The Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England • 4
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- Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England
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- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE HtTDDflBSFIELD DAILY CHKONICLE. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1894. SERIOUS STORMS AND FLOODS. LATEST TELEGRAMS SOMETHING ANNOYING Nothing puts an Englishman or near a man boasting of him-' achievements. Let others prv blowms one'? num ARISTOCRATIC DIVORCE SUIT.
In the Court of Session, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, Lord Kyllachv heard proof in the action in which Mr. Charles Orr-Ewing, Newark Castle, Avr. sues the Hon. Beatrice Ruthven, his wife, for divorce on the ground of infidelity. The plaintirf said hi3 wife had admitted to him in writing and orally that she had been unfaithful with Mr.
Malcolm, and that she went abroad with him. In further evidence it was Bhown that Mrs. Orr-Ewing visited Lieutenant Malcolm at his private room3, and that she admitted to a lady's maid and her medical attendant that 3he had committed adulterv with Malcolm. It was also stated that Mrs. Orr-Ewing had missed her train on purpose at Leicester, and was ton A i a tn art amv with "TV MaWJm HOME NEWS.
PER PRESS ASSOCIATION AND VROM OTHB RESPONDENTS. MR. BALFOUR AT SUNDERLAND Mr. Balfour, speaking at Sunderland on Wednes day night, devoted himself not to individual iniuiaia ui uu Viing siock oi me i general political situation. They were face to face with the fact that their opponents had deferred ev-ry other question, political or social, to the destruction of the unity of the United Kingdom the destruction of the National Church in Scotland iL v.
i I i i i i in England, and the destruction of the House of I proof of Read's guilt, -and urged that in respect to 1 there 13 the heaviest within remembrance, and the was not prepared to recognise the full claims of the Lords. If we were to hold our hereditary institutions i Read's suggestion as to unknown women it was damage caused by floods is very great. Train lsr- P6? -v fon.nd an advantage in a by so frail a tenure as the casual counsels of some I utterly discreditable and disgraceful. The hon. and service over the Berks and Hants line is much cor a'Uance-so a it could be maintained wirepuller or the dreams of some individual states- learned gentleman had noc concluded his arguments imDeded A Windsor message savs trees and TruTA otland, aPd Wrale3-an we hold them hv tnnr far too insecure.
He at the risins of the court. i V.Z?T lJ r' Gladstone had not succeeded in carrying Home was very much shocked at the news, as he had never observed any impropriety in uis wife's huoita. He went to see his wife, and asked her if he wa3 too late to save her. She said she had deceived him, that Mr. Malcolm had been Worthing both times she had been there with the children, and that she had gone wrong with him.
Mrs. Orr-Ewmg went to Margate with friends on the 4th August. He went down to see her the nf-xt day, and she renewed her promise CO him that she would not see this man. After leaving her he got a letter from his wife, in which she said. 1 think now that you can realise that I cot Id never come back to and is ended, Gol bles3 you.
You are the best and nobles: man." He wa3 distressed at this letter, and he at once travelled south to see her. He wen: again to Margate and saw his wife, and again urged her to give up this man. He offered to take her back. He told her that he had no evidence against her except her own i admission. She would not retam.
On the September he got a telegram that his wife had gone abroad with Mr. Malcolm, and the dav before the case was to come on in court he got another aking for forgiveness, followed by a letter in the following terms My dear Charles, Forgive me writing you like buL since wiring I have seen now absolutely ridiculous I the idea was of another chance. Pursuer had been quite prepared to consider any er 3e might make. This time she wrote Thnnch mt nn a ai-t0 SaiWi- KLlZ Lj alwavs TOUCHES THE POT All wholesale houses stock Hvr. V.
obtained from Chemists and ov---; I 2s. 9d. per box. or will be s-er. and 3s.
from the wholesale are-. square, Birkenhead. Sold 7f 1 Messrs. Needham THE SOUTHEND MYSTERY. The trial of Jame3 Canham Read, indicted for the murder of Florence Dennis, was resumed on Wednesday.
For the Crown an expert in hand- writing was examined, and after evidence denying knowledge of the prisoner's whereabouts on June 24th had been given by his brother. Harry Victor Read, the case for the prosecution wa3 closed. Mr. Cock, who called no witnesses for the defence, traversed the theory of the Crown as to the prisoner's relations with Florence Dennis, and while admitting his libertinism and his lying, the learned counsel maintained that the evidence r- UJ" Jul 11J branding the prisoner as a murderer. Xo testimony I had been forthcoming that Read was, at any time, seen in the company of the deceased, and it was i possible that a yet unknown woman might have come forward and proved his wner.abouts on the 24th of June.
The SoUcitor-General, in replying on i tVio nrfinia tasa I THE SAFETY OF THE CALYPSO. At 5-30 on Wednesday evening the Admiralty received a telegram from the commodore of the training squadron, stating that the ship reported to be Her Majesty's ship Calypso had proved to be another vessel. "The news created considerable alarm, which, however, was disDelled bv the arrival of a second telegram announcing that the Calvpso had safely reached Laa Palmas. THE COMMISSION ON COMPANY LAW. The committee appointed by the Board of Trade to enquire what amendments are necessary in the Acts relating to limited liability companies met at the Board oi Irade Umoes, on Wednesday, under the presidency of Lord Davey, and adjourned till Thursday.
The commuiee win meet on xnursaay anauriaay in eacn week. Their deliberations are private. Mr. T. Gird-wood MacFie ia secretary to the committee.
FOREIGN GERMANY. SEVEN DEATHS AT A FIRE. A fatal fire has occurred at a house situated in Kipdorfer Strasse, Elberfield. Six of the occupants and a policeman who had attempted to save them were burned to death or suffocated. AUSTRALASIA.
AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION. In the Legislative Assembly at Sydney, Sir Henry Parkes has moved that in view of the rapid growth of Australian national life, an early resumption of the negociations for Australian federation was desirable. The motion was carried. TURKEY. MURDEROUS BASHT-BAZOUKS.
Various accounts have reached Varna regarding a massacre of Armenians, alleged to have occurred in the samoun district near Moosh, Asia Minor. Nothing Of an authentic Character is, however, yet known, although it would appear that there is no question of an attack by regular troops, but rather that the villages were raided by Bashi-Bazouk volunteers, who killed or wounded a very large number of the inhabitants. The British Embassy at Constantinople has sent officials to the district to ascertain the facts. FRANCE. SENSATIONAL SUICIDE.
A curious case of suicide through jealousy is reported from Chasille. It appears that some six months ago M. Paul Cellerier, a gardener of this town, lost his sight after an illness. How ever, nis young wite set herselt to earn their living, and continued the cultivation of their plot of land, with the help of a cousin, Isidore Blanc, who undertook the rougher portions of iaoour. The husband became lealous of his relative, and a nisht or two aso.
while all three were sitting at table, the husband suddenly rose and said, I see that I hinder you. I am in the way. iou love eacn otner, ana i am out an obstacle to your happiness." With these words he seized a knife which was before him and stabbed himself to the heart. PERU. BATTLE AT LIMA.
The New York World publishes a despatch rebel chief, has been defeated in a battle near Lima, after nine hours' fighting. The Government forces lost 181 men and the rebels 63. ANTI GAMBLING LEAGUE. DEPUTATION TO THE HOME SECRETARY. 7L -Va yv a a i-namoiing uome becretary.
(Janon bcott-Holland, who intro- duced- the deputation, said the present gambling laws, while acting with stringency on the poorer classes who engaged in gambling exonerated the upper classes, and so, in his opinion, brought the law into disrepute. Mr. Hawke, secretary "quoted the judgment of Mr. Justice Hawkins in a recent illegai betting case, and contended that ruling 4 ul ruuug tfFwuBU puuiiu wnmg on racecourses. Vfa t-u- i rTo 1 V1UD 10 PTh 2 Pr0tfect and thiru race" I courses.
The Home Secretary, in reply, said he was enure agreement witn tne view that it ought to be within the power of the local authority where any racecourse was situated to place restrictions on the licence on such places if so desired. Gambling in the way it was now carried on was unfortunate because of an enormous amount of crime, but when dealing with questions of this kind where the border of mnUt.v A nu ki EI i I r-j r. "cuncu it was necessary to see in attempting to remedy it that they did not go perilously advance of that position when they would have the support of the people. iuc taw uuwever, was insenuea to oe impartial. He was prepared to enforce that law equally, only before he put the law into operation it was absolutely necessary that the power of the law should be clearly defined.
As yet there had been no decision by a supreme court that betting in those places which the league now complained of was illegal. If any decision were given he would see that it was carried out impartially. The suggestions of the deputation, however, would be considered. MR. LABOUCHERE AND LORD ROSEBERY.
In Truth Mr. Labouchere writes We have convinced Lord Rosebery that his sole chance of remaining in office is to submit the question of the House of Lords to the country it is our Dresent business to make it manifest to him that the reference must be such that the constituency will be able to vote aye or nay on the constitutional change 1 for mv hnninP I witness if she would remain in her service if she 1 did something wicked. Witness replied No," i understanding well enough what was referred to. Defendant also told witness that Mr. Malcolm was more to her than her husband.
Isaac Jackson, servant to Mr. Malcolm, 3poke of visits by Mrs. Orr-Ewing to Mr. Malcolm's private I rooms. After other evidence, the decree cf divorce was granted, the plaintiff receiving the custody of the i children.
WEST RIDING RIVERS BOARD. Tne West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board will meet at the Town Hall. Wakefield, on Friday next. The chief business will be to receive a report and i consider the recommendations of the Pollutions and Obstructions Committee. The first recommenda-' tion is that copies of the West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Act, 1894, with a brief summary of it3 chief provisions, shall be sent to each sanitary authority in the Riding.
The committee express the opinion that after the long-continued neglect of certain authorities, aggravated as it is by comparison with work done during the past three or four years by other sanitary authorities, the Board should indi-' cate that any further delay will evoke the exercise 1 of the Board's extreme powers. It is accordingly recommended that a communication be addressed to certain scheduled authorities, asking what steps i they propose to take to prevent the pollution of i rivers and stream3 by discharging untreated sewage into them, and stating that the Board will, at an early date, consider the course to be adopted against such places in the event of the replies not being to the Board's satisfaction. The authorities scheduled are those of Moriey, Haworth, Oxen hope, Hebden Bridge, Sowerby Bridge, Warley, Midglev, Sowerby, Hecrimondwike, Cleckheaton. Brighouse, Marsden, Slaithwaite, Rotherham, Handsworth, Stocksbridge, Penistone. and Monk Bretton.
The Pollutions and Obstructions Committee will seek the authority of the Board to communicate and confer, if thought fit, with the county boroughs with regard to the disposal of their sewage and liquid refuse. It will I further recommend that the Leeds and District Leather Trades Association be invited to meet the committee to discuss an arrangement for dealing with the refuse from tanneries and leather works before its discharge from the works. THE FRENCH NATION AND THE DEAD EMPEROR. Crowds have gathered all day in front of the florists' and jewellers' shops, where wreaths and coronals that are to be sent to St. Petersburg are exhibited.
The greatest interest continues to be taken here in all the details connected with the obsequies of Alexander and with the deputation which is to represent the French Government on that occasion. Nothing more, however, is said about the despatch of other delegates to the Russian capital. General Le Mouton de Boisdeffre. Admiral Gervais, and the other officers who are to compose I the special mission, will discharge their duties in a I manner which will give universafsatisfaction. Thev have been carefully selected, and may be described as all picked men.
The appearance of a troupe of motlev delegations at the obsequies at St. Petersburg miht have cancelled the impression that thev are expected to make. As a matter of fact, no little importance 1 is attached to this. In spite of the interchange of cordial telegrams between France and Russia, some 1 anxiety is still felt as to the policy which the new Czar may pursue. Public opinion is greatly re- aaaurea, DUt, nevertheless, the Parisians are dis- playins much eaeerness for intT the character, proclivities, and tastes of Nicholas i i hbkj ui xx.
Lanson, one of the professors at the University acted for 30me time as tutor to the then Czare-! vitch. and he has just thrown some interesting lioht on this matter. Asked whether the new Emperor did not resemble his father in many parf'culars ne replies empnatically in the negative. The late Czar was physically very strong, and was a man of cold exterior. His son ii nnt stitution, and is very thoughtful and imnressionablp" ujuiu uu iur my oappinesa.
I In the letter she also said, "I love this man so i intensely." He saw that any reunion was im- possible. Louisa Droscher, formerly lady'3 maid to Mrs. Orr-Ewini'. spoke to Lieutenant Malcolm visiting the defendant at Worthing, and passing much of II. POLICY OF THE IRISH PARTY.
A largely attended meeting of the Central Branch of the National Federation was held on Wednesday afternoon in Dublin. The secretary announced that over 100 had been received for the national fund i since the last meeting. Mr. Justin McCarthy. M.P..
i 8a Were met Qnder the mosfe encouraging had set before the country a 1 clear and definite programme, which was the result I Qf the unanimous decision of the Irish party. He! believed the country would cordiallv aoorove of that programme. The people should not be led away for a moment by the idea that the Irish party had ever pledged themselves, body and soul, to any English Government. They were as free now as ever to declare their va terms to any English Government, and as free as ever to Kn e. Mr i h-x-J i.v,J the immortal achievement of bringing together the people of Great Britain and Ireland.
Whoever went out or came into office the success of Home Rule was certain in the immediate future if they were united and would stand together, and no Government, however strong, could stand against them. As long a3 the struggle went on the Irish party should hold the balance of power. The i condition of things in which the Irish members would wuuesi, imagination couia scarcely conceive not have that balance, and it would alwavs be used for the good of the Irish cause and the Irish people. The present Parliament could not last Ions. He did not think it would la3t longer than next session, but they would put in the present Government again if in the meantime it did for the Irish people all that the Irish members wanted.
They did not at present pledge themselves to put any Government either in or out. If by any chance, which he scarcely thought possible, the Tory Government was returned to nower. the Iriah mfimhsra wonld reduce that Government to failure if it did not listen to the demands of the Irish peonle. Several i other momlrq alo addroaAd th merino CUTTINGS FROM TRUTH." I thought the question why people don't go to church had been discussed until it was threadbare, but the Sanitary Engineer has contrived to give a new turn to it. Instead of guessing why people don't go, my contemporary suggests a practical and powerful reason why they shouldn't go.
On its showing the church-goer is encompassed by dangere. He may contract some deadly disease through the passing of the Communion cup from mouth to mouth, or he may fall a victim to the insanitarv condition of the building. An alarming example of the latter peril was recently furnished by a church in the Paddington district, "it was discovered that in the cellar under the sacred edifice there were two pipes that went direct into the public sewer without the intervention of any trap whatever and, as the bellows of the organ were situated in this cellar, every time the instrument was played the contaminated air was drawn up and blown out into the body of the church. As the Sanitary Engineer says. music tempered with sewer-gas was on tap for the devotees of this church several time3 per week." Clearly a sanitary inspector's certificate as to the state of the building ouaht to be amonest the notices on church doors.
i The Queen has been in much anxiety lately about the illness of her close and trusted friend, the Dowager Lady Churchill, who ha3 been for many years one of Her Majesty's Ladies-in-Wait-; ing, and always a great favourite. Lady Churchill has been very seriously ill at her residence at Iver, Bucks, but she is now recovering and it is hoped that she will be well enough to spend the Christmas holidays at Osborne with the Queen. I In the Liverpool Mercury appeared last week a gem of an advertisement, addressed (in capital letters) To those Christians possessing the Lord's money." The advertiser was a young Christian i Jew," who stated that he had received a call to enter the study for missionary work," but was impeded by want of cash and outstanding liabilities to the amount of 53 and odd shillings." He therefore proposed that those possessing the Lord's money should make payments out of it to him sumcient to cover these amounts. In the Morning Post last week, a correspondent gave a long list of sums of monev standing" to the credit of deceased soldiers, and unclaimed bv next-of-kin, the amount in one case exceeding 200. It seems that since 1863, the enormous sum of made up of unclaimed balances of thi W1.
accnmu-lations, has been handed over to tne. Patriotic Fund Commissioners. This is chiefly i owD t0 the War Office not having troubled itself, as ouob-t fco have done, to discover the next-of-kin, ani Particularly to the absence of an effectual I system of advertising. For this neglect there can I no excase for there is not the slightest reason I wn3f the advertisements should not be charged against the fund, and deducted from the navment each case where the next-of-kin are eventually THE VILLAGE HAMPDEN OF THE WASH TUB. Mary Sprake has justly earned a right to the title of the Village Hampden of the Wash Tub.
Sir William Jones says in a well-known sonnet that what constitutes a State are not armies and navies and all that sort of thing, but Men. hiah-minded men, who knew their rights, and knowing dare poet uvea in a benighted age. I he enjoyed the privilege of re-writing his excellent verses to-day, and the pleasure of Mary Sprake's acquaintance, he would undoubtedly have introduced women somehow into the line, and would also have become an enthusiastic member of the Ladies' Enfranchisement Society. Why Because Mary boldly went before Judge French "at the Bow County Court and declared, I only stand up for my rights." Among them she included a month's wages in lieu of notice from Mrs. Wilson, of South Hackney, her former employer, who declared that the girl was dismissed because she refused to obey orders.
Is that so asked" the Judge. No legal orders, sir," replied Mary. She asked me to wring out a lot of washing in the yard on p. very wet day, and I only stood up for mv rights." What are you?" demanded his Honour. general," replied the maid with pride.
"A what? I tj -n -i i Wflo seemea to mm that tne answer had something to do with a budding Field-Marshall. A general servant," explained the plaintiff for a month's wages, "and nothing was said about washing when I was pnoacrpH. It n-nc Qo part of my duty to wash, and I am only standing i up for my rights." The mistress admits thof irl this respect the servant wa3 correct, but contended that the word general included washing." udge French held that as nothing was said about wringing and washing at the time the girl was engaged, she could not be dismissed peremptorily for refusing to perform these functions of household economy. Tell the next girl you engage," said he what you expect her to do, and then vou will be all right." Judgment for the plaintiff for the month's wages claimed. CUMBERWORTH UNITED CRICKET CLUB.
This club held their annual supper and meeting on Saturday last, at the club house, the Foresters' Arms. A good number sat down to supoer. Afterwards the annual meeting was held, Mr. H. J.
Brierlv (the president of the club) in the chair. He made a few remarks on the success of the club, and wished them to stick together and gain higher honours than thev had in the season of 1894. The club had won 15 matches, lost 5, drawn 4, and won the Holmfirth Cup. Mr. H.
Auckland has taken the batting average with 114 over, and Mr. E. Jagger the bowling with a remarkable average of 81 wickets for 3 57 over. The club has been accepted into the Combination League of 1895. The balance-sheet showed an income of 31 10a.
and the expenditure 20 leaving the club balance in hand 11 Os. which will be increased when all subscrin-tious have come in. Mr. H. J.
Brierly was again elected president, Mr. James Pell secretary, aud Mr Haigh treasurer. A vote of thanks waa to Mr Brierly for his support to the club, and preidin over the meeting aiso to Mr. Jamea Pell for his services aa secretary, and ilr. James Peace for providing the supper.
The rest of the evening was spent in "sink ing, o.c. A Stimulating. Sustaining Cup Madf 1nst.nttva small spoonful of Cadbury's Cocoa, with boiling W-ite- or milk will makr a breakfast cup of the most delicious digestible, aosolutely pure and nourishing Cocoa of the greatest strength and the finest flavour, entirelv fee from any admixture. Cadbury-S Cocoa provides a refined Deverage lor tne robust, the young, the old, and those of weak and impaired digestion ipBpej The Arming of Merchant Cruisers. The Admiralty have directed that 30 complete seta of guns, mountines and gunnery store3, for use when required on board merchant cruisers, are to be distributed at Portsmouth, Chatham, and Devonport.
eight sets each Hon Kone four, and Sydney two. Each set will consist of eighl breech-loading and eight Nordenfeldt machine guns The Queen's Medal for the ia announced on authority that the issue of the Queen's decoration to volunteer non-commissioned officers and men who have served and been returned "efficient" for 20 years and upwards will ahortly commence the delay which has occurred in the distribution being, it is stated, attributable to the investigation of the number of casea submitted to the War Office To the list of amusing blundera in giving the names The Pro hr Sheep that pas in ie riSl53 Ihe Crockit Minister," by Stickett ar Lai recently made known, Messrs. Smith Tkd31 another in connection with Mr Gravest Hawaiden Horace," which thev issued a few days ai i Pftfard reached them requesting the immediate despatch of a copy of Hard ol Horace." THE LOSS OF LIFE. Telegrams received on Wednesday indicate that the continued gale was both general and verv destructive. On the south coast of England the storm appears to have been exceptionally severe.
From Monmouth, Carmarthen, and many parts of Sooth Wales telegrams state that the floods are verv heavy, and great damage has been done. From many places on the north-east coast wrecks and casualties are reported owing to the rnns 8ale which prevails. A Brighton te legram states that the sea there is terrific, and the railway between Steyning and Henfield is covered with gea water cauging mach traffic. Devizes telegram states that the rainfa ii luusui uaic uwii Kicviv QamaSeQ. The Eton district is considerably flooded.
Raia is still falling at Windsor, and bad floods are reared. A yuribscaurcn, xianis, wsiegrarn, reports that the river3 Avon and Stour are rising so rapidly that the main bridge at If ord, between Bournemouth and Christchurch, will, it is feared, be destroyed, Many streets in Christchurch are impassable, and inundations are unprecedented. Some thousands of tons of the Cliff east of Bournemouth Pier fell away owing to continuous rainfall. In conse queues ui me swveriLy ui ini uommunica- tion between Portsmouth and the ships at Spit- head is cut on. xne cruiser venules is waiting outside the harbour until the weather abates.
At Axminster the gale has increased. A number of cattle have been washed away, and many houses are inundated. At Newbridge, Monmouthshire, the bridge over the Ebbro, together with the gas and water mains, was carried away by the flood, which has stopped all foot and vehicular traffic. At Carmarthenshire the mountain torrents are carrying all before them. 1 rathe on tne Taa Valley Railway between Aberdare and Cardiff is stopped by floods.
The North mail, due at Aber stopped by floods. Ihe ISorth mail, due at Aber- dare at nine on Wednesday morning, had not arrived at half-past II. Passengers from Cardiff are blocked between Mountain Ash and Aberaman owing to serious landslips on the Great Western Railway near Mountain Ash. At Blakeney, Forest of Dean, 20 houses are submerged, and many slips are reported on the Great Western line. Lloyd's state that the Newcastle steamer Resolute, for Middles-borough, has been wrecked at the mouth of the Tees.
The crew and passengers were landed by the rocket apparatus. The sloop Hull packet, of Lynd, has gone ashore at Skegness and will be a total wreck. The crew were saved. The Cork steamer, Scott Harley, has gone ashore on Tramore Strand. The crew were saved by the lifeboat.
The Jeune Albert, Rochester to Bristol, drove ashore on Wednesday morning at Plymouth under the Citadel, and is fast breaking ap. The Norwegian schooner, Alf Hernosund. for Rio Janeiro, with deals, has gone ashore on Newcombe Sands, Lowestoft, and it is feared will become a total wreck. Both the masts are gone. Tne crew were landed by the lifeboat.
A Ramsgate telegram states that a southwesterly gale of extraordinary violence prevails there. The yacht Quinque, which foundered on Tuesday, was dashed against the pier and completely broken up. The watch-house of the harbour police was wrecked. In the afternoon a Boulogne hshins boat was observed drivine before the oalo anH she appeared to be in imminent danger of stranding on West Rocks a tug and lifeboat prepared to go out to her, but happily the Frenchman made the harbour in safety. Telegrams from Dorchester, Totnes, Trowbridge, and Camborne report continued heavy rains and floods, with loss of cattle and general interruption of railway and other traffic.
At Buckfastleigh the railway traffic was suspended. A later telegram from Axminster states that the floods are subsiding, but the mills in the town are still idle. A Sandgate message states that the South Eastern Railway sea wall was carried away for a distance of 60 yards by the gale on Wednesday. The train lines have been undermined, and the lifeboat house have been cut through, and" the tne traffic stopped. The roads to within 3ft.
of structure is in great danger. The foam from the sea fell in High-street like snow. A Tavistock telegram says that 2in. of rain ha3 fallen in 12 hours, and some districts are under water. The people have had to be rescued from the top windows vvma, neavy losses oi catue nave been experienced A Dover correspondent telegraphed on eveninf that a fierce snuhh-icpatorU- rro 1 has prevailed in the Channel all dav.
and the "full force of it has been felt at Dover. The greatest excitement has prevailed throughout the day in consequence of a fatal wreck which occurred in the morning, at the eastern end of the promenade, bv which two lives were lost, the captain of the vessel and an able seaman, the remainder of the crew being rescued by means of the rocket apparatus and life-lines. The doomed vessel was the Lief, a Norwegian crft with a nrew rf She was bound for Teignmouth with timber, and" nel on ednesday morning in the teeth of the terrible gale. Being unable to make headway her captain endeavoured to put into Dover for shelter. The vesssl would not answer to her anchors, and drifted rapidly on to the rocks at East Cliff.
It being seen that the vessel was doomed the lifeboat was prepared to put off, and the coastguards got the I rocket apparatus to work from the path on the East ntr. uetore tne lueboat was launched, however. the vessel commenced to break up, and the captain aim uue seaman uaa puc on in one or tne snip boats to endeavour to establish communication with the shore. Scarcely had the frail craft been launched when it was overturned by an enormous wave, and the captain was carried away and drowned. The feeling amongst the crowds who now lined the cliffs became dreadfully intense as two powerful-looking young fellows started to swim to shore to fulfil the unaccomplished mission of their captain.
They iui a uuie iime, ana when it was hoped they were succeeding a great roller overpowered one of them and he was drowned, Quite a gloom had now settled over the spectators. for it appeared that the men were to be drowned one by one whilst they stood helpless to assist. Just as the other daring swimmer escaped the rocket apparatus wa3 working, and the remainder of the crew were hauled ashore in the breeches buoy, the apparatus answering well. The mate was the last tu uo ttUU caeers were raisea t-, 1., 4-U a i i crowa as ne, in a very exhausted condition, was drawn ashore. They were conveyed to the Sailor's Home, after receiving temrarv ar.winn frnm Vh! ioTtle ZKnTZiZ the water to swim ashore were brothers named Eleffesen.
The captain's name was Dass. The vessel has been driven further in shore, and is breaking up The gale also did great damage to Dover promenade pier. Ihe heavy sea carried away some of the piles, leaving portions of the pier unsupDortable until some yards of decking fell into the sea" with a crash, the plank3 being torn, one by one, asunder by the force of the sea. The beach was strewn with wreckage. The damage to the pier is estimated at 600.
A number of casualties to shipping are reported, and in the town a carpenter's shop was blown down and other damage done. Late telegrams indicate the renewal of the storm in various parts of the country. THE SOHO MYSTERY. Eugene Robello, who is charged with the murder and robbery in connection with the death of Father Sequi, an Argentine priest, after a searching examination, denies the murder but confesses to the Proof- as far as the former charge is concerned, would be based on the alleged confession, and the forgery of the circular note of Father Sequi took place abroad. The charge, if ultimately gone into in this country, will be for larceny of the circular note mentioned.
THE FIRING ON A MAIL STEAMER. TWENTY-FIVE MEN KILLED. The steamer Ambriz, which was fired on by a Liberian gunboat, is of the registered tonnage of 2,130 tons. She was built in 1873 by Messrs. Royden and Sons, Liverpool, and is employed in the mail service between Liverpool and the West Coast of Africa.
Her crew comprise about 40 English and passengers. In the absence of any report from the captain it is impossible to state whether any of I the crew of the Ambriz are among those killed, but it is thought only the native boatmen were shot. It is believed the natives were killed as they were pro-; ceeding from the Ambriz to the shore. It is considered almost incredible that the Liberian gunboat would fire on the steamer, which at the time would have the majority of her passengers and crew on board. oe a good ifos, hi H- ibhc.
And it 13 thfk 'J" that has caused this New Rm- "-r rapiLnv ravour. (Jar testimony, themselves. v. TESTIMONIAL FROM THE GRE AT AFRIT RXPTro HENRY M. STANLEY Whitehall.
London. Dea-- rr i i "3 and efficacious unguent far my fractured limb, a. uaii-i lOini :0 '-tf. that I conld zsj. than any other that -r- perfect and efficient massage.
The tions generally i3 that thev r.r---. warmth, whereas beHe? Vii-g r. -aromatic, i3 soft oil. an: -mollifving in the case of e-ere Yours faithfully. M.
Sri-VLZT'" RASH ON Gentlemen. For three veire I rr--vi -r mucn trom 3ome painful rah 'lectors and ointment, a friend to try Homoeea. and I an has quite cured me. I felt i --a testimonial, am remain, vours av3 --Amelia. -Jon-s.
LORD COMBERMERE vt more good than any embrocat: r. for rhenmar'am. AD 7 VINCENT, writing frooo Ho 'no-tea is an incomparao.e Neuralgia, that sne w. more LORD C.ARRICS writes: I the good hand of God my Father vour Homoeea in healing me of -pi sa3 la Homoeea' La a remedv i. jl the house.
People will get borr.t. '-1 in various ways. A cold in the heat -s -VJi without warning 'Homoeea' used i on hai. check lS" 5 check it. Remember that I maion ana a.
Lavs I Of 9 SPORTING LONDON (CITY BET DERBY r. -7 to 1 agst Grey Leg 7 to Harfleur 11 to 12 to 12 to 12 to 16 to 20 to Speed Ravensb" rj St. Floria- Chin Chin Clwvd MANCHESTER NOVZUi. 8 to 1 on the field THE DERBT tO 6 to agst Speedwell SCRATC HI Chaddesden Stakes. Derby Derby engagements: Luck.
All Nottingham All engagements in All engagements Marcana. YESTERDAY'S A I LEICESTER l-LZZZll-s Harborocgh Plate of 100 sot; three 103t, four and upwards 1Z; straight. 8 7 Mr Hanbury'3 Lsri Drt---f 9 0 Colonel North'3 Rabicano. ivra 8 0 Mr Hyams's Queen of the Cti e. i 31b, Oadbt Plate 'welter handicap 13C ou the Ronnd Course.
10 0 Mr Reid's Kvie, 5vr 9 3 Mr Cannon's Meiaai4 3rr. 9 0 Count Lutzow's 5yrs November Nchseet Handicap 2 furlongs, straight. 7 7 Mr CHibbert'3 Hampton 6 10 Mr A Brown Organ Grn2er 7 2 Mr allace Johnstone's Donna A Alsapp 3 Stant Selling Plate of 200 sovs -'z 8t 131b, four and upwards 9s: T.z. straight. 8 10 Mr Hibbert'3 Last 5tts II C---- 1 10 Mr Collinss Black Lee.
lyra r'JSI 2 8 8 Lord Dunraven's Flowering Frn. Syrs.T Ltog Selling NrasEST Handicap of lii sovs. Five straight. 7 10 Lord Rothschild's i i 11 Mr scerwnnrt's r. 7 7 Sir Miller's Gemma Dooati.
5 Bradford Handicap of 103 sots. Five straight. 10 2 Mr Sherwood's Lady Candahar. 4vrs 10 2 Mr Charles Homewood'a Newmarket. 5vr3 8 10 Mr Singer's Deela.
4yrs. For the last few treeks the American to Europe have shown the almost alarin; i -ir-sai 8,000 per week. No Mobs Mzdicts-e Pcssiso 03 saave valh5 and Children. Perfee; n--- energy, aoana sieep. ana tne m.z H-i by Du Ba33T's Delicious Eevalenta which cures ail disorders ot the i'zl 'z blood, the nerves, lungs, liver, an.
1: such as dyspepsia, indigestion. diarrhoea, dysentry. iriuenz. srioae. burn phlesrh.
flatniencv. bilious, pulmonary, glandular, kijae? 1-plaints. debil zy, 'cough, astir na. and bilious feve 3. snasm-.
poverty of the blood, asie nausea, and vomiting estorei 7)09. tie "rr com-: en z'ih aad oas and nd even in Z. Ot antesa oi L.nloa, vi: vrp r.zioz 5Aee? e5SiS: -V ehz uivariable success with cases, iLU.JUU those of I.M. the late Emperor M. Stanley, the African Explorer :r.z Brehan.
Lord Stuart ie Decies Paris, the Princess de Muxat, Dr. 3. the Samaritan for Women an -after analysing 15 other foods, d-c' r--table substances. Du Barry' Reval-vt best, it has cured mnv w. m-n and en.iiiv atropny and marked Dh.
from the Imnrrial Hosn -i I sav Bu Barry's Food is wrti oi rear- hrm fepaln? I SEaria iorxr Ci pe-s. an 1 vomit.ns. jz tne Lire. A iar-er. ii'" i- ana tne most intense ne-r and melancholy render-- her an ail 2--Liver comla Ue best medical treatment, have vie lei --excellent Food.
W. Edee. Maioi H.M" Cure No. 70.01S. Sister S.
Lavti- which sue was Cure Sfo. 32.880 XCp .3 -5MJ namster-at-iaw. Carnbriise ol -0 v-i- -constipation, hsemorrhoids. and eczema." l-j Mart Scherbo. 3f dyspeos.a, t'- No BarrVa Food has --V i 20 years' most fearful aurlerin fr -n ---V attacks, palpitation of the heart -rric: dnary swellmg all over, slek-sn-ss" Me-heal aid never availed her.
rs Mayr of Traoani. Sicily. Jfo. 0ts Bar: mT years astfcma, wh i 'i -c i lour or nve times everv niaht -o -vl ere -iv which hreate'ned saf" ati trance. Care 3 0 v--fenon, April 13th, 1, i.
z-': perfectly cured me ot years' iypef 4ebiW.wmch prevented mvdre- -or makmg even the slichte-1 t. I --1 restored to heahn a rens-h our times more nottrishina than me" when all other food is rejected sv7ic u-t when aU uicuitme. it rears -v, children. Suitablv nack- "for Zi at 2s. 3s.
6d. 6s. I4s ri- i' -per meal. Also Du Barrvs remove nervous debilitv. e'xh lus-'os SB tins earr age free P.O.O.
DuBarrvand Lira -e 77 K-Loudon. and at all Stores. Ur cr- Sold in this town bv J. Ko J. R.
j-unioert rveiumev. ij. u. iv C'- -Bradford. Maud and Wilson r.
oramorn. and 1 JtP- Jenning- Leeds Rem.lar.i: i racKnons; Nonces or Marriages eotttmmng beyond the mere fact of celebration -r, -V charge of is. each. The same ch te Notices of Deaths when anu stpniai wkv the deceased. Notice of births are in S.
IKS, the 12th aed 1 moirrh. Lzc. daughter of Mr. Allen Hinchi.rfe Mill vr, tham. Wade.
Ou the aged 7 months 0 of Mr. Rowland Wade. Fopley But: Huddersfield Printed and Piu chron-icle Office. li" Wet of the Coaacv Geo Harter, residing at The few, the parih ot Ridina Thubsdax SoVEJIBEa ioTH, 139. was no pessimist.
He believed in the political instincts of the British nation, and that nothing but a democratic form of Government would suit modern requirements, but he nevertheless thought it necessary to point out the perils of democracy and the dangers arising from holding a section of the community to be the people. In particular he pointed out the folly of endangering industrial production bv quarrels over the division of the i product of capital ana labour. THE PRIME MINISTER AT GLASGOW. Lord Rosebery, speaking at Glasgow on Wednesday night, said his answer to those who wished all subjects in the Liberal programme to be taken pari passu was that such a course could only result in no legislation being carried out. Next session the Government were pledged to deal with Welsh disestablishment, and he could only promise that when Parliamentary business permitted a similar measure as that introduced by Sir Charles Cameron would be submitted for Scotland.
The Government also intended to introduce the Local Veto Bill, and personally he was in favour of its including a limiting and controlling power in addition to total annihilation, but it was idle to talk of these things so long as the obstacle presented by the Houf of Lords existed. While he could have no part or parcel in leaving this country to the sole disposition of a single Chamber he was altogether opposed to a hereditary and partisan second Chamber. What the Government had at present to deal with was the adjustment of the relations of two Chambers which existed, so that the popular Chamber should be made predominant. They would proceed by resolution, and its efficacy depended almost entirely on the support it might receive from the nation at large. MR.
A. 0 A NOTTINGHAM. Speaking at Nottingham on Wednesday night, Itr. Arnold Morley, Postmaster-General, said he did not believe there was an atom of foundation for the suggestion of the rapid and over-hasty legislation. If the House of Lords was done away with the difficulty would have been to get legislation through the House of Commons at all.
The Government, notwithstanding the disadvantages, were able to show a very fair record, and the real reason they had been successful was because they were in earnest, and had the programme put forward by Mr. Chamberlain met with a chilling reception from other Unionist leaders it deserved careful consideration. NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATIONS. The National Union of Conservative Associations resumed their conference at Newcastle, on Wednesday. After negativing a proposal that it should henceforth devote two hours of its annual meeting to private discussion of policy and organisation, the union, on the motion of Sir Francis Powell, M.P., and Mr.
Bvrom Reed, strongly condemned the Government's proceedings with reference to volun- i tarv schools. Mr. Maitman Barry moved for a declaration in favour of legislation on the subject of the unemployed. The Chairman, Mr. James Rankin, M.P., thought the Town and County Councils might be empowered to assist emigration.
Colonel Howard incent, M.P., expressed himself strongly against our present toleration of alien pauper emigration. The resolution was carried. Another resolution in favour of the adoption of the referendum on questions of constitutional change was, on the motion of Sir E. Ashmead Bartlett, M.P., 1 adopted with three dissentients. Next, on the motion of Mr.
F. Lowe, Midlands Division, it was affirmed as desirable not only to criticise the Liberal policy, but more definitely to enunciate the Conservative policy more especially against the continuance of Ireland's over-representation. The last resolution carried was in favour of enfranchising widows and unmarried women ratepayers. THE QUEEN'S ARRIVAL AT WINDSOR. Ou Wednesday morning Her Maiesty with Princess Henry of Battenberg and suite arrived at Windsor by special train on the Great Western at 9 10 from Scotland, and were received at the Windsor terminus members of the Corporation.
The Queen, on alighting from the train, was conducted through the Royal wait- ing room, and on entering her carriage immediately I drove to the palace. The Castle guard was drawn up in front of Henry the Eighth's Gateway, and saluted the Royal party as they proceeded up the hill on their i way to the palace Notwithstanding the long and fatiguing journey from the north it was generally rftmark that the Queen, who wa- attired in Am mourning, was looking very well, and seems to be enjoying the best of health. FIRE AT DOUGLAS. At a quarter to two, on Wednesday morning, an alarming fire broke out in the workshop of Mr. T.
E. BLadcliffe, cabinet maker, Victoria-street, Douglas, situate in the midst of a valuable block of buildings. The fire brigade was summoned, and, owing to the fire being at the top of a three-storey building, it was with iT IZlZZa' rs. "a water. All the contents of the workshop were i destroyed, including valuable furniture and part uiiiicuitj Sui uUUCl, kUUuSu a uPijr ui the flooring and roof were damaged, and the water did a great amount of injury.
The origin of the fire is onknown. The damage is covered by insurance. PRESENTATION TO "WARDER EVANS." An interesting presentation was made at the Birmingham Police Court on Wednesday. In the presence of a large company of magistrates and other prominent personages a purse of gold was presented to ex-Warder Brown, who had over 40 years of aervice at Winson Green Gaol. Brown was the original Warder EvanB of Charles Reade's novel, It's Never Too Late to Mend." He often had offers to play the part of Evans in Reade's play, RIGHT OF WAY DISPUTE AT PORT ERIN.
An enthusiastic public meeting has been held at Port Erin to vindicate the public right of road through an estate known as Spaldrick, leading to Bradda Mount, which was closed against the public by the former proprietor, Mr. Adams, some years ago, and is now owned by Mr. Jennison, Belle Vue, Manchester. Speeches were delivered strongly affirming the public right of road, and resolutions vindicating the same were agreed to. STRUGGLE WITH POACHERS.
A large gang of poachers have been surprised near Prestbury, Cheshire, and after a severe struggle three were captured and a large quantity of game and many yards of netting were seized. The other poachers got away with their bags. They were coming in from the direction of Adlington Park, Mrs. Lech's estate. The men hailed from Macclesfield.
Several big gangs have been reported in the district during the past few weeks. AN OLD TRICK AGAIN SUCCESSFUL. Henry Watson was brought up on remand on Wednesday, at Oldham, charged with obtaining 6 5s. by trick from Clara Watkin. The prisoner, having observed the girl leaving the Manchester and County Bank, followed ad stopped her.
He professed to have been sen rom the bank, and stating that there wan something wrong with the cheque obtained the money from the girl and decamped. The prisoner, who is wanted in Manchester, Rochdale, and other places on similar charges, was committed for trial. 1 i Ihere 13, however, one point in which he resembles father. Rp haa a jins t-, I o. uis iatner.
tie Has a sincprp lilrino Ou- Nicholas II. had a thoroughly French and the views ot those about him mu3t have ren- dered him a nrm sunnnrrpr nf the iAM between Russia and France, which the teeeSISJ mlfe S4Sr play of sympathy must have confirmed. M. Lanson enta Biscuit whIV-e i says that his former pupil admired the best writers hehr 0icetion. and scenatc.
an 2 in all countries, but that he had a decided m-P I Wtf101 Wimy medical an 1 for Victor Hugo and pagS i'l trench sculptors and painters he unhesitatinolv i nd Pro-dence. been the means Ci r-- zt i awarded the palm. He regarded the French ScWl hie of a dear wife, who was fast sinki; gtnro the as superior to all others In i ast 3taaes ct consumption, not exoecrea a 4.u i. AU t-onciuaion, Jl. Lanson one minute to anotUer.
Rirv r-)r ft -states that, during his stay at the Russian Court, he The Marchioness deBTeh oten lk oemanuea oy uemocrats. xnere must be nothing irresolute in a resolution nothing in the Hamlet vein in seeking to give effect to it. I have no doubt Ttie Treasury has now taken up the Soho mystery, that Court influences, city influences, aristrocratic 1 an( telegraphic despatches have been sent "to the influences, and Whig influences are at work to per- French police, requesting a copy of the depositions suade the Premier that he can hold his own and alleged confession of the man Robello. The without burning his ships or throwing in his charge on which he was arrested at Toulon, of lot for weal or woe with the Radicals. I would whictl Plae he is a native, had no reference to the respectfully warn him against all these sugges- yno mystery, but, according to French procedure, tions.
They are utterly incorrect. If there is the er aDled the authorities there to interrogate him. smallest ambiguity in "the attitude of the Govern- I There is little probability of Robello being extra-ment in respect to the Lords, he, his colleagues, and dited on tne CDarge of murder and forgery. The i.uuuu mac tne young fnnce displayed a thirst for knowledge, and took scecial tntSmd: JM.iZt latin tn Trn, OLD JANE CAKEBREAD. -S now nearI-v the ead of the Wth century of the Christian era we have a Salvation Armv, a Lhurcb.
Army, any number of missions of one kind or another, and we spend thousands and thousands of pounds a year in converting the heathen; and vet old Jane Cakebread, who lives somewhere in Hoston when she 13 not in Hollowav Gaol, is more than a match for them all. Her dose of original sin is so great that hitherto all those Christianisin forces whicn have been brought to bear on her have proved mefiective to eradicate it. Perhaps 3he is teo poor and useless for propagandist purposes. Yt 13 aS Ctn be imaed. She made her 271st appearance before the North London magistrate, on the amP olvv unuis.
one aoesn do an j- "WS LUC ursi titn She doesn't do anv harm k- nerseit, and it must be said that th" offir- am it jr Hollowav Gaol, where she passes most of her time do ail they can for her. "When I came out of prison last time," she told Mr. Lane, th governor gave me a splendid Bible, worth 4s" or 5s a splendid pair of spectacles, and this nice dress I have on. Instead of roadino the kt. i presented to her shp wanJrorl i "WUI1 streets "I fler Mtu some person uci bume rum.
wn rn r.iirncH 1 again she found herself in the hands of the noli She told the magistrate she had at Bishops Stortford and Sandbridge, and I would back to them as soon as she had a few things to pQ? on. Mr. Lane When are you eointf tn things put right to go away? soon as I can. Mr. Lane "So far as I am cot cerned, vou may go now.
Go awav tv, are discharged. The prisoner: Thank vou very much, your worshin arid if tf oa Spe.aks for Itsklf Speaks for Itsklf HUDSOX'S SOAP A Fine powder in Packst--. mm tbhsht over 50 Years. resent demand Greater than ever Sphaks for Itself the Liberal party will go to the wall at the next i general election. The paramount question just now is that no man shall be possessed of any legislative rights who has not been elected thereto bv the direct, unrestricted vote of all those possessed (may their number increase of the Parliamentary franchise.
Provided that he will hold his hand in foreign questions and leave things abroad as they are, we, who are not with him or his theory of what ought to be our foreign relations, and who hold to our belief that a Liberal Premier should be in the House of Commons, will call a truce, and concentrate all our efforts to secure a majority on this most vital change in the Constitution. "We'll Back vou Every Time." A flush of pride suffused the face of the youn jockey as he read the telegram. Let us know each race you start iu, and we'll back you everv time." The rnessaee eam frnm his nifl. time comrades in far-away Yorkshire. They knew he "rode I cTT 7 Vt i AVv! nXXt to win-and their telegram was a testimonial She left Liverpool on the 10th October with mails omcers ana men, as wen as a numoer oi Africans.
THE STATE OF THE LABOUR MARKET. The Board of Trade Journal says So far as ean be judged from the returns relating to employment received by The Department a slight improvement has taken place in the condition of the labour market a a whole during the month of October. The effect on the employment ia several industries of the termination of the Scottish coal dispute is clearly perceptible. DEATH OF AN ADMIRAL. Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Thomas Symonds, died at his residence, at Torquay, on Wednesday afternoon, a lingering and painful illness.
I iu nis integrity and worth. Hundreds and thousands of testimonials to the woith or" Hviloway's Pills and uintment I as family medicines are in our possess. on. Many a poor I sufferer has been restored to health bv these world-famed remedies, and has gratefully written to tell us so. Human friends come and go, it thse medicines the friends of mankind are always with us in the hour of need.
The Athletic Council of ihe Cornell University, at their lust rneetihif. confirmed their resolution to send a crew to England in to compele for some of the events at the Henley regaua..
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