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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 2

Memphis, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


BfK)IKri 1. I I. KMfcM. We have aireavsy noticed the ctil of a few dboigmaizui and traitor in and around ville, far a inwunBtirn af that place, which ported to be leaned "by but waa ia reality only another effort, of the officers of an oU and rsts coarentkm that rot in East Ten neeeee awry ia 1961. Under thia call, however, a miiailL wa hill in on the 17th of March, which reanltad ia a deciaion to reaiaem- Me the old convention at EozTille on the 19 th of thai month, where at it waa expected by the leaden ia the movement moat of the i naafmB and diatricti in the disaffected portion of the Bute would be represented.

As the purposes oi these traitors aecorda with the designs of the Federal Government at Wash inf ton, we presnme a most important and mo- msatsos mniiiasnt, involving great changes in the political position of the State, were rated. It was expected the KnoxviLe meeting. on the 13th. would assame all the functions of SMvatrsutkMnl convention, and assart its power and capacity to alter the organic law, as it now divide the State, and ia general to exer- i unrestricted central of East Tennessee, and it into a separate Slate government. And, to coincide with the pi ugrafsiiie oi tie fanatics st Washiagton.

slavery would be ished of coarse, though Tennessee was exempted front the opsratiens of Vacoufe emancipation on. feature of the piaats of the schamers in this revolutionary movement ia the i of all the debts contracted in the i of the Sate, by the executive and tor the purpose of arming and quipping men for the armies of the racy, and ef placing the Stats on a war footing. In this action they may temporarily succeed in affecting has basks the public bonds, and turbing the status of the school iunds, ut it can only be temporary So many millions of dollars of public securities cannot he placed in a doubtiul position long by such an ised assemblage Holders, ss well as dealers, ia such securities, will easily recognise the sets of these man, in this direction, to be ranted, aad bo great harm will ultimately sult from their action. Supported by Federal bayonets, as they will be, the ilhwrgssilnii will probably meet with more success in their project of dividing the State, as Virginia has been divided. A few of the people of Cast Tennessee, and many of the ambitious aad unscrupulous leaders, who sired create additional easy berths for their own comfort and enjoyment, have favored such a movement for years, but were thwarted in TUB KW BIX PER i ve oresnme it ww cffiBialiy desired should bs mads to the public the Richmond Ssti-ei corrects some misapprehensions that exist, aad gives some laiorrnatioa.

relative to the six per cent, bonds, which the Secretary of the Treasury aatnor issd to issue" by the 6th section of the cur renev act. It has been assumed that the five hnn.lrad millions loan thus smthorized would be tn the time, and Urn mam watssi VI duhsu ivw wauld be necesserilT at par. Ou the coatrarv the of boards will be ia the discretion s--trv. and he is direetad to sail or en the dss iiiiibb awaew. Tt ia not supposed for a SMasaaf that bonds, eeured and privileged as these will be, will st or near par.

They ought, ia fact, to command a very high premium. The payment of the interest is secured by special pledge of -xport and import duties and the bonds selves are to be exempted from taxation. This -exemption will add very largely to their value If it be assumed that our war debt will amoant to one-iourth or one-third of the total taxable property of the Coniederacy, a hundred dollars aix per cent, bond, being exempt from the eral levy, will have its value raised to 133s or 150, as compared with other property. Par chasers will perceive this fact, and bid ingly. Those, therefore, who may bold to their present funds under the belief that they can in vest in the new six per cents, at pleasure, and in the expectation that they can so invest st par labor under a present error, sad will expoae themselves to disappointment and probably to VOKBSSr-THK SOBSTE FvttT TIITOH1.

From a surgeon who arrived at Borne oa the 18th inst, and who left Jackson, on the 10th, the warier of the 19. derives good nsws West Tennessee. Forrest was st Trenton, Teajaassee ty miles north of Jackson, sixty miles south of Columbus, Kentucky, and had between 7000 end 000 men. Forces were rapidly organising throughout that part of Tennessee, to join him Ha made a speech to the citisens of Trenton in which he assured them that he would now hold that section of the Stats, unless a very large in fan try fores should be sent against him. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed among Forrest's aad gladness and joy swell lbs besoms ct all true man and women in that section of the Stats.

The same gentleman stated that fall particu lars bad been received at Jackson, before be le through the Memphis BuUstim, of the recect Federal deieax near Shreveport, and that they admit a less of between 13 000 and 15 000 men. This assy be relied on, because the Bulletin is particularly cartful net to overestimate Federal Fast A at AST TRIMH. By a late arrival we have some items of and general interest from East Tennessee. The fasmilies of Dr. Fbabk Ramsey, Dr.

W. Cbozibs, Dr and other rate cinema of Knoxville. have come cut der a flag of truce and reached Bristol. Miss Sib Bamsbt, youngest daughter of Dr. J.

Q. M. Ramus would not take the oath, when a guard waa sent after her into the country, and their scheme by the controlling influence of the required to come out. She is also at Bristol, balance of the State. The present, however.

is their opportunity, and we expect they will go through all the forms of dismemberment. The manner the BSBsKaaaamssi sj Virginia and the aited States were evaded at ingif that can be said to be an nation which is a downright nolmtton will be a precedeLt which, under ail the circumstances, is not likely to be overlooked by tbe meeting Gentlemen recently from that section iniorm us tfcsy boldly declared their purpose of assuming to act for the whole State, and ordering the election of a Dagulature, which it was expected would In tarn consent to a division of the State. After wica they expect to elect a new Legislature and proceed to act for the new Stale thus ted, foUowiag the example of West Virginia in alternately being the whole and a part of the Stale, in order to appear to meet the require saents of toe constitution. sr. a matter oi regret to liauasi saiis.

and VVtimlmttf to the true men of the eastern divi ttnr nf li i wuu ucmoer monsands in oir amies and among the re.ugeee in the South assasgai mors have the opportunity cf iplated farce. Under the thry have the chance oi raakirir as Dig fooj oi themseives as they oaoose, aid tawy wiii be supported in their Derformanea at Washington Tbe withdrawal slash a. vi our troops trom Cast Tennessee, cf which we are advised, gives them full sway, and we cki tujc of the most sp- I moautebank order Under the cir n- i we hope they ventilate thomaalv fully, and develops their treasonable schemes to ins farthest extent. We weald desire they should he placed undeniably upon the record. Fur the position of affairs will not long remain as it is the dark clouds that new lower ever cur aohle State will yet be dispersed, when tbe day of retribution will ejms.

Lst them make up their record as they will bow, it will be indisputable eviderce against them hereafter, when the political control of the State shall revert to the hands of her true eons, as it will- Thise can recos-uiae no anr-li I as is rnssssssiialtil bv the ae, aad will not be alow ia medng out rewards to the traitors, at the proper Dobs It Mbab Wobb I The telegraph the army quite active in front of Gen. Our reports from Esst Tennessee form us the Federals in and around KacxviLe have gone to Cleveland Sherman's head "servers were reported at Loudon a few days aiace Can all these signs be disregarded with safety I Do they not point to a formidable cor naatration ia North Georgia, or contemplated assarts that wou.d be fatal to our do- at Delton As the reporter ears stimnff times may be expected, and that at an early day. We cannot avoid the impression that the first grand movement of Grant in has new eaaa, saga wiH he made from the banks of the Tss The rest of Dr. 's family, since the burning of his house at Mecklsnbnrg, in September last, have been living with his son-in-law at Lenoir's station.

These have also been ordered out, and are expected to leave via Chattanooga and Dalton. Qffl. L' MiSTBEET, with his old command, has mad a late move sf importance, of which prudence forbids us speak. He will turn up in the right place, and at the proper time. Geo.

Buckhbb is in command at Bristol. The my is in small firce at Morristown The er part of the Federals that were in and around Knoxville have mived down to Cleveland. Near the latter place a few days since a torpedo that bal been placed under the railroad ded, killing the engineer, fireman and fifteen soldiers. A similar accident (T occurred on the river, blowing up the steamer Tenneasee, which bad a large number of Yankee; aboard. Tbe question of forming a separate State 'Jovernment ia East Tennessee is being ted, and sib ins the abandonment of the country by LoacsTBEBT, the proposition is favorably received by the discontents.

TBK ws7TSTANBsrsa7 C'a. As some persons persist in rejecting the $100 notes as not available at all, tbe Charleston Cturier calls attention to the fact that accordics to the treasury decision the extra and native tax of ten per cent, does not attach fore the 2 1 of May. They are now, therefore, fundable or exchangeable as other tions, and innocent holders should not submit to or suffer any loaa beyond the legal tax, which is now 33 per and will be for May. 43J for June, 534 f-r July, C3J for August, 73, for SeptembiT. 33t.

and for October, 93 After which even the "Memmingeuan proems" cannot tabs off another ten per cent and the surviving bids, if any, may be stored away in a museum Memmfngerian mensy. aThe Cswrier states that robberies base become so bold and common in Charleston that the mere expert are reported to bs Celtic ashamed of the business. They are said to press their astonishment at the ease and im nty with which they are let off with their der. FtBABCISL USC ERTAISTY. Just bow, the tolegrsph informs us, ths finances of Abolition- dors are in a most glorieos slate of uncertainly.

Gold, the idel of the steady old money vendors of New York, and which thsy are endeavoring to keep the standard in opposition to the sffor Chase to introduce his greenbacks ia that pacity, jumps up aad dowi. oaacoountably the qeotattons of the transactions a a I bard to keep his head above water. The Yan Bse bubble is awfully inflated, and the expl. flats cannot bs long delayed. ass Ths Augusta Ckmui learns that Gen Evans was thrown from a buggy in Charleston saw days since, and severely injured.

His shall was badly fractured, and his physicians fear that he will not recover. A CSSBWB The Ceaeeerete states that Ma of Chaiies J. Harris, commandant of eossscripi for tbe State of Georgia, whese headquarters are 1b Mason, has been superceded by Major Brown who is expec.ed to assume command ia a few days. Major Andrews is ia temporary com The Charleaton Ctmner gays tbe Consuls of foreign governments and their areola in the Confederacy are now busily engaged in taking the names of persons claiming foreism tion, and it is presumed that these governments tatasd to take issue with the Confederacy on tb point of the military service exacted by the last conscription act of all "white male residents fesr le cars are now running west on the Bouibern rai.road from Meridian to Chsnkey river, a distance of thirtv-eia-ht mile Tfc Cersaw, or Friday, says "A Urge force menced woikiBg on the Cbunkey bridges Wed neeaey. it is tnought two weeks wiil finish tbe bridges, when the iron horse will again wend nis way to Jaaftson Vk bkbuhg The Shubuta Rtpuklic has ad vies from which it learns the Yankees are dome I a diibk Business si tats tune in the city of Vicksburg.

Tbe stores are crowded with kee notions and the streets are thronged with drays loading and unloading vessels. The town I 3 is uieu waa canon speculators, waa aeem la have plenty to do as they have plenty of cotton. How they get it at for them to say, but thsy have it either by purchase or stealing. If they buy it, we fear that Yankee notious have had corrupting it finance in that region. TL.

1 oasaaer mat eating at the very nceri ot the republic and threatening it. DKSBBTIONB IBOB TsnBt AsBMY. Daltos, April M4. BOTTOM ArrtaL la my oplnloii, no solt seal hv. bw mor.

oppartau-ly or-ugui l- lie than the oa. contaln.d In h. leaner oi your issue -f Aim Daemon, Military Service. THIS white enag In the trial of a ease of dW -ion bit eve foil apon the ieaaor In question, ana, ter readlns the came, my mind ws irresUtably forced. to reran baek to the vanoes causes aasifned far the aaaenion of their country's eaaa In this bar ef her extreme peril, by the many catprlts broashl he fare this court to answer to this most heinoni crime a ertme which none bat traitors and cowards aloue thonld ba capable of committing.

Htranee as It may apprar, yet I aaaart it as a fact, that a mafonty of the orimtaala, amea called oa by the court to state what they may havs to say ia explanation or palliation of the grr- offense with which they stand charged. attrib ite the eoounisalon of ths crime, either directly or indirectly, to the infloence of those who aarranad their own hearth stones. I can but remember with the profonndeet rajret the trial of a young soldier, not yet eighteen years of age, Ttis young man en tend ths serrice at the very inception of the r-v in- tloa, from the grand old State of Virginia, as a member of the renowneS Stonewall brigade, under the peerless Stonewall himself, and when the case had been closed, ard the accused asked If had anything to say to tbe court In extenuation or explanation of so grave charge, with tears in his eyes, be waa forced to confess that his mother bad persuaded him to remain away. Ob, mothers, wires, sisters I Yon who hare done so much for anr holy cause you who hare sa far excelled the Roman matron in ererythlng that is great, good and ennobling- in woman yoa, whose history uuehlng this rerolntlon, when property written, will make the fa tore reader wonder why any place in history has Len assigned even to the mother of the celebrated Gracchi how can yon so far forget your best interest, ss by ac word or deed, to persuade, in the least, any oue for whom yon have ths slightest regard, much less those tween whom and yourself tbe most tender relations subsist, to commit a crtma which forfeits his life, by bringing dlsfraee upon him and his family, rnd rain upon our common country. Heretofore, yoa may hare had something of an ex cuiie for permitting your humanity to master yoarjudg meat, but this excuse no longer exists.

It ia no longer humane to persuade the soldier (though the dearest re- lai nna in life mar subsist between yon,) to remain awsy from his colors for, as certain as fate, hereafter, when a clear ease of desertion is made out, death by musketry will be tbe ineritable consequence. The 23d article of war proridas that, "Any ontcer cr noidier who shall be convicted of baring advieed persuaded any other officer or soldier fo desert the ser- rice of the Confederate States, shall suffer death or such other punishment as shall be indicted upon him by sentence of a court martial." The above article refers only to persons connected with the army. Bat the fol owing set of Congress refers to uueeas who shall bs guilty of a similar offense The Congress ol the Confederate Stales of America do enact. That any parson. Dot snbj-ct to the rules and articles of war, who shall procure or eatlca a soldier, or person enrolled for service in the army of the Coufede- rata States, to desert, or who shall aid or assist any de sertsr from the army or any person enrolled for vice, to evade their pr per commands, or to prevent their arrest to be returned to the service, or who xcall knowingly conceal or harbor any such deserter, etc.

shall, apon conviction before toe district court baring uriadiotlea of the offense, be Sued not exceeding one thousand dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding two yeare" Approved January SJ, 1S04 1 Tie Btd article of war and the preceding act of Con great show hew great the danger to the deserter and bow faennl the consequences to any citizen giving him 'aid and comfort'' in any way. And I here take occasion to state for the benefit of these who are absent from the post of duty, that the very best thing that they can de, Is to return vulunta rily to their command, wtth the leas', possible delay. Ia trials for desertions, Use anmu rmrundi, or the intent inn of returning, is ths sure test or distinguishing di-rence between "desertion" and "absence wUhout leave," that ia to say, should a party hare been absent from his command for a considerable time and should he volantarily return, or should be voluntarily report to an enrolling officer for ths purpose ol getting tion to return to his command, these acts would rsbut tbe presumption of animus muntndi or the lntan ion to desert, which was raised bv the mare (net oi leaving ithout pormkvioo. Though should the party remain away until he is arrested and seit to his jmutKod under guard, together with the fact tba. he left without per ssion, the aueSBS awaaaasat, or intention to desert, ia natablished, and "dean by mnaketry" must be the con sequence.

by the JO til article of war. you will perceive that All officers and soidiers. who have received pay oi have been duly emitted in the service of the C- nfedar ato States, and shall be convicted of having deserted the same, shall suffer death or such other punishment as by the sentence of a court martial sha'l bo inflicted." Notwithstanding the plain and unambiguous terms used in the foregoing article of war, there is a fatal error respecting It. Into which many have fallen, both the army and at borne, and that is, the first offense of desertion is not punishable with death. From the reading of said article no snch inference it dedaci ble.

This is a fatal error, indeed, for there are uow soldiers under sentence of death for the first offense of desertion. Then, how fatal, bow fearfully fatal has this error proven to those unfortunate soldieri who, in a few days, will have to pay tbe extreme penalty of tbe law for desertion, aad iiow terrible, indeed, will be their end absentees, that tLe press have-gotten after you, you can no longer remain awsy with safety to your- selresor to your coon try 't causa. Then return at once. and renew tie cocUto' aad continue it. DIPL.0na.TIC GORKXSPSnatBftCB.

-President Until your last white foe shall kneel, Aad in bis coward pangs expire si ep to dream of brand and steel. Wake but to deal ia blood and T. etruciioa, is the almost universal greed for gain the desire to accumulate money and lay up wsalth It ks rapidly poiaoning the fountains of the pubiK patriotism, says the Rat the foundation, for the betrayal ef those gr Pt r.lsaa 11 aweW.Afta revoiutiau had its birth Every class of society, and men of every pn liarity of character, from the boy not yet out of ids tosirs, to the gray-headed aueer trembling apon the btiuk of ths gravefrom the merchant in his store, to the soldier ia the camp, are most without exception mete or less infected with this evi, spirit of accumulation. TBsm RAfJE. HlaDttUARTKKS, 28TH RXSIMINT, I Wright's Brigade, April 7th.

1884. Editors Arrtal. I observe in the newspapers quite a "scram We between several regiments and bri. gadea, ia as effort to settle the priority between them selves in the recent re enlistments for the war. Ths action of the various Tennessss reglmenu and brigades in this noble step, being to prompt and I bad snppesed that no invidious allusion whatever would have boon made in newspapers or elsewhere to the leparate action or merit of any bat tbat all would mag nanlmonaly rest content with a gen.

rons sward of the palm of honor' to tbe troops of Tennessee at large Others having teen proper however, (doubtless through motives of laudable emulation to emphasise on tho precise, data of their -enlistment, I am thus forced to year columns with these few lines. In lus'Jce to the men aud officers titter my command. Soon after the battle of Oblekamaaga I approached Qovernor Harris' of Tennessee, and informed him that my regiment (28th Tennessee,) were ready to re-enlist for the war; and that I vu anxious to tender their services in iome per manner, and that as no act Congress was then known to me whereby they could bo received apon finite terms, I should be glad thai he would assist and instruct me, in whatever steps might bo necessary to the accomplishment of said object. The governor replied that he intended going to mond soon, aad that ho would there ascertain whether and In what manner such thlrg might bo done, and dls natch to me, or else Inform me oa hit return. He vised mo therefore to suspend action until I could bear from him.

He went to Richmond but never got baek till the latter part of December. I received no patch, aad before his re. am I was called away from the army myself oa other business, and did not return till about the middle of January. Tho governor, however, bad relumed to tho army at an earlier date, and when I got back some two or three regiments had re -enlisted, while mine was awaiting my return. Thus tbe aotloo of the Ifljlh Tennessee regiment was post to the 2Sd January whoa, in fid, her re-enllstmont was fered In od faith early in tb fall of 1863, aad long hofo.

nay such notion had boon even intimated bv snv aor coinai sua ror tbe correctness of this statement. 1 taas tne noerty to reler to Gov Harris, who doub less remembers the foots. Having, justice the men onjeors unoer my command, laid thus muc'i, I hone 11 was aot 00 regaraod as a "snatch" on my own part tor me laureia so eagerly claimed bv oti.ers I an very truly yours, els 8. STABTON, Ool. 38th Tennessee regiment.

Englandmyl'ratuts and Remtnstntes Daw R-p'y. From the MoWIe Tribano.) We hive been favored by a visitant and eneriretie onileborataavr with a copy of correspondence which has inst tax en place oeiween tne British authorities and Richmond, on the subject ot the rams. Ha little ble, wo ars.asrnrsd. waa encountered in procuring-these doeumeu's. though why there should he any desire to keep them from tbe public eye we cannot divine.

There is lothlngln ths course of tbe British ties but what was to ho expected of them, and tho spirited manner In which the President has treated ths matter deserves alt commendation. It will bo observed that he dors act reply person ally or officially, but merely di eats his private secretary to answer the patch, aad that ho does not address bim'slf to Earl Kosseli at all. The view be takes of tho course of the British ttnvorament Is ia accordance with tho unfver sally expressed feelings of tho country. Wo arc ob ltged to our correspondent for procuring these ments for as, aad believe our readers will peruse them with no little satisfaction. We subjoin them B.

M. I.xaariOH, i Washington, D. April 1. 1864. Mr.

Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Ts 8n -1 have been instructed by Earl Russell, Her Brit- annie Veie.fv'k ftscretarv nf State for Foreie-U Affairs, to convey to yen the following extract of a dispatch which baa bean transmitted to me by his lordship. I have cbusen tba method which appeared to aw to bo the nnlv nvailaoie one. under the nr. -sent auhappy otrcum- in ich tbe oouotry is involved, and It-usr that the absence of all recognised diplomatic or consular re.i.lents or other amutsof her staieaty near Richmond, will be rococnuied as'itifficlaut reason for its not being sent hroagb the usual channels. I need scarcely say that tbe bearer of this dhpatoh, wbom you have sented to ullow'to visit Richmond, has been authorised by the government of the Culled States to pass into your Hues, on the of truce tat, for the purpejse of dolly- aiinsr it.

and will deslrs your permission to return to Waiiius-ton bv tbe same mode of conveyance. I have tbe honor to be, with high respect, your obedl ent, humble servant. 4.TUJS3. You will also convey to Mr. Davis at Richmond, ihn.n.ii such clisnnal as shall be available, and as you iv in your disci etlon deem proper, tho formal protest and remonstrance of Her Majesty's Government, agaiu-t the efforts cf tho authorities of tho to-calod Con a 'era States, to bui war remit within lisr Ma- iastv ifommion.

to be employed against the govern- meat i.f the United States Perhaps your lordship n.ish: acceinnilsh this obj -ct by obtaining nermls ,1011 rrrm the authorities of both belligerents to send a -nseial xn- s-eiur-r to Richmond with tbe necessary dls patch. In you wiil transmit this parsg-aph. or tbe substance of It, together wttn an mat loiiowt, to toe eiose of his communication. Her vitieB-r s-Uovernment la taking thia course de sire Mr "Davis to rest assured that It Is adopted entirely to that spirit of neutrality which has boon declared the policy of the eou try, with regard to tho belligerents now so 1 amon' ably desolating America, and n-tucs will continue to be pursued, with a care fol and an earnest desire '1 mase it cocauiive to tne most rigiu imperii- alltv and A with tbe Law fflosrs of the Crown, her Majesty's rnmcnt have come to the decision that arcn at tb- authorities of he so-called Confode- ra-e S'a es hava been engaged in building vessels which wr-uld beat least partially euniDDew for purposes on leaving the ports of this country that these war vessels wonia oe nsi tne United Sta er, a country with wLieh this Government at ueace; that this would be a rloletioa of the noa rraiitylaws of this realm; and that the Government of the United States would have just (round far serious complaint against her Majesty irovernmaat, anouid they pertu I such an infract ion of tbe amicable relations now sr.L-s.s'iagbe.woeu the two 00 latries.

'lier Majesty's Government confidently rely on the frankness, courtesy, and dioerom-ot which Mr. Davis has displayed in ths difficult circumstances in which be has been placed during the past three years, for a re- gait on of tbe correctness of tho position which her Mnlestys Government have takoa anon this subject. Ho mutter what might bo the difffeoiiy of proving In a tort of law that the parties procuring the building of tl vessels are agents or the so-called Confederate S-ate. it is universally understood throughout ths world that they are so, ana tter xu)sty's Government are satisfied that Mr. Day would not deny that they aroso.

Conxtru tod ss as ansae vessels are, they would cert on be lu a cocdi ion on leaving port to Slot the must serious damage ca ressels belonging to tbo ailed States, mt was shown by the destruction of tho Uumbarlatid, Unit ntntes sionp-ofwar, by tho 'ram', merely by tho latter being run into eo'llsinn with tne Uu.i.beriand. "Such ressels are, to all intents and purposes, equipped as war vease 01 a riatn power, aiinotigh taey So wi bout a or any ammunition board; nor can the frequent use of word equip in the seuse uf iruishwith ever, thing necessary for a ba held for a moment to limit its sign ri est ton 10 the furnishing of a wtr vessel with everything which it might be sible to put upon her, or the ultimate putting of which on her might bo contemplated. Soon a construction cannot be entertained ior i instant. Ills clear that a hundred and twenty guasulp might bo equipped for war parp. ses with any fraction of her armament oa board, although she might not bo so powerful or so aflt cleut as she would be, if she bad tho whole of it, A ram would be also equipped for war purposes, although the absence of her or-fnanco and ammunition might render her iss-ti ctitse man scowooia no with them.

This, it presumed, by her Majesty's Government, will be ceded Dy Mr. Davis, without further argument, or illua- tratl -u In support of It Thhi much being established to fas perfect tion of her Msjenfr's government and the law offioert of tbe Crown, and admitted, as they are convicted it must be by Mr. Davis, and by every other person of sounii ana in g-nent. ts not the slightest room to doubt tbat it is p.oposod to use the vessels in against tho United Sta'es, a country with rruk-h this nation is at peace aad oa terms of amity. hat the permitting of them to leave the ports of and tar Mhosty's douxm ot-s would bo a rioiatioa oi tho neauallt, laws of ths kingdom, and such an injurious act towards the United States us would justify the ernment of thit country in seriously compiaSsisg of it as un'nendly and offensive la ths high si even to the iuunmeni peril of rup'uring tho peaceful tion bow existing between tho two coantriaa.

Hants these circumstances, her Majesty's Govern mem nrotast and remonstrate against any further forts being made on the part of the so celled ate States or the authorities or agents theieof to build or ause to be batlt. or to purchase or cause to be ed, any such vessels, as those styled rents, or aoy other vessel be usod lor war purposes against the United BtaVoa or against aty cuuntry with which tbe United ngdoin is at peace and oa terms of amity and h- Majesty's Guycumenl prut-st and remonstrate against i acta ia viutati. a 01 ine neutrality laws of tho realm. "I have tho honor to bs, your Lordship ob'tserv'. The Reply HICHSOSD, Va C.

April 6, lSot. To the Right Honorable Lord Lyons, C. eta, H. B. 11 irlmiktar 10 tho Government of the United -Stair a Mr LOKD I have been Instructed by the Preiident to acKnow odgo tbe receipt of a dispatch from vonr loroiuip.

enclosing a opy or a -ponton or a dispatch from Kail Russell, U. B. M. Secretary of Slats for for -tsn Agalrs, purporting to be a "formal protest and re morstranee of herMies-ye Government, arainst the enon-t 01 au-nontles or tbo so ca led Confederate States to Putin war vessels within nor Majesty's domin ions, to he emp oyed against the Government of the Mates. The Presided destros me to say to your lordshln that wo-ie be te aot trawling to waive, hi exuilno- i-lrenm stance-, ih- transmission of snch a document through nier loan toe u.oai ana proper cnannels.

It wi.uhl he nconstitant witn tne dignity er the position be ui's tinier Magistrate or a nation comprising a population of more ihnn twelve mi lions, occupying a terriforv many times larger man tne uotleu tu ogdom, and sessing resources unsurpassed by those of any country on the face of tbo globe, to aliuw the attentat of Reel Itustell -o Ignore the acta al ezisteuce of the Confed- rat- tatee, ana to oontnmollonsiy atvle theei cm -0 ui pass wi.uuu, a romiai prutest and rsmon atrance 1 ho 1 resident, therefore, does prote-t and remonstrate sgainst this studied Insult and be Instructs me 10 say mat in future any document in which it may be repealed will oe returned unanswered and ticed. With respect to the sahfoct of the extract from Bart Rusiell dispatch, the President desires me to ate Ibat tne plea or n-ntraMy which he nsed to sustain the Free a Ossir t'staat Carre rpondencs of the Columbus Bon.) Polls RD, April Ifi. Tho slose of the week with very little worth n.tlcing. At tho commencement we had a grand review and insp, tuon 01 tne ir-ops as this by Iuspoetor Getisrai Hodges. Gen.

Maury, commander i h's department, was a so present and I believe performed soma part the pageantry, roe m- specto general is said to have expressed n-reat satis ac- awa at tee apmnarancs ana quippiurni 01 but I hare yet to learn of ease where those men expressed a different opinion. Whan reviewed by dlvtaou, everyihioep, is ail right; whan retiewed by brigads, there Is nothing lacking-, ai when renewed by a regiment as a time, eacn 1 egimem ia pniuvuunru mm, finest in the sotrloa." At any rale, the words quoted are constantly ia tbe mouths of the officers and privates of tba regiment, for several days after havina; gone through tho reviewing process. Farragut is off Mobile Bay, and it ts said unusual activity prevails among tho ehippiug. Dies this indicate an attaox oa the forts below tbe city' or Is the enemy only menacing them, for the purpose of de- lor are bodies of troops for the defense of the eitv It is sa by soato tbat in his attack on Powell a tow weeks hack, ho was merely getting the range of the distance. Bv others it Is asserted thtu bo got eiois thtng else besides the range, and which he by no means liked the weight of on metal and accuracy of oar aim.

But bo bis object what it may, there Is not the least anxiety felt as to the ability of the forts to hold their own. The rtateeastl Dekt tveigkeel aatat Jleas. reel. The following curious and suggestive calculations were read iiy Mr. John Fair, tho other -lay, before tho Albany Democratic Association 1 The nationel debt Is stated to be Bl.000 UCIOOOO.

It has been said that this debt is so great that it is too vaat for comprehension. Now, as a practical man orooose to wsich It and mexyn. it, and we may thereby obtain a more definite idea or its Immensity. A silver djllar measures If inches in niaateler. i- piaeed sdga to edge will make one foot in length, gsM so placed will make one yard In length, and Stz.aSij placed will make one mile in length.

The earth is vll.eTs) miles in eiroamfererce, it would, therefore. quire $012,364,000 to go once around it. This vast sum must b- multiplied by I ami 4 10 to make It equal to the amoant of our national debt, which would make the liver dollars go around the earth's circumference four times, aad cover rjliU) miles besides. Allowing a silver dollar to Weigh an ounce, 16 to a pound, ponnds to the ton, our debt would weigh 000 tons, and would require 13 snips of iuoo bins burthen each to carry it wouii mane oi jet 1 truex iaas of tuns each, and calsalatlsg that each truck will cover a space of JO foot, they would tretch a distance of 36." and make a of trucks whku would encompass the great cities 01 new 1 ork. Albany end 1 toy in an ellip ticai line.

It would take man Ma years and 40 days to count ths amount of this vast debt, estimating tbat would count eou per minute. wo king ten houit day and 0' days a weak. aw aTeurreet. Rhode Island Re eolation a the Deias erawe (State ejaareatlea. Whereas, A fratricidal war, originating Sn a disregard of the max.ras ard warn ngs or our farthers, is ting the land and threatening the permanent destruction of our Federal mom and whe-eas, tho prevent admin IstraUon, oy Its fatal policy In tbe conduct or tbe war, by Its infringement oa State and individual rights, by a general suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, and substituting mi Itary for civil courts, and above all.

by employing ths srmy to suppress the freedom of elections and forcing gorernments or minorities upon the people or the Slate, rian not only protracted the war indefinite iy, bringing upon the country interminahis taxation and financial rain, bat has created general alarm for the tegrity of the States and the liberty of their citizens, all threatened to be swallowed tip iu a fanatical despotism, the worst ol all governments; and whereas, the country has no guarantee tor tho speedy and successful nation of tho war under the imbecile and changeable manage cent of the present administration, through any other means than by a change of men at the coming presidential election; thsref. re resofved, 1. Tba- we earnestly invito all oar fellow duxens, of whatever shade of p- lit ical opinions, and utder what erer political orgamsat ons, to unite with us in our verted effort to place at the head of our Government a man in whose wisdom, integrity and firmness the coun bry may rely with hope 'or a speedy suppress. on if tne rebellion, the cessation of bloodshed, aad he nance of the Union whicnkiur fathers as a Union of independent Stales and free people created by the constitution, and to bs ma ntaiued only by its X. That he rljht of suffrage, regulated by the Stetes, is tho only safeguard for individual liberty, and must bo -fended at every bsaard.

it. That the Invasion of Mexico by Franco is a vloia- lou of the Monroe doctrine, which mid never have been tolerated under a Democratic administration i. That the seeming rosuerity the financial affairs of the untry is deceitful and unsond, and that tho continuing expansion of our paper currency and the ex- travagancn and corruption 10 tho expenditures of tho goremmeot will bear us, unless wiser eouoals prevail. Into the gulf of national bankruptcy and anarchy. Facts Werta Being rtaowu.

To the Editor of the London Inde 1 SIR: While Mr Wdliam H. Seward Is threatening old angiand who tne vengeance or the universal Tea- keo nation If Kngiish shipoullders and merchants are not prevented selling an unarmed ship to tbo Con. federates, which may afterwards, in some far off island of tho sea, meet a consort and receive the necessary ingredients to change herself Into a cruLuig man of war and while Earl Russell is making every honest, manly LtiaHlsbmaa, who lores the proud fame of his ziormtis old flag, blush ot the manner lu which, 1 bedlent to the throats of veogeanoa, he is straining English law In der hat he may please the reat western joker it may not be oi piano to turn bacx the pares of lime for a few abort years and see what has oeou tne policy of tbo Yankees tbemeelv-s oa this very question, ween it was thins ox that was being go roil by the neighbor's bull. In all 'he wars in which Hnain engaged with her re- vo.tcd colonies in America, nearly all the privateering that was done against the flag of Spain, under the va- rioas "Patriot flags," waa done by Americans in Auier- can vessels, commnndi-d by American rncsrs, uuilt. armed and equipped la Amertosn ports, and without even any attempt at dlsgn-se.

Tbe present Admiral David Porter, who has homed so many towns ar.d houses ou the Mississippi, and wbo bos itton snch Tory bombastic reports, set-red in one these Patriot cruisers, called the Guerrero, under command of his uncle. Captain John Porter, who was formerly, if not at that very time, an officer of the United Slates navy, and this very Guerrero was the terror of the Spanish merchant ships, ami fought most gallantly with Bpantsn frigate, as tne poor Spanish ox was then gored, -been gallant A nigricans were "heroes," not pirates, as -bs Prophet teard uow calls southern men, lighting under their own flag, and for ths country tnat gare tttem otrtn. i- act Mo. 1. hea Greece was fighting for her liberty against the Turks, it had of course tho tympat hy of that nation founded on revolution and the of any people to govern themselves.

Two splendid frigates openly built in -New ork for tne Greeks, and armed arid equipped. The Yankees love liberty, bot they have nu eye to the main chance also, and as the Greeks eouldonly pay for one of the ships, only one of them went to Greece, the Holla. Tne was pur hased Into the United Slates nuvy, and called the Hudson Fact No. 3. When TV xas was at war with MeiicL number of skips were openly built for the Texans In pons of the United States, armed, equipped, and mann -d by Americans, commanded by officers who from the United States navy to bo promoted iato that of Texas these ships sailed openly from Mew Orleans, under Commodore Moore, with the Austin for his dag sin p.

to cruise aga nst Mexico, and did eugape some Mexican steamers. Iu the town of Norfolk, a United States navy yard, a regular remise vous was opened, the flag of Texas hoisted, and men enlisted openly, and went out of tho harbor, with the flag of Texas flying at tbe fore of the vessel that carried them, and drums boat fag- VIRGINIA. a ae Mtaaaor ef tbe Death from the Rebel, April 30. too ytetdav, refers to a raraor of the death cf ueral bronirtrt from Dal- too, and reported at Atlanta by a gentlentsm from this place. The gtaiement ttiat a dispatch was received at headquarters on Sttnt'ay.

giving; the "ore on 3x in.iay Out as Cur diSDatCf Mnniiao naait. alln.U. it, ws did tint deem it wor-h reference Ut it Pross monntnhaa contain adigpatch trom Mobile of the 18th, which was one day later than the dispatch to i.i.,uii ia iuntiei rr anv nntm Daltrn, and rnmcr. and it is hardly probabie that if r-orrest was dead, the fact would not bs lmo n. L-cown liter course of her Males y's present gorernmont against tbo 'onfedernte States it so clearly contradicted by then- act oni ih-l It ia resrwd-d by the world, not oven sx- ntplilig the Unitec States, as a aero cover for actual DOttlUty, and the President cannot but real that this is a Just view 1.1 It Were, Indeed, bar Majesty's ment id-cere ht a desire aad determination to maintain neutrality, the President sonld not bat foel that they would uei her be 1st nor ga lent to allow the suhlnga- ti of a nation like the Confederate States by such a berbarous nespot raco as are now attempting il canoo- It I- el, won tutorr and trail 11., na aha Hs Rkmabkamlt Liberal Tha rattsz oaa a Ji.cnmona correspondent, who in late letter, tells the fouowinp- storiea thai woaia iiaraiy osueve if we did not know what lit tie eouis some men save A minister making' collections relio-inna uses, several weeks since, was told by a Baptist ia one of oar Virginia neighborhoods, that ha bore the chief burden of the salary paid bv his ehureh to the pastor lie gave a hundred rlcl- lari to that object, while all the rest of the membership s-ave only about as much more? And than he had strained and paid the wbo 10 sum ia advance, on the lst of January.

On this pata, toe minuter aforesaid was pot off with a very mess-re contribution. From anbaerniont inquiry be learned that the pastor waa obliged oa account 0 feeble health, to use brandy under madias I Draar-rintion an1 ik. k. a 1 1 uuiimou a act brBd' Angio race rjerire him. th tt, under a government faithfully representing the people of Great Britain, the --'a-, mu puww 01 mat nation would be tin hesitatingly tarrvvn into the teals in favor of tbe prin clpjes of tree Government on whlc i these States wa.

originally fbim. d. and ior which alone the Confederate uuw 1 'qf Il ue cannot out reel that with such a government and with toe p.ea of nontral ty urtred nnon the ne.n.ia as ,1 is slum piuuii spectacle could be witnessed, as 1 utr stalnsty'y present govern. u. 1 "trim U.

Ol Ol rCUllUll AS HM nnl.l...,. aiee at t.e oecs. and bidding of officers of ths United Slues, whiles prhre minster mocks ami awb, laieuigence oi a uou.e ol Uommoaa sad of tha wor .1 by excusing the pe. -mi ion to allow tbe Cuitod States to fight against us. by tbe paltry that it was the great demand for labor ana 1...

uu rio 01 wages tuat wsru taking uhein thither He cannot but feel that a neutrality most inninirlT audaei may. fawningiy and InsolenUy sought and god. iw' UUv owugarent ana repml ated -1. uy aii impartial men to ho r. 01 one al tne expense of tho other, while pre ending to be impartial, to be la short, but a cover lor secret, malignant, treacherous bos- As ror the spclous argument, on tbo subject of ths advanced by Earl Kusaoil, the esidenl desires mo to stale tbat be is content to leave tbo world and asiuiy in prouounre tuugment upon this attempt heap injury upon Intuit, by declaring that her Maiesiy 8SRIOU1 Accidvjit ru

N. (1. serious aid pom fol' accident happened to Gen. gran oetw-ien Bine ami teu o'clock Saturday morning. Tho general and bit brother, Captain A.

L. tlvaus, wen In a light drawn by two horses, riding dowo Meet- 'M me acioing he reias. Th, had e-ansvu mi wiiiiiir omeo, corner ol Keul and. Meeting, bat a lit' Is distance, when one of the traces causing tbo hcrses to start off at fu I speed. Jerking ami breaking ihe shaft short off and bringing down tbe rrontoitne Duggy witn a crash to the ground.

Tho general In bit effort 1 1 check the aounall, iw i.a.u his uean iirnciuu- tu paving wita isnriut violence, penons irwai me oumisi uaici who wirnessea tne accident, ran to the assistance tf the general, brought him iu and nt lmmeaiaieiy ior meuicai assistance. When picked np he waa found to be Intern. hie. nn.l bleerllnrr profusely from a frlgh ful lac -rated wound ou the right nd of the head, and with several severe outs about Ihe eyes and month. The whole frontal bono was laid entirely bare, the skin all being taken off.

Drs. Lvbby andtlger, army surgeons, a-rived a fsw mo meets and dressed the wound. lie was afterwards veyed to Mr. Schirmer residence, in Aiken row, when his head waa again eiamined by Dr. Brodlo.

Tho general, although in a itlcai coudition, some- what evived toward Sainrday ereniag. an 1 afterwards pass a com p.trative'y oasy night. Every attent ion which kindness aod skill can suggest is i-ig paid h-m; and strong hopes arc sntertaisod of his ultimate ery. CaaWssftra Coarirr. Siege of Chari.eston.

Two Hundred and r- r. ss ogmy rtfia uay coining or very special terest has occurred since last report. A few shots ware exchanged between battery Cbevos and the enemy's batteries on Morris' Island. Three shots were fired st the city Saturday, and fifteen Sunday. Throe shots were fi ed at Fort Snmter.

The enemy were engaged Sstatday either mounting or dismounting a large gun at the "SwamD Ancel" battsrv. A laro-a em was engaged a short time Saturday in shel.inp- inn's Island. No charge in the fleet ted Ctnrier. there. The reckless daring of Gen.

Forrest, and the corslact exposure ol his person in the thickest 0 the fight on all occasions where his command is engaged, renders such a result as his death by no means imprcbatld. Oa ihe contrary, his escape heretofore has been little less than ulous. He has already been wounded two or three times, but is yet spared. And it is yet carnes tly to be hoped that he may no; be ent off in his career of naeiuiiiess aad glory, when his ssgecious mina xna nety valor ing so much good for his struggling country. Sicca writing the above, we have been ed ths following telegram from an officer of high rank in the army 0 Tennessee at Dalton.

No official tntelligoncs of the death of Gen. Forrest. The report is not credited here." From the Traas-aiosiaaiypl. The MittisMtppian oi Sunday morning has another version of affairs west cf tho river. It says: We have convened with an iatelligaat tleman who left Shreveport on the ult.

When he left ha was informed at Gen. rby Smith's headquarters that the enemy lad gone an tbe river, and that there was no such good luck as te get a fight ont of them. Tbo graphic report published yesterday morning; is piobably wholly without truth. It is possible that the repcrt originated in a Yankee brain, and was intended ae a rase to divert the tion of our authorities from tbe real movements of the enemy. A large proportion of the Ysn- kee forces in the trace-Mississippi department have been, in all likelihood, sent to reinforce the Potent tc or Tennessee army.

Our informant says that the soldiers swarmed in upon Gnu. Smnb like bees when it waa derstood that a fight wag expected, and they were sorely disappointed when it was found that the enemy ba i changed bis plans. The spirit in tie trsns-Mistissippi is fully as good as it is ia the cis-Missirsippi department, if not better. The greaiast eoiiti lance prevails tbat tha old Father of Waiara will fall into our hands again before tha summer goes out. Yankees themselves are painfully apprised of this fact.

arrests iHinaiaaippi. The subjoined extracts frcm the Brandon publican will ba found intsrss ing STATE TROOPS. Brig Gob. A. Watts informs us that al1 the State troops have been turnod over to tbe Confederate Government, under command of Major General tolson, wbo will rank as dier general in tba Confederate service.

Gov. dark is permitted to retain loOO of them in the State, under command of Gen Watts, who sires us to state to the boys between 17 and 18 tbat they will be nllowed 20 days longer to unteer, wrteh time they will be arrested and pat into tbe teivic-3 outside of the limits tf the State. By volunteering they will have tbe privilege of electing own officers and re- maioing in the State in the Confederate service raoM uosa' commakd. Reliable persons, who have left Vicksburg within the past week, stats that the Yankees are in constant dread of an attank. and tbat a nnm.

ber of the marchants packed np their goods and prepared to leave at a moment's notice. Gen. Ross, the galiant Texas "nearo killer," maua a descent upon two brigades of black Yankees, Snyder's blcff, on Wednesday, the ultimo, killed and captured qaits a number of them, tnd drove the remainder into Vicks- bntg great confusion and disorder. Two iments of bit were sent out to reinforce tbo blacks, and they too came back at a donblc- quick. Several cannon, it is said, cams ing' into the eiry witcrut any riders on the horses.

Ross followed them to within one miie of the city, wbn they opened on bim from their rrtiticatiitns. and lis was compelled to lal1 back. Wa should not be surprised to hear nf urn in vicKssurg oetore long. THE KEBSIXIOff IB SMITH COUBTY. mt ine accounts we receiv trom South county are very cheerine- Col.

Lowry, now acting uiiB.iier-ei.e.ui, nits garnered np about two hundred and twenty-five duser'ers and csn- scripls, and at lest accounts they a ere coming in rapidly. A'l who return voluntarily are given psst ctTecses, but those caught in tha woods th arrcs in tiieir hands will bo severely dealt with. As yet but two men have been ecuted. On Sunday eveninir last a small sena.1 were sent um rear tae jones conaiy line, uade cemmand cf latent. A it Even, to arrest a couple of deserittrs.

Thsy succeeded in turing one of them, and stopped to stay all nigbt at a house near by. Two man were lelt to jruaid the prisoner, and four laid down on the porch tc sleep, when the four were I red on by some pers, or persons who had slipprd up 10 ass raace arouna tne House, and one ot them kilied and two wounded. Tha following ire names: Sergt. G. W.

Tillman, eompany 6th sissippi regiment, kilied; Lient. A. B. Evans, company F. 6.h Mi'tttssippi, wounded in bath legs Corp 8 P.

Hail, company tith sippi, slig'titiy in foot and leg. Potstobs 250 husheb Sweet Potatoe Seed to arrive in a day or two on We are authorised to seil at -twenty dollars per bushel, the purchaser to tarnish sack. Apply immediately to ap Seago, Palmes Co. NEW ad ektisem j-: rs Attention, OMPASY A. of the 'at Realm-nt, Sartrsll Bri.

ie. will meet at 'te City liall. in Mfivn tha sSth lnat-iat. at It o'clock a. for the purpose of being mustered lata service.

By rdtr cf a CHAMBERLAIN, saBj 4t flap' sin Onintanoljg. 1500 Sacks PAIB3 mVY PANTS, 04 ba es Yarn and Oanaburxs. tiOO Sew Hacks. ceils Cotton hop. For sale hy l.

day; i. Poo; hi raa street. 30 Box- Tobao 100,000 ZD 0CO lbs Smoking Tobacco. Seotrh. Maocaboy and Bapptte Snuff, Waste.

Svegtlsh Wool Plains, Window Qiaos. For 1 ale by DAVIS, SSti lw VINEGAR 30 BIs. Viaf For sale by a 2 1 Iw L. DAVIS, i'ltaeatree HASBIS, NALLE (Successors .0 Harris, Jonas General Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, awtl Ml Matinlla street, Atlanta, a a. SILK, SILK SILK 140 Yards of Colored Silk, For Lis lags.

Can ba has at spaOtt r. PEASE'S. Peach. reo street. TVVILl-.

IRON 300 Kefs Old DoBi.iea assorted. 20,000 lbs, assorted Band, snail Bar, IRON, Swedes and English, For saio by Is, B. DAVIS, apsfllw Peaehtroo itreot. B.1TTLE HOUSE: THS of this wail, known and House Re-am their thanks to he dtlaaas cf and tha traveling porb'io Kr the very liberal patronage hereto, foro leataM. and hope, by atuatloa te the waau of the people, to merit and receive a oonltaa.

aaee of the same. We would say in tins aotleo, te correct some asav npreseotadoa that has goaa ahreoat that our sbwge is nrriats dollar rss oar. and ht as eaaa has ore been charge i. FABIUBB nitrous tf proourtag apartments caw do ao by aaUlrcastnf the undetaigned. HABBISS.

DUVALL at CO aoie las Proprietor. MOMta. Ala, SI OO Kb ward: EAN AWAY rreat tha sufcawvSsre a- Cskaha, on he night of ths uitiauo. the BOY, MATT, ag aeon yean, wi.h very dttie or no board, dark eoppar color, has a am all soar on hi Irfl shara, laused tiom a rreeBt ao 1. Oe peaks qaiakly whsa rpokea to.

and is very IntoUlfent Tho boy is posed to have left Cab eh auih caw willisana, aad to aaro ltt heima he Southern Bspuh. oa tor rip of Wsdnesdav. Oth a I will give the above reward tot tho delivery of said negro, or if lodgca say lail where we earn got Ulna. BX.AZBALB At KuOBE. ISt Dallas Conwy.

Ala. THE ATLANTA HOTEL Call and Give it a Trial I It iaf araaed that oat asV 11 st open by dation. Be will to ae market es Ilia trading pabil popular Hoiol is 1 aguod fjr their accrual ans'omers tho brat tha tt fuliowii rates fir sta- a Transi doard oer lar S--0 Brery ff ri will bo made to saaaaa that anew re h-m a cad. J. c.

HE tOSRSuN arSiOt 13iiV GOODS, HATS A.ND SHOES. 150 PlrlCbaS KSUUaa dPBXNa PBIStTS. pieces Be- an lasatf fasth. 30 dozen Eagllsh Felt Hats, ICOdoaeu Mttilao Wool Hals. SUO dosea Clark's bpool Threid, 300 sen Coats' Coierod Spool Thread, rW piiis Ladies' Is alters, SO no, best ut Osaasorgs tat conaigarneaTe and for tale by AJWBBSOB A JOdSSON, 'w Ooassaiiaioa werebaata.

Banker Saft ror Sale. OhB t-f th laigaat safes ia the awB of Adnata as iot as new soutsble for a Banker or JSoanshas lnjuiro ap4 lw JAB. atcPbUiltBuB It areaa jii Kratss Karfolk. A. rests continue daily, and confiscations ot proptrty are eqnaHy frraaent.

Rev Mr Arm. strong, whose recent incarceration in Fort Hst- aras was prtbjished, bad taken tbe oath when so rainj others were takintr it. hut that ritd nnt savdhim. Rav Jlr. Winirriold.

who wua sun. Priced by Butler to sweep Portsmonth's streets ia penitentiary ctstnme, was afterwft nir. ssaded. by Sailer to take the oath, said persna- sr-m I- luMjtinjr ooaoiy in a tarsst ot Uatte- raa. Ksvs.

Mr O'Koefi and Pltmkett, the Catholic pastors ot Noiijik and Portsmoath, received legrapbic dispatches last Sunday fortnight from Buiier, 1st, whether thsy had taken tiis oath; 2d, whether tbey said the nsnal prayer for the -i 1 ot the Doited States Colore vespers. Mr. l'e replied that he had not ta ksn as be owed no allegiance to Li. in. and as to tbo prayer before vespers, he bad never heard (if it.

Mr. Plankett, wbo has not taken the oa ii, repaired to Fortress Monroe and bad an interview tbe B-ast, which resnitad in his heinc' allowed "tirno to reflect." With tha-a rizceptiona all the clergy in the two cities have been torcetl to tshe the oath. A law wan recently ronnivlno. eveiy fourth log to ba killed, and the remaining three-fourths are to be provided with toys! lars, bo reentered, and pay a tax before they are allowed tha irsedotn of the city. Ms-y wno bhyj lost their servants, rssnnm ihemseiyes as heartily delighted with the change, the extra laSof imposed being more than companaated by: tha absence of the dence and rogueishnses of tho contrabands.

These iatter are in a missrable condition, vice, tilth, diieaae and neglect, having thinned them ont fearfully. The resolution of the truo eo- ple, particularly the women, is naabateu, end while fines and detor them from oponly giving eipxeasian ta their loeiingj, they kuaw osa auotiier, and take courage in quiet sympathy and their steady hope of deliverance It isrsporto.1 that the sasgaificent msnsioa of Mrs. W. m. Taylor ia to be ituniiieshsi 1.

the oath, and has TAKE THEM UP RAH AWAY, oa Saturday algit, loih mstauL THBBE BE'tRO MMS PBTE, an old gray beaded man. fifty aix years nil, five fact eight inches high, aad of a dark or black cemidekion It is inopoiedho is tho guide for the oihai two to Chatter county Oav, or io las Yaakea lines oar Chattanouga, as he lived in Chaf.oce iasi i ear. JOHN is about tlx fees blirh. twenty Ave reara old aad will weigh about two bandied pounds, and is very a aca. 3i)B Is about Ore feet tan or eleTon inch! gh.

rnii weigh mo hnndred nad seventy or on, hnr.flr-d ana soventy-ne jionnos. sod of a dark orowu aooat tweaty or twenty av years old. Any person takiag up tho servo n-groos and oorfl ng hem, or either of thorn, ta any safe jail, so we can set them, will he liberally rewarded Our address ia iiranu io. uwmneit conaty, Qa. UAAU STBICXLAND, 8s DE'iKY ap2S It WAITED CtLSAK COTTON RAGS will Snrj a ready sale at this oihee at the atarket price.

App.y at tho s7 APPBAt. ItO LIST ia BlXlW. a othora -um Opiniii ITTE oflVr dlowing, with Tf to the traac-. nackerel Ifla kerel Just Received. A L80.

a Dae assorirasnf of Wines CI ark, Liquors, a-a. on band sad far sale by apl I til" DoWLIaG Decitu- EXTRICT. Hraii-i ahi gi3 Atir or 'l rrtrisstE. Uait hi, April ltd. Spscial Orders No.

112.) X. At tho rrqiest of th Chief Quartermaster, Major J. Blue MOORX, Assistant Chiel (uttrUrmas tor is ssporially cbarged with ths eolleetion. chip ment and supply of forage for ih- A my of see. All ufSoers a- agents now upon the ahor duly by order orn these H-itiar ers aSP report to Siajor afooro.

By cmasand uf Qoa. Jou.nstu.-h. KIN LOCH Major J. Blus Moors. A.

A. Oaasrai. Asit Chief Army of Tennras. aplfSOt "THE SLDA MISSISSIPPI A file sheet: dim Arabic, Preptted Chalk, bias Mas, Bag ish Calomel. Blistering Oiuiment, Meraatial Oiatmeat.

Bpsom Sails aad i.w.s AaaCOHOIa, 43 las spirits Niter, 50 Kan Sulphur. LA Cream Tartar, 1C0 ooxers Bltra Silver, SO lbs. Prime InaMgi, j. Pnme Madoar, Prrme Cop; was. 500 Cart, me, ireeu and yellow 10 gallons im period Castor Oil Pur sal low no ST Joyuer.

so? Who! -ale PRICE WILLIAMS, teaeril ConaLieE Herthant aad rciy XTO. 31 St. FBABCI4 8TRBBT. Maaile, Alahama, XI Bef ireacaa Messrs. Walsh, bmith A Mobile.

Ala. Messrs Giltnor at Moutg isaory, Ala. J. Hvans, Atltnta, Oa. Me.srs.

J. A. Aasiey A Augusta, eta. Messrs. Krai.

Payee A Bisbmo ja, Ta John P. TaaBSSSj cf the Tredegar iron Works, Bichmrnd. Vs. a7 iw A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLOCKADE GOODS. Largest Paper in the t'oni'edertcy Published at Selmu, issued -vsry Sunday morning, and will contain the toUowUlg, Plredde nosdlug.

Ovneral Inie'ligence MortU Kelisrioui. Lit, ry, aiai'sucai ana r. HI. Ths Latest Teieg-anhlc and News artmr IV A Serine of Pfuzs StoRUS ta pnoUeation cf wi" cjmm -nee airor toe l.i.n or aay uex'. Terms Six mouths SiO, thre months, SS Sub scriptions to ike Duly Misaieslpoian, at at per month ioc.ndo tho Sunday issne.

ad.treas COOrtit A Bi -t'' A aI9 3t Selwa. Ala. Tobacco. BOXES TOBACCD-yarions qualitlot JyJJ on oonrlgnmeat and lor saio by apl if lw aNZIEBoON it JOdNSON. Commission Merchant Horse lor Sale.

SPLENDID saddls and Buggy UoBEE I als blood bay, tixtcea hands gh Appiy 10 MEUL'IEa, At Major ffice. apl WhiUaall street. A Buggy ami Uarntii lor Sale INQCiRBof arlu CBAS. HtlNTZ, the Qun-rai Miop. I law offi I'reii lent QbbatPkschant for Men's Clothrs correspondent informs us that a woman, dressed heap injury upon nsult by declaring that her Maesty nw" WM tbe hos- friends amODsT.

tbe Federaia orernment aid lew dicers are satisfied of the que- pitai, near Kinffston, est ThursdsY and snt tf WaJ Hons Involvwl. While tbom onastion. ar. h.ri ,71 a .1 ana ssnt Hhtteras is to be sue Dsrn higbnst legal tribunal of th kingdom, oetaoosed of r- a Kingston tiom Kjme, in comnanv with mm. sold ers.

PatliDg' to got, to go to the frost, or a room at the hotel, th, rtir-t stabls, and sbortly reapnearej (Iresnrtil in esii.i:. jrarb. They were arreatea and turned over to too provo. msisusi. tt ls IBAa til8y wero vehemently opposed to tha suspension of the writ of habeas corpus jo is a certain C.

we wot of. Roma Courier. For Keni, HB STOBE occupied by Bra Howland. rour doers froatth eotntr cf WUuhaJl and Hunter street, with the stock of Millinery for lata or particulars PP ya'? aOUtrlM, api8 iw Corner Whttehali and Hunter stri-cts 44 ENGLISH GBAY CALICOxW. NEW ASK1IAL OF GJ0US.

DAKK PBIRTS, CASSIMSRjSO, Ladies' rngllah Congress (Jailers. Playing Cards. For by p'' 41 P. p.

mouibers or the (Juveruuient and the Inahi osrs of tbe crown, for their decision, the himself wiil not condescend to noik-e th- I bavt the honor to be yonr Lordshtp's obedlaat. huuible servant; BUBTON i(. HARRISON, Private Secretary. SBBT Back James D. Deneg-re, prcsidec cf the Ci isens' bank of New Orleans, wag 01- dered to leave the city for having published a "card" dooyin- havintr t'artioinated in tho inn.

g-uration of the Foderal Gov. Hahrt. nn. riving- at Paacegoule on a flag- oi truoe boat, the Cou federates refused to let him laml won. mm uaca.

10 toe orescent Lilly. aV A St. mis oaoer tells this A man and wife were engag-ed ia arrang-jog for separa- tioa. The diftcalty of adjrxstmeot was the ba y. Tad wile tearful! hsorowd bn to keep "tho dear little' tailnw whil th Bases.

baud angrily and nsrsiatentlv rafnae.1 At lengia s0 wil almost threw the child into the bnsbsni's arms and exulsimed, "Take him can soon have another." tff Rev. Geo. odist mlnuters Inf" It is nai that recently tli Yanb at fsewbern had been larsw than anv lima the war commenced, but tbat still more recent Iy, in fact within the last few days, a pro. porttOB of this feres has (-one somewhere, but the where as not yet been detiaitelv aacortaine although there appears to bo everreason to lieve thai it has gone t0 join Burnside's ejr.pedi- tioa uesignod to co-onerata with ijT ST msu itaslv sropoeed attempt upon Richmond, whether by the Chowan, the James Biver or the Peninsula. t3F The Assembly of N.iv d.

law for BBiting that province, New Bruns- xxaeras is im permanttt and regular wi woievwuoujotHdrioLk. aCissKjana, whose case excited such interest in the eracy, was ihfl first victim, but scores havo been sent there since Petersburg Express. Gbh. Polk. Our department commander has been in tho northern pert of the State for a wees:

at present, we believe, he is in Co lumbus. The object of his visit in that direc tion is not known. SUO RW.IKD THE BOY, LEVI, belonging fo Goa Hodge, rsn away froin Xoakogeo In Deeember last. He is tweaty foor years old, five feet tea or eleven laonos high, very stout, and bat a srocp Is of brown co' or, and is supBosod to bo trying to get into Toa- aoeawe. PAUL JONES, an 18 Jt Atlanta Ga FBOIT, Etc.

So far as this city and vicinity are cerned, the gloomy forebodings sxaitrd hy Ihe cold spoil havo not been fully realised, and the fruit has not fered, as waa -iuppued. One friend at least reports anges and lemons safe, aad the oranges In promising bluoni. Wa have also seen ugs, pears and peaches la good stages, cousiduring tbe season. An onterprisina lei.d ut.joyed goo i strawberries a fortnight ago, and has excel ent artichokes. Now Is ihe time fur those who were nut fully prepared to go into their gardens iu CkorictLon Courier.

1M REWARD LOST, between camp (three miles south al Dalton. on ths Atlanta railroad and town, or In Deilou ceo hl.NGLM CASK GOLD WATCH, of tha ail yie, with the figure of a stag oa the dial. The point of tho second band is brcken ff. I will give tho aC re reward fir its dtiiyvry to bo or for any itformati 1 will ieaa iw IB cxbut. C.

W. BABSETT, Turn, Battery, Hoxtoa Battery Anitlory. Hardee Corpa. o. D.

Hamilton, one or the oldest Moth-' wick nJ Pfinos Edward's island under one gov- ui Maryland, died a few days sines. en meat. List of VatciiUaawoI Vroigeit (aecetveel as the ooataera axprtss isaipaar, April 9, istta. Uaviaoo, one bix Landry, one box Morrow, one park age tl A Smith, one box aad keg. The above freight Is stored at owners' risk aad pouse and billable to be sold for charges.

If aot call ad for. V. DUNKING, O. H. Clara.

ROW TEE." fioi iron Bands Pate led Mibsmute for Rope in Baling Cotton Cnmfw Immm 1. laaiw nuiaj tha lisle twenty ts twenty fire pr cent, smaller ihan ropa aad wfU not rot Adjusted to any lite of bales as quickly as rope. Painted aad put up lu the most convenient packages ior transportation, the relative sulk btirit math loss than that of rope, A supply always on hand, for which orders for any quantity will bs prompuy a lied, oast further tion given ou application to 0 B. THOBBURH, Price in Bermuda I Wilmington, B. 0., or eta per lb.

W. Campbell, apis 'dm 8L George's, Bermuda. BLACK aad MOCKNING PRINTS. BLACK ALPACA, Black Reversible Cords, for coats Hoirs Antique Dress Coeds, Gray Flannel, White ITannal. Biack and Gray Marine Us, Melton Clo.h, Bleached Shirtings, 4-4 Sheetings.

7-8 Brown Shirtings, Cotton Oanaburgs, Cotton Yarns, aeorteu Overcoats, Man's Orr.y Uniform, White rjjj Colored Bosom Shirts, Hickory Shirts, Plaid Overshirts, Flannel Shirts, Merino Undershirts, Mens Lng Wool ritockings. Shirt Coilars, Biack and Colored Fancy Cravats, L. C. Hsntib.archieis, Hoop Shuts, Slack Ribbons, Lnen Thread, Linen and Cotton Spool Thread. Horn Combs, Ivory Coaabs.

Ctan-yeosshs, (Ion and Pistol Caps. Steel Pens, Pant Buttons. Sitvsred and Uuilt Buttons, Lead Pencils, Nils Paper, Kngiish Memorandum Books, Watch Glasses, English Congress Shoes, Kronen Calfskicf Hats, assarted lot Street OU, Cotton Wool Cards, Scotch Snnff, Smoking Tobacco, Virginia Tobacco, assorted brands Salt, Ropa, Tallow, Starch, CandUs, Soap, Corn! Chinese Vermillion, Cochenile, Files, Gold Leaf, Needles, Mk, Cow Pasts ia. tale by tt. as 10 Peaehtres sbeet..

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