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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 mu COMMERCIAL. TWe It so change loclf to day. MmM Aatrast II ohm em mi mi rj "I 73 ii r.r Trni bl 19 se No CI ft Btg i 91 H4 do 1 mJ I i i A rVhaer, 114 1 do Auk ft. Hot o( I'm do 17 50 CaaioeCo 7 do to do Hulm to Nark. do 939 to to to Ml to ha) 1(4 to to do, a ina to bn 100 to to IM Pa bile Slot it Exehaace, A bat 11.

inmPtoaV a V4 Na to bo, HlteCu.tqM 34, I'M to Mot I to Lm laUsd Mto to kl t'J to to 14 to 4 to Dsnem 1... S7 Mto to .1 5" to to al 57 Mto to id, Mto to XJ to to Mto to 95 aa Nov ft tj to to hj i to to I to to 93 to to 9.1 to to to eJ to sl us itaiutB. nolo J7 57 SI 5H a DiTiacaa Tka IaofmacaCoaiPayalaaaarPaBa irtaaala. al riillaaalBkMi. baa datlarad a dtrldaad af few taal tot of tba aroAuaf laa bwt til aiaatka.

New l'rk narketa. Orta Taara araaaaillula aaaa yaatanUy aad tka ftarkat cVaaad kaartly Tkata It kal lltlla Ikla viratai aad koldara aoVr (kelr eoltou aaora fiaalf. Amaa TkaanaaMiki 9(kt aad prica" rtaadr at aad 4 fnt both aorta. UK a Tka aavkat lor Waatara la aot aoiia rm kut tha aalaa ara Itallad. Hoalhara anaiiaiwa arlthoateaaaft.

lapnrtad for laa Jooaal of Cmmn. NEW YORK CATTLE Am awrkat i kVa'Caiila. fatoal tka Boaik) 80 Onraaad aad aa aad Uaaa. Cwara aad Calaaa Tka oUarlar.

laat Ware avwa iaaa aaaal, kai wa aatM a aa miartal Tahadna laancaa. maaad ftnaa M. All "Id. aaaaa aad taaika Prteaa dwMad la nar laat raanrt k.ra a.i. i.uiaad.

aad all at fnartat dlnoaad at at II glad ts ta 1 ft aad lal T5 for lanba. ajBafrauVa Wafia (3 ui f7 aa tha aiuaava af tba aarkai.aiarlilrkniaa all km ahnat 100 baad weraaold. Hay Canaa wortk COaiU par cwt fr ra tie Rrpabllcma liraeral raraiintltea KiTui IUll, Naw Votk, Aa n.t a. lr4. laanlaad.

Tbnt thla Commlttaa will prnraad toPhilartal partKlpaiala tha raeapuoa of Iba H.ia G. M.Dallaa, by kia ltrnincrauc Raallicaa fallow cibxaa of that city, aa kla ranira froat Waahlaftoa. Caa. Vf. Aadanaa, I a ru Tuapaaa.

tratartaa. 1b8 tf tT DmttmtU Rapoblieaa Genrral 'amltta Rho, Tammait Aufoil tin, 1 Mo. Tka (ullowlaf rraaaaalaaad laoolnlioaaartra offer ad by WUIIaa A. Waliara, aad aaaBlawailyadopuH Wkafaaa, tba raaraanUUTaa af lb Democratic Party of tka Uaitad Diaiaa. aaaanklad la Coa.aouoa al Baltlmora, la May.

IMt, aalact (saadldalaa to ba aappoled at tba thaa aaaaiaa; alarnoa for tba afra af Piaaltlaat aad ica Pnaulaal of tha Talna.dld at litnb a noa of ihe cardinal laaaara. oa which tha Uaraoeracy wnald raly for tha joj ttca aad aqaallty of tbolr cauaa, aad Ha laana with thalr oppoaaaia that ao aiora oar ht to ba raiaad thaa ta raqalrad to dafray tha aiaaaaaa of Oovarnmcnt. acono nleaily admlalatarad that jiutlca aadiouad policy forbid tba Padaral UoTarnavanl to foalar oaa branch of ladu.try al tba oiaaaaa tha other, or In chariah Iha lalaraata af aaa anrttaa to tha Injury of aoothar portloa of our romaioa cmaaaaalty, aad thai evary etniaa aad aaory acetloa of oar cnaairy baa a rtht lo daraaad aad laal.l dpoa aa eqallty af rtcbtaaad artota" aad laaamuek aa tba peuuia, by aa toarwhalailat aa)nrlty, did todiica. aad ratify at tba ballot bui, tba Uuib aad boaaaty af tba priaeiplaa to aat forth, by placlaf tba rami af fnTaramaal la tha haada af I hair atltbful adbaranta.

Jaaiaa Polk, af Taaaauca, aad tiaorto M. Itallaa. of paaaaalranla. aanlaad. Thai tba aaopla of Iha Uallad Slataa kaa aboadaal raaana fur rajoiciaf la tba rapaal of tba odiona Act of '4.

aw laappropriaialy atylad A Bill lo foalar the lick at tba aipaaaa of tha poor," aad aabailioilax of a tariff na a ala aaikodylBf aiora raaaia aad afuallty, aad a ITordlng llalUirlB bofaa thai tba period la not far distant whan tba cbert.hal aad popular democratic dnr.ulaa of Pica Trade may, without tba chance ot laeoaveaieaea or awn, ha earned oot la lla fullealeileat. Eeaolvrd. That we cordially approaa of tha determined naaaer la which Iha repeal of tba old aad tba eupport of Ihe aew tar id act race it ad tba eoaBleaaaca of the democratic Bemberi of Coairesa aad that tba Uoa. R. Walker.

Ihe able bead of the Treasury Lie pari aic nr. for tha teleel. eaeryy aad laduatxy displayed la eubmltuna lur tba adoptloa of Oinireaa, a tariff appraachlaf aa aaar tba wlthea of the people at appuued nader aiuttaf circamtaacea to he proaaat. aad lur biamaaterly, aaaaawaraMaaadtacceaa lal vtadtcauoaor the lalraaaaaad adraatacaef Ibaad va roreaa ever Ihe unequal aad llUberal tpacinc DrlaciDla. wa offer oar frmlefal kckaowledy aieala, aad ball hit eoorae a arery way worthy of hi.

well earned repute uoa aa aa la flenbla, laaefaiif abla aad iaiBcknu chkiupkoa of Iha rthu of tba people. eeolaad, That tha DeavKtacy nf the ITalled flu tea may rail ba Ibaakfal that tha office of Vice President was filled by a true ama of their ailfhty umber. By tba honest diecharre nf his doty aa a Democrat, and a maa dlsrefard kaf daauuclatloa from committees without, entreaties and daeeltrul lean of fsithlais part Iran, and prelendiBgfrieBda wlthia, Ganrte M. iiallaa has achieved Ihe Imperishable faaua of repealloi aa Iniquitous act, and nobly stands forth abaralai aad aablalnc Hrhl af political fidelity, which will foreaer secure him aa eanabie position ia the affec Uoaof the Democracy nl iha aloa. Tba Bank Vein of tbe Putta of the llermltaar.

aad the castlei vote oa tha Ta nff of Pennsylvania favor lie toa, oa whom baa evidently fallen tba maatle of a Jacbaoa, will bereaftar be remembered aad recorded aa similar acv of Beequal political disc re Uoa. wtc Jom aad firmeese, end devoted allachjaeot to the pore wisbea nf a majority of Ihe people. Resolved, Thai the passage of admatllatloaal Treasury BUI affnrda a eubjeel of additleaal cooaTatulatloa to evary well wisher of le country, aad wa trust the day ts forever peat waea tbe people will ba asked to pay interest oa their owe ameer, swell ine enrrera at Basking Resolved, That our than aad tbe iratiluoa of Iha com ham etal eommnalty, ara justly due to tha Hoa. Joba A. asd bis bemocraile asaoelatee la CoBtreaa.

for their freat lndtatry aad peraeveranea la fnralahiag Warehona Inf system, so imparlnualf demanded by the waata nf tha enaatry, and we hail tha present bill aa tbe pleaeer of oaa beiaat adapted for proving, beneficial la Its operalloa, which lla eaihnr haa been pieveoted by unreasonable ononelltoa to Bis original well digested plan la carrying out al tha present eeaetoa. Revolved. That a copy nf three rasnlailoae ba forwarded a the Praaldeat aad Vice President of the United tales, tbe Hecreiary nf tbe Treasury, our Henatora and liemoc a na Repeeaenuuvea in Congress, aad published la tba Demo Bocrauc Joaraaiiw thla city and tba Washington Union. R. FHEMCH, Cbalnnaa pro lam.

Gen. W. Aade sob, J. Tlmpaoa; ecrvUHes. fit jtT'Uamer Urnatl Western Coaalanaaa kv this ship will please sand their permits oa board, or to Ig Proa! street, without delay.

All foods aot permitted In conformity with ihe provisions of the bills of lading, have in be seat the Public rltnre. aol vlll 1 41 9T Packet hls Mephea Whitaey, from I.lverpwwl Coaaitaeea are requested to send their per mile on board, at Ibolof Maiden lane, or to the office of R. HERMIT, 76 douth street All gooda not permitted la five days wUI be aeat ta the Public Wince. aulO BCTcncaa' aas llaovaaa' Bsmk, New Ynrk. Aug.

8, 1K46. HT Watlee The Prealdeel, Directors aad Company at the Butchers' aad Drovers' Bank, have declared a dividend of five par cent oa tbe capital stock, out ot the profits of tbe last sir mnaihs, payable an the 1Mb instant. The master book will ba cloaed froa. aba loth last, nntll that Fy order of the Board nf Directors. a Iw P.

W. TOWNHUNP, Cash. tHon.lgaees per packs alilp Albaey, rena Havre, will aead their permits na board, at Mar, K.R, or to WM. II IT LOCK, 4ft Booth street. All goods aot penatlted In five days, will be aeat In the Puhlie rtioee.

a us It CoMrraoLLaa'a Btate of fir Tka Traaklla C'w. Haa llad In this offlre a anuee nf the appotauaei IT Nolle. A earnl aaaual Dividend of three pee eeal. aa Ihe eap.tal alaca will be paid ka the stockholders, at tne taking uouae, an or arter me unn lasiaai. a5 Iw J.

M. MORRISON. Cashier. Ity tire lasnrancefempaay Itv Meadl. The Board nf Irirecmra of this Company have declared a dividend af lour per cent, ee tbe capital slock, payable at tbe ochre of tbe Company, No.

61 Wall street, ea aad aWt the 1 1th laau D. r. CURRY, Secretary. New York. Angus! 4th.

146 au5 4 fr Dividend The New Jersey Railroad asd TraesBnrtatkia Com pa ay have declared a aew I annual dividend of throe aad a half per payable to slock bold era at their legal repreeeBiailvea, on or alter the Aral day of A i 1 Bl 00 1 1 Ul thai da J. jyl In. ty aew To Mere haa is Lawyers Ladvoe 1 1. 'riatsrs t.ergrme Ur J. WORTHINGTON.

Treasurer. NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Office No. Wall street. This Cowinaay leaned during the month of July, for 1 Insured Mechaakca'. Ship klaalar Farmers Plaaksrs Stage Proprietor Boardlni House keeper Post Office Clark DUI 1 tra tJoeaayevvaitig.

August iota. OLIVER Stliout a vet, .40 J. D. POGPF.N. President A.

M. MERCHANT, Vice President LEWIS BENTON, secretary. PI.INY rr KUAN, Actuary. CRiiatiR Wll.kM. Mo heal Examlnar.

S3 Laight st. CORN a. R. BUGLRT, do SL bUrks Place ael rwia YT Packet Hark Aaa II wrier, front laaaiottr, Wdotcbargiog nnder reecrai order at foot of aVnoeovetietreet, R.AU suods aot Barmllled matt be Stat tn abtsa rXnre eel WttODHVl.L ft ri'orth writlfrn Land Aitrncys wbDtH A Csasral Land A geaia lor the Nottb weetua a tame and Tarriiotiaa. Wikuaa Oeeta.

Wu.uaa Joaae i WM. 11. LIVINGSTON, IMPORTER AND DEALER Hardware, Cutlery, AND Xleary Goods, HO. 103 PE1UL NEW YORK. aa3 np Benrswo Old allp aad tba Pearl ot.

Honaa. I CARDS WEDDING. INVITATION, AND ('ARB CARDS, Are Fngravwd Bad Priaasd na tbe pnseat JAMLLV SURFAV2, 8TOJTS wtoidea Lent sal Bruadwty, AAM. eldest daugh er aed 14 la iM fcjd year at so aveaiag, i Aanfedt.i im euaday ai banes P. a L' li i 1 1 Ai MorViSri.

A.g 7tA, Mr. ANDREWT. Mtt, L.R,ol uia, Ge aseesiriy as too noose at loan, Millee ft aged 44 yeara. usdey VtoU AMjKKW JACK BON WALKER. aged 17 years months deeply sad regreued by aaawno Circle at frteaps aad aetamiat Nnrkb.Ct,JolT iK.ll.EUZA, an MEHITAflEi.

A.4AiT.idow af laa laa. aad fa 1 vnEIHILUued AlUms Mtiiia. un Saaday, Wr 1 1 "S' LOTTB tUZABETH TO.SNA wau ot aa wallaa fenlaad tba pwlaiiK)ra oader iha Elliaha'" "'Q1. llntCT' l( diaraac ku lernlaaiad of Iwr wlU 10 sr. i 'a larll.

la a luddea attack kv the Uvea while enorrd la sarveyingtba rlvev Ramora, eoast of REB WiNrJTANLEY.Bgva S4, aatarofH. M. II. Ave, and second soa of kev. C.

Wla l'Ca. At WHkiaeoe i aiy a tat, tlr aw I LtJ PRAIst; daagbaw of Arthar aad arr years aad aaoatbe. I ia Raaeea aouary. N. C.oa thettth nf JSery Aaa Tripp, 3.

Julv Hrn nn rJre, ua HMtb year al kis are. Al Uau.oa tbe 1st last, of coaecininrioa. JO I IN a. LAOU, Pnaiar, aged 9 yeara faraasriy ot Detroit, Micht gaa CEO. C.

WILMERDLnG, Aacliooeer. AVSJ10 PACKAOE RALE i. WILMLIDINGil, PRIEST ft MOUNT will sell aa VVtD.IESDAY, laEatlre Packages, UO bales aad caaae rorvlga Bad Amehcaa Dry Goods, comprising a desirable assoruoeat oa awoUu crediL for approved amdorsed aotea. Also, aa lavoka of dnAl. fanevad.

twilled aad colored I blankeu. Alao, aa invoice of Una pilot cloths aad fiuhlaga. Also, aa invoice of alpacca lustres aad erleene cloths. Alao, wttboat reserve, to close Iha stock of a naaafae torer uakrfluaale ia buslaesa 0 cases fancy satinets, an a lad tweeds, white wooiea clbths, pUid (beapsgrey, Alao.

do cases bine, told mired, cadet aad fancy lean. fancy caa tmerae, kerseys, satinets, taacy cord and plaid eaeaimeree, Jtc Also, 17 rases kahyle, tartan, end waffle woe lea shawls. Alsa, IS eases woolen plaids aad eloakinga. Alan, 30 bales tickings, raatoa ftaanelt, nennoa, aad strinee, deaime aad cloak linings Alsu, I ease 4 Harlem Arms bolting cloths. Alao, i aew style Germaa ginghams.

Alao, aa Invoice of German cotton hosiery and Also, 13 esses insn unectana nrown naiisnas. Also, 10 eases 6 4 woolen tweeds. Also, aa Invoice of Barnsley linen theetlnp, Oataloguee aad samples are bow ready. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER Auctioneer.

Desirable Kealdence at Bdckaway, ANTHOIY J. BLEECKER will sella! sue tioa. oa Thursday tba Uihof August at lie'clock, at ihe arc ha a la' Erchauga, (unless previously dupoatdof I private sale.) the prima Cottage at Rockkwav, next to the Manae Pavilion, oa tba east, with one or more acres of lead of the Aral quality as gardea land, with a first rata labia aad coach house, baviag a finished bed room In the loft, a wagoe bouse, guod well ot water aad pomp, ice bouse filled, ftc. Tbe cottage t. one of the best finished and coavenieat oa tha Island.

It haa eight good rooms, kiich ea, pantries, cellar, aad a fine wide piazza. For terms, ftc apply In the auctioneer. No. 7 Broad street, or lo Gefardus Clark. No.

60 Wall street, ot on the premises. Jvi. Navy liesl and Pork fer 184T. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Bi'atatr or Pbovimohs aaa Cbo nrma, August 7, 184t.

SEAI.FD PROPOSALS, ewdorsed Proposals loc aad Proposals for Pork." as the ease may be, will ba received at thla office until 3 o'clock, n.on Moaday, tba leth day ofgeptember next, for forairhlng aad delivering, free af all coat and risk to Iha United Plates Five ibousaad sour hundred barrels of navy beer, and four thousand eight buadrad barrels of aavy pork. Each barrel to contain not leas than two hundred pound, nail weight ot beef or pork ao excess of weight ia either article will be paid for. To be delivered at Iha res pec live aavy yards, as lollows Barrels Beef. Birrels Fork. AtCharleetowa.Maaa l.MN) At Brooklyn, N.

I.M0 l.XHO Al Gosport, Va 1,800 1,600 Bald beef and pork most be delivered, one half between Ihe first day nf January, 1847, knd tbe first day o( April, the other half between the 15tb day of April, 1047, aad the 15th day of June, 1847, unless earlier deliveries should be required by tha chief of this burean. Offers must ba made for each hall separately aad distinctly that Is, for tba half deliverable beiweea Ihe 1st of January and 1st of April, aad fur tbe half deliverable beiweea ibe ISih of A aril aad 15th of June, 1847. Payment lor Ihaffirsl half ta be made within thirty days after delivery and for the second half la thirty days after tha 15th Tha beef muat ba from well laiiened cattle, slaughtered beiweea the Aral day of November, 1846, and the Ant day of February, 1847, and weighing aot less thaa six hundred pounds, nail weight, each. The legs ana leg ranas ot tne blnd quaners, aad the shins and shoulder clods, aad at least eight pouads from the neck end of each fore quarter, or Ihe parts marked Nos 1, Sand 3, oa tbe drawing nrde llneaiiou of the fore and hind quarters of aa ox, which will be attached to and form a part of the contract, must be wholly excluded from each barrel aad half barrel, and the remainder of the carcase must be cut in pieces of not leas than eight pounds each. The pork must be packed from cora led, well fattened bogs, slaughtered between the first day of November, 1846, and the first day of February, 1847, and weighing not less than two nunrred pounds each, excluding the Deans, joies, aecks, shoulders, bams, legs, feet, and lard, and all refuse pieces Bad must be cut in pieces weighing not lest than six pounds each.

Both tbe beef and pork mast be tailed with at least nee statute knshel nf Turk's Island, Isle of May, or BL I'be's salt aad tbe beef must have five ounces of fine pulvenx ed saltpetre to each barrel. exclusive of aplckU, to be made from fresh water, aa strong as aalt will make It. One lourth ihe quantity of beef, and one fourth the quantity of pork, must he packed In half barrels, aad eon tola oaa bundled pounds nett weight of each, aa tha case may be and in estimating the price, two half barrels are In he con.ioered aaoae knrrei. Tha barrels aad half barrels must be made of the best seasoned while bak, or while ash staves and heading II of the tanner, to ba aot lest thaa three fourths of an Inch thick II of the lalter to be nut leas thaa an inch thick for arrela, aad three fourths of an inch fur half barrels, and In be hooped at least three fourths over with the best while oak ur hickory hoops. fcach barrel and half barrel must be branded on III head 44 navy beer' or aavy pork, as tbe eaae may be, with the eoniractor'a name and the year when packed.

L.a'a Orrica, I New York. kk has this day lauaeat of Waab Orri burn Uev of the city of Albany, as iha ageal for the sedeaaettna af lla dmilarlae Neaaa, agreeably lo tbe act eauuvd Aa act ralaling la tba redemptloa of bank aulas," passed May 4, IK40. Alxaay.tlk August, 1H40. au7 6t A.C. PLAGO.

Comptroller. frV It eel leal leclelY. Aa aiijonraed Aaaiveraa ry Meetlag will be bald at the rVeslnna Court Room, Halls of Justice, oa MONDAY APTfcRMJON, August loth, IrVsf at bait past o'clock. au7 Hie W.P. BT'EL, RecBec Mannarraa Coaraav, I A must 4th.

imfi. I 5 400 4,800 I he Heel and fork will, unless otherwise directed by the chief of this bureau, be Inspected by the Inspecting officers st tbe respective aavy yards aforesaid, aad by some "sworn Inspector of aalted provisions," who will be selected by the respective commanding oflicert; but their charges for toch Inspection mutt be paid hy the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put In good shipping order in the satl factioa of the commandants of the res pec live aavy yards aforesaid, after Inspection, aad at their own expense. Bidders must specify their prices separately aad distinctly In separata offers fiir the Beef and lot Ibe Pork, and fur each of tbe places of delivery, covering all expenses and all chargea. Bonds la one third tbe amount of the respective contracts will be required, aad lea per centum ia addition will be withheld Irons tba amouat of each payment to be made, aa collateral security for the due asd faithiul pertormaace of their respective contracts, which will oa bo account be paid until tbe contracts are compiled with In all respects. aad Is lo be forfeited to the ailed Btatea In the event of failure to complete the deliveries wlthia the prescribed periods.

And in case of (allure on the part of ihe contractor to deliver the aforesaid beef aad pork wlthia the time ape dAed, tha chief of the bureau of provisions aad clothing shall have the right lo direct purchases lo be made to supply the deficiencies, aad any excess of cost shall be charged to ana paia ny tne contractors, raymaat will he made by tbe Catted Hiatus at tha periods above specified, (excepting the tea per cesium to be withheld until tbe completion of the contracts, as before staled,) after tba aaid beef and pork hall have been Inspected and received, aad bills rot the same shall have bean press a lad lo the aavy areata res pec uveiy.auiyappreveo uy irjecommaadaaaoflhereapectlve yarns, according to trie lermt of Ihe contracts, pans of tbe beef to be excluded will be nartleularlT aaled ta the engraving lo be attached to the eontraeia Persona Interested raa obutia them ob atiDlication to this office. No proposal will be considered unless It be accompanied by a guarantee, siraed by one or mora lesponslble persons. In Ihe following form, vix "The undersigned guarantee that If hit (or their) propnaal to furnish beef or pork (aa ihe case may be) for the aavy be accepted by the chief of tha burean of provision, and clothing, ahall enter into nn obligation prior to the 6th day of October, 1846, with food and sufficient sureties, for ihe fulfilment of hit (or their) en gagemenU. Thla should ba accompanied by the certificate of tbe Called Statet District Attorney, Navy Agent, or some other oeer of tha general government, that tha guarantors are able to make good their gas ran tee. The blotter's sua aad residence, and the name of each member of a Arm, where a company oners, thonld be distinctly ata ted.

The peraoa persons whose proposals are accepted (aad aoaa other) will be forthwith notified thereof by the transmission of a contract aad bond, which contract and bund most be executed before the tth day of October next, and deposited ia tha poet office, addreeaed to the chief of this bnrean. Propoeala should be seat under eeal. addressed to the Bureau of Provisions aad Clothing, wllh Proposals for Nary Beef or Pork," (aa life case may be) written oa the face of the letter and should be despatched In time to be Tbe Traaslar Books wiU be closed from Iha 25lh lnst aa oeiemoer next, at 3 o'clock, P. To ba published once a week nntll the 14th of September next In Ihe Union and Intelligencer, Washlnjloa. D.

Age, Augusta, Maine Patriot, Concord, N. 11 Morning smny intra, mauls, mass. a viol, montpeller, I Times, Hartford, Argus. Atlas. Albany, N.Y Even Ing Post, MornlBg News, Sun, New York; Pennsy Ivan laa.

Times, Keystone, Philadelphia, Moraing Post, Filia te rg, ra. Argus, Balurmoo, Md. Enquirer, Richmoad, Va Now Era, Poriamoutb, Va. Statesman, Columbua, Ohio Inquirer, ClaclBaall, Ohio; Democrat, Louisville. Kv.

Geieue, Leitoglor, Ky. Union, Naab villa. Teas. Regis tar. Cprlnroeld, Illinois Democrat, Chicago, III Stale Sob rtneL Indiana riol la.

Indiana; Western Sua. Vtneennna. Indiaaa People'a Friend. Covington, Indiana Missouriaa, St. Louis, Mo.

Free Press, Detroit, Ml.higaa JeSeiaonian, New Orleans. InoLiiana. Proprietors of the above papers ara reqoaatad to seed a aopy of their respective Da p. re coataiBlag tba adveruae BMnl to this bureau, as a voucher for tba approval of their aceoaau. aall lawtSU jaTlTl SEW YORK lURfEJI Tv co.

summer arra.nuement ob tad alter Friday. May ltt, 104b, the cars will iub as tuiiiiwa Leave) City Hall for Yorkville, Harlem, aad Morrisiaaa, at 7, 8, 10, 11 A. end 1, 3 30, 4 30, 5, 6, a 30 r. M. Leave City Rail for Pnrdham and Wllllamt' Bridge, at 7, 11 A.M.

and. 3 30, 5 30 P.M. Leave City Hall tor Hunt's Bridge. Bronx. Tockahoe.

Hart sCornsr, and White 7, 10, A. aad SP.M. Leave Harlem al 7 5. 8 10. II A.M., aad IS 35.x, 1V55.S3II.S5.7P.

M. Leave Williams' Bndge aad Fordham al 45, 7 45, 1045, A aad 18 13, bbo a r. m. Iava Whim plalBs.at7. 10 A.

aadx aad 4 P. M. Tba freight train will leave the City Hall at 1 P.M. and bwve White Plains at 1 o'cock in tha morning. n.

tha While Plaint traia will leave the Citv Hall at A and 5 30 P. M. will leive While Plains at 7 A.M.aadfiP.M. Oa Sundays tha Harlem and Williams nnore 1 rains win retniated accurdini la tne wa os sue "at A I.ES SCALES. These )uttli celebrated scales saay as aaaa at Dale Scale Lie pot in pan aa wvar, ia CoQatetMcL.

mj; fr 1 a Puttable Plaif.s. 1. 4 1 00 aad 9P0 tba. tomu3U0, 450,600, KU0, 1JJ0, 1500, xW, x3M, 3ttJ Portable Wronebi 1rn wi. rVnmllbm 6tK9un, liMV Vi.

3u7 mi io(X0, vtJ lb" I500' SOro Hay, Coal, or I Scalea, with platfona aay size re quired, to weigh frosnl lb 10 s. 10, 15. so. 30 60. 50, 100 Wntlag.

Germaa train sraly to laatbet awalats, at thaws be be aoea. I walgb dry bkdea. wttb a bubs Old lUglirypUaA aad other sty saa may stTles may MERCHANTS A EDS. Ib bold aad elegae! etyloa. ilipley Ac iTl'lJulioujii, a nil a.

1 1 1K ataa.v. iruib, Act AU of iba above, or aav af tba 50 1 I SV I 1 1 Ml I I ww mw mmwm, SBBmkas tBaBV Please call aad examine. null Depot. 114 Front street, nnum Wall. I JV, FATHER DUSTERS AND FLOOR BRUSHES Fsaibor Doawra aad Fly Drtvere, Fteor aad Brashes, ot srtsttss aad featbsrs.

Hair Teeth. NaiL tk. Clotboa, Bat, Flaah. Bath, rats, Markutg. Crasaa.

Win wwi its, Le wd. Colored Palate, VoraURris, tVw. Bt Cenet, XTliilO r''', mntt y.r.l.het, lea. with the ether p0.ilZsiVlll.t.lOt. a Ul BMil Bfc4TH, BcrnbatBg, camago aaa reuanuni Brush vartetlae.

lor sale by TORREY ft CO, 45 Haldea ksAtv nr. p. Blarrla' TbeB.eter. AT r.i:5Tll. I I teU 1 I A.

M. 1 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE WWlfm, Aalrmst 11, 1848. oa 5 04 1 aoa id i 37 Cleared), this Forenoom. Br ship Ocean Queen, MeBrtde, Quebec 2i 1 G', Orleans, Gasger ft. Merrill.

Berk fSart'oiaa) Adams: Plszxio, Genoa, Wat Weisaav. Bark May Plorr Hitchcock, Rotterdam, 3 Hurl bus. Brig Eugene, Drtakwater, MaJnga, Neamitb ft Walsh. Pcb Aaa Ha maa. Totter, Newbern.

PtC'tie, Meeki, Praaklia. Fa. Woop Rieazt, Dnrpky, Providence. Bloop President, Pnabat, NHavea. ArriTeel tkle Forenoon.

cThlp Mount Vernon, Given, 45 dt An Antwerp, mdze to nan leaser. 17V steerage passengers, fchlp Elizabeth Brace, (of Boa toa) Day, 45 aa fat Havre, with Bsdze to order. 834 steerage paaseagtia. inly 8, rat 48 50. km Id 25, spoke bark Empire, of Portland, fm Mobile for Bremen, 46 da out 38tk, lal 44 05, Ion 44, ach Wm Franklla, fishlag.

Fbip Diadem, Bars tow, fin London, June nj, with mdx, lo Conk ft Smith. Paased ibe Lizard, Jaly 3d, aad bat bad light westerly wiads moat of the passage. Br bark lhadem. Lock land, 56 da fm Idverpool, with mdx, leGrinnell. atiaturn ft Co.

Brig Star, aboard, fm Bt Thomas, July 88, vrith mate, to A Hot bard. Left bark Lewie Gerard, ttac; brigs Florence, Wade, for 8t Domiago; CalUcT Island. ttophia.JtofJaMn: do; Province, illiame, nnc At rt Croix, July 37th, b.rk Condor, York, In 10 dt; brig Rockambaan, Bouair. At Aatirua. July 2Id, brig Rebecca, Blades, dug; sckT isicacrauB, no Brig Acton, Daggett, Sa dt Rotterdam, with mdxa la Don bam h.

Dlmon. July 27th, spoke ach Seal orris, of Cnt ua, oat weeaa, witn nan. Brig Brothers, raaklia, from Noevitas, July 29th, with mahogany, to Brett ft Voae. Left brigs Touqulo, "ung, tut nug ist, Anarew King, nsner, ao ao. Brix Tvbee.

McCormlck. 15 da fm Analaehicola. with dtr, cotuiB, ftc. lo Geo Buikley. 2d last, passed a large ship wuu pain tea ports asanre oa caryaiort Beef, witn lore sail and fore top sail set trying to force her oa.

Bew nl the same lime, a lift ker. cotton loaded, wllh a 8 culler in Bch Commodore tteamey.Palne, fm Ceder Key. Jury 23d, with cotton, ftc to Bayre Left acb Howard, of Cam era, ror ttoa ton, ing. July 31, saw a ship ashore oa Cary fort Reef with wreckers alootsida. Sch Ganges, Horn, 10 dt 1m Calais, Me, lumber, Smith ft ztuynton.

Beta Delaware, gcott, 8 dt fm Portland; Me, molutet, Cram. Bch Ellen, Beane, 7 dt fm Boa ton, with mdte, to tbe master. BELOW Bremen thlp Adler, fm Bremen, with mdse, to uetnene at lunger, aim one snip uotnjwn. SAILED Ships John R. Bklddy, Liverpool Sutton, untneiioa Oswego, NUrleans.

Wind NE. lea reel Tenterdar. Bhlp John Lnce. Liverpool. Kerroil.

Bark May Flower, Hitchcock, Antwerp, Hurlbut ft te. Bark Calltto, Hlfgint, Wilmington, II Netmilb Brig Pocahontas, Gray, Bangor. Barge Middlesex, Wilcox, Phila. Arrives Xeateraar. Brig Albert Perklaa, Bearse, Port an Prince, 23d nit, with tonee, ftc, to A Hosslre ft Co.

25th nit off Bt Nicholas' Mole, la a squall, lost her topmasts, sails, ftc Bame lime, oai overboard tiavid Morale, a colored eeamaa, a native Pennsylvania. Brig Hideout. Kinsman, of Portland, fm Araeelbo, PR, 16 Left ao A ase ri can vaaaela. Brig Eliza, Lock wood, fm Bt Croix, and 14 ds fm St Tho mas. Lett at Bt Croix, nark Condor, Tiklop.

at Bt Thorn aa, sehr William ft El len, for Baltimore brig Flora, fur Turks Island, to wad for Y. krtg Sophia, lor do do, for Phila. Brig Peconie, Park, 7 ds fm Richmond, wllh lead to rjunooi ettjo. Bch Hudson. Klncaid 12 ds fm Port an Piatt, with tokae to Gnfflng Left tchr Bride, from York, 20 da.

The Is only 10 (oaa. and 1 nmn on board. Bch Agawam, Lane. Mataaaaz, 30th ult, with molasses, ftc, to Read ft Hoppock. Bid ta en rhip Regains, Jones, lor York.

Left, ships Edinburgh, for Philadelphia, ready: Marietta. Wells, aad Spring, Hamilton, nnc; rJopbla, Wal ler, aenee, el aad tor Hamburg, idg; barks Juno, nicks, wg tnrCowea; Olinda, fFr Jual ar, lor Calais; Rainbow, for York, loth Inst; Bharoa, Lucas, Bos urn. do; Maria Hersey, Gordon, Im Portlanu, Just ar; brigs Hibernia. Elliott, from do, just ar; Russia, Lane, for Jamaica, wtg; Emerald, Br Bponagle, ldg lot Halifax; ach Isabella, Roby.jutl ar liotu Charletton. 31st July, aaw a large thlp ashore on Carys ford Reef.

Bhe had all tail set, trying to back off. There were several wreckers near her. Bch Marela. Phillips, 4 ds fm Washington, with na val stores, to Bryant ft Maitland. Bailed ia company with achs Clara Fisher, Archimedes, and Washington, all for York Bch Anaconda, Rogers, 4 ds from Washington, with naval stores lo Mnitiand.

ch Gratitude, Siephaaton, tm Phlla, wllh coal to ft Trualow. Bch A Hale, Beaver, 3 ds in Bottoh, with mdx, ftc, to Foster ft Nickerson. Bch Benj Bigelow, Baxter, 1 dU fm Boston, with mdx to Atkins dt Co. Itlemoranla, ftj The Great Western steamship, Captain Matthews, which arrived at thit port yesterday, will sail oa tha 20th last, for Liverpool. $3r Thanks to the Savannah Georgian, Charletton Courier and Philadelphia North American for slips.

A thip of 900 tons, called the Anglo Saxon, was launched at East Boston on Saturday, for Col. Train's Una ot Liverpool packets. Bhe bt to be commanded by Capt. Gordon, of the sbip Petersburgh. Sch GMeNelle, which left hers on tba 11th June for Galveston, arrived of the bar on the 17lh of July, got over on tbe 80th, and anchored, but on account of heavy aaa and strung wiad was com polled to slip bar cable aad put back to tea.

Brig Elixa, nt this port, from Bl Croix, on ber outward naaeage. June 27.1a lat MO 20, sua 68. fell la with a whole deck of a vessel, supposed to ba about 500 tout burthen, and appeared to have beta In tba water tlx moo tha. Rr thlp United Kingdom, from hence for Quebec, floated off ihe ledge at White Head, NS, where she was before reported ashore, and was lying In White Headhaibotat last accounts. Tha sails, rigging and materials saved from the wreck of the Br brig Margaret, stranded on Little Gull Island, sold at auction 5ih lnsu for $409 2o.

Ship Cha valley A pilot boat arrived at Mobile on the 31st, from the wreck of thit vestal, with the sails, rigging, stores, ate. and 40 bales cotton, part of the deck load. Tha steamer Wm Braieied bad returned with about 130 bales cotton, 100 In good order; the Lowndes with 173, 100 In good order; and the Factor with from 223 to 230. 100 to 130 in good order. Spoken.

Ship Rainbow, Havnet, NTork (May 17) to Valparaiso June 16. lal 7 N. Ion 25 W. Elixabetb, Philadelphia to Bahla, June 34, lat 21 Ion 37 W. Caledonia, of NYork, iteering EKE, July 16, lat 49 loa 10 W.

Bblp Ward, Chipman, Liverpool to NYork, July 8, lat 47, len 20. 8hlp Conqueror, Liverpool to NYork, July 10, lat 48, loo 27 thip Rolls, Hull to NYork, July 3, lat 46, loe 31 Sbip England'! Queen, Liverpool 10 New York, with loss of main topmast and fore topgallant matt, June 23, lat 48. Ion Ship Easex. Welsh, NOtleant to Liverpool, July 26, off Sand Key Light. Brig Elizabeth, Wilmington, Del.

for Port Spain, 12 days out, July 26, lat 27 47, Ion 66 52. Bark Roc belle. Hucking. Newport, W. for NYork or Boston.

July 18 leUSlH, Ion 10 11. Buk Hudson, (Brem) Hohorst, Bremen, to NYork, July lat 46, Ion 47. Ship Hannibal, Foot, SOrlaans to Liverpool, Aug 1, Ut 35, Inn 77. No data, lat 20 Ion 34 thlp Aragau, 61 dt fm Bottoa for Calcutta. Soutbern Porta.

PxnLaDiLrmi, August 10 Ar brig Cowperthwaite, Haloes, Rio de Janeiro; acht Pinto, Neweomb, and Tecum seb, Baymore, Boston. Cld brigs Jaae, Rich, Trieste Pinto, Sawyer, Newbury, port; 8t Lawreece, Randall; Wm Pitt, Atkins; Nauvoo, Dickey; Chat Edward, Wording, and Vineennea, Smith, Biaton; sehs Bhvlock, Crocker; A Horton. Corsen, and Paaama, Davia, Providence; Fame, Kelly; Pilot, Jordan Martha Maria, Reeves; Geo Williams, Bmall. and Makagas car, McFarland, Boston Mexico, Tomlin, Brooklyn Wm Thompson, Stuart, Fall River Thames, Barke. Newport Sarah Augusta, Barker Jot Marsh, Rogers, and Orson, Henderson.

New York. BiLTiaote, Ang 10 Ar shin Rob Roy, Druromond, fm Bremen, wllh 190 passengers; bark Meteor, Jannev, fm Arica, South Peru; brig Water Witch, Lebroo, BtJobna, NB sch Yeso, Ryerson, Lubee Chablbbtom, Aug 7 Ar bark Gen Green. Clark. Boaton sch Isabella, PaaBencers.

Ia the thlp Diadem, f. om London Mr Dusolle. of Philadelphia, aad 258 In Ihe steerage. in nng Acton, im Amsiaruam, air. Pierce, and Tt in we steerage.

In tne brig Star, from St Thomas Mr Edwin and Josephine Redderhysta. Aster and northwesterly by the inn eeenue ahnat eis hty fniir Lnts number 9. 10. 11. IX.

13 14. 15. 16. 17. IK IS) SI 1 1.

t. 1 L. 4m xth street about three hundred and stxlr hve wet: northeastsrlv I bv a hne drawn tbrnnrh tbe centre of the block bounded by I 1 nmr sixin ana 1 oinr sewain pnsu, ana aisvant ninety eight leet nine means Bortbeasterty from the northeasterly side of 1 ntny aixta street about three nunureo ana uuny saet Bortb westerty by the Futb avenue nuety eight leer nine inches and sonineasteriy ny tne maime roaa DatMi tnl Inl. IK 1K Tocetber with the ntlit, title names ol the first part in and tn the land form tne the middle road adjoining the Int number Xi. hereby conveyed to the middle of such road together with all and the ngnts.

Bwmtoers.Bnvilegeaand appunatieocea tnsreunto besooar in or in enrwise appertaining. jyl7 iaw3w ISA AC V. FOWLER Marerin Chancery. 13 M. 1 aiHive sale adjourned to Tuesday August kh, losL, at Dated New York.

August 11th, IMfi. ISAAC V. FOWLER. anil Xawta Master in Chancery. REWARD.

Lost last night, betweea William JL aad Dn.Be streeta. tarn store keys connected by a chain. The above reward will be paid bv leaviar them at 88 William street. aull it Vejr 8ince wa have had one ol our Shower Bathe In tsnos ratioa. It baa teemed to put a complete slop per oa all other ore rations.

The Broken' Board is nearly deserted, tha Tariff ia forgotten, our war with Mexico ia scarcely mentioned. Men caa neither speak or Iklnk oa any other subject thaa Shower Baths, Shower Baths. A gieat variety of tba above, with all kinds of bathing apparatna, for aaw at the Ware Rooms, 45 Maiden ane. aull SMITH. TORREY, ft CO.

STORAGE For au descriptions of merchandise other thaa extra La tba following nrst ctaae ore prcsuxea, where uuuraaca caa be edected as low as any similar establishment in this city. Noa. 1 3, 125, 1x7 aad IS Washington tt. 13. 134.

136 aad 13SCcdarau 135. IT? asd 130 Al. for Sugars or other heavy goods, ka Potash lmstra I QOB BUllOIOB. N. a.

Xiv extra BAJArasnxa awoas aaAen smaaar aay circua anil rtORAX SO cases Engllah aad AnserVcaa nchaed LAWREXCg ft HrCKS.M EF.SWAX 1000 'beSoalher. for by Ball tAnlMl.o nn.w ItDLks 10 boxes Adamannae Sperm, Mr a tie I CAN anil bV LAn Itr VVEi ot 'i "1 Latest from Washington. BT MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH I CorTespoodenca of the Philadelphia Ledger Proceedings 9F coNdRZSs to ad The Smithsonian hill was talten od. amrndmeiiU were rejected, and lite bill pagaed as caiae irom me Morehead nffainst it. the nrieatinn wait taken on thf him to ofler a resolution to extend the boor of adjournment.

Mr. Davis declined, and spoke until within one minute of twelve o'clock, when he gave way to a motion for an executive session, and after a few mi' nutea ao orient, the Senate adiourned line die. House In the House, on motion, the 17ih rule was suspended to allow bills passed this day to be pre sented to the President tor nit signature. Mr. Thomriaon.

of Mississippi, offered a resolution for the Secretary ot War to report at tbe next session customs tor tbe present year. 1 ne rules were suspend ed and the resolution adopted passed the Senate's bill ior the relief of Elijah White, I of Oreeon. I The Committee of Conference on the Naval An 1 proprtation bill, relative to the Dry Docks at 1'hila Ttatr AODKH SO casks prime Dutch Umbro; 10 do HA rrencn tArr, tor aaie oy anil LAWRENCE ft HICKS. 33 Burling slip. R1V1TI KE PHI.Ms four and Ave colored JC1 alao neb Calais new end desirable styles just received anu tor sale by CHARLES CAKV1LLC, aull 86 Broad street.

riCLLEO CLOTHS Browa, Grey, Black and JL cineeps Grey, lor sale by LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE ft CO, anil 35 Broad st. IkTEWORLEANs SUGAR 50 linos very tope A. nor quaittv. ner enin nnisa. ior sale ov anil LAWRENCE ft HICKS, 33 Burling allp.

fTOBBELLA CLOT MS Made ky Lonsdale Co. ai aaa otnert, lor aaie by 1 LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE ft CO. aull 35 Broad it WLW ADDER PRINTS New styles for the fall trade, 1'JL small figures, very deairable, now arriving In store. 1 rrr a kcvh I and tor aals bv neiore tne ice tjbanceuor. I aull jonn 1.

raimer, dpeciai jtuceiver.t fsaae M. Wnolksv and MnliM hi I af n.U wire and other. I In pursuance of a decretal order ol thn Court, dated March lain loth, and ol a further order dated July 13th, INo. mane in the above entitled cause, will be enld at pubbc auction, by W. D.

McCarty. auctioneer, under the direction nf tbe subscriber, one of the masters of this court, at the mercnania exenanre. in tne city 01 rsew York, on the eleventh day of Auguat. A. D.

lbeS. at twelve o'clock, at noon, of that ilav ALL those twenty twoeertain lots, parts of lots, pieces or parce is of bind, wtth tbe builHinrs thereon erected, situate, ving and heme in the Sixteenth Ward of tbe city of New York, anddtstinemsbod onontheoiaBoTnkuillMiliiof en jc rsed Imwoiubv the number from 1 lone) 10 1. itwenty two,) both inclusive bounded ami eontaintne as follows, that to say Lou numbers 1.x. th 7 and taken together, are bouuded northeasterly by ThirtyiTthstreet about two hundred and titty feet southerly by land saw or formerly of Isaac Lawrence and William B. aull CHA3.

CARVILLE. Broad tt. FALL PRINTS A variety of the new aty lea, adapted to the present demand, just received and for aale by anil CH AS. CARVILLE, 86 Broad at. bTIIG IRON K00 tons Lancloan forsale bv WOODHULL ft MINTURN, en South street MAtJNESIA fcieasee superior quality Carbonab! lor sale by anil WOODHITLL At MINTURN.

87 South St. KOSlfl banels No. 1 and 2, for sale by aul I WOODHULL ft MINTURN, 87 South tt PARI GR tLLPi 10,000 lbs dry and in oil, of oa sotted qualitiea, ia aaekageafrom 44 tn IM Ibe, far sale null oy lavvkknck ft HIOK8.3X Bnriingailp. nEATHEUS WW lot prime Wesiera Live Geeae, gv far aaie oy LArvthMis muMS. anil' 1 38 Bnrlingalip.

RD FLAKNELS, for sate by LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE is CO, aull 35 Broad at. TlOCIIELLE OCHRE 60 casks prime, lor aale JAnV anil by LAWKKISCe; ft HICKS.33 Burling slip. JHlROiIE YELLOW llWO pounds, lor sale by II bAVtBEnUE st DurtiBgsup. nl RARB 300 lbs pulverized, for tale by aull UAntLnts ea nuriinz sup.

pLAMvW JLAfkS AND NEGRO KERSEYS BT A UUZB naowMwo, in, mmtw my i 1, v. L' tdtudi r. axiiivo, a oust auI9 35 Broad arreet. POTS and garden' Syringes, bar den toola, toy do, garden trowels garden reels, tr.iL dahlia polea, bird rages, parrot and squirrel eaena. for sale at me nousexeepert' emporium rnf Hurru DDVV Sr tTl 04 45 Maiden lane.

aeaaae gMATHI AND HORSE BLANKETS 51 8. T. JONES ft CO, 49 Kxctuunre Place, ofler fur sale alanre aaaortraenl of Saddle Cloths aad Horse Blankets. mil or otsjl 4LK and low triced paper muslins, white. JLal black, aad assnnea colors, ior aaie ov j)30 IJT2 8.

T. JON ES ft Ot 1. 40 Excbaare place. imnui: YELLOW Extra quality ia for export for sale by the manufacturer DAN'L F. TIEJdANN, 17 Burling all p.

JOHN DUNCAN ft SON. 407 aadway. 9Jt Alkssv ,.11. I enlora. HOT Sabt bT 30 aad 31 Weat and 54 Wa.hl.Mn.

I D. no ceisara am very apaelooa. beinc In height seven wet In the clear, aad panicularl adapted for wises, sugars, lard, provisioas. Ac Facilltiea Uw aamplicg and examining gooda, given la all cases, and particularly attended to. Apply to n.

as. nussi, tmctltl Washington, 31 WM, .1 TO I.A1TYK Thejdvertaer, aa Attorney aad. Conaeelinr at Law, ia deeona of formtngn. ee pata ersmp ia trta boausesa of the pnaresioa with some feutie maa ta good practice, either ia us city, where tbe adver. uer (nr several years been ncaged, or, which be would much avaier.

formlaga coaaecua with some geBileman of ibe proteasiou ia any the kuoeaa ciliae or towaa of the A addreaaed fH at tbe cnice of tbe New alX Wiag Post aewananr. siil manias, laMliala at tunable st Siiltoo. Chedoer, Sapaago, Ac, fur aale by mJ ouwkw niivrt a ai a tu bi Adtt iyi8 s. Tflfl rssna tnmrariteaa lane aasorv 55 meat of tba daauaabie atjktt in every variety af H. ARNOLD At CO, Nv68 Piae sueet.

OURL IPS 25 bales 40 inch Burlaps, now landing 13 from ahip Nuurtra, ror aaie at 10 nearer street, sy "7 BARCLAY ft UVlNGtTro.V atmps nws PAPER9 A btrtw aastartment I 1 IU aav aiae. color eaaliry. nsode ta order, by j17 CYRUS W. HELD, 9 Burling Blip jyn Mr urF.LLER's ICE CREA JL SALOONS, 435. (eear Park Place.) and 713 Broad way.

tea Craama, Fratt tcea. suo" aau Kasphemaa aad Craaat, unanotos ticb Uiriray, Cbotb iu limes. WUI sLs'i'k LftCILS Jtaireceivad a fortbsr aauolt of whits slam peacua, which ara roaadbyali who have need them to be far attpertor 10 aay others. Tbs. mi sn ia hoxsa of 100 each viiivtat: HLLE Jtaj lba ta bbvaa nacaAxev ior ua ermveAtbtaca of tba retailer.

Sold at Btaauiacmiaja li k.M.k. 1 by DAVID FELT ft CO aull It I and 9AS Fearl aad St, Wall atteeC mam sausiacorie ereacet exehangea). subscriber, at the Attor xu ia rarann assnaraaavsrvr BdlJ3t A gold Pencil Csaowith a greea Meal Stone In JL4 the bead. Tk. ,1 i a.ji.

by leavlT.1 the same at i P.icheeo Ptaee. au74t WASi TEU Good aad.racieat tgeau circulate vaiunale commercial yurk. Apply at 61 William jy9wie Utcktway Pavilion. au6 JVytLXUJui: nCESTlBY PLAi'r Thiawolerful WanTfuasTos, Anxnst 10, 1Mb, I ralcnnasity la to be seen eery amy, frem 7 A. and .1 o'clock, P.

I 7 krijliaaty Bghied with (at, aaul 16 o'clock Semite The Senate met at halt neat eight o'clock. The reading ol the journal wax diapenaca witn. at lb, Conservatorvl DIN LAP ft THOMSON, I 635 Broadway. vxi is IHvorite Wateruag lacs is bow open. A large House.

I JL number of the r. )h. 1 He following gentlemen have oeen 1 m. i nose aot engaged can bt aetured by aldreteise tbe Rents of the InsiiiBlion i iimoj Uhottie, ot Maeacbosetts. Gideon Hawlry, New York Wm.

C. Preston, South Carolina. The report of ibe Committee ol Conference on the Civil and Uiplotnatie bill, was agreed to. H. CRANSTON.

(of Newark, N.J to insure Ware Mo usee. Dwelling Houses. Mechandian aad Household Furniture, in the eirv S. nn ot premium. Appiicatlnaa far snirssrs n.

the renewal of 1 He velo ot the rencn spoliauon diii waa rcsu. wU1 ZZLZl Mr. J. CtaTtoo aaid itwaa the first ume a pri HreeT fcUe b1 vale bill had been vetoed; Vr Allen rearl frnrti fhn Mdntfal Ihe fule.rtohlb'.t ing niembea from voung iipob any bill lit which they are interested peraanaily. Mr.

Clay ion deaired to know what the senator meant Mr. Alien replied. meant to read the law Mr: Clavton said. If ihe senator means to insinu ate that any person nxm this floor ia interested, let us Know who it is Mr. Allen replied and said.

"I read the law so that any one interested, might know it. it no one ta irmuefl It ttli smdv In sn nns Mr Webster Molested aeainst the veto, and said he should take an opportunity to discuss it before the nennl. Mr. Benton and Mr. Dix nanoorted the veto, ana Gsh.

Fecrettrt. IV. A. MY EE, President. vs a aa a a a jyir ia ti "'wauiE, f.iu,aanai'a BOARDING AND DAt SCHtJrjJt fpR TtJUNd tADtES, C.HlOa BULAiiE.

Mf ADAnEHEUARiY mstaetfullT annoni J.V JL ces to bet frienda aad tha piMic that hM tatablirh a negaray will na at heme, no toe istb ana ivnn to meet Dares ts rar msniiss, JhIiIm laiarvw. Bba will return from hnr mmbii, am bsa m. Tiunato the close of tba vacation, to receive puplle irom abroad who may with to enter before the commencement of tbe eehoet. an36w The Public TTI1I Vlmmmm Wmtrm lCsatlsf. fllHAT tha Livery Btable business which has lor meriy been carried on nnder the name of W.

E. ft inuoe, will he hereafter eonducie I by tha subscribers, un passage ot the bill, and resulted as follows jyeat 27, 1 on our part snail La spared to aromola tha comfort or insure I nays XJ uoi Deine two lulius. Uie Otu 10 ureiciun: 1 sun anaii pavonixn ua aau wo inwnu lost. I thing appertaining to our. business, shall be In All the appropriation bills have cone through.

lersoa can take The auDronriatinn for the. naval school at Annapo I HORSES is CARRIAGES, lis it retained in the Navy Bill I WU' be In. readiness ai the shortest notice," and at all At 11 CIOCK, Mr. Lewis movea to use up tire 1 on utoera leiiatoar omce win oeprumpuy atianu House bill aptironriatins; two millions dollars to I and faithfully performed. Good and tale driven will I a.

1 D4f InfViMntal aVRan tHabo, standi peace wim Mexico, who wn. tujrreu 4 aim Mr. Lrwis moved to strike out the provision relat inff to nlaverv in Palilortila. Mr. Davia tnnk the flnor in opposition to Ibe bill.

I Btockbrldge, July 1st, 1846. DARBE ft FOMEROY aulOJt and said that if it passed it would give Ihe sanction 1 "rfclSSOLCTIOI. The copartnership heretofore of Conemss nmaraiina of the war nntll Callfor ALF existing between tha subscribers, nnder the firm of 1 1 1 urnn 1 1 u. nuanaiju at thla aav aiaonivna Bv mutual consent. Hennr Wn.ll iri .1.

Tk. Mr. Iwia naked Mr. Davia to eive war to enable aceounu of the lata arm will ba seuled by Worrell ft Co, and all persons indebted will please make Immediate pay ons HCMI WUKKA LU NOAH WORRALL. New York, August ltt, 1846.

COPARTNERSHIP KOTICP. NOAH WOR RALL haa associate it with bins bis hmihn 1IWF.PH H. and WAUE B. WORRALL, Who will continue Ihe busi ness at the old established Iron Found rv: Printine Press. and Saw Manufactory, Noa.

St, and 6 Elm street, tinder tnenrmoi WOUrXALIj ft CO. The outstanding accounta of the former hrm will be settled by W. ft aad they of Congress, the papers and reports of the Indian I solicit a conUnuance of the patronage which hat for an age ngenis wno recently nrougni on oeputaiiuui ut su 1 paai ucsn axisnueu to init concern diana from Tevaa to Washineton. The rules were suspended and the resolution adop ted. The House next went into Committee of the Whole (Mr.

Cobb in the Chair) on the Navy Pension bill. Here mnch confusion took place, and all the members seemed anxious to get through with the bu siness ot Congress. Many points ot order were raised. Tbe amendment of the Senate, appropriating $3000 lor privateer nensions. was not concurred in.

Tbe committee roee, and the House concurred in its report Mr. McKay offered a resolution, requesting the Secretary of tbe Treasury to report to the next session of Congress the amount of revenue collected Irom mh9 ia NOAH WORRALL. JOB. H. WORRALL, WADE WllltUAI.I New York, Angus! jtt, 1846.

aulO Improved Solid Beaded Finn. THE tubkeribert cfler for sale all tha various slzaa and assortments of the new and Unproved Solid Headed Pint, made by tbe Knickerbocker aad known as the Diamond Pins. They ara believed to be the most perfect article of tha kind ever produced. YV.C. LAM iLt.1 23 Broad, at anB Is comer Exchange Place.

FIRST PREltelfJin PLOUGHS, and all kinda of Agricultural Implements, for tale at "le subscribers' Ware House, No. IDS Front, one door sotrw of Fulton street. Thev have constantly on hand larger as sortment of Ploughs and Castings, than any other store in the city, aaa or the most approved kinds. Tbev ara alao ante taenia for the aalo nf Proutv and Meara hiehlv Sundry private bills Irom the Senate were taken up I approved and uneaualled Centre Draught.

First Premium and passed. I Ploughs, which they Invite those In want of such articles JOHN MATHER ft CO. line Ualrhes. Jung fteceiveel. CJAlUljfcL, W.

HElkKUIV JTa ft: Wall io street, haa received aa invoice) of verv fine Ladiee Bad Gentlemen's I lot ft Waar.hea. which ensnhino all th. Is delphia and Pensacola, made a report to let the sub teat Improvements, and lor elegance and correct timekeeping ject pass over for this session. I cannot be surpassed. The House concurred in the Committee a report I axm nane, loopera, rooias, aau neeaiey vupiex ana and the bill passed.

A message was read from the President informing the House that be had signed ihe Civil and Diploma tic Appropriation bill, ard the bill establishing tbe Smithsonian Institute. The Speaker appointed Messrs. Owen, Hough and Hilliard. Regents of said Institute. A motion wan made to vo into Committee of Ihe Whole on private bills, which bad been passed by the Senate on this the yeas and nays were ordered and carried.

A message was received from the Senate informing tde House that ita amendment to tbe bill for relief of hly White, had been amended. The House wr nt into committee, Mr. Boyd in the ohair, and took said amendment to the amendment, and reported in favor of the same, and the House agreed to the report. iAld bill as amended passed. The Post Route bill, with the Senate's amend ments, was then taken up, and the amendments agreed to, striking out all but the post routes, and the bill passed.

The Sneaker now said, the hour of 12 having ar rived ne pronounced tbe House adjourned until the nrst Monday la December next. TaVTKWCASTl.E COAL AFLOAT Now Innrlinf XvJ fromehtp Margaret Evans, aeargoof superior Walls end Newcastle Coal, suitable for family or maaufaclortag nee. For aalo in lota toauii, by 8TUART F. RANDOLPH, ft 76 Wall auvet, 287 Last Broadway, and corner of anil 13th street and Bowery. IVEKPOOL OKKGL COAL Juet received Li per packet thip New York, a lot of first aoality Orrel Coal, suitable for family use.

For tale in Iota to soil, by STUART P. RANDOLPH ft CO, 76 Wall street, 287 East Broadway, and nil cnr. 13th street and Bosvery. PEACH ORCHARD COAL AFLOAT Now landicg from barge Beaver Creek, a cargo of Peach Orchard Coal, egg and nut sizes, suitable for family use. For aale in luia 10 suit purcnasere, ny STUART P.

RANDOLPH ft CO, 76 Wall street, 287 East Broadway and cor. of aul I 13th street and Bowerv. flHIMIZ Fill NTS New slylasof rich Chintx.on mj cambric clou lots oav received and fur aale by CHARLES CARVILLE, aull 26 Broad street. EXCHANGE TAULFS Showing the value of MIA United States Currency In British Sterling of any turn from 1 cent to S10.CO0, at the different rates of Dreminm from par to 12) per cL, by per cant advances progressively, ny rrea. uean, accountant, lur sale ny uaviu rr.L.1 at ui, aull Pearl and office 50 Wall at OTS OF NEW titsOIk II We have la port JLdl and just ready to open, large Invoices by three diffe rent packets, vis Ocean, Yorkshire and steamer Great Britain, the whole comprising one of the richest assortments of Housekeeping Ankles ever Imported, aad as we have ad vices of tun runner shipments wa nope to ne anie 10 Keep a aupply comm.

sen rata with tbe very great demand to wnicn our establishment la already subjected, anil BM1TH. TORREY ft CO, 45 Maiden lane. Lever Watches. Mr. John Cottier, who ttanna unrivalled as a watbb ma ker, gives his whole attention to repairing Implex, Chrono meter, ana outer nne watches.

Bpoom, Fotks and Cunt made of sterling silver. Mantel ard Office Clocks for tale and carefully reoalred. B. The trade supplied with Duplex Wheels. Rnby miners nnn nne jewels.

jyw LAlnKt OLUANU tILVLU WA1CHM Jk? Those who wiah to purchase Gold and eliiver Watches will find it greatly to their advantage In call on the tubscrilier, who it selling all descriptions of Gold aad nitver vvaicncs lower tbaa any other bouse in tnecity. Fine Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Wau hot, ao do Detached Lever Watcbea, do do Lepine Watcbea, Ladies' and Gentlemen Fine Gold Guard Chains. do do Breast Pins. Ladles' Bracelets, Gold Pencils. Gold Watches at low aa $20 to $35 each.

Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All watches warranted to keep flood time or the money returned. Watches, Clockt and Jewelry repaired la the beat manner, and warranted at mnch less than the usual nrice. G. C.ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and retail.

51 Wall street, Jy30 it flam No. 301 cor. William st.nnataira. Previaioii feupplien for Mate Priaou. CJEALED PROPOSALS will ba recived at tbe 3 Mount Pleasant Prison, until the 9lh day ul September next, al 11 o'clock, A.

for supplying this pris with provisions for twelve mon'hs from Ihe Ist of November next, to be furnished to the Agent at the Prison, aad al such time or timet as be may require. Proposals lor said supplies are required to be made by tha hundred rations; each hundred rations of said supplies shall consist of one hundred pounds of good merchaatabie. inspeciea prime oeel, eiauxn tared aad paeaea tnis enmtng Ian or winter; or, seventy nve pounds ot mere nan taois, Inspected prime pork fifty pounds of good merchantable, inspected rve fWur; seventy five pounds of good merchant able, silted Indian meal; two gallons of good molasses: two quarts of good cloer vinegar two ounces of good ground pepper one quart or nne tali, and three and a nail nu nets of potatoes, or their equivalent In beets, turnips, carrots. onions, peat, beans and rice, at the agent discretion, and two quarts 01 rye in the grain. The Beef for said rations shall be sur plied for on hslf of the time, and Pork for one half of the lime, at the Agent's discretion.

Fresh meat rations shall be supplied twice a week for tlx montht in the year, at such periods at Ihe Agent may oesignaie. All articles to be of good merchantable quality. Satisfactory recurltv will be required for tba faithful per formance of the contract, and the names ot the sureties must accompany the propoeala. i ne payments will be nude by the Agent, oa tne ist 01 every month. All casks, barrels, or other Backinn.

to be subject to tha control of the contractor, after the tame ara emptied It ahall be optional with the Board of Inspectors to accept or reject the proposals at their discretion. rllKAM r. Kiwtb Agent. Mt. Pleasant Bate Prison, Augo.l 7th, 1C46.

au8 3awtd WHITISG a bblt.forsule by Jy29 LAWRENCE. HICKS, 32 Burling slip SMALL FIGURED BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS On extra super Clot he. for tale by m.7 D.H.ARNOLD ft No. 68 Pine it. IVORI 800 Ibe prime India Ivory, the teeth averaging JL about 60 pounds, Ibr sale by JOHN PHYFE, 19 Murray st.

SUB1A43 500 bags Sicily Bumae, of Fojero brand, 01 sale by jeiS CflAMBBRLAIX ft PnELPS, 103 Front tt. IM.1D OlLr 500 gaLia Amencan, ia bbls, tor JLal sals in lota to suit purchasers, by je'3) WOODHULL ft M1MTURN. 87 South at. BOXWItOD 4 tons Turkey Boxwood, large wood, about S5 ttickt per ton, of prime qualities, for tale by m5 JOHN PHYFE, 19 Murray st. PAPEil Afullasaoctineotof News aad Book, for sake bv jyn CYRU8 W.

FIELD, 9 Burling lp. I ITRO.1 eaaea Genoa Citron, for aale by je29 CHAMBERLAIN ft PHP.LPS, IfCt Front st. 91 Lit 10 casks Turkey Umber, lor aale by jil LAWRENCE ft HICKS.3J Burling slip WATER TWIST LONG CLOTHS Extra super, a few cases of tbls desirable sty le of bleached goods. this day received and for sale by lr CHAB CARVILIjB. So Broad street.

BUI.OGMA bAI extra quality, just received, tor sale by au6 JOHN DUNCAN ft SON, 407 Broadway. ADIEU ENGLISH COTTON HOSE A fow dozers JLA of Ladiee superfine extra large sizes white cotton hose of the best make, for aale at low prices by jus. DAI Tin, tuig Broadway, ana jy31 376 Greenwich st AFIFIIENE Warranted ef the beat quality, for ssis Oy DE1TX, BROTH tvK jel9 AMUSE MENT So 1 Nn. 13 John a EAF TOBACCO 7 FIoiiiIa Leal Tobacco A 1 for sale by FOX ft LIVINGSTON. 93 Broad it A PxtlKiU OIL 4000 rations beat bt for sale by riatLO I ARBE.X TtEsDAT EVENING, 11 Annua Itik ln To comaseatai atg o'clock.

ia a spulv Overtuvd. To ba iollowad by tbe Ballet Pantonine, ta 1 act.eaiiedth VHNUEAM K. Ok' JjiANA! Calisto, a fkvorlie Nymph ol 1 liana M'ila BlangT uayauoa. a young Shepherd moan ssenn bed Soring OIL, tilt, 14, rjttoiriett a Na. Id Jobs street.

W7IANCY PRINTS New styles, from the latest designs JL' very desirable, jow Co mine In store aad for sale by yl8 CHAS CARVILLE, 96 Broad street. TsJJsW YORK MILL CHAkiBRAYa A mw eases of i.1 tdis deairable style of goods, thit day received aad lur saie By my is chas carville, as Broad atreet. bT ARD OIL 95 bbls Lard Oil. for aals bv JLi CHAUTEAU, MEKLE ft jr24 104 Wall street. CAJtl ti I A btrze aaannment, for aaie by LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE m.

CO, BUS flLOAK LININGS Just received and for sale by SV LAWItAtt, aui rimed sf, PBl.t i'b tnrasle bv JT LAWRENCE, TRIMBLE ft CO, au 35 Broad street. 1 JIB OWN SHEETING JL saie by A mrge aspHui.ent. for LAn RCNCK, TRIMBLE ft CO 35Brnsdst rWll PIN ALLS 9 wlia Ivory, of 3 eoxh.S inch JL diameter, a splendid article for ladies' nse, for sale by ma JQtt. rn tt, iv Murray st. ts gJ4S ARS Losl.Cntsbed.

Pulverised aad Muscovado. hZJ la 1 barreit, I alf barrels ar ealmrwae, for sole by JyS JOHN DUNCAN ft SON, 407 Broadway. PLATFORTI AND COCNTER SCALES More thaa fifty dinereat kinds, adapted to tbe wsate ol every one using scalea. Btaaniacturad aa the Banat I proved principles, and of the beat saahwiaia, w.rraatcd every particular au pertor 10 all otbera in use. aad ready boxed shipping, ror saie ar.

ine aanuiacturar Depot, tie PTont tu. corner 01 wall, ft. ST JL Kvans," from Lonoctt, a lull ppiyof Terry's prs pared Parchment, of all tbe various sixes, for sale bv the roll, dose a or single, at SlBlteawts Mall, 945 Pearl sad Office 50 Wall attest. aul DAVID FELT ft CO. 1 IRCHvIEMT Jttat received per "Marcaret NA51ELLLD CRIUIKONS Someihing very nice sad arras tod to stand a red hot beat nnt veraally apes ovrd ot by aH who have used them, may be foaad of all sixes, at Ike Housekeeper zimponum, Maiden lane.

jm SMITH. TORREY ft CO. WrOHCESTERhHIRE SAUCSL GenUemeB Tf at BckBowledeed rosu aroasmnce tt to be tbe'oaly rood settee." and for a neat for Ash. cutTtos, ataaka, game, ftc, anrqualled, ia ball pint, pint aaa oeart sotties, ror saie ev JOHN DUNCAN ft SON. 407 Broadway.

JeZ3 sole agram for lbs propnetuit. sneidenlai to th. Hsli, iks Cllowtae laiiiae faucaand Giosirnan. bv M'oa ltlarv aad Corue de Ballet Graad Paa ee I hiia, by Mlle Blaaxy.M'maLsoo JavelU Ralfan boor's intarmssalua, br rha CONCERTS A LA MITSARO, in tha Renaahaaoat Balnod. To conclude with tbe uonniar km genua THE CONJURER'S GIFT; or, Tbe Magic Pilie.

Cbaraciert by Gabriel aad tba Ravel Family. Ttoring tba Paatxmuane. Boaaisb Paa ee Deax 1 by Madame ene Javelll aad Gabriei Ravnt The rare will termleate a Graad Caineee Dlvarttsemeat, rinminated. enns'stics ot 60 persons, aad replete with nt cidental Scenit Effects Mam'6eat Tableau Wednesday MR PLALUltB BENEItT. TickErs nciy CENTS snrspigjr A.

att si GARI1EN rHrraaaaees aitemooa at o'clock, and this evenuir at o. Ba engagemeat or i mi. rairnv the mmona Vrrglnla Dwarf, who has arrived at the age of twenty one vesra, stands nnty tu incnes nrgn, sis wc hoi xt poonae. He reek nt an nones. Also, tbe BCOITISH lula, Also, tha LIVING TWIN CAFTOEf THE LIVING ORANG OITTANG.

Also, the largest LIVING BOA CONSTRICTOR ever aaea la America. WAX MODEL Or THE HUMAN BODY In addition the fni towing performers are encaged Th talefffeir tvi beanUfnl MI33 WHKELER. GBEAT WESTErtN, the retwrwaed Yaaxee eomedlan. PETE nWRRS. Comic Voealrst WTSLOt ft.

feino Piayef and Effitoplan BSlotfeb nirJSOLVING Ait Admission to the whole X3 csta. CltTiirfti nailer 1 years of are, 1 4 centa. Caa lie Garden fTtllCintrSIDAI. HKtstlW hatrlne clnsed oa JkL funlay, July tUhrsouoe ia hereby given, that the Castle 1.1IIW neea fat visitors from sonriae onnl len o'clock at night. Tha splendid Cos mora aiaa will b.

hHlianliy Hrbiad every aveelng for tha rema inner of tha aaanwer Aiiraet ever ry peraoa ia familiar with the antrin af Caa tie Gardea a5 after ome remarks from Huntington, Clayton and I dor the name of Derue ft Pomaray and we reapectfuliy so 1 1 summer resort, and it tbe weather ia one. Kia alesoat aeed Itcit the patronage of the public promislag. that no attention 1 lm ptaee wui aa crownrn n.gnr The Herreshments are af a tnperior quality. Admitrante Hi cauls. jn fRENHI ft Proprietors.

Mddcii of ftfeW York. mitlS lmmenee work alert bv E. PORTER BELDN, ll.AB invi in' 11 I Iflfi Broadway. Thla model represents every building, thed, IsolicJiou. srvo, anu oiner opject la the.

city Jt bat neea rn prtatreas for mora Ihanayear, and upwards of out pundred persons have been employed In Its construction, inducing some of the first artists, American and European. Above the Model is GOTHIC CANOPY, ofthemoathignly decorated carved containing in different compartments, oil paintings by the flrtt artists of tome of the PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS In the eltv. Hourt of exhibition from 9 A.M. to 10 P. M.

cenu. Season tiekeu 50 cenu. TklSUKOH'S UI1IIN4' jRjr Leerara esSins. 1 gll 00 10 do v. 10 00 4 00 Single 9 0 Road do SO N.

B. Highly trained aad Tickets S3 jyffltf M'llOOI No. 4U6 Bowerv. near Aetor aad La Fayette Place, New York. Mr.

D. haa the honor In annoUBCe that hit School is npea dally for Eaaesttian Tuition and exercise Riding. leitns Riding. KlohiH. Wl SO Rides.

10 P0 10 ao Single 7S (uiet fjorset, far tbe Road or raraoe, 10 let. RULES. 1 All Lesvont or Rktea paid for oa eommenrjng. One hour allowed on each Lasaoa or Ride In the School. 3 One hour and a haf a Lesson on the Road.

4 Hours for Ladlee, from 8 A. to 3 P. M. 5 Hoars for Gentlemen, from rto8 A. and 3 to 7 P.M.

6 No Gentlemen admitted during the hours appropriated to Ladies. A card of address Is recmested previous to commencing. K3T Gentlemen keeping their Horses In this establishment, will have the privilege of riding them In the achool gratia. JeSO EXCURSIONS. AUCWUIII HlCCUl UlllL iuviku .11 Will 1 I nw rsw 1 n.

nromiae nn the H.Mement of the two Houaea on here. LEBOAT THAI FleHlNG BANKS I 0 ns. I fa A lopwak aoort mant nffllAM Trtu ka alaaravTa n. I rlT A large assortment of Store Trucks always 1 nvom bilL The KpoIt blU a 1 1 Casting, made to order. alio nuuae coustuerru in cuuiiiiiiirr, oiiic nuru anu nee marrows.

A SWIFT AWn SAFE STEAM be saw and very faat ateamboat ST. NICHOLAS. Caps. Dealing, will nn FRIDAY, Aug. 14th, mike an excursion to the Fishing Banks.

Tbe great speed ot tbe St. Nicbolaa will enable lovers of fishing 10 have at least two hours longer enjoyment of their lavurita amuse ment tbaa on slower Boais. Tbe Sl Nicholas will leave the loot of Hammond st, at 8 o'clock Canal st, Delancev tt, 8 Catharine it, 9 foot of State tt. Soulb Brooklyn, 94 and Pier No. 2, River, 4.

Bait and Lines furnished at a ama 11 charge. Fare for the Excuraioa 50 centa. t'OK XI It F1SHIU BANKS, oaso 'I be sieambont HIOHLANDEB, Captain JfaaCtsMsa fvchas. Armatrong.will make a trip to the Fishing Bankt da WEDNESDAY, Au gust liih, leaving aa loiiowt The foot of Warrra street al Hammond street at Delaney street, at Catharine street at Pier No. N.

at Dlnaer will be provided on board quarter before A. M. 8 quarter before 9 9 hall put Bait at coat. Lines at reasoonble rales Fare 50 cents for the Excursion. The steamboat Highlander wilt continue her regular trips to the Fishing Backs, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Batur oavt tnrougn tne season.

For further information, apply to aolQgtia A. 8CHlTLTZ.eo. Weat and Doane su. 'IHE MOST DELIGHTFUL OF ALL EXCURSIONS A sail across tbe Hud son River lo HOBOKEN, nnd then a walk to LLVolAN HELDS, along tbe exceedingly picturesque shores of tbe place, will prove the easily accomplished aad attractive ef all rural axcurauina that can be made from the city. The ground now presents a charming aspect, the tree, being la leaf and Ihe toil covered with a rich turf.

Tbe Walkt are la excellent order having been considerably embellished the present spring. The Ferry Boats from Barclay, Canal, and Christopher street, ara completely filled up with awnings and Seat. Night boats run from Hobokea to Barclay street natll 11 o'clock. Ferriage Ul cenu. ap22 4inee.

NEWPORT.PROVIDBNCE AND BOS nr.nroai,rsoruirji,t.E. nuirnon gnBBa a. 1 I TO to Newrt and Protldencs, KsatmfsCabin 89; Deck 50. Tne ateamboat MUTUAL SAFETY, Capt. N.

will leave foot of Market street, tast River, on SATURDAY, August 8th, at 4 o'clock, P. Passeagert for Bos loa arrive In Providence fat time for the 8 o'clock train. Regular days from New York, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Daturnays. Freight taken at reduced rates. Apply to the Captain on be ard, or at the office oa the pier.

The Mutual Safety It fitted up with large and commodious state rooaia, and Is newly furnished throughout Her well known character as a seaboal, her ample accororooda lioos and low tares, tt la hoped will secure her a share of public pa iron ace. au8 Iwis ffS To LET suitable for a dry goods jobbing house. If that very desirable store No. 131 Pearl street, will be Xilit rented low loa good tenant Possession Immediately Apply to GEOBGE McBRIDE, Jr, su7Sw 48 Broadway. OFFICE TO LET An Oft5co oa the lira A00', 'n lront bouse No.

It Mur ny street to Let jili ilo and Immediate poeseasioe given, it has beea occupied lor 20 yeara past by respectable Physicians. Inqnite on the premises of JOHN PHYFE. jvai im j)17 If TO LEi A two tlnrv brick Dwelling House. I situated In Grove street. Harsiinus, about Ua minutes walk from Jersey City Ferry.

Immediate possets toa can uo given. Apply to LOI 3RIN BROOKS, 138 Fulton street. TO LET. near Union Square, the modem three story and attic houses, Noe. 14 and 18 Irving Place, tndon the aortb side of 15th street, next to Irvine Place.

No. 14 is on the corner of 15th street They ara well finished, with mahogany doors, plated furniture aad plate glass, la first ttory, with a finished room In tbe rear; Dam 100m, water cioseia, tn second story, and conveniently armnred throughout. Also, tne three story and attle Bouse, Nn. 185 West 141b street, on the north tide of the street, near 8th avenue well finished with every convenience. Rents moderate to desirable tenants.

May be seen between lx and o'clock. tpBlatf 5fv LOFTS AMI OFFICES IN NASSAU AND LIBERTY STREETS, OPPOSITETHE POST JisULOFFICE the new buildings, Noa. i and 44 Nassaa street, corner of Liberty street. They are 70 feet front on Nassau street, with 10 wiadowa In front of each atorv. with a northern llahf, and so ar ranged at to be suitable for stores or offices, end well calculated for Im porters of lieht goods, men turn I tailors, engra vers, ftc They will be let together or separately, or divi ,1.

n. ned in suits nt rooms 10 st AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. BT Jf ACOVI PLATT, aec oomneatax noasvm.k hes hrenfeina aivaasss as can of Mr.JohaB.Taa A at mm p. sale raaarka of asawsrfaetarersornf raaai.

ummnm Mh assab lamsssd fanliuas and K4' ata al twm klU oMms' Ear nea or ia Brook Ira, faiea oi liry ail eat dot sales cnrtma will as avnmr'lr attended te. "anion Bjsraa 3 Plan vaet.iaenwei uoaa. TtTraniv nt a i ia ii Ll rr." 4 beneS and other elanea. ll b.nrrnfaenewrnea. Tl' lrNsiaww ra Heel, snit warranted a eemane artseia.

wool mikd Shim nun. saade HsrdnaTa. Cut Wr and pnr, Particulars nt 1 ri.r7Pn a 14 srritsblafor sate. 1 Jr SS BUc rainf! roll parorwarv in time Tne attentuo of all d. nnw.

a. .1 rmiwiiaBuiminw iMr bans thewnete can bt eralaan if vw nu an sans. fRltATK. tut.t. MPeaaka wnrurht haiwt.

"I a nl. I l. n.on. as ai manutaetiirenri' BI BEJA.TII tllrOMil. iiKWiIt tr" tvn aanaaaL conaission aacnarrr.

N. B. All sales nt'a. panr, BmnM riea. Dry Good, and Jewelry, irufnaiiy aneadea ta ia any art of the city or Brooklyn.

Aran 1 or piaisnrw scaka. bema strhttiof te swv manatketnred 1 the nlT, samples ot slms tan More ae mm. veil weighing irosa lot upwards. Alan, asnnt Inr avaaie ulajd bunasa knobs, carta IB niat. bod aa.

fsner aaxas. fee Ailutdert left at 8b Jcaa street, will be uraucu Hil. 11 A Ur 5U 0 'I0'' Uieanction morn. aiiavEg rfTf ,0'wr da, Swehimv east bnr, tsble piaiebuwea. Corey eae aoviK aires, tors, had serearv, atrewlatea, null aaw fine.

bastard dn, hand ow do. eVawwg kjiises. padlocks, cheu lucks. itiiA wrd. labia Strives and forka.

packet eullery, trunk locks, tea UtUi. auirepens. Ca rolina mi outeer knives, shoe SM ftreaA knivaa. am trag. ami waiters Bntannie.Ge man silver and rfon ahaad spooaa, ronnd bobs, and variooa oUr sruclea.

til. 11 Mr. Aoe. 17. Constabka' oa! eWrk lha km, of No.

Bmadwar 1 ba cMtaoa cf a arlectory, uxttuaa. glassware, cor. tains, etc BT TCTTI.E Ac Dl'CLl'XEAt, aTXtrBwaaa sncnos ana eomtiaaioa n. vro, 8tom o. UK Willara near Mko bine, N.

Personal artnuea will heeisnnu, ha laa nl D.auehold Fumitave at the residence of nutiliea deelinina boaaFkeewine al.l7 Goods. Gracenaa. ftc: salesof Real Lstole. ft.f.aflfceMerehnaW'ijcliajiae all of which are resoeeUully A. 1 Tl'l ri.ri IKJCLuZEATJ BT C.

aV Vv. FELL tjo. Bcure Wall street iWEDNESDAY.Aur. IS. Al IS o'clock in front of Ihe Sms Iron 200 bondlesassorted American rolled iruo.

round, square ana Hsu lermscaso At So clock at RntgeHB. eTJIogt and crotches St. llomiago mabneattf. Bar brig I a tt Dotninrn Msbocanv The eatro of the brie usaa. eon sating 0 1 tT Iocs superior qua lity south sal.

St. Domiaso Maho gany. rermlt cion over aiw. ar proveuenoonea utlogiKS on the morning ef exit. Immediately arar tbe above.

Cuba Mahoeanr awl Cerlar TbeCulie mahoganv and eeder. per One liemarara. eonsrrtinr nt noeur lermsaow over altX), approved emti.rsed notes: 'atalogpas caTbersdajr. itiuacuni.iAii. a 1 aTII in front ofthestoro.

WINE0 180 qr eaU Bicilf, Fort, Madeira. Sherry and Dry Mmga Wines. Claret 40 bhds Claret, "nv" Madeira. FRIDAY, 14ih Al Bo'jUnrk at Peek aKn. vfanasnlltf UallivRn, ml lrisr The earcoof the brie Etm.

risn. coustitit ot 121 logs MaaeaniUa naaboganr. .3 do do cedar. ot fine size and trualitr. 1 Trrms 4 months over 15).

spfrovea endorasa notas. Cans BATCRDAt.Aug.fff. i. At 12 o'clock at the Merchants' Exebangd TneJnea a ewnoern 54 certigealea for blocks or sereebof bwe, each locg or parce 1 enntaimr.c frum two to six acres, ia the tovre plot of llieril'v coontj. AIo I tract ol nacres and tb tuouw acres, era noe 01 eoout to acraa ib mux viHaee.

These certificate, entitle tbe oarehaaer. ta the CcHnpuotler. loa deed from the rKatecC New York. Tbeaaiswillbepereaipbiryforea.htothe kif best bsddef. At 8 o'clock all be loot ot Delaneey it.

St. Dommgo Maborany The caigo of tbe bng Pnnee. from St Domingo City, eonsutinx ef fjfl. cannon g. and 3H1 erojebes.

part hue. wood. Tersna, 4 months over glOu, approved endorasd owws. uwiiin jm. At 3 o'clock at Coeu.iea sla.

Honduras Mahne ar.y Tbe Honduraa mahogany psi brig Ma tibta part fine QitelHv. Terms, 4 month, over 1100, approved endorsed Botes. Catalogues at sale. TfEPDAY. Aur.lS At II o'clock at tba foot ol Dalancr street.

Armament of a Fnaate IS guns, 3k pounders tea Rat's lt ti lb soot I'll lb do 103 33 Ib do. doable brnderi 1' Ib do do do 13 balls crape SKI do 3lb grape sbnt 30 carrooades.ei poandera. Terms at aaie. THtrHSDAY. tob.

At I nf 11 nVI1 in Irnnl ttf th. tfnos. Jamaica Rum IB punchenns North ide Jamaica Rum, aa en ure parcel, com pea 10 debenture. Terms 4 smmths. Abo, bob Jamaica Ginger TIjKMMY.Bta.

At Inf II o'clock in fnmt nf Btnre. Havana Began By order pi Uum.oi superior quamr. iermseafch. STEAM rfcTWEEN NtW YORK AND I L. Tbe Great Wealern 'Stenhi Ship Company's Steam Shipe.

the GREAT WESTERN. 1.700 inns. 450 bones power, H. ft. Mathews.

I ommanner. The GREAT BRPfAlN. 3, sSJ tons. 1000 horses power. Lieutenant James oaken.

R.N Commander, arc in tended I as between 11 and ANN I1AKLI.Y. Capt Robert Scott, ApnlytoC.FAR8HALL.43 Wail street. 43 Wall street, 12 o'clock: apSistr LET Furnished or unfurnished, with or without JL breakfast Bad tea, two Parlors, convenient tor offices, and two BedrooBM, la a geateel modem honse. Enquire at No. 54 Lis pen ard street, near Broadway.

jelS tf VVAittCHOUSK OF PRINTS ONLY. B71.EE a judsow, 56 Cedar st. Now York. TW vlMtat mt tfctf cap4eioB vairlwtttj 1 i.miiftMW JEXCZ, USIL. to tbe oxkibstiwa aad sale ara to aaaouna th.

atock of this Establishment, where lb ty mil fad (with acsreery an exeptkoo) every ssw awl desirable ui u. knta AVOKAVXtV.T mmmt DU.UtiSTIC. wksTb soijoss os wnica are aosred for kis oy tne piece or package, tor earn It or aaort credit. wwr II, M.lttlMim SWIOBP. mjOTICE TO BUYERS 4F CABINET I J.ft J.

llntv tory or tplenuid and raabionable Cabinet Furniture and Upholstery, No 14 Vasey street, bsvo yuat eoanpiewd tbeil ttwiag aaatn tment of rtuuilaie.Biad la tbe PMwtaneteBt 35 Broad st I and mooera Parisian and other sty lea, consisting in part ef fccyptian, tiixaJlhlaa. troth ic Lost Is XIV. and XVI, be, all of which Is at toe ir own BtaaafaetnreaaHlrotap asdej taeir personal snpertntensTtrace. and warranted to equal aay to sail aa lollows nous in insm; us nsaswps, to wnicn tney invite tne Bttca 1 suae, ea tlon of buyers both aa toqusuity aad sviM.belorrstinrriaiirig 1 w. ptwii.

"YtT B. PALIERvaj COTTNTRY HEW' PAPER ADVERTISING AGENCY, Trlbntia Build ing. New York, embraces most ol the beat newspapers of all the cities aad principal towaa in the United tales aad Canada, for which he is duly authorised to receive advertise ments ana tunscripaont, aad fully empowered 10 give re ceirrta. Merchants, manufacture re artists and Individual gene rally, besides public last, Ultima, incorporated companies. ana aucteuea wno wiah to advertise In, or Inr.

newspapers or aay spurns of the country, are respectfully iavimd to examine the files. To remove all doubts aad misaporecantlorja. the keal I hereby notifies the public that ao peraoa bt antrum red I I blaasttitsdnirtMmMsta.card. sr aubwriritlooa for tl TV I BewBraaars for which ba to tbe vmly nmbtwined aeerA. anthnrirrd Iptloea for arrpaars for which bo is tbe vmly ssthorixed aeenC GREAT WESTERN Vrrm: Liverpool.

lrJ4. Suttnnay 1 1th April do nay do July do 14th Sept do 31st Ot GREAT From Liverpool. 1840. Saturday 9th May Tuesday 7th July Wednesday Aug Tuesday 20th Oct above, her rrraiar day PRINTED CALICOES. OV I i.l I flXercaaata I art tod From New York.

1R4fi. Thursday 7th May do do antb Aug do 8th Oct do Nov BRITAIN. From New York. 1848. Saturday 6th June Saturday Aug Tuerday SJndSept Tuesday I7tb Nov Fare to Liverpool, pet Great Western, tlOO.

and S5 Stew ard's fees. Fare per Great Britain, according to the sine aad poaitlOB of the State Rooms, plant of which may be seen at any ot the Agencies. For freight ox passage, ot other inlormatkia, apply la New xora. fe28 RICH'D IRV1M. 98 Front St.

arp PASS AGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE LAND. The atibscribera are always prepared 10 furnish passage hy American built, first class pack et ships, sailing weekly from Live pool, and at tha lowest raies. It would be superfluous to enumerate the superiority of the accommodations provided by this line, beint the first established between Liverpool and ibis pert. And Ihe pre ference bestowed on It for a great many years appear to maka 11 only necessary 10 allude to lis continuance. Passage money always refunded without deduction, wbca those settled for decline coming out.

For further particu lars apply to I SAMUEL THOMPSON ft NEPHEW. 5 Water street, comer Fulton, at to C. GHIMSHAW ft CO, 10 Goree Piazzas. Liverpool. Drafts oa exchange fur large or tmali amounts made at tight oa the National Bank of Ireland, Northern Bankini Company, Nat'onal Bank of Scotland, R.

C. Flyan ft Co, Bankers, London, on c. urimtnaw, atercnant; Liv erpool. Apply as above. anil GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND The aun iscribers coattaus to bring out passengers by first rata Ameilcaa packet ships, sailing weekly from Liverpool, at very low rates, aad can guarantee agalnat the poaibility of detention at that port.

They can also furnish Dratts nt sight ou tbe National Bank of Ireland, Northern Banking Company, me national nana ot Scot land, Also, oa R.C ultra ft uu. Meters, London, ana on C. Grim, haw ft Co. merchants, Liverpool. BAJi THOMPSON ft NEPHEW.

m25 205 Water tt, em Fulton. GRE AT li IT AINAND MOSilnELANII OLD ESTABLISHED EMIGRANT OF TCE The subscribers are prepared to engage pas sengers to come out by tbe early Spring ahipa, at every sow rata. Drafts caa as usual be furnished, payable througboBl the United Kicgootu. For further particulars, apply to mhlJ iir.nii.w.ii st vr, ni eMiuta auiait. FOR LIVER OOL The New Line Regular sfffi Packet of iflttof August Thewell known, fast aail naeket ship LIVEKPOOU 11.10 tons burthen.

Captain, Tohn Eidridge, will sail as above, her regular day. For freliht or passage, having elegant Bd saperior accom modations apply to the Captain on board, at weat aide of Burling slip, or tn aul 1 win 'I'rii. lj. csuis Price of passaze Sl'9. Tba naeket thip QUEEN OF THE WEST .1250 tout bur then.

Cant. Phillln Woodhenae. will succeed the Liverpool. aad sail on her regular, day, lsl September. GLASGOW LINE OF PACKErS Tonal! lat of tFlADtstirv stiss.

invaaio is ling Br. bark will ror freight or passage, naving excellent accorrrooaauoat. apply oa board, foot ot Koorcvett atrvet. rsasi Kiver, nr to an 1 1 trirtrrttj a at.ii uart, 04 rjouui ei. TboreraliroarketshlpSAKACtaii.

CapialaN.T. Haw kins, will succeed tbe Ann Harley, and sail an, tbe lat af October, her regulrr day. PACKETS FOR HAVRE. oecoad Line The packettbipUTIUA.Capt, Joba A. Feircs, trill tall oa me ami at twptensoer.

For freight, or passage, apply to aull OVD ft HlNCKEN.NcrvWall at. FOR II A VHP. Packet of tha loth Auiual The afrri packet ship ZURICH, Captain, Wm. C. Thompson, i win sail on ner resruiar oav aa aoove.

For freight or pvavare, apply nn hnnrd. or In nail FOX ft LIVINGSTON, 2i Broad street. je rutt UAVKK. rackatot tne atta Augost. i a packet ship FRANCOIS 1st, Csptua, Wm.

Wbe d.m, will aau on her rexu'sr e.y as above. For freighr ot pnasse, apply ob board, or tn aall FOX ft LIVINGSTON, 99 Broad street. FOR NEW ORLEANS Holmes Line Rest) tar naeket for bios day, Aatut 94th The mat Bailing coppered packet ship ORLEANS, T. A. Barrett, master, will sail as above.

For trsigbt eg iwaaage, apply ea board, at root of Ma Idea laae, or to aull Wn.LIAM NELSON, 85 South at No roods received on Ixard after Saturday, 33 lost NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH LINE Pack Jet ochr ANN II, Bedell, master, sails ea Saturday, 15th taut. Far freight or passage, apply na bnard at pier 14 R. or ts aall airi nr.iir.i.i., rjn wall FOR SALE FR1EGHT OR lltBTrt T. JTYfi veiy superior, copper I sale sod aad ceniBeied ship a MEXICAN. John larmiaA.

anasMs will haa good sacssotaaettotsBas toe Bastewzess. sbA Is aat loci order to proceed en aav voyage Aralvaiaiusm, BARCLAY ft LIVINGSTON. KM)r TII.Sir.KIMl. i asm 1 OI CiH, PK I ET dk BO I'KT. Jce Nn, SI tka sal sunt.

imported and Avwtictt.ljJ Young Htsoa. Hyioti Skta, Imperial. Cunfowder. Snuchone. Poocnnng.

lw) tveU koown, omper faataaad aad copvered sb.p tjm7 Young? SUPERIOR. Hnyt, master Will carry 5 botsT i'il Lska avin ru tnuT nb i so rt afy7euppar tasteaed and coppriad buk MAftTO.D.Laae. matter, abx bias neuter, will run Altai In order to proceed on any voyage. A freight to tbe aeuuerrsBeaa preiarree. Apply 10 Lba caplaia tsn board at yiv ut jws, Bt tU BARCLAY ft LIVINGSTON.

fj Kt ni rt tii nirr ivn.Ar. be The subscriber conunuet to traaantll moaey in auna, large or small, to serauaareatdiag ia aay part of Irtsiaad, the same tnanneras he.asd his hnsunsnaaave by ime lor the last birly years, aad atore also, to aay part of tbe I Enztaad or Scotlaad. I Money remitutd kvieitfnnri n.iii 1 trnh. subscriber, ut lba asnoysB sn roewebaerts and olbsra, rmwtpt sot at I poamaiiy deposited with him. with the aameof tbe perana aaa ra tnaclty, readers tbe aden 1 I or per ansa, is Ireland rsto uoa of lba coaxes essesuplty proenr to guard against Im I as tent, and nearaat oral tows, will bs iauietttately traas poaitioa.

1 I hose, tberrfore. who ansa to ranaet buslsesa wllh hit agency, and avoid mistakes, are rearcetlully tnviwd to band ta mcit nroera sl to. wtict, sr innate V. PALJltb, ABsencsaNewTOaper Areat. Tnbana BB'kdkaea.

mrTbe cast of advertlsiBg In eonnrrv raners a Itsa the cities and towns throughout ibe Unioa, In which the papers are published tore iher with copies of the st erai papers for which he it the duly authorised Areat may 1 inn, nuiiuinas. SGBIHI PORTLAND CO. 9IARINERS SHIRTING sTEirES, lor sale by LAWRENCE, TRiHELE ft CO, aol 35 Broad st. 1'LRPOOL FINE SALT luuo aacks JaAisbail's A on hupnl paACl tup Rochester, (or sate by i yVOODULU. ft MINTCRN, at9 87 Booth street.

I mitiedaad paid occnrulngiy.and arsccipttv ihalelfecigivsa. ot lutwsiiiea 10 ine leader. ia like manner, money with, or claim, os 7 v' any part of Ireiaad, Eaglaad or rJcntbusd, can bs etfoemd ho ik. I idise ia aav ssrt ot tbe vsutep oiaxea or aaAtta, aas 1 iagly. auat GBORCS McBRfDK.

Jr 49 Brnadway. RECEIVED PER BTEAMER GREAT BRITAIN. wr wtrrro intUTS. 37X awosawsy, mr too Biwoutm 1 .1 sew sod bosBUiul arurla is machls Mechiia btor. uw tv tbe astat expeBatva casbion btces.

He ako raenvad vanetv ef aew ops ia cspsa, Collars, Chemisettes, fte. to iocs ssd Bsadle work. Tss balBBca of the Summer stock is otTerod al aa bp aseass redocUon in 01 dor to make mom for tha largest aad stoat desirable aasortfraat for the tall trade he has evsg had tha boacg lo taamii rat laspscooa, auj moslnw. strrr 5ri5u' boca, roll iavluruitura 'L7 liaa. nntannra isis.

mr nuioiaa. aaA eksni, hl ksrav mm nUM ndkh. flOS CKlUa, hoe In super lxub linens, birds era diaasr. k.iv 1. ffKum iernta.

ssnw.4 ar.bsi Bu.SIS. Brew 1 rtM 1 IIMB 1, 1 1 SI PVT THUR5D.AT.Ane. 13 rrsHeM uutm. blk and etna. siia rrv nwoe anirtiaes.

pearl iTL. THi. s.n. k. sr.

bnvaape. beawa baon one vk, ereuuillaa bear dnea. hmi and miaed aau aaw. Pockss emsi; ItlffMTS, vee psmoiosa. mna an, una.

Starr eovannc. taMerlsmaU. bvniawoa. k(M nmrl sheeuncs ana ewtwra. ane a.k and eoTr! bvoadeintaa.

acow ksory ta. hsusdaana kdkfs. ktowa kaoa uw, bnrkrans. sswt aad ttmwd. eambetca.

owvaa sariai.t. iar. nnen caojore Abas, a lane an) dawraba. aasMtaaeol of Aaw A an nar4inamB UtlM Ol I. kmwa ard Bleacooo Miinuir.

1 cloths, fancy so. wo aaa auaia. a 1 loon sturrs.ombrellaa.ele. 1 rj U.nSrni Alan, aa larasre ol Iniml. raaey on Abo.

en lavosoo of blue mh eWbs and fiuabmfs. Also, aa mvoics of alpacca lueuea a or kl. Aiu aSeiiinato in buajieas easaa faoey oatioesa. pnaool Iwoaoa. a ncfis.pi.rH.arev fv ciw.

av, htuo, gold aul. eadet and focL kassersTsstineu. taacr cord aad plaid caw mi eves. Also. T7 rm STahrW Tsri.B smt mm AW.

IS eases woolea plaids aod etoakinga. Abo. bales tsrkmes Caekas aaaeb. HM At 11 clock at the sales mom. shawls.

mas and cloak hntnrs. Ata, IcasegHarbm Anns bokiac eaarba, Scbms new stvleGerman ginehama. Abo. en mvMeenf GormaBennea boesrv aav! auiMearps. A bo, 15 eases nf rrisb boon, end browa botlaada.

Aran, lueases 4 woollen twosris. Aba, anievoieoef Barmliy Imonsheettnyt. Catalogaea and sampiss are now aaady. aliAT At in o'clock atthesoetion room nrwna 900 lots Fjulish. Freneh.

Sooreb, I nsb, Germaa aad Amo rrroB srry tmsn, suttabw sor Use rail traoe Cafakigwss and saasple. go the morowss of sakk. 1 a ii a Aue. li. At 10 o'clock at the auctwarnem.

Cjf.nPKT.Vflitt Coaatnwrne Brussels, three pry. onner fine and fine pv raiir. wont and cooon do, worsted aad eottea netians, roga. dfuegetni.eee. Caialoguee ea tbe bt or am.

TLrvrinAk.lah. At o'clock at tba aecon tnoia. frr.ftTHf. CJissiJUF.Iir.S. ft eT.VfV.

te former. chant taiinrs eompnaine Freneh. rVUrraa and WeW of England wool black, blue and colored cloths, beaver and aunt esatha. blk and fancy caonnw res. vert n.

orrsea.bkseksa ins. tnmminra.ete. Ann SBBsoese vvastet xiamoa wroi uiaca. uims. aiuwa ana visible ereen cloths.

Also, I eases rich figured velvets, fr battoo makera. tho. leases heevs.ilk eorda. eaunona. bradtus aad boxbMS.

ibr merchant tailors. 1 aiskeo siKl samr les oe the aornme or snip 1 JOHN H. AUSTEN. Auctioneer. BY AI STKJiS A KPICER.

Btriteeornoret' Williaw street aad Excbanga Place. THURSDAY. IStb. At TO fit" lock at nvt aactioa room. PJCr.iGK KJI.F.

Ai asMlte mmiar saekaaat Fo reirn and Domestic Dry Gauds. t.attngunt aad sample, on the mommr ot feJB. SATURDAY h. Al o'clock, at the eueuon room. CRFETAC.

4 s. For spproved endorsed Botaa at at I months eredtt A hill aSDrtnserit uf Bniwe li. X.piy. otiperAoa. one I aad medium utaraiaa.

a 8 and 4 oeot and wool aad cotloa Va. I netiana. A bo. Hmrrecs. ress.

mats bmdirur. alalnauas and samples on the morning ol sank, MONDAY. Kta AttAaVWl tk, mnn. six mon'bs crwlit 250 poetegtt Fe reisn ami uonsstie ury uooos. auitahw mr the tali trade.

Cataicguea aad satriM on the mommr of tabs, WWNrlAY. Mtb. At rfi 1 mi IM inrtiM I I I I yfi r.vrf Rnon.t Silk Goods, eorupnainc a general awortment ef fancy and staple 1 1 11 r. iict iwwk arrivals. I latalnsuee and oMnpawooioa aowaing af ata.

TO Z.ET Iofbiof Wo, Style. eueet. Store ani cetbulB ExehaiieePleea. BT HAWiEKTY, DHAPER At JTOXEft, CLOTttl. CASSlMmF.K.

li siinen s.eet!ags.efe canavwine a eompbae eworunent of mer. chant uilonrg articlea ea a esvdanf sm asontbt for approved endorsed Bolea lor au so or sisw ano uBwaraa, rtiiti, Mil o'elocx, atMeCullourh'. 01 'le, room co wer of Maiden lane and rroni street. fj? rcrr TtL?" The eareo af tbe ship Gsaava. Drraker.

axasier, from Canton, csjmrwrstog ktyson. I Of lepenor quality ia the eaual variety of oaeksewa. Catab.apes and samna naekatts laadv for ersiwattine fae day previous to the sale. WILLIAM KOBBE. Auctioneer.

BY VAX nifR dc taOktllK. jatnre Nn. 48 Beaver street THUKSDAY. Af e'eiik the eoctjoo mens. Cr.OTffS.

CJISSIMEHt.S.i rrotri the sbervea A neralswortmentol clohs.eassnnerea. au. fte nn en drt ofsut months, kit approved eadnrw ri noioi ol ou and trpweria. 1 riiA MnVWk tlwt stiz tuwl mMI. CLOTHS.

CASSIMH.HI'S. tXHf.lQtf lr DOMESTIC no finnns I 'atsloene Oa a credit at MX months for approved endorsed notes of gHOand upward" A ees eral awortment ot figlisB. rrencn. uermen ano ant Cloths. Caw, meres.

Fon ian and lloBtostic I rry Goods, etc. CataMcuesendoxmplaaoB tbeBaorBiBg at saaa. TO LET The tnwor floor nf Stove No. Riebanee Bktea. Ann.

roe lovv Bou. and esuar at nnsera. Tt. W. Aoenoneev.

Br FOSTERS Ar tLl Store No. 53 Beaver St. AT Pdlt'tT, njtl.F. Panaroa Fists An ol taatriM sals, in lott le tail pel jnsiAH RICH ARDS Aoeuorseev. BT BAJifvS.

RICHARDS tk PLATT, Store No. SAK Broadway. Liberal sash advances made oa ooaaigameaa foraaatla piles. NEW YORK FALL TRADE SALE. TTWMnAV An.

T. fnlkiwina davs. The Catalneue of he seat Rem Inr Trade Sale of Books, etc now ready lor diitntMiUon to raff trans. 11 will ne srmnd 10 embrace the moot extensive end varied eoesignmenla of stock ever ffered at anv oreviotia saw. includine ctrfi Ml iocs irom annow theenfire publishing bous in the United Hsies.

1 hetuooery latamtiieflo nesota ne rnmifli rast.lsiaUoa.osnally la ore end attractive, eontaraing ma ny va luable mvotees 01 nponed stationery arce eonsiaomenw or Unwv'i Himi A Thssnm'i end David's Inks. tV. len, a. iu sime Was: Trenkamo's Uuillt. aad asanr buze n.l desirable Invoice of Fancy and Staple Stationery Abo, lur re Cintriburiont tf Biodert' Loathor.

laclndnkg Eog Itsh and American Bark Skfterv. coellirsal, bine and maroon eo lm 1 11 1 Vtnmrra lamh kin. rr Siereoiype Plates Tbe attention ol Publbhertfhrrmghoot the lniil in th, nsrt nf Ih. rtoka. Th.

Piatea and loprncnisol many valuable ana important ttora are In sold, numberire Ol eicniv aets Aim. a variwr oi Copper and Steel Plates. They will be sold on FRIDAY. 98th Auz at si. A supplemenierv lataKwrw he Mooed on nonoay.

3J August, lnvotceafor irtaoruoa abotud ba furnished by tbe toui. IO0O Qtarte Bibles, evarr vanetr. Plata daseb and extra gih Also, a large aasortmeni 01 atancarn ana mBCBiamewes oooas BT ROYAL GCKLET sV CO. lAtemrn Fn flfM Rrnulsrar. nnsr of Duans Pa let of furnmxre personallr attended te at tha dwetiutgs of owners.

Rossi Gnrbv baa iiimod frtno 169 Brnadwev tn the and convenient store 3U4 Broadway, corner ot Imanenx wfaicb h. haa fittad on forth, mecntiaa of Litirariaa. Oil Paintiucs sad Eneravines, and every desrnptioo of Fancy Gooda, ta be aoldaa at public ar arivaa aaa. TUESDAY EVENING.

At 74 o'clock at tur sue uoa room. Books A huge and vai Labia aoUecuoa of standard aad ntneel aneous hooka. A copt of Edinbnrirh F.ncTcloperiia. vs. bfRnana: Fanny Cr 'looedia.

17 vs; bAcyclopedia Ameneaea, lava. Awn lharo lath. N.w York mcsMV Llbrarv. Also. Catlins Indian Gallery, folio, oolorod nlaios.

unn at in ttll.t. Ai BT COOLLV. HbF.HG A HILL. sisrrf, tQI Rmadwav. etnnor ot Dev li TlkMind, iHimm nn all aiuds eoosiened foraale.

Removal Cooiey. Kees. ft ill have lemovod Irua No. 157 Nu.lVl Broadway, corosrof Deya. NEW Yt RK TRADE SALE.

TUESDAY. Aw 11' Uirouzhoatlheday and rvenioc. Baieuf Books, eooirneociiul with Messrs. Appietos ft Co.s wvosca, to cotnabsoco atko'clock on edneadsy rDornmc. Paper, tationery.

pan ot taw muowinx l.PU IbsfirakMtorwetera, 1 (Ul lbs no Bote de it Hit fine pea do. ari.itt) quilb. awined. froa 10 to SO. Itl.UjOfiiieswaaqalib.

i Suu.OUi letter sor XU iJUU note do l.uttj do do Iialtsn and Freneh. I lbs fine rod end scarlet sealmg wax. nuu iba raney tintoe oo. J0 iba black dp. b.OUO srots steel peoa, in buses.

UU grow do on can. 1 ixi doe black ink from 1 na te enaita. bou do red do, various eisea. 111 do hne carmine mk. 300 do indelible mk, with and wit boot Bwrarataa.

bt: do Monl uut Mapis, knos. loBOUusns. 'MJ dos ilawand foaoutia ssojrtsd: aTn) bosaa gam bbeb: XtM) i beets Brotul buard. aasurted now; duutl aaleauoos. wmHi: tv mi quires r.p niers swrvni.

wou, irm quires d. do, kn II bound: 16U0 oaires demt blank books, a has, aod Rdsbm AAU dos msssnrandom bonks, aa'd. eoabraesac lfg till! I II was; A CTIO ti v.rM th.t dum.I, msJinlsCtuo: 1 'tl dOP OOOV boiAs. euu booaa, swortsd.dear and cap; aai meniiuMi letter wrtsstv: tssr dor fine EnelisB atc. ssMNtod staes: Ml a GonpoB slates do; IOlOuO slate rjencib: auu eroee hsad Dencils.

asaord: lallxroce black eravorar. Su dodo rod do: 95 dns pioarh knnee: 'A Riorers' and rtannersmis fine eulk ry, assoruMl: 150 doaap fine sold and slivsv evev oomtod neneua: otu eross oanonsloni. so imj dos finemedalliua wafers, with devteea. Cbnstnui Bentaa. etc; kttldin; pstent inoa nionsr: tu.uuu pstwet black sand' lou dusen smnnr.

Su rioz setter baianejea: 100 dua fhtiman, e.ebrslsii ts aor props: lODdnB emrMpaed pnnBnz and vwrtina earns: 10.0UO amen fine colored ntanctsakic anstt, swnvteri: 909 fins stael enrraviaes: su.vM eeMirted ctneautrar. 80S dos pad tane sosotvid: Al tl seatoa rules letter Bauer. Ists) ao two ao rukttf: lau do dean wniine do: VAI do rench ausrto Host: rw IjU tMsne. aw'd coIots: 100 do fine cailored medium; lis) do fine tola post: xsldoenvetrmenaDer: SUV rn tmeptta e.iliipwil and now ced note paper, assorted sows: 9tf0de srraopsrig ou: to do o. lor.

ed skits lur baokbianer. ab dos bos Enrlish c.H: SOU doa bark Mtvers: luuooz r.nzna ntan saivera: ao aides ansae nuww tber, large; Sau Iba demy biwler, tbroad but lbs fine wbae ee bbb asoa caapa. awonad; 90 JAR M. MILLER. At SALE S.

ANTf iU aMt Anet'. isi. BV A liiOM J. tiLl KA Oe fde.l Broeesrmal nawr Vs sil. Tbe aeharribw aas aasaeiaini bl r.

jMM 8. haaar ar rk farm SB tba eortme IM enssusvwMin nosiwsaa ana now nsi to tys aUantMo to aaio ol eeerr ovarntKMi. A aseoiav wim he bar toad t.ial ml raelaM isai.anio pi isiwy tr ortvena eaartraet and tat ua eaweanas aaa havauag at aisiyea bead aad aaaet sb re. lltimtkslil raittmn a AN 1 HuA AtUAsvtsaw 1 tit artAt A.e. 13.

At 13 o'clock ai ibe Worraoou' 1 11 baara. Coaooerr Maw Looer taw ti.a RureoeG PnilL Ie masuv 10 ehaaeerr AM thai eonani lose od itk iha konae aod io.iiihos.ii tbt wioow ka tne Klh late Ukk wans, ao Ibeauoiberry sw ol I oiasi. I Wet oasasviy from tea sevtaoosseriv oiower ol esh evemee isl st. cimtaming fmet aori sear lr eot, aa ksoetb oa the owerTr nxle ft aoooa tba waolasiywdjlt.momo.avw. ewe meow's ad.

KOLkaoarUnkos 111 1 ii, It donoaad of al novate ma The Pr.e catae. at wt s. 10. Manoo Pavinoa 00 Use east, wna oneiw omno aensaof taaal ol tlw beat 90a Mv oa ronton lead, wak a 61st nuoaaf aod epoch bin 1 bavusc a aaoaed buleouo, 10. Wl.

a sragua ki a I. tmm wvil of water sod poao). mum n.aM. ow. 1 aoeotuev one ot ire oom rnwa an ami eueverueat 00 laa olkaa.

a bos ertt 1 md 1 mm 11. kitrnew. MrAnlaiusliiasisijus aa, ek Brook ro ss n. bTLfM' berwora Coortaae footkauwas; toe aoese aV fcet "l'od waa bnet Mloewaakana noika oe OKvioen hxi owT am aged tor a asaaii baas nr. tba Ms tb br ell tS3T3 tboira A thai eevmia lot of hsod oww the leow JLv tewore.

aaontv ol sialont NmVot. No. I aZL "aoaa aaO uotra.1 roasansBe aesos let ana o.n greol aw N. bx nf FJ csbbI wnhia or asuei ot 100 vw TUi7 ersot rne II sill so a aoo sl iw.og; a ervot I 1 aa uue BartreUT Morta ar. pak AS situate.

Irine aad bowTtCT? TT and known srjai ''''k ward of the gsHsaanwiowsa 1 csly of fork. laivl niuate ai Burnt M.u. WV? CTU' bws of 114. bea.aniog at a bum oa iT" TT; 1 Unt lib aset oastsrareiy fr f1. as.

dw. of UtbMroM with oaenr mTST "if m.aifth.lMltklna. sl of vie tWeinooaUiiood. ai SB Tro tar of ibecgiBMeosKtruf Yora. FRIDAY.

As, a At II o'clock, at the Meeeoaals' ffnnfh Rmnk Tne Iwoatorv basetboiil and lot Na. 7 Lrvmewoa 1 1. In. hoi sumo with showe d. graiea.Baiitiiea,ee: lot ai by Ml A.

The 'U wnb ssoBtek. Wssrb capwd br FNewaseav Esq Atta. I km of graood anAnaiog imawaaalaty tbe war. nTi. tamedimeniieai and rrosMme oa t'i beiawikiBa Mows atbataf Lheparchase aisniy caa 11 trtma aa buodend asottrasosw akwm t'hTaeery Saw odor tbe dirorvjea of CambraieoB.

assstw. street and 9tb asenua All loot eonaia lol ol grooot 10 las ldkwardo.lboBorUoof4bst'ee.,attbeeMtanee at gTt west from Mi ailaus. beuar a by KHI wbKb aa Ml koowa aaa auaineuonea as lot An. jb oa a any proporrroj taoiava want aaoesed to tne 1 so art ol kwac Adnnoeo. Aaron Clark aod Andrew McGowb.

roasmssnooers inhgannsoa in loe eoo of rhadeerv, befort Ihe Vice Oiaar.lles at too firm (Veoa, eootbel Cbarles Feaner ana IW aod ntneve. vs Ivonree I oitoor aad otb ers." and bied 2il Fobruarv. IMS. IheooVoof thoeawk of 010 court, at tbeCnv Hail 10 the ear of New kerk. as aet retooea 10 said saaa will fully st.isr.

Fat seitivoloissee maaara ad veniaaoaont Ewea and Market streets Cbaaeery Bale Under the dtrartiow 01 Iuh V. Fooler. meMer in crwaearr All that eenata lot of reoad on toe easterly ssoeef Enamel. Ida tin Graad aod Frnmne Ms. the baa ward, beeiaanvg ate ponst I wreet jlect aortb from tha corner el Grand at, mrtaiaing kt ft by IsA Abo.

hal a mmaas I lbs, 00 tboaoak leideot Market st. and sooth wde of 00 a man oi 10a sails of Meodm eteeta. asi isn ar loc sea. boaoded wooorty from by Market oraet. eoettamroe ia eatnao tmn ia breadth ib koat 00 Market warn 0 ft I ina and 10 rear a haw.

and deofk 00 Leonard st tt fcel, and ea the other asaw Bboat a. be tbe same more or boa tbe saw but asentiuitd are woes oeine wasenoss Bfoaerty aad mojact to a groaad rasau Baa maoer'tBiln'itoem' af Tln tin 1, 11 1 In 11 1 1 it lb isl 1 1 la sinsaad aid sfgn. the lease is for XI year, from May 1 tad. JA.TIFS n. FULLER, Hardware, Real Eslals, Leather, Boats.

Sbsaa, fta at lbs Llbsrty street, at im maetloa with Mai aaa laaa WEDNESDAY. Aog IX, Al It a'eW at ibe worn ot Was. P. Ilea ftC No. b5 Gotd street, opposite Ferry slreat.

tatheT eTiOO sates bemioek sole leather, tuu MOas oak la dot IW upper ha on emaitot six montba. THURSDAY, Auili. Sob IOttlie At 1i rkrl at the store of G. Lee Kaara ft Paiea. No.

lb Jacob turet tufXI saias aose iaaubet. wAhstaef at tides in the line. FRIDAY. Ane AtlO s'elork at noro Not Liberty at. Birmmghaan Sbefrleld.

Gstbbcb and Ansnras Flasdwaso. Cvtiery. A c. 300 Hectares aad lotaof treok hardwase. aast saa.

portad and maouiae turns, eoasatiBt; of traea. log aad beAar chams. waeliards. table bom. ess.

boils: patte bi. ea. rarrv eoraba. views, anviKasea, boos, bed enewa, will saw taw. bas tard Do.

baadsaW drama taivse, pad, aad trunk locks, lea kerCea, am pan. Carolina boas caoCMstsras. snurTers. table knives and forks, pocket eauery. botchw kinw rmat and ead do lea tray, and wanera.

brnaania GennoaHk ver and iron lap aad table sp ions. rossd a nd oassaro boas, ate eta. Cautogeesaad rowis roauy or eismiBstaaa two pays Silira tbesaie. On aereditofax amelba. Al 1(4 e'cloHi at the stare of A.

Bragw Co. Km. Wt rWtat. tvwta. run and Broaaas iio eataa K'ua, snvss aaa ntasjaaa Trash and masuaabie good.

MONDAY. Beat 7. At Mar lock at the Mercnaeu' Exebaara. Chariearv Sale Under the directum ol D. R.

Gamisa. master All loose two lots of land with the isnauiwnrnla thsrooa. aaowa as o. 137 Mercsr atast. sacb kit oaaouasag a by kfc base eWO oraated eA'asr eent.

narabte aessi aoaeallr. aa haao propertr fmo, Tnowr Chorcb. an vsots awexp oaa. sobwetteoow or Bsera renrwala: groaad wot teuu pet aaooss. Tb boose aw in rood repair and lent tltub oeraooosa; aul far 8sUlbV 1 ne mrnrt win as aaea rev one or eve yswr.

RICHARD OAKLET. Aaet. BT UICHIEII OAKI EY, Ston No. I Broad Wioit. xoT oTta'fttBpt'vlMfar 0tefV Mi XWrVtU aUatf VM loW ttRaot (MatM to tbe sa as sf Ksal Fstals.

Hi Faraaara. ana ta piiasra sssso I.ienvsi nowntrv HwuipHpus Hsaory.ovo: ssd pearea aterry 1 aMa: Lhailesde Bourtne: aanr wrtb ilrastratiun Mystenoos Idsmacs. with ilmdrauoos; tot. tszsoatbe CiirT. 8vo wrtb iMustrsuuns: Godwsos Utwsocracr: uster ea tbe Mamara Stale: The Ameoe Tbe Fohers Damrhter ndorsdo: 1 oe Foooiain.

a enOectKin of Takm. loeether wa tbseatss aoek ofa Bank Note Ensravinc aad Pnatms astabfctaBtsat. enrwsmuis 7 alO jt rmim, rfTnaa. I THI aw. ititon sup, 'i MU New.

Wrappie Ecveiope Hudsrare 9400 1 superfine loenrlcd aiaaa 1 Bae aU sixea aad ejoAiitias strsw fog thippiag nasnrtxd sixea Bicders Bosrda 10 baa, a prime article 19x4 ta. la 44x65 inch Straw varwaa snail Ilea Trwnk 15 allnamhera. Boaaet Hm grace, all suaJiikns nrst her with all rubor kinds smalls avsated by coosn mera sad dealers, at the lowest maaufacturer'a pocoa aal LEACHED 8UEETING4 AND BH1IT jlav uta, tut saie by LAWRENCE. TRIMBLE ft CO, 5 TtnrtSflirn jh.b.s 1 BA ko.pi a a Art, JL H. LiiCHtlFfciJ ft FOOLER.

jV5 PIR1TS TERPENTINE 1 be sale by strath vrtt ttrnrtnuin i. Ac rt 1 11 AR ftw I5e AsV ipb BV is loom H. rti i int. CTtfi snaet. aall! sjp oB Att XXAXU.

tASldli DA Ane 18. At o'clock sl she Merrbanta' Escbanea. A tM n. th.ln. nf Vislwi.

Vb OQSlB, OOOOtV. it musm as aeeaa oi ana ppaor a oiew twte of cu Hi eat 100 aod mostly eoctwd stone feneo aesee sre wonciand there Moo rroa is toe aoonnaneo aaw Dles. peeebes. pbimba. psaia eberraw and aH kinds of small free.

Tkeimprbueaattctinasaiof a rood two awry hoasets by bos. a hers. rantt. bobsb. granary, are aosaw.

pniws. ana. im farm ali auks frem Ihe Harteta Faiiroad depot jt rrtirjt 1 imos biree aod dotirabar i pwi.are No St. Mark's Pbjee. fftb at rest.) between Iw avenue aad avenue A.

with a ODoesoea tabae rear ea Ktb areat. base aaawtwm eeabiaae tbiae fail lot. el V. a as slisota. 10 fiBeevdsr.

The utrce ssnry bewe an. lot Na. 154 Frrst a.mpe. between bib mibAbirs.tA.fossWMdoatkdobeKOew. LstatbylW tnMt.

VACANT LOTS Oa the td eisooe.i Bpesaw Jb. Mark's Chorcb: aveooe stspoasteTiaarnksas snware: Marks aaes. Hn street: os tth street, sear aankaglea sosam; cat Altb. AAa. Xal.

XSd.lMb.x5tb aad aUh stroota. TO LEASE tk lota as abth asd Mb an nil aear.tb lasai lo lonoor psmcaktr, srawr to u. saatissiw. No. I linia.

err WM. DUMOPJT. Aaeoe RY DIinOMT dc HOSACK. bl bet the said farm tad osid road. Us; soe sot scio venad tor aay otbsr nan lions, a liaiaa.

as va. Morass. No. 9 Cias a. Stnrallk Wall I D.

ft H. wfll attaed porsoBSlhr ts sahwof Hn abnld Farsutarw also to KsaJ rUlxia. Stoats. Ac As. and out doot saaa.

JIT PHrrjtJ BALK. Several Wrssmass toontry teaaea tssNortkRivw Bad aortb and soulB aids uf Long lstand. Pew in middle eisle ea Grace Oanb. rUX; A JENKINS, Anaaovaev. EDOAK JENKIN8.

Store No. 9 WallsU asoesHe New st, aad nsar FRIDAY, Aug. 14 At o'clock at the Merchant Exehanea Pne ous, nt Ln us esnnem lUU shun, of lbs park of tba Lnckpoit and lazara Falb Riilrood CvuBsay, atibjeak ua rMynsaat ot 15 10 ner ttltiA nss at. 11 oekrk th. Merchants Evebaoee.

Cbatirdr. t.ks Under the direeuoa of L. RtibtBsoa. Fjwi mas brr All thai eenata kit of bind ia the bak ward, known and da niuKhed oe a of propertr of Cornelias T. illiame.

tba eUler. dseeaaed. beiweea Hth aad abtb aseota and tbe Bloonwac daw road and 1 aseood. avaos or isos. oasso new I ork.

arch XtSo. by the kjt ov. ooanooa eopenr ironr or Irving I' lees, wsst i. the rear t.v foi No. 711 oa oxkI bmb.

Bonk bv leth and ata by tot no mm sua Bwur.sf own rrsns bbw rmmr h. kUU SS JITTRirjTK 8 k. Eb verrwstrest Several valuable boildi." aa ee Htk Wroot, betsresn avenue. and C. each kx aad rear br half the bwck a depth.

On. half tbe ra. sm more." war woneeien Bond and avorurage tat or yearn, or mil pnm, apply tntheantniooeer. 6 Wadareet. It GEO, B.

ROLLINS, azat sstatb ADCTtonzaa. Bslst Room eaaaoicd to 97 Wall stlisf., srtn ahtead naraooa Ivtooalosol Hoawehoa karat addiuoa lo their sales of real estate, fta. altba airkaaga At tdo'esnek 'n.

gas Toelnh BfnodwsV. Genteel Hntwahciid Fomiture A neat assort meet of buusebeld and kitchen furailure. ronsipinc of rosewood pwao forsa. la raw si se pm leases, marble top eontre table, meota Nt vps, gtr dotas. astral tamp, work icfl elotb.

eieeant bail hurp, bat stand. marbs top adeboard Broowb and ineram earpew. earpeo. nst asir rode, leather Beds, a IT aaartrswss. neesteatm, Bwaogury bnreant, waabstand.

kitchen farmturs. refng.isiss. ATTTlDAT. Aug IS. tl Tnmk mm irss.

rbaneprr ttato Hr order nf N. Coahasen. Lap ssswet Al that certain arm or tract of bnd ntaaie ra the tows of Mortb field. Richmond OMintr. boaadsd Bn.nberiy bv river KiM hlew KuH.

oatety in putt by and sow nr ate owned eg tne wioow KtiTabetn uenbar. end SB pen ev ano uai'' vr Sale of Stationery. Faser. Fancy Aroelea. Bnders Manmab, I Drnhsrt tnihawi sol btaibiaa Dennart.

Jr, son berlv a nartb ftc. lo tuoimenee at 9 cluek, A. M. and to be eoounoed I fhj pace Road, (m, called I. port by bind of divers persopa br bow or bite of a pott, Bscbadmg a small psseo ot and between raid tmr? and said read wmcb Mstsas lies hart swreos, pmIoI Coeberon.

containing the whose ft' seres of butd, wire or lew. beine tbe same bnd earsveyed to Thomsa E. Deva bo atathias llenhart end cathenne Ana na wise, ay osee osarag dsts Aab dar of March, leva, and lacutosd ta the Richmond Co. ksrk'. olfice.

luat 9 ol dsettt. a gmsmt tram tui lob. Sad dag of A4inl.ktJb. at ptrriri if Fana ia WaateiiesteT Fur Sale, eunaisune of K4 aeraa. artaa ted IX miles Irua beCnj Hail aad ailea from the hAiiread Do put at iJ liuam's ltntiaa.

tttaaat nw lbs door twice a lbs der. Upoo tbe premwa tnere it a good aad eosstonaoa dwstusc and au frwrt. npaoosspl baudiBga. aae aaaans ir 1 baabuoa totaens wUi oa sosa knawoor, dsnr ded to on a Btirc baser. i.tmtnw ai BT E.

H. LI IILOW dr CO., I. tit as, i wallRiepl. ts.

own wop ol tawai ata tba beak Ha a at New York Tk issi Ssker end wile, ra and te the mm to Ma. It TH' RMiAY. At a'eloek at to. Meecbsoti Ijtdwaaw. OancevT Sabr Uader th.

dieonioa sf Bt. MeMotVBT. mas All that inns, sad lot ol staa sn yr ot Bro.dw.rtodCnunl. rti streets, asnts wag im lua aa nivrHksBn l. Msk, I Ligbty rosnk Pivot APtnowe "71 fs.7r,,T i th.

city ol New York, ob Jw s'J i Ann, th. sort heaUerlr corner e4tb Wreel BBd avs ieet et easterly from the northeasterly corner rv aid jts noe HI: A. twotainmg 9U0 wet oa Ssth arset. X6 ft TJlt'wSLfLl. and Kb leet bl tat ea tbe otber eaaa, tuzatoei wuh coo half ef etta sTrert a liuot.

Bol'itea thowl tow of bad a the w. eftbe envef New ort. oa the oortnewserly sow of SollivaB aniot, darrant a nea Uieasterfr dirsetios 11 froa lbs earner far at a tks BstawrlKo of Sulhvea and t'asal areola, traancv n.wag SB eiillrvaawrot twnsw 7 lone l.rsnd VM lie ft 4 iso. thence portberly at Mat Iw. tbtp'O PNMhaastorry 4 ms.toBWcs of bonnniog.

turwbpr w.k thsT kundioeUinwoa sod got, ma and isi.pow, tormof yean ret le eoose. ead osoxpirsd peoporty. 1 1 pa, a I 1 ss wsil a aw as ooswtr. oi peeaMssa and evvre lwT I ssrt sod pareel tliewot.

with ihe aoDsnoaaar u. aod abo a ear. I Bsdentore of lease of rhe titssp aw aoove deorntptl. and Mmjt MMtnss sws nntvossp sno eT im ms scapula 1, ia tosum ni miamn 1 lot ie sssps us anor. 1 hitrra tvn.

by Borrow: ZeocaL ot Gypsies la rPin, By rVsrrow; Pot I erM sd Vestryasee of Tmity the city Yora, ol hicss 01 1 ime i.m Tknurw 1 irt 1 1 1 sswin niwr. 0, uw psh owes, earrow lady C4 the Lake: New TeataawM, IkM Pearl rocaa I bit, nf use ssrond o.r.. wksa saa mdewtore of Was. by Bireri soespood. ssd sll heoefit and advsotare thersna and theme. pop ds rr vsstsd a tbe aeme sf 1 somas zaAar. Bnd aa. der wnseb he held thsosid svswtssea. JOHt i. "vVTFT.

Aartmiacr. BT tWUT ntiHGAN. Fttoos No. Ppm Brsst, rwtr 1 p. i' ini.nrt win mob trav oeraoosl an nakeat: leu bank atiil, enosiwasot avanety ol moo.

etc 1 rW hssisktMd tamnioie so ins istMd MTBUBia SSJ nort rollers'. BUI bank note prowmf Maros. wa" Utti li. im tneanessw. aad soxsoovmkagaBaaufc a st real cstaia.

stocks, fta. ai tbs iebssaa. abp. Bssoiaaet)oro ihrss. I iti, OJlx.a Ksrtlsweoosutaanl.

01 rur, ir. I nrosa supst. 'i a 1 Jrberalcaab advance. avao. p.

1 pr. oar. yoa iirwony.Aaa.i v. iniimi.i.. 1 v.

iiisa reari and ntwa.m to n'kEk ax tbe eocuus ioosv I rt bn biiisii 1 1 Rnni, Bkna and nrnzans I stf. ssn 01 ua estv. ssitabafor tbe SBBinrvn. vr lv sf. mmomrwttf use term iberebv eiasaed, faieoivuJ so. vacant lott wsB kstswd, OLET TWhUswepi sager rwd kw a Bar Apov Is bwiAak JOHN "JPJ" kg JOHN 1 15 rbow Asaars t. af FBrBiows asd stsar Koreraadwe to tha staao AT MirAI.K tXitl.T Tws Fsrs" 'row smwsuos Teiasessy sad prsBAsso bar a BBsatrg Sanaa 11 nary das, ra Bis. A aver st "Erehatsf rVrBtrses of a 4WM.lieos: abs. eoabbBsd pprb tussiae rnmmm asd snuw kshbp. 1 soya.

rsVaanorssr onck kspekitosdaa now: asp 1 sowir oowesst aruviaafsr a.nmrhaa asd SberTield Plsrdpsm W. lump rplotwock use kfW.e 'lps br tbs poetess or uLherwwe. rsr sFBawg a Bate at a Asa a. A so wast. fouktiig giana.

aaartad 1 1 sot, jf Abo. llerTBsoobb wntmr tablsawaai aar ou wwiwisipi soar. i SICILY WIN 90 sr casks sf FVsrlo" krasd Ow aakeby aa7 HAWBriKLArw ft Froal st fTTARTAN Bhawla aad Plaid Lialega, kith ChlatA JL Cowra, ssa low is ckosp ky in7 JrkJt ft go F.rebsnrs Pbww. I. Abb Lb itAi cuss Tm 'A Jv iu byMoeES A LO R.

44 ttoatb 1 UAA, ot the eesi susi v. ts ky use )el9 ki'linz, BboTtiER ft CO, No. 1J Joba street. ARGOa ttensU ptimeted fi sale by fSM LAW ft (UCW, JR a wttai sUf,.

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