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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 1

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Loss Includes 200,000 Pounds of Old 150,000 Pounds of Paper and More Than 150,000 Pounds of Old Rags. Spontaneous ly believed to bave been responsible for a fire at o'clock last night which completely destroyed the barn and storase house of the Karshmer Iron and Metal company. 60S ll North Jefferaon street. The blaze was drat discovered about 1:80 o'clock by passershy. who noticed moke Issuing from the roof of the feed barn.

A general alarm wua aent Into headquarters, and within a few nlnute ail" of the apparatus from the Central re station and No. 3 on the scene to combat the parties. The steam engine from inral station whi pressed Into service; With tin mill sheet Iron. luss on this wi'l not be much, but the con will be a loss of several thousand tnousauO cioiii r. not covera oy any 'Insurance.

V1aiiitn Karshmen, prerfl BRAZIL REVOKES HER NEUTRALITY Government Announces It Can No Longer Remain Indifferent to Attitude of 0. S. By Asseclstsd Press. Kio, Si. Brazil has re voktd her decree oi nutiallty in the war between the entente allies and Uetmanyi The HraTlllthn government by act offl (oiifci'css late in Muy autlinrized vomiioti of Hrsstl's neiiiraliiy in the war txtaeen irniany and the I'ni'ed 8tate.

In notifying the Hraillian legations nf the' S' lion of the revocation. Pe ranha, the foreign minister in a note safd braxil up to that time hud refrained from CARS ON AWL LINES The Sp'rtngfleld Traction com isny Is now operating cars over all of tho lines of tha city. The resuming of op Both the county and city boards pt exemption met yesterday, organ lied and made a formal report of the meet ings to Washington. Tha members of each board also accepted the appointments and took a new oath. Every thing I In readiness for the work of electing men for the army to proceed.

Orders also were received yesterday for each board to renumber all cards. tacular novelties had been manufac tured In the huge refrigerating plant ot the company. A number of apeakera were Intro, duced during the evening's program. (lent of the Karshmer Iron and Metal I The list of those who made short ad company. oiu in it night that an in dresses Included representatives from ventorv of the goods stored in tne various other organizations of the city tiuildlng lin.l been taken only the ila W.

Coolbaugh. of Oie Jobbers' ano before, an ditieulded In the loss is 2', i Manufacturers' association: O. 000 piiiinilH of ord magazine, mu.unu Sebree of the Oreene County Bar as tfmunds nf paper and ISo.Otiu poiinils of ambition F. M. McDavtd of the rags.

On rn'inunt of the war and high Springfield Hub: A. J. Elaenmayer price paper, tne om rags una, si Tap and 1 errv T. Allen of the Youna Men's paper waa valued at many thousand Business club were among those who dollar. spoke.

I'i HWi IIHPIIBf si mi nrtrui of the firemen ho fought to keep the flames fro il Spreading were almost i overcome twun smoKe unci me neai. narah Kannlngburgh. A solo was ren createci nurning rags ana imiru paper. Firemen Wort 6 Hours. At 1:15 o'clocgk this myrtiing firemen were still throwing water on th.

debris, and' Klre Chief William Price slated lhat it' would be sometime before the blare under the plU would be totally extinguished. The total loss, on the structure and contents could not be estimated, but Mr. Karshmer told a Republican reporter that as soon aa the ruins were cleared away a structure would be erected. club, acted as tnnstmaater. A reclta tlon was delivered by nlne ycsr old dered by Miss Elizabeth Jenkins.

musical progrsra.waa rendered by tne Hoover band Msrsoemsn raised The speakers lauded. JP. R. Patton and ('. Li.

Ibinger, who are associated In the creamery both for their hos plfallty and their untiring efforts tn civic matters and the advertisement of Springfield. The members of other organizations who spoke referred to the achievements of the Ypung Men's Business club during the past year and congratulated the membership on its achievements. I'uring the evening punch and but tirmilk were eeryed to the guests by young women who are employed by the creamery, company. At the con elusion of the addresses lea, cream cigars were passed. PERSHING SILEN I ON TROOPS LAND NG American Expeditionary Force Not to Be Thrown In Trenches For Some Time.

By Associated Press. WASHINGTON. June Complete reports from Major tleneral Pershing upon tha landing nf his first expedition taking sides In the Burnprsii conflict, but i In PTance aim were iscaing tonignt thst the republic 'could nut remain In and the war department remained si different from moment the I 'tilted 1 lent The delay may ba accounted for Stales found Iti elf invnliedp a strusale i by tha report that until today Oen for Ihe rights of the people and when era I'ershing did not personally visit Oermnnv meted out In.ilm rimlnetely to th Amerlin encampment. Vruri the most hrutal eatmeni. thr navy dapartment reports ara srsirr ril nre TO nAlPr irinu ma ounm.iniri in inc TAKE PLEDGE TO RAISE convoy that accomplished without a BIIMDCD PDfID CfID 101 marring accident, so far as known, ona UlYlrtn UriUr run ISIO of the greatest tasks aver assigned a 1 naval "force.

By Assoolatsd Press. I There was much discussion today lH'TCJilNSON. is June 21. as to when American forces will Ruso'iiitiieas pledging the support ot take over a part of the great battle the grain man ot the state to the. line in France.

Whatever plans have movement fur a "2Uu.oiiii.ouO bushel been made In this regard are closely wheat crop for 1918'' in Kansa were guarded. No official of any branch of reported tonight by the Kansas Drain the government would admit having Tiealors association in convention I any knowledxe on tha subject, here C. C. Isely Cimarron said In a general way, however. It la fl.

000,000 waa needed, at ones' to aid known that a consiaerabla period must western Kansas farmers get seed elapse before they can ba thrown for sjtheat. ward Into tha trenches Vast prob "Weetern Kansas' Is not asking fotjlenis ot strategic campaigns, of polltl chsrity." he said. "All we "want Is co cal effect have been sought and ot sup. operation. Unless something Is dons, ply and supply lines he worked and done right soon, tens of thousatyla 'out.

Toe men. fresh from the tropics aires of Kansas wheat land in the, or from the Mexican border, must ba western Part of tite state will lie tdls I carefully acclimated to prevent sick this till Instead of growing the wheat nes Admittedly, the main purpose of the nation and world needs so nadiy." sending tne force in the oner period that was aiiowa to make reuoy and get til till across was political. It Is under stood to he the sentiment rather than practical arguments advanced by members of tha Krereb and British cations on the Atlantic street line', (jimm lesions wnicn innuencea tna completed the list of lines over Whii Xyashlngtiin'government in dispatching iliey ara runulug ears iijcnecdi in mui sin ins uii Past Four Will Long Be Reme A as Most Remark abi, County's History. THREE MURDERS; 2 SUICIDES Inquest Over Baby Lloyd Keet Among Those Requiring Investigation By Coroner. Th month of which has but one day to has been one of the mos Important In the history of the csronerf office of Greene county as several cases which will I long re memherel occurred during the psst 29 days.

The busy season for the coroners office was formally started on Mav SO when K. Hrickey, a negro, murdered Ed McClure another black. The real cense for the murder has never Klmer A. Btockdsle, attai he. of the I entrsl fire stiulon.

was seriously in 1 K0lsnn Jurea St 'o. loiK veiet'isv exeiiinii whrn mitivrl'yrle op ahh he wss rid ins was strin by a hehorl fruit trurk driven hv Joseph linfTln. Stockdsle had left tne (ntrsl fire station for Inn home but few minutes and as ridlun. mi (Irani at i ret. The Relori fruit truck wss running south snd hefore Mo' kdsle coiil.l turn aside trrr truck struck him.

He was hurled a distance of neural fret to a ditch, the machine landing on top of him. rttockdale was plated In the truck snd tii ken to his home, list Chicago avenue, where be was attended hv Or. Kvans. His injuries rnnglMed of several brulies on the. left side of the bodv.

He will be itnnhle to return lo work for days. DANISH STEAMER IS SUNK OUTSIDE PROHIBITED ZONE By Assoelstsd XPK.vl.AiE;.N. June sinking by a German, submarine outside the prohibited sons nd without examination of the 45 ton Ianlsh rt earner lvlgtut was reported her coinmand ar on his arrlvsl here today. Tha capuitn says ship wss keeping clear of the sone when, without the sllshtest warning, a torpedo wasmred. but did not damage to the ship, passing under her.

The submarine then emerged and sent the Ivtstut to the bottom by artillery' fire. The submarine 'commander left the mulsh, vessel's crew In their bosts 15D miles from land The sinking was carried out without an Inquiry as to the barae of the vessatf ant 1 VOLUME XXVI NO. 154 SOUTHWEST MISSOURI'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, FRIDAY MORNIN.G,.JUNE 29, 1917. FUJLL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF ASSOCIATED PREE9 TRICE TWO CENTS RE DESTROYS CIS WAREHOUSE 2 HORSES BURN Frame Structure of. Karshmer Iron and Metal Company Razed Blaze Believed to Have Started From Spontaneous Combustion.

NEW BUILDING WILL BE ERECTED IN NEAR FUTURE City and County Boards of Exemption Convene starting at 1 and running up. The copy which will toe pent to the provost general must bear the ssme number as the original card which will be CREAMERY GUESTS Several Thousand Business Men and Their Families Enjoy Social Eentertainment. MARKED OPENING OF PARK Beautiful. Garden provided By Company Is Dedicated Speakers High In Praise. Several thousand persons.

Including the membership of the Young Men's business club and their families, were entertained yesterday evening by the Springfield Creamery company at the annuul social evening of the club. The entertainment of the club and their guests signaled the' opening of Hanquet Park by the creamery com um I pany. The garden, superb In Its It was feared for a time on account of inuf gardening ana peauuiui in lhn Imilil 'scenic arrangement, is an Innovation In that the lire might aureay to near Spring Held. It was rdnned by the company as a place for the entrrtaln Aa soon as the firemen arrived an at ment11of Parties visiting the creamery tempt was made to save horses con nl "Inner parties during the summer. ft nod within the Iwrn, as their' fries Munoreos or electric lignt tuin nirt th.

r.f their fate. A. volun i were arranged over the garden con leer among the crowd rushed to. the talnlng dozens of beds. A.

faminic burn nn.l opened the door. One I speaker's stand had been erected' at Tef Wir horses pulled outside, but i one end of the garden and was almost the remaining two were burned to 1 hidden beneath a mass or floral deoo rf mh n.tions. Huge blocks of Ice in which The building In Which the rags were flowers had been frozen stood In a row atored wan a frame structure covered In front of the platform. The spec kept by the boards. Because of this plan, it Is thought by some of the hoard members that the selection of men to be drsfted may be made by nubthera In Washington.

In this event the numbers would be sent back here and the men chosen that way Instead of by name. The local boards will pass on all exemption claims and the physicians, will make the physical examination. Judge John P. Farrington la chairman of the city exemption board and Sheriff Will Webb heads the county board. Y.

1VI. B. C. MEMBERS, JUNE, MONTH OF VIOLENT rtTHS FISH PUS OR OF RED CROSS Final Arrangements For Drive to Net $36,000 For War Fund Will Be Discussed at Committee Meeting Tonight. TO MAKE ASSIGNMENTS OF CONTRIBUTORS EXPECTED Personal Canvass of Various Business Houses in Springfield Proposed by' Those Behind Movement Begin July .5.

Final plans for the IJS.noo rte.1 war fund campaign In Springfield will be arranged tonight at a held In the. cmlly room of the Toung "Men's Business club. This meeting will be attended by the members of the executU committee and the various sub commltteca which will have charge of the soliciting. It Is expected that the lists of iffr sons who will oe asked to give in bo complete by the time of the nu i't ing tonight, and final ainiitnent for the work of the various men will be made. The plan adopted by the executive committee Is to carry on canvass hy means of the various lines of business represented In Sprliiflcld.

Vonimlt tees Will be appointed with this end In view and will know definitely nhom they are to see before they Iipkiii their work. This. It Is expected, will prevent any duplication "of effort and will been determined and Brckey. who left maKe certain that every man IS iiven town Immediately, has never been caught. That same about 7: JO clock Roy Todd, a cook, ls'ehnrged with murdering his common law wife wlfi a razor and then attempted to end his own life with the same Instrument.

Todd has recovered from, his self inflicted Injuries and confined In the Oreene county jsil. On June 10. a Jury was summoned by rproser Ely Pax son to Inquire Into the crcumetanres regnrdlng a death which will probably remembered throughout the country as one of tho nuilt brutal murders In tha nlstory of crime. Tha case waa Important, too. as the Jury was Instructed to find out.

possible by what means bahy Lloyd Keet came to hlsi death. While nothing definite was established, the testimony of physicians pointed to the fact that the child was smothered to teathe On June 1. Oordon Forrester was drowned In the lake at Phelps Orove park while swimming. The tended to show that he was attacked with the cramps causing him to drown. The case was Investigated Assistant Proseeutlng Attorney Wsrren White to determine if he had been pushed Into the water 'by other boys, but as yet no evidence has been secured to show that he was.

The dead body of Leroy Parton, recluse, was found nt the end of the Qlenarm street road on June H. nnd on ac eirrtM. of the fact that he was to have been an Important witness In a case the following week, an Inmiest wa's held. The Jury returned a'ver diet saying that heart failure was responsible for the death. Despondenry over growing Illness' caused Yancey, an aged negro, to end his life on June 19.

by placlnu a shot gun against his hren nn.l pushing the trigger with a stick. The Jucy decided that the death was ed by his own hand with suit Hal jn tent. Coroner Paxmn viewed the bodv of Tr. WV Pursselley on Julie 21 a the death was sudden. No tmiurst wa deemed necessary.

The dead body of Oeorge P. Rouse, a baker, was found In his roonis on t'onvention aenue. It tsas related ti Coroner I'axson howe he was a sufferer wltli heart dleae anil no In iptest was belli. Vednes1av afternoon of this week at o'clock Miss Mitry Sumec. aged 20 years, became despondent over A love affair and ended her life al the home of her uncle by drlnkinir i quantity of coroslve sublimate.

Inquest was deemed necessary. FIREMAN HURT WHILE RIDING ON MOTORCYCLE an opportunity to give According to the members of the executive committee two been raised in their their forthcoming fanipalpn. One Is that Sprlngflld hks Just omplotcd. a Hed Cross membership ciimjNiign: another Is that the amount originally asked for by the American Hed Cross has been subscribed. In view of these facts many have asked.

"AVhy Is iipringfleld undertaking another cam pajgn ai ma present lime Kxecutlva committee members explain this by saying thai' the 'membership campaign, while it obtained many members for Hpringflold chapter, did not raise anylhlgn. like lie sum of money which Springfield had been requested to give. The second point la answered by the statement that even tinmen the sum asked for haa been 'subscribed it wax not subscribed through, the efforts of Hprlngfleld, and that Springfield cannot afford, to nay to tile other citlCM of the nation trmt they have me their "Only by raising the tSHtino assigned to Springfield can. Springfield shoulder her full share of the burden! "if Springfield is. content to fst U.

S. AVIATOR, REPORTED FT. RILEY YOUTHS DEAD, ESGAPES; WOUNDED' By' Atsoeisted Press, IWKIH, June ''i t'oiporl James Nurmiin Mall. American aviator and 1 meuiiier of the lifa.ietle fl iitn. run.

who has been reported kilh in lan em ounter with tierinan aitplanes. i lout fortunately esraped death. Tliouuti i he is badly wound. .1 tin in aie hope of his recoveri. i Hall was Myiiig over the Ci'rniiin lilies when attacked hy a lii itnan In plane.

After a but i iti inintcl, mcii ii other Herman machines runic. In the assistance of the Herman biplane, and in this "unequal fight Hall wilt, shot through the lung. H.e niaitavrd. with great' murage and 'coolnefc to hi it his machine down within Ihe' 'retn. lines.

He fainted ut hefore but had strength en'ouah and pre eiu a of mind lo cut the and ease Ihe landing so tliat the ma. hint WU imt tleFlruved. Hall as picked up and taken to the hospital, hi re he now Is un der treatment. In ipld.n "it to the Wound In the Jung lie nn'iied a bullet cut across the forehead, whu in of an Insignificant luiture. The doctors ae hopeful of bis recovery.

and tin itiltt tary authorities are deeply tnn mtril. us Hall 'lH considered one of the most Uarmg members of the Lafayette squadron. He is a 'h of A. W. Hall of Colfax, la.

NAME ADMINISTRATOR O. It. SinfW was appointed administrator of ihe entail, of i i Hlcketts by I'ridiite T. H.iiiil 'anI .1 tt llllll. 1th estate in vnlned it II 'jiU WEATHER Missouri: r'air llda imhah he.

eotultig unsettled at day mil. lliange lu tetulwrati re GIVEN HARD WORK Springfield Boys at Officers' Camp Are Rapidly Learning to "Toe the Mark." TRAILS BOOSTERS TIME LENIENCY 'PAST; 10,000 ATTENDING SESSIONS Rejectione Respiting From Examinations Amount to About 8 Men to Each Company. A number of sftrlnstleld boys the oftloers' training rami trv are learning wiiat it inrrfni to 'tee the mark." ltules mr.i.lij;iU lti r. more strlimout and the dr.U 1 d.ill.v growing lonirer and Iwirdt r. The youni men are finding out whiil lt means ti be an otliier of the regular army and some of the revelations ate not too pleasant.

Colonel Tvree ft. Hlvers. rommand am or tne school, has hern leniqiu iii the students up tv the presi fit in ir i fnr derthat they might have Ime Jn hor.l 1 li e' meeting tof en to the vas of army life. Tlw are now in line physical trim, hroni i i.y th. k'nni.

inn it tA uinil mill the Speakers Emphasize Importance of Trail as Military Highway to Mexican Border. A fund of to be Riven to' the nn si.intv nn t'tr til rm. icsiilt of an ii.ldrr; nv I' isht fiMit, former prr lnt of the ours Vim's llii.n. i hili. Mu aking i'i.

session of n'linial eonvenll.m of the iz. Tiail nsH Tiiition at Atuat sliirday. Mr. I foiit as among a numhcr'of l'i IrirMeM mi ii whu nn' m' If endsm lit i nit itt. In itiukiiist th ifHki)iiki mii rttidif.s of onn lit ut 1 it nin1 thp tf Anmriltt L.Khfot i r.

tt ii ring iat i ui tsm screws are gradually bein tmiitenrd been "fitting' the even st S.rlnK. of the an, I itolng Junction Ity. while oth ri 1,.,,. Ulr ei have found It hard to, ko to Led Hi ins Ni i t. In the runf at fiipa.

An Inspection sn ry iiisht i.usiu. i. ii mtap'ze tbe lied cr has plt a Htop 'to this. cri of eft rlent hi tore tll. 11 Ino Ilieil CUlinoi irain 1" I a i.n.i lit mine ninnwiii om thc rule, and regulation of the ainiv.i tle li'H out men men 1 thev ertnlnlv run not 'im onalltleil to linmeihatelv following his teach others to do it, olonel Hi vers explained.

"It la eometiniiw very hard for the students to accustom thejii selves to eurly retiring mid early rising', and to learn to execute orders without arguing or asking why. Hut Itirnlv Mien ho h.i.l heen the front if the ttulniMiau Keven of ihe have lieen I ati it in the iittge nnn XMinlui'il liliVRirallv smee tile i Xallli I'l nations started a week alio. he re points hav Jry nar oi 1)11n lf I lu nil i'iltliiii. om i o.i been discharged. After the examining Physician reiect a man hn goei he I BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB GIVES $600 upon what other cities hae dite It can 'intended by only mean that she will earn Hie name I or a siaeaer eny.

aim we snow no iinej JtitM 'Snrtni tleld lo r.i lde.1 in any mui Ii A Picnic at Phelps.Crpve, member of the Business Wo men club ofrthn city held a picnic dinner purty yesterday, evening at the. Phelps, drove park. The dinner was sixlyiflve ini tnliils ami Mi lnt yre was the gucKt fashion throughout the lines" of the club. The honor win rdeil i Mrlnfyre for the aide nsnistance had rendered tin club during the i 111 1 ilign condiif li by Ihe women in lit eflol't. to tame Siata whlcll thev had V'edred til the fund hi llti! su ls I led li the Yoiun: Min'i t'hrl asnoil 1 flon for the eri'cttoti and iil.iinti naiti of near ainpa of t' lilted Slates soldli rs It W.I by Miss lli'mir Knox li' i' irv of the i lull mid i hiili mail nf the committee ral iiii! Iliei ind thai the plr due had been nl im sllhsrrliled m.jl'e Mi.

in $llin' Id Ihe subscribed bv llfoniliers of the ol Kanizatlon. ITT. has been Col l. eted. The wiiieii had exerted ery crinrt to make a success of the work.

The dinner last evening which I to he Die tli vt of a. series wan served by meiiiliei nf the Hop.well i.oclelv. BRITISH STEAMER ADDAH IS TORPEDOED BY BOAT By Associated Press. l.oN'lMiN The Kldor fienipBter sti aitier A l.l ih was tone I ithout v. nrnlhu and sunk bv a flerman suiimsrlne up June Ifi; The milimnrliir tired on the captain's boat, killing The Ad I.ih vessel of 4'S7 tons built in lilnr.

at Newcastle She was fi long. I fet I'cim and :0 feet deep i Tin fired mi the miir'n boal from distance of Jrtn and 400. 'yards. Tin i bois took th" taint's jsiern romplelelv off Then the sub marine firing white Ibn 'men wer. i.

lnimi i about It fli ed ills'! on "Ihe i hft officer's i bout hich is pierced bv a shell, but noboitv in illed. aliboiiKti were blv tvouniled Ml the M'irvivors yere picked nn bv fl rieiu ti nmee'. at o'l lock On the iifH inoon 1 n.e i i' RIOTING IN HUNGARY CHAMPURKEYAYER3 MArtJJIOT.El.U Mo 1. W. Handolph.

residing near this cny, claims to have h' champion turkey egg Iim i II. has six hen that have lot I on sn average t.f t'ti't at two laying, the usual avei'age he ug from 11 to la for one laylrr He also Ims one turkey hen that Is doing double duty, set 4'. ting and lay Inn at the same' Br Assorlsted Press l.nVI'i'S', 2 liiidapest dfs grel? tti7ini'. demand for unlversill. eiiual secrft Tw ct.l five troiu m.l p'ers ois tnarehed in.

pi csV on 'f'r I'li ii ti prlri1iil sre. Ts Tpeei is s.Ntne and iv; wi i i f.r..i ti the polite hi I "'iiie dl'll ,11 'l the crowd TEST DAIRY CATTLE 1 It It. I ilenu'y ite vet et ii.iir'an this tul.e: ajosls test of 11 'da 1 ry from rJorlngfleld draw It suiii'ii. rceorO'iijr to an arin en 1 lllllli ii ilil Tic Is fo Ilk 1 niajy Sx riiijilHlJ tuiicauiei' h. lai iimiiletid iI fore Hnother hoard, and If the physlt al a nuini ilefei is are minor and if ihe Mii deni's eiuhl Jrtis heen a no.

id 'one and he is 111 Ijlle fnr a i oliuui i iloll. Ill" defects are waived and tie. to remain in p. The i hn i auses for reiertliin so" far have la cii hiid eyes and students' under weight. AM of them are in good phyMi iil trim, dim In their hard uu'door work ami regular living of the lant six weeks.

part hence Springfleld doesn't need' to do anything. i "We are iiartiriilarlv anxious." I member of the committee xaid, iiiiu i Organization Oversubscribes To Springfield shall t.ear her iwrt of the.l m. A Hutu I.iii nt n. Hip fniwl rllflO TOT IVI. nuis which the Red t'rona should peed, and We feel that would be eunuch) clvlr pride in Springfield to lead the residents to determine to do their full Jmrt.

1 Ihe nine the adotloli' of lain noil" a liiil oi'the ofxlrtallv imt' t'atk Tt hI i nMiined tlM at W. II unMrtatl.n. sit a pat 1 1 te. nlli a mile tour nl the In. the snenkets iteilared that nn ie Ill ol lirln on the i 17 irk lr.itl 1 had l.ei n.the ain nl itiurli mi I i ill rotnlM h'it.

litis In vnrloim Ni ti.nM nl the ou I ia ei.l iMh. epi nk. i rf laid rMtti nn on the Inwni Mn. of the I 1 1 ll fl i a part of a military hiKha to the Mvxt. an iMir.l.

By Atsoeisted Press. MASK OK TDK AMK.IHCAS I TIM. A IN rtlMTISII June in. The ci if. a toriii doed nn cbantiilan litis turned cut f.i the naval authorities here a sketch of a new type of Herman suluniii Int.

equipped With a wlte cutting device de signed lo reli aec It fiotil lietM. The sketch shows several strain! of hlout sleel haw sets stri'lched from the how tht'ourh the i 'orinltin. tower to the ulern Altai bed to Ihl. ie Is a mi i le of liioivy lltclliar knives, a find. Iti d'umetcr and laced iiliout a laid a I art.

The caiilaiti made the drawing while It a ..111 ill boat after bis shin l.ccti lie l.e. lj rh. I Villi t'. l.eiiiii'd In two i.tlicr i i but' nl i lt li'i of thi ea had lie tlii 'l iitiyil.iiie. new in ihe ipe of ihe announced 'yesterday evenlncr dlvliig I.

oats. The theory or the captain Is ttist hunt si eiill'ped would bring a'''le to cut lt wav throurh nnv stei nets in which II title lit onto, eliinetii .1 ARRESTS MADE SO FAR THIS" MONTH TOTAL 200 I'p to midnight las' nlghl the poli. record for the month of i'd hy Sergeant. It l. Hennett.

fil med thttt ll totiil" t( ai trsts ha.l li mad. ihe mouth, wKh but one day ion i tii'iK Thio' is below a riHKe number for month, and another unusual nliow lni; Is the fad that but elKldl four arrests ef in.i le of thalgci with haling paitakiu too freely of vaitous kinds of linino. tithei' airests fur the month follow Fh'l'lt 1 Mi: (T.ll'F, .1 ur If The 13. Iw leirnir I. I'liniinon 3.

I'fn In i.y. IH PURCHASES CHALMERS CAR. Aiith.irr Hotitle. iineit for. (in "tliet cut' Is exi'i'l ted'ri' I itu Kansas I'I'y 11 four new tifern i i oadHtera purcliai eri.

t.v AuLrov I'llmHii. Max and Joe Rountree. TELEGRAPHERS FOR ARMY Si 'steal, J. ll. I.

li if the 1... al artnv rei I a vest l'i Hie wa ilr.inrtnii i'i itiu ll" i ti tep glapln'rs foi.tlo nal i i'i IN8TsLL. TELEPHONES. Telephiuii were pit In the treasurer's anil assessor's offices yes nt letuuv anu pitkoiiw i i ii with boih officials may ri acli tiii I'. trti.

i m.i ii 1 1 a r. i LEWS EXPECTED ASSIST RED CROSS JO CAPITULATE M. D. Llghtfoot, In Opening Am arillo Convention, Succeeds In Raising $1,100. MS RY Canadians Striking on Two Mile front Capture First Line Positions and Before Avion and Also Leauvette Village.

1 A.Mri slutl Mid at oi lotti Ihrotiiih lite thtohx of peopl. nn.l inlleilud the fund ll.lll. The 11. I'M wld be fiifMalded to he fro.H Vi. fl IV tti a ilohatloii from Ihe Irttile iiHoi lutton they must to do it if they 1 1, romention at Atnarlllo Is 'the lure to make good ollh ers.

Then they Hill e. ever luld hv Hie impool.Hlon B. be altle to renpecl the other men whonV imk to fh tiianhn reinn ih i en e.l i 'Ihe thev will have to train and K. pui.lh nti At the oiwiniia eesio their lerd. iy tnote than hp itrtualiv CRACK RUSSIAN GUARD AND FIFTH GRENADIERS DEFEATED Allied Line Now Within One Mtlo of Center of City Germans Carrying Out Heavy Borm bardments on French FroTiTr" The, Canadian.

In v. triken nv nl ha.ek' al Ihe Ini. tir MM.t. lis, fh vt'ler IVi; M'l oi l'n de.t alnN. and h.ic he.

i ii.ii e. i a fnTlhi iri.roit.'hui. id lh ohlei tlw Mtilur.ii on i to nille front unith tlie I rt 'o 's. mim 1. Mato' ard Hi 1 1 te.l l.i effe.

liwi tun. 4 Mtorno ltlrr.i lii nrin r. l.i re Aiiot) and liinf of I ui i lt. J'h.'.t Ihi it tn 'ii of li i ta.

IV Klitn UII I and lio' i'tllll lar.U lli. i i' rt nil III. .1 an.i. il i li ol 1 1ll 1 1 nil. i litannl' ll'i loal mil II.

en Whui the halt ill lii um Hi. eeii li I il in. I th. i in i Uolk i ti t'u ir Inn liu 1 'ot th nl' it' n.le.l ii lllrn i n. lll' i II e.ill ol II 1 (i iniiv i ll an ll.lll ti i nt i aunt.

1 i Mi Ihe li of Ihr fl Ihere haii' l.i it li ni' nvn he I i i in and tto lti th. I 1 1 I 1 1 1 ii i i mi. a. (1 I II li I 'iii" ii no uhtir pi vii itNiiif the tiw in it In rt it thi i. i tre'iu'lir.

'I I I I liitlH. llt If I llllRIO. I 1 1 In mid. It. olnti.

ft kl i.O'i led Kren. ted fl'. I In Ml. H'lffcf t'm lli 'U I hr ii I Ni I tt'U I'll hflnt i In lu thf I I It 1 1 lit I Hit if I it iiA 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 on niiti ntil n'i'1; 1u If i i lit faiur lit' i t1itMl.t 1 1 WIRE CUTTERS NOW SUFFRAGISTS WILL FOR GERMAN SUBS CONTINUE PROTEST Captain of Torpedoed Merchant man Tells Americans of New Device. to Escape Nets.

Demonstration's Before Whito House "Will Proceed Despite Arrest of 25 Women. By Associated Prss. in. Woniad suffrsgiii.H plan to continue Jho doiu hefore the White II. nl pla.

Pt W'll iijiv illt. splfe the of tttenlv fUe wo'inu and the llllin OT Klx In the lant 'week. Miss AlUe I bead of the women's party, initioim I today that the ca'ii palan' would l.i titlnui "and that liundiedi i'i women lia.i i oliiii.ii i l.i eonle to V.i l.i help. The police to thi di ti'i niin ii i.iii fo at w. ini ti nl leiui't in to ill 1 'ilhl'MTi.

heatltiK priliti'd iipl'ieal i lo president on clialge. of .1 I I let I InJ tin: ijld 1. 1 'it diiildciiv police olll. i 'hi i arret' t.f I In re nitti.t It 11 I'aldi i id iil 'iVn li.l.l, I and 1 li iii ant of N. wle.

i.i.i liter a hall white I'i. i. I. nl i' oi iva i i ik t.i display i i tt rage inner" l.i'"i 'he w.nn. i.

i'i i aud no rll. iisi W.t.1 pi ''d ag J'ictii The ii II ll li'i in ll' I'i .1 it ji ili ll iv ll i it on. l'i. he I un i l. II' I'll ll.

IOW llll a 1' 1 1 I Ihe woman's p.ntv I half block from the VI I Mltsldt I ll' I I'll'" )l, I I it lee ilte miii I I OS I i 1. men will Wllill om i Hi" I'ollce otli i.i lx d' I i In iiite tini; iioni. iiittt i i glstH i nlp'll 'o a.iln' violence of 'hjuule at It acted l.i Ihe pl 'ipiis inda 'ti 1 1 Vl i'le' he. I'oiue llliol.ili.l. llt ie No date of the mi women whom;"" ate peridihg lia heen set THREE MEN ARRESTED AS GERMAN SYMPATHIZERS 'ault.

ti. Ihderent c. ir t. 1. IR: mooching 1 vagi.

tin .1. afiravs. Bs Associated Press. 11; roiifetiipt of. t.

1. diiordi ilv iHitid lit S. sljoolitiK liio cr.rt kcis, ridmif Ho l.liti'Js. I. intei rititf ni'li ottlcer V.

"ti w.nrants i Vlol ltliill 'of Sal lie ol liniillce. n. latioil of It fidin line 14. vIolaMi 'of pure fo.o. ordinance.

vhilation of 'stink' law, teckJess Vi. murder 1. fel.itiioiis assault hur .1 furg. i cm na aie, i utioi on .,1 A an i Kt i 1 1 1'in'n to pfi fe. h'.

ijin e.l'hele i r.t I. III. evai! It ta it I it tl nn .1 I'I I I day I'll ri. thl' Ihe' pto to .1. tun lit of 1 ii an 'i i i.f i.e.

itM 1 I 1 1 I', i 'll llf. i i. I i and I 'mil II ir a 'Aji'l IJ.iX 1 lllio'ot i. ha.l i ho bu e' i il't ft law i tn I' I. fjeijli i luit Han t.

a "hi'. iftii re r'i' it an. In i. Ity manv di. Amio.i an, cvoks I a ed yil'l.

ti. H.lllsi Tr ad ed o. lhat' be Ss an ri. i but ha 'taken out I': it ti papers t'oVi'l. iei i.ii.I..

i'iy a rotin ir. ci.i' i hy ofTIi ers lo liava nl ri'y ih i L.ta' on that if lieWas fnli! w.nil.l "piosort et m.i in 1 In at'inv 1 I'fil' N'TV fiil Anjiirnxa Tin' i oimfv i oiii i eoinpletiicl tha i'reailiiu' vf Ho leeot il for this llunller i vesierdav jiilluuiiied until tba i July tn. rourt tvts heen' tn scuslosl i tvry day this so far..

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