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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 4

Memphis, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9B b1 THE MEMPHIS SUNDAY APPEAL -JAiSTIJARY 19, 1 873 jtAKB PFBA HOI I'roprletor Joint a. Bmviisis M.siuess answer. pew I II rUtif and Stage Muarr t. Wi UaVH FOR six MOHTV ASH ONE MATINEE. Tbf talented Comedian, It B.

BISHOP. ho will appear JIQMia) AND TUESDAY, lu the society play of I PPM IKK AND LOW IK TWEMTT. HTestr.ssa'ay. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Matinee ami Night In the luc new play. entitled -AVAR (Llllll 1 T.II'AY BK.NKKIT OF MR.


Mr. T. B-TurnbiiU respectfully unnuunc the appearance of THK liRKAT VIOl-TN VIRTUOSO, oti: MtUI TW'i GRAND ISCEIITK, Friday iwl fMlnrdaj I January -Uh liRASP MATINEE ON P.M. Children under ten. half-price.

sj.t..t following eminent and pop alar Artists: M' it RA.7.IKL.1.A UI1KJWAY, Sora so. -lONOF. FERRANT1, Bauituki Comic. JOSEPH H. DKNCk.

llAMST AND OlSDVCTOB. Hie coucrt will commence at o'clock. Vdnusslon, One Dollar. Reserved seats Oft nu es.lra.lo be obtained at H. U.

Hotlet-: rga Great Music House, iti sud sti-et, on aul January 21at- rhe Ursiii Piano 1 ortes used at toe Oon rts an irom the ct ielratsl manufactory oi Wm Kuala- A Baltlmore. -n I I i BALL. THE I la ill alnnf I'rntellaiira I Oil tana WILL GIVE ITS Mean annual ball WANT. OO.i a private faintly, near to business, terms if be moderau-. Addrew JaAJ MER1DKTH, Appeal ofc--.

on COTTON PICK ERs At II 35 pw Ou 1U wood -choppers al 11 90 per cord. Ap-ply to WM.DA RDIK sire- IOT-A cash pores.ser tefouiid for a small bnlldmg lot aTwrnl SO feet front, convenient to teslosSs, addressing CASH, oare of Appeal, giving location and price. AWVS-A good wagon. Address second-hand two horse ITS SecoDd street. I nation: write to Panola War.

Harlls. Miss Hiving reference, as none need aisrilv r.n! ell recommended for sobriety, jadti 1O0K For a small family at No. 2 Deloto street Jals i-KT I lls'. -Atipij at TT Jala POPLAR HT. OITUATWN-As Smallpox Nurse by an in- 0 telllgeni negro bov, sixteen years old N-.

1 servant; reference. Dr. U. Thornton. Ad-drew C.

V. care Dr. o.lice. 3W Stssond st SITUATION As Overseer on a plantation: can L-lve good reference and furnish some i.snds a ild res OVERSEER, this offlce. KKAM That can cook, want and Iron.

Api'lv at "usj North secnint street, Mill and Orevnlaw street. jals To purchase a second-hand En W. H. 11CTTS- mill. IN-INK Zt liin-.

cylinder luxli-lnch hoiv. Apply The applicant was raised In the South, slid nau ne years experience. Address J18 T. M. care thl- office.

NTRl'tU'REHK A young lady who is ct-1 pahle of giving Instructions In Urn I.itln, Uerman, French, aa well as matin inaticB, 1 deMlrmis of giving le-sons to chiJ-dreh at their parents' residence. 'I'he betcli ierences can b' glvn. Plea addres. Jalb K. V.

.1.. at thi' ntlice. experlencsl gaitleuei Wertone with falililx Die- rred flu accoiniudaUons In ihe way use-riMui. To one who undersisn ls tln a spleiidl'l opportuultv Is oiler' Vpply to ISTis Front street, up-stairs. ja GARDENER An VJ aud frufl CRIME.

Accitlo.t to a Lit crv StaMc rr iir. tjt. Tfcp System or Heath Hi ailly Aitagnlt A lotich Head DmnK and Drowned Aa AwfVit Story TIip ilniiot-t hd AscvimIbs 'ptnrea. muni PormatlOH of a Dlatrlel Grand Lodge Intrresllng Ceremonies The Public Invited. HAMl TT OFF.

An accident tK-cnrretl in Mareliali's livery HUtble, yt-Htenlay. by which one of the hostlers loett his haiitl. He was i Kriudinjr or cutting hay, and, being I stiff atid awkwanl, owiufr to the cold, allowed his hand to come in the way of the knife, and that inemtier was fearfully ga-hed aud hacked: an im mediate am-! utation became neceeaary. The man is doing well, being otherwise sound and heart v. A SHAM OVER THK EVE.

It may, perhaps, be of some intercut i the jieople of Memphis to be informed of the fact that a new District Grand L'CHjge of the Independent Order of H'nai Kreth, is aliout to be iuauguruted in this city. The formation of the District Grand I-rfalge in our miitet is a fixed fact. Hav-im; obtained a charter irom the Constitutional Grand Lodge of the Htete of New York, the delegates to that body will assemble at the Hall of Kuphrate's Jjodge this morning at ten o'clock for the purpose of organization. Mr. M.

KUiuger, the eminent editor of the Jncith Timet, who has arrived in the city as representative of the Constitutional Grand Lodge, will proceed with a public installation of the officers of District Grand Laiire No. 7 at two I o'clock in the afternoon, this day, at the Hall of Euphrates Lodire, corner of Second aud Adams streets, at which Squire Miller had a tough time of it i the members of both Congregations of yesterday, trying to ascertain what was this city and the public at large are lit Al.KNTS' PROFITS per i '0 I ill prove it or fori, it IW. week prove it or forf it Nev articles Just patented, samples -s-nt tiee all. Address W. H.

CHIliEMTER, Ja" 3ST Broadway. New York. SEtXJNls-HANIi FVRNITI'RE, PMMben and Honsehold Ooods of all kinds, bouiit.t i at second street. H. T.

SINNorl. SAXE OR EXCHANGE. kKHRAN II ALL, WedBcaalay, Jaonary 2a. 173. "Tickets of admission.

Si; Ladles BOOM'S tVINS ARSII ADAM OPERA HOl'BK. MasAiiF.i' Stage Manaofi. thf. lakoest and bekt IRItTt THEATER IN THE WtTB We nave made arraagemeoLs to nave the LEADING STARS APPEAR DC RING THE SEASON. ADMISSION: and Dress Circle eewis Family "in-ie and Colored aa cents tRANKLIN HoTElj- Kor city nroperty.

1 a good river plantation, the Irauklii Motel, at ToacLmhla, Alabama. The bnlldiny is substantially constructed of-brick. thre stories high and has sixty is occii)o by a good tenant, and is the most jKHiular stand on the Memphis and iTiarleMe Railroad. Apply to jaL'i GCY, Mi LELLAN CO. b'ARM-My farm on M.

and C. K. 11.. Utt mllee from Memphis, of ju acres; it has I jew cottage of i rooms, with all necessa: ut-bulldlngs, plenty of fine water; will sel: n'nltnre, stock, agrlcultnral Implement-' will vxcUANOa' lor well improved cii property. For terms, apply on the place.

rto J.J. WILSON. 286 Front. LOST. FOR SALE.

('GAR-STAND A newly located cigar-stand, on Main street a bargain for cash 1 nnuire al S7SS Main street. Jalf LA-All size I Qnackenbosh-i HODRES housei the city al-o, liomas avenue, ne a ery desirabl any of toeav- wil time. I to Jal7 at lowest rates, at M3 Second street. del LAND-Vacant lots; also, and lots in different part-three acres of land oi. lear Chelsea Bnck Chiircl'.

ble farm near Memphis. All ill Ik? sold low for cash, or targnlns will be given. Ap-THoMASt LEONARD, Main street. POODLE IKXj On the Htb. a very small I white poodle dog.

hair long, answer- the name of Llllv; reward. Jieturn It to Bradford atreeC jals On Christmas night the pend-Lj ant of an ear-ring it is gold, oblorn; -litiped, and has two gold leaves above an rp-ple of coral; four dollar- reward will be patd tor its return JalT TO THIS OFFICE. STRAYED. t'LES AND HORSES- For sale at Plantei --Hie isi. Ne.

ss Jefferson street. tdw EC KAN KNoTTs. RE-1DENCE Mv 2 sfory frame residenc. lu the town of Raleigh; house contalr seven rooms, with ont-houses. and good of water; there Is a livery stahle on the which rents lor S9J per annum.

The in 'intalns nearly two acrea, and Is all unde sxl fence. It is one of the most eligible and slthy locations the county, being con Hi- to the mineral springs. For terms ap I on the premlaes, or to W. Mesalck. Attor-i ey at-Law, No.S; Madlsou street, city.

Title I- rfect. HENR R. H'LlEK. raEALC STP.KET LJT, between Main Bad It sheitiy. s.

Hkick sTonKilofag and 'WiLuiAi, on -in, B-ale Great offered to an tmmsl1ate pnrchaaer In lit these pieces. att KO sTKIl, TRFKVANT A CO. AND 2si acres of land in Scott count. Bolivar county, Mls- acres ri coat land in Georgia. Fiti earticolsrs call on.

or address NEWTt'iN, car. lUrbour Sinipiu. Jif second Memphis. I.ANTAT10N On the river, fifty miles b. I loa Memphis, lor sale; rents pay ovei even per cent.

on the price asktsl. Imiuir i Ed. Taylor tat Tayi -i Rutland's) or of R. E. TAYLOR, 'as at Holly spring, M'.

E1C. At a tntrgaln. a ock aud furniture, itt Clarendon, Ark. pply at Main street. Jas ES1DENCE A new and haudsolnely lue proved residence at Gill's station.

2' east of tiie cit on Memphis A- Chant-Railroad, and in a splendid neigh's, r- od. Apply to a SOCTHLRN LIFE INS. CO. ML'LE Saturday morning, on Third stre- one bay mare mule, fifteen bands hicli had a cotton rope on her neck. A liberal ward will be paid for her delivery at City stn-iles, -i Monnset.

J. A. FORREsT PERSONAL. NI RSE An experienced g. Ueman nurse can be obtained by addie W.

P. Appeal oltiee. ng FOR SALE OR RENT. justice in the case of an assault aud battery- that was iiefore him. The coin-pltiinant in the case had a deep gash over one his eyes, which was inflicted hV a stick or a brass knuckle, or some-tliiug of thai sort, and wantsl to Most i ttte the individual that did it to the Utmost pimilij of the law.

Tiie case was long anl learned well as blood. Tiie injtireil jiarty was assaultiil without pioViK-atiou, and the blow aimed might have proven his death lunl his skull U-cn a little lliituiei: It was mere airident or gtssl luck UuU saved his life. The 'Souire -i-nt tiie guilty party to jail. IIIK "sHSTFM OF DF.ATIl" FRK11. Tiie "three guardsmen," Marengo, smith and Scott, wen fined fifty dollai-by the Itecoider, yesterday morning, for i being iurrants.

Uue of the party, I sttiith. bad a small pile of one hundred and forty dollars, out of which he BjH be would ay his own tine, but not tin fine of the other parties. This is how thieves stick to each other in time of need. Chief of Police Vance, of Little Kock, sent over a message to Captain Athy, yesterday, which laconically said, "Let Marengo Joe go." This is how such fellows are allowed to go from town to town unmolest mL No one wauts to oe troubled witli tln m. Marengo pickeii ui his saddle-bags aud his traps, aud -i.

awuy last night with In- pals unceremoniously. DEADLY A mau of the name of Ed. Hurt, and another of the uame of Andy Caldwell, aM into "a little difilculty" at the; Isiardinghouse of Karuey Cox, on Pop-1 lar street, yesterday at two clocK, uur-mg which Caldwell pulled out a pocket-kuife and inserted it between the ribs of the other party, just uuder Hart's heart. The latter was taken to the City Hospital at once, as Dr. Otey pronouueed the wound dangerous, while the other fellow flex! toward the river, but took a detour afterward that brought him on the track of the Ohio road.

Sergeant A lata aud a policeman were after him, however, aud captured him just us he was limbering out for a long tramp countryward. He is safely lodged in the statiouhouse. DEAD DRUNK AND DROWNED. The dreadful effects of too much raw spirits wi re never more startliugly illustrated than in the case of Louis Brown, a colored mau ho was iu the employ of Captain Powell, of Pauola county, Mississippi. Brawn had been to Bates-ville, thirteen miles away, on Thursday, doing some business for his employer: I had a wagon aud three tiue mules.

respectfully invited to attend. Hiese distinguished delegates will all lie entertaiued in a suitable and becoming manner. An invitation to a special performance given this evening at the Memphis Club Hall has been tendered them by the memlers of tin-club. A complimentary ball ieaieotobe given in their honor utider the BOapices of the Euphrates and Hiddekel Lodges, to-morrow Monday; eveningat the Club Hall. From tiie numlierof tickets sold, to the inemliersof the ohler principally, ami the unusual exertions made by the gentlemen compiling the Committee of Arrangements, who are to make this a great success, we cau assure all who shall have the pleasure of participating in this ball that they will itness one of the grandest atrairsof the season.

BLACK SILKS KEDCCED, COLOKED SILKS REDCCED, DRE8H GOODS KEDCCED, BLACK ALPACAS KEDCCED. At B. Lowkn.stlin Hugs'. ALPACAS! ALPACAS! Silken warf and pure Mohair Alpacas. Also Raven Alpacas, double-faced, at ii, "1 ami Kte, the cheapest goods yet offered.

The sale continues this week at MENKEN BliiiTIIK.tK. LAW HKPORTH. flrat circuit I'onrl-Helakell, Jndge. The January term of this court opens January 30, lha, at nine o'clock in the morning. ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE TERM.

l-'irst ImpauueJiug the juries. Second Answer of garnishees. Third The first twenty-five cases on the trial docket will then be called for trial, and until further notice thirty cases will be set daily for trial. Kourth Each Saturday of the term will be motion day. Fifth Writs of inquiry, returnable to this term, may be executed any Monday morning.

Especial attention is called to tiie following rules of court First No pajasrs will be allowed to be takeu from the files ithout a special order of tiie court. Seveuth No case will be tried in hich the pleadings are not fully made up; and if any such case is called for trial It will be continued at the cost of the party in default, or remanded to the appearance docket, in the discretion of the it, Eucaili But one counsel on each side of any cause shall address the jury or the court, unless by special permission of the court. Ninth Motions for new trials must Ik? heard on first motion day following tin-day on which the case is tried; i calle for hearing aud no counsel i to represent the motion, it will be disK.ssl of by thf court, aud will not altei'wanl Is: heard, unless lor matter arising since the trial. Tenth Bill of exceptions must Is made out aud preseuted to the court for signature within three weeks after the motion for uew trial is overruled. The following are the eases which will be i for trial Monday 7.

Massv -s et al: 10, Seaggs I vs Humes; 11, Stulmau vs Dean; 1J, vs lleloote: o. Weaver vs Wynu 34, Weaver vs Pearson Mc Millin vs Williams: 4,, Kogera vs Sexton; 51, Anderson vs Pattison; 58 Hillman Lrotber v3 Thomas; 65, Willi-i ford vs Moore; 6S, Houstou vs Ander son 70, Kaudall vs Co; 7S Massey vs Park Brown vs Xevils Kose; Kitcheu vs lobiu. Co; 89, Carhart Brother vs Walt; Klades vs BbeppBfd; 96, Smith vs Cole; lo-l State, Allen; 113, Horrigan Devalle; ll-, Adams vs Russell; li, Toof, Phillips A Co vs Rice ACougle: 130, McCower vs Jameson; 135, Duulap vs olf Kiver Pike Co. AMI SEMENTS. l.raMA Oo ralioaae.

As we confidently predicted, the nights of the Jiin Van Winkle performances by McWade were by far the most successful. The matiuee yesterday was also well attended. Taken altogether, McWade had a very fair week in Memphis, although tiie frost militated strongly atratust the receipts. This week Mr. C.

B. Bishop will appear as the deliueator of the upper ten and lower twenty of the world. He is said to le very entertaining in this specialty. The irros. The circus of Jim Robinson, which is so well known in this city, will aston ish the people here when it exhibits in mid-winter ou the stage of a theater, as it will this week.

The stage is now undergoing a change so as to provide for the "animals." the ring that is in course of preparation will be forty feet in diameter, ami uism it ten or ntteen and having done the business he was I horses cau cavort to their heart's con WJTTAUE-Of five room and out-houses. 4' acres land, situated two miles from city limits, on Poplar street pike; possession Immediately. Apply to ROBINSON, ja3 Vront street tent. Manager Short, who will lie chief ol this unniue show, is sparing neither pains nor cash to have the theater in a condition that will make Jim Robinson's mules smile The novelty of the I. kuris.

drugs TRAYED OR STOLEN UL.K On January dark mare mule, trim boilt, atxut it years olt. tall, full round forehead, mane anil tai: i raaohed. in a fox trotter, imcer and waJk- ver HerxonV farm, three mile wpV st of pa JaM LOCAL PABAUKAPHS. I 1 PE MrTTALr- Excellent for uabnltlnx Apply al HKKK R. tNiiIM A -horse power engine anu

altli pumps and a lot of lii-lucl, ply is ll. lnijutle al lei- ADAMS STREET. i aJTTON AND FARM LAN Itsi Within one 1 mile Horn 1. ake IV-pol Mississippi anl nnesMee Railroad), av ISO acrea of ex llenl cotton and farm lands anil Improve. sills; also, irtO near Korreat per re: also, two houses aud lots In suburbs.

B. B. BARNES1, leB -s Main street. for I I.KK AND UORHEeV-Always at t'i sw.utli Court slreel. J.

B. A1KU9S TO. I AN1 Eiglity-ta-o acres isDd lying ou. i quarter of a mile aotit of White's Htatlon. Memphis and ITiarleslon Railroad flflj -i acrea cleaied, Uilrt' acres of fine Umber, am residence and good oat-bouses.

Kor trtlier particulars apply- to e0 JOHN V. TITX'si. IP Jefferson street. 1LANTATIONS RESIDENt'E-BANKINO Hot'KKKonr valuable plantations In counties ol Bolivar, Coahoma and Iv.Solo, tiottse. J.

WICKH. s-s uiy residence and banking-house 34 ie4 i ANI -TKAM Mil. conslsUng of 10-hors. over engine and double-fine boiler indicator, whistle. Judsou aoveruor IB.

a-rtst-nilll of four-feet French burr elevators, conveyers, bolting appa wlthont Ihe houae, ail sound an inlng onier excepting grate-bars re new. offered for wuu. as no one attend suction; aud If It be not bargain 1 will pay coat of coming and ianE. at ru-ni ss-rton. twelve nines norti.

IClsT? H.K. REMBERT. ancbe and Ledger copy tf. del -Improved and unimproved, ol I i everv noalllv and any uuantlty etak farms, cotton farms, fertile aoll. a vallate Umber, very valuable water power, pnre I reanlml apiing ial llab-ponda with i.

varieties of fish; vuv HEALTHY ia- i. itt, ten or twelve mi lea north of Mem-l i is. on Big Creek plan ki-oad, and near Ia-cooah Railroad, now building, lor sale at i S5 an acre. Titles jss rfect before I ask a or will pay cost of examination to au wer of ablhtv and In'-grlty. For fnrther psrUeoimrs apply to Hon.

A. H. Douglass 1 "Tatar. Treaevant A Colonel J. Dnl're the Appeal, all of Memphis, or to lands and rovaelf on the premises.

ioJ' S. h. KKMBKHT. LA? UUea and ase for uotl Apply til Of various qualities qqiie icatlona, for ssV very low, or bat the snlch are R. 1.

HTIsELK, M. 'I phlS. FOR RENT. li OUSE ith nine rooms. Inquire at Jals TB 1 1 liss rj 1 1 rri tvf r.

1 HKEMBLV 11 ALL, -'Uti Main street, for eon i bails, etc. Apply I. D. CIAWA1 Iul uuder Hall. s-TUREk-No.

ii; aud 11 Main street; good location and cheap rent. JaW OTTAUE Two rooms and kitchen, at 2i Avery street. Applv jals stiTTAUE The Hwlss Cottage on I jal ppiy to t. BKtE WrTTAUl eoutai Apply at sheiby U1W, CT Main street. cottage ou 1 nlon avenue, looms, hall and kitchen.

11 avenue. Jmll IRONT ROOM -With a small bedroom at -i Mtched. furnished. If preferrisl also, a few dsv-DOnl wanted; references exchange.) fiply at 150 Main street. lall One laiwe residence, with ground, near state Female KURD, PORTER A I i.

if RON hMSJM up-staira. -l urnlshed; 3je Main arteet, Jaa MBKBUfAl ar milliner or Sewing Ma- WILU)X. COKK-KISJM-No. atreet. lie- Hon, Block store-room, suitable for lnsu-lanee otll.

oi banking-house. Apply to R. C. brinkLky, deS ss Maillson street. AND On the 1'oplai slrect turnpike.

on from corporation line, fourteen and ball acres oi uui.i, in a fine state ol clliu-aUou ouug orchard and large strawberry ej; a good house, of six rooms, is on the lace, and fine stable aud shed adjoining. iso, li large AHH. which I will cfl to U-H-nl. If dealred. For U-rms, apply to 17V hjtoII wvenue.

or lioyster A Treaevant. M. MAOEVNEY. it bit -rs iu- rllU A PPjl good ofllr Oompany'n tn the flttui UulLdlug flTkr del KJ rNHL'KANi No. 41 Madiann street.

sury Monroe -U wo large rroul offices, eccoiid-aiM, storage room, by A. "roatt atreet, between Madison aud del -Jajfe Ji'utirattd for Kebrti-1 try is full of excellent articles aud many line illustrations. Friday night was the coldest of the season in Memphis. 'ot an apple uor tti orange nor an egg escaped the freeze. Benzine even was frozen iu lamps.

The County Court appointed a Rail- road Tax Collector, iu addition to ali iliose- tax gatherers provided for ly our multiplied State, County and City enactments. Ole Rtill litis sltH.el the Assembli Hall a-tin- place in which he will ai-! Iss-ause of its central and euicnoe in internal arrHiigeiueiit-lor public At the raffle held last night for a fast mare, harness aud buggy, and a diamond piu, Jaratsj MtCuue won tin-ttnimal and buggy and Mr. O'Banuon won the pin. It was a jolly affair. Mansford, corner of Second and Monroe, lias received 111 ilftBlffi and other magazines for February.

His tables are well staked with the great dailies and popular weeklies. The Postmaster has made a decision that families, firms or companies cannot combine to rent postoftice boxes conjointly, but that one box-rent must be collected from each family, firm or com pany. These young men who are accused of making away with a lot of silver, Isidngin the stationhouse, refuse point! blank to make any communication to anybody in reference thereto. They an' the toughest customers the Chief has MM across yet. rhe Msters of ht.

Agnes are most happy in being able to assure their friends and the public that the report tn the effect of the small jsix being at their acadedmy is entirely unfounded, nocase, or even symptom of the disease having occurred among their pupils, in the community, or among their domestics. The nicest, most comfortable, smoothest shave that cau be enjoyed in Memphis, is given by Hilly Borg, who rutis the little tiarber-shop around the corner on Cniou street, a few doors from Main. The number is 32, and the place i- alway warm and full of nice customers on Aunday morning. All you afflicted j.oron who -tiller from unsatisfactory shave-, hail better call on Billy Borg. L'nion street, this morning.

A fashionable wedding took place the house of Colonel Jesse Forrest Wednesday. is daughter, Miss Fannie, was married to Mr. ('. Albert Jones, of 'nion street. Father Carey, of St.

Peter's Church, celebrated the happy event. He had the pleasure Wednesday of uniting two young hearts wiiom we hope will have a long and pleasant jouruey down rhe smiling stream of and that their days and nights mavis- full of happiness aud peace. -The great grocery house of Messr-. Fargaaou on Front, at the corner of Oayo-o street, is said to be the largest store from here to New Orleans. It has two basen.oute aud three stories of superstructure.

This firm does an immense tHisincss in the cotton and grocery line, and holds a deservedly high teptitation in the trading ami their inisiness reiationsex- tend over five or six adjoining States and even' where their status is as high as it is here, where it stands at A 1. feel pride iu possessing such commercial talent and integrity as is possessed by the firm of Fargasoii A Clay. United Btates Commissioner Philp had a lively time, last week, taking the depositions of two colored women, both of whom claimed to be the wife of a man long since dead. There was a bounty of one hundred dollars to be gained by successfully establishing trie claim, This the tid city A -si Ole Ball. now world-renowned artist on will give two concerts in this ay ami Saturday next, at the if Hall, Main street.

The en- leitaiumenLs will be such as Memphis people delight in witnessing, and Ole -cut io uo, ne niieu a jug wnn raw minor, the strongest he could get, and on his way home in the downpour of Thursday's rain, lie comforted his shivering soul with freouent drausrhts from the gurgling mouth of the jug until he thing will only Is? equaled, Pat says, i olistrepcrous and reckless. He I by the splendor of it, aud the show will i picked up two women SB the way, who le as good, if not better, than any the-I were bound for home also, with'whom atrical exhibition of theyear. The usu-' was a little girl. They got aloug very al comfortable heating apparatus and i well until they reached the vicinity of the other attractions of the theater will i I'ntoco creek." instead of striking "the be attended to. bridge, Louis got tangled up in the woods, and could not nor did not care to find the bridge.

Meeting a peddler near the bank ol the swollen creek, lie asKed bim if lie could not ford it. The ieddler replied in the negative, but i.otiis Brown wits not sal islusl with this. He said he knew Is tter: he would cross the creek anyhow; lie knew that creek. He drove ou and hesitated not enter it at full tide. The angry waters swept the mules away, and the wagon with litem.

Louis, in trying to extricate the animals, got diowned. The BMBJM and idtis of the vehicle got lKse, somehow and the luuies lieeame detached and were lost; but this misfortune saved the live-of the women. The youngest mie of the three, the little girl, caughT the decidual- i ranch of a tree, ami thus anchored the sailini; wagon-body until assistance (ached ihelu. Tiie three females, who were not druuk, were saved, while the male protector of the load, who was lost. Captain Powell lost -ix hundred dollars orth of property by I he accident.

THE 00 Deputy Sheriff Murphy ami that BMMt excellent detective Mat Shelby have taSHB bunting i the black scamps that made the deadly assault on the aged live or six weeks ago, and succeeded in arresting two of them out in the neighliorhooil where the deed Was committxl. They captured them on hriday, and are now in pursuit of the evidence to convict them Iwfore a court of justice. Bull is almost certain to have a tine house at each concert. The Assembly Hall is most convenient and comfortable for such exhibitions, and is so arranged that none of the merits of the tormauce can tie lost owing to bad acoustic properties or otherwise. The Italian Ball, for which preparations have beeu going ou for two months, will take place in Cochran Hall on the evening of Wedtc -day.

Those who desire to participate hail better get their tickets at once, a- the ball will be the grandest affair tbi- winter, Issyond doubt. The preparations are already complete. second Circuit Court llalsey. Judge The Januarv terra of this Court will convene to-morrow morning at half- past nine o'clock. Jurors summoned for the term must attend promptly The rules heretofore iu force prohibitinj the special setting of cases, and limit ing counsel in the argument of causes, will not be enforced this term.

Tuesday garnishees may apiiear and answer, ami for their failure to do so, judgments nisi may Is? taken ou any motion. 1 o-mor-row, after the juries are impanneled, the following ca-es will Is' tried ltt-raan vs Memphis aud Ohio Railroad Company; Smith vs Armour; 14, Warger vs Hume Boyte; son vs Myuatt; 0, ureeulaw vs wil liams; Ford vs Church 24, Wicker- sham vs Powlkes; if Smith vs Duvall et al: ill, Smith vs Duvall et al; 44, Cross vs Redford; 4ci, Jones vs Bennett: 4, Jones vs Beunett; Baird vs steamer Ocean Spray; 53, Windroth vs Dolbler et ux; Owen vs Joiner; 62, Smith vs Duvall, 'Algeoi 71, Robinson vs Nichols; 72, Mitchell vs Hester fc Lewis; 88, Healey vs Leath et al; 93, Greenlaw vs Henderson 96, Cogswell vs Klliott: 100, Copeland et al vs Witi-ter-mith; 108, M. A A. of Memphis vs Kerr; 111, Burnett vs Avers; 112, Doyle vs Breachett et al 117, Memphis Overton Hotel Co. vs Banuon; 118, Same vs Harrigan; 119, Same vs R-ckfall; 140, Jeorge Dixon, ex'r, vs Hunter: 141, S.

H. Hawthorne vs Hunter; 149, Kahu vs Bloom; 150, Finney vs Murray et al; Burchil vs Jacol; 166, McDonald vs Titus; 171, Kirtland vs McDowell: 17,, Wallace Kagan vs Wells; 175, Bowles vs Tavlor; vs Casteu 1 si, Sale vs Miller. FURS FURS FURSS! All kinds of Furs at less than cost al B. LOWEN8TE1X BROS'. For kkxt, a few excellent riHiius, suitable for business offices, or sleeping room.

Apply to OUY, Ml rl.F.I.l.AN DO. I. It. K. V.

I. Public Insinuation oMtlttcer ol It No. 7, I. B. the hall of Euphrates Lodge, corner ol second and Adams, at two clocK this evening.

The members of Isjtli congregations aud the public at large are invited to attend. MAKD1 UltAS. Pronanciamlento of Xomas, King of the Carnival, Lord of Misrule. Attention, Subjects! Prepare for the tireat Ercnt of the Tear 187t Remember the 25th of February. To our vac lned ami well-taxed subjects greeting It is meat, as is the custom among all Rulers, to dish up the past, and iu obedience to that produce the haslt and squeal 1872 the first of our has been fraught with many blessings; aside from driving sloth from our marls we have crowned the angels of peace, progress, and civilization, and sent them soaring, Jove-like, as triumphant harbingers throughout our realm.

No midnight brawlers made night hideous, whi i who. well armed, ran virus high. Peace, order and good will reigned supreme. We have caused thousands of strangers to tlock to our Court, who, aside from making known our prowess among other nations, have filled our coffers. We have been honored by pressing visits, from innumerable tax-collii-mrs and constables, old Sir Ice (Jorge, grand ilislccater of steam-boals and barges, gave us a swift and passing call, while the great metropolitan ox-introducer and equestrian, Old F.pizoo, did not pass us by.

Exposition trinity of bursted lianks friss concerts muddy street- unpaid BVBCM a promise of customhouse and jMistoftii-e the uninterrupted llow of that temperate leverage, lager beer in our capital, Hupperstown relief for tiie poor and coal two dollars and a half a barrel have marked our reign. We have encouraged immigration and boast an influx of spirit, both Botir- bonac and rostenau. ux iopui goes the hull hog on the former, and gm doubts are expressed as to the latter. Agriculture has not we claim a greater crop of dead beats and galoots than ever before, while our baudbox brigade aud chronic theater wedges are still hefty. The pistol has ceased its whit, aud the keno artist is heard no more.

What other benefits bestowed we leave to posterity and our creditors. And it having reached our royal ears that there has risen a base pretender, named Caste, who has issued patents of nobility to the rich, and would usurp our crown, now by the alove benefits bestowed upon the nation, and the power in us vested as Momtfs, king of the carnival, graud inaugurator of Mar-di Gras, most puissant protector of orphans, grand dissolver ol codflsh-tocracy, Professor of Keddisliecher, and LL.D. of allf heap universities, we banish the traitor and his cohorts, and, by our knightly haiidom, deeming merit the true test, and all others false titlis-tleeils of nobility, we have commanded that the great Exposition Building shall be our court, where we will receive the highest and lowest in our kingdom, Mardi Gras, February 25th. And to do them honor have we made known our pleasure to his Excellency the Chief Squire of the United States commonly called the President, his Cabinet Legislators Senators ami Representatives of our nation, the wise, the great and good and we propose to do the thine Brown to our worthy Gov ernor and the General Assembly of our counselors, who shall all attend. We have also luvited the Czar of Ireland.

the (irand Sachem of Prussia, the Solitary High Private of Tennessee, aud all beer-smilers favorable to our Court, aud upon inspecting our treasury and finding nut orphan asylum receipts within our coffers, we have or dained that twenty-lour hundred dollars shall be drawn from our privy purse, in rder that the festival may reflect cretnt upon our Court and honor to our reign, aud we further command that the press disseminators of knowledge favorable to us shall spread the gladful tidings throughout our realms. witness our nana anu signe: mis ami sTi'tiaiil 'tir realm. aiu.vii si. Rex Caruivatl. Attest: Prince Luhycns, Duke Pansi and fount Bolivario, Chief Minister and Cooks.

Silk Corskts white, blue or scarlet made to order at short notice at the Southern Hoopskirt and Corset Manufactory, 3c53 Main street Black alpacas lok at B. wenstein 4 Black Alpacas week. Ise this SciRiTi AL Lectures by 1). W. Hull, at Assembly Hall, 363 Main street, this morning at eleven o'clock, subject: Spiritualism as a Religion, or the Rational of Worship.

Evening The Future Life, or Scientific Evidences of the Immortality of the Soul. TOfOH CONVNDHl'M. The following letter was presented the Aralanch' by a lady with a re-Uest to have it inserted: To the Editor of the Avalanche, Memphi-. Tennessee Iu reference to the outrage committed on the child Nelly Scollan, I wish to -ubmit the follow ing questions to the public: First If a child is not old trough to understand the nature of an oatli is the issrpetrator Of such an outrage to go free, ami afterward to insult and even to imprison the father or pro-lectorlor their just indignation? Second Does it follow because a person old or young, does not believe in just rewards or punishments, are they to be deprived of law or any justice in this world? Third Does the mere position of the individual's wealth or influence -ecure to him a license to uommit crime at ins pleasure. In England, from which our laws are mostty copied, there is an act, which was never revoked, known as Lord Edgiugton's act, by which, if a person is waylaid by an assassin, and is or otherwise injured and left for dead, though the said person recover, it is considered that the party or parties are guilty of murder, and ought to be punished accordingly.

So, by the same rule, the defendant, as he is called, but ought to Is? prisoner, for he ought uot to lac admitted 1o bail, is he to go free, aud left to serve as many more children in ihe same way or worse, without the fear of FlMM A MOMEB. Memphis. Tennes-ee. BLACK LYONS SILKS. Monday, the twentieth of January, the saloou, No.

359 Main street, wil! be open again. return my Wet? Manual and lihop''i Criminal Law, marked ''Taliaferro," and oblige. WM. A. Oil.LlEi;.

'A' Madison st. At the annual meeting of the Trustees of the West Tennessee Department of the Life Association of America, the following-named gentlemen were elected Directors for the vear 1873: Silk Corsets white, blue or scarlet made to order at short uotice at the Southern Hoopskirt and Corset Manufactory, US Main street. Thomas H. Allen IL P. Duncan, Terrv.

I H. Robertson S. It. Robbing, M. 1..

Meuchani, W. Is K. S. Davis, J.J. Freeman, liOuis Hammer.

W. r. Taylor, It. A. Ploson, J.

L. Wellford. liurr. Joe Locke, Main street, has a large assortment of stationery, books and all the late monthlies, weeklies and dailies. F.

onomv For gentlemen toseud their fall aud winter clothing to Is? cleaned or itssl botird.with or without South dyed and repaired, to Hanson ot Walk-en, Hotel; also furnished rooms tor gentlemen, i tiewntl street, for they make a JACOXET EDiilXOS AXD INSERTING. "icty of that kind of work. DAMAGED KlDjbiLOVES A large ltne of the aliove goods an ottered under the regular prices, and A lot of rlnc kid gloves, slightly dam- range at in, id anil is cents for gooil aged, will Ik-dosed out at a twirgain. gft i men ki Sam- IS and IS cents for styles, itllording an opportunity to desirable patterns at low prices. pies sent on application.

MENKEN ItltuTHKRs IMPORTANT NOTK'K. PERSONAL. Memphis Building anil Savings Associ-tlen. The oalance of our stock of Lyons Silks, in gros-grain and l'oulta dt Hoie; also evening silks, in the new neutral lints, an- offered at lower prices, prior to stock-taking. mknken brothers.

I.W AL 1TKMM. Go to fc. Business College. Att en Riabertso Busi ess 'ol 1 ege. Attend J.

Slook's Dancing Academy, 233 Main. Armstrong's Photographic Gallery, No 211 Main street. Three faultless gem pictures for fifty cents. Nkcril. Instantaneous cure for neuralgia.

G. W. A- o. sell it. Gentlemen who wish to dress ele- Notice.

Satisfactory adjustment of my private affairs elsewhere permits mc to remain in Memphis and to resume my former positiou in the firm of Scales, Marshy Co. W. MURPHY. Mr. Frank I).

Hatfield, "Ad vertis- lug Agent, has made Babbitt Soap a household word iu Memphis the iMist week, and effected its introduction here with great tact and success. He leaves to-morrow for Little Rock. Frank is a genial, wide-awake ageut. and Babbitt's Soup" is a very superior washing compound. We commend both to the Little Rocker-.

Miss Clara Dokia is the soprano, and Mi Emma Wilkinson (formerly ol this city is the contralto at Dr. Por- i ter's Church, Brook) vn. New York. The Brooklyn Tim says of them Whai -1 ever Miss 1 1, rui may lie in opera, as a I church soprano she is a decided, 1 and we are proud to have DWpMHr III llflj added to the musical attraction-of tbisdistric; Miss Wilkinson, the. contralto of this mpidly Uioniiiig celebrated church choir, has one of the finest contralto voices, and of the great- ro the ii i fs in that desire lo live In their own Hums, h' pnviag lo this Association the amonnt they arc now paying for rent, anil al Ihe same time paying Ihe monej toward Hqnidniing the debt on their bnine, wtllflo well by calling not the Secretary, No.

II Madison sired basement lor a copy ol the constitution and by laws. '-Siev erl hnndrcd shares are not yet subscribed ror." si. STI Secretary. HUM THIS, TKI'K? Dr. True 1 believe that the penalty of the incorrigibly wicked will he the destruction of his conscious existence it total cessation of all his functions.

During the seven years that I have accepted this theory of destruction I have converted four hundred and fifty MOla. Report vf Methodist Prtachcrx' Mi etiny. "There is no hell," says Dr. True, And thus proceeds to prove it you -I have converted many souls Through dread of non-existent coals." 3. D.

The press is the medium through which the merits of all articles must tie made known. Now, it is a well known fact that all the ingenuity hitherto displayed lias uot produced a single article that continual wear will not destroy. No one thing iu the housekeeper's line stauds so fair a chance to be abused as the vookina stove. If broken or burnt out, why just send it to Jukes', 32M Second street. Repairing this useful article is with this establishment a specialty.


Etc. We offer TWINES. ENVELOPES and WRITING-PAPER at reduced prices. ROOFING PAPER now to he had at the MEMPHIS PAPER WAREHOUSE, Corner Jefferson and Second st. MEYER Insure with the Memphis City Fire and General I nan ranee Company; cIBce 10 Madlaon street.

CORRESPONDENCE. January IS. Chief of Fire Dc- MK.Ml'ltls, Tenn Captain Ed. I). Anderson pertinent, Memphis; Dear Sir I desire to express my heartfelt thanks to your department for the exertions of all hands to reach the tire last night, and particularly to the members of the Washington rotary engine i who succeeded) for their unparalleled exertions to save my property.

All hands worked manfully, despite the bitter cold, even risking their livee in the endeavor to suppress the flames. I herein inclose the sum of fifty dollars as a small testimonial of my appreciation oi tneir exertions, i -pectruiiy, yours UKEATER, GREATER BARtUIXS DRY GOODS Shawls at cost. Fifty LADI Es CLOAKS at less Uian cost of European Manufaeluier. Some Handsome DRESS GOODS On hand yet to be dosed out very- low. GidiAT Baroai.ns In LINENS, MUSI.

INS, EMBROIDERIES, Kb. Great Baku aims In UNDERWEAR. NOTIONS, etc. The Wiuter Stis-k will Inclosed out at a GREAT REDUCTION from former prices. HF.liZOtj A- tM Main Street.

Reah IJ. Lo wenstein A Bros', new advertisement. The Memphis I'll) fire" doea a Tire and Harlas Business; ofllce 19 Msdlaou street. Mr. James COHWIV, of -JiU Main street, has firmly established himself in the gisjd opinion of the reading public of our city, anil there i- no news-stand here you receive more polite attention or where a imeftion is answered more kindly.

He has all the Kpular productions of the day. Among the active and prompt busi ness men of this city, there is no one who deserves greater consideration than our friend Mr. Joseph Musso. In ali business intrusted to him as collector, he is vigiiaiit, courteous and prompt. Success invariably awaits such men.

His office is at No. 4- Adams street, with B. Miller, Justice of the Peace. His motto is: Attention to collections and prompt returns. Black Alpacas Great bargains in iilack Alpacas this week at B.

Lwuwiiii Bros'. KELM.IOrs SERVICES TO-DAY. Pastors and Superintendents will please give uotice that the Quarterly Meeting of the Memphis and Shelby County Sunday School Union will be held in the Court Street Cumberland Presbyterian church, at half-past three this eveniug. Central BapUat hnreh. Second street, near Beale.

Preaching by the pastor. Dr. S. Laudrum, at eleven this morning, and -even this evening. Sunday-whind at half-past nine this morning.

First Congregational Church. Union street, between Third and De-Soto. Services at eleven o'clock this morniug, aud at seven o'clock this evening. Sabbath-school at half-past nine o'clock. Rev.

A. E. Baldwin, on tor. St. Mary's Cathedral, Poplar street.

Holy Communion at eight o'clock; Morning Litany and Sermon at eleven o'clock, Rt. Rev. Rishop Pierce officiating, and administering the Apostolic rite of Confirmation. Evening prayer and Sermon at half-past seven o'clock. Second Presbyterian church Beale SI.

Rev. William E. Boggs will preach this morning at eleven o'clock, and tonight at a quarter past seven o'clock. Flrat Methodist I hnreh Divine services at the First Methodist church, Second near Poplar, by Rev. E.

C. Slater, paster, at eleven this morning, and at seven this evening. Vance Street Cumberland Presbyterian Cburrh. CornerVauce aud DeSoto streets. Rev.

Joliu Park, of the Park Avenue Presby-teriau church, will preach at eleven this morning aud a quartvr past seven this evening. Central Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Surratt, pastor.

Services at eleven this morning and seven this evening. Sabbath-school at nine o'clock this morning. THE RIVER. Further Particulars of the Breaking of the St. Louis tiorge The RiTer Open above CairoBut Little Injurj Done at St.

Louis. The Ohio Falling at Pittsburg More Coal Coming Out I he Missouri Opened to Kansas City, and the Ml-iipii to Louisiana, Missouri. Ri'cr Telegrams Weather and BusinessBarney Hughes' Invention A suicide from the Thompson Dean. Arrivals. Crt of Augusta A.J.

Mlnneola Nick Exporter A. .1. Nick Longworth Exporter City of Auguata Minncola In von. lardanell White rive Napoleon Cincinnati Loulsvltle Cairo Napoleon Orleans Orleans river Orleans est scope, that we nave in Krooklyn. V)( vigtLTll or ju my sta- Thi: new- of the -ad iKTctivctneiit tlonery store Joe Locke, 236 Main which Mr.

Horace White, editor of the street. All the pictorials ten cents Chicago TriOunt has just sustained in each. Dailies from all source five cents the death of bis estimable wife, will .1. each, and other papers in proportion. received with regret anu paiu by a very wide circle of sympathetic friends.

Mrs. I White, says the Nashville Banner, who i had lieen an invalid for several months, was induced last July to visit Europe. by the itdvice of her physicians, and her iuisliiind accompanied her as far as New I York. He was much encouraged with Joe LoCKJC. at Main street, sells ledger and Weekly for fifteen cents, or any two papers of the same grade at that price.

Dry Goods marked Lowenstein Bros'. down at B. Attknii the great clearing, sale this week Ut B. Lowenstein A Bros'. L.

I- 1.. 1 .1 Ir men labored enesUy, and with con- scientlous iei, to effect. The swearing Hint wan done by them may be characterized as- gigantic. At I he start neither of tbem had nny children whose father the dead man was, but before they got through, each proved very satisfactorily that they had five children a piece, lie-louging to the deceased United States soluier. Then the little question of marriage came up.

There was no ditli the hone that she woubl be rctnrnis) at thesamelime save money, him restored to health, but an All-wise should go at ouce to aggeuer's, 31 i Providence has decreed it otherwise. Main street. He is doing a C. O. D.

busi-; Mkmchis, January John i uublns, Esq. Duak Sin Your favor of this date received, inclosing check. Permit me in behalf of the members of this department to thank you most heartily for your generous donation. It will be added to the fund known as "Disabled Fireman's Fund." While we accept the gift, it is our whole duty to protect and save property from that devouring element, fire, and our watchword is, "Who can excel?" None regret your loss more than we. Again we thank you for your compliment and generous gift.

Yours, truly, Chief Eire Department. THANKS. Blkachkd Mi'slins, White Goody, and Embroideries very low this week at B. Lowenstein Bros'. euitv about this except the absence of a license or resrd.

Every other proof 66 The purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Ha.ard A Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard A New York. It i absolutely pure ami sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to any other. For sale by nil SlMKT IKONTS AM IRISH LINKNV A large stock of these gixals will be sold at reduced prices to reduce an accumulation ou hand. MENKEN ItKOTHLKN.

was forthcoming on ttb side but tbi- Philp had to decide that their claims would now rest on the suii-essful estab bailment of the marriage leoord. lkitli women went forth to hunt up one. JKm HKotDKKlEs, Lact-. and t-chief- extremely low litis week at It. Lowenstein 4 Bros'.

a resideuce, near Address A. B. C. WantMD to lent the isenter of tin- eity this office. nAUUKHKH, KIT Main lias tiie tittest Kur.giajil -tailoring iii the clt tiie largest assortment ol go.sls in -h from the hands of the importer.

itsti l.Ai Slav ii. i "sTi, I certify that Snwyei 's Paiu Extractor has cured eiht consecutive eases of charbou witlnn the last two weeks. It has not failed in a single inatance. It is also an Infnlilliic i tire for IhOTBatism, head niid toothache, stlugs, bums, ruts, rite. J.

i. MIN I Kit PrcMHn-d only by J. flage, druggist, No. il-fi Main strei, Mempbi Tennessee. Ko.WKiiMES a isold will not yield to ordinary remedies, because of the severe inflammation of the delicate lining of tiie tubes through which the air we bicat be is distributed to the lungs.

This obstruction produces pain and soreness, hoarseness, cough, uitnculty ol breath-ing, hectic fever, aud a spitting of bliss I matter or phlegm, finallyjexhaustiug the strength of the patient, and developing very serious disease. Dr. Jayne's Ex-) ctorant seldom fails to remove these symptoms by relieving the lungs of all obstructing matter, and healing all sore-ness. Pleurisy, Asthma, and Bronchitis, are likewise cured by this standard remedy, and the reputation it has maintained for over thirty years, affords the be! guaranty of its merits. Sold everywhere.

cheapest and bent HTfc-Aat Dyki siu a ii H0C8E In the dry Is al -0. -W-eond street, Hunt A Hanson ol.l stand. HANSON A WAJlJIKK. Hcnr.BW Rpiliki Associ atiom 1 JlEMems, January 12. At the regular annual meeting held this day it was unanimously resolved to tender a vote of thanks to the hereafter-named gentlemen for the many favors so generously extended to this Association: Honorable John Johnson, Mayor of this city; Dr.

Armin 8zereuyi; Theo. Hoerner and A. Kenkcrt, Druggists; James Speed, 8. H. Lamb, J.

C. Lopez, A. P. Tuck, Railroad Agents; R. Lightburnc, W.

E. Dill, John T. Washington, E. I). Cobb S.

B. Miller, Steamboat Agents. B. W'AMHEK, fresident. at.

DoKRNHERU, Secretary. 81 lk CoksIsts white, blue or scar-I let made to rder at short uotice at the Sititiiera Hoopskirt and Corset Manu- i factory, street. Rivera and Weather. The river here continues to decline, but slowly, and from present indications there wili be an excellent boating stage in all directions for some time to come. There is five feet of water in the Arkansas at Little Rock, but boats drawing four feet and a half will find it trouble some work getting over the bars below there.

White river has a five-foot stage to Jackson port and is falling. The condition of the streams above is mentioned iu the Signal Service telegrams as follows: At Davenport tiie river rose one inch; Keokuk, gorged; Cairo, fell fourteen inches; St. Louis, stationary, with ten feet nine inches above low water; Pittsburg, fell nine incites, with eighteen feet three inches above low water; Cin-cinnatL fell eight inches: Louisville, fell one inch; Vieksburg, rose fifteen inches; Shreveport, nee two inches; Nashville, rising, with six feet eleven inches above low water. The weather yesterday was cold throughout tiie North, but colder here than at any point south of Keokuk, and continued bitter cold until late in the night. By Telegrnpn.

LorisviLLE, January 18. The river is stationary, with seven feet ten inches in the canal and five feet ten inches in the chute. The weather is cloudy and very cold. Mercury ranges from 12 to 15. Arrived: Mollie I -agon.

Madison, C. B. Chiii and Charles Bodmann from New Orleans; Brill, Nashville and Andy Bauni, from Memphis. The Bismarck expects to get otf to-night, but it Ls doubtful. There is a great deal of floating ice, and more is rapidly making.

Packets from above and below report heavy ice, and find great difficulty in getting through. All the boats have laid up for better weather. The harbor Ls full of ice. Captain Isaac Everett, I one of the oldest and for a long time a therri off, bdt it is probable they will have to remain where they are until another rise. Two or three ferryboats are also hard aground.

Communication With the Illinois shore was fully restored to-day. The ferries are running both above and below the bridge, and transfer beats are doing thelt regular business. The ice in the Mississippi still firm at Alton and above, and no other breaks in the Missouri nver are yet reported. Evans vi lle, January 18. Weather cloudy and cold, with indications of snow.

Mercury 14 to 18'. The river has fallen six inches, and is full of large fields of thin ice. Navigation is practically suspended. Cincinnati, January 18. The river is falling, with fourteen feet eight in in the channel.

Some Ice is Hosting. Arrived: Arlington and John Kilgour, from New Orleans. Imparted: Towboat Tom Doilawortb, for Pittsburg. Nashville, January J8. The river is declining slowly, with four feet scant water on Harpcth Shoals.

The weather is very cold, with a slight snow. Vicksjbltui, January Houston. L'p: Pargoud. The weather is deer and cold. River rising.

kw OKLKAN.s.January is. No Departed: Continental, for Cairo; Seminole for White river. Weather clear and cold. Cairo, January Is. Arrived: Idle-wild.

fmm Evansville, 3p.m. Departed: City of Chester, for Memphis, n.m. The river has fallen 7 inches. Wea.iier cold, but moderating. Thermometer ranging at fctKg Business at the landing yesterday was fnir considering the weather.

The City of Augusta came up with three hundred and seventy-throe latles of cotton, arid resbipped eighteen liaies at the mouth of White river. The A. J. White brought up one hundred and twenty-three bales of cotton, and went back at night well laden. The Miuueola passed at noon with six hundred tons for New Orleans, adding nothing here.

The Nick Longworth also cut down, adding a few passengers, and the Exporter also passed down, fully laden. The Augusta left for White river with a fair trip. Hlsccl lane-ana. Ou Thursday, at Washington, the House Committee ou Commerce agreed to report favorably the bills authorizing the construction of railroad bridges at ''anton, Missouri, and Van Buren, Arkansas. Barney Hughes, has a new invention for steamboats aud railroads, from which he expects to make a fortune.

The St. Louis papers will have something to tell about, now that they have had a first-class breakup, and the reporters there will circulate more.instead of toasting their corns around office-fires they have done for a month or two. The bids for the transportation of government supplies on the upper Missouri from Sioux City to Fort Benton for the present year wereosued in Chicago ednesday. General Meade, representing tiie Northern Pacific railroad, was the lowest bidder. Captain W.

S. Spiking, representing Commislore W. J. Kouutz, was the lowest bidder from Sioux City, and ill probably get the contract, as it is stated the other parties are not tpuite ready, their road unfinished. There are now about forty-five coal-boats at the head of the canal, at Louisville, waiting to get through to be towed to the Southern markets.

The Cincinnati Commercial of Thurs-ilay says: "The wharfage 'puestion here is rapidly approaching a culminatiug point, and the example of the R. W. Skillinger mav soon he followed by other boats. Upon legal authority it is claimed that the State law governing this matter Ls unconstitutional, and in the event of such a decision by the United States Courts, the steamboat inter-eats will Le relieved of an immense burden." The remains of the lamented 'aptain Als; McPike will Is? taken to St. Louis by the steamer City of tiuincy.

Private advices say that ten thousand bales of cotton await shipment at points aloug the Tennessee river, but "private advices does not state where the cotton is. The Seminole passed Devalls Bluff on Monday last with seventeen hundred ngi sixty-nine bales of cotton for New-Orleans. White river rose eight feet at Devalls Blulfuo to Wednesday last, and was theu declining slowly. The wives of the steamboat and river men at Hannibal. Missouri, have formed a Come Home Husband Club." It is about four feet long, and has a brush ou the end of it.

The -l's Bluff, Arkansns. Journal, of the fifteenth, tells the following: "During the hist trip of the City of! Augusta from Memphis to this place, I there were a few incidents which we will mention. The first was two birth-, that occurred within twelve hours of each other, a girl and a boy. The girl was christened Augusta, but we did not learn what title they gave the other. The second was that the Augusta, on coing up Indian Bay, found the Legal Te der there hard aground.

While pulling at her, it seems that the crew of the Augusta were out on the forecastle, and as the Legal swung, the rope that was tied to the shore by some cau-e came around one of the knees of the Augu-ta, at the same time -inking the watchman and atleckhand, breaking the jaw of the former and the right arm of the latter." learn from a lcksburg exchange i that a passenger ou the Thompson Dean, by the name of T. B. Lermoud, jumped overlsiard hen near Island i Ninety-eight, ami was with unncuity rescued by the officers of the Dean. He had beeu drinking freeiv, aud was sup posed to be out of liis mind when mak- ing the attempt to destroy himself. From papers found ou his person, it appears that he has friends living at or in the vicinity of Canton, Illinois.

Mr. Lermoud took passage on the Dean at Cairo. William Orris, mate of the Virginia died on Wednesday at Vieksburg. Captain Ad. Storm yesterday received a telegram from St.

Louis, stating that the river was open below Cairo, and that the break-up at St. Louis did little or uo damage to the boats there. the following telegrams, received at St. Louis ou Thursday, show the condi- tion of the rivers above there: At Alton, Illinois, the river is gradually coming up. The ice, becoming fast rotten, will be easily broken up.

No steamers are iu danger. At Kansas City the river iront anu nnove tue city is ciear oi ice. A break-up is anticipated as the river is failing slowly. The ice formed around the ferryboats and barges above the bridge has been cut away and they are now considered out of danger. At Qvincy the river lias risen about five inches in all and continues to rise very slow.

The ice is covered with water from the rain but teams are still crossing with safety. The cold snap today ili probably freeze it up hard again during the night. At Peoria, Illinois, a heavy rain fell Tuesday, causing the river to rise rapidly ever since. A letter from Bar.lstown says the ice at that place is very weak. A telegram to Captaiu Ad Storm.

sent from St. Loiii yesterday morning, reports the river open below aud no damage done to boat. STEAMBOATS. BAHGE FOB SALE. A HAW IE, ore- year old, IfTfiet long; with cargo box: novr at Ine.

Waaumguin Sjcaert, or io Api ly lo atej A. No. Wa VOR RED RIVER. Kl KorJenVi.oli.-inre-ra--rt, Ale: Ecore and war larei str. die.

f. WOVT H. 8. Thin elegant psUMnger stean will leave as above WKDNEHDAY, January J.T. WAHHINOTC lal l-t bC FOR NEW ORLEANS St.

J-onls Kor Vieksburg, Natchea i Ul tMOE Tbla elegant passenger si now In port. leaves a Will fca-- or freight or pa. -age apt JOHN T. WA-slfLSl Jal Sew Orleans Faekel lien, inH-'er 's hlls I rOK NEW oKXCANs AND John Kyle. A.

M. Hutchinson -Leave MONDAY'. Jan. JHk Apply to B. W.

UUHTW rot. tr-I. FOR CAIRO AND ST. 1AJL b- K. mplils aanit.

l.oul. t'ackel eswnwairj Kor Hickman, t'alroand St. steiiraer CITY A. Zelgler Leaves aa aiav at 5 o'clock p. in.

jals MOMiAi, January jinb. AD. fsTORW. Treasurer. FOR CAIRO AND EVANSV1LLK.

Memphis and P.tansirille farkel On. t'alroand all ay ljuvlings to Idlewild. inaaier E. Inoinas.cler leaves Mil.Vi'AY, Jan. 2th.

al 12 m. K. Mll.LEK. Agent, No. 2 Kiiiolt Block.

jal" Iimeiiade stree- FOR WHITE RIVER. Memphis and White River Packet Com pan Elliott's V. H. Ball Line For Helena. Car sons, Concordia, Terene.

Devall Blu. gnsta, Ss-arcy and Jaekaor.pon. IIIMMrr LU. TEN DEB. John tieoige Alcis-ke clerk.

Leaes Tl lOSLi AV. Jan. 8. B. MiLLKK.

Agent, No. JOH. KLLIOTT, upper wturl For White River. For DeVallN BIofT. Aognsta.

Jack-on; or'. The Splendid Passenger Hteamer pat clebi W. J. Ash Master D. P.

Da BBB LEAVES ITVERY Thursday daring the season, at p.m. apply to JOHN T. leon strst, or W. f. rboat.

foot of Conn 1 be received al ai i fc mind that til" be paid to a.l was bite river, and all rt. jail Kor freight or pa WAsiHINliTON, tk WALK Kit. hi hi- street, where freiglf tilt-. will FOR HAILE'tj POINT. Kor Oerssjla.

Randolph. Kuiton. Halle' Point and the bends. Str. iieo.

W. Cheek lien. Malone Master. LEA ts MliNDAVI a FRIDAYS, at 6 p.m. Kor freignt or pwge apply on Is.

ard or 'a 1EU. W. i EK, 4-. H- FOR FRIAR'S POINT XD BKNDH nem phis, Helena and Inar Point ldn-. -itasanier PHIL ALUM, jrj, lamsa Lee.

asterjaBBJt Leaves Memphis MONDAY', Wr.i and FRIDAY, at o'clock p.mH and Krlsr Point every Tcesday Thursday iind -atarday, at IU o'clock aun. Kor rreiglit or pasaag 3 pplv t---i Kor Knlloit and Intermediate Landings. Str. Frank Forest, T. r.

Sexton master, WiU makeiri-weekly trips Mondays. t-dnes-days and Fridays, leaving at a o'clock pan. Vor freight or i.assasre apply on o' CHEEK LIHE. MEMPHLS AM VK'SSBURfl PR'T CU-Far Helena. r-rlaur8 Holm, vspnlrsa, UNITED STATES MAIL TO SAP Str.

A. J. Mark R. White, Master feLA i'Ks TfK.SJ YS asp 'l" rjt Memphis and Orleans Packet o. KOR NEW ORI.EAN- AN IUt' BEN Hitr.

Belle J-Aee mcks master J. H. Mont van Tills line steamer wil! leave as aho lows: Thursday, January 16, lsTtl. at 4 o'el Thursday, January an, 173, at I o'el Thursday, February li, ar i Thnrsday, Febrnar)- 27. 173.

at lV Thursday. March 13, 173. at 1 o1k Thur-day, March -T, UO, at 1 o'cloc Thnrsd sy, Apr erk loi- Apr JOl.N 1. MABBtatiaren of the Celebrated ALABAMA LIME AND DEALERS IN Cement, Plaster, Hair, Tfle fire Brick and Clay, Hay, Cera, Bran. 41 South Court St.

PIANOS. WEBER PIANOS! WE HAVE SECTREP THE AUKNC this unrivaled Piano, and cat. offer inducements, so far as the quality Instruments 1 concerned, not surpass any house In the North or elsewhere. Line embraces Car Petition for Divorce. No.

SSI, R. D. In the Second IShelby county. William Harris. Iappei that dent of resident It ls artpearat Monday for Lei order I eesstv.

Don. weefes, in tfc at office, th lireene P. Foote. So Circuit Court ol Harris vs. Ella I In this canse that la Harris, is a real-snsas, and a non- That she make her courthouse in the wee.

on Hie third and plead, answer bill, or the same ed as to her and set that a copy of this on tig tor foursue-phls Appeal, vof Decomber. 1-72 J. BOYLE. Clerk, eoni pin 't- deo tho Non-Beuideiit Notice. moet prominent citizen of this City, Wa I -0- -l In the First Chancery Court of Mhelhy PETERS, WEBB 00.

THE MAT HO-SHEK AimI take great pride nxn plgannre tn bein hl to offer to oorcustcuaen- suh Splendid Instruments Onr frlen on procurii a moan of which given MERMAN WH1C0X, 273 Main Street. EDUCATIONAL. WASHINGTON AN LEE UNIVEBSITY, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA The Second Half Tiolim ally will of the rniver- Open on the First of February. Special arrangements are in I- to enter classes at this linn. One half the regular fee Is charg-d.

For fnrther particulars apply to la WM. HOLD. Clerk of 1 acuity. Coiiiut J. ill .1..

kte J. H. H.lllljKSl.K, Merchant Tailor, SI7 13 ad Clothier, tin Street. No. Memphis, January Editorm AppkaX: Gentlemen I desire to inform the reader of vour valu able Par'r -sAs I am (sonduoting the lity of new-made i Uiioring bwoinew at No.

317 Main -uvsH, four doom south of the Peabody Hotel. I have an excellent stock of j-oods, and out! of the most artistic cut-u-n in America. Good flta and satia-faction always frtiaraateed. Yours, re-sisMifully, J. Wiooism suddenly struck with paraly-iis this morning, and died in four minutes.

He was about seventy yearn of ag-e. TT a PrrrsHTTHrj. Januarv IN Th sin I I is rising slowly now, with eighteen feet five inches in the channel. Weather cloudy. Mercury Heavy snow fell last night and this morning.

The Exchange departed last night. Easton, January 18. Three inches of snow tell last night. The lie-high is falling. St.

Louts, January IS. The river is wiling rapiuiy, ana only a small riuan- running. The -Bulier P. Aypersou, Keveuue, vs. Mrs.

c. affidavit In this canse that W. Deadrick, i a a Lion-res app. aranoe hi city of Mem fore the Brand plead, plainaai's bill cod leased a to him in Mareli, uci, deroar to eoui-une will be laken and set for neari ScLiool, W. B.

PAE, OF PKI.NCIPAL. fy FIRST OF Aim A BY NEXT, I SH-fLL open, at 11 arntaxT. a school i' hT-ih grade for boys and vouag men. Th-course of Matliemvic- and English will be complete. For prospectus of th' school at bookstore-.

Ra at. km esi Rev. Geo. hite. 1J) Dr.

A. H. Rev. W.C. John- gevney.

rol. T. M. 9. Rliett.

Ttte school will onisn nrenptly on 1st Jannaiy wpather was cloudy aud verv cold dur ing the day, moderating lightiy tonight. The wharfboats of tbeNew Or-leam Packet Company and People's Line are aground, having beer, pushed up on the bank i.y tie ice yesterday. Pref rations are Veitiu made jst'dl HgHPaTu nror onrsuceeaalve weeks, Hofkett MaVBCfna-tTiri's; TOWimaj-'S This January 17, 1S73. MI ND A. COLE.

Clerk and Master. r.iaraeieu ami riaun IBON MANTELS, iparle and that a Copy of this order be pub sueu once aweea, ic ui the Memphis Appeal attest A copy i EDM! By K. B. McHinry. D.

C. and H. (lay King, s-ol. for eompl nt. Jail sat WALTER COLEMAN, ATTOBXET-AT-LAW, OFFICII AND Mi.tRl aTRKFT, corner of shms-s.

deli Oacketi Patent Urate. Heeketi rWlewt rant-Un Bbive. Main and iaianir 13. HA TITER, Iu. Htcom lemnkis, i.

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