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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 2

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY LEADER, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1923. Plrat atudylng the law, practicing aucoeeefully her aa a member in. rriaco legal department moving to New York City, becoming a member of th bar there and within th short space of a year working up a respectable clientele, then foreaklng th legal profaaalon to become a etudent at th. General Theological Seminary In New York atat and upon graduation starting a church In the heart of Amerlca'a largeat city Is th record of achievement written so far during the life of Rev. ftalph J.

Walker, now rec. tor of fit. Hlmeon'e church. Hev. Walker, who with his wife and son.

motored from their home In the east to apend a few weeka here with hla brother, Hubert Walker of Hie Nathan vwiiim.ji, iei( V'Pclngfleld 21 years ago to engag yraoilce or law In New Vnrl Iteverend Walker a th. Judge Italph Walker, former mayor or Hprlngfleld. and waa for eoma time In thrTegal department of the Frlaco railroad. He practiced law. here until he moved to the east.

Tiring of the law. he derided to seminary to take up study fir the ministry. Poon cumuletlun of his course In HM, the new mln later became the curator of old Rt, Peter's In New York City. Short time Ister he took, up his labors In the Iloroiigh of the Bronx, which s' thut time contained about Inhabitants. Fea.ded Small Ml.aloe.

Probably few churches have aa tw'vullar a setting for their birthplace as did the church thut Reverend Walker founded there In the center of a rapidly growing city early In 100. At first St. Simeon's wss but a small mission and numbered but a few famillea In Ita par Isli, while now It has grown to embrace more than 700 famillea with YOUNG PEOPLE ARE ATTENDING REVIVAL The Uostrom revival ramnalan In the big tent, located In Lafayette park, on th corner of Bnonvllle and Atlantic streets, la drawing strong on th young people. Many young folk gather each night to bear th wvangeiist.and ar show. the nam pa I la a rhildrn' meetina In the lent Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'cioek.

rondurted or Mr. and Mr. Morrison of the evanirHtattr party who previoimly have been ar tlety enaaared In Hundny achool work In the nouth Mr. Morrlnon. who ia Rev.

Roa lrfm's secretary In his evanfcelturir campaigns, was horn In the north of Hcotland, going to Inndon. Kngland. where he finished his educMtlon. coming to New York, where he met his wife whose ancestor came from Hcotland'ln a ssll boat hefnre Mtf am nhlps navfffated the Atlantic Morrison had very bright profperin In 1 he commercial world, but has se vr all tm sin ess connect Ions In order to devnle his entire time In nooi, akot nr.n intkrkmt. Interest i.

growing earh day In the dally varntfon Mibl i hool that is belna fnndurod under the ans 7 16 m. Irvtr loeei IriK ndfutbi l.a ()' al fbe t.blirvt.' fir work til i i in rharell hrl r. liRlwuy oi.ti luht iu.ty i tl ''lt' mt in sii'l in to Ilrne I.4f1 te Hltil rn lryr meet fn TbnrlHy at rhwreh of Christ, jotinon sn 1 II stti ty al tn eiehli'i 4t "'irtts J'nn Mermna su.Jr(. 'Vhrsiih Kventnf aubjt. I' oil rffn r1 PfAr Kelti I'rjfr n.e(irf vinsi1ay at I p.

m. ItnMserMn Aienite ftsptUt. nndny Unnl ml 9 in nt I) pu nrtnten 1ni rrnraor Mlhts ntclir. tr Ir1r VrtPf, i rk. lt will prneh both notrntna hi.

I mrtnt pastor will be ltefnr th ehurr the 11 0 r), arrt Two divlainn ef Ii Y. V. me at 7 p. m. ttagulsr prayar a rvice Wfrlnr day at 1 Intentatlenel ttlhle Hrndents met Suii'tay In ht.

K'llowa' hail. Hnuth nd Wrftnut. pthia tuly at p. m. en 1'rlncliHil Tltlrta in Chrlattan'a Lira" end at Hlhta aiudy no "Th pivin Tinn i.f th AsM Th Day nf tlibl aaa fr flttl'tren at the aerne hnnra.

Itlbta alii'ly at 7 .11 ei l'rav pr.iUc ami icpllitumy rnft Ina A ina.lfiy at 7 .11 in nntl a rvl a neHmT Krtrtsy at p. both at U1J Kubberaon vnu. avrfnbMa ef Ond PnlecrMtnl I'll un an.i CamplWll Hun lay aohiot at 2 a Pr s' hlna kirh at 1 i a. feirAftcWf trllam J. rtrmr brlna tha mraaaar.

aic meal in at tvnt, A'lanl ir an) Hoonvlll. 41 m. pmimm will preach. Young People vi iy will mei at p. at the lni.

Evry 'UK lit at I it 'lix tn rhiirga ef I i HiiXfMiii sviit llslr e'ty. a Ihb Tliut.i 3ft p. tn i ira Mrs. inm ChlPlren a tn etina 1 ur ltty ni hirl In hnr Mr nn.l AI ji. Morriaoa of lha llyaliom cangllailc IHift.

I Certsr Itapldn, Kdrd Card of the evangelistic field the Kun.hltie MIsMon In Si. Iiule; The Sundnv might service will he W. l. 'Ilowells of the Presbyterian nniua mfd meeting." before board nf publication and and those who testify school work: Itev. Ueorue Kv, anrt forlh ii'i'rriiir) i tt'tuif isim 'slons; Rev.

f. P. Ualty. president of' the PrrHbyterian Assembly ut the Jtf uthwejtt; Hev. w.

M. Cleeland, secretary of the hoard of fntelgn missions for this district; and Uev. MtrinKflrM. secretary of the r'r1 AseemMv 'Uy Tn' lr', wrelc of the rhoolt closed Kriilny nnd those In IIKIKfi IIKI.D. were we pleaaeil with th attendiinre and irood work that ta meetinns are hlria neinp drne by (be rhUdren.

The held In a brush arb near the old held at the Younsr I'eo Liberty ehureh, northeast the pi, llnuo. 441 Jefferson sirt t. pity, under flit etireelinn of lievs rv. ry dny In the week exrept Svttur Itoper and Truitt 1 day and will er.nttfiue1 for two more INSTITUTE TO BE HEU NEXT MONTH AT MARIONYHLE Special Conn ei for Initmc tion of Miniateri Offered. Rural minister of th Methodist Episcopal church to this vicinity wui siren an opportunity to at.

teal th lnstltot organised by th wesiaran Epwortti Leaa which will held at Aurost to 11. and which will de. vol special attention to problems rnmronunir in rural minister Tfcr of the many ooursee offered at Institute ar to bo solalr for Iho bensftt of rural mtnlstsrs. ae coram to th program which baa Jot IssaeO. It ta poaalbi.

th announcement states, that mors rourses on various auBjacta will len If tha occa aloa warranu thalr bain brought into ma rnoduia. Tha plan would ia to oombtna tba extra studies un dar tha direction of a special work. er from tha department or rural work with tha Board of Homa Mla lona or tha Methodist Church. Th course to ba offered affect tha rural minister ars: TT5i Minister and th Modern Day," un der tha dlraetlon of A. lillbert una "ra Baclal era ad of rtre fhurch." which will ba taught ly Ralph E.

Hard. It la planned fur. mar mat many pastor from tha St. ioma eonfaranea will praaant during th wk and will (a kit theac i laaaa a wall aa participate hi tha rraular activities of tha Kpworth Leaeae Inslltut. ouUlda of (ha work especially designed for tha Instruction of tha rural mlnlatar.

It had formerly been planned to hold a apaclal achool for auch man nt Marlonvllle on an other date but llila waa found to ba Impractical rid waa abandoned. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO OPEN CONFERENCE AT HOLLISTER TOMORROW rha general assembly of tha lrltlan church for tha Houlh extern dlalrlct will convene to 'or a six day session at tha liureh rrounda at Holllster. Tha un people' dlvialon of tha aa. mtily haa heen holding meetlnga iier alnca July Id. and will con ud 'Ihelr dlacuaalons forth general assembly begins aonVerenoa, according to Rev.

Krrett V. Sechler. pastor of th Christian church. A ijiually larga delegation Is "ML. a'TTijjrroninrJnB TTl ulnar frVn his church as wall aa a area number from th other Chris.

Ian churches In th city. Th eon. ferent. tha pastor said. Is not lira tint It attendance to delejratea from Southwestern Missouri but will Include representatives from hurehas from all parte of this state nd from Arkaneaa and Kanaas.

ihi of th largeet advance regla stlona yet recorded haa been made arh day adding; to Its number to the total, so that by the time the convention Is well under way, the delejratea sspeet tha attendance to far la advance of any prevloue of th church In south. eat Missouri. What la believed to ba the moat mportant feature of tha program ia lectures and addressee to ba iiven by Ir. Kerfhmer, pro of Bible In Drake t.nlvrrelty xt Ie Moines, Iowa, and a noted authority on th Interpretation of the Bible. Th delegates consider themaelves fortunate to have Dr Kerfhmer preaaat at tha aesemhly lead the dlacuaalons and deliver lectures.

Thar will be a sertea of sunset rrvlees which ara to ba conducted Rev. B. H. Turner, pernor of the i esingion nrieuan rnurch. The unlet meetings are sWaya one of the most popular gatherings held at the aaaambly.

Ir. M. B. Hoblaon a of tha School of Religion at 'ulver Slockion College, will have iliarge of a series of dally clasaee in Hlbla atudy. Mr.

and Mm W. W. Mailirll. of H'uka. China, wfll direct the tn.ilra pertalalng to the foreign m'Mi field.

The Hsskells have recennr returned from the Orient utter laving spent several yrara In The terior of China aa tnli'alonarl'e ard will have aa Interesting hhty io tell the delegatea Inlereated In that hranch of church work. Healdea theae apeakera there wfM te prominent church woraera from Mlaaourl. Kanaaa an.1 Arknniaa who will conduct other acint r)ae and deliver lecture. after, noons will he given iver mtfri ty ft recreation, which will lake 'he form of out door athletic aiHirtv rr.lng la eapecled to ltn the m'a: liuiar of the aports. UNDAY SCHOOL PLANS OUTDOOR MEETING The ttimday arhool session of the Avenue baptist church to ix.rrnw will be held out of doors at t.w ir SI III IIWI (II fllllt rS HI rant lUaeh lark.

William 11 Kei v. I SilTerlntenr1pnt of the arhfu.l a.ltl tr4ay 8peeia muslo by the Hong land quartettr, the Uiy Hcnut band, and the Orant Kehool orrhestra will If feature of th service. The cradle roll members and the beginners' department will cn cupy the a and beds on the beach aa eaa rooms. Mr. Kelly said.

The meeting places for the other rfeeeea wilt be marked out under the trees earb class finding Its name placarded on a tree, indicating the apot where It Is to meet. jr'ollowlnjf the meeting of the rluseea, the members will gither lor a ja mlnute eom ert by the tiur lette. the tV ut band and eheptra. At Ho'cluck the morn In service wfll be oudui. ted at park by Jixx )L JC Mulaar.

paUiji ui the "burch. the last few weeks of the ffunday aehool'a campaign for new me sowers, the roll has been Increased, from nmn to nr ty etnt geeordtnf to Keltv, the rurw tfn tefident. 7 he vht whs oMdetJ tn lo two teams, ra'lcd llIs and the Lluefc, ea 'tLtbin barolt lt efforts toward mrrraattia: aftrnd gr.f at th 4 GREENFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL DOES HONOR TO FORMER LEADER a i i. Tribute Paid to Ben M. Neale Prior to for Springfield.

Kbeneier Siindav echnl field gave a epeci.i program laat Sunday In honor of former aupar Intendent Ilea M. Keale, who had aerved as leader of the achool for iwo uecaaes; and aa a wl. com to Will Flnley, who la Juat ba. ginning to act aa superintendent. Mr lvale haa moved to Springfield and eetabliahed a law office here.

Thar waa on of th largeat crowds preaent that haa ever attended Sunday achool In tlreenfleld. Kegular Sunday school work for th. day waa carried out. then a ape clal program waa given. Thi.

r.e. gram tonal. fed of aongs by a largei chorus of children. ang a mtt quartette, with which Ouen ther aang aa a fifth of ladles aang. a ehort add rem of appreciation and farewell waa given and a painting reore.Hnti...

Poet. Homer, nllowera and admirer, wo. nr. xaa4w te Kt ink re in e.uem In which he la held by the f.henexer HnnHu i eir. arrrpran Itu, aift ed with an addrea.

The committee on a 7 1 wntch were nmmou.iiy adopted. iv have noted th. a. J. which la mamfeet on every hand nenie, naa decided in th.

of Ood to Chang, hla place of real dence from th home town to Hprlngfieid. Thl. haa moved ua. and Hlnce he has served up for nlne teen yeare In aald capacity, and DU, Ior lh(t tlvt years haa exerciaed over n. th.

cloua oversight of an efficient elder keeping the faith, aettlnis ample to which we could point the children Huiunnce ahlch he has learned from eaperl ence, and leaving ua the memory of a atrong prr.i.iHVllljh and. "Whareas. we ehnll ml. a hla loy.

alty to the Hunday school and church, hla uf rectlonate fellowehlp and bis wit and humor, hla unfall ng trannulllty, arid hla good sense, therefore, he roolved "Klrt, that July 16. mj. be the n.n M. ale Hundny of Kbnneser Sunday school; "Second, that we reassure Mm of "O' tl will toward hliu, and our desire to enjoy continuously his 'Third, that hope that his most sanguine expectations with r'5Mv''rv undertaking may fourth, that nrav ourth. that nrav the favor and blesstng of Ood, whose favor Is life, whose blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow, both upon him and upon his family, and, "Ftfth, that a copy of thru, resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the Hunday school and furnished the town new "fteepeclfully suhmltted.

"r'red Kdwarde, 'Kthel Tarr. P. Knglemnn. "Mrs. tl.

v. Kurhy. "VY. II A. Robertson.

"Hertha Kastln." SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE ATTEND CONFERENCE Tli nlxtli Annual ntion at t)t Soiuhwmt Mt trsotii i nirn ily. now in tfiKTt ut Oiark, will cl', lis tlnK for thin ycitr on Tun1iiy. Jul, 2 rrr Htt ImVe hfn vru durlntr th rf r. i.r nnd hv rivpd unNttrl hf.i ifltg from thi n. fM rt irlvrn by th.

wl(. c'i fnciilv on practically every I ph ut H'. organized rhurrh ac tl iri. I i has been 4AniMy and preached each ev mn (i to a larKe audl Mfi'i I Pcwril hsk for 17 years a it, Old Mrxtro and rr Wtd Itrti resilng xpi nres. T.

pii'M v. ts'leit and horut di rert.r. h.i.l hi'ir of the nuivlr and Is Urgr resp'intile tut stmIh! miiHirnl uumhTs hirh have rfa Hvbtfd lhv dtiring th Ust have been kivri rv ti 'rei reai Ion, rtlMJlV Of the At Uwlttla'im In athletic spurts of various sorts Tn the evening th w. hld and the Mperall IfM'tiircs deUver d. AtnonK tlitt Springfield peopi.

whu Bttefided Hie SHSetnitly hmc; I II. Mit plea. Mr ind Mi W. X. Mohler.

V'atherfjH M.jblff J. U'lltiam l'ea1'ii. Manbl ft'Htn, It. (a. is.

Mary I'm k. i pa! I'irldsl I'tt l. ati. Amnwtn Mary Palrymple. Masyt Kla vdm Kreman.

Alie UradT, Mts. Wit liani lli.ffrli, Mrs leeiU Krenan, Huth rema n. Mr, and ar ren f. Cltrh, 1ry Turner, K. A rml rond.

Anns Kvans, fj ura llri.wn. JsneiT Huf mnn. Illiy I. Knpe. Mildred IVhtle.

Ned Whits, Thejlnis Kppe. Tom Heritiev. Kran I I cea Kelly, Mrs W. Kelty. Mrs First KplpItimlUl, lH ave, Lewis, 4'lyde Kellev.

IVi vton fe Hu.i iuy. p. nt. 1'tm mil Keltv. Mi Krf Rilrrb Mn.

i needs lles iii 1Ai i Mm. Hinelaer, Jew ll MmHo lMtrothy Corf man. liuth Cnffman. Jrglnla farter. Mary Carter l.u rtlf Turner, flerbt rt 1 uhht.

L. If Turnr, Adrian Morrison, ly.ra Morton. HeUn l'ortmsn. obn Inlrm pie and Mr. and Mr.

V. K. Smith. AMIwl IM AWKII. The twenty liiltd apnunl "Int Preebyt inn ot Mfssoijti Will he held nt Month It si of is liicusl 1 I'r't ai hlng wttiihi both irKJrti VV Hvenltia.

with sp rial mualr wlll to attended by ni' ibcr of at i jnHav arhool n. ts at 11 a eral nor hiq 1ni 1 'r roi ih at th usual hours hvf.M An imd f'hr st WMlinm II K.niw, fpr! us Id. is uifriiit nl tit, as, hsis toti for many years. Vvn. sevlfes auch dy (1 be d.r.

ti by Itev Coleman. KftirrioM. The first Hiniday lee fnre will be bv Rev J. n. jres.

super nti nrlrni of Ais, the hiit m'l f.iifv tlttatrlel of in If f.e (' 1,. ja fn aeT be ted I AUt tt. Km it it r. Per Al S1h, TteV. Vt Ham h.

will preach several muns. CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT HOLLISTER" BY PRESBYTERIANS Eer. J. T. Bacon Expects An Exceptionally Interesting Assembly.

"Prospects ar good for an Inspirational and encouraging conference," said I)r. J. T. Bacon, pastor of th First Prsbytrlan church referring to th fourteenth annual Presbyterian' Assembly of all churches of that denomination In th aoutbwaat which la to convene at Preabyterlan Hill at Hnllister. from July at to August t.

A large number of Springfield Presbyterians are planning to attend tha aaaembly at which aome of th. mn.t churchmen In the United Btatee will be in attendance. After the conclualon of th. aembly the young people of (he cnurchea tha Irlct win gather there for a six day meeting on Auguat 16, according to l'r. liacon.

The program for thl. in inn conference has not yet been n., nin it ia assured that en. Joyable and profitable addreaaea will be delivrr by work srn iirnmlnanl In the religious trslnlng of young people. The missionary angle will receive eeperlal attention at th assembly, It Is said.

Rev. H. K. McLean having been secured to lead that branch the atudy. Mdan la auperlntend ent of ttnanlah American work In aoulhwestern United Hiates and th delegatea Interested In the missionary field will be permitted to study this division of religious activity under one who Is well qualified to teach.

Rev. Willi. ti Icke will discuss th work from a roreign view point, he belna member of' the. foreign board of missions or th church. The Bible study will be under the direction of Rev.

Conrad Vander Vride. dean of Kmporla college, and formerly Instructor In Iilhle atudy In that Institution. An address on "The Psychology and Pedagogy of will be delivered by Rev. VanUervelde on the mnrntne nf Thursday, the fourth day of the assembly. one of the atrong features of Jhe meetings will be tha musical con test scheduled fur Hat unlay night.

Augu.t 4. under the direction of Rev. Thomas Price. Thi contest will consist of a quartette and double Quartette num.1 bera, children's choruses and duets and other selections. In addition to the vocal renditions ther.

will he a number of orchestras which will enter Into th contest. Th musical i. eh. a JL I I I TU CarteTof l's re.1f!n m'. soonslble for the mualc.t of h.H'" On of the special features of proRTam.

I(v. WlllUm Hiram Foulkt i will bf on of the mln prominent Bpfnkftr latrl with church affair who will addrni th mfdnir Itv. Koulk in necrtary of th Nf Kra mnvomnl. and will be In ('hlrr, th Minort nervier. Tif Iimm lately turnpd ftfr havHi? npnt rfinftidprahle tlm In thr Orl nt and wilt relate to the dflriratrs th ntnry of hln pxp rinrra in the nit whit working thre an a mls jonary for th forlna: hoard of th Frmbyterlan rhurrh.

Other ppakret nf national repute ar: Dr. Frank GrunniMf of the wartment of and upolo grtlr in I ran Seminary; Ir. If. iaae, presliletit of Cue college at THRIVING PARISH an approximate total membership of peraons. Th.

Initial services were h.M In what was once a stable of the late Robert Bonner, noted publisher of magaslnea and a devoted lover racing horses. Mr. Bonner donated th room for the uss of the members of th mission and religious Instruction was given there by Rev. srendr Walker for flv or six yesrs. utter ne succeeded In Interesting 'ao iinuiiieiii oi a new cnurcn on a new and more suitable location Among tne noted men of (Inane who as.

slated In the plan, waa the late William Waldorf Aator who gave to the mlealon a piece of property a block long facing on ltbth street and bounded one side by the Grand Concourse. On this space Reverend Walker constructed an Imposing stone church and rectory, i at a combined cost of 1260,000. One year ago, the rector says, the cnurcn was consecrated free from debt and owing nu obilgatlona to anyune. Te Vlalt Malar. Reverend Walker Is taking a va cation rrom hla atrsnuous duties of ministering to the spiritual needs of 2.500 persons and haa apent several days at his brother's home In Springfield.

Nest Wednesday, the minister said, he end his family will begin the overland journey to the north Maine woods where they will spend the remainder of this month and a part of the nest before re turning to his parish. The rector said yesterday that he tnougnt npringririd was the most beautiful town that he had visited In his trip from New York. The alarming growth of the city stir prised Reverend Walker as much as anything elee he had noted for when he was a resident here Hprlng. field counted but a few thnimand souls. wroka.

The achool la divided into three groupa or clannea. namely: bejrlnnera, primary and Junior, ach tidying leanna eprlully aulted io rnuoren or their reapectlve ks. The following pro a ram la carried out each day: Opening hymn of praise. Prayer. Prayer response.

Holy, Holy, Holy i 4ra uoa or rloat, hymna ciaaa period, Fleffinnera text hook: Lfntenlna to the Heavenly Fftthr. Primary text hook: Cd Revealing Himself In the Lives of Men. Junior teat hooka: The World We Live In. ftutlders of the Church. Jterreatlon period.

Including in. atrurtlve gamea under rompetrnt leadrnhlp. Handwork period: Making at pos ters. Illustration nf hymns, making of scrap hooks, dressing dolls for mission boxes, etc. Closing seshion.

Habit talks. Helping Children to Form flight Habits. Hecretary'a report, Closing prayer. 1.1 Kijcht vouriK men of Kt. John's Episcopal rhurrh have oraantzed I themselves Into a club which they 1 call The flerver lull The organization Is formed for the purpose of assisting VIllam Henry Talmaae.

the rertor.Jn the Sunday services and performing other acts of nervine. The younit men who are Hie charter members of the new club are; Alfred Abbott, recently elected president; liruce Jnmes, vice president lib hard lrvln, secretary; James IHI Units, treasurer; and Lawrence Ol lls, John leaves. John Kb'k and John Woodsfde. The dub has planner! a benefit for the Vonnc Pt ple's oreneM ra whlrh IH be held next Thursday evenlne on the lawn at the home of Hev. Moore.

Vlmi onrresn tlntusl, iirnr nf Hn'n ftti'l i rtth'nin. Hev i It lluell, piiMliir. (IiMIi 1 Dt. I A )UKtC'U M.rinlenl ht M'M Illt'K Worship tit 11 ir.nn hy llt .1 Ue Ij Ii nr I'errHtler." in. No rvs'ning I service.

tfilhaon hit pel Pine aixl P'nihinf Hev '1 M. K. Milter, pne rr. Hui'l P' tlo Mits Ku biisht nuprlntendem Hr stibicl st II "rountltij HeftB nt Miirlnf Frtr. es.

Hrniin Mt Thy Twmn Hhslt On fl ih P. si 7 in. Dally M. llros.lwny I Mntint' K. nwen.

p. Hev Charles T. Will i SS.a ,1 Tl.e pfctinr lll pfs p. Suiv iln aehonl at 3 4 in l.tMau at t. 11 H.f,uke Method.

at (Koifttt), ttle i t.i: i rfityir an paa tor. Hun'lav i hool at 5 it Lemtue rv)(es at p. rn. Public worship ut II a tn. nl p.

m. MIlweK piajer tnaaiim dnesday at I p. m. rhale Afreet Methedlst. Pale and Ram aay.

Win ton, psator. 8unlar S' hool at i tl o. a CaMwail. auportntandent. Preaching by the pa tnr st 11 a.

m. and II Kpworth leatue st 7 p. Batel Tfbllarn. pral ftnt. Prayer meetfns Wdneala at Ft rat f.i.ptlt.

Huivlrty S' hnol at Senior Tt I y. aiiv an'? I is i i pi 4 i. in Rvantna fmr. at I nrtfw Ht I A Post ni St atale atipertn land nt of tha Asntl Ketoon asue. will Itv ture in lh rnnrning.

and Ir 3. Jiiatlrp, pttatnr nf mtvalen. will fnm eceniua Teatw M. Mlaaourl and Cheatntt fun iay a hooi at 41 a A ftasy, ttiparlntendant. Perlr by tha paator at II a.

Snbjert. "Sn nc tft. heacua p. m. Kpw.i.

ih iua 7 tn I'reAcnittR In n.i'.r. roibjert. "I fa war of lh fc.trly I'hurrh" T'hera' Tratnlt.f la Tueal at I p. tr. kadi' A 14 Wit airi, aftarnoon.

Piayar metdns WeJusjadai at p. oH of It. J. J. 7 I a.

at 1 jfl I ttt BAPTIST ASSEMBLY NEAR MOUNT VERNON WILL BE HELD SOON Prominent Speakers to Attend Meetings and Deliver Lectures. The Interstate Haptlat Aaaembly will be held at llautlat Hill near Mount Vernon. August 1 to 11. A splendid program has been ar ranged for tha assembly this vear. ne faculty has been very careful ly selected and Is composed of of recognised talent coming from seven dirferent states and number.

Ing twenty five In all. The program Is grouped around the four principal departments of church work, preaching, teach ing. training and missionary actlvl use. All of the bnoks leading to a blue seal dllpoma, together with post graduate work, win be taught. Also the full B.

Y. P. U. course will be given. Mrs.

J. O. Reynolds has arranged a splendid program for the woman's work. One of tha most attractive features of the assembly this year will be a speclsl lecture course each day at eleven o'clock. Huch men aa Vr.

Harry Strickland. Harvey Heau hanin. Joseph Krsllne and lir W. lieugle will appear on the plat form. lr.

X. t. Wolf, assembly pastor, will speak or prearh. each evening. The program will be more attractive this year than ever be rauae It has been arranged to meet the needs of all Classen people, Jama Robinson of Arkansas, will teach In the Old llev.

T. K. Hurvi'y nf Nw Mexico will teach "Building the III ble i lass. Itev. Jones, super.

luienUnt wf Ksanut'llcm. Kansas City, will teach "Winning of Christ." Dr. C. H. Herry of Kansas City, will teach "Tralnlnif in the Haptlst spirit." Hev.

W. A Davault Mount Vernm. Missouri, will teach "Post Work," Dr. J. ott of Uolivar.

will teach "The Conve.nticn Other members of the faculty are: Ju Leonard, Hprlnicf ield; Mia. Fern dales Man gum. Monroe City; Rev. II. A.

Pugh. Muskogee. Misa Hazel Hunt. Mount Vernon: Uav. K.

Huckel. West Plaint: Ir. Leaton, Hprlngfleld; Mrs. ThttUh. Crune; F.

1). Winell, Ma. nett; Mrs. Adolph Vol me r. The afternoon will he given to reereation.

Tba beautiful grounds and the clear running water of ftpring River will be moat Inviting. There will be boating, bathing and fishing. Additional grnuuda have been purchased and Improvement made since last year that will add to athletic sports. REV. E.

R.WILCOX TO SPEAK AT WEST PLAINS Th Rev. R. It. Wilcox of Kansas City, secretary of the We.t Mis. anuri diocese of the Kplscopal church, U'lll arrive In West Plains Saturday to conduct services at All Faints' Episcopal church.

There will be an early communion service at 3ft o'clock Burnley morning, communion service and sermon at II o'clock In the morning and prayer service and sermon at o'clock In the evening. The Hev. Wilcos has been making regular trips to West Plains once each month since the church has been without a rector. His sermons are instructive and uplifting, and hla visits are looked forward to by the communicants of the parish with Interest. KMI1 TI'FIDA V.

The sixth annual session of the south went Missouri Kapttsts as sembly at dzark will conn to an end Tuesday nlaht following the sernuui tf 1 'r. W. I). Powell after one of the most successful aather lns the churt has ever held In toufhwest Missouri. lurlnur elirtit days the assembly was In proa re there were more people attendance than ever heforn in the hlrftorv the meet In a aeeordlnR to officials of the assembly.

Woodland Uric lit" rreh terbin, At Isntt hihI iMiuvluN. VI fiw.n u. pmh. Inr fh Ii in hixil nl Cook. nuprtriteiiils m.

Wnrnl.tip arid nt I I ii. on1 1 rn Mftrnlnir ft. A'fiHrii Ml Cr.n log. "I'ltcr' I lei UtAIJnti ut I.Ave.'" nhif Kmlfavnr itl 2 in I uif. rm ih no Trinity I.iiIIi tiiii, nn nnl Vh star.

A Wnker. j. ostor. KtimUr lutol nn.l Ml be tt at Srir. ri fl stt hi So ii nlnr a Iu fug July am) Aii iit Th'trnilMV i i 7 i "ch'inl wtirkcra Tlmtily nt 7 n.

as. a a Ksliheih a If. T. Mim Prny. I'lt tin I in.

fi.Jlon Kj i Ii nt irh. inrel ri, avenue I.I. l.l.m ..,..) "A frl n.llv ur I Krreil n.lnr rirs.tM I lr hnol IS (, A i I iin. auperlntanrlrnt "Tna niaep Whom ivpti Al A Man Whn Ila. Kron.

the Iarl Interme.lla te Rrdeavnr at ft p. ni. (Unlnr Kndeavir rn. Pith tarn lUptUt. Hun lar an.

Wllroi, atiperni.ndent Priit hlna at It Io. Sutijf. tt i'f Apyrnvd! 1 1' (' i o'rlix k. at i l.e.mar Mount armel Mrfhodltst Kptae opNt, Cornr tl)if at real ani IlmilarMr II M. Hfaa.

paator HtjmUy mi hm( at in mOtnlna wnrahip at 10 4i orlmk Kpworth I at p. rvMt.t wofahip at ft oclork Evanallat f) a taKlon of hnvr brlnf a anaiMl na I'l' ery eirpt nlKht drr heatra Con(er'itinnal alnalne. ht. Paul MrthodUt W.inif lit morning aarvUa in.i' Jt ri.a I. Starkey at niRht, Htjntay arhoM 30 a ir n'a ttibl Thoo.Ma.

si liat mm ft ln'a rln Hiitov. faa har. Cantor n1 iiitdllti Kftorth Ltagutaal p. tn of to th of ht 1 1 nf I SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE SPRINGFIELD CHURCHES I fairer, rb? terfnn. ft nij nntl net le nvrno an.t Tenfrm.

Il'iii) I.ittir. tntntmcr (Utile MUtnn mitfl W. ii I1k. inliuol B( 1:3 a if. IMibtl wtirrilup I l're tills It in nl i in.

Mun II in, Huliier I. "Ati.Mttisx.xh.ta uf Idny Mt 9 mi tl IV it tirlut V. H. t' St p. in.

i eve nin S' Tvlffi. Ht. Jehn's V.ftiwrntmi. Himr i.n.1 It vlmon. illliit Henr TmIhinc.

tHf. r.niv ieLi ion Mt in i Ii ur srlMsnt al S.W it Otvln crttt at 11 a Tnnna Herv gu. Oi Kvenlna prayer r. al.lreM br lb rector Nerond SptrtliilUi Drowning' hall Jit" Kht I'omiuor) lal. Tiaiue mrs kt 7 46 ni.

Mr 1 'sj inn. lute MMtif. 1 tivfttiy, tneisSeur" rvf llnton Aene llrfbodUt r.ieap(lt. i nrrt nU He ntnn vn. I i II I.ltile iiuatnr.

Mtmtlav arhuol Ktvtnln(. Th mltr of railina a ir 4ft a. no. A. lVrln annerln'eiiilant Peeachtria; a rli aa In tha murntng at It rtVlw win sermon by f.

A. Ollbert At Mvlonvill, who ts flll ing the pulpit tha At.n tli tor railed awy by th tltnai if his fith fir Uhuort wit) ala prrh the sern.on at ntnt at nct(wc Ktiworth 'Mane at 7 t'ho rahenraa) on Thuradsy evening1 at II ct'rlwh. t'lrNt I'reahyf Tlaa, rrftar Jffraon sv nu end OIK i'rr. on. TitleernHrle rvshrt4iaN.

nniia arS an. I ttarrv Hev Jttlm rorVtelt, pa a. lor l'rsai lilng arvlc a at 11 In the tnnrniDS and In the Sahbath hool at 34 a W. Tilbtt an. sm n' llibia Ill n'rtxk, A.

Iiarbour. Christian Kndtavor at 7 p. m. (rari M4 hod I Kp4aropal. Jtrffersnn fcv.

nur nl Chrry airr U'Milsrn H. 'ornnrli, aatnr Pumtsr atimsj at a in Ui.hfaitra h'O by j'rnf H. II A Tai'ior. uttf In fifilcr 'iru first iitntpufiiii in Ihr rhir''h nftar a ah'tri a rmon tha niaatiir, Kl irlli an'ta 7 At 1 aviuiiin by th nw alats an lnttri(1 'i: the A ntl Halwn UvtjM. A 11.


WALKER IS NOW A Former Springfield Attorney Gave Up Practice of Law After Establishing Himself in New York City and Is Now Rector of St. Simeon's Church. TOWNSEND TO DIRECT FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN 1 FOR BURGE HOSPITAL Canvass to Be Made of Territory Served by Local Institution. The executive bottrd df th Murge Deaconess Hospital has employed the Kev. Fred H.

Townsend, of KEV, II. TOWVNKNl). liei ker. Mich, as field secretary to tako charge of tire riilalng of funda Io build a substantial addition to their preaent hospital building. Itev.

Townsend will nnii upon his duties In the rnmpatgn at once, according to Mm. i. llurgcr, director of campaign publicity. lie will begin a survey of the e. tensive urea the hnepltal serves.

This territory Comprise practically all nf southern Missouri and ex teiiiltiiK down into the northern part Arkansas. Itev. Towneend Is brought here after the hospital, ex ecutive board had received inttny inmendailons railing uttrntlnn his ability and experience in managing large campaigns for funds. According to reports nent to the local sponsors of the plan. Hev.

Townsend has been employed In similar capacities dulng the last few years for various colleges and universities In the I nlted Htates. The growing demands being made upon the hospital by the public In recent years were responsible for decision on th part of th board to build an xtntve addition to the present three story atrbe ture. The exact amount which th directors will strlv for la not an nouncea at mis timai u. la tlmated that It will bs In the hetgh borhond of iseo.neo, The hope of the director! have an addition large enough to actrommndate 100 beds which la he lleved will be ample to take care th Increasing numher of patients who apply for admittance. The actual campaign for funds will not bj lnuncbed until aomething In the fall, although the survey of conditions In territory will start at once under the dlrertlnn of Rev.

Townsend. who will call several local persona to him In the campaign. At th'e ptesent time the hospital can take care of but 39 patients at one time and, since applicants have to be turned away ninny times, the nerd for a new hospital became more and more apparent. The present building was donated by Mis Klten A. Hurge In irns and was formally opened in July of that year.

Th institution is not conducted for profit, hut because nf good man airnnent and several donations It has ben self supporting nnd has cared for many patients who were enable to pay regular hospital charges T'urtng J'i22 thr hoNpttal served 774 patients, while many were refused admittance because of lack of room. During that year medical attention and nursing was rendered to patlenr for which the usual charge would have been i 12.2. 0. In the area served'hy tha Purge, hospital are thousands of men engaged in iltiiiccrous orrupatlnrie. Jt the int.

nil. mi of the hoard to crt nie tn lnr it loi of large ta pio morltrn nt and an eftWii tit corps of uttendanta to l.a ready to render tnMant service at anv I onr of the i.ay. Although Iturge hoipitai Protestant Institution, the doors will nor be closed to any met or creed members of the board state, but wtj opi anyone In need of inert icnl 'mspltHl attention. DR. C.

B. MILLER ARRIVESjN SWEDEN' Write! hj. rerelvef her. l.r ilr" lI.H,T.. i 'luirrh.

(lint he tin. snfeiv ut (imhenhnrir. Kweden. anil. until vimilil I Imin rtl.i.iv where he will Worlil (Vmaress i.f lliintl.te' whirl, will i a.nvene there 'U'eilliea 'i "'r es hae lei Miller will siieml some lime vlsltlna other n.n.

i i niniiiiiv i Itutv Knslahd. Mrs Miliar stated thst her us ha mi nilsht pos. slhly.make a short stny in land. Pr, Miller was arrnmpanled un his Mirnptsan trip hy Jfr m. lUle the lielmnr avenue rhtiri Ht u.niH.

The pJirty ihi io iii tti th a eoiifil ry no iirst werk Hi pt rniber. A Ml CVt IMM. A Hunhenni hand was nraanWi 4 Hunday afternoon at llamlln Me. mortal HuptlM linireli. Mias VM oU rteaKir.

of Kansas Citv. with a mml.ership nf 37 hoy Mnd Kirls i The fFfflrere wer. I ed: Simheiim leader. s. li.

njamln pahrnt y. istnnt Uader Mrs iUUir Wh kershum. Preahl nt. a. Vtrt.

preal.l.nt.: Marnnret Jiodson. Ne.rrt.tary lores Atmetitj oiK. Treasti r. Va nl i le I'iuim. Pniait, Mlhiu Aker.

I rr.un. letnler. Fahr. 1 ny. ii i i i 1 3 J'U.

i IJ I I I I I at of of a ROBERT E. LEE TO ATTEND ASSEMBLY OF CHURCH LAYMEN Conference Will Be Held at Lake Junaluska from August 10 to 15. Robert E. Irfe. 1141 South Pick, wick, will be the delegate from thli district to th laymen's conference of th Methodist Episcopal chuch, south, which convenes this ysar at laike Junaluska, nsar Nashville, between August 10 and Aug.

net IS. It Is said that thl ta on of the most Important meetings for laymen that baa vr betn hld un. der th auspices of th church. Within th Jurledlctlon of th Methodist church, south, there ar a great number of districts, each of which will send a representative to the conference. It Is expected thst more than 2,000 laymen from va rlous district will gather at th re sort, where subjects covering a wide range or church activities of special Importance to laymen will be dlacussed.

Prior to this conference ther will he a meeting of the board of Lay Activities. August Is the data set for this. O. L. Morelock Is secretary of that board and maintain head.

Quarters at Nashville, Tenn. J. M. Way, alao of Nashville, la aaaoclat secretary. Both men are Actively engaged In work relating to laymen and the part they are given to play in the organisation of th Kplacopal churches throughout th south.

bpeak ra of national and Interna. tl nal prominence hav been acur ed and In addition to platform lectures and addreases, an opti for. um will he held dally, devoted to scusslon of practical plana for or. g.irlslng the laymen to tak ovsr definite church task. The creation of the Board' of ay Attivltlrs brought about what la conrldered by Methodists to bs th ost constructive and far reaching Irce nf legislation at the last gen.

tral conference of the M. E. church, south. At the first meeting of the new board held In Junaluska last Aug. ii.

Mr. Morelock. who was at that time president of McKerrln school Martin, Tenn was railed to head up the new organisation. II entered upon hla duties last September, since which time he has been ae. lively on the job.

visiting annual and diatrlct conference groupa and pushing the orgsniaatlon of th. conference, district, charge and church boards of lay activities. BAPTIST Al I lAwrr MEETS IN STOCKHCT A.ul a. tommm thlrsl imm ct the Baptlat World alllanca. which beprs ita aesaiona todasr, brings together the leading figure the Baptiai denominate throughout the world.

The eon gresa will Issue a new declaration Haptlst principle and will tak definite stand on a number of Important world Issues. The Kuropean delegates, exctudo Ing the Scandinavian countries number nearly 300, and these, with the representatives from North and fiouth America, Asia and Africa, bring the total to aeveral tkou sands. The recent death of Dr. JL ft. Mkea Arthur of Nw York haa vacate! tha presidency and considerahli tatsraat hinges nn the selection of his auaa ceor.

The congress will begin busloeea sessions Monday, the opening belna; marked by an address by Klnf f.ustav. ii. n. nRoaKn nrTrnns. It.

If. Brower has returned to lit home here after apendtng aevaral weeks at Eminence, Bhannon county, where hs assisted In a revival campaign conducted by ffie, Methodist Kpisropal church of that place Mr. Hrower organised ths chorus and directed song services during; the meeting, which met with exceptional success. First Church of Christ Scientist SIM) East Oater ritrae RurTlceg at 11:00 a. m.

Siindnr Srhool, a.m. WednesilsT Ercnlni Meatiaf I to I p.m. The Public Reading Rooms at 41. 420 Holland bulldtnr, ar open dally aiccpt Buodaya and bolid from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A U'KIaTOMR is extended TO AIX VIHITOR8 Christ Episcopal Church tar. Walaat a Klmhrak PALL K. TALBOT. Rector CelnhratioB of tbs Holy Communion 7:30 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m.

Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a. m. Mrs. 1'arry Williams, Musical Director Miss BiisIh Dlllard, Ori anlat.

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