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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i re 1 1 a M. I I i i NEW BRIGHTON. mn trt i tr SE Tb iiiuri tad elegant I iZr.Z i Suien Island Mansion, on the laod. obbosii th city of New nuaiaasw. i i.k:.r York, which for kuty heilJUl mmmi.

m.mmM rural d. aad walh.6u lea va ir bathing am aurnawed bvany situation whatever. The hauM about ItO leet Ml length, the largest part ui aae constructed and purposely cal. caid for a geata.1 Hos.l or Boarding bourse, and will aifoid aeeoatmodatbiM for mora than 100 lodger, with aaferal large parlours we iea.Ni. A lars commodious dork bn been lately constructed, The Newark, El'blh Town, Amboy, and Philadel phia para almoit every quarter of aa hour i i i i during in wiu mop at we wuan hum paa Tha contiguity to the elty of New York, the cheap Bad eicelleat accooMaodauone ef eteaa boata.

reader Una a atoM desirable eitaatioo) for men of busiaeea who wiabto ire their families the beatfii ef fine country air. aad at lead la buaineae daily in the eny, aa tbo time coaeuaitd between Wall etrevt and lha Island ia not Much aw re than 14 aiinatea. Mao respectable familiee are now read to engage roooie for tha easoo, and ovary rooat could probably be engaged in a few dare dtatfraoia. T. .11 k.

.11 mtrrmt) IO kP th bouie ia lha ben atria liberal inducement will be oSat Od ay me owner. For parueulara Inquire at No. IX wan M. the office a he fir oor aide of the enirV way.betweea the boura of ten and ihree 'clock. CHAi rUA BLK WILL 0v FOR BALE.

"AM BTRKhl valu Tha subecriber oOsrs lor sai. about 100 feet deptband Franc, and that the aama will be payment nnUaa h. aonear and discharge such at. lachmenL accordmt to law, witam nine months from the nf ihta notice and that the naymont .1 du.

him bv residents of thin atate, and tbe delivery to him or for his use, of any property within this etata belonging to him, and he tranafar of any such property bv him, are forbidden by Uw, aad are Daled tbe fourth day of December, 1834. CHAS. GRAHAM, d5 law9m Attorney for Attaching Creditors tT0TICE is hereby given lo all parsons naviog claims 1 gainst Jacob WyckotT, lata of tha city of New York. Counsellor at Law, deceased, la present lh tame, with lha vouchers, thereof, to the subscriber, at his store corner of Couriland and Washington streets, in the city of New York, no or before the first day at July nexu New York, t4h December, 1834. HENRY WYCKOFF, Adnunistralor.

426 lawm vrtY rHr nfika Hon. ha T. Irvine First Judge ol the Court of Common Pleas in and for the City and County of New York, nouca ia hereby given, pursuant ta iha uroviaioas of the statute authorizing attachments againtt ouo resideni debtors, that an attachment has aauad avainat the estate of Georce Carter and George Amos K. Carter, residents of Newark ia Ihe State of New Jersey, and that the aamo will be sold far the payment of their debts, unless they appear and discharge aiirh itarhmani. amsdina lo law.

within nine months front lh first publication of thia notice: and that the payment of any debts due to them by residents of this rate, and the delivery to them or for their use, of any ranertv within this state beleoeing lo them and the transfer of any such property by thorn ar forbidden by law, and tv void. Dated the third day of November, 183. JOHN N. TAYLOR, a7 Iaw9m Attorney far Attaching Cf editor. PURSUA.MT to an order ot Jamea Campbell, ot ro.ia Count of New York, notice ia bet ta all neraona having claims acainst the Ka i.i.

nf John Man in. Jecaaaed. that tbev are rmuired tn xhibil lh sam with the vouchers thereof, to the sub aenber, lb Administratrix oftbe bstate oi me said jonn M.nin. ai her a lace of business. No.

157 Broadway, the city of New York, at or before tre Fifteenth day of August next. New lore. reo. (Stgned) MARGARET MARTIN, lawfim Admimairatrix. TEETUaAMUEL AVERY, Surgeon Denusi, beg lea to announce that ha haa forn.ed a copartner hip with Mr.

Solyman ia hereafter to attend exclusively lo the mechanical, and himself to 'K. daaartmenta af lhe nrofession. Many leal iinoru ala can be abown from gentlemen of S. Firfflyr TOdailIP '7 Froranekwwledg of lhe professional and moral char. v.

and Mr. Avery. I feel great pride and pleasure in recommending them to the entire con fidante ef thos wno may rnnire hmmv ca of their respect. branch of lh nrorcssion. ci.KA7.ER PARMLY.

11 Park place. N. B. RoiMvis at No. 4 Park Place, near Broadway.

rrilUAIlli; AMU COMMISSION storage can be obtained at In large Firo Proof Store, No. Broad corner ol Stone atreet. aaJe aaal artA Axes, Spade. Hoes nd Plantation Tads tenerxJIy, Anvils. Vea.

Sledges, bellow and Smith Kiflea. Mi.skeu. Can Rifles and Can Guna. Gun Smith Tool and Gun material of all kmds, Perc.ssion Cap and Pill. Shot Bell.

Powder Flask, Gam Net, Taklaef all kind. Mathematical Instrument, Tape Meaurr, Spy glasses, Spectacle. Needles, sc. aa.l.i.M nMjwta aAnMrallv Violin, Violin String. Chemen, SnuffBoie.

ate. ata. toeather with a great yarity of other fancy artw 50 40 15 300 300 30 mt5 Im residing FRANCIS DE fotl residing at lol Broadway, gray Im blue cloth aav. do do do scarlet Saved blue Calico. ehin Print.

red Flannel. 900 chtntx Shawl. 100 pieces Brown Cotton Shirttng. 300 do. Cotton Plaids and Siripe.

10 lb Linen Thread. 100 blueSurtout Coat. 750 Calico Shirt. 150 keg Powder. ton Shot.

do. Lead. 900 Rifle. 300 Shot Gun. 4500 lb.

Tobacco. 500 600 Tin Kettle. 1400 Indian Knive. 50 I'. S.

Flag. 00 MiMk Trans umtaL'ir li LPkk8. r. aaww mm? iiKti(viKai Ksa iiial anv AflFOfr MM IWOtO 01 rlS i kI R.II ANT ta an order of JameeCarapbe eai, JL Siu rogaieof lh CouniyofNew York, No'ico ia hrby given to all persona having claim against ihe es of lh city of New Vnrk.aaarehani. deceased, present th came, with i a a iher of th eiecutori.

oo or rorS9thfAugytneit. Dated Nw York, Slat of r.brary,I83i. gToppAN ai 6. Ann SL EL HOYO. ai 62 Kevuwd Statute, of 'J porpe en VU Good told on Commuv IQ.

oug 0f iuo bales of cotton can bo received at ha above place no storage, rTi'unwiuiL. GUNS, etc. n8 A 4 W. SPIES. N.

191 Pearl street, offers the following to Country merchant on lb most accom modating term LOCKS of all kind, Bras Goods, ate. lie. General shelf Hardware, c.i j. M.w Xte. ate.

Executor. QuaaTRnsfASTBa' Orrica, New York, March S5, 1835. QEALED proposal will received at this offio un UI 3lh April for rurntsnuig tn lonowing uacnpuun. ol Indian goods, to delivered at Chicago, Illinois, on tha 15'hof August next.tosueh Dcr or aceal af th aovrnmm as may, nerealier, do aestgnaiM, pav 3 potoi scarlet B'ankats. 00 Mackinaw do.

400 ti do. do. 400 t. U.andlpt. do.

80 piece blue Stniads, Sample ofthe acveral article required may ho at this office, to which all supplied eooirsctd lor must Conform in everv raanael. The right of incraasing or diminishing th quantity of any, or the different article, so as lo Drug in wnot. amount to be contracted lor. to 'he turn appropriated for this object, is reserved to Ibe Government. Written contracts will be made with tbe person or persona whose proposals may ne accepted who will be re quired logiv bond lo th.

United State for lh latlhlul performance of iheir engagement, in double tho amount to bo furnished, with at least lb re. sufficient tec un lie. The (nod will be carefully examined and compared with lh pattern sample" previously to being packed ia ihn city, and again at Chicago, wiih a view of discovering any error, or lh existence and extent of any da mag which they may have sustained in the treanf, all which must be mad. good by the contractor. No payment will bo made unid iha goads shall hav been received by the proper agent at Chicago.

Letter CmV almM Proposals be endorsed Praanaaui for Indian Goodi," and ihonld giv. th. whom It may bo intended to ot for a. Th.y will openjd at thai la. Utk April nex at 1 o'clock, P.

at which torn and plan HENRY Lieut. Col. It ar. Mr. D.

Army. Ware, inv ol tenT ftorf jog Cof I also, ak Basktn of different pattara JMjn ber Candlesticks. Tea Urn, Plt4. 8nuflr Tray. Afro, i few doko pa6T Fco ma tad aah gill Candlesticks, a aw artiel.

tog Uf with a general aasortmeni nf Hu.kepgartieU. DANIEL E. DELE VAN, 4S9 Broadway, conwr of Broom sL 13 A Tow dexeo or plated ad Grma tilv.r Tabl and desert Forks, much lea than th pneas ef last year, with Ivory tabl and deaart KuivM to match if required. The ati.otwo of Houskpr i roiio ted. KOMAN CEMENT 60 bbls.

tor sal by tKO. POUGLAM CO. auM oaliw. 0yNe Yer; the General and Wil f.N.; nliaid city tbe Special Partner, and any risk, inconvenience, or suspension from business.

Kor lurtner. particulars aee pnmea wrappers enclosing each bottle. Preuared bv S. G. Barclay, M.

D. Stand, London. Fur silo wholesale and retail by A. MERLIN, Chemist Diuggisi, 80 Chatham street, New York. A.

M. hasalwavs on hand aa asaurtmont of Pa i i Dk. lent genuine aerimiona accurately nrerared. Counu DrugEisu and Merchants supplied upon the moat liberal terms, by A.

INDIA RUBBER SHOES. The Subscriber ha constantly on hand a largo supply of India Rubber Shoes, oft superior quality, which be offer at most reasonable prices. A. MbltLIM, Urugfist, 80 Chatham street, three doors (rem the Chapel. d4 6ml OYAL COLLKGE OF SUKUEOMS, LON prompt cramps, pa.

ma, lever, and other alarming complaints, which loo often prove fatal, may be speedily cured or prevented. In fact, all I hone who va.ue good health should never be ithout them. I hey are sold in packet, at MJ cent, 1 and S2 each, by every reapecuhle druggiat, book seller, and vender of medicine in the United Stales and lh Canadas, with copiou direction, together with lea timO'iial oi profenional ability trom the following eminent gentlemen Sir Astley Cooper, J. Abernethy, as. Blundell.

yi. W. Back, J. Aston Key, A. Frampton, M.

U. and numerous others. 1 he origin als may be aeen in possession, ol the general agent by whom the medicine is imported into this country and York, Sole General Agent for the United Slates, Sc. Sold by J. M.

Secor, bookseller 417 Broadway, cor of Canal it Clav, corner Variek and Franklin Scheif lm. 114 Canal Merlin, 80 Chatham; Callonear, 171 William, corner of Beekman; N. B. Graham. 38 Cedar, cor.

William; Kirby, agent for Kearney, 378 Pearl; Disbrowet Co. 96 Catharine at Maunder, S7U spring si Church's Dispensary, 188 Bowery and Crumble, Howerv, cor. ourtn st. I K. Aus in, aa varmine ai; J.

U. Hart, Broadway, corner of Chambers at. M' Laughlin. bookseller, 134 Fulton Welfnrd, library 418 Grand; Whit 145 Dclancy; and Morcton, 145 Grand St. azir.

i June William Chimben, Author of Th Book of Scot' land." tc and by Robert Chamber, Author of Life and Adventure of the Chevalier Charles Stuart," Tra dition of Edinburgh," Picture of Scotland," etc On Saturday, Nov, Ihe Subscriber commenced he Publication of CHAMBERS' EDINBURGH JOURNAL." This work was commenced the Messrs. Chambers in Feb. 1832, and in a comparatively short time obtained a circulation exceeding 50,000 co rnea. The Journal contains. cons.

stenliy wiin tne great, esl simplicity of style, and the utmost purity of diction, a large variety of pieces in each nnmbur, all calculated either to enlarge the intellect, or to improve the heart. There are frequently contained, within the limits ol one Daner. a summary of general or particular history, an historical or moral tale, a description of some popular or ancient custom, with TON. 1 1 i TJOTJSTOUN STREET PROPERTY VOK ERCHANT8 JP5 WaJ ireeuNew Yorkd XX. BALK.

The pioce of ground on tha aoonwami iYA A rfhail of Uollan for earner of Houeloun and jlHerry atreeU, with a front ot I Lnoorporaled wun a UmM k. 87 foot 7 inchea (half the bluck) on Houaloun itroet.and lh, eparmM llieeiiuiaKlonMiuocrry.iionoreaioraa.e. I nort their caibea. houae LJT praperty ia vaiuabio oa account ot us neu ai.naieo ii. tow.

aad er err dWptioa of I fT.rm. imIImii lo nooaJ propy. "TrV T.T Te: ooerr A Ueatiena made trem bemgeutbythe line of We etreet. For L. II I 1 in inn uwv" mnitl.I.

1l UVINQSTON, No. 3 Murray I the t. JZ3 II tV01COTlCKhb.r: i 1 aenbere have thin 1B Hoouod Part ot Jonathan Lawrence, wider TittaPirel, Chapter Forih I tne for He Kel.nd. Title Firrt. Ne TYork, for JONATHAN LAWRENCE.

Praaideau ATBAitCL W. 8to. DIRECTORS. Dual 1 Tbomaa Bloodcood, their I John A. Sleveoa, bu.

theii Hubert Chcaebrough, Francis H. NicolL Thomas Lawrence, James Strong, Jacob P. Giraud, Peter A.Jay, Ijlr a ofihe aiaia of York. fnrmH a limited aart 1 nlicationa fur tnsurmc dwelling nouses, waronauses ana frOnl, mmmm ihlMrMfl Of TVT 1. a a.

m.A Inaiank I Lot! Willi KrvJ I ajw a wa, ins pucrw ym mm r.ivnf IHla CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPAM, CAPITAL 5300,000. Office No. 169 Chatham, corner of James street. THE Capital Stock of this Company having been all raid in and secured, agreeably to the coo di lams of the Act of incorporation, the company will receive an New York. 30th SAMUEL WILLETS, J) Administrator.

1VTOT1CE is hereby siven to all persons having claims I 1 agiinst the entate of George Nuttman, late of the city of New York, deceased, to present the same with ihe vouchers thereof, duly authenticated, lo either of the k.r. 9flih riav nf Stnlaaiher un. I 1 I Dllt. Dated, New York, 7th March, 1835. R.

A. NUTTMAN, Executrix, 655 Broadway. ICHABOD PRICE, Executor, 190 Broadway. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Executor, m9 Iaw6m 65 Broad au NOTICE is hereby given io all persons having claims againa Daniel McCormick.late of the city of New York. Gent eman.

deceased, lo oreaenl the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his residence, No. 49 Broadway, in the eitv ol Hew York, ooor oetore 1.. i ne original nvgean umversa. eaaiaoie i j. s.Mmk., Modicine, prepared bv W.

Miskin, Member oil JOSEPH PITCAIRN, the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of Apoihei cary's Oompaov, ellow Bolt Uourt Society, burgeon to the Royal Union Pension Association, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, and perpetual Pupil of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, London. That valuable medicine, the result of zO year expert ence and unparalleled success in the extensive and ly respectable practice ef th proprietor, patronised by the faculty and nobility, is now introduced to the notice of the American public, at the earnest solicitation of a uumber of gentlemen of long and high standing in the profession. It is hoped, aa a preliminary al to check the evils and fatal consequences arising from the use ol the numerous deleterious nostrums foisted upon the public by the aid of fabricated proofs of miraculous cures, and other frauds, by a set of mercenary, unprincipled pretenders, so totally ignorant of medical science that ii ia impossible ihe monstrous delusion can any longer On of ihe Exocutorsfof said deceaaed. New York.Sih March, 1835.

n6 taw6m TVTOTICE. The undersiened have entered into a i.1 limited partnership, pursuant lo the provisions of I Ihe revised statutes ot this stale nrst tine, lounn ensp 1 H. Ranaom as eeneral nartner. for the boot, shoe and leather business, in ihe city of New York, for Ihe nresent at No. 58 Water street.

John R. Peters is tk. MM.i.1 n.rin.r mnA mm mtwH aneeial nannerhaa eon i rl situate. Ivinc. and being in TJu 4 some eminent man, an interesting ltgenttraveller.hmls on emigration or forming settlement, a popular acconnt ol fome medical experience, a discov it is elolned with simplicity vet perspicuity of language, its morals are sound, and its religion pare, and it comes within the means or the most humble class ot readers; Thia work will be published every Saturday, commencing with the 3d volume of lh original work.

Each No. will contain 8 page royal quarto, on good paper and new type. Term 8 1 50 per annum, in advance, or cents per No. on delivery and in Monthly Part, containing four numbers, neatly stitched in a printed cover, It 1 cent. Uommiinication (post paid, to be aaaressed lo K.

J. Ann street, ew Xork tony rquetd to seine meir accounts arminow nsviag demand, to present them for payment at lh Coal Yard 53 Hudson street. OHERIFf SALE. By vino ol a esnam writof e.senan.e. i k.

i ji S. Walsrav. fourth day of fashionable Hylographic and oiher music ha re hw Hywgraphic al six, and tne otnerat tnree cents per page, being iwo lhirds less than old retail, and almost half of half present price. Wholesale dealers supplied cheaper than at any other publishers in tha United Statea at 95 Lanal, oppnai Wooaier. aud 134 Fulton atreet, near Nassau st.

Ne' at 95 Canal, opposite near Nassau st. New York; Smeod PARK'S WORM SUGAR PLUMS Thw a very safe and convenient medicine for children. Ii ia pt so much lo resemble a sweet meal that children of all agea take them without the least difficulty, neither doea ihe last enable them to discover that they trora Ihe original receipt. In all case of worm either in children or adult these plum are very efficacious, causing them to be discharged in great number. They will also be foui.d a valuable medicine in all cases of eruption.

he 1 rade supplied ky RICHARD EVANS St Co. 548 Pearl St. Sold by Rushton Asptnwall, 88 illiam al. Jehn B. Dodd.

193 643 Broadway Hayiland, Broadway Dickie, Broadway; Perkins, Counlandlst Thompson, Maiden lane Coggeshall, corner of Pearl and Rose Iu. W. Smith, Brook yn, and other respectable drug STATE OF NEW YORK, In pursuance of an order of the Court of Onancery will be sold public auction, al lhe Merchants' Exchange, ia ihe city of New York, on the atxik day of May next, at 13 o'clock, at noon, under tha irrcuoo of subscri ber, one ol Ibe Maslers ofthe said Court, "all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being ia the town ol New Roche'le, in the county of Westchester and date ol New York, bounded aa follows: Beginning al tho junction of Drake' a land and Pelham road leading from Pelham to New Rechelln, and tbence south easterly along Drake' lane lo Spring atreet (so called;) thence westerly along Spring street to tha road called Mansion House street; thence northerly to lhe Pelham road; thence easterly to lh place of beginning, containing aad embracing fifteen lots of land. And. aiso.

all thai certain other piece or parcel of land. in the Second Ward iha eitv I ry to way hi debt. ofNew lork. know. a.

No. 34 Burlm, ai t7 law6w ourimgaip, lhe VSar the lown ol ISew Kochelle oi feinam roau ano ui. nww iwai, aou running thenc aoutherly to lh Spring street road; thence westerly to lb cross way road; thence north ery,, or an WMam Meld. nnn at in inruint eitv. ar soma other noint ol aniiaiiitv.

I interesting anecdotes, ahrewd observationa and reflec tions, points in natural history, some account of a mod' era city, It inhabitant, manners, etc. with sundry van. eties, all relieving each other, and no part being either vapid er usele. The editors themselves have long been distinguished ia tbe world of letter, and besides their personal exertion, they give ample occupation toother men of learning. that this publication doe not come before Ihe world a a collection of articles compiled or extracted from other pr.nted matter, but contain, mainly, original article in us own column.

Its characteristic merits may be shortly summed up aa follow: the matter is erly one hundred feet; thence northwesterly along William G. Mead' land lo the Pelham road; thence easterly to lhe place of beginning, containing and embracing twelve of land. Together with all and singular the hereditament and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wis appertaining. Dated New York, March 1 7, 1 845. PHILO T.

RTJGGLES, roIS lawSwtds Master in Chancery. TN pursuance of ao order of th. Surrogate of Ihe city and county ol JNw xork, notice a nereny given to extremely varied, it is altogether devoted to subjects I present Ihe same, wiih Ihe vouchers thereof, io the sub tisetul, or rationally entertaining, io ins worm at targe, i scnoer, ai nia residence uiinn sireei, in tne city ef New York, on or before lhe SZd of August nex', Dated Ittin ol Kebrurrv, i33o. HENRY F. FRASSE, fel7 law6m Executor.

street, tn said eity, on or before Ike first day of Sept. 1 thousand eight hundred and thirty six. ber next. Dated, New York, Feb. 13, 1835, 1 13 law 6m sar SARAH LANDER.

OP THf HEALTH. NOUY'S PILLS. A medicine entirely vegetable and truly valuable; they purify ihe 'bus prevent illness tf persevered in w.ll cure the most d.s pera'e di.ei. and are a certain restorative of health. aw, c.a per oox.

with direction. B.k.ey Gnwe. Ml eacker kl 'T I mlSdtf .2 Amos at. New York Made and severally signed by lh said partner, at New York, this sixteenth fay of March, A. D.


ia Tr LT tTmrm 1 21 call OWiair AWT ween VL'UVAKIa. lmDleU Nrark urn mcraaiui ia raiue. ana aj me emu oui i i I ia mcreaaiag ia value, and by the corneal of wld be materiel LoeS'l eccupju; The raise of premium and conditMxia of insurance! n30 Imh Jrrsr City, At 7 o'clock. 8) o'clock, 10 o'clock, 111 o'clock.

AFTERN Iaox aracy City. At I o'clock, 21 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, Vl y. nrk. 7 A. ana well improved and important etreet, about aqui dai I I vrk.

ai 10 A. M. and i any pan of the United Statea, I 4 cauon for bo. pub or private edincea. i na "Tjb.

MrUcul doVcnpUeo of the buudiiiga, the rink olila ownara. Tk. Tk. HOBO uniform will, ail lha other Fire laauranceComDaniua I LI OnOKbN mf Bar HU of Bar that aatd specl partner hath conlribuied to the com William W. Foa, Dartaership the sum of Ten Thousand! Qeorge Barclay, Uo lars in cash and further that said partnership ia to Michael, eoaimeoce on the day of the date hereof, and terminate 1 Jcromas Jotinaan, a) the oral day ot cbruary ono thousand hundred andfT New lor marcn tax ism.


This is 10 ceruly that the uaJeraigned have, uurauaal tn lha nrnviainna tha raviaed ala. David M. PralL O. Mauran, Ephratm Holbrook Augustus W. Hupedm, William Whitloca, Jr.

Henry K. Boaer! Anthony C. Koaeiro, Daniel Low, Motea Taylor, Oliver Corwin. "yu boken every 10 minutes, cemmcuciog fTiRY aUEEN will leave aiwoevecnour eommencemeni of every hci 4 half hour dunog On Sunday tl rewill be two boat, at Ca ml at.

mii AM BOY KAIL KOAi iaJi. KIBKB" "r.V..t Er. PHILADELPHIA. AT 7 A. at rpHE ateamboat IS ePrl" j'aHy" 1 leave No.

1, n' dp buadaya excepteo, a. adeiohia wdl lake the Kan at Km inpinnu. ai i'lucai. to Bordentown, ana r.M. ai 1irwnl ae oer? Uottth Line, via Rail Road to Hightston, from thence to Freehold by stages.

Fare to Freehold $2 IS. Prince! on and iraww Staa. Fare to Princeton $1 60 to Tren'on J2. Eaaton Line. raasengera A atnauauj a aieamboat Independence, at 7 o'clock, A.

M. la iBdrpendence, at 7 o'clock, A. M. I nership, under the name or firm of K. thai other buildings, ships in port anauuvcargoea.mercnan lake hich eitend to Stotia I general naiwe of the business to be transacted is the disc, machinery, household furniture and other pcraonal Brunswick, and arrive in Eastoo early say 19 to 16 feet I imfatXatt and dealing in China, Glass, and Earthenware, property against loaa or damage by Fin on terms as I and that Richardson Vandewater.

who residee he ci ihvorabjo as any other Fire Insurance Company in the and South Amboy and New Bruuawick Fare la Perth and soma Amnoy cr. r.i..k. raat. be'lBlSO feet frOOtee I n.rln mnA Ih.tih. Jnaenh Werkaa halh ennlribut mt aa.1 about COJ leet deep, exiending to and I ihe sura of nine thousand dollars, aa capital, towards VMWIW I I.

I William aireei. i uie common eioca. ana inai tnv hw panrrrrauiu wi Also! the new atory Siore, No. 19 William street, I eommence oa the third day of March, 1835, and is to iha best materials, ana ia too moat auoaianuai I tarmmaie on the first ol Mat, I83. Dated lots aa This preperty ia well eiiualed, and offers great induce psents lor permanent mvesimeats.

Fur further parueulara, enquire of JOHN R. PITKIN, all tf 6 Maiden lane. aav oi oiarcn. JOSEPH WEEKES. RICHARDSON VANDEWATER.

March 47wU JA BARCLAY'S Cubabs and Sarsanarilla Com. Miohael Ulanoetfer, Aaaociaie I pound, highly concentrated by Dr. Barclav, for gonorr Court oi Comaaoa P'eas, for the eiy I hiu. airiciuree. nam in the loins and kidnevs.

cout. era aadcounie of New York. noUce is hereby given, pur I all the diaeaeea ol tha unnarv uassases the auanl tn lha nnviainna af iha aiaiuia aulhorina attach I tir I a in arvi nnmAm ramd nam in Uftn for ihe DIRECTORS. Preaerved Fiah, Corceliua W. Lawrence.

Josiah Macy, Abraham Bell, Robert Hicks, John Barrow, Robert I. Walker, Thomas J. Towns end, William H. Falls, John D. Wright, Joseph W.

Cot hies, Benjamin Clark, Isaac Frost, Amos Willeta, William C. White, Peter S. Titus, David S. Brown, Edward A. Wright, Cyrus Hitchcock, Daniel Tnrrble, Thomas Carpenter.

JOHN BARROW, President. R. A. RcADIite, Secretary. JVTOTIUE ia hereby given perrons having claims 11 against wnuenead nicaa, late ino chj oi mnti tK.un.rt noo rMideii4 dbiors, Ui4rl 4.iuehmnl cur6 teMt ditordrrt, frequemly protinf effeciive io York, deccued.

lo preteol ih umc Mh irMrhert abaia laMaaaat tha. asatrntm) Ol JUWI raWICVIS OU I f.m rm liar riaM It. ITumnai IWafl ntmA Wills II1W I ti.rM)l IO Itlfl mUtlCriDr. Ml UIM SIOTV WW. JW Ihier, merchant, iraiwaeunff boitineM uaT tn rm oi i bounded 9Uoca9 and uprds of 18UU csm uwlul 1 I root, in ib oiy ol ow Jom, or bcwtv ino iwin Voathier 61b.

mideat of Fin in tn Kingdom I can Kitett it unonoriiv. It is aken without dav of July next. II lUaiaU I I L. ark. L.

Uu fDQJ add for the December. 1834. SO centa. Office It Waahington at. All bugage at tbe nakof iU owner.

nia IRA BLISS, Agent. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. TVTEWARK, Jfc.KOis.1 wil, nan iuniv in nnACHKS. ino Voacnea ot ine aoove tins wiii, aa and after November I in, run aaiouowss Jort ivcieara. avm ii A.M I Ao'cUick.

A.M. trjm secured bv applying at J. T. Thorn. aon'THotel.

Newark, and at J. Patten'a Hotel, 73 Courilandl etreet, New 1 ork. Paaaengera wUI be taken and set down at meir reapecire uiaco. u. ream boih at Newark and New York.

Faro 371 centa. New York, 13th Noe. 1834. NEWARK RAIL ROAD, tlttav Afimark. I At 7 o'clock, I 8J o'clock.

I 10 o'clock, I IH o'clock, OON CARS. lAavt Rework. At 1 o'oicck, 2, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock. ii To iivim a seat, omsseniers should provide kn.k,M nh a ticket, to be had at the office of the Company, foot ofCourllandt street. New York, and lo leave in the Jersey Ciiy Frry Boat, foot jfCourtlandi street, at least 10 minutes belore the hour at which ihe Cars depart.

Nl WAUK RAIL ROAD ACCOMMODATION, PASSENGERS going in this line will be called for, hv teavinc their address at the office foot of Cour Lni't arhera an Omnibus will also be in wailing to convey passengers oo the arrival of the Cara lo their re sidence in tne city. a. TT TYT IXT rl DAM. mCbAUUIU'llli winwi Vmtm Ifl eeata. New York.

13ih Nov. 1834. tf IMPROVED VEGETABLE ROBB. The unproved Ve etable Robb ia a French chemical compost I II I una. ailanaive lasea in ina noshliais oi rraoce, wun ler, second pan, unuer me nam.

aw. nrm nrenard in New York bv a transact ion ot in. renc. rnrsician. i .7 i i.

i I nina Aneettana. cunal Afrectieos, io me common io can win. u. rai mar tr Tk. n.MnMh.n e.immence.1 no ih.

kinds, Scrofula or King'a Evil, Complaints ofthe Liver condday of March and will continue until and Skm Salt Rheum, and all diseases arising trom i aa IftlA I rMtPllM I fU Ihfl hHVafl. secona any o. iviarco, tow. PETERS Can be taken by penon of every variety of eonsUtu J. H.

RANSOM. I "on, at all seasons ol the year wun ine most peneci aaie ino An. I lv. Irnn utanev ta DU an. rvew m.rcn, I e.

ha. heen A un.iWD VII wiww I proved Vegetable Robb, No. 74 Duana a few aoor tvasi oi Droaaway, new a do g.veu a' numerous patrons, for th very liberal patronage he has received from them during the last seven years. To those Ladies and Gentlemen in need of his professional seryi he respectfully invite their attention lo hisIN CORUPTIBLE TEETH, for which a Gold Medal Premium was awarded, for his approved manner and method nfsellin and inserlinc them. Thev are adapt ed and fitted ao as to give and retain the natural form ol Ihe mouth, to answer lhe purpose of mastication, artic ulation, and elude detection ay ihe closest and nutest scrutiny.

They never change the colour the lightest shade. The never decay, nor cause a fcaud or unpleasant breath. The subscriber performs every operation appertaining to tne proiession oi imperative Denial surgeon. Teeth, tc, extracted, teeth cleansed, salivary calculus remov ed, teeth stopped or filed with cold and silver, ao a to prevent the further progress ot decay, and entirely preserve Ihem. A.

C. CASTLE, Dentist. Rooms 197 Broadway, between Duane and Reed streets, N. Y. Refers io John C.

Cheesman, M. F. U. Johnson, M. D.

N. D. Dcrring, M.D. H. Ba'ies, M.

D. J. M. Smith, M. J.

A. Smith, M. D. J. Torre M.

D. J. D. Beck, M. U.

K. Deiahcld, D. Buahe, M. D. A.

H. Stevens, M. D. Ireland, M. D.

Tomlinson, M. D. Ktssam, M. D. Phelps.

M. and lhe Medical Faculty ofthe New Yotk 4 rlLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST1NGS, wit ar.w rz itvt i i i i' 7 8atidoa, late of offer Me, splendid asaortmeat of Ckrths, Cassr t' a city of New York, watch caaa maker, deceased, to 3 caies superfine Imperial Wool and do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Black Cloth. PAPER Fine and superhale Later Pap er, do thick Ne 1, fc FoiiaPoat, for checks and catalogues Piece Dyed do Saxony light and dark blue Cloths, do Russell Brown and Adelaide do do Invisible and Drake Neck Green do, do Light and Dark Dahlia do, NOTICE. In conformity wnh the statutes concern I do Olive and fancy mixture do, ing limned copartnerships, we, the subscriber, do I 2 do Oxford and Cadet Mix'd do.

hereby certify, that we have formed a limned partner 3 do Saxony colored Buckskin Cassimercs, ship, to be conducted under the name and firm of Jacob do Diagonal and heavy Rib do, S. Carpemler, in tho business of buying and aelliag 3 do plain light and dark fancy colors do, stacks and such other money transactions and bu.iness ALSO, as is usually done by Slock and Exchange Brokers, and Crap Drilling, Napier Crape, rS. mi. Tk. i.

Rummer tlniha. Diaaanal Dnllinf Honev Comb do. Any Person obtaining five subscribers ind paying in I is I and an assortment of Good for dimmer wear. advance, will be entitled to a ixth copy grati. ofNawYork.i interested in aid partnership I Together wiih Marseille, Satin, Valeoaaand Fancy Agent wanted to obtain aubscribera lo Ihe above a partner.

Frederick A. Tracy, whose I Vesting, Bomhaxine. Linens, Paddings, and all kinds work, apply at 45 Ann street, from 9 lo II. A. M.

I ia also the and county of New I ofTnmming, for ale by the piece or yard, at the Cloth TVTOTICE hereby given to all person having claims I York, is interested in said partnership aa a special part 1 Stare, 464 Pearl aueet, corner ol Loatnam. 1 against Stephen Lander, late of Ihe City of New I ner, and as such ha contributed twenty thousand dot i ore, uveas sea, to present tne same wun tne vouchers I iar oi capital io in com rooa ine pannnrsotp is 'hereof, to William Ketcham, Junior, at his Office No. I to commence on the sixteenth day of March instant, and 8 Murray atreet, or to the Subscriber, No. 132 Centre I to terminate on tho first dsy of June, in th year one m4 dll TVTOTICE is hereby civen loall nenons navinc 1 try Dr.Taylofa" Balaam ot Liverwon," oy a IN against Isaae Brewsi.r, lata of the City ef New I whm it had cured of a moat distressing cough. I procur York, merchant, deceased, to present the sam.

with the I ed a botu trom nis iore, xvo. i rw nj vouchers thereof lo lh subscriber, Abiiah Fiher, at his I one other, haa entirely cured me, so that I can now al So. 64 Pin street, in iha city of New York, oo tend to my business. Awice. 114 Bmadvay 1 or beioro ihe 15th day of September aext.

HaavWv SL HalM. RR1 Pkalt.aM a ttm I a sat I. A.L. WM 1. OsS stor.

Dated New York. 9th March. 1835. JOSEPH W. BREWSTER, ABUAH FISHER, mlfl law6m Executor.

T7t50NOMY CAST OFF CLOTHING To the CTa DaRfNIli UVUID I ruouc uui iiire. all La hay. en oilier Esuhli.hmetrl will consequently require an imme lered fh i irinsaetion of th dial aupply of gentlemen, and youth, cast off clothing Coal business, under th firm of WHIT A i I a. I 5 CONSUMPTION, Cough, Colds, Spilling of Blood, Pain the Chest, Comrnwtatttd I. William L.

Hagan, hereby certify thai I bava been for tbree year affected with consump tioa.spttting of blood, difficult breathing, night sweats, loaa of anneiiie. tie fee. that I have takon a number of nalent caush uedicines. but received but little relief from any elf them. Being recommended however, lo fS Pio 1, 3 cut ana nat tepa No 1 yellow.

Blifa and Green Poet No 1 Cap Flat, suitable for blank book No 1 blue do, do beautiful No 1 blue, Pink and yellow Quarto Post Blue Tobacco Cap, varieua kinds Medium, auperroval and imperial Kentish Cap Straw imperial Envelope Paper Super royal and imierial Post officado Bank Note and Lottery Ticket Can No 1 white Music Paper French Copperplate by S9 inchea Do do medium, very beautiful Music Paper of various qualities Medium Printins Pancr. in 1 menu, WILLIAM HAGAN. 40 Leonard st. TARGE ROOMS TO LET The second floor of i ik. No.

108 Broadway, corner of Pine day ol Ann. for by. uTTr of room. divnW. be bad 1835.

New York. March 14. JAME.3 u. W. WHITALL consitig of two room, connected by folding door in th centra.

nd wngle door on ach fide. The front Room i 30 leet wide and 80 feet deep, the back Room is 36 feet wide aad 40 feet deep; th whole floor being 30 fool wide, 60 ieet long, aad 13 feel 6 inches high, with window OS tore siaea, oein a corner ALSO TO LET, Th third Floor in the sam House, consisting at pre indoeemeni: thai a anm.iem aiuuMitv ttuv offer la ana. I Wlla. or without We aecooo noor iww pp.y i. trz a.

nauvii.t. a ply his immediate orders, and Muck hi nw nsiabltsb 1 to Esiabltah a u.iiir.'.,Kl Ortor left, or by addreMing lino through th I tU kind, of Amhradt. ami Bitumioou. Co at th.! 1n iwr murr ina I On th Premise.

underangned ha formed a limned Tnl.lst.Chaoter4ih.ofih. ti r. i a. limited narl. i uv pan oi ina rv c.

ia au pi. wi, i mars at price. 1 N. B. The hi.heat nrv.

eivea for walchea. iewsllervl nf buvaw and sllinc and deal ou roate'a Lourt. Held and tor in Uountv I uoaany coaowcanna an ar New York. nK. in k.

firm af Wenmaa ft Wyckou, to eommoace o. iuo ao Xa.afNMVl. o. una i I a. U.nn...

Jk Nw York, oa ik. j. Tras laVc 7 1 1835. and terminal, oo the 1st day of t. I 7 laiA TL i That vien Facta ta dtrctd aad delivers, I.

will I "the matter of th. o. .1 i a o.i. JOHN 'BALL, Alaiaitrai, BALL, A4iauur.i 2. "7 1 may mm rixVTZ ff cuy taxes only together with all and in(ulr th heri I l.

far their Caat off r.l..kl. ditament an" appunenanc tnareuato b.loa.i.. 1 .7. nscrar tmraodial. of anv wis.

anoartaming. Dated, New York, April lt, 1835. bmng ia want a quantity of left off dotbin of all description, by tending or addressing through lh Poll Ofne. Genilemeo will attended at th.v dne. M.

LUMLEY. mH IMtlwtsMMrom, Febroary 1840. Bernard E. Wen nan and Jacob WnChaihofihe eity of New York are the'a deceased. 'I ranaral urtnar.

and Danrel B. Dh of laid city, th. nowff MO A'. I Uft PfkfJiriMtB tava.J a a. I I kalk awaua M.

Ai hath paiitioa of Jchn Ball, tbe I poeial partnw, and that aaid special paruer eon ofwhich tonM'T? ebruary, in the year of, our. Lord one Jtrtio or said deceased appear befon J.m.. ramekin New York. Mareii J. US5.

hundred mmA k. Exiuir. 8om.t. VT e'1'. James Lampben, new lore, marw issw.

7 of all that certain 1 of th Ral Estate ofeaid dwwJiTkTS 8wd gltasaU VatTl mi maasaa ih B. E.i WBNMAN. J. V. WYCKOFF, DANIEL B.

DASH. TAMES niYOHJ AND SON'S BRITTANIA WARE Tb aalaeribcr ha Just received a full assortmrat. coosistmg ol lea aod eoff psi of an rtes aad pauorn. with cream cups aad sugar now is to maicn av a avs nw WTt a TY A VY DAIMICL IV, 1uiaiais, Na 489 Broadway, eoi. Broom st.

rICP Aun. a Una assortment ol Braia and Brittania "Pittaosas. with aad without loot. al BOTTLES. Ponor aad Win, quat.

and pints, for aloby GEO. DOUGLASS fc CO. wa aroq t. Royal, auper royal and various sizes of imperial, newa 1 Red, blue, yellow, and tea colored medium, some very Tea colored royal, calculated for covers Fancy colored Cap, Folio Post and Medium Double Crown and double Cap Wrapping Single Cap and Crown do Cnp, Crown, double Crown and Medium nmrhu Orders executed for every kind of paper with the ut STATIONERY. Red and black Sealing Wax Walkdeu'a, Kidder's and Hart's red and black Ink rowder Do do do Ink in bottles, all sizes Red and black Lead Pencils; Crayons Ever Points American, Dutch and Ruuia Quills Frejch Spanish speck'd double head Playing Card AOiurrcau eb uermau oo, all Kin US Various sized Blank Uards, Porcelain do.

Full and half bound Blank Books, assorted School Bibles and Testaments Quarto Bibles, various qualities and prices Grecnleaf Grammar, Bascom'a Penmanship Webster's Spelling Book, old and new I tie cngiisn Header Lithographic Stones, all sizes also Presses Cast Iron Copying Presses. For sale by TVT 1. HOIT, S3 AnnstreeL Orders attended to for Rust's and Smith's Pnntinp Presses, Type from the various respectable foundries, and all kinds of printing materials. n26 article, instead of one or more of Ihe numerous counter feit preparations whicl. are palmed oflfbyrojjuea and impostors, either as the genuine," or improved," or un der some other equally rpecmus misrepresentation, iNote, the nrst place orison pills, tho genuine Hygeian Medecine.

can never be purchased atadru store and in the next place require the production ot the seller's appointment, aigned by me see (hal the same name is written on tne yellow label, at the buck ol each packet and that they both correspond with one of ihe Agents, a list ot whom may be obtained at au Ltnal at. This latter particular is the more to be regarded, as a late counterfeiter, to render his imposture the more perfect, has not only filched the title, but has also adopted a yellow label somewhat similar to the genu ne. rO'i'lCE. Wurmani io an order ot James Camp 1 XI a a.n ti 1 1 veil, esq. urn" ale ui u.c cuuihj ui turn, lis everyday from eight o'clock in the morning, till ten at a rjmi cl)s a.

rVe i I gainst the Estate of Suaan Post, deceased, lo exhibit lhe piinuin it. favour, euthenuc proof ol euros ob "me the vouchers to the suliscntier. at hi. .1 .,11 ha ied to all offi" 184 Water sueet in the cuy New York, 7 I nn nr betnrii trie hral nav ft. in Br.l who doubt its efficacy.

Dated lh. 25tddav of December. 1834. Sold wholesale and retail at the uirosiTear, ana ai I 'pucoa wrumumt the Pharmncy of John Milhau, 183 Braadway; Mar Adminmrat'or C. Slocurn.

SOS Broadway Place Souillard. 2 4 Adminislraior. Park, below lh Theatre; and al Kusntou 4 Asnin I iiiibi.ii nuiicn nereuy given io an persons wail'a. 88 William at. and 110 Broadway John viland, 364 Broadway.

8 'f JT DE PARIS, Na. 1117, received by J. S. FOUN TAIN CO, which thowa the fashion of lhe Tartan Twilled Plaid Silks, as being the last Paris fashion for Walking Dresses. J.

B. tl Co would inform lhe la die that they have opened one case ol the above goods which cannot be found in any other establishment in ihis cuy, to which they would invito the attention ol tbe la Also oa hand, and will open this morning, a great of extra quality and very rich Plaid Silks, f.w walk ing and evening dresses, with a general assortment of fancy Hatwkerchiel, Bells, Giuxe, Ribbccs, Cravats, at the lower corner of Maiden lane and William steeeu (TO jrfc.KA 1 IONS ON THE TEETH. The sub scriber return his sincere acknowledgements lo his na I claims agamsi ine estate oi uanie. uuryee, formerly of Ihr City of New Yirk, Cariman, deceased. Weal street, between Hammond and Perry streets, or before the 13th day nf June next.

Dated, New York, December 12. 1834. dl3 law 6m JAMES DURYEE, Administrator. UilUfc. is hereby given lo all uersr'ts having claims against David V.

Smith, late oi this eitv. deceased, io present the same wiih the vouchers thereof to either of the subscriber at Nn. 109 Beekman street, or Nn. 47 Wall street, on or before the sixteenth day of ti near IUIJ, JONATHAN J. CODDINGTON, GEORGE B.

RAPELYE, ill. lc 1 1 against the estate of Jeremiah Healey, deceased, to present Ihe same with lhe vouchers thereof, at 91 Ve sev street, on or before the 13th day cf September next. new lork, March 13th, I tai. FANNY HEALEY, Administratrix. WILLIAM TYACK, Administrator, law6m TN CHANCERY Befort lac Vict Chamuttnr.

Jude Field and Maria his wife. vs. Nathaniel Col man and Catharine his wife. John Ackerman and Eliza his wife, Ogden R. Crane and Charlotte his wife, Corne lius arsells, Amelia Farsells, and John McFarlan, in partition.

In pursuance ol an order made in the above cause. and ofthe statute in sucn case made and provided, all persons having any general lieu or incumbrance by judg men' or decree on any undivided share or interest in the land and premises set forth in the bill of complaint filed 10 ints cause, and winch ar liereinatler particularly men ion ed and described, are required io produce 10 me, the or before the fourth day of Miy neii, at 10 o'clock in ine forenoon of tha' day, at my office No. 43 Ann street, in the city of New York, proof of all auch liens and incumbrances, together wiih satisfactory evidence of the amount due thereon which land and premises are situated in the ninth ward of tbe city of New York, and fronting on Perry (formerly Henry) atreet, and which Ihe deed of conveyance ih refor, described as follow, ihal to say, that certain piece or parcel of ground, aituate lying and being in the Eighth, formerly the Seventh Ward of lhe city of New York, which said lot is part of lhe lot known and distinguished on a certain map or chart made thereol and known by lot No. 84, which said lot was forme ly conveyed from William W. Gilbert to William Boyce, and the following part of said lot from said Bnyce to Joshua B.

Brewer, bounded westerly on a part of said lot number entity four, belonging 10 Abraham Van Tassel, 48 feet 6 inches, northerly on Henry street 25 feet, easterly by lot number 85, 57 feci, and aoutherly by lot number 83. 25 feet. Paled New York, March 17th, 1835. WILLIAM VAN WYCK, mIS 1aw6w Master in Chancery. NOTICE The copartnership hereofre existing be I ween ihe subscribers under the firm of GEORGE DOUGLASS Co.

is bv mutual consent this day dis solved. Either parties will aign in liquidation of the un. settled business. GEO. DOUGLASS.

EDWARD A. RUSSELL. George Douglass, having taken his son Beni Douclass into copartnership, the firm will be continued as heretofore in the name of George Douglass 01 Co rlew xork, Apru I. IBM. al HAWKINS'S PIOTURElTF tiUEBEC, with Historical Recollections, from ihe earliest tunes 10 the present, illustrated bv 14 p'ates.

For sale by G. C. CARVILL ft CO, a8 108 Broadway. IN CHANCERY. Before the Vice Chancellor.

Am Yin Dike vs. Eliza H. Beekman, Abraham J. Beekman, Ellen Quick, Abraham A. Beekman, Jacob Beekman, John A.

Lot', guardian ad litem of Cornelia Beekman, and Anna Beekman, infants. Rem Lef f.rt and Neheimah Denton, and Rem Lelfert, acting Executor of the last will and testament of Adolplius Brown, deceased, and David Baiseley. In pursuance of an otderof thia court, macs io the above entitled cause, and bearing date the thirty first day of March, 1835 Notice ia hereby given, to all credi tora and other persons having claim and demands against the estate of Ralph V. Beekman, deceased, named in the proceedings in this cause, to exhibit and prove their respective debts, claims and demands aforesaid, before the undersigned, one of the Masters in Chancery for the state of New York, ai hi office, No. 43 Libeity street, io the city of New York, on lb.6th day of May next, at 13 o'clock at noon, or, in default thereof, that such creditors or other person having claim or demands as aforesaid, be precluded a prescribed in and by such order.

Al which lime and place lhe enquiry will be instituted, not only whether the aid claim and demands are justly due and owinz. but alio whether thev are not secured by judgment, mortgage, or expressly charged upon lhe real estate 01 said oeceasea ana mo or cuargcu, whether the remedies by virtue of such Judgment, mortgage, or charge, have been exhauated. Dated New York, Apnl 2d, A. D. 1835.

STEPHEN CAMBRELENG, aS lawdw A in Chancery. MERCHANTS' DYING AND PRINTING WORKS The subscriber are prepared to receive order for Printing, Dying, Dressing, restoring and folding silk and cotton goods or an descriptions. Good damaeed from salt water or other causes roster ed and folded in original atate. Unsaleable goods printed and altered lo be seasonable. Pantaloon Stuff, Veatiaps.

and Sattineta. atriped and printed, ia hand some style and with despatch; JOSIAH DOW fc CO. A genu, felSSw 137 Petri NOTICE, JOHN B. PECK, formerly of the arm of Peck fc Lanuuier, having made arrarrgament ik. ht and mat celebrated manufacturer ia this country, hu bow opened a HAT STORE, No.

460 Urand street, opposite Drowy, wnere mo puu. lie patronage, with that of hi friends, will be fralefully received, ana amply rewarded by being (applied wiih aa article wh ch cannot be urpassed. N. B. A full jjrtmeat of all kinda of Hata, Cap, HIGHLY INTERESTING.

HERNIA CURED. Dr. HULL has tha satis faction to inform the Medical Profession and the public generally, thai, by a course of experiments during the lost two years, he haa discovered mtpurtaoi improveajexta in bis new Truss, which effect a radical cure of Hernia. All young persons and are the subjects ol a speody cure by its use. Also, aged prreoca are permaneallv cured of old scrotal Hernia, when tbe instrument properly modified and adapted to ihe case, and ihe course of treatment prescribed by Dr.

Hull, strict ly aiiiacu io 1 he unprecedented tuccesa and curative operation of inis improvement naa oeen tested under the observation of distinguished Surgeons id this cttv. and elsewhere. tome of whom have experienced radical curea by its use on their in persons. This novel instrument when pro perly applied, has a direct Undency to bring into contact ine wans oi me aperture, and to induce a permanent ad' nesion oi ine ruptured pans, which process ol cure is now well known and established bv ihe hannv exnnri ence of many hundreds of persons, who. by its use, bare been io soundness and health.

In Oiiifirmatioa ol the above statement. Ihe follow ing testimonials ol the highest medical authority Ibe country, aru subjoined, to satisfy the most skepti cal From Valentine Molt. D. Professor of Operative surgery in the University of N.w lurk the meitical nrnreainn. ar.

fi.llv ausiained bv exoerimeai. Fancy Oriental, I It is ihepioduction ol an ingenious and au expenenctd r.n.i v. surgical expedient. cbraarv 16. 1835.

ought lo be." aaid city, deceased, are required to exhibit the same, wnn me vouchers thereol, to David K. Martin, Admin ist alor, lit ofthe said John Patterson, deceased, at hia office, number S15 West street, in the said city, al or be lore the twenty hrst day ol May next. Dated JNew lork, lBUi November, 1654. DAVID K. MARTIN, nl8 Iaw6m Adaumslraior, Sic TVTOTICE Pursuant to au order ot Jamea Cainu i.N bell.

Esquire, Surrogate of the city and county of New York, nulice is herebv piven to alt iiemnaia havinff TjURSUANT to ao order ol James Campbell, Esq. surrogate ol thecitv and county ol rew lork, no lire ia hcrebv. aiyenio all persons havinir acauiM he estate ot Oilberi Duwler, deceased, late of the city of New York, to exhibit ihe same with ijie vouchers thereof, io Stephen B. Olmslead, one of the Executors Executors or the last will and testament of the saiu owli Pearl street, in ihr city of New York, on or Mullein day ol Julv next. STEPHEN B.

OLMSTEAD, WILLIAM NELSON, Executors, New York, January 25, 1S35. j271aw6m BRILLIANT TONED PIANO FORTES THOMAS GIBSON CO, 61 Batvjay street, JJ THOMAS GIBSON It CO, 61 Batv lay street, I Pi.iui I iwIm iJiinuvin, IM. m.l.rHI Ic ml Wtirkman. TOTICE is hereby given to all persons naviug claims warranted to stand any climate, and keep in tune eqnal to any ever yet made, strangers visi ing lhe city, and the public wishing to gel a very superior instrument an opportunity offers, as they have been made during the dull season, and under the immediate superintendence of T. G.

who, wishing to decline the Piano Forte making bu.neas. will sell at low price. OFFICE OF THE CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 163 Chatham Square, 24ih of sept. 1834.

I he Lily ire insurance Lompany ol Ihe City of New York, for the better accommodation of their friends in the lewrr section of the Cuy, have a desk in an office No. 55 WALL STREET, where applications for Insurance will be received and personal attendance given daily from 12 10 2 o'clock all orders and communications left after that lime, and before 5 o'clock, P. M. will be attended lothe same afternoon. 4 R.

A. RKADfNG.Serreiarv. OTICE is hereby given to all the creditor ol Ben jamin Woodward, late of Mount Hone, in the county of Orance, an absconding or concealed debtor. to meet at the office ot Joseph Chanle, in the village of Mount Hope, in the county of Orange, on the day April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the undersigned will atiend, to adjust all amounts and demands, due to and owing bv lhe said debtor, and 10 make distribution of lhe proceeds of his property according tolaw. isaied esruary 1111.

lB3o. ALSOP VAIL, Jr. JOHN FENNEY, JAMES FINCH. fel7 lawSm Trustees. Nc claims against Solomon Sultus lale of the eitv ol York, merchant, deceased, lo nresent the same, with the vouchers thereof, 10 the subscribers, at Iheir store.

No. 32 South street, in the eitv ol New York, on or he. fore lhe 20tb day of August next. New York, Kin oTFehrunrv. 1835.

FRANCIS SALTUS, NICHOLAS SALTUS, n2 lawfim Executor. BY ORDER OF NATHAN DAYTON, first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, nf id. County of Niagara Notice is hereby given thai an at tachmenthas issued against the estae of John McLaughlin, a a non resident debtor, and lhat the aame will no sold Tor the payment or his debts, unless be appear and dischsrgo such attachment accord mi to law. within nine months from Ihe first publication of this no lice and that the payment of anv debts due tnhimby residents of this slate, and the delivery to him, or for his use ai any property within the atate beloru'in' lo him. and the transfer of any auch property by him, are forbid uen oy law ana are void.

Dated thia 10th day of February. 1835. J. C. MORSE, Attorney' fel71awm for Attaching Creditor.

OTICE The subscribers have entered intu a limited partnership, pursuant to the nrnviainna of ih. nevisea statutes 01 this slate, undei the firm of Charlee Addom Co, for the transaction of Ihe Dry Goods business. Samuel Kissam is the snecial Ihe other subscriber, are lhe general partners, and the aaia Samuel Kissam. as such anscisl nannor i.iuuieu .0 me caramon stock, in cash, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. The partnership commence on lhe fourth day of March instant, and will continue until ihe oiwarcn.

eighteen hundred and thirty eight, Naw VavL A loot SAMUEL KISSAM, CHARLES ADPOMS, rn5 7wil ROBERT H. JENKINS. NOTICE is hereby givenjitirsuant it the provisions Ihe revisad nf 1 ,1,.. m242t kmu 1. 11 ura nam, Kobrrt Put and Jame Kain, ail ol ihe eitv of rveav Yv.

m.u a iimuea partner ship, lor ola and jobbng business: that William Ki and Robert Pm. 1 partners, under the firm of WillUm Kain Co and 'na' he h.contribu!ed the cap.lal.tock twtnt, thnuand dollar, coA that the parin.r.hip i to commence thia and COTtmu. INew rork, March 25lh, 1835. 144 Pearl aL JAMES KAIN. WILLIAM KAIN, ROBERT PITTS.

pursuant 10 the provMtoua of Ihe Revised Statutes nfi hi. ik.i 'e? H.Jon and John R. Skiddy, both of of 41 1 ta nave enierec mio a limited partnership for ihe transaction of the Dry Goods business. H. Jones is the general partner, and business 1 to b.

conducted under the name of H. H. Jones, and John R. Skiddy ti the special partner, that he ha contributed to the capital stock four thousand dollar in cash thai the partnership is lo commence this day and con ioue until the first day of April 000 thousand eight hundred and tnirty Mx. New York, March 31st 1835.


No. 72 Sacred History of the World, attempted to be philosophically considered a aerie of letter to a on, by Sharon Taylor, orsaieoy vuaalco r. fin, aS 108 Broadway. COFFEE 1000 bag Su Domingo, lor sale by IN pursuance or an order mad by James Surrogate ol the Clt and County cf New Yo lice ia hereby given lo all persoiia Using clams atuT. ihe Estate oi George bement, late ol ibe city oi a ma, vcccaaco, io rxniDU me saa win, vxtthtrs thereof to the subscriber, at the aoreul a.

r. No. 84 Broad street, her place for be Iraiisaclioo a( business, oa or orfore the fit at day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five. JJated New York, Oil. S5tn, IS34.

EL1ZABE.1H BEMENT. oli 1aw6m Eaewuinn IN pursuance ol an oidrr ol ih ol theLiti and Cotntv ol lsw York, notice iahirtty all persons hatii rlmn a or Crrrai da aiainsl ihe iii. ol Siephrn h. Stielton, laleul New otk, dtceased, presenl ti aan.e duly authenticated to lie aubn riir, or ihe Off.ce ol aru and Ccveri, Cournilors Law, No. 3 Front street in ihe oi) of Erocklyti, wukit sis months aln ihe first publicaiioa ollbai noiicvk JJated October S7ih.

I EDWAKU I. CHtLTON, Acting Execoux ol Stephen L. fch.hoa. o87 law6m TV, Ol ILK hereby giveu lo ail persona hatt, claiaii i. against cuna ourruwa, ui nv iiv ol fe York, dtceased.

lo nresent tbe same with ti vm thereol lo Ihe subecriber. at his office No. 153 The Trusses invented bv Dr. Hull, are crnilructed I street, iu the City ol New York, on or before ihe lhZ with a just relcrence to the surgical anatomy ol Inguinal I of May nexu New York, 30th of October, 1834. Hernia.

The Hernia being reduced, Dr. Mull app I zn.a.iio vooytlt, compressive lorce upon Ihe inguinal in such a I o31 law 6m Executor, manner as to eflV cl sn immediate and secure barrier a 1 uhon h. nerauna gainst the escape ol the vtsera and alao without against Stephen Cornwell, lale uflhcCit ol Ne. lea degree endangering the adjacent spermatic chord, York.cai ver. deceaaed lo present the same, with il! loenect a permaneul closure ol ihe Hernial aac or apor 1 (Hlcheri ere subscriber, at hia residence ture at the internal ring by adhesive inflammation.

This is the first example in Ihe annals of Suigery, in wbicn acltarly method of treating Hernia with the final object of cure in view has been auccessfullv pro jected, and 1 can testify from numerous trials of ihe in strument, that its claims to the most entire confidence ot 223 Hronme street, in ibe city ulNew beit, the first day of July next. Dated New York, SSoulJi. "ft Oil lb eiven to all persons wl have I MO xvose, Aimona, vanegated, most ap 1 surgeon, and has been abundantly tested by aeverat ante I againsi ine eaiaio or oua.n a ciu, me cn proved manufacture cemher, IB34. d29 la6m A. GARDINER.

IN O'l ICE. Purauant lo an order ol James La require, aurrogaie cuumj nmw nonce is hereby me.lirjil mm tn a.k.h I a wnneas. and la. I New lork. tn Ihe said county, deceased, io exhibit in Its present stale of perfection, I know, the best in same, wnn me vouenrrs mercoi.iu ine auuacrmer, stiument I ever saw.

for curing the ruptured patient. I s.n Field, admmn lralor thereol, at Ms place ot tn. Dr. Molt further remarks It has been thought by ness, iSo. 88 Hurling slip, in the cuy ol IN ew ork, as some surgeons, that if rupture pada were constructed oi I or oetore ine lentn uay oi uiy, hrd maima la.

aiiwrf hnnannd nf eunvex orconi I Dated New 1 oik. January Altl, 1835. cal fl'iure. rfre ihrnal mm lhi Hprnta 1 onemnz and H1CKS0N W. FIELD.

keut there bv a stronc oressure. Ihev would act as I 18 law6m Admiiusuatar, ting wedges and cause me aoneaiva I "IV1UT1CE ia hereby given lo ail persons on the invaluable laopertteaofthe Genuine Hygeian closu.r lne il Pelleircau. late of ibe err of "ce, vegetable Universal Medicines of the British College of KurD wiineaaeo very York deceased, to present Ihe same wnh the Vouct, Health, aa their virtues are too well known io it "qnenees arising from the ue ol this kino of pad, and 0 tienun aud Nelson Chaae. Kv. 013 a but it ia a duty we owe ihe public, to point out in what "Sard 'he xo2 Pfil to the patient ana 100 hef.

pffice Kfc Nmsiu (ne, k. a aenerally nugatory in effect lo be regarded as a proper I ln Ihe senuine Alexander H. Stevens. J). Professor ofthe Princi ples and Practice of Surgery in the University ol lne Mate ot rew York, in hm Lecture on Hernia ol 1 eD il7l h.

I h.L rnnimpntino unnii lh. merit, nl 1 Hull's DVIHUUI I IIC UlUtCCUIIIS III" Uill. lll UIICEO VI a u.i.u ioxj rom George Bushe. D. late Professor of Surgery Health, during the 1833.

are just received, and year may be had ofthe only Agents in New York, as follows Mr. Joseph Stanley, Bookseller, 60 Canal ei. next tolheo nerot Broadway; Mr. nn. Ueasiall.

Bookseller. 148 Fulton ai. and the Rev. J. H.

Browner. 95 Barrow at and for the convenience of Ihe numerous families residing in the various parts of the city, of lne following subagents: Messrs. trih Han music store, ino. i rrankiin square; Mr. Daniel D.

Smith, Bookseller, No 190 Greenwich atrect; Mr. Geo. Keareing, Gold Beater, No. 89 Reed Miss Elizabeth Weed, No. 402 Grand su; Mrs.

King, No. 75 Norfolk sl By appoint ment of H. S. MOAT, General Aoekt, Smith Brooklyn, Morisoniana, Practical Proofs and Hygeian Record i.i.:. l.

li rarfimllv eiiraOo. I narticularlv recommended to ihe perusal of all who are every apeeies of Mcr disdosed to benefit iheir health, may bo had of any of TV cTncer. and Ulcerous Sore of all the Agem or Sub Agents above named. 08 ly IX 11 AKBLK CHIM NEY IEOES. The subwri if I ber offers for sale at his Marble mantle Manufac tory 33 Canal Marble Chimney Pieces on the roost modern plan and of every variety, made of the host ma terials, whether foreign or domestic, which together wnh I Tombs, Monuments, Head atones sc.

he ia willing to dts.iose of on as liberal terms and at as low prices, as go down wiih the Jn wUixM ta t. TyjEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC, engraved by lhe eompos.tor of tho Robb, and will be estaUlishmen. in the c.t,Su prison Woao. iTt? rti fc1! i.00 correct. given to all (hat maydesTrea.

pol9tcepted. JOSEPH N. BARNES. Trmas Birch ha. on hand a.

aswtment ofthe moal Consulia ions at the Office and Depository ofthe Im TSlI orders exeroted al the ire. m30tf by their administration, cholera, a ail. in Rutgers' Medical Collree. N. Y.

Dr Hull's Truss is the bejt inst ument of the kind I have ever exaauned." other forms had failed." Georce Buses, M. From Thomas Sewall. T. Ti ui Anatomy ThomasSewall, M. D.

American Institute, October, 1834 Sole premium awarded to Dr. Hull for his recently impreved patent i rtis tor ine cure ot Hernia. Office 132 Fulton street, in 18 UTlCK.Mhf 1 nuitwll. Kan. Mur nlH Hlh Januarv.

lR.ti. russ, in companion with others, which he exlutiiiea i inscriptions oi geuticmcus anu ooys icn on garmttts to nta class speaking ol the general utility ol Ur. Mul. oy senumg or auorcssing a line inrougn tne ost Vbct oil 1 russ, and ol some disadvantages he thought it pus I gentlemen will be wain led on by sessed. thus urees the claims of his nrm Truss nut, fentlemen.

1 am hannv to inform von that IT Hull has recently effected important improvements in his instrument, in which he has combined several useful contrivances with the advatniges of hiv old Truss, and I consider Dr. Hull's Truss, as it is now improved, the most pcrlrci instrument of ihe kind thai I have ever seen. 1 a r.k consiuer nis rupture pad in its present form, lust wnai It BENJAMIN WALDRON, j9 law6m Exeruler of John Pelletrcau. d. ceaseg.

1AST OFF CLOl HING ANTED by ibtuZ KJ scriber, who gives the highest cash price Uhm M. LUMLEY. No. 109 Chatham N.B. All kinda of Musical Instruments, Guns, Pinck Jewelry, and property of every description bought casn.

aii IVi O'l lOE is hereby given lo ail persona having c.aiia It ntaiDH Charles Baldwin, lale of the city of Nn York, Oounsellur at Law, deceased, lo present Ihe saoii wnh the vouchers thereof, to William S. Baldwin, hi administrator, at the store of John Johnson Sons. Aa and 3 south atreet, in the city of New lork, oa or ha.i .1. I IUIV UIV tfl.lV.I U. Ill It.

I Dated New York. 23d January. 1835. WILLIAM S. BALDWIN.

jS3 law 6m Administrator. and Physiology in Columbia College, Washington City IHE LURK Oh ITb Lonvuls Hy uiairicioi ioiumoia I i i arm. 1 have witnessed the successful annlicationot Ur. I enu newntw, irpresn.un oi pirna, are eneciualh Hu l'a Truss in almost every form of Reducible Hernia I curod by Dr. CHURCH Antispasmodic Elixir.

It and in several cases its success has been complete where I many year aince itiia medicine was recommended lo the public during which period numbers have experience it salutary enect, and very lew instances wi bin ia knowledge ofthe proprietor, has it failed of performer i cure according lo tho direction. It ia wnh confidesn recommended to those persons who are so uufuriunatra to labor under any ol these complaint. For sale at isa Bowery, corner priug SL ax7 rosate oflhe'cilv and county ot New York, all per 11 OTIOE. Pursuant to an order of James Caaa. sons having claims agamst John Patterson, late of the bell, Esquire, Surrogate of tha county of Nrv York, no ice is hereby gn en to all persons bavins el aa against William Barraclough, lateol the city of Kes a via, uctoaacu, tu vjuiim.

mc HIUD, wim UI. VOUCOfTf thereof, to ihe undersigned, al the counung rooa af Messrs. Uakeya ox Kob.nson, Mo. 8 Fletcher strea, a lhe said city of New York, on or before Ihe enhiawk day of July next. Dated New York, January 18.

ISSj jii lawo.n unn nomwaum, ri.XFCuior. tOLLINS MANUFACTURING COMPAM HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Incorpni. ed by the Legislature of Ibe ilale ol Conneeiiem. claims agstnst the estate ot 'Move ofthe city of I the purpose of manufacturing Axe and other Etp iNew I ork. deceasen.

io cxtuDii the same with tne voucti i era thereof, to the subscriber, acting executor ofthe last will and testament of the said deceased, at Ins place of business, No. 28 Burling slip, on or before the fifteenth day ot April next. Dated Ken York, October 7th, 1834. HICKSON FIELD. 08 Iaw6m Acting Executor, I George Handy, Thomas Earn, Srmuel Hicks, Eleazar Lord, I Root.

Alwaler, Win Sterling DIRECTORS, of Philadelphia. of New York. ol Connecticut. Charles P. Lo.

i Kdwd. J. John F. Mid, Saml. T.

Tadili, I Lucirn B. Buui, I Henry A Parous. Wfc UKUK HANDY, Presidnt. THOMAS C. PERKINS, of Hartford, Secretary.

Thw Company was established with the objec: of eor i tue manufacture of C01, AJS.ES in ihe most advantageous manner. Tk LfOnilllinW fa iwtaa U. proprittori the eitenmve workill ler. at 296 a COLLINS fc before the I OKP' Connecticut, and the business will kfl All ineir Axe aad tawr HARTtORD, and each tool will bear a kM Collins, Un ma'de tJ' puriou. arad.

Thoe who wish to m.rr.1,,,finiShedandofrerforle several Lould be refo. see that it. m.n.A uidtdhuiI. arucie ottered ihem name. The umivalled reputation which he article acquired wil be fu lv In.

a. 1 1 v. ururr, irom n. 'raw. David c.

colun naniord, ConaecticuL si 11 KHd "ARY 'i'h" preparauon LJ fered lo the nub 1 vwaiuucaaiv lua. PPrciated by ihoae who may nJ v. 1 emrar, i an eaien 7... praciice 1 SO tear tor ihe cur i a cri d.i7,... jV yot''nosa 11 is a specific and the wi Iffccl use wllh effecl.

1 'V cu 01 giorts, seviul .7.1.. 01 me chest a.ihm, gravel, a c.inoucon. Bssed on 30 in a ii 11 liH mis city, u.ousands can lesnfr eneci. lmiution have been maor ti detected. 'he c1 1 ar ur awiv quit Sl IN O.

Pm.1 r. c.a 1 11, at I I Lwi Ai I ti I 1 a eat i Slip, far lh PraH. Ui, connnues to be consulted on a.lsH 'V No. 4 Pel nrm r.0' Having bo ears, ne na so aval ed kin aril Act" Th. ssmi incri, wnich BtlU.

1 1 ri wim SST ed b. A ,1 avmK been particularly sis eu oy Ur. A. the public mav rei n. kf.

in 1 TZ. speeoy cure of Ihe same. fre. A.M. TMJC'fOH I I 1.

Utj oe coMutted in in tn8 vuu.HOD.iai miniwr i at between Chathi York nenons atHicrf 1 pm. j. uiseae, aid onsi.nilK cer, dyspenaia, wwms, disease, bladder, urr and kidneys, and all discaae 1 v. mvited to call. 1 ns hani4iil.lT...i.

.1 ine abuse of mwffl f.rsoua troubled with aeeru auseoso mavannlv in Or rrv "in. uieuenvci S' 01 having it radically cured w.ih.... are rT.l' 3 derou nsodicine. Hisciarri ra taJlla prooruoncd to the Beans ofthe t. beeB dowt'od in Europe, underl of acknowledged lalent.

XTa J.77J practice in extenaive ho.p.t.1. and dispennrtcs. 14 au uu fH naVa SriillAliI Im. I aa I A Pi PaUeM. a 3 nM 10 rent the thservd.

The "ot honorable secret, t8 N1Admittacodaily from 7 A. 10P.H. DstrittUKNK coonue, he consulted at haoW leirall. Za PPed, Ut. Mora.

I ue medical proiession in lh UIVID.IVI au in found a. ha.H i w. 0. regular memoer ih aaia York faitici i uio lasi zo year in tne cuy llu practice from being general, he con6so oular Branch of Medicine, which encases to 7 0,0 18 Tear lhe attention. Viz: Luea Veneris.

CVnatll i Lepa, and all dieae arising fr.m v. if.uuo. iiis well known mtecmi. severest scrutiny; hia evnAriennsi xie caution tne unlortunate agaa auuse i oi mercury thousands (annually mercuni out or iuo In verv man. tk i wkvvjm cfiurran i DaUiiinia In.

hlih twrl io. CMatiuition. The decided preference given to Dr. noiy demonstrate the confidence reposed in the uueuiy wiucb dBUnguwh hia practice. Th Dr.

Uuchaa emphaucally observes P1 or those about to be married, sluuld be particularly tiou. ol theae affectiona. What a dreadful inherit to transmit to ponerity." See that your esss catod, not patched up. Persons afflicted with prof and dep.oraile caaea need not denair of camplrf' coverr by apply.n. to Dr.

Horne. Recent ancto when local, are, wuboul lhe ue of mercury, extinrmi' dVtGUeU "nd Stricture, removed by ntothod. Those por who toolracted ee, or ausneet ia nuke ap ton to Horne, Co 'i near ureenwich etreet. A reswe" year in New York mo n. Horn11 racter aa a maa of honor, a nued upon real reipJ hil.rv anJ i fjm ur.nonio(n ts lua paiwa guarantee.

Peraous at a distance, by writing their aad endoein. a foe, ahaU lviTny AJtendaaco daily unul half put 9 ia the evewnf No louerwilf take iksalew port paio letter auat ba haadad i. 1 Borae'a otfiee ar ao arranged, thai wm msuoiou, may apply wiih 'I haMWM ik. a nw, misyr.wiii Ming NEW YORK. PRIRTCD aTD FUaLISRIB No.

48 WiLLiAM rraatT At 10 rxa kTr II. fP.

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