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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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BjBBBjBMJBwaeeaweswfe 'I I r. r. r. Wiof Were lWBfg Evtnft pf 1940? The fading porta year waa one of the greatest of fl times. It waa loaded with thjttyi and chills, and many precedents were set It wnn rypjUrly Rood year for Nerro athletes, of boxins, track and baseball.

Among the outstanding ewnU were: 1. The election of Levt to the captaincy of Yale's football teXa. S. The targe In boxing of Sandy Saddler and Ezzard Charles. 5.

The algnlnk of Satchel Paige by the Cleveland 4. The brilliant comeback of Larry Doby In baseball. 0. Ilarrlson Dillard's victory. In the Olympics.

6. Joe Louis retaining his title by knocking ont Joe Walcott 7. Ted Rhodes brOUufr performances hi golf. 8. Southern University's npheaten record In football, t.

West Virginia State's rabeaten record In basket bafl. 10. Don Newoomb's great pitching for the Montreal Boyals. Amour the dlsaeie4ntments were: The failure of Charles Fonville to make the Olympic team. 1.

The decline of ouintzed Negro baseball S. Billy Fox' In the ring. 4. Jackie Robinson's slow start in baseball. A.

The failure of fee ARC to lift its color ban in bowling. All hi alL however, Ittvas a great year In sports and VS only hope that 1949 will prove to be as Interesting. Sdndy Saddler Real Champion It took Shiggin' Sandy Saddler a long time to get his mitts on the featherweight crown. But now that he has it tucked fafely away, it looks as though they're going to have a tough time, taking the sparkling headpiece away front him. When Sandy surprised everyone except himself by mocking Willie Pep cold In four round, he ascended the throne designating featherweight supremacy.

Pep had been the mighty king for years and apparently was going on forever. But Sandy was In no way impressed with the king's reputation and proceeded to bop him about with enthusiasm. Last Friday night Bidder stopped 'Terrible Terry" Young In the ninth round 'o a scheduled ten rounder at Madison Square Garden. It was his fourth victory since Oct. 29, when he won the featherweight title frcni Pep, and his third knockout triumph.

In four years of rattling, Sadler has had ninety seven fights and he's scored sixty six knockouts. He's only 22 years old and has a brilliant future before him. Rent Finally In Pro League The admittance of the New York Renaissance Into the National Pro League as representatives of the city of Dayton, Ohio, Is significant. For years the Negro cagers have traveled the countrybeatlng the best In the various pro leagues but were never' admitted to membership. But times Insist on changing and now they are in a Negro team representing a elty of white and colored people, which Is unique If nothing else.

There was a time when the Renaissance could have walked away with the National League title. That was when they had the likes of Fat Jenkins, Tare' Cooper, Pappy Ricks. Eyre Saitch. Wee Willie Smith. Bill Yancey and other court greats.

But it won't be so easy now. The team is not as strong as it once was and the Rena may find the going rough. However. Bill Graham and Eric Illidge. who are now operating the New York quintet, tell us they pian to strengthen tne ciud consiaeramy in tne near iuture.

We hope they will and that the club will make a good show lng in this strong league, because it can mean many things of benefit in the future for youngsters on the way up. The Sports World Merry Go Round Kenny Washington put up his cleated shoes last week and now the Lot Angeles Rams are looking for another Negro backfleld star The annual CIAA basketball tournament Is set for Washington, D. on March 11 The entire coaching staff at Allen University, Columbia, S. On graduated there. The coaches are BUI Lawson, Thomas Nelson, William Brown and Joseph Golphln.

Ten nessee State was to defeat Allen the past season Three players on The Courier All America hall from New Orleans. They are Warren Braden, Paul Younger and Herman Hadley, two backs and a lineman Branch Rickey has upped the price on Montreal Outfielder Sam Jethroe. "I wouldn't sen him for $40,000," Rickey said In Chicago last week. "I want $75,000 for Jethroe" Six of the eleven players on the All Southern Conference team are from Florida A. and championship aggregation Joe Louis Is slated for ten exhibition bouts on the West Coast Harlem Globetrotters basketball team covers more mileage via the air lanes than any otherprofesslonal cage quintet.

Tne N. Y. Bens, now playing as Dayton In the National Pro League, have scouts out eyeing the best In Negro colleges for, next season Waidon Williams, 19 year old second sacker, signed by the Boston Braves, Is currently playing saxophone In a traveEhg orchestra Chicago American Giants to train In Memphis, with tne Memphis Red Sox Joe "Louis Is demanding $250,000 as his television cut when he fights again. Hell get It, too Satchel Paige was hauled Into court for traffle violations last week Ned Starling, ex football tar at West Virginia State, Is heading for Los Angeles where he'plans to practice medicine Jackie Robinson has the makings of a good aaprts according to a story In Variety, the theatrical Bible. Willie Thrower, brilliant New Kensilngton (Pa.) football player, voted the best scholastlo gridder In Western Pennsylvania, Is headed for the University of Pitta burgh Henry Thompson, Kansas City Monarcha' second baseman, will get another chance to make It In the big leagues If he Is cleared of a shooting scrape In which he Is Involved.

He played with the 8t Louis Browns two years ago Leo Durocher would like to get Roy CampaneCa from Brooklyn but won't admit It because he might be charred with tampering by Commissioner Chandler Monte Irvin of the now defunct Newark Carles Is the sensation of the Cuban Winter League. He's playing for Ahnendares No. 1 baseball executive of the year Is BUI Veeok, boss of the Cleveland Indians The American and National Leagues gave a luncheon for the press In Chicago during the recent baseball meet tag. The meal cost $500 Larry Doby's fourteen mls oues last season more than any other outfielder committed In the American League. A i as 1 FREE WHEtltNO ON KNCZS OMahome't Joe Bradley (20) skids alona the Madison Sauare Garden court on his knaas as Long Island U's Dolph Biggs wrests ball from him undar the baskat.

Standing Is UUV Sherman White (20) end In back of Biggs Is the Okie's Jack Shalton (70. won game. 46 38. I Nr. ing Day, William K.

Lewie, now a noted Boston attorney, captained Harvard agalnat Pana whea the regular captain waa absent. In fact Lewis, who atudled law at Harvard, waa picked for Walter Camp'a All American team aa center rush la 1892 and 1898. Xa reporting tha action la that Harvard Penn gama, a reporter In Tha Boston Globe wrote: "Harvard'a phenomenal center. plucky and honest Lewis, who captained tha eleven la yeaterday'a gama la tha abaenoa of Waters (tha regular captain) played himself Into tha hearta of every Har vard man yesterday. The work of Lewis waa nothing abort of marvaloua.

Ha went Into tha gama weighing 16S pounda. Ha faced a man weighing twenty two pounda mora than ha did, yet It aeemed aa if that big black, curly head of Harvard'a center ruah waa la every play. "Ha was all tha tlma hla players, and for hardly a minute did ha atop talking. When tha ball waa down on Pennsylvania's five and tan yard line. you could hoar.

xwta aa ha bant Oklahoma U. Levi's Election Brings Memories of Bill Lewis BOSTON (AXP) Although Levi Jackaon'a election aa captain of Yale'a 1949 football team marka tha flrat time a Nerro haa headed a Big Three team In hlatory, thla la not tha first tlma a colored player haa lad a team on tha field. Way back In IMS oa Thanksgiv ovar tha ball shouting, "Now, fel lows, wa must score As tha battle went en and Har vard'a leader continued to work with phenomenal energy, his strength waa aaverely taxed. Several times ha had to atop from shear exhaustion, but ha could play It out and ha did." Commenting oa Lewis la a re cent Issua of Tha St. Louis Post Dlapateh.

tha sporta column. Wray'a column, aald: "Fifty six ye ara ago a Harvard Negro football player, William K. Lewis, tha Crimson center, was named by Walter Camp on hla All America of 1893 and Lewis waa awarded tha aame honor the following year. "Lewie, atlll earlier, had gained great praatlga at Amherat College, where ha played center ruah with soma dlatlnctlon Hla fame apread throughout New England which then constituted Just about tho entire football world of that day. "Ha went to Harvard later te take a post graduate course In law and for hla two years at Cambridge ha was head and shoulders above all rivals la tha eenter pool I I ssn i mw Why fteM Ten io SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1948 Mhr 'A i CHAMP PLAYS SANTA CLAUS Jee Loutt playi Santa CUui with the help of Pan Am tttwaroti Ene MIfehell at thay load Pan Amiritin World Airways Cllppar at La Guar dia Field with Chrlitmai praianti for the un darprlvllagad ehildran of.

the Virgin Islands. (To ft The 600 pound shlpmtnt was the. last of two ton load of praianti, toys and candies for the Police Athlatle League In St. Thomas. The money for the presents raised by the Virgin Islanders In New York.

Diminieir for Si)irtis Clhioinnips By WILL ROBINSON DETROIT All the ereats of nrofesslonal and amateur sports except Neero stars were Invited to attend the greatest array of champions ever assembled when "Ban auet of ChamDions" was held last week at Toledo's Hotel uomxnoaore ferry. I R. V. Stranaban, prealdtnt of Sparkplug Company, noattd tha evening of feaatlng and entertain ment la which avary major aport but boxing waa represented. There in lay tha "catch" which enabled tha boycott to stick without any one being offended.

The preaenca of either Joa Lou I a or Ray Roblnaon or both would hava been a "muat If boxing champlona had been included on tha Invited Hat. Znatead tha genial boat of white aupremacy aaw fit to Include celebrities 'rom ten aport flelda and delete the one where of necesalty ha would have had to ahow hla hand. To add Insult to Injury, fitrana haa, aleacrlbed tha party as exemplifying America "the one country." he "where there are no castes. Where ability, achievements and character ara tha common denominators and all admire and prise each other." Tha affair waa broadcaat over a national radio hookuo and the ten sporta and celebiitlea were In attendance. Baseball Lou Boudreau.

Joa Dl. Uaggio. Johnny Sain and Stan Mualal. Football Mlchlaran'a Dick Rlfan berg, North Carollna'a Charlie Jus tice. Charlie Trlppl o( the Chicago Carda and Bob Chapplua of tha Brooklyn Dodgers.

aoir Ben Hogan, WlBIa Turn aea, Lloyd Magrum and frank Stranahan. Basketball Oeoraa Mlkan. basketball atar and Bob Xurkland of Phllllpa 66 basketball player. isnnis siaca Kramer and Tad Schroeder. Hoockey Buddv O'Connar.

Haw Tork Rangers. Power Boat Raelnaw 3uv Tvm. bardo. Auto Racing Myron Fohr. Olymplo Champlona Bob Math las, decathalon champ, and Bruce Harlan, diving champion, Billiards Willis Hoppa.

Other celebrities alao la attendance Included A. a. Chandler, William Harrldga, Wal ter j. apme antra Jack Qulnn, Wilbur Shaw, Tommy Milton, Roacoe Turner, Mlka Peppa and Red Orange, if? If, Orit Luttr SrnJ Ca I BttUct. Mrtklnw.

rat. Jfe ra rwyinint. mnm 7 tUICK U'CCttS fUa. Sarrr Mcke $100 Ptr Week MEN OS WOKXlf Be CeUase TialaiS laalaa. Wa Itala aa CWaraS Bartw ml tha War Vi Besehre WfeBe SmI AS) Trtar, SB Si Caltrfa a tha rar TYLER BARBER COLLEGE CHAIN Trier, Tas, 809 UStt SVMt, Be liSOs SUek.

Ark. VMS. B. V. CDeveDamid TJki imager Annsweirs Query BdUofB Kott: TA foUovring tioiy vat writfn by Sal Ltbo or tk4 BU Louia Sporting loMtaJr S.

I publication. Th tiory Uttt wky Bate hat Paig tou no. uttd ckn tk Indian cr battHng it out for tk ptnnant in but monia. tko homk. By HAL LEBOVXTZ CUCVELAND, Ohio It waa dur Injr chin mmIob at tba racant Cblcaco maating that Lou Bou drcat ravtalcd why ha uiid Bam Zoldak at hla number oaa ralUf Ditehar.

Instead Batebal Pair. during tha final month of tha IMS eaaon. "Tha atory tot around," aaia Boudraau. 'that Palga was la Ua doghouaa. It waa eomplataly un trua.

Tha aimpia laci waa inai avary gama during Saptambar waa THE BIO ONE ana naa to um pltchar who waa familiar with tha battara. "Sateb knaw tha waaXnaisas ar only a ftw hlttara thoaa ha had barnatormed agalnat Ofttn ha didn't avan know tha battel's nama. Each pitch waa Important tha final stratch, ao ajra couldn't afford to throw a batter hla' bast pitch, by mlataka, avan onea." To llluatrate Satch'a ignorance of tha hlttera, Boudreau related tha following Incident: i' Wa were playing. Waahlngton and Batch had coma In aa relief. Tba tying run waa oa aecond and Satcn got tha next batter for the aacond out Forrest Thompaon.

tha Senator pltchar waa coming up. called time, walked tip I to tha mound and aald to Batch. This fallow la a fair fitter. Don't aaaa up oa Batch burped you know, ha'a got atomaeh trouble and aald, went back. to my poettloa andi saicn took nia.

Ttten ha atepped back off tha mound, touched the reain bag. and called time. He motioned to ma. and ran up. thluklng hla atomaeh waa getting woraa.

"'Mr. aald Batch. 'should walk thla fella and ret tha next batter Just la case you dldnt know. It haa long been a cardinal ala to walk a pitcher especially with two out. ana rats rat latiuav MOTLEY NAMED TO ALL PRO.

ALL LEAGUE TEAMS NEW TORK. (AN?) Line bust lng Marlon Motley of tha Cleveland Browna waa voted tha best fullback In pro fqotball last week whea ha waa aelected for tha first team of tha All Pro alevea of the Associated Presa. picked all league fullback. He received the largeat number of votes or any member or the all league team with 57. Thla in hla third atralght year aa alllfkgue full back.

Hla teammate. Bill 1111a for mer Ohio 8tate great, for the third year in a row waa vVed all league guard. The powerful linemen, however, waa relegated to tha aecond team In the all pro aelectlnna. NIL MIC TNI INIMVI FISK BULLDOGS DOWN 'BAMA, 39 38 eaaaaawaawaav NASHVILLE With Ouard Herbert Collier scoring IS polnta and center Baaae'tt Brown counting for 12, tha Flsk University Bulldogs' handed tha Alabama State Teachers quintet their see ond straight loia of the week, 89 to 38, last week on the Flsk court Tho gama waa hard fought throughout with tha visitors, lad by Hollla, Jones and Morris, all of whom hit tha bucket for eight polnta, threatening constantly. Collier connected for five field goals and three free throwa for high point honore while Brown tallied five from tha floor and a braca of foul tosses for his totaL Qtw mlngham Black Barons, and Dr.

W. H. Youngs and Hugh Cherry.i owners of the born Houston' Eagles, totes: addition to organized baseball. High on the with spring training plans were exhibition schedules and methods of making' the American sporting world conscious of Negro baseball's true value. It Is that serious discussion waa given also to play er training regularity and' pother 7aaif52f4.

Oil 47 I'll' ct PUBlie tlUTIONS PCFAtTMtlfT Tho PlllBaBnh Coarlee PaMsalaej P. O. Sea 1821, r1mawh CIO), Pa, b.aa....... I I SSal Um mm mt Ska nmpaiie eeataiatee Haara la She Beata fee TSarW Dan," ay Baa Baric. lavn oatt mn um SMti rtiASg rm aa raiat naiatv ia la alaU at Km Rah, a la all Wfca rMa.MNO mm tmtk mm wetrt soa rats new cat a too.

fflSS ffl G3H0D fro auix) aa5 3d I was a sas i WOLVERINES IajijT TEXAS COLLEGE Tha Worrit a up It. third rwl. fortnldbt Vltw and th la tT 144 1 UUtt victim 4 to 4S. CHAMP Sandy tared Am wsunna wrrwniNi aatherwaM CrismL Saddler, at right, has opponent, Terry Yeua ii neu, as hair ten round bout at Madison SouSi Vt1 "i CROWNS OPPONINT Faather Sad mass wwii viiwii. inri i myw inowi Trie wanAV haltlngfof American Leagua teaana and the I infant Houston Eaglee aggregation teams met la Memphla last week to make arrangemanta for spring practice.

Tha gentlemen Indued Dr. J. B. Martin, owner tha Chicago American Olanta and president of tha leavua; hla hrothsr. Dr.

R. H. i 'Martin nwnar nt tha Utmnhli Ttmi IB nil own learue. IDI AU AIMN'RoI' Tnm ITavaa Jr. nf tha 171 r.

ic. conxerence. Money was alao snow tneir FREE BELT with Srary aarl '8 95 CIEN A.aHaal aha la CMk Sh 0 aaana SKarkikin COlOlli uttii a it laMsm. 2 la 7 lad to the the bout In th. tenth rourT sJ cracks the battarad Tarry with a stinging lt 5 of tho blows which eventually addad up to rni T0 victaral rantn rouna.

irtr. Baseball Moguls Get Ready Spring Comeback i MEMPHIS, (AlfP) Tha front office maa or orgaaUee Ngr baseball have dedicated themaelvM to tho Idea of making a coma back. sa.a. as. i SLja a vviui ineir wtneum a nm wail, in view of tha IMS fiaanclaj situation ownera of threo leading Nsirro disciplinary probUra interrlewtd la lng tha Memphis tw Kali league thts yf jv, ZS km i liiiiiuin ram im iry vtneed mors ihm vr Bus gaalzed Uaued and nprr their esrlv exiti.rr not been a Nrc to give tsm thr f.m (O DRAPCSTl PANTS FROIIT DAUFH PHUADIiPHla II, WrHeerrejMrjp Colonel HOG it; Shflli fe OrarWoob lea Old rwJ mm ru.

Choke I.

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