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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ptir any Set tled. ould tnore har Vtion JifR fveen imea the bits. bcse tical adily 1 the hg in con of and tical I and nted sidcr the dig and beace ating Id ex the ipirit fcty to is a the ms ot iluties te ex ment, eople, and of the mea py 9 the are anions com ng to from stitu hut to cd by rests ibers, ed in with ely of also (1 8US iding V3 thnse OH('t hrd to iih tb as of ttic it is IIH'U rove rssive not those been nt than sls i Viploy to I he and the situa tes! it radual dan neces ob ch are the id in lion to inter same iv con tin up iten I jvern the st be sub seek true views their arioua Lhe at lemtiar liimTCe pub iin me weve r. ferity ol euros and hange. nun ol nch of aeiriai verely of thia reaper! to the tes.

are join the II. in a the ountry. and ol en with ent and Statte great neat in it heme icb the rity, ao a Is and mid each rd and 4 and he cur patriut ha iia limn of all. 11. On iral ii.

lpMite and not be ling an princi ibe ves retse of oura, ipts to ready iprea leans ol ich are The mence he30th sum it dollars i. The whole "re IL'SS. for the to the Horded bly lull, in a to lay exe time, 1 means eliiuice ia tbe rr. nd the of the id. Ol secur rovern be (These natanc fortune.

ie re ses, the ty acta, rty the cy. in leated, i of the ity un I leliow quali of tbr prived contn octfully fjngress. debt arge, vered ia pro rprtaing tributed be total period oJ liwd by aa ecial ,1 soch an act of grace to thia tmtbrtnokt class mtmn countrymen. Should Congress, nowever, oeairs compel toe pay. merit of any nortioa of those debts, or tn discsiainass, among tbe object of ita clemency, it ia believed that law ot greater scope man ine prosww, eamnnnDg aa inquiry into to beta and a discharge of tha debtor, where there is no fraud, with or withoet payment af any particular amount, and reiortiirYg ta each debtor a reawriabto per rentage ofthe sum paid, as leoumrnaoded expedient and rjeceasary.

Tim eretary of the reaaury alao transmits a Ra. no it from the Commissioner of the General Land Office. showing the atate of tbe affairs of that branch of tbe Department. All which urespsctiuiiy auoraiueo, LOUIS MLaNE. Secretary of lA Troasrsru.

Treasury Department,) Dec. 7th. 1831. REPORT OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. iPosr Ovtnca DifiSTntsT.

Not. 28. 1B3L To the President ef th United StaUt, Sia The following report ol the progress and cam. riition ol thia Department ia respectfully submitied. The revenues or trie Department, being the amount nl Postages within the year, commencing on the 1st of July, 1830, and ending the 30tn ot June, 1B3I, were fl.997.all 64 The expenditures of the Department, within the tame period, wrie 1,935,553 3fi Being for compensation to post masters ,635.028 48 For transportation of the mail 1.2dz,z26 44 Kor incidental expenses 48,504 44 Leavine an excess of revenue beyond the expenses of the Department amounting to II Ol this sum mere uecu paia mui loe Treasury, being irregularly deposited by collecting officers 53 51 Showing a balance in favor of the Department, of 61,68 67 The surplus of revenue on the Wt July, 1830 aa staled tne repori oi iai ycar.aiuouui ed to 148,724 It Thus the surplus revenue at the disposal of the Department on tbe 1st of July, 1831, was 89 This surplus, reported as available, and at the disposal of the Department, ia luunded on a suMemSM its the repori of tha late Postmaster General, of 1828, and on liie assumpusin that all the postages winch have accrurd since my first report in 1859, will have beats collected.

Of the postages returned within that time, it is confidently believed the losses, in collection, will not amount tooiie fourth of one per centum. The whole amount nlpostages from Juiy 1st, 1823, to Jul 1st, 1829, was 1,707,418 4t From July 1st, to July 1st, 1830 1,850,583 10 Fiom July 1st, 1830, to July 1st, 1831 .1,997,811 54 The increase of postages within the year ending Jaly Is 1829, above the amount of the year preceding, waa 41 The lacrease of the year ending July 1st, 1 SS0, above the amount of the year preceding, was 143,184 84 Tbe increase of tbe year ending Jaly 1st, 1831, abeve the amout of the year pre ceding, was 147,858 44 Tbe expenses of the Deparment fur tbe year preeedikg July 1st, 1328, exceeded its'revenars ia the sum of 15,015 80 For the year preceding July 1st, 1839 74,714 15 For the year preceding July 1st, 1830 82,124 16 But for tbe year preceding July 1st, 1831, the revenues ol the Department have exceeded its expenditures in the sum of 62,262 If Tbe favorable terms upon rhich the contracts re last year made for tba transportation of the mail ia the southern division, commencing on the lat day of Jana ary last, have assisted in producing the result exhibited by the following; fact: Th revenue ol tbe Prpirtan at for the half year beginning with ibe lat of January last. caceeueu wv ApHiiiur ui tuc nni penou latae I ot Whereas for tbe half year preceding tha Is January, 1831, tbe expenditure exceeded tbe revenue in tbe sum of 75,475 81 13,223 73 The difference in which results constitutes the excess of revenue over disbursement lor the year now rtpor ed, of 65,25118 From the 1st of July 1330 to the 1st of July 1831, tbe transportation of the mail was increased, in stages, eowal to 834,450 miles a year. On horseback and in sulkies 134,132 mile a year. Making an annual increase of transportation equal to miles beyond the amount of any former period.

Many routes have alao been improved, by sneati ting stages for horse mails, to the annual amount of 362.32110 1 The total annual increase of stare trans do rtatina froaa July 1, 1830, to July 1, 1831, was 1,196,771 milea. The annual decrease of transportation, on horseback, within tbe same time, by subs ituting stages, was 218,069 i Making the annual increase as above, equal to 968, 70Z On the 1st of July, 1831, tbe annual transportation of tbe mail was, ia stages and steamboat 10,728.348 On horseback and in sulkies 4,740,344 the whole annual transporta tion equal to 15,468,891 aulee. Other improvementaare also determined on, in watch remote parts of the country are immediately mtereatad; among them are, the establmhitiem of a regular ateaos tioai mail on the river Ohio, between Guyandottcw aa irginia, Cincinnati, iu Oh in, and Louisville, in Ken tutky; to term a daily connexion with the lute of post roaches from this place, and from Richmond, in Virginia. toGuyandoite; and the improvement of the route to a daily line between Macon, in Georgia, Mobile, ia Alabama, and to as to constitute a daily intercourse between New Orleans and tbe Atlantic cities, and with a despatch of twelve day between New Orleans and thia city. These two improvements are aireadv ia a state mf progress, and it ia expected will soon be in complete operation.

lhe contracts lor transporting the mails tba mid dle division of the Union, comprising the Slates ef sew Jersey, Pennsylvania Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Ohio, and the Territory of Michigan, will end with tbe present year. In renew ing tbe contracts for this division, prn isioa has oeen made lor stage accommodation over 560 mites) of post roads, on which the mail bad before been carried oat borseback, and on which tbe annual traoaportatioa isx s'ages the lat Jan. next, amount to 62,365 milts. On miles of post roads, where the mail ia already earned in stages, the frequency of trips will also be increased to the annual amount of 407,524 inilaa.

By ihee arrangements, an annual increase of stage traas portatinn is secured, from the 1st of January next, af 469 889 miles on that section. The value of these improvements, at the lowest estimate, is as follows: 469,689 miles of stage transportation, at 9 eta. per mile, 42,390 Ot Deduct 62.365 miles nf horse transportation superceded by stages, at 4 cents per mile 2,494 69 N'elt value nf the improvements $39,795 41 The acceptances for the new contracts, be sides the securing of these improvements, aie not so a the amount now paid for the transportation un that division, by $51,787 18. The renewal of the contracts, therefore, saves in money, to the Departmeut, the sum of 51.787 1 Which, added to the value nf the improve ments, effects a saving of 91.582 5 Other improvement, hijhly important in their character, are proposed, the decisions on which haeebeea deferred further consideration. It is, however, anticipated, from the sat ing which has been effected in renewins the contracts, ihat the Department il! prnes the ability to make som further improve.

sneaks in this division of mail routes. There were, on the 1 st of uly last, 8 686 post oSee. To the plan adopted for their supervision, aad (he VI gileuce with which it is observed, together wtth tha system of finance which is strictly adhered to, may be attributed in no small degiee, the increasing prosp' of the Department. 1 have the honor to be. With hih regard.

Your obedient servant, Yi'T. BaRRT. OFFICIAL. Tbe following letter baa been received at tba Department ot State Consulate of th United Stat, I Hamburg. 14th Oct.

1831. I Sta I had tbe honor to addreea vou oa that 11? laat month, and a I eipected, the Cholera baa bnf out in tnia city. 1 tie fjrat auantCKHW casea. inraw number, occurred un the 7ib mat. and all died est the toilowing morning in tbe evening two were and a majority of tbe Phystcbna and Surgeons wars opinion the persons Lad died ot the India Cholera 1 mcrese was gradual, and in ibe the 11th 12th inat.

ending st 1 o'clock P. sixteen new were reported, and with such evident symptoms af Asiatic Cholera, that no one. an lunser. dounttd existence of this dreadful malady la tba 24 ending tba 13 at I o'clock, only cases were report ed, two in tbe city, and three ouis.Os the walte. this day in tbe same period 15 new eaes and eight i deaths, in all ve cases, sod thirty deaths.

v. With great respect, your Most ob'lserv't. A Signed JOHN CUTHBERT. COMMON COUNCIL. Joint Ballot, Dec 7.

Tbe reeujnatioas varices firemen were received, and others appointed toetasaava them. On the motion of Alderman Cebra, tbe election at Mayor for tbe ensuing year waa taken up. Alderman Sharpe nominated Walter BowDS aw" or of tha city and county of New York, whsefcv nammously concurred in. 1 i 1.4 r.ltimadsass 3 Attorney of the Board, in the place of Mr. Wyeao a which was unanimously concurred in.

The t. slu.iion nf a eosnsaissioaec as a ibe Ainu ho use, waa lust aL.L. Alderman Cebra moved, that William Tyson he pointed Street Inspector ot the Sixth Ward. place of the present incumbent, res igned bsea was agreed to. lk John Leggett was appointed wood inspector as taw 13th Waid.

John H. Skinner was appointed a measurer ol tr cost. ath The motion to appoint slumber inspector of the oisirict wsa lsid ou tha table. Sbmuel Wright waa appointed weifhmaslsf at vYttehinftoc Matin, The Joint Board then Tba Board af Aldarmea then commenced their sit aac. when Alderman Stronst offered a resolution, which sras adoixad, that tha Coram iasioner of tha Almshouse hi authorized and icq mated to purchase a aufficwnl rsantity of Fuel to meet tbe exigencies ol tba poor ol us city ounag toe preaens nmiar.

isuiy A a. Tnm tk Poetic. Tha United 6tataa ahin St. John D. Sloat Esq.

Commander, arrived at tbia esiefday, froaa cruwa in tbe North and South Pacl ie Ocean. Our news boat T. H. Smith boarded her asy light yesterday awming, and obtained the follow niormalion frora ber gentlemanly commander, who i so mmiaoexi us with uai papers ol August and temoer Tba St. Louis baa bean three rears i(J two i in rammiasion.

and has visited uaarlT iil sorts in tbe Pacific, from Cape Horn ta tbe Gulf of Calikxnta, having aailad per log nearly sixty thousand i we. Tba heelih of her crew has been nearly anpar alleibM. fcaang bot one aaa by disease, and that of a ehtoaie nature, during tha wbaJe period of ber craise. There waa no po meal newa ot importance. Tbe Chilian Miojeier to rem had sailed from Callao in tbe i i i SLiauw mm Kuwucr asoipnin, i or laiey, to act as a avliatorof the dilferencee between Peru aad Bolivia; A It A I .1 .1 1 1 ei wuvvou hm ultra woum oe no war.

President Garnarra was on the miutbern frontier the head of hie army, about 5000 troops. Santa Cms waa at Cauqouca, where the Bolivian Concrete was in session. His troops were cantoned in tbe neigh sorhood of La Pax. JUarkeu dull al Lima the ptincipel articles of American produce and manufactures continued to be prohibited, and there wss no demand for flour at market for other parts. Passenger in the St.

Louis win Bartlett, of tbe bouseoi Alrop ez ol L.tma OJictrt Jobs D. Stoat, Esq. Commander. Lieutenants John Prentiss, Sterne, Humphreys, Andrew U. Foot Acting Master Guest Ganzesvoort.

Surreoa Walter Smith. Purser Dudley Walker Midsbipmea Tilghmaa, W'm. C. Banister, Richard orreat, v. ljulany, vv m.

urirlen, H. Handy, D. B. Rideely. Assistant Surgeon Wn.

W. bpots srood. Captain's Clerk Wn. B. Mi ks.

BoaUwaia John Morrue. Carpenter Wm. Wines. Gunner Jobs M. Greea.

Sailmaker James Davis. Parser's 6teward George Venable. Tbe St. Loais has been 21 days on tbe coast, during which she has experienced a succession of dread ful weather. Oa Sunday evening she was within 6 or 4 miles of the lighthouse, but waa driven out by the late rale.

The St. Louis anchored in tbe Lower Bay, last eve ning, wnere our news Doal noaxaea ner again, and offered her commander aeonvevance to the city, but be weald net give up the ship." Gas. OCCURRENCES OF THE DAY, Fatal Accident. A horse attached to a cart ran a way last evening, and, at the corner of Heater and Mulberry streets, ran over a young woman who waa cross ing the street at the moment, and killed her instantly. ftre.

On Thursday morning last, a 6 re broke out in a frame building in Suffolk, near Grand street, which was soon burnt down. Three adjoining buildings, in eluding a grocery store on tbe corner of Crand st. were auch injured. Fire. Tbe Lecture Room in Clinton Hall waa in jared by fire this morning, about half past five o'clock Mr.

Calhoun, Vice of the United Slates, with his family has reached Washington. Steamboat navigation The Victory, is frozen in st Middletown. The steamboat Coiutellation ea ber last trip, went up the north river as fares Rhiuo beck, bat tbe boats do not generally attempt to go a bove Poughkeepaie. There is some drift ice below that place. Fuel ff Us Poor.

At a meeting of tbe Board of Ai sermea on Wednesday evening, says the Mercantile, a leng debate took place oa a motion of the President to supply tbe poor with Anthracite Coal. It was resolved on motion of Alderman Strong, ''That the commissioners of the Alms House be authorised and requested tt) procure a suitable quantity of fuel for tbe wants of tbe poor during the present year." Acs Mad Route. The Mobile Patriot states, thst it contemplated by tba Post Office Department to establish a weekly mail to that pUce, from Key Weal, via Tampa Bay and Mobile, insMid of the mail which now leaves but ones a month, end is carried by a circuitous route through Florida to Charleston. JVcvo York Pott OJfice. Complaints are made in the Boston papers of neglect on tbe part of the Post Office in this city.

Let the Post Master attend to it. Advantage of Railroad. The Baltimore American, noticing the fact of the great canals being closed by ice, mentions as one of the prominent advantages ofailways over canals, that the present inclemency the weather does not interfere with their useful Bess. Another Baltimore paper says, among the ad vaxtagea that the citizens of Baltimore are deriving froaa the ase oi tbe Rail Road, the facility with which wood for fuel can be transported on it irem a distance to the city, at a small expense, is now found to be a saost important one. The cold weather had dosed up the navigation of the Basin, before many citizens had obtained their necessary supply of iuel, and the price of wood waa suddenly raided in consequence.

The Directors of the Rail Road Company immediately decided to devote the attention of the officers and agents to the transportation of fuel to the city, which was of fered ia large quantities by the landholders adjacent to the Rail Road. JTAHsahwiuto th Timet Societf. At a late meeting in thai (ity of persons friendly to the objects of the Tract fiotkiy. 94000 ware subscribed by twenty five persona. Onsaubscribed 91000, another $500.

and a third $300. rsrrrx" tf a Pkfsiaan. The Har pers have jost published a second volume of these inter esting and powerfully written stories. This volume eontoiaa, besides tba Passages," several selected tales et merit, published as a supplement, with a view to in erease tha second volume of the Diary to the same bulk with the previous one. C0mwmeial Prosperity of Norfolk.

The Norfolk Herald states thst tbe foreign trade of that town baa doubled itself within tbe hut twelve mouths, and that real estate is improving in value. Criates, Casualties, utc. A person who, with three others, was picked up in the streets sod committed to Bridewell under tbe vagrant act, was found dead in the prison yesterday morning. Intcmperanca was cause. The ice in the Delaware waa started, diy before yesterday, by the tide while above a b'mdred persons were amusing themselves on its surface.

It is ssid that a email boy was drowned. On Thursday week, the Court House of Somerset county, Md. wss destroyed by fir. It took fire while the Court was in session. Mrs.

Mina or Chapman. The Bucks county Intelligencer ol Tuesday says, during tbe present week, Mrs. Mina, alias Chapman, will be brought on, and placed in durance to await trial for tbe murder of her husband. She ia said to have written to a friend in Burks county, to make arrangements for ber trial, and to employ ttMoaeL The trials of ber and Mina are expected to take place next week; but whether they will occur separately or together, is not yet known. Oasaiiases in PkHadelpkia.

Hourly Stage Coaches in imitation of ear Broadway and Greenwich establiah aaews new ply in Philadelphia, from tbe end of Ches aut street la tba Merchant's Coffee Bouse, in Second We. A hill to prohibit the circulation of bank aotes under five dollars, has passed tbe lower bouse of tha Georgia legislature. Resignation of General Barnard. On tha 7th inst. "the resignation of the Hon Isaac Barnard, aa Senator of the United Slates, representing the state of Pennsylvania, was read in the Senate arid House of Repre aentabveeof tbe stale.

No day has yet been fiitd to U1 tbe vacancy. Fire. About 8 o'clock on Thursday evening tbe 3isw Enrland Glssa Manufactory at Letchmere Point, was discovered to be on fire, the extent of damage we iiave not learned. PASSENGERS Ia the packet ship Silas Richards, for Iaverpool Mrs. Head, Messrs.

S. I. Tobia, Wm. shields, Wm. Esertea.

all Of New York Mr. Davis and lady of Jamaica. W. Mr. Winnett and lady, of W.

In dies Messrs Eurico, of Mexico Meuzies, of Cana da; Clark. J. G. McLean, Wm H. Anderson, of Que bec Ledyard.

of Liverpool Z. Cobbett, of Balti more J. B. tticbardsoa, of Albany Mason. McNan, of Montreal J.

Thompson, of England Wm. Rod gars, of Wolverbamutoa, Wm. Guiid, Jr. of tilasgow Jarae Webster, of Scotland K. Jones, of oi.

jobs. Passengers per packet ship Junior, for Mobile, sailed on Wednesday Win Bloudaood. Esq. lady, child and servant Miss Smilti Messrs Samuel St John. Jr.

Jona than Hunt, Powers, Hodges, UrJord, Clark, Clis by, Buurue, Wilkinson. par brig Cbicbola, for St Thomas, sailed oa Tuesday 3 JkuiveU. Esq. lad baiter: Con sular Moe end two ladies Messrs Wm Kuivel, Arm strong, oiDOs, inar.a, Abbott, Piulmaa. TAMMANY 80CIELY OR COLUMBIAN ORDER.

93T Brothers An Extra Meeting of the Institution Will he held iu the Council Chamber of the Greet Wigwam, on tsVioday evening, 12th inst. at half an hour at tha setting of the sun, the regular meeting having been postponed on account of the Tompkins Monument aaeettriffs. General and punctual attendance is requeat k. 1 I JNO. J.

BEDIENT. fWv ManhatUn, Season of Snows, Twelfth Moon, Year oi iMseuvery ot ineependeoee so, and of tbe Inu luttoo the 43d. tJ9 MONUMENT. IN MEMORY OF DANIEL D. TOMPKINS.

tOT Tha Etautive Committee will meet at Tammany Hill this evening, the 10th day of December, at 7 dock precjsaly. A pnnctusl and general attendance of tba msmbera is particularly requested. By order. CummltteM anrjointerl tn mate mlWtinna ia tm Alt. ierent wards can be supplied with subscription liataon appucauon to toe Been tary.

cut) It TOMPKIN'S MONUMENT COMMITTEE. 8" The committee of democratic republicans of the Eighth Ward, appointed to receive subscriptions for the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Daniel D. Tompkina, will meet at PeckweU's Madison House, 508 Greenwich street, on Monday evening, the ni cioch. runctuai attenuance is request' ed. By order of BENJAMIN M.

BROWN, Chairmen. Gso. P. Moaais, Secretary. dlOZt NINTH WARD.

DEMOCRATIC KEPVBUCaN COMMITTEE OF VllilLANCE. Hr The members ol thia committee are requested to attend a meeting on Monday evening, 12ih inst. al 7 o'clock precisely, at Military Hall, corner of Sixth Ave nue and Barrow st. on bumr.ess of importance. BMNJAMIN BIRDSALL.

Chairman. Anusbw Warner, Secretary. dlOSt Kr At a meeting of the Committee appointed in the 14th Ward lor the purpose of collecting funds for the erection of a Monument to the memory of the late Daniel D. Tompkins, held at the Bowery Houee oo Thursday evening. Dec.

8ib. 1831, William C. Wales was called to tha Chair, and Gilbert Ileaton, and John Ahern sppointrd Secretaries. Thomas T. Woodruff, Esq.

waa appointed Treasurer. Resolved, That tbe committee adjourn to meet at tbe Bowery Hons on Tuesday evening next. 18th inat. at clock, P. M.

Persona friendly to the object are nwpecuuiiy invited to attend. WILLIAM C. WALES. Chairman. Gilbert Hesto.v, John Abern, 'Secretaries.

dlO 8AL.K8 THIS BAY AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. $500 Canal 1837. 114 50 shares United Bank. 130 102 63 23 "I 21 22 110 105 106 1051 100 105 102 102 1321 94 93 lOOj Union Bank. Delaware fc Hudson Canal Co.

Morris Canal Banking Co. do. do. do. do.

do. do. do. do. do.

do. do. do. Mechanics' Traders' Bank, National Batik, Merchants Exchange Bank, Manhattan Insurance Co. Farmers' Loan Co.

itna Insurance Co. N. Orleaos Canal Si Basking Co. do. do.

do. do. Mohawk Railroad Co. Railroad Co. do.

do. do. Harlem Railroad Co. 20 do. 20 do.

50 do. 10 do. 10 do. 20 do. 100 do.

40 do. 40 do. 20 do. 12 do 60 do. 90 do.

50 do. 10 do. BoO do. 100 do. 30 do.

DIED. This mcf nine, after a short illness. Catharine, wife of John D. Deleienne. Tbe funeral will take place at 4 o'clock P.

M. to morrow, from her late residence. 66 Otanton street. 1 be friends and acquaintances of tbe family are invited to attend. Yesterday morning, at Brooklyn, after a short illness, Tnoraas Lawrence Clarke, son of James K.

Clarke, Eq. aed twelve years and eight months. The friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend hia funeral on Monday next, the 13th im.t at half past 3 o' nrlock, P. frora tbe residence of bis father, No. 178 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

Yesterday. James, the infant son of James Casey. On Friday morning, Charles H. Judges, aged 23 yeara. On Wednesday evening, the Rev.

Luke Berry, pastor of St. Mary 'a Church. On Wednesday mornine, in lhe 93d year of her age, Mrs. M. Dale, wi dow ol the late Robert Dale.

Esq. On Friday morning, David Curtis, iu tbe45tb year of his age, late ol tbe V. s. 1 he relations and fi tends are requested to attend bis funeral tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, from No. 386 Hudsoo st.

lCoL3IJnl3 I IST. Sun rises. 7a 25s. Sun sets. 4k.

35m. High Water Ttf morrow. 0U 13 a CLbAKbU THIS FORENOON Srha Hope t'anuab, Nickeraun. Pbilad: Henriet ta. Strickland.

Maranham atd a market, it I. Cor.i ing; Mary Beaston, Richmond Mary, Loving, Boston. I Ml. Urtt, UU. Ship France, Funk, Havre.

Schr. Atlas. Survey, 2j di fm Newburvport, with fish to the maaier. "Nov. 27, lhe A.

waa within 14 miles of the Highlands, and was blown off. Put inio Newport, and came down tbe Stoutwl. $chr. Congress, Srnith, Id hours tm acbarbor, with nit to Fish, Gnnnelt and W. R.

dt C. Hitch oa. Moop Barclay, Swain. 10 Ira Nantucket, with oil to J. Pryor it C.

C. Fowler Moon Mayflower, xfursris, i a Im wurnam, wun naiis to McKey Murdock. Si lir. Alert, Green, hence, bound to Philad. put sack on account of the A.RK I Kl LAST EVENING U.

S. ship St. Loau, C'apt. Sloat, from a 3 years cruize in the Pacific, tmt from Callao, Sept 6. Passe ager, Mr.

Edward Bartlett, of Lima. Spoke, Oct 1, lat 56 Ion 63, whale ship Sir Andrew Hammond, hn London for the Pacini Nov 22, brig Arthur Don nell, 54 hours from NYork. 3d inst. lat 3B, Ion 72 4a, tell in with the schr John aludgusa, ot Ki ver, fm NYork, with loss of mait.mast, and other damage, and without a navigator took off the passengers, and tent an officer on board to bring her into port. The St.

Louis anchored in the lower Bay last evening, and the Captain declined leaving the ship to come up in our Celt at Callao, the Diana, for Ouayaquil and Mexico, few days Mt Wallaston, dischg, others reported. Tbe Cybele, (iate Holmes, deceased,) was at alparsiso. Brig Chariot, Keating, Tobasco, Nov 13, to Westerveit, with dogwood for Spofford. Tiles ton Co. Spoke, off Charleston, sch Cottage, fm Jamaica for this port.

Brig fm Havana, and 12 ds fm Mi tanzas, to Russell. Left at Havana, ship Thos Gibbons, ar with loss of mizen mast. At Matanzas, brig Fame, for Providence, next day sailed ia so. tip brig Packet, for York. The brig John, fm Tobasco, which was boarded oa Sunday night by our news boat, was blown off tbe same night 150 miles of the Hook lost foresa.l, etc.

and several of the crew wt re frost bitten, febe returned yesterday and got up to the city. Chatham. Dee 1 Ar success. Hills. Salem, On29ih ult in a NNW gsle and thick snow storm, lost the boat trom the stern and anrune aleak bv treat exertions got into this harbor, where she immediately sunk.

C'apt Perkina oi the schr Boston Packet, kindly sent nis Doat to her relief, the water then being 3 leet over the eabin floor, A different account bas been published. BALTIMORE. Dec 8 A pilot who came up from below, reports the brig Louisiana, Auld. from Havana she was of the mouth of the Patuxent. on Sunday last.

There is a topsad schr ashore on Poplar Llano, on the mam land. NORFOLK. Dec 8 Ar schr Xuloda. Boush. fm Arnicas via Tialand.

17 ds tm the latter, bait scarce aud high Fffects of the Cole last night The new bng Ariel dragged ber anchors during the gale last evening and went asliore to the N. ol the Alariue Hospital. ShA uoll he rot off with little difficiilrV. The acnr Marv Hett v. of Suffolk, laden with staves broke adrift from Town Point and ran up against tbe bridge where she sunk is expected she wiiine got The schr Ariadne, Jiffreys, ashore on the Rip Raps, has lost her rudder and sprung aleak.

At Old Point Schr Kmhlem. Green, from NYork bound to Richmond came to anchor in Hawkin'a Hlo mmiilm snit rlmverd ashore last niKbl, with bulb anchors ahead. The schr Francis, from NYork, lust both anchors and i udder ami went ashore on tbe Rip A ship unkuown was in the bay Wis alter fi fit all. CHARLESTON. Dec Ar schr Tbos.

Petriken. i a Tbe' brig Roraulous, 14 ds from NYork, for Savannah wasapoken on the iar join ult. SAVANNAH, Dec 1 Aship Macon, Porter, York Schr Exact. Nichols. NYork.

Experienced severe wesilwr nn tha nuiut. which caused the Vessel to spring aleak threw over part of the cargo for the preservation of the vessel. Sip Crawlotd, Luce. NYork, NEWPORT. Dec 9 Ar schr Cottage, St nil.

of Boston 32 ds fm MuntMii Rav. Jam. in distress, bound to havinr viiAriAnr Ml Mvero either, and in the late galea been ihrowu on her beam ends, with loas of sail, leaky, etc and part ot We cargo thrown overuosru the crew are much frostbitten. Pass'ra Mr Hind Sl ife. Mr Sexten fc Mr Weeka.

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 8 The ice gave way last night opposite the city with the ebb tide. Tbe ships Eliza and Edward, lying at Willing'a wharf, drew out one of the posts to which they were made last. The Edward drove her atern down npon tbe stern of tbe barque nomas fetsttcrgood. 1 he bdward carriea a mhv her snanker boom and caoaized her round house.

he T. S. waa not injured. A sloop was driven on tbe upper end ol the ar oppomte tbecuy. Conrress Hall.

Carte Island. Dec. 7. 1831. Sir lhe brig Cyno, Kanel, 23 days I rum Rum Key.

with salt, received a ihis day, and is now al anchor offtbis place. The Cyno has ben on sounding three times and blown off. Passenger. Weeks, of ISew York, who aailed from Barbadoes in the schr Heu rv.caut. Bruwnell.

lor Wilmington ftU. which vessel put nit i Rum Key, both masts sprung she was to hate aailed the same day that the Cynosailed. Mr. Weeks, (who goei from thia place by land) returns his thanks to caot Kanel lor his kind and gentlemanly de no. tmeni towards him during a long and boisterous passage.

ADOUtsix uays since, ius kjhv pumu the bulwarks oi a vessel painted black with a white streak. Tbe schr Arnazuu, Aler. diman, inim New York lor Philadelphia, waa discovered tins m.nins' wiih colors flviue. ashore on Cold Spring In let Bar tbe pilot boats Leo and Spartan, proceeded to her assistance and alter carrying oa nor aucauis, sc. ih.

nnahled to set her off the bar. without any damage she ia now together ith several olbeschra snd sloops stsnchor off ibis place Wind, to nnp. ami at intervals anowine very fast much ice in the bay and every appearance of severe winter weather. RespatUuUy yours, dte. JUO.

D. UOOOL.O. ar aw Dffo cnn madiuni. roval and imnerial. on JaV board schr Addison.

frcm tbe Ulster Mills, will be landed during the day, and sold in i loia to suit purchas nrs hv GKAClli vtl. dlO rtiirumo 11 A Rnrl in. tlrum de Nanles. Italian Marceline, and oiher black silks of the best quality, constantly on nana "naJ0'" P. S.

FROST, 63 Maiden lane, a in i one door from William st MARSEILLES MADEIKA quarter caaas, XTX lor sate by Bro.d la store, 100 cases Muscat Wine. 410 aO REIT LUCR AGAIN AT SECOR'S. Draw VX ing t.f the New York Lottery, extra clsss No. 35 IU St. it 28 49 St 10 Ticket having on it combination.

68 11 28, which drew the second capital prize of five thousand dollars, was sold ss ususl st SECOR'S. No. 417 Broadway, corner of Canal at. to a poor widow with three amall children. It is the highest prize sold in the city.

Tbe above prize has been presented at Secor's office, snd the cash paid tbe same was immediately deposited in the oavings Dang, a very pretty tningatinis inclement season of the year for a poor widow with three small chil dren, a good bit Mtssrs. Clark St Co. to the contrary notwithstanding. dlO It E. SECOR.

HZr By divine permission, a Missionary Sermon will be preached on Sunday evening. Dec. 1 lih, at 7 o'clock, in the Moravian Church in Fulton street, between Nassau and William streets, and a collection taken up in aid oi the Missions of the United Brethren among the Heathen. dlO fi'HE proposals for the purchase ot a marble atalua js. oi Washington, tone erected minis city, being highly approved of, tbe Exhibition of Greenough's Group of CHANTING CHERUBS, now open at the American Academy of the Fine Arts, i i Barclay street, will continue a short time longer, for the purpose of assisting in raising a fund for this desirable object.

A subscription is now open at the Exhibition Room, and also at the places named at foot. The following conditions are extracted frora the proposals for the information of those who feel sn interest the subject. To avoid delay, it is recommended that every one approving of them should contribute his subscription (no matter how amall) as soon as possible. Conditions of subscription for the purchase of a Statue ot Washington, to be erected in the city of New York: tbe work to be sculptured by Horatio Green ougb, far the aum of 35000; the whole amount of aubucribtion to be 86000, 91000 being reserved for contingent expenses. Payment of subscriptions will not be required until the whole price of the work is subscribed, when the a mount ahall be collected at the expense of the Artist, slid he deposited with John Delafield, Esq.

The order for the work will be forwarded to the Artist as soon ss tbe price of the Statue is collected, and on receipt of his acceptance of the commission, half the price of ibe Statue, vix $2500, shall be pat able to his order, as is customary, and the bnlance of tbe aura subscribed shall be payable to the order of the Sculptor, on abioment of tlie Statue. Every risk shall be insured against, for the security of tbe subscribers, to whom their several amounts shall be refunded in case ol the non performance of the undertaking. When the Statue is received, it shall be set up in such place as may be selected by the subscribers, st general meeting, which aball be called for tbe purpose. Tbe lotsl proceeds of the exhibition of the Group of Cherubs, now open in Barclay street, will be added to the suhvrriplinn list. dlOiatf f.s fALMO respeciuily informs bis fnends and the public, that he has opened a ataurateur Saloon at No.

207 Broadway, where he will serveup Breakfasts Dinners, Suppers, and Relishes, at any hour, in short notice. Also, private rooms for selected dinner and supper parties. Chocolate, Coffee and Confectionary, Sic. Dinners and Suppers for family parties, served out at any time in short notice. Enelish, French and Italian Dishes furnished, 10 I wis AVERY SPLENDID SALE OF BOOKS.

This evening, at half past 6 o'clock, at the New York Long Room, 169 Broadway, a very splendid collection of books a part of the library having been the property of a nobleman in England. The works are illustrated with eleeant ensmvinea. and mott of the uuculor ed prints are proof impressions; and tbe works embrace history, biography, vovages travels, architecture, drawing annuals, Ac. and most of tbem are bound in a superb manner. Also a copy of Ree Encyclopedia, 47 vols, half Russia Ballantvnes nov elists.

10 vols, royal 8 vo. superb call Chslmer's Brit un poets, 21 vol, royal vo. Edinburgh edition also numerous folio vols, of views in Greece. Turkey. Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

New South Wales. South A meiica. Great Britain. Germany. France, etc Tbee works are gut up in magnificent style by Arkerman of London.

PEARSON GURLEY. dlO rl WO LIVE DEER for sale by Henry Burtone. JL Porter of Store 67 South street. New York, or 74 Tiliarvst Brooklyn. dlO 3l fltHE MIMNG COMPANY.

An application will JL be made to the Legislature of tbe Slate of New York, at the ensuinc session, for an act to Incorporate Companv. by the name of The MiningjCompany for the purpose of searching, exploring, boring, sinking shafts and mining for Coal Ores. Fossils. Minerals and Kocks containing mineral substances, with a Capital of one hundred thousand dollars. December 10, 1831.

dlO Iaw6w FLO IK. 150 nls. southern superfine, 16 do do Middling, now landing from erhr. Empire, and for sale by SANDS OLCOTT, 3t 39 Burling slip. CARRIAGE HORSES.

TATERS ALLS A pair of dark brown Horses, upwards of 151 hands higb, and a pair of Les'lers 5 yeara old, dark manes snd legs, warranted sound. Alao, a close Coach in rood onlar, never been but one journey, in excellent condition. Unless sold pre vious to Monday, they will be exposed with 3 Sadies, Bridies. Mamneali r. Ac.

at auction, in the afternoon at half past 3 o'clock, in the gnat arena, at dlO 2t TATTERS ALLS. 446 Broadway. ringra will take place on Monday afternoon, at i past 3 o'olock. TATTERS ALLS. IO 3f 4 IS Hroa.l va DANClNti SALOON, 601 Broadway, W.

and Mrs. Trust returns their eTateful acknowledge ments to their kind friends for the patronage extended tn their new establishment at their opening Ball, and Der to announce the next public lor Ihursday the 15lh inst. at 8 o'clock precisely, and continued every succeeding Thursday. The brilliant Music expre sly arranged tor a full band, by N. C.

Bochsa, from the operas ot Alassinello. Cinderella. Uoillaime lell. He. the performance of which gave enthusiastic delight to a crowded company, will be again introduced on Utat evening with others.

dlO 6t AVEBD ANTIQUE. Tbe KecumrH nt Venus, from tbe chisel of a crest master. This rare and beautiful specimen of the arts, is limited at the low price of fifty dollars, and may be en at i he subscribers office. dlO 73 South st. New York.

MERINO CLOTHS P. Yandervooort offers for ssle at Park Place House, 239 Broadway. 2 ca super French Merino Cloths, of the most fashion able and last rnlnrs. 10 4t HEATHS PICTURESQUE ANNUAL fcc This new and splendid Annual has arrived, and will be for sale by all tbe booksellers in a few days. It is the landscape Annual under the superinleuanceof Mr.

Charles Heath. JOHN WILEY, corner of Wall St Broad sts. N. B. The Literary Souvenir for 1832.

has just ar rived and will be ready for delivery very shortly. diuxt DRESS St PLAIN STOCKS, in every variety, lor sale by WELLS St PATTERSON, 877 Broadway. A Iso, Pocket Hdkfs St Cravats ready hemmed for im mediate use, Suspenders, Cravat Pads, Pantaloon Straps Kiding Holts, buutic barters, watcn KiDDons, ate. ckc. dlO FRENCH MERINO CLOTHS Tbe subscribers have still remaining on hand a beautiful assort ment of Merino Clothn, of almost every color, among which are royal purple and mnroon ot tbe hesi quality, which will be sold on the moat reasonable terms, at 4oO Pearl at.

HAND St FEKKIS. 6t VELVET CLOTHS FOR LADIES CLOAKS Hand St Ferris ha vejust received 1 bale of Velvet Cloths, nf superior finish, suitable for ladies cloaka altogether the imsI aeticle they have had in their store this seson, snd will be sold on the most reasonable terms, at 450 Pearl st. opposite William dlO TtLNh Merino, Flannel and Concan bilk Mints and M. Drawers, a superior article, for sale at $9 per suit. at WELLS ft PATTEKSON'S, Broadway.

Also complete assortment ol Limb's Wool, Guern sey. Merino, Cotton Knit, Canton at weian flannel Shirts ck Drawers. IrenUemen are invited to look at Iheir assortment. dlO CARPETING Hand it Ferris haveconstantly ou hand a general a.taorunent of Ineraiii carnetine. from fine to double super, some of which are entire new patterns; also Venetians of different widths together with plain and fig'd bases, lulled, Wilton, Si Brussels ruga, etc.

all ol which win oe sold cneap st tbetr car pet establishment, 420 Pearl st. dlO COUNTERPANES for ship's berths, good quality and right aizes, lor sale low by R. St A. LANE. 11 18 Maiden lane, near Arcade.

N.B. Good Blankets, double rose, for the same use and right size dlO MERINO bHAWLa. 500 7 4 black, white and scarlet Merino Shawls, of tbe best quality 450 8 4 do do do 200 long blacks, rich borders and corners 00 do whites, do do 150 do scarlets, do do Selected expressly for the city trade, and for sale at the lowest market prire, at 63 Maiden lane, one door from William street. dlO r. S.

ROST. rilHE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully invite the alien 1 tinn of their fnends snd customers to their assort ment of fashionable, fancy, and staple goods, which thty offeiforsaJe I low prie viz I 6 4 fine oi super tine rrem uwnsu ciom. 4 4 dark French calicos, fast colors. Black arid blue balck gro de Nap. and gio de Berlin.

blk St blue blk poux de sole, wsiered silks, Gro de Nap's, gro de Swiss, Rept. siik, poux de Soie and gro d'Orieans, comprising all tbe most fashionable colors. Real Welsh Roger's patent flannels. 4 4 grass bleached Irish linen Si sheeting. Also an assor tment of thibet.

cashmere. Si camel's bair afiswls. fancy gloves, bsgs, belts. Sic. all of which will be found of the very beat quality, and sold wholesale or retail, af A.

S. McCREDl 4 CO s. No. 863 Broadway. N.

B. Cbinchilli, Janet, St Siberian grey squirrel capes Sl boss, for ssle low. dlO OYAI.PUUPLE VELVET A lew pieces, lor B. sale by V. vn ucmsn, dlO 118 William at.

ItLI EKlA SHAWLS. Constantly on hand, a su IT JL panor asssortment, and for sale wholesale and re tail, on the moat reasonable terras, st sou rean st. dlO HAND St FERRIS. ON DUN SUPERFINE CLOi HSdi CASS1 MERES. An extensive Assortment may always be found, of fine to superfine, at a amsll advance from auction prices, at 450 Pearl at, dlO HAND FERRIS.

A UCTION NOTICE Monday, at 12 o'clock, in ra, front ol tha Tontiae Coffee House, by Jonn n. Sturtevaot. turn handsome a irons Waeson. eliptic springs, 8 stais ana tup ass been used but a few times cost $400. Also a Boston spring Chair, with leather top and a pron, in good order, with a good sleigh runner that fits Aeoond hand sleigh, with two seats and a hand some skin; Also a amall Cart and Harness: Sale positive.

dlO It MOCAS1N MANUFACTORY. Store No. ,106 Chathem at. corner of Pearl st. JOHN NICHOLS, successor to Wm.

Jackson, manufacturer of pure hair maltraaae and feather beds, ladies St gentlemen's mocasina. of everv description, wholesale and retail on the beat lerroe. All who wish a good article, at a fair price, are invited to call. Old mattresses cleaned and repaired; steamboats and packets supplied at the shortest notice. dlO In jTOTlcE.

Copartnership Ivory H. Blake and Jackton O. Brown, having entered into Popart nerahin in the Drv Gooda business, all business traua sctions hereafter will be conducted under tbe firm of Blake St Brown, at No. 194 William at. where may be found a variety of seasonable goods at low prices.

Nov. 25. 1631. IVORY H. BLAKE, dl08t JACKSON O.

BKOWN. wPERM CAiNDLELS 150 boxes, landing trom 3 sloop Barclay, at Central wharf, for sale by dlO FRED'K R. BUNKER. 128 Front at. DLARY OF A PHYSICIAN.

The second volume of this interesting work is this day published and for sale by BETTS, 214 Broadway. dI0 3t SOUTHERN PITCH PINE A lot Pitch Pine Wood for steam boats or for kindling, received per ship Selma, for sale by WM BLOODGOOD, dlO St 13 Cedar sU up stairs. WATERED POULX DE GROS DE BERLIN Just opened, one case of watered silks of a new style and superior quality, all fashionable and reasonable colors, blue and jet black, purple mozoon, biowns, myrtle green, die. dec. by J.

S. FOUNTAIN. dlOlw cor. Maiden lane William at. On hand, merino cloths, Isshionable colors, from 10s.

to 20s. per yard. French and English Calicos, from Is. 6d. to 5s.

One cnserniirely new style. MERINO HAWLS An extensive assortment of Ion? and square black, white scarlet Merino Shawls of the best quality, selling off low, at 63 Maiden lane, one door from William st dlO P. S. FROST. a.

WrEM OF BOTANY. An introduction. to lhe System of Botany, or a ayatematie view of tbe organization, natural affinities, and geographical distribution of tbe whole vegitable kingdom, together with the uses of the most important species in medicine, the arts, and rural or domestic economy by John Lind sley, F. R. S.

Sic. first American edition with an appendix by John Torrey, M. D. Sic. just published aud tor sale by Si C.

St H. CAKVILL, dlO 108 Broadway. I MEN TO 35 bags Jamaica, for sale by 10 hi. St G. BA RCLAY, 33 Broad at.

ADEIRA CITRON, 30 boxes of fins quality, for sale by H. Si. I. BAKC LA dlO 32 Broad at. ItkTOK KIVEK STEAM 1 BOAT LINE.

forAlbeny. or as frr aa tbe ice will permit, from the new ateam boat Pier, foot of Barclay Street. The low presaure ateam boat NEW PHILADELPHIA, Cant. Seymour, leave the foot of Barclay su thi afternoon at 5 o'clock. The DE WITT CLINTON, Captain Sherman, to morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

or passage, apply on board, or at tne uihce loot ol Barclay at. No freight taken after 4 o'clock. LaridifuT in Albany foot of Lydius st. Night Line lands at Kinrston. dlO HUDSON RIVER STEAM BOAT LINE OR ALBANY, at TROY, landing at Kingston.

The low pressure steamboat CONSTELLATION, Captaio K. G. Crutenden. will depart from the foot of Court land at. this nltemoon at 5 clock.

The COSTITUTION, Capt. Hoyt, to morrow morn ing at 10 clock. Passengers in th Itne.from Albany to and from Troy, gratis. N. a.

AH freieht sent to thesbove boats shippers will please to send on board by 4 o'clock on dayaol sailing. The boats ol this line land at Albany loot ol rfamil en st. and depart at 4 o'clock every afternoon, 10 NOTICE. Until further notice, one of tbe New Haven steambots will leave the foot of Maiden lane, every morning, (Sundays excepted) at half past 7 o'clock, wea her permitting and leave New Haven every morning at the same hour. Post coaches will be in readiness oa tne arrival ol the boats at New Haven, to carry passengers to Hartford, Boston, Freight taken as usual.

For fur ther information enquire of dlO 1m J. CORLIES SON, 886 Pearl st. NEW YORK Si BOSTON RHODE ISLAND AND NEW YORK STEAMBOATS rilHE Benjami.i Fxanklix. Captain ill leave the foot of Coortlai.di atrret. North River, at 3 o'clock.

P.M. From Acsd York. From Providence. 15 Tueadiy, Dec. 13 SO Saturday, 17 24 Thursday, 22 29 Tuesday.

27 Saturday. 31 Thursday, Dec. Tuesday. Saiurdav, Thursday, The BOSTON. Captain Wm.

Cora dock, will leave the foot nl Fulton street. East River, at 3 o'clock. P.M from Aes9 York From PnAnJence. Tuesday. Dec.

Thursday, Dec 15 Saturday. Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, JTiewJay, Saturday, Thursday, 20 25 29 dlO OtBLE SO LEU IJSD1A RCBBKR JsHUkS. a aew article, tor sale by KUSHTON St WALL; dlO No. 81 William st. rpHlBET SHAWLS 4.

6,6 dt 7 4 Thibet Sha la. sL a superior article, for sale low by P. S. FROST. 63 Maiden lane.

dlO one door from William st. POLISH PRINTS. One case new style rich dark patterns fast colors and beautiful description, for Fall and Winter Dresses, for sale low by the piece or vard. Also, double ann single width Thibet Merino Cloths, fashionable fall colours; Eogliah Thibet Merino Cloths, of the same colors. Sic.

Sec. R. dt A. LANE, Nos. II Si 18 Maiden lane, dlO near Arcade.

SPLENDID LOTTERY, to be drawn next Wed nesday. Highest Prize 940,000 Eight prizes of this denomination have before been obtained at Waite'a truly fortunate Offices, and it is more than probable ao will this also. Abstract of the Scheme. 1 of $40,000 I 8 ol $4,000 I 20 of $1000 1 of 20,000 I 8 of 3.000 I 80 of 600 I of 10.000 I 8 of 2 000 I 20 of 400 I of 45 of 200. 56 of 100.

and a grr at variety of iniHrmrdenuminationa the whole tickets are only 910, halves $5, quarters $2 50, eighths 91 85. to be hud in ev ry variety at WAITE'S. corner of Maiden lane and Broadway, and corner of Chatham square Si James afreet. It is needless to enumerate the many Mummoth Prizes sold at WAITE'S, fora number ol" years past, aa the public already know it; the highest of which is 100.000, next highest 960,000, and lour of 950.000. dlO 3t 40.000 DOLLARS SCHUYLER'S PAk.CEOF FORTUNE.

Museum Buildings, and corner Park Place and Broad way. One of tbe must truly brilliant Loiteries ever is sued in tbe United States, wdl be drawn in this city at the City Hall, i before 4 o'clock next Wednesday ihe 14lb inst. The Capitals are 910,000, 20.000. 10.000, 2 of 4.000. 2 of 3.000.

8 of 8.000. 80 of 1000. 20 of 500. 25 of 400. 45 of 200, 56 of 100.

Sic. Sic. 66 No. Lotte ry, JO drawn ballots. Tickets 10, Halves 95, Quarters 92 54.

Eighths 1 25. or the Capital Prizes apply at either of SCHUY ER'S 'ffit es. 228 Broadway, under the American Mu seum Marble buildings, corner of Ann st. St Broadway, alao at corner Park Place and Broadway, 3 doors from tbe American Hotel. Packages in thia Lottery draw $85 nett.

and shares in proportion. Clubs or individuals ho wish to purchase packages, will be dealt with liberally. 83rFor particulars of any of the brilliant Schemes now drawing, see Schuyler's Lottery Herald, pobluh ed every Wednesday. dI0 4t TOOTH WASH Genuine and original Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash, prepared by Lowe and Reed, Boston. The subscribers, general Agents for the sale in this city, of the above named valuable preparation, being well convinced of its utility, offer it for sale by the groce, dozen or single boils, on the condition that in case it ia not approved of it may be returned.

Tbe Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash effectually cleanses tbe teeth, and will answer the purpose of the best dentifrice. It contains no acid or any ingredient which can in any case be injurious. It will a so ba found to keep the brush itself from all impurities. It has the further advantage of cleansing: the mouth also, and of removing whatever is offensive ia the breath. It hardens the gums, and is a valuable remedy for canker or soreness of the mouth.

It may also be osed with the greatest advantage as a gargle for sore throat. In fine, it preserves the teeth and mouth in alt respects, in a clean and healthy condi tion, it is agreeable to the taste. Uentlemen who are in the habit of using tobacco, will find that the Tooth Wib will speedily remove all the effects of it irom tne monin. RUSH TON ASPINWALL, 81 William st. dlO General Agents tor the city of New York.

DIARY OF A PHYSICIAN, vol. this day published and lor sale by Peabody at Co. 233 Broadway next the American HoteL Also, Tbe Yorkshire Hunt, or aa extraordinary 1 .1 i cuasc ui mc rsrsoD ana sue iat, wuu sptntea en gravings on woou monsieur onson illustrated by Cruiksbank Monsieur Frongtongpaw Burn's Ad dress to the Devil, illustrated by eleven first rate en ravings on wood, alter the original designs by Land son. Three Courses of a Dessert by Theodore Hook aad others, lilnstrtted by Cruikshank. 1 vol.

ISmo. Also, an assortment of fine London Books, Albums and English Annuals, ia elegant bindings. Fashionable Sa'ire. 1 vol. octavo, Finn's Comic Sketch Book, will bs ready on or before the ISih.

Orders addressed to PEABODY fit CO. New York. dlO rimiS rKUUAL ilUUSEWirE Dedicated to JL those who are not ashamed of new edi tion, just ree'ddi tor sals by E. BLISS. dlO 111 ra ii TTaTEW ELEMENTS OF BOTANY, by A.

Rich i.9 ard. M. contemn Ihe chareetars oi tne natu ral lauMl ea of the vegetable kitigoom, wun .1 I I 1 I'. n. ill.

A luoi toJK ptiiiuiii fc getables, translated with notes, chiefly adapted for the use of students in medicine and pharmacy, by P. CUn. ton, A. ii. ta.

B. A. 4tneoiuon, ovo. ns. aucr ling, foraale by WM.

A. COLEMAN, 10 6t Park Place House, up stairs. sOUViEK'e ANIMAL KINGDOM. The Animal Kingdom, arranged in coi.torinily with iu organi zation, by Baron Cuvier. Tbe Crustacea.

Arachnid es a snd Insects, by A. P. Latrielle, translated from (ha French with nous fe additions, by U. McMurtne, M. D.

Sic. in 4 vols, with pistes just published and for sale by li sus fl. UaKrlLL, dlO No. 108 Broadway. CJARSN ET8 3 cases white MstrsneU, justrecei ved ana lor sale by dlO 6t HOFFMAN, BEND CO.

52 Pine st. ORSEKIN GLOVES 40 dox. mens ruens ue chanic stitch Honekin Gloves, for sale by the dozen of single pair, by JOHNSON. WARING fc CO. dlO 5 Maiden lane.

7VTKEDLE WORK SILK HOSE 6 dozen needle ll work silk Hose, amiable for second mourning, for sale by JUHNfeUIM, hakito CO. dlO 6 lane. rf tRAPE ali A WLS 30 8 4 Damask Canton Crape nawis.ior sale cneap oy dlO JOHNSON. WARING Si CO. 5 Maiden lane.

fi IM. 10 pipes Kynbende superior Weespa Anchor J( Gin, entitled to debenture, tor sle by 10 H. Si G. BARCLAY. 3s Broad at.

raiHE LIBRARY OF ENTERTAINING KNOW JL LEDGE. Vol.9, part 1. Tba Architecture ol ftird Bosion edition. jat received by dlO E. BLISS.

Ill Broadway. DlAttk OF A PllYalClAN. Vol. 2. Affecting Scenes, being passages from the Diary ol a Phy sician, vol.

zo oi tnia luteresting work this day pub hsbed and lor sale by E. BLISS, dlO 111 Broadway. rilHE MOTHER'S BOOK By Mrs. Child, 2d JL edition, just rec and lor sale by dlO BLISS. Ill Broadway.

A MANUAL containing information respecting tbe growth ot tbe Mulberry ree, with suitable directions lor the culture of silk, in 3 parts, by J. H.Cobb, A. M. ju.t ree'd by E. BLIsS, dlO 1 1 1 Broadway.

AMUSEMENTS. PARK THEATRE. This evening, the Drama ol the CARNIVAL AT NAPLES Mtnfredi. Bar ry fortesque, feimpeon Uutcbess di roniana, mra. Veinon Nina.

Mra. Shar'S After which the Farce of PERFECTION Sir Lawrence Paragon, Mr. Ple nde Charles Paragon. Mr. Simpson Kate O'Brien.

Mrs. Sharpe. To conclude with (nrat time; me mama of SAUL BRAIN I REE Saul Brainlrte, Mr. Barry Mear Braintree. Mrs.

Sharpe. Monday Mr Sinclair snd Miss Hughes will appear in the new Opera of Cinderella. A Ai ERIC AN 'l'HEATKE Bowery. Third mgbt of tbe eneasement of Mrs. Anderson.

Thia eve ning, will represented tbe O.era of THE SIEGE OF BELGRADE. The Seraakier Mr. fepencer Col. Cohenber, Mc Kinney Leopold, Hadaway Kathe nne, Mrs. Hadaway Lilla.

Sirs. wnitn she will sing a number of Songs. To conclude with THE FOREST of ROSEN WARD, or tbe Sleeping Nun. Raymond. Mrs.

Stevenson; air Hadaway Annette. Mrs. Hadaway. The public ia reapecilully inlormed that tbe ceteora ted tragedian Mr. Butler, and Mrs.

Butler has arrived from En land and will ehortly appear. RICHMOND HILL THEATRE. Corner of Va rick and Charlton eireele. Boxes 60 eta. Pa 25 els.

This evening the CASTLE SPECTRE. Os mond. Mr. Cltrke Hassan, Mr. Thorn Angela.

Mrs. Duff. After which. Mr. Sutton, (from England) he much celebrated Ventriloquist, will appear and ex fa hit his wonderful powers of Ventriloquism.

To conclude with the Romantic Drama ot the ROBBER'S WIFE. Larry O'Gig. Mr. Russell; Rose Redland. .11 rs.

liutt. Monday. Mr. Finn, aa Paul Pry and Paul Shack AMERICAN MUSEUM. Broadway, opposite At.

PauTt Church. This dav added, part ol an old trunk, which on being broken up for tne purpose of burning, waa found to have pasted on it a bill announ cing the exhibiiitn of the Bididden maids, who were born in 1100. joined together at tne nips ana anouiaers, and lived 34 veara; proving that the Shames Boys are no novelty. 'Presented by Edward Windust, of Park Kow. Tbe American Museum in Broadway, opposite St.

Paul's Church, and near the point of the Park, contains the largest collection olen ioaiiies in the United States, besides a GRAND COSMORAMA, containing views of every remarkable place in the world, Ihe whole exhibited by 100 optic glasses, snd delineated accuracy. WAX FIGURES are also contained in Ihe Museum. corapRsing late additional subject. Ilipjxvotamot. The skull of ihe flispopotaroos is just recttved also the skull ol tha Rhinoceros, receiv ed by tbe brig America.

Serpent. The poisonous serpent is still alive, and isartiva hia ge. fjectnfutng. A machine is now nightly in opera tion for the amusement of visiters. Admittance a usu al.

d9 2t SIAMESE TWINS. PEALE'8 MUSEUM ANDGALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS. Broadway, opposite the Park. The Siamese Twins will he exhibited this and to morrow from 7 until 9 o'clock ITALIAN BAND OP MUSIC just arrived and en gaged lor a few vehior they ill commence at aa i aiiv hour and nliv until 9 clock.

LlVIMi A.v A'JOrSUA, or UUE.AT SLKTCrV 1 Or INDIA, still fine health: having just shed bit kin. he presents a beautiful appearance, and vi ill he fed a living animal every Monday evening, until fur tbdrnotice. He ie perfectly maylbe handled the most timid. FANCY GLASS BLOWING, MAGIU LAN TERN anJ other exhibitions in the evening. Tnose who visit the Museum iu the day, have the privilege ol rvt timing in tha evening without further charge.

Tickets for a gentleman with tbe privilege ol bringing lady each time with him, lor one year. 95 ramilv Tickets. 910. Admittance as usual, 25 cents children half orice d9 fTIO LET A neat country place, joining; the North ja. Kiver, aoout utree nuiee irom tne city, even al most with the sand beach, a amall dwelling, and out kitchen, garden, barn, with about altogether four acres in meadow, next to luxn avenue and 341 street, will answer a small decent family.

Apply S10 Broad way, dl stawzw VirANTED TO LOAN lor Four Years. 1500 dol tars on Bond and Mortgage, on property in the lower part of this city. 1 nose wishing lo loan tbe iboveaom will ploose address b. Ax K. to be lell at tbe Daily Advertiser office.

vv AN I'ED. A white Girl about It years of age. Apply to 107 t.reonwM a at. sPtOOK WANTED. A while woman who under slsnds her business thoroughly and can bring good recommendations, will have a steady plsce snd lucre live wages apply at 43 Barclay street.

dl k2CUTCtl HAu PlPfcit Wanted encage a 7 Scotch Ba( Piper, to perform evenings. Enquire at this office. n26 redtf Y. 7 ANTED a while woman to do the kin hen work and rooking in a small family. None need apply except with beat re (ere nets.

Apply at No. 15 warren ai. tiw WAN TDD. An Amerirrn woman that uuderslauda plain cooking; St washing. One with good rec Hnendaiion, wili find a permanent situation at 450 Pearl streer, npponte William.

dl Zw WANTED, a woman to do the cooking, washing and ironing for a family. Apply at 65z Broadway, between the hours of 9 at 12 snd 3 7. 09 3t TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY A Sexton for the Presbyterian Church in Canal at. None need apply bat those who can come well recommended as to capability, honesty aad temperance, tor further par ucoiara, appiy at toe corner oi uraaa ot oostsr sts. a 31 JUU.H THU.V1PSON.

VXTANTED, a middle aged woman to do tbe house work and take tha charge of a smalUamily. Respectable references as to character and capability will be required none other need apply. Enquire at No. 7 Wall street. nl7 MJ ANTED, An American woman to do the bouse 1 work of a small family.

AdpIv immediately a ivozu imj street. si OTTERY LICENSE WANTED One that haa mJt from tour to aix months to run. AddIv at 33 Park now. d9 la WANTED A colored woman to do house work and help wash. None need apply who cannot bring good recommendations.

A good price will be given. For further information apply at 80 William street. n29 WAN I'ED, a few first rate Jouruev man Tailors a I lr I ass fxppiy ai i DmflQway. ni VV ANTED, a Boy in tbe Drug business, at 371 Pearl at. Apply do POCKET BOOK Makers and Apprentices wanted Apply to R.

TANNER. d6 3t 48 Nassau st. WANTEDIMMEDIATRLY, A Girl from 12 to 15 veara old. thai understand tha management of children, and would bo willing to do light work. a ppi at 4WJ Pearl street.

nZ8 Zwt r10 MANUFACTURERS. MECHANICS, drc JL The subscriber, who is removing his Manufactory to Harlaero, will let or lease those substantial and capacious premises in Mill street, known as the New York Drug Mills, together with tba Steam Engine of 16 horse ixjwer, tor a term ot years. A ne premises are sa teet front by 60 dor 4 stories high, with a yard 23 feet, and affording facilities for business sansl to any location in rr i ma the city. For particulars, apply to WILLIAM DUN Lur, on tne premises, or at Harlaero. d5 13 EMOVAL J.

'iVeaor. M. Dentist, has ret a. moved to no. a college place, upper corner Robinson street oooosile the west wins nf a VV1WHM College.

jio ut sinfe DOLLARS to loan on bond and mortgage 33J1 on real estate in this city, at 6 percent per auiiun. or nALltrt B1CKKK. "P'f 27 Wall street Kill 11 1 Uoilmn lo on Bond and Mortgag a upon Keal Estate. AddIv to E. KETELTAS.

No. 7 Inns of Court. Beekman st. J24 PANISH SECARS 50 aa Spanish Segars. snpe rior quality, put up for the London market, toraak uj J.

v.ct,nai.nuiLii, d9 3tta o. 379 Broadway, corner White it. JsW Matagorda A Brrtaria, Texas. Asutia'a Co'onv.) The schr. NORTH AMERICA, D.

TTni J. master, haa handsome accomiwuu passengers, will sail on Kk trc. a or age, apply to JOHN H.BOST WICK, PP'J CUrks01I fU or ntS WILLIAMS pfLh, aa noma at FOR LJVF.RPOOIt.Hnita Vessel.) The A. coppered British ahip HARLE T. jlQUIN.

WmGurrick, master, will commence loediruTin a few day for the above port For freight or passage, having handsome furnished accommoda lo1pp'r A GEO BARCLAY. 32 Broad st. tor MAHSEILLES The fine last tailing Ship SUPERIOR, Meany, Master, hav the orincioal Dart of her cargo engaged will nave ouick despatch. For Ireight or passage, ap ply to N.L.& G.GKISWOLD, 21 86 South street. For NEW ORLEANS.

i n. Vnrk linn nf Packets. jjDBisiaua mm iw Lu. uttmtxVIT.I.F.. Oantain rr i uc pscsci muii v.

Stoddard, to sail on the 13th inst. is now ready to taae rn Pnr treicht or nassare. apply on board at Murray's Wharf, of to THOS. L. SERVOSS, Al 67 Louth st.

Sa AN AHSchr. Line. IhS Tl farf Hilinir n.rW irhr. F. L.

uu UIIV ft Cspt. Heliker. will potitivtly sail on herreg tilar da v. turda v. For freight or passage, having ele gant accommodations, apply on board, or to dlO HQWLAND St CORNWALL.

136 Front sL For HA VAN AH Established Line. The packet ahin HEN RY. McKenzie, mas ter, ill positively clear this day. For balance at ireigui or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board, at Mnrray whan, or to dlO SCOTT Si SHAPTER, 72 South st. tor Freight or Chur'er.

Tbe first data British ship SYBYLLA, Ev ans Tnornhill master. 375 tons burthen, will tm toady to load in a few days, an i would proceed to any southern port to load for Great Britain or the continent. Apply at 32 Broad at. to dlO St BARCLAY. tor or Charter.

The coppered and coppeted fastened ship ANDES. James Tom kins, master, burthen 364 ions is in complete order; lies at Elephant wharf, E. JL Apply to JOHN H. HOU LAND. d5 158 South street.

aflaj i mff PUBLIC 8 AjLES. BY W. F. PELL St CO. Store No.

65 Wall alreet. Thursday. 15th inat. Marahal'a Sale By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas issued out of the district court of tbe United States for tbe southern district of New York to me directed and delivered, I will expose lo sale at public auction, at the M. E.

in aaid city on Thursday 15th iast. at 1 o'clock of lhe same tbe brig Henry, her tacklt; apparel. Sic. She is a staunch and faat sailer, 8 months old, built in Bvaufort, N. C.

nf live oak and cedar, burthen 600 barrels she bas a centte board, and from ber light drangbtof ater when loaded, it is well adapted to the southern seas. Her sails are in good order, has one chain and one hemp cable nearly new, and may ba examined until day of sale at pier 17 E. B. Wm. Coventry H.

Weddell, Marshall. Inventory may be seen at the U. S. Marshall's office. 10 Barclay street.

Saturday. 34ih inat. Chancery Sale By order of the court of chancery will be sold at tbe M. E. on the 24ih of Dec.

inat. at 12 o'clock under ihe direction of David Cod wise, master in chancery, all that certain dwelling house and lot of land, aituated at the enrner of M'Dougal and Houaton sTreeta. in the 8tb wa dof the city of New York, bounded easterly in front by M'Dougal at. northerly Houaton street, and southerly aud westwardty by property now or late of Jacob Cole, containing in breadth in front aud rear 11 feet, and in length on each 55 feet. 10th January.

Valuable property on Stewart at. 9 lots of ground on above street. Particulars hereaf ter. To be sold in separate parcels as described on a map at the exchange. Private aale 20 csaka Champaigne Brandv.

10 yra. entitled to debenture. 1 qr. casks psle sherry, superior to any in market. from the importer.

Also. 9 tons Italian hemp. 6 casea Manilla indigo. 15 bales Persian berries. brandy in bond, bottle corks in baits nf 30.000 each rY MILLS, BROTHERS de CO 6 tori corner LP af Pearl and Wall streets.

Wednesday, Velvet Top Boxes At 11 o'clock, at tbe auction room, 6 cases fancy top boxes, with English It French mottos, ad to the present season, and just landed; 1 case painted bone fans; 6 bales cork inkstands: 25 boxes Chinese articles, consisting of card and snuff bo'es, toys, figures, lantbexns, and a variety oi other articles. Sale positive to close a concern. Bi JOHN HONE dtSONg eiorecornerof Wall arid Pearl streets Monday. 9 o'clock at their auction room, a general assortment of British aud American Dry Goods. Tuesday, 27th Dec.

Ch ncery Sale At 18 o'clock at the M. Exchange. under tbe direction of D. Cod wise, master in chancery, all I ho certain lot or parcel of land, aituale in Canal sr. on the southerly side, and beginning at a point 117 feet 6 indies, easterly from the comer of Canol snd Chappie ats.

then running on Csml t.eastward'y 37 feet, i hen southerly 90 feet 5 inches, tbea westwardty and in a direction which would airike Chappie st 123 feet 6 inches, from the con er 1 Canal and Chanole "50 feet, then northerly and pa nil led with the easterly line ii et 9 im man easterly and paral.ed with southerly line 12 foet, then northerly and iu a direction to strike the westerly Una of said lot. which ia Derailed with the easterly line of said lot 20feet. theu northerly and paralhd with the easterly line 49 teet to Canal at and place of beginning, together with all tha appurte nances, sc. aee laveruseraeut signed David Cod wise, in Coureer dt Enquirer. I'rnate 84 bales printing cloths.

4TADEIRA WINE. The choicest of Madeira, of its. various importations, in assorted casks, and imported by them expresly for private use, constantly for sale by the subscribers on reasonable terms. A port isn subject to dra wbac k. "a MAKCat fcBEXSON, 14 Broad st.

PRIVATE VAULTS in tho jard of St. Thomas' Ohllrrfl tmw MaA nil Piriliva t. ka TssrvnssaissA No. 45 Water street, at 6 1 Piut street, or 20 Broad St. UU aay GREEN HOtis PLANTS.taken cans of during the winter Alao.

valnahl plants will be boushi orexchanged. Apply at Nibio's Garden, 576 Bread way. ,.29 If Ll.Nsr.EL OIL. 14 pipes English, of superior quality, now landing and for aale by EDWARD A. JEE, No.

127, Water atreet. FOR NEW LONDON, PROVIDENCE dt BOSTON. The steam boat intended for this rout, to have com menced running this dale, will necessarily he delajed for a few days, to make some alterations and repairs, as alto arrangement Stages to meet the boat at New linnflun, but will commence her tripe about the 15tb instant, of which due notice will be given previous lo thst date. d5 IQt D. RICHARDS, 114 South sr.

OR NEWPORT AND PROVIDENCE. The steam boat BENJ. FRANK LIN. Cant. Bunker, will leave Ihe foot ot Courliandl street, (N.

to morrow (Saturday) alternoon, at 3 o'clock. d9 Tu Ralph Glover. M. O. No.

2, Ann street. Aew jrar. A CARD. In accordance with my promise, that 1 wonld politely acknowledge the benefit received from your medical attention. I do so the more cheerfully, as I now am restored tn my former health and vigor, and feel myself indebted lo you for your skill in pre scribing, your kind attention and readiness to do all thai medical aagacity could aoggeat.

1 Seel that am now in perfect health. The attention which you have de voted to a select branch of your profession your cor rect theoretical views and practical experience. fnr as 1 am capable of judging,) have enabled you in my case to perform a cure, which had perplexed, embarrassed. aia osmieci several ol your profession lo whom bad previously applied. To the pu'dic.

I do most aiocerely recommend your practice and yourself, as worthy of comtni ndation fot tbe course you have udopted, and tne improvements your constant attention to a lew select diseases has enabled you to make in that branch of medicine and surgery, which I believe is loo much neglected by those who attend to general practice. Accept my best wishes for your future pro parity, and be lieve me your obedient ee.rvanr K. I tl'J 6tia TOBACCO 54 hhda. a very prime lot. foraale by d5 JOHN H.

HOWLAND. 158 South at. Fl UST1C 50 tons, for aale by aa JUlin H. HOWLAND. 158 South su itlITHS CBnitTM I IVCVtf Dinhmrc isrr.

SPING GARDEN WARRENTED THREADS: cases unit's meaiey Glottis 6 do common and fine Blacks 6 baies 3 4 Red Paddings 20 do Canvass, No 1 to 6 8 cases patent improved Linen Threads 5 do 3 4 brown superfine Linens for sale bv dl lm THOMAS DIXON Ml CO. EA P. ILKIN COLORED CLOTHS. aible green, nnlhsrrir .,....1 nl England Cloths, fur sale hy TtlUMAS DIXON CO. n29 lm 54 street.

PJE WING'S Celebrated Chinese Liquid Cement, lor mending crockery andglaas ware. Also, hiscele brated Transier Varnish, for making scrap boxes, for a) sa Ia ar ssJ UJ WM. A. VAN ZANDT, Urtiggiet, d9 3t 121 Hester, comer of Forsyth at. VOLKE'S Genuine Ceratic Paste, for cleaning and poluhing Mahogany, fof ",0 WM.

A. VAN ZANDT, Druggist, d9 3t 181 Hester, corner Forsyth st. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN. CLIN Tom Hil.L Mr. Dunlap'a course of Lectures on Historical Painting will be deliveied at 9 o'cock ou the evenings of Wednesday, tne 7th, Monday, the JZth, and Wednesday, the 14th inst, SPANISH LANGUAGE.

Mr. J. PaLACIOS, respectfully informs bis friends and the public, thai he has fixed his residence in Ihis city, snd will devote himself to teach bis native language in classes aad private lessons. Fur terms' and references, please apply at Mr. E.

Bergonxio'a office, No. 8 Broad street. ooi. yiERCHANTS BANK DIVIDEND Nouce is if Ja. Iieteby given to lhe Stockholders of the Merchants Bank, that a dividend for the last aix months ol three per cent, has thtjs day been declared, and will I paid at the Bank on and aft or the lat December proximo.

By order of the Board of Directors. n30 lu, WALTER MEAD, Cashier. sZl 1. firV JL PUBLIC SACKS; BY ILL1AM McDONiN ELL, Store No. 27 Chatham street.

Monday 12th inst. At 10 o'clock, at No. 9 Chatham sL a large and general assortment of household and kitchen furniture, via tables, chairs, beds, bediiiag, carpeting, fireirons, shoy.U fc knives forks, looking gtasses. wmes, tumblers, decanters, Ac. Also, a lot sugar, segars, candlesUeks, and a great number of other articles too tedious to mention.

Also, a quantity of clothing. Also a large lotef Jewelry, viz ear finger rings, breast pins of every dewnpuon, gold Also, a double horse wagon covered, and harness complete. Also, a large end valuable assortment of jewelry, with a number of article, too tedions to mention. Monday 2d Jan. 1833.

Pawn Brokers Sale. At 10 o'clock, at No 9 Chatham st a large) and valuable assortment of clothing, jewelry, plated ware, merino shawls, lace veils attd a large quantity of fancy articles of every descrip? tion. At Private Sale. At tbe Park House, 259 lbs. brevier, 100 do bourgeois, chases, roller, together with other articles suitable for newspaper pointing.

9CT WILLIAM DONNELL wishes toinfmm the public that he has opened a FurnilureWare Room in the sex olid alory of the Park House, and intends to keep constantly on hand a general asaortmeut of Furniiure consisting of bureaus, sideboards, mahogany dining and breakfast tables, beds, bedding, cots, maitrassta, chairs, and every eiticle in Ihe furniture line. He also offers forsale at auction on Tuesday, Thursday Si Saturday evenings of every week, a full and complete assortment of books of every description. BY R. N. HARISON St A.LEVY.

Store 138 Broadwavf Saturday Etening, Dec. 10. Valuable Oil Paintings. At 6 o'clock, a valuable collection of oil paintings, just received frora Antwerp, being the balance of tbe invoice, and containing many fine original paintings, by Italian, Flemish and Dutch masters among which will be found a splendid original by Rosa de Twoli. Can now be seen with catalogue.

Wednesday Evening, Dec 21. At 6 o'clock in tbe evening, rare and ancient Books. Just imported, a large collection of old Books, containing many of the Fathers of the Church also, the Venetian edition of Galen. 1562, and an ancitnt Mis sal on Vellum richly illuminated. Catalogues will be ready oa the 12th, and tbe books for examination.

AT PRIVATE SALE An invoice of musical instruments, 2 creinona aad 100 common violins. 1 case of bows. 50 flutes, clarionets. double baas and viulincellos 2 London p.snos 42 American do; 3 cases imported and American musie. far sale in lots to suit purchasers.

Also, 40 dox Madeira wine, vintage of 1800 efcireetS sn a of as, 60 maple bedateuds. BY CORLIES, ABBETT Si CO. Store 17 Pearl street. Thorsdsy At 9 o'clock, at their auction room, a general aaaen menl of American St British Dry Gooda. AT PRIVATE SALE.

10 cases bleached snd brow Csnton flannela san green do; 8 do 3 4. 7 8, and 4 4 indigo pin ids. BY bHOTWfcLL, FOX dt CO. Store 171 Pea street Tuesday, At 9 o'clock, st their auction room, for inmnd paper, a arge dc genera lassortroentef seasonable Pry 11 MMl BOGGS 8 AMl'SON dtTHOJTPSON.sW lt.3 Pear' street. Tueedsy.

At 9 o'clock, attheirauctiunroom.a general assert ait nt of freahirn ported Dry Goods EN OK SING SING AND JV PEEKfKILL. Passage 12) cents. The low prrssnre b3 steam boat WATER WITCH. Owing to irtqufiu solicitations to alter the days of tunning this boat, and with the view to best accommodate the passing travel un this route thia boat will, on and. afier Saturday, 3 inst.

run ar follows, until further no tice. Leave New York, fool of Warren street, on Tuesdays. Thuradaya. and Saturday at 8 o'clock. A.

M. Returning same days, leaving Peekikill at Iso clock, and Sing Sing 2 o'clock, P. touching at all the intermediate landings, dl lm ECTURES ON THE EVIDENCES OF RE JLsl VEALED RELIGION Before the Youi.g Metis Society. The Rev. Dr.

Me II vain of Brooklyn. Lector er on the Evidences of Revealed Religion, by appoint ment ol thelew York nivenity, will deliver a course of Lectures on the subject before tbe New York Young Men's Society in the Lecture room of Clinton Hall tn commence on Monday evening next, the 12th inst. at 7 o'clock, and to I continued on each subtequent Monday evenine till completed. Tickets for the course which will be 91 for members, and 93 for those ho are not members of the Society, (each ticket admitting lady snd gentleman) and extra Indies' tickets at 91 each, may be had by application te D. Phelps, 71 wall at; ti V.

Kichards ti'i Pine at. J. Wibtir. SI. South at.

aad J. Leavm, 152 Broadway, corner of John atrret. d65t EXTRACT OF SaKj.APaR1LLa 1 ounco of this extract, dissolved in a half ea I Ion of water, is equal in strength to Ihe same quantity of tbe Compound uecoctton ot fcarsaptmlla. ror sale nt d6 tf W. VALENTINE'S.

371 Pearl at. ERINO CIRCASSIANS. Johnson, Waring Sf IvA Co. have this day received from auction, 2 case of Merino Circasvian. which will be sold at a small advance, at 5 Maiden lane.

d9 TO PHYSICIANS An elegant set Drawers twen ty five in number, for sale S9 W. VALENTINE. S71 Pearl St. BOSTON'S BoSEeiET LOZENGLS. These Lozenges, so very celebrated all complaints of the lungs, ar offered to the public aa affording relief in Coughs, Colds, Asthma, early stages of Consumption, Croup, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Blood, and all difficulty of breathing frora any cause.

These Lozenges are also highly beneficial in fevers, and in cues where there is constitutional excitement, aciompar.iei bv any of the secretions of the skin mnces of lhe throat, dec. That the public m.y be aatured that they obtain the genuine articiu, each box bears the sioatore ol the proprietor, and may be had at the principal Druggials in New York, and wholesale and retail at the stores of the manufacturer. J. BOSTON. Chemist St Apothecary.

a2S 25 2 Broad vt a v. and 7 Wail atreet A ME DINNER The proprietor oi the Bank Coffee House respectfully tntorma his. epicurean snd other fii mds that be has just received a Ireab aup. ply of Canvass Back Ducks, of which delicious birds he intend serving up a number of brace, alto two nrime saddles of venison, weighing each SO'bs a greet vari ety of other game snd wild fowl, with all the delicacies and substantial of ihe season, on Monday next, 12th int. at 3 o'clock.

Gentlemen intending to partake of the good things will plenae leave Ihuir names at tha tsar, as the Tickets are limited. N. B. Families supplied as oanal with canvass backa. and other game dinner and supper parties accommoda teo at tne none 1 notice.

dj 2t JG. HICKLY'S ADHESIVE OK STICKING a SALVE. This highly anJ invaluable Salve, so long and justly celebrated, and approved of by all the most eminent surgeons through the United States particularly adapted for all manlier of dressings is tube bad at HART'S Drug Store. 3 William street, who is appointed sole agent 111 New York. Tu be had in casea 01 four dozen, to suit tbe trade.

d9 12t GA FRENCH MERINO CLOTHS 1 t1 case high and fashionable colors 1 do Merino Circassians, high colors; figured crimson Rattinetsand Flannels black, blueft crimson Bombi sett. iu.t re ceived and forsale at 422 Broadway. 3 doors above Ca nai at, low lor caan. tVj et BROWN'S SAGO POWDER for making Sago Jellv. an excellent article for invalids.

1 wise, Robinson's Groats and Barley for making Gruel and Rarley Water, for sale at W. VALENTINE'S, 371 Pearl st. HAVANA PKESEKVES 12 cases 1 dozen glass jars each Havana Preserves, as orted. AlaoCan. ton Preserves, consisting of Ginger, Chow Cbow.

Dttes, Cumquot Orange. Sic. in China jar for saieby lUCHAKX WILLI AM SO. d9 19 Maiden lane a2 PE CAN DLES 50 boxes Sperm Candies, 4 IO 5's dt 6 received and lor aale hy RICHARD WILLIAMSON, d9 19 Maiden lane. TO LET.

tbe Houaa and More No. 71 Chatham at, and the alock of Boots and Shoes fixtures, for sale low. Apply on the pre d9 4t HOUSE AND SIXTEEN LOTS AT GREENWICH. For ssle at Auction by James Bleecker St Son, st IS o'clock on oesdav. the 13th Dec.

the commodious two stcrv hsuse, and sixteen fou, situated on the North River Si 2Gih at. The 10th aveuue has been lately opened thro' tbe property, aod tha boose, which is now occupied by Mr John Greo, mo ed to the comr of Ibe avrnue te 26th atreet. and repaired at considerable expense. A map of Ibe property can be seen, and the of sale made known, by applying to the auctioneers, or to Isaac Csrow. d6 ed.

"I afafa A DOLIRS to Loan on Bond Mor? 7. gage, at 6 per cent, in sums to applicaats. S. COWDREY, 833 Pearl sU ax tl TO LET. the brick Stable foot of Rector lasts, la street, and immediate noassion given, in.

igU nls In llP PlUtl'lSTl, KlIN 1.10 82 South st filO LET To a mptciabie private family the DnnAt nart of a house. 42 J.ihn uip wiih immediate possctsion if required. Apply to KICHF. No. 86 Maiden lane.

RIDING SCHOOL. MR. ROVESTONE inform those penilemen who may wish hia instruction, that hia evetung school has commenced, and ha to five nia anbi.ut in tnose who niay put themselves under his direction. Those gentlemen ho have been taught by him can attend for prctioe when eonvnnienft hir ffKaen tT. I i nuuiavnia every evening from 7 to 9 o'chk likewise hi.

school fur Indies from 9 to every day. His drawing rooms ss well as riding department are sufficiently warm for those out r.t KaaIiK mr.A utol.l... i'ir rsercifC dvlSimu SILK TWIST, RAVEN fcEWlNUS. eVC Ka veii Sewtnss Kill 1 mjn aiiu ic' bags floreniine. double gimp, netted Balis; Waterloo and silk Italian Button, for sale by THOMAS DIXOiv ox CO.

"89 lm 64 Pine at. COLORED BLACK sILEMAS. 10 casea. all colore, twilled, black, plain and twilled Lininea. for sale by THOMAS DIXON CO.

28 lm" 54 Pmest TV0 RENT, a pew in St. John's Church, eligibly JL aituated. Apply at lbs office of Coster Carpenter, Wall sbeM. ul4.

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