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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 1

Springfield, Missouri
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.4 i pub: Weather Fair Sunday, probably followed by thunder showers. GREAT DAILY OF TUX BEST BOOSTER OF MISSOURI XXI No21G SUNDAY MORNINO SPRINGFIELD. SEPTEMBER 8, 1912 largest circulation PRICE FIVE CENTS IfWWlSilfWlUIW Paqes if Girl Shot Dead by Neighh Motive VHEN BOYSLAYS Little Housekeeper Said to Have' Been Killed While Scrubbing Floor. CORONER INVESTIOATZS SHOOTINa AT TURNER titn otCU formttlf Worked In Frisco Shops Here 1 Mother Is Dead. Hit llttl body riddled with ahot from th accidental discharg of a gun In Iba hand of a playmate, ten tar old "Brow hie" Croea, an orphan, who liver at the home of Samuel Winn.

farmer living near Turner, aontheaat of Springfield, ran thirty feet before ehe feu dead, a victim to the snarkamanabtp of 10 year old 8 barman Davis, eon of Will Darin, farmer residing near the Winn noma, accident occurred yaaterday afternoon whne Winn and hla wife were trading In Springfield. That the shooting waa accidental was stated laat night, though report the kUUng varied. A telegram re oelved by Potter, of ISO South Campbelll street, whose wife la an aunt of the dead child, stated that the little girl wa scrubbing when the te via boy. aocompanled by hla aister. Bulah, cam to the door an shot the itm M.

r. The victim the tragedy la tn daughter Of James Gross, who form arly waa employed in the Frisco hop Urau haa been working for some time at the mines near Aurora and a message telling hlra of trie shooting was sent to him last night. The child's mother Is dead. MAJOR TO SCENE, Coroner W. Major was aummoned to the seen of the shooting ahortly after the report waa received here.

He started an Investigation of the cb cumitenoee of the killing laat night, but did not expect to finish the inquiry before today, Tot some 'time sine ber mother's death' the little girl haa been living with Mr. and Mrs. Winn. The DavU children and the have been playmates and no motive for intentional Shooting was given In the brief messages that were received by Mrs. Potter, a sister of the child's mother.

Mrs, Potter 1 left tor Turner laat night to assist in the investigation of the accident and to take care of the remains. The body probably wilt be brought to Springfield today for Interment Just how the Parts Wry came Into possession of the weapon waa not learned. 11 bad the gun when he reaohed tb Winn It waa stated last night. Reports varied as to whether the wound waa Indicted wita a shot gun or rttie, but Moat reliable report Indicated) that the boy used tha heavier weapon. MOTIVK NOT' KNOWN.

People living In the neighborhood of the' tragedy were reluctant to discuss the shooting last night. C. C. Turner, residing a ahort distance from the Winn home, said that he had been unable to learn the partculars tf the shooting. He" stated he had beard of no motlce for the shooting' and did not know whether the tragedy occurred at the Winn or Davis home.

The fact that only children were witnesses of the affair and that none were more than eleven years old mad the investigation of tha eoroner unus. ually difficult. An inquest probably will be held at Turner today or imirrow. (r ii COL. ROOSEVELT III WESTERN TOUR 1 Chicago, Sejt 7.

Director Mulvane ot the national Republican headquarters tonight announced that John M. Hurlan of Chicago would follow CoL Roosevelt througtt Oregon and other l'scltto coaat states. 1 Congressman Phillip Campbell of Kansas will open the Republican campaign In Colorado Monday I't Whtn be to speak Is Denver. i YOUNG VICTIM OF TRAGEDY AT WORK ARUaOLEOLLDV or I Known 5,000 TEACHERS Annual State Association obnven. tion Will Be Held From November 14 16.

PREPARATIONS BEINjO MADE FOR GATHERING Springfield to Entertain Soi Most. Prominent Educator! OX Land. By ALICE MARY KIMBALL. The largest convention which ha ever enjoyed the hospitality of Queen City also tha moat learned and poe eibJy the prettiest looking wtu be in session hero from November 14 1. when 1.000 school teachers representing every county and thousands of schools in the state meet here for tha annual convention of the Missouri Teachers' Association.

try to vurualls It 1,000 school ma' rm coming down, tha street at once! Of course, a few won't be school ma'rma, but ift. view of tha new fall hats and nifty suits with which the majority will be clad, the small sprinkling of mere men will be an Inconspicu ous as aa a bridegroom at wedding. The city will be thrown open to the visiting and everything will' be done to give them a good time and send them away aiming praises of the Host Town on Carta. President W. Lambkin of Clinton, presidemT the IUt Teachers' Aasocia tlonwW arrive Mb SprtngfleloV within a few days to look after details th Committees will be appointed consulting of teachers, and local business men to enrry out plana for the entertainment of the pedagogic hosts.

MANT MEETING PLACES. Just where tb Immense crowds will meet is a question which 'is concerning President Carrlngton of the Springfield State' Normal school. Superintendent W. W. Thomas, and other school offi cials In this city who ar taking the lead In the work of preparing for.

the guests. Tha Landers snd th Jefferson theater will probably be used during the forenoons and ths normal school building and grounds In afternoon. Evening sessions will be held In the churches, Drury buddings end In other parts ef the city. The convention wilt bring to Spring field not only a large proportion of the teachers of Missouri, but. some ot the roost distinguished educators' In the United States, The United States com missioner of education will be present, snd It In hoped that Prof.

Utwrty H. Valley of Cornell will address the convention on th problems of country life snd rural, education. STRONG PROGRAMS TO DH GIVEN. While ths program is not definitely arranged and the complete list uf apeakei haa not been announced, it is certain that tha dlscusslona and ad dreeses will touch on every phase of educational work both tmse relating to the school room and the community at large. Vocational training.

Industrial education, and, the Identification of tha public' school with the needs of the community are subjects which will he hsndUtd by famoua eduoators froia all parts of the United States. TAn iMSY Beverly, Masa, Sept' t. President Taft gave moat of hla lima today to politic. He discussed ths national situation with Chairman Hllles and Treasurer Sheldon of the Republican National committee) talked over pollt. leal affairs in Connecticut with Charlea F.

Brooker, National Committeeman, and John Koradae, stats chairman, lis tened to th Republican news from Rhods Islsud from Former Congressman Sheffkild, national committeeman from that (Kate, and General Wilson, stats chairman, and heard what Maa MY HAT STRAIGHT? DAY IN CONFERENCE WITH LIEUTENANTS i snchuaelts 1 doing from Charles Hat Republican Stat chairman, and Samuel Powers of Boston, a member of the advisory, commute uf the na tiunal committee i rr a sw i it 1 5 i wit. ji i i i im ip ERW1S0II RISES MSiUSf PLACE "Chl iii.i mm. tm SkA erewdinj in page 212. svery year at the stern' Police Charg Unruly Crowd of 2,000, Many of Whom Were Industrial Workera. 19 RINGLEADERS LODGED CT JAIL FOR RESISTANCE Block Traffio, In Ridre Square and Protest Right of Police To DUperje Them, Minneapolis, Hesded by the night chief of police, thirty patrolmen and Detectives tonight charged an unruly crowd of nearly persona gathered in Rldg Square and nineteen of the ring leaders' were lodged In JalL Many of those In th crowd the police say, war Industrial Workers of ths The trouble tonight occurred when a crowd assembled on.

the square whicn was packed cars and vehicles. WJien ths police ordered' them to "move on" a number of speakers at tempted to proteet declaring the' streets free to th public The police however arrested the ring leader and dispersed the crowd. AT T. PAUL ALSO. St.

Paul, Sept Thirteen Social lata war lodged in Jail here tonight after a hard fought battle with policemen, one of whom was severely The trouble started When a pol Ice ma nuttempted. to disperss a crowd that had gathered to listen to the speeches of several Socialists on a atreet corner where, they have tn forbidden to bold public meetings. Among those arrested were two women speaker. ii i MRS. BUCHANAN DIES.

Mrs. CV O. Buchanan, agvd K. died about It o'clock lost night at the neid bospiul after a six weeks llimwa: The deceased was lbs wife of O. Uu ehanaa who lives north of ths city near Zoo t' ark.

She Is survived by a bu iwuid aad son, Oeorge bucbanaa. No arrange ments bars been made for the funeral. flVC ARK KILLED. Glasgow. Sept.

1. Ktve unidentified men were killed and two were Injured today In the of a Great Northern freight train near Usoon, Mont. All of the men who were beating their way were riding in a ear of lumber. Aa the ear left the track the heavy tlxueber shifted, crushing theiu. STREET SPEAKERS r.UHNEAPOUS ROW fmM Scum of the 1 mm u.Wmm Ml lli.a ports." ietory ths Amsriean X.

On Every Hand Re Building Operation Are in Prog ret Since Village Was Burned. Branson, Sept. '7. Recovering fiom the shock of th Bre which on August llteratly the business section, of this city 'off tb map In an hour'a time, the men whoa property was destroyed ar bravely making plana to rebuild, and to replace'aa soon as possible the business buildings, ths loss of which Is said to have approximated tVW.000. Th hre, while a Serious setback to the hustling lit tie will not, its Citiaeiut Insist, be a permanent obstacle to the development of th town.

Within a few days msterlal will be hauled to tit fire blackened sit, and the work of rebuilding" will be commenoed. The new buildings will constructed of tire proof material, eo that the ft re demon will never again Interfere with the growth of this live wire city of the bit river region. risns have already been matured for' agreed to maintain the lighting system the rebuilding of Parnell's, General under the terms of the old contract un MurcbandhM building and ths Welchel til the provisions of a new agreement Hardware building. These business places were among th largest In the city, carrying stocks worth ilO.ooe each. Advioes from ths 'owner of the new three story brick building have been received from Topeka.

announcing th Intention of rebuilding at once. it will be an uphill struggle for the people of Uranson to recover from the loss. Th total Insurance received from the losses amounts to about 125.000 one fourth of their total value. (the( buildings which will probably be replaced In some form during the next few months srs th Welchel lWn i.ett Millinery cnouwiiy. th Conmmr clal hotel, Troutman Brothers grocery stor, Thompson's store building, Pat terson JJrrtthers mercantile store, the Nichols shoe shop and tha Trita Schmidt shoe shop.

Th Branson peo ple, despite their misfortune are optimistic concerning the of their city, ttnd believe greatly Improved new building will srlse on the ruins ot tbejiirriposHl to reduce the charges fixed eld. ENGLISH WORKINCMEN TO OBSERVE LABOR DAY Newport. Wales. Sept. T.

A resolution calling on Kngllah worklnsmen to iml tats th Continental European custom of "nerving stay as LatHir lKf fit a vied by the Trades Union OunsreM here today, after wbluh the gathering I diotira4 until nut 1 Earth 5 "XV mt Ik. mim. mi mitt Vita, mama People Jay Weodrew Wilson, volums ASKED 100 HIGH City Council Refuses to Accept Contract Proposed by Corporation for Arc Lights. NEW COMMERCIAL RATE SERVICE MAY BE FOUQHT Several Weeks Will Be Required To Bring Contending Parties To Point of Agreement. The expiration yesterdny of th contract which the city entered Into live Vars ago With the Hprlnglx ld das A l.loctrlc company for the furnishing oi electrical current to the municipality street lighting snd to the public lor light and power would have left Kprlngtield streets In darkness hud not temporary arrangements for continued lu rvlce ee'i made with the lighting compsny.

in accordance with a verbal agreement tninde with members of the public, utility corairrtttee of the coun cil, the company several days ago are adopted. A perplexing situation Is presented by members of the utility committee tHelnsr not agreed as to ths terms that should be Incorporated In the. new Contract. The council therefore, la anticipating considerable difficulty in reauhlng a new agreement on the light, ing proposition. One member of the council has openly expruased his opinion that atreet arc lights should he eecured at $'6 per year.

Momncra of the public utilities committee say that I bin Ih too low an estimate, but that theyxuect to secure lowef riUc trmh trie VT yeaf per arc light now offered by the lighting company. The question of commercial lighting, ith whl'h KprlngHeld cltlxens sre more vltiillv ciuicei d. not being discussed so inn. b) the council In at lAinpttng to rletcrivlhe qqusble rates. he llghllnK company has trie old or.lininie from a maximum of fifteen centx pr kllowat to twelve cmta Tin loweet rate which was In tfTect to tare, conaiimera under the old contract, hn enplred yesterday, was len cents r.

hilowatt. Where consumption ol current exceeds untts per nohlh. the chsrge hua Ikeen ten ieiit kilowatt under the old jcontrsct. The new agreement which CONTINCBI) ON PAGE TWO. PUT PROBLEM IS UNSOLVED PRICES CONFERENCE OF MI CHURCH SOUTH AWAITS BISHOP Southwest Missouri Organization Convene! Here September 18 For Week's 8ession.

COLLINS DENNY SEEMS MOST LIKELY TO COME Great Gathering Will Transact Work of Much Importani Ministers to Be Appointed. With three grant blnhopa of the Methodlnt EplM opnl church. South. mentioned as presiding officers at the annual week'a sessions ot ths South west Missouri of that de nomination, which opens at Bt. Paul M.

E. church. South, In thla city Sep tember IN, the clvrgy and laity of the crKanlsatl throughout Southwest Missouri Is eagerly awaiting a decision as to which bliftiop shsll be svnt here. Jlishop K. K.

Hoes, one of the plo nenr mcmlieri of the Methodist Kpls copiicy. wan to Have held the confer nee' here, but has been prevented from doing su by the breaking down of his health three weeks ago while he waa In Bt. bouls. As a result of this affile, tion, the noted divine must glvs up all church activities for months. It thus locoines necessary that his place in the conferences of the church which he vss to have held this fall be filled by th appointment of, othur bishops.

Bishop Collins Denny of Rich, mond, will hold the St. Louis con ference, which opens st Dexter Sep tember IS, so it is believed that he will slso corns her "tor the Southwest con ference. However, both Bishops p. Morion ot San Antonio, and J. 11.

McCoy, of Birmingham, have hIso been mentioned as available for the week's la Hprlnalield. and one vt these tnK bo asKlencd to the Dett nit word as to tits namlng ol, Ahe pra.1 siding officer 1 expected today by Rev, Dr. J. B. McDonald, paator St.

Paula. The conference will be one of the moat Important ever held In Southwest Missouri. It will be attended by. nearly 1 200 clergymen of the Methodist church, 1 South, Including many of the most noted divines of that denomination I holding responsible national offices in thu church, and a hundred or mora lay men from various cities of the confer ence other than Springfield. Every day be filled with Important happenings, and the bishop will speak st least ones dally.

On Sunday morning he will preach the principal Sfrrmon of the conference week. On that same day, practically every pulpit In tha city will be occupied by visiting cloigyinen of the denomination, Springfield ministers giving way to th clert eel guests. APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE. On the closing day or the conference, the appointments or all the ministers In the conference will be announced, and not until then will It be known by them where they are to have their coming year's work. Rprlngfleld's ministers of this denomination ftc a.

J. Ii. CONTINUED ON PAUR TWO. LEADS RAID; 14 ARE ARRESTED Alleged Vice Kings of West Ham mond to Be' Given Hearing by U. S.

Official. Chicago. Sept. 7. Menry Koss snd Cornelius Moore, alleged vice leaders in graft ridden Went Hammond.

111., were to be arraigned Unlay before the United Slates ommlaeloner on charges of ylolallng the Marin while alave oct. Foe and MocTrS: lokclheC VI IT IWeIVS other pTsotia. were arieHte.l late yesterday In a aenantionul raid on the Koss rcnort by ni 1 1 of Deputy United murnhulH. led by Mies VliKlnla IliimkK who for two yearn hJ been comluet Ing a Hlrenuoiis cum palKn aH.ilnm xruft and the social evil In Wert Hammond. The raid followed the testimony giver ly the "vamptre Mrs.

Kihel Periter. alias "Frank le" Ford, wlien ahe was urrulicneil a charge of muMli r. Tho woman udmlttrd F'oea hiid brought her from I'mwn Point, I iol. In violation of the white slave l.iw. and la said to have iruulu serious I'llintfcHloiia regarding the death John Mi anmuker.

Hhc kUI bo flintier fiiicHttoiiuil by the eoron' r. atate's torney ami United Htali district attorney today. GIRL CRUSADER REPUBLICANS TO State Committeeman Patterson Will Inaugurate Movement for Party Victory Friday Night. OTHER TOWNSHIPS WILL BE VISITED DURING VISIT Victory i at November Election Felt to Be More Certain Now Than Ever Before. Walnut Grove has been officially de cided upon by members of the execu live committee of the Greene county Republican committee aa the scene of the opening of the county campaign.

Next Friday was officially deelgnated yesterday aa ths date for the begin ning of what la felt to be another tri umph In the long list of Republican conquests In Greene county. This victory will aid, it la expected, in the accomplishment of Republican alma for another period of four years in th state snd nation. Roaeos C. Patterson. Greene county' member of the stats central committee, will formally open th county campaign at Walnut Grove.

Other well known Republican to be named later by the executive commute will be on hand to render auch assistance to the committeeman as may be desired. Then In rapid auoceswlon ths battle Will be opened in the other townships of the county. Brookjlne is to be visited September It; Republic, Sep temper IT; Pond Creek, September II Piano. In Weat Center township, September 19. Ash Orov will conclude the first week's work, and then th campaigners, will spenB two days, Heptember 20 and snd talk Rs puhllnanlsm to visitors at the Ash Grove street fair.

lMrty leaders over th' entire county are beginning to Wake to a reallsa tb rnwrtWm tlw 0ul tWHrB4 in the coming campaign in assuring' overwhelming majoiitle fpr the stats and national ticket Racking them up from now until eleettoniday, member of tb county committee will sea to It that none la negligent the dia. chsrg of his duty. BULL, MOOSE AID DEMOCRATS. All realise now that th attempts of Democrats to weaken the party strength by ths so called Bull Moos agitation has had little effect save to make th regular Republteans more contented with their own feslty. It haa also forced Into the open thoee who ar attempting to destroy th party strength.

All Republican feel confident that the third term movement Is little more than a disguise of the working of th Democrat. Many of the leaders of the movement ar men of that party who have bean unable to In the past prevent th Repub. Ilesna from winning by fighting th ticket ss Democrats, and who ar now forced to used masked means to aid Hourbonlsm. That these attempts have deceived few Is known to Republican leaders. Sentiment Is generally expressed that tho avowed leaders ot the Hull Moosers In Greene county have branded the movement for what It la In addition to securing Roscoe Patterson ss one of the speakers of tne county csmpalgn.

several other prom lent men of proved oratorical ability have been mentioned for county work. Among there are O. N. Van ilosen, J. II.

Puncin. Judge Alfred Page, Harold T. Lincoln. Lewis Luater and Ry Cox, trV latter president of the Young Men'a nepuhllian club of the county. A majority of these have signified their willingness to spare a few days to the campaign and a splendid array of talent Is imsured for parly service, other dates will he announced by ths executive rommlttee during the coming week, aa It la planned to completely cover the county.

WILL ORGANIZE. A score or more members of the county committee will be In attendance at the Walnut Grove meeting. In addition, sevcntl of the officers of the Young Men's Republlcsn club will go. It Is being proposed that the committee of auxiliary organization of the latter society shall be on band to form township Republican clubs, which Will be allied with the organlsa llnn Jax JX. i Cigiiagefl keep enthuslnsm always at a high point, and to be ready nl all times to handle the camp.ilKn In every township.

RANCHMAN WANTS BRIDE WHO WILL HELP HIM PLOW Hlo.n Fulls. Hept. f. "Wanted A wtfi mi i guod worker who eml lielr hi I'ttM "ik like plowing, digging iioutrx" n'1 loading bay," says a raauky mans ritsernent. MRS.

BRITAIN DIES. Mrs. II. art lain, age It, Sled las Iihuut 7 o'ukH of eoiisuropttot 1 un. rnl services will be held this morA mt: si lu clock from the residence, loll Walnut street, liitaimeot will be is Undsey chapel cemetery, ana aad half miles from Hepubllo.


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