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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 5

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THAI2T.ED I7Ur.CE. Krmtrki Aiwot orUhln( Food. VA physician's wife. Mrs. lr.

London. farm ni a et of (Jrape about ynr ago, i jt the mirk that she A anre 1 wouH find the food very tnr.i i.ii. loth for tuy own use and lor Itiy'.enta, 1 wan particularly attracted to thn fool, a at that time the Weather very ht an4 I appreciated the fa the irape Nuta required 110 foolting. "7li fd deliriously crisp, and tbjarm( lnvlttrg to the appetite. After making us of It iwkn a day for three four week.

I that most' wond.rful lriviijorator. 1 used to 'rtt rreatly from exhauntton. head hf arid depression it aplriia. My work had tjiei( very trying at times and lndl ff xtlou jtad set In. "Now am always well and ready for ariy arnotijit of workhave art abundance ai Hv enerry and cheerfulness and rnental role.

I hare prove! to my en tire nMf irUon that this change ha Un brought a hunt by 'jrape Nut food. rt.e Lrt that It ptefljgKSied In a very rabli. feature. 1 have had many remarkable results in Grape t. my patients, and.

I can not tot, hiiihly of the fvl. My friend 'rMant rummii( on the chhnge In my PS" arnu'e. I ti iy gained nine pounds fmh jf inr ir'a use i nun. iimji. 1 eatmrn Miller.

Trained Medical and fif 'If i' IF 1 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE COMMIINCIa TO.NI0MT. sryy iai jiii.l, for fair wkkk. IHANI) HTOCK COMPANY i In Uriliiint I'rod tkm Daudet'f SAP HQ'f rpo UI fair Week prtee. S.V fcv.

ilc. rnxti 4 atlnrla left. TfiA'inHT ii.a wi I w.f'tOMKliiy and ftur(l; all the aaiertiaa H'me Flays, SH0RE ACRES Pres. cry. Jr Jrna A.

tlerneV ttwn'f'oi I ri( a imJ of New he Mi JIT Hi; IV. irte ilniri IHl.e anH Nfnt bilMtlO 44 EMPinS THEATER 7Sr, $1. I'ovul A JR TO NIGHT AM nf.t.K Ha'a. Irglly EtttjK Day. Wlrh Tli'lr Mrl" K) taeular I i.ti.nilmr, ut.

for fli Tarh at Itrrat Kierie. rt tni)r f.riMlui ttfm. ltb a hundred HiImI "ruierlaV ir NKthta I ower ft'vfr. Sv an1 "i i iUtiny. aaiirry, jc.

M4ltri. f1'r, tJllrony, Tf, al lr. I. KiftKly to lr. J'ark.

WABASH AND ONI WIIK CfnmiMln Monaay tapt. 17 MT NIC DtIL'. CViWr CMT La "al tergal the nefli lor Catveaten ttif I Mrara vaana aay iwaiinea. MERRY ''MAIDENS Trli ea A'linlIon; 1 lie. W.

Nail Week Ma. Woman and Hjag. FAIR OAHX Special Attractions FAIR WEEK Ui Hnd display of I Irraorki oa the lllgb Mire i Prof' ttueirt, the Aerial Kins. The Famout' Hootirr Violinist Walter Crow ollii H.ilolat and Impersonator. Also With I ilgh claMS VMuderlltea, la cnrinectlon Oatandorra Oroheatra.

Aumlaalon rr mm. k'lC! wttK lrUMoa NleM MOwLL O'Baat AMraollans altha aaaaaa. The Urrt Aiirlc' fremler a Wire nn1 lur, atrial a I by Mile. i.i ISNIS A AN, ha, A Mand H. int ty lluo.

fkUr HISS Ml ACK. 'J lie irt Cornet Sololato and l4 Admission Fraa opens TO DAY Monday, Sept. 1 0 ATiE Mm S25.000 in Premiums Great fiice event on NYeinesday at II o'clock. Anaconda, 2:021 Searchlight, 2s04i St root cars Inta ithe grounds. AARON JONES, CHAS.

DOWNING, i SUCCESS OF GEO. T.J Mo non trains ljronv city every; half I hjur on VedneaJayand Thursday. General Admission, 50c President Secretary lifiill lliliM The Finest Cleaner Made I BEGAi; HIS BJLTLB.OAD CASXZB AS MACHIinST'S APPBE3TT1CE. What He Did to Plac Air Xine on Paying Bai Kallroad Kr la OeneraL The announcement In Saturday News that George T. Jarrta had bea appoint ed reneral manarer of the wlaconan Central wu good news to the local railroad meo with whom Mr, Jarvla la a fa vorlte, and though la office elawhere.

IndianapoUa is called hi home. Mr. Jar via haa had an lntereatJn career as a railroad man. He was born in the city of New York in 1359. and whea seventeen years old ha became a machinist's apprentice In.

the Pennsylvania shopa at Kenovo. A year later was appointed a nrnnan and woraaa at inai unm n.s. Kor two years he was a special etuoent in clvi! englneerina at the Massachusetts lnstitu.e of Technolory. lie Jeft acliooi and became chief clerk to the superin tendent of the middle division of the Philadelphia A. Erie.

In laM he waa chief clerk In the transportation department of the Mexican Central, and a year later he was made tralr master of the same road. His promotlonn followed rapidly, and from a elerksh he rose to superintendent. (tnera! superintendent of the Du luth. Houtb Shore tc Atlantic. In 180 he was appointed uperlntendent of the Ohio dlvislon of the Baltimore At Ohio and In November of 1891 Mr.

Jarvla was appointed aaslBtant superintendent of the Ijke Krle aV Western, with headquarters In this city. Mis work on that road made him well like by officers and employes, and when he win appointed receiver of the Evansville St. Loul. every one regretted to him leave here. When Mr.

Jarvla took hold of the Air Line he found hlmaeif in deep water. The roadlA was in bad condlttonirfhere were twelve mile of rickety old bridge on the road and several tunnels that were about ready to cave In; In fact, om did cave In and one almost buried a freight train. When a train started over the road there was no assurance that It would, ever get back, and an employe of the' Air Urw could get no life Insurance. Added to all this was th disagreeable fart that there was no jmoney to do anything with. Mr.

Jarvla went to work with a will. He exit down ex pe. rises consolidated many offices, and In a weeks hud so far revolutionized thtnes that it did not seem to be the same road. Then he put down new track filled up opening, put In steel bridges. ftriel a sleeping car and dining car serv got new coaches and ahd noon the Air IJne was doing a heavy freight and liaspenger buMness out of IutMVllle.

He made Important Improvement Jn JViUlsville, bought terminals there, did the same thing in St. Ivul. and In the fear years that he was with the road made It about an sjool railroad property as there Is In the State. The road In a hort time wM pass to the control 4f the Southern railway. The road to whch Mrrjarvt has gone Is about ttfsi miles Ion.

It rtms from t'hicago to JUIrineat'olts. and from Minneapolis to I I)uluth. and has several mailer branches. It fine niivlnv property and Mr. friends In this I 1ty predict that he Will make It atlll more valuable.

i Th Car MpTtmtnt The total car movement last meek as of which were loaded. and were empty. In lity9 the move ment tor tne corresponding week was 28.WC. with 22.2T loaded and 4.652 emptv csr. in ltWi the total was 27.S74.

with 2l.5 loaded, and empty cars. The movement on tne nifferent roads was I'eoiia Kaatern lines: East district k4. against IC4; West district. ln6, against 1.175; Hlg Kour lines fit. Iouis divUlon.

2.r.. againKt 2.23; Chicago division. Z.1M, against Cincinnati division. 2.4

Pennsylvania lines: In dianapolis Vlmcennes. against lxulsvill division. 1.021. against 1.2t hicago division' 5 agulnxt l.Orrt: Indi dlanspoHs Mncennes. KT7.

aaalnat S6: Vandalia, J.r. against 2.4r'lake Krle A. western. against M. Cincinnati.

iiiimiimrt ec nayton. bis. asalnst 53. In dlana. Decatur and Western against aionon, a.

againat. i4. Good "Excursion Business. The excuro'ons yesterday were better patronised than the railroad managers hecajJie of the weather. The outgoing trains carried l.KX) excursionists.

nd the nlnund trains brought 1.400 pas sengers. largest excursion was run by the Lake Krle Western, which tnk fourteen coaches from this city and added more at Muncle. The train was split at that point, and one section went to Ft. Wayne, while the other went to Lima. The train arrived here a little after 1 o'clock this morning, almost on schedule time.

Concerning: Ball road Men. vnaries 4esnui. traveling passenger agent ot tne Pennsylvania linen, was here to day. General Superintendent Graves, of the TndlHna. Decatur Western, 1 at Atlantic City.

C. S. ItFolette. tra elinc nuoenrrr agent oT the Hlg Four, wttfc headquarters at Peorta. In the city.

E. B. Thomas, president of the Erie lines, who has been in Europe for several has sailed for home. John B. I Jtsurus.

traffic manager of the Indiana. Decatur Western, has re turtled home from hl vacation In Michigan. J. Alphonse Decker, chief clerk In the telegraph department of the Rig Four, has returned home from St. Joseph, where he spent a week rtshlng.

Bough ter. the veteran passenger conductor on. the Michigan division cf rour. wno nas been taking a short vacation, has resumed his run. V3.

L. Potter, superintendent of motive power on the Evansville A Terre Haute, who has been sick with typhoid fever. Is out of danger, and will be at his post In a short time. Southern Indiana's Service, IPpeclai to The Inttat.apo)i Newa.J TEKRK HAl'TE. September 17.

The, Southern Indiana road to day began running trains Into and out of Terre Haute. The schedule is for three trains each way leaving here at 7:3 a. m. and 4.35 and arriving at 0M S. J0 p.

tn. and m. Oriv one train will run throtttfh between Terre Haute and Westport. coverin she full 14s miles of the road. Seymour be the eastern point for the oLlwr two.

Two of the trains w'ill run each wav on Sundays. The service Is to be first claws In the way of equipment and the time Is fast. A few Train Serrice. ISpacia) The IndlaAarolts News BEDFORD, September: The new' train service began this morning tm the Southern Indiana railway, consist ing of three; first class passenger trains each way daily. This will give good service between Terre Haute, Indianapolis.

Cincinnati and the Sootlrr Tha Monon Tair Tralna, The Monon. beginning Wednesday, will rtvn speclil trains between th tnkn station and the Fair grounds. The traina will run every fifteen minutes. Wednesday and Thursday, and tf the business Justifies It. they will be kept on Friday.

Meeting of Managers To Morrow The board of managers of the Indianapolis Union Railway Company will xneet at the Union Station, to morrow, and matters that have een postponed stnra the June meeting will be takerr up. This will be the first meeting since that month. Contains no alkali and Will I been. Inaugurated on the Union i not chap or redden the hands. SEWS WANT ADS.

RtSt'LTS Bailroad Notes. Thei Chesapeake Ohio has ordered two sixty foot postal cars. The Clover Leaf Is preparing specifications for some new locomotives. The Denver Rio Grande last I paid for new The Evansville it Terre Haute has or 1 dered fifty coal and fifty flat cars. The record system of disclpllre has Pacific The Wisconsin Central will purchase power.

rollU and motive The national Christian church people Vavsi BsnSYk.i as Ahaan I 4vv THE IXDIANAPOIJS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER IT, 100a ber and selected the Big Four and Chicago AV Alton railway aa their route. The stockholders of the Wabash hold their annual meeting at St, lula. October The aannai meeting of the Monon stockholders wtil be held tn this city Wednesday. The Cincinnati. Richmond Muncle has ordered two engines, one freight and one passenger.

The annual meeting of th stockholders of the Chicago, purllngton Qulacy will be held In Chicago. November The annual meeting of the American Society of Railroad Superintendent wll be held In New Tork, October la. The Lackawanna has been notified that twelve new railway postal clerks have been appointed for duty on that line. The shop men employed on the Mexican Central. In Mexico, have gone on strike, and all the shops of that system have been closed.

The Wabash has announced that It win carry free to points on the system all persons shown to be destitute as the result of the Galveston storm. To guard against Imposition, however, the persons desiring the transportation must be properly vouched for. THIS WEEK'S REUNIONS Hany Military Associations will Mt in Tills City. present week be made the oe casion of the reunldn of many association, civil and military. The thirteenth annual reunion of the Thirteenth Indiana Volunteer Cavalry will be held in Supreme Court room No.

3. on Wednesday. A. Blake, of president of this association. T.

Verbarg. ef North Vernon, la secretary i The "Persimmon! Brigade. which comprised the One hundred and nfteenth. Or.e hundred and ixteenth. One hun dred and seventeenth and One hundred and eighteenth regiments of Indiana vol unteer Infantry, will meet Wednesday in Q.

A. R. Hall. No. 135 North Delaware street.

The Veteran Volunteer firemen of Indi ana will meet. Thursday, at 2 p. In the Council chamber, Cltv Building. J.o organize a State a sociatlon. 1 At a.

m. Wednesday the survivors the Twenty seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, will meet in room 12 State House. The twenty fifth annual reunion of the Twenty sixth Indiana tran Associa tion will be held at 10 a. WednesIay. la Superior Court room No.

2. The eighteenth annual reunion of the Fifth Indiana Cavalry Association will be held at Mansur Hall on Wednerdav and Thursday. A ramp flrc will be held Wednesday evening, with music by the Pastime orchestra The fourteenth annual reunion an1 camp lire of the Sixteenth Ftidlan Regiment will be held to morrow Tues day) evening at Central eventie M. E. church.

Music will be furnlhed by the choir. IMlss Huffman will sing "The Blue and the Gray." THE CORONER INVESTIGATING Andrew Samuels'a Relatives Think His Drowning Not Accidental. If is thought by members of the family that' Andrew Samuels, the fourteen year old boy. who was drowned In the 'fenal late Saturday afternoon, was either thrown Into the water by some larger boys or knocked In by being struck, by a stone. They say there is no I rut a to the 'story that he Jumped In the water after some other, boys had "dared" him to do so.

Samuels was a bright little boy and was unable to swim. It was said by some boys that he pulled off his coat and plunged Into the water and that the Other boys, becoming, frightened, ran away. The attention of Charles Darter, an employe of the American brewer) was called, and he succeeded In pulling Samuels from the water, less than two minutes afterward. Every effort was made to revive the boy. but without avail.

Samuels lived at the home of his aunt. South Liberty street. Hi mother Is dead and his father Is at the Marlon Soldiers Home. The aunt said this morning that James Cooney. a companion of Samuels, living at 111 East Vermont street, intimated that Samuels did not Jump inte the water of his own cord.

There is a large bruise on the cheek of the dead boy. whi the family thinks was caused by being struck with a stone. The coroner ta Investigating Mrs. Tuttle was not told the deatth of her daughter and grandson until today, and It Is feared the shock will prove serious. Mother and son will be burled in the same casket, and services will be held at the home, to morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and at St.

Francis's church. Bright wood, at 5 o'clock. The burial will be at Holy Cross cemetery, south Of the city. 1 MOTHER AND SON DEAD. Fatal Outcome of Burns Accidentally Received.

Mrs. John Murphy and her two year old son died, last nljht. at the home of aim. iurpny s. motner.

Lawrence street, from the result of bums received last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Henry Tuttle. ber i mother. Is at the home In a semi conscious condition, owing to the shock of her own suffering and the fate of her daughter and which she Imagines was brought about by her.

carelessness, and she can not be made to believe that she Is not to blame. Her sorrow It pitiable. Mrs. Murphy waa filling a gasoline stove at the time of the accident, but Jumped back out of danger. Her tao year old John.

was playing on the floor directly In the rath of the burning liquid, and She sprang through, the fire. unmindful of her own danger, to the rescue of the child. In doing so her clothing caught fire, and also that of the bahy. She ran out into the yard. Her mother followed, and tried to extinguish the flames.

Mrs. Murphy and the baby were frightfully burned, and Mrs. Tuttle received severe Injuries to trying to save thero. CAUGHT BY POLICE. Three Men Supposed to be Wanted i for Diamond Bobbery.

Hsrry Henderson, known to the police as "Kid" Henderson, and Thomas Long and Carl Harvey, who are said to be crooks of wide reputation, are under ar rest at the police station. Henderson is wanted at Philadelphia on the charge Lof stealing a tray of diamonds valued at on July JS. The are held under the supposition that they are Im plicated in the same theft. The men were found near the I'nlon station by Detec tives Asch and Ortrtln and Patrolmen Cronin and Pope. They tried to escape Harvey Is well known to the Wil police, and Henderson is also a product of In dianapolis.

He formerly kept a alon in Virginia avenue. The men will be held until the Philadelphia police are heard from. DEATH OF SILAS LUDLOW. Former Indianapolis Real Estate rMan Dies In California. News has been received of the death of Silas Ludlow at the age of eighty one years at Loa Angeles.

CaL where he had lived since 1S He came to India i In 1SS7 and was a traveling salesman for I th wholesale grocery house of K. s. Al vord afterwarvl for A. Jones A both firms of this city, and later for Glenn A Sons, of Cincinnati. In 171 he left th road and became a speculator In Indianapolis real estate, b'st lost all In the lantc of 1S73 74.

He left Indiana polls permanently In 1. He leave surviving him a widow and five children Mrs. J. F. iHaneman.

of this city; Mrs. Ella Wagner. Mrs. T. Hanemaa and Wallace of Lo Ar.geVes.

and Mrs. Vance Hunter, of Atlanta. Ga. DROWNED WHILE BATHING. Axmin Xoehne's Sister.

oses Her Life at Seabreeze, Tl.orlda. Koehne left for Florida to day, in rerpor.fte to a tegram giving the pews that his iter. Mrs. Mlna Selroa Koehn Scott, Wu drowned, while bathing, yes at Seabreesei. Fla a summer re sort.

Mrs. Scott had. with, her husband. who I a physician, made her bom fot the past three years In England, but had recently come to Florida to visit her parent. Mr.

ana Mrs. Charless KDehne, She waa well known In this city, having passed her girlhood here, removing with hr 'rents to Mocida when she was sra ift vvt a.aasj wAVWiava aa vu a si' a a i vr iu IndianapoUs to Kansas City. Mo Octo about SXlen rears old. STRUCK BY A STREET DRIVES BADLY HURT. CAB BEER "WAQON WSECXED A2JT) Dragged Soma Distance and His Injuries Probably Fatal Th Horses Killed.

William Engelklng. a driver ta the employ of the Home Brewing Company, was alarmingly, tf not fatally. Injure. In a street car accident at Washington and Pine streets, about I JO o'clock this morning. A wagon on which he was seated xollided with Irvtr.gton car No.

210. and both the car and the wagon were badly damaged. Or.e of the horses which Er.gelkir.g was driving waa In tantly and the other re so badly injure! it wss shot. The car was east In charge of motorola Grant McDanlels and conductor J. MeClnnls.

and was running at a lively rate of speed when the collision occurred Engelking was on his way to the I W. freight houee with a load of beer. and drove north in Pine street from the rear of the brewery. For over, a block the street Inclines sharply to Washington street, and It Is thought Er.gelking drove down the grade at a trot. His wagon waa fairly on the track when struck by the car and beer kegs were thrown In every direction.

The driver waa caught In the wreckage and dragged a considerable distance before the car stopped. He was taken out and sent to the city dispensary In the amlAilance. where his Injuries were dressed by Df Thominnn. His. Jaw was brnken and also a rib.

and a piece of glass from one of the broken car windows was driven in his elde near Ms heart. He also suffered serious In temal injuries, tx sides a number of 1 ga.hes and bruies shout his head and I body. There were a number of passengers on the car. but ailde from being shaken up. none of them were Injured.

The motor i man had a narrvw ee ape. but was not Injured. Engelklng was taken to his home. i.a Eat street, where be has a wife and eUht children. the horyes killed were large and valuable anl mailt.

Kngeikii.g was making his second trip to the freight house hen the accl dent ccr urred. Saved by the Fender. i Willie Eusrhman, a teu year old boy 1 living st C5 Capitol avenue. North, was severely Injured by an electric tar at Illinois and St. Clair streets yesterday afternoon.

He was cut and bruised about the head and body, hut is not thought to be fatally Injured. He was attended by Dr. Joseph D. Roberts and sent to his home. The boy mas riding on the coup ler of a txund car and Jumped off in front of a car going snuth.

He was knocked down, but the fcnJer pushed him out cf the way in time to pre him from golr.g under the car. John Helm Fatally Hurt. I John of this city, met mlth tal street car accident, lit Cincinnati, Sr.turday afternoon. He was attending a reunion of Mexlcas war veterans, and was thrown from a car. receiving Injuries whlrh result In his death.

Mr. Hlm wn a n.mber of Koemer Ilge. liidepenent of liermani I le. I t. ard the iiermin Orphan Asortatln.

He leaes two ami and a daughter W. Helm, a ho with the Klfer lrug Cwmpan': P. I Helm, with the I nloa Kmblag Com pany, anl Miss ln Hnm Woman's Sudden Death. Mrs. Anna C.

Brarkin. of i2T East Merrill street, died suddenly at her home, last night, of hemorrhage, due to the bursting of a blood veel She stent to Irvlngton yesterday, to see the bodv of an old friend. Mrs Ioaney. who had dl suddenly the day before Mrs. Itrackln was taken 111 on her way home She was forty eight years old.

and came here from Xanesvllle, O. a number of ears ago. NEWS OF COLORED PEOPLE, Miss Roxl" Hlgga has returned from Chicago. Mr. X.innle Perkins la seriously 111 at her home in East Twentieth street.

Mrs. Jane Rent will start early In the week to vl.dt relatives In North Carolina. Mrs. Heverly Porter and her mother. Mrs.

Thompson, visited In Cincinnati yea. terday. Miss Stella Starks. of New Albany, is the guest of her a unt. Thomas Howard.

I Mrs. Abigail Curtis came from South Rend Saturday to attenj her mother, who Is 1U. Mrs. Carrie Warrick, of West Indiana polls, will go to Nashville to morrow, to be gone a month. W.

II Melding, of t'lnrlnnatt. and Ru.h. of I.ul.vllle, spent Sunday with friends in thl cltj 8 O. Jihnson, of Ioulvllle. returned home yesterday, after a week jnt in Investigating the school system of this clt About two hundred memt ers of the Propagandist Club attended the funeral of Felix Davis The family and relatives wore white.

The Rev. L. C. RatllfTe. of New Al bany, arrived in the city yesterdav with his family, to take charge of tt.

Paul ch.tpel. on Oak Hill. The Rev. D. A.

Graham. In charge of Bethel A. M. E. church, this rltv.

last year, will be traneferrt from t. James's chunh. New Orleans, to Allen chapel, at Evansville, this Sl.ite The race conditions at New Orleans are said to have prompted the Rv. Mr. Graham's return to this State.

H. T. lies ling, editor of the A Church Review, published at Philadelphia, will lertire to right, at Bethel A. M. E.

church. Vermont street, in conneo. with the ss meetlrg called for the relief ot Galveston sufferer Mr Healing subject will be Fortune Tel 1 ln: In History" The lecture will deal with thoie chara terlstlrs and eventa In the history cf various natlona wbl have resulted in a erflc enrtt g. and whlrh be said to have shaped their U.LBBD6IAB 1 1 1 1 1 Tte real Me St S.a rmmt ikea I.

arv the larrs inAera rrxlrr of a.Vw la ite vei4 awl ftvs tta any mm aiaanfa tarera la tae h. EMaklUhed la a TT by do jee psj for sboeswne yea cam biy 1T.llosrUs sbaes far klchsrejstt as ge4e TnC REAWII saer W. DoagUa SU0 shi ar aotd tbaa aay otber Baa ia beH THEI UK BUI roil kLV Best Btst Bsst Eesi Best Best Bsst Mad of IV. beat taip(4ie4 aad Aaartoa ieaibers. Tba wkasauallp to wawacel'ted.

TV aTi ta Qaai to tXOD aboeaof ocfear amaAea. Taey ft Uia eastoaa caad aboe. TWy iU oatvaar palra of otber make al I La aasa prttm I ha ta so repwta. lua. Yo ema ewfely reei rteod tkesa to your Irteada.

Tby fieaa rrtvlT tkat wears tbeaa. 1 jpmim vaarera $10 $150 $150 S30 $3i3 $3i0 $3i3 leaf eveeV St'S CaTa'oea Fr. ST. DC iHS SH0 CO, Aeta. aa.

INDIANAPOLIS STORE: 4 East Washington St. IF The Carpet Store Carpet Jasf received 20 pieces a ool I a grain Carpets, new styles and corth t5c yard. Silo Irico 47C per yard. 20 late styles and colorings rich Axmlnsler Carpets, in tho dainty styles and colors effective for 'furnishings; worth Ii. Sale Prico 92 per yard.

25 handsome new styles $1.25 Wilton Ye. vet Carpets, short nap, closo woven and rich, lustrous finish. An immense variety of new styles, suitable for parlor, library, sittinc room; also. Are rug patterns. Sale Prico ier yard.

7 EGG Baking iVe. i isniiiMt 1 sut prkea. At all irocers. There arc Always Qood Reasons for Buying Here if You've Tried it. You Know BRYCE'S Powder V'vc ore third let.

jo drr than uual ion't afraid. You won't the batch. A a Consumption! CATAtSit ASTHMA. MAT ft VIS Ass ad rlsta sf tto Lsctt. Tsrttat sal few Car 1 THE HEW DEPURATOR TREATL3EHT Co of Inaa'a Metlcted Air.

rend foe oar free IWoh or call for it. irtKATat vtiiiru. ixsti Tt ll, sol aad sal lllta4 laOlaaapolK. 1mm. Ut ran truly Mr at the lmn' (I'll Trvatmetii baa inrtie4 'IT.

II II me. ajv4 a II If thanks H'rts a1 IS lv. TT raitir TVesfnt MKH HANK VITTTUI It 11t swiilwwtni A. 1tn la OLD HOMESTEAD BREAD Costs the asms at com mo Tor baker's bread. 5sle Lveryst here A Most Complete Line ot Refrigerators.

BELD1NG HALL'S NEW PERFECriJI ie MySs a asac( Srai at VonnsgMl I i rJ is Co St e. i. tww w. a i if ca aa 1.1 r44 ev L. i eee" ja tr DENT A.

CO. Irtt. Nkk. sisse fsanads at ssooWste MElRErS vrnnrc COSTS 51 AT DRUGGISTS R'Sh NcVi The Carpet Car PS Another Ivt 75c quality Tapestry ISrnysels Car pets, cowi'it stylos, ar.d with borders. Sale Pnct 57c per yard.

Choice of all regular 90c Tapestry Drasiels Car pets. Vrl t7C prr yard. Kvery pso is the Mr.e, rxtra tiualtly and in richest cV.orirs nd tetrtril stylcv 1,000 ards $1 10 quality good Yehet Carpets. Price 69c cr yard. Th.s is tho fcr bargain of the st ason, acd nr.o yoj luar r.ovcr see fqua'ul.

Think of itl cirjets a as 69c thoy 1al Sale CTH i2 I I all this v. Bargains Ofrr a.ronr feasor; tha ctal If this j.o.;Ua. Never Such Larsc and Complete Varieties Never Such Small and Attractive Prices mm Durlnrj Stato Fair Wock Sco our Exhibit U2 Lacge VySndorys Foast Your Eye. Paris, London, How York Represented In etytts. Ladies' Costumes Exelusho frcm la SI.000 Until October First Only TEETH (a ct) 52.30 FULL UPPE2 and LOWER.

55.00 I'cr a tire Tctb st a' tf lly. as Afr tt 4rrl ir.tulct TLe rira a 'c cf Ttxtb tiL'a'W 64 tr.t etLrwt7alL, t.a rs a. aJt'sa ti $: 't yta i Sv m.t 'ft i lt Im Te tf tr at No Cocnlnc No Ether No Chlortiform FKLC II XT ACTIOS VIUS TI irTH Atl. tJl VI Tl We a rxr tn ca i. lAV.ra'.fr.

srrl t.stt Tt if 1 ULtl frr. MILL A mirt svr.3 aa fi.r TAFT'S DENTAL PARLORS at kvt9tam tit. Big This Lot at Thee trice tc the Ore Cri 5ZC TttC5C IS OL CAST W.N DO A CRCAT 250Valrs JVrtrsf Lace Cerfatt.; fral Urisstls Nt, Itiii Cabie Nets anl KaTcl s. .1 frt Id lo 170.

tvl Utur Pr.c $4 J7 tttana i stjlcs at.1 Is' i Crsrr.Vel strvr'Jy t'l Vsitti Ktfa, irt. Syrt a Kirs, trJ Red Letter bale rrlce $129 eaih Ttexiay Cr'r CffaSV fey 7 2 JVt; J'rti srLCUL300 Citra Hcaiy Art Starxu 1 v. sal a Utile oxtr Or. half Prov '2 Art Scsrcs, I.iS ytrIa, ssJs. r.r 2 1 I 01 Art Sqr srrs jsfJs, ss'e $4 7.:0 Art jcsr.

tl jir if.r 5 7 Nt all twt ty wni'ti' a 3 7 toot Vpaqae bJe, ca Kltrs, mil CViJor Ssrze hha ics ay ff tr, cwirs 15 Styles Citra tteaty Cliaa 'iatUr, worth Ic, csV to TLcs sr si a tij tnr a ar5 1. ut al Jumv va jr. I tTc tin 4aJ 1 i mil tn 11 tit tti limit tint! in imi ti tt Accordion Plaiting i it ti iav4l iii VAHTADS. AWO'D I a iw 4 H. 4.

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