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The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England • 3

The Morning Posti
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MORNING POST, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1865. UNITED KINGDOM BAND OF HOPE UNION. TTZkDFRA UDS ON THE BIRMINGHAM His KINO COMPANY. BASEL travelling Frank compared with the emblem of civilisation I made by his predecessor, and repurchasing tirz oefor THE CANAL OF SUEZ AND THE FRENCH IN J11 Jeneffah, preceded that at El Guisr, ai Constituted THE LAND OF GOSHEN. i are told, uce prise de possession definitive." Soon auei jriory raised in me utmost couuues mo cu i mey nad increased enormously in ne was lookin afterwardsan encampment wa-organised at El Guisr, which ainvou at tne on.tT Jjoaw, soieiy ana purely to Zwn interests JUet evening the North London Auxiliary" of this association gave a "demonstration" at the Agricultural Bmamvn Taylor and Kelly, hi a boot-upper maker, 67, Camden- "Thft fear or seeimr a French colonv Became, lortne time oeir, a towD in the wilderness.

Three he fiood-gaves of the Suez Canal having, as we are in- parallel rauges of houses ran from east to west, about 100 formed by telegraphic despatcn, been thrown open, and a yards from it canal, having at their extremities a church vessel laden with coal (we are not informed of what size, and W-tal. To the south werthT.HomirforpATr.(.l. waters oi wnicn are pientuui out uiui-ei gives sundry tamarisk bushes and saline plants, and around it are tents and buildings, more advanced guards of the great brw "7, the latter as a builder at 18, Twinjrhtu, ana wie ji.k i narr, Islington, 10 connection with the nhmrf charfiwd with having. Messrs. Sacre and Outrebon assert, was not the origin of the difficulties created by the pasha ail he thought of doing was a good stroke of business.

He watched the pro- enterprise. As to the so-called Bitter BH rsaiian Wr.JZZ:. defrauded the Birmingham 01 a- an noctures. and Timsah, before the waters of the fresh-water canal r-lina of i.iLu oi io'is of Birmingham of large sums of money, lbe demonstration, it should be understood, was not, as were yesterday brought up 1 many might infer from the title, a meeting to exuonnd the DtlDg tonnage or draugnt of water) having passed direct from hortS, an(i oxe vast sces uevoted to the transport of the Mediterranean to the Red bea on the 15th of August materials and the necessaries of life. Still farther, in the we may take this opportunity of making a few remits same direction, was the Arab village an agglomeration of upon the undertaking in uestiOB, Itett and clay huts, with a mosque.

In the town there are, The so-called Canal of Suez is carried rom the Medi- or were, a cafe, a restaurant, a confectioner, a cantine, and terranean by Lake A. enzaleh, across the. wilderness of El some shops. A kind of institution was formed, to which Guar, to Lake Tnrsah or the Croci-dilm." or the x. Lord Mayor at the Manaiou House to undergo a 1 views diJate upon thfi Buccesse of the riianre ittif nww i i.

4 ui" initios and the great maritime channel poured into them, they was satisfactory shown that the quantity of fresh water presented one vast succession of clayey, saline, sandy auppiied sufficed for the conversion of barren sands into depths and elevations, in which whatever was lacustrine splendid cultivations; when the administration had by could only be ascertained by sinking a staff, when its ex- i dint of encouragement, resolved, the m-oblem of o-1- anTs'Sl 'or UPHamp" Mf 4br" ia more water tion in th desert; when communications hadbeen more sal so much, indeed, as to be an object of established, colonists found, and the tirst fields sown, commerce as also crystals of gypsum and many marine lsmael besran to crv out acainst invasion, and r.laim halr -mwenite and Mr. M. WO. uauaeuc eloquence, DUt S'bfiLr- Proudfoot, was oouoeel for the 1 ply a concert of vocal music, admirably selected by the rtroeiea 'faMita, n.w vr TKt.T.w. K.

th IL SELF'S "cneo, illustrative oi tne geo- T-vJor; -e-iT. ml aUU eajjpUrWQ --vo, yl ui natural nistory, and antiquities of the isthmus Doint of iunctian of Th Aruhc ha1 al. 1 4.i.; a- m. eri. zzxrz cnoir 01 aPwaruot -awa the Band of ttr-carr who waa intereated in the the canal of the Ptolemy with the meiis.

iutnenments ten1 to tiiof his lands." Upper Bitter Lakes (the enongh. as may be readily imagined. The head-quarters of sanai 01 tne Pharaohs flowing into the Lower Bitter Lakes) the enterprise have, however, since been removed to moisture of the so-called Bitter Lakes is affected by the rlu owwl Pull eni to watch on behalf of that aaaociation. Hope. Tne performances of these little ones certainly reflected credit cn their instructors.

The -uvenile songsters r.t a. X. Wat pretu alijnM; evidence toahow the con "Id order to popularise the enterprise in France," we are further told, "it has been customary to attribute the opposition met with by the company of the Canal of Suez in the councils of the viceroy to the results of English influence. The fact to a certain extent correct at the commencement of the labours was no longer so when the tract upon which stood Arsinoe one of the principal i Near where the citv of Pithom (Exod. i.

11), Patumos harbours belonging to Lgypt of old, to Suez or Sivas, (Herod, ii. 159), then fhoum, and now Abbassiyeh, stood, ancient Sebaste, one of the many towns named in honour a second valley leaves that which, passing from Memphis tlmeez the parties. Two of the witneases proved occupied the whole of the orchestra, and on the platform Deiwrv oea in their houses, in the names Alfred Davie, and and it a Eumr of gentlemen known as champions of nf the bills riven by Taylor the Bir- I the temperance cause, amongst whom mav mention i-oe xeu sea, ana that there is nitra tion between them. To the south-west, between the lakes and the railway from Cairo to Suez, rise up Jebel-Jenetfah, with precipitous cliffs of tertiary red sandstones, cleft, from their friable nature, into deep ravines. These red sandstones alternate tents, Vicus to Pelusium and Company bore acceptances in those two I Mr.

Joseph Payne, vhe assistant-judge (who presided), aa nonil in i 1 uoar came to ureal nritaiu auei tne rone nf tl. I 1L. sum. saline sch contrary, been encouraged by Ismael, who ii seiught anxi the hills anxiously to extricate himself from the engage r'cith 33 A dermanouTT, wfu.c.."- on ffin nn hi thirl to the Hiroth of the Pharaohs and Heroopolis of the Nile, having the Band-hills of the deseit to the right Along OreeKs, now at the head of the Lower Bitter Lakes.

this second vallev. which i. in fh. thhj! is another small station, called Amma-la-shush. uuoge matin, ana Messrs.

moughby, Sharpe, Lever, Riddell, B. Lucroft, Titford, Marshall, Ansell, Hackett, Paiker, Johlin, and Adams. The numerous audience, consisting almost entirely of membeis of the various temperance bodies, and the soncs, ur of 5s a month. They remained until Vv naid him rent up to March, and called them- 7, haL le Can1 'a8ses' theD' throu Goshen, the land where Jacob and his family dwelt for a SfJ.t water-basins, and the greater portion of period of 430 years, flowed Necho's old canal. It is now the remainder is cut through land previously occupied bv called Wadi Thnnmilat.

1 pi vca: TL Foster, and Oo. That name was put on the I knc nui Vint thpv mmr vom canals ments entered into by his predecessor." "'Isolated, I am Ismael said at Constantinople and in London protect me, support my claims, and I will annul the At Paris quite a different language was held. The Canal of Suez I am its acknowledged protector; I consent to anvchicg. But Pal-merston But Fuad The opposition had its source and home at Cairo." (Irajans prolongation of Ptolemy Philadelphia's 1 French "rOuadv" an' etvmnW on the line of the freshwater canal, which fallows the bed of Trajan's Canal, the banks of which are still in good keeping, and the bed even, and little encumbered with tands. The canal of Necho took fresh water from the Nile to the Lower Bitter Lakes, at that time apparently the head of I the Bay of Heroth, or Heroopolis, and it was seen by Hero- dotus.

In the time of the Ptolemys, owing probably to the vc, neing mostJy ot a temperance tendency, it might be Ji never saw uj -J tii" lettertl which was the principal part of their The Dame wa on the door at the time he wm He did not recognise the prisoners at the bar as thought superfluous to say thatthe approbation was general portion, that cut through the tract called El Guisr, is out of the same word, wadi vaUcy or riZ or nface t. barely a few miles in extent. ui nvci, ur piaoe --v ii, uliv icu to ici nmca oi tne warmtn ot tne Thl i waier. Necho's old Canal was 40 miles lonr havino its rtritri'n U1 oiganisea 10 carry cut the 0f thOM persons- Vnnher.hniWir, Again: lhe rrench press," we are told. committee! applause was to be attributed to the merit of the aiminisning extent oi tne bay, it was prolonged to Sera- fiuiuocu canai was noi estauiisded at ort Ramhi aaic ne rwiu tne error ot nattennp- Th vk il task oneot her emcee The name of Alfred L.TLr nd W.

for cleaning. THE HEAD MATHEMATICAL MASTER OF CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. painted on thera a se same name was khalifs; it remained open tdl the ninth century. The I he is 4e reDreset'ive or i V.d laoti tf rfi? 2 watitbS tT was'uolMnlS Arsinoe witn na-Mirotn, the head of the bay, also con- laml of fiohn mt-; i found the Canal of Trajan with that of Nechof'which ter- Jtf OJ fint quarter's rent partly in money and partly u. himself an eent for ftney goods.

He had uimateei at iaKe iimsan. ineir tresh water canal is to wirn, tI 1 1 i 1 She gave him notice in terminate or terminates at Suez, and their maritime canal studv his mrt tea tC if occasion tnen to -the ealsettasiS TO TEE EDTTOE OF TEE WORKING POST. SlE, Having read in your paper of yesterday that the Lev. "William Webster, M.A., head mathematical master I Tlu ti 1 win nuul ucau oi Le canai, or wnere it Jeaves the Mediterranean or at the point where it leaves Lake Menzaleh, but at the modern port of Lamietta. Here the company enclosed an immense parallelogram," to use the words of M.

Ber-chtre, comprising houses, magazines, stores, sheds, besides houses for offices and for the habitation of the consul, the diietors, chief engineer, and other empJoyis. The magazines were encumbered with clothes, wine, food, vessels, tents, everything that the employes and workmen could be supposed to require in the desert everything that was either indispensable, useful, or agreeable, even to superfluity. The going to and fro between the town and magazines iLd offices was indeed incessant. This establishment, having easy communication on the one side with Cairo and Alexandria by the Nile, and with Port Said by Lake Menzaleh on the other, was well adanted for the I leave in June. a.

fi' r-' I the office, appaiently to do business. j. ja.ii a auu. mc uowus wuicu ooruer a. French no iptt if too i 1 "uij wcxiaiic UU13IT1VC3 WJ the Arabian Desert.

of Christ's Hospital, is about to retire from his post, after purely exclusive and pitiful oi ro. i a.uwM-iut. W.TZ. 11 3331 of Qearl-V ym Will vou allow me, through tif tice iirtier IMt oiuoe wo wim uuu tne iizaujr iatc gffwtr never reiuruou wiv w. fjuua ui voiy uetei ving anu esieemea master to join La.

who was alsoej-amined on the last occa- anrnc ir, a. i dnlatin' nlain 7uS FrR Keana ez 13 an un" Whether the projected re-purchase by Ismael Pasha of delating plain called Er Rahab, from whence Suez appears the concessions of territory made by his predecessor are It noTv vWlth f7hWfhrhe SPtS 1D to erabrace the old land of SoieS, 2 wellPL theTortf SSffK-fSS thafc fen? most miserable Suez, we have as yet no correct information. A French viLage, without a blade of grass, and whoso residents had colony in the heart of the peninsula, would, however Wh fnek th6ir their water, from Cairo. have few prospects of success! If in Algeria it haJ been SftJSSiSSSr nf Indfnf.mair2ght f0QDd adviBable t0 returQ old Roman policy of nntllr0 a oS 5 he Ta I le8 the tenure and tillage of the lands in the hands of g3f t0 lef-there In the natives-the conquerors reaping the benefit-how much SZ a transit station of no mean more would this be the case in the isolated oasis of be kne-r a person named fits ihev have deriv hv hi. mHHk4.

Lum opening labours, and it waB found to answer so well that it has become a permanent institution, having one steamer on I'rtjLirnf V. iliiams wanieu io nust j-ariinam mote their education? I propose that a subscription be 1lr nA wxm lw with it wu Hid be wished to show that Farnhim, who had set on foot by the late mathematical scholars and others ever, only to Samanhud, which 'is connected by railway i aaM with Tantah, Alexandria, Cairo, and Suez. th. name of Brewer, and accepted bilk in that wuu ve oy nis laoours, lor the purpose of pro- importance. Houses, warehouses, and workshops, have "-e dujw.uic csvjmouutj iur presentation, i iurtner t.

VJ Vimtun rmrontlr in I vwr.A 4. 4.V. Ml -f 1 d6M ssiq ut lia-a h.jmm"- 1 F1 me iim. oi suDscnptions pe leit open lor six Uof thepnaoM ine two d.u acceptea tne fa Uoshen, whilst the French would not be there as conquerors The views of the French with regard to Suez are very clear. "Europeans" (i.e.

French), they say, "compose almost entirely the population of Suez, which they have indeed founded, or at all events nearly so. Their true place is there, in a new town, which will become one day or other thp commowieil i.o;,r u. Goshen, whilst the French api uug iu dyoij uuctiiuu. me iiugiais is, according to Messrs. Amedee Sacre and Louis Outrebon, the finest establishment of the kind in the East.

M. Berchere also assures that the table d'hote was Very comfortable." There is a restaurateur of the name of Very, but we did not know that his functions extended to the Red Sea. et W. F. Brewer he neiievea were in tne uanawriurg i DDani.

The body oi one me dui was in tne nana- "iu, icn uuure 01 xiie pians proposea. the branch of the Nile which flowed past Bubastis, and ending iu the Lower Bitter Lakes, which, when thus made fresh, bore the name of the Crocodile Lakes. Timsah, the modern name, is expressive of the same fact. It could not go farther, for at that time the Lower Bitter Lakes constituted the head of the Bay of Hiroth. Trajan new canal flowed along the same valley as Necho's canal, but probably on rather higher ground, as it began from the Nile, near Babylon, 40 miles higher up the river than the old canal, and reached the upper or actual Bitter Lakes, which are a few feet higher than Lake Timsah, and thence entered the Red Sea through flood-gates, which gave their name to the town of Clysma, near Suez.

All this the beds of the old canals, the land of Goshen, the district of Pithom, of Rameses, or Raamses (Exod. 11), of Hiroth, or Heroopolis at Ha-Hiroth, "the head of the bay, when the bay of Heroopolis extended, as it is sup. posed to have done in the time of the Exodus, to the Lower Bitter or Crocodile Lakes the French have appropriated to themselves Bubastis is now Zagazig; branch railroad unites it at Bena, or Benna, with the iron road from Alexandria to Cairo, whilst on the other side a "canal d'eau douce" flows from the same old point to the Crocodile Lake the headquarters of the company being at Tell-el-Kebir, or the Great Hill," close by Thoum, and in the very heart of the very "best of the land," in which Joseph was to make his father and brethren dwell" (Gen. xlvii. 6), and which is now, by one of the many singular changes which this precious oasis has undergone, the "Domaine de l'Ouady." The increase of the Israelitiea themselves during then-settlement here, as well as the multiplication of their cattle, attest the extraordinary fertility of the district.

Coming from the Desert, M. Berchere was struck, in the present day, with the beauty of the same spot It is everywhere green, enamelled with flowers, or covered with crops, watered with rivulets, and tall grasses and rushes on their borders, and dotted by villages, and encampments, and groves of palms. It is especially fertile in cotton. This fine property, of which the company has obtained a concession, "in order to be mistress of the whole course of the canal, which commences at Zagazig and is to terminate at Suez," is 25 kilometres (a kilometre is 1,000 French yards; hence two kilometres make a geographical mile) long, by two or three in width. Tell-el-Kebir, the head-quarters, is a large village, surrounded by gardens and groves of palms and orange trees, which screen its dilapidated mosque and ruinous houses.

There are also vineyards, mulberry plantations, olive groves, and pomegranates. Upon the slight eminence, which is so grandiosely designated as Tell-el-Kebir, is a mansion erected by the late Muhammad Ali, who so particularly affected the land of Goshen that he built two country-houses here. Abbas Pasha also had a seat at Tajlur. Be remembered iir. Keuy, ana Mciuois i beg to oner my temces to carry out the above, and shall i to him about a party named Brewer I 1 ncf 1 i i v.

etol an office, he believed in Paccras-lane. He I noa know Brewer then. That was in the preaence of I la tce matter, anaressea jspysa rorts- Md Mr. NicLol asked t.m to say that was a moutn, alter aept. y.

your obedient servant, The reopening of the fresh-water canal of olden times the maritime canal shall be opened ft Why do thev not at Suez by the i reach is naturally a matter of first im-1 establish themselves there, themselves, their noisy ma-portance to the town. Nay, Messrs. Sacre and Outrebon chines, and their competitive industries? Why do not thev actually insist that most assuredly the Viceroy of Egypt leave Cairo, the picturesque Arab city, to reflect in silence iu Ismael Pasha would never have placed so many diffi- grey houses and its pointed minarets in the Nile culties the way of the company of the canal of Suez, Not only is "an immense dock" projected at the old port reipectable ana good yeung man, ana quite trust- WALLACE HOARE, Late of MathematiciiJ Sehool. Beth toe prisoners toia mm L.rcweT nta given a i ce to their firm, ii. icnoi ana kjo.

iney old lum i repecwble man to their employ at aoo.btr shop Antwerp, feer t. Z. "au tu ru.uc?" iukt unnging iresn water to auez ot Augustus Caesar, but iettiea are to be nrolonawl a)on, deprived his highness of the benefits derived from the imtreet. rJe beiievea tne reierence was givex. out Damietta itself, with its clean whitewashed houses, its domes and minarets, its quays and shipping, and its surrounding gardens and groves of bananas, date-palms, and sycamores, is a residence much coveted by those nave to work in the Deseit.

There the sand wars against water and verdure, and one day or says M. Berchere, the state of the works may bare to cede the victory to the sand." We hope M. Berchere is not a prophet after the stamp of Matthieu de la Drome, although he has the example of the past to uphold his gloomy prognostications. Was not Arsinoe the port of Egypt before Sebaste? According to Gibbon, 120 vessels annually sailed from this haven, called Arsinoites by Pliny, and Cleopatris by Strabo, to bring from Western India silk, precious stones, and aromatics. The site, now called Ardshemd, is an inland village.

Did not, according to some of our best commentators, the Gulf of Heroopolis embrace the Upper and Lower Bitter Lakes in the time of the Pharaohs And was it not over their shallows that, favoured by miraculous or fortunate circumstances, the Israelites made their escape from the less fortunate pursuing host? How many successive attempts at canalisation of the Isthmus of Suez under the Pharaohs, the Assyrians, the Persians, the Ptolemys, the Romans, and the Saracens have succumbed before the same insidious and persistent enemy We do not mean to say that modern science might not triumph over such difficulties, or that, not a ditch, but a bond fide ship canal, might not be protected by iron caissons after the style in which the Thames is embanked, but at what cost, and how would the" outlay be repaid The island of Karputhis and the tower of Genii, or Ge- rLaX. 116 uearu kiiiu dichw a raif the line of the imaginary maritime canal, between the English hotel, which i3 situated at the southern extremity of the town and the Arabian coast, to a distance of nigh four English miles, in order to bring the said canal into communication with the outer roads. The dock may possibly be carried out, but its projected immensity" will diminish into business-like proportions: the buildinsr of t.hfl W.t-.'o trill TirnKoW ,1 1 aquatic ehuly despatched from Cairo. A further proof of this is derived from the circumstance that it was attempted to make the Arabs believe that the water was poisoned It is impossible to imagine more circumscribed and narrow notions of policy, yet such are precisely the kind of opinious that are generally current' in the Levan Wiliia-tn Wincii said he was a traveller in the td shoe Iline. He knew Kelly.

He waa Uut the 23rd December last by Kelly age a slv'j for him in the boot and Mitioes id amaen-town. ror tne nrst two tine bazaars. WhiUt. PnSn.lo v-j Ta' carrying out. i aod half he was with him th-re waa no name It bad been occupied by a potato salesman, and i siena.E was leh over tne shop until abont a Ufc witness left, when the name of Koas was put on.

Before that letters arrived addressed t. ere letters were given to Mr. Kelly iw.fc lie never saw anv Mr. P.03B. Mr.

Kellv car- Alness w.uv-i yoiij, uuu ior oi tne maritime canal, and to do the latter effectually, an so many years contented themselves with the roadstead almost incalculable amount of capital is requisite as it of Suez the Compagme des Messagenes Impenalcs, on its would require to be faced with sheet-iron or stone, like the establishment, sought and obtained from Muhammed Said Thames embankment, for the whole distance-an amount of the authoi ity for constructing 'an immense dock or basin 1 capital which would lay down a line of rail from Constantino-for refitting at the same spot. The act of concession speci- pie to Peshawur or Kurachi Until this is done, the "jigole" bed that the Egyptian Government should contribute a through the lakes and desert alike will be constantly tilling quota of 1,200 men towards carrying out the work Said up, and the expenses of keeping open a useless channel will Pasha died, the corveables, as the French call forced 1 absorb all profits to be derived from cultivation, fishing labourers, did not make their appearance with desirable boat-transport on the fresh-water canal, and the other regularity, and the Messagenes recriminated. available resources as duly enumerated in M. Lesseps's as- Discussions were going on at the very same time between tounding scheme. It must be gTanted that, in the mean-the Canal Company and Ismael Pasha.

The latter, it is well time, and until the grand purpose for which the company known, was desirous of abolishing the system of corvees, or was formed that of establishing a shio canal between the forced laqour, altogether, and he is said to have arranged Red Sea and the Mediterranean is carried out, a real and matters so well, that the fellahs mutinied and refused to i a wondrous benefit has been conferred noon the oort of mileh, rising out cf the downs which stretch eastward from by Mr. vTilliams The engagement with feted tmtil the Utter endof March. He had never he saw bioi iu custody. Cape, of Li ly Wood-jrove, Ldy 'VVood-lane, Bir-m, the 26th of June, he was out cf a ihoum, whence its modern appellation, Abbassiyeh. The Damietta, announce the approach to Port Said (properly French call the house on Tell-el-Kebir "le chateau du Sayyid.

a religious epithet). M. Lesseps took possession hrr, aiiil saw at suertiriemett in JSlrmtnfjJtam i Pi-' ir a traveller or arent. and communicated (the expression is not ours) of this point, as the Mediterranean extremity of the canal it cannot be called the inlet of the canal, for the waters flow outwards into the sea at the latter end of 1859. Messrs.

Laroche and Larousse were left there with a handful of Arabs and a few tents to commence operations. Sundry European workmen were sent a wlose ntme af pared in the pafer. and in ff answer he wnt to 3C and -u. Lane- and M. Berchere declares that it has a "grande mine that is to say, a very imposing aspect.

Yet it has only one story, but the rooms are lofty and large, and it is an agreeable place of sojourn. The morning view from the terrace is, we are assured, that of "Eden issuing forth from the hands of the Creator a true land of promise." The meadows are covered with herds of cattle, horses, and sheep, and beyond is old Tell, where are the ruins of work. As if," say Messrs. Saci and OutreboB. a fellah (tiiamhers.

The nam painted ur Go. He taw the prisoner Kellv there. Suez by re-opening the old fresh-water canal and conveying that first of boons, water for consumption and irrigation, to this lone spot at the head of the Erythrean Sea. Mont hly Magazine, The Outward India asd Chixa Mails. Soctbampton, Sept.

14. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-ship Ripon, Captain Rogers, sailed this afternoon with the mails for Gibraltar, the Meditenanean. Egypt, Aden, Ceylon, India (except Bombay and China. She took out S5 tirst and 30 second class passengers, and on freight specie value 10s. for the following ports, viz.

Galle, watches, kc, '143. Madras, gold coin silver coin, 6s. watches and jewellery, gold thread, 542 10s. Calcutta, precious stones, 1,30. Penang, dollars, 11,500.

Singapore, dollars, 25,000. Hong Kong, watches, jewellery, 263. Yokohama, dollars, 220. Shanghae, dollars, bar silver, and for Alexandria, sovereigns, 3,500. Amongst the passengers by this mail are Captains Vsndeleur, Eavenhall, Beresford.

Goldie, Ross, Mackenzie, and Norris Lieutenants Newn-ham, Dowie, Murray, Dyce, Powlet, Mamwaring, and Churchill and Assistant-Surgeon Cuiley. Qceensland Emigration. The ship Queeu of the South, 3,000 tons burden, belonging to Messrs. T. M.

ckay and sailed on the 31st August from Gravesend for Queensland, Captain John Purves, commander; surgeon superintendent, Dr. G. J. Wood. The Queen of the South is the 64th vessel that has sailed oa the land order system of emigration under the immediate direction of the Queensland Government.

She contains 528 souls, divided into paying, assisted, and free passengers, and counting of 304 membeis of families and 224 single men. Oxfoeij Lo al Examinations at Manchester. The number of candidates examined at Manchester in June last was larger than any previous examination, bting second only to that of London, which has hitherto maintained a decided fire-eminence in that respect. The total number actually examined was 212, one senior and rive junior candidates who had sent in their names having absented themselves when the examination commenced, or beins; prevented by illness from completing it. Of these 48 were seniors and 164 juniors, being an increase of 65 over and of 55 over 1864.

But, although there has been a large increase in the number examined, there has not been a proportionate increase in the number who have passed. Last year, out of 147 who were examined, 111 passed this year, out of 212 examined, 137 have passed, being a reduction of from 75 to 63 per cent. The returns of the last two or three years show in a striking manner the improvement that has taken place in the quality of the work done. In 1858, the first year of the local examinations, the proportion of those who succeeded in satis shortly atterwards from Damietta to assist. The position of utrtu id as s.

and saw a tali man who ever revolted on his own inspiration Another Levantine and narrow-minded suspicion. The French argue that the corvee has existed from all times in Egypt, and that it is indispensable for certain works of public utility as for the cleansing of canals, which demands (and will demand in the case of the Canal the colony was not enviable at the onset. The nights were the first country-seat erected in the oasis by Muhammad ti." Eaaliih oleik. who was introduced as Mr. (Witiiesd described the man he knew as Ali, a village buried in groves of palms, and with a little Projected Revival Meetings in Scotland.

The Aberdeen Herald says: It is contemplated to hold The same as FarrLam and Brewer. of Suez) the periodical labour of a vast number of men n.ntii j-j Kelly engaged him as a to lor tbt nrm LsrdWare and other coods in tlie lane covered with wild-towl. The land of Goshen is, indeed, still a most favoured spot. Muhammad Ali brought Syrians there to cultivate the mulberry, and Arabs to rear lupins, oranges, lemons, dates, and other produce. He opened the canals and irrigated the lands.

Ibrahim Pasha continuedthepredilection, andobliged the indolent natives to become willing or unwilling agriculturists. It was his system. Abbas Pasha, his successor. Asa principle, forced labour-the labour being paid for by 53 Sl commencing on the salary or exemption from taxation-does not always con- 1 thof aTO I3to her Pt, stitute an arbitrary measure there is not a Government Wltl? GofdoDN, Park-hill, Brownlew in Eurone whioh has not, haH -North, and others, who will also take part in the services. part of roiiotdiatr.

Wilnws bad a la-s-e oonnortinn even to water to drink, had to be obtained from Damietta, Arabs and their camels were engaged from 1 Arish to aid in provisioning the place. A few wooden huts were constructed, ovens were built, and a cantine established, when rumours of opposition on the part of the local governn ent came to enhance the disagreeables. The population of the lake manifested symptoms of hostility, the Arabs disappeared, and all communication by land or by water was for a time cut off. Luckily, the handful of colonists had machines for distilling fresh water. Foreign him lis asked EjAfa fat rafe-r-nctto.

and Mm to Bttijimin Taylor and of Camden -a tree. I Lad Lad verv extensive dallnirit. New Window in Gloucester Cathedral. Five additional staineel windows have iust been uiaeed in the kind in times of emergency, each individual contributing his quota for the welfare or the safety of the whole. however, so oppressed the Syrians and Bedawin Arabs, the nave of Gloucester Catheelriil a sixth is now being nut in Jcgvpt every youth over htteen years of age is who constituted the nhief of t.ho nnnnlutinn ttiatr AA dd 'iavlor nid Cj.

were in the india-rubber trade. Ijwtrustioiia were to f.v.rcbase goods to the amount n'di was to he a preliminary transaction. Witness 1 rminsheiii and comm with an order liable to be impressed for a corvee, and he receives no prepared by Clayton and Bell, and when this is fixed, of i -'-J vvwai.auuifixc agaiusu luosc wuo tne country, anu iarm rasha, son ot Abbas, took posses lad taken possession of the Gulf of Pelusium" (it is not, sion of the almost deserted country. The old sheikhs pm pooaessioii oi me tmii oi jreiusium is not, sion oi the almost deserted country. The old sheikhs mit oi ir I.

I KiJ Pleads. He f.omriiiini.. umiIi fr he Lad done. He, however, had rod etopped the order for the bed- (xecoted. He called at Mr.

I'tea-ises. Kailv Tnvlnr ws KC r-fcrcDce he nouM friva In Taor would give him othcis. When he 'called 5 8 warehaua ho teun trA ha iucu, ivi wm "-iauuou, ouu viuii 01 iorwaru tueir nereaitary claims to Said Jasha vain; he Pelusium from Damietta to Cape Cassius), and the notifi- would not tlispossess his nephew, until lured by the project cations of the dirk-rent consuls-general made the German, of a grand international canal, he ceded the territory to the Greek, Maltese, and other nationalities withdraw none French. but the French remained. The latter resolved to defend One word, before we go back to the maritime canal, con-themselvt-s to the last upon the point of sand, the posses- cerning the upper course of its fresh-water affluent.

Be-sion of which people dared to dispute them." An illus- yond Abbassiveh (ancient Pithom), now a mass of huts and trious interceded for the oppressed cause, and ruinous magazines amid date palms, the old Pelusiac a telegraphic despatch arrived at Alexandria the day before branch of the Xile, now called Cherka-uyeh, is crossed by tha: fixed for the termination of the work, enjoining the a bridge, its waters in part supplying the fresh-water canal, representative of France to prevent all hostile manifesta- and then we arrive at Zagazig, on the Bahr Moos, river tions against the enterprise, and the works were resumed, of Moses," the olden Tauaitic branch of the Nile. Tanis, In the present elay, a row of houses, prolonged by huts, now San, renowed for Mariette's recent archaological dis-stretches from the lake to the sea, and this is succeeded by I coveries, is near its embouchure into LakeMeczaleh. Zagazig one or two others less regular in aspect, constituting what has become a place of importance from the successful culti-it is anticipated will one day be so many streets. The 1 vati on of cotton in the neighbourhood, and it is now one of forges, saw-pits, and workshops are on the side of the lake, I the most important markets of I.ower Rtnmt Th f. P-h.

i-th Jcly witness received a letter, signed B. Khl from fying the examiners at Manchester was only 28 per cent. In the fol- Btai by Hamil'on liimwlf Hi- luA rhat of the "Dgdom being 40 per li.niiltOD- ono lirr j-i 1 lowing years it rose to oO per cent, in 180 rears it rose to super cent. In 18o0 to ier He nOT Mf-n Mr TavUr Iu.;, and knew he employed a ui en.uien.

i. Taunton said he r.rriod nn th the magazines are by the narrow channel, whilst the Arab water canal derives its chief supply at this point. The ruins -ro-piater in Birmingham. He received an order, -f F'roduoeo. dtd Si'it viiirtee-, me uuicue-ib auops, eue iiguLuuuse, auu me timoer- or isuoastis are close by.

The French are not yet, it is to salary, nit) time mat ne istnus oounu over toiorced labour ail tne many windows ot the nave there will remain only has no limits save the good will of his employer, and he par- one that has not been furnished with stained glass. The ticipates neither directly nor indirectly in the benefits of i artists whose studios are represented are Clayton and the works upon which he is engaged. It is true that the Bell, Hardman, Wailes, Ward and Hughes, Preedy, Canal Company allotted a small allowance, dignified by Warrington, atd Bell, of Bristol. The best works, by a the name of salary, to the fellahs, but the system of pecu- long way, are those of Clayton and Bell and Haid-lation is so profoundly ingrained in the Oriental con- man, and two superb restorations by the latter. The stitution, that the sheikhs who were entrusted with the windows just placeel are memorial to Mr.

J. Elliott, distribution of this honorarium retained the major part in solicitor, of Gloucester. This is placeel in the great western their private purses. The consequence was that the plan window of the south aisle, and is bv Hardman. It is a had to be given up, and the men rewarded it can scarcely very tine and effective work.

The colours may not appear be said remunerated by companies. so matured as those of the Jenner memorial, which is The whole hostility of Ismail Pasha to corvees is attri- next to it, but the drawing appears to be as good, or better, buted by the French to the fact that they, by remunerating than any in the cathedral. Two others are memt rials to the fellahs, spoilt the market for himself. Prince Napoleon, Mrs. Price anel relatives of the Rev.

Sir Lionel Dariell, in his address at the banquet of the Canal of Suez, Feb. 11, 1 and are placed in the north aisle. The artists of the former 1864, laid great stress upon the French having rendered a are Ward and Hughes, by whom the great east window detestable and intolerant system tolerable by remunera- was restored that of the latter, Preedy, of London. The tion. Do you think," saiel the prince, that because remaining two windows are restorations, which have been the corvee is abolished in the case of the Canal Company, most skilfully anel carefully maele by Hardman.

Prior to that it wdl be done away with in Egypt? Not at all, the renovation of the north aisle, a number of fragments gentlemen it will be abolished for the company, but not i of ancient glass weie scattered about the windows, and so for the cotton and sugar plantations of the viceroy and pieces of glass with inscriptions. These were carefully col-the fat pashas." According to this view of the case, forced lected, and by their aiil Mr. Hardman has been enabled to labour (with some remuneration) would be excusable on replace the windows in all probability in their ancient arrange-the part of the French, because an eastern satrap still ment. The windows are Norman, into which niullions avails himself of the inhuman privilege under certain have been inserted, dividing each into three chief lights, circumstances. It was the sama with regard to the dock with tracery.

The principal figures in the two windows of the Messageries at Suez. Ismad Pasha said to M. are St. Patrick, St. Oswald, and St.

James, in one and Behic, at that epoch director of the Messageries, but now 1 St. Dorothy, St. George, and St. Thomas iu the second. Minister of Public Works, that humanity opposed itself to In the tracery are St.

John the Baptist with Agnus the system of corvees. M. Behic replied, You are right, I Dei, and St. Catherine with her symbolical wheel and a humanity is an excellent thing, but let us calculate what 1 figure of an archbishop and a female saint. The figures in your humanity will cost us?" It was impossible to place i the tracery, the canopies, and parts of the full-length the question of self-interest as opposed to humanity in figures are ancient glass of exceeding beauty.

The public clearer terms the latter prevailed, however, with the 1 are indebteel to the Dean and Chapter for these restoratiens; pasha, and he paid over three millions and several hundred but the taste and liberality which have led to the erection thousands of francs to the company of the Messageries in of the memorials has, to a great extent, been initiated order that they might replace forced labour in the con- i and stimulated by Mr. W. V. Ellis, who, though himself struction of the dock by free labour. not a member of the Establisheel Church, devotes unceasing It is impossible, however, to do anything in the Ea3t 1 trouble, and much time and money, to the decoration of villus ooats oi tiie ejiectvs are wiwi tne jetty on me oe otiserved, possessors ot Zagazig, its cot ton-fields, and rrederuk LvesandCn for SlSTa.

sea-siae. ioa patriotic minu the aspect ot rort feaid is railway terminus, although a M. de S. asserted that, aiiKe pioturesciue and promising lhe hrst aspect ot the 1 nossessors of the oasis, we are so of the whole conrsp of raBt WK. (n entry of the order was in the WXMi found at the office.) F1" I Tafln we uiuw vusre iae name as a reierence.

irr, ess wrote "J'lor, bis clerk hnvino 11.J wt and in 1861 to 62 per cent. In 1X62 the proportion declined, iu which year it was 52 per cent. in the following year, however, it advanced to 63 per in 1864 to 75 per and in the present year, as previously stated, it was 63 per cent. Of the 36 senior candidates who have passed and obtained the title of Associate in Arts, 4 passed with honours, being placed in the second division in the general list, which is framed upen the aggregate work of the candidates; and of the 101 juniors who satisfied the examiners, 33 obtained honours, 10 of whom are placed in the first division, and 23 iu the secend division. 50 juniors and 8 seniors failed in the preliminary examination, and two juniors were pluckeel" for not showing "some knowledge of the rudiments of faith and religion.

41 seniors passed in English, 24 in languages, 30 in mathematics, 7 in physics, 3 in drawing and music. 65 juniors passed in Latin, 32 in Greek, 55 in French, 4 in German, 65 in mathematics, 1 in mechanics, 15 in chemistry, 35 in drawing, and 5 in music. The total number of candidates who have passed at Manchester since these examinations were commenced is 626, of whom 476 were juniors, and 150 seniors. Manchester Examiner. Rifle Match between Regvlaes and Militia.

Last week a return match came off at Barton Moss, near Manchester, between three officers and nine sergeants, 64th aw tot rKcira v. uutWI, BilU UK to Leeves and ofror; fi2P bb 8ents or cish- Tte did not arrive -('-ra co more aboct it kr'Jj- he carried on business in Worcester, 'M OrtOD. KS fOl-riii-rA en A lirri a3 June he received a letter, signed i.eem The letter was dated from Ling--rubers, all(j 6tated that haJ 6poken iy nter of Mr. Smith's carriages, of a msil phaeton, and asked for fh UiZ town constitutes," says M. Berchere, "what would be our fresh-water canal." called in painting a very pretty marine a lighthouse, a few There is one French colonist in the land of Goshen.

He whitewashed houses, boats whose long antenna; rise up to was originally a gardener, but, falling under the conscrip-the sky, a clear and blue water enlivened by canoes and i tion, was sent as a soldier to Algeria. He thought of settling sails the jetty, the piled-up rocks of which are perceptible there, but, as he himself said, "Our Bedawins there totaeeye, and beyond ships lying in the roads and the are not amiable they have too tenacious a memory of the great sea, whose sonorous voice makes itself heard, com- many shots fired at them, not to revenge themselves upon pose the picture. any poor devil left in a corner. It is a bad neighbour- between Lke Menzaleh and the sea is to hood." So he came to Jacob's inheritance. Here the Jews, be -JW French yards in width; there "are to be" two! who borrow at Cairo at 5 per and lend on the harbours, one of 300 rrench yards in width, the other 400.

oasis at 20, advanced the wherewithal to commercial IftSlf t0, 3,500 yards ln len8th the operations but these appeared to have been limited chiefly east lhe stones are brought from the quarries of to catching fish and shooting wild-fowl and gazelles, and Mex, uear Alexandria, but they are to be prolonged with our colonist himself admitted that he was obliged, when he stones obtained from the Jebel Jtneffah, when the canal is went out, to put the key in his pocket to keep out "the open to the Bitter Lakes. According to Mongel Bey the vermin of usurers." This wondrous colonist dwelt near current from Lake Menzaleh will keep the channel clear, the small lake of Maxamah, which pullulates with fish In the meantime, French civilisation is rampant at Port and wUd-fowl. The company have also a station on the Said There are restaurants and cafes. Two wax figures, sarae lakCj which consistB of two houses and a few nts, must be in a melting mood, adorn the window of inhabited by an engineer attached to the canal and his em-" Dizard, coiffeur and over anotner may be read, Fa- ptoytf European and native The cxo leayes bi-ique dehmmade gazeuse et eau de Seitz oasis at Eas-el-Wadi, or "the head of the wadi," passes Before quitting Port Said, the old endesian mouth of i through the Lake of Maxamah, by Rameses, MakfaTand thePelusiaclake, it may be mentioned that it is to be pro- the downs of Sababiahr and Nefish, to the Crocodile vided with fresh water by means of a canal brought from Lake. Fragments of walls anA an oVlioir Foot, and one officer and eleven sergeants of the permanent fmm IUJU aiierwareis reoeived anoiner Wr.

Reeve, statins. tVt UA the cathedral. toe Crystal Fhce, and asked him to 'forward without suspicious motives being attached to the act. lhe French, backed by PriBce Napoleon, persist, notwithstand uuewni: a set of sdver-plsted harness suit- Fatal Accident at Botallack Mine. On Saturday an inquest was held at St.

Just, before Mr. G. Pascoe Grenfell, deputy-coroner, on the body of Thomas outd' 'm 7T l-ofaontba' bill) suited. The 1. Taylor, of Birminr-ham.

nr.d Mr a ing the explanations of Nubar Pasha, sent to Paris for that express purpose, in believing that Ismail Pasha was opposed to torced labour on the canal and dock at Suez, simply be- Mr na reieiences. upon tnat he -uattnews, wno was Killed on nday at Botallack Mine. lie QiQ not write however for two cause the demand for cotton in Europe, entailed bv the ti war Amorio a. cn neiay DioxsiBg at eight ciock Matthews and Thomas war in necessitated the ot staff of the oth est 1 ork Militia distance, 200, 400, and 500 yards, five shots at each Hythe position and targets, with long or short Enfields, Government pattern. The militia won by seven points, the 5th West York having Ecored a total of 418, and the 64th Regiment a total of 411.

On the following day a cricket match between the same corps, which was agreed to be decided in one innings, should time not admit of two, was played on the Broughton ground, kindly lent for the purpose by the members of that club to the officers of the 64th Regiment. The line were again unfortunate, the old constitutional force (the mditia) making a score of 103, against their opponents' 74, thus winning bv 29. Manchester Courier. pe'itriPM mean wtule made inquiries as to Rowe were about to put a skip in a shaft of the mine. IHcd not receive any answer from Tay- America, employment more hands by himself, and that the French were destroying his privileges by remunerating the fellah just as the viceroy is said to have looked with unfavourable eyes Deceased went to the top of the ladder and took hold of the bottom end of the runner, when the hince at the too nowever, send the cart and set of harness.

and toot i end broke off, and the bottom end knocked him over the IU tf, i nuuwt tv social es nJ were but could never upon the prolongation of the fresh-water channel to Suez because it deprived him of the mononolv of suDDlviner that r.x i.t8 auJUl' leven Max Cut to Pieces at Castle Eden. A Mas coloured granite of Syene, with figures of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, are all that remain of the old Egvptian city of Rameses, which M. Berchere confounds w'lth Pithom now Thoum as he does Ha-Hiroth, "the head of the bay," with Arsinoe two leading errors, which throw the whole geography of the Exodus out of its groove. The country is, in the remainder of the course of the freshwater canal, a barren wilderness, only broken by the unimportant village at the well of Kefish. Abundance of shells, similar to what are now found at the bottom of the Red Sea, are met with in the mud of Lake Timsah, showing, as before said, that this was once wLr o-- tiio employment oi ills BUwed or, business at Kidderminster as a carpet A y1- the Kb June be received a letter i melancholy asking them to allow their acect i which is death took place at Castle Eden a district becoming notorious for its accidents and crime be station with fresh water from Cairo! It is impossible to iZsible Xn imagine a more perverse, futile, and short-sighted policv, I mneii aliv Jth Hwh nnnn account-hooae and re-to be attributed to a ruler or to a government.

I SSHSL'SS for a few minutes, An element of discord of far greater importance also fefeffi tfflS-arose with the advent of the new viceroy. The Canal Com- w-wlv uw. pany had got a concession of land on each side, both of Freedom OF the Press in Finland. The their maritime canal, as it is jocosely called, and of their i decree which was to give freedom of the press to Finland fresh-water canal, which we have seen taking its departure has at length been published, and is a strange picture of from the Tanaitic branch of the Nile at Zasazig. waterine i Russian notions of freetlom.

No ncwsDaner is allnweil to. vesterday morning. On the mail train proceeding between tcT m. "WO IU WHJUI oi poire' OOUS IU was dated from Langbourn- -rb 1 -I 1 "ricss CiBed r.1 jtuisr aiongsieie me uiaiiumc ihiuuj, aim nia northerly canal is to be provided with eight guard-houses, with chateaux d'eau and fountains. The course cf the maritime canal across Lake Menzaleh has been traced by drags as far as the island of Kas-el-Aish, which constitutes an intermediary station botween Port Said and El Kantarah, or the bridge" on the highway to Syria, where it passes the end of the lake.

The last part of the lake between Kas-el-Aish and El Kantarah is dry in summer. This maritime rigole," or "gutter" the word is M. Berchere which is kept open by drags, is 15 yards wide and two yards deep, and a few houses have been built on Ras-el-Aish for the woikmen employed to keep it open, for a distance of over twenty geographical miles. The station at El Kantarah-el-Khazneh, or "the bridge of the treasure," is near Lake Ballah, which constitutes the southerly prolongation of Lake Menzaleh, on a monticule amid sanely downs, and it boasts of a street with two rows of houses, magazines, an hospital, stables, enclosures for cattle, and a well with the usual sakiyah, or water-wheel, and trouch for waterine camels, horses, and oxen. There l- ii I'nicipai.

He thowed him some "fPotly consulted with him. Witness the old land of Goshen, now called the "Domaine de appear unless a large sum is deposited by the proprietors l'Ouady," and prolonged along the western side of the as a guarantee, which sum is doubled for newspapers pub i Ee he'iv tv T- aD order for 601 0T 70L 9KI otfore sending th goods be must have a 6ve him B. Tavlor. of Camden -street. Upper Bitter Lakes to Suez.

It is not likely that Castle Eden Colliery and the station at Castle Eden, a sudden stoppage of the speed was observed, and on putting back to ascertain the cause, the engine-driver found the body of a man frightfully cut to pieces, his heael and limbs being nearly severed from his body. On the side of the embankment was lying another man fast asleep, near to where the mutilated remains of the poor fellow were scattered about. On his being aroused, he stated that his companion was a pitman, named John Dandy, a married man, with six children, residing at Trundon Grange. They had been drinking together at Castle Eden colliery, and "being the worse for liquor, left about twelve o'clock to walk home, a distance of about four miles, by the railway. After going a short distance they laid down to sleep, and deceaseel the head of the Bay of Heroopolis.

The tract of land which extends between this then the lower of the Bitter Lakes and the Upper Bitter Lakes, presented no important elevation to be cut through in carrying on the prolongation of the maritime canal, which is protected in places from the encroachments of the sand at this point by fences of tamariska very effectual barrier. The only elevations, indeed, which break the monotony of this little tract, are the ebel Mariam, the site of Serapium, and the upland of hvnaB the latter adva.nrinr- as a Aan on flip T.alro of cUbihtV oi 40 Mr' Ta'lori "Sg as to the itn. i. ves and Co- bul received no answer. tied i kgesf Was 'g111 recalled, and said the r4muair' t- witn8 Cope, signed Hamiltop, tce nri I rness aeaenbed i 11 correspondod with the deacriDtion niven con nnoJ 3 uuwjustiuuBiv iaiu auuos me rdiis ou me up-ime.

nis com- esid the letters alluded to bv the nanion rfmnlr mnM Mrv I5ttl mfrmn. 'We haodwrit' Smitb' 8ifcnei Keeea and "were as he stated he went asleep on the embankment, not thiok'--' Wi i ine of where Dandv had eone to. It was currently stated 6 copy-book which was found I at Castle Eden last nieht that, on the remains of the Door the "maritime canal" will have even the ephemeral existence of a few years. The want of capital to constitute it a shipping canal, or even a canal of transport, is at once fatal to its existence nor can any amount of machinery take the place of the abolished corvees of thousands of men to keep open a rigole," as M. Berchere persists in calling it, which is in great part carried through the mud and water of Lakes Menzaleh, Ballah, Timsah, and the Upper Bitter Lakes.

But it is different with regard to the fresh water canal, which is merely the reopening of a canal that has existed from all times, its extent varying according to the physical changes that have taken place with the lapse of time and the comparative distribution of land and water, as we have previously explained. Now it is asserted that two months had not elapsed after the arrival of fresh water at Suez, than purchasers presented themselves who offered a franc for every square French yard of land bordering the canal. This, in the immediate neighbourhood of a rising and thriving settlement, is not to be wondered at. The land in such a situation would indemnify the purchaser, even if used as a garden for water-melons how much more so ii built u'lKMnmailnikk. i is also a little port at El Kantarah with huts and tents to Crocodiles.

The French station on Lake Timsah is said to shelter the workmen. The relics of an ancient site, upon contain now several hundred houses. It is situated close what has ever been by force of circumstances a station on by Tussum, one of the first stations of the company, and the high road to Syria, are also met with at the same point, which, standing as it does on an upland of calcareous rock, The canal presents here the appearance of a long trench I overlooks the lake and the Desert in the direction of Suez with an embankment on the Egyptian side, which is Gf Syria. Tussum was so named in honour of the son smoothed for tracking purposes, and another on the Syrian Gf the viceroy, Muhammad Said. The station of Timsah, side, which is more elevated, all the refuse being deposited founded on the 27th of April, 1862, has also been caBed in that direction.

This system has been pursued all along, Ismaeliyah," after the new viceroy and meat of the em-and there have not been wanting those who have seen in it plcyis, forraeily residing at Damietta and El Guiar, have that which might be rendered an available line of entrench- taken up their residence there, now that the fresh water ment if circumstances necessitated the use of such. canal bas brought with it the means of life, and prospects The Arabs are encamped in gurbis, or huts of branches of cultivation. The first fish carried to Timsah by the canal ck KeptattU wfaich he said was the fellow being conveyed to Trundon Grange, a deep wound (1mo68 contained nothing but orders I or wounds were discovered in the breast and side, armarentlv lished at Helsingfors and Abo. All offences against the press law are to be punished by heavy contributions, amounting in certain cases to 8,000 marks. A severe censorship is established for all newspapers published in Finland in a foreign language, and also for all books coming from abroad.

Travellers who bring any printed matter with them are bound to give it up to the Customhouse authorities, and foreign political papers coming by post are to be first seen by the censor, who is to decide whether they are to be forwarded or confiscated. A Useful Career. The late cabin boy of the ship Suthine, of Liverpool, adopting the motto of Excelsior," began his first series of a course of gratuitous readings to the working classes of Manchester, only a week ago at the Polygon of the Longsight Works, to the workmen of the London and North-Western Railway, and baa since given entertainments of the kind in the workshops and localities of this district. The boy is not employed by any temperance society, but by his own efforts is disposed to carry on those public readings until he has gone the rounds of all the large factories, homes, lecture-halls, and institutions in the district. The readings for the large workshops are given during meal times.

On Friday he read to the division of police in the parade-room, Cavendish-street, and was well received. Manchester City News. Deafness. We mentioned a few months ago Dr. TurnbulTs extraordinary success in curing deafness and we now have a confirmation of that fact from the UOOK tk.

Ik. jv i n- wet had Uen i as tnougn inmciea with a Jtnile, and that the deceased and exLiipa.uion, pnor to gomg come aion" tne raiiwav. be could i rrmii xl Famham were lD the tUtn1- called at the house of a person named James Lees, and "Ul Webb wf th, ii tu st woreis ensueu oetween them ot an oflensive and abusive XUe letter ti Jt ProTed nature, and that deceased's companion said that he should is, we believe religiously preserved in spirits, and constitutes the Dagon of the modern Philistines. A point of land, which advances from Tussum into the lake is markH mnt chambers ,1 1 not reach home n-ht implying that be intended reietim, of UJ he foand ome otber doing him some bodily harm. 'ink i a cash-book, kc.

all of which dwecfi; "Directory" and several Thb Tabakd and CHAfCEE. An appeal has Lf was 8fc. --Keant ebb also aaid that muc iuj uuc purcuaue ana preservation, as a memorial Lc iur fcne prisoners ne saw larnbam. 01 in tne liorougn nign-street. Knew piuwuoiB ul mw riruuiiii, a hA ud forwards to Reeves's upon It is argued that Ismail Pasha saw this just as well as the Canal Company did, and that when, with usual Oriental duplicity, he made a political question of the colonisation of the French, and played international jealousies one against the other in order to give a better colouring to his the offi.r to the br-se of Kelly.

He and CV? quautv of circular headings with by one of those quadrangular-domed sepulchral chapels bo common in the East, and in this instance commemorated as the ziyaret of a sheik Annad6k. The tract of land which extends between the Upper and Lower Bitter Lakes, and where waB formerly the Temple of Serapis, at the junction of the canal of the Ptolemys with the former, consists of sandy downs, sometimes separated by litle table-lands of gravel. The monotony is so great that two employes of the company once lost themselves one was found after three days' search, the other was never seen again. The sight of Serapium is marked in the present day by the tricolor flag. It is true that there are also some cnt Rtones.

with lt letter. and be found on mouiai oi mo uiamuguiaiitju lecturer, the AhhA for en Dy two of the witnesses, asking oi uunarioK. or uate-paim, wnu ocic hair or coloured tent ef a sheikh, and they work as fellahs," or for a trifle, which does not save their labour from being, what it strictly is, "forced," Lake Ballah is separated from Lake Menzaleh by downs and the two arches of El Kantarah, and is some 18 to 20 leagues in circumference it is divided into several distinct basins, seldom with water in them, and nowhere more than three feet below the level of the sea. At its southern side is El Ferdane, a station with a few huts and houses, constituting the threshold, as it were, of the wilderness of El Guisr, and standing on wooded monticules of sand. El Guisr, the rising ground," constitutes the backbone of the Isthmus of Suez.

It is about seven geographical miles in extent, rising from Lake Ballah, and sloping down again towards Lake Timsah. It in no place attains an elevation of more than 19 French yards above the level of the sea. The sod is composed of sandy downs reposing on beds of clay, with sulphate of lime or gypsum, and here and there, especially tow ards Timsah, beds of gravel. The stations at Port Sajl, FJ Kintarab, Tussum, and otratioru-ou-jivou oas rescuea Irom decay and despoliation the birthplace and the garden of the great dramatist, Shakspere and should not Southwark render homage to the father of English poetry The reverent spirit animating those who would dedicate to fame such a site calls for the highest respect but admirers of the Canterbury Tales should make it clear how much of the building is of the age of Chaucer. A parliamentary return, of the date of 1634, mentions "the inn called the Talbut, a newe building of brick built nnon proceedines in annulling the ronru.ioTi arirl irrsrita of lonria who, at one of his late sittinss.

abdul k.S aitini. Z5 116 round several other il -or. for th firrr, A l0rv comPiy, for the pnrpoee of' purchas- I doctor had cured several persons deaf and dumb romthe The existence of a cuneiform inscription of the supposed era irth- Ptient is made to stop both his ea rr oi Cambyses would appear to give to the Serapium Canal agreat Turn bull then places his watch on the rahiiWi, fZlu i antiquity. But it may have been placed there, or have existed and if the ticking is hearrl 1 3 tohead, at Biraigbam. (The circular el Uld th.t was all the evidence he wished to I an old foundation about six yeares pa6t, by Mr.

William the spot before the canal for the worship of Serapis the i nerve is not DaraTvsel aj a 1 argues that the ne as the Seraphim of the Hebrews was not introduced into succeeov flfl ana tilat hl3 method of cure may may of reroanded a week, Egypt tiU the time of the Ptolemys and it is known that it was Purs a neutral liquid of his own com- Garford, landlord thereof, and Mr. lliiam Uhafey and what (if any) of the ancient Tabard remained then in existence was probably burned in lt'7t. Si'Uih Londoit forTJ Dt aepofeitions, when they writing, dating perchance from the time of the unfoitunate madman, Cambyses but what are these in the eyes of a See -'rrarpe's essay in BaxtkU's "Torty Days in the Desert or, The Track of the Israelites." potuncauoE oi tne more ancient worarup oi a-nep or i cu, ana a tew minutes after th refused bail. i-Tiupnis, wno was figured under the form oi aserapn or "Cery-1 re surprised to rind that the nation kTT St -winged serpent," the head ot which afterwards itemed the trest that moment the cure comm mX' ill Serapis..

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