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The World from New York, New York • Page 9

The Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THEWORL1): WEDR0SDAY, ROOSEVELT WILL FEED THE PRISONERS, BRIDE FROM. THE. AMERICAN CHORUS. Fund Exhaasted, So No-lore Money Can Paid, Out, BOARD HOLDS FITCH RESPONSIBLE Commissioners Charge the Coiptrol ler with; Purposely Hampering Them in Their Work. TRIALS 'OF DELINQUENTS TO CEASE Can Be Spent In Secnrlii Evidence, Feeding: Prisoners or Sending; Telegrams.

-i. The Police Board. Is bankrupt. Th Contingent fund of the department i exhausted, and Treasurer Andrews wl! pay. no more on account of that funi until Comptroller Fitch accedes to th demand of.

trie Police Board for'mor money. The 'Parker was absent- adopted this resolutibn yesterday: HeBolved, That the Treasurer notify the Mayo that by noon to-morrow this, board will have upending any money for the various matter bhareeablo agatrtst the contingent fund, namely: Meals for prisoners, postage, expenses In se curing evidence against gambling and dlsorderl houses and violation of the excise law, photo graphing criminals, telegrams and. telephone ser Ylce and the trials of police officials. Appended to the' resolution Is thi Statement: The board desires to have It understood tha this Is merely Intended as a notification that th fund is exhausted and that they cannot assum the responsibility for spending funds, howeve great the necessity for such expenditure may be for which no appropriation has been made. This of course, would make the.

board criminal! liable. "We must stop Pres Ident Roosevelt. "Let the order down -to 1 the Detective at once to.stop all photographing of criminals until further orders. We can't use any more postage, stamps, or send any more or use the telephones are crjppled, but it Isnt our fault. 1 Then the President passed around following typwritten As there seems to be 'some'inlBuna'erstan'dhv the Pdlice Board wishes to 'call ''to- thr fact that whichever way the suit 1 is thV ireeponslbillty fof the' trouble lie's Comptroller alven an adequate, contingent' fund the piir.

avoiding the'necessity of the transfers! tc lyhtch th 1 Comptroller iiovf objects. The Coflip.trol ler protested 'this and persuaded th( the-Board of Estimate arid; Ap portionment agree with him In refusing to give us the control of the contingency fund on the explicitly stated' ground that we'should con jtinue to' get our money for the purpose by trans fers. 'He therefore refused to, allow us to take the course which he now says is the only lega and proper one, and at present contends that' 1 la Illegal for Vs to follow the he said we must, and which dered necessary 'for us to follow. Whicheye "ray the counts he will rest 1 under 1 iqually Joad of blame endeavoring and to prev the Police De'partment It'from proceeding with efficiency asairat criminals or from giving adequate 1J pro tectlori to the Interests confided to Us carei 1 i discussion during iwhlch Grant asked his; colleagues fla on de- The Treasurer's bookkeeper'yester- ir day requisitions for bjf the chief asked for $25 worth. "I'll the prisoners -from a.

few days, If necessary, 1 Bald Mr. ''Roosevelt. No mor'e trials of police officers: where speolaJj stenographers are needed take place; and board indefinitely-postponed the trials of Sergts; Liebus, Jordan, JVIcKenira and Parkerson, wjio wen to have been tried this week. The board ordered that, while they they 'also, receive their full pay. TJie board now owes nearly $10,000 to captains and dther, polios "officers who have spent their i money'in securing evidence, and many of -'them have been waiting, for six months or- a year to be reimbursed.

The 'Miyor chuckled good-naturedly when he Kbaid the news from Police Headguartprs, but he wouldn't talk. "Not'a word," Tie said. i Police Commissioner Andrews called on him. later In the day and talked over the aotion of the board. Fitch seemSd surprised when he fieard of the action of the "Why do they not go to court," he eaid, "and have the matter settled?" I the Compitrojller to pay the for 1896 by a transfer, as ordered'-by'the Board of.i-B^tlmate.

some time; "ago, 'and hopes to have the papers ready to serve POLICE MATRONS' LECTTplE. Dr. IVeitbltt Given'Them a. Lesnon In Snirffery for Emergency 'C: O'nly ten women. Including nine newly appointed' and one old Police Matron, were at Police Headquarters yesterday, at of the'series of lectures given to flt them for the positions they are to occupy, the preceding lecture-on' Thursday-last, one of 'the newly appointed matrons, Miss Ella Mclnroy, had died, Mrs.

wife of ex- Roundsman John K. Goodwin, was chosen to fill the vacancy, Dr. John H. Nesbit was the ledturer. arrival of surgeqn.

The next lecture -will be.giveri 'f Jjr 'Parkhnrst a Lint. letter to the' Police Board yester- DrJ' Parkhurst asked' that he ''be a complete'list, of all "the precinct, commanders and the sta- 'tions they are In charge of, also with all Ir 6ubsequient- transfers of such com- jmanders. 'The granted without any xdlscusslon. ft' Is understood that the Parkhurst IBOclety Wishes this Information to use in connection with future, investigations of jthe'JPelice Department and its work. OR D.AKTGEB.

Operated On Recovering. i Charles Augustus Peabody, million- who was-operated on.last Friday home, No. 13 Park was'convalescing yesterday. although of so jlfclous been olshort dura- Wednesday Tie had en- yed And at i (fownVMyn every day. His -ditton grew B.O serious that, a con-' held'On Then appendicitis '4JVilUamrTJ of.No.- 85, West street, performep; CPftUJI't at oUedsto' improve fast as One of the problems presented to the Police Board as a result of Its bankrupt condition Is the 'feeding of prisoners In the police stations.

President Roosevelt solved It in his own impetuous way by announcing that he would feed the prisoners from his own kitchen. This is a picture of Mr. Roosevelt smiling benlgnantly upon'his guests, who are enjoying the good things served by the Roosevelt IX THE TENDEItLOIN. It Is astonishing how much generous and feeling one sees on Broadway, Fifth aven-ue an other main thoroughfares, despite the learne disquisitions of. provincial philosophers about th selfishness and heartlessness of a great city.

Yesterday afternoon on Fifth avenue an evl dently valuable dog of the Scotch-terrier bree was run over by a paslsng vehicle. He snuj gled under the show windows of one of the store In the Cambridge Hotel building. The oabme about the''Waldorf Hotel stroked his long, tawn hair and did everything to make the poor llttl animal comfortable. An abrasion of the ski under one of hia forelegs and a long, muddy black line showed where the wheel had passe over him. One of the "cabbies" said he would put him In hls coupe until 'ie got a Job.

A crowd was attracted by the poor little animal's sufferings Finaly a sympathetic and sensible woman pal him a dollar and took the The sidewalk in' front of a- large grocery hou: Broadway was stnnwn with rice yesterda afternoon. A will-known actor, whose marlta experience has been varied and unfortunate, hap pened to pass by with a friend. Happening sen -the rloe he- -exclaimed "Orea Scott! someone's been mean here." His friend, snicker. thoughtful man, did not dare to Col. Benj.

S. of fa at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. He IB a great Mcklnley man is quite confident that the Major will'be nomt nateil at St. Louis and that he will rtceive th. largest vote ever accorded a Presidential' candl date, being, the people's choice Col.

Lovell says tnat he knows tho views Major MeKlnloy on the money question, and they are for sound -V of the classes of a public school not fa; from Broadway the boys yesterday afternoon pe to have lemonade to drink th impVe3Blon to dls pe'nsa denied afterwdrils she'had occasion to leave the room. the blackboard, according to the usual cus "a line hod been'written showing the at tendance for the day. If read "Thirty boys'prefi. ent!" During her absence one of the scholars Inserted the letter in the word thirty. When Lhe teacher returned she was astonished to see on the blackboard the line "Thirsty boys Thompson fas been much tn evidence about tho Broadway hotels the past few days.

Considering his long years of struggle, he Is a very remarkable-looking man, and has the ruddy complexion of farmer. His sturdy figure does not show the slightest ndlcation of old age excepting a Slight stoop In ihe makes him look at times IHo a man who expects to be hit with a snowball In tlho back of the neck. Prof. Holdt, of Brooklyn, will enjoy the distinction of being only male guest preaent at luncheon to be given at'tho Hotel Brunswick next, Saturday afternoon. It will be the meet ng of the Alumnae Association of the American School of Elocution.

He will have for company the presence of 'twenty bright young women. Otis Harlan Is the, owner of, a flat in West Thirty-seventh street, where he, lives.alone, un- eas.he has some distinguished company stopping with him. At present his gueat la John Hogarty, if Boston. A few days ago a letter was presented to the anltress signed' "Otis. Harlan," asking her to give Uie bearer his dressing-case and umbrelli The caae a dress suit and a handsome set of glassware which had been presented to him by a number admirers and which he kept In the case for safe keeping.

,00 returned home that evening the land- ady asked him if ho got and umbrella all right. Harlan did not understand, and, explained to him note. The was very much excited and declared the otter a 'forgery. "But;" skid he, any umbrella." "Sure I found a. very beautiful one In room," the JanKress said.

Then Harlan found, a chance to laugh, umbrella belonged to his friend Hogarty. arrived In front the St. Janies Hotel yesterday Watching the asslng throng -with much interest, "You seem to have quite a large lalaure class this country, 1 he remarked Simpson, who was standing near. "Oh, this Is nothing," ireplied Simpson. "ThlB in't the place to, see our great leisure class." you-don't, mean to say you have more them 1 in this democratic can see them?" "Yob to go down here to Madison-Square, hen "to" Union Square, then, if you 'have 'time, go to the Abbey Theatre building, and'then visit entral Park," said Simpson.

'How astonishlngl" observed the stranger. I'm ure" I'm. very much obliged to you." Then he started down Broadway on his tour of One of the greatest nuisances that on roadway and Fifth avenue are suffer Ing; from Just ow Is band of hawkers who go about, intent pon buying old clothes They waylay pedestrians, without regard to age style of dress, pestering them wlth remarks: HaLyou any old clot's to sell!" It Is not ffat-' erlng to persons 'who dress In good style, and Is nythlng but agreeable to those who cannot, dress well as they would like to. Perhaps no better Idea can he had of the Immense amount spent In New York for owors 'than the' large increase in the number of onlaUuon. Broadway and Fifth avenue and the sat-amount of money which they are spending the Improvement of their stores.

In' a new which a Broadway florlit la ttlng up 'ah ice-box Is being huilt which will at least 10,000 roses. Tho cost of the box it about and the entire improvements and'Bttlne up require ai. expenditure-ot not lens than. $25,000. Bx-Unlted Plates Senator Frank Hlscock the Hon.

Francis Byracuee, were ng the arrlyAU at the Fifth A telr Dr. Sliepard Says Mrs. Kelly's Death Was Induced Through Compression. THE DELAYED BURIAL TAKES PLACE Coroner Coomba Finds There AVn JVo Groniid fcr Suspicion in the Manner of Her Death. The body of Mrs.

Nora Kelly, nee Me. Kee, the Interment of which was stopped by order of'Coroner Coombs, of Brooklyn, on Monday afternoon, was burled yesterday afternoon in Holy Cross Cemetery, after an- autopsy had been by Dr. A. W. Shepard.

The result.of the autopsy showed that Mrs. Kelly died from uraemlc convulsions. Dr. Shepard gave as his opinion that the convulsions were caused by jight lacing, rendered more mischievous her condition. The internal organ's were found to be very "much congested.

Undertaken.Holstein removed the body from the. receiving vault, and It "waa buried in the grave that had boen-Vai't- ing. since the: day, before. The husband of the dead woman, J. Kelly, and her immediate relatives, were the only ones present.

The letter which Carman.the female physician who attended Mrs Kelly, sent to the Coroner was the cause of fn tjhe -burial. Dr. Carman signed the certificate o-f death on Sa-tur day and a'tthe same time-sent-a letter to the Coroner saying that it waff a cas. for The letter 'did no reach One Coroner till Monday morning Coroner Coombs police and, through them. Supt.

Hamilton, of the cemetery, and the burial was stopped. Mr. Kelly says, lie and Nora MoKee were married last September. Recently he came ihome from a trip on a coasting steamer and started to furnish apart- tlie PLANS OF GRANT'S TOMB. Filed by the Architect with linlliltiig Department.

John H. Duncan, architect of the rant Tomb, has filed plans' of the ma'u- soleum with the' Building as required by the new law. Accompanying the plans Is- the following note: venson Constable, Superintendent Bulld- Slr: a co rd i' yovr Instructions rucons 189 me plans, elevations and sections of the tomb of Gen. U. S.

Grant In an application, out' is" reservation, for the tomb, and reserved the righl to rescind the permission at any time Trusting that this will conform with quirements I remain, very respectfully, JOHN-H, T. HEJTBY FRENCH'SELLS OTJT. Elliott ZboroTvulcl His In the Broadway Theatre. The much discussed and much denied Broadway Theatre deal Is now an accomplished fact: Elliott ZborpwsM has purchased the entire Interest of T. Henry French' in' the property, and the otter has retired from aJl connection with the theatre.

Andrew A. McCormlck, who has for several years 'been business manager of the Broadway Theatre and the personal representative of the' Zttorowski Interests ever since the theatre was, planned, ias Interest in the property. At a meeting of the Broadway Theatre Company yesterday Mr. McCormlck. was elected president of the company and Che theatre.

'There will be no change In the po-Hcy of the houae. AMUSEMKXT NOTES. Henry oRsenberg, for a number'of-years chief xecutlve of Hammersteln'a amusement forces, vill sever his 'connection with that'manager three weeks, hence. has, several offers mder advisement for next season. Soaeon after next It.

is reported' that Maud will head" a' company of "her own 'with. Arthur Byron as her leading man. The'sale of reserved seats'for the Bernhardt en- agement Is open at Abbey's Theatre, Mmo. "3ernhardt will make 'her reappearance in "Izeyl" ext Saturday night. will be -the last time Blie seen here In.

that remarkable.character. The Irving Company sail for home on Satur- ay, but Henry Irving and Ellen Terry will remain New York until Wednesday The Conrled-Ferenczy Opera Company Is re- earslng (The Trial Kiss) with fhlch the summer season at Terrace Garden will Inaugurated May IS, Henry Miller sails for England on the Paris to- ay to And a play, David Belasco and Carter will occu- boxes at Proctor's Pleasure Palace next Monay evening, when a travesty upon Heart of Maryland" will be performed for the first-time by "loss and Fenton, assisted by Earle Brown. Although It had fteen announced that May and Widow Jones" would remain at be Bijou for anothoj- jyeek after the present, ft as now been decided bring the engagement to close next Saturday night. Miss Irwin will at nee go to Europe. George H.

Jessup, the American dramatist resl- ent In London, coming over In July to su- American production of bis Bucceas- ul opera, "Shamus O'Brien." Next season Stephen T. King" is to manage Ida uller as well as Delia Fox. Henry E. Abbey and family will sail fair Havre Way 23. 0 There to be a 1 "special matinee at Koster A ial's Thursday.

Prominent theatrical folk will tccupy the boxes. Chevalier's engagement has sen extended to June 6, The American Dramatists' Club nas re-elected Us fflcers; Branson Howard, President; Nelson heatcrpft and HowarB P. Taylor, Vlce-Presl- AMERICAN ACTORS ORGAHIZE- A Movement for Protection Irreaponglble agement from Henry Irving. During the past.three yeaj-s Actors P.F. Mackay, John Malone and Wright Hun 1 tington have been working quietly to establish an actors' society, one of the leading features of which should be'the protection of actors and actresses against 'irresponsible managers.

These plans have'taken tangible form'and'the Actors' Society of America has come Into life. The board, of directors is composed p'f F. F. Maokay, John. Mark Smith, Joseph W.

Shannon, jaines Washburn, George D. Mclntyre, Janauschek, La'ckaye, Harwood, C. Leslie Allen, Mary Shaw, M. Kennedy, Helene Lowell, Frank Mordaunt-and Adolph Bernard, 1 first annual-meeting will be held 1 hv this 1 city the third Tuesday of August; The Idea'of'an "American society "was' suggested to J6hh Malone by reports o'l the good work of the British 1 soclation, of Henry Irving -Is- President. A- -letter was 'sent -to nlm asking for information as ihgs of the English association.

The great actor wrote'as' follower' Deaf Mr. am; exceedingly glad to see that the actbrs of this cBfl'n- try.are forming' "Actors' Society 1 -'of America" on the lines of the'British Actors Association. The tipn already of 'great beneficent The Captain Sen fenced to Three Months in Prison and Fined $1,500, PLEADS. GUILTY TO BRIBER' Took from the Liquor Dealer Association Six Tears PRISONER BREAKS DOWN IN CODRT Crlcn Like a Child While His Conn del Pictures His Disgrace and Asks for Leniency. Forhier PoJlce 'Capt.

Edward Carpen ier guilty to bribery yesterda in the criminal branch of the Suprem Court before Justice Ke'ogh. Carpen ler's counsel, Lawyer Fred House, Dis trict-Attorhey Fellows and special pros ocutor Austin G. Fox requested tha Carpenter be dealt with leniently. Jus tice Keogh, to whom the law gives wid discretion, sentenced Carpenter to thre months, imprisonment in the peniten tlary and to pay a fine of Carpenter broke down while'his coun il was requesting'leniency, and criei like a child. When Carpenter, who was indictei for accepting a bribe of fl.OOO from th Liquor Dealers' Association while he was in command of the Bast Eighty eighth Street Station in September LSPO, was arraigned yesterday.

Lawye House withdrew the plea of not guilty entered shortly after the finding 1 ndlctment in March, 1895, and entered a plea of guilty. "This Mr. House told "is taken 'after- a careful- con sldoration of the facts of the case The defendant fully realizes what he Is doing." Mr. House then- told of the long and 'aithful service of Carpenter on the po- ice force. He characterized him as "a brave, conscientious "This Is the first stigma," the lawyer said, "that has ever been on 'him.

II will last his life. The: full force, of tlie does not fall upon him, but upon nisi wife. an. -and his children. I As the'lawyer continued in this strain his head in shame'and 'cried bitterly.

District-Attorney Fellows praised the of- -Carpenter in- pleading i' "There are- two reasons why lenieni our am qu te sure thatnhe actors of AmerioS will new society of -equal iralnn "-H 1 e. Apart, and personal tip; also, from, the business nd actors' assoola- Ipn can be of' very 'great service fb our rt -and'to attlsWby' fostering 1 Whole 1 1 some 'c-an'always 2 tj ln such-mbuses as'may ba butslde^.and,which makes for the of our art anij to see you land your friends Tiext at the -theatre at 1 o'clock. Be- Be HENRY IRVING. resume -of what his association has said: "The ir- lieve me, yours In a responsible manager Is 'prac thing of in Great Briti Tactically a The sanitation of the provincial theatres has been greatly improved. A tone of con- Menoe has been given to the relations between actors 'and managers.

xt ne new members were elected aMast Sunday's meeting. The number now enrolled Is over seven hundred. JENNIE YEAMANS tTWHAPPY. ACCUHCH Charles Dllllnsliam of Infidelity and Wants a Divorce. Jennie Yeamans, the youngest living daughter of Annie Yeamans, who for many years took the parts of the old women in Barrlgan's Slays, has brought an action, in the Supreme Court for an absolute divorce from' Charles B.

Dllling- ham. Miss, Yeamans 'the sister of Lydla Yeamans-TItus, and Mr. Dilllng- 1 is the right-hand' man of Charles Jrohman, with whom he has gone bo Europe. The Dlllinghams, were married in Jersey City 12, 1892. Miss Yeamans had previously, been married to M.

Lester, of Lester and Williams. She obtained a- divorce -eight years ago. She accuses her- husband of Infidelity not a' word was said against his character. There -are, others against wjhom indictments are pending who still allowed to wear a uniform 'and authority; The second reason Is 'his plea, of guilty saves the county Special Prosecutor Fox concurred in Col. Fellows's remarks.

He ar'lded 'that 3 he thought the disgrace of having pleaded guilty of a crime was sufficient pun- fishment the- defendant. Justice Keogh, In sentencing Carpen- told him he could not 1 follow fully suggestion made by counsel to exercise leniency. thlrik," Justice Keogh said, "that where a man holding a high and re- w-th unknown women Boston and Duquesne. to Milwaukee, Central Park Music Hall. Gllmore and Tpmpklns, managers of the Academy of Music, the.

property occupied by Durland's Riding Academy at Fifty- ninth street aha Central Park West, will tear down-the present-building'and erect a mammoth music hall and roof garden. The plans have been completed and work will begin June 1. cy bo shown this defendant," Col said. first'is thafin his record there has been- nothing except this. He performed icellent service, arid tip'to'the'time he ter; the sponsible position, such as you held in thls.dommunity.falls to commit a felony, whose Instrument I bi fully vindicated.

1 realize fully that It is not so much We duration of the Imprisonment as the. tect of the Imprisonment itself that (he.keenest punishment. I therefore have decided that you shall be imprisoned In the penitentiary for the term of three months and pay a fine of $1,500 hi addition. Carpenter was taken to the penitentiary immediately after sentence was imposed. He said he wanted to serve his term and return to his family as quickly as possible.

Carpenter's action eacll "8r, guilty caussd' a rumor in tile Criminal Court Building that he had so to save friends of his formerly Department. It was Cal "Penter had stood trial the evidence, of the prosecution would nave shown that the money had cone District-Attorney Fellows as did Mr. Fox. T.h*T trial of Capt. Klllllea for 'having accepted- a bribe of from, the of the Yale-Princeton football two years ago will begin before Justice Keoglrthis morning.

His counsel. J. Grant, denied vestprdnv Interidea to PBJOE After Year's SaHpeimion He Again the Police Force. The Police Board yesterday restored James Price, who had been under suspension for nearly a yeiiy, his indictment on charges made by Jared Flagg having been dismissed by-the. the courts.

also restored to duty the Captain's ex-ward man, Schlll, and Pa- ALDERMAN NICHOLAS T. Bfi'OWM AND HIS BASS. Alderman Nicholas T. Brown has a' country residence, on the banks of the Ramapo River. He went yesterday morning.

"I did not have any luck," said -the Alderman late in the day, "so I determined to piJll Up my line and start for York. As I pulled the baited hook out the water, a-monster bass j.imped Into the air and leaped clear across my boat. "I am not telling you a fish story, as stories go. 'The remarkable happened. Was I rfrightened? Well, I guess! The big bass Just missed my- nose and-mylaoeiwaa with the spray from Its erasticulatins The announcement Is made of the engagement of Miss Helen White, the most conspicuous member the American chorus at the Metropolitan Opera- House, to 'Lionel S.

Mapleson, the librarian of the opera company. The bride-elect lii'st became familiar to the opera.patrons two seasons ago as "the girl with the red dress," for the vim and spirit 'siie managed to throw into her work Ift, the chorus. Her rich brunette beauty caused Calve to tell her she looked like Carmen, and she never got over It. This Amerlcan chorus girl was conspicuous among tho Italian old timers for her exuberant acting in "Carmen" and "The Hugenots," and other tragic operas of the None was more lnterested in the love affairs of Carmen, and none wept more hysterically at the death of Valentine. She was constantly one the most Interesting and attractive figures on the Metropolitan stage.

Lionel S. Miiploson J. H. is the nephew of Col. Mapleson, the veteran ope- ratlc Impresario, and has been Abbey Gran's libra'rlan-'for several years.

Grinnon, the charges against vhom were dismissed. Capt. Creedcn, of the Morrlsanla Sta- ion, made a report upon the gallant conduct of Patrolmen David Ryan and J. Reid, of his who shot and killed a burglar several days ago, after the latter had fired at the policemen. "These men deserve medals," ex- Roosevelt, "and I rec- immend them." TWO.ESTATES AT AUCTION.

'(itcliin anil Hulpln ILealty Ilold- Of-iti Ytsler- The Patchin and Halpin estates were he principal attractions In ales of real estate in the auction rooms. Tha most important transactions were 'nicbfLTil V. Harnett Co. sold Nos. 141 to 143 th botwcoii West 10th and Wast llth ve 'three-story- brick with stores, to- other with Nofl.

1 to 4 MirJgan place, four hree-atory -brick hQUue.B, partition ale) to Dr, Henry NiichVol, tor also. s'o. 113. West 10th near Gth til roe-story rick building, with store, together with Nos. to 10 Patcliiil plaeo, tan thrue-atory and Ixiao- nent brick houses, partition mile, to Weelia attorneys for iMrs.

It, Patchin and IrB. Isabella P. Dorsliaimer, for $81,000. Peter F. Mayor Co.

sold No. 'East 110th near Madlaon llvo ntory brick Hut, and 11 title to strip 10 feet wide, on tho north side the prumfseH, amount due prior mort- age, forcclofliira sale to plaintiff, for 8 vacant loin. In the Twenty-third Vard, Lliid and Nelson for $11,585. William AI. Ilyan Bold No.

77 (Jllnton place, ear Bth three-story brown-stone dwelling, foreclosure sale, to W. Ward for $60,000. C. A. Uurrlan sold the whole front, vacant land, etween Webster and Uurneldc aven.

on Tlebout ve. and south Hide of 178th by foreclosure ale, to the for Wm. KonnBlly sold No. 130 West 85th Bt. to W.

J24.000. iMr. H. C. Bryan lian S3U1 Tor Alexander W.

razer, to Mrs. Anna A. Gillies, the four-story rick Hat No. 1210 West 42d for $75,000. Muasra.

Ij. J. Phillips Go. have Bold 9 lots tho north Bide of 115th beginning 175 feet of Ijenox' to William II. Hall and hrenrolch who will build ojmrlinent- oiises on the Iota.

O-DAY'3 AUCTION AT NO. Ill BROADWAY. By Bryan L. JCennelly: West 159th nt. south do, 275 feet at Boulevard, six lots; ecu tor's uale.

By William Konnelly; No. G40 West 47th uth side, B-story and basement brick teno- ent, foreclosare sale; -K. O'Uonnell as ecutrlx, to John Theall et al; Dnyo, our Bauerdorp, tettornoya; Charles II." Murray, feree; duo on 'judgment, Recorded TriiiiMfcra. OEIICK ST, No 60; Wm Cl Uuvl.s, ref, to Nathan Schanonpp TH ST, 05 ft of Avo Rudolph Hanno, cxr, to Henry Elf 24,500 TH ST, No 313 Charlotte Flammer to ThomiiB Lynch 18,000 TH ST, 175 ft Cth avc, CoraellftA Dnpbar to -Anton 75,000 TH ST, No 354 Vfj George Ocorge to Wm Baler 23,000 cor 08th Francis Blessing to 0 OBRCK ST, No 04; Wm Davlea, ref, to Natliau Cohen 14 125 UOTONA PARK, cor St Joliii'B ave other property opposite; John Barlow to Paulino Barlow; all title. 5,000 TH ST, No 314 IS; Win Davlea.

ref, to John Courtney. 8200 TH AVE, cor lOGth'st; Chas II Bcholermann, to George Quacken- buah 33350 ST 120 13; Geo Lieaelc truB, to Hodges 11 760 TH No 129 George Becks lino, exrH. to Sadie Park 27000 226 Oeo R.Browne to the Biographical Society 8TH ST, 17 ft of 4th ave, 17x80: Rosa BaumEartfln to Henry Reese ENOX Nos 460 452; Charles Rlley McCord 25,500 15,000 60,000 DUSINISSS TROUOXJ35 IIV TOWN, Deputy. Sheriff Loub. yesterday took charge of buBlncsSi of Michael BoncJy, wholonalo- tobacco at- No.

185 Water street, on claims tor In favor of Charles Bandy. The failure la trlbuted to the depreuslon in the trade and tho ck of bank accommodations. Tho Sheriff yesterday received three executions om Saratoga, N. aggregating against J. Slattery and Walter H.

-Hanson in vdr of.tne First National Bank Saratoga Brings. The Sheriff has received additional attachments gainst the Brooksido Manufacturing Company tton and woollen goods, near LennI, In vor of J. H. Lane for $533 and Fred Guy for $487, Also against S. A.

Wood anufacturera of worsted gooda, at Philadelphia In favor of Henry J. Sternberger. Ed mend A. Kopple, manufacturer of cloaks and Ita, at No. 430 Broome street, has confessed dgraent for $817 to Davis Whltson, and Deputy tierlff Butler has placed a keeper In the store.

Judgment was entered yesterday against Dillon Willougnhy, real-estate broker, for $11,029, In vor of the Franklin National Bank, as Indorser two notes of Frank Brown. Debtor and Creditor Judgments. uMahon. Bonn i olqneyi Finn Cornelius legel, Charles runtz, Jacob hen, Mark H. IHris.

Henry hr, ondy, Dondy oadwln, Nat Edward, Walter Nat I3k of Saratoga Her; Pierce Engraving Stleglltz "Vheelock, WIHlam Chas Lawsou Gefmanla. Bk ttto; Be uder, 'be Canflec 'B 1,636,51 $539.83 ti4D.ll 331.81 1,582.56 834,50 281.35 081.80 603.62 407.78 1,627.03 802.32 302.05 4,102.64 3,229.64 2,173.30 1,040.88 4,213.53 1,818.29 1,240.18 1,128.65 1,158 S3 FOR A DH10N OF WOMEN'S CLUBS, Meet at St. Church anil Start tne Worlt of At a gathering of delegates from, women's clubs of New York and Sherry's on April 23 to discuss practical methods of philanthropy, the Idea of a city federation of clubs was started, and a committee was appointed, which called a meeting of delegates of women's clubs at St. Stephen's Church yesterday. The call having been issued by the Phalo which Is purely a philanthropic organization, many of the ladles conceived tho nation that the federation was to for the 'Study of philanthropy.

With this in mind Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Croly'spoke hard against the idea at yesterday's meeting. Mrs. Croly suggested that a great charitable federation was a great responsibility to and she considered the meeting too small to act for the clubs.

Mrs. Harden Hess said that the supposition that tho federation was to be philanthropic merely was entirely erroneous; all departments of women's work In clubs were to be represented. Mrs. Ravenhill was in doubt whether city federation would help anybody wnen the State federation was still In Its Infancy. Mrs.

Alexander, from the 'chair, pointed out the immense power of a city federation, and declared that as they had come together it was their duty to do something dellnlte. A motion was finally framed that sat- sfied all parties. The old committee was named as the nucleus ofi a new committee, which was empowered to add to Its membership the presidents of all the Important women's clubs. These were Instructed to send -a circular explaining the desire for federation, and asking for delegates to a meeting at St. Stephen's Church on the first Wednesday in October.

The committee, as It now stands, Is as follows: Mrs. Jasper Cairns, Mrs. B. N. Alexander, Mrs.

B. A. Greeley, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Cecil Cowdrey, Mrs, B. B.

Kenyon, Mrs. Hanaford Mrs. A. Wallensteln, Mrs. Groly, Mrs.

Chapmaji, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Troutman, Mrs. Helmuth, Mrs. Fairman, Mrs.

Keatlnge, Miss Lyclla Day. e. The wediJing of Miss Louise Stake, daughter of Mr. WMliam Stake, to J. C.

L. Byrnes, took place yesterday evening at the home 'of the bride's parents, at Stapleton, IB. I. The bridesmaids Miss May De Planque, and Miss 'Gussle Beyer, of Stapleton. The best man was George B.

Hardy, of New York, and the usher Ellas R. Peck. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Brand, of St.

Agnes's, New York. About two hundred persons attended the reception which followed the ceremony. The fact that Dr. Edward Payson Fowler, of No. 88 West Fortieth street, was to marry Miss Mildred Russell, a trained nurse, was announced In The World some time ago! The details of tho wedding yesterday were devoid of Interest.

A and Intimate friends were present at Christ Church, Boulevard and street, at 11 o' clock. Re'v Jacob Sh'lpmah, the tor, officiated. Dr. t'owier had been- a wldowe'r for fifteen years. He and Mrs.

Fowler will sail for Europe on Wednesday, May on the steamship New York, and will remain absent until September. On their return they will locate at Cooperstown, N. where Dr. Fowler has a fine establishment. INCIDENTS IN SOCIETY.

A. dinner of twenty will be given next Saturday evening by the feminine tnemberfl oC bo American School of Elocution at the Hotel 3runawlck. Miss Kate Percy'; Douglas will give an at homo with music at the studio of Mr. Frank A. Blcltnell, In Madlaon Square Garden Tower, this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The weeding, Miss Myers, ot No. 110 Bast Vlnety-second and Mr. Ganger, a wealthy Callfornlan;" will be Celebrated Tuesday, June at the Brunswick. Dr. 'and No.

690 Madison are located for. the summer, at heir country- placei' "Oakwood," N. J. There will-be full, choral -service -at the wedding Miss Elizabeth Stearns and Dr. William Travis Glbb.

tp-morrpw. alternoo.n at 4 o'clock, at St. George 1 Church, Stuyvesant Square. The Barnard garden party, and flower Bale on for this afternqon and evening at the private gardens at Noa. 3, 5, 1 and 9 East Thirty-seventh street.

The Yale Glee and Banjo 'Clubs will be on 1 hand during the'entertainment and a'Hungarian band will play. 1 Tickets" can be obtained at Barnard "No: 843 "Madison avenue and at the Walflflrf, Savoy and Maje'stle. Then Is long list patroneuei. Test Case Affecting Large Interests (o Be Heard in the Supreme Conrt, STATE AGAINST UNDERWRITERS. New Yori's Attorney-General Will Seek to Suppress the People's Lloyds Company.

EMINENT COUNSEL ON EACH SIDE. Con-tended that AIa.ny Concern! Were Kept Alive a Subterfuge to Evade the of 1892. Now that 'the Lloyds agitation is at height, Insurance people generally are awaiting with Interest the result of tha action Instituted by the State's Attorney-General against Edward V. Loew, Leo C. Dessar and others, underwriters of the People's Pire Lloyds.

The case will come up In Supremo 'ourt, Chambers, Friday. Eugene L. Richards will 'represent the Attorney- General, and the counsel for the Lloyds companies are Joseph H. Choate, B. P.

Tracy and William B. Ellison. The contest promises to be fierce, arfd thousands upon thousands of insurers and insured will be affected toy the re-, suit. The court is to determine whether Issuing two or three policies 'by'Lloyds) corporations to keep them alive prior to' enactment of the law of 1892 can be legally construed as "being in within the definition of that statute. The Legislature passed In 1893 a law that was really a codlficatiojj of the insurance laws, with supplemental feat- ures.

It was popularly supposed that' the law was drawn at the instigation of he incorporated or old line It sought to prevent the doing of a flro' nsurance business by any individual unless he had a capital of $200,000, Invested in safe securities, and subjected himself and his financial resources' to an examination by the Superintendent if Insurance. There were a number of persons doing iuslness -under 'the system known as jloyds, which is, that Instead of a 'Olicy being signed by a corporation, ndividual Insurers sign It, and opposite heir names specify the proportion of he entire risk they assume. These un- lerwrlters bitterly opposed the measure, and their antagonism led to the addition section 67, which provided that the preceding sections should not made applicable to the Lloyds law-! ully engaged In business prior to Oct. 1892. It will be seen that the only question letween the State'and the Lloyds is as' whether the latter were lawfully lolng business before Oct.

1, 1892. The Attorney-General asserts that In ntlcipatlon of the going into effect of i he law of 1892, many persons formed 1 nemselves into Lloyds companies, ana i imply held organizations together 1 vltn various purposes In view. Many these organizations, was declared, vere created solely for the purposes of ale, and are doing business. The Vttorney-General alleges that vere not lawfully doing, business Oct. 1.

8S2. and hence are rrjstralnable. The Lloyds system of Insurance has be-1 ome very popular. The Lloyds compa-' lesare not compelled to maintain expen- 1 ve establishments and the high-pried Bclals of a corporation. It Is asserted hat every one of the larger Lloyds com-i anles carries on the business at a.

cost not more Chan 25 per cent, of the while with the old line com- anles the expndlture has-been from' to 92.1. By the Lloyds system also the Ha- llty under a policy is individual, and he underwriter is not protected by: ie safeguards thrown around In-, orporation. Here are the names of some of ths len offlcdating as underwriters in' loyds companies: Levi P. Morton, I hauncey M. Depew, John fClafiin, F.

Tefft, John Jacob Astor, John Gibb, loward Gould, George C. Clarke, Ed-1 in Gould, Hugh O'Neill, John B. Duke, rancis A. Palmer, Gen. Benjamin F.

racy, Francis C. Travers, Warner Mll- James A. Roberts, W. E. D.

Stokes, i Seaver Page, Charles J. Follmer! heodore K. Pembrook, John W. ConcUt nd Theodore Su'tro. A I I 'OT ON THE BEBTCH POR ustlcc Trnax Refasca to Commitment of Mott.

Mrs. Myrtle Hoey, recently sentenced Magistrate, Mott to the workhouse five days for soliciting and paroled the custody of her counsel, W. P. after having served four and a alf days, was brought before Justice max In the Supreme Court yesterday ti a writ of habeas corpus. Mr.

Stetnhardt, representing Mr. Howe, aid Mrs. Hoey's sentence had expired ome days before. "There Is nothing before me then," aid the Judge. "I am not sitting here or fun or to try moot cases.

There la prisoner here." She had no opportunity to send for wit- esses. The magistrate had no right to mprlson her summarily. She should avo been flood, ana If the fine were not aid then she might have been-sent to ie workhouse." Mr. Howe, says he will bring an action alnst the magistrate. "A PERIPATETIC CURSE." ronecutor Wlnileld That of During Munch'g Trial.

"Ahlwardt Is a curse to Is the way District-Attorney 'Infleld, of Hudson County, yesterday haraoterlzed the man who has been olng about the country denouncing the" s. It was In the course of the triad of' erman Munch, of West Hoboken, for ssault and battery. During one of the Ahlwardt meetings March last some one In'the audience Jirew an egg at him. It hit Munch, ho. thinking Isaac Cllnkhoeffer had hrown It, iri the face.

Munch was acquitted. Say Taxes Are Unequal. Ernest: H. Charles B. Spahr, harles F.

Wlngate, Edward King and dward D. Page, a committee from the octal Reform Club, complained to the Mayor yesterday that unimproved real state was assessed lower In proportion Its value than Improved, real estate. They suggested that the real-estate as- essments, without the names of owners, hould be published yearly" In the City lecord, so that people might compare heir own assessments with those ot neighbors. The MayoCnOromSsed to call the tloh oil'the Commlaaloners to matter. i t-'.

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