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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fpi C. from ll comrawitw Is. slid reguiaiKroa yesterday. made 'Port ol conveqi JL; i. nra aev.ral ol iha.

an the discbarg.ol Resolved. That four be appointed to lit rB.pJn... of lb. Umted Stale, for il. b.

adcpt.d for b. gov rnment of lh.s Con may be applicable. In piuuH of the first of the foregoing resoluiain. (be following gentlemen Boraioaied Vice Presidents of the Convention unanimously. of R.

I. 1 Vic. iiuTnM s. HkATH. ofMd.

Sd do KOBEKT STRANGE, nfN.C. 4th do JOHN B. NEVITT, of M. Sih do pursuanc. of Hi second Ke.oluiion.

ibe following gentlemen were unanimously appotntedSecrciarja of the Convention: Chuui G. Athito, of N. 11. Johw Cottoji Smith, Jr. ol Conn, (itoacc H.

KuioD.of Ohio. Thomas H. Bboww, ol Indiana. The Conveoroo being rganixeJ, u. AM from the Committee appointed yes terday for iho reception of legates, made i.

ra.nlu.tons. Thereport and liitof tee Del.gates hav been read, belore an; action was ti. pucsinr.NT infer med the Convention that a room had been provided for it ae 4.n and thai (he first Presbyterian Church 1. WWMUJW riiml for that mimosa. Un motion ine Convention then look a racea for one hour and a half till It o'clock.

It clock. Th rnnveniion assembled curtuant lo adjournment. M. Sanndara. from iha Committee appoiuted to pre pare rule and regulation for the government of ihe Convention, completed nis report, oy InwMi arhhunnal resolution.

A That in akin the vote for ihe nominv lion of President and Vice President, a majof ity of Ihe delegation from each ataie shall deiignale the member or member bo utiall iv Ihe vol ol ihe rate. 6. Reaolvvd, Thl ihe deleealea from each elate in Ihia Co.vention be en'iUed lo aa many vote in ec aunable pertona for the offire of Preaident and Vice Prrwdent, a auch atate i entitled lo "he lc ra collec for the ehoie of three olBcer bv law. and thai two Ihirda ol lb whole number of vote given be required for a nomination, and all ouealiona connected Ihere C. r.marked.

lhal thi reo lution embraced iwo puima fimt. lhal ach faia'e ahouTd i "her of Ih. Convention iTwhich would be entitled Ih. elec.o..lj coll.r. Upon thai part ol 'he resolution, Mr.

8. aaid he anuci ol ODinion. becaute it wa in alric aeeordanre whIi ihe con.tiiut.on and law of the United "ilW the auhjeci. Th. aecond rheYTmajonty of two third, of lb.

whole number b. lo'eoo Htuie a of ihe dnsu.heJ dU be for Vic Preideol of the United Statea. Mr. S. was .7 he lo upon Ih.

iherr.ii.ted a d.tference opinion lo ih. mind, ol Ih. m.mbf the commi.tee; a portion thereofbeing oX op. mT. be deemed rcqui.He loa HSe The cotomitu'ee.

however, had fioal eome lo .1.. iha. would fie more imptinc tlect by a of in. eiiii nnrizrti iu mi wai. M1 Ifl ai ri ii ii riii" ittoininiis hui wi iiviThe mu.atioi.

a mors imposing effect, but also to iM oduc grester harmony snd union, and lo avoid embar rasment. li was to be presumed lhal no one had Ihe most remo desir. to frustrate the proceedui, and pro. shoold on the first or second ballot nx vaiv Iha, upon aa as wwumj the minority would be disposed lo yield, and Jiule with Ihe maioritv so as lo produce the edect contemplated by Ih. foregoing resolution.

He trusted Ihe Convention would adopt il, aod he made the notion accordingly. Mr. ALLEN, ol said he bad Uio honour cfbe ing a member ol ihe commiilee, bul had dissented from ih. resolution under and had done so upon Ihe old republican principles. He believed that ihe great fundamental principle of our government was that we should be governed by Ihe wdl of the majority, and in aaaan.h'v like the ore enU compoaed of mure intellec tual power than had ever been brought tugethcr in this country since ihe days of ihe revolution, as well as of grraier number, he maintained that they ought not to in.roduce a new principle directly, he would say," in the face and eyes" of ihe constitution.

It was upon this ih.i ha had obiecisd. Whoever might be Ihe if he received the votes of the tnajoril, of this Mr. A. would cheerfully subscribe to it, snd give hiux his eotdial support. Ho again eipruaaed a bop that tnis convention wouic not avsrs.

to th. great fundamental principle, of our government, and he therefore moved to amend ihe resolution bv inserting tho word majority" malead of iwo thirds." ith the pureal motives io ihe world we might have a preference for this or that man, and it might be three wieka before amsjorily of two thirds could be fixed ataan An man. Mr. P.V.DANIEL of Virgiuia, made a few remarks in favor ol ihe original Resoluiioc, and Mr. ALLEN briefly rejoined.

Th question was then ikr, Mara. SAWDERS it North Carolina, aod HORN of Pennsylvania annninind tellers, there appeared Ayes 231 Noes 210. so the amendment was agreed to, and i. aa amMndml waa adooted. wia Mr.

SANDERS begged leave lo add a word or iwo in renlv lo the cenileman'a notion un. anarnad bv usssr of llie repubiirao nany.thal in the convention which assembled al Baltimore three yeara ago, and which nominated a di.nn guished individual for ihe office ol Vice President, a re soluiwn was adopted not only in the form but he believed in tho precM. words of the one under considers' inn. Bull if the difficulty contemplated by ihe gentleman from Massachusetts should arise, il would be compel en. at any time for a majority of convention lo reconsider iheir veto and change Ihe resolu'ion.

Mr. S. hoped therefore Iha. the resolution aa reported from tbe committee would be at once adopted. Resolved, Thst the eandidalea for President and Vice President, shall te designated severally "eCen dida' lor Prosidsul first, by the ballot or ballot of the person or persons selected to give the votes of Ihe res neclive Siat.s, without nomination in Convention, and Chat if choice is not made on the firsnbailoiing, Ihe respective delegations, shall retire and prepare for a second ballot, and con.inu this saod ol vo.uig until a aelcction is made.

Mr.SANDERSbrnfly explained. The committer proposed in the brst place, lhat the ba.lot should hrsl and Separately be laken on a choice for President, and then that of Vice President and secondly, that any norn inalion in convention in should be dispensed with. This courso had Vuen recommended for ihe purpose of pre venung any violent, angry, and unnecessary discussion lhal might otherwise arise. Il was presumed that all i had come there prepared lo vote, and necessity for discussion of any kind, which no rood, but on ihe contrary might be productive of much evil. Tbe resolution was then agreed Raoolvwl, Thai a eommitiee of five delegates be .1 i k. lo draft an addresa lo the Mople of ihe United Stales, or resolutions, w. hlnatnn fill) lie to be submit' .1.. tm.m imi or DOUI as lll eo ii think most advisable. 8. Resolved, Teal II DO rroisnwu vention that its proceedings be opened each day with prayer, and that the Reverend Clerg) of Baltimore, be reauesied lo discharge lhat duly.

Agreed to. Mr. Osgood, from ihe comtnr.lee appointed lo examine the eredenuela of ihe members msde a report in Pn. Th report staled lhal lw. sets of Delegate had offered Iron lb.

Stat, of Pennsylvama, and that Ih. committee not feeling themselves authorised lo act definitely, had reiortcd the names of bo delegations in the course of their inquiries they had found that one Delegate appeared from the un ntory of Arkansas, aod two from lhat of Michigan, aad committee had reported a re ituuun to admit ihem to seal iu th Con en ion with th easjio power as delegates from those territories to Congr. a Irnoihv discussion ensued on the proposition rela tive lo the Pennsylvania delegation, in which Mr. Bell, ol Mr. Osgood, of Mass.

Mr. Kr.m.r, of Pena. Mr. Branch of It. I.

Mr. Burden of Penn. Mr. Mann of Penn. Mr.

Nathans of Peon. Mr. Stcn gtr of Penn. participated, of which hop to present Beforaiiy question was taken on ih. proposition or ih.

the Convention look a recess 4 o'clock. i i. a.aamblad. Mr. Kremer expressed a hnn.

ih. amendment proposed by Mr. Siengsre wood withdraw is amendment, which was complied ..4 M. nrnnoaed a SubMIIU'n. Tk.

ni.MSlinn was called for by Mr. Ranney which was seconded by more than one filth oflbo nwui ner. Mr. Watkin of Virginia, called for ihe yeas and nave, but lb call waa not seconded The vole was then taken upon the previous question, which was earned. The resolution as submitted by the committee was then adopted.

Il was then moved that on questions to be decided by ihe Convention, the vote shall be taken by states in Meaa of per eapiiol, if it be desired by any one ataie, ach elal. to b. minlad to a number of votes equal lo their Presidential Electors, which aaa adootad. Mr. Harper, of New Hampshire, gave notice thai on the assembling of the Convention to.

norrow morninr, be skou'd move for going into a vote fo, Presidvut and Vice Prevalent, A eommunicaikm was then presented aad road, which will appear our next. It wae moved lhat the communicaiion be laid upan h. tahU. and be printed iu the journal of iha nm ceedingt. which was adopted.

The convention then ad. journed. THE BANK EXPANSIONS AND MR. WEB 1 CIV. Tv D.b of the first of May, which ha.

a h. natmiaaioa to (iVM B0OU1OT month's Mill inn. durtn II, a work in axpanuing oi psh.j a 094.208 yet, in conscquenca of the aHeeed aa declared by the Bank and ll friend, and out ol Coores the curtailments thereafter did not nnlii hey amounted to 14,340,001. Notwithstandin the depositee have not been restored to the Bank, Us loant are now run up higher than they were at the use of removal. The loaa.

now are greater lhaa they wer November, 1831, when ihey amounted to We select this period, becauve in March, 18J ar. Biddie lound it neceesar to otter aome anoky in increased loans ol Ihe Bank, had previously laa Place. At that period, he to the committee, lhal without having contributed r00" them, the Bank found, about nine monihs ago, porlaliona, requuiag lor Iheir diffuswn ihrongh irv, increased fachiw. connected with banking th'e mesne of giving Ihem, being created for the purpose of giving them, gave ihem. i n.

io offer now for Ih. lau lonxon m.lilnnl mail monthC I 1 he BTepO have not been reaiored, and there certainly was no Urge unpor.alion.. reqtiinng for iheir dilfuc.n through the country, increased iaeiii.iesconnee.tiid with banking, on hand iasi fall. But. (bat there will be excessive un ponations on hand before next fall ha pasted, no calm observer can entertain a moment's doubt The course nftperatioiis of Ihe Bank of late and at present, will mainly have contributed lo produce ihem.

The obiect of the Bank, is 10 encourage excessive im portations, general overtrading, visionary projects, and ine wildest gambling, that great distress and ruin niav follow. It intends to make another effort to obtain a re newal of its charter. Blind indeed must hv be, whocan not descern lhal every movement and act of the Ban, la now directed to lhal The bank well Knows, that ila onlv chance of success will be. bv plunging the country into distress, that relief may be afaiced through na recnartrr. The following ex'raet from a letter now before us, vtnilrn bv a very observing gentleman of Virginia, fully conveys our opinion and benel of ihe power and prevent policy ol Iho Uank.

lisays: Unnma rfAIIVI TOUS l'" er of the Bank of the Cniled ales, and of the baneful influence it exerts over all our social relation, xou see .1 i i revulaung Ibe markets controlling intercourse mdecd, our very na bils and modes of thinking seem iu some messure lo be modified by it and so far from b.ine dead, as some would nave us believe, I nave oui nine uu. now busily engs Ced, at tins momeni, in devising new schemes, and fabricating new devices, lo entangle ine necessitous, ihe ihoughiles. and Iho in tnc i iIm! io errata new nanic, and thus eu deavor lo extort from a siiUVring people, a rechartir, in defiance of tho President. We are pleased to see that individuals in private lite, are becoming awakened to the power, dangrr, and wilia of Ihe Bank. Il is only by keeping the country aroused io a full sense of it inieniioiis, that it can be delea ed.

Lei il but succeed in obtaining a recharler, the people will forever thereafter be ruled by a Bank government. Will it be said that ine Bank is not tho principal en courager of the siock gambling now going en II so, tve sustain charge bv the following facts. 1 he pa pers of the but month inform us, that mere nas prevai. ed in wu.n a speculative rage during the month ol April, vihich has innaied' bubbles Imle inferior w.ld ciess 10 famous South Sea bubble. What band the Bank had in eacoursjiing tins madness in Boston we will Uurng the month of April, the branch Boston extended us business from $3,524,199 lo $4,462 461 an increase of or more (ban Inmuy nve ptr etiu in one month Id ihis extension (he branch has played almost as desperate a game as iho.

whom II haa encouraged lo desperate acts. The return shows, that on Hie 23d of April il had fallen in debt lo the other banks a balinc of 3JS.I3S, and ihe whole ol rs specie was but S278.C62. Besides, it had i individual deposiies, payable on demand, $303,803, and a considerable amount of circulation in addition. lu New York and Plulade phia the spirit for gambling to Ihe nominaiKiO mat mat nommaii couraged by In. Hank.

In Ibu latter city, us loan, nave been increased almost a million and a quarter of dollars, during the last two nrarly Ihe whole upon slocks some i( a Ttductd rait of (Are yurs others for six months, with lint understanding lhal ihe loane are lo be renewed from lime to lime, until Ihe Iwo yeara allowed for windn.g up the atTairs of the Bank shall have expired. A letter now before us, written by a valued friend in Philadelphia, thus speaks ol the gam bling spirit now operating there he newspapers ol Pniladeiphia will acquaint you of ihe rage lor specula lion so rite among us. Slocks are played with as cards or dice, and since the lottery has been legislated cut of doors, iheynnve made ample room for the same spirit, in I granting ail sorts of vile corporations." The Bank feels a necessity lor cloaking its designs. Before il sent the return lor Ihe month of March lo ihe Treasury Department, it sent to New York and had published there, in prints Iri nd.y to it, the amount ol its loans un the 1st of April, with ihe amount at the samo period of some former years, lor the purioso of deluding ihe public and carrying the impression that it had not extended its loans, becausu tney were not greater ihen than they had been on former occasions al ine same season of Ihe vear Notwithstanding these measures of the Bank to con ceal its vast expansions, they have not been permitted to pass believe wub rflVcttoo. The Bank, a continuing to extend durinz the past inonili.has conti nued tolcet a nece sity of giving to ihe public, something in extenuation of Us guilty, wicked conduct.

And what has il resorted to now Who has II selected to bn lis apologist 7 No less an individual thsn Daniel Web ster The Bank's real candidate for the Presidency The manner in which this man has undertaken to impose upon public and in which he has prostituted himself In the purposes ol the Bank, we consider as nagiuous as cojld be resorted to by Hie most abandoned, and must turvver nereatier, we uuna, siam, mm wun tne reprobation of all honest men. We believe a Similar imposition has never been attempted in this or any otti wiatmn Wh.o u.a. at tempted to pass off new ideas In an old speech 7 And yet such an a tempt, haa Mr. Webster made. In the Intelligencer of Salurd.iv, tbe 9ih there is given Mr.

Webster's speech, ma to on the S6ih of February la i. headed Public IJtpunlti. Bank tin UmltH Sioin" which In editors call the attentionof the eupie IO, Ul ui iuhuwiu pi.ciapii I We published, during Hie lat sessien of Congress, a hastv and imperfect tepoit of Mr. Webster's cel lent speech on the Deposne Bill. We are enaol.

today to give a much mure full and accurate report of it, winch, considering Iho interest of the subject, and ihe character of th. speaker, will, late as il is, be accepta ble to our readers." The speech was published Ihe Intelligencer of the 2d ol March. The one published on Saturday is the aame verbatim, with addition ol ihree new paragraphs, manufactured, we believe, at the particular request of ih Rank. One is as follows Seeing that its charter is to expire, and nmiing iisell suffering the hostility ol Uovemmeni, tne Bank will naturally be induced to wind up us affairs successfully, and to make the most it can for the interest of ihe holders and if nothing should occur lo interiupi tbe commercial business of Ihe country. Hie Bank may ap proach the end ol it charier, wi.halarge amount ul loans aad of bills in circulation.

Until these snail dis appear, and be replaced by a new capital and a new currency, there will be no Experiment' at all. The Bank would appear now to oe umng a. ix'go a ousiness as usual. though deprived of the Government Depositee. lis nerlrcl credits and it good management enable it lo dothia.

There has been, iherelore, no withdrawal of ha means of circulation and exchange by bills. In the mean lime, ihe deposiies have gone lo Stale Banks, and have increased, of course, ihew ability. If, atterlbe Bank of the Untied Stales shall have withdrawn its loans and bills, auJ wound up all its affairs, it shall appear that five or six hundred Statu Banka shall be able, (or any length of lime, lo furnish a currency as safe, as universal, as much accredited, as effectual lor the purpose of cheap exchange, as has been lurnuhed by the Bank ol the United at as, and all this ui of adversity, as well aa in times of prosperity, ihen the experiment mav be said to base succeeds. He was not one of those, Mr. W.

said, who expected such a result. On Ihe contrary, he looked not only lor great inconvenience in the important concern of internal exchanges, but for sreat irregularities in tne paper currency of the coun'ry also, in moments ol commercial pressure or di vaster, if it were left entirely subject Im the interest or the discretion of so great a number ol ataie insiiiuuons. Can any one tail perceive, mat a pari oi in is para eranh was prepared by Mr. Webster for the express aod sole purpose of jus.ifyuig.lhe Bauk in its pernicious ex. psnshHM What will be thought of Mr.

Webster's principles and honesty, on comparing the preceding language with th declarations made by htm during lb memorable ses sion of panic and distress spceuh.s Now, mark bis i iai lanrimre. on in. lin eeruary, io. no earn I be debt due to ine cans is uuy uvo minions oi dollars, and lis charter will expire in two year and twenty days. Nuw, sir, win ai an pruueni io run up these fifty five millions lo seventy five, or lo make any other considerable advance on Ihe existing amount nt discminis, considering how soon all la lo be called in? indeed is it not kith bmt to enmmmet the prtcru oj coure iis and rednctM Could any ihing but th.

unexampled condition ihe country jiis.d) the Bank in ho ding its amount or loans as mgn as now it is ine collection of fifty five millions a thing that can be dune suddeuly 1 Uthers mav lake a different view ol tne subject, but, lor one, I confess, thai unless there be reasonable ground lo expect a continuance ol ibe charter lor somo lime longer or shorter, I think any such lurlher extent of loan would be a measure ol most uooueulionable propriety Nod aibt, if ih. Baik might expect lo be couiinued, even for a short period, and cipaoajly if iu relation lo ihe Government were restored, by causing il lo become hereafter, as haa been hcretolorr, the depository of the public moneys, it might sifelv aturaeui its discount, and efficiently relieve Ihe public distress. A law lhat should continue tne Bauk rvm lur a short liaie, and that should r. its relations with ilic Government, which are now broken off by the removal ol the deposit, would ouiet Ihe country immediately, and affd much reliell 1 nav. no uouoi, mat un Business ut the now opening vear migbl aod the oolicy which threatens to bo numb the business of the bole cououy for the naxt twelve months, avoidud." In 1834.

Mr. Webster wis i nfeavounn to obtain a r.newal of the charter of the Bank for any oeriod. how. ever short, and I re establish Its former relations with th. having the deposiies restored.

He well knew, if he could aucceeu in uuu ooject, in a Bank cculd prevent, through its secret aod all powerful intlu anr. lhir second rerun. al. by it dictated legislation Then, Mr. Webster said, if nvte to, and rerfuenoii.

imisss thert be reasoaa r. A Me rroma to er.veei a coiui i iuw, Mr. Webster upholds the Bank, in dem a torg a (nu h. 1.1 instant, was 1 the sanio breath I ane.gir.gaioui oioiw Tbe people had decided against 111 contiau 961,919,425 On ihe 1st ol November last the amount Increase, 45.754,101 Making aa increase of investmen.sduring the six months bMwseo tne 1st or November last and the lit instant, of more than SIX.Th.liN MILLIONS OF VOL. LARS! ance.and it must expire;" and in second paragraph iollowmg, he repeau tbe same thing, ia Ihe following woross fartiy oa c.aj.ututioual grounds, and partly on oiher grounds, a majority of the People appear to llC 1 MWnil, the charter." Anotherol Mr.

Wrtstor'. sww paragraphs, manufactured lo order is th. Of Ihe caoses, Mr. which produced this impr ssion in Ihe public opinion, I do not now intend lo 'vP "kc" Hf.LV! "bv The been assailed The loana of the Bank are now erealer by nearly two Bank haa by mainly Ihli.v lillionsof dollars, than th.y were on the 1st of October, because would bo yield iisell to pany'oWia! No 1 833, ine per mo waen in. Slate banks war.

nrst em 1 waI raised against its eonsiiiutHwaliiy aa doubt ex ployed lo collect Ihe public rev.aue or, as what ie fee 1 prassed on that point, till he Directors had' astst sun orally tertnsd ihe period when Ihe deposites were re (h. of which would have been lo render meted. Al that date Ike Una of iha Bank ware f40, 1 ihe Bank a ivnil iattrutasul in the hands of pohucal Io juPgaienf. those Directors were eMirely i.h.,A.DOuld rejoice lhal Uiey iTaked uWHma. of the charter on.

bat rloid lrhave aecureda renewal of I ih ircbart. A lutte eompluxoee would nave done the whole buemss Thev wero courted before they were ir inn and I83G. Uiev wuuld nave con sented aaaka pennerslup Willi ihe Treasury, and to themae Ives to oower.lhev would have been coor waded, exiotlad in many a message'and report, and en abled to take their own lime for renewal. The Bang hmm falln in ila iJur.mlfnr aiul rr.SOO of IUJ in fisiirndr nsa. Il ahmiLI hj.

hriih sola have fallen and it much better for the country that it sIioum tnu. lhaa that It should purchase a prolonged existence by rendering Itself a tool of party power." This hoi n.nami, aame eharie made ov him in hia Concord dinner speech or last yeai, and what baa been charged by the Bank asany limes, and a. fi.undatioo kciuivu. uurinc me two years. Si in truth has this charge as the one which maoe aMklaut a.

R1. I'atataaas lex ski ta.I. am as. SB IeUHl 'Is siw lennmllw Webster reads public documents, ho must have known ibal it was a base falsehood. "If, in 1829 and Ifc.

they would have consented T. and to vieio mage a pari.irri'bip witu ine viukl iitell to pa inemse.ves io power IV obiecu." This, undoubtedly, reter. of Ih. Portsmouth Branch. Mr.

Wooooory, ZmZ. 'f, New Hampshire. despotic conduct of Ihe rres.oe.. real maiority ollhe signers lo the complains were men, "I 'j if. violent oppooents of th.

ana naTts cuuuuhm Mr. Ingham, mew Secret, 1 the Treasury, i. com municatmgoneof Ih. agamsl Ihe of Portsmouth Branch lo ihe Ketidnr of the Bank, underdateof the 11th July, 1S29, remarks: "Allow me.

therefore, to assure you, lhal tbo i charged with the oT ihe Government relying for aupport which shsll discern and justly ap preciate chancer of their disclaim .11 d.r. to derive political aid ihrougi the operations of the Bsnk. This was Ihe first Iclter in a lenglhvcorrespondence which Again, on the Sth of October, 1829, Mr. Ingham, in a lefer to the President ol the Bank, said "Although in the ioinl discharge of pubic functions, comity and cooperation cannot be too much culuvated in the arena of party coi.nict. which alm.l tempt me believe unavoidable.

THE HOSTILITY OF Tl IB BA NK, AS A POLITWAL ENGINE, WOULD Bfc. PREFERRED TO JTS AMITY." And again, he says, in the same letter, The Secretary of the Treasury disclaims eilher the right or the duty individual or in behall of the admints irauon, with the political opinions or political conduct of any American cilixen wn never tnai rignt anu iuai uu iv he eaually denies Ihe Bank. Such opinions and such conduct are bey jnd and above Iho sphere of official acru.inv or control, and should be sealouslv protected from invasion, either by those who have the power of pUce.or the more subtle potency of the pursj. On 9ih of October. Mr.

Biddie. in a letter to Mr Ingham, said, "They (the directors) hve instructed me lo say in reply, lhat observing, aa ihey do with great pleasure, that the views which they thought disclosed in your previous correspondence, are disclaimed, the whole object ol the board in rent wing il is accomplished end von teill have the loodnen to consider tne remarks bearing on the presumed assertion of Muse cities a no longer appli cable. Yet, notwithstanding the strong language of Mr. In ham. and ihe aco mance of by (be Bank, as bearing fnll evidence, which was satislaclurv lo Ihem at Ihe lime, lhal Ihe administration would preler the hoetility lo aniv of Ihe Bank as a volUical engine.

Mr. ro sier luund to possess the hardihood lu renew char' ges ol the Bank agamsl the adniinir.ral.on, ol wishing Ihem lo make II a subservient politico I instrument. The third ul new mauufac.ured paragraphs, is the following It is well known to be my opinion that direct was done to the Bauk in ihe withdrawal of the de positee and injustice hss been done to it aUu, as I think, by tbe gross and unfounded imputations made upon Us general management. Tbe Bank now, for many years, has accomplished every object intenJed by its establishment. It has reformed the currency, sustained it when reformed, and upheld a system of mlo.

nal exchange, safe, cheap, and ol unprecedented and unparallelled lacility. No country ha seen the like nor shall we see soon again when the operations of the Hank shall cease I he Directors, of late years especially, have had a dim. cult and most undesirable duty lo perform; bu. Ihey have peiformcd it, as 1 think, with entire uprightness and great ability. Every lair investigation has proved ibis, and the slate of the Bank itself, the best of sll proofs, abundantly ahuws it.

The time will come, I am aure. when justice wi'l be dono Ihem, universally, as it is done ihem now by those who have sought lor inlormation, and have formed Iheir judgments with candour and good sense, gull, pari.y on coi sli utionalal grounds, and partly on other grounds, a majority os Ihe People appear lo have decided against renewing ihe charier. In this, there is one asiertion in which we agree with Mr. Webster. The time iri.7 come when justice utUI be done the director! of the Bank." When true condition of the Bauk comes lo be known, which no fair investigation" has been permitted yet lo reach, then justice vill be done the JJiitclort.

When ihe widows and orphans who have bern seduced, by lake statements, lo invest their Imle all in the stock ol this Bank, shall find, altera lapse of years, that they will never have returned to them three fourths of tho money ihey paid, then the Di' Ttetort uiit have jiutice done them. When nation finds thai its money cannot be returned winch is invested in ihe stock of this Bank, because of the many lar gesses paid to senatorial counsellors loans made tor political purposes on inadequate security prinhng panic and political speeches and Iruni divers other irregular and improper dispositions of ihe funds of tho Bank, ihen trie ucv nil nave justice ilone Uiem. These three paragraph, are poslAunwtM. There is not in the reports contained in the three daily papers, one word has the least to what contained them. The fate of ihe Bank, in its efforts for a recharler, and thai of Mr.

Webster for the Presidency, are united with each other if one succeed, both succeed; if one fall, both fall. Mr. Webster has now, therefore, in an old, lent htmselt lo the service of the Bank, suportiug his own cause ai the same tune. The laws the country, condemn those detected in fabricating false coin, lo hard labour in the Penilentia ry, or other public prisons. How much lighter ought ibe punishment lobe, lor one detected in fabricating, lor the purposes of deception, false statements or false speech es The same in regard io him who circulate, false coin, and him who circulates lalse speeches.

Which ought to be guarded with the greatest care by the lawa ol the country, lhal which merely aflects ibe pocket or that which affects tbe mind ol society in general I As we have belore stated, Ihe Hank is to make anoth er effort to obtain lis recharler. Mr. Webster is to aid il. He has already commenced by endeavouring lo fur nish an apology for trie lata extraordinary extensions of ihe Hank, which is apart, and an important one loo, ol ihe plan of operations. Look at ihe following extract from his dinner speech at Concord last year.

Mr. Webster theu said Il would ha easy, however, to show that Ihe act ol the Executive bad produced great distress and pressure racstCBE WHICH WOULD be berk wed abd bepkat id til the cause was brmoved for dio any man suppose thai the people could acquiesce in the present state ul things cooid consent mat tne iiinas ol m. nation should be kept in place unprovided by law, and lr bale lo the perpetual interference ol Aain.nisirai.nn7 ETERNAL WAR AGAINST SUCH A PRINCIPLE il it could not be overthrown to day, lei be attacked to morrow, aod year year, uutil it sea overthrown. But a panacea had been discovered. The pressure of last winter had been removed, never more to return there was to be uo more fraudulent paper; Safety Banks might cease Ihe goldeu age had returned a new coin had come forth which, because deprived of the cap of liberty, aod the old mot.u PluribuM (anas, was in lulure in protect tbe country, and restore it to all Ms former prosperity.

One must think very lightly ollhe intelligence of ihe community to believe that it could be thus deceived." What i 10 be understood here bul eternal war until the Bank it the depotittt restored I Those who belie, ihe Bank will not struggle to obtain a re charter, the next Presidential elecn.n is do out deceive inemse.ves. From the American of bul evening, We an act oi justice though with strong repugnauce 10 those parts of it, which speak with such bitterness ol Uaplain ureign.on the reply ol the uin Post, to eur remarks of Wednesday. That paper thinks sees, in what we have said of ihe aboilrve attempts, heretofore made, lo criminate Captain Creighton, a disposition 10 shuttle on the ours jon, aad argue, mat uie lauure oi tucse atiempis, does not establish lb. muocence or guilt ol that oaicer. Very c.

rtatnly, we have no wish nor motive 10 shuffle off the question." nor other imiHi'se in ihe matter, than that of doing, as we would be done by, towards an officer of standing and long service and jel we come to a directly opposite conclusion from the Post, as to ihe effect, which ibis failure should have on the pubbek mind, as lo tbe innocence of ihe accused party. Let us try ihe case by aa aoalagous one from civil life. Suppose a aomplaint against an indi idual. laid belore the Grand Jury, ami lhat afier deliberation, ihey threw 11 out, and refuse lo find bill. A seioud time, belore another Urand Jury, con stituted under circumstances precluding any possible susDiciua of partiality lo tne accused, ibe same com olaiol is preferred, again deliberated upon, and aga in brownout; wnai is, what should be, the natural and inevitable inference 1 Surely lhat tbe complaint want ed even the prime facie evidence, upon winch a Grand Jurv is warranted to srnu an accused party I who even such is ihe scrupulous regard of ibe law I.

possi ble innocence is Iwid lo fee innocent) to a trial by bu Such undoubtedly wouu do in. general sonli men', and any further attempt to renew Uie cowplaim without additional evidence, would oe looked upon as persecution. What the Urand jury is tome accuseo pariy, in in is sooimsad case. Ih. Secretary of Ui.

Navy is, 10 an offi cer charged wun L.iae ine urana jurors, lie ae in the discharge of bis du under Ibe solemnity of an oath and we are as little disposed to assume that, in the instance of Captain Creighton, two Secretaries wer. unfaithful lo ihew oa as w. are, gratuitously 10 impui. guilt, where th.

law presume, luuucence, With regard to the effects of death, and the lapse of iWt JemiueH of Genera algal aepos. lrne, on the results of atrial, so long altar iha occur I i r. I nnp. w. 11 Vk.

lie stands us a polocisi ana ueiesuer, iur uavmg i uu iu nk extended ii. ho.ines. Irom lortv nvo lo sixty one mil 'Onguu. jaciens ic. is not an extinct character, nor luwa.

jn rm an nu.n...a rwi i wusvu frnioa. oi ii. n3 nirmorr ra na. rM ia aun" vr I.7X: a xnwiinsianding rts charier naa now leaa uiaa icu hiuhui. ui.

i DonUC annva nn al.K SI I k. 1 I u.viv our, wno, wueuier jusiir ur unjustly, was subject to the ol any severily of dis cipline.will remember, and be eager lo avenge hia'wrongs. wne waa ever punuhed that did not fc.l wronged, "LI tmttm lti of his aenienc. 1 tenor oT their way, dis lhatr ilnl. cnarging uu.y laiunuiiy, and concOTlne themselves liille about ihe scrapes of ineirlra.

a what are they likely to re.embar, after lb. expiration of ten years, of a ciaise, differing so biUe to ihem irom olbercrusseer The dead," too, tho Post thinks, would affect more injuriously, the accuser, than th. accused and yet in next paragraph, this position is refuted so tar as tne accusation tn oaen toe newspaper cms by aa allefed opinion of bate Or. B. P.

JCiuam eeply injurious ta Captain Ostrkfe, which, now ihai' the grave has mlod the bps of that mehtonotx surgeon norquali can Bf ither becootrauu Bed. nog enforced by huja. coplI. Of each of ihe oncer. char.e of Captain of the 'Zft htghlyJ oiit Creighton.

think wun with as have no suir single re ilusdiscosesow we non to ar aark. aba do not I.LeaeaiS. IlkUl WOVrnTO wv.y rive al right of (he Editor ot me augww'Bsii line "i a affecting hi cornpetency as co0. ana a sKlering inel Ev Pum usage, is our general, "T.u;. a cotlrary iowards.ll pap by Post' HV.

The course was forced on ua, nerson ch.rgM i al nn.her.iy ano i how far hut views came material, tber.lor, be fcy ana lesisBonj i ana nence, XWSKlC to th. thV Mrr; individual, instead of newspaper volun MM.n tiBit iruiairir. wiren iha in court. is among mo cause of quarrel. T'l whom be is about lo testify.

H.s wun ine par. k. is alterwards heard and it is to this 7nd uli with solely, and no, from disrreeable reminiscences, lhat we lelt both authorized and required to make the stalement we ih. Post eomclains of a gross violation ofjus nur oart. in staling inaccurately and hypoineii Mit.

ih. result of ihe trial its editor. Our purpose was" however, by this very hypothetical atateiueni, to avoid injustice; for our information was, lhat he was cashiered bv the Cosrt Martial bu. as it was not vouch ad certainly la us. wo abstained Irom saving so, not dnubtinv lhat we were quite within the fact, in imputing XT .1..

i. .1 i HIS leaving tne xi avj, aa iiiu rnuii ul iii.a will certainly, however, dohim justire in this particular and to ihai esd have written, bv this day's mail, to tht Navy Department, to obtain Ihe inlormation referred lo oj ine rm uhwiiiiiuiik a copy ui ctHmg and oil his evenings American THE EVENING POST SATURDAY. MAY S3. Tbe American of last evening copies our article of the day previous, on the subject in discussion be tween ns, a courtesy the more gratifying as it wa wholly unexpected, that paper having acted very differently in a late controversy with the Evenin Post, on a constitutional question. We must ad' mit that we were more surprised at its total neglect of our request in the former instance, than at the unsolicited fiankness of its present course inaa much as the professed object of both journals, in the previous discussion, was exclusively to elucidate nd establish certain constitutional principles and we think we may add that the dispute was conduct ed, on both aides, without acrimony or violence.

Tbe American, however, in now placing our re marks btfora its readers, has taken care to accompany them with a reply distinguished by more than its usual ingenuity of argument and as we are bound, in turn, to copy its article into our columns, we might see reason to deprecate the candour ol this mode of controversy, did we not trust with con fidence to the goodness of our cause to supply any deficiency of its advocate. But whichever antago nist may be affected injuriously by this honourable and ingenuous plan of newspaper discussionit is ob vious that the interests of truth and justice must be secured and since both journals profess to desire only thai the right may prevail, neither can have cause to complain of the result. And to tho end that the result may be arrived at by calm reasoning, as littlr influenced by passion or prejudice as the nature of tie subject will admit, we shall scrupulously rtfrain from using any expressions in regard to Captain Creighton such as the American alludes to as causing a strong repugnance" to our The American must excuse us if we doubt that it circumstances. Had he filled an important military station; had he afterwards been accused of having acted in his official capacity with the most revolting barbarity and injustice; and had this accusation been publicly made, in explicit and categorical terms, through a newspaper ol wide circulation, by an individual of untmpeached respectaoihtv ofpn. vate character we cannot think that he would choose to be defended upon no better ground than that on which the American defends Captain Creighton the length of time which liae olapscd aiiuS ftl llvv l.

piMumpliva vi.l.. in his tavonr from the charges having been passed over by two Secretaries of the Navy; and ihe supposed quo animo of the accuser. The editor of the American would thank no friend to step fotwaid with such an imperfect defence, which might almost be considered an admisssion of the truth oi the charges. If nothing better than this could be said, he would rather suffer the accusation to die away unanswered, not cause it to be reiterated and bruit ed through the whole country by ineffectual opposition. If something better than this could be said if the charges could be shown to be untrue or grossly exaggerated, he would permit no friend to thrust before bim the ineffectual shield of a supposititious 3tatute of limitation.

He would confront his accu ser lace to face, before the bar of publick opinion he would drag him into a court of justice to answer for is slander or present himself before a competen tribunal, and demand to have his character cleared by an adequate investigation. We take the liberty ot supposing that such would be the course of the editor of the American, be every honourable man who felt that he had been cruelly and causelessly aggrieved. We are a are that there are impracticable difficulties in the way of such a course in regard to Captain Creighton. We have no dout that tho American governed by the kindest feelings towards that officer, and that it is sufficiently aware of the truth of the allega tions against him to know that a publick investiga tion ia the last thins to be desired in his case. It is with this purpose, probably, that it seeks to turn tbe current of discussion from the facts which we allege, to the motives by which it supposes wc are governed, and points out the various grounds on which Captain Creighton might resist atrial.

But the American ought to bear in mind that waa wilh no hope or purpose cf bring ing aim to trial, that various acts of his tyranny were related. They were introduced incidentally, in ai article on an alleged outrage committed by anotier naval officer, and fur the purpose of illustrating tbe species of abuses which are committed with impunity in oar navy, by reason of the deplo rably defective system on which our Courts Martial are organized. This was the object ol several pre vious articles on the subject ol the great injustice of which Doctor Wily was the victim and this object we intend to pursue, until the reformation lor which we ikrive shall be brought about. If in doing this, facti within our positive knowledge, in which the character of Captain Creighton is involved, can be uses to advantage, we certainly cannot perceive, in the ama which has elapsed since those facts occur red, or in the remissness of Uie Navy Department in ncvti having bad them investigated, a reason to prevent us from availing ourselves of such assist ance. Tie case which the Amciican puts of a complaint before a Grand Jury ia ingenious, but we do not think wholly analogous.

If a Grand Jury were composed of a single individual, instead of twenty. four citizens promiscuously collected from a whole comdunity and if a complaint laid before it, on respectable authority, involving matters ol seriously affectng the highest interests of society, were dis missed, once and again, without the slightest form of ityestigaUon the individual whose complaint had keen so treated would scarcely be deemed too dionatioo of tbe publick, in such a case, would pro bably be aroused, but not against the accuser for persecution, but against that dishonest Grand Jury which had to wholly violated ila most solemn oblt cations The American givca a classical air to its 'article by cjuoting a sentence Irom Tacitus an author for whom it baa heretofore shown a fondness, by quo ling his language on a leaa justifiable occasion. Tbers is in Uie present instance, however, no rea vve bave oahtto bring uapuin jretsmon to mat, bas itself shown that we were animated by a seatiment Tery different from tbe hoarded and con cealed malignity referred to by Tacitus. The American thinks that those persons only whose feel injs have been stirred into ebullition by hatred retain any memory ol opposition and outrage, and asks, what are they likely to ifter the expiration often years, of a cruise diffetin so little to them from other cruises Yet does not the American perceive that on their recollections we must rely to substantiate our charges. If Captain Creighton thought them so oblivious ai the Ameri can seems to suppose them, we should long ere this have heard him, with much affected warmth of in donation, demanding a trial of the Government, nd of the civil courts damages for libel.

The A merican, having inadvertently done injus tice to one of the editors of this paper by asseting that liis leaving the navy was a result of his trial by Court Martial, has promptly taken the only proper step to enable it to rectify the crrour. This was no more than we expected from that journal, to which we did not impute any sinister or unwortiiy design in making the statement referred to. Wo d'd not ask for the Post's opinion of the littlr paper referred lo, but of the proposition by lhat paper, relative lo the public lands. The above is Irom ihe Times. In order to the proposition relative lo (he publics, lands by the little paper referred to, il is necessary, in nur view of the duty tf a journalist, to read the proposition as put forth by that paper not to take il as slated on hearsay by another print, which, in ihe very terms it employs, shows that il is not governed by a spirit of fairness and impartiality.

If journal in question is in truth a "dirty Imle paper," vie shall probably leave tbe question about the publick lands lo be discussed between it and the Tunes, and shall stand by as unconcerned as Ihe spectator of ihe combat between the skunk and rattlesnake. If by calling it a dirty little paper," the Times merely meant lo imply that il was the opposite ol itself, we shall lake up its proposition about the publick lauds readily, and as the case may be, oppoe it or defend it, as the opinion of a worthy antagonist or compeer. The following gentlemen, says Ihe Globe, have been invited to attend general examination of the Cadets oi the Military Acidcroy, in addition to those pubhuhed in that paper of tbe 18th tnst. I.nliana. Gen.

John Milroy. 1V1 issiikS.ppi. Joseph Dunbar. Kentucky. Joseph Hobb.

For the Evenini: Post. TO THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Fellow Citizens We already havea partnership law enabling capitalists to invest a limited amount, be yond which ihey are not responsible. Cut by the present law there must be at one general all whose property is liable. This latter regulation I would have disper.scd with, for 1 bold il lo be unwise to establish laws whose only effect is to create inconvenience to honest men, and which knaves can without difficulty evade.

The only effect of the provision in question i lo causo a company who are about forming a Iimitod partnership lo look about fir an individual whose distin guishing qualification is that he has no private property beyond bat investment iu the company concern. But in lieu of ihia imaginary safeguard, I would have others of reai validity substituted. Among these are the following. 1st. Previous lo the commencement of operaiiona, general notice should bo given through the publick prints, ef the formation of Iho company the amount of iheir capital stick by whom owned the na.

lure and extent ot their contemplated business, and the amount of the responsibilities which under anyemer geucy Ihey were to incur. 3d. Al given regular periods a publick statement should be made of the amount of their means as well as of their liabilities, and also, the changes any, which have laken place in the members of iheir company. 3d. In tbe original advertisement the names is doing towards Captain Creighton as the editor of I 0fone or nice of tbe fiim should be given as of individuals that paper would choose to be done by in similar I responsible for faithful management oi its operations, and any fraud, whether in missiattnt; tho amotiut of capital paid in and available, or in disguising the real slat, of affairs, or in issuing notes, or incurring other liabilities beyond tbe amount first Ldverlised, should render those entrusted with the management of the concern liab to penal its as severe as tlioso lo which counteiiriters are subjected.

If oi her members of the company were conversant of the fraud they should be visited with like punishment and the individual prop erty of all stockholders should be rendered liable if any fraud of the above ca.ure be practised even without Iho knowledge ol Ihe stockholders, if by exercisiex due Ihey wouH mv. a.laina.1 lo ll.a litge of it. me unobjectionable means shou aiso be devwed, by which individual scrutiny into the management of the affair, should be facilitated and subjected lo u'icsc and perhaps a few oilier regulations of a similar character. I would have free permission giveu to any number ol individuals to form themselves into a company for any honest and lawful purpose. It will be readily perceived, from ihe foregoing regula tion, thai their o'jcc are threefold 1st.

Tho publica tion of ihe knowledge the nature and operations of I lie company; Snd. To provide for the detection of fraud and 2.1. To punish it. Whatever tends to the accom plishmrnt of either of these objects creates no curtail mem of any reasonable liberty, and in a they are all ihree attain. no other restraints will be needed.

But by the provis ons above set lorth, il will be readily eeu lhat aome of ihe present oljecis of incorporated companies are not al'auialile rail roads and canals particular could not be constructed, since the proprietor of a single farm through which the improvement must needs pass, would be ablo to put a final veto lo its construction. And although such a result mijthl not be fre quent, still it cannot be doubled that the individual own ers ol property, necessary or highly import anlto the cause such, it seems to us, would be Ihe course of company, would lake advantage ol the eccasion cx tort an exorbitant compensation. In Tact, without powers superior to those now enjoyed by individuals or copartnership associations, they would undertake works of this nature. As internal improvements are so evidently for the publick advantage, und so jus ly favoured by the public sentiment, every reasonable facility should be afforded for their construction One method of overcoming the just allu ded to is to have all these works constructed by the state Government. This is infinitely preierabte lo iheir con strticiion by incorporated companies.

But in order to facili'ate works of this nature, and induce joint stock companies to undertake them, I will hazard a suggestion it bout, however, evincing any deciJed approbation for the scheme therein sketched. List of Letters 00 the first page. A NEW YORKER. From the Hampshire Republican. Tbe NtXT Pbcsidekt.

Aa ai.emot ha been made and is still making to unite the Southern and Northern Whigs, with the southern Nullthers in support of Judge While. Judge While up to the lime ol hut nomination was a hearty supporter of Ibe measures of ihe present adminislra.ion, in other words he v. as a Jackson man. There were Iwo objects 111 nominating Judge White. He belongs lo a slave holding slate.

And wuh a lare portion of the Southern slave holders, thu consider. lion is paramount to evory Ihing else. Many of ihem will vote far no man for President thai lives 111 a free state. To this fact may be attributed much of ilia prejudice against the elder and younger Adams. Mr.

Vun Buren has long been talked of aa ihesuccessor of General Of course all the bttternesss ot opposition to the President and lo his administration fails upon Mr. au Buren from the principle of oppo sition to him iherelore it was calculated by Jud. White's friends lhat the Northern Whigs would readily come over 10 the support of White against Van Buren. Whether there was any understanding wuh the leadin membersot Congress or not, one thing is manifest, lhere has been groat manoauvenug by ihe Whig editors lo ascertain the feelings of the North on this point. Mr.

Webster .0 be sure has been nominated as the Whig candidate. But we have always doubted and do suit whether Mr. Webster finally consents lo be a candi date. There is 00 possibility of his gelling bul a small vote if be should. The decision then is to be maae be tween While and Van Buren.

No Northern man can beaiiai. lo prefer Mr. Van buren. Wo would be 10 excite any sectional prejudices, but we would Sxni er cut odour right hand than to succumb to the claim made upon us by the supporters of While. A claim profesaedly basceu on bouihern prejudice.

A prejudice too that w. ar. tormr to cn.risn uy every consulrration of duty 10 man and to God. For ihe support of Slave al the south wo are called upon to vote for Mr. White.

Because a Slave holder's conscience al the South ia so very delicate lhat he cannot have a man for hia Praulnl. who belongs loa Irrn arnla w. 11. A perlUaciousIy vindictive, if be appealed from auch upo 1Q vole for Mr. White.

Most claim nsElectFul unjust tribunal, and stated his Never while we hohj the hand ol a freeman shall ii be fit. if rp. so prostituted. Never while we acknowledge Jesus oneiauces befote the bar of the publick. Tbe in Christ asour Lord can w.

do such a thing. Thw. another ground of claim for the support of tides White We are called upon lovote for hun for Ihe purpose ol pulling down Agrananism." What Mr. White's Inends mean oy agrarianism we will never stop to inquire. One thing we know.

Born in a land where, ih mem devolves upon the people, we have felt it incumbent on us as one of ibis people, to exercise the dunes thus volviag upon us according to our own haat We saw, that the people generally were too careless of then political duties and rights, aod lhal they suffered the management of the government to go too much into in. oaiHj. 01 a sineie class ol men, and that class com poseo oi men oi duterenl habits, and somewhat ef dii fereul interests from the mass of th. i son why the sentiment should not be expressed in I the selfishness oi human nature we believed that this Eni fish, and we shall disnute neither its K'Xtloil H.amM'M woltare I ol ibe people. With those views, w.

readily lent the truth, nor tbe propriety of its particular application humble aid ot our infiuence in eo ooeration with fSa American mioht kiss naenlleoterl that in I to arouse the people to ft mora viuoroua KTnnumm nt a. 7 1 alone we and those have acted with us are denounced as Agrarians." And now. we are called unnn hv rnv. MrDuffie and others lo vote for Judge White, for the purpose ol putting down" agrariamsni." Can it be supposed thai we shall I murder ourselves We are also called upon by the friends of Mr. Webster to vole lor Aim for the purpose of putting down" agrarianism." Is it in human na "ire to accede lo this proposal We appeal to any man of common feelings, v.

it is possible for us under these cricumslabces to voln for Mr. Webster. irst convince us that vie are wrong in the course lhat we bave been pursuing, and for which we hve been denoun ced as "agrarians," then we may wilh some proprie.y be called upon voluutarily to vote for him who is lo be our eiecutMiner. But so Ions as we are fully conscious thai in seeking lo elevate the mass nf thn n.oole. we are do ing what our dull' lo vod miiiirpi na lo do.

Daniel Websler can never hsjire our vole hen it is solicited lor me purpose ol putting 'Jown Afarianism. I' II. inn. CisilTomi the 14th of May, (twnweeltxl there haa for loll, on all me ale canals, the sum of From the I5h to the SO ol April, both inclusive, there was received Total amount r.r.v.l in rlnta 8116.527 87 130.075 01 S8 Il is thus seen. tliaUrom the opening of navigation, the receipts lor loll bave averaged 8,220 dollars per uay, llt.rlw uii.i..iii.

Ill 1KSI th. K.nal a. hi. UK ill. 16th of ApnU and up to iheUih of May.

lhere was received lor lolls, ihe sum of g2 11. In 1 835, ihe caua! opened on ihe 15.h of Auril. onx dnv earlier than in 1841 Since 1831, the rates of loll on merchandize and most olhcr articles hV. ha.n Prill and VCl lh gregate nf lolls collected in lour wee, exceeds that of 1831, by the sum pi 11. Deduct 37, per cent.

from (he (nils of I Ml xmiM in increase of about piUU isju ihe collections for 4 weeks in JtjlKi, compan with the same tune IS3I. In 1833, the recemts for tolls un the 14th ol Alar, weri less by 22 and in 1834, up to ihe same period. Irsa bv Sil.SSU than in In IS33. the loll on merchandize was higher by 25 per cent than iu ihe two subsequent periods referred to. Instead of la Minn orT in Ihn i.rlu snrino business on the canals, as has bs.

confidently predicted by some of tne panic makers, the results ol the first iiionui oi sun nation Show II rnese great results, however, are not aceompusiiou without heavy expenditures ou the part of the isiale. maintain the canals nruaf imvitfable condition. VV understand hat an exuendiiure ul about 100,000 is ne. cessarv lo make the snruiE renairs und iiul the canal nauv lor navigation Aim that it costs Irom bi.olu iu per day lo pay lor superintending the ennuis ana keeping ihem tu repair. Accidekt.

Aa Fulton street ferry boat was crossing over lo Broi kl vn last night, about 9 o'clock, tne sloop Cornelia, which was coming down the river, struck her about midships with her bowsprit; shattered to piec es a gig in which Mr. Pearsall. of Fulton utreet, and a lad named Rlia a '1 urkrr wrre sittine. and broke ihe or (he a Imle above the knee. Mr.

Pearsall for'uuately It aped out of the gig in lime lo save imself uhhurl. The ferry boat had about thirty feet of her bulwarks carried away, and the enure side of her cnbtn. some ladits who were in the cal.ui weie urcan fully fri'hlened by ilio unexpected collision, but no per son received any injury bul Tucker. Journal of Com mcrce. Splesdid Ship.4.

No.inanv davs since, we took occasion io eivri a' description of iho ship Toronto, Cautam Griawold. This vessel i on her brsi voyage lo London. The new packet M'tsminsrer, Captain Chaiiiplin. is now lyini! at the loot of Pine street, and is, in all respects, equal to the Toronto, and will sail on Ihe first of June. A the same place lies the SL Jamee, Capt.

Sebor. These ships will bear ihe examination ol ihe Uesi ju.Jes.anJ vill probably be pronounced oy mem faultless. At Murray's wharf, is Caaiain Hackslarf 's fine ship Scutlcnd a coble merchantman ul 700 tons, ol which we have heretofore spoken. iiuz. Kromthe I'ennsylvanian.

The New York tvcinn; Post, in copying our of us statement; relative lo the Hurrisburg Convention, lias the followir; We have certainly never wittinslv used tbe term seceJers1 in relation lo any portion of the members of ine iiarrisi org it nas been our desire lo preserve a strict neutrality in relation to the gubernato rial dispute in rennsylvmia, as involving a division in the parly un a local question with which pa pers out of state have no business lo meddle. If we have al all departed from Ihis neutral course, il bas been rather in favor ol Die Muhlenberg division ol our parly in Pennsylvania, than that of Governor Wolf for, since we are supposed to have shown a leanine towards 1'ie latter, we may now couless that our predilections are ralher on ihe other side." The pas age which we referred, occurred in Ihe l'ost ot fully in the statement relative to iha Na. tional Convention, which we now perceive was furnished bv a correspondent. He savs, in speaking of tho tlamsburg Convention, that 'about one half of Ihe members seceded' Irom the meeting on account of a di vision on inn ciuesuou oi governor, and a new Conven tion was called, lo tie he at LewiMown the remain ing nan nominated air. Wolf tor Governor, and aupoiut ed delegates," We are aware the feelings of the Post towards the democratic party ol Feiuu.vlvai.ia who sustain Mr.

Muhlenberg, the regularly nominated candidate, and they arc such as we expemed from a journal so sound in its views, snd so fearless in exjiressing them, and were therefore anxious that nn misstatement should issue from sucii a source, 'i he Ilnrnsuuri'h Convi.ntum ruiitrlw dissolved llsel on the 6 of March, und sent ihe exviiius topic back lo their constituents. On Ihe following day, ihe riTerenre and the dissolution among others Mr Speaker Thompson, who not only voted lor ihose'mea sures, but likewise made an eloquent speech in favor of them assembled in exclusive caucus, and nomiratrd their candidaie, in the very teeth of their late vote and in o. hance of ihe solemn decision of body, which was nn longer in existence. As ihe advocates ol ihe democratic pnnciple of rotation in office in th: state have noi departed from party usages, ih. are naturally anxious thai imputation of irregularly should be placed upuu the rigr.l shoulders.

From i South Ar Bica. The Boston Post acknow. ledge. th receiptof Cape of Urwd Hopo p.per. lo 21,.

of March. Th. paper of the cZain. 0 The CafTre war has terminated the country railed the nriitra. tcrri.ory is compie ely cleared of Ihe enemy.

The Catfres possessed unusual power in this comes, from having guned possession of fire 8nJ from the traders who smuggled these ariicles into ihe et.emy' co.111.ry while law all traffic ihem left Colonist, upon ihe frontier almost defence. No official account has vet been published ofthelosse. summed I by Colouisis this The ZbVr cattle and Oihcr s.o,, laken by enemy, destroyed on and los. of confusion conseiien" oeen consumed hv lire, and the furniture in these and in 1, fl standing, utterly ruined. have also been destroyed.

wrre The crops .11 some places From ihj; Candor Whig of Tuesday TVTif r. 1 terday the M.1.7 a.n. of desolation, arly yestorday morning 1" "H'r f'T eral days, tore away cro na in these change of work" annas neat fwitt aod enables the workman to continue his labours sate. longer. And in general, aa iea labours can ee louovna a greater length oflime than those more simple bunks daily lime in which the maximum of labour can b.

per. Tormed, is much less man in. umom i settled by those who do not work. That part ofik. amount of labour which results from that skill and a.

telligence of the workman, has been gTeaity unoerrmteu, and in ihis view, the too long continuance of lad Ibss great injury, by impairing ine lacuuies situ improvement. Th. wtcrei ol increasing the "it of labour, and of which these, who iak. work avail Ihemsel'es, is to ormg gy and intelligence of every workman. We are tkm parucular.

a. n. a. leel tothe wnoi. cwiiiai a I .1.1.

from by those no wer. i In working length of lime, more can be done severe labour, in six and a b.lf. or seven hour. Ih. day.

in two terms, than in a longer time. If ih, wk t'tsaai ai be varied, and uccaanwiuiy followed even, eight, or nine hours, to profit. If and may be pio.ooged to nine or Uahon, but eeldom longer to una uj which ntest work can bu done, doss not, perhaps, ticerj eight and a half hours the day. Entirely cuniotnixbl, lo what we nave siatcu, are p'erirt. Thai able judge ot woik, ine laie xvir.

ccaroaD, uj oil en say. n. a liuie when Ship wnghis worked hours," lhat he "could build a onip at iew coat mtkt Ihree worst winter monihs, than in ihe Ihree worst sua. mer months and paid, which many at lhal time did which il iV Ume 10 'ow ibe floor the cross dam struck he nmu dttm and carried nearly wholu leng.h together wh It ft nder dm on the nut tde o. ihe noils o.

the null A man by Uie name ol Kent, belonging lo Lubec waa upon ihe cioss flam al the lime 11 starred, ano if his "au not lorsaKennini, would have re. iiiainea uimn it in saleiv l.i shore Le fell ihe rapids.and being unable 10 swim" was drowned. Kewa.ab.u. thirty pear, ld, man ul faun v. FarminS''m.

was from n(r the fender dam, and we lelt his Itllow workman toss 01 one 01 bis at the mill dam a shori lime belore. limbs I hr 1 m'n dm when iZ17Z, e'ssui'posed) in safety km omer. were taken otTin boats Une man escaped by clinging 10 a log in the river rnc actual damage 10 ihe mill dam not great but will cause a suspension of ilie works lor somo lime until the cam can be repaired. Tho two men above named, are ali whose loss is certainly known, alihouuh parucular inquiry may prove lhal olliers are nissin 1 he number emploved at the null dim is two hundred" und iweuty probably one half will bo disc arced nm I is repaired. he Pretidcnt, it is said, has renounced Ins first pur pose 01 going 10 Tennessee Ihis summer, and will pass tne hot months, instead, at the Kip Haps, where ihe sea air and sea ba hlnS will.

11 1. hoped, invigorate bis MEMORIAL AND CORRESPONDENCE. Nkw March Si6ih, 1835. The Hon. Mahlon Dickerson, Secretary of the Navy sir ou will herewith receive a Memorial from e'et and l'e Cities of JL requesting thai the day ol abor on the works ot the naval service, may not exceed ten hours.

Anxious that the sole request made by those who Work for the Gener IGJn.arnn,. .0, wo have further lo add, that al lhU pkee the pubV work has noi and preferenc. of wo kmen which would n. given llmef4aiI dld Beont Ibe hot mon.h." greatly exceed that ana lor wmcn ni reason is to be found in the live expense of t.btlmnT peartoihcNavv Department, that ipec Kepublre ought not to deal n.bro hanh, Wwolk. men ihan do Nav.l power, of Euroiw By orderof ihe meeting of Citizens oihers.

of the cu.c. ol sSm York IZ 'b2 nd P. I. JOHN KEVVAN The Hon. Mahlon BnJ.

1 he Memorial of Ihe under.M.n ,4 and o.h:a, or the cue, 0r New York showeth 1 or nJ H'w klyn, Thai prosent cmrtom of tahonrm. Se fron sunriseto sunset is, in ...7 to the public service, and in. it 10 ln" workmen, as your Me. muriallstii Will show. All knna, a ass Kivj gs, rjiVJrilUlle Call only be made for a very short tim.

continued, the, 1ss.tisri Mnii ilw nl aa. vr auogetner; and this law holds in all sirnpln labours, a. Sawing, otc. where ihe amount of labour rfnrm.Vi f.l successive pcrtious of lime, decrease, from the corn luencement. mudification lakes place in labour, that require skill aod mental apphcation a abort nm.

necessary to get the band a. it (ernied when "he same results obtain; so groundless is the opinion held oP by many, that the amount of work ner. formed is in direct proportion to the time or working which is irue in no case whatever on the conirar. weakness, loss oi "e.con.rary, me know over wot aing, and proceed rsrM Ira am II at tnr L.n. reclly from i.s too long eon.inuance, to

aad by or Many kinds ol ar. more painful than exSaust. the same wages winter ano summer, owes the roles established here, in the other great trrj of ten hours to ihe day in eummer, and nine in wiotor, have been adopted in snip on wing, um au.aniag. all concerned, as nine hours to the day in repairing hii been long before. Or the great numoer oi 17 or a .11 Itaina men collected nerc, irow.

i' lhat more is constantly done here, where the real ua of working seldom exceeds nine and a half hours tho day, than they have seen periormei. oj 00........ u. Ktll where hour, are not kept. And what confiims the fs, and good that resu'ts from reeular and moderate how, of labour, is, the labours of individuals are brought mod, nearer equality than eiscwnere, as mure bust and aUileiic can support ui.

ion w. teen hours ihe day. Wherefore, we request, that ts day of labour, on tho Works of the Navul Service, noi exceed ten hours, as this measure, if adopted, lessen the expense thercol by increasing me amoua. ol work performed while it will relieve tin workman, who, in summer, is irrasseu inrouu x'u dav. wi.h no bouer resull than to lessen nis is Doe J.

1 I.L I mi.II I and impair nis neaim aim received with delight by every working man in Union. And also, as more man any omer ski. sure, will le.ia 10 tno u. regular tl moderate hours ol labour inrougnoui too union; waerr. h.

a rea national benefit will arise, by increas of llis ax.oun. of work perlormed by those who labour at pre. ami bv inducing many 10 nave recourse to moder.ts labour who now shun .1 as patniui urutirerv ami by re. heving inany excellent citizens, and ski ful workrurn, who are exha'usted and broken down under their now 10 Ion continued toil, which leaves scarcely lime for sWp snd" noue for ihe care, of a family, or the duiies of, citizen In fine, lhat in than any ber measure, will incite 10 regular and moderate labour, ibe truesowc, of public and private virtue and happiness, and will It .0 remove from Ihis nation, which boasts the equality its ciuzens, of whom so many live in ease aod plntt, Ihe odious spectacle of olhcr pari, harassed wuhlw continued, painful, and ill requited toil. All of which is w.lh great respect submitted.

Signed by a thoutand citixtnt of New York and Breu. lyn. (copv.) Natv CoatMissioBEB's OrncE, 24tli April, 1835. To ihe onorable M. Dickerson, Secretary of the Not, Sir The Board of Navy Commissioners have ii.

honour to acknowledge ihe recoipl of the memcrial certain cilizttui, mechanics and 01 hers ot tbe cities New York and Brooklyn, in relation lo 1 10 workis; hours in ihu Navy Yards ol the United Slates, and ot th letter .0 you from Messrs. f. Keevea, jonn fiemt and Peter i. Berry, which accompanied the same aa in compliance with your endorsement thereon, have to honour 10 report That, in their opinion, it would be inconsistent mc the public interests, lo regulate Ihe wot king Lours in Ilk Navy Yards as proposed in the memorial and letter which are herewith returned. I have Ihe honour lo bo, ith great respect, Sir, Your must ob'i serv't, (Signed) JOHN ROGERS.

NaVV JJaFARTME 87th Aynl. 1635. To Messrs. P. L.

Reeves, John Kewan, and Peter J. Berry, New York. Gentlemen The subject matter of your commuiiici. lion ol Ihe lb ult. was on its receipt reterred to ibe Commissioners of the Navy, to whom properly btlou under the superintendence of the Secretary of ihe Nm, ine periormance 01 an tne miuisieriai ouues 01 ine Ur parliuei A copy ot their leporl is enclosed for the inforruiii ol thu memorialists.

Yuurs respectfully, m23 It M. DICKERSON, BOWhKY THEATRE. The attraction of ihe dogs and ol the human Ourtcg Outang nightly increases, as their wondeiful poweri la. come more generally known. The Cheiokee Chief bu made a most sice" sslul week of it and as novelty iik seeds novelty so last lhat none can pall, another new piece calculated to display both Mr.

Cony and his boji admirably, will bo produced on Monday night. Mu ter lanchard is, we pronounce, far superior lo Gt'tTt, or any man monkey w. have before Been. The illisjim of hut appearance is so gteat lhal we almost hourl Peale's museum had allowed its real, fioiag OurinjOs. tang to escape and add to the effect of ihe piece.

PACKET SHIP FORMOSA. FOR HAVRE. ICj Passengers SOWl? Otlt in thn ehi.i quested lo be al Pier No. 2 North a. 011 Monday morning, ibe ateamboal KUFl': KlINU will be in readiness to convey them on buns.

The Letter Bag will be closed at the Post Offics 1 half past nine o'clock. Itry THE MASTER STONE CUTTE1S have notteed, wuh regret, several conmuntcatiost 1 the public prints, purporting to have proceeded fro Jouineymen Slone which are calculawa mislead Uie pubi an regard 10 th k. us, and which we deem but juslice lo ourselves tew trad tel. The Journeymen state that there are a greater nuaae ef men employed by piece than by the dav. and they are williu( work lor f2 per day wS mat at the una.

ol lhe strike, tir were two men at work by ihe day to one by the pie and ihai we have given U.em special notice that would employ all our men at 32 per dav and we an lo gonerahy, tuat w. are ret to settle the differences 00 Ibese terms. ROBERT SMITH. Chairman lr STONE CUTTERS' STRIKE. he Journeymen sum.

Cutler, have nonce with surprise a. well as regret an erroneous commtuncs lion Irom the Masier Stone Cutters." inThTmom papers, calculated to excite the public fselia: attains! Ihnm. P. r. 10, ueem 11 our at, cmo aul.

tower, louraeyrsait 1 "er Dcen sde 10 ua. In ed bv .7 wer" rec. Wn 0,10 by Tl" can prove, thai out ol leu t'VuiWrtth lprKth "mostrr." hl'mra i ii" bee" corresponding November on. he subject of a bit 10 h. subject vmic 't "ken'.bem.

.1 'l arransement with as will communicat on. which follow. 1 un, ls iirci rrom ihe minute ol the Mi 1 aster Cat hm evening, stating lhat ibis Society will inak. no fu "l9 rlspecm. a bill prices for piece work.

WALTER BOLMEK, Pres. sec v. lOMr. II. UALLACHEB. See. of the Journeymen Stoned ters society. Published bv ordrr nfil.a Association. olone UT WM.MAODONALD, President ffl TS A a i a meeiinv i.rih.

a rers, held the 22 7.T TT" 10 anj am" ir On monon, it was unanimously resolved. That a eo 1 a Us II It? (J Jno. Rimick. j.ACub R. i.rd i.

nr: "a.uoiicF oi m. aavance oi 1 1. mejourneymon demand for ueem necessary to advance auoes to enab them In im is 1 1 IC UUC I paying Ihe above aovaoces. tCeaolveo. That we earnestly solicit iha rataiters of me city ot New 1 orb lo adool manufacturers in their undertaking.

itesoived, i bat we adjourn to meet on Tue sday H. at 7 clock, at Coiigre. Hall, corner Bower. St He.trt ireets. Kesolved.

That the proceedings of this merlin I signed by the Chairman and Secretary, publish in ihe Courier and Eaiuirer, bveniug Posi.Sub. aaa ir JtMES SCR BNER, Chairman. Addison Kred, Secretary. Lauiea Shoemaker, are requasled to attend I meeting. J(f CUrVmOJke.Cku and County oJTeio For, MMV.l a.t IMC i a i i ay.

looe. herebT thai on Saturday. SUIh insf. at in nal.t. me lurenooii, I inaii era.

panel or jururs for a Court ot Common Pleas for the en; and county of New York, io be held al the Cuy Hall said cny, on the third Monday of June, 1835. THUS. JEREMIAH, 7Clerk ol City and County of New York. wi ivc jr Cr 4S TL r. several societies ol Ibis city wno mienu celebrate the Anniversary of American Independeafi are hereby informed that Ihe first meeting ol Dele.11 te make arrangement, lor lhat purpose will b.

held' Wednesday evening, Ihe of. May, at 8 o'clock. the Howard House, comer of Broadway and Uo" street. By order of the Delegation, JA3. KNER1NGER.

ni83 IS7M Uor. ISecretary. I.

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