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The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England • 2

The Morning Posti
London, Greater London, England
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13T For th imfmnatiom but required the steward and maie to rive then more, To price 5s. Wdi, HE GAMESTER'S GRAVE, in two Cantos and other E. SWEEDLAND. ola by Jameg Uunran, late Ogle, Duncan, and 37, FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. PARIS JOURNALS.

(from l'etoile.) Madrid, Nov. 25. On the 22d of this month the First Council took place of the Ministers appointed by the Royal Decree of the 19th. It opened under the presidency of his Majesty himself. It lasted from midnight until two o'clock.

The King, by an order dated Aranjuez, the 12th of this month, and which has just been published by the Minister of War, declares that his Decree of the 1st of November, which suspends the ejmrations in all classes, does not apply to the individuals composing the Royal Guard. They will, on the contrary, submit to the purification prescribed by the special Ordinance of his Majesty addressed to the Commandant-General of the Royal Guards. Paris, Dec. 1. The Official Gazette of Madrid of the 25th, contains an article in reply to the extravagant declamation of the Jacobin Journals of Paris and London, upon the independence of the Spanish Colonies.

This article is in some sort a repetition of those which we have already published on the same subject. The Spanish writer observes, that when the Revolutionists of the Seine and ef the Thames speak of the independent nations of Peru, Mexico, Columbia, they hold the same language as they were desirous of applying to the independent nations of Naples, Piedmont, and Spain. When a respectable I k. THE ST ART AN CONSTITUTION. Mr.

Editor In a former Letter I took the liberty of laying before your readers an analysis of the Roman and Athenian Republics, as supplied by Plutarch. Permit me now, from the same authority, to exhibit a sketch of the Constitution of the Republic of Sparta by which it will appear that the democratical liberty enjoyed by each of the free ancient States was more theoretical and ostensible than real, and far more limited in degree than is generally presumed. Lycurgus appears to have copied the framework of his Government from the Egyptians, who indeed asserted that he visited them for that purpose. His upper house, of thirty Senators, is obviously (and indeed so Plutarcm states), a transcript from the 30 Nomarchs or Judges of Egypt, who held their meetings in the labyrinth near Memphis, and in theMemnonium near Thebes. Egypt was partitioned into three districts, Upper, Middle and Lower each of the three deputed by election ten Nomarchs from the ten parishes iuto which they were subdivided and each of these ten parishes were again subdivided into seven classes or corporations, consisting of priests, soldiers, interpreters or scribes, shepherds, herdsmen, merchants or traders, and seamen.

"When therefore Plutarch hesitatingly suggests that Lycurgus might have selected the number of his House of Peers or Senators on account of its being mysterious and sacred, there is not a doubt that he was correct, for the numbers three, seven, and ten, as appears from Pythagoras and the Platonists, were held sacred by the Egyptians, as they are now held sacred by the Brahmins. This institution of an Upper House by Lycurgus (for there was none previous tohistime)wasinPLATo's opinion the salvation of Sparta, because it allayed and qualified the hot complexion of the monarchy, and kept the Commonwealth in good temperament for the State which befote had no firm basis to stand upon, leaning one while towards absolute sovereignty, and another while towards giddy democracy, was kept in a just equilibrium by this institution." In other words, it kepi both the kings and people within salutary bounds, and broke the force of their collision. By the Rhoetra or Spartan code, the Senate and Kings were to convoke the Commons from time to time, (such are the expressions) in the open air. It must be here observed, that neither in Athens, Rome, nor Sparta, was there any representation or elective deputation of the Commons. This is strictly a modern invention and very naturally suggested by the diffnsion of suffrage over the entire population of an island or country, in lieu of the mere parishioners of a city, and that not large.

In this direct faculty of vote, as well as in several other circumstances, the constitution of Sparta seems nearly to have resembled that of the city of London. But the Spartan Commons, by the Rhoetra or Charter of Lycurgus, had no right to deliberate, but only to vote. The initiative, loo, of all motions rested with the Executive, i. e. the Senate and the Kings.

The people, by a singular contrast between the ideas of the antient Legislators and the modern Tyros in legislation, only possessed a veto. They could give or refuse their assent to a motion propounded by the two other Estates and to prevent this suspensive power from operating fatally against the march of the Government, another clause of the Rhastra ordained that upon such occasions, the Kings and Senate might instantly dissolve the Assembly. About a century and a half after Lycurgus, a reform was introduced into this Constitution, by the erection of a tribunitian power, or directory of five, under the title of the Ephori. The object of this institution-was to curb the authority of the Kings and Senate, it being assigned, and perhaps with some reason, that the limited number of the latter gave it a prejudicial influence in the state. King Theo-pompus was reproached by his Queen for assenting to the curtailment of the Royal power, effected by this Tribunatian innovation but he replied, that, on the contrary, he augmented it by giving it greater chance of durability and to this opinion Plutarch assents.

But in this I think the latter was mistaken. As a general theory, his remark on the limitation of the Royal Prerogatives is true, as the British Constitution demonstrates but with reference lo the particular instance of the reform effected by the institution of the Ephori, I will in a future letter (with your permission) endeavour to demonstrate its incorrectness. Your obedient Servant, C. which they very property reiusea auo wucu came on board, he wai assailed in a similar manner; he, however, observing the state they were then in, ordered them to go to bed one man named Brown, who appeared the most turbulent of the number, said he would not do so, but would go on shore a degree of conversation then passed between the men, which may be considered a mutiny. The single question, however, in Ihe case was, whether ihe men had leave from the Master to quit the ship Or, whether it was not desertion These matters were extremely pernicious upon West India traders, as men would go out in vessels, and make a good harvest by coming home in different ones, at an increased salary.

The Act of Parliament says, this requires a stronger check than any other circumstance whatever. It appears that on Saturday night, when all the work of Ihe week was concluded, a bottle of rum was demanded by the men, and refused. This was not an unusual indulgence, but it is proved not to have been ike custom of the Captain of this ship. They had had as much rum as was required, but how they got it does not appear. In this state things continued until ihe Captain came on board, and even then it did not seem to abate.

They asked him for the bottle, and certainly not in very proper terms, particularly when refused. Brown, who appears to have been the leader, used such language, that it might with justice be termed mutiny. He does not come forward to claim his wages, consequently he is aware that be was guilty of great misconduct and it ends in the total forfeiture of the whole. Beard, one of the men claiming, was not more modest, and used similar language as Brown. The Captain said, if he was dissatisfied he might leave the ship.

Brown said, if one went all would go. By this it would appear they were unanimous. The Captain says, he was much irritated at Brown's abuse, but it must be observed, that in discipline passion must be reduced he (Lord Stowell) did not see that the Captain in any manner remonstrated with them, and probably tbey were not so far flushed with liquor but they would have heard reason. His Lordship then took a view of all ihe cireumstances connected with this case, which he considered ought to have been most strictly inquired into by the Proctors before it was proceeded in. In this case, the Proctor for the mariners, said his Lordship, must have been aware that the men came home in another vessel, and upon wages; he was also aware, that a sum of money had been offered as wages up to the day of their leaving the vessel, and even up to the time they got another; his Lordship, therefore, considered that the men were entitled to no more than up to that time, and which sum h-now decreed, but without costs; and, continued his Lordship, for such practice, which I hope on no occasion I shall ever again see, I condemn the Proctor for the mariners in costs of suit.

His Lordship concluded by censuring ihe proceeding, which he termed most hungry practice, and one that be trusted would never again be done. COURT OF KING'S bTnCH, Thursday, Dec. 4. BEAUMONT V. VALE.

This action was brought by Charles Beaumont, a coach-maker, against Mr. Thomas Vale (assignee), to recover the value of five carriages; viz. a cabriolet, two tilburies, a another vehicle, which the Plaintiff alleged to be his property, taken and sold by the Defendant. The Defendant said the carriages were not the property of the Plaintiff, but the property or John Beaumont, also a coach maker, who had become a bankrupt, and against whom a Commission had issued. The question was, whether these carriages were the property of Charles, the Plaintiff, or his brother John, the Bankrupt.

After a long examination of witnesses on both sides, the Jury found a verdict for the Plaintiff Damages 271'. ASHLEY V. NICHOLLS. This was an action brought by the Plaintiff, a master builder, against the Defendant, one of the Trustees of the Kilburn Turnpike Trust, to recover the amount or his demand for work done to a bridge in the Kilburn road, over and above his contract with the Trustees, by order of the Defendant. The Plaintiff entered into a contract with the Trustees, dated July 28, 1821, to build a bridge on the road near Kilburn Wells, agreeably to the terms of a specification furnished by them, for a certain stipulated sum.

After the work had commenced, and one side of the bridge, which was to be carried, according to the working plan, five feet above the level of the old road, was completed, the plan was taken from ihe workmen and an alteration made in it, by which the arch was to be carried seven feet, instead of five, higher than the line of the old road, which the Defendant ordered to be done. Evidence to establish these facts having been gone through, it was suggested that the justice of the claim could be better ascertained by reference to an arbitration. The Solicitor-General, for the Defendant, said that without at all admitting that any alteration had beeu made in the plan, or that any extra work had been done, he was ready to accede to the proposal of a reference. A verdict was then taken for the Plaintiff of 1000. subject to arbitration.

opperman v. smith and others. This was an action brought by the Plaintiff against the Defendants, to recover a compensation in damages, under the following circumstances The Plaintiff formerly rented a house belonging to the Defendant Smith, ihe corner of Ship-alley, Ratcliffe-highway. After a quarter's rent had become due, the Plaintiff removed his goods from the premises without the knowledge of Smith, or even paying (he rent due, and let the premises to a person named Sydney, who gave information to the landlord of the removal of the goods, when he sent lo Mr. Draper, a broker, and his man.

On examining the rooms of the Plaintiff, the property was all gone, with the exception of a few trifling articles, which had been conveyed away by the side door into the alley, consequently the Defendant followed the goods to another house, and there seized them, and the present action, now brought by the Plaintiff, was to recover a recompence for having his house entered and goods seized. Mr. Gu rney, for the Defendant, addressed the Jury, and observed that the manner in which the Plaintiff had removed his goods, was a fraudulent one, and done to cheat his client out of his rent. The Learned Counsel maintained that the Defendant had a just right lo follow the goods and seize them wherever they could be found, as the removal was clandestine. The Lord Chiep Justice briefly summed up the evidence, and the Jury, after a few minutes consultation, returned iheir verdict for the Defendant.

OLD BAILEY, Thursday, Dec 4. Jarvis Streeten, a servant, late in the employ of Mr. Walsh of Went worth-street, Bryanstope-square, was indicted for stealing two pair of stockings and some other articles, valued at 5s. 1 he property being missed by Mr. Walsh, and circumstances inducing a suspicion that the prisoner, who had been allowed to come about the premises after having left his place, was the thief, he took out a search warrant, when the things were discovered in his possession.

The Jury found him Guilty, with a recommendation to mercy on account of his previous good character. The Recorder observed that his offence was so much aggravated by his malicious endeavours to shift the blame upon an innocent fellow-servant, from whom, in his defence he declared he had received the property, that the judgment of the Court would be transportation for seven years, which he pronounced accordingly. The prisoner, who is a married man with a family, was removed from the bar in tears. Henry Harris was capitally indicted for forcibly taking from the peison of Thomas silver watch and appendages The circumstances ot this case, which is that of the sailor who-watch was snatched out of his fob, while in company with a gir! of he town, near the Royalty Theatre, have been already detailed in one of our former Police Reports, precisely as they came out to-day in evidence. mJrlt Pisonur wa9ufound but also recommended to mercy, from his youth and previous goad character.


GILES IN THE FIELDS, This was an appeal by the former parish against Ihe latter, nod SfST Parish, which was supposed to be their legal settlement wm born ith SerjeanrDavey ad after '9'ed Marine England he returned man of war, the Eurydice 8erved 00 board Chairman Old man how lon i.U Jack 0D 19 8lnce you saw your son Old Man Thirteen years, Sir Chairman Are you sure he is your son next Session, and leSJSf 1 er till me appeal was then adjourned. Shocking Ac between and 7Z3Kl OCClirrt.fl of i urrdUIUI aCC ernoon, idem The 1 5nu.rch. hiding at No, rwood. the parapet wall fo -which ryci lmciaS 9 ral hundred pounds weS ston' ping on seve- scanold by means of He, '2 lhe toP of the suspenoed over the c(FAia tiZ ot me sioi progress tearinVawav tJmM broke and if fe" mand iwWnmifg? scaffold the around 0" he tcaffo fell stones was in its a fore-ih it lo up the foreman was XWfMH fully fractured that their lives ar H- I1 80 a surgeon. rnn.rnn lve, are despaired of.

Mr. picked dread- Street, conveyed to the HornsrSSl9 wb foreman remain, LM.J io were of ihe uow-treet patrol arrive rople's dent, and dZttZi I party of ine acn- am mmS mm A ikm deemed necessary to state, that Post, for the earliest coacke. t. morning; for the next class of fmrtj cu-rV, 1 neighbouring circulation, at sir; anhmt fib is seldom later them eight click. Jkr iS unnecessary to add, is kept ope.

ia mands, till twelve at THE MORNING Por NEW THEATRK ROYAL, DL'T Thw Evening, the WrNTSH'? Mr. Macread Ftorizet, Mr Wjjwi ARtigonus. Mr. Hermioue, Mrs. Buna Perditiii, To wb eh will a.lHo.l i aZ THE CATARACT OF Th7 CaSS.

To morrow, Rob Rov Cafc, THEATRE ROYAL. COYEST ca- TM Present Eveinj, THE oi iW Sir.Pertinax Macuvaopkaal, Mr. TH- Lm2U) a Mr. Co. t-" Lady Rodoipba Lajnbercowrt.

MrTcwi. Til whirh will lv m.lAA i 1 To-morrow. Ru tnn-i '7 LONDON. FRIDAY, DBCEMBKM The Winter Assize was opened at terday, and the proceedings (of which faithful report is given in snbseqaefu Vitf fnn A tn luucnn mm.t i -3 mum wiiervsc For thnncrh tho twfal Ha llwl nil yet some important points, on whid, ihs prevailed, have already been settled course which is to ta a1 the different charges on which the pwj be tried, and the admission of oo evidence for the Crown. Tk; t.

4 and rather unexpected event. After admirable charge from Mr. Jo Grand Jury retired to examine the which the Bill of Indictment is foofej nine alter a motion was made in mrr )t dkudekick to allow frobert to mm HI-! ucuce. his motion navmg been igtd was introduced and sworn to riufa the Grand Jury. It was then decjoV ThurteU should be tried as the- j.

r'--uai muruer, ana Josepn tiunt for iiuin uu, auu iu me course ol the evening the returned a true Bill against Thtrtell ad 3m trial is to begin at eight o'clock this aonuw 1 .1 tc iive aireaay alluded to the rf Justice Park as one which did nononr man and as a Judge. trust that a generally productive of good. It light the impropriety and tf private examinations or confessions duiiny the nrocrpw nf 0 r--o luujrT 9u.a nr. by sending a man to be tried for his jit. Press cannot fail to bend to the arguments as well as to the authoritY sj a knowledge and experience.

The (listmrco ho ocrnHlichos K. 4L. "wts uci wcru me mauisuorm aw dicial duties of Magistrates the itcrm mm for the one, and the publicity doe at 'He jther. most just and convincing. His new rw produced by the publication of every ioQj-t before trial is also not less correct thaa a practice is indeed more raroarahie ro tit than to the accuser for it informs them it ijl can be brought against them, ami enabfe -Hs their friends to prepare a temf iMmhi.

though entirely founded oo falsehood supported by hired witnesses as to 110. ne of the laws and the purposes of ibsikk. in future will know how to act with -9 right of withholding, and that of the think mand, information. The line is dm and whoever passes it. mut do it with that he is transgressing, not against the tht ot a Judffe.

but airairwt the laws of the sacred claims of impartial iastke. With regard to the course adopceti cutors at Hertford, it appears to as. vkU same excellent Judge, most wise and jnw only is Probert's guilt far inferior the other prisoners (supposing theirs ro but his evidence alone could be cohcIhh them. Had it been possible indeed hi timony of his wife without excluding Mai'' indictment, that stimony might hae to produse a conviction but from the Mem it was known that she could give uo evidt husband was tried, it became almost 1 wK 1 cessity, certainly one of gTeat prodeiue. on the witnesses' seat.

By doing of hot hornmas ivnilshU mm.A 'Tt direct that can be nrocureiL it cannot raii' also the most convincing. With resDect ft one, we are sure, will be able reores like satisfaction, however little dipoai at the misfnrtllnPt nf nlnnn possible to carry on the trial without iil- give evidence for the Crown. tomo1 prevarications since his confession haie i to create no public sv month in his faioar. a rri 1 '1 i ne accused are at this moment to assure onr readers that we shall morrow a mo amnio aurl iilKful W'tKt -r- evideuce and proceedings on this naoac ump10' atrocious case. Wo VOBrorflMW Ik.

fwiTj' It contains intelligence from Madmi 'm nif kft. ij i 1 "ii-) ij it 1111,11 11 appeals iiiu iw. instead of recalling his unjust ami had partly annulled the only one whk vUlt ficial tendency, as it suspended the epar Kn QrikJ MB 111 a Lie iti ail LJdKJ. Gazette sneaks at last in ulain and guage on the subject of South a ii i- .1 imtwr a ueiite. jner auuuing 10 mm IkT.

ji t. 1 it napies ana rieamout were pu will be the same in the Neve World" 1 admission that an at tack 00 the inaiefM- of South America is intended, bt whiK 1 am find the respectable fore work such wonders 2 In uniformly with MaH Ha'. cj ROYAL MEMOIRS on the FRENCH REVOLUTION. With Historical and Biographical Illustrations by the Translator. rTinied for John Murray, Albemarle-street Price 3s.

6d. neatly half-bound. Seventh Kdition, CTORIES selected from the HISTORY of ENG-O LAND, from the Conquest to the Revolution. For Children. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-street.

Octavo, price 12s. AUST, a Drama, translated from the German ofGoethe. By Lord FRANCIS LEVESON GOWER. Printed for John urray, Albemarle-street. In the Press.

Poems by the same Author, octavo. Tiiis day is published, 8vo. 12s. "VTOTES durin a VISIT to EGYPT, NUBIA, IK The OASIS. MOUNT SINAI, and JERUSALEM.

By Sir FREDERICK HENNIKER. Bart. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-street. London. This Hay, with numerous Engravings, 8vo.

7s. 6d. ACCOUNT of some recent DISCOVERIES in HIEROGLYPHICAL LITERATURE and EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES, including the Author's original Alphabet. By THOMAS YOUNG, M.D., F.R.S. Printed for John Murray.

Albemarle-street This day is published, post 8vo. Vol. containing six Cantos. 9s. fid.

THE ORLANDO FURIOSO, translated into English Verse, from the Italian of Ludnvico Ariosto, with Notes. By WILLI AM STEWART ROSE. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-street. This day is published, in quarto, with a Map and seventeen coloured Plates. 3.

3s. ANAURATIVE of TRAVELS from TRIPOLI to MOURZOUK. the Capital of Fezzan. By Captain GEORGE FRANCIS LYON, R.N. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-street.

Just published, DON JUAN Cantos the Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth. Fine Editions, demy 8vo. price 9s. 6d. boards.

Fine- Editions, foolsrap 8vo. price 7s. boards. Common Editions, stitched (to counteract piracy), Is. Printed for John Hunt, 22, Old Bond-street, and 38, Tavi-siock-street, Covent-garden.

In a few days will be published, in three vols, post 8vo. JAYINGS AND DOINGS. Full of wise saws and modern instances." Shakspeare. Printed for Henry Colburn and Co Conduit-street. This day is published, in 12mo.

price 7s. CONVERSATIONS on the BIBLE. LADY. Printed for Hpnry Colburn and Conduit-street. By a This day is published.

8vo. 3s. 6d. RELATION du VOYAGE de LOUIS XVI. ct de sa Famille a Varennes.

Par Madame la Duchesse dANGOULEME. Chez Colburn and Co. Conduit-street. The Duke d'Knghien. This day is published, in French and English, 8vo.

3s. 6d. jVTEMOIRES du COMTE HULIN, etde M. i.TJL DUP1N, siir la Catastrophe du Due d'Enghein, suivis du Journal du Due d'Enghien ecrit par lui-meme, et de Pieces liisioriques et inediteg relatives au Proces. Printed for Henry Colburn and Conduit-street Of whom may also be had, in French and English, The Memoire de Due de Rovigo, 8vo.

3s. 6d. This day is published, handsomely printed in two vols. 4to. with portraits by eminent artists, price il.

4s. MEMOIRS of WILLIAM HAYLEY, the Friend and Biographer of Cow per. Written by Himself. Containing a variety ot Anecdotes of the most eminent men of his time, Extracts from his Private Correspondence, London Printed for Henry Colburn and Conduit-street and Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers' Hall-court. In 8vo.

price 10s. ITALIAN TALES Tales of Humour, Gallantry, and Romance; selected and translated from various Authors, beautifully printed on French wove paper, and embellished with sixteen illustrative Drawings, by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. A few Copies, with proof Plates, on India paper, 14s. In a few days, German Popular Stories, third Edition. Published by C.

Baldwin, Newgate-street; and R. Trip-hook, Old Bond-street. European Scenery. Just published, complete in five volumes, imperial containing upwards of 300 highly-finished En- ravings, by the most eminent Artists, forming an interesting eries of the most Picturesque Views in the undermentioned Countries viz. FRANCE; from Drawings by Capt.

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Any Volume may be purchased separately at the above named prices, or the hole handsomely and uniformly done up and lettered. Printed for Rodwell and Martin, 46, New Bond-street. A few of the Large Paper Copies, in 4to. with Proof Impressions ef the above (excepting Italy), are yet remaining. Subscribers who have not completed their Sets are requested to do bo without delay, as they may not be able later.

Just published, price 3s. 6d boards, or 4s. 6d. neatly bound in roan, containing 400 pages, handsomely and closely printed in pearl and nonpareil, CHRONOLOGY of the REIGNS of GEORGE the THIRD and FOURTH; including a Notice of every important Fact in Public History, Proceedings of Parliament, Courts of Law, Police Reports, Prices Current. Statistics, Finance, Science, Literature, Drama, Fine Aris, Boxiana, Longevity, Deaths, Births, Natural Phenomena, Earthquakes, Meteors, With a General Chronology of the most important Events and Discoveries, from the earliest Records to the Yrarl760.

By JAMES FORDYCE. London Printed for the Proprietor, and sold by Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers'-Hail-court and Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Just published, price Is. 6d. THE MOTHER'S MEDICAL POCKET-book, containing Advice, physical and medical, In Mothers and Nurses relative to the rearing of Infants from- the hour of birth, including Practical Observations on the Management of Pregnant and Lying-in Women Flat and Sore Nipples Suckling Swathing and first dressing the Child the use of Cold Water (fusion Tepid Bath Exposure of the Head-Air and Cleanliness The use of the Cradle Crying of Children Diet; with the Signs and Treatment of the most ordinary Diseases to which Children are liable, By J.S.

FORSYTH, -urgeon-Accoucheur, London. Her, by her smile, how soon the stranger knows How soon, by his, ihe glad discovery shows, As to her lips 6he lifts the lovely boy What answering looks of sympathy and joy He walks, he speaks. In many a brokeu word His wants, his wishes, and his griefs are heard. And ever, ever to her lap he flies, When rosy sleep comes on with sweet surprise. Lck'd in her arms, his arms across her flung, (That name most dear for ever on his tongue,) As with soft accents round her neck he clings.

And, cheek to cheek, her lulling song she sings. How blest to feel the beatings of his heart, Breathe his sweet breath, and kiss for kiss impart Waich o'er his slumbers like the brooding dove, And. if she can, exhaust a mother's love Published by D. Cox, 12, Nassau-place, Commercial-road; and Simpkin and Marshall. Stationers' -court.

Ludgate-hill. Stereotype Edition of Shakspeare, in one volume, 8vo. Thi day is published, very neatly printed in one volume, 8vo. with a Portrait engraved upon steel, price lbs. in boards, THE PLAYS of WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies, left bv the late George SievenB, Esq.

and Edmond Mafone, Esq. With a Sketch of his Life, and a Glossary. Printed for C. end J. Rivinglon T.

Egerton J. Cuthell J. Scatcherd; Longman and T. Cadell J. and W.T.

Clarke J. Booker; J. Booth; J. Richardson J. M.

Richardson; R. H. Evans; J. Mawman R. Scholey J.

Bohn Pheney Baldwin and Baynes and Son; Newman and Hardingand T. Hamilton; W.Wood; Whit-more and Fenn T. Tegg J. Duncan; W. Mason; G.

Mackie; J. H. Bohte G. and W. Whittaker; Kingsbury and Hurst, Robinson, and Simpkin and Co.

R. Saunders; and J. Wicksteed, London; also by Deighton and Sons, Cambridge Wilson and Sons. York by Stirling and Slade A. Black.

P. Brown, and J. Fairbairn, Edinburgh. Of whom may be had. lately published.

1 A new edition of Shakspeare's Plays, accurately printed. x' Kl mi-. A i i. with OleS SeieClCO irm wi. iiuuc cumuu, uj niciMiiirr Chalmers, Esq.

in eight vols. 8vo. with a Portrait, price 3. I2s. im hnmrAa.

2. The same, with Engravings, from the Designs of cele brated Artists, Utustraung a seme earn piay, ciegantty nrmied in eiehl vols. ffvo. price 4s. boards.

Another edition of the Plats, in 10 pocket vols, with flovwrial Notes, and-a Portrait, price If. 10s. in boards, or on nival paper. 21. 5s; 4.

Shakspeare Plays and Poemf, with the corrections and il u-trations ot various uommentaiors comprenenning a the Poet. and an enlarged History of the Stage, by the lat Edmond Malone. With a new Glosaarial Index. In 21 vols. gvo.

with two rortraus ana engraving irom inc ai Stratford, rnce in. izs. in ooaros. force approaches to take cognizance ef the places subject to these Sovereignties of the people, nothing is to be found but a mass of factious persons who are dissipated like smoke. It will be the same in the new world.

The faithful offspring of the mother-country, the devoted subjects of the Bourbons, are there as in their European dominions, a vast majority a fact which the future will demonstrate. One of the grand arguments of the partisans of American independence is, that it is founded in right, as the mother country-can no longer protect it. The Gazette of Madrid replies to this argument of the Journalists by the following comparison According to the principles here advanced, Ireland might observe to-morrow I will be a sovereign state as soon as I can establish ray independence. From that instant I am independent in fact, for this simple reason, that fidelity reposing upon protection, and not receiving that protection from you, I am not obliged to pay the price of it. Once possessed of the power, and I shall be as indepeedent de jure as de facto." from the constitutional.

His Royal Highness the Dftke of Angou-leme will receive, on Wednesday 'next, the 3d of December, at noon 1st. The bodies of the Magistracy, according to their rank 2d. The Military and lastly, the persons who came to pay their respects. Tuilleries, Nov. 30.

The Duke de DAMAS." Independently of the Army of Occupation, there will be two divisions of observation, the one in Per-pignan and its neighbourhood, the other at Bayonne and its environs. French Funds. Rentes 90f. 20c Bank Actions, 1622f. 50c.

LISBON MAIL. Lisbon, Nov. 17. The Charge d' Affaires of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, having solicited and obtained ofnis Most Faithful Majesty permission, to have a private audience of his Highness the Infant Don Miguel, addressed to him, on that occasion, the following Speech Sire Being charged by his Majesty the Emperor, my august master, with the honour of complimenting your Royal Highness in his name, I cannot do better than to quote the words of the letter, which imposes on me so honourable a duty. You will not says the letter, to express to his Royal Highness the Infant Don Miguel, the sentiments which are excited in the Emperor by his generous enterprise, his noble courage, and the filial respect with which he laid at the feet of the Sovereign the homage of the services which he had already performed, and the offer of those which he might be able to perform in future.

These are actions which carry with them the best reward the most brilliant that the Infant can receive is the glory of having' saved his King, his father, and his Your Royal Highness will permit me to make use of this happy opportunity to express also the sentiments of my respect and veneration." Lmbon, Nov. 18. The Gazette contains a letter addressed to the President of the Commission sent to the Island of Madeira, expressing his Majesty's satisfaction with the manner in which the inquiry into the late disturbance in the island has been performed. The Gazette says, that great praise is due to the celerity with which this expedition was determined upon and sent out. The squadron, consisting of the Amazon frigate and two other vessels, with the new Governor Don Manoel de Portugal et Castro, the 7th regiment, some artillery, the President and Members of the Commission, landed on the 26th of August.

After the most strict investigation, and bearing two hundred and fifty witnesses, sentence was pronounced on the 8th of October, when there were twenty-five persons in prison, one died of poison which he took, twenty-four were summarily tried, and sentenced according to the Royal Order; 22 were condemned to various penalties, and two having been rather imprudent than criminal, were discharged. As no actual rebellion had taken place, it was possible to reconcile the favour of the Sovereign with the inflexible impartiality of the Judge. But fur (he prompt measures with which his Majesty and his Ministers so opportunely arrested the progress of this horrid crime, it would have led to the gallows, along with the Fernandez, the Borges, and the Carvalhos of the island, many other victims, drawn into the whirlpool of revolt, more from seduction and timidity, than from wickedness and corruption. May this example of goodness and justice tend to check seditious minds, since their perfect conversion is not to be hoped for. Lisbon, Nov.

25. Among the official articles is a notice from the Secretary of State for the department of Justice, that his Majesty has been pleased to resolve, that the Journal called 0 Padre Amara, printed in London, and written in the Portuguese language, shall continue to have free admission into these kingdoms, and their dominions, so as it shall be written in the same principles that it has constantly adopted. MEXICO. Letters dated Ihe 22 of October have been received from Havannah. The independent Mexican Government has acted with extraordinary vigour and spirit on the occasion of the quarrel between the town of Vera Cruz and the Spanish garrison of St.

Juan de Ulloa. They have determined that Vera Cruz shall be abandoned, and cease to be a port of trade, so long as the Castle of St. Juan de Ulloa should beheld by the Spaniards. The Mexican merchants, had in consequence removed to Alvarado, which was declared the port of entry for Mexico, and a strict prohibition was issued against the admission of Spanish vessels into any port of Mexico. All the Spanish merchants resident in Vera Cruz had removed with their families and property into the Castle of St.

Juan de Ulloa. The latest intelligence received at Havannah from Vera Cruz was of the 11th of October, at which time the fire from the batteries still continued, and it was estimated that one-third of the city had been laid in ruins by it. Numbers of Spanish merchantmen had arrived at Havannah with cargoes for Vera Cruz, but which, in consequence of the prohibition of entry, were all compelled to be disposed of in Cuba, to the great disadvantage of the owners. A few ships were fitting nut at Havannah to convey supplies lo the Castle of St. Juan de Ulloa, and this isolated spot being naturally impregnable, was likely still to be held by the Spaniards, though with little advantage to the possessors after ihe destruction of Vera Cruz, and the extinction of its trade.

Some of the letters from Havannah express belief thata reconciliation wasstill likely to take place between the Spanish garrison and the Mexican Government, but do not state the grounds of that expectation. Some Colombian privateers, which lay under Ihe island of Sacrificios. out of the reach of cannon shot from the Castle, had succeeded in capturing three well-armed Spanish schooners, constant traders between Vera Cruz and Havannah a valuable addition at that moment to the Colombian navy, already equal to that of the Spaniards. General Morales at the date of the letters, remained at Havannah. and no hint is given of any new expedition to be undertaken by him.

POLICE INTELLIGENCE. Bow-Street. Yesterday Sir R. Birnib and Mr. Halls, the Magistrates of this Office, were occupied for severalhoors in the hearing of informations against a host of publicans for keeping open their houses at a late hour at night.

Amongst them was the landlady of the Star and Garter, St. Martin's-lane, against whom Ihe penally of 6. and costs was awarded, as ii was the second conviction for a similar offence. Qu een-Sqi'arf. Miss Mary Prior, a Lady who is a constant frequenter of the Opera Hoose, and well known about Sr.

James's-streef, Piccadilly, Bond-street, was brought up, charged with robbing Mr. John Stokes, a young Gentle-roan, of his watch and appendages. Committed for further examination. LAW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY, Thursday, Dec 4.

practice in bankruptcy. IN THE MATTER OF EDMVND WALKER, A BANKRUPT. Mr. Montagu appeared on behalf the bankrupt, to move for his Lordship's order discharging the bankrupt, who is incus-tody by virtue of the Commissioners' warrant, for not satisfactorily answering the questions that had been put to him. The bankrupt has been committed twice, and the warrant of recommitment only stated that he should be sent back lo prison, in consequence of still continuing to answer the questions pul to him unsatisfactorily, wbicb the Learned Counsel contended was defective, inasmuch as that the Commissioners had not stated in the warrant the questions that were put to him at the re-examination.

Mr. Montagu quoted some cases in support of his motion. Mr. Cooper opposed il. He considered that as the same question had been put to the bankrupt on his re-examination, which had been put to him on his original examination, it was quite competent fur the Commissioners to re-commit him, merely slating in the warrant, that he bad not more satisfactorily answered than he had done at first.

His Lordship stated, that the warrant on both occasions seemed to be defective. In the first part of the original commitment, it was stated, that only one question had been put to the bankrupt, and not having answered it satisfactorily, he was to be committed until he should answer the questions put to him more satisfactorily, and in the warrant of re-commitment the law objection might apply. His Lordship then said he would take till to-morrow to look into the cases which Mr. Montagu had referred to, which were reported in Mr. Rose's Reports, "pages 396 400; in Mr.

Buck's, page 272; and in Mr. Swanston's, page 80. MACS AY V. TODD. Mr.

Hart moved for an order calling upon Mr. Lowe, a Solicitor of this Court, to pay a certain sum found due upon a bill of costs, or that he should stand committed to the Fleet Prison. Mr. Pbpys opposed the motion on the ground that a petition was now pending before the Vice-Chancel I or, which would bring in a discussion upon this bill of costs the correctness of which was disputed. His Lordship directed that the petition now before his Honour should peremptorily be beard on Saturday.


Pemberton moved on ihe part of the Plaintiff, who is executor of the Marquis of Cornwallis, to restrain the Defendant, who is widow and executrix of a person of the same name, to whom the late Lord Cornwallis lent 400., which is still unpaid, from selling the farming stock on her late husband's farm, which it was sworn she was about to do. The affidavit al slating, that in the event of such sale being made, there wauld not be visible effects of the testators sufficient to pay the Plaintiff's claim as executor of Lord Cornwallis. The Vice-Chancellor said these injunctions were reallv becoming terrible instruments against the community he could not grant an injunction to prevent an executrix disposing of the effects of a testator, without notice being given to her. HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, December 4. THE FREDERICK.

Lord Stow ell gave judgment in this case. It was a suit, his Lordship said, brought by two sailors against the Captain of Ihe ship above named, for wages. In the year 1819, the men were engaged to proceed with the ship to Jamaica, which was done, and when arrived there they left the ship by conseni. and were obliged to sell their clothes to procure them sustenance on their passage across the country. The defence that is set up is, that on the day tbey left the ship they got intoxicated by a quantity of rum they clandestinely procured tbey, it appears, were not contented with such a quantity, were ante..

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