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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 15

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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fllMI TW frbi thm WASHINGTON SOCIAL CWV JWctv fee ef lettsnfna DOITT, XYriSmfmr I03T BOX 237V wm Editor, The Norfolk of order. signed by him." Such applicant must also "be able to read any clause in this constitution or Constitution of the United States, and giv a reasonable Interpretation thereof." An applicant who is not able to read and write, and who is of good character ana reputation, la entitled to register if he has met ther other qualifications, is attached to ths principles of the constitution, is "well disposed to ths good order and. happiness of the State of Louisiana and of the United States." and "shall be able to understand and give at reasonable interpre tauon oi any section oz either con stitution when read to him by the Registrar." An additional qualifica tion is prescribed in that every voter unaer years or age must have paid a poll tax, of one dollar per nn'im for the two years next preceding the year in which he offers to vote. Every person liable to this tax is reouired to exhibit to the commissioners of election his poll tax receipts for the two years, before being allowed to vote. groes, however, had to ten "who the mother of George Washington's grandmother," and of edurse.

they failed to pass the test. In other places people of color have been ask ed "what is meant by ex post facto law or due process of law," all terms for which lawyers themselves do not have a common definition. In one North Carolina town, after the colored people paid their poU taxes, it was arranged by ths political powers that be, for a circus to come to the; town. For admittanoa to this, whites bought regular tickets, but Negroes could be admitted only if they used their poll tax receipts as tickets. When election time, came around, Negroes accordingly found that they could not vote, as they could not show their poll tax receipts.

(3) (3) Told by Prof. J. P. Harris, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, of the town and surrounding territory of Ox ford, In. where bo born.

plicant is of "good character or whether he "understands' the "duties of cltizensb4p under a republican government," or whether he can "reasonably interpret" the Constitution, The grandfather clauses were declared unconstitutional in 1915, but the "literacy? tests, and tha understanding clauses have remained, and with them various subterfuges. Believing the Negro was unalterably allied to the Republican party, the party of the reconstruction era, the first motives for the disfranchisement. laws were that of security against an avalaaahe of Republican votes and the corresponding putting in power of persons Incapable of governing or unfriendly to the old the South of the Negro, politically, who was held responsible for all the feimttlaff OLD ALCrZS. SyASHTCfcTCn, i editor Note: ThefJUwing nrticU icos delivered P. eror.

Touhg, editor of TU Norfolk journal and Guide at the, 2rparUea Conference coiled hy Concrete Oecar DePrieet in Waekingten, The article ie of ench eiffniflcance that toe are running the entire vtanueeript. Pr BERNARD rom Original "Uanuecript) The history. of the disfranchisement of Necrroe wli Vnmr, Kh 152f the.freedmen wre intimidated or i iKuxwiy "'7 "i'ccu caau me oauoi; ana, i KolInf werfi either cftstrovprt nr Vio Vo17.f Kv nv i U1C uy me wuie ez conzeaeraie election jjlciala. Later Mississippi parsed tlie first with the famous grandfather clause, which per Plrty test to continue descendant of sucn. a voter.

Disfranchisement has continued to this day in varying forms, both legal and extra legal Extra legal devices more active than. legaL In a gathering like this it is not necessary to devote much time to the many ways in which the Negro has been deprived of the ballot; but seme mention of tnesa may out Devices of Vote Ban Differ After Mississippi' adoption ct the pindfather clause Virginia, Louisiana, Soutb Carolina and North Caro aa and Alabama followed suit and it vas net until 1915 that the United SUtes Supreme Court (in the case of Gaian vs. the United Btatea declared tiat the grandfather was In riolation of the 15th amendment All the present limitations on voting glace that decision arc practically contained In the Louisiana constitution (typical southern state constitution) which says that no one Is eligible to vote unless legally enrolled as registered voter on his own application. In order to vote a person Is required to have lived in the State two years, in the parish onfa year and is the precinct three months, be of good character, and to understand the duties and oDligaUors or cluzen thip under a republican form of government. The applicant must he able to read and write, and is required to present an application for registration "entirely written, dated and Dixie States Constitutions Have Flaws By these amended constitutions the registration officials have been (iven the discretion and the' power ia regrard to the educational quait fications for.

voting, and under these provislons, while nothing is said of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, "it is possible to apply nica qualifications strictly with re rptct to the voters of one color and liberally with respect to the voters of another color." (2) Backed by their political these registrars have been monarch of all they survey, disqualifying prospective Negro voters for one cause or another, and. until very recently, having all the powerof the law on their side. (2) Dodi, Walter State Government, page 483 (1S22S). Some of the subterfuges used have been amusing and ridiculous; some have even lived on as Jokes. It is told that in Texas, under literary test the whites wei asked the name of the first president of the United States, ana, of course, confidently replied, "George Ne Georgia and Mississippi Have Understanding Clausi Tha clause which still holds in Georgia and Mississippi allows that, although a person may nave neither education nor property, he may register if he is of "good character" and understands "the Cities and obligations of citizenship under a republican form, government." In Mississippi a person who cannot read is permitted to register if he can understand and reasonably Taterpret the Constitution whn to him.

It is scarcely necessary to Point out that the real purpose of number whites to register (and otc) even if they cannot pass the ether tesis of literacy, property own 5. etc, and at the same time serve an obstruction to Negroes who ajght seok to register under them, wcause is the WHITE REGISTRAR who decides whether an ap Dovningtovn Industrial School DOVTNINGTOWN, PA. For boys and girls over 13 years of age who are ready for the Junior or Senior ICgh School. The school of which Dr. W.

E. B. DuBois said: "IX any colored parent has a child that needs a teacher's personal acquaintance and guidance, suggest Downingtown to him. After all, what are build cgs?" For information write J. IL WAKING Jr Principal or telephone Downingtown 335 sr Journal and Guide wnere thei' were allowed to vote Or 2NTAL EFFICIEXCT Ths new provincial government with headquarters at Mukden is beginning to unction with three departments finance, industry and in JusUcsw New Times.

White South; and also ths ridding conditions growing out of the Civil War and whjch continued during what for the White South was the 'dark days" of Reconstruction. Disfranchisement laws and tactics today ara a carry over from this earlier Negroes No Longer Today, whan Negroes ara no longer unalterably Republican, when a large number are able to pass the literary and property tests, and when the party Primary decides the election, in ths South, tha technique of disfranchisement has changed. In recent years, therefore, we And increased activity at keeping ellglbl? colored voters from registering taa Democrats and voting in the primaries, for; as the Democratic Primary goes, so goes ths Southern election. While the, Democrats have been active in these moves, from the present political state of affairs, it is safe to say that Republicans would take the same steps, if it were to their advantage to do so, just as they hve set out to make their party lily white. Republican caucuses, conventions, Negroes excluded.

Tha Texas Cases By legislative enactment (as tried in Texas) or by party regulation, Oklahoma, Texas. Virginia, North Carolina. Arkansas and Florida have tried to prevent Negroes having a vole in the primaries. Tha first Texas primary fight began in 101S when Negroes of Waco went into ths Courts to get an injunction to prevent the holding of a "white man's In Issuing the injunction. Judge E.

T. Clarke ruled that "keeping Negroes from voting in the hits' primarieii was a violation of Federal of the State constitution, and also ooxitrary to ths Terrel (State) Election Law. Negro Tear Book, 1931 19S2; page 99. In 1822 the Texas Supreme Court reversed this decision and ruled that "any political Party had tha right in Texas to prescribe the qualifications for persons voting in its primaries and that therefore, ths Democratic party had a right to hold a 'White Man's Desplto this ruling Negroes continued their attempts to abolish a primary in which they could not participate. In Houston in 1821 a group of Negroes, being barred from th Primaries applied for a court order to restrain tha Houston Democratlo executive committee and the election judges from holding a "white" Primary, and to compel Texas Cases In But the Texas Democrats would not bo beaten and soon after the Supremo Court's decision, the Texas legislature enacted a new statute giving to the executive committee of the Democratlo party "the power to fix membership Negroes were as persevering sls tho white Democrats and they again sought injunctions to prevent elecUon officials from barring them from the Primaries.

They were unsuccessful in both state and lower federal courts, the two U. S. courts in Tevas and 'the Circuit Court of Appeals holding that the Democratic organization in Texas had the right to bar Negroes from the Democratic Primary, if it so desired; and that "judges and inspectors of Primary elections who acted under party resolutions which prohibited Negroes from participating in Democratic Primaries, were not officials or agents of the state of Texas, and their act was not contrary, to the state or federal constitution. (7) Tweny flrst annual, report of the N. A.

A. 193a This case (listed as Nixon vs. Condon and called the Arkansas and Virginia The Arkansas Case The Supreme Cotrt of Arkansas held that rules of the Democratic Party in Arkansas, defining who shall be its members and vote in its Primaries, were. in of the Fourteenth or. Fifteenth Amendments because no State law had been passed depriving, qualified electors of the right to vnta on account ot color, and because Democratlo Party being "a voluntary.

political organization and not of the State had tha. right prescribe rules and qualifications membership, and to provide that only while people could become members. Negro Tear Book (page 105). Also, because It was a party ruling, and not a Stats law. the Court held that the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the first Texas case (Nixon vs.

Herxv SAYS 4 1 1 1 ii v. i tr i 71 rp i FINE ADDRESS It; IL. Editor P. BERNARD TOUNG, Sr. Publisher of The Norfolk Journal A Guide of Norfolk.

Va, whoso speech on "Disfranchisement" delivered to the delegates to ths Priest Non Partiiian Conference scored with hearers. period, still motivated by a desire for security from the other political party, but also par; and parcel of the general concept that gdes with the aristocratic South and which tends to keep "poor too, from having too great a share in their governmental Affairs. "All Republican" them to permit all electors, regardless of race or creed, to vote in the party Primary. The district court, however, held that under the election statutes question of voting in the Primaries was political, aid not legal, and that the court was "without Jurisdiction to Interfere with the action of the executive committee." The complainants' appealed to the First Court of Civil Appeals, but this also dismissed the suit; and ths State Supreme Court, without rendering an opinion, claimed that It had no jurisdiction when it was petitioned for a writ of error. Later this same case was carried to the United States Supreme Court, and this highest tribunal of the land ruled the case out a the ground that the "cause of action had ceased to exist," and an injuncUon is only issued to prevent some act which is yet to take place.

Not satisfied with the results of the order to exclude Negroes from tha Primaries Issued by the state executive committee, it was recommended at the State Democratic convention in 1822 that In view of the fact that certain counties had not excluded Negroes from participating in ths Primary elections, it direct the incoming legislature to "so amend the law as to forever exclude Negroes from participating In any Democratlo Primary elecUon held in any county in thts state." (5) Negro Tear Book 1831 32. page 99. In 1923 the state legislature passed the law as requested. The law was enforced throughout the state, but at El Paso. Dr.

A. Nixon, a regular Democrat of many years' standing who bad voted in previous Democratlo primaries, brought suit for $3,000 when he was prevented from casting his ballot. The courts of Texas upheld the legislative enactment, and the case bad to be taken to the United States Supreme Court, which In 1927, at one of those rare times when its opinion is unanimous, "declared the Texas law barring Negroes from voting in the Democratlo Primary election to be (6) Ibid (page 100). Political Limelight second Texas Primary Case) is now on the docket of the current term of the United States Supreme Court, and its outcome will affect 4,500.000 Negroes. Tho Florida Case The Florida Democratlo execuUve committee in 1923 defined those who could take partn the city Primary.

"Only duly qualified white democratlo it ruled "are declared to be and are held as members of the Democratlo party in Pensacola. and are therefore entitled to vote in the Primary election." When Henry A. Gocde. a Negro, was denied the privilege of voting, he filed a suit for $5,000 against the election officials (Goods vs. Johnson).

The lower courts have held that the barring of Negroes from the Primaries was not in violation of the constitution ot either the State of Florida or the United States. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Floridan and heard in October, 1929. but no decision hss yet been handed down. The Florida Jurists are probably waiting to see what decision the United States Supreme Court will make in the Texas Case. Cases Attract Notice don) did tot apply.

Taken to the Supreme Court, that body "denied the application for jurisdiction without rendering an opinion." (9) 21st Annual Report of N. A. A. C. P.

(page 19). The Virginia Case The contest over the Primary in Virginia, (BiUey vs. West) is most Interesting because here a federal court has gone fartheit in declaring illegal party rules which, in their actual working, bar Negroes from the Democratlo Primaries. 'In 1928 Judge Crump in the Law and Equity Court of Richmond ruled that Negro Democrat were not eligible to vote in the Democratlo Primary, and be denied the petition filed by James O. West for a writ of mandamus requiring election judges to permit him to vote.

This decision was appealed and the following year Judge D. i I I I I IT JdjCWLl Li' Says Negro Soldiers 1 Healthier Than Whites WASHINGTON, Dec 10 (By ANP) According' to a report to the secretary of wa, by the surgeon general of the United States army, Major General Robert U. Patterson, 'there was more sickness among the white, men in the United States than among colored" for the year 1930, in spite of the fact that the health rate for the army was the third lowest in history. Much of the hospitalization among white troops was due to misconduct, the report stated. tawreocs Groner.

in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia reversed it and in his decision ruled unconstitutional the Virginia Primary Law enabling political parties to set forth the re quirements for participation in Pri maries whlcn would permit the Democratlo party of Virginia to ex cluoe Negroes from Primaries solely on the basis of color. Since neither the State nor the Democratic party of Virginia has appealed to the South Candid About In regard to the Primaries then, the case to be decided Is whether Democratlo parties can maks rules defining their membership and thus bar Negroes from the Primaries; or whether because these parties get their power from the State, they Registrars Disqualify Negroes Registration tion, made and signed by the applicant in his own handwriting in the presence ot the registrar, without aid, suggestion or memorandum, and addressed to the proper officer, gives substantially the information which the Constitution. secUon 20, requires, disclosed nothing for which the Constitution provides that a person shall be excluded from registering and voting, and is sufficient in law, although not in good form, and shows that the applicant has comparatively little education. "2., The questions which the registrar 'may propound to an applicant for registration, under the Constitution, section 20, are limited to 'questions affecting his qualification as an elector as prescribed by the Constitution. The Constitution has prescribed as a qualification for an elec Wlde latitude of registrars.

Case of North Carolina's Political Study Club composed of School Teachers. The subterfuges used by registrars in finding Negroes ineligible for registration as voters, received two dis tinct blows this year In one case, before a State Court and in the other before a Federal Court. Tou will remember that registrars have had rather wide laUtude in the questions they ask Negroes and which Negroes must answer correctly in order to be registered. The Supreme Court of Appeals of the State of Virginia (In the ease of Davis vs. Allen) re versed an opinion of the Lower Court which upheld the questioning of a registrar in Hampton.

Among the questions asked Mr. Davis by the registrar were: 1. "What is meant by legal resi dence in Virginia," "When is the payment of poll tax not required." and a "What are the requisites to en able one to register In Virginia?" The Court in its decision, among other things, said: "1. The application for registra tor no test of knowledge or under standing or educational requirement other than that the applicant shall be able to make In his own handwriting, without aid, suggestions or memorandum the required application, and answer in writing the questions above referred to. "3.

Perhaps the first question pro pounded to the applicant in the case at bar may be sustained as a permissible question and the answer given by him, while showing his lack of education, is a substantially cor rect answer tnereto: but the second and third questions elicit no information from the applicant with refer ence to any qualification which he is required by the Constitution to have to register and vote, or with reference toj the existence of any cause from which the Constitution 6,500,000 Negroes of The spiritual inhibitions which dis franchisement has Imposed upon the Negro have been no less detrimental to our general welfare than the po litical and civil disabilities. Of the 6.500,000 Negroes of voUng ags In the United States approximately 4.500,000 are in the South. Ot this number at least 500,000 could qualify to vote under the present laws and the subterfuges, which in many places, have the force and effect of law. But the long seige of political repression and intimidation which the Negro has undergone has dons something to his morals that seems to give him a feeling of futility when the subject of the exercise of the suffrage is approached. It is this condition that challenges the utmost political acumen of our leadership.

It is a tremendous task to restors Want to Ut a Itarial. lBlal EARN la All United States Supreme Court, exclusion of Negroes from Democratlo Primaries in Virginia by party resolution is now unconstitutional. (10) 21st Annual Report (page 19). Significant of both the United States Supreme Court's decision in the first Texas Primary Case and the decision in the Virginia case. Is the rather even temper with which they were received by the Southern Press.

None were surprised at the decision and very" few peeved. Motives Behind Laws are therefore agents 'of the State, and their ruling as to race in violation of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. This the case of Nixon vs. Condon (the second Texas case) before the Supreme Court will de cide. provides that he shall be excluded from registering and voUng.

Neither his knowledge nor lack of knowledge of these subjects nor his proficiency or deficiency in education as disclosed by his answer to these questions has any bearing; on whether he is, or is not, entitled to register and vote; and the registrar erred in refusing to register him." This decision sets a precedent which may be used in other states, and it has rendered less vicious the elecUon registrars who, on the command of political committees higher up, have sought to prevent Negroes from casting the ballot. During the October, .1931 term ot the United States District Court at Salisbury, N. S. R. Sechrest, a white Democratic election official was charged with violating the fed eral laws in the presidential elecUon of 1S23.

in that he refused to register six Negroes on account of their race and color, despite the fact that they were able to pass the educational tests prescribed by the state constitu tion, in this case, federal operatives were sent to Investigate the charges ana. to tne surprise of all. they rave their tesUmony. Judge J. Hayes, who presided, found the elecUon official guilty of six counts, fined Mm (150 eacn on three, and on the other three placed him on probation for a period of three years.

Further more, ac cording to press dispatches, the Judge ordered the marshal to arrest Sechrest if hs failed to pay the fine: and he also cautioned him "if he or any of his friends or sympathizers auemptea to visit reprisals upon any of the colored people of his community whom they suspected of being responsible for his trial and conviction, his probation would end by a term of imprisonment in the Fed eral penitentiary in Atlanta." (11) Journal A 'Guide, November 7. 1931. warning to Registrars Issued by Greensboro Dally News In these matters of disfranchisement the Negro has been, making gains within the past several ye both as regards the matter of filtration and the powers ot the regis trars, and in connection with his participation in party Primaries. A maiier ox importance is lor our people to pay their poll taxes, keep their eyes open, investigate their political situation, club their resources, and carry cases ot illegal disfranchisement to the courts. Then.

too, they must look for subterfuges: for instance, it is reported that In one Virginia city this year no tax bill were sent out to Negroes in time for them to pay their poll taxes, and in another, persons owing for back years are being told at the city hail to pay for this last year only, which, if they follow such advice, will pre vent their voting in councllmanio and State elections six months away. Voting Age In U. S. political consciousness te the average man and woman, and It Is even a difficult task to develop politically minded leadership where it is sorely needed. The South Is as steadfast as ever la its determination to restrict the suffrage and these restrictions are not' confined to the black race but there are visible on the political horizon signs of change.

It la taking a great deal of patience, tolerance and political sagacity to bring about what every one recognizes as an approaching, modification of political sentiment and practices. These modifications have been delayed, in some instances, by Negroes themselves. In most places In the South it la still the rankest sort of racial heresy for a Negro to vote any other than a Republican, ticket. The white South is, of course, human Uakc SonQ tlczsy? BEAUTY stoysvtcc3 CULTURE Ejg Bnmchm XeTZZJSZTx aaHrv tha seats rs up. rmae Kn Uttm BMtr Prvetw.

Na Lre yUtataia slrpUAwa. eemSme a aassa te rome? spare LOW COST EAST rfdlMS AN trlOlX VOTJ LACN flU UEE COLLEGE OF BSAUT7 CWLTUTJS nxjro rse at tajkt, rrm cataxos) aXTSJI rJ.rr. WCS Srrentk A va. V. nnn no gioev TTCOCS By1 P.

BERNARD YOUNG. Jr. CINCINNATI. Dec. 10 Ap proxlmatary 1.000 members of the' Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity will gather here during the Christmas holidays to renew college "friendships, recall undergraduate experiences, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the national Greek letter organ ization, the oldest college fraternity among Negroes.

The fraternity, which has adopted the biennial plan of convening, held no nstlonal gathering last year, and Its thousands of members are antict pating the silver ubilee as a sigrd Ccant milestone In history of both the colored group and the fraternity. Meeting In the city at the same time win be the Tooule of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, with which the Alphas are planning to hold several joint publio sessions at which addresses and other anniversary es tures will be oa the interesting con vention, program. Nationally known speakers, most of them members of the fraternity, have been engaged for the occasion. Meanwhile, the national organisation and Alpha Alpha Chapter have arranged a social program more elaborate than any la the history of the body. The official convention call has already gone out from the office of the general president.

Dr. B. Andrew Rose of Dayton, and been broadcasted through the official organ ot the fraternity. The Sphinx. It calls upon all chapters to be officially represented at the anniversary celebration, which is to convene on Dec.

29 and last through Dec 31. Special rates have been granted by the railroads of the country so that the cost of transportation will be a fare and one half. These reduced rates are granted on what is known as the certificate plan and an delegates and visitors to Cincinnati are urged to secure a certificate at the time they purchase their railroad tickets. These certificates win be validated here by Joseph. H.

B. as weU as predominantly Democratic The South does not react so wen to the political strategy 'which seems to impel the Negro to vote against the best Interests, or at least against the most ardent hopes of his employer, his creditor, and many times his best friend spiritually and economically. Even to be violently east out and disowned iby the white Republican organizations in some places In the South has not cooled the ardor of most members of the race for a one party principle, regardless of the issues involved. There Is a growth of liberalism in the South which is more tolerant of the Negro as a potential voter, more tolerant of a broader axsreise of the suffrage by all the people, although it ia by no means ready for unrestricted exercise of the ballot. This increasing body of liberals In the South is responsible for the relaxa tion of resistance to Negro participation in politics that is evident la some quarters.

Ths growth. of this sentiment among the liberals will depend largely upon the trends of Ns gro voters themselves they gradually acquire, by tedious stages, freedom from disfranchisement. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY cost Uo per Dontfs. costs VSa per tnoatX eoste per month.

nooitt coat tSM per month. Loans on guns, silverware, and musical instruments at Joweet rate No' other charge. GALUNGER'S at Liberty Avenoet PittsbargK Fa. NossokofFs, Inc. Barber end Beauty Culture School Accepting all nationalities.

Phona Court 9210. Day And night class. Call at 432 Fourth. av cme, Pittsburgh. Established 80C3 Hjycrd If I EfaSs Debt A 3 I Evans, ger eral secretary of fraternity.

Registration of delegates ara visi tors is under the direction of Theodore at. Berry. 63 1 West Stn street, Cincinnati, and those who intend to be here for the con van tion have been asked to send in their names to the registration committee indicating at the same time their choice of accom modations, private or and whether they wUl be accompanied by relatives or friends. William M. Ixrrelaee Is chairman being assisted by every member of the local chap tar.

There are 'seven chapters in Ohio and each Is expect ed to be represented by its entire membership. The Scholarship Commission the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has jurt announced the names of the winners of five scholarships which It offered this year In conjunction with the activities of its educational department, which directs the nationally known Go to Hlgh SchooL Go to CoJ lege Movement. The winners are shown in, this edi tion, The awards are made without ref Members of the Schola ehip Commission are Raymond W. Cannon, chair Garner. St.

Louis; Hurlburt T. Riley, Indianapolis. Emory B. Smith, Howard University, 'Washington. D.

and Arthur J. Clement, N. GROWER WHALEN TALKS TO RELIEF WORKERS NEW YORK. Dec 13 CANP Wednesday night 134 members of tla Emergency Relief Committee dined at the Little Gray Shop, No. 3, in W.

145th street, and heard an af Wes by Grover Wcalen, former lice commissioner of the city of New York, who urged greater co operation in the work in Harlem, where er need of the people demaadd greater work on the part of the co remittee. Those who dined at the woraers. If there were moths Adam anV Eve's day. they certainly sufferrc with depression. 4eP se ss sssew AAM Alleys I Under New Management We have Six A.

B. Brunswick Alleys in perfect condition Open to Everyone We are here to giverecreatkxa to everyone. For Reservations Phone GR, 85S0 1824 26 CENTmAVEIOJE HOMES An unusual opportunity Atlantis Cry. N. we "have eorne real bargains for botns seekers.

Monthly payments only Beautiful cottages built for as little aa SSSOi Ptsj erbere they boild. Write at once fo ocr Uap and our plana fa homes, and make your while they last. kCap and Plans FREE. HllRMAN L. hAMTLTOX Owner HAMH BUILJ3XXCI WXrO ft ARBOR CITY, ft.

START A HOME tZJDQ down, JL0Q weakly, buy a choice lot lost off new Lin coin Highway at Crestas. steel mill and factory; plenty work; for mm and womes. Write P. Cuds, 1403 Union Bank CuUdlsjr, Pittsburgh. Fa.

Fell to is a aeienttr vejetst ccdtxmkJ hair root ana Also CJ, together j. several other positive barb. That fore making the SMt power; harmless fiair Grower known, ally forcing hair to gnw ia taomx. etiaata rs sea, Unexcelled for sr ruff. Itching, Sore Scalp and Hatr.

Wm grow mustache and brows Uke znagis, Ih must no. pvt where hair not wantoi. Airs. Loffetta write "XTitf tax used every knswa awdvn hmlr aiow as toe yeais wiui co suits, I triad Uatr Rout Hair and cectmned teilfcfor i tnonths; now my hair is was inches wba XLxrt evary wku en athr taSfcfiiasaacci Lxr lioct bes. iiojmrr iTxitrc; r.

Uatr SUf" lt? flrower. lair Emt lar eftd VLze iiosso Eaas' i tit rtrei'e rens, Eii.uver t.aaiy a iiu 4JLGIC t.afr dretsln 'or a'r without TT aa, .19, JL royal Beat 44, Oirr Here Xtrk, IZ. T..

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