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The New York Agei
New York, New York
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POR SECCION EN PARA LA COLONIA HISPANO AMERICANA QUE RESIDE EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE NORTE AMERICA (Por El Dr. BERNARDO RUIZ SUAREZ). INCLINACION MUSICAL. visitado ningun pais, a lat diversas repiiblicas que conoieo en parte le la America Latina, ya en las colonial francesas de Maftlnica dondc cxisten niicjeoi poderosos de clementoi de color de sentimen ta'Mad musical sorprendcnte, asi como en otras colonial inglesas del A'frica Centra', dondc el Negro cs por intuicion, ya que no jor educacion musico, una est rralgado desarrollado este arte, mas que en la ma negra ic I'nidm. d'xle luego, una indinsciuit connatural, inherente at aentimiepto del Xnro.

Bast a ber que en poca de rsclavitud, cuando al mismo te le negaban fyja oportunidades, para fl desarrollo de 'inteligeneia tn las remas del aUr, re.ultaba esta una (acultad tan preponderate en su forma tntelective, in? dcdM por cima de la raza blanca que eontaba como cuent con todos lot melius udccuados para su perfeccionamicnto, aunque no como supone, con la sentimental del alma negra. Sib dolorcs, sus qucjas sus aspiraclones, encontraron campo adrciiado en lis k' de una guitarra, un arpa un violin, a vccei en el tambor tradictenal ifncano, asi como en el canto en la balada. En los raises drhabla espaflola, la ran de color que sucumbta bajo el litigo it scrvijumbrc, tuvo a vcccs en el campo de la musica un consuelo a tus ptir descanso en las rudat tarcas del esclavo. M' icli fueron los negros que con expreso consentimiento de tus poseedores, it cusagraron al ejerciclo de la musica, no ya por esplritu eaballererco en los rrisicri'. tiii'J por la fuentc dc ingresos que el ejcrcicio de este arte represcntaba en mani'S del esclavo cn bencficio del amo, Dc U'drfs maneras, fye una oportunidad que sc le presento a muchos de r.u's'.ro! en su vida de igtfortunio, para desarrollar el arte de la Kiiji.a.

rudcindose dc disctpulos, formamfo entre los mismos atnbiente musical. No otaria demas citar el liccho de que eminente muticos de la rua de color hn rccorrido el mundo precedidos de gloria admiracion. Uno de eMIos iue el fcimitahle violinist Chevalier Brindis de Salas. natural de la Habana, Cuba, cut 'hgo a ser musico de Camara del ex empcrador de Alemaaia, fui un virtuofo cpeciatmcnte en sus otavas; superior al genio de Sarasate. Murio rn Ducncs Aires en circunstancias lamentables, mat cuando identified su prscrulidad.

se le rindieron los tributos que su genio hahia conquistado. Otro no mcnos distinguido, viulinista tambien, fue el celebrado White, natural (': la provincia de Matanzas, Cuba, que triunfo en Paris alternando entre los tius grandcs de su divino arte. Kcalmente yo no he tenido oportunidad de haeer un estudio acerca de loj amlcs musicos de color que hayan descollado en este pats pero tin entrar en (1 anali. is historico, declaro que si en el paMdo. no contaron los americaqos de la raza nrgra con eatrellas en el arte que no ocupa, en et presente, cstan lViudos a subrcpujar cl conglomerado negro que ha sobrcsalido cn tales mani fertJiienes.

Kl ob. ervador estudinw, cl que investiga, ba de contrnplar un esplritu, una trMTKia pronunriada el alma dc la juvemud hacia las esfcras magnificas de! MMi'b dc la 'Armenia. 1.1 dc la rata nrgra americana es un alma poetics; pero siendo como rn mis concrpekmes, mas positiva que idealista, no se conforma con las del scntimicnto, jr bujeasm Us actividadrs uerzas complejas del rpiritu, rl dcarrollo emotivo, que plasme en un cuadro de realidad meludica lu xittimentalidad poetica. Xada mas apropidado que la musica, de ahi que inflya, como esti i. on un marcado cvolucionismo en la mente el ejpiritu de esta raza fircgrcfiva.

Dedc el himno religioso hasta cl canto injinuante, pasional, revelaa la iuerza armonica que reside actua en cl desenvolvimirnto de las muicales del conglomerado negro de la Union. U. que a la par que se "intensifican estas apreeiables cualidades, se ititfn. ifiqncn ntras manifestaciones de la intrligencia, en el cerebro Jreclaro de eta rara. Cronicas Dempsey ya no Luchari con Willard en New Jersey.

La Comision de Boxeo de dtcho cstado dcclara que no Be hall a dispuesta a concedcr la licencia para tal match. Ij dc box.eo del rstado de 'cw Jersey no pcrmitira que en su juris tirci'in sc ce lfbre cl eneucntro Dempsey "Willard podri volverse dc a Kansas atender sus negocios perolifcris que le rcportaran sin duda s'S'itia, muclu'simas mas utilidades que hi jnc rctibt dc ua iniitiles gestinnes emtrrtarse un match con el cam tcngo la plena seguri iii tie que Rickard sc ha empefiado en un encuentro al campcon con Mr. Willard que pasa ya dc los 40 tnidra primero que acudir a la en demanda dc la licencia pero 'J han dadu los pasos necesarios para tv tar que tal se conceda." As! lo manifesto Mr. Messano, prcjidente de Jii'a ilc la conmKVn de New 'Jersey en uu curni que se le hizo. ffjv.n del "intervirw," la di rT'na dc New Jersey protejeri al ffipnia nuc con ja nclca d.

illard l)cmpscy sc Ic quicre im iLiMandj cl promotor O'Rourke ropic.o a Miuaciijn en que se encuen ira ii aauntu del campion, este algo con per la poca stencion que Kfjnis diprnia a sus ofertas se ex r'fi'i tn lr ngnitntcs trrminos: "Ter cnvtncertne de que Kcarns a coMa qnicra evadir un encuentro lUrry Wills. No creo que Demp tenia negro, prro Kearns con i cn evasKas cuando se le 'i un curumtru con Harry." i Ind idableniente todos estarip entera propuesta hecha por O'Rourke a Until). fy j.ara ecltbrar tres encuemros c.ii cntendicntrs que se elijan. J.ivjr,.i. tncucntra ya muy U' Kc ain no Ic da una respuesta him cntrevista que ambos cele itianatm, abandoiiara '') plan.

por La Production Azucarera Cubans nuevo ano ha principiado con aus I cios favorablcs para Cuba. Las finan del gobierno se cstan estabilizando las consecucncias dc la depresion rccicntcmcntc van pneo a poco ''apareckndo cn los circulos comer Mu las de la comna5ia azucarera Miiranic rl, iafras trabajaroii encon imefvenidas, podrin este afio J' 'ar con absnluta lihertad. Creese que pan sus proilmrjs a bumns I'm ante la dctninack'n espaiiula la ESPANOL produccicm mixima de azicar ivl 1.000,000 de toneladas brutas. Antt de la guerra mundial era de tmas 2.500.000 toneladas la prodiicctun promedial en la zafra rle IWI Ji rntose un record oMeniendow la (abulosa produccion de 4000.000 de toneladas. Siendo la prO' dweion mundial de 18000,000 de torn1' ladas, Cuba puede como se ve, suplir casi una cuarta pane de la misma.

I a production de azucar refinada en Cuba es minima. La mayorfa se expnrta rn bruto para su refinacion rn los palses compraaores. ts residuos de la mcliu del azucar empleanse en la (abricacion de alcohol industrial que se esta aprove chando como combustible para motores en vez de gasolina. Tor lo que respecU a la industria del tabaco que ha dado a Cuba mayor fama aun que se azucar, conviene decir que las plantaciones de tabaco ocupan una sunerticie equivalente a la deuma par te del 4rea total ocupada por los plantios de cana de azucar. La calidad exclusiva del mejor tabaco que se produce en la isla debeso a una irea especial aeeitosa nue se encuentra en un pequeM distrjto sito en el norte del pais.

El cafe el cacao crccen en las regrones mon tafiosas, pero la producrirm no es sufi ciente ni siouicra para llcnar las ncceti dades locales. Tambien se cultivan con los platanos. las pinas las man zanas. La cria del ganado pudiera per fectamente lomcntarsc a causa de las ierras ricas en pastos que abundan en Luba. pnrcion a la rinueza de la nacion 1920 trescicntas catorce companias un capital autorizado de $30,000,000 fticron mscrintas en cl registro mercan til.

l.os plantadores de tabaco suelen, actualmwite. exportar tohaco en rama a mis fabricas de hey west, Honda, a fin de cvitar los subidos dereehos que paga rn los Estados Unidos cl tabaco nunutacttirado. Los rscursos minerales de Cuba son una Imnortante fuente de rinueza, prin cipalmcntc sus yacimientos de hierro cobre. tn IVW se exportaron 000 toneladas dc tiierro. 61,000 de cobre.

El mineral de hierro no es muy abun dante, perirt en cambio su calidad cs de primera. Existen Ifmbien mantos pe trollferos, asfalto, carbon cameras de pirdra marmol. Como Cuba exporta la mayor parte de sus oroductos tmporta maqumana, articulos manufacturados los vestidos alimentos necesarios para poBia cion de 3.000,000, su comercio extran icro cs muy considerable. En 1020 las exportaciones arrojaron an total de $800 000,000. Normalmente las exportaciones ton superiores a las importaciones.

No pudiendose realizar toda la cosecha dc azucar dc 1W1, las exportaciones acusaron una baja considerable en este ano, pero las importaciones aummuycr on en proporcion, Pi an'icar. en e'nocas normalcs, con stituye un noventa por ciento de las exportaciones el tabaco en rama manufacturado de ocho a diet por ciento. El resto del comercio dc la exportacion formanlo rrmesas de frutas. maderas, fibras, pielos, productos marines, miel de abeja minerales. Con motive de su proximidad a I nua, loi Estados Unidos son rl mrrcauo ria lural nara sus productos.

Existiendo loa prodiirtos cuhanos cn la tarifa, activase de tc mixlo rl intcrcatnbio comcrcial enire arbos pai scs. THE NEW YORK ACE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10, VJZ3. SECClftl POTO EL FARDO DE MIS PENA3. Concibo una esperanu, muere en el in.itante De haherla concebido, sigue ml alma rrrant For fl desierto inmenso de la tierr maMita Con el terrible fardo de su angustia inlinita.

Me forjo una ilusion, tornase cn Contemplo un cielo bermoso oculta sua roiarcs, en todo cuanto miro prejago de Mi vida solo encuentra su (uente de amargura. Es una maldicion injusta que era Vila En mi Destino adverso. cue a ml irri Pues cahe la impotencia de toda rehelii'm Cuando una fueria firrea domina al corazun. es una luerta innoble, omnlmoda 7 bruul, ue proviennt del hombre, que en el rita del Mai. Sacrifica otroj hombres, sin que sienta en su crimen Dan to que vierten los mortales que oprimen.

EJ Se Detuvieron Ayer doi Chinos Por Tener Opio. Habindose ayer anrehendido a doi chinos a auienrs se acusa de imnortar drogas del extremo oriente, sc abriga le crrencia de que muy en breve se cono erra la identidad de los jeles de una poderosa banda de traficantes en opio que operan en la metropoli. Uno de los prisioneros Wu Low, tenia en su poder dos libra de la nociva drosa al Mr arrejudo. NOTICIAS PERSONALES. El Consutado de Nicaragua desea tener notieias del paradero del joven Tanfilo Lacayo Swan.

El seSor don Tomij Leal, pertene ciente a la coloma colombuna de rsta ciudad, su esposa la sefiora Lucy K. de Leal, estan siendo muy felKitados por el nacimiento de un hermoso nino al que se le pondrin los nombres dc joe lomis. Frocedentes de Europa con el obieto de rrgresar a Cuba, sc mcuratran en esta ciudad el sefior don ManiKl Picabia su diitinguida rsposa, el sefior F. SardiAas pertenecientrs todos a la bucna ociedad de la lfabana. Llegaron a bordo del vapor "Berengaria." STBS SAILING THEJVEST INDIES Schedule of Sailing, and Ports of Call, for Vessels leaving New York on Fridajr and and Saturday Friday, ftbruary 9 a.

m. as Munargo far Bahamas, via Nassau. a. m. ss Baracoa for Haiti.

Colombia and Jamaica, via Port au Prince, Kingston, Cartagena and Sa vanilla. Saturday, February 10 6 a. U. S. A.

T. Grant for Canal Zone, Panama. Amapala City. Cholu teca, Bolivia and Chile via Cristobal. 7uV) a.

m. Fort St. George for Bermuda, via Hamilton. 8 a. n.

ss Siboney for Cuba, via Havana. 8 'JO a. San Lorenzo (Seapost) for Porto Rico. St. Thomas.

St. Croix, Saba. St. Martins. St.

Eustatius, San Pedro Marcoris and San Domingo City, via San Juan. 8: i. Caracas for Curacao and Venezuela, via San Juan. Curacao, La Guiara and Perto Cabello. 9 a.

m. st Bronte for Sontos. Ar gentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, via pantos, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. 9 a. L'lua for Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica.

Canal Zone, and Panama, via Havana, Port Antonio, Kings ton. Cristobal and Port Limon. 9 a. Ariguya for Bermuda, via Hamilton. 9 a. Turrialba for Jamaica, Guatemala, and Honduras, via Havana Kingston, Puerto Barrios, Puerto Cor tcz, Tola and Puerto Castilla. Morehouse Five Trims Clark University Team (mill Tha Nw Vara Ait) Atlanta. The Mordioine quintet won a 4l3 drcwon over 'Clark Lni versity Five in the latter's new gym nasium on Friday night, frrhruary z. i lie game was featured by the brilliant passing of the Tiger team. The score at half time was 26 5.

The second team nlaved throughout the last half. Captain Sykes. Gayles and Dunson played exceptionally well on the Varsity. Traylor and Hope showed up well on the second team. Next Friday Morehoue will meet Tuskegee at Atlanta which will mark their last appearance tiere before hoarding the train for thrir second annual in vasion of the Last.

AK OPPOXIUNITr Energetic men and women wanted to distribute Dr. Bernardo Ruiz Suaret's vital study of the race problem, "The Exclusive territory, Apply in person or by mail to The New York Age. or Dr. Bernardo KUi ju wesi 135ih street, few York City. WANT SOLICITOR FOR ADVERTISING Young man or woman to solicit advertisinb from Spanish clients for The New York Age.

Should be able to speak and write Spanish. 6 6 6 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most soeedy remedy we know, pre ventinc Pneumonias 15t WITH OUR GIRLS DEAR GIRLS: I am back in line again with you. I have been wailing, trying to think of something to write alwut, but could not think of much. Girls I learn tha we have a new member added to our column.

The New Year is here now and why not settle down lo business and hold a meeting 6oon so tha each member can seee and know just" what we are doing. make up and get in the race with the rest. Kid Palmer" I un trying very hard to get your address. with love, "MARSHMALLOW." riainfield, N. J.

DEAR GIRLS! Happy New Year to you kill I guess DR. GRANT AND JESUS Editor of Tub Nzw Voir Agl: The recent sermon by Dr. Percy S. Grant, of the Church of the Ascension, denying that Jesus possessed the power of God, has brought on a deal of comment. It is unfortunate that the distinguished priest, after giving so many years of valuable service to the cause of the Lord, should at this late day be found taking an erroneous stand against the Church and Jesus, who came for the propitation of our sins.

Yet wr must not be alarmed. Did not Jesui say that the time would come when they would teach false doctrines? Hut despite this burning truth. He also said that "the gates of hell should not prevail against His Church No, the Church is not neces saryily a building, but rather a firm belief deep down in our soul that Jesus i all that the Bible claims Him to be; that He is "the life and the rrssurree tion The "gateway and the door to the kingdom of heaven and he that rometh up any other way save through Him is a thief and a robber," Now, as our sum begins to sink behind yon western hill, may we, like Taul, be able to say. have fought a good fight, I have krpt the faith." HENRY ALLEN. New York City.

Problems of the Race From a White Man's View Editor of Ths Nzw Voir At.e: As a white man who has the moral and material weliare of the Negro at heart, it may be that a criticism of the problems confronting the race to day, will be received in tue kindly spirit in whicn it is meant. My knowledge of the colored mans problems has not been acquired superficially. 1 have lived wkh tha race in Africa, the West Indies, the Southern States, and in every country where they are to be found. Years of study devoted to an enort tn assist in the emancipation of the Negro has also aided me in arriving at a fairly definite estimate of racial difficulties. The conscientious scholar, possessed of an inquiring and analytical mind.

will not find any pla in the whole world more suitable for a comprehen sive study of race problems than right here in Harlem. Let me say at the out set that I have absolutely no sympathy with any class of white men who regard the Negro as a thing apart. Experience has taught me that the only standards whereny you can mrasure a man is not of his color or his creed, but of his principles and bis intellect. If a man is a true man I will proudly call him friend even if bis skin is black as tar. If a man is not true, the fact that his skin is.

as white as alabaster will not impress me. God's Sun shines on God's children without regard to race or creed. The sun is the most potent evidence of the warmth and justice of God's love. Never ending. Never failing.

And that being so it would seem to me that the colored man is slightly more sun' burned that his white brother. Hold ing this view it cannot be alleged against me that I possess any colot prejudice. Indeed my leniency, if any, ni err hi ivi vi me because 1 wish to parade any sloppy sentimentality, but because he deserves the benefit of any doubt, not having long enjoyed the adantages of politi cal freedom. In Harlem there i a very large col ored community. They represent the desceiidems of numerous African Nc tro nationalities, more or less blended.

They represent, too', a considerable prt of the white race, which fact alone ought to stem the torrent ot adverse white criticism. Indeed the blood fusion between the white and colored is so complete, in many instances, a to make It a different matter to tell where the black ends and the white begins. Harlem cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be regarded as the most lawabiding section of this treat cocntry. The unthinking may tc tort that there are white sections of the country that as are bad if not worse than Harlem. True enough, but that assertion does not whitewash' Harlem.

only proves my original contention that a white kin docs not make a white character. These premises ought to be consoling lo the colored man. If the extraordinary number of churches ar anv crilerisn. the vnorals of the colored community of Harlem should be the highest in the world, That is. if we assume that churches still have a moral function.

Nowhere in the wrold are so manv churches to be found a in Harlem. Denominations weird and wonderful practise their la mentable rites in every block. So called spiritualistic fakers, fortune tel lers. charlatans, and devil destroyers, hold "church" in hundreds of "furnished rooms." Themselves colored, thev nractier evert artifice to rob their colored brethren. They debauch the teaehinff of lesus with their mumenes, and besmirch the beatuiful science of metaphysics with ignorance.

They pro fess the Christian faith while practicing the arfs of hell. These parasites arc so numerous that one marvels how colored people of Harlem have survived this assault on their moral and eronomic existence. These "rhnrchr" have erected the god of Mammon. They are a burden jui the moral and economic life's blood the thrifty and indutrious. These non prnductivc peddlers nf superstition are an intolerable impediment tn the nrooress of the rare.

If the col. ored people believe that these fakers The Age I I 1 a a am rather late in greeting, but "better late than never. 1 have been reading the column evrry week bet one week it was missing. 1 don't suppose should make any comment though because I've been a rlscker myself. "Kindness," what on earth has happened to you? )t seems an age since heard from you, "Tit a Pat," your article was wonderful.

Yours too, Girls, yesterday on my way to school, 1 had the "sweetest" fall of the season. It came" without moments warning and if you could have seen me going one way and my bag another, you would have all had the ha I ha'sl "Wilhelmins," look for letter from me soon. With love to all lh girls "LADDIE BOY." Boston, Mass. Readers' Forum can help them they are self deceived The white man with his centuries of civilization owes no rart of. his ad vancement to the moralist and theolo.

gians. White supremacy has been achieved, not because of the "faith fakers" but in spite of them. Educ ticn. scientific and his.orical, moral and metaphysical, has accomplished more for the moral progress of the white man than all theological "isms" since the dawn of creation. Let the colored man profit by the bluer ex perience ot ins white brother and learn thereby.

This condition of things, with other evils of lesser degree, rtem the progress of the colored race. "Churchian ity" is not Christianity. It not nearly so good. The white man has thrust too much "Churehianity" on the colored man and too little Christianity. While I am not unmindful of the failings of the white man in his "elations with the colored people I am convinced that the greatest enemies of the race are the parasites of the race.

National or racial dvancement begins with the individual. Individual sddancement means self government. It teems to me that the colored people pay too little attention to the earnest and conscirnious leaders of the race nd too much heed to the multitude of ignorant and selfih "devit destrovers" in their midst, They rgard a few rents spent on good books as a waste of monev but do not hesitate to pour J. int. Nn r.l romi.

ll mind rrader rather than listen to the Gospel of Calvary in all its sweet symplicity they barken to the "pastors" whose principal vocabulary is "Money, Money, Money." Hasten the day when brave true spirit like the Humble Galilean will again upset the mouey vnangers in tne Temple. 1 often wonler liicse takers, wno pride themselves on their P.iblical knowledge, ever read the itrd chapter of Jeremiah. The first and the eleventh verses I like particularly. It seems to me that a Dfvine l'novidence had the fakers mind when he inspired ihee lint. "Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of mv pasture, aith tqe rd; and again, "For prophet and priest are profane, yea.

in my house have found their wickedness." The rese of this chapter is equally as iluminating. It haj been alleged against the colored man by whites that he lias contributed nothing to scientific knowledge. the arts, or to literature. Relatively speaking, thae may be partly true. But that is an indictment against his white iarhrr.

rmitiderins the short time the race enjoyed emancipation it would be unjust to expect them to comprehend tbe arts much less contribute to tnem. Nevertheless the coolred man has con tributed greatly to the economic wealth of tli country. He had to. The white man cave the colored man legal equality. But moral equality can only be achieved by the colored people C5I i 1 3 isff fo PACJg JTVE Comments By The Age Editors On Sayings of Other Editors The mayoralty campaign looming in Detroit is stirring up considerable ex citement, according to the Detroit Inde pendent.

Calling it an insult to the ministry for a political condidate to ask the delivery of a congregation for election, the Independent said: The position of the ministry has changed according to the development and intelligence ot the people trom open and direct to indirect and influential leadership. While all sane men believe that no nation or people is safe without the influence of the Christian Church it is also conceded that its chief function' is to radiatt and illuminate tnf lives of men so that, God may be seen in them. It is, and ought to be, an insult tn the intelligence of congregation tor OWN efforts. The moral and material emancipation can only come from WITHIN. Even were, the white man willing to give moral 'equality to the colored man it is something beyond his power.

Even were the white people anxious to withhold it from the colored man they could not do it now. Only by the progress of the individual can'tbe race progress. It is every colored man's duty, not only to himself. but to his to strive for self dc vehement.

In the language of the venacular. "It's up to him." Hi educational advancement will bring about his participation in the destinies of his race. Every colored man of character aiid integrity who proves by his mental and moral equality that he is capable of the same achievement as the white man, strikes a mortal blow lo the enemies of the race. Every colored man who fails to strive for self development is the greatest enemy of his own race. Considering his splendid physical heritage, coupled with his inherent spiritual attributes, the Negro will eventually play an Important part in the history of civilisation.

But the march of colored progress is being greatly retarded because of the enemies within the camp. Nor will the enemies be destroyed by legislation. Legislation has never succeeded In making a race good or sober. It never will. Education it the Solution.

Education that is free from denominational control. Education that imparts TRUTH. The problem of the race will disappear like snow in June when the colored man, hy sell oeveiopmeni ann education, achieves mental ano moral innVnrnriVnct from the white man Those who profess to see the influence of the white man. in every moral lapse of the colored man, are bigots. Those who explain away every colored failure as the "result of white domination" only aggravate the difficulties and contribute nothing to the progress of the race.

It it the earnest wish of the writer that the colored people will face the problems of the race in the me spirit of fearlessness. Actuated with a genuine desire for truth id fur self de velopment, they will haten he day when tbe faker, will fall to rise no more. That will be tbe" dawn of a new era for the colored man. B. GRANT.

New York City. FORT VALLEY. GA. For Valley, Ga With the minJs of the teachers busily engaged in prepar ing and correcting examination ques tions and with the mental powers of eery pupil intently taxed upon solv ing these question the first semester ot the Fort valley High and Industrial St'hool came to a close January 26. At the last chapel exercises of that semester more, than five hundred eager and expressive faces filled the capacity of the chapel.

Mrs. Louise Simmons, of Giicsgo, gave an interesting talk Mrs. Simmons Preparation ffyott want Beauty of fawned LAM tUeCTOA(S om. tvtrt. touuii jl ii i If 'l a preacher to go down town and make any one believe that he can deliver said congregation to this or that candidate, There was a time in our history when this could be tolerated, but in this more intelligent period of our development there is no excuse for such method.

We are to be influenced politically as other groups; political meetings, the press, the distribution of literature and personal contact. Why should any. preacher carry the vote of his congregation in his vest pocket? Why should a candidate belittle a people's intelligence to have such open dis respect for our The candidate who depends on the ability of any minister to deliver the voles of his congregation nowadays is liable to be fooled. The voters, whether white or black, are more and more inclined to do their own thinking. stopped with Dr.

and Mrs. W. A. Hol nics. Principal Hunt spoke at length from a retospective and prospective point of The second meeting of the Parent Teacher Association convened in thd chapel on the evening of Jan.

26. An tuiusally large number of parents attended this meeting, with eadiness au4 earnestness they took part in the dis cusion. Dr. and Mrs. G.

N. Woodward and Miss Grace Harrison returned from Tuskegee Institute where they motored to spend the week end. Kelly Miller to Speak at Nazarene, Brooklyn Sunday, February V. will be observed as Lincoln Douglass Day at Natarene Congregational Church, Brooklyn. A special program has been arranged for the morning service "at 11 o'clock, al which time Prof.

Kelly Miller of Howard University will deliver an address. In the evening at this church, Dr. F. B. Gordon will deliver an ilustrated lecture on perplexing problems of Greater New York.

At a special consecration service at Nazarene on Siuiday. February 4, Dr. J. E. Moreland was elected chairman of the board of trustees.

ALPHAS TO TRY FOR REVENGE ON "ST. C. On Lincoln's birthday, Monday night, February 12. the Alpha Big Five, last year's champions, will make a determined attempt to avenge the recent defeat they received from St. Christopher Club.

The team has been practicing almost daily for more than a week, and it ii said that several changes will be made in the lineup for the Monday night game. "Stretdi" Grant, the Stuyvesant High School star, who has been playing with the New York Defender five, has rejoined the Alpha Club, it is said, and will be seen with this club on Mon dav night." But St. Christopher' is makinir every preparation lo again defeat Alpha, and the game promises to be the best amateur attraction of the season. Gus Creagh's Orchestra will fumiii music for dancing before and after the game. PANAMA JOE GANS LOSES TO ITALIAN In a fight to see which would giva up the name of "Gans" at the Pioneer Sport Club on Tuesday night, February 6, Panama Joe Gans, colored middle eight champion, was the loser.

The bout was fast with the colored fighter doing most of the leading, but Italian Joe got in the most effective punches. Arrorrtintr tn arm wj have to change his name. flatat tni tuu ia wkohijj.

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