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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

whkh farm there a Kood orchard. i Tbe ssnn is wen wawreu uu ful stiuiticni for country seaU, conunaodiug ete ih Hudson nrer Tbe mansion boase is siteated a few rods from the river, snd is a well buill and commodious bouse, in rnnA mwr. with convenient out buildings, barns, tta ties, and a good Ksrdeo, coulaimng a variety of choice fruit 1 here are also four other comfortable dwelling houses on the premises, a cooper's shop, aud a large snd convenient dry good store, all situated near the landing and mills. The landing is well upon which there is a good saw mm, anu piaster mm, and aynt mil), carrying lour run oi nones, wnn twenty over shot water wheels, and four feet bead Tbens are five unoccupied water tails upon ine atreara, as it runs through the (arm, which would fur men as many vamame sites lor milling ana macnine it. and any additional number miebl be inadr, by conveyint, the water along the margin of the bill, as it approaches and descends lo tat river.

Also, a House ta sireelio ute viiiare rosin keeosie. called the Octagon House, toe ether with the afore adjoiuirg. The lot runs through to Cannon treat, upon wbi it also fronts. Also, a House aad Lot Cannon street, nearly op aite tb Dutchess Academy. For term apply at tbe oXce of RUGGLES and HOOKLR, is Poagbk psie.

or to an) of the sabxrv bers. MARY fit KlKMr.R, Laecutns, JAMES SI.EIGHT, JK I'OOKKR. iters of Peter Ix Rieraar, deceased. Ponthkeetni. th.

1821 Fe 271 TO LK r. For tlu Suwrvr The manaum haul, stmbles and srardea. ilitJLw'tb such other pnviler.s,as may be needed. of ib(lace, belunxinc 'o tbe estate of the lateJoba M' Vickar, at Bloooiine dale. Apply to Rev.

M'VICKAR, mvS tf College Green. TO LKT Oil Tbe new two story brick front boose, on the est side Of the r'irsl Atenue, near the corner of I Fir strret.wiik the pnvileveof awell improved KiruiCI and RLIT QMtDK.N adjoining, dress ed and seeded ibis Tbe haue is pleasantly fctasted, and every reipect a desirable residence soragen eel Umily, and oolj IS minutes walk from theuiy Hall; tosoch, the rent will be very reason bis. Apply to ABM. i. lb pre roRtq ntmnie rta nr.

rmnt trL ALV), For or To au, a aoiober of bt I I.D ISO LOTS on First sUret and irst Avenue, on ad eaetafvioestenna. aw Ceunr, Hjxui TO LKT. (nod double two story house and five teres of first quality land, situated in the village Of Slimfo'd, (Con.) Possetsioo will be given any time after 1st of April rent moderate. Apply to RICHARD I. TUCKER, mh 14 29 South st.

TO LET, (for oos or more yean,) A House aaJ other buildings, with girdao containing about two acres of ground, sit attest Rise Hill, oo th east side of the Bowery, nearly opposite lve laoe, about 1 1 4 Biles from the City Hall, lately occupied by Michael a Dotaoic Garden. ALSO. About acres of MeaJow, through which a small stream parses, dieldeJ by a lane frosa tht above premises. Arply to F. DE PLYSTER, Jr.

mh S3 tf t3 Garden street. A CUUMKY IttlUkACL. TO LtT. fruta th 1st Apnl rL two sto P'2 dMb) hoaw. ulrd i lis of th tM asa.l ulUa of Slnuord, CowMcticat, oa th Maia alrM, al.

1 60 miWt frons lb City of New Vorts .1 wmrt ib ma. I tug arrive vry evening TO LET. litriV iHi' I LJ Th convenient two story Bout, No. Itt 'MVWW Lih rtTtrt Possession may had immedi FOR SALE, ttely. Apply to Geo.

Lindsay, 98 Librty.t. 3 Tli. farm of tht tubseritxr, tituafj on or I. Townseod, ro. I uuuawga, nana lrhntar count.

tdCTeO itrael. BT4U inA awi rv iir i iu i mil from tht city of Now York; FOU SALE CHEAP. acres, conveniently divided into wood, araci ana ejj 13 nnimprofed Farms, containing each meadow land. AO aaouwoai iqo acres of good land well wooded and watered, ifrcauired. I riilinir mill ilmm ah Ika InM For elegance of prospect this farm is exceeaexi I conlisilo0i the Albion mills and the by none oo the Sound.

flourishing Tillage of Monlicello, in the county of Foriaruier piraijniuit gnUi an, on the turnpike leading to pUcaUonoaybemadetoMr.T.L.OgdeD,o.u utMmjUlfrom Newb on Hudson 17 Nassau tercet, or in suun nucr uu premises. Jaot tf WM. LEGGETT. FUR SALE. nrer.

At moouceiio, are we ioun nouse anu clerk's office of Sullivan, a place of public wor hip aad an academy. With theie advantages and their proximity to ihip navigation and the Tk.ik..i;fll..:tnalfHFARM. OB the eSt I Vnrlr IhanrnrnUklnlha urinal beak of the Hudson River, iboui in mile; norm th orogDect of success, and from Pooghkeepwe, hi to tD purchaiing on speculation the i. lend certainty of a rapid rise. The title is induputa younxj, togeuier Me.

of which the most satisfactory evidences will in commonly caiifo rijuc '7 7. 7.. The firm contains seventy two acres of fine tillable I will be required to be paid down, the residue to land, with a doe proportion of meadow and wood Be ecurej by bond and mortgage on the premi ses, and payable in four equal annual payments. with interest. Lnquire at tbe otticeol tht sud scriber, at No.

9 Nassau street. EOWAUU UVl.MiStU. my54Dl2tC4t COUNTRY SEAT TO LET, rieatanlly situated on an eminence at 1 1 2 miles distant from this city.oo tbe uarixm Road, belonging to the estate of the late John Murray. The house is in excellent order, spa known as one of the best in Dutchess County, upon Uious, containing 15 room, thoroughly repaired the Hudson River, fnro which landing one or more aDj naioteJ. and fit to receive and accommodate sloops sre constantly employed io the freighting butt eHteci family.

There are about 4 acres nessto.New York ins also one of the i landn gpia t0 i0f very good quality ees for the North River Steam Boats. The store bouse i i an excellent irarueu uu a uvutmivi ikxtnrb Umanit rnmnwvtinua iu1 ill rood re. I Bu A PI 7 KV. si, i. to JOH.

11. MUKUAI. 11UU pa r. r. Mr.

flflDKV. who residrs near mill streams in uutchets county, wim a greaisum i ciencv of water lo supply aad cam any quantity oi tbe premises. I 1 .1 .1. 1 I inruuo un nn wun, TO LET. The comeiiient 3 torv brick boose 37 Pine street To a rood tenant ibe rem ill ir low, and the li'iuie put iu the best repair.

or term apply at 33 Rlurray street. in.yi9 lw HOARD atui 'l VUlOJf. TOL'Rboarderscan be well accommodated at Mr, Derry's Shool, 100 lireenivich street 1 In will have the oporiuiiily of learning to write and ptk rem correctly, and the benefit of taking eterciie on lha Battery, under Mr. Utrrj's immediate cre. Hif H.

E. the Vice President G. Suck let, vVbitehouse, S. Campbell, T. Hameriley, Eii'rs, c.

4c. my 10 Jaw 1 in ECONOMY COAT DRESSING, tint Inttntii January, IC20. Yonn EJwiu woo'd a fairy maid, AoJ long his courtship to her paid But all his sighs and tears were vain, No echo from ber lips coulJ gain. Rinklin; in his breast the fiery dart. Fmm hour to hour, pierced deeper in his heart, His vows she scorned, his every look, Till maJoets grew too wild to brook.

He trimmed his hair, he danced so gay, But lo wiu her heart there was no way But soon the reason showed it plain. He wore a Coat, 'twas full of Main. He sent it quick and had it clean, And won the maid as soon as seen. Then lovers all be trimm'd, and go And have your Coats ttourtd by COX ti CO A COX CO. No.

151 Broadway, one door from Liberty street, and eight from the City Hotel, have discovered a new mode of Dressing Coats, Pantaloons, lie. by STEAM STONGING, so that no person can distinguish them from new. They nave alio procured 1. Cetnposiion which enable them to extract all kinds of Stairu, oo quite a different plan from that of the Dyers. They restore to th original colour.

Scams of Clothes when worn white; and having a perfect knowledge of Tailoring, they enrt'e to alter and repair any deicnpuoa ol Wen tlemen's Clothes, in the neatest manner, at tbe shortest notice, in oo the most reasonable terms. Clothe warranted to wear Arte snooths aftrr they ran then beanin Dressed. La lies' Habits, and Shawls, Dressed in the oratest msnner. COX ti CO. are the original lorentors of this plan, haviot first discovered it in January, 1820; nd the pubiic may rest assured there is no other equal to it for though the Cloth is improved in appearance, it is umujured.

Many G'ntlemen have stated their lull approbation of tht above laa. Ueotlearn'icas' oa Clothes bought and told, for ran. All or Jert punctually ilUcdsd to. my 9 in Dl orvkrw Ih Inworaiil tUbanl Hiktr. record 13 rof Ihccity of Nw heret tivcn l.if ih rrvditors of Jonathan Kobiuson, ol Ua my of Ntw York, and lata of be'fssf, Irrliml, as wrll in his individual rap' uy, one of ih firm of Teunanl and Robinson of IWIfast a aforesaid, an insolvent debt or, lo appear before the said rvconlrr, at bs of. o'clock, wlwre p.wnrrar lasdtd IhaCitv hall, ol in city of New lork, on with perfect f.ty ad ronre.wnr fracath tlam lb nineteenth day of July Mil, at oMock. boat, geswrally from to4 e'clock P. M. This boss! ia th forenoon of that day, lo alww csu if an) isplraaallr silattad.tnd reoUt with many conv aiMKt. wita 1 1 I acres of land, embraCMit a lerr andticalktol ni.

and will enordlo peraons food of sporting, Kraal For furtber partice Ian, aptv to WILLIAM CAIRNS. snh 10 tf No. IJO Water street I AT kLI. lUKIHWH. rOR SALE OR TO LET, aT A convenient tad pleiseotly situated 'Mitwt story Hons, at ElUibethtown, ti Jersey, with aNiul ooe acr of Uod, oa which thtrt art a garden and variety of wrll selerteJ fruit trees.

Tht tail hou in ioJ repair, has a aiu do ana rtiur under the wholt thtrt irt also, a wh.hou, mlch hou, staMr, and othtr convenieorts, whuh retid ritin all rt tpert, suiUMt for a geottcl fjmily. Apply to Mr. Gorgt Robertson, nr tht pmi ji. John Rookr, No. tTO Cherry strvtl, or JACKSON li WOOLLEY, By II WalMrett.

IX) i.hi'OK FUR S.1LH., A coaatii, room a.t ihrr ery crawmod wara iwjms. i. th No 119 learlM wt ApfltO CUIi.lNS 4 1 0. It FVH 1 4 Amh my and Chst Chsp fl trtls Ussed (or years from StSO I taxes.

1st STORE TO LET, Mv, for I de, Anlhooyrt.t,U,MJ SttS tod tales. 1 do. Jo. tonus) Rent, rool Ttosot, JW ftsdtatts. 1 oo, do.

do. do, 1 200 Uie. Totl f8TJ todttx. Tht above bouset adKuiint tarh nth.e. aad can be itsroieJ without any tikent strlA, at th rvllart were filled up io coo.

tquc of wstvr lymc in them, but wtwh th. rosilurf sa Chsnt i4rt hutrTectuallt rtaios. ed they wUI sold lothef seas to ytsldup wsvrvs ps per ctau I lUt ineirepiMinsbl. Appl N.tGruwKhttrtL MyW tf tW TO I TV tw story bmk kit No. SO rrtwotl tL Aff'tt CAMERLLLNO rCAPSIX.

Ap tT 5th street Alat At a vtry lew rewt. I aa tbgibl tilnatia) Ma, lw Lap. rMss) ew th firrt of ty, of rvUcuUri, trrjairt of t7 O. st IU WAITE. they why an as ruuienl of th said imulv est i est a' should not be made, fur th liencSi of all bis creditor, and thalth iiersonof th said in oltenl may swtwv.r ihwrc.ft.r estmpled fnmall arm! ov imps iwrwnl for or by rrawn of auy drbt or debit di at the lime of making ssnn or contracted (or be 'or that )alii ai'trr wards, nd also, if in pnSiHi, from his impnsotunrnt, sgrTVatilylosnaclolhaLegislalur of th Stat of New cl lo aboliih imprisonment lr drbt in certain caws." Dated Ih second day of M.I8JI myllawlUw by a certaio indenture of mortgage, bearing tven dst with tht said bond, graut, bargain and sell, aha, relet and confirm unto Thorn is Graham, I te of tht city of Ntw York, hit htirt and as signs firsvsr, all that certain dwelling houst Th coaatry te.i hlwr the 4 andStn of grouod, situate stno, oa the west vide of lb fithaie nut, mi irm, accivnmll.ic It well ralc.Uled to acveosmmtat ami family, has good rdi, (

LwM.r at No. all slrvel. my II if llrllLKEAS lUbert Mniih, and Ann his wife, of tht city of New Vork, to secure thtpaymtotof tht sura of six hundred doll.irs, with interest, according to tht condition of cer tain b.m dated tht first of March, in tht ytar ooe thouian I hundred and nineteen, did. in tht tenth wtrd th city of New York, on th south tide of Hroomt strtrt, known at tha third hnustfrorn Cannon strtel westerly boundtd north in front by llruomt street, eflerly by a dwelling house and lot of ground, the property of Conitliut I ysnn, soutbtrly in the rear by art of a lot belonging t. th tij Coroeliut Tyson, and tsterly by a houit od lot ol round Mt Ih prvrly of Jph Graham i the said lot being sixteen feet In breadth in front and reir.

and seventy five feet on each sid in length and wntreat ine tsu 1 homis liraham, on tlit dty anj ytir anov ttateu. did bv a certain a meot endorsed am the said mortgage, transfer all ins 4111 tint ana interest in tht said bond and mortVt and in and to tht premises therein de scribed, Cornelius Tyson, of tht city of Ntw York Aad whereas alo delault hsth beo ma It in th payment of th interest which Mlh accrue and become due oo th said bond whertfor public node it hereby gi yen, that by virtut of tht powtr in th said tnortit contained, and In purtuaoc of tht siaiui turn cast maJt arxl provided, tht said tovt atsennej premnet will told at public auctun, at Iht TonUot Coffct hout. in tha rit of Ntw York, oo Wednesday, th eltvtnlh dty uiy, at tweiv ot iota tht fortuoeo. Dtl JCib Janusry, inil. CORNELIUS TYSON.

E. A. tlsncktr, att'y. 6 ItwGm OVTH AMEKICM DCfRfKINS. reived (rw lhotasd Swlh American tf lre Muss, mad sod ia ne'W etdVr, well cl misted aho bsadmgt.

for salt ia loll lo s.l parxnawra, ty DILWORTH A VOOR1IF.ES, 191 tVlt.r,trrt Who gn ibe bubrtf mtrlrt rrst for til nd. of ryi.M"t IN CHANCERY. State of New York. U.

TO pursuance cu order of this honorable court, 1 will be sold at public aaction at the Tontine Cot fe Hook in the city of New York, on the 20th day of Jnoe neat, at II o'clock at noon, under tht direction of the subscriber, all thu equal undivided moiety or half part of all that certaio messuage, dwelling bouse and tots, pieces or parcels of land situate and being in the ninth ward of the city of New York, on the easter ly me of the Bo we it. beiar tczelher bounded as fol lows: weiterly by tbe Bowery road, soutnwesteriy oy 13th street southerly by lands now or late of Peter G. Stntvesant soutbeetteily and easterly bv tbe third Avenue, and lands now or late ot tbe said Peter (j. Sturvesant. northerly and northwesterly pertly by lands late of Ldward Williams deceased, partly oy land now or late of I nomas Taylor, and partly by land now or late belonging to acob Tier said premi hi beinc intersected by 14th street aud low street coniaining about sii acres of lots, be the same more or lets, logetber witn the appurtenances to toe tame belonging or in anywise appertaining.

Dated My23ih, 1841. 1 HUM AS bULiun, lawijune Mdts Mailer in mencery. I.N CHANCERY. Stale of JVeio York, u. pursuance of a decretal order of this honor of land, tuateon the northerly ta I ok, in tha tnwn of Cnnstantia.

county of containing together six hundred and six acres, be tha same more or less. Also, all those cer tain six lots ol land, situate in the same town and county, and part of the same township, de situated upon the samt map by the Not. 12Si, 123, Mi, ISC, dred aud three acret and ont fourth of an acre ning thence S. 81 E. along the bounds cf Lot No.

90, 10 chains and 20 links, to a birch cornered and marked 107, 1 19 Iheoce S. 9 west alonj the bounds of lot No. 1 19, 48 chains to a stake ten links E. from a chetout cornered and marktd 107, 81 W. along the bound of lot No.

118. 10 chains and 23 links to a stake. I he Notts of Ih. Uauk of New llnniiwick, and Suit Bank of New Brunswick, (will be rccid at on balf percent, discount, by JOHN O. WARREN 4.

SOV, dccMlawtf 46 Wall street I'TLUrS REM ID forth. TOOTH ACHE. MIIS remedy wss discovered tbosil Uirr yean J. since (residing In a vrtetsjii t.hstanr) ty to Jowph L'llev, of Hartford, Con. The following certificates of its efficacy, from men of th first litem througbmolirv ine moM submitted forth perusal ti Iht candid reader.

f.rfrAJuVy.l8J0. Havine been Innr tdl.f ted with ih lootb ch, astd dreading lo hate my teeth etlrarted, I wtt induced aboul two years since, lo "Llley Remedy tor the Tooih Aihe." Iteflrtrd est sutir turt, and I have hid no retomoi tmnkachenme. Be nt at tkal lim ia command of tbe Mnte Prteon of Connectieut, lapplidit loth Pntja Cards undrr my cwn ma.d.andloa number of my atighbors, with toi ssn. success, tiro properly applied, I blit It too uciuai remeov. CHARLES I hast sd Renwdv lor Tooth Aeh mv family al various times, tor two yrt paM, and nal checri.lly rcommnd il as an eRrrlual prmnlitlv of that malady.

ARD OODHRIIM.L 1 1 a. Three yr ago I wts mack troubled wuh tkt (nosh 1 1 (piihed L'tley'i remedy, nd has st. tiuicteu wiu any imi oi th ieih sine. TRUMAN KILHUL'Ri. Theariov rtroedy mty be had of Mewt.

Iilas Lord, Mi Crtntb strrel, John P. i'her, 1W Brodfy, and Hull Bosrne, 146 PeaHsiatt, once cents pit notu. T. O. HART CO.

ArrnisLrPujprirtor.HsiL'onl L'onnT. net IJtow 6m BY order 6f Nathan Tord. Esq. first jnigtbf th COLOMBIAN MERCHANDIZE LINE county of Sl Lawrence, notice is hereby given, I For the conveyance of GOODS between the that on application made to tbe aaid first judge by a cmditor of Isaac Davton. an absent debtor, and such affidavit and proof as the law requires, he, the said first jodre, hath directed all the estate oi the said i i i i Isaac Dayton, ootn real and personal, 10 aiucnru.

uotice given, all his estate, real and personal, will be sold for the payment ot bis deots. vaiea me jisi day oi JUiy, inzu. imuon inwui Aug! lawiy Att'ys lor Attacnuig reoiior 1)Y order of the honorable John 1. Irving, JJ Esq. first judje of the court of common pleas for the city and county of New York, notice is kM.U I nn Ahcrnml I 1.11 Alo all that certain tract tituate in the county nl.

aforesaid, being part of the said township No. PETER HAGEMAN iIAN, DANIEL COCK, SAMUEL WILLI ApS3 is, FOK SALE. ROUND HILL Assignees. ibrovgbtb. town, have anifurmly expressed in the stronrrst Unns their delirbt at th natural beau ty of Hound Hill.

Viewing the Landscape from the bill, the pcturrsnue and enchanting scene of the surrounding country (it is believed) cannot be orpassed in ew turland. Situated oesr Ib eeo stake staodiog 18 liuks, N. from a large hemlock, tre of nch aud flouri'tunx village, and that, the shir nsinr. fnirn the bed of ihe river lo Ihe bright of o'clock cities of New York and Philadelphia. thousand feet, giving bounds lo lb prospect i.

that I Fulton for New Lond.m quarter anJ making ry ohjeel in th valley (tor 10 links S. E. from a hemlock cornered marked IOC, 107; thenre N. 9 E. alorg lhe of the gd njei Connecticut p.r.u,ng in wmd.n bound, of lot No.

,06, 46 chain, to th. plac. Xtt lui.iiinin, I kr.t nn. i fourth of an atr ol Imd togtther with the here dtiamcott and appurtenances to the tame belonging or in any wise appertaining. Dated New York, May 1st, mil.

FREDERIC DE TEYSTER, Jnn. Master in Chancery. fr7 On the above lot, No. 116, embracin; tht village riot, formerly called Rotterdam, nor CooiUoua, ther it a Urge and substantial Grit Mill, with two run of stones. This building i three stories high, andcapablt of being convert eJ into a manufactory.

Also, Hit rtmiint of a blast furnace, of which the casting and top houses were lately destroyed by fire two large coal homes, a war house and other buildings apper taining toth fjrnart; a never failing (ream of water, with two mill dims and ponds, with tulli cient head for water works a wharf on the Ooei. da Lake, and several dwelling houses in the villi; of various dimensions. An txteusiv supply of excellent coal and ore art now on hand, which.wilh all th flasks, pat terns Lc. Lc, belonging to the furnace, Will be told to tht purchaser! of Iht water privileges at Uit original cost. A valuable on ttd at erona, about 7 milts from tht head of th OueiJa Lakt, may alo bt had by the purchaser.

Th abov establishment it situate on th Oneida Lake, 44 milts from Utica, 29 from Romt, and 16 from Salmi. It hat a witer Communira tioo with Lakt Ontario, by Oswtgo, aud also With tbt urand Canal, mty I law8wtt flowing of the river of ih handsom villages of Had ley, llatbeld and Amherst lymc. near th river besides many towns at diilanrr, containing a grtat population of intelligent, industnoua and moral ro to rtnter the lit 3 a ton or round Hill th most drsirabl of any in tbt country. Th.s properly has not bee. inttnded for sale Since the improvements have been made upon nor would it now tie sold but for Ihe recent death of my Iwo brother, who have heretofure occupied twool th three hoeet.

It wuchl lobe owned as it always has been) by one family, or by those as friendly to each other as brother, so that they may enjoy, in common, th be nefit of Jing tod walking throat, lb woodlands. With that ww lli enure and eudivided property is now ollered for tale. If not sold ih'S year, part of il after that time fslls into the bends of minor children, aud Iht opportunity of rurchi inr th whole will tben bt lost. (rfnllr men who want country roidenr can her be tctoinmoitaied with ronveo enre aodelrKam. of situation, with Ihe most delicious and greatest variety of frud that Ihe country afTjrJs, all raised to then hands by years of aniduous labour and industry, besides thind lur of mutbmonry, whu.h will nsver be rrfuniled by the sal of th property, Il it a di'taort ol VH) nulu from Koston.tnd 70 from Alba ny, from whence stages amv daily, and in day and a hall Irora ew lork, 1.U miles, tor lurtber parti' rulers end terms of sal information will he tive.hy the Wmi DWItJH f'S, mercbnts, JOHN hHF.PHIRD, merchant.

181 Water street, lurk, or by the subKnUr, lumrwi the srrnues. lllUMAb MILI'lltUU Northampmn, (Mast.) May 1821. my IH lawtiw INDIGESTION, Oft SOUR STOMACH, IS acknowttdrrd bv medical writers to a com plaint of stobborn kind, and at all limes very diffi cull io cure. This is svtlioenily illustrated in Ihe dippointmenlof ihos who anfuetunalrlv sudrr.n der it as they for the most part find thai after having tried many thinrs, lo little or ao purpose, thev ar at lan w.i jei i) ii, lor perna Ih remaimlrr Ol lite, with triKteaeuaaal belt but palbsleihe disease. Indersuch cirru.n tances, any medicin.

cabbie of rrmovinc th complaml, must surely be an article nnn.y oeiervwg th attratio. ofall iho whoare af dieted with it. such is Dr. Mrad'a AN ri DYMKl' TIC or TUM AL 1 1 PI LLS success of wlm has never yet been equalled for lb cur of dispepsi tn Is mol complirated lirm, sucb as Iom of i pbi, M.sea, heart burn, flatulerKt; tnsmr sminta ato tnech, pin i th tl. treat toatitna.

mUhh ia Ih rowneu of ipintt, pem in bead. rligo or gidl.nest, and dut.rtwd lp. Itwy will rtmos tU tovmes of ih stomach, not mertly by nealrahiuit the acid, but bv correcting that m'bMl state of the srcreiioti sshicb rv rise lo it, tnd It Iht ttm bm will restore In th. dchilitatd organi of di(stioa that Ion and vifour sshKh is absolutely necessary to Ih well being of tht animal coonsny. An artKl having lately appeared, under tht vagat utitot in nui)speMtt; us.

in pilic art partHU lariv rtoatsled lo oterv thai thew am De Mead't twiMytpeptic pills, Iht proprietor of Meed's Pill bold himself revpotisibl soe anv but sarh tshav his signature affiled lo the bill accoroMnsine M.hbot. To lie hid of Hull A Bow ne, 1 4S Petri street J. C. Momson, 1(1 Oreanwich street Abm Brook, 40S Ptrl Jam! Sf smsa Co. cotn.r ot Uroadway end Chmbr treel, and rortwrottesl ham.ndDoyer ttreti tni Robert Rubtrtsoa, II Drnadwav pne (I per bol.

ti. H. Now. are invi nlN sirned by Iht ml proprietor, I.LUHt.E of which iIwiWk ar requtstod lo particular. snh I) tf ssitiw Ofir.

tw.ylvania, and hv wvof South Ambov and Ror. dentown, the shortest and cheapest route between the two cities. riIIE subscribers having made arrangements JL with the above steam boats, and having procured excellent baggage waggons and the most experienced and careful drivers, oiler their services to Merchants, Traders and others, I I niut. IK. mn.i t.rtni ing or concealed debtor, and to au omen wnom i Kn all Goods, Wares and Merchandize to and nnr.nint ik.

from New York to Philadelphia. Goods can wu. w. ju recUonsof the act of the legislature of the slate vj of New York, entitled, "an ac4 for relief against h.n "ther an! wlU be la.ed absconding and absent debtors," he hath directed weir place oi uestmation tne next mornirg oy all the estate of the said debtor to be seized, and ten o'clock. The facilities which this line af that unless he returns and discharges his debts fords, tbe rapidity and com panUve safety of the within three months after this notice of such sei transportation, togetner w.iu uie uurcmiueu fr h.

nam.r.t ertions of the proprietors, will, it is confidently able court, will be sold at public auction, at riaierl th. inth m. i R9i expected, insure a due proportion of the patron the Tontine Cofl'ee House, in the city of New BRUSH, Attorney aSe of the public. Apply at the Columbian York, on Wednesday, the 13thdayof June next, aw for atttachinK creditor.

Coach Office, No. 144 Broadway, at the Stage at 12 o'clock at noon of that day, under the di 6 Office in Marketfield st. the first door below rectionof the subscriber, oneol the mastersol 7, Greenwich street, and E. W. Dunham's fire this court, All those several tracts and parcels Q0 1, 12th day of June next, at proof store, No.

7 Washington street, at which side of the Ooei HlUUi vuiuawe proper fatter place GooJ, for transportation will be re Wo. belonging to Valentine Sons, situated ce aoj stored. Oneida, (uow Oswego.) and state of New York, head of Hempstead Harbour, in North being par of WDship o.ll, in Scribal pa tent; um oi queens, u. i. aiwui aud also, part of a certain tract, usually known quarUr of a mile from several landings, a.

Srriha'. incation of seven thousand one hsin where vessels ran from, weekly, to New York. dredand forty seven and three fourths acres A more particular description of the property the fiwt of the said tracU bemg designated on the "7 appiyug to reter nagemau, survey and map of the subdivision of the said wuireniiiresi, rw ion; oamuei ni town.biu No. 11. made bv Benjamin Writ hL in "i ortn uemimeau uaniei cock, ol Uys I7flibv IntiVa.

H6.comnreheudin? the Tillase terhay or David Buck, on the premises. plot, now known by the name of Rotterdam, uho. i. consisting oi a small dwelling bouse, L'lUl. uvn vj in uauin iwiisiunui) my312w NATHAN DUXN CO.

I7MON LINE, FOR PHILADELPHIA l( BALTIMORE, At Eleven o'clock, A.M. iVJ It A. VI HO A I bellona, Capt. Vanderbill; steam final I'hilaiioltilila. JrnLiiti nnlf 25 miles i cootaiuine five hundred and twenty six acres.

tre house, slaughter and smoke house, with 'and caniage; via New Cruuswick, Princeton, and i I i inn an iitr lam I icvu miv j. in It N. 9. mnti.tino ih. mill The steam lioat btllona will leave tbe north sideof piece oi in.

mw ioi ieiy laiu ou uu surYry the battery ever day (Sunday's excepted) at eleven ed uy uaviu L. riaies, pounueu as loiiows i A and pioceed direct lo New Brunswick Beginning at a stake standing oo the eastern bank story hnuse, built in modern style dwellings passengers will tnUepost coaches to Trenton of Scriba's creek, in an elbow of the same, at for workmen, with gardens attached to them, (0 loilee. and arrive at Philadelphia in the stesm boat, i i i i the west end of a bluff point, distant on a course smusom. omer iauu. try iu clock, in time to take the tiaitimore union S.

9 W. 1 1 chains 44 liuks from Oneida Lake Lot No. 3, consists of the upper mill honse, Line Steam Boat, which leaves Philadelphia at twelve rnm nor ot eneine. 1 vaL 2 uwel inrs for laborers, with ear ocioca, (noon) daily. UIKHI.C iiuhi vii mikwY I a a I no i (rrnrnrr!

dens attached to them. P. S. Passenger will observe this is the only line lw.kv. I rnnnrfai1 aarilh lliat lal(nnrirat linsn Irftm trl.ilir1tlrihiii f.hj t0.

a for a "roer M.u 800 Foriit. MpVy HouVe No. 5 durt thenreS.8" W. 37 chains to a stake and stones ui wuouiauu. landt street, and at the Steam Heat Hotel, north sde standing on ine Lane snore; tnence aioug ine "i "iu5 uiui um 0fUia Battery, foot olMarketfield street, or of the cap ol the water to the mouin ol tain.on board the lieiiona.

Smba's creek thence alons the eastern bank Wo. 6, consist of 4 dwelling bouses and WM. of the same at the water's edge toth. placa of nacres ol land, a part of which is thrifty wood beginning, containing firty acres. The other ol the said tracts lying next aJjacent to the northern The above property will be offered on very boundary line of the said village of Rotterdam, "'us icrmi, anu wormy oi in.

hub comprehending four lots of land, designated up. tmn ol any person desiring a country residence, on the same map by Nos. 103, 104, 105, IOC, here the necessaries as well as the luxuriet of and usually known as the village reservation lUes ma7 JAQITS. Aernt. For Lit son, Bayltt and Shuff.

Proprittors. All baggage at the owner's risk, my 23 COLUMBIAN tlLOT COACU S0.NS1 rOK PHILADELPHIA. TYstesm boats Olive Branch, Pennsylvania JLf and Etna, via Amboy and Bordentown, A and 12 o'clock, erery day. Only 30 miles land carriage. i or seats apply at the office, No.

116 Broad In approaching the town of Northampton, Wayf opposite the City Hotel, aad.Markelfield 11,1 )itherfroin the rati or the south, there ii i north tide of the Battery. and upon the same man. as lot JTTil Fare throueh. presented to view au elegant circular piec No. 119; beginning at theS.E.

corner of lot No. cradually from the v.llare to the heht of 200 feeC ,0 l'? (through in one day,) S. 9' W. along the bound of Nos. 108 ar.d Th.

publ'C patronage, 120. US chains lo a stake on th Lake. 54 links! tununiut ih. iK. mn.ini.m.

J. OL'LICf LICK from a soft maple, cornered and marked 119,1 oeyond the great plain through which Connecticut 120, standing on the bank of a large brook; Rivtr wmi1. wm. IW.Uof ust fioro .11 thence along the lake, westerly to the place of i eoool5T mVl turol beginning, contaiuiut four hundred and ninety nine acres. And also, all that certain piece of land, part of the same township, No.

II, anddis tinguished on the said map by lot No. 107, beginning at Ihe N. E. corner of let No. 106 to a T.

HORNER, Proprietors rn T. STOCKTON Goods and baggagt at itt owntr't ruk. may 13 THE. bOUSCD XTEAM BOAT L1XF. cornered and marked 89.

9'. 106. IU7. and run town hMy cultivated and populous county, com day. at 6 o't kick, A.

M. frrTb. CONNECTICUT, ,1 i apt. Duiur, sin liar, York for New Haveis IS CHANCERY. Suteoflfew IN pursuance of an orderof ibis honorable court bearing date March twenty ninth, on thousand eight hundred and twenty one, will be sold at public auction at the online luttee House, in tbe city of New York, cn tbe fifteenth daj of June nest, at 12 o'clock at noon, under the direction of ihe subscriber all that certain farm of about one hundred and fonr! teen acres of land, together with the valuable Mills and other improvements thereon, situated on the J5 00 1 18.

at a stake staodin 68 links S. from a wal remarkable for the ritiaordmarv hetut of nam. I 2J do. (lodgt at Bordentown,) 3 60 nut tree, CorncreJ and marked 118,119, anJ ral scenery the top covered withafiu forest, the fry The proprietors ol th above steam boats runs thence N. 9K, along the bounds of Not.

sides diversified wub shrubs and fruit trees, gai dens nave given the two lines running by them equal 1 18 and 107, 127 chains to a birch tree, cornered un aud pasture lands. On the south rights and privileges therefore the proprietors and marked 107. 119; thence S. 01 E. along cmg in vniageno protected oy ine to 0f the Pilot Coach trust io the superiority of their th.Uund.ofNM.90and9t,40chain,

lock, cornerd and markal 119, 108; thettH ofbL. LMMd MOli toCtr and carelul drivers, to iaMcxidiv. Wednesdai and! be wppiiiger trees, in the towns ni t'itbkilt end tI. a rougnneeinie, ana county oi uuicness, and known as the Wapmnger's Mills, adjoining the property of Pe. ter and Matthew Mesier.

The above property is se venty three miles from Ihe city of New York, and seven miles south of Poughkeepsie village, ta the High, land Turnpike road, imd in the neighborhood of seve. ral landing from which sloops sail weekly fof New. torn, une ioi o' smy one acres, bounded southerly by Hie falls of Wappingcr's Creek. The land is fertile, and iu excellent lence. There is now erected on ihe falls, a snw mill of great capacity, a carding mm wnicn nas ine cusiom 'it tbe neighborhood, and there are several other situations for factories, unoccupied.

The whole fort of the creek can be diverts ed with little expense, so as to drive a of Mills ona level plot ol ground just Mow the falls, and accessible by 8n eusy navigation, where factories of every description can be constructed. On this property is a new house, two etoiies high, situated at tbe bridge croiing the creek, and now occupied as a post office. The flour mill is of the first class. Tbe mil', nouseis large, witn lour ruu of buir stones, and calculated for six, with new machinery for manufactn. ring wiirai, c.

wmi elevators lor raising grain from vessels into th upper loft of Ihe Mill. Connected wiin me nnu is a urge Store House, for storing Wheat and Flour. The Mill is balf a mife from the Hudson River, and vessels drawing four and nun iu ue waicr can rome up to the mill with ease. The mill has the whole fore ol il. rr.

with two ovcrfhot water wheels ol about eighteen feet diameter, and in the driest time lias sufficient water lo drive four run of stones. There is about fifty tbree acres ol excellent land, and in good fence, with a young orchard of graficd fruit, on which are situated lire aweiiuig nouses, a large oern, Hay bouse, carriage house, corn cribs, hovel a cooper's shop calculated for twenty hands. Two of the bouses are new, and well calculated for genteel families. The situation commands a view of Ihe Hudson river, with i Apl'J NORTH RIVER STEAM UOAT LINE. After Monday, 9th init.

tliis line will bt arranged as followt The Chanttllor jVinnr tfovt, captain tntull. Will lerk lor Albany, tvery H'tinttiaf and Saturday at 4 o'clock, r. M. Th Uuhmoni, rapt. Cmltr, will Itavt AVv l'ortj on at 4, P.

M. and oo FndayU at 9, A. Fnn Aibany. Tht ChanrtUor will drpnrl every Mjndjy and Fnday, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

and the RuSmond oo ll'drwiiflv's and iaurf', at 10, A. M. "wVotA rsrrr fr Punusot to a resolution of th North River Sttam boat Company, public oolict is hereby gived that agrttably to tht Charter ol tht said Company, their boats will continue to carry tmall as they havt berttofor btto uttd to do and not otherwise. But all roods. wares, merchandize, monies, bank paper, notes.

Mings, bills, plate, watches, jewtllery, pat tengtrt baggage, or lupge, trunks or par eels, whatsoever, which may be shipped or transported on board of any of th boats ol III said company, shall at the risk of tbe respect ive owner or sniptrt, anu alto, that iht said company, or tht stockholders therein, will not pay, ontmrnV or liabl for, sny lots or damagt which may art. or happen in th shipment, Iramportatioo, or de lurry lis any sninmni as aiorvsaia. Ap 3 II. LY.M H.Jr.Sec'rV. TArreJ and Nttdlt Stores, At.

lli CUtSa lirrtl and Ii4 freoa'irev. JOHN MORRISON, rt.ptrlfully informs his frieols and th public, fnarticuhrlv th ladirs) of New York, thai, lor their betttr ic commoilatioo, hat rtmoved part of hit slock lo 174 liroadway, stort lately occupied by Mr. Henry Drgrool, near the corner of Maiden lane, where purchaser! can tt supplied with tvery articl io hit tin at th tarn prictt at at tht store 7io. iu Chatham ttrttt. J.

M. hat lately received by th various vts sell from ImOon, livtrpool and llavrt, an at sortmrntof R. Hemming Sons best net.lles, (no counttrieiti; warranted genuine; best pint, bet rot too thread, in skeint and balls cord do. oo bol bins a ntw arlicl muth In demand in th London market, Imeo thrtads, flntt and working cottons of superior quality Also, a largt assort. mtnt of hM and DgurtJ pearl shut and ttst buttons, cotton ferrets and tapes, green wonted cord, tassels and binding! tor Venetian blind, carpet and quality bindings try nn stwmr tslkt for hatttrt, and 3 cord do for saJdltrt, gilt hooks and tyts snap, cwspt, c.

vc. Censlantly oo hind, a larg assortment of th best IlaliaoanJ other MWingtdks, rich twist, silk braids and cords corset lam of cotton, nlk and thrtaJ, an aw rtsneot of ribboos, straw dim minrt and bamttfor Leghorn bonnets, artifuul Sowers, vtriety of button, buckrams milmtls, koiiting cotioa, worsted and woolleo wonted and taovaa, marking ra.ras. Barking thread, bediuilt wadding, with a treat variety of other articles loo numerous for an advtrtit meoL N. B. Aoartortment of domestic cotlon goods, whit and coloured, of tuptrior quality.

Ay oeJIs threa ts or tewing ailks soil at retail at either of Ih abov sVte, which does not prov good, will tilbtf tichxngs or taken lack. My 10 In a ueauuiui miervai landncspe lormed by the meandering of tbe creek. Dated May zlst, 1S21. THOMAS BOLTON, Msy21 lawlJuneldls Master in Chancery. FRANKLIN HOUSE.

BROADWAY. rpiiE subscriber informs bis friends and tha JL public, that he has taken Ihe larze and commodious buil Jing (Vie ranklm Hume) on il. sra a me cisrner oi troauway ana wcy street, which he Las furnished in a neat style, for tbe accom modation of genteel boarders. The situation it not excelled by any in the city for comfort, plea j.uuiirrj, anu purity oi air anu, irom the long ex. perience rf the subscriber, he trusts his mode of entertainment will be acceptable to those who may favour him with their company.

Ap26tf JAMES DIVEN. HEALTH PRESERVERS. HE subscriber begs leave to remind those who are io the habit of wearing the above articles. (Leather Shirts and Drawers) that the present se isun it the most suitable for wahin them this is the more udviseable as it not only preserves the leather, but they will be read; for the next season. BLACK BUCKSKINS.

A large and han Isome assortment, suitable lor boots nod shoe are i If red at a reasonable price, N. B. 5000 lbs. Deers Hair on hand. RICHARD YEO, My 23 lm 163 Water street FIFTEf.JS' HU.WHED VOLLAhU rpO LOAN to be secured by bond and JB.

ra my aortsge. 14 tf HAWTHORN SEED. tc. ST received from London. a quantity of Hawthorn teed for raising li' Enquire at CI Narau st.

of HORACE irOLDEN. ive fences the teed is only 25 cents per quart, and as it may be sowu any time from March to December Those who wish this ueful and ornamental fence, hava now a cheap opportunity. oAsf fresh of American growth, worth I the attention cf manuf icturers, at ooe dollar rs 1 pound. Alo, Millet Seed this seed should not sown sooner than the 10th June, and will d. mending a distinct and perfect view of lb villag The PULTON,

Uw, will have Norwich ln of the estendeJ and fertile vallev bordering oo ton eaHy in the morning the same date, touch at New Millet to be an excellent neeucul nver rheqisrred with itt thousand plot of London, aud start frra thenc at li o'clock, A. M. "W''T when cured as hay, an 1 the seed made in. (round ana ine im ooets wm meet at Haien every Monday, mooniaioM iioiioae na in. oinersiu.

in tbiict, i ana naay, ana ur pan iiom ineocraio M. the I onnecl.cul for Nei ew York and Ihe to mM, nperiorto corn, for fattening ho and nomca caiic. wa prra .1 Will sow ta acre. G. THORBL'RN ft snv 20 Namu st.

oppntit New Dutch Church. Cahbage, ciulliilower, rellery, and other phnts may be hid at the store, ntw drawn from thbeds. My 86 tw NEi TH II QU.1 A 1 nor IMPOSITION. VI rS. DR.

EVANS' tupnor mt thod of curing ctrtaa diwaseit well known, (not oay l. New York but in vrv Mrtsf Na th mted 5ties) kisnwd Titvstnvntis (irrfeills mild, tak jindttpeditious, and kis charge) I 'asonabl in every sntiaocea 1 varrants care, tnd will rstwa I he pt if lit does siot perform Cy Wreeablr lo conlrtcl. Tben are maoy person in uvt city laboeriog under tarva (bronic diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, or ta, old inveterate tthrofula or kieg'stsil, rislaUt, di leases of th erelhr. bladder tad cos plicated complaints of a certain nature, bsbou aal other obMractions, rheumatism, piles. Ac which ty consider as mc.rabi they cantartamty be cared rrneralj by applying tt Dr.

LVAV otbct.Ito. IU Water street, corner of the Ply Maiket llaviag practised lattlcasivthoipital in Europe 12 years, ander time of ih mmi notrd physicians and surgeons, aad Tide (hot obstinate distasrt hit couitaal tuidy for 32 jesrt ti. U. No connection with any other hous. AD letters must pott pud.

The most bouorablt tccre s) always otirved yp Hoard tnd Kxtjiog lor inrttids. Stius PpjIi rarrna Ui. DR. HORNl, from Ihe ri'v of Londiiei, hal conducted most tstensir practice tears for the last as lee years in New Yoik. lbs predict, from brmg rrneral, confines lo a partnular biancb, wbnk all hit aitrntion espenente is vtry great, .......1.,,,.

la v.rv many llvmiwinov tases.tommittedtobistare,of til radel indte7 drgretof rralignanry.he has not (iled of speedily restoring his patients lo lealih and a toondconstrtuuoa. Ih decided preference gen Dr. Home, fully nwnslreies th conWrnf rpowd on tbt skill, ev tad fidelity, which snncunh hit fractsf Th leried Ir. Puihtn very justly Marrwd i reons, or penons about to msrrw should prltclarlv cautious of those affections hal dreidiul inhentanc to transmit io iw Sm ikni imrti. it rmi1.rii1.

ant i. i n. rrnotisniiCtl wun protracted ana orT ad tH ldiirof a complete terewry.JT I taert, a arrt, ll ltn.n. HmmI Wh in In In without Cleetsrvnxntdhy method, tnd ill deUlits Ihos s.pect la Ur. IRTSIl i prreoi.t who may hv toeitratted disease, tr rt latent ar msittd to rnakt tpplicat tor, at his stblishmnl.

No, 16 WsH tnss I street, itl west of lb CoAe All cw ar gar.tit. No charge it mad for mere sitltaiiuat. No dieting it rvpiired, nut t.sptaw from bainN ianrbasry case. A plurality of orTW ar provKlcl, 4 to stasa thai pabenu tr not Moused loeat otber't ohr tkm Pruntl distant, by writing their t. ndBcUsgrasowabl (, thall bait tb rsaw ll.

UHHU.I I.I. I Id Af.r. A ttradsac u.Ul I past 9 ia Ih VMf i i All Utter mast bt potl Pd. Ny NEW. YORK rrinltsl and PubUshed by MtrttArt.

HURNMAM CO No. 49 vrJim trt ovjv( th Bank l(uts, at I 0 per annum..

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