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The Huntington Herald from Huntington, Indiana • Page 7

Huntington, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm mmm I'JIIEflGlil i in INDIANAPOLIS WOMAN suffer. INO ROM INSOMNIA FINOS RELIEF AFTER IfldlahapollJ, rhd It. Ifppl eannotrflnd word to express my 'thankfulness for the relief Tru ton ha given me, and I am telling Jl of tar friend 'about It," said Hra. Mahoney, a well known Indianapolis woman bt B09 Kentucky venue, centlrf jMr.Mahoney then jeontlnued seveVaryeamt have been tak Ing'tveryklild of hebHiHilnr'tb effort to get relief frojn conitlpation, nervousness and For the paat lx tnontbal coal' hardly sleep at all. Although I'd go to bed It nine o'clock It fbull often be morning be for I'd' fall asleep." .1 hare alwaya been, bothered with constipation mora or leas, jintii I be can' using' ra 'been taking Tru ton for about two weeks now, and tha result Is that I sleep all night long like a well child.

I'm not a bit nervous any more and toy bowels ar as regular aa clock work." that srer, helped on troubled aa'lwai, to try jrutona for I know It wtU help them as It did Trutona'f healthful reaches erery. portion of the. body, ahd per forms Its work faithfully and efficient' ly. Truton rebuild dlaaaied nerres and tissues and creates a healthful ap peyte.nd assists" In the assimilation and dlgestioa of the "Trutona is now being introduced 'ind explained Jn Huntincfbn at the Bradley Bros, fixvt Store. Ad iJQl Mrs.

Isa GUI Yry poorly1 ii this Mrs. Christina was remored Sunday to the hoto 'of daughter Brose Hart In Huntington. snd Mrs J. Boyle Mr, and Mrs. E.

E. Stech and family $nd Mrs. Emma Chamness were shopping In Huntington 8atur.dx.: ta: MTqtn.WHIer Saturday of tie death of her Stster ln law Mrs. Morgan Thomas of tJCosciusk'o Ina MUla.1 Mrs. Minnie Hacfe ef.

and Mrs. EHa Williams were shop ..1 Mr. and Mrs. John toyd of Lkaea ter and Mr. and Mrl.

John Fist and daughters, Sylvia, Hla and Esther, took dinner with Mr. lad Mrs. George Ellis 1 Mr. and." Mrs. i Poonnaa were Sunday guest and Mrs, Henry RIttenhou.

Orfr. and Mrs, lech and fam Of, were calelrs.C.adajJ afternooivat (ha Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyle boms.

"Protracted meeting' la. still la pre gress at (he M. E. church, Mr. and Mrsv George Allred end family, war la Huntington 8atorday The choir of the 'Christian church met Tuesday eventhi at the church to make preparations tor ap Easter pro cram.

v. Ross Hart otvDetroit, Michigan, Wa ited from' Thursday' 'until 'Monday with his brother and family, Mr. ind' Mm Orvaa. Hart, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer spent I saturaay evening witn Mr. and Mr Bert rfoggla v. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Haberlaad of Lancaster, visited Mr.

and 'Mr. Will Nis Sunday aftartrooB. MA and Mrs. George Paufof Mar aie, vuuea Bunaay.wun Mr. ana Mf.

Jacob J' Iff. and Bart Norrla mnnt Monday vltB 'Mt. jmd Mrs. Mlkt Shelly of ML EtnaK Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Ulrlch and fam lly and Mrs. Pearl Ooelee and family spent Sunday, afternoon with Xr. and Mrs. Onran Hart' Mr. nnd Mrs.

wm Rioe and fanny took dinner 8unday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest vx warren Gillespie hM.jmrchjUed the Ty Uken barrel of different I Mr. David "Hendricks erm find will medicines but Truton is tns oniy one; more tnere In the future. ana.

Mrs 'Bert woggie were callers 8uhdar afternoon with Mr. and Anderson Pots. Mrs. Potts is noi snowing mucn improrement. Mr.

and of near Huntington were callers at the Wll liam Gurtis home Monday. Mrs. Leng Mills and Mrs. Emma Chamness, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mra. Lola Bearer.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman 8hldeler are both on the sick list Von Smuck is suffering with the flu. i no bi Mftionary society or tne M. E.

church met with Mrs. Charley ZUler Wednesday. Miss Edna Elite of rlsiUng her parents Mr. and Mrs. George V.

Vincent Welker any family, mored last week from the Sam Palmer farm to the Harmon Hoover farm. i TWIN LAMBS BORN mado; cm honor mihe; est iri the oHdax you at a fair priced ar, for coughs, colds and croup Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kldnef and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic nd thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, bilious ness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Bradley Bros. adr BABE SWINGS HUGE CLUB International Kawi Srvie1'i 'Boston, March H. Born, to Tom and Jerry.

Boston city hospital, twina, JacksonTille, March 19 No Methyl and Ethyl. Mother fo wjader canJWL 'em hard dren doing well. ud far' awaV. with RnthV arrival Methyl and Ethyl are genuine here to train with the Yankees Jack spring lambkins. Their parents are soailIe fa4 if urpjlaelr leanr part of the laboratory equipment of.

that the big "freight train" "swings a the hospiUl. la spito of the family 64 ounce bat, most players Dames the twins Will be brought OB rrKnr iS nnnrM nr loaa tcr'pf prohibition diet. weight" Inn T.T.'" ,.111 "3 CUT Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley Z835 Sheffield Are, Chicago, 111, writing your name and "address i clearly, Tou will recelre In return triaL pack age, containing Foley Honey ana TO ERECT BIRD HOUSES Mayor Charles McGrew has lasued an Informal call for bird lovers of the martins within a week or ten days. Mr. McGrew, who Is president of the Huntington Audubon society, haa kept a record of the arrival of purple mar tins since 102, and says th earliest arrival was in 1918 snd 19KE when they came on March' 30.

latest was in 1907 when they did not come until April 22 Mr. McGrew does not feel that tjhe south should 'ask the north "to care i 1 1 1 i 121 "CL i i iiiiiiv i fMinniiii i iik'i i iiui 1 1 1 i ii 'h 111 E.T I fc. A I 1 ybiitr tfte greater mass of yor and satisf action, order 4 isai 1 I i And sq eii you specify PostJbastles name It will mearf bdsofsH ii tea lit! 1 1, if AUSTRIAN DESPOT IN ITALY Ixeellent Reasons Cemmandaat In TSwn ef luje Was Feared I'M Detssted. Paring the war, Aostna, fearlog and httlog the lulisns of Isrrla, placed very town under drastic military control, i It was the chief tik of Colonel Vegelhueber. commander ef Buje, to make Italians feel his presence.

They hsd felt It on dsy. Incensed by his latest decrees, they hsd come la crowds below his window, discussing, gesticulating. angrily demanding an audience, until his troops hsd rammed them la the stomsch with the butts of rifles', and driven them off off to their homes where they would find that doting their absent a few more objects hid mysteriously disappeared, wbolen cloth(hg 'perhaps, some piece of.Yurnlrufe or cherished pic ture. Not stolen, of course, but 49opftdr was: seat had n'tiood day but ho wdud jfeave)tf bettor evening. They had wonted an' audience.

Very well. That evening he would grant an audience, to their leading cltliens. More than that ho would dine them 1 The leading cttltens of Buje will not soon forget that dinner. The meet Itself was excellent Infinitely better than any that they had had for months. It conslited of meats "requisitioned" from their own herds snd flocks, grains from their Own fields, wine from their own cellars.

The host, Colonel Togel hueber, 'sat at the head of the able, all smiles and benignity. Ho was solicitous thst every one should have I plenty, when the repast was finished, he rose. He called the sttentlon of the Italians of Buje to the fact that he had sent very few of them to Austiisn internment csmps.Bo emphasised his' tolerance and liberality In this matter. His action, however, had been guided by a definite purpose. It might please them le be Informed ss to the purpose which he hsd hsd In mind.

1 do not care to Intern you," he said. In a. smiling climax, "because I prefer to execute you I troops of Italy are at present making some sdvance. I wish simply to. announce to you now that before city to get out their bouses for purple! they ever reach Buje I shall have the pleasure of seeing every man or you shot Good night gentlemen.

The pleasure haa been mine." Then, showing the yellow streak al ways present In such natures, he hastily summoned his soldiers, and every guest was escorted to the street at the point of a bayonet A gay, dashing wag was Voglehu ber. Dsshing he was certainly, a few weeks later, when the Italian Ber for the purple martins because these sagliere swept Into Bujeso suddenly birds eat the moths that cause the I tnat ne did not nave time to maxe gooa otton boll weevil, as as promise, but found It prudent to south' kills the meadow larka and rob rrm to save his own skin, even, leaving Ins that the north protects, and precious carload of stolen tress whiph are of mat vlun to nnrtti rn ures behind him. Wlllsrd Price, la farmers. He said it waa not rood I orld Outlook. grace on the part of the aouth.

Herald want ads bring result! Thomemetero Vary. ssi Tha, reading ot aid mercury ther mometers are often too high, while spirit thermometers with age are li able to give indications lower than the' actual Shrinkage of the bulb, forcing the mercury up the tube, has been suggested as the cause, of 'the high For the op posite' effect theories have been offered such ss taking up some of the spirit In an, invisible film wet ting the bore of the tube, or chemical combination of the spirit with the glass or evaporation through invisible eracksbutJMsjovbelleved that an explanation simpler than tne early ones is available. Mercury thermometers sealed off when almost filled, contain practically no air, the tubes thus being given the reduced internal pressure favoring shrinkage. But spirit thermometers are sesled with the bulbs In a freezing mixture, so that they may contain as much air as possible, and such hulbs jire con stantly subjected to an Internal pres sure than outside. This gives the tendency to expand, allowing the spirit to fall too low In the.

tube. 1 The Helicopter. A new flying machine, called a hell copter, has been Invented, quite differ ent from, anything mankind has yet stared up' at, in that its propeller have a diameter of 81 feet, revolve so much more slowly than the more and more familiar airplane propeller that they are practically noiseless, are lo cated above the car, and also take the plaee of the wlnss of the customary airplane. The propellers, In fact, are practically moving wings; and the machine, as described by Robert O. Sker rett in the New Tork Sun, presents qnlte a.

list of over anything that has preceded it for air navi gatlop. It can, It la declared, descend slowly, rise and come down without difficulty anywhere, carry a consider able load and I Inherently stable. Aviation, after all, Is still quite young, and it may possibly turn out that the helicopter is the next forward step. Christian Science Monitor. Clever Work.

The pupils of the second grade had Lbeen given a test In writing, snd after It was overV the teacher requested them to take their ccpy home to show "to their mother. The verse whlch'Dwlght hsd written was "Little drops of water, Little grain of sand," etc. His mother examined his work' and praised his effort "But what 1 thla little word dog doing up here In th corner?" she asked. "Oh," explained Dwight, "I forgot how to make a 'd' and had to writ dog to find out" V'v You Know What He Wanted. AVhen his father asked Charter what ha wanted for his third birthday, he aid: "Oh, one of those horsies, yoa know, thst keeps on a goln' but never gotg'anrwhora.

BROWNS SOME DRESSERS Tsyior. tyx," March Tho'st. Louis Drowns will hvo special "go to moetln'" notional tbia season, to be worn for' Sunday games only. This Is the flrsttlme la hhtory of the game that nny major league club ha ar 1 1 ranged for a set of Sundsy Mnger Burke. wb.

hM.tJ A Browii worklag hard la tralnlag wants them to look their best on days next season. 1 Whether Browns nnlshxa top or oa the be torn be the best drest tesm In the big leagues. Hop Out of Bed How will ytwjWwWM yoo gvt tomomw nJ sfl r. ft .1 livelv. cheerful, actlf loy vow Ssesle 4 your work.

Vtd to free your sy from ihs i poUeM that pstloa puts lot your blood. Lst Work without staua nd yoa wiU tl MJm jv4 wm( i I yo I new su over. Jed try tie fare vegSUUe aU Is A. C. BECHSTEIN EAT 'THE STRATFORD WAY" SMOKE PUBLKTSALE! ghayal 'TABLVTl 1 Si Sort Have regular bowels.

Kaow the rudflmntn ofUvlagl Take a T. R. wtt a sit et vitar rirh Blfbl bttote Mtitsc II work IU otuna. Get a 25c box today Sailafactoryl Grade Guernsey andHolstein Cows and Heifers of the accredited herd of the Methodist Memorial Home for the Aged, of Warren, Ind. Certificate No.

672 U. 8. B. A. I.

We will offer these animal (or sale to make room for more pure bred cows. Thursday, March 25, 1920 COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK ....27 HEAD The cows are all bred from good producing dams giving 20' to 30 pounds of milk per day and are themselves good producer and good testers. These cows are all less than five years of age and ar TUBECUUN FREE We will also of'fer for sale at the tame' time two registered bull ealves tarrying May Rose and Glenwood blood, good individuals; 1 senior yearling, iteer. Terms made known day of sale. Methodist Memorial Home for the Aged 0ARL RUDICIL, Awet WARREN, INO.

J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Clk. PUBLIC SALE As we are going to keep less stock on the farm I offer at public auction it my place of residence on the George Calvert farm, better known as the old Dick farm 8 miles southwest of Huntington or three quarters of a mils west of the Etna avenue cement bridge on the Andrews road, on MARCH 30rl920 the following property, beginning at 11 o'clock. 4 HEAD HdRSESj One black mare twelve years old, weight about 1400, good worker; 1 black gelding, weight about 14t)0, good worker; 1 match steel ray team of geldings, five years old, weight about 1350 to 1400 lbs.

each. 28 HEAD OP CATTLE 7 milch cows, 1 black spotted cow giving milk. Held bred; 1 black cow, part Holsteln, will be fresh in a good one; 1 roan cow, be fresh in June; 1 red cow, part Jersey, calf by side; 1 brown Jersey cow, bred, giving a good flow of milk, 2 black heifer calves by side; 5 coming two year old heifers, in good shape; 1 Shorthorn bull, three yesrs old; 1 yearling heifer; 4 fall calves. 8 HEAD OF H0Q8 4 brood sows, will farrow in June; 8 Poland China sowsrl DUrofr nowi PolandChina malahogt. sure, breeder; 17 shoats, weight eighty live to 100 6 winter pigs, weight 30 to 50 FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS 1 'Deering mower, I 'wagon box, good as new; 1 Syracuse walking breaking plow, 1 hog oiler, new; 1 coal rack" 1 three section harrow, 1 buggy pole, 1 atom front for top buggy, 1 buggy bed, 1 Cypres incubator, 160 egff; 1 jclothes used very little 10 20 Titan tractor and plows, used only one almost as good as new; 1 feed grinder, ten inch burr, good as newpl lOO foot drive belt; Vi bbl.

lubricating tractor oil, 1 Dodge touring car in good condition. Terms made known on day of sale. JOHN ECKERT and GEORGE CALVERT CARL RUDICEL, Auctioneer. CtVID EVISTON, Clerk LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ON THE GROUNDS. PUBLIC SALE thj undersigned, will sell at public sale on the George Favorite farm, four and one half miles west of Huntington and two one half mires east of Andrews, on the Range Line road, on THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1920 beginning at 10 o'clock, the following property, tp wit; '15 HEAD OF CATTLE Ten head of milch cows Just fresh or will be fresh by date of sale; 6 head of last fall calves.

i 110 HEAD OF HOGS Two Duroo sow with six pigs, each, by side; 1 Poland China sow with pigs by side; 14 DuroC sows, due to farrow in April; Poland China sows due to' arrow in April; 10 O. I. ow, due to frrow in April; these are extra good sows; 1 Big Type Poland China male hog, one year old; 1 Duroc male hog, one year old; 75 head of last fall pigs, weighing'100 v. 14 HEAD OF SHEEP 14 head of some with lambs at foot FARMING IMPLEMENTS John Deere binder, new; gearless hay loader, almost new; hay tedder l.McCormlck mower; John Deere gang breaking new; John Deere riding cultivator, new; steel roller; corn plantefwltb. chock row attachment: J.

I. Case riding cultivator; spring wagon; new rubber tired Storm King buggy; double disc. MISCELLANEOUS Two cans of lard and three gallon of apple hatter and other articles not mentioned. TERMS Under. 15.00 cash; over S5.00 nine months time with 7 terest from data.

"No property to be removed until settled for. 1 GEORGE RIGGARS GARL RUDICEL. Auot" W. A. BUCHER A HERMAN FAVORJTI, Clrtt Herald advartlalnmakotlar BY LADIES' AID rl,.

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