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Jackson's Oxford Journal from Oxford, Oxfordshire, England • 1

Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DLBkA 1 fftmVfTflLV OXFORD JOURNAL. Price Four Pence. SATURDAY, August 22, 1795. Number 2208. This Journal, though publislied on Satwrday Morning, will always contain the mofl material Articles of Intiuxigbnci! inserted in other Country on the Monday following: And expeditiously dislributecl through the of Oxford, Bucks, Warwick, Wurf, Gloucwvek, Hkrbfokd, c.

gfo, wfc tft at a frcm thofi T-m or Fket the Nnen may this Paper kt at any convenurst Place they fiall appoint, by iheir Orders to the Printers. JACKS ONs A D. SUNDAY WTUESDAY's POST. Earl Moira is menkioned as likely to corn-inand the espedition agaiust the Spanilh pari of St. Domingo.

If the Troops destined for the West-Indies fail, as it is intended, in the beginning of next tnonth, they will reach their deltination cxtfctlj in the feason for the cornrnencernent there of rnilitary Operation? and we have no doubt but that a very few wecks will put the West Indies in a stafe the rnost favourable to the intereits of this Country. One of Ihe horneward-bound Durch Indiarnen is iaid to be worth no lel's than three millions we trust Ihe will experience the of her companions, and soon find her way into a Britifh port. Le Cenfeur, of 74 guns, taken in the first action between Admiral Ilotham and the French fleet, is coming La Ca-Ira, taken at' the fame time, is condemned as unfit for lervice, or even to be brought home. Leiters from Leghorn give reafon to expe6i an aecounk of anorher rencontre in the Mcditer-ranean between the whole or part of Admiral Hothain's fleet, and a division ot that of Toulon to which port we widerstand only the fhips disabled in the attion of the izth had returned, the rest being lest cruifing off the Islands of Hiercs the aecount runs thus That on the morning of July 14dl, the Master of a Venetian vessel, arrived from Genoa, brought intclligence, that on the preceding day he heurd near the River Ponente a long and vio. lent cannonade at fea, as proLeeding from a number of fhips bearing heavy metal By Leiters just reccived from the Uaguc, we learn at Head quartei that the Frenchdo far refpeclcd the Hotel of Lord St.

Htlen's, that not an iota was deranged in the whole dvvelling not one servant insulted, nor any person quartered on die house. This is carrying French po-liteness to a degree not very latcly experienced. SALE ly AU CT 10 N. BERKS and WJLTSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr.

SERGEANT, On August 25, 1795, at the Crown und Thistle Inn, Ablngdon, at Eleven o'Clock, in three Lots, by Order ot tiic Aslinct of McslW. Tombs and Byrchall, A valuaMc Eyotof rieh WEADOW LAND, lituated on River Thamer, at Abingdon, held 0 the Master and Govcrnors of the Hosurbl of Christ, at Thirty Shilling Annum BOND for Nine Hundrcd Pounds and lntcr- st, aJvanccd the Toll; of the Wootton TurnpJIce Road an one Abingdon Pavement BOND of isty Poonds, bearing an Interest ot 4I. per Cent, per Ann. And on Wednesday the s6th of August, at the King and Qucen Inn, Highworth, in the County of Wilts, at Three o'Clock in die in four A valii. able FREEFIOLD ESTATE, situated at outh Mai-ston, in the said C.untyj compiising uptvarda of Acres of rieh Palture Meadow Land, in a high State of Cultivation, with a neat Ccttagc and Orchard, ot Lcase to Mr.

Joseph, for the unexpired Terrti if one Year nd a Half, at 45 1. per Annum, capabfe of gnat Improvement. To bc viewed by applying to the Tenanti, wticr prmted Particulars may be had at the PUccs of Sah King's Head Inn, Cirenccsterj Star, Oxford; II, a-ringdon of Mr. Crowdy, Attorney at Law, Highworth Mr. Edwarde, Solicitor, Castle Street, Holborn and of Mr.

Sergeant, No. S6, Cannon Street, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SAMUEL WR1GHT, At Mr. Boulton's, the Sliakefpsare Inn, in Stratsord upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, on Thurfday the Day of this instant August, at Three o'Cljrk in ihe Af-temoOH, to Conditionsto be there produced, 4. Capital FREEHOLD MANOR anJ ESTATE.

fitmte at Dorsington, in a fertile and pleasant Pai of the Vala of Evelharn, in the Cunty of Gloucester, five Miles of Stratsord upon Avonflive from Campden, scvcn from Evefhat, siatfrom Alccster, and within one Mile of the Navigable River Avon 5 of four very tligibte Farrns, with proper Offices, convenient Out-builoings, Cottagcs, tcc. and upwards of feven hundred and twenty Acres of excellent Mwidow, Pasture, and Arable Land, free of great and fmall Tithes. Lett to refponsible Te-nants, vix. JumesHodgcs, John Ilcming, Wm. Holthani, and othe rs, at annual Rums, amounting togtther to Five Hundred and Sixty-eight Pounds.

And also, The perperual Advowson of the of Dorsington aforefaid, consisting of a goodj hufe, wirlj fuiUble Out-buildings, and of two hundrcd and thirty Acres of Mcaduw, Pasture, and Arable Land, free all Tithe; now in the Occupation of John Hands, at the ytarly Rcnt of One Hundred and ifty Pounds. The above Estates compriac the Whole of the Parih of Dorsington, and lic within a Ring Fencc. The Teiiants will sliew tbe Prcmifl'cs. For further Information apply to Mr. Attor.

ney at Law, In Kidderminster, Worcestersliire, who hath a Plan of tljfe Estates, and from whom printcd Particular, may be had. JSrj TO bc SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, By Mr. HAWTYN, On Thurfday next the twenty-scventh Day of August, on the Pre mistes, at the George lnninBanbury, Oxfurdlhire, st feW o'Clock in the Aftertioon, unlef, seid before by Private Contract, of which due Notice will bc given, Lot I. All that old and well accustomed FREEHOLD INN the GEORGE, in a good Situation, In the Horso Market, in Banbury aforefaid compiising a handsame Stone and Slate Dwelling, Sastied, Small Garden, Roomy Yard, with a good Well and Pump, two good Stahles, Orew-house, and Kitchen. In the House one, Parlour, three Bed Charhbers, wilh Lodging Room, over, now in the Occupation of Mrs.

Mulhejhaj). Tenant at Wiil. y-w Lot Uf A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, with the Appurtcnance, aojuining the preceding Lot, Stone, Slate and Samed, now in the Occupation of Mr. Edward Bustiy. Lot III.

A and convenient MALT-HOUSE adpining Lot II, newly built within a few Occupation of Mcstirs. Barnes and Ward. Printed Particulars wU be delivered in due Time, and for further Information, apply to Messrs. Bigneil and Wykham, Attornies at Law, Banbury. The Tenant, will ihew the Premisle.

TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. On the iith Dy of September next, at the House of Mr. Wright, at Shipstou upon Stower, in the County of Worccstcr, unlefs difposed of by private Contract, of which Notice will be given, The AL ADVOWSON of the RECTORY of ILLMINGTON, the County of Warwick, of the annual Value of Four Hundrcd and Tnucnty-Nine Pounds. Subject to fome Deductions, and to the Life of the pre. sent Incumbent, aged fifty-six capable of very confiderable Improvement.

There Is a large House upon the Premlstes, with a good Garden and Orcliard, The Farm, re Jett on Leise, for twenty-one Years, fix of which are unexpired. Iilminotow lr fituated three Miles from Shlpston, eight fmm Stracsord, fifteen from Warwick, and ihre from Caruden For Particulars apply to Mcflis. Bignell nd Wykham, Attornic at Law, Banbury, Oxfordihire. Printcd Particulars to be had of the Printer, of the Oxford, Birmingham, Northampton, and Coventry Papers; at the Crown ancVj Anchor Tavern, in the Strano "Willcs's Coffee Hftn, Seaile's Street, Lincoln' Inni and Garraway' Costee Houle, London. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By R.

ROBERTS, On Tuefday the First Day of September, 1795; at die Red Lion, in Great Kington, in the County of Warwick, between the Hours of Three' nd Six in the Afternoon, fubject to such Condition, as will be then produeed, All that new-erected MESSVAGE or TENEMENT, Brick and Tile, consisting of two Parlour, In tbe Front, Kitchen and Bruw-Houfe behind, a fmall Stahle, with necessary Out-Houses, and a fmall Garden, fituate lg the Centre es the Town Great Kington aforefaid, htte in the Occupation of Mr. Blrch, but now near Pack of FHounds and and iit for genteel Family. Game. ALL unqualified Persons who are found loaching upon the Manors ol Bmughtan, Miicombe, BoJdicot, Shutford, Nonli Newton, Ntithiop, and Little Barsord, to Lud Sn and S. in County 0f Oxford, will be profecutcd according to L.w.

WANTED to exchange a CURACY in a fmall irket Town ia Huntitigdonshire, for one witUin seentwn or eighteen Miles or'Uxtbrd. For Particular enquirc by Letter of the evewnd Mr. KW, Kimboltjn. I PL ANT8. 7 TO be difposed oF, About Six Handred raXRUITiNO "nd SUCCESSION P1N LANTS, wilh or withmit the Housei.

A Servant, act in the Capacity FOOTMAN, who can have a good Character, may.hearof a Place. Enquireof Mr. Brickcrstass, St. Gilcs's, 0ford. TO be SOLD, TH1RTY-E1G HT ACRES of exceeding good WOOD LA in the Parisli of wknor, in ehe County of Oxford, For further Pauiculari, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr.

O. P. Cooke, Attmcy, Watlington. HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS. TO be SOLD by Private Contract, and entcred upon at Michaeln! next, Two MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, in the Occia pation of Mr.

William Trcacher, Chair-Maker, and his Under-Tf nant, neariy facing the Caual, with large Work-ihops nd oiiivcnicnt Out-Buildings. For further Particular, or to treat for tha Purchase, apply to Mr. Hollier, Attorncy, Thanie, Oxsordlhirc. Game CERTIFICATES for BERKSHIRE MAY hc had b- Application at my Office in Newbury, and ur.til after the First Weik in September, at cither of the Under mentioned PL, vir. Mcll'rs.

Smart and Covvslade's, Reddwg. Mr. Cole's, in Mr. Robert's, in Oakmgbcm Mr. vaAblngim, Mr.

Ward's, in Famngdw. Mr. BfCKET't, in IVaiiragt. W. BUDD, Dcputy Clerkof the Peace.

si Ncwlury, ljtbjugust, 1795. THE RIVER TRAME. AT a Meeting of the Gentlemen conccr'ned in the Proper ty on the Kivr Tharne, held at the Star Inn, in the City of OxtorJ, on Saturday, August the 8th, tho following Rcfoimions were unaiiimously agreed tu Reolved, That it is the Opinion cf this Meeting, that the present neglected State of the River Thanie demtiids our most scrious Attcation. sol r. That Sir William Aflihu rst, ScropeBcrmrd, ElV, M.

P. H. Cursbn, Ed. Harne, R. Petirs, J.

Jones, Thos. Wnlkcr, Nathnniel Watlun, ad J. Mom-l, E. bc appointed a Committec, toconlidei ol the hrtt Mthod of obtaining legal to ennblc them tu clcanfe ih River compktely and that they berequested to icfoit ihtf Relult of their Deliberations to the next Meeting. Resolved, That die next Meeting bc holden at the ReJ Lion Inn, in the Town of Thamc, 011 Tuefday next August 25, at Eleven o'Clock in the Eorenoon, when every Propristor of Land on the said River, is carneltly rcquclred'to attend on the above Business.

Rr.sotviD, That Wett Resolution be Jnserted Oxford Journal, The St. James's Chioniclc, anJ The Sun BULL INN, BEACONSFI.ELO. TOHN WOOD respectsully informs the Nobility, Gcntry, and Public In general, That h. ha taken the BULL INN, in Beaconspikli, a great Part whercos has been new built, and Re-maiirdcr compWtely rcpalred in modern Taste, with good and extensive Stall Stabling. A large Assortmcnt of the best Wines and other Liquort have been laid in; neatPoit-Chaifes and able Horscs, with a good Larder for the Ac-commodation of his Friends, Tiavellers, and Cnltomers, whom he takes the Liberty of addreflrog, with the Hope being favoured with their Commands, and asiurc them, he will make it his Study to deferve their Pa tronage, by a due Return.

of Craticude and Attendon. N.B. Extensive McadowOround for Drove Cattle. Warwick and Braunsten Canal Navigation. NOTICE to APlan of an AQUEDUCT intended to be erected over the River Avon, in the Borough of Warwick, is now lying at the Navigation Office, in Warwick, where any Builder may Snfpcct the aid he may afterwards send an Estimate of the Sum of Money for which he will undertake to build such Aqueduct sc-cortling to the said Plan, togecher with his Name and Phic: of abode, nd also the Name and Placeg of abode and Addition of two sufficient Persons to be hoani with hllNj as Sureties, to the said Canal Company, for the.

Performance of his Contract, to nie on or the Eighth Day of September next. By Order of the Committee, THO. GREENWAY, Cletk to tb Company. Warwick, August 17, 1795. N.

B. The Company will find all Materials. WE whose Namcs are herennto stibscribcd, being Commistioners na 111 cd and appoiitt- in and by an Act of Tarliament intitulcd, An Act for dividing allotting, and inebstng the 0en and Common Ficlds, Common Meadows, Common Paslures, and other Com-' monable and Waste Landsand Crounds, In the Parih of Strutton Saint Margreft, in the County of Wilts," Do berefy gwt Notice, That such Person have ny Right, Property, or IntcrcH whatlbever, in or upon the said Land and Gromidt, or any Part thereof, are rc-quired to deliver their relpcctive Claims to us, our next Meeting, to bc heli at the Bell Inn, at Swlndon, on ThutfJr.y the ijth Day of Septembur next. Dated thi 25t! Day of July, 1795. R.


DRfFFIELD MANOR HOUSE TO bc LETT and entcred upon immediately, oratMichadma neitj consistitigof a large spaciou Hall, 32 Fcct 6 Inches by 10 Fcetj Dlning 26 Feet by Fcet 6 Inches Drawlng Room, it Fcct 6 Inches by 17 Feet; Little Parlour 16 Fect by Fcct on the Chambcr Floor, a large Dining Room, 35 Fett Ly 19 Feet 6 Inches also fix Bei Chamber, vithbthers fuitable for Servant, and a Libmry likewise At Room in the Attick Story, with Cellars, a good walled stehen Garden, and fome Pie afure Ground. The OiUrta confist of a Hausekeeper's Room, Kltchtn, 23 Ft by.30 Feet Pantry, two Larderr, ServsmY Hall, Brew Houjx, with a Fmnace nd Cooler, fixed WabVHou.fe, LaVndry, Stibjrs, Pidgeon -House, In, The Trnimt mav bc accomrnodatcd feveral Acsch of Pasture Land Jjoliiing, ai also thu Deputation ff the Mnnr, with an itensive Tiuu lUeam. Drysicld ii fituitn In Ant Spurtlri Country, si'vertl Pack IIdumIi krpt In (ht Nclinbourhslnd, at tl flistane tlti Mll (hin London, fon, front ciltftt rtvi- rlrlbfd, s9tn ('iltblaJ, UNUUt ti'i l'ilt Twit, itl Cuath pafi tnn Vh nl I 1 I 1 rurtlitulMl 11. Mi. Jwlnt tfiWHi IhiUU, 1 iv Mi.

Ct, .,1.1 J. Cork, Augufl 5, On Saturday last a party of uuiic, neaaeu oy ivjr. Alexanaer, Lon-stable, marched towards Blarney, in the vici-nity of which, inforniation it feerns had been reeeived at Cork, that fome people intended to plant a Trce of Liberty adorned nith ribbons, and mounted with the Red Cap 1 1 1 Before the horfe got to the appointed place, thofe Irifli Carmagnols had intimation of their approach, and immediatcly difperfed, leaving the sacred Tree behind, which was brought to town in tri-umph on a cart, el'corted by the High Conllable and his party. It was a birclv tree finely grown, and the molt stately found in the wood it is said itwas to have been planted on the King's Highway, and the French hymns of the Marfeillois, Reveil du Peuple, Ca-Ira, were to have been played by a group of pipers put in for the purpofe 011 the preceding Sunday. It is given out, that thele Republicans are de-tenniued, on next Sunday, poiitively to plant a Tree of Liberty at Donoughmore.

Dublin, Augufl 13. Yestcrday upwards of two hundred Gentlemen of the first confequence in the neighbourhood of Dunlink, Mulhuddart, and Barony of Unper Crofs in separate divisions, fcoured the whole of that district of the County of Dublin, towards Rotoath and Swords, in purfllit of Defendcrs and frw.iirfl nf 'arnis. A-r and took a confiderable quantity of the latter in r1iA'AMn. U. nr u.tviv.ui Ji.u-, r.

in uiuur praue cannot poui-bly be given to the Gentlemen who turned out on this occasion with such prompt alacrity in support of the Solicitor General, and planned and conducted this movement of the whole country, to crufl that audacious prefumption of inif-guided men who committed so many enormities of late, and injured so many individuah, and have dared at last to intrude themselves into a neighbourhood of too much high fpirit and unaiimity to any longer to such unpa ralled temeritv. The Farl of Carbamnton havincr harl nsrrv of the Longford Militia stationed near Lucan, ana oroermg tnem to patroie the neighbourhood to preferve the peace, they surprized a number Ot IlCrsoilS. who amiparil tn ht I ihnurrrc im ploycd on the Royal Canal) about twelve o'clock on Saturday ntght, who, moving in a body lugeuier, were queiuonea wnitner tney were going, to which they answered, to a ralflle in that neighbourhood. Every night last week, the Phoenix Park and roads adjacent, and indeed all the vicinity of Dublin, were natrolled bvsmall narties of trnotis and proper Civil Osticers with the utinost vi- guence We hear from Drogheda, that on Wednesday night last eleven head of cattle, the property of Mr. Read, near Old Castle, were houghed and the villains.

not Content with this savair act nf barbarity, set fire to hishouse and offices, which were ourntto tue grouna. Mr. Kcad'sproiccut-ing two villains to convidion for burglary and felony at the last aflizes at Trim, feems to be the cause of this malicious and iniquitoustranf-action. .5. Harvjicb, August 16.

A fleet, consisting of thirty-five fall ot tranfports, having on board Kmiirtant tavalrv and trnon. na(lH hv tlii; from Bremerlee to Portsmoutn, under convoy of His Majesty's ships the Alcmenc and the Cine. Brook Ein: ConiinKTaiv tn thp arhiv on the Continent, lest the slect in the Ofling, and landed at this place, and inslantly took cnaiic lor i.onaon. LONDON, Augufl 18. Yefterday morning four Mefiengrcrs arrived with difz atches to Government from the Con tinent, Mr.

Major, from Vienna Mr. Slater, frort the Prince of Conde Mr. Corviso, from Berlin and Mr. Hunter jun. from the Army.

Yesterday morning, a little before fix o'clock, Their Majesties and the Six Princesles, in a train of thue post-coaches and four, with the ufual Efcort and Attendants, fet off from Wind-lor to Gloucester Lodge, Weymouth, for the Scason. The first roach conveyed the King, Quecn, Princefs Royal, and the Lady of the In the second were, the Princesles Augulh, Elisabeth, Mary, and their Ladies of the Bedchamber. In the third were, the two younder PrinccH'es, Sophia and Amelia their Governef, and one of the Maids of Ho-notir to the Qucen. The morning was fine, and feveral persons of both lexes attended in the Castle Yard, to be present at the Royal Family's departure. The Parliamentof Irefand, which stand pro-rngiied to the iith inst, is further prorogued to tho izth of October.

Yesterday Rear-Admiral Bazely arrived at the Admiralty-Office, from the Mediterrane an, he having quitted the cotnmand of the Blankem, in confequence of his promotion to a flag. He bring no particular news, only that the Spa-niards had rretended to makc a remonlbance against an Officer of our Navy, carrying money rrom one port to anotner, kor tue convenience and benerit of Spanifh Merchants; an ufage that is known to be generally permitted in all the Navics of Europe. Late last nignt, Lieutenant Oswald, of bis Majesty's fhip Veiurahle, of 74 guns, Captain Hope, arrived at the Admiralty, with dispatches from Admiral Duncan, Commander in Chics of the lquadron in the North Seas it is laid they contain the important intclligence of his having reeeived Information that a Duuh Fleet, of stve fail of the line, and twenty frigates and floops, are now at sea. The Rullia squadron in ihe Downs, which has been tuider wng orders for the last two days, will inunediately in purfuit of them orders to which ell'ecl were fern oil' at late hour to Vice-Admiral Honnigkoff. Yesterday morning arrived the Hamburgb Mail with an Italian Bag.

An articlc front Leghorn, of the ult. iays, that his Britan-nick Majesty's Ihip Agamemnon, of 64 guns, Captain Nelson, with three frigates Und two Cutters, had rrivcd at Vado that General de Vins hnd gotte on board to vifit the Hrhilh Of fieer, hetween who: and the Austrunn the rnust perfect liannony vrevnlled. The (nie niticle that the Eitglirn had w.iiitiirfld near Vado Vttsm fhip. 011 hiMid of Inth Meiit ivvi il i)nwt ol jcMi'U, ffliiiMtcd live indliotik vt tivrcti diMlinid lor Uno-fir liupt-ihtl piivjti iiuik piinu nl Ikuu4 livm lJt pul iih piuvijiiHi, From the LONDON GAZETTE, Aug. ij.

Dqwmng Street, August 15, 1755. 'T TIS Majesty has bcn pleased to appuint the hart ot lugin, to be Im Maiclfy's Knvuv iixtraordinary and Minister Plewpotentiary to tue cotin ci iscnm. -1 A S. Jumes Bowes, of Bristol, Imnmonger. John Taylor the eider, and John Taylor the yminger, Ute of Cock-fpur ftreet, Saint Martin in the Fields, Boot 1 and Shoe-makers.

'fosiah Line, of Mill Pond Bridge, Bermohdfcy, Surrcy, Cmiter. Robert Philips, late of Liverpool, Baokseller. George Roberts Commander bf the Sbip Marianne, trading to tlie West Indien, Mariner. Mary Maddock, of Leck, Staffordlhirc, and Stationer. Cowley and Francis Flcld, of Basinghall ftreet, London, Blackwill-hall, Fatlors.

l'' 0 1 Assi" S. ConflahtiriopU; July 10. Rice lias rather risen in its pricc, uwing to the largo quantity that was coniumed by a terriblc firc which broke out on Tuefday eveninpf at Conflantinople, and lasied till eight o'clock on Wednesday morning, having redueed to alhes about 1000 iiouses and ihops, and aoo wjtrehouses; of whicli 150 were fall of wood for btiilding. The red contained ahnost all the black fruit and figs that remaincd in sirsl hands here, about two millions of dollurs' worth of oil and butter, and an immense quantity of tobacco, eavear, tallow, rice, and corn the whole damage being estimated at five millions dotlars. The fire was slopped at the Grand Custom-house, the Tobacco Custoni-housc having been redueed to alhes.

Fortunately the firc did not enter the although it burnt seveial sliops on the outlidc of it. the fire happencd, it was said Government intended to build a fine dock for ihjpping her, on the plan of the one at Toulon but it has not Inice been talked of. The siitlercrs by the fire vented their griff in loud imprecations againtl the Grand Signier, who is greatly on aecount of the mono, poly.of corn and other provUions, and his lliglit-ing Jauillaries. He reiuuined at the. fire but a vei rnort titne, for.

fear of being insulted by the populacc. The wornen particnlarry cx-ilairned, that it was a punishrnent for his cnines. Franksorf, 4. The day before yester day the Duke de Bouibon, cldesi fon to the Pnnce of Conde, arrived here from Mulhe'my near having reccived orders to go, with-out loss of time, to Loxver Snxoiy, and embark for During his stay, he was attended by fuiir inen of the rrufliaii troops here, as a Guard of llonour. The rrcncfv Itave rc.moved all the cannon and iron at Rheineh, and appear as if they intended to evacuate that District.

Part of the besitging arnry before Mcmz is likewise on its way to Italy. The almoll contimted rains, and the great swellings 5f the rivtrs, have hitherto retarded the ojicrations of the Itnpcrial troops. The camp of the Saxons, near is, on aecount of the high waters, removed to another placc. fflWt'r, 7. Prince Frederick of Oranoc, iiccomijaiiied by Major-General de Stamtort, and Union Gerboufe, arrived heie yciterday, and departed this morning by way of Diepholtz, where the Hanoverian Head-jiiai ters still are, for Ofnabutg.

Hambttrgh, 1. The Heredi tary Prince of Orange has been here for fome days. He is ijow gone, it is said, to Groningen, where he x()ccts to be reeeived by a powerful party, who have always been attached to the Stadtholder, and who are to aflift his Royal Highncfs in the re-eUahliflinient of that fyllem of governinent hich existed in the United ProriiKcs previous to their subjeJtion to the French arms. It is Jaid that he isto be aided'by all the makontents of Holland; and that by thefe meaivs and by the powerful co-operation of the King of little doubts are entertuined of the succefs. of thisundertaking, coididering rlie Vftll number of persons who are inimical to the procecditigt of tliepresent government of the United Provinces.

It muft be obferved, however, that hat is now mcntioiicd is no morc than the rutnour of the day. One circumflance is very certain, tflUt a rnost amazing number of Dntcl vcllels of all sizes, with their crews, have witlutrav-n thcntfelvcs from all connection wlth the United Provinces and put themsolves undpr the protection of the King of Denmark; if any the are alked, what civ.mtry they belong to) they answer tJiat they were onee Dutcluncn, but iiow they are Danilh fubjects. August 1 1 Lome aecounts fay, that the afTairs of Poland ai'e neariy fettled. The Bog, it is said, will the confincs of Ruflia and Pruffia i what is lltnatcd on the other side, fherefoie, will beieng to Rullia, what on thu side, to PrufTia, and the Wowodfliip of Crakaw to Aitstria. According to other aecounts, the deterrniuation of these affair is not so near yet.

For the King Poland we undcrslaiul, entcred a formal and public Protest againli all the late proceedings in Poland. Poflei ity will, we doubt not, do justice to the character and conducl of this vimtous and unfortuuate Monarch. As the French have at lertgth agreed to an Exchange of Prilbners, fUffering the Tars of Oid Kurland to return to their native Cotintry, we may fairly fuppofe that this meafure intended by the Convention the steptoward a Ncgotiation for Peacc with Great Bntain, vho has proved hcrfclf lo formidable a fos un herfavourite Element, scoriAND. Edinburgh, August 13. On Tnelday at the Try st of l'alkii there was a great Ihew of cat-tle, which vere sold at very prievs.

Many drove were kept up at luch prtec, that they were unsold, and tahen to noc market, hetc better expccled. A fcwcveningt ngo, afthe nuller of Helfing-toii Layth Mill, near Kcndnl, was angling in EM liver Kcm, he hookStl a hu, dmw. MiHne, anetttr, viewin the bulinesi, (VfStfi imiuoditttclv tovrd Idiu, lelRtd, and took fisli from oft th? hoolc, bruk- ih line. nd nU duep waiei, Ih niilkr druik 11 wlth I Rlio st IIMltlf it I hui tlM it hd'i iui 4iitiwil wy ih I lii vt Iwdi A Letter from Paris of a recent date, has the following pall'age Atheifm, in this con-vulfcd Country, is daily making Proselytes the very women aft'ect to deny the existence of a Deity; thofe who remain attached to Religion enter and leave the Churches, trembling, lest the hornage they owe and pay to their Creator fhould be construed rnto a Plot agaiust the well-being of the Rcpublick. An order has been lately given, for getting every Ship of the Line ready Vor fervice.

They will then amount to the very great number of 130 Sail, from 120 to 64 guns besides thole now on the Stocks, of which fome are coming very forward. The following Ships are now fitting in Ports-mouth Harbour, and will Ihortly be in readiness to go out, viz. Lajuste 84 Captain Caylcy. Barlleur 98 Captain Dacrcs. Tremendous 74 Captain Avlmcr.

Satilbury 50 Captain Mitthell. Scrpcnt ist Captain Minerva 38 Captain Peyton. Le Jean Bart 30 Captain Reqien 1 Lieut. W. Chimpain.

The Fast India Ships taken up by Government, have begun to deliver their cargoes at Deptford, and as soon ns they are delivered, will begin fitting for fervice directly. These veilvh are well calculatcd for the intended ufc, as they, belides being roomy, can mount front 28 to 40 gnns, according to the exigency. The Ville de Paris having, in the Course of an hour, taken her mafts on board on Wednesday feil down from Chatham to Gillingham-Rcach. The crews of two fhips of the line, ordered to Chatham to repair, are to be turned over to her, and in the Course of the present mouth it is expected that stie v. i 11 be ready for fea.

It is said the Austrians are detennined to pass the Tenda, and penerate in Provence the I rench, to prevent tnis, have drawn great rc-inforcements from the garrifons of Toulon, Marseilles, and Aix, being determined to de-send this post. It is even said that a very furious battle happened at Tenda in the beginning of the action, the Austrians and Picdmont troops got pofleslion of the place, but were afterwards driven back by the French. Nothing decifive is yet done in regard to the expected Peace between the Empire and France the Emperor still withholding his aequiefeence to it. Apartments are said to have been prepared for the daughter of Louis XVI. in tne palacc of Bclvidcre at Vienna.

But subsequent aecounts fay, that the Emperor has refuscd to exchange the French Deputies for this Princefs thouh he has no objeclion to purchaling her liberation by a sum of money. The above unfortunate Princefs still remain in the Ternple, at Paris. The Emigrant Prifoners, taken at Qniberon, ivcre all jbot! as soon as their persons were identified by the Military Commission establishcd at Vannes. This is the present Moderation of the French Conventionists. The last advlces from Sir John B.

Warren were dated on the jth inst. General Tintiniac had had feveral Ikirmishes with the enemy, bjut in the last was unfortunately killed, near Breiux. He is considered as a great loss to the Chouans. He was one of the persons fern by them to this country to requclt fuceburs. Lordl Howard, on hearing the latter end of last week that a Tenant of his had contracted for the sale of bis growing crop of wheat at twenty pounds a load, directed his Steward forthwith to give him notice to quit his farm, and ordered a Prosecutionto be fet on soot immediately against the Purchaser.

The Ruinan Ships of war in the Downs are built and sitted out in every resoect on a Bi iiilh model. The Admiral's flag it striped red, blue, and white. The uniform of the ofneers is stor.e-colourcd cloth, green collar, ctiffs, and lappels, laced according to rank; the cockade white and the best nollible diseipline is obferved through-out the fleet. The men every morning before breakfast. Divine fervice is performed on board every day, and twice on Sunday.

Several of tbe Olficers in the Ruflian tlcetarc Scotchmcn, who entcred that fervice under the lllspicei 5 the late Admiral Gregg, and, in coinpliiiicnt to that Osficer'smcmory, are pnrti-cularly patronifed by the Frnprcf. Captaiu RMwdon, ol tho in coming to Toh Thiirfilay lall, wu thrown from the km a cMtch, and had one broken in two phti' mir 01 the Mt)cr dillocwted, Th' hm vdl Iim houn in mofl purta ot the kliiKdoiu 1 liiere evor, wllhin ihe meiiiory 1 iiitit, kwmn uw uwi hundttM it itit Ptt fit For Particulars enquire of the Rev Mr. Trot ttarburv. near Sout um or of the Uni Kingtun aforcla VALUABtE RAM TO bc SOLD by AUC (Wlthout Reserve,) t. IV t.

Ar In fU Cumtu Mnrtkn.n.iui ujy uis au 1 1 cuicmBcr, 1795, at 1 All rlir uf RAM. bokinlnn to Mr. lohn Wvston, of Bmeklr M. Hu. al'i tfrr i nl.l,- F.iwii.

tA 1 g'd Uvl ol ihr Dtthley Bload. l'atil MW has) Mr. W(li and of AIMmMi Tl tray Irwed Tmfiky liti us in hhiwwi, V.W m..

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