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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • 5

Springfield, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

L' rrrl'w vs w- -v'- I I rl 1 '7 4 I i 1 tivb THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY LEADER SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 4 1923 tat It la aora' Hotair la'aaaMttaUr iui taUMlteael lMtltallaa flflif DR THOMAS NADAL DELIVERS ADDRESS TO CARTHAGE CLUB I Thanks giTuig Linen 1 Bap ponr table Unana now far Thankagtvlag itt aavlnp Itocka ara aomplpta la pattara clotha aad Napklaa to matek blao llnaa damaak bp tk at prleoa aaror bated apnallad owlag to tko fan lag llaoa market Lot Ua Barra Tom New Handkerchiefs Our complete Una of CkrlatmM Handkarchlof ara la Caoalatlnp of tlaa ahaar lawa plain and embroidered Unana Kadi ora laaa trlmmod and aol rad hABdkarehlafHof all klada BaanUfnl aaaort meat of mern'a fnaerad plain haadkarchlafn Vapalar Mood 317-321 St Loma Street Springfield Missouri Monday Presenting Unheard Values in a Special Sale of A Special Collection of Fine Fur Trimmed Winter Models at (taadarda aaw iaaptrettoa Jait what da wo an wa apaak of adasatlaaT It la a tana fnalp aata bat aat alwajra alaaiiy aadarataod la (Hat It la aat aaap ta dfflaa Lot aa remember al-wajrn hawifar that adaealloa reel-It iwpnaaata a praeaaa aad aat a product Ona raallr anvor pata aa ducatloa Thara la aa tlaM la tta lira af aap ladlrldaal -wMa ha aaa Tta faatara af tha dlaaar plvaa irathfallp aar that aaw ta haa aa Thandar alpht bp tta Carthapa education Ka map tin aaaw ada-katarp alab la haaar af Urn taaahlap aatlan Bat It weald ta morn eerpa af tha Oarttapa pablla proper ta aap that ha la aa far la oehbola vaa ackolarlp ad apllfUap the adacatlaaal pmiaa adltnaa bp Dr Theama Nadal -y fpohaea YhaMre'SElm Aa I "Th doeotlaoal praeaaa la to ta Al doUrmliMd bp tha apd la alow daaatlaa I What ttaa la tha aim of (daaatleaf Vr Nadal tha prlaetpal apaakar speaear aapa It la ta aaearo aomplata af tha araalap waa Introduced bp froadom tar tha ladlaldaaL Raahla Brnaldaat Cleaaapar who aald- tha aapa It ta teach paapte haw to daelar waa bath a Batarlaa and a bahava Wa have la thaaa two daf-laadlap edaoaten a Chat which waa laltloaa Iba daflalta aapaata af an farther breapht aat bp tta apaakar education Ka tint parpaaa la to la tta eoaraa af hla addruan whlah trata tha ladlvldaal to dcralop hln waa tha flaaat Uilap af Uia kind ractultlaa aad to aarlah hla prraaa-board la Carthapa la pccraDr alltp lu aarand parpoaa la ta fit dal waa llataad to with rapt ate (hla anrlcbad paraaaalltp lata Iba taatlaa ta the 10 mlaatae durlnp Jlraa of attar pareeaalltlaa to taaeh whlah ha apeka aad al tha aaaclu- tha ladlvldaal haw to bahava ta a la waa atawarad with aapraaalaaa world af other laldvtduala af appraclatlaa far tha aaaalloaaa af owntii nmi of thnno two nan hla maaaapa Dr Nadal aald la parti Iba flrat af thaaa two aada Thla aacaalaa toalpht la a paea llarlp appraprlata aaa Hare are Tmo'uite ill toward tta damlepmanl 5 tba ladlvidaalf Rotariaaa la -Narvlao Above Naif" Jhinbi7 Thla la llkawlaa tha taalta of ovary lTrb true teaahnv A teaehara whale life or 1 la plvaa to the aorvlea af attain th hamma aat for too Thla la a aarvtao tow that la never mahlop a table Wa fnllp paid for la dollara aad eenla hammer that la the: ladaad aap toaaher who pete aaeuph taJ 'l11 aalarp la aat warthp hla poailloa Tha teacher who pate all he da- 'V1111 utT-1 aervae daaa aat dr nerve what ha Product and aat the me- petal Tha Inn teacher meet alwayn fbanloal tnadar a marpla of aervlea over elvllltU1r'V and ahova that for which the public b4 tblaka It la paplnp him Kerala lha taaaher eaempllflea tha motto of I Tht aaeand parpoaa la adaeatlaa Rotary bervtaa Above Pelf I In to fit the ladlvldual happllp aad lha teaebar la eapaped la helpfollp Into tha aoelal a roup af tha huaineaa of adaealloa Ha la hlch ha la a part and with whlah tha Ratarlaa Far Hotary la net prl- be ttiunt live Thla preacala tha ep-' martlp a lunch club ear an orpanl- portaallp for nerrlr and aaevlep la aatlan of pood fellowa It le lhle hanlo Inw of life In Ond'a economy of the anlveraa averpthlnp muat nl- wmmwia nnnwwiii ili iimiiii ilmntclp meet thla leet The ealoon had ta no barauae It failed hern It did net render a aervlea ta eoelety Every bualnaea that daaa aat fonder aarvfce will riaallp fall 'Nor a New IHraery "Nolarp therefore haa neft die-covered aomelhlnp new It haa aim-pip tied Into aa apr-ald pHnolpl of human praamaa and plvaa modern exptnealaa to an nnderlplap law of llfa Tha old alee an waa a held with prarite aa tha leet of aurcee The modem aloran la a batlafled euatamei' with aervlea aa tba teat af aueeeae and taachera are part-nera In tta earn man laak af eduea-Uen Bdacatlon which tehee far a peal tha fall development af tha Individual far a life af happy and whaleaame freedom and tha relation of thla free aad developed Individ-' nal ta human aaaletp three ph a UP af helpful dervtoa DEMOCRATIC WOMENTO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT A'dlaeohetaa of tha otvU bee eratem af tha federal pavoma will be bald at tha repular manthlp meatlnp af tha Oraeaa Cenntp Dam-aarptla aJub whlah will meet Tueedep nlpht at tba CL Am It -waa aananaeed todap Tha plaaa af meatlnp haa bean ahanpad from tha aeurt room of tha Hprlnp-eld-aaurt af appaala ta tha elation bulldlnp Tha meatlnp will hear a blatarp of the alvll aarvlce cemmlaalaa a Ita beplnalap tba objaeto that tha lawa aat out nd tha a pa tom a It haa bean revelation lata bp Iba Republican partp Tba meatlnp dap nlpht la ana af a aerlaa te he held by tha Damoeratle alub aver tha aaunty Pellawlnp the manthlp meatlnp the eluh will hidl almllnr pathertapa In tha aouatp dlecuaalap tha aame aubjeet1 whlah haa bean auppeatta bp tha natlanal Da moc ratio committee woddt Ohi SariarnOm SlgpUM i 5 fel If A' "sf i rf 1 Trimmings of Fine Fox j- 1 1 Trimmings of Natural Squirrel Trimmings of Golden Beaver Trimmings of Platinum Wolf Trimmings of Viatka Squirrel And Other Selected Quality Furs mtaa rAiutAB ill KANBAd errr Nav Ic-OaraldlM Parrar waa Breed to aanaal bar aebtaulad aaacert hero tonlpht be-lea of a bad aald which leak a tarn far the waraa hero todap Tha Mart eriplaallp waa to have been Thunder nlpht bat waa poatpoata becauaa af tha Indlapaate SPECIAL SELLING SPORT Special Sale of Fine DRESSES TO RRRftW BBANCN KfU BLUFF Ha Nov Appranlmatelp UN pereana will atari from Baanavlllw Arlu raw In a rwumptlaa af lha aearch little Pearl Turner who haa ea I oat tinea October 11 neeerd- Inp to reperta racalvad hero todap Plain and Fur Trimmed Ultra-smart Coats you will find included many new plaids new materials in plain cloths fancy mixtures and Belted and plain Greatest Values of All Time The Ideal Giftl Make hex hppr thidChrittmubjr giving her one of theie beautiful ButOTAWriat Watchct It Youth Reigns Supreme in the New November tor's Shoes for Women at- indeed sre Shoes for Beautiful Girls the popular low- heeled models for street or Campus wear never suspect such stunning shoes could cost littlfti i This group of Dream comprises I verit- able style dhow so varied are tha styles and so complete in every detail is eaeh froek $30X0 ItekL white gold raptured cm ll-lcwrl Bukova Movcmeat ganotted to be accmte aad hbmAMc Wa kma a aamplrta a daa af BULOVA Wu la away uylee lad A Trimmed In yelvet Embroidery Dresses I of Ohiffou Velvet 1 Satin Canton Point Twill TUt Crept Ohqmsass 1 Batin ll-kt mKd white pUmpmved tiiei 17-Jewel gnaiaatoad apea MeveowK --r wadding ring apadalT 14-k aolld Wki rwmj 7g7N nmMMI UOIM flWIHB I OBO Booth Aram II year la tha aama location I ij imw B-JB-JSJgJBSHIgmH-Ji mi I infl 11 teqVimqV i T2TT.

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