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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rrfC by tfce subscriber, A fronting eft the tut River, about 4 3 Aw the city. It contains 15 acres of land. to high stata et cultivation. There is on use premisa, corivenien house, a commodious barn, eow and ice houae, and a garden well stoc ked with asparagus, peaches, peart, raspberries, arrawbec ies. currants, and rooseUcrrtes.

"of the beat k'rads, end aorta. and ftosscssion givtn ibe lilt jwa a Tour new 3 story brick houses an Chamber Street, 'between Church street and.Uroadwsy. Om new do do ia Warrea etrect, mat Church Street. AUo for sale, two lota In near Chorcb atreet, SJ by 100 feet aft mA a eavaaaaa ifAM Iwiob llftrlBla In il A ft I tfia a HVHiv ea saaara sawn uw lease of two lota in Chamber street For partio olara, apply to dec 89 JOHtt tilTRR AY SONS situated I tr a id a ncreoa, pans ot ins ana nu ham strret. "Jin 23 Jar n0 Hl SOLD, 1 (or no fault only waotiog matter, rmilattobw, eighteen years of healthy and well made i brought up a a farm, and srery eapable ef all kinds of a farming busineaa is a txxl Plowman," Mower aod Gradeler, very bandy with 'either Oxen or a.

a a. a. L. IIotm Teams, which he haa hn tAeh accua tomcd to i he will snake a rood footman or coach rnen For parUuuiara fleaae to ef ply to i irintorbf Um4 paper. Jan 3 f' Znwaw uh ALE, Ort tit be exchanged Jot a tf mte in 7OW71, and the talanct fiaia in ctth.

A lot ground III Creenwicb atreet, at Creen wioli fiftiahod fcn the beat manner, with every tar fksnilvAonlv at 1A7 Peart troet. jan 18 Tb 4e rewfeJ or' one or wtipi year, THtT large tonTtnlent HOUSE. wHearlem Plane, on the prist road ta Klnnbridge. and teven and an half aiilra from theCitv HalL The buiUnnra are all ner. the 'bVaseala the best order, end the grounds in a high atttte el fow further partkulara, BpMjrto nr rsnua, nuun, umuj vmnNw, or on the primiaee to 11.

L1V1NGSTOH. kn.iu lr.4 Nn X. (Tnnnr HiUatreet. theMia. Washington Hall, htm building en the comet or Broadway and Keea i be hoose if two atory built of brick hod covered with well calculated for the accommodation of laaan genteel unrtiiy, AWo, a valuable hoose and lot In the tlowe ry, upwards of 20S feet through to First.

rrr uiiiilM hetwra tirinA inn llntr atrt et, at prtsrut occupied by Laurent AlUan, Mf14 lit be aoldonacaomffiodung terana, and posies aitn given bathe firkt of May next. To let, a aim three a'orr brick bouse ai store in mv iiAa a eVtaa Mivnae hf TaWi aa aataauaaa A ak a via uaaa vaaw ww ai av' i rr ply to DAVID LYUIO, No 5JBickmai treet, or corner of Dover anaisouui eireeia, tf THIULEtostqrybrtck Houus, (utaatvd in Chapple strett, between Duane and Thom aa strects,) together with twenty years unexpired Lease, from first May laattb houses are brick, and buCt of the best materials, with stone steps and iraQrailingn In front, each pay Fifty Dollars ground rent, oonditionrd that the wner of the" gwiund paya for the buildmga at the eipiration of the Lease, the whole rents for and the Tts the houses are insured for seven this property will be sold on good terms; allogeih er, or sercratelr aa may auit purchasers. Ap" to'." SIEPHSN GORHAM, Jan 1 1 tf Wo. gy Pearl tret 10 Lb.T. I T7HE Stora No.

10 lludson and A possession may be bad immediately. The stock of Glassware and Crockery, purchased with caih. may be hid on accommodating terms Apply at 137 Pearl Street. QRSALK. TKK subscriber offera for sate the ing valuable Iloaaea and Stores.

The h'Hise and lot No. S31 Broadway, oppo site the Park, a well built bouse, and in excel Wat repair, pnaseasing every couveoience, at pre sent occupied by Mr. Henry Fiaber, The fwur story brkk store and lot in Barclay. street, comprising a coach houae with a brick stable in the rear, connected with thchouse a Broadway. Th house and lot V.

228 Pearl street, a good bouse and an excellent atand for buaiaeas, eccopiei by Mr John Mowatt Jun. AUo, the four atory brick atoreand lot in Bur lba slip, connected with the bouse in Peaii street T. The above property will be sold on accommo dating terms and posteaaioa given the lat of May next JJHM MV1CKAR Jan 7 Ko. 6 Vesey st 1 OR SA1.EA farm on the North River Red Hock, Dutchess county, situated between the farm ot Col. Devereaux, and the one lately bdungina; to Mr.

Parsona, oontaining one hunnred and aixtecn acres the one half ia wood, and the actuation 'f the premises is equal to any on the north river. The payment. will be made easy to the nurchaser.Enquire of IUVVAKD Yf. LA1CHT. Ot3l tf FOR or to Let, or exchange tor buUdingrota in town two two atory brick front housts Nos.

42 and 43 Spriog street. The houses are 22 feet 6 Inches front and rear aad SS feet deep, good Store Cellars, each containing a Kitchen and two Pantrica, and the front cellar finished for an office the first and' second storiea finished in tke modern style with cornices and the whole tf the garrets partitioned off into bed rooms and plastered. For particulars, Enquire of WILLIAM ANDERSON, Feb I 2w On the premises. JO btTt THX HOUSR AND FARM.V BELONC.IMG to the estate of Uie la'e JoStt Murray, about 3 miles from the City. Tha Hons ia spaclnua and convenient The Garden ia filled with a variety of fruit tree, air tor.

twrriea, lie end the wholr of the land (about 90 acres) is excellent the quarter part of which la lwow. il Po'seasln may be givsn im ma'tuktrj. For further particulars enquire of Feb JOHN MURRAY It SONS. 1 f.AS'rh" V'. 1 TILL be sold et public auction, ea VYday, (Monday) the third day of fexth neat, at one o'clock M.

at the TonUne Coilee Uooae, in the City of Ke wTorkj. the foUowinK tract of the reat estate vf Hamuel Bowne, late of the aaid City; liarchant, deceaad, five tracU lately deaer.bad aa in the County ef Lycoming, State of I'ennsyl ania tailed lirookland, Sweaen, rcwermip, v.wrv. auneved on warranunuth bered 3r, 13, i6'0, and 26n and for which IWenu wtre panted by the Commonwealth of Paoiiajtvania in the year 1799, td Jacob ScheSelin, and btberr, conUiniufi each about tSOaeree. 4 V' AUo, about 4153 acrei, tojfcther with an undivided half part of about 4085 acrea, hr Id in common whb TbotBaa. Buckley, being tie abare allotted to the Executors of the aaid bantucl Bowne, of a certaid large tract, containing about 1 12,000 acres, formerly hdd by him in common with a.

oob and otj.ers, and described a situate in the laal purcbaae in the County of Nor thumberland, ami State of P.ensylvama. For further pvticulars, ewjuire of BIN CLAK, Ho. 99 jolin atreef MOnflHT Executor of Samuel rOft SALE, A HOtJSg end LOT of GRQOSD, con tainini tainin about 3 aituate at Mew Ro. chelte Landinir. Weat Cieater County.

The Houae ia nearly new, baa four good Booms on the around tier, exclusive of the Stcre with. a jgarret and Also, a Barn, and excellent Car Jen. with a number ut troit trees. tiu a beautiful view of the East' River, and a good and for a Country Store, it having formerly been occupied as sue tor many yeara. ersooa wuhir.2 to parthaae, will plrase to apply to r' '3D Pcck slipi' New York.

Who will give, sin indiapuUble title for the save, 'rossetnoa given APra next. Jaitf 5 otswlm i FOR SALE, r.m ria itouac ana iov urounLk. aa Teirl strwet, the next door to the corner of a. a a a CoUce.Uouseaup, ine store ei wnicn ia aa resent occuai.d by Mr. David Adee; a sn sue tion room.

Th bouse is substantially buili, and is susceptible of eing tarsed into a Kre prool store at a small eipence, waa ana oesms being tuiiy equal to aa arrangement or uu amu. A astauU Lc the whnlcatle, jobbing or auotlon room, there are but tew better. The terms of payment will be made liberal DUNHAM. N. B.

tf the above property is not sold by the 4th February, it willontliUday be leased for a termofyeara. Jsn29 TOR SALE, SMALL FARM, SITUATED In (he township of Newtown, (L. 1. 1 one and an half mile from Hallett's Cove, en the main road leading to Newtown. The Farm conuins about Si acres of excellent Land, (two of which are Terf Meadow,) in the highest state of culuvation.

On aaU Farm ia a Qwclling House, Barn, a new Work Shop, and other out buildings, all in good repair i a Well of excellent water a good Apple urcbar Pews, Peaches, Cherries, Plumbs, in great abundaaee. As it is presumed any person would wish to view the premiaes before aorchatinr, a further deaenntion ia deemed, uncecetsary. Apply to the Subscriber, tne premises, who wut give ai indisputable title for the same. CHARLES WELLING. Ifthe above property ia not a id by the 1st day of April next, the Improvement, with 4 acres of ground, will be to let.

Jan 35 i ltn npO be sold at pnblic auctionon the prem ires, on Wednesaay. the 20th or Februa' rynext, by order of the surviving ExecuUr, of tne last WiU ana Tesureent ot rrsncis Braser, Esq. deceased, that Valviable farm, of which the aaid Franc'u, died possessed, situated on the Banks of the Rariton. 3 sad a half miles from the City of New Bruna wick, in New Jersey, on the Turnpike Road, containing about two hnmlred snd fifteen acres of excellent Land the best onarrv of buildine stone ia that part of Uie coun tr. and several beautiful sites for gentlemen's country seaia.

Terms of sale are, two thirds cult on receiving the deed, and the remiior er in one year thereafter with interest. Payarentto be secured by mortpce on the premises. For more particular Inlormation, enquire at No 43 Cottrtlandt etreet. Jsn 3 BOARDING AND LODGING. TWO of THREE gentlemen my oe accom modated with Boarding and Lodging in a genteel pi ivate family JJMid strcet, near tne City Hall Enquire at tbia cmee.

jan 10 THOMAS GIBBQJVS, fFFERS for sale, the following ptoperty, vizi House and 4 Lots of Ground, corner of Grand and Suffolk streets AUo, a House snd 4 Lots of Ground, corner of Rivincrton end Third streets, i AUo, a House and 3 Lots ef Ground, corner or First and Stantonatreeta. N. a. The above pieperty will be aold on terms to suit the nurchaaera Ue indpal part of the purchase money may remain for any given time, secured by bona ana mortgage dee 2r tf JO Lfi 'T'HOSE new Four Story Fire Proof Store, at JL. eekman one No V2 street, veiy suitable for Flour or Shipp'n; Merchants possession will be given immruiatch Apply to PSTCK SCIIlillMSKUOKN St SONS, Feb 5 lOt 243 Waur street ''lO LET, for one or more years, a atory Brick Houae, in Stuyvesant i three street.

near ft. Marks Church It has every accommo. dation tor a genteel lamuy. inquire st No. 9 Stuyesaat Feb'5 tf TOHliSi )LD A aagro Lad, ot about SO years of age.

He is strong aad healthy, sober and honest. He is to be disposed cf on account of his dislike to kitchen business. A middle aged black woman, oitjond character, would be taken in exchange Enquire at No. S4Wa ter street. Jan St of i'ctcr Dyvan.

ALL persons having any claims or demands against the estate of "Peter Br vank deceased, are requested to exhibit and present them to J. Warren Bracken, agent for the Eaecutors, at his office No 59 John street, for adjustment dec 13 tf WAN I ED to purchase or lease for a term ef ears, a Commodious House and Stare in Broadway or Maiaen Lane Aoy person having an eligible situation to dispose ofavill plcass to appljr at No SI Cher ry ueet. Feb 2 '4 THOrt'SAtE Afatai et M'WffJ theeountef West Chester, aboettlTOifcsl from tte city of New York, eitoaUdontne non kiver, and oontainiBg 17 acres lha KSlduS toovenient portions of Arable, Tartufe snd Mea. gow Lanu ine rarmerenu ri KIrer to Saw Mill Kiver, aud 11 Albany Turn pike Road interacts it A mile from the farm is a lawlinff from whence a markt boat plies wice a week through the eummer season to ui Yih k. Tenna of pa ftpeot one thi.

eaah. the remainder in aeven years, with inteiast, aecu rel by bond and mm tifage Applj to the sub scriber. JOHN M. D. LAWHANCS.

eb 4 Wi 355 uroanwart 1113 oay if puuuheii, at Ji. CONRaD's Printinir Office, corner of Chatham and Frankfort street, neatly prAitcd. on good PPr. (eight pages large quirto; tne a uiuw a Mew VVetkiy Paper, entitled" Ttit. LIBRARY, RxoisTxa or Usertrt KaowtSeox.

Containing among a variety of Literary ana other Communications; 1 1 THE SONG, would mofuin joitlett fUiht. Accomiialed with the Music for the Piano tte fce. Tho patronage of the Ladies and Gentle. ajNiof New York ia requested to thia publica flm The first Number way beha at the Printing Office, as above, fot and, if approved of, retained, oa the condition therein expressed, if disapproved, tie number may be returned, and no charge Millie' made. i jsnao THIS day ia published, and for sale by HUMPHREYS, at tbe soutli east corner of Walnut and 'ccond atrccU, Phila uel.tia, i A MEDICAL tVOFK, In one volume, octavo (price 3 dole entitled, a view of the diseases meat prevalent in the United Sta'ee of America, at different seasons of the year.

With sn account of the most improved method treating them. Being an abstrsct not only of tho author's own but of the experience of seve al tiyslcians of distinguished abilities, of the different states. Including the aubataoce of a'l the latest and moat important improvements that have been made in the treatment of similar Viaesses in oth er countries. Collected ana arranged oy vw. CURRIX, Fellow of the College ofPhysiciana of Philade'ptiia, Member of the American Philosophical Society, Physician to the Magdalen A sylura.

Feb 5 3Uw4ar THii PANDiEAN BAND. RESPECIFOLLV inform the public that they have engaged the room No, Mur ray atreeti of the propr.etor of the Was Fig ures, three nights in each week for one month, vis. Mon Ja I riday and mv inz Jut received different music from Lon don, Italy ana ranee, iney win are no paint In rendering cch evenings entertain The cabinet ill be bnUianUf illuminated and the room kept warm' and comfortable. The music will begin precisely at 6 and corn tlnue until 11 clock. Admittance for grown persons on tne nignis or perirmance tenia The Cabinet will be Uoualopon the non performance of tne Band, from ten in tne morninz until ten at night and on Mondays.

ing until in. the eveninf, at the oul pricv of one shilling eacn person. AIT ANTED a person at an Iron Work, that seqaainted with the Bianner of making Bar Iron, after the, Puddle Furnace and Rolling method Enquire at No. 29 Souin street Fabl tf MODiSliN M1L1 1'AKY INSTRUCTION, A jqJ en CIA ii ClTt HotKl. nPHE Gentlemen ct Kef York and is vl A cinity, are respectfally inlormed, that the Military and ncm? Academy is removed to the Crty Hotel, Brcadwav; where tfee usunl'ii.

strucion( and it'en iens wW be fiven to the Amateurs cf those Art v. ho wish to encour are the useful esif blUhment wilb their kind Datronare and Terms for Mlli'ary Ins'rnct'nn and Fencing Five Di 1 ars entrance, and Frftern Dollars pc quartrr. TnO lfoa a week. Fencing only. Five Dollars entrance.

and gl3 per quarter. feb 6 15 Auction, unc'crtlte direction of he subscriber, at the Tootii coffee House, in the city of New York, on Use Uih day oi March, 1C1 1. at one of the clock in the afternoon. Uia dwelling Lmtse and lot of ground, No. 45 Broadway, in Uie first ward of the city ot New Yoik, bounded easttrly ia front or Broad av, westerly in the rear by Lumber street, southerl) by a house ani lot of ground now occupied by.

Doctor David Hoaack, and northerly by a home and lot of ground now occupied by Mra. Margiret Jones i being in brtadUi in front on Btdvay twenty five 'act, and in the rear on LumSer atrvet abont thirty feet, and in length on earh side one hundred and ninety three fact. The dwelling houae is twenty five feet in width, sixty feet die? and ur stories high, having eight fir places betides Die kitchen Uit two lo wr stories are each twelve fcethigh, and three of the rcoma sbmt twenty two by twenty five feet i theixs are ttablis and a caach house in Uio rear on Lnmber atrci Urge enough to conuiu Uirce or four horses two carriugis. Un Uie premises sre like wise a wssh house, a well of good water, and sstun cii'tn AUo, 300 acres being the easterly part of all that certain lot, tract, or parcel of knd, in tlie town of Cortindt, in thecMmiy of Westchatter, commonly called the Furnace Farm, beinir Uie north cast prt of lot No. 4, in the manor of Ci rt landt, beginning on the north esst side of the Post road from New York to Albany, at a tree near a stone tence on land now or lite of Insure Whee ler Uieece runn'mg along Uie line fence of aaid Wheeler, and land now or Iste or Jcakh Hunt, north forty six degrees and atteen minutes, ea.t two huiidred and sixty seven chains, by a fine ofmarked trei a to a bean of stones on a hill side, in the line of aoulh lot number one on Uie north out corner of Lot No.

3 i thence north thirty one degrees thirty minutes, west Sxtynix chains to a heap in the south cast corner of Cont I A No thence south forty eiht degrees, west two hundred and thirtv six chains to tbe said road, containing one thou rand three bandied and twenty two acrea of land THOMAS COOPER, Jan S9 Master in Chancery, CHANCERY Samuel Corp, Jihti F. Ellis. 1 pursuance of and Gabrel Shaw, I an order tf tbe vs. A Court of Chance Alexander Maeorob, and ry. "maile in the oihrra.

abve cause, ill be sold at Public 4500 DOLLARS, bn Mortgisr, on proper'y ia of AWDRSW STOCK VlOLM, NO. 1 Witliam atreet, J1io buys, and sella evert kind ol mocbj, noie. vi 1 me ir irti'ie hi wut 'of F.ei Facai iiitctrd uid ciliveiel a. ill he oidonke 24th dy ol Januaiy next, at, o'ekek rn he premises', all the r'gtu, title iwd jniereai i Jlsper j. ihet certain houMi and lot cf uroundr sivtMitt the earner of Rivington.aad Bridge streets bounded eaV.ei ly by v'opcrty of Joseph Mo northerly by an aley, wes tcrly bv BridR aouiherty by Rivington street together itt th.

upportenances to tUeaarae bekmgiftg and arperuininf Jn I Dec 8 N. B. The sale of the above propertj is postponed uutil the 15th February Feb 3 WAa.ilM MACHINE MANY unaucceful anemia bvtng been made to bring into repute Machines of tho above descriptioa The subscriber it aware he ha much to combat in ottering one to the Pubi on a. construction allogt thcr new ho tliereforeinvitra Uie Public to call and view one. which needaonly to be seen, to be approved it requires much leas water ad aoap than la used ia the common mode of washing, is ve expeditious, easy to work, and completely takes out every particle of dirt.

The areso smooth end essy, that the siitest fabricks may be wsahed without the smallest A few have already ben soli to respectable, famines in tne City, wuo are mgniy pteaaeo wita uicin Made and aolu tor Uie propnetors, oy HENRY SMITH, Uuane street, 2 doors west bf Broadway'. Ftbii i bVur rQRC MAIVF3 CQUki) Sarah Seaman. Uillopp D. Seaman, Edward Seaman, Jaa pr Seaman, and In fartitltn tf land. Frances Jn4 beaman PUuLlCNOriClSji hereby 'given, that pursuant to a rule or order of Uie Court cf Common Pleas, called the Mayor's Court, held at the City Hail of tho Ci of A'ew York.

in and for the said City, made In this cause i ve, toe subscribers, Vi'd sell at Public Vendue to the highest bidders, at the Tontine Cottee House, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, Ue fifth day of March atone o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Uie two several messuages of dwelling booses and bts or parcels of land in the aaid rule or order mentioned or referred to, and herein af ter next; mentioned and described i that is to say AH that certain messuage or dwelling houae a lot or parcel of land, aituate, lying and1eing in the first ward ol the City of New York, on the south csstcrly side of Pearl street, dutinguisbed by number one hundred aud aixty four, too, 164) in PearUtiert, and bounue aoo coniaimng as follows, that ia to aay, bounded north westerly in front by FcarUUeet aforesaid, and being in breadth in front on Uie said street, from the ties auage and lot of ground, lale rjanes Rich, de. ccavcJ. to the nuasuage and Lt of George Nix on, now. occupied by turn Uie aaid George ix on, twenty two leet live mencs ana one uau oi an Inch, and running from Pearl strect aforeaaid a longthe aouth westerly bounds tflte said It, late of the said James Rich, deceased, twenty seven feet, then uurth easterly ki the sou easterly bounds of the said last mentioned I twenty ftt, then south easterly along Uie south westerly bounds of a lot of ground, now1 or" late cX Peter Pra Van Zandt, nineteen feet and Un' Inches, thence hortli esttrly along the lOuth easterly bounds ot the said last mcnUoned lot wanty one feet te Pine atreet. thin sow Hi easfei ly along Pinc atreet aoreaid thirty fact, then soutbwt aterly from Pine strect afriresaid aloii Uie north westerly boua ia oi a lot grouno ior marly Uie property of Elias Ueabrosaes, deceased, lurtv leet live inches and one half an inch, thence soutlieasterl) along the aaid last mcnUon ed lot twenty feet s'u inches, thence anuthwes te.

lyalong'Uiedii'iaioafonce, between Uie prtm isea hereby described and premises of Michael Price, twenty three feut, and itence north westerly ninety aix fact uiiie inches, on a line and bounding on tUc said messuage and lot of die said George Nixnp to ra. (street afbre ssi), be the said sere coucnu ahd distances, mo: lcs wi It the sppurtcruncrs And slso, all tbt certain other messnage or dwelling house aridlirt'of land, situate, lying and being in Ul. second ward of Uie Civ of New York, on the north westerly side of ster. street, and dUtin. guuhed by number on hundred and filty in 150) W'atar atrtet baurided and contair ing aa fulbws, that is southeasterly in frrntbr Water street afoteaaid.

north wester ly in the rear by ground and premises of Chris toDher Bc.kli. north easterly by a messuage and lot ot Cbarlea While, the corner of Water ilreet, and or tbe street, in wuicn lue Flv Market now stands, and southwesterly by a messuage and lot of ground premises, now noconiedby William W. Deomeid, con taining in breadth in front and mr twenty feet or thereabouts, be U.e aame mi or less, and in Itngtb, on each side sixty one feet or Uitreibi eU, be Uie ssmc more, or less with Uie appurtenances i ai.d which said lat a hove described mtssusge or dwelUaghonseand lot of Und with Uio appurtenances, are autj ct to a lease thereof to one Isaac Ives and or Cjliver Wh.te, for Uie Urm of three years from tbe Crtt day of May, rich ws in be year of cur rd, cne thmisanr1'indrcd and nine, subject to which the si will be sold. The Mtustiurt of hia property makes it an ob i ct of attention to merchants The house io IVarl street ia near the Coffee buo.e, between Wall and l'ine atreela is a space tuHdingand was founerly owcupi aa a Uii.kicr home, by the Branch bark of the United Stats Tbe house in Water street being but one door from the corner cf Fly market, is a caniul stand fr any branch of retail business Ihe terms of sa will be declared at the Vendue, and mi) be km. wn at anytime before on application for that purpose to the subscribers, or to Mr.

S.Jones, jun. at the office of Messrs. S. D. S.

Jones, No. 27 Wall street, to whom persons inclined to purchase are refe.Ted information ss to title and other pir ticulars respecting the premises As scon ss the sale shall be confirmed by Uie court, th: subscribers will execute properconvryancestothw p.r chasers i the premises ing sold by the subscribers as Crmmisr ioners, un Jer a rule of court, as mentioned, no pei a.ial coicuant will te given. JOHN n. COLES, CD MUN SE A A Commissioners ROBERT SEAMAN, Not a Those who may be inclined to purchase the above properly may atify themselrcs by applying ss sbovs dincted. that the liUe ia un and Uiatthe premiss will be convey I ed fre 3 of encumbrance.

FcbJ dtiH5ihM FIH COMPANY OF NEVr YOtlK. Ofce SO IMi itrcti THIS Company insures buildings of every uf cnpHon. Ships in port ax.d their carrot all kind of persona 1 property, tainit t. The Capital Stock of the'compasy ls F1V THOUSAND DOLLAHS the' 1 which ia secured ty Tnortgatfts olrtesl csutts in the cily and county of Kc'w Yoik4 or invested in Stock of the United States, or of the tlunlci fifthia Ac the lilitinfKa tl.m IP Fire Company is confined solely to lisursucca gainst Fire, its capiUlfurnjhes actuate security miums being very low, fen opnn tunily is oiTeicl loan persons iu secure, ir Bcoinpariuvciyir.Jurg expence, their proferty against Uie destructite ravages cf Fire. i ne company nave already apomtca surveyors for some cities arfd towns of tbe United Etataat to examine and report upon property tat insurance and will continue to extend such appoint.

meuts a suitable cuarmcicra may ouer. AnpbCas ril I I it. uooa lur lutuiwivci win rcvciycu from any part of the United States, (postage paid) and if such sppiications are accompanied by ac curate and authenticated descriptions of she rto. to be injured, an immediate answer will given as to the amount of premiums that will te obarged, which is all cases raustbe paid at the of. flee of Uie company before the risk commences The prstniuioaare from 22 cants to 7S cents ri antun per 100 dollars, subject to an advance ball cases where the property is exposed toexuaordj partieabrs wlllbe obtained by refeiring to printed projtnjsaUiof the company," ot tj apply.

uie uie "nice. H2N11Y I. jowir MXtsh, Scaretary, NewTerk May MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 TH CITT OF NKW.Tnnv 1 The' tide tt ertablithment fir' Insurance gafntttre in thit City.) TNSURE dwelline houses. ti. buildings of every description.

1 household furniture, personal and nki 'on terms, and Cdnditions as favottratle as anv aim. tar msuiaiiun una vuy. jvisa, amps in fort and goods on board. 1 bis company is incorporated, solely for the purpose insuring against actiUcnts by fire, aid has circumscribed its Operations within this city www7 anir, aauixu iriay, i nereiore, repose the fullest confidence ia tbe solldiiv capital, and that any losses which may anise wi3 be seuled with promptitude and liberality. An plications wilt be received at Uitir cflice.

No ii Wall streeu JOHN RINTASD. Aai i. JAXtAt AAA HE Jersey Bankbektg by their charter idle wed to insure against loss or damhgt by Fire, hereby give notice that they insure houses, stores, buildings, goods, 'wares and mere ban dise, whether held in trust or otherwise. Alo, household goods, wearing apparel, tx.U any part of tbe United States, at the to west rates of premium. Vcutlt in port and thest Carter insnr.

ed at tbe following rates upon one hundred dot. lars, via. r. For I month 12 1 3 seats. Fot 7 months At aenta.

2 i it 'at A it For rales of premium and father Ywfnm.ri ft eetatlncr to Inaurane Wall street, on the corner of WiUVm aueet. AMASA JACKSON, Piuidctt Tan. IOHW LOW, SHttilte'S tl VIR1 Ua of a writ of Fieri Fad to me directed and delivered, wiB be fold oa the 2ih day of February next at. It the premises, all the richt. tiifcarjl Llntrreat cf William R'lev.

in that eertata House ar.d Lot of Grnut.d situate in Charlotte, street, bouudrd the west in front by Char loite stieet, sf uiberly fey ground of Chevers rnstetly of lot no 393, notherly by I no S91 in ihe seventh ward ot the City of Ne Tik tngethrr with the appurtenances tome same belorgtne and appertaining. jan 16 K. t'UXSCQMB. Sherif. Steam Ooata are no more ertge," We'll introduce our New Mail itaa.

As guing by steam is out of date. Pray take your seats ere 'tis oo late. WINTER ESTABLISHMENT, On the kjt sjDS or ret rojo. A rr and Albany A wilt start from Uie General Stage Ofiice, No. 4 Coirtiandt atrect, every day at ua twelve oMnck, and arrive in Albany in 51 hew.

Fare of each passenger, S10, with Uie allowaoc of 14 lb. of.bsgage to each paasengcr, s4 100 lb to pay the same as a passenger. All goods ai.d at the risk of the owers. The pr.prittors have furnished tbcmselres with good hor.M, csrriages and careful drivers For seats in the above stea, apj lv JOHN PUFFtR, At the Cr neral Stse OSicc, UwrU landt street, IIcw.Yo:k.( 5, St'ges for Pliiladtlpbia, Baltimore, Ws. City and CoUon, every as above.

Cf niuntly hand, for the accoramcdsU passvi gers, Mockaaons, of various kinds. sicc.a 3flL UKAiNO fcUluO'i. Xo 12 Brocd ttrect, mt Mrs. S. ZIil' CO t' has the honoar toinm.

ladies and gentlemen ofNwYw that he will open a Frich and Drawing aouw on UiO 26th of November, st his bouse. 1 The hours of etttmiance for ladies will best arale fiam those or U.e gentlemen for Schools. a n. Mr. Cottu will also wait upon ladies and ge ll fcr pnvate lessons.

11.. Vtmla Mr Cottu begs leuve to Inform the Isnes, tn he all kioda of d'ra wings for erobjoidesy 00 aatUnand muslin ajsu will varnish picture fi. screens, fee on the shortest noUce. 20 Minted and publisbsd michahl burnhau, No. 40 Pii PaUCE Tst DOILAIS Pa Axvust..

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