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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 18

Springfield, Missouri
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ILLINOIS W01V1EK I run rat ss Or Wouid Succeed Father and the Other Bases Her Plea cn Her Court Experience. CSiifSUiC ihe vcmtrj" Tramtion vr.rrilii dir'jp'd the hiiL rv of Illinois polllio with tht o( ol oondirtacy for con grosKniH.i by two wonv.n botli or w1i on fr r.otherv 'no t't Mo now eandW He Is Sirs. Miwsn ho see ks the nlrv fnnr.wi' held by her father, rfc live Oorurrewfman William K. Mason. The Uier In Mm.

Mary Belle tpenoer, pjlii; guardian of Cook county. Vrs. Hi, who Is tli mother cf (our clilW'on. ha announced hur candidaay on rfronith of knowledue obtained In ler f. u1iors rampaifc'ns.

Hot platform, liult up from years of observation, will mnml directly toward women voters. Mr. Spencer, on the other 'hand will nrln nor (aimmlgn on her knowledge of Ji'al vjitunw rd exocrome as a I. I. nnMn Arizona Indians I Take Up Golf Game Some Day the National Cham pioaship May Be Won by a Golfer Who Is Undis i mi table American.

And now the American Indians Vivp taken up golf, many of the enddlea of the courses Arizona having procured clubs KM by Imitating the white, man herani fairly proficient In the Fame that Is played more universally 'ban anr other sport. At the New fngleslde club, near Itiocnix. I wiling bucks from nine different i "eibea bar trained considerable on'clncy. HV1 with gift chins 'mm winter visitors prantlre i the amino tTolna tsnartmislv. With I natural awlnr bmmttrn nf loose liitn's.

lbs sinewy muscle of the keen evd ortaJcin drive far and fsiirht and approach with th nr. 'iirnrv for which their Imnnhnwk ni; forefather were Justly fenre.1 the white pioneers. All of Mch makes It possible that some the national championship will worn by a golfer who la imlis 'tliiy American. DYE STOCKINGS mm DIAMOND DYES "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear ii worrv, faded skirts, wnists, cohIs, elUngs, sweaters, coverings, hang draperies overythlng. Every contains directions so simple woman can put new, rich, fude i colors Into lior wont garments or M'erles even If she.

has never dyed fore. Just buy Diamond Dyes no ner kind then your material will mo out right, because XMomond Dyes enavanteodi not to streak, spot, fade, run. Toll your druggist whether malarial you wiRh to dye Is wool aillc. tt whether It Is linen, cotton mted KOuds. Advertisement.

LEGAL NOTICES. TKUKrra rs iaib rr dsfkult pyinnt nf not's se by dod 9t 'jim iated July 1919, id by W. K. WMtwArri Uu.l C. oiidard, hla vrtf.

reourdrd in Donlt pars XX, ofriee of rwuiUcr of oeds Oreena onunly, Missouri, the dnrslfined trustee, at lh rsqui'st of i l8l owner and hoMer of said notes secured, will, on FVWay, April tl, i22. between the hours of nine In the renoon and five In the afternoon of aid day, at the south (runt door of the iai circuit court house. In the city of pnnntleld, Greene county, Mlsaourt, sell the highest bidder, at puhlin sale for In hand, the following drsirlbed reul Mute, lytnu and being In tlia county of nd slate of Missouri, towlt: "oinmeiirlng IC feet south of the north. est, corner of lot conveyed by It. Inllaiid to 6nnuel Bwlticr hy de.

re orried In book page MT, in the record r's offlre of Greene county. M'issouri, on east aide of Pearl street. In ftiirln. ield, Missouri; thenc running east along in. norm sioe or nous MJ6, H3; tntnie CSl) thlrty two feet; theno west tt;) on hundred and fortv three.

ft; 'lenre north (33 thlrty two feet to he. place of beginning, for th purpose of iiig bJa deed of trust and cost of uo, tV. n. RA.XFOP.D, Truste r.t Insertion March jyjj. NdTICK UK Is hereby given, thut letters smntsry on the estate of John S.

lei eased, were granted to the cnJgnwJ, on the duy of March by itia probate court of Urteni nty, Missouri. II persons having claims against said ne. are required to exhibit them for linra to Ih. nihs after tli dat of lbs grnntlng of letttirs, or Niey may be precluded anc benefit of such estate, and If iwh i sslms ba not exhibited within on ear front Ih rtut th Jd letivrs they almll be forever barred. n.

iv'i ai. Kiecutrlx. E.N IK cai) OeSi of l'rotwie. 'ir Manh irji Ai'MIMeTKAT'K NDTICK Of IJOTTKIM N'ntiivj hereby fiven, ihal letters of "mlnifiriillur. on the estate of laaae II.

ri e. decrased, were granted to the lOiiers griril, 0n the 17th duy of Maroh. by the probul court of cireen rouiitv. Missouri. All person having rlaims against said estate, are required 13 exhibit them for allowance to th ad.

iitiHHtraliir within aix nuint'ia after tti nal of the granting of said letter, or they may be from any benefit nf s'n'h (aisle: and If auch claims be not lhllntM M'thln one vear fro the date nf th cranling of said letter they shall forever tiarred. A fc.ll.HAM. Administrator. Attest: T. if.

OlUtXtN. Jle of JTobnte. first Tieertion Msnih M. li TUliSTjaK'S txAXK Tor default Id payment uf the not srd by dned of trust, dated August ffl, tm. rarorded la booa 4x; page 6s, in roorxUs otntm for Otmm county, ourt.

executed by Kred o. hiuaJl and Margaret Hmail. his wlf. I will, th vgl holder raquestlng, on Tuenlay. May 192, and between a.

n. and 6 o. m. th snurti front dour of th court oiis In Jipringfieid, uririe county, Mis vi lri pell' VM, 3 ril wist a'd of trist fii. i ji ji ernoian UldliluO l' ll.

it' nf Kprilig field. im for purpus if 0utyiat JJ r. f. va im TnutM. rtrat lnaerUoa AprU s.

ix Americans Live Too Hard and Too Fast, Says Dr. M. P. Ravenel success. SPRINGFIELD MISSOURI REPUBLICAN.

SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1922. COWJirsr.V. Jlo, April IB. "Amert. eaas Ut too hard and too fast The chances of death after 50 j'oarj of life ar lncrwaainr Snstssid of decreasing.

Tu Iha Ust TO years the death rate dur luK first five ynarsj of Jlfo ha been crcatly lowered, but for the later years of life It K. not Xt In poor economy to educate cx.rt train bvsincsa men and women only to loa thulr Bervices to the crtmirrur.ity nnd statu when they reach life." 'these ar some of the deductions mado by In: M. W. Ravenel, protcssor ot rreventlve metficine, In charge of the public health Horvieo laboratoric at the Srl'ool of Midlcino ot the University of Missouri. The bureau of the census has recently 6ent advanced information on new life tables, which ore soon to he Issued.

This will he the second official publication on life tables ever issued in the United States, and figures are now available for the last 20 years. "People are interested in health largely because they are afraid to die," Dr. Ravenel, who is also president of the National Apierlran Public Health association, continued. "The truomo Uve for health should he efficiency and not the tnero prolongation of life. "The results obtained by our census bureau show that the death rate at practically all ages is higher for men than for women, and the women showing the lowest death rate are those living In rural communities.

Kor both sexes rural dwellers show a lower death rate, age for uge, than for persons living in cities. While the average span of life has Increased for both sexes there is no evidence that there has been nny actual increase in the years of life. This is explained by the fact that practically ail clauses of people are living longer the ttverugo, nnd the greatest cause of this nveriige ini rcuso is the saving of life in the first five years. "In 1905 a white female was entitled to an poet three years longer life than wlilto mules, and in 1910 this had increased to threo nnd one half years. Kxccpt for Negroes, there has been tt onnral Improvement for all classes up to (ho age of 40 for men and 60 for women.

"There lias been a decided improvement among all classes of population In the infant death rate. Again, wo find that children born In the country show a considerably lower death rale than those born In the city. However, it Is not as great as it was in 1901, which in dicates that the widespread efforts which have been put forth to better conditions In our cllics have met with "Our Life Is Less." "Comparing ourselves with the fol lowing countries, Australia, Denmark, Kncland, France, Uermany, ilollana, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, we find that, except for France, India and Japan, our expectation of life both for men and women is less favorable than in any of the furelgn countries mentioned. "In Norway, for example, which shows the lowest annual death rate for the first year of life, for every thousand the rate Is 81 deaths for males and 67 deaths for females, while for the cm responding class In this country the rate Is Vll for males and 10 i fur females. The most striking thing ubout tilt so figures is the great improvement In our death rate during the early years of life and the lark of improvement after '60 years of age in fuct after 60 the conditions In regard to certain diseases have became worse Instead of better.

"The American Uvea too hard and too fast. It is poor economy to educate and train business men and women only to lose their services to the community and state Just about middle life, when they should be ut their best, "This hj the problem which confronts physicians and sanitarians at the present day and one which demands the closest consideration not only from pro fnsstoniU persons, but from the community at large. COLLEGE BASEBALL First game: St. Louis Washington Untvresity, Ames, 1, Second game: Washington University, 12; Ames, 0. MONEY TO LOAN IMPROVED FARMS and CITY PROPERTY IMMEDIATE SERVICE OTIS MOSIER 428 LANDERS BLDG.

PHONE 981 MUCH OIL IS LEFT IN OLD ILLS BELEF OF EXPERT Petroleum Expert Declares Sixty Per Cent of Reservoirs May Be Left in Earth. By W. K. NOLAN', International Ntwi Service Staff Corrwapondent WASHI.NXITON. April 15.

Great fliiantltles of oil. perhapai as much SO or SO per cent of th original reservoirs, ars left tinder In the "nited ritates when wrtls are abandoned bwsuise r.o mean have been determined whereby It is possible recover more than a small of the oil, according to A. W. Ambrose, chief potrdloiuu technologist of the Bureau of Mines. This failure, to effect a greater recovery of the under ground oil, said Ambrose, Is due to of the subterranean gas flow.

"Tho manner in which eras serves as an expulsive medium was recently shown by an experiment Ht the petroleum experiment station of the Hureau of Mines," Ambrose asserted. "A steel container about three feet loner and three inches In diameter was filled with sand which was then thoroughly saturated with oil. The amount of oil introduced was known by weight and measurement. After the sand had been saturated, 'gas was forced into the container under a pressure of 200 pounds to the square inch. Then a valve at one end was opened and the gas allowed to escape, bringing with it perhaps 1.

per cent of the oil put Into the container. "Jn other experiments." Ambrose continued, "the amount of oil recover ed varied from 15 to 23 per cent, depending on the pressure nnd other conditions. After the gas had forced out 18 per cent of the. oil, the contain er was held in a vertical position for the purpose of determining how much oil would drain out, but the capillary force exerted on the oil was so great that only a negligible quantity of oil drained from the sand. "This simple experiment empha sized the fact that gas is the predominant factor in moving oil to the well and that when the gas is gone the production is gone," declared Ambrose, "in any event, It is unquestionable that large nuutitltlcs of olll are left underground, and.

whether tho figure is 60 per cent or 80 per cent, it to too large. In certain parts of the Appalachian fields the prac tice of forcing compressed air or gas Into a central well, from where It goes to adjoining wells and carries the oil with it. has caused wells to produce as much oil as they had up to the point when considered ready for abandonment. "There are undoubtedly other means of effecting a greater recovery." Ambrose concluded, "and these questions honld iBt'idid nrd eplied before I "is" You" TH. REAL VITALIZfcR.

BUtlM YOU UP SAIUBAU.Yi IMPBOVIS YOUR. OtNlOA.1 HEALTH APPEAPAHCS AND EMXjBWia DOIS WHAT YOU WJJCT ft TO DO. Btvutrt omuuirrua ass lasting. mcHtv MAILED IN PL AlK WKJlPHOm, vrru tiri CaCeAMtri Ma AT ONCE Distributor for the Kansas City Star wanted, fjood proposition to start, with unlimited possibilities. Man who can moke acceptable bond, Good route already established her In Springfield.

Act quick. Ask for Mr. French at Lafayette Hotel. CLARK'S CRUISES by C. R.

STEAMERS CUrk'a rd CrotM. Janaarr 23. 123 ROUND THE WORLD Snparb 8S "EMPRESS c4 FRANCE" imi Gtom Tfna. Sixaiallr Ckanand 4 MONTHS CRUISE, IOOO aad lochuXf Hotala, DriTaa, Gudas, at. Clarli'a I SI Cnria.

Fabraarr 9 mediterranean Bwnpraoaa 88 "EMPRESS ol SCOTLAND" S000 Grata Tona, BoMlally Chartered 6 DAYS CRUISE, 100 and a IsaMlaJ Fesa, Drtraa, Galdea, eta. 19 days BnH.Palaatiaa. Spala. Italy. Eoropa atoa ovara allows oa both eraiaaa. an mmi fsiri.s FUn Ftriia, HOC Freak C. Clark. Tinea Bildinl Naw York.

Fords that we equipped with KELLYS this time last year are still rolling merrily along. A30x3ioKan't Slip now costs you only $14.90 Cowden Buick Co. 311 West Walnut Easter By Francis L. Murphy. The fcaster flowers are in bloom.

All nature's sweet and green. An angel stands "by every tomb Unspoken and unseen. The world hag wakened from the death Of winter's chill and cold. The spring with mellow Joy and breath Uaa loosened slumber's hold. What magic brought this wondrous change To animated nod? The trusting heart sees nothing strange, And answers: "Xaturo's Hod." No doubling Thomaa let ma be.

No gioota obscure my mind. For God and nature ar to me But ono, In two combined. Easter brings me hope and chr For loved oneo iald to rest. The Easter angel lingers near. I know it; God be blessed.

Electricity travclg ct a rate of 11, 600,000 miles per minute. Ash, hickory and oak are the most reliable woods treated by steam under heavy pressure. AH! EPSOM SALTS NOW LIKE LEMONADE Purt Epsom Salt Combined with Fruit Derivative Salt "i Jl; 1 lilliia ii mmm Enjoy all the splendid physic action on the bowels of a dose of epsom salts without the awful taste and nausea. A few cents buys a handy package ot "Bpsonade Salts," the wonderful discovery of the American Epsom Association. Even children gladly take it Drug Btores.

RANK CARS TAKE ANOTHER DROP STRAOUSE, April 15. Price of Franklin cars were announced today which are the lowest in the history of the Franklin company's 1 years' manufacture of six cylinder cars, with the single exception of a four month period in 1916. In the statement Issued by H. H. Franklin, reductions as much as $1,500 under war prices are indicated.

Touring car at $1,960 and Sedan at $2,850 are typical of the new schedule of prices, applying to the entire Franklin line. "We determined to get under th price level of July, 1914, the month the World War started, snd also under the level of March, 1917, the month before tho United States entered the war," Mr. Franklin eald. "So today our basin is pre war from any angle you take ii. ThU move puts us In position to attain large volume In the quality car field.

"While coincident with this price reduction we are reducing overhead, FOUND AT LAST A sanitary, up to date dental office, where high class Dentistry Is being done at the same reduced prices regardless of the advanced cost of material. We are gentle and careful In handling our patients, thorough In our work and reasonable in our price. By the many new patients that come into 'our office dally, have reason to believe that the quality of our work Is giving perfect satisfaction. After once having us for your dentist 'you will know that you have found at last the office where you get first class dentistry and the best of service at moderate prices. Our personal attention given you.

Extra care to nervous people. NOTE OUR PRICES Gold Crown $3.60 Bridge Work, per tooth $3.60 Silver Filling 60c up Plates $5.00 and up Gold Filling Treatment According to th Condition. Magruder Owings DENTISTS Springfield, Mo, Telephone 2145 Over Royal Shoe Store. Entrance on College St. across from Heer's.

Lady Attendant Office Hours to 6. Sunday, 8 to 13 ALL WORK GUARANTEED If you have forgotten to send an Easter greeting to some dear one, your photograph in your new togs will reinstate you in their esteem and they would rather receive it than anything else you can give them. Telephone 623 for appointment THE II BRUCE F. MAY, Manager STUDIO FOLKS, WE'VE WED A Pleasant Place to EASTER DINNER You'll Enjoy Your Meal at the JEFFERSON CAFETERIA FOOD OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, TAST 'ILY PREPARED, plus a clean, inviting interior, go far towards making your meal an enjoyable one here. And you'll find it most economical to eat at our Cafeteria.

You'll find here a variety of foods to choose from BOB SHELTON, Proprietor Jefferson Cafeteria St. Louis at Jefferson Avenue wage rates win not be disturbed at present As far a inventories are concerned, the Franklin company shows a favorable condition due to selling Well ahead of the industry as a whole during 1921." AWARDED JUDGMENT Mrs. Temple Bedell was granted Judgment in her slut against Roy Bedell In circuit court, seeking annulment of marriage and part of the property. The mariage was ordered annulled and she was awarded $250. There are more than 900,000 telephone stations in New York City.

The largest oatmeal mill on earta is. at Cedar Rapids, la. The average length of life In England and Wales is 51.5 years. The explosive force of gasoline, properly mixed with air and compressed, is 14 times greater than dynamite. Arc You Ambitious? If you would make a success In the business world you must be trained.

Tou must be efficient Enter DRAUGHON'S now. Write for booklet and other, lnformatibn. DRAUGHON'S Kege" ALONZO J. BATES, Pres. Springfield, Mo.

Telephone 840 ROCKAWAY BEACH The Choicest Spot on Beautiful LAKE TANEYCOMO Fine Fishing, Boating, Bathing This charming crystal lake, 23 miles long, is only 60 miles south, It is easy of socess and Is the great natural playground for Bpringfield people. The summer nights are always cool and delightful, without tnoaquitDs. Many well known Bprlngfleld families own their summer cottage at Rockaway Beach and drive back and forth 4n their machines, however th Mo. Pac. Ry.

will take you over there in 3 hours. Your family can apend the summer at liojkaway Beach for less than It will cost to stay at home yet be nearl where you can visit them often. Engage your accommodations early. rite for cHrcula WMlard Men tarn. Rookaway Beach, Taneycorao.

Mo. Advertlioment. Your Prescription Druggist shouldjbe chosen with the same care as your physician. With only registered pharmacists, the purest drugs and efficient service, we are prepared to serve you in the same way we have satisfied others for the past quarter century. Our Label Is Your Guarantee DALRYMPLE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST Landers Building Phones 68, 69, 1241 Diamonds and Jewel Trimming Springtime is in the making.

Sunshine, plants, vines and trees a budding, bring on the best season of the year. Springtime Is dress up time for humanity, as well as for earth and sky. Everyone feels the effect wrought at this time of the year and joins the merry throng. Springtime is jewel time brilliant stone and gleaming metal combine to put the finishing touch on costumes which represent the brightest of seasons. Are you prepared? The little jewel shop on the square is ready to assist in the change.

Their line of Diamonds and Jewels is especially adapted to this season and beckons you to an inspection. Hawkins Miller South Side Square 9 mi.

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