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Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin • 1

Madison, Wisconsin
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MADLSON; FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 12, 1871. "NUMBER 215. STATE J( 1 L. Wlsronsin Items. Milwaukee Sentinel says that an TEIGMI'II.

Hi' The FKOM SKIV VOUK. New Tobk, May 11. Judge Benedict orders Duncan, oberman bankers in this city, to restore to Mrs. Mary B. Joudon, daughter of the lato accident happened Wednesday evening to THE OFFICIAL' STATE PAPER a laborer employed' at the Cay Vfcw Iron KKO.H TKWKMKK.

-fr. I rr May 11. The Blooded Horao AocUtion races-third day first race homo taV.ta for threo year olds, for purse of floo etttrauce $25 play or pay, $50 to socond horse. Nine four started. They came in ia tb following order, "Sentinel' winning "Sentinel, 2, 1, "Gabrileinzi," 1, 2, "llallswood." 8.

distanced "Graham Mc- FUIIKJU KVH Berlin, May 11. Emperor William is slightly indisposed. Madrid, May II. The Cons'i'uiional Cor.gress will meet torn jrrow, and More will eubmit suit embodying a financial scheme which provides for a eavibg In the expent-itorea of various aep.rtnenta of the Government. KXI'LISIYEIA TO TUB STATE JGlHMt commodore Brainbridge, $28,000 in Hudson Th Foreign Element mm uuiawaro canai hock, wim dividends Qilfld.) t.J.l Sews Paragraphs The vomito is making frightful ravages in Buenos Ayres and Valparaiso.

Johu Cutler, a porter in the dry goods house ofDadd, Brown it Co of St. Louis, has been committed to jail in default of bail, for stealing $20,000 worth of dry goods from his employers. A boy, named Jones, 14 years old, was killed near Alton, 111., while driving a larm roller over a plowed field. He fell in front of the roller, which passed over, him, crush-ing him to death. On account of the overcrowded condi tion From the census returns of 1870 it weuld appear that the largest proportion of foreign AFFAIRS AT PARIS.

born pei sons in any of the States Is to be Naig," distanced. Time 1:50, 1:51, 1:52. Second race, for the Association nurse of Works, named August Gatzky. While engaged in whitewashing the hoist eugirje-room, he stepped on to the uiachiuery, and his foot came in contact with a crank in motion. On examining the injured member the toes were found to be nearly crushed off, and the top of the foot was very badlv sruashed.

It was found necessiry to loot Several weks ago a. little four year old son of Frederick Barelman found in California. It stands thu ut lun Auirunu Bible Society was held this morning in the ball of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Norman White occupied the chair. The treasurer's runnrt BOMBARDMENT GOING ON.

$400, distance one mile and a quarter, wag Natives Foreigners won oy "iom uor belt," beating "Kathleen" Wisconsin comes next with this eihibii ana vjiarvey L.iJl;an" in the order named. AJesperaie lerntine; at lssy. Jjar nav been $729,46, and the ex 135. Seven publications in I penur.ures 001,1 KKOM UT. LOU.

i St. Louis, May 12. Frederick Ruth, a married man, 52 rears hung himself to a bed poht lut night. Thoa. Himea U1 his ife aild ctiJJ drowned near Dubuque yesterday.

James Stewart, for.oerly Colonel of the 10th Illinois Cavalry, was arrested at Kidbm City, Wedneedav, for an alleged defalciUuu amounting to of Sing Sing it has 1,800 prisoners cow seventy-five were sent to Clintoa and 'Auburn. Sing Sing has never had so many Natives 690,880 Foreigners 304,845 Time The third race was for Association pure of $100, distance one mile, was loreign languages are Issu-id. exciusive of Communists Retake Vanvres. i others published abroad. Plates fur Arabic inmates.

won by Uamnton, beitirig "Humphrey Evans" and "Susv MoCIuria" in the order was so badly scalded by the upsetting of a scriptures are now beinir pre rami nt Ttuv. A man and wife named Morfitt, who had teakettle of boiling water, that he died of DombrOWSkl ID Supreme Command. rut- The entire number of volumes print- uamed. Time 1:84. The track wag heavy been quarreling, both committed suicide at cu ut Bwivkj uunug mu u.i years 01 lis his injuries on Monday morning.

promising youth one who promises very badly, existence amount to 27,680,098 The court of Oyer and Terminer was AKilKTKO. IXDIAMAPOLIS, MdJ 12. John R. Griffith, chief clerk and caehier Speedy Capture of Paris Certain. GEXEliAL EOllEIGN NEWS.

crowded this morning in anticipation of the ana the attendance large. "llallswood" was the favorito in the first; "Harvey Lillian" in the second; "Susy McClurin" in the third race. The Tennessee Exposition continues be the point of attraction, and new contributions are added daily. Five thousand commencemtnt of the trial of Foster for the about fifteen years old, was caught Wednesday afternoon by policeman Meyer, who had his eye on him, in the act of setting fire to Patterson, N. Tuesday.

She swaliowed and he, disc6vering ber dead, shot himself. On Sunday night, in Metcalfe county, Albert Sharkey was wavlai end murdered for his money by tbree( men, one of whom, named Scrimmenger, has been arrested. The' murder was horribly brutal, and the probabilities are that the, murderers will be lynched by the people. A firo in Facundas. on Monday, de muraer or a very u.

rutnani. me prisoner was brought in and had the deuieanurof not of Talbot, Patterson aholesale grocers, was arrested last night, charged with having absconded from the The States with the smallest foreign population would appear to be North Carolina and Yiiginia. The Utter, with a population of .1,211,838, has but 13,578 foreigners, while North Carolina, with 1,068,113 inhabitants, has but 8,022 foreign born. There are lew foreigners' in' the unthrifty South in faot, most of the residents there were boru within the borders of their respective States They are conservative and exclusive. They cling to old ideas and lack the activity that comes from aa influx of men.

who. have brain, muscle and men who have shaken off the dead past and are seeking homes in new places. The natives are too Washington News. beme anxioun. When the case was called au unoccupied building, owned by K.

JN. Austin, on Poplar'1 street "fle: was Department at Galveston, last March, with an alfidavit was read declaring that Judge Stewart, prisoner's counsel was unable to taken care of. His name is William Rumors About English Treaty proceed with the trial, and therefore tho case was postponed until Monday next. Auer; he has served a term hi the House of Correetion.and cow will probably prove a successful candidate for the Reform School. persona were present, to-day.

Sarah Jobuaon, of Wilson, while attempting, some days ago, to separrte two cocks that were fighting, was wouuded in the arm by a spur. Ten minutes ensued, and Hhe died. Her husband, Claiborne Johnson, being consumptive, was so affected by her death, that he commenced sinking rapidly, anJ also died and was buried at the same time. XE1V YORK CITY ITEMS. Losdjn.

Mar 11. Sir John Frederick William Hercf.ell. an The inauguration of the teberaDher' statue of Prof. Morse In the Contra) Part The FJIihorn Independent says the an only son of the great Astronomer, and Lim-elf an Astronomer cf world wide recuLe The Prize Fight in thU cit? htt8 bee" finalJ7 fied to take I place on Saturday, June 10th. nual reunion of the old settlers of Walworth died this morning, at the use of 1.

illiberal there. They are afraid-of the ne stroyed the entire town-' in two hours and twenty minutes. Joss was $75,000, exclusive of furniture. No oil wells were burned-; ii i Two Cedar Falls ten and twelve attempted to burn that town a few days sinue. They had prepared themselves with matches and kerosene for that purpose, and selected a shoeshop for the scene: their nefarious work.

Their a letter published trom J. W. bimon- and adjoining counties, will be held at the 2ntemiptetl by the Militia, ideas that immigrants from the North carry ton, General Ag nt of the Associated Press, to Cyrus W. Field, exposing the practice of PERMIT A L. in.

They call the Northerners 'carpet-bag TVrij5cellti.neoii.s Items. IXJWKCTICCT UOVEK.OR8HIP. Haetfjkd, May 11 The Senate to-day passed resolutions de- Nsw York, May II. leave for Chicago on the cabla management in London of throwing the cable out of the order as gers," and persecute or kill them for exer Mrs. Lincoln will Monday.

cisine the right of free speech. The South filed and diueiiniinating in its transmission. Court House Tark, in Elkhorn, on the 14th day of June, at ten o'clock M. Any person who 'came into the county in 1845, or previous to that time, ia allowed membership. is expected that the Hon.

John W. Boyd will deliver the annual address. Many otners will probably make The concluding paragraph of Simonton's will begin to develop her vast resources plans were ingeniously laid, but before the conflagration had progressed far it was extinguished, although it was only by accident that it was discovered in time. letter, which suggests grave complaint against the cable company, is aa follows Xw Yobs, Mav 11. was strong at 1 lUtal.HI nd it ia when her inhabitants become tolerant and Gold anng Marshall Jewell and the Republican candidates for the other State oflicea elected.

Lieutenant Governor Tyler took the oath of office in the Senate Chamber. The House having inadvertantly omitted to appoint a committee to wait upon the Governor he will not take the oath of ofiiice until next, to which day both houses The multiplicity ot errors in the service judicious in their treatment of those seek Several men went il to a saloon at Boons tumini au v4 wouv cawj between London and Xiew lork, PHA.U-R.' London, May 11. The Palace of Luxembourg has been offered to the city of Paris for holding its Municipal Councils. Versailles, May 11. The Government has established batteries at Chateau Becon, In the Boulevard, Eugene, at Neuilly, and at Genneville.

ing homes there. The residents will even short speeches, and everybody is expected oco- night rt oently, and one of about six serious onej per day in our busi thought that it will go higher on account of continued imports. Loans were made at lrt2 percent. Clearances about Government bobdg dall and steadr. tually leara, perhaps, that no community them drank class alter class of whisky, until to say something.

covered wagons, ness, is of iUelf no slight discouragement: but if to this be added the disarrangement commonly known as "prairie schooners," can flourish where freedom of speech i suppressed. have adjourned. There wi be public inaugural Darade and the uoal election day ceremonies on Tuesday, and Governor Jew of dispatches as to the order of transmission ccording to the will or caprice of the man pass i tbougb lilkiiorn daily, west war a bound. London. Mav 11 EX-COLLECTOR BAILEY.

Naw York. Mav 12. he fell dead upon the floor. His companions kept up the carousal for several hours after his death. Jacob Black, the keeper of the saloon, was arrested for keeping a nuisance, but the jury returued a verdict of not guilty.

Judge Chase administered them a very severe rebuke. First Note of the Campaign. A TSmea' special dispatch from Versailles The Janesville Gazette says Janesville says that tbe fare of forts Montague and We copy the following from the Milwau ell will communicate his message to the Legislature. The joint standing committees were announced in both houses to-day. Hartford, May 1 2.

base ball players are strangely unfortunate anvres have been and that the It is now known that ex Collector Bailey has settled down iu Montevedo. A ebort time ago, Mrs. Bailey joined rer husband, and is now sharing his exile. kee A'evw, to show exactly how the thing ager at either end of tha line; if neither legal enactment nor regard for the simplest principles of commercial in'egrity and fairness in cable management can insure its patrons the advantage which his activity and enterprise have earned, you must see that public confidence is at an end until Jtional Guard, ArrOndissenient. Vaneuard this summer.

They were defeated in i three uor. jewel! has made the following ap and Pantheon have refused to march against A letter received in Baltimore, from Cap tain Griffith, of the American Schooner Lilliat, of Stockton, states that his different games played with clubs in the poiutments of- his staff: Adjutant General, the Versailles troops, and also that tha fall of the column of Vendome is, it is said now, bumael tllterwin, of Iiaven Quar country villages about there last week. Some malicious and villianous individual or FROT. PorGHKEisiE, May 11. Poughkeepsie, was Tinted with another heavy frost last night.

Fears are entertained that the fruit crop is serionsiy damiged. mere snau oe new means ot establishing a trans-Atlantic cable. The communication is conducted on fair principles. 1 The report of an alleged attempt to throw an express train fram the track on individuals attempted to turn the water from the lower race into the woolen mill vessel has been seized at Sagua la Grande, Cuba, by the Spanish Aiit.hort.ies, and- him-telf imprisoned in a filthy pen. He does noi.

know for what cause the seizure was made, and there is ne prospect of release or even a trial or statement of the' charges against him. A womsn in Rockford, 111., named Abbey Rutledere has lately become violently insane looks to men up a tree. The New says The Democratic State Central Committee held a special meeting in this city yesterday. It was attended by the members of the committee, and by a number of leading Democrats and Democratic journalists, who were invited to take part in the consultations of the committee The condition of the parties in the State and the nation, the issues between the parties, and the general policy of the campaign were subjects of deliberation during a lengthy session, and a free interchange of views was had. Among other matters, the time of holding the State Convention, and the appointment of premises of Payne, Hastings Tuesday night.

Tne south bank cf the race was cut, termaster General, Leonard A. D'ekinson, of Hartford Surgeon Nathan My-er, of Hartford Paymaster General, Ames J. Beers, of New Haven. Henry E. Burton haa been appointed Executive Secretary.

---THE COAL MIXES. Scranton, May 12. The miners hvo refused the proposition made by Mr. Dickeon, President of the the Erie Railroad, near Derosit, is a malic SE.TE.CED. ious fabrication without the' slightest foundation of fct, and was evidently concocted aenmteiy nxea For Jrriday.

The Tilegrafh has a special dispatch from Frankfort on-the-Maine, containing the following statement "The Germans, in the treaty just concluded, promised to send back to France at all the prisoners that entered Germany. A French loan of one milliards francs has been secured by the Frankfort bankers. Paris forts, still held by the German troops, are to be immediately evacuated. The cities of Nancy, Belf'ort and Longvey are to be retained by the Germans till the conditions of peace are fulfilled." the lower gates cl and the head gates aised. But for the giving way of the north by designing parties to injure the business of the road.

bank of the the pressure of water, and been removed to the asylum. This sad calamity is said to be the result of overwork New Yore, May 11. John Deviae and William Kelley were today sentenced, at Hemptead, Long Island, to State prison for life for the murder of Garrett W. Xostrand laet winter. reat damage would kave resulted frotn this Delaware Hudson Canal.

ne off red five and a half cents per ton, making seven cents dastardly act. and anxiety for the care of her children, who are thrown entirely upon her for support by the desertion of her husband, who is no THE PRIZE FIGHT. Tobokto, May 11. The referee in the Mace-Coburn fight, has livire: in the far west somewhere with an A special dispatch from Pans says Gen. Rossel has been arrested, and General PAILrRE.

Philadelphl, Mav 11. Jones, Barnes Lard Oil Refiner Personalities. William Allen Bctleb, author other "affinity." of and Manufacturers, and Georee E. Schewell. per car advance on the lormer proposition, namely; 86 cents per diamond car; prices to continue till the first of June, aud wcrk to be resu-ied.

It is probable that the weakness of the labor movement toward the resumption, as shown at the meeting, had much to do with the decision. No deaths, other than reported, have occurred among the men, so terribly beaten Tuesday, though they are ail in a critical condition. Ten Three children were burned to death at Auburn, New York, on the 8th inst They were at play in an outhouse where there was a barrel of fireworks, which exploded. It Oil and Stearine Broker, have failed. Nothing to Wear," has a Bible class in Presbyterian c'mrch at Yoiikers.

The fashionable physiciaD of Cairo, Egypt, is Thomas Monroe, who ran away decided for the men to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow at Erie, where be will name the fighting ground. Dick Hollinwood, of Naw York, is referee. New York-, May 11. The fight between Coburn and Mace was prevented by the Canadian authorities. The men, in splendid condition, entered the ring shortly after noon.

During the first round, and before a blow was struck, the Sheriff and County Jjdge, backed by a number of soldiers from Simcoe, dispersed the crowd, who fled in everv direction. The fight is delegates were considered. It was determined with great unanimity to hold the convention at an early day probably August and that the convention should consist of two delegate from each Assembly district, thus abolishing the system of representation from Senatorial Districts. The sentiment appeared to be unanimous that the campaign should be made on the line issues as authoritatively stated by the convention, and no on dead, outside, or irrelevant issues provided by the enemy. In other words the Democrats propose to select the battle ground, and to define what we are fighting for, instead of leaving this duty to the other party.

It appears to be conceded that the repub CCh.MEeCiAL. from his proprietor in Charleston, ia presumed that they, with matches, set fire to the barrel. Two of the children were, probably, instantly killed. The third lingered some hours. The youngest child, aged four years, was the son of Mitchell AJ Dombrowsky is in supreme command.

The Yersaillists are now on the Bois de Balongne. It is reported that Bismarck promised to relinquiah one niillard of the war indemnity, on condition that France agrees to immunity for private property captured on the sea. Inconsequence of a proclamation just issued by the commune, the furniture and property of Thiers hits been seized, and bis residence in Paris demolished. The Versaillist's cannonade still continues, and its results' are described as tre menduous. Fort Vanvres still resists.

The Government troops yesterday fired the barricades in the village of Bourgla SarkeL Milwaukee, Maj li. Flour diT.l and weak. Wtett weak at 1.30 and 1.27. 5S.00O bue-hcU, shipment 25,000 bushels. soldiers were added at the Morris Weeks' mine, yesterday.

Philadelphia, May 11. A dispatch from Pottsville says that the articles of arbitration have been signed by both companies, and that the agreement ensures stead wi rk in tho Schuylkill region postponed indefinitely. Erib, May 12. for the remainder of the year. A ceneral twelve years ago.

Revkrdy Johnsos, the negotiator of the old Johnson-Clarendon treaty, commends tbejtreatyjof Washington and favors its ratification, Mr. John Green, of New York city, is to pay for a new library building for Prince ton College. He has made uo restrictions as to the expense, and it is estimated that the building will cost about $100,000. Mrs. Laura Fair, the California murderess, paid her lawyers $12,000 for her defense, and it wasn't a particularly good Xew York 34rktt.

Naw York, May 12. Flour dull. Wheat dall and nomJnal, aiid 2c lower. resumption takes place on Monday, and the tolls 'ill be reduced at once by the railroad companies, thus removing the dead-lock. Gilder.

The others were the children of McCarty, of Capitol street, where the accident occurred. A lady named. Uiggins, af-i ter visiting the scene of the disaster, was so shocked by the horrible sight that sho died at 10 o'clock the same evening. Gov. of Illinois, executed an acS of the Legislature of 1853, for the relief of Mrs.

Leanna Knox, which has stood for nearly twenty years in abeyance. The case has a curious history. Leanna Knox was a free colored woman of Kentucky, and Josa Kr. ox was a slave. There Leanna married him, and having his freedom'.

They removed to Springfield, where su? bought real estate, which she had deeded to him. He died without any heirs, and half the property escheated to tho State. li oem, Killing ana wounding lot) insurgents and capturing 43. Frankfort, May 11. Bismarck has returned to Berlin, and Favre, Ponyier and Qaertier ave returned to Versailles.

London, May 12. The Standard of this evening has a dis OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT. Washington, May 12. Synopsis for the past 24 hours. The bar ometer has fallen on the P.icific and has remained i-tationary at the Rocky Moun The mill yesterday between Mace and Co-burn was interrupted in the first round by the militia, and was, therefore, undecided.

The ring was pitche at Hay Creek, about 21 miles from Port Dover, Canada. The principals left Erie about 2 o'clock tester-day morning, Mace in the propeller Winona, and Coburn on the Xew York. They arrived off Hay Creek about 7 o'clock, but it was three hours later before the excursionist had all landed, for the beach was shoes), and there were but four yawls with which to land two thousand people. About an hour was then consumed in pitching the ring and settling on referees. Barney Aaron was master of the ceremonies, and at six minutes past 11 o'clock, Coburn shied his caster into ring.

He was received with he.rty applause. Five minutes after Mace threw his "white" over the ropes and immediately i licans have material advantage in their ability to levy an enormous lectoneering cor-raption fund from a percentage on the salaried Siate Federal officers, and the same officials, with their hangers-on and dependants, constitute a formidable disciplined electioneering force for use in the canvass. This advantage must be overcome in the demand of an honest cause on an honest people, in placing the ticket at work in the field at an early day, and by an active campaign. "The demand of an honest cause on an honest people," and the prompt response of the honest people who come up and vote the straight Republican ticket is precisely what injures the Democrats. We are glad they are going to nominate candidates early it was the early worm that was caaght by the article of defense either, for the jury voted that she ought to be hanged for not Liverpool Jlarket.

Livekpool, May 12. Flour New at 37s. Wheat New spring lis 3dlla 4d. Vsri Stars Market. New York, May 13.

Gold, l.llii. Stocks are quoted as follows ffwttir GCl, Pacific Mail 45j Adams Krpreas tl Welle Fargo 44 American Express United bUttc Liprtit New York Central jtt. do iM Erie 2-s; liw-i Heading 113 United States bonds arc quoted as follows tain stations, but has continued falling throughout the country east of tbe Rocky Jlonntains. The bihest pressure is now found in Delaware, and the lowest probably in extreme Southern Georgia. Midnight reports have been received from the Guif and Rocky Mountain stations.

The rain which prevailed on Wednesday night aid in the Southern States very generallv, ceased 1853 the Legislature passed an act restoring to the womati the property which her own aeans had bought. patch asserting that the communist forces are only 12,000 strong, that the Versailles army could go into Paris to-day if it would. May 12. The communists claim victories, and deny the reports of for the Versaillists. i Fort Vanvres was retaken by having better lawyers, probably.

The Russian minister has advices that the Russian prince has postponed his visit to this country till Ociober next. All the preparations in 1 progress for giving him a grand reception have been abandoned. The lat-3 Senator Howard's' will has been admitted to probate, and divides his the communists at the point of the bayonet. entered. His appearance was the signal There was a desperate engagement around I-sv, and the communists claim to have bird.

during the day, but it was cloudy and threatening, which weather still continues, with fresh northerly and northeast winds from the Ohio valley to the south Atlan ic. Clear recaptured the Park of lssy. ire versaiinsts are cutting trenches in weatner, witn light winas, continues over iront ot Jiaiiiot gate, ana are concentrating for cheers bv his adherents Mace's seconds were Jim. Cissick and Jerry Donovan Co-burn's were Billy Dwyre and Tony Groghin. Alderman McMullen, of Philadelphia, was chosen referee, but just before the com mencement of the fight he appeared in the ring and declined serving.

Dick Shally-wood, of Indianapolis, was then chosen for that position Money was offered on Mace. tneir troops in uois ae tfoiougne. Xevada Harmed by" the 'Cessation of Mysieri-. 'i i ons KrnptioBS. From the Virginia City Enterprise.

A gentleman who came over from Stearu boat Springs, yesterday morning, stated that within ihe two days, there has been an astonishing change in the aspect of that slightly infernal, region Steam has ceased to issue from the crevices and flues from which1 it has issued ever 3ince the eyes of white men first rested upon the spot, and jets of hot water are no longer spurted np. In fact, it is said all tho springs have euidenly dried up, as though choked by some cave of rock, or other obstruction far down in the bowels of the earth. If the vent of the internal and infernal regions of Gllfi' 110- ttl iu Giiff, There was a sharp fusilade about Fort the lakes and the middle and eastern States. The probabilities are that cn Friday cloudy and threatening weather will extend northward to the middle States, with variable weather and light winds on the East Atlantic and the lakes. United States 6s of 'SI United States 6-20s, V2 United States United Statos 5-2is, '65, (old).

United State 5-)s, 'tK, United States 5-w, '67 United States 'tSS United States ltMOs Currency 6s Bicetre to day. Victor Schoelcher has property among his children, except Mrs. Uildukth, of Chicago, who has srwspecial bequest. The will amount9 to over $75,000, and includes a valuable! house and "lot ia Chicago. 1 General Sheridan and Mrs.

Lincoln and "Tad" arrived in the steamship Russia, Wednesday, from Liverpool. Collector P. H. Jonks, others. been arrested.

Versailles, May 12. The Government batteries maintain terific fire on the ramparts of Paris, and the Chicago Barkft fortifications are still held by the insurgents. The loss of millions of dollars' worth of property in ouisiana, and the utter devastation of an immense district of fertile lands, by the Bonnet Carre crevasse, is all chargeable to the idiocy of a cooper and the stupid inaction of his neighbors. The cooper cut a roadway through the levee for his own convenience, and when the water rose, attempted to stop the hole with a board. Then the people turned out and proposed to barricade the mailing waters with an old flat boat; but, while they were quarreling about the best position in which to sink the boat, the swelling tide swept the object of the dispute through the gap.

The consequences of this untimely difference of went down New York bay in a revenue cat TUB EX(iLIH TREATY. New York. May 12. the earth at that point nas been shut chances are good for a grand b'ow-up in that quarSer before long. The safety valve FROM WAeHMiUTOX.

Washington, May 11. The subscriptions to the new loan to-day amounted to $95,780. Although no positive information can be obtained regarding Mr. Bancroft's resignation as Minister at Berlin, the report is not discredited in official circles. The Committee on Foreign Relations held an adjourned meeting at the Capitol to day, for further consultation on the treaty of Chicago, May 11.

Corn was active and higher than on yesterday, bat prices were unsettled and irregular and No sold 55'5tiC cash seller "May; SoS-vic seller Joce, and seller July ckx-ing at 55 seller May and 550 seller June. Canal Corn was firmer at 54c for rejected afloat. VVheat was btrousjer, tolerably active and I'-a l'ic bu higher, but prices were unsteady, and gave the General an enthusiastic reception. General Sheridan has gone to Boston, to be present at the reunion of the Army of the Potomac. Mrs.

Lincoln is The Tribune1 Washington special says that there are very few who criticise the treatv RAILROAD WAR. Washington, May 1 2. Another effect of the coutest between 4hese two great corporations, the Central and the Baltimore and Ohio roads, has just been developed. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company completed and put in operation a braucb, kcown as Connellville road from the Cumberland or main line, to Pittsburg, and they 'opened it for regular through travel more fleshy and enjoys excellent health. She has been Shot down.

Look ont lor the boiler 1 We hope when the grand orashcome Mount Davidson will not roll down into the the city. -'i Should the earth hereabout be observed to tremble stand from uuderl leaves for Chicago. Monday. The Queen of Pers'a, for a year past Washington. Assistant Secretary Davis was I 1 1 TI7P--U: mmirx I I T.

fl 1 WPFH I (1 Tllll, Ur I II 1 II Hhil! II Kill I 1 1 with tbem several nourb' i i ii cxuitia- I has ben missing, piece piece, ber most opinion have been graphically snown in re cent telegrams. provisions of tho i Pittsburg at $9, heretofore $10 and $11. The Pennsylvania Central and its connec tions concerning the treaty. valuable jewelry, and no trace of the thief Representations concerning the imprison could possibly be discovered. The other ment of Captain Griffith, ot the American day the diamond rings and bracelets were tion, tho Aortnern (Jentral, at once followed suit, and the city is now placarded with bills of the rivals' announcing rednc tions.

i schooner ZUlias, by the authorities at Sagu all found among the toys of one of her little la Grande, Cuba, are undergoing examina tion at the State Department. grandchildren, who had confiscated them for the benefit of her dolls. Washington, May 12. ot Washington as a whole, but there are some points waich will arise in the debate. They will relate principally to the articles which provide for the settlement of claims of British subjects.

Considerable surprise is expressed by Senator Sumner and one or two others, that the American Commissioners did not insist that Great Britain should submit schedule of the claims of her subjects, so that it might be definitely known of what kind they are, what they amount to, and that they will not include any of those to which the American people object. Earl Granville's letter to Lord Lyons about the claims of British subjects in France is cited to show that there is no occasion to fear that they wil be large but a reply to this assurance is, that we are not sure that England will abide by these precedents, and that lc would have been mud more satisfactory to have had these points definitely settled in the treaty itself. To show that these claims may be very considerable in amount, it is said $1,500,000 is involved in the case of the PeUr Hoff alone, which was captured in the Rio del Norte acd condemned. Caleb Cush'ng Is reported to have said, within a The Committee on Foreign Relations held an adjourned meeting at 10 o'clock to day, Sumner's Paradise. An Alaska corres- continuing until 12.

Assistant Secretary of pondent thus describes the delectable coun Tor JJo. spring ranged at 1.2WSM.80 caiU or seiler May; 1.2u41.30 seller last half and 128 1.2'.lii selU Jnne clot-ing at 1 294 for Mayor June, and lor las: half May. No. 1 spricg was quiet, but Urmer, and changed hands at 1.33 1.32, according to the date of receipt. Ho.

8 spring was steady at 1.24(1.24,. K-jetted spring was quiet at 1.15&1.10. Flour was firm and more active, but prices were not quotably higher. Oats were firm but quiet at for fresh receipts of No. '2 closing at 4c.

riye was tolerably active and firm at 90'-4e for No. 1 and 90SUc fur No. 2. Uartey waa qaiet at for No. 2.

Uigliwices were steidy and unchanged at S'lC for iron-bound packages. Provision were dud. Mess pork was firmer for present, lnt easier for future delivery closiLg at cash, and 17.00 seller June. Lard and meats were a shade weaker. llogswere active bat easier at 4.4o,5.00 for heavy to light smooth lots.

Laka freights were active, and rates Hlc higher. The carrying capacity of the vessels chartered was 155,000 bo corn, 125,000 bu wheat and 40,000 bu oats. Beef cattle were lively. Sales were made at 8.87H50 for slockens 6.0JQ5.75 tor fair to good cows 5.506.00 for light sjipping Bteers; lor good to choice, and from 6.S7V4 7.25 lor extra to extra jjrime shipping beeves. Butter was unchanged.

Th demand for choice lots was fair at tiOisJ-iSc lb, bnt other grade were only moderately active at 818c The receipts were lair. Egsrs A fair demand existed and prices were steady at doz. Poultry There was a fair supply and prices State Dmvis was again before the committee Edmonia Lewis. Edvonia Lewis, the colored sculptor, residing at Rom, is attracting considerable attention just now. A correspondent of the Revolution says of her: "Miss LewiB is one of the few sculptors whom no one charges with having assistance in her -vork.

Every one admits that whether good or bad, her marbles are all her own. So determined is she to avoid all occasions for detraction, that she even 'puts up' her clay a work purely mechanical, and one of great drugery, which scarcely any male sculptor does for himself. It is a very hard and very fatiguing process, for it consists in the piling up of misses of wet clay into a vague outline of a human figure, of which the sculptor brings the model into form and beauty. If Miss Lewis were aot very stroDg, she could not do this, and it setms to us an unnecessary exp'enaiture of her physical powers. Edmonia Lewis ie below the medium height; her complexion and fe-tures betray herAfrican origin; her hair is more of the to finish his explanation ot the treaty.

The Senate met at 12 o'clock, and immediately after prayer and tho readiog of the journal of Wednesday, went into executive session. FROM ILLINOIS. Springfixld, May 11. The Irish patriot, O'Donovan Rossa, and General Bourke arrived here this afternoon They were met at the depot and escorted to tbe Leland Hons by a number of our Irish citizens, accompanied by a band. Tbey lecture in tbe old hall of Representatives this evening.

Bishop Whitehouse will preach and administer tbe right of confirmation at St. Paul's church, iu. this city, to night. Tbe Fourteenth Illinois infantry, Gov. Palmer's old regiment, will hold a reunion here on the 25th.

A slight frost was perceptible in this vicinity this morning It did no damage. At the Womu's Suffrage Convention in New York, yesterday, Mrs. Elizabith Cady Stanton said "the Republican party has done its work, and should now be gathered to its father." The party is too young to think of being "gathered" yet; beiides, its father is still alive, we believe. Mrs. Stanton talks like a mother-in-law who is anxious to get a child out of the wrld, that she may enjoy its property.

i Ritiiujb Statistics. The statistics in regard to the revenue collected from spirits ii Indiana and the northern district of Ohio, for the nine months ending March 81, 1871, compared with the same time last year, show a decrease of 7 6-10 per cent, in the north-rn district of Ohio, while Indiana has increased 18 per cent. The whole gain in Indiana is 402,492.95 loss in Northern Ohio, $72,121.33. WOMAN'S gpFFRAOE COSVESTlOS. Niw York, May 11.

Mrs. Isabella B. Hooker presided at the try over which Mr. Sumner went into such ecstasies "Hundreds of people have been to Alaska, have looked, and have gone away despairing. There has been no immigration except camp followers, who tumble in after the armies.

The population is diminishing, and there has been no improvement under American occupation. Since the withdrawal of the Russian Company, the fur business at Sitka has ceased. Thd Russian population left behind with a sum of money as a gratuity to each person, has spent the gratuity, and now lives upon the American commissary department. The trade stores, shops and 'deadfalls' have deceased. Alaska, in short, is cut off by insurmountable bar meeting ot tne woman ounrage Convention this morning and delivered the cay or two, that this case has already been before the Supreme Court, aud an opinion Indian type, black, straight and abundant.

fcne wens a rea eap her studio, which is very picturesque and effective her face is a bright, intelligent and expressive one. Her FROM INDIANA. Indianapolis, May 11. At a meeting of the Indianapolis and manners are child like, simple and most Vincennes Railroad Companv, held in this a inning and pleasing. She has the Droud spirit of her Indian ancestor, and if the has city to-day, Thos.

A. Scott, Geo. B. Roberts and LL H. Hoieston, of Philadelphia; Wm.

more of the African in her personal appearance, she has more of the Indian in her Sbaw. J. McCulloch and T. D. Meister, of character.

She ia one of the most inter esting of our American women here, and Pitteburg, and S. Grey, of Columbus, were elected directors. Fred Thompson, of this city, was arrested at Richmond, to day, charged with forgery on the Second National Bank of Cincinnati to the' tmount of $12,000. we are glad to know that she is fast winning fame and fortune. There is something were steady at 4.0U(&4.5U dozen forcmcKena andl415c lb for turkejs.

Th inquiry waa moderate. Potatoes were in fair demand and steady at we 1.10 bu lor lots from store. Vegetables The market was liberally snpplied, and sales were made at the loliowmg qaotaitons Cucumbers. doz. 1 Radiates, doz 2 Soup bunches, doe Tomatoes, box 4M.X5 MaDle sngai- sold at 1315 lb.

Strawberries were In good demand and steady at quart. The supply was light. Chicago, May 12. Flour very quiet. Wheat firm and quiet at 1.2SJ4.

Corn stead and tairly active at 55c. Oats nominal at 4Sc Rye steady at 98c. in human nature, poor as it is, which makes every one admire a brae and heroic spirit and if people are rot always ready to lend The confederate graves in Cavehill cemetery, Louisville, were formally deco rated on the 1 0th. An immense crowd was present, and every grave was beautifully bestrewed wit'j flowers and evergreens. A handsome sum was collected to place marble head stones to each grave.

The Prinoees Dora D'Istba is said to be the most learned woman in the reads and speaks fifteen different languages, has written novels, historical, philosophical annd philological works, is an honorary number of the acidemiesand learned sciences, but she cannot build a loaf of bread, principal address, in which she reviewed the efforts of the National Committee at Washington last winter, and urged that every woman in the land should vote or at tempt to vote at State and Federal Elections under the provisions of the act to enforce the Fifteenth amendment. Mis. Elizabeth Cady Stanton followed, eta' ing in the course of her remarks that the Tribune had given up its argument against woman suffrage and Horace Greeley fairly driven to the wall, said the Republican party had done its work and should now be gathered to its father. SOUTH AMERICA. AesuNsioN, Paraguay, March 10.

SeLor Madruga, Portuguese Consul, has started the important enterprise of constructing a railroad to Villa Rica, a somewhat populous town in the interior, about 100 miles southeast of the capital. The Government has granted him three months' time in which to present his project, and lie will go to Europe to contract for the execution of this great work. RELIEF FOR FRANCE. London, May 11. The United States steamship Relief, from New York and Philadelphia, laden with provisions for the sufferers ia France, caused by the1 late war, has arrived off Sieilly Islands.

The steamer DeuUchland, of New York, touched Southampton, Brit-tania, Novelle and Paraguay. helping band to struggling genius, tbey against the United States given. A law firm in this city has $600,000 in claims for tobacco captured on vessels which were a few hours late in getting away from Norfolk' and other ports when the blockade was declared. GREAT BRITAIN London, May 11. It is thought that the trial of Boltou and Park, two of the men implicated in the woman personation affair last summer, will fail at the present term, as this sitting of the court will expire at midnight Saturday, and there are yet a score of witnesses to be examined.

The proceedings will probably have to be commenced de novo some months hence. In the House of Commons, this evening, Mr. Monsell, Postmaster General, expressed his inability to explain why the Cunard Steamship Company declines to bring American mail. The array regulation bill was debated at length. In the House of Lords, in reply to a question from the opposition, Earl Granville declined to state whether English claims on the United States would be adjudicated in England.

a MAR1.E. New York, May 11. 0 The steamer City of Limerick has arrived from Liverpool. are all eager to applaud when those straggles arj crowned with sui cess. The hour of applause has come to Edmonia Lewis." RELIGIOUS CONVENTION.

Nkw York, May 11. Tbe American Congregational Union held its eighteenth annnal business meeting, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, this Union has paid, during tho last year, in aid of bnilding bouses of worship riers from that class of American pioneers who hitch up their teams and penetrate to the remotest parts. To get to the territory by water requires money in hand, and when one gets there the place is uncoogenial to a good class of pioneers. The Indians arq the purest North American type of savages, and possess villainous traits of character, committing atrocious murders for the sake of plunder and revenge, but thev do not scalp and kill for mere bravado, they are large, stalwart, sharp, bright and aquatic, eating fish and living at the water's edgs rejoicicg in feudc, and their weapons are firearm, chiefly the Hudson Bay flint muskets, and knives. They make hereditary slaves of prisoners.

Their houses are built of hewn timber, and are large and well conducted. They are fond of rum. A gunboat is requisite to move into the shallow water among the Indians. The report recommends that the Indians' habitations and canoes be destroyed whenever they become noisy. Sitka cannot be maintained without a garri son of 100 men.

Sitka has a harbor that can be entered without a pilot, and could easily be taken by an enemy, and is the only harbor of any consequence." The Soarta Herald says that Hon. Hailow Orton is in train ns for the race for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor of this State next tall. La Orosse Leader. nnnorofrntinnlil societies, fc the same object 10,500, or We think we are wai-ranted in asvin? that 17,887 more than it has in the treasury. DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States Western District of Wfecon- m.

In the matter of James CaMll, bankrupt. Ia bankruptcy. Th harnhv ftvp notice of his ap A FALSEHOOD. Niw.York, May 12. Tt in stated that the dispatch announcing Judge Orton is not "in training" for that nomination, or for any other position of a political character.

He has never eonght office, though office haa oftsn sought him and he has honoi-ed every office that he has filled. He is not a politician, and he has the honesty and ability to fill any office, but pointment as assignee of the above named bank Jcsfph Gomknqer, aged 88 years, a soldier or the war of 1812, died on Thursday, in Philadelphia. He leaves a widow aged 86 years, 16 children, 68 grandchildren, 88 great-grandchildren, and 2 great, great-granchildrenin all 174. 4- the alleged attempt to tnrow the express train from the- track of the Erie railroad, near Deposit, is a malicious falsehood, with rupt, 01 tne county or ioa, cousin, within sa dis-trict, opon creditors petition, by ths District Conrt of said dtstrict. Dated at DodeevlUe, 4aiaprl3doaw3w HlkiMEY DUN STAN.

any. it is certain ne is not a candidate for Milwaukee out the slightest foundation in fact..

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