokers. Residence Lots For Sale or Barter Wk! bare for ale fonrkts. X' 17. fS aal 19. kavlec a frot.t or feet rack Msaroe a'reet.

br a depth of Mo f.ct oa Wentegtoa stree' to aa aBer, betas a part ef Ik preferty aetd br J. A'meer. Shj. Tbts ptaawcty Is very ale aad eMbh'y altaated la a good aelgkbs'kao We win se 1 aa asaal Ilea er extbaBfe fer Bry Seods. A ksrf aaa en be bad tt early apattea-llea la asade to 6 B.

LOCKS A CO IvX-lf Aactteaeers aad Reel Kits te Bret srs. Lota in Greenlaw's Addition For Sale. WKeswrfvr ale a great bargain fer ibertUeM, Lois and SCO, Baetacatr-Btot IMS feet oa Steth slreet, by a depth ef abeatSM feattothe old Baadelpk Bead These tots areeslgsby located a good Beiakbseheed, eaabedtTt-ded to adraaAaae. sad will be s4d at a great bargain, eartp aaadwattoa Is made to 8 B- LOCKS i CO yawK-tf A eitrBeers aad Bel Bstale Broken. VANCE STSEET LOTS.

For Sale, Beavr for sate lotaS aad la bseck 11. hiring a -r rw res ea ia aorta in: er Taacestreet. kyadrpc ef SS feet to Bresa's Awaae. These lata eaa be "letded a aa to kaee lvo freota ea Vance street aad t-pe teeals ea BewBs Aveanae We wBl sett tkem tsgetker very taw far cask. srKs.1 short tame paper.

S. B. LOOSE iraalS-tr aettoan rs aad Real XeAate Brekers. Lease of Residence ob Gayoso Street For Sale. WB sffT fer sale at a g-eat aeerata.

to aa earvr ap-pllceat, a lease ef a 14 sttaaUid tke tertk sase Seyeeu street, bet weea Shelby aad Ma streets. The IA I eats S6H feet Say street, by a depth with a fraase rsssaiace A neeu, lichen aad sen aale' ia, caetsfB, all ba ged order. The lease wtl expire oa tke Mta Car ot Oebsber, 1S. O. LOCKS a.

Jaal5tf Aaetssaeers aad Beal Bstale Brekers. Lease of Store on Shelby Street For Sale. TT7E hsve er sale a ktas eaeeriac ea tke 15' day ot October. MM Tb lot fiaata tt I-It feetas tke ca'tslde ef Shelby street, betwe-a Vbsm aad Oayea atreeU byadtaxbof Mo feet toaa alter. HtstmproTed witk a brt store, lw storto Mgb, aad baa a gscd cellsr.

Is at pceeeet oe aaw by Mr. J. Golgawd, aa a variety store. A great barara will be ajtea. It early spaweallaa madr to OB LOCKE at OO JaalS If Aeetioaeer aad Beal Bslsle Brskera.

WanteiU mo Hire, a KB6RO WOMAN, who I a K. I Washer aad Iroaer O. B. LOTCK 4u CO iHTlt-lf AneeiAaeera sM Reel STOTES, GR1TES, TLAIX JAPAXED La4low's aad Wlachdl's Wax rnuir can i Also Harrison's Pateat Kitchen Store, ALL SIZES. Tiio OoloTornfocl WK0TJGHT IE ON STOVE, FOR Steamboats, Hotels, noarding Houses, And Family Use.


The Saint and BU Sarlear, by Snargeea; Tb PrtceUle a. Piactice Baptists The Literary Atlrseltees sf the BsMc. by Tt alter The Knowledge et Ged, abtectlTely caasUered by Breck-tarKgel Tb Mew Tork Paiplt la The Beviva et ISSS I GUapseaof Jesns, ty lalfern; Grace Trvatan. by Ford Tbe Prince ot tbe nre at Dtrtd Woman's Life sad Mt-sten, by Meeadi A Poor FrBow, by anther ef Which; Sermsru fer tbe New Life 1 OHMotatiea.brJ W.AJetaaderl OKtrnW, AH tbe above aab had ef 3d GKO. PATTeSOK Austin's Ice Cream Freezer APBISn supply jast received, wita teuB Tats, re-qalrlng leas Ice and labor thaaaay other ityle.

Caa be teen at lrl TNGBAHAM fc. LB US'. Petition for Divorce. Mary Ana McGee, VI. Jam's McGee.

the Circe It Coart ot Shelby at Balclgh. IT appearing to the aatlifactlsa ot tbe Clerk, frost the Petition i cersptalaast 13 this btbalt filed, dnly twera to, that lh defendant, Jame McGee, I a nonresident et tb Bute of Tcuneseee It la ordered that pcbHcatsen be maaa ta the Memphlt Weekly AprXAL. fer thirty days, revjolrlar said defendant James MeGea Io appear at tbe next term ef tbe CirccK Court of b(hy casnty. TtnaeMie, ta beheld at the Coart Bess la tb ttwa of Balstth, en tka tblrd Msaday la September ntit, tbea aad these, within tbe Sret three days ef said term, to n'ead. aaswer.

or demnr to the coraalaetant's bat. or tbe same wlB be taken fer oasessed and Mt fer beting ea-partt Witness. M. D. L.

Stewart, Clerk of ssld ciart. ale tca. th 19th day or Jaly, lSf8. jiSl-Sawlm M. P.

L. STBWABT, (Bark. OE SHOHG'S PICTURES Still all tne Rage. PBB30N3 wliklm tb best style tbanM not flU to fSv him a call. Hs is saw assisted hy MU.

G. 31. TH" AS, who I acknowledged ta ba co of tb best artist ta tb Stole. Beoember tbat SeSnong' bai tb exdrslv right of Memphis forth Melalnotype Patent. His OsHery 131 Main slreet ojwltotbe.Wersaaa Ill- IF1- S.X3jEiS.- jfe.

ITIioIesalc and Jtetail -3 1 USALEB IK "firl BOOKS BBS Uelr aMeHaveatet SCHOOL BOOKS, wbfch it meet varasMe wet a aaw la tn, BOOKS! taert stace, aaa at a smaa aaraace ea aiern cow. DALTOM. KIRK k. WI rfLLIAMS. NOTICE, HATIKO retired (ion the Anctloa Baslacas.

the aa ID MsdlaOB street, by A. 8. LEVY A. E. FRANKLAND, Uader tbe stfte aad Srm et -i3l.

S3. Xil-iVV cJtJ OC3. CeBBBsies4i SeHcitesL Aecerjat Sales cb-aWti presiptlj. A 8. LEVY irS-2(m 1.

X. CALDWiCU Memphis. Tees. a. woaxsrr Tmio r.

Lata ef Korth Alabama. CALDWELL PATTERSON, AUCTIONEERS. General Ageats Real Estal Brokers, RECEIVING, FORWARDING COMMISSIONMERCHAHTS, 190 Mala oyp. Worsbaa Hoaje, 3IE3XFUIS, IE.1,1. WILL gtra parttcalar atteailoa to sale of 0TTT a OOPMTBT PBOPBBTT.

MBBCHANBtSB, kc. Proa the laeg ezperteaca ef oar J. X. Caktwsa la ths baatBess, feel aasarsd that winbesbtotoglveaatlafsctleatoallwbo peiraBbe aa. Hartag a large aad saadoaa Beat, weB and cestraatr lecatsd.

we mpectfaUy sesscH trem ear Mends aad tke paMle their pa tnaege, promutag avdck sale aad prompt paymrat. AU Seed Is store under lasaraoc nalees otkersrta directed. Liberal adraacea on esastgameats. IeS-1t A SHORT WALK THAT PAYS WELL. OX MadUi street, seerad dser Bast et Main, la "a Cheap Cash Book Store." where as aceanataf tb towaess et rent, ihe adptlna of cash systsat.

etc, yea stay obtain oka aad statteaery sawer hereto-lee offered ta this marki is -a wUI aad a larg atsonaieat of seiret aad chose atiaceBaaeeas weeks, sew aadesd, Beel books, Bs.ig1eas Book', books to ask jeathlakaadtokeep ya mat tbtakleg i books it bus yon laagk aad to mate yen cry to pat yea to Bleep and keep yon awake i Booka fer yoar boa aad far tb toSTBy C-U aad exaaita for yoarselree, asd take ear word Par K. tbat It will pay tbaa to taraasbto froa Mala wish tu basU-, lta high reit aad high pf bees. lytTHB BYUHDEH COnON GIN I A Ageacyot thltjostly celebrated Cottoa In had rV. last beea estabUtbed at the store ot MeOsmbt, 147 Mala lire ia tktt city, br Mr. X.

C. Clark. Tbe prtartpal adTaBltt-s ef tbta 8 la. are: 1 It will Bat cat, break, er kaap the staple, thereby esherctBC Ihe vala of Oattea over the Saw Ola Cotlca traa to 3 eea's per poaad. It la prac tea ly aseertatael that by gtrtnr tt the a -se atteatloa gives to the Saw Ota, wtttpredac rrm three to fire bsga per day, aad I adapted to the aave ceartag.

reasJrlrCB nor power. Planters aeed set be partlcalar la gathering tbstr Gotten, aa It reject balls, stteks, Ac, with the Seed, wtthoet tojen to tbe Cla Mat i The liabtlttyefsBjary lathe gtaser whB teadleg tke Saw Gta" Is ia this Gffi entirely ebrtsled a properly all who valae ged haada wlB aspreclato S. It Is lest Habte to get ont repair erdaK, aad whea dn, easily shaTpeaed, simper by befdeng oa the cylinder, while raaataz, a snail sire- at grtadstoa. t. Cettea cat be paad with this Gta ta a tsaeb awre dseap a.

ate tbaa la paaslM wltk tke Saw Ola. Taet advantages eaabla aa to assert wish fast seel-deace, tbat no practical Piaster eaa fall to tee Hs iape-rtorty. riaaterswiu always 2nd Mr. wkea tke Ola will pat In BuHtoa aad xksHedter jsaw aa ssex. JyTT lw C.

dialler Optician MAXUPACTCBBK OP A XKWLT ISTXXTBS ASD IMPROVED SPECTACLE. jSgcr' SSAL3BIK jTTe CL01KS, WATCHES AXD JEWELRY, 13 Madisoa St, Bet Maia aod Frost (Oppetllk CHbeas' Baak,) t- 1 1 i ftt SPOBTaMIX aad acker advanced la years, whom ts la getttae; to be dtsa. rrra at a distance, caa be stted with the lapraree S.tacks. as to eaabla tkatoaee the aaeststch oa tbeir Blfie aaweH a object caae taerabi dtetaac ot. Namervc ccsiplalaU ef perseas who bare beea tspesed apca by nnprlndpled la-dlvktaal tkrk be eeaalry pretending to be my Ageata, reader It Becassary tbat I tboa.d caattoa the paalsc against aseh veadtre, and protest oy repatatioa.

I hare Be Agrats nor win I sasr iay Spectadea to be sdbrpersoBshavtag bo ot tbe rye, I my persona! experteser la cenateUaa with these sapertor Qlataes tbat reader sach nntvenal sailtactlea. K. ypeetaolea accnrately adjastet to tbe eye so a to eaable the wearer tepsraue the Btott mlaata esptey-awat. either by day er eand sHcht, with perfect saae aad saUsfactloa, witbeat occaalsniaz tbat ens ot weakaea or fatlgce to the orgaa generally cereplalaedot. Staase laeerted ta eld frames.

Clocks, Watches aad Jeweler caret ally repaired at short notice and warraated aatlsfae-bwy. jaal7-dtwaw3pty I WAXT ABOUT 2,000 DOLLARS, Daring ihe next three weeks. To get it, I wM aeH At Coat or Less Than Cost I Sssae ot these WATCHB3 are tbe best the aurkrt, aad can naw b- boagkt for AT LKAT SAO LB6S THAN, TBBIB VALUB, aad wamat aU right T. 2TOXL, JylTlZw No US MaraaUeeU COTTON PLANTEES! Attention! A COTTON GIN FBBDXB that win sere tbe labor ef a bead al every Cotton Gin to which it may ba attacked, tha asipeaslsg with feeding by band, (a very tajarteas practice to tha das attendant,) la certainly a-deslraktesWeet. Besides whKh.

the Feeder wBt remove a large pertsoa at tbe dast, dirt, hatt, etc treat tbe esttaa, before It inter lb Gin. tbas Improving the qaa'tty aad sample" of the cot tan. that war ba an-othrr important point. I etaun thai oy Eclipse Cotton Gin Feeder w31 accampltsb the abore results I have Letter Patent fer It, bearing date October It, 1S57. I aa wllllag to pnt np one ot them ta a neighborhood, that n-antera.

stay se fsr themselves whether it wW benefit Ibeo et not. One ef them Is now oa exhlbiloa at the Lard OJ, Soap aad Candle Factory of P. Prescolt at Memphl. (b treat of Cestmrrch I Hotel,) wbee any ons can see It pat tneperatbn. Plantera visiting Mtmpbla areara- lily reqneated ta cB as abare directed and tnvesTlgata lta merits.

Far farther partfc alar aJdrrss tbem JBDBOIAH PBJCSCOXT. jytdawga Pateate. Notice. fiT11' Bffsre HaraeF. Hat, 3.

T. Seat SSpmaa. jAtUchmert.iamrtaiiea-rasldeot THB defeaeaat la hereby netlned tbatwehaeestakea oataa attachment his properly I that she as baa beea exreated by aetxiBc spoo IS boxes ot merchandise, aad oaa carriage, aa his property, aad la re-laratd before Home HiH, far SbIby coeaty. far trial tbat at tbe ead of tlx months from this. Sd Jnty.

ISM. said attschmeat wttt tried be fere aald JbsUc ef the Peace, at hla oflce la the city ot Memphla, whea aad where the raid defeadast is rrqalred to appear aad defend hs cant. WEBB at. BAWLING9M JyU-w For Sale, A SMALL LOT aadKESlDBKCB, saHable fsr a small famBy, Immediate east of tbe ctiy. 73 ii a gooa u.s era tnx.n no piaee, i as weH as a good xanS-a tpet.

For terms, apy at tke Appeal offlee. Jgst-jt. b. r. a.

cusiir. iHORGAIV CI2RISP, Ootton Factors AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 47 Fbont Row, Up Staim, Memphis. Tenn. Cf All CmUob coaelgned to ta will ba corersd by br.

S3iaaee, aaless alserwlse Inatracted JyZ7Hlawm -Hat Esta strangers" INQUIRE. HATS th nleaeer to anroosce tb dtlrena J. of Memphis ana tamandtBg that I bare taken the earner atore. No. i9l.of that flnt block ol balldlas saw la coarse erection oa Msla stree called Bitakley' Bow, lstmedlaU'ty la tb rear of Messr.

Lowbm, Orrin ICo'l Hanlwar I prapoeeta open oa the first or Oetobe-next, A PIBST CLASS HAT AND BAP BTfABLHHMBNT, aad Intend keepisgcostta ttyoaband a XAOSiricraT ajibbt-hikt ef Good bs my lias, erabrsetag every tijletot "ATI. CAPS. M1SSBS and CHILDBN3 FAjiST GOODS, LADIES" PUBS. BTC. Havtog svere facblty tor djtas haatnrss, with msay yeara expeneace, aad bavtnr made arraagemeBt wjtt he best aad meat tasty maBSfactarers, I sbaB at all times be eaabled to keep np a taB aad cestpttte Mae of Br derotM altentlen, and a tmeand cerrect mode ef tnnsactrag bnslnees.

I hep to seear tbe confidence asd pationsgeoftbeelVsenaef Memphis aad thotarronnd-ini toantry. Farther partlcalar tn fntnr adreitlse- rneata. IrST-dtf sraerly of Patersberr, Ta, JnlyJJ, 19. To the Stockholder of th Sontaera Piciao Jt.breil AGSxBALeairting of stockboMera wbbkrVl Auntae, SSxt, ea tb day r5t- Bttslneef great importaac. wi brfh to th ttentl.B of I later.

SteA The sateipris promise. an tbatbubMnetotaed for It hv It Boat ealbnslastle aad extravagast advo-ealea i Its past mages3nt haa been maiksd by errer of tb growest character, bat any yet, be wise ceaa-aaa ard gDod maaagemsat. la frrtnr snad to ami the ierexpeetUoos of 1U friend. This I -ta. abortrsUUstsBd ebesptst realVcoaBeeted byralway.

of tbeAUantioaBdPaetasoceaas. Tbeprettbrsbee becoBatrrrtlTcaarttBtrprld tt. sMttered sucltbeld'r over tweatystx Stale et lbUoU3.s ireal larvtee by BetHtnr th- for a aTeaXaot bJders.oa ttely or AagMl, J2e?" VjaSTr I 5. 1U ft, ix- k. a 9 as i in i fl i 4M 1.

orw3w7 "WTwrjLii4-lp Proorliters. fit, Loali, K9T I- Jip3? pa. ST Aisl It..

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